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Third Quarter Exam

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Rang-ayan, City of Ilagan Isabela


NAME: ____________________________ GR.& SEC._________ SCORE:________

Directions: Read the sentences below and identify what they refer to from the given choices below each. Write the letter
of your answer directly in the blank.

_____1. Which style of singing that developed into strong and diverse tradition over several centuries, becoming an
established part of contemporary tradition in India?
A. Melismatic B. Rig Veda C. Samagana D. Sama Veda
_____2. Which classification of musical instruments from India, describes as a non-membranous percussive instrument
but with solid resonators?
A. Avanaddh B. Ghan C. Sushir D. Vitat
_____3. Which vocal music of Pakistan traditionally expresses love, separation and loneliness?
A. Carnatic Music C. Hindustani Music
B. Ghazal Music D. Qawwali Music
_____4. Which of the following is NOT an instrument of Pakistan?
A. Dholak B. Harmonium C. Rubab D. Sitar
_____5. Which best describes Hazan?
A. The leader of prayer in a synagogue
B. A ceremonial event for a Jewish boy.
C. A Jewish devotional tradition.
D. A musical instrument
_____6. Which vocal music of Israel is featured during Sabbath and other holidays?
A. Carnatic Music C. Hindustani Music
B. Devotional Music D. Secular Music
_____7. The following instruments are under the classification Sushir, except:
A. Bansuri B. Daf C. Shankh D. Surpeti
_____8. What is the principal percussion instrument in Hindustani music consists of two drums played while sitting on the
A. Mridangam B. Tabla C. Tala D. Theka
_____9. Which musical instrument in Israel is similar to the Philippine bandurria and the laud that traces its origin to the
Middle East Oud and Indian sitar?
A. Jewish Lyre B. Lute C. Psalterion D. Shofar
_____10. The following are significant musical instruments of Israel EXCEPT _______.
A. Jewish Lyre C. Shofar
B. Psalterion (Harp) D. Shankh
_____11. What music is mostly improvised and played by a small group of musicians at a time?
A. Israel Music C. Pakistan Music
B. Indian Music D. Arab Music
_____12. In the old civilization, what musical stringed instrument in India referred to as vina?
A. Mridangam B. Tabla C. Tala D. Theka
_____13. What folk dance music in India is based on the rhythm of the Dhol drum?
A. Bhangra C. Karta
B. Harmonium D. Rubab
_____14. It is a system of drum-syllables in India to create elaborate patterns of rhythm.
A. Mridangam B. Tabla C. Tala D. Theka
_____15. Which of the following describes the classification of musical instruments from India, “vitat”?
A. blown air instruments C. membranous percussive instruments
B. bowed stringed instruments D. non-membranous percussive instruments
_____16. What does Pakistan and the Philippines have in common in terms of the utilization of colors in their respective
arts and crafts?
A. they both use natural dye color in making their art work colorful.
B. they both use artificial vibrant colors in making their art work colorful.
C. the Pakistan uses dark colors in their art design while Philippines uses light color bulbs for their truck
D. the Philippines uses different colors of small bulbs while the Pakistan uses vibrant colors in their art
design to make it more attractive
_____17. As picture shown above, which among the following principles of art is not well emphasized or not included in
the truck art of Pakistan?
A. contrast B. balance C. pattern D. emphasis
_____18. Why do Indians need to clean their house during the Festival of Lights?
A. because it is part of their ritual to clean their house during the Diwali
B. because it is already their annual habit to clean their house and open their windows
C. because they believe that if they clean their house they will receive a lot of money.
D. because they believe if their house is clean and open their windows, Lakshmi the
goddess of wealth will enter their house.
_____19. Which among the following elements of art is very important in making a Rangoli?
A. Shape B. Color C. Space D. Texture
_____20. Why do Indians consider Diwali as an exciting and colourful holiday?
A. because they will paint inside their houses
B. because they will make big and colorful paper flowers
C. because they will be mixing colors both natural and artificial
D. because they will make making designs or patterns on the walls or the floor of the house, uses finely ground
white powder along with different colors.
_____21. Base on the sample given picture above, which among the following principles of art is not well emphasized or
not included in the Rangoli art of India?
A. contrast B. balance C. pattern D. emphasis
_____22. On that specific days, most of the houses are lighted with lamp. Which among the following forms of art also
known as the festival of lights?
A. Diwali B. Truck Art C. Rangoli D. Textiles
_____23. Shiva is a comic-dancer with four-armed figure. Each hand has different representations. What does the first
thing he’s holding and what does it represent?
A. drum said to be the first sound heard during the creation of the world
B. fire he used it to destroy
C. pointing down where he dances with the dwarf
D. pointing up as reassuring gesture
_____24. India has a lot of famous landmarks which makes tourist amazed with a touchof theirhistory and culture
reflected on their art. Which among the following Indian art that ismade of rock-cut cave monuments that was created
dates back from the 2nd century?
A. image of Shiva C. mogul period
B. Ajanta cave D. taj majal
_____25. During the mogul period in India, one of the most splendid examples of architectureand now became famous
landmark that was created in loving memory of his wifebyShah Jahan. What was the landmark created in 1632?
A. Taj B. Truck Art C. Ajanta Cave D. Shiva
_____26. Shiva is a comic-dancer with four-armed figure. Each hand has different representations. What does the second
hand represent?
A. drum said to be the first sound heard during the creation of the world
B. fire he used it to destroy
C. pointing down where he dances with the dwarf
D. pointing up as reassuring gesture
_____27. How do the people India show their appreciation in one of the best landmarks that they have in their country?
A. by broadcasting it to the television and radio
B. by taking pictures of the temple and display it inside the house
C. by opening it to the public for a short tour around the temple for free
D. by printing it and usually place at the front of the airmail used as stamp mark
_____28. What does Indian people and the Philippines has in common in terms of preparation of houses during a special
celebration in relation to their culture and traditions?
A. other would go to their sacred places and ask for blessings
B. they both decorate their houses and put some tables outside
C. other religious individuals in both countries light a candle during celebration
D. they both clean their houses and open the doors and window to receive blessings
_____29. Shiva is a comic-dancer with four-armed figure. Each hand has different representations. What does the third
hand represent?
A. drum said to be the first sound heard during the creation of the world
B. fire he used it to destroy
C. pointing down where he dances with the dwarf
D. pointing up as reassuring gesture
_____30. Which among the following statement is TRUE about the Indian Art?
A. The Ajanta Cave in India created way back 1 st century.
B. Paintings and sculptures are also considered to be bhuddhist religious art
C. The Ajanta cave is made up of 20 rock-cut cave monuments
D. They don’t have other form of visual art in india aside from the Ajanta Cave
_____31. Which is the most important chess piece, however it is considered one of the weakest?
_____32. Which is the most powerful piece. It moves in any one straight direction - forward, backward, sideways, or
_____33. May move to any square as far as it wants, but only forward, backward, and to the sides.
______34. Which of the following may move as far as it wants, but only diagonally?
______35. Which chess piece moves by going two squares in one direction, and then one more move just like an “L”
______36. Move forward, but capture diagonally. They can never move backwards.
______37. In a chess game, if nobody ends as a winner, it is declared as a ___________?
______38. Which of the following scrabble tiles have a value of five points?
A. D B. X C. K D. A
______39. What particular color of the cells on the scrabble board corresponds to a triple word score?
A. Light Blue B. Dark Red C. Dark Blue D. Red
______40. How many bonus points will be given to a player who is able to place all seven tiles on the board at the same
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 75
______41. Which of the following scrabble terms is used to stop the opponent from making a potentially large score?
A. Bluffing B. Blocking C. Challenge D. Breaking
______42. When a rack has more than one of a given letter, it is called as?
A. Dumping B. Hold C. Clone D. Duplication

a) king b) queen c) rook d) pawn


a) king b) queen c) pawn d) rook

a) king b) queen c) knight d) rook


_____46. Estimates the frequency of a diseases in a defined population during a specified time.
A. birth rate C. mortality rate
B. crude death rate D. morbidity rate
_____47. Estimates the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified time.
A. birth rate C. morbidity rate
B. crude death rate D. mortality rate
_____48. Which is NOT part of the top five (5) leading causes of mortality according to 2018 Philippine Health
A. accident C. pneumonia
B. Ischemic heart disease D. malignant neoplasm
_____49. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the nature of mortality and morbidity in the Philippines as of 2018?
A. The leading cause of both mortality and morbidity is a communicable disease.
B. The leading cause of both mortality and morbidity is a non-communicable disease.
C. The leading cause of mortality is a non-communicable disease.
D. The leading cause of morbidity is accidents.
_____50. Which of the following parasitic worms usually enter the body through the anus, nose or mouth through inhaled
air or fingers that have touched a contaminated object?
A. Flukes B. Pinworms C. Roundworms D. Tapeworms
_____51. How does Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection be transmitted?
A. by kissing C. by holding hands
B sharing utensils D. through blood
_____52. Which of the following viruses enter the respiratory system and cause sickness?
A. Cold B. Polio C. Rabies D. Warts
_____53. When is handwashing recommended?
A. Before and after eating C. After sneezing and /or coughing
B. After using the bathroom D. All of the above
_____54. Which of the following diseases is commonly spread by the feces – to – mouth route and inhalation of virus?
A. AH1N1 C. foot and mouth disease
B. chikungunya D. leptospirosis
_____55. Which of the following is caused by spirochete bacteria known as Leptospira Interrogans?
A. AH1N1 C. leptospirosis
B. avian Influenza D. SARS
_____56. Which refers to a habit when a sick person should wear mask?
A. Washing hand regularly
B. Handle and prepare food safely
C. Practicing proper cough etiquette
D. Sleeping without changing clothes after playing
_____57. What do you call the people who closely monitor themselves and often behave in a manner that is highly
responsive to social cues and their situational context?
A. Self-care C. Self-monitor
B. Self-identity D. Self-proclaimed
_____58. Which program addresses tuberculosis problems in the country by detecting and providing cure to all forms of
TB cases?
A. Expanded Program on Immunization
B. National Blood Services Act of 1994
C. National Tuberculosis Control Program
D. Philippine Malaria Information
_____59. Which is the concern of Phil. AIDS Prevention and control Act of 1988?
A. HIV C. Malaria
B. Tuberculosis D. Dengue
_____60. How does DepEd contribute to the prevention and control of communicable diseases?
A. It includes in the curriculum the topics and activities for quality health.
B. It mobilizes the community health teams to provide comprehensive public health services.
C. It provides quality health care to all Filipinos.
D. It provides information drive to all health workers.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Principal II

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