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06 RG Active 12 Week Olympic Program Intermediate

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This 12 week training plan is aimed at getting an intermediate triathlete through Core Phase
a standard distance triathlon who is looking to improve on previous times. This phase builds on the work you’ve done, adding in more demanding
movements which challenge single legs strength and control of more
Athletes should have experience with all three disciplines and be able to commit complex movements. This added skill is essential to good performance
to 10-14 hours per week of training, ideally you should have a good level of and injury prevention.
fitness at the start of the training plan and be comfortable with 2km swim sets,
open water swims, be able to ride for 2 hours and run 10km. However, because Performance Phase
this program still needs to work around your schedule, you can customise and Building on the complexity of the existing program, this phase also
adapt where necessary. You may double up on some training days to allow other includes the addition of explosive movements that build your power,
days off, or include “B races” as part of your training, but try to stick to the completed as a circuit that will increase anaerobic fitness too. Exercises in
rough volumes prescribed to allow sufficient recovery. this phase are targeted at improving your ability to maintain a strong
form, and increase speed.
The intensity of the training in this plan is executed using the RPE (Rate of
Perceived Exertion) scale, this allows the athlete to work to their limits with Flexibility and Mobility
specific barriers. The full RPE scale is detailed in the appendix at the back of the If you are finding you’re getting tight and sore muscles throughout training you
plan. If you use a Heart Rate Monitor and/or GPS tracking, we recommend you can perform the ‘Mobility/Warm-up’ section of the ‘Strength and Conditioning
use this in conjunction with RPE to monitor pace and effort as this will help you Sessions’ more frequently as required to help loosen tight muscles.
judge your pace more effectively.
Getting a sports massage once in a while can also be a good way to help keep
Strength and Conditioning your muscles moving well, if you’re new to sports massage be careful not to get
This plan includes weekly strength & conditioning sessions. We’ve broken these one too close to race day as you may find your muscles have a fatigued feeling
sessions into phases to allow adaptations to your strength through the program afterwards like you’ve done a tough work out.
that meet the demands of your training.
Missed a Session?
Base Phase From time to time your busy lives may get in the way of the training schedule,
This is intended to prepare the joints and soft-tissue for the upcoming sometimes this is unavoidable, don’t feel guilty! In this situation don’t try and
training load. Key elements include mobility, flexibility and balance work, make up the session you’ve missed, simply pick up your schedule as normal the
core work with some easier compound movements to increase strength following day. Also, don’t train on your rest days! These are in there for a
endurance. reason to allow your muscles to recover and repair themselves ready for the
next training sessions in your plan.

back into the routine
Strength & of training and think
SESSION Swim Bike Run Rest Swim Bike about where you
know you need to
DISTANCE 1.5 km 25 km 10 km 60 min/4 km 1.4 km 35 km make improvements
from your last
INTENSITY Technique Mixed effort Aerobic Negative split CSS Test “Just Ride” race/season
SESSION Swim: 5 km RPE 4 Benchmark run: Strength: Swim: Riding outside
DETAILS Session 2 5 km RPE 6 Base Phase Session 1 provides natural Use times from these
5 km RPE 8 Run RPE 6-7 trying changes in intensity early sessions as
5 km RPE 7 to maintain steady Run: through the terrain, bench marks for
pace; note RPE-6-9 conditions and when you increase
pace/speed and layout of the road distance and intensity
heart rate if Starting easy, try later on
monitoring and run each km a Aim to ride at a
few seconds faster comfortable pace If you've not already,
than the previous. around RPE 5-7 look at getting a bike
The middle of this fit. This is about
run should match Over gearing could more than being
your aerobic be used to quick, a proper fit can
HR/effort strengthen legs on help prevent injuries
flatter sections

KEY Body position, Getting the legs Setting a bench mark Starting strength Set a baseline pace Miles in the legs. Try
FOCUS kicking & catch moving, set a base and using this to set program for the coming block “over gearing” for WEEKLY
speed/effort level to pace for aerobic of training strength work; DISTANCE:
work from in later efforts for this Finding a steady (riding one gear 76.9 KM
sessions program pace higher)
NOTES It's all about getting Maintain a Make a note of your First strength Critical Swim Speed Time in the saddle
started, working on comfortable pace/speed during session of the (CSS) is your will allow you to get
body position and cadence and rhythm these sessions as a program; focus on swimming lactate used to your bike,
efficiency in the reference of your technique and threshold. Training and if you’re
water Try to stay in a speed for a given execution of the at this pace will see thinking about
comfortable and effort movements optimal speed changing the
aero position. Use improvements. Use positions or using
gearing to maintain Make note of your times from 400 & aero-bars then the
effort average HR for the 200 efforts to use as more you can get
last 6 km bench mark for later used to them the
sessions better
week slightly, but not
Strength & Strength & too much, so as to
SESSION Bike Swim & Run Rest Run Bike allow recovery
Swim Run
DURATION 60 min/1.8 km 25 km 1.8 km/5.2 km 60 min/3 km 8 km 40 km Pace judgement and
learning times for
INTENSITY Endurance Intervals Speed work Tempo Hills Aerobic completing distances
SESSION Strength: 3 km warm up RPE Swim: Strength: Head out for a Head out for a ride
DETAILS Base Phase 4-5 Session 4 Base Phase steady run around at an RPE 5-8, Getting to know each
RPE 5-7 some mixed exercise on the
Swim: 2 km RPE 8 Run: Run: efforts, taking in strength program
Session 3 3 km RPE 5 Track Session 1 Sub max effort, Aim to include hills as they happen
(4 x through) consistence pace some undulation in and making use of Sustaining efforts over
Consistent lap pacing RPE 7-8 your route, holding any flat safe areas longer distances
2 km warm down with intervals of same the effort level on to put a little
RPE 4 distance the hills, both up power down
and down

If you make this

session off-road
too, this will
provide great
difficulty since
you’ll be working
your stability
muscles too
KEY Building endurance Working towards a Strength from paddle Progressing with Maintaining pace Working at
FOCUS and consistency threshold pace, work, hip rotation your strength even on undulating threshold and WEEKLY
setting a pace for when using pull buoy terrain below DISTANCE:
later sessions Holding a pace on 84.7 KM
NOTES Efficiency is key to Session may be Use paddles to slow Strength training is You may utilise Learning to vary
building great done on indoor down your arm valuable for making sessions like these the pace on the
swimming. Look to trainers where speed so you can you more "robust", as off-road bike will keep
be able to repeat practical, however think about position, but exercises must sessions, it’s more training interesting,
effort times of the don't ignore value set up and breathing. be performed fun and trying to but will also teach
same distance and of getting out on correctly; focus on control balance pace judgment and
concentrate on the bike Being able to repeat technique and effort on rough your ability to
consistency in intervals of the same terrain is great for overtake cleanly
strokes per length effort show good Run should be run skill and fitness and tackle
and breathing pacing and short and sharp undulating courses

routine going. Modify
session timings to fit
SESSION Swim Bike Swim & Run Rest Strength Bike Brick your schedule if need
be or if you find one
DURATION 1.5 km 25 km 1.8 km/10 km 45-60 min 40 km 15 km/5 km session fatigues you for
another too much
INTENSITY Technique Mixed effort Endurance Hilly Mixed
SESSION Swim: 5 km RPE 5 Swim: Strength: Endurance ride will Bike RPE 5-6 steady Your first brick session
DETAILS Session 2 5 km RPE 7 Session 3 Core Phase hill reps. effort will be a chance to
5 km RPE 8 This can be over a work hard off the bike,
5 km RPE 9 Run: chosen undulating Run RPE 6-7 steady Practice this so you
5 km RPE 6 Steady pace run, route, or you can effort can get up to speed
warm up into your create a course sooner in races
Use the gearing to aerobic effort/HR. around a couple of Moderate effort
keep your cadence Keep your breathing specific hills that bike with harder
between 85-95 light and your run are taxing run; running on
form smooth tired legs
Practice in and out
Undulation is allowed, of the saddle Perform the run
but avoid overly steep climbing straight after the
stuff to maintain effort bike

KEY FOCUS Body position, Pacing, changing Building endurance Execution & Strength and power Getting used to
kicking & catch efforts and and consistency posture during on hills running off the bike WEEKLY
gearing/cadence exercise DISTANCE:
98.3 KM

NOTES It's all about getting Treating this Efficiency is key to Third week in, the Hill work will make First Brick: Running
started, working on session like a building great exercises should you stronger on the off the bike can feel
body position and negative split ride, swimming. Look to be start to get easier bike, being able to odd as the leg
efficiency in the working up to your able to repeat effort as your body begins measure your effort movements differ.
water threshold pace, and times of the same to adapt. Keep up hills can make Start slow and try
above towards the distance and paying attention to up lots of time in a to settle into a
end before going concentrate on good body position race comfortable run
back to an aerobic consistency in strokes rhythm
pace. Gradually per length and
increasing like this breathing
will help you link
HR, power and
effort better
be starting to feel
improvements in
SESSION Swim Bike Swim & Run Rest Strength Swim & Run Bike
fitness from training

DURATION 1.7 km 30 km 2.2 km/12 km 60 min 1.8 km/5 km 50 km Stick to the increases
INTENSITY Speed work Intervals Endurance Form/Posture Technique Aerobic in distances as best
you can, and where it
SESSION Swim: 5 km RPE 5 Swim: Strength: Swim: RPE 7-8 fits
DETAILS Session 4 5 km RPE 6 Session 6 Base Phase Session 5
5 km RPE 7 Steady state ride By now you should be
5 km RPE 8 Run: Run: with some mixed getting more familiar
5 km RPE 7 RPE 6-7 RPE 7-9 terrain with judging your
5 km RPE 6 Steady aerobic effort. Hill reps; plan a run effort on the RPE
Pace yourself at and route/lap that takes Plan a route that scale. And, if you’re
Use the gearing to easy pace for the first about 2-3 minutes allows you to also using
keep your cadence few km before to complete. spend time in your HR/Cadence meters
between 85-95 settling into your Repeat this loop as aero position with you can relate this to
upper aerobic pace. many time as you prolonged time at a working HR for
You may do this as need to get to your your upper aerobic your bike and run
an off road run too, distance, rest for 60 effort
but no need to add in sec after each effort
too much undulation Keep efforts

KEY Strength from paddle Pace judgement Building endurance Executing your Building endurance Pace judgement,
FOCUS work, hip rotation and working at and consistency movement in good in your swim aero position WEEKLY
when using pull buoy higher efforts form, better DISTANCE:
mobility & core Strength in your run 102.7 KM
NOTES Use paddles to slow This may be Efficiency is key to The strength Efficiency is key to Sustaining effort
down your arm performed on a building great program should be building great over the longest
speed so you can turbo or outside, swimming. Look to getting easier and swimming. Look to leg of the race is
think about position, whichever is be able to repeat you may be be able to repeat important for a
set up and breathing convenient effort times of the increasing your effort times of the good result. Being
same distance and resistance/times of same distance and able to hold that
concentrate on each exercise concentrate on effort for long
consistency in consistency in beyond race
strokes per length strokes per length distance will make
and breathing and breathing the race distance
relatively easier

be more settled with
Strength & the routine and moving
SESSION Bike Run Rest Strength & Run Swim & Run Bike
Swim any sessions to fit in
with your day to day
DURATION 60 min/2.2 km 35 km 10 km 60 min/5 km 2.5 km/5.6 km 60 km life
Speed work/
INTENSITY Endurance Intervals Steady Intervals Aerobic As the bike distance
increases you should
SESSION Strength: 5 km Warm up RPE 5-6 Strength: Swim: RPE6-8
start to find a
DETAILS Core Phase RPE 4-5 Maintain a steady Base Phase Session 7 Head out on a
(below threshold) route with varying
speed/rhythm with
Swim: 1 min RPE 5 pace Run: Run: terrain, aiming to
your peddling that will
Session 6 6 min RPE 6 Long run day and now Outdoor or Track Session 2 keep a steady
become your natural
2 min RPE 7 you’re up to 12 km. treadmill; run for tempo
cadence. Use gears to
1 min RPE 8 Running longer than 5km alternating
keep you in this range
1 min RPE 9 your race distance will between: Use longer rides to
help you improve run practice pacing and
Repeat as many form stamina over the getting used to a As the weekly distance
3 min RPE 5
times through until 10 km more aero position increase make sure
2 min RPE 8
you reach 33 km where possible; you’re sleeping and
bent elbows, low eating enough to
2 km RPE 4 on the bars/drops recover
or aero bars if you
have them. Think
about fuelling in this
position too
KEY FOCUS Building endurance Adjusting and Moderate effort with Recovery from Strength from Utilising the best
and consistency holding speed & sustainable form harder efforts, paddle work, hip position or gear for WEEKLY
recovery from throughout improving run rotation when using the type of road DISTANCE:
efforts speed pull buoy you’re on 120.3 KM
NOTES By now hopefully Remember RPE 6 is Remember that The strength Use paddles to Start looking at
you will be starting your sustainable building run program should be slow down your your average speed
to see consistent moderate pace, endurance is as much getting easier and arm speed so you over these rides.
times of your timed then building up about maintaining run you should be can think about They should be
efforts of the same through to RPE 8 form as well as speed increasing your position, set up and below your
distance being your and distance resistance/times of breathing. expected race pace
threshold pace each exercise (because of traffic,
(Race pace) with Consistent pacing junctions etc.) but a
RPE 9 being on run sets of same good indication of
unsustainable for distance your progress over
much longer than the program

things like elastic laces
Strength & Strength & in your shoes, or
SESSION Bike Swim & Run Rest Bike Brick perhaps running
Swim Swim
without socks to
DURATION 60 min/2.1 km 30 km 2.2 km/14 km 60 min/2.5 km 40 km 20 km/5 km improve transition
time, then practice this
INTENSITY Technique Intervals Endurance Speed Hilly Tempo now to give you time
SESSION Strength: 3 km warm up Swim: Strength: Endurance ride Complete your to get used to it
DETAILS Core Phase RPE 4 Session 6 Base Phase over varied route bike/run brick in a
some hills and tempo/race pace Half way through, you
Swim: 4 min RPE 6 Run: Swim: some flat. Use a format; holding a should be feeling fitter,
Session 8 4 min RPE 9 Building your distance Session 7 base RPE 5-6 and firm but slightly but also make sure
(repeat 3 times) on this run, start easy then attack hills, below threshold you're resting enough
and work into a pacing yourself up pace on the bike and getting suitable
3 km warm down comfortable pace. so that you can and then running recovery nutrition
RPE 4 Aim to use HR and continue your hard off the bike
RPE to control a effort at the top. Make sure you're
consistent effort. You Use fast flat Bike RPE 7 taking enough water
can do this run off- sections to practice Run RPE 8 out on longer rides &
road, but ideally not your aero position experiment with
too hilly electrolyte drinks &
any race fuel you might
be planning to use

KEY FOCUS Kicking, arm position Over and under Body position, Strength from Holding a base pace Learning to run
intervals; above sustained technique paddle work, hip with select efforts hard off a hard bike WEEKLY
and below aerobic even at the end of rotation when using DISTANCE:
pace long sets pull buoy 115.8 KM
NOTES Better kicking means While this session Keeping stroke Use paddles to Aim to sustain a Practice with
better body position may be done efficiency even when slow down your high overall pace, gearing to find and
and hip rotation. outside on a flat fatigued is key to arm speed so you judging your pace maintain a steady
Improving your catch loop; it's a good maintaining good can think about on hills and efforts, cadence/rhythm so
will improve your one for the speed position, set up and combine with you can control
speed through the turbo/indoor breathing handling on corners your effort
water trainer too and descents Settle into a run
pace quickly
Practice set up in
transition so you
can save valuable


Strength & This is an opportunity

SESSION Bike Swim & Run Rest Strength & Run Swim/Run Bike to test how far you've
come and get an idea
DURATION 60 min/2.1 km 40 km 2.6 km/10 km 60 min/5.2 km 1.5 km/8 km 65 km of where you'll be
setting your race
INTENSITY Technique TT Endurance Track OWS/Hills Hills target pace
SESSION Strength: 1 km warm up Swim: Strength: Swim: Option 1:
DETAILS Core Phase RPE 5 Session 9 Performance Phase Getting back into Steady state ride on If you've not already;
the open water, a hilly route. Hold a start thinking about
Swim: Once warmed up Run: Run: focus on your base of RPE 6 and hydration and fuelling
Session 8 using your pace RPE 8+ Track Session 1 wetsuit fitting and hit hills with RPE for longer rides and
from previous Head out for a tough getting into a 8+ perhaps experiment
session aim to hit but aerobic run relaxed form and with various
your threshold focusing on good run breathing when it’s Option 2: if you drinks/gels if you're
speed for the rest form and high run cold don’t have many planning to take them
of the distance cadence. This should hills in your area, come race day
be just below your Run: perhaps plan a
Warm down, easy race pace effort. RPE 7-8 route where you Hydration during long
leg spin afterwards Hard, but still Plan a hilly, can ride out to one session is key,
for a couple comfortable challenging and hill, and repeat experiment with
minutes perhaps off-road climb it as part of a different options so
route and run small loop or just you have a good idea
steady but light up & down, for 45 of what will work for
minutes and then you on race day
return along your
route on the flat
KEY FOCUS Kicking, arm Maintaining Holding pace while Learning to run at Swim: technique & Strength work and
position intensity with maintaining form, and hold threshold sighting, water polo higher intensity WEEKLY
minimal change in especially on longer pace. Building pace drill efforts with ability DISTANCE:
pace sets on shorter strength Run: High aerobic to recover 134.4 KM
NOTES Better kicking This should be Stokes per length, Pacing and strength Ensure you warm Play with position
means better body done on a flattish similar work. Improving up prior to running; on bars for flat &
position and hip route. Alternatively, strides/cadence, the your ability to run foam rolling & climbing. Use gears
rotation this may also be more consistent your at higher speeds mobility work to to keep your pedal
Improving your done on a turbo movement the better will increase your allow better run cadence smooth
catch will improve trainer, WATT bike your efficiency run fitness but also form. Adjusting
your speed through or gym bike. The give your more your pace up and
the water idea is to test how With both your swim ability to push down hills to keep
well you can hold a and your run session; yourself towards your HR under
goal race pace efficiency is the goal the later stages of a control will develop
race good pacing
planning to use should
Strength & Strength & be use in training to
SESSION Bike Swim & Run Rest Brick Bike
Swim Swim test it; new goggles
(tinted for open
DURATION 60 min/2.6 km 30 km 2.1 km/12 km 20 km/7.5 km 70 km 60 min/3 km water), trainers, elastic
Technique/ laces, bike shoes, tri
INTENSITY Speed Intervals Negative split Aerobic OWS suit etc.
Negative split
SESSION Strength: Incremental set: Swim: Negative split both As your longest Strength:
Open water
DETAILS Core Phase 10 km RPE 5 Session 8 part of your brick ride on the Performance Phase
competency will be a
10 km RPE 7 session, starting program this one
massive factor in your
Swim: 10 km RPE 8-9 Run: with a quick but should be about Open Water Swim:
comfort, confidence
Session 10 Steady aerobic run steady pace, then knowing you can Continued
and will count come
Getting used to an with a slight negative building to race more than acclimatisation to
race day
increasing intensity split. Break this into; pace and eventually comfortable do the the wetsuit, water
which will feel like 3 x 4 km efforts finishing slightly distance, but also clarity, temperature
Practice getting the suit
it’s getting faster than race still hold a pretty etc.
on, getting it wet
particularly hard at 4 km RPE 5 pace good pace too. Practice sighting,
(inside) in the water,
the end 4 km RPE 6 Experimenting with learning how it feels
warming and getting
4 km RPE 7-8 Bike: fuelling on a ride to swim in a
used to it quickly so
If you’re doing this RPE 6-9 this long will also wetsuit, learn to let
that come race day it’s
set outside where help you to work it help you. Swim in
all routine
the ground Run: out a nutrition a group or with
naturally varies, try RPE 6-9 strategy for your friends to simulate
Consider goggle choice
to make your race race conditions
for weather/lighting
average HR higher swimming with
by 5-10 beats every RPE 6-7 others or in a pack
10 km
KEY FOCUS Strength from Pace control, Kicking, arm position Increasing efforts, Ability to hold pace Being comfortable
paddle work, hip knowing what’s working hard to the even on long ride in open water and WEEKLY
rotation when using easy and what’s Keep differences in finish trying to replicate DISTANCE:
pull buoy hard pace subtle your pace 147.2 KM
NOTES Use paddles to While this session Better kicking means If you're able to, as After 8 weeks you
slow down your may be done better body position an option you can should be noticing a
arm speed so you outside on a flat and hip rotation. split this brick up difference in your
can think about loop; it's a good Improving your catch into a double brick; strength in the gym.
position, set up and one for the will improve your bike/run/bike/run Increase intensity,
breathing turbo/indoor speed through the (10/5/10/2.5 km) but maintain good
trainer too water A good session for technique
groups if you can
have someone
watching your
transition area

this level you should
Strength & really feel the
SESSION Swim Bike Run Rest Swim & Run Bike endurance
DURATION 2.6 km 40 km 12 km 60 min/6.4 km 2 km/8 km 60 km
Focus on your ability
INTENSITY Endurance Hills Steady Track OWS/Tempo Fartlek to hold higher efforts
SESSION Swim@ RPE 6-9 RPE 6-7 Strength: Swim: RPE 6-8 for longer. Use hills
Session 9 Use a hilly route or Sub-maximal pace Performance Phase By now you should Head out on a ride sessions to focus on
one with at least be back into the with varied terrain power and control
one good climb Steady sub maximal Run: swing of open where you know
that takes >3 min pace, holding good Track Session 4 water. Start to go you'll get a mix of Keep improving open
to ascend form throughout. If through shorter fast flat and some water skills &
you wish to do this race pace efforts. climbs. Ride at a confidence
Mix up between run off-road you can. Depending on your steady pace adding
seated and standing It’ll add variety but training loop, look in the odd burst on Look at your race
climbing, keeping also naturally changing to do 400-750 m a climb or your route in more detail to
rhythm. Get used surface and terrain efforts, varying favourite flat bit. prepare for things like
to descending too will improve strength speed Treat this like a hills, technical sections,
and run form Practice starts too ‘fartlek’ (random long transitions etc.
Pace yourself so interval) sessions.
you can get back Run: Have some fun Throw in a quick
into a good work RPE 8 transition practice
rate at the top. Use Comfortably after your OWS;
descents to uncomfortable getting wetsuit off asap
practice handling upper aerobic run while still moving,
skills running after a swim
KEY FOCUS Holding pace, Climbing, Focus on run form Hold form, and Homing in on race Using your gears to
especially on longer descending, and posture especially ensure times are pace for swim & maintain effort WEEKLY
sets maintaining rhythm when you begin to repeated on run DISTANCE:
on climbs tire shorter sets 131 KM
NOTES Keep strokes per If you've not a hilly Ensure you’re The longer set Focus on Experiment with
length consistent, route you can do hydrated and perhaps should be closer to controlling your different positions
Remember to use plan a 5-8 km loop practice with any your goal race breathing as this is on the bike; hoods,
breathing to around 1 particular energy products pace. The shorter often first to go if drops, aiming to be
control effort hill and rep around you’re planning to use sets should be you're new to open more 'aero' where
that on race day faster water. Remember it counts
to keep your head
down to improve
body position

volume will start to
Swim & Strength & come down, If your
SESSION Bike Swim/Run Rest Swim Brick
Strength Bike bike fitness is good
you may ride slightly
DURATION 60 min/2.6 km 30 km 2.1 km/10 km 60 min/40 km 2 km 30 km/7.5 km further on Friday or
INTENSITY Speed Fartlek Technique/neg. split Threshold Open water Bike/Run add in another ride on
Saturday of up to an
SESSION Strength: RPE 6-8 Swim: Strength: Longer steady Race simulation: hour
DETAILS Core Phase Preferably Session 8 Performance Phase duration swimming, Using your
outdoors ride on a run through intended race kit, Speed work and pacing
Swim: naturally varied Run: Bike: wetsuit fitting, clothing is key
Session 10 route. Add in some RPE 8+ Head out for a lubricant, and use
harder “fartlek” Head out for a tough short sharp ride, your tri-suit Bike: warm up over Start to think about
style efforts. but aerobic run focusing on holding underneath. the first couple of how much fluid you're
Pick a route where focusing on good run an aero position Practice your km then build into using in training as a
you can practice form and high run and working sighting and start RPE 8 predictor of what
longer cadence. This should towards your to play around with you'll need on race day
aerobar/drop be just below your maximum speed work; Run: strong off the
efforts to work race pace effort. sustainable pace Swim hard off the bike and into race Wear race clothing
hard in a lower Hard, but still start, settle into pace as soon as and equipment in key
position comfortable RPE 8 steady pace, then you can RPE 8+ session to make sure
pick up again everything is
towards the finish thoroughly tested
KEY FOCUS Strength from paddle Simulating holding a Kicking, arm position Speed work and Swimming an
work, hip rotation pace in a race with pushing into peak accurate course WEEKLY
when using pull buoy shorter higher Speed work, run fitness and holding pace in DISTANCE:
efforts like strength open water 124.2 KM
NOTES Use paddles to slow You can do this Drills should feel a lot If you haven't Strength session Even though we Prep you bike as
down your arm session on an easier and kicking already start here are now key want to try and you intend to on
speed so you can indoor trainer or smoother thinking about in keeping your race at a steady race day; bottles,
think about position, outside on a flat recovery massage. body mobile and pace, mixing up nutrition, spares.
set up and breathing circuit where you With the volume of working muscles your speed will Field test all your
can ride training you're that you'll be simulate fatigue or planned equipment
uninterrupted doing your body relying on being out of breath and transition
will thank you for a and help you learn strategies
little maintenance to cope with it
down and working on
Strength & speed will let your
SESSION Swim Bike Swim & Run Rest Swim Brick
Run body start to recover
while acting as a last
DURATION 2.6 km 30 km 2.6 km/5 km 45 min/5km 1 km 20 km/5 km surge for your peak
INTENSITY Endurance TT Speed/Negative Tempo Open water fitness

SESSION Swim: Preferably outside Swim: Strength: If you like you can Race day Everything should be
DETAILS Session 9 on a route you Session 10 Your program do this session as a simulation: aimed at setting up
know well and can choice straight 1 km swim Use all your kit and your race plan
ride hard safely. Run: Which even TT. Otherwise practice how you'll
Aim to complete Head out for a run, program you feel is break it up into lay it out come race NB; All plans need to
the ride at race starting at an easy more effective for shorter/faster day be flexible, this is a
intensity. Hold pace for the first km you. Keep the efforts. Where critical stage in training
steady effort then increasing your weights/repetition ever you feel you Bike & Run working and if you feel over
HR/Power speed each km by a the same but only stand to gain the on your pacing and fatigued you must rest
small amount complete around most, based on trying to settle into
RPE 8 2/3 of the total how your training your run as soon as
RPE 5-9 sets. Allocate more has gone you can off the
time to flexibility bike. Work on
and foam rolling transition time

Run: RPE 7-8

Steady pace
RPE 7-8
KEY FOCUS Holding pace, Sustained race pace Strength from paddle Flexibility Distance, breathing, Transition speed,
especially on longer work, hip rotation sighting, pace pacing WEEKLY
sets when using pull buoy High aerobic pace DISTANCE:
71.2 KM
NOTES Keep strokes per keep hydrated and Use paddles to slow Keeping your Polishing off your Everyone lays out
length consistent, note your intake, down your arm speed muscles working, open water skills transition slightly
Remember to use practice nutrition so you can think but more and fitness ahead of differently. Find
breathing to strategy about position, set up importantly keeping your race what works for you
control effort and breathing them mobile and and practice it; e.g.
recovering will be race belt, elastic
important for being laces, nutrition
at your best on day
WEEK 12 – Race Week GOALS
done, nothing you can
Strength do now will make you
SESSION Swim Bike Run Run Swim RACE DAY
(Run) fitter. So the focus
here is to maintain
DURATION 1.7 km 15 km 3 km 30 min 2 km 750 m 1.5/40/10 km your peak while
allowing recovery
INTENSITY Speed work Fartlek Fartlek Easy Easy Easy Race Pace
SESSION Swim: Final pre-race Run at a steady pace Just do the Still warming up Relaxed effort The hard work is Keep the sessions high
DETAILS Session 4 check; ride a steady focusing on your form WARM- beforehand this swim, loosening off over, stick to what quality with good pace
effort bike in race and keeping a light UP/flexibility part should be about with a few short you know in work
set up, carry what foot strike. Add in of your routine keeping your legs bursts training. Race hard,
you’re planning to shorts burst of harder ONLY! moving. Still race well and enjoy Reduced
carry in the race. efforts for a little bit working at a good RPE 5-7 it! volume/distance will
Add in some bursts at a time. Run: OPTIONAL tempo, but not allow for
2-4min efforts RPE 5-7 If you're feeling quite race pace adaptation/recovery
RPE 5-7 good head out for RPE 7
a gentle 1 km run If you’ve travelled to
@RPE 5-6 to keep an event having a run
you lose (optional) or swim when you get
there can help you get
over a journey

KEY FOCUS Strength from How the bike feels Run form Flexibility, recovery Relaxed form Good position, WEEKLY
paddle work, hip technique in the DISTANCE:
rotation when water. Relaxed
using pull buoy stroke 73.9 KM

NOTES Use paddles to This is you pre- This distance should Nice short session Do your best, and
slow down your race bike check; is feel very easy now to loosen off. You have fun!
arm speed so you all in working and you should feel could even do this
can think about order, do you have good when you finish session in open
position, set up and the spares you water for a
breathing need. After the confidence boost
ride, clean the bike and wetsuit
and give the tyres a removal practice
once over


We use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale illustrated below to determine the intensity of your sessions.
These will be highlighted in each session to make it clear as to what is expected. This table helps you understand
exactly how you should feel when executing the training session. Due to the nature of the scale, it is subjective and
requires you to feel how your body is responding to the exercise, when doing this consider how your heart is
pumping, how quickly you are breathing, how much you are sweating and how much discomfort you are
experiencing in your legs.

Heart rate training – If you like to train to heart rate, where the RPE is 6-7 train to 65%-75% of your maximum heart
rate, for and RPE of 7-8 aim for a range of 70-80% and for RPE 9 around 85-90% of your maximum heart rate.

Please remember that everybody’s RPE figure could be different to yours when exercising at the same speed because
we all respond differently to exercise.


0 Complete rest
1 Very Weak: I am just about moving
2 Weak: I am walking at a faster pace and can hold a conversation easily
3 Light: I am beginning to sweat a little, but can hold conversation throughout
4 Moderate: I am very happy at this effort
Somewhat Strong: I am sweating more heavily and starting to feel my breathing is becoming more
6 Strong: I am beginning to feel more out of breath but could maintain this pace for a few hours
7 Very Strong: My breathing is very laboured, but I can still maintain pace for an hour without slowing
8 Hard: I am starting to struggle to hold this pace and my heart is racing and am sweating heavily
9 Very Hard: This is hurting and I can only hold this effort for up to 5mins
10 Extremely Hard: I am absolutely flat out and this is sprinting. I will need to stop after 30secs

Hill Runs
Hill work is typically completed through a series of hill repeats. It’s a great way to develop strength and stride
efficiency. Ideally done on a moderate grade (6 to 7 percent).
When it comes to hill training you have two main options:
1. Structured repetitions of a single hill that takes between 3-5 min to ascend which you can then perform as
many repetitions as required to reach the target distance.
2. If you happen to have access to somewhere hilly to run, you can just plan a route that takes in plenty of up
and down over the course of your run.
These runs are also good ones to do off-road, since rough terrain will make you work harder, build stability and add

Tempo Runs
After a warm up of 5 minutes or so at a steady aerobic pace (RPE4-6) run the rest of the session at a sub threshold
pace (RPE7-8), this is a hard session but not super tough. Think of it as being “comfortably uncomfortable”. Finish
your session with 5 mins easy (RPE4-5).

Structured durations of above and below threshold efforts aimed at improving performance and fitness by getting
you to work harder than you’re currently able to sustain. Add a warm-up and cool down of 5 mins easy to the
beginning and end of your session, then use the following ratio in your session and repeat:
3 min @ RPE 9 (Very Hard – refer to RPE chart)
2 min @ RPE 5 (Somewhat Strong – refer to RPE chart)

Fartlek Runs
‘Fartlek’ translates from Swedish to English as “speed play”, these are unstructured intervals that are made up as you
run. It might be, “sprint to that lamp post… to the next bridge” etc. It’s great for mixing things up and when running
with a friend to keep things fun.

Track Sessions
See following page

Track Sessions
Track work is used to develop speed and pace consistency. Specific track (400m loop) intervals have been outlined
within the training program, however these can be adapted and completed over a similar distance around any flat
course you have available to you, for example, a football field.

You should aim to run your ‘main set’ as fast as you can (around an RPE8), however the pace you set should be
consistent for all of your 400m efforts, for example the 400m pace during your 400m effort should be the same as
your 400m pace during your final 800m effort. If you start out to fast your 400m times will start slipping. Find a pace
you can maintain and hold. You may find the first few laps easy but by the end of the session the same pace will feel
hard. As you progress over the weeks you can try add extra intervals or start to take a few seconds off your 400m
lap times. Recovery times between intervals should also be consistent – for this session take 60-90 secs only
between each repetition.


Warmup Warmup Warmup
400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5

Drills Drills Drills

Side Steps Side Steps Side Steps
Bounding Bounding Bounding
Leaping Leaping Leaping
Main Set Main Set Main Set
1 x 1200m 1 x 1600m 1 x 1200m
2 x 800m 2 x 800m 3 x 400m
4 x 400m 4 x 400m 1 x 1200m
3 x 400m
1 x 1200m
3 x 400m
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5
TOTAL 5200m TOTAL 5600m TOTAL 8000m

TRACK SESSION 4 TRACK SESSION 5 Running drill videos can be

Warmup Warmup viewed online via our
400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5 YouTube channel here:

Side Steps

Main Set Main Set

1 x 1600m 4 x 800m
4 x 400m 6 x 400m
2 x 800m
2 x 400m

Cool Down Cool Down

400m @RPE 4-5 400m @RPE 4-5
TOTAL 6400m TOTAL 6400m
SWIM SESSIONS – Intermediate/Advanced Plans
These sessions are based on a 25m pool, if you swim in a pool of a different length, then aim to adapt and match the
plan as near as you can. Sessions fall into three categories; technique, endurance and speed sessions.
If you’re following the ‘intermediate’ training plan we recommend you follow the shorter distance
options, if following the advanced option then look to complete the longer options. However, the
sessions are a guide and depending on your ability you can choose to increase or decrease the number of sets for a
given session to match your ability level, a focused session with no distractions and strict rest times should be
approximately 60mins in duration so the distance you complete will vary depending on your ability.
Rest times between sets should be minimal and depend on the effort level and length of the interval. Aim for
between 20-45 seconds. On longer sets of similar intervals you can go off a fixed turnaround, e.g. 100 m off 2:15, so
whatever time remains after your 100 m is your rest.
Critical Swim Speed (CSS)
Your first swim session is CSS swim test and it will also give you a good benchmark to see how you improve over
the 12 weeks. It will help you plan and pace intervals in the rest of the plan. Here’s an online calculator which you
can use to calculate your CSS once you have your 400m & 200m timed effort from session 1, the calculator will give
you a 100m pace. Here’s an example of how to use the result; if your 100m pace is 1min 30sec aim to swim your
100m efforts off 1min 45sec or 1min 50sec to begin with that is 90secs of effort 15-20sec rest before to next 100m
repeat, you need to be very strict on these turnaround times, aim to reduce your CSS time over the 12 weeks.

Swim drills used in sessions

Catch Up Kicking with board Pull / Pull Buoy Fist Drill

Single Arm Kicking on Side & Back Pull & Paddles Sighting (Open water)

Drills can be found on YouTube here:

FS = Freestyle/Front Crawl


Warmup Warmup
200m Warm up @RPE 4+ 200m warm up – FS RPE 4
Main Set – CSS TEST Main Set
400m FS Timed Best Paced Effort 200m Drill (25m fist/25m FS, 2-4 times through)
Rest 60 sec 200m FS @RPE 7
100m FS @RPE 5 100m Kicking, Fins optional (on your front with
200m FS Timed Best Paced Effort kickboard) Rest 15 sec every length
400m FS + Pull buoy 200m FS @RPE 7
200m Drill (25m 1-arm FS/25m 1-arm FS/50m FS, 2-4
times through)
400m FS @RPE 7
100m Kicking, Fins optional (on your side, 1-arm out
in front, 25m each side x2)
200m-300m FS @RPE 8
Cool Down Cool Down
100m Warm down @RPE 4 100m warm down, any stroke @RPE 4
TOTAL 1400m TOTAL 1500m - 2000m
SWIM SESSIONS – Intermediate/Advanced Plans

SWIM SESSION 7 – Speed Work SWIM SESSION 8 - Technique

Warmup Warmup
400m Warm up @RPE 4+ 200m warm up FS @RPE 4
300m Drill (25m 1-arm FS/25m 1-arm FS/25m FS x 4)
200m Kicking, Fins optional (25m on front, 25m on
each side, 25m on back) Rest every 100m
Main Set – 3 times through Main Set
1 x 200m FS + Paddles @RPE 7 2 or 3 times through:
2 x 100m FS @RPE 8 (CSS) 400m FS @RPE 7
4 x 50m FS @RPE 9 100m FS @RPE 9
1 x 50m Backstroke/Breaststroke recovery @RPE 5 Then:
100m Kicking, Fins optional (25m on front, 25m on
each side, 25m on back)
200m FS + Pull buoy @RPE 8

Cool Down Cool Down

150 m Warm down any stroke @RPE 4 100m warm down, any stroke @RPE 4
TOTAL 2500m TOTAL 2100m - 2600m

SWIM SESSION 9 - Endurance SWIM SESSION 10 – Speed Work

Warmup 200m - 400m warm up – FS RPE 4
400m Warm up @RPE 4+ 2 x 100m FS Increasing effort each length; RPE 6, 7, 8,
9 (35 sec rest)
Main Set – 3 times through Main Set
300m FS + Paddle + Pull buoy @RPE 6 5 x 200m FS @RPE 7-8 (CSS)
200m FS @RPE 7 6 x 100m FS @RPE 9
50m Backstroke/Breaststroke 200m FS + Pull buoy
1 or 2 x 400m FS @RPE 7+ (Last 100m of each effort 6 x 50m FS @RPE 10
@RPE 9) Optional - 2 x 100m Medley (if you cannot do fly,
replace with FS)
Cool Down Cool Down
150m Warm down any stroke @RPE 4 100m warm down, any stroke @RPE 4
TOTAL 2600m - 3000m TOTAL 2600m - 3000m
SWIM SESSIONS – Intermediate/Advanced Plans
SWIM SESSION 3 - Endurance SWIM SESSION 4 – Speed Work
Warmup Warmup
400m Warm up @RPE 4+ 200m - 400m warm up – FS RPE 4
Main Set Main Set
1 x 250m or 400m FS + Pull buoy @RPE 6 5 x 200m FS + Paddles + Pull buoy @RPE 7 (CSS)
2 x 150m or 200m FS @RPE 7 4 or 5 x 100m FS @RPE 8 (CSS)
4 x 100m FS @RPE 8
2 x 150m or 200m FS @RPE 7
1 x 250m or 400m FS + Pull buoy @RPE 6
Cool Down Cool Down
100m Warm down @RPE 4 100m warm down, any stroke @RPE 4
TOTAL 1800m - 2500m TOTAL 1700m - 2000m

SWIM SESSION 5 - Technique SWIM SESSION 6 – Endurance

Warmup Warmup
200m warm up FS @RPE 4 400m warm up – FS RPE 4
300m Drill (25m 1-arm FS/25m 1-arm FS/25m FS x 4)
100m or 200m Kicking, Fins optional (on your side
w/1-arm out in front, 25 m each side x4) Rest every
Main Set Main Set
1 x 300m or 400m FS @RPE 6 300m FS + Paddles + Pull buoy @RPE 6
2 x 200m or 300m FS + Pull Buoy @RPE 7 2 x 150m FS @RPE 8 (CSS)
2 or 4 x 200m FS + Paddle + Pull buoy @RPE 8 (Repeat above 2 or 3 times through)

500m FS (First 400m @RPE 7, remaining 100m

Cool Down Cool Down
100m Warm down any stroke @RPE 4 100m warm down, any stroke @RPE 4
TOTAL 1800m - 2600m TOTAL 2200m – 2800m


Foam roll your back, especially lower, to ease off connective
Foam roller, back 30–45 sec
tissue & increase mobility
Roll ITBs to release tension in connective tissue that may
Foam roller, ITB 30–45 sec
inhibit knee/hip movement
Rolling calves, especially Achilles, can aid ankle flexibility and
Foam roller, calves 30–45 sec
recovery from training

Using a lacrosse/hockey ball or rolling pin, roller your feet

Foam roll, feet 30–45 sec
paying attention to arches

Gently driving hips into stretch, with arms overhead to feel

Kneeling hip flexor stretch 30–45 sec
stretch in hips & torso
From "start" position to semi-standing while holding foot,
Hamstring 'track stretch' 8-10 reps
until stretch it felt, in hamstring

MAIN SET (YouTube link:

2-3 each
Side plank, from knees 45 sec Static 20 sec Body weight

Front plank on knees 2-3 45 sec Static 20 sec Body weight

10 each Resistance
Tube walking (band around ankles) 2-3 Slow 20 sec
side band

Dead bug 2-3 12-16 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Two leg glute press with feet on step 2-3 12-15 Slow 20 sec Body weight

Stability ball wall squat 2-3 12-15 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Hamstring curl on stability ball 2-3 8-10 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Forward lunge, alternating sides 2-3 20 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Laying over stability ball, arm raise 2-3 12-15 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Kneeling press up 2-3 12-16 Slow 30 sec Body weight


Foam roll your back, especially lower, to ease off connective
Foam roller, back 30–45 sec
tissue & increase mobility
Roll ITBs to release tension in connective tissue that may
Foam roller, ITB 30–45 sec
inhibit knee/hip movement
Rolling calves, especially Achilles, can aid ankle flexibility and
Foam roller, calves 30–45 sec
recovery from training

Using a lacrosse/hockey ball or rolling pin, roller your feet

Foam roll, feet 30–45 sec
paying attention to arches

Gently driving hips into stretch, with arms overhead to feel

Kneeling hip flexor stretch 30–45 sec
stretch in hips & torso
From "start" position to semi-standing while holding foot,
Hamstring 'track stretch' 8-10 reps
until stretch it felt, in hamstring
Side bends with arms Bend from side to side pushing hips one way & arms the
10-12 reps
overhead other overhead

MAIN SET (YouTube link:

2-3 each
Side plank, from knees 45 sec Static 20 sec Body weight
Front plank on stability ball from knees
2-3 45 sec Static 20 sec Body weight
or toes
20 each Resistance
Laying on side leg raises 2 Slow 20 sec
side band
Laying on back alternating leg lowering 2-3 14-18 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Single leg glute press with foot on step 2-3 10-12 Slow 20 sec Body weight

Calf raises on step 2-3 12-15 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Hamstring curl on stability ball 2-3 8-12 Slow 30 sec Body weight

2-3 each
Lateral lunges, alternating sides 20 Active 30 sec Body weight

Split squat, repeat each side 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec Body weight

Stability ball row 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec
Stability ball chest press 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec


Foam roll your back, especially lower, to ease off connective
Foam roller, back 30–45 sec
tissue & increase mobility
Roll ITBs to release tension in connective tissue that may
Foam roller, ITB 30–45 sec
inhibit knee/hip movement
Rolling calves, especially Achilles, can aid ankle flexibility and
Foam roller, calves 30–45 sec
recovery from training

Using a lacrosse/hockey ball or rolling pin, roller your feet

Foam roll, feet 30–45 sec
paying attention to arches

Gently driving hips into stretch, with arms overhead to feel

Kneeling hip flexor stretch 30–45 sec
stretch in hips & torso
From "start" position to semi-standing while holding foot,
Hamstring 'track stretch' 8-10 reps
until stretch it felt, in hamstring
Side bends with arms Bend from side to side pushing hips one way & arms the
10-12 reps
overhead other overhead

MAIN SET (YouTube link:


Stability ball jack knife 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec Body weight

Stability ball roll outs from knees 2-3 10-12 Slow 20 sec Body weight
10 each Resistance
Lateral lunge to balance 2-3 Slow 20 sec
side band

Split squats, rear leg raised 2-3 10-12 Slow 30 sec Body weight

Stability ball row 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec
Stability ball chest press 2-3 10-15 Slow 20 sec
Complete the following exercises as a circuit, one rep of each exercise
before starting the second set

Walking lunges 2-3 30 sec Active 15 sec Body weight

Skipping with rope 2-3 30 sec Active 15 sec N/A

Burpees 2-3 30 sec Active 15 sec Body weight

Box jumps (maximum knee height) 2-3 30 sec Active 15 sec Body weight

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