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Gforce R410A

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Air, Water/Glycol Cooled

21 through 106 kW - Dual Circuits

Data Aire®

… the pioneer and builder of the

most complete line of
precision cooling equipment

Data Aire’s first precision cooling system was developed by data processing engineers who sought
optimum environmental conditions for early computers. It was clear that “people comfort” air
conditioning systems were unable to meet the environmental requirements of computers and data
processing equipment. Precision environmental control equipment with high sensible cooling ratios
was a necessity. Problems with paper sticking , head crash, and static electricity were eliminated.
Humidity fluctuations were controlled saving possible electrical and mechanical failures and more
importantly – Downtime. Data Aire’s innovative response to the challenge of eliminating problems
within the computer room environment was the start of the wide use of precision cooling.

As in the past, Data Aire is meeting today’s challenge of not only the computer room but also
the ever expanding telecommunications industry where precision cooling is vital to our everyday
communications. Telecommunication equipment requires a controlled environment with clean and
properly distributed air. As in the computer room, the environment must be precisely controlled – 24
hour a day, 365 days a year.

Data Aire produces solutions. We have offered environmental control solutions to meet specific needs
in the smallest of places and in areas of thousands of square feet. We are prepared to assist you, your
in-house engineering department, consulting engineer, or construction department in defining the
proper solutions and bringing them to a predefined outcome.

Data Aire is committed to being the supplier of choice for environmental process cooling with
flexibility, reliability, and expertise required to meet our customer’s needs. To be successful, it is
essential to be creative and use our resources to their fullest capabilities. The Data Aire goal is to
benefit the employees, partners, and most of all – our customers with honesty and integrity.

Data Aire Delivers!




(Separate brochure for Chilled Water Cooled units.)


Design Features .................................................................................................6

System Controls ................................................................................................8
Options ............................................................................................................10
Model Number Identification ..........................................................................13
Performance Data
Air Cooled......................................................................................14
Water Cooled..................................................................................20
Glycol Cooled ................................................................................26
Energy Saver ..................................................................................32
Auxiliary Chilled Water .................................................................34
Dimensional and Component Drawings
21, 28, 35 and 46 kW .....................................................................36
56, 70 and 91 kW ...........................................................................40
16, 20, and 26 ton...........................................................................44
106 kW ...........................................................................................48
Plenum and Floorstand ..................................................................48
Floorstand with Turning Vane and Seismic Base ..........................49
Heat Exchangers ............................................................................50
Standard Condenser Electrical Data................................................................56
Dimensional and Weight Information .............................................................57
Guide Specifications........................................................................................58

Data Aire, Inc. reserves the right to make design changes for the purpose of
product improvement or to withdraw any design without notice.
gForce by Data Aire provides the most advanced
features in mission critical cooling equipment Backward curved fans discharge air radially al-
available on the market today. These units are the lowing for uniform static pressure across the
most efficient and economical while complying raised floor. Traditional forward curved fans
with strict environmental requirements. blow air in a high velocity stream with high ve-
locity pressure and minimal initial static pres-
Incorporating backward curved plenum fans with sure, prohibiting optimal airflow through the
electronically commutated (EC) motors these units raised floor close to the CRAC. One of the key
supply radially dispersed cooling air at lower speeds features of backward curved fans, commonly
allowing for more uniform static pressure across referred to as plug fans, is that the motor and
the room. These fans, with integral DC motors, run fan are integrated into a single unit. Unlike for-
at lower temperatures providing more net cooling ward curved fans that have a separate motor,
from the computer room air conditioning (CRAC) pulley, belt and in some cases a shaft, plug fan
unit. DC motors are more energy efficient, provid- blades are directly connected to the motor. This
ing an on-going savings year after year. gForce ef- eliminates the need for monthly maintenance,
ficiency is also increased by the use of rifled tubing belt replacement and all belt dust.
in the cooling coils to promote the greatest amount In the unlikely event of a fan failure,
of heat transfer. gForce dual circuit DX units are the entire fan unit is removed. Removal is easy
available in 21 through 106 kW with either upflow with the unfastening of four screws and discon-
or downflow air distribution in air cooled or wa- nection of the electrical service. The replace-
ter/glycol cooled models. Each unit is factory run ment fan is set in place, electrical connections
tested and put through a vigorous quality control are made and then the fan is bolted in place.

INCREASED THERMODYNAMIC R-22. R-410A is a blend of two refriger-
EFFICIENTIES ants and has a higher volumetric cooling
capacity but operates at higher pressures
gForce’s design incorporates rifled tubing cooling than either R-22 or R-407C. The choice
coils. Rifle tubing is similar to borings in a gun of the environmentally friendly refriger-
barrel which forces the bullet to rotate. In a cooling ant is yours.
coil the riflings force the gas and liquid to rotate as
it passes through the coil. This action forces the ENERGY EFFICIENT COILS
heavier matter, the liquid refrigerant, to the outside
of the tube where the heat transfer occurs. As a re- gForce energy efficient coils are another
sult the coldest refrigerant is in contact with warm- unique feature engineered by Data Aire.
est surface resulting in better heat transfer. These coils feature rifle tubing, a creative
element that significantly adds to energy
IMPROVED AIRFLOW DESIGN efficiency. Very similar to the borings on
a rifle that spin the bullet as it exts the
gForce is the greatest internal capacity of an unit barrel, the refrigerant in a gForce unit
manufactured by Data Aire. The increased capacity spins as it travels through the coil. This
of the gForce internal cabinet allows for less restric- spinning forces the liquid, and coldest
tive airflow. When additional options are added to refrigerant to the outside surface of the
smaller cabinets, the static pressure within the unit coil, resulting in a higher heat transfer
increases, making airflow more difficult. This is not and therefore higher efficiency.
an issue with the gForce, as the advanced design
of the bigger interior and the product’s quality con- DATA AIRE DELIVERS
struction ensures the highest level of efficiency in a
precision air system Standard ship cycle is 30 days from date
of order. With an optional premium
ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE “quick ship” units can be expedited to
ship in little as one week. All units are
Data Aire offers the gForce line in either R-407C built to your specific order and specifi-
or R-410A refrigerants. Either of these refrigerants cation. Not only does Data Aire deliver
comply with the requirements of the Montreal Pro- standard products in short lead times they
tocol which called for the phase out of refrigerants are willing to modify designs to meet
that deplete the ozone layer. R-407C is a blend of your specific requirements. Call your
three refrigerants and has characteristics similar to nearest Data Aire representative for more


DESIGN FEATURES Humidification

gForce units include an electric steam generator humidi-
Frame Cabinet fier with “quick change” disposable cylinders and auto-flush
Units are constructed with heliarc welded tubu- cycle. The steam generator humidifier with its patented
lar steel frames. The tubular construction provides for control system optimizes cylinder life and energy efficiency
maximum strength and ease of access. Side and front by concentrating incoming water to a predetermined con-
panels can be easily removed with quarter-turn fasteners ductivity much higher than that of any entering water. The
allowing full access to all unit components. All panels control system continuously monitors the conductivity in
include 1 inch thick, 11/2 pound density insulation for the cylinder through its electronics which allows water to be
protection and sound attenuation. flushed as often as is necessary to maintain the capacity at this
design conductivity. The high design conductivity results in
Coil Section a minimum flushing of heated water which saves energy. The
Designed for draw through application, the computer humidifier is designed to allow all units at any voltage to pro-
selected rifle tubbing dual circuited A-frame coil has an duce full rated steam output capacity at an optimum low water
interwoven surface that increases unit efficiency at low level based on this design conductivity.
load conditions. Air is drawn through both circuits of the
coil at low velocity providing effective surface exposure REFRIGERATION CIRCUITS
with minimum turbulence. The coil sits in a stainless
steel drain pan. Dual refrigeration circuits include high efficiency hermetic
scroll type compressors. Scroll compressors represent new
Fan Section yet proven compressor technology. Scroll compressors offer
Backward curved plenum fans with electronically com- a combination of reliability, performance, and efficiency. Sys-
mutated motors are use to provide the most efficient fan/ tem noise is inherently quieter with scroll compressors.
motor combination available in the market today. Elec-
tronically commutated motors are DC motors but connect Scroll compressors offer:
to standard AC power. DC motors are more efficient Simplicity - Fewer parts. Two components, a fixed scroll and
that AC motors and can be programmed to run at various orbiting scroll, replace approximately 15 parts required to do
speeds. With the fan blades directly connect to the motor the same work.
there is no need for periodic maintenance. In the unlikely
event of a fan failure replacement is simple. Merely Improved Starting Ability - With the scroll design the internal
remove four bolts disconnect the power and remove. compression components always start unloaded even if the
Reverse the process for installation of a new fan. system pressures are not balanced. Since internal compressor
pressures are always balanced at start-up, low voltage charac-
Filter Section teristics are excellent for scroll compressors.
Units are provided with 4 inch deep, MEV-8 pleated
filters. The filter section is accessible from the top or Energy Efficiency - Scroll compressors are at least 10% more
side on downflow units and the right hand side on upflow efficient than reciprocating type compressors.
The suction and discharge processes of a scroll compressor are
Reheat physically separated. This reduces heat transfer between the
Three stage electric reheat is standard. Low-watt density, suction and discharge gas. In a piston type compressor the cyl-
finned, tubular sheathed coils are constructed of stain- inder is exposed to both suction and discharge gas. This results
less steel and provide ample capacity to maintain room in high heat transfer reducing the compressor efficiency.
dry bulb conditions during dehumidification. Low-watt
density coils eliminate ionization associated with open air Scroll compressor compression and discharge processes are
electric resistance heating. very smooth. Gas is compressed in approximately 11/2 revolu-
tions compared to less than 1/2 revolution for a piston.


Scrolls require no valves. Piston compressors require both suc- Air Cooled with Indoor Condenser
tion and discharge valves. No valves, no valve losses.
A wide range of floor mounted indoor condensers with hori-
Durability - Significant design effort and system cost are required zontal intake and discharge are available for applications
to protect piston compressors from slugging and debris. Scroll where an outdoor condenser cannot be used. Finished to
compressors are designed to be more tolerant of both liquid and match the indoor evaporator section, the condenser includes
debris. a centrifugal, forward curved, double width, double inlet
blower engineered for quiet and reliable operation. The
Reliability - Scrolls contain fewer moving parts resulting in belt driven variable pitch drive section provides adjustable
greater reliability. Proven performance means fewer mainte- airflow. The motor has internal overload protection and is
nance calls for field personnel. mounted on an adjustable slide base. Indoor condensers
are provided with a factory mounted and piped receiver.
Lower Sound - Systems properly designed with scroll compres- The receiver has a head pressure control valve to maintain
sors will be inherently quieter. On average, the compressor is up flooded condenser control.
to 5 decibels quieter. (Sound characteristics of a scroll compres-
sor are different than that of a reciprocating compressor. These Air Cooled with Remote Outdoor Condensing Unit
do not effect system performance or reliability)
When compressors are required to be out of the controlled
These durable, heavy duty compressors have no gaskets or seals, space, Data Aire Series units are available with a remote
eliminating the possibility of refrigerant or oil leaking into the outdoor condensing unit. The condensing unit includes the
controlled space or environment. Each refrigeration circuit in- compressors with built-in overload protection, crankcase
cludes built-in compressor overload protection, crankcase heater, heater, filter drier, sight glass, and condenser coil. The con-
filter drier, sight glass, adjustable expansion valve with external denser coil is constructed with copper tubes and aluminum
equalizer, low pressure override timer (air cooled units), manual fins. The housing is aluminum with vertical air discharge.
reset high pressure control, and anti-short cycle timer. The condenser is variable speed fan control on the lead mo-
tor for head pressure control down to -20° F. Additional fan
Water/glycol cooled units include counterflow condensers sized motors are controlled by ambient fan thermostats.
to provide the required capacity for heat rejection with minimum Water/Glycol Cooled with Remote Outdoor Fluid Cooler
water/glycol flow and total pressure drop. Head pressure regu-
lating valves control the condensing temperature and maintain Remote outdoor dry coolers (fluid coolers) are available in
required capacity at various water/glycol flow rates and tempera- a variety of sizes. Each dry cooler includes an aluminum
tures. housing, aluminum finned copper tube coil, powder coated
fan guards, surge tank, pump contactor, and energy efficient,
Air Cooled with Remote Outdoor Air Cooled Condenser thermally protected direct drive motors. Dry coolers with
multiple motors have cycling control.
A wide range of outdoor condensers are available with vertical
air discharge. Condensers manufactured by Data Aire are sized Water/Glycol Cooled with Indoor Fluid Cooler
to meet the required heat rejection and ambient conditions. The
industrial duty condenser design includes an aluminum housing, When required a wide range of floor mounted indoor fluid
aluminum finned copper tube coils, powder coated fan guards, coolers (dry coolers) are available. The air intake and dis-
energy efficient, thermally protected direct drive motors, and charge are horizontal. Units are finished to match the indoor
variable speed fan control on the lead motor for proper control unit. The centrifugal, forward curved, double width, double
down to -20° F. Additional fan motors are controlled with ambi- inlet blower is engineered for quiet reliable operation. The
ent thermostats. belt driven variable pitch drive section provides adjustable
airflow. The fan motor has internal overload protection and
is mounted on an adjustable slide base. The unit control
panel includes a pump contactor (units can be ordered with
a factory mounted pump).


Every gForce unit come equipped with a dapTM 4 control system, which is the fastest and most advance microproces-
sor controller available on the market today. The system is comprised of two components – a display module and a
control module. The display module includes a backlit liquid crystal display and six buttons for easy programming and
communication. All programming, status and alarm conditions are displayed on the module in easy to read verbiage.
The control module is mounted inside the unit and connected to the display module via a special “telephone” like cable.

The display module will allow recall and display of the high and low temperature and high and low humidity for the last 24 hours;
current percent of capacity and average percent of capacity for the last hour of operation for cool 1, cool 2, reheat, humidification,
dehumidification, component runtimes for fan motor(s), cooling stages, reheat, humidification, dehumidification and chilled water
valve. Programming will have multilevel password and accomplished entirely from the front of the unit. Programmable functions
shall be entered on flash memory to ensure program retention should power fail. The historical database shall be maintained by
rechargeable battery backup. Multiple messages shall be displayed by automatically by scrolling from each message to the next.
Alarm conditions shall be displayed by automatically scrolling from each message to the next. Alarm conditions, in addition to be-
ing displayed, shall enunciate an audible alarm. Four programmable summary contacts shall be available for remote alarm monitor-
ing. Additional test or service terminal shall not be required for any functions. The control shall include temperature anticipation,
moisture level humidity control and automatic flush cycles.

An alarm condition shall continue to be displayed until the malfunction is corrected. Multiple alarms shall be displayed sequen-
tially in order of occurrence and only those alarms, which have not been acknowledged, shall continue to sound an audible alarm.
The dap4 panel shall perform an automatic self-test on system start-up. A user accessible diagnostic program shall aid in system
component trouble shooting by displaying on the unit LCD screen the name of the controlled item, output relay number, terminal
plug and pin number for each controlled item.

Automatic Control Functions

Humidity Anticipation Auxiliary Chilled Water Operation* Sequential Load Activation
Start Time Delay Automatic Reheat Element Rotation Automatic or Manual Restart
Temperature Anticipation Energy Saver (Glycol Operation)* Hot Water Coil Flush Cycle*
Dehumidification Lockout Chilled Water Coil Flush Cycle* Energy Saver Coil Flush Cycle*
Selectable Water Under Floor Alarm Action Compressor Short Cycle

Condition and Data Routinely Displayed

Current Date and Time Unit Status Temperature Setpoint
Humidity Setpoint Current Temperature Cooling 1, 2, 3, 4*
Current Humidity Dehumidification Humidification
Current Fan Speed* Reheat 1, 2, 3Current Discharge Temperature*
Current Chilled Water Valve Position Current Percent of Capacity Utilized

Switching and Control functions

System On/Off/Esc Button Menu Selection Buttons Menu Exit Button
Select Buttons Alarm Silence Button Program Set Button
Manual Override for:
Cool 1, Cool 2, Heat 1, Humidification, CW Valve and Fan Speed


High Temperature Warning High Humidity Warning Local Alarm
Low Temperature Warning Low Humidity Warning Manual Override
Low Pressure Compressor 1 Low Pressure Compressor 2 Humidifier Problem
High Pressure Compressor 1 High Pressure Compressor 2 Custom Message*
Dirty Filter Under Floor Water Detection Power Failure Restart
Firestat Tripped Compressor Short Cycle Maintenance Required
Temperature Sensor Error Humidity Sensor Error Discharge Sensor Error*
No Water Flow* Smoke Detector* High Condensate Water Level*
Fan Motor Overload* Standby Pump On* Person to Contact on Alarm*

Historical Data
High Temperature Last 24 Hours Low Temperature Last 24 Hours High Humidity Last 24 Hours
Low Humidity Last 24 Hours Alarm History (Last 100 Alarms) Hourly Average of Duty
Equipment Runtimes for:
Blower, Compressor 1, Compressor 2, Reheat 1, 2, 3, Dehumidification, Energy Saver*, Humidifier, Condenser and
Chilled Water

Programmable Functions
Temperature Setpoint Temperature Deadband Fan Control Mode
System Start Delay Low Temperature Alarm Limit Humidity Deadband
Humidity Setpoint High Humidity Alarm Limit Low Humidity Alarm Limit
Define Password Reset Equipment Runtimes Audio Alarm Mode
Reverse Acting Water Valve Compressor Short Cycle Alarm Humidity Anticipation
Compressors(s) Analog Module Sensor Setup* Calibrate Temperature Sensor
Temperature Scale High Temperature Alarm Limit Fan Speed Settings
Water Valve Voltage Range Delay for Optional Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 Firestat Temperature Alarm Limit
Manual Diagnosis Remote Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 Selection Calibrate Discharge Air Sensor*
Person to contact on Alarm Compressor Lead/Lag Sequence Dehumidification Mode
Humidifier Autoflush Timer* Power Problem or Restart Mode Scheduled Normal Maintenance
Reheat Stages Water Valve Mode Calibrate Humidity
Humidifier Compressor Supplements to Energy Saver*
Network Protocol Low Discharge Temperature Alarm Limit*
Calibrate Chilled Water Temperature Sensor*

In addition, the dap4 control panel shall support the following network protocols for integration with a Building Management
System (BMS) for Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) system monitoring and control: Modbus RTU, TCP/IP, SNMP V1
or V2, BACnet IP or MS/TP and LonTalk SNVT.

Building Management System Interface: Unit(s) shall be furnished with an optional interface card to communicate directly with
the Building Automation System (BAS) through a RS-485, Ethernet or LonTalk port. All alarms, set points, and operating param-
eters that are accessible from the unit mounted control panel shall also be made available through the BAS.

* Some of the programmable selections, displays or alarms may require additional components or sensors


Energy Saver Coil - The Data Aire En- Auxiliary Chilled Water Coil - Where an exist-
ergy Saver Coil is built into the system to ing chilled water loop is available, units can be
provide total required capacity. Whenever fitted with an auxiliary chilled water coil. Units
the incoming water/glycol temperature is will operate using the chilled water for cool-
below 45o F/7.2o C, Energy Saver cooling ing. Upon a loss of water flow or an increase
is available. Energy Saver mode operates in room temperature the system will bring
in the following range: return air setpoint on compressor (DX) cooling. The Auxiliary
plus deadband plus 2 degrees. The Energy Chilled Water coil includes the next size motor.
Saver will operate providing there is a need Separate piping is provided for the chilled water
for cooling. The valve will open at setpoint coil and refrigeration connections.
plus deadband. The valve will modulate as
long as the space is between setpoint plus Auxiliary Chilled Water Coil/Compressor Sup-
deadband plus 2 degrees. If the temperature plement - The Auxiliary Chilled Water Coil can
falls below the deadband minus setpoint, the be provided with compressor supplement for
valve will close and the space is considered extended savings by allowing the compressor
satisfied. While still in Energy Saver with to supplement operation as needed when the
the valve modulating, if the temperature goes chilled water is not sufficient on a stand alone
beyond setpoint plus 2 degrees, the Energy basis. An air discharge sensor is factory in-
Saver valve will close and DX cooling will stalled. (See Energy Saver/Compressor Supple-
begin. ment for details)

The Energy Saver coil includes the next size Remote Temperature and Humidity Sensors
motor, 3-way pressure control valve on the - Temperature and humidity sensors may be
condenser water circuit, and 3-way valve on ordered for remote wall mounting. Sensors are
the economy coil. Common piping for coil provided in a wall mount plastic case for remote
and condensers is provided. sensing of temperature and humidity. 25 feet of
shielded cable is provided for field wiring.
Energy Saver/Compressor Supplement -
Units with Energy Saver option can be Smoke Detector - A unit mounted smoke detec-
provided with compressor supplement if tor will shut down the unit if smoke is sensed.
the Energy Saver is not sufficient as a stand The unit mounted microprocessor control will
alone system. When the incoming water/ sound an alarm and display a “SMOKE DE-
glycol temperature is below the setpoint of TECTED” message. The smoke detector is
the water changeover thermostat, the Energy mounted in the return air stream and is provided
Saver is enabled (even if there is no call for with auxiliary contacts.
cooling). Upon a call for cooling (setpoint
plus deadband), the valve will open propor- Unit Mounted Disconnect - A unit mounted
tionally - 10% for each 0.1o above setpoint nonautomatic disconnect switch is installed in
plus deadband. The compressor will come the high voltage electrical section. The oper-
on at setpoint plus deadband plus 1o (the ating mechanism (handle) protrudes through
valve is 100% open at this point). The com- the decorative exterior panel. The operating
pressor will go off at setpoint plus deadband mechanism prevents access to the high voltage
plus 0.7o. The valve will close proportion- electrical components by not allowing entry
ally - 10% for each 0.1o below setpoint plus until switched to the “OFF” position.
deadband. An air discharge sensor is factory
OPTIONS, continued

Tandem Scroll Compressors - Units may sure, allowing the spring to push the valve
be ordered with tandem scroll compressors open. The opening of this valve allows some
when four stage compressor control is re- hot gas to mix with the refrigerant in the
quired. Units remain dual circuited. Tandem suction line raising the evaporator pressure.
scrolls offer the inherent advantages of scroll This increases the suction pressure in the
technology: higher efficiency, increased reli- system back to the desired setting. The hot
ability, lower sound, and excellent liquid gas bypass can be manually adjusted within a
handling. certain range to fine tune the unit to a desired
suction pressure in the field.
Scroll tandems offer two steps of modulation
so that one or both compressors (per circuit) Humidifier Modulating Control - Modulat-
can run depending upon the load of the sys- ing control may be added to the unit’s steam
tem, resulting in part-load efficiency equal generator humidifier. Modulating control
to full load efficiency. Two-step modulation will allow the humidifier to match its output
is possible because of a carefully designed to the signal from the humidity control. A
tubing configuration and the scroll’s supe- self-regulating auto flush is included.
rior ability to tolerate liquid. The built-in
discharge check valve, present in all scroll Hot Water Reheat - Where hot water is avail-
compressors, effectively prevents liquid mi- able, a water coil for reheat is offered. The
gration in the off compressor. Oil migration coil is designed for 150 psi maximum water
is controlled with two specially designed oil pressure and includes a 2-way valve (a 3-way
and gas equalization lines. Adding this op- is also available). Units with the hot water
tion to 30-ton unit will increase cabinet size reheat do not include electric reheat. Supple-
to 144”. (See Supplement TS1-99: Tandem mental reheat may be ordered.
Scroll Technical Performance)
Hot Gas Reheat - The unit’s hot gas dis-
Hot Gas Bypass - A hot gas bypass valve charge may be used for reheat and maximum
is available for applications that create low system efficiency. Supplemental electric
suction pressure conditions that could lead reheat may be ordered in addition to the hot
to coil freeze and/or compressor cycling. In gas reheat.
facilities such conditions generally exist in
instances where; 1) a unit’s dehumidification 3-Way Water Regulating Valve - 3-way wa-
mode needs to run for extended period of ter regulating valves are available on water
time; or 2) a room is designed for low enter- and glycol cooled units to replace the stan-
ing air conditions; or 3) a unit is utilizing an dard 2-way valve. The 3-way valve controls
oversized condenser at low outdoor ambient the water/glycol flow rate to maintain the
conditions. required capacity under varying conditions.
This option is recommended on units with
When the system suction pressure is high dual pump applications.
enough it will maintain pressure on the leav-
ing side of the hot gas bypass valve to keep
the valve port closed. Should the suction
pressure decrease below the desired setting,
the pressure from the suction line forces the
diaphragm, which off-sets the spring pres-

OPTIONS, continued

Upflow Air Discharge Plenum - Upflow air Integral Pump Enclosures - Pumps may be fac-
discharge plenums are fully insulated with front tory mounted as an integral part of the dry cooler.
discharge grille. Side grilles for both or one side A 30” extension is added to the dry cooler.
are available. Plenums are 18” high and painted Pumps are pre-piped and wired and includes
to match the unit’s color. shut-off valves. A flow switch is included with
dual pumps.
Floorstands - Floorstands are adjustable (± 2
inches) and may be ordered with factory installed Pump Auto-Changeover - Dual pump packages
turning vane or with seismic construction. may be provided with a pump auto-changeover
control and NEMA 4 flow switch (field installed).
High Efficiency Filters - Standard filters are The pump auto-changeover control is factory
rated MERV 8 based on ASHRAE 52.2. Higher wired and mounted in the dry cooler control box.
efficiency filters are available (consult factory The pump auto-changeover control provides au-
regarding efficiency percentage and unit static tomatic pump changeover in the event of a pump
pressures). failure. Upon pump changeover, an audible
alarm will sound at the indoor unit and a message
Condensate Pumps - Condensate pumps may be (“STANDBY PUMP ON”) will be displayed on
ordered factory installed or shipped loose for field the indoor unit microprocessor display.
installation. Condensate pumps are complete
with sump, motor, and automatic control. Pumps Extended Compressor Warranty - Extended
shipped loose are available in 115, 230, or 460 compressor warranties are available from Data
volts. Aire. Contact your local representative for one
that best suites your needs.
Pump Ratings:

230 volt:

with check valve - 40 GPH at 20 feet

without check valve - 130 GPH at 40 feet

460 volt:

with check valve - 50 GPH at 20 feet

without check valve - 270 GPH at 40 feet

Pump Package - Centrifugal pump packages are

available to circulate water or water/glycol solu-
tions. Pumps are available in various horsepower
and voltages. Both 3400 and 1750 rpm pumps
are available as an option. On dual pump ap-
plicatons it is recommended that a 3-way water
regulating valve be used in lieu of the standard
2-way valve.

Pump Enclosure - Pump enclosures are avail-

able for either single or dual pump applications.
Pump enclosures are vented and weather resis-
tant. When ordered with pumps, the pumps are
factory mounted in the enclosure ready for field
piping and wiring.

AIR COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross

80o DB/67o WB Total 76,800 108,600 128,400 165,600 214,900 266,500 326,900 388.200
50% RH Sensible 58,300 84,900 106,400 126,600 160,300 204,900 243,400 301,700

75o DB/62.5o WB Total 71,600 100,500 119,300 153,300 199,700 246,800 303,700 360,600
50% RH Sensible 56,300 81,600 102,400 121,800 154,700 197,200 235,100 290,700

75o DB/61o WB Total 69,500 97,100 115,800 149,300 193,800 240,400 294,300 350,100
45% RH Sensible 60,200 87,200 109,600 130,300 165,000 211,100 250,400 310,900

72o DB/60o WB Total 68,400 95,700 113,900 145,900 190,600 235,000 289,800 344,000
50% RH Sensible 55,100 79,700 99,900 119,000 151,400 192,500 230,100 284,100

72o DB/58.6o WB Total 66,900 93,000 110,600 142,000 185,400 229,700 283,300 334,400
45% RH Sensible 58,600 84,600 106,300 126,100 160,200 204,700 244,100 301,400


Airflow - CFM 2,700 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,000 12,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 450 500 500 560 500 500 500 500
Fan motor - kW/HP 1.0/1.4 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.4 0.6 1.3

Next size fan - diameter (mm) 500 N/A 560 560 N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 N/A 1.4 1.5 N/A 1.5 1.2 1.5


Hermetic scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face area - sq. ft. 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity - FPM 221 295 369 331 262 328 369 369


Electric Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450

Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000

Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A

Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 90,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A

Hot water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

AIR COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity lbs/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity lbs/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

FILTER SECTION* (4 inch thick MERV 8)

Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)


Liquid line - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8
Hot gas line - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8
Suction line* - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
NOTE: Refer to Operation and Maintenance manual for recommended pipe sizing between unit and condenser.


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 109/132/150 112/136/150 147/167/200 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 66/75/90 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/68/70 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 105/120/125 111/127/150 147/167/200 165/186/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/31/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 54/61/70 56/64/70 66/75/90 78/88/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 68/82/90 70/86/90 76/92/100 109/132/150 112/136/150 130/159/175 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 32/39/40 32/39/40 36/44/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 59/72/80 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/45 43/48/60 49/54/70 59/65/90 77/84/110 83/91/150 119/132/175 136/150/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 14/15/20 23/25/30 23/25/30 30/33/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 54/59/80 65/72/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA -Minimum circuit ampacity (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device
AIR COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/137/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 55/66/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/128/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 57/65/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 71/87/90 N/A N/A 113/137/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 33/40/45 38/46/50 N/A 55/66/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 N/A 50/55/70 N/A N/A 84/93/125 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 N/A 24/26/35 32/36/45 N/A 44/49/60 55/61/80 67/73/100

FLA - full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire size amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9

CONDENSER Remote air cooled outdoor

Standard selection at 95° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC021 GHRC032 GHRC039 GHRC053 GHRC060 GHRC074 GHRC099 GHRC106

Selection at 100° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC025 GHRC039 GHRC053 GHRC060 GHRC074 GHRC084 GHRC106 GHRC141

Selection at 105° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC039 GHRC053 GHR053 GHRC074 GHRC084 GHRC106 GHRC141 GHRC176
(Note: Refer to pages 51 and 55 for electrical data on remote air cooled condensers.)

* *

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 450/1.0/1.4 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 3.7 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 1.8 3.7 4.3 6.7

AIR COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross

80° F/67° WB Total 79,900 111,700 132,500 169,500 222,900 271,700 333,200 397,900
50% RH Sensible 65,000 94,900 119,700 138,100 180,800 218,900 258,200 329,300

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 74,200 103,900 122,800 157,300 207,200 251,800 309,800 369,300
50% RH Sensible 62,500 91,100 114,900 132,700 173,900 210,300 248,900 316,300

75° DB/61° WB Total 71,900 100,600 118,800 152,400 201,300 245,600 300,400 257,900
45% RH Sensible 67,100 97,900 118,600 142,200 186,600 226,000 266,000 339,400

72° DB/60° WB Total 70,800 99,200 117,000 150,000 197,700 239,800 395,700 352,200
50% RH Sensible 61,000 88,900 112,000 129,500 169,700 205,100 243,400 308,500

72° DB/58.6° WB Total 68,800 96,300 113,300 146,000 194,000 234,500 289,100 343,800
45% RH Sensible 64,900 94,700 112,700 137,800 181,300 218,600 258,700 329,000


Airflow - CFM 3,300 4,400 5,500 5,600 8,000 9,000 10,000 14,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard motor - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 500 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.7 1.1

Next size motor - diameter (mm) N/A 560 N/A N/A N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor -kW/HP - 3.0/4.0 - - - 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7
Maximum E.S.P. - 1.5 - - - 1.5 1.5 1.5


Hermetic scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face area - sq ft . 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity - fpm 271 361 451 386 328 369 410 431


Electric Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450
Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000
Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A
Hot water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

AIR COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity - lb/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - lb/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

FILTER SECTION (4 inch thick MERV 8)

Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)


Liquid line - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8
Hot gas line - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8
Suction line* - O.D. Copper (2 per unit) 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
(Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance manual for recommended pipe sizing between unit and condenser.)


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 52/64/70 54/65/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 105/120/125 111/127/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 54/61/70 56/64/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 35/42/45 38/46/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 N/A N/A 77/84/110 83/91/110 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 26/28/35 32/36/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 55/61/80 67/73/100

FLA - Full load amps MCA -Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps)MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

AIR COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 72/81/100 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/128/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 57/65/70 72/81/100 87/97/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 68/83/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 33/40/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 65/78/90 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 44/48/60 N/A N/A N/A 84/93/125 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 24/26/35 N/A N/A N/A 44/49/60 60/65/80 74/81/100

FLA - full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire size amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9

CONDENSER Remote air cooled outdoor

Standard selection at 95° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC021 GHRC032 GHRC039 GHRC053 GHRC060 GHRC074 GHRC099 GHRC106

Selection at 100° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC025 GHRC039 GHRC053 GHRC060 GHRC074 GHRC084 GHRC106 GHRC141

Selection at 105° F ambient at sea level

Evaporative model GFAD/U021 GFAD/U028 GFAD/U035 GFAD/U046 GFAD/U056 GFAD/U070 GFAD/U091 GFAD/U106
Condenser model GHRC039 GHRC053 GHRC053 GHRC074 GHRC084 GHR106 GHRC141 GHRC176
(NOTE: Refer to pages 51 and 55 for electrical data on remote air cooled condensers.)

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 3.7 4.3 6.7

WATER COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in BTU/hr - Gross

80° F/67° WB Total 86,600 121,200 143,900 184,100 238,500 298,200 365,900 430,800
50% RH Sensible 62,200 89,800 112,500 134,000 169,700 217,500 259,400 318,500

75° DB/62.5°WB Total 80,600 112,800 134,200 171,400 221,200 277,500 339,700 401,400
50% RH Sensible 60,100 86,800 108,600 129,700 164,000 210,400 251,000 308,200

75° DB/61° WB Total 78,100 109,200 130,700 166,300 215,300 269,700 329,600 389,100
45% RH Sensible 64,000 92,500 116,400 138,000 174,700 224,200 266,600 328,200

72° DB/60° WB Total 77,000 107,700 128,400 163,700 210,800 265,000 324,000 383,800
50% RH Sensible 58,900 85,000 106,300 127,100 160,600 206,100 245,900 302,000

72° DB/58.6° WB Total 74,900 104,300 124,700 159,700 206,100 258,000 315,200 374,400
45% RH Sensible 62,300 89,700 112,700 134,400 169,900 217,800 259,200 319,800


Airflow - CFM 2,700 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,000 12,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 450 500 500 560 500 500 500 500
Fan motor - kW/HP 1.0/1.4 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.4 0.6 1.3

Next size fan - diameter (mm) 500 N/A 560 560 N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 N/A 1.4 1.5 N/A 1.5 1.2 1.5


Hermetic Scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face area - sq ft 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity - fpm 221 295 369 331 262 328 369 369


Electric Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450
Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000
Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A
Hot water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

WATER COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity in lb/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity in lb/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

FILTER SECTION (4 inch thick MERV 8)

Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)

CONDENSER WATER REQMNTS (Maximum design water pressure 150 psi - high pressure valves optional.)

Using 65°F EWT GPM/P in psi 7.1/2.0 9.5/3.0 11.9/3.5 19.0/4.0 19.0/4.0 23.8/4.0 29.7/6.0 35.0/6.5

Using 75° F EWT GPM/P in psi 11.1/3.0 14.8/3.5 18.6/4.0 29.7/4.5 29.7/4.5 37.1/4.5 46.4/7.0 52.0/8.0

Using 85°F EWT GPM/P in psi` 15.8/4.0 21.0/4.0 26.2/5.0 42.0/7.0 42.0/7.0 52.5/7.0 62.6/10.5 72.0/12.0


Condenser water supply 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condenser water return 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 109/132/150 112/136/150 147/167/200 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 66/75/90 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/68/70 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 105/120/125 111/127/150 147/167/200 165/186/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/31/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 54/61/70 56/64/70 66/75/90 78/88/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 68/82/90 70/86/90 76/92/100 109/132/150 112/136/150 130/159/175 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 32/39/40 32/39/40 36/44/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 59/72/80 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/45 43/48/60 49/54/70 59/65/90 77/84/110 83/91/150 119/132/175 136/150/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 14/15/20 23/25/30 23/25/30 30/33/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 54/59/80 65/72/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

WATER COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/137/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 55/66/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/128/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 57/65/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 71/87/90 N/A N/A 113/137/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 33/40/45 38/46/50 N/A 55/66/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 N/A 50/55/70 N/A N/A 84/93/125 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 N/A 24/26/35 32/36/45 N/A 44/49/60 55/61/80 67/73/100

FLA - Full load amps

MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps)
MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 450/1.0/1.4 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 3.7 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 1.8 3.7 4.3 6.7

* Units with Energy Saver or Auxiliary Chilled Water Coils have different filter quantities as those listed in this section. Refer to dimensional data sheets.

WATER COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross

80° F/67° WB Total 89,100 125,100 148,700 188,700 248,600 302,500 373,200 444,100
50% RH Sensible 68,500 99,900 126,300 145,600 190,600 230,800 274,100 347,000

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 83,300 116,400 138,100 175,800 231,200 282,200 347,000 413,500
50% RH Sensible 66,200 96,200 121,200 140,500 183,900 223,100 265,000 334,600

75° DB/61° WB Total 80,600 113,000 134,000 170,700 224,100 274,300 337,200 401,300
45% RH Sensible 70,700 103,100 130,300 150,200 196,400 238,500 282,500 357,900

72° DB/60° WB Total 79,800 111,200 131,800 168,100 220,800 270,100 331,200 395,100
50% RH Sensible 64,800 94,000 118,200 137,500 179,800 218,500 259,500 327,200

72° DB/58.6°WB Total 77,800 108,200 128,800 164,000 214,600 263,800 324,000 384,500
45% RH Sensible 68,900 99,900 126,300 146,000 190,500 231,900 274,900 347,200


Airflow - CFM 3,300 4,400 5,500 5,600 8,000 9,000 10,000 14,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard motor - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 500 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.7 1.1

Next size motor - diameter (mm) N/A 560 N/A N/A N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor -kW/HP - 3.0/4.0 - - - 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. - 1.5 - - - 1.5 1.5 1.5


Hermetic Scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face area in sq ft 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity in fpm 271 361 451 386 328 369 410 431


Electrical Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450
Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000
Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A
Hot water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,00 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

WATER COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity in lb/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity in lb/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31


Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)

CONDENSER WATER Requirements (Maximum design water pressure 150 psi - high pressure valves optional.)

Using 65° F EWT GPM/P in psi 7.1/2.0 9.5/3.0 11.9/3.5 19.0/4.0 19.0/4.0 23.8/4 29.7/6.0 35.0/6.5

Using 75° F EWT GPM/P in psi 11.1/3.0 14.8/3.5 18.6/4.0 29.7/4.5 29.7/4.5 37.1/4.5 46.4/7.0 52.0/8.0

Using 85° F EWT GPM/P in psi 15.8/4.0 21.0/4.0 26.2/5.0 42.0/7.0 42.0/7.0 52.5/7.0 62.6/10.5 72.0/12.0


Condenser water supply 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condenser water return 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 52/64/70 54/65/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 105/120/125 111/127/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 54/61/70 56/64/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 35/42/45 38/46/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 N/A N/A 77/84/110 83/91/110 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 26/28/35 32/36/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 55/61/80 67/73/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire size amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device
WATER COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 72/81/100 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/128/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 57/65/70 72/81/100 87/97/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 68/83/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 33/40/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 65/78/90 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 44/48/60 N/A N/A N/A 84/93/125 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 24/26/35 N/A N/A N/A 44/49/60 60/65/80 74/81/100

FLA - full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire size amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 3.7 4.3 6.7

GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross

80° F/67° WB Total 74,600 104,800 124,400 159,700 208,600 258,100 317,000 375,400
50% RH Sensible 57,500 83,400 105,000 124,200 157,800 201,600 239,500 296,800

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 69,400 97,300 115,400 148,400 193,400 239,100 294,500 348,800
50% RH Sensible 55,400 80,300 100,800 119,800 152,000 193,900 231,100 285,800

75° DB/61° WB Total 66,700 94,200 111,600 144,200 187,500 231,400 285,300 338,100
45% RH Sensible 59,000 85,800 108,000 128,100 162,200 207,100 246,400 305,700

72° DB/60° WB Total 66,300 92,800 110,000 141,700 184,300 227,800 281,000 332,800
50% RH Sensible 54,200 78,400 98,300 117,100 148,600 189,300 226,100 279,200

72° DB/58.6° WB Total 64,600 90,100 107,300 138,200 180,000 220,800 274,500 323,500
45% RH Sensible 57,600 83,200 104,900 124,400 157,700 200,600 240,000 296,400


Airflow - CFM 2,700 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,000 12,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 450 500 500 560 500 500 500 500
Fan motor - kW/HP 1.0/1.4 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.4 0.6 1.3

Next size fan - diameter (mm) 500 N/A 560 560 N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 N/A 1.4 1.5 N/A 1.5 1.2 1.5


Hermetic Scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face are - sq ft 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity - fpm 221 295 369 331 262 328 369 369


Electric Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450
Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000
Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A
Hot Water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity - lb/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - lb/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31


Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)

CONDENSER WATER Requirements: (Maximum design water pressure 150 psi - high pressure valves optional.)

Using 65° F EGT GPM/P in psi 7.1/2.0 9.5/3.0 11.9/3.5 19.0/4.0 19.0/4.0 23.8/4.0 29.7/6.0 35.0/6.5

Using 75°F EGT GPM/P in psi 11.1/3.0 14.8/3.5 18.6/4.0 29.7/4.5 29.7/4.5 37.1/4.5 46.4/7.0 52.0/8.0
Using 85° F EGT GPM/P in psi 15.8/4.0 21.0/4.0 26.2/5.0 42.0/7.0 42.0/7.0 52.5/7.0 62.6/10.5 72.0/12.0
Using fluid cooler GPM/P in psi 21.0/5.7 28.0/7.0 35.0/7.5 56.0/9.0 56.0/9.0 70.0/10.0 87.5/14.0 98.0/16.0


Condensate water supply 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condensate water return 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 109/132/150 112/136/150 147/167/200 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 66/75/90 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - YES and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/68/70 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 105/120/125 111/127/150 147/167/200 165/186/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/31/35 36/41/45 36/41/45 43/49/50 54/61/70 56/64/70 66/75/90 78/88/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 58/72/80 68/82/90 70/86/90 76/92/100 109/132/150 112/136/150 130/159/175 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 27/33/35 32/39/40 32/39/40 36/44/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 59/72/80 76/92/100

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator - NO and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/45 43/48/60 49/54/70 59/65/90 77/84/110 83/91/150 119/132/175 136/150/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 14/15/20 23/25/30 23/25/30 30/33/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 54/59/80 65/72/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device
GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/137/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 55/66/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 N/A 78/90/100 N/A N/A 113/128/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 N/A 36/42/45 45/52/60 N/A 57/65/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 N/A 71/87/90 N/A N/A 113/137/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 N/A 33/40/45 38/46/50 N/A 55/66/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 N/A 50/55/70 N/A N/A 84/93/125 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 N/A 24/26/35 32/36/45 N/A 44/49/60 55/61/80 67/73/100

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9


Standard selection at 95° F ambient and sea level

Evaporative model GFGD/U021 GFGD/U028 GFGD/U035 GFGD/U046 GFGD/U056 GFGD/U070 GFGD/U091 GFGD/U106
Fluid cooler model GHFC035 GHFC060 GHFC060 GHFC074 GHFC084 GHFC130 GHFC141 GHFC176

Selection at 100° F ambient and sea level

Evaporative model GFGD/U021 GFGD/U028 GFGD/U035 GFGD/U046 GFGD/U056 GFGD/U070 GFGD/U091 GFGD/U106
Fluid cooler model GHFC060 GHFC074 GHFC074 GHFC106 GHFC106 GHFC141 GHFC176 GHFC215

(NOTE: Refer to pages 59 and 62 for electrical data on fluid coolers.)

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 3.7 4.3 6.7

GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure

CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross

80° DB/67° WB Total 77,300 107,900 127,300 163,600 215,900 264,500 322,900 384,500
50% RH Sensible 64,100 93,600 117,100 135,800 178,200 216,100 254,100 324,200

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 71,600 100,300 118,100 152,100 200,900 243,800 300,300 357,500
50% RH Sensible 61,500 89,700 112,900 130,600 171,300 207,000 244,900 311,400

75° DB/61° WB Total 69,200 97,200 115,100 146,600 194,700 237,500 290,700 346,900
45% RH Sensible 65,900 96,300 114,700 139,800 183,800 222,500 261,800 334,700

72° DB/60° WB Total 68,200 95,700 112,600 145,200 191,800 231,400 286,800 341,300
50% RH Sensible 59,900 87,400 110,300 127,400 167,200 201,500 239,400 303,800

72° DB/58.6° WB Total 66,700 92,900 110,500 141,700 187,500 226,600 279,400 331,600
45% RH Sensible 64,000 92,500 110,000 135,900 178,400 215,100 254,300 326,600


Airflow - CFM 3,300 4,400 5,500 5,600 8,000 9,000 10,000 14,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard motor - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 500 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.7 1.1

Next size motor - diameter (mm) N/A 560 N/A N/A N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor -kW/HP - 3.0/4.0 - - - 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7
Maximum E.S.P. - 1.5 - - - 1.5 1.5 1.5


Hermetic Scroll Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Number 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant type R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A R-410A


Face area - sq ft 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 32.5
Rows of coils 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4
Face velocity - fpm 271 361 451 386 328 369 410 431


Electric Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

kW 15 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30
Capacity - Btu/hr 51,225 51,225 51,225 51,225 76,835 76,835 76,835 102,450
Hot gas Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity - Btu/hr 26,000 38,000 42,200 48,000 64,000 81,000 101,000 126,000
Steam Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 105,500 115,000 121,000 126,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 N/A
Upflow 60,000 65,000 69,000 72,000 108,000 120,000 130,000 N/A
Hot water Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A
Capacity - Btu/hr Downflow 70,000 81,000 86,000 90,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 N/A
Upflow 34,300 44,800 47,500 49,400 74,200 82,000 90,700 N/A

GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Steam generator Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Capacity in lb/hr (Adjustable) 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30
kW 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2 3.3-10.2

Steam grid Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Capacity in lb/hr at 15 psi 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

FILTER SECTION (4 inch thick MERV 8)

Quantity /size Downflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x25 4/20x20
1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 1/20x20 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x25 4/16x20
2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/20x25
1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 1/16x20 2/16x25

Upflow 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25 2/20x25

- - - - 2/16x25 2/16x25 2/16x25 4/16x25
Efficiency - MERV 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
(Note: Efficiency based on ASHRAE Std. 52.2)

CONDENSER WATER Requirements (Maximum design water pressure 150 psi - high pressure valves optional.)

Using 65° F EGT GPM/P in psi 7.1/2.0 9.5/3.0 11.9/3.5 19.0/4.0 19.0/4.0 23.8/4.0 29.7/6.0 35.0/6.5
Using 75° F EGT GPM/P in psi 11.1/3.0 14.8/3.5 18.6/4.0 29.7/4.5 29.7/4.5 37.1/4.5 46.4/7.0 52.0/8.0
Using 85° F EGT GPM/P in psi 15.8/4.0 21.0/4.0 26.2/5.0 42.0/7.0 42.0/7.0 52.5/7.0 62.6/10.5 72.0/12.0
Using fluid cooler GPM/P in psi 21.0/5.7 28.0/7.0 35.0/7.5 56.0/9.0 56.0/9.0 70.0/10.0 87.5/14.0 98.0/16.0


Condenser water supply 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condenser water return 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8
Condensate drain 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Humidifier supply 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 149/169/200 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 52/64/70 54/65/70 68/77/90 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 105/120/125 111/127/150 149/169/200 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 54/61/70 56/64/70 68/77/90 80/89/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 112/136/150 131/160/175 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 35/42/45 38/46/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 60/73/80 78/94/110

Electrical data based on: electrical reheat -NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 N/A N/A 77/84/110 83/91/110 120/133/175 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 26/28/35 32/36/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 55/61/80 67/73/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure


Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 72/81/100 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 72/84/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/128/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 36/42/45 N/A N/A N/A 57/65/70 72/81/100 87/97/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 68/83/90 N/A N/A N/A 113/137/150 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 33/40/45 N/A N/A N/A 55/66/70 65/78/90 85/101/110

Electrical data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and NEXT SIZE FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 44/48/60 N/A N/A N/A 84/93/125 N/A N/A
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP N/A 24/26/35 N/A N/A N/A 44/49/60 60/65/80 74/81/100

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

COMPRESSOR FLA -full load amps

208-230/3/60 13.1 17.6 20.5 25.0 30.1 33.3 51.3 55.8

460/3/60 6.1 9.6 9.6 12.8 16.7 17.9 23.1 26.9


Standard selection at 95° F ambient and sea level

Evaporative model GFGD/U021 GFGD/U028 GFGD/U035 GFGD/U046 GFGD/U056 GFGD/U070 GFGD/U091 GFGD/U106
Fluid cooler model GHFC035 GHFC060 GHFC060 GHFC074 GHFC084 GHFC130 GHFC141 GHFC176

Selection at 100° F ambient and sea level

Evaporative model GFGD/U021 GFGD/U028 GFGD/U035 GFGD/U046 GFGD/U056 GFGD/U070 GFGD/U091 GFGD/U106
Fluid cooler model GHFC060 GHFC074 GHFC074 GHFC106 GHFC106 GHFC141 GHFC176 GHFC215

(NOTE: Refer to pages 54 for electrical data on fluid coolers.)

* * * The following section has no reference to column headings * * *


Diameter (mm)/kW/HP 500/2.8/3.7 560/3.0/4.0 560/5.0/6.7

208-230/3/60 8.2 8.8 N/A
460/3/60 3.7 4.3 6.7

* Units with Energy Saver or Auxiliary Chilled Water Coils have different filter quantities as those listed in this section. Refer to dimensional data sheets.
ENERGY SAVER-GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at STANDARD airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure
CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross (based on 45° F entering fluid temperature with 40% glycol solution)


75° DB/62.5° WB Total 71,900 90,900 108,100 122,500 198,100 240,100 261,200 347,900
50% RH Sensible 62,800 80,900 97,800 107,700 160,800 196,700 216,600 288,200

72° DB/60° WB Total 62,600 79,400 94,600 106,400 169,800 205,900 224,500 298,900
50% RH Sensible 58,400 75,100 90,800 99,900 148,500 181,800 200,300 266,300

Rows of Coil 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
GPM 21.0 29.0 35.0 45 .5 56.0 70.0 75.0 80.0
Pressure drop - psi 3.8 6.8 10.3 21.2 14.7 22.4 22.8 15.7


Airflow - CFM 2,700 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,000 12,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 500 560 500
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.0

Next size fan - diameter (mm) N/A N/A 560 560 N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. - - 1.5 1.5 - 1.4 1.5 1.3


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit, electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 109/132/150 112/136/150 149/169/200 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 36/42/45 43/49/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 68/77/90 76/92/100
Electric data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 105/120/125 111/127/150 149/169/200 165/186/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 36/42/45 43/49/50 54/61/70 56/64/70 68/77/90 78/88/110
Electric data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 71/87/90 76/92/100 109/132/150 112/136/150 131/160/175 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 33/40/45 36/44/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 60/73/80 76/92/100
Electric data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 50/55/70 59/65/90 77/84/110 83/91/110 120/133/175 136/150/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 24/26/35 30/33/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 55/61/80 65/72/90

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device

ENERGY SAVER-GLYCOL COOLED: Performance data at OPTIONAL airflow
R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure
CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross (based on 45° F entering fluid temperature with 40% glycol solution)


75° DB/62.5° WB Total 79,000 99,600 118,200 131,700 222,500 255,300 275,600 376,200
50% RH Sensible 72,100 92,500 111,500 119,500 188,600 213,900 233,300 320,900

72° DB/60° WB Total 69,400 87,800 104,500 115,100 192,400 220,000 237,900 325,300
50% RH Sensible 67,000 85,700 103,000 110,800 174,800 198,000 216,000 297,200

Rows of coils 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
GPM 21.0 29.0 35.0 45.5 56.0 70.0 75.0 80.0
Pressure drop - psi 3.8 6.8 10.3 21.2 14.7 22.4 22.8 15.7


Airflow - CFM 3,300 4,400 5,500 5,600 8,000 9,000 10,000 14,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.5 0.6

Next size fan - diameter (mm) N/A 560 N/A N/A 560 560 N/A 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 3.0/4.0 - - 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 - 5.0/6.7
Maximum E.S.P. - 1.2 - - 1.5 1.5 - 1.5


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit, electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 113/137/150 N/A 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 52/64/70 55/66/70 72/81/100 78/94/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.
208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 105/120/125 113/128/150 N/A 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 54/61/70 57/65/70 72/81/100 80/89/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 113/137/150 N/A 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 35/42/45 38/46/50 52/64/70 55/66/70 65/78/90 78/94/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 N/A N/A 77/84/110 84/93/125 N/A 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 26/28/35 32/36/45 41/45/60 44/49/60 60/65/80 67/73/100

FLA - Full load amps MCA - Minimum circuit amps (wire sizing amps) MOP - Maximum rating of the overcurrent protective device


R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure
CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross ( based on 45° F Entering Fluid Temperature)

MODEL NUMBER GF*D/U021 GF*D/U028 GF*D/U035 GF*D/U046 GF*D/U056 GF*D/U070 GF*D/U091 GF*D/U106

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 83,900 106,500 127,600 141,800 217,800 261,600 294,600 353,400
50% RH Sensible 68,100 88,000 106,900 116,500 169,800 206,300 231,700 291,000

72° DB/60° WB Total 72,000 91,600 109,900 121,400 185,200 222,700 250,300 303,400
50% RH Sensible 63,000 81,400 98,900 107,500 155,800 189,800 212,900 268,900

Rows of coils 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
GPM 18.0 24.0 30.0 39.0 48.0 60.0 75.0 80.0
Pressure drop - psi 2.7 4.6 7.2 11.8 9.9 15.1 18.3 13.8

* Insert “A” for air cooled, “W” for water cooled, or “G” for glycol cooled


Airflow - CFM 2,700 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,400 8,000 9,000 12,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 500 560 500
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 2.8/3.7
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.0

Next size fan - diameter (mm) N/A N/A 560 560 N/A 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0 3.0/4.0
Maximum E.S.P. - - 1.5 1.5 - 1.4 1.5 1.3


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit, electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 109/132/150 112/136/150 149/169/200 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 36/42/45 43/49/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 68/77/90 76/92/100
Electric data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 78/90/100 87/101/110 105/120/125 111/127/150 149/169/200 165/186/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 36/42/45 43/49/50 54/61/70 56/64/70 68/77/90 78/88/110
Electric data based on: electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 71/87/90 76/92/100 109/132/150 112/136/150 131/160/175 164/199/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 33/40/45 36/44/50 52/64/70 54/65/70 60/73/80 76/92/100
Electric data based on: electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 50/55/70 59/65/90 77/84/110 83/91/110 120/133/175 136/150/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 24/26/35 30/33/45 41/45/60 43/48/60 55/61/80 65/72/90


R-410A Refrigerant
R-407C information available in a separate brochure
CAPACITY in Btu/hr - Gross Downflow units (based on 45° F Entering Fluid Temperature)

MODEL NUMBER GF*D/U021 GF*D/U028 GF*D/U035 GF*D/U046 GF*D/U056 GF*D/U070 GF*D/U091 GF*D/U106

75° DB/62.5° WB Total 93,200 117,900 141,000 153,600 247,400 279,600 312,800 382,500
50% RH Sensible 78,700 101,300 122,900 129,900 199,800 224,900 250,300 324,300

72° DB/60° WB Total 80,700 102,300 122,400 132,300 212,000 239,100 266,700 330,400
50% RH Sensible 73,000 94,000 113,900 120,200 184,500 207,300 230,400 300,200

Rows of coils 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
GPM 18.0 24.0 30.0 39.0 48.0 60.0 75.0 80.0
Pressure drop - psi 2.7 4.6 7.2 11.6 9.9 15.1 18.3 13.8

* Insert “A” for air cooled, “W” for water cooled, or “G” for glycol cooled


Airflow - CFM 3,300 4,400 5,500 5,600 8,000 9,000 10,000 14,000
Number of fans 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Standard fan - diameter (mm) 500 500 560 560 500 560 560 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 2.8/3.7 2.8/3.7 5.0/6.7 5.0/6.7 2.8/3.7 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 3.0/4.0
External static pressure (E.S.P.) - in. of W.G. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum E.S.P. 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.5 0.6

Next size fan - diameter (mm) N/A 560 N/A N/A 560 560 N/A 560
Fan motor - kW/HP 3.0/4.0 - - 3.0/4.0 5.0/6.7 - 5.0/6.7
Maximum E.S.P. - 1.2 - - 1.5 1.5 - 1.5


Electrical data based on STANDARD unit, electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 113/137/150 N/A 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 52/64/70 55/66/70 72/81/100 78/94/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - YES, and STANDARD FAN.
208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/73/80 72/83/90 N/A N/A 105/120/125 113/128/150 N/A 166/187/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/33/35 36/41/45 39/44/50 45/52/60 54/61/70 57/65/70 72/81/100 80/89/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - YES, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 63/77/80 68/82/90 N/A N/A 109/132/150 113/137/150 N/A 166/200/225
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 29/35/40 32/39/40 35/42/45 38/46/50 52/64/70 55/66/70 65/78/90 78/94/110
Electrical data based on; electric reheat - NO, steam generator humidifier - NO, and STANDARD FAN.

208-230/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 34/38/50 43/48/60 N/A N/A 77/84/110 84/93/125 N/A 138/152/200
460/3/60 FLA/MCA/MOP 16/17/20 23/25/30 26/28/35 32/36/45 41/45/60 44/49/60 60/65/80 67/73/100

gForce 21, 28, 35 and 46 kW - Downflow

gForce 21, 28, 35 and 46 kW - Upflow

gForce 21, 28, 35 and 46 kW - Downflow with Energy Saver Coil

gForce 21, 28, 35 and 46 kW - Upflow with Energy Saver Coil

gForce 56, 70 and 91 kW - Downflow

gForce 56, 70 and 91 kW - Upflow

gForce 56, 70 and 91 kW - Downflow with Energy Saver Coil

gForce 56, 70 and 91 kW - Upflow with Energy Saver Coil

gForce 106 kW - Downflow

gForce 106 kW - Upflow

gForce 106 kW - Downflow with Energy Saver

gForce 106 kW - Upflow with Energy Saver

DATA AIRE SERIES - Plenum and Floorstand

DATA AIRE SERIES - Floorstands

DATA AIRE SERIES - Floorstands with Turning Vanes


DATA AIRE Air Cooled Condensers with EC fans, GHRC 021 - 176 kW

DATA AIRE Air Cooled Condensers with EC fans, GHRC 021 - 176 kW

DATA AIRE Fluid Coolers with EC fans, GHFC 021 - 176 kW

DATA AIRE Fluid Coolers with EC fans, GHFC 021 - 176 kW

DATA AIRE DOUBLE WIDE Air Cooled Condenser with EC fans, GHRC 201 - 352 kW

DATA AIRE Double Wide Fluid Coolers with EC fans, GHFC 201 - 352 kW

Standard Condenser Electrical Data

Standard Condenser Electrical Data

208/1/60 208/3/60 460/3/60


DARC 03 4.2/5.3/15 4.2/5.3/15 2.1/2.6/15

DARC 05 4.2/5.3/15 4.2/5.3/15 2.1/2.6/15

DARC 06 4.2/5.3/15 4.2/5.3/15 2.1/2.6/15

DARC 07 4.2/5.3/15 4.2/5.3/15 2.1/2.6/15

DARC 09 4.2/5.3/15 4.2/5.3/15 2.1/2.6/15

DARC 11 8.4/9.5/15 8.4/9.5/15 4.2/4.7/15

DARC 15 8.4/9.5/15 8.4/9.5/15 4.2/4.7/15

DARC 17 8.4/9.5/15 8.4/9.5/15 4.2/4.7/15

DARC 21 13/14/15 13/14/15 6.3/6.8/15

DARC 24 13/14/15 13/14/15 6.3/6.8/15

DARC 28 13/14/15 13/14/15 6.3/6.8/15

DARC 30 17/15/25 17/18/25 8.4/8.9/15

DARC 37 17/15/25 17/18/25 8.4/8.9/15

DARC 40 17/15/25 17/18/25 8.4/8.9/15

DARC 44 21/22/25 21/22/25 11/11/15

DARC 50 21/22/25 21/22/25 11/11/15

DARC 57 25/26/30 25/26/30 13/13/15

DARC 61 34/35/40 34/35/40 17/14/20

DARC 75 34/35/40 34/35/40 17/14/20

DARC 80 34/35/40 34/35/40 17/14/20

DARC 88 42/43/45 34/35/40 21/22/25

DARC100 42/43/15 34/35/40 21/22/25

gForce SERIES Dimensional and Weight Data

gForce Series - Dimensions

Model Length Width Height

GFAD/U021xx 72.50” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U028xx 72.50” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U035xx 72.50” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U046xx 72.50” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U056xx 100.00” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U070xx 100.00” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U091xx 100.00” 40.50” 78.00”
GFAD/U106xx 130.00” 40.50” 78.00”

gForce Series Air Cooled - Operating and Shipping Weights

Standard Units Units with Energy Saver or Aux Chilled Water Coils
Operating Shipping Operating Shipping
Model Weight Weight Weight Weight

GFAD/U021xx 1,113 lbs 1,270 lbs 1,220 lbs 1.375 lbs

GFAD/U028xx 1,130 lbs 1,286 lbs 1,260 lbs 1,420 lbs
GFAD/U035xx 1,145 lbs 1,300 lbs 1,305 lbs 1,460 lbs
GFAD/U046xx 1,415 lbs 1,595 lbs 1,600 lbs 1,785 lbs
GFAD/U056xx 1,595 lbs 1,805 lbs 1,806 lbs 2,015 lbs
GFAD/U070xx 1,640 lbs 1,850 lbs 1,875 lbs 2,085 lbs
GFAD/U091xx 1,685 lbs 1,900 lbs 1,975 lbs 2,085 lbs
GFAD/U106xx 2,150 lbs 2,415 lbs 2,470 lbs 2,850 lbs

gForce Series Water or Glycol Cooled - Operating Shipping Weights

Standard Units Units with Energy Saver or Aux Chilled Water Coils
Operating Shipping Operating Shipping
Model Weight Weight Weight Weight

GF*D/U021xx 1,225 lbs 1,390 lbs 1,335 1,500

GF*D/U028xx 1,235 lbs 1,405 lbs 1,375 1,540
GF*D/U035xx 1,310 lbs 1,480 lbs 1,480 1,645
GF*D/U046xx 1,550 lbs 1,740 lbs 1,750 1,760
GF*D/U056xx 1,710 lbs 2,040 lbs 1,840 1,850
GF*D/U070xx 1,885 lbs 2,105 lbs 2,030 2,240
GF*D/U091xx 1,935 lbs 2,155 lbs 2,130 2,340
GF*D/U106xx 2,515 lbs 2,790 lbs 2,710 2,970

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications

Computer Room Air Conditioning Units

(Floor Mounted, Direct Expansion, 21 to 106 kW)


A. The environmental control units shall be provided with a high sensible cooling system, factory assembled, piped, wired, and
run tested prior to shipment and designed for either upflow or downflow air delivery as detailed on the project plans and schedule.

B. The system shall be designed for draw through air arrangement to insure even air distribution to the entire face of the coil.

C. Units shall be ETL or UL listed.


A. The frame shall be constructed of 14 gauge welded tubular steel and coated with a heavy corrosion inhibiting finish for long
life. The unit shall have complete front and side access by means of steel doors with heavy-duty hinges. All doors shall be easily
removable via lift-off hinges for easier service access. Doors shall be manufactured of minimum 18-gauge steel for superior sound
attenuation and shall be lined with one-inch thick, 1-1/2-pound density, fiberglass insulation. Each door shall be provided with
sure close latches and a polyurethane gasket to prevent air leakage.

B. The unit shall be painted the color selected from the manufacturer’s standard color chart.


A. Air Cooled with Remote Outdoor Condenser - The refrigeration system shall be split type with an indoor evaporator section
and remote outdoor condenser.

The indoor evaporator section shall include the cooling coil, compressors, humidifier, reheat, filters, and controls. The cooling
coil shall be in a cross circuited or interlaced “A” frame arrangement to allow maximum coil surface in a small cabinet. The large
faced coil area shall be constructed with 1/2” O.D. rifled copper tube with 12 fins per inch of corrugated aluminum for maximum
heat transfer. Maximum face velocity shall be less than 500 feet per minute. The expansion valves shall be of the adjustable ther-
mostatic type with external equalization. The compressors shall be of the hermetic scroll with complete overload protection on
all three power lines, internal thermostat for winding protection, crankcase heater, sight-glass, and low pressure override timer for
positive starting at low temperatures. The circuit shall contain high and low pressure safety switches. The high and low pressure
safety switches shall be installed with Shraeder type fittings with valve core.

Each system shall include a low profile, slow speed, direct drive propeller fan type air cooled condenser. The air discharge shall
be vertical to minimize the effects of wind blowing through the coil at low ambient temperatures. The condenser shall be con-
structed of aluminum. The condenser shall contain a 1/2” O.D. rifled copper tube coil with corrugated aluminum fins for maxi-
mum heat transfer. The condenser shall have fan speed control with transducers to modulate the speed of the first condenser fan
motor and provide positive start-up and operation at ambient temperatures to -20° F. Condensers with more than one fan shall
utilize a pressure control on the second fan. Condensers with additional condenser fan motors are to be controlled by ambient
thermostats. All controls including the fan speed controller shall be factory mounted in the air cooled condenser in an integral
factory wired and tested control panel. The air cooled condenser shall be manufactured by the manufacturer of the indoor unit.

B. Air Cooled with Floor Mounted Indoor Condenser - The refrigeration system shall be split type with an indoor evaporator sec-
tion and floor mounted indoor condenser section.

The indoor evaporator section shall include the cooling coil, compressors, humidifier, reheat, filters, and controls. The cooling
coil shall be in a cross circuited or interlaced “A” frame arrangement to allow maximum coil surface in a small cabinet. The large
faced coil area shall be constructed with 1/2” O.D. rifled copper tube with 12 fins per inch of corrugated aluminum for maximum
heat transfer. Maximum face velocity shall be less than 500 feet per minute. The expansion valves shall be of the adjustable

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

thermostatic type with external equalization. The compressors shall be of the hermetic scroll with complete overload protection on all
three power lines, internal thermostat for winding protection, crankcase heater, sight-glass, and low pressure override timer for posi-
tive starting at low temperatures. The circuit shall contain high and low pressure safety switches. The high and low pressure safety
switches shall be installed with Shraeder type fittings with valve core.

Each system shall include a floor mounted, indoor air cooled condenser section. The condenser frame shall be constructed of 14
gauge welded tubular steel and be coated with a heavy corrosion inhibiting finish for long life. The unit shall have complete front and
side access by means of high quality furniture grade steel doors with heavy-duty hinges. The doors shall be lined with one inch thick,
1-1/2 pound density fiberglass coated with neoprene. Each door shall be provided with sure close latches, which shall be easily re-
movable via lift-off hinges for easy access and service. Each door shall be provided with a polyurethane gasket to prevent air leakage.

The doors shall be painted to match or contrast with other room equipment.

The blower section shall be belt driven centrifugal type, double width, double inlet and shall be statically and dynamically balanced at
the factory as a complete assembly to a maximum vibration level of two mils in any plane. The blower wheel shall be a minimum of
15 inches in diameter. The blower wheel shall be supported on a heavy steel shaft having self-aligning ball bearings with a minimum
life span of 100,000 hours. The blower wheel shall be driven by a motor mounted on an adjustable slide base. The drive motor shall
be 1750 rpm. The drive package shall be belt driven with two belts and a variable pitch sheave, sized for 200% of the fan motor

The condenser coil shall be constructed of copper tubes and corrugated aluminum fins. The condenser coil shall be equally circuited
for each refrigeration compressor. A receiver shall be factory mounted with head pressure control and solenoid valve for each circuit.

C. Air Cooled with Remote Outdoor Condensing Unit - The refrigeration system shall be split type with an indoor evaporator section
and remote outdoor condensing unit.

The indoor evaporator section shall include the cooling coil, humidifier, reheat, filters, and controls. The cooling coil shall be in a
cross-circuited or interlaced “A” frame arrangement to allow maximum coil surface in a small cabinet. The large faced coil area shall
be constructed with 1/2” O.D. copper tube with 12 fins per inch of corrugated aluminum for maximum heat transfer. Maximum face
velocity shall be less than 500 feet per minute. The expansion valves shall be of the adjustable thermostatic type with external equal-
ization. The filter-drier shall be installed prior to the expansion valve.

The outdoor condensing unit shall be constructed of aluminum and contain hermetic scroll compressors with complete overload pro-
tection on all three power lines, internal thermostats for winding protection, crankcase heater, sight-glass, and low pressure override
timer for positive starting at low temperatures. The circuits shall contain high and low pressure safety switches. The high and low-
pressure safety switches shall be installed with Shraeder type fittings with valve core.

The condensing unit shall include a low profile, slow speed, direct drive propeller fan air cooled condenser section. The air discharge
shall be vertical to minimize the effects of wind blowing through the coil at low ambient temperatures. The condenser coil shall be
constructed with rifled copper tube and aluminum fin. The condensing unit shall have fan speed control with transducers to modulate
the speed of the first condenser fan motor and provide positive start-up and operation at ambient temperatures to -20°F. Condensers
with more than one fan shall utilize a pressure control on the second fan. Additional condenser fan motors shall be controlled by ambi-
ent thermostats. All controls including the fan speed control shall be factory mounted in an integral factory wired and tested control
panel. The condensing unit shall be manufactured by the same manufacturer of the indoor unit.

D. Water/Glycol Cooled - The cooling coil shall be in a cross-circuited or interlaced “A” frame arrangement to allow maximum coil
surface in a small cabinet. The large face area coil shall be constructed of 1/2” O.D. rifled copper tube with 12 fins per inch of cor-
rugated aluminum for maximum heat transfer. Maximum face velocity shall be less than 500 feet per minute. The expansion valves
shall be of the adjustable thermostatic type with external equalization. The compressors shall be of the hermetic scroll type with
complete overload protection on all three power lines, internal thermostats for winding protection, crankcase heater, sight-glass, con-
densers with sub-cooling and 2-way water regulating valve for head pressure control. The circuits shall contain high and low pressure
safety switches. The high and low-pressure safety switches shall be installed with Shraeder type fittings with valve core.

Each system shall include a low profile, slow speed, direct drive propeller fan type air cooled fluid cooler. Air discharge shall be verti-
cal to prevent wind from blowing through the coil at low ambient temperatures. The fluid cooler shall be constructed of aluminum
gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

and contain a 1/2” O.D. rifled copper tube coil with corrugated aluminum fins for maximum heat transfer. The fan motors shall
have cycling control provided on fluid coolers with multiple fan motors. The fluid cooler shall include surge tank and fill valve,
pump contactor, and fan cycling controls with integral factory wired and tested control panel. The fluid cooler shall be manufac-
tured by the same manufacturer as the indoor unit.


A. The supply air fan(s) shall be single width, single inlet plenum fan with backward inclined aluminum blades. Fan wheel shall
be directly connected to its motor for greater efficiency. Fan/motor assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced for
quiet, vibration-free operation and shall have a minimum L10 life of 60,000 hours. Fan shall be maintenance free throughout its
operating life.

B. The fan motor shall be electronically commutated (EC) synchronous DC motor and shall meet the NEMA Premium standard.
The EC motor shall have soft start capability and shall be controlled via the keypad on the unit mounted controller or by a 4 to 20
mili-amp control signal sent directly to the analog input on the motor. The fan shall be mounted within the unit and fully enclosed
in an integral plenum to allow efficient operation on raised floors with 12 or more inches of clearance under the floor.

C. Belt drive fans with variable frequency drives are not considered equal or acceptable.


The filter section shall be an integral part of the system, designed within the frame and cabinet or separately mounted filter section
on larger units. The filters shall be 4” deep pleated designed, rated not less than Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 8
based on ASHRAE Std. 52-2.


The reheat shall be of the finned enclosed, sheath type, fabricated of stainless steel core sheath with plated fins to withstand moist
conditions. The reheat shall be installed on the air discharge side of the cooling coil and shall have three (3) stages. Each stage
shall be ___ kW. The total kW shall be ___ to operate on a supply of ____ volts.


The unit shall be provided with steam generator type humidifier. The steam generating humidifier shall be of the self-contained
disposable cylinder type with electronic controls. The capacity shall be adjustable from 10 to 30 pounds per hour. Power con-
sumption at 22 pounds per hour shall be 7.7 kW or less. The humidifier shall discharge pure steam with no material dust carry-
over and have a self-regulating automatic flush cycle. Cylinders shall be disposable not requiring cleaning or maintenance. The
humidifier fill level, water conductivity and flush rate shall automatically adapt, both in frequency and duration, to variations in
the incoming water.


Units shall be provided with one (1) water sensor. The solid state water sensor shall be mounted under the unit to sense the pres-
ence of water. The sensor shall be connected to the microprocessor panel and activate an audible alarm. The water detector shall
become an integral part of the microprocessor panel and shall display “WATER DETECTED IN UNDER FLOOR AREA” mes-
sage when the sensor is activated.

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued


A. The environmental control system shall be furnished with a microprocessor based dapTM4 panel. The panel shall include unit
control functions and display normal functions and service diagnostics on a backlit liquid crystal display (LCD). The panel shall
allow recall and display of the high and low temperature for the last 24 hours, high and low humidity for the last 24 hours, cur-
rent percent of capacity and average percent of capacity for the last hour of operation for cool 1, cool 2, reheat, humidification,
dehumidification, component runtimes for fan motor(s), cooling stages, reheat, humidification, dehumidification and chilled water
valve. Programming shall have multilevel password access to prevent unauthorized access. Programming shall be accomplished
entirely from the front of the unit without the need to access, set or program switches inside the unit (front door of the unit does
not need to be opened). Programmable functions shall be entered on flash memory to ensure program retention should power fail.
The historical database shall be maintained by battery backup. Multiple messages shall be displayed by automatically scrolling
from each message to the next. Alarm conditions shall be displayed by automatically scrolling from each message to the next.
Alarm conditions, in addition to being displayed, shall enunciate an audible alarm. Four programmable summary contacts shall
be available for remote alarm monitoring. Additional test or service terminal shall not be required for any functions. The control
shall include temperature anticipation, moisture level humidity control and automatic flush cycles.

An alarm condition shall continue to be displayed until the malfunction is corrected. Multiple alarms shall be displayed sequen-
tially in order of occurrence and only those alarms, which have not been acknowledged, shall continue to sound an audible alarm.
The dap4 panel shall perform an automatic self-test on system start-up. A user accessible diagnostic program shall aid in system
component trouble shooting by displaying on the unit LCD screen the name of the controlled item, output relay number, terminal
plug and pin number for each controlled item.

B. The following automatic control functions shall be included:

Start Time Delay Compressor Short Cycle Selectable Water Under Floor Alarm Action
Automatic Reheat Element Rotation Temperature Anticipation Automatic or Manual Restart
Dehumidification Lockout Humidity Anticipation Energy Saver (Glycol Operation)*
Sequential Load Activation Auxiliary Chilled Water Operation* Energy Saver Coil Flush Cycle*
Hot Water Coil Flush Cycle* Chilled Water Coil Flush Cycle*

C. The following conditions, data and normal functions shall be monitored and displayed:

Current Date and Time Unit Status Temperature Setpoint

Humidity Setpoint Current Temperature Current Humidity
Cooling 1, 2, 3, 4* Dehumidification Reheat 1, 2, 3
Humidification Current Percent of Capacity Utilized Current Discharge Temperature*
Current Fan Speed* Current Chilled Water Valve Position

D. The following switching and control functions shall be included:

System On/Off/Esc Button Menu Selection Buttons Menu Exit Button

Select Buttons Alarm Silence Button Program Set Button
Manual Override for:
Cool 1, Cool 2, Heat 1, Humidification, CW Valve and Fan Speed

E. The following alarm functions shall be monitored and displayed when they occur in addition to enunciating an audible alarm:

High Temperature Warning High Humidity Warning Low Temperature Warning

Low Humidity Warning Low Pressure Compressor 1 Low Pressure Compressor 2
High Pressure Compressor 1 High Pressure Compressor 2 Under Floor Water Detection
Dirty Filter Power Failure Restart Manual Override
Firestat Tripped Humidifier Problem Compressor Short Cycle
Maintenance Required Local Alarm Temperature Sensor Error

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

Humidity Sensor Error Discharge Sensor Error* No Water Flow*

Custom Message* Smoke Detector* High Condensate Water Level*
Fan Motor Overload* Standby Pump On* Person to Contact on Alarm*

F. The following historical data shall be available:

High Temperature Last 24 Hours Low Temperature Last 24 Hours High Humidity Last 24 Hours
Low Humidity Last 24 Hours Alarm History (Last 100 Alarms) Hourly Average of Duty
Equipment Runtimes for:
Blower, Compressor 1, Compressor 2, Reheat 1, 2, 3, Dehumidification, Energy Saver*, Humidifier, Condenser and
Chilled Water

G. The following functions shall be programmable:

Temperature Setpoint Temperature Deadband High Temperature Alarm Limit

Low Temperature Alarm Limit Humidity Setpoint Humidity Deadband
High Humidity Alarm Limit Low Humidity Alarm Limit Compressor Lead/Lag Sequence
Reset Equipment Runtimes Audio Alarm Mode Compressor Short Cycle Alarm
Humidity Anticipation Manual Diagnosis Dehumidification Mode
Power Problem or Restart Mode System Start Delay Message for Optional Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4*
Delay for Optional Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 Reheat Stages Person to contact on Alarm
Define Password Humidifier Autoflush Timer* Firestat Temperature Alarm Limit
Scheduled Normal Maintenance Temperature Scale Calibrate Temperature Sensor
Calibrate Humidity Compressors(s) Remote Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 Selection
Humidifier Water Valve Mode Water Valve Voltage Range
Reverse Acting Water Valve Network Protocol Analog Module Sensor Setup*
Calibrate Discharge Air Sensor* Fan Speed Settings Low Discharge Temperature Alarm Limit*
Calibrate Chilled Water Temperature Sensor* Compressor Supplements to Energy Saver*

* Some of the programmable selections, displays or alarms may require additional components or sensors

H. In addition, the dap4 control panel shall support the following network protocols for integration with a Building Management
System (BMS) for Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) system monitoring and control.

The following protocols shall be supported: Modbus RTU, TCP/IP, SNMP V1 or V2, BACnet IP or MS/TP and LonTalk SNVT.

I. Building Management System Interface: Unit(s) shall be furnished with an optional interface card to communicate directly
with the Building Automation System (BAS) through a RS-485, Ethernet or LonTalk port. All alarms, set points, and operating
parameters that are accessible from the unit mounted control panel shall also be made available through the BAS.


A. Energy Saver Coil - The environmental control units shall be provided with an Energy Saver coil. The Energy Saver coil shall
be an integral part of the unit and will be capable of providing the total cooling capacity. Whenever the incoming water/glycol
temperature is below the setpoint of the water changeover thermostat, Energy Saver cooling shall be available.

The Energy Saver shall operate in the following range: Return air setpoint plus deadband plus 2 degrees.

The Energy Saver shall operate providing there is a need for cooling. The valve shall open at setpoint plus deadband. The valve
shall modulate as long as the space is between setpoint plus deadband plus 2 degrees. If the temperature falls below the deadband
minus setpoint, the valve shall close and the space shall be considered satisfied. While still in Energy Saver with the valve modu-
lating, if the temperature goes beyond setpoint plus deadband plus 2 degrees, the Energy Saver valve shall close and mechanical
(DX) cooling shall begin.

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

The Energy Saver coil shall include 3-way pressure control valves on the condenser circuits and 3-way valve on the economy coil.
Common piping for the energy coil and condensers shall be provided.

B. Energy Saver/Compressor Supplement - Units with Energy Saver shall be provided with compressor supplement if the Energy
Saver is not sufficient as a stand-alone system. When the incoming water/glycol temperature is below the setpoint of the water
changeover thermostat, the Energy Saver shall be enabled (even if there is no call for cooling). Upon a call for cooling (setpoint
plus deadband), the valve shall open proportionally - 10% for each 0.1° above setpoint plus deadband. The compressor shall
come on at setpoint plus deadband plus 1.3° (the valve shall be 100% open at this point). The compressor shall go off at setpoint
plus 1.3°. The valve shall close proportionally - 10% for each 0.1° below setpoint. An air discharge sensor shall be factory

C. Auxiliary Chilled Water Coil - Units shall be provided with an Auxiliary Chilled Water coil. The existing chilled water loop
shall be utilized with the Auxiliary Chilled Water coil. Units shall operate using the chilled water for cooling. Upon a loss of wa-
ter flow or an increase in room temperature the system shall bring on compressor (DX) cooling. Separate piping shall be provided
for the chilled water coil and refrigeration connections.

D. Remote Temperature and Humidity Sensors -Units shall be provided with remote temperature and humidity sensors. Sensors
shall be provided in a plastic case for remote mounting. 25 feet of shielded cable shall be provided for field wiring.

E. Disconnect - The environmental control unit shall include a non-automatic disconnect switch mounted in the high voltage
section of the electrical panel. The operating mechanism shall prevent access to the high voltage electrical components until
switched to the “OFF” position. The operating mechanism shall protrude through the decorative door.
F. Smoke Detector - The environmental control unit shall be provided with a smoke detector. The smoke detector shall be mount-
ed with the sensing element in the return air stream. When the smoke detector is activated, it shall immediately shut down the

G. Condensate Pump - Units shall be provided with condensate pumps. Pumps shall be factory mounted/wired or shipped loose
for field installation and shall include sump, motor, and automatic control. The pumps shall be rated for 130 GPH @ 20 foot
maximum head (40 GPH @ 20 feet with check valve).

H. Tandem Scroll Compressors - Provide units with tandem hermetic scroll compressors with two-step modulation for stage
control. Each circuit shall contain two scroll compressors. Modulation shall allow one or both compressors (per circuit) to run
depending upon the load of the system, resulting in part-load efficiency equal to full load efficiency.

I. Hot Gas Bypass -Units may be provided with hot gas bypass. Should the suction pressure decrease below the desired setting,
the pressure from the suction line forces the diaphragm, which off-sets the spring pressure, allowing the spring to push the valve
open. The opening of this valve allows some hot gas to mix with the refrigerant in the suction line raising the evaporator pressure.
This increases the suction pressure in the system back to the desired setting. The hot gas bypass can be manually adjusted within
a certain range to fine tune the unit to a desired suction pressure in the field.

J. 3-Way Water Regulating Valves - Units shall be provided with a 3-way head pressure actuated regulating valve. The maximum
water pressure shall be ___ psi.

K. High Efficiency Filters - The environmental control unit shall include filters with ___ MERV rating based on ASHRAE 52.2.
The filters shall be four-inch (4”) deep pleated design.

L. Pre-Filters - The environmental control unit shall have one-inch (1”) pre-filters in addition to the unit filters.

M. Upflow Plenum - Units with top (upflow) discharge shall be provided with plenum. The plenum shall have a front discharge
air grille and be fully insulated with one inch (1”) thick, 11/2-pound density fiberglass insulation coated with neoprene. The ple-
num height shall be 18 inches and shall be painted to match the unit color.

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

N. Floorstand - Units shall be provided with floorstands and vibration isolation pads. The floorstand shall be a complete welded
base engineered to support the operating unit. The floorstand height shall be ___ inches and adjustable ± 2 inches.

O. Pump Package - A centrifugal pump shall be provided to circulate water or glycol solution. The pump shall be rated for ____
GPM @ ___ feet of head and shall operate on ___ volts.

P. Pump Auto-Changeover - Dual pump packages shall be provided with a pump auto-changeover control and NEMA 4 flow
switch. The pump auto-changeover control shall be factory wired and mounted in the dry cooler control box. The pump auto-
changeover control shall provide automatic pump changeover in the event of a pump failure. Upon pump changeover, an audible
alarm shall sound at the indoor unit and a message (“STANDBY PUMP ON”) shall be displayed on the indoor unit microproces-
sor. The NEMA 4 flow switch shall be field installed.

Q. Pump Enclosure - A pump enclosure shall be provided for the centrifugal pumps(s). The enclosure shall be vented and
weather resistant. Pumps shall be factory mounted in enclosure ready for field piping and wiring.

R. Automatic Lead/Lag Panel: Unit shall be furnished with an automatic lead/lag control panel. Panel shall be capable of control-
ling a minimum of four units. Upon occurrence of an alarm on one of the primary units the panel shall automatically shut down
the primary unit and start standby unit(s) as required. In addition the panel shall rotate the primary and standby units after a user
programmable number of hours to insure reliable operation and equalize run hours on all units

S. Zone Master Teamwork Operation: Each unit shall be furnished with capability to function as the zone master and control the
operating mode of up to 32 units located in the same zone. Capabilities shall include:
• Unit lead/lag and standby rotation with an 8 hrs to seven days schedule
• Unit auto changeover by selectable standby or off (critical) alarms
• Standby unit activation by average zone temperature
• Zone functions inhibit preventing units from conflicting operation
• Secondary operating schedule for an economical control solution
• Programmable unit’s status control (On/Off/Standby)
• Master unit fail safe mode allows slave units to revert their self control mode

T. No Water Flow Alarm: Unit shall be furnished with a NEMA 1 flow switch for field mounting into the chilled water piping to
the unit. Upon a loss of water flow the unit control panel shall indicate “No Water Flow” and alarm shall sound.

U. Cable Type Water Detection Sensor: Units shall be provided with cable type water detection system designed to detect the
presence of water anywhere along the cable. Cable shall be mounted on the floor under the unit. Sufficient length of cable shall
be supplied to completely surround the perimeter of the unit so that water coming from anywhere within the unit will not escape
detection. The water detector shall become an integral part of the microprocessor panel and shall display “WATER DETECTED
IN UNDER FLOOR AREA” message and activate an audible alarm when the sensor is activated.

V. Discharge Plenum: Up flow units shall be equipped with an 18” tall discharge plenum with factory installed double deflection
front discharge grille. Plenum shall be constructed of minimum 18 gauge steel, lined with 1” 1.5 pound per cubic foot insulation
and painted to match the cabinet of the computer room air conditioning unit.

a. Discharge Plenum Side Discharge Grilles: Provide discharge grilles on ___ right side and ___ left side.

b. Extended Return Air Plenum: Down flow units shall be equipped with a four-sided inlet plenum on the return to
extend the return air opening of the unit. Plenums shall be of sufficient height to penetrate the lay-in ceiling. If lay-in
ceiling is not used plenum height shall sufficient to extend the return air opening to within 10” of the deck above or 6
feet whichever is shorter.

Plenum shall not be insulated, constructed of minimum 18 gauge steel and painted to match the color of the unit on which it is

gForce 21-106 kW DX units - Guide Specifications, continued

W. Hot Water Reheat: Reheat will be provided by hot water coil with 1/2” copper tubes and aluminum fins rated for a maximum
working pressure of 300 PSI. Reheat circuit shall include a factory mounted 2-way hot water valve for temperature control. Coil,
control valve and controls as required for a functioning system shall be factory mounted.

X. Steam Reheat: Reheat will be provided by steam coil with 1/2” copper tubes and aluminum fins rated for a maximum work-
ing pressure of 300 PSI. Reheat circuit shall include a factory mounted 2-way steam valve rated at 20 psi close off pressure for
temperature control. Coil, control valve and controls as required for a functioning system shall be factory mounted. Steam strainer
and trap are required and shall be furnished and piped by the installing contractor.


A. All parts in the unit shall be warranted to be free from defects in material or workmanship for Eighteen (18) months, from dae
of shipment or Eighteen (18) months from date of start-up. Parts that fail during this period shall be repaired or a new part sup-
plied by the manufacturer at no cost to the owner.

B. Manufacturer’s warranty shall be for parts only. Labor is not included.

C. (Optional) Extended Compressor Warranty – In addition to the manufacturer’s standard compressor warranty, the compres-
sors shall be provided with an extended warranty for a period of Forty-Two (42) months or a total of Five (5) years. The warranty
shall be for the replacement of compressors only (labor is not included).

GFDX-410-0210 M

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