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Tin IBM 2019

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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2019
(Part- II :Metals and Alloys)

58th Edition



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August, 2021


16 Tin

T in is one of the earliest metals known and

used mainly in bronze implements. It is a scarce
Haryana and 36% in Chhattisgarh, while nominal
resources are located in Odisha (Table-1).
element having an incidence of about 2 ppm in the
earth's crust. Its unique combination of properties EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT
like non-toxic nature, high malleability, chemical The exploration and development details, if any,
inertness and ease with which it can form an are covered in the Review on 'Exploration and
amalgam and alloy with other metals has given it a Development' in 'General Reviews' i.e., Vol.-I of the
special status among non-ferrous metals. Pure tin title. As on 31.03.2018 (P), a total of 14 leases of tin
is a silvery-white metal which is soft and malleable. have been granted to the various parties.
It does not occur naturally as metal. By far, the most
important tin mineral is cassiterite (SnO 2), which
theoretically, in its purest form contains 78.6% tin. PRICES
But usually it includes impurities of Nb,Ta, Zr, Sc, Concentrates
W and Fe. The less common tin ore is stannite
The production of tin concentrates in 2018-19
(Cu2SnFeS4). Tin is now used mostly for tin plating,
was at 21,211 kg as against 16,758 kg in the
soldering special alloys and in making bronze.
preceding year. One Public Sector and three Private
RESERVES/RESOURCES Sector mines reported production in 2018-19, while
one Private Sector mine has reported labour only.
In India, tin ore is found associated with granite,
All these mines are located in Chhattisgarh.
pegmatites and quartz veins and also in placer
The mine-head closing stock of tin concentrates
deposits. Resources are spread over in Bastar and
was 9,315 kg in 2018-19 as against 5,135 kg in
Dantewada districts of Chhattisgarh, Tosham
deposi t i n Bhiwa ni dist rict of Ha rya na a nd
The Ch hattisgarh Mineral Devel opment
Malkangiri district of Odisha. Corporation Ltd (CMDC) purchases tin ores/minerals
The total reserves/resources of tin ore in the from local tribals, who collect them from the lease
country as per NMI data, based on UNFC system, area. Hence, no labour was reported by the mine
as on 1.4.2015 is placed at 83.73 million tonnes owned by the CMDC Ltd, whereas Precious Minerals
containing about 1,02,413 tonnes metal. About 4,419 and Smelting Ltd employed 9 workers in the current
tonnes ore containing 154 tonnes metal are placed year as against 16 in the previous year on average
under 'Reserves' category and the bulk, i.e., about daily basis (Tables-2 to 5).
83.72 million tonnes containing about 1,02,259
tonnes metal are placed under 'Remaining Resources' Tin Metal
category. As per DMG Chhattisgarh, the total The plant owned by Precious Minerals and
recoverable reserves of cassiterite concentrate is Smelting Ltd reported production of 7,436 kg of tin
19,544.58 tonnes in Tongpal area, Katekalyan area metal in 2018-19 as against production of 13,741 kg
and Padapur-Bacheli area. The entire resources of in the preceding year. The plant is located at
tin are located in Chhattisgarh and Haryana. About Jagdalpur in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh
64% of total ore/metal resources are located in (Table-6).

Table – 1 : Reserves/Resources of Tin as on 1.4.2015
(By Grades/States)
(In tonnes)

Reserves Remaining Resources

Tota l
Grade/State Proved Probable Tota l Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Tota l Resources
STD111 (A) STD211 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
STD121 STD122 STD221 STD222

All India : Total

Ore 20 67 89 7 14 55 4419 22594200 2653 31330072 168457 561080 29064288 - 83720749 83725168
M etal 44.56 94.02 15.62 154.2 33139.45 842.8 54049.65 813.29 231.63 13182.34 - 102259.16 102413.36

By States

Chhattisg ar h

Ore 20 67 89 7 14 55 44 19 1508 20 17 72 168 457 559914 29063288 - 29795255 29799674
Metal 44.56 94.02 15.62 154.2 917.02 342.02 16.85 813.29 209.43 13172.34 - 15470.95 15625.15

Har yana

Ore - - - - 22580000 - 31330000 - - - - 53910000 53910000

Metal - - - - 32187.8 - 54032.8 - - - - 86220.6 86220.6

O d is h a
Ore - - - - 12692 63 6 - - 11 66 10 00 - 154 94 154 94
Metal - - - - 34.63 500.78 - - 22 .2 10 - 567.61 567.61

Fig ure s ro u nd e d off


Table – 2 : Principal Producers of Tin Concentrates, 2018-19

Name & address of the Location of the mine

State District

Chhattisgarh Mineral Chhattisgarh Dantewada

Dev. Corp. Ltd,
Sona Khan Bhawan,
Ring Road No.1, Raipur- 492 006

Precious Minerals and Chhattisgarh Dantewada

Smelting Ltd,
Semi Urban Industrial Estate,
Frezerpur, Jagdalpur - 494 001,

Table – 3 : Production of Tin Concentrates, 2016-17 to 2018-19

(By State)
(Qu antity in k g; Value in ` '0 00 )

20 16-17 20 17-18 2 0 1 8 -1 9 (P )
Sta te
Q u a n t it y Value Q u a n t it y Value Q u a n t it y Value

India 12121 8736 16758 11 3 4 7 2 1 2 11 13839

Chha ttisga rh 12121 8736 16758 11347 21211 13839

Table – 4 : Production of Tin Concentrates, 2017-18 and 2018-19

(By Sectors/State/District)
(Qu antity in k g; Va lu e in `'0 00 )

2017-18 2018-19 (P)

Sta te
No. of mi nes Q u a n t it y Value No. of mi nes Q u a n t it y Value

India 6 16758 11 3 4 7 5 2 1 2 11 13839

Pu blic sector 1 14227 9010 1 20054 13119
P r i va t e sec t o r 5 2531 2338 4 1157 720
Chhattisgarh 6 16758 11 3 4 7 5 2 1 2 11 13839
Da nte wa da 6 16758 11347 5 21211 13839

Table – 5 : Mine-head Closing Stocks of Tin Table – 6 : Production of Tin Metal

Concentrates, 2017-18 & 2018-19 2016-17 to 2018-19
(By State ) (Qty in k g; Valu e in `'0 00 )
(In kg)
P ro d u c t io n
State 2 0 1 7 -1 8 2 01 8 -1 9 (P) Year
Q u a n t it y Value

India 5135 9315 2 0 16 -1 7 - -

2 01 7 -1 8 13741 15459
Chhattisgarh 5135 9315
20 1 8 -1 9 (P) 7436 8918


MINING Tin readily forms alloys with other metals to

create useful materials, such as, solders, bronzes and
In Govindpal-Tongpal area of Dantewada
fusible alloys. Tin with lead forms an excellent alloy
district, Chhattisgarh, tin in the form of cassiterite
which melts at very low temperature and is used as
is being mined from the sediments deposited in the solders in electronics or as a seal in plumbing. Tin is
streams. The stream sediments are dug manually with used in making fusible alloys to be used in safety
conventional implements. Subsequent panning of devices, such as, fire sprinklers, pressure cookers,
these sediments helps in separating the lighter boiler plugs and electrical fuses. Powder containing
gangue minerals, while the heavier part is recovered 60% silver, 27% tin and 13% copper when mixed with
as cassiterite. Chhattisgarh is the only tin producing appropriate quantity of mercury forms excellent
State in India. Tin ore is known as cassiterite, which dental amalgam to be used for filling dental cavities.
was reported in Dantewada district (Bastar district
T in i s used i n ca st ir on t o im pr ove th e
in formerly Madhya Pradesh) by the Directorate of
microstructure and it results in higher uniform
Geol ogy a n d Min i n g a n d wa s foun d bei n g
hardness. Tin bronzes are used for making gears,
associated with the lepidolite-bearing pegmatites.
tubing, springs and plumbing fitments and for making
CMDC has an arrangement of collecting tin ore from
bearings. Tin is also used in making high-tech alloys,
cooper at i ve societ i es of t r i ba l s i n dist r ict -
such as, zirconium-tin, used for cladding the fuel
Dantewada, Chhattisgarh. The Precious Minerals &
elements in thermal nuclear reactors and a niobium-
Smelting Limited (PMSL) (An ISO 9001:2000
tin-intermetallic compound used in certain high-
Company), is a flagship Company of Lunia Group.
performance superconducting fields, such as, in
The PMSL is the first Joint Venture Company setup
high-energy physics.
with the Chhattisgarh Mineral Development
Corporation Limited (A Government of Chhattisgarh Tin oxide-based catalysts are used in air
Enterprise), for identification, exploration and purification system, gas sensors and CO 2 lasers.
exploitation of tin-bearing areas of Chhattisgarh Organotin compounds are used in agrochemicals and
antifouling paints in seafaring vessels. Float Glass
St at e. Th e PMSL h a s com mi ssi oned a t i n
Industry is an important user of tin, it utilises a method
manufacturing facility at Jagdalpur.
of floating molten glass over a huge vat of molten tin.
USES & SPECIFICATIONS Pure tin in molten form is used to provide a flat surface
Tin, as a metal, is the most preferred and as well as fire-polish on both sides of float glass which
environment-friendly packing material. Tin plate, a solidifies on it. It is also used in the production of lead
value-added flat steel product, is a versatile crystal glass. Tin oxide films thicker than 1 mm on glass,
packaging substrate used in edible oils, paints, produce a transparent, yet electrically conductive layer.
pesticides, processed foods, beverages and other This layer is used in de-icing windscreen, antistatic
industries. As a pure metal, it can be used in storage glassware, security alarm, etc.
tanks for pharmaceutical chemical solutions, in Tin has established a long-term future as an
capacitors, electrodes, fuse-wires, ammunitions, innovative, competitive and sustainable material. A
tinned iron sheets to protect victuals, sweets or new low cost, efficient and environment-friendly
tobacco, etc. The tin plate is manufactured by solar cell has been developed that uses tin instead
depositing tin on iron plate of thickness ranging of the hazardous lead. Tin, known as fuel catalyst,
from 0.17 mm to 0.60 mm. IS 1993:2006 (fourth can save energy and reduce emissions when added
revision, Reaffirmed Sept. 2011) specifies the to fuel. Tin is also considered as synergist for
requirement for cold reduced electrolytic tin plate. replacement of antimony fire retardants used in most
The specifications for tin ingot which is to be used plastics. Tin can make lithium ion batteries last more
for various purposes is as per IS : 26:1992 (Fourth than three times longer. Tin and zinc work well
Revision, Reaffirmed Feb. 2014). There shall be two together to heal wounds and kill bacteria, enabling
grades of tin ingot, viz, Sn 99.85% and 99.75%. BIS use in new range of animal healthcare products.
has prescribed IS : 4280-1992 (Reaffirmed Feb. 2014) Eletrolytic Tinplate undoubtedly enjoys the pride of
for refined secondary tin ingots. place as a packaging medium especially of food.


TRADE POLICY district, Gujarat. Tin plate consumption in India grew

by 6% in 2018-19 primarily driven by paints and
As per the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, there
aerosol end-use segments both of which have been
are no restrictions on the export and import of tin
growing at the rate of 8%.
ores and concentrates (ITC-HS Code No.26090000).
The most important use of tin is in making
In India the main consumers of tin are the Tin
packing materials, as it is environment-friendly.
Plate Industry and Solder Industry. The latter
Aluminium, glass, paper, plastic, or tin-free steel are
advancing to become the biggest single end-use
among the major substitute for tin. A number of
sector, over the last decade. The domestic tin plate
materials can replace tin in its various applications,
market is categorised broadly into three basic such as, tetrapack for liquid food items; plastic/
packaging market segments-edible oil/vanaspati & polycontainers for solid, semi-solid food; aluminium,
cashew, processed food and non-processed food. glass, tin-free steel can be used in place of tin cans
The consumption in IT Industry and in food/ and containers. Tin-Free Steel (TFS) is an electrolytic
beverages Packaging Industry has increased in the chrome plated steel consisting of a thin layer of
recent years. Tin plate companies, namely, Tin Plate chromium and a layer of chromium oxide deposited
Company of India Ltd, JSW Steel Ltd, GPT Steel on the steel base which gives it a beautiful, lustrous
Industries Ltd, Vardhaman Industries Ltd, SAIL's metallic finish on both sides. TFS offers outstanding
Rourkela Steel Plant, Kaira Can Company Ltd, corrosion resistance, lacquer adhesion as well as
Hindustan Tin Works Ltd etc. use tin metal in printability. Additional features of TFS are filiform
appreciable quantities for the manufacture of tin rust resistance, sulphur blackening resistance and
plate. coating. For tin solders new epoxy resins; for bronze-
The Tin Plate Company of India Ltd consumes aluminium alloys, copper-base alloys and plastic;
tin at its Golmuri Works, Jamshedpur in East plastic for bearing metals that contain tin; compounds
Singhbhum, Jharkhand. TCIL is the pioneer and of lead and sodium for some tin chemicals are the
leading producer of tin mill products in India. It was other substitutes now in use in place of tin.
incorporated in 1920 and has evolved as one of the WORLD REVIEW
important regional players in Asia. The Company is
a subsidiary of Tata Steel Limited with the parent The world reserves of tin metal estimated in 2019
company holding 74.96% stake in TCIL. The were 4.7 million tonnes, located mainly in China (23%),
manufacturing facility of the Company is located at Indonesia (17%) and Brazil (15%). The world reserves
of tin by principal countries are furnished in Table-7.
Jamshedpur in the State of Jharkhand with an
installed capacity of tinning line 3,79,000 tonnes per The world mine production of tin in 2017 & 2018
annum. It caters to 68% of the prime tinplate market was constant at 3,52,000 tonnes (Table-8). China
and 45% of the overall domestic market. TCIL which continued to be the largest producer of tin in
produced 3,48,520 tonnes & 3,43,615 tonnes of 2018 with about 34% share in the total world
Electrolytic Tinplate in the year 2017-18 & 2018-19, production was followed by Indonesia (24%) and
respectively. Similarly in cold rolling mill during Myanmar (16%).
2017-18 and 2018-19, the C.R. products produced According to a report 'Tin for the Future'
were of 3,66,778 tonnes and 3,74,295 tonnes, published by International Tin Association, formerly
respectively. GPT Steel Industries Ltd an ISO International Tin Research Institute Ltd (ITRI), the
9001:2008 accredited unit, was established in 2003 to world's 10 leading refined tin producers contributed
manufacture Cold rolled products & Tinplate around 73% of total Tin production in 2017 i.e.
products. GPT is 2 nd largest producer of tin plate in Yunnan Tin Group Co. Ltd (China), PT Timah
India with largest capacity for producing tin plates. (Persero) tbk. (Indonesia), Malaysia Smelting Corp.
GPT Steel has set up two complete Cold Rolling Mills Bhd. (Malaysia), Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn Bhd
(4Hi & 6Hi Mill) and state-of-the-art Electrolytic (Malaysia), Minsur S.A. (Peru), Mineração Taboca
Tinplate Line (ETL) located at Gandhidham, Kuchchh S/A (Brazil), Operaciones Metalúrgicas SA (Bolivia),


Thailand Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd (Thailand), took place, and inspections were mostly completed
Metallo Chinique International N.V. (Belgium) and by the end of August. Smelters gradually built their
Fenix Metals (Poland). production levels back up to previous levels when
A generalised view of the development in various the inspections had been successfully completed. In
countries, along with country-wise description September, only four smelters remained closed, which
sourced from latest available publication of Minerals represented 18% of China’s annual refined tin
Yearbook of 'USGS' 2016 are presented as below: production.
Australia Indonesia
AusTin Mining Ltd recommenced production at the PT Refined Bangka Tin closed its smelting and
Granville tin processing plant in Tasmania. Initially, refining facility and stopped tin production, citing low
the existing tailings at the site were retreated at the tin prices and stringent environmental regulations.The
plant and later in the year processing of stockpiled Company announced that the refinery would be
ore was taken up. AusTin Mining was also in the dismantled and the site would be turned into a
process of obtaining the necessary regulatory conservation area. PT Refined Bangka Tin typically
exported about 5,000 t/yr of tin. According to the
approval for an expansion project at Granville, which
results of an audit carried out by Indonesia’s Ministry
included resuming mining at the site and increasing
of Energy and Mineral Resources, only 29 out of
tin-concentrate production to about 550 metric tonnes
47 tin smelters in the Bangka-Belitung Islands
per year.
Province were in operation in 2015, The tin smelting
The Federal Court of Australia rejected the merger capacity utilisation rate in the Province, which
proposal between Kasbah Resources Ltd and Asian accounted for approximately 90% of Indonesia’s tin
Mineral Resources Ltd. The merger had the approval production, was only around 20%. The audit also
of the Kasbah Board of Directors and 90% of the showed that of the 755 Companies that held a license
shareholders, but the minority shareholders objected, to operate, only 498 had a “clean and clear”
citing an error in the valuation of their shares. The certification. The “clean and clear” certification had
court ordered Kasbah to pay the minority shareholders been required since November 1, 2015.
reasonable costs, including at least 50% of the
previous court hearing costs. Kasbah Resources
owned the Achmmach deposit in Morocco, which has Brasil Manganês Corporation Mineração S.A.
been projected to produce up to 7,000 t/yr. when the (BMC) (a subsidiary of Meridian Mining S.E.) signed
merger failed, Pala Investments Ltd purchased a 19.9% an agreement with Cooperativa de Garimpeiros de
stake in Kasbah for $2.7 million (3.23 million Australian Santa Cruz Ltda. and Cooperativa Metalúrgica de
dollars), allowing Pala Investments to appoint two Rondônia Ltda. to reprocess tailings from the
representatives to the Kasbah Board. Bom Futuro Mine in the Ariquemes District, Rondonia
State. BMC also gained the first right of refusal on
China either the acquisition of the mineral rights or the
Nine of China’s tin producers agreed to cut provision of underground mining services in the area
production by a combined 17,000 tonnes for the year, and could secure up to 80% of the unexplored area
citing low prices. Participants in this production cut surrounding the mines.
included Yunnan Tin, China Tin and Chengfeng. The Myanmar
total tin production of all participating Companies was
around 1,40,000 tonnes, equivalent to 80% of China’s Myanmar accounted for most of China’s tin
tin production, or 40% of global tin production in 2015. concentrate imports in 2016, supplying 4,72,506 tonnes
Tin smelters in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of tin ore and concentrates containing an estimated
and Jiangxi and Yunnan Provinces suspended or 57,000 tonnes of tin. Approximately 18% of this was
scaled back production, reportedly for Government- beli eved t o be fr om Wa Count y govern ment
mandated special envir onmental inspections. stocks. Myanmar's ore continued to be produced
Inspection teams were sent to eight Provinces where predominantly in Wa County, or Wa Special Region 2
most of the country’s non-ferrous metals production in northern Shan State, close to the border with China.


Table – 7 : World Reserves of Tin FOREIGN TRADE

(By Principal Countries)
(I n '0 0 0 ton nes of tin co nten t)
There were negligible exports of tin ores &
Country Re serv es concentrates during both the year 2017-18 and
Wo r ld : To tal (ro un de d o ff) 4700 2018-19. Exports of tin & alloys including scrap
Australia 420 declined by 14% to 858 tonnes in 2018-19 as
Bo liv ia 400 compared to 996 tonnes in the preceding year. Out
Brazil 700 of total exports in 2018-19, tin & alloys was only 539
Myanmar 100 tonnes (63%), tin & alloys (worked) at 318 tonnes
Chi na 1100 (37%) and tin waste & scrap were negligible.
Congo (Kinsha sa ) 150 Exports of tin & alloys were mainly to Republic of
In do ne si a 800 Korea, (45%), UAE (27%), UK (7%), Nepal & Taiwan,
(e )
Laos NA (3% each) and Sri Lanka (2%) (Tables - 9 to 17).
Ma la ysia 250
Peru 110
Table – 9 : Exports of Tin Ores & Conc.
(By Countries)
Russia 350
USA - 20 17-1 8 (R) 2 01 8 -1 9 (P)
Vie t na m 11 Cou ntry
Qty Value Qty Value
Ot her cou ntri es 350 (t) (`'0 00 ) (t) (`'0 00 )
Sourc e: USGS , Min e ra l Co mmod ity S u mma rie s, 2 02 0 .
All Co untr ie s ++ 3 ++ 54
6: Fo r Au stra lia, Jo in t Ore Reserve s Co mmittee -c ompli- Nigeria - - ++ 54
an t re se rv es we re a bo ut 2 ,50 ,0 00 ton ne s.
Nepa l ++ 3 - -
Table – 8 : World Mine Production of Tin Figures rounded off
(By Principal Countries)
Table – 10 : Exports of Tin & Alloys Incl. Scrap
(In tonnes of metal content) (By Countries)
Country 2016 2017 2018
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Wo r ld : To ta l 305000 352000 352000 Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value
Au stra lia 6635 7402 6871 (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)
Bo liv ia 17804 18385 17251
All Countries 99 6 762 618 85 8 718 270
Brazil 15183 17081 1 7 0 0 0 (e )
My a nma r ( e ) 5 7 00 0 68000 55000 UAE 19 1 221 791 15 1 248 547
(e ) (e )
Chi na 97165 105000 120000 Korea, Rep. of 24 4 193 165 24 3 197 921
Congo, Rep. of 6503 10391 8950
UK 52 681 63 40 678 75
In do ne si a 69500 83200 84000
Sri Lanka 20 449 42 15 355 72
Laos 1005 975 1400
Ma la ysia 4158 4819 3836 Nepal 26 1 213 43 28 0 311 04
Nigeria 3443 8626 7853 South Africa 56 361 30 12 221 14
Peru ( a ) 18789 17790 18601
(k) Taiwan 7 71 37 14 177 81
Rwanda 2236 2999 2979
Vie t na m 4468 4950 5470 USA 25 298 82 11 174 61

Russia 627 1011 1530 Uganda 5 68 46 9 135 79

Ot her cou ntri es 603 1002 841 Bangladesh 5 44 68 8 98 70
Sourc e: BGS , World Mine ral Pro du c tio n, 2 01 4 -2 0 18 . Other countries 13 0 128 752 75 564 47
(a) Rec o ve ra ble
(k) Ex po rts Figures rounded off


Table – 11 : Exports of Tin & Alloys

(By Countries)

2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)

Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 56 9 712 543 53 9 688 879

UAE 13 6 213 537 14 8 247 497

Korea, Rep. of 24 4 193 133 24 3 197 848

UK 40 650 11 38 672 77
Sri Lanka 18 407 27 13 330 38

Nepal 7 89 14 15 200 88

South Africa 17 316 78 9 200 47

Taiwan 7 71 37 14 177 81

USA 22 285 46 10 166 87

Uganda 5 68 03 9 135 48

Bangladesh 4 41 20 8 95 58

Other countries 69 112 938 31 455 10

Figures rounded off

Table – 12 : Exports of Tin & Alloys:Worked Table - 13 : Exports of Tin Waste & Scrap
(By Countries) (By Countries)

2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P) 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)

Country Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 42 4 474 68 31 8 287 81 All Countries 4 26 07 2 61 0

Nepal 25 2 120 92 26 4 108 11 Bangladesh - - - 11

Netherlands 3 32 0 19 34 32 USA - - ++ 24 1

Sri Lanka 2 42 15 2 25 34 Nepal 2 33 6 2 20 5

South Africa 39 44 52 4 20 66 Belgium - 50 ++ 50

Sudan 4 63 2 2 12 83 UAE - - ++ 43

Tanzania - - 5 12 13 Malaysia - 45 ++ 29

Qatar 2 67 1 1 10 46 Uganda - - ++ 19

UAE 54 82 54 3 10 07 New Zealand - - ++ 8

Germany 1 53 9 2 62 1 Bhu tan - 64 ++ 2

UK 12 31 52 1 59 9 Ethiopia - 1 - -

Other countries 55 131 40 15 41 70 Other countries 2 21 11 - -

Figures rounded off Figures rounded off


Table - 14 : Exports of Tin & Alloys : NES Table - 15 : Exports of Tin : Anode, Cathode etc. of
(By Countries) Tin Unwrought
(By Countries)
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Country 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Qt y Value Qt y Value Country
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)
All Countries 32 9 3 2 69 9 0 32 9 3 2 98 4 8
All Countries 71 1 0 65 5 4 46 656 09
Korea, Rep. of 24 4 1 9 31 3 3 24 3 1 9 78 4 8
Nepal 1 21 31 12 158 39
UK 40 649 15 38 672 77
Uganda 4 66 40 9 135 38
UAE 15 275 45 18 217 81
UAE 7 99 44 7 116 13
Taiwan 7 68 70 14 174 72
Ethiopia 1 17 97 6 95 30
USA 1 82 8 6 104 64
Saudi Arabia 10 141 55 5 77 76
Bangladesh 3 38 68 5 67 72 Nigeria 1 12 23 3 40 41
Singapore - - 2 26 94 Oma n 1 10 74 1 19 64
Oma n 3 44 42 1 21 81 Kuwait ++ 22 1 87 8
Hong Kong - - 1 13 37 Bangladesh 1 25 2 1 30 3
Nepal 4 64 02 ++ 93 6 Sri Lanka ++ 79 ++ 39

Other Countries 12 189 87 ++ 10 87 Other countries 44 692 37 ++ 88

Figures rounded off Figures rounded off

Table – 16 : Exports of Tin Blocks Table – 17 : Exports of Tin (Scrap)

(By Countries) (By Countries)

2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P) 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)

Country Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 1 19 09 5 60 94 All Countries 4 26 07 2 61 0

Nepal ++ 12 1 2 32 13 USA - - ++ 24 1

Oma n 1 15 39 2 19 34 Nepal 2 33 6 2 20 5

Germany - - 1 52 9 Belgium ++ 50 ++ 50

USA ++ 26 ++ 12 8 UAE - - ++ 43

Japan - - ++ 11 7 Malaysia ++ 45 ++ 29

Chile - - ++ 60 Uganda - - ++ 19

UAE - - ++ 51 Bangladesh - - ++ 11

Singapore - - ++ 23 New Zealand - - ++ 8

South Africa - - ++ 19 Bhu tan ++ 64 ++ 2

Saudi Arabia - - ++ 9 Sudan 1 14 08 - -

Other countries ++ 22 2 ++ 12 Other countries 1 70 4 ++ ++

Figures rounded off Figures rounded off


Imports Table – 20 : Imports of Tin & Alloys

(By Countries)
The imports of tin ores & concentrates in 2018-
19 were at 6 tonnes and as compared to 57 tonnes in 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
the previous year and were solely from Tanzania Country
(100%). Imports of tin & alloys including scrap were Qt y Value Qt y Value
at 11,262 tonnes in 2018-19 12,201 tonnes recorded (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

in the previous year. Imports of tin and alloys were All Countries 11987 15 64 77 01 109 08 15 55 06 20
mainly from Indonesia (53%), Singapore (26%), Indonesia 73 99 94 20 40 5 59 74 83 49 18 4
Malaysia (14%) and China (4%). In 2018-19, imports Singapore 14 3 1 8 46 1 6 28 76 41 78 87 6
of tin & alloys were at 10,908 tonnes compared to Malaysia 41 97 56 90 47 0 15 95 23 21 33 6
11,987 tonnes last year. During 2018-19, imports of China 12 6 1 1 25 7 9 26 5 3 3 31 9 3
tin & alloys (worked) were at 353 tonnes, while Germany 59 956 40 72 1 2 36 1 0
imports of tin alloys (NES) were at 102 tonnes. Korea, Rep. of 40 1 0 41 1 2 39 1 0 40 8 6
(Tables -18 to 26). Thailand -- -- 25 379 31
Table – 18 : Imports of Tin Ores & Conc. Taiwan 12 170 12 19 303 62
Japan 4 102 92 7 213 50
(By Countries)
Switzerland ++ 6 11 167 21
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P) Other countries 7 125 69 25 339 71
Country Figures rounded off
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) Table – 21 : Imports of Tin & Alloys : Worked
All Countries 57 569 80 6 12 59 (By Countries)
Tanzania - - 6 12 25 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
UK - - ++ 34 Country
Qt y Value Qt y Value
France 40 473 41 - - (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)
Kenya 17 96 39 - - All Countries 21 5 1 2 76 4 8 35 3 2 2 97 4 0
Figures rounded off China 16 5 359 58 23 7 748 10
Hong Kong 9 109 02 38 423 45
Table – 19 : Imports of Tin & Alloys, Incl. Scrap Japan 15 282 05 17 367 33
(By Countries) Germany 3 101 21 23 197 55
Ita ly 12 196 74 10 172 43
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P) Singapore 3 149 30 9 133 39
Malaysia 1 10 93 4 97 71
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000) Spain ++ 23 5 62 45
UAE ++ 19 1 9 53 08
All Countries 122 01 15 77 55 28 11262 15 78 07 51
UK ++ 51 2 1 17 25
Indonesia 73 99 94 20 40 5 59 74 83 49 18 4 Other countries 7 60 39 ++ 24 66
Singapore 14 6 1 9 95 4 6 28 85 41 92 21 4 Figures rounded off
Malaysia 41 97 56 91 56 3 15 99 23 31 10 7
China 29 1 1 4 87 1 6 50 2 4 0 80 0 3 Table – 22 : Imports of Tin (Scrap)
Germany 62 1 0 57 6 1 95 1 4 33 6 5
(By Countries)
Korea, Rep. of 42 1 0 60 2 9 39 1 0 41 5 4 2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Japan 19 384 97 24 584 74
Qt y Value Qt y Value
Hong Kong 9 109 02 43 449 30 (t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)
Thailand - - 25 379 31 All Countries ++ 17 9 1 39 0
Taiwan 12 171 16 19 303 62 Japan - - 1 39 0
Other countries 24 369 93 57 810 27 China ++ 17 9 - -

Figures rounded off Figures rounded off


Table – 23 : Imports of Tin Alloys, NES

(By Countries)
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 69 117669 10 2 170 062

Germany 54 866 82 66 111 291

Malaysia 10 202 30 32 502 39

Singapore 2 28 56 4 76 96
USA ++ 5 ++ 53 5

UK - - ++ 28 6

Canada - - ++ 15

Japan 2 70 79 - -

China 1 76 2 - -

Czech Republic ++ 55 - -

Figures rounded off

Table – 24: Imports of Tin & Alloys : Worked

(By Countries)

2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)

Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 27 1 350 328 29 8 422 695

China 12 6 111 700 14 1 143 368

Korea, Rep. of 40 103 034 39 102 830

Singapore 65 775 83 61 835 55

Japan 1 32 13 7 213 50

Taiwan 6 91 14 12 190 24

Malaysia 17 211 51 10 145 50

Germany 5 88 33 6 118 13

Canada 5 80 18 7 113 04

Indonesia 5 47 14 7 70 66

Hong Kong - - 5 25 85

Other countries 1 29 68 3 52 50

Figures rounded off


Table – 25 : Imports of Tin: Anode, Cathode etc. of Tin Unwrought

(By Countries)
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 11642 15171496 105 03 14946179

Indonesia 73 94 9415691 59 67 8342118
Singapore 76 104 177 28 11 4087624
Malaysia 41 71 5649089 15 54 2256546
China ++ 11 8 12 5 189 825
Thailand - - 25 379 31
Switzerland - - 11 167 21
Vietnam - - 10 138 34
Korea, Rep. of ++ 10 77 ++ 12 55
Germany ++ 32 ++ 13 0
UK ++ 11 9 ++ 78
Other countries 1 11 93 ++ 11 7
Figures rounded off

Table – 26 : Imports of Tin Blocks

(By Countries)
2017-18 (R) 2018-19 (P)
Qt y Value Qt y Value
(t ) (`'000) (t ) (`'000)

All Countries 5 82 09 7 11680

Taiwan 5 78 98 7 112 72
Germany ++ 93 ++ 37 6
UK - - ++ 32
Ukraine ++ 21 8 - -
Figures rounded off

World tin reserves appeared to be adequate to

FUTURE OUTLOOK meet short-term demand. Secondary sources of tin
Accor di ng t o t h e an a l yses put out by are likely to become an increasingly important
International Tin Association (ITA) the latest component to meet supply demands especially in
estimate of refined tin use in 2018 is 3,72,000 tonnes the United States. Domestic tin requirements are
based on data from 2019 survey. The demand for expected to continue to be met primarily through
refined tin reported by survey participants increased imports.
by 2% from 2017, roughly in line with global estimates. The per capita consumption of tinplate in India
However, the survey suggests that the demand is considerably low when compared to many
for tin will contract during 2019, primarily as a result developed countries and developing economies like
of a n un st able m acroeconomi c en vi ronm en t. China. High growth in modern retail, FDI in multi-
The global demand for tin was forecasted to decline brand retail combined with Government’s thrust on
in 2019 because of weakening global manufacturing food processing industries augur well for the growth
and supply chain issues, mainly linked with the of Packaging Industry in India which in turn could
US-China trade war. spur growth of tin consumption in the country.


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