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Business analysis for Dat Xanh real estate group based on BCG matrix

Article · April 2022


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Nguyen Hoang Tien

WSB Merito University


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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation

Business analysis for Dat Xanh real estate group based on BCG matrix
Nguyen Hoang Tien
Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam

* Corresponding Author: Nguyen Hoang Tien

Article Info Abstract

In the context of the increasingly integrated world and the development of the world
economy, the competition among businesses today has also become fierce. Therefore,
ISSN (online): 2582-7138 businesses need to invest in development strategies by business analysis. Dat Xanh
Volume: 03 Real Estate Group uses the BCG matrix to analyze business through the assessment of
Issue: 02 the business environment, strategy, status and general assessment of the results and
March-April 2022 effectiveness of business activities, analysis and analysis. factors affecting the results
Received: 06-03-2022; and efficiency of business processes. Point out the causes affecting business results
and performance, highlight untapped potential, propose effective solutions to improve
Accepted: 21-03-2022 business efficiency. Using the BCG matrix, Dat Xanh real estate businesses will know
Page No: 344-351 their position compared to other businesses and thereby take smarter investment
measures in upcoming projects. Business analysis to help Dat Xanh Real Estate
determine the right strategic vision from the very first day of its establishment, helping
managers make the right decisions, thereby making breakthrough developments into
a leading corporation. businesses develop in a sustainable way. Become an investor
providing comprehensive real estate to the market. Through business analysis, Dat
Xanh Real Estate gives future development orientation, professionalizes vision,
specializes in services, Dat Xanh Real Estate brings humane and practical living values
to customers, thereby, promoting the development of society, creating sustainable
values for future generations.

Keywords: Business analysis, BCG matrix, Dat Xanh real estate

1. Introduction
In the market economy, business strategy is a very important issue that is decisive for the survival of any business. That is the
guideline for businesses when participating in activities in the market in general and the real estate market in particular. It is also
a problem posed regularly for every business administrator in the process of operating and leading the business to success. To
ensure that all parts of the business operate smoothly and errors are minimized, the enterprise needs to identify the factors that
affect the level and trend of influence and offer solutions and strategies promote strengths, limit weaknesses, exploit potentials
to promote effective business. The world is increasingly integrated, the world economy is developing the competition between
businesses today is also becoming more and fiercer. To be able to go to success in the fierce market, building the right strategy
is a vital factor to help businesses determine the difference to serve as a foundation for development and success. If the right
strategy for the business, we need business analysis. As we all know, all economic activities of enterprises are in a relationship
of mutual influence. Therefore, only conducting business performance analysis can help business managers fully and deeply
evaluate all economic activities in their stationary state, which is the basis for improving efficiency business of the enterprise.
Help credit institutions, investors and suppliers evaluate their partners in the process of doing business. Business analysis is an
important tool for uncovering potential business opportunities. That's why, to better understand, we decided to perform business
analysis for Dat Xanh Real Estate Group using BCG matrix.
The article will be a reference document, serving the direction of practical activities at Dat Xanh Real Estate. The research also
contributes to prove the objective necessity and role of Dat Xanh's real estate development.

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The research paper has high practical significance, providing studies show that this two-dimensional matrix only reflects
agencies and units with empirical evidence in formulating the reality in potential industries, not suitable fields. by
orientations for the development of the real estate market, as General Electric. GE matrix, more measures are used, GE
well as being an essential document for some businesses. matrix has no certain limitations like BCG matrix, GE is also
Business began to develop according to the market in order called multi-factor portfolio matrix, which businesses use to
to learn and refer to some important knowledge. make strategic choices for product lines or business units
based on their location in the grid. Industry attractiveness and
Objectives of the study business strength are two elements of the GE matrix.
Using the BCG matrix to analyze the business of Dat Xanh
Real Estate Group to analyze and evaluate the business status SWOT matrix
of Dat Xanh Real Estate Company, assess the prospects and The SWOT matrix is an extremely useful tool for
risks of that business and make decisions, evaluate evaluate understanding and decision-making in all situations and is
the results and effectiveness of business activities, analyze suitable for all business organizations. Enterprises can easily
the factors affecting the results and efficiency of the business analyze and control all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
process, point out the causes affecting the results and and threats of the business at the present time. This matrix
efficiency of the business, outline the potential Unexploited method is widely used in business planning and development
capacity proposes effective solutions to improve efficiency. strategy, competitor assessment, marketing, and advertising
Businesses better understand which products are best to help of products and services. The SWOT model helps us to gain
them take advantage of market share growth opportunities, insight into the organization, business or the specifics of each
and leaders can easily assess the competitive position and project. Therefore, SWOT is really useful when it comes to
development potential of each product type. Provide the right solving all problems in every situation. This matrix is divided
solutions and business strategies, maintain and develop Dat into 4 parts: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Xanh real estate in a sustainable way. The goal of business Threats.
development is associated with social development, always
taking practical actions to join hands for a sustainable and Hoffer's matrix
compassionate community, becoming one of the leading Hofer Matrix is based on the thinking and theory of the
economic groups in Vietnam and reaching out to the world in SWOT matrix, instead of factors S (strengths), W
the nearest future. (weaknesses), O (opportunities), T (threats) belonging to the
industry or environment business, unlike BCG which
2. Theoretical basis includes the industry growth rate and equivalent market share
2.1. Some business analysis matrices of the required business unit, constitutes two groups of
BCG Matrix factors that are related to industry growth and the competitive
BCG matrix stands for Boston ConsultingGroup matrix, this position of the business. Business Unit. The Hofer matrix will
is a matrix that shows the relationship between growth and overcome some of the favorite points of the McKinsey matrix
market share. Thereby, it is easy to assess the competitive that are not concerned with changing the competitive
position and development potential of business complexes advantage of the units but depending on each stage of
(Luong Hanh, 2020) [15]. The BCG matrix is a useful method industry development. The Hofer matrix analysis steps
to help businesses clearly identify the current opportunities include Step 1: Identify the SUBs for analysis. Step 2:
and evaluate the competitive positions as well as the Evaluate SUB's prospects according to the following criteria
development potential of the product. (Tien, 2021) [31]. Not such as SUB's competitive position, industry development
only that, BCG matrix helps us to fully analyze through stage (star, question mark, cash cow, dog). Step 3: Classify
different aspects of the product's market share in the market the SUBs on the matrix. Step 4: Develop strategic goals for
is low or high and market growth. each type of SUB. (Tien, 2020) [19].
 SBU Star: Represents products with good
competitiveness in the market and products classified in 2.2. BCG matrix
this group will have a large economic market share in The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix is a four-cell (2
high growth industries. (Huu De, 2020). x 2 matrix) matrix developed by BCG, USA. It is the most
 SBU Dairy cows: Represents products with low growth famous corporate portfolio analysis tool. It provides a
rate, but still holds a large share of the market. (Huu De, graphical representation for an organization to examine the
2020). different businesses in its portfolio on the basis of relative
 SBU Question mark: Represents products located in a market share and market growth. This is a two-way analysis
high-growth market, but has a limited market share. of the management of the SBU (Strategic Business Unit). In
(Huu De, 2020). other words, it is a comparative analysis between business
 SBU Dog: Represents products that fall into unattractive, potential and environmental assessment. How to build the
low-market shares in those markets (Huu De, 2020). matrix: First, determine the measure or rate at which market
share is expected to grow for each product and service in the
Matrix GE category. And plot each product in the portfolio into four
GE Matrix’s full name is GE McKinsey Matrix. The parts of a rectangle defined by two dimensions: relative
McKinsry matrix has contributed to making it easier for market share and relative growth rate.
businesses to make the right decisions at critical moments in
their development strategies. Analytical GR Matrix. The Analysis of the BCG matrix
McKinsey matrix analyzes multi-factor portfolios and is Star SBU: Products classified in this category have a
more flexible than the BCG matrix. General Electric relatively large economic market share in high-growth
Company (GE) applies the BCG matrix, however, applied industries. They have a competitive edge and plenty of room

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for profitable growth and long-term growth. The star is resources appropriately, have the right and scientific
appreciated for its profitability and self-sufficiency in capital view when putting money to invest.
requirements. But while it is forming, a large amount of  As an indispensable part of the business overview,
capital is also required to maintain its leading position. helping businesses to localize the current problems they
Question mark SBUs: These are SBUs with a relatively low are facing.
competitive position and market share. But they are high-  Provide business investment strategies suitable for
growth industries and very promising in terms of profits and product development stages in order to bring high
long-term growth. This SBU can be grown into a star SBU if profits.
it is nurtured with attention because they need a large amount
of capital investment and need to properly assess the true Disadvantage
potential to have an investment plan at the right time. The BCG matrix provides a framework for allocating
Cash cow SBU: These are low-growth industries with high resources between different business units and makes it
market share and strong competitive position. This strength possible to quickly compare multiple business units. But the
comes from cost savings thanks to the scale of the experience BCG matrix is not without its limitations, such as:
curve. These SBUs are highly profitable but they have no  The BCG matrix classifies businesses as low and high,
growth opportunities and the rate of industry growth is very but in general, businesses can also be average. As a
low. Therefore, the need for investment capital is not too result, the true nature of the business may not be
large and is considered a widely available source of profit. reflected.
SBU dog: The level of competition is weak and the market  The market is not well defined, so it is possible to
share is low, this is one of the slow growing industries. These misclassify the SBUs in this model. Insufficient
SBUs have very low prospects because they require a large assessment of the relationship between market share and
amount of investment but only to maintain a very low market costs.
share, with very little opportunity to bring in high profits.  High market share does not always lead to high profits.
A marketing strategy must ensure strengthening or Having high costs is also associated with high market
maintaining support for “star” products (right from the time share.
when the market is strong and profitable, leading to the entry  Growth rate and relative market share are not the only
of many competitors). and more investment to increase indicators of profitability. This model ignores and
market share) and “question mark” (to gain higher market undervalues other profitability metrics.
share in attractive markets). But it is necessary to reduce  Dogs can sometimes help other businesses gain a
investment in “dairy cows” (when the growth rate of the competitive edge. Sometimes they can make even more
market is low). make the market less attractive to cash cows.
competitors), and omit or end all “dog” products.  This four-cell approach is considered too simplistic.
Strategies based on BCG analysis: There are four possible
strategies for any product/SBU and these are the strategies 3. Research Methods
used after BCG analysis. These strategies. (Truong Dai,2019) 3.1. Data sources and methods of collection
1. 1.Build-By increasing investment, the product is given Methods of information collection: Secondary information
an incentive for the product to increase its market share. collection is a method of collecting information from
Example – Push a question mark on a star and finally a publications, official information sources of functional
dairy cow (success sequence) agencies, from the system of books, magazines, from
2. Holding-The company cannot invest or have other different departments. professional department of the
investment commitments because it holds the product in Company. Collecting primary information: The survey
the same quadrant. Example – Keeping a star there as a collects information from experts, staff, partners, customers
higher investment to convert a star into a dairy cow is not in the form of interviews.
currently possible. Data collection method is the basic method used in research
3. Harvest-Best observed in dairy cow scenario, where the works, it makes an important contribution to making correct
company reduces investment amount and tries to get and scientifically sound judgments and assessments. The data
maximum cash flow from said product increasing overall is obtained from two sources: Primary data and secondary
profit. data. Primary data is unprocessed raw data that usually
4. Divestment-The best observation in the case of dog provides single information. This data is usually collected by
market share products is often divested to release the survey and interview methods. By conducting a sampling
money that has been trapped in the business. survey, the authors set up questionnaires including questions
to choose answers on issues related to the business situation
2.3. Strengths and Weaknesses in the BCG Matrix of Dat Xanh Real Estate Group. Secondary data is the
The BCG matrix in marketing and strategic management processed data. Secondary data information is obtained from
helps businesses determine where to focus development sources of books, textbooks, journals, internet and related
resources. The development of "star" and "question mark" research documents to serve the research of the topic. Once
products will increase market share rapidly in some the investigation results have been obtained, we conduct
categories. If investing in products belonging to the "dairy analysis, synthesis, and then process them by statistical
cow" group, business managers should pay attention to methods and manual methods.
renewing distribution products through upgrading and
modernizing to ensure the development speed of this product. 3.2. Research methods
. Document research method: is the method used first when our
Advantage group received the topic "Business analysis of Dat Xanh Real
 Easy to implement, helps businesses allocate investment Estate Group". The purpose of this method is to collect

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information related to the theoretical basis of the topic, development policies in a sustainable way. With a system of
published research results related to the topic, policies related more than 70 subsidiaries, affiliated companies and more
to the topic and other relevant policies. statistics. The method than 4,500 employees throughout the system, over 18 years
of document research goes through three steps: collecting of development, Dat Xanh has become a prestigious
documents, analyzing documents and presenting a summary corporation in the field of real estate with more charter
of the contents of the studies collected previously from Dat capital. VND 5,200 billion, total assets more than VND
Xanh Real Estate Group. 21,000 billion. Dat Xanh has been implementing and
Qualitative method: the qualitative method finds out the basic completing the real estate ecosystem chain with four main
ideological contents of the document, finds out the problems business segments, including: real estate services, project
related to the research topic and identifies the problem to be development, construction, industrial parks and urban areas.
solved. Documents, articles, interviews or scientific journals In 2020, after conducting the appraisal of 308 businesses and
related to the issue of "Business analysis for Dat Xanh Real more than 11,400 employees in Vietnam with many rounds
Estate Corporation", because it is secondary data, there are of assessment, survey and interview about the environment,
many related documents. we need to sift through to get the working policies, personal feelings, promotion opportunities,
most accurate documentation for the problem. The purpose collective culture, leadership... Dat Xanh Group is one of 66
of the qualitative method is to gain an in-depth understanding enterprises honored to be recognized as the best place to work
of the business activities of Dat Xanh Real Estate Group. together with Coca-Cola, Kepple Land, Unilever Vietnam,
Quantitative method: based on documents and research Prudential, Shinhan Bank, PWC , Deloitte, Heineken, Olam
sources of qualitative method so that we can state the Vietnam, Standard Charter, AEON Vietnam.
business analysis of Dat Xanh Real Estate Group.
Quantitative methods include procedures for data collection, SBU question mark
data analysis, interpretation and writing of research results With the goal of increasing business resources and
about Dat Xanh Real Estate Group. This method involves diversifying fields of activity, Dat Xanh has been investing in
sample identification, investigation strategy, data collection, expanding and developing large-scale industrial parks across
data analysis, presentation of research results, discussion of the country with environmentally friendly criteria, applying
results. The most modern technology…. Dat Xanh focuses on
Statistical method: Statistically finds out the general trend or developing large-scale projects and industrial parks. In 2019,
characteristics of the analyzed factors through the restructured the service segment under the legal entity Dat
relationship between them and the related factors. This Xanh Services, providing comprehensive real estate
method reflects the basic characteristics of each business solutions, officially encroaching on the field of industrial
activity and of the whole Dat Xanh Real Estate Group. park real estate. Especially, successfully auctioned a 92.2-
Statistical methods also describe the close relationship hectare gold land lot in Long Thanh, Dong Nai. In the future,
between the collected statistics. everything will be industrialized and modernized. This
Methods of synthesizing and editing information: Using question mark SBU can grow into a star SBU if well invested
techniques of synthesizing and editing scientific information. and developed.
After collecting documents, analyzing documents related to
the business situation of Dat Xanh Real Estate Group will SBU the cash cow
begin to summarize the studies in a logical order and adjust With the orientation to become one of the leading real estate
the information related to the business process. Accurate development corporations in Vietnam, Dat Xanh is
business analysis. The synthesis method supports the analysis constantly developing construction investment activities,
process to find the generality. From the research results on continuously updating construction technologies, in order to
each side, it must be summed up to have a full and correct improve the quality of construction work. to ensure the
perception of the common, to find out the nature and construction progress as committed. But they do not invest
movement laws of the research object. like that because there is a strong growth rate. It is because
Analytical method: Using BCG matrix method, or market this is a low growth industry but has a high market share and
growth rate and market share matrix, is built to evaluate a strong competitive position. This SBU has high
strategic business units of an enterprise based on two criteria: profitability. Therefore, the investment capital requirement is
Market growth rate and market share. relative portion of the not too large and is considered a widely available source of
business. A company's relative market share is determined by profit.
comparing its market share with that of its biggest
competitor. SBU dog
Finally, there is a comparative method to find the most The system of apartments and high-class real estate of Dat
accurate documents on the research problem as well as a Xanh Real Estate Group are located in big cities, stretching
reliable source of information from the internet. from south to north, especially such as Ho Chi Minh City, Da
Nang, Hanoi. Because of the development Overcoming
4. Research results and discussion obstacles as well as having certain success, Dat Xanh Real
4.1. Business analysis results for Dat Xanh Real Estate Estate Group has built and continues to own many other real
Corporation using BCG matrix estate. However, for the Housing Project in Dung Liet
SBU star Commune (Dung Liet Green City, located in Dung Liet
Dat Xanh Group Joint Stock Company (HoSE: DXG) is a Commune, Yen Phong District, Bac Ninh Province); Green
professional project developer, having invested and City Thanh Hoa project (Residential area, green park project
developed many large-scale real estate projects in Ho Chi in the Southern urban area of Thanh Hoa city), located right
Minh City, Binh Duong, Dong Nai. After the tireless efforts behind the people's court of Thanh Hoa province, adjacent to
of Dat Xanh Group in formulating and implementing human CSEDP avenue and Vo avenue Nguyen Giap, Dong Ve

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Ward, Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa Province; The Twin Parks environment and lifestyle have undergone great changes in
Gia Lam project with 2 main street fronts, Thanh Trung Street the direction of increasing and perfecting, leading to an
and Dong Du - Duong Xa new road, has many mistakes that increase in the demand for housing, especially apartments.
can be eliminated, but most of them can still bring benefits The wave of foreign direct investment has increased sharply
and contribute profits to the company. company. recently, leading to an increase in the demand for offices, as
well as land for factories. The number of tourists to Ho Chi
4.2. Discuss the results of business analysis Minh City has increased steadily in recent years and is
Dat Xanh is a familiar brand in the real estate industry and expected to increase in the coming years, bringing an increase
fields related to investment - construction - finance. Over 17 in the demand for high-class hotels to stay, large-scale
years of establishment and development. Dat Xanh makes a shopping centers. international. Vietnam's international
strong impression on customers through a series of quality integration process gives the company opportunities to access
projects, strongly focusing on the needs and experiences of new technologies in design, construction, and project
customers. With the business philosophy "We build trust management, shortening construction time and reducing
starting from building your home", Dat Xanh Group always costs. Some policies on transactions and administrative
takes care of each product in the best way before it reaches management related to real estate have been improved,
customers. This is one of the companies with a certain making the cold real estate market stronger. As such,
reputation in the low-cost and mid-range segment that many Vietnam's real estate market in general is on a strong track of
people are interested in. Socio-economic development and growth, achieving impressive figures in 2017 and the third
population growth in urban areas lead to an increasing quarter of 2018. Besides, the demand for the real estate
demand for housing. Rapid urbanization creates many industry is still very high. As a result, businesses in the real
opportunities for housing projects, rental houses, commercial estate industry have a solid foundation for stability and
centers, hotels and resorts. The real estate market, especially development in the coming years.
the residential housing market, office rental market, luxury However, the process of international integration also leads
apartments and commercial centers will have strong growth to fierce competition from large real estate corporations in the
in the next few years due to the Government's world that are entering the Vietnamese market. The policies
encouragement. develop housing in high-rise apartment and legislation are not synchronized, especially in
buildings to rapidly increase the housing fund, save land, construction management as well as legal documents on land,
create a civilized appearance and urban life. The market is there are many overlapping shortcomings that cause
and will have more participation of international professional difficulties for businesses when implementing projects. The
real estate developers, strong in capital and experience. In situation of high inflation, the financial, monetary and
addition, suspended plans and suspended projects are being banking markets had many fluctuations, making it difficult to
reviewed and the license is transferred or revoked to make mobilize capital. Real estate business is cyclical in nature. It
room for other feasible projects. The marketing and business can be seen that DXG's business strategy is very reasonable,
strategy must ensure the enhancement or maintenance of recognizing the strengths of the market where DXG
support for the “star” products. Dat Xanh Real Estate Group specializes in brokerage apartments in cities. In the mid-range
must ensure to maintain investment in professional project segment, the price is reasonable to customers wishing to buy
development, right from the time when the market is strong houses. The products hit the right demand, customers began
and profitable, leading to many competitors entering and to pay attention and order more and more. Not only taking the
investing more. to increase market share. The "question lead in the segment of apartments and houses. DXG expands
mark" of the Industrial Park Investment and Development its operation area, invests in mid-range apartments.
Group, in the near future when the country develops, the Concentrated mainly in big cities from North to South. From
industrial park is the place to attract a lot of investment. here we can understand It is not natural that DXG is called
Earning high profits is the higher share on attractive markets. the real estate king with strategic vision along with many
But it is necessary to reduce investment in “dairy cows” as seized opportunities and reasonable market demand. During
investment in construction when the market growth rate is many years of development, the company's scale has grown
low, making the market less attractive to competitors. Skip or stronger and stronger.
end all agricultural “dog” products. Dat Xanh Real Estate
Group includes many star SBUs, because they share the same 5.2. Recommendations and suggestions
share, it contributes to promoting sharpness in the business For leaders of Dat Xanh real estate group
environment, but does not bring profits to the company. The year 2021 is determined to be the year Dat Xanh Group
focuses on transforming its business model, this is also the
5. Conclusions and recommendations pivotal year to free up resources and create the best conditions
5.1. Conclusions for member companies to thrive. as well as structure and
Vietnam is a country with a very stable political situation, leadership upgrading. In order to achieve new goals and
creating favorable conditions for attracting investment capital achievements, create a strong and fast development
into Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City's economy is on a high foundation for the member companies, thereby contributing
growth momentum. People's income and living standards are to the synergy of the Group, important changes in the
increasing, leading to a rapid increase in the demand for mobilization, addition of Responsible for senior leadership of
housing, luxury apartments, and shopping in modern and two member companies: Dat Xanh Mien Dong and Dat Xanh
luxurious commercial centers. Ho Chi Minh City is the most Mien Trung. First appoint the Chairman of the Board of
populous city in the country, this is a potential market for Directors and General Director of Dat Xanh Southeast. Dat
housing, apartments and facilities and services. The demand Xanh and following development orientations of the Group,
for real estate products, especially high-end real estate become a connecting bridge and will accompany Dat Xanh
products, will be huge in the coming time. The cultural Group in the Southeast to operate and effectively exploit this

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potential market in the future. Appointed Chairman of the throughout the system. Implement more appropriate human
Board of Directors and CEO of Dat Xanh Mien Trung. From resource policies, promote training activities, especially Dat
the addition of elite personnel, using key personnel from the Xanh culture training to promote the capacity of employees
Group to provide timely support to the focus on upgrading throughout the system. Deploying and distributing a series of
leadership, has demonstrated the Group's interest in creating large-scale projects from investors outside the system with an
a driving force for development. strong for member expected total product volume of about 50,000 products. It is
companies. In the future, along with the outstanding recommended that the member units quickly deploy and
development of its member companies, Dat Xanh Group will apply the system of Green People's cultural principles at their
certainly continue to grow strongly. units to maximize the values of the Land People's 4 minds, 4
religions, 4 minds and 4 wills and 4 virtues of Dat Xanh
For leaders of a number of business units of Dat Xanh Leadership. Deploy more projects, ready to capture
Real Estate Group investment deals to expand business activities. Completing
The entire Board of Directors, employees of the Group and the distribution network covering 63 provinces and cities,
member units should strive to find new directions, flexibly especially focusing on developing the application of real
change business strategies to ensure business plans. Requires estate sales technology, speeding up the digital
initiative and smooth coordination from departments at Head transformation process, meeting the needs of business
Office to member companies. Management should transactions. Dat Xanh should associate, joint venture with
effectively run the sales process, manage data sources partners with the same development strategy on the basis of
centrally, transparently and securely. The leadership should sustainable cooperation and long-term development.
promote development, build a closed strategic model
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keep personnel stable. Implement many human resource Van Dat, Phan Minh Duc. Analysis of McDonalds’ Entry
policies to retain talented people, train team capacity, deploy Strategy in Vietnam Market. International journal of
and apply a system of human culture principles. Green Land advanced research and development. 2020; 5(3):23-29.

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11. Leo Paul Dana, Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Resource-Experiences for Vietnamese Businesses.
Thanh Vu, Nguyen Thanh Hung. Human Resource Proceedings of 1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC
Development Strategy of Ton Duc Thang University to CONFERENCE Southeast Vietnam Outlook on
Improve its Position on International Rankings. Inter- Developing High Quality Human Resource, Asian
national journal of advanced education and research. Experience for Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area in
2020; 5(3):105-110. Vietnam. TDM University (in partnership with
12. Leo Paul Dana, Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Hiroshima University, Osaka University, Calcutta Uni-
Van Dat, Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh, Bui Xuan Bien. versity), Binh Duong, 2018, 34-40.
Talent Attraction Strategy of Samsung Vietnam. 24. Nguyen Hoang Tien. International economics, business
International Journal Of Advanced Research And and management strategy. Academic Publications,
Development. 2020; 5(3):18-22. Dehli, 2019.
13. Leszek Kieltyka. Comparative analysis of business 25. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Knowledge Management in
strategy of Hung Thinh and Novaland real estate Strategic Alliances and Foreign Joint Ventures.
developers using McKinsey matrix. International Proceedings of University Scientific Conference of:
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Young Lecturers and MBA Students, Faculty of
Evaluation. 2022; 3(1):175-180. Economics, TDM University. Binh Duong, 2018, 141-
14. Luu Hoang Giang. The Role of Postgraduate Study in 149.
Enhancing Entrepreneurship to Respond to the Reality 26. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Preparation to Strategic Alliance as
of Labor Market in the Era of IR 4.0. International a Key to the Success of the Future Agreement.
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Studies. 2022; 2(2):283-288. sitions, Mergers and Cross-ownership between Banks,
15. Mai Van Luong, Nguyen Minh Ngoc. Pro-China or Pro- Enterprises in Vietnam. March 2017. TDM University,
USA? Choices for Vietnam National Economic and Binh Duong, Vietnam, 2017, 213-217.
Security Strategy. Journal of critical reviews. 2021; 27. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Merger or Take-over as Forms of
8(1):212-229. Strategic Alliance Ending. Proceedings of University
16. Michal Banka. Analysis of business strategy of real Scientific Conference Acquisitions, Mergers and Cross-
estate developers in Vietnam: the application of QSPM ownership between Banks, Enterprises in Vietnam.
matrix. International journal of multidisciplinary March 2017. TDM University, Binh Duong, Vietnam,
research and growth evaluation. 2022; 3(1):188-196. 2017, 206-212.
17. Nguyen Thanh Vu, Pham Thi Diem, Vo Kim Nhan, Bui 28. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Strategic Alliance as a Form of
Xuan Bien, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Van Thi Vang. The Execution of Diversification Strategy. Proceedings of
Strategy of CRM System Development at Mega Market University Scientific Conference Acquisitions, Mergers
Vietnam. International journal multidisciplinary and Cross-ownership between Banks, Enterprises in
research and growth evaluation. 2021; 2(4):802-806. Vietnam, 200-205. March 2017. TDM University, Binh
18. Nguyen Thi Hong Tham. International Promotion Duong, Vietnam, 2017.
Strategy. Cases of Apple and Samsung. Proceedings of 29. Tien NH. Leadership in Socially Responsible
International Scientific Conference in Economics and Enterprises. Ementon Publisher, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
Business (ICYREB) on: National Entrepreneurship and 30. Pawel Gepner. Analysis of business strategy of leading
Innovation, 925-932. Hanoi, 30 October 2018, Academy Vietnamese real estate developers using SWOT matrix.
of Finance in partnership with IPAG Business Institute International journal of multidisciplinary research and
(France), York University (Canada) and Waikato growth evaluation. 2022; 3(1):181-187.
University (New Zealand), 2018. ISBN: 978-604-79- 31. Pham Thi Diem, Phan Minh Duc, Ho Tien Dung,
1930-7 Nguyen Van Dat, Bui Quang Tam, Vo Kim Nhan. The
19. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Analysis of Lotte’s Market Strategic Customer Relationship Management at Coop
Penetration Strategy in Vietnam FMCG Industry. Mart in Vietnam. International journal multidisciplinary
International journal of educational research and studies. research and growth evaluation. 2021; 2(4):794-801.
2020; 2(2):20-23. 32. Phan Phung Phu, Dang Thi Phuong Chi. The Role of
20. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Strategic Alliance as a Form of International Marketing in International Business
Execution of Diversification Strategy. Proceedings of Strategy. International journal of research in marketing
University Scientific Conference Acquisitions, Mergers management and sales. 2019; 1(2):134-138.
and Cross-ownership between Banks, Enterprises in 33. Phung The Vinh, Tran Duy Thuc. Global Strategic Risk
Vietnam, 200-205. March 2017. TDM University, Binh Analysis of High-tech Businesses in the Era of Industrial
Duong, Vietnam, 2017. Revolution 4.0. International journal of multidisciplinary
21. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Comparative Analysis of Multi- research and development. 2019; 6(10):28-32.
domestic Strategy of P&G and Unilever Corporation. In- 34. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Phuong Mai, Le
ternational journal of foreign trade and international Doan Minh Duc, Nguyen Vuong Thanh Long. Analysis
business. 2019; 1(1):5-8. of MegaMarket’s Market Penetration Strategy in
22. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Customization and Standardization Vietnam FMCG Industry. International journal of
of the Business Strategy of Foreign Enterprises in educational research and development. 2020; 2(2):5-8.
Vietnam-the McDonald’s Case and the Fast Food Sector. 35. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Ha Van Dung, Bui Xuan
International journal of research in marketing Bien, Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh, Nguyen Thanh Vu.
management and sales. 2019; 1(2):44-50. Analysis of AEON’s Market Penetration Strategy in
23. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Innovation Strategy of Korean Vietnam FMCG Industry. International journal of
Enterprises and Development of High Quality Human advanced educational research. 2020; 5(4):1-5.

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation

36. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Phuong Mai, Bui Companies. Turkish journal of computer and
Van Thoi, Than Van Hai. Analysis of StarBucks’ Entry mathematics education. 2021; 12(14):4391-4410.
Strategy in Vietnam Market. International journal of 51. Syed Ehsan Ullah. The Impact of World Market on Ho
multidisciplinary education and research. 2020; 5(3):44- Chi Minh City Stock Exchange in Context of Covid-19
48. Pandemic. Turkish journal of computer and mathematics
37. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Phuong Mai, Ho education. 2021; 12(14):4252-4264.
Tien Dung, Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh, Nguyen Huynh 52. Muhammad Sadiq. Enhancing Staff’s Work Motivation
Phuoc. Digital Marketing Strategy of GUMAC and in Vietnamese Companies. Turkish journal of computer
HNOSS in Vietnam Fashion Market. International jour- and mathematics education. 2021; 12(14):4402-4410.
nal of multidisciplinary education and research. 2020;
38. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Phuong Mai, Tran
Thanh Tung, Nguyen Khanh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Hoang
Oanh. Comparative Analysis of Business Strategy of
VinMart and Family Mart Convenience Stores in
Vietnam. International journal of multidisciplinary
research and development. 2020; 7(7):28-33.
39. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Nguyen Thanh Hung,
Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh, Nguyen Thanh Vu.
Comparative Analysis of Human Resource Development
Strategy of Family Universities and Corporate
Universities in Vietnam. International journal of
academic research and development. 2020; 5(4):26-30.
40. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose, Le Doan Minh Duc, Bui
Xuan Bien, Tran Minh Thuong, Nguyen Thanh Vu.
Comparative Analysis of the Business Strategy of Bach
Hoa Xanh and VinMart on Vietnam's Retail Market. In-
ternational journal of academic research and develop-
ment. 2020; 5(4):1-6.
41. To Ngoc Minh Phuong, Nguyen Minh Ngoc, Dinh Ba
Hung Anh, Nguyen Diu Huong, Nguyen Thi Thanh
Huong. Green marketing development strategy in post
Covid-19 period in Vietnam. International journal of
multidisciplinary research and growth evaluation. 2021;
42. Truong Thi Hai Thuan. Analysis of Strategic Risk of
Domestic and Foreign Real Estate Enterprises Operating
in Vietnam’s Market. International journal of commerce
and management research. 2019; 5(5):36-43.
43. Tien NH. Leadership in Socially Responsible
Enterprises. Ementon Publisher, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
44. Tien NH. Relationship Between Inflation and Economic
Growth in Vietnam. Turkish journal of computer and
mathematics education. 2021; 12(14):5134-5139.
45. Tien NH. Solutions to Enhance Corporate Sales
Performance in Vietnam. Turkish journal of computer
and mathematics education. 2021; 12(14):5014-5023.
46. Leo Paul Dana. Enhancing Social Responsibility and
Sustainability in Real Estate Industry. Turkish journal of
computer and mathematics education. 2021;
47. Boleslaw Rafal Kuc. Customer Care and Customer
Relationship Maintenance at Gamuda Land Celadon
City Real Estate Project in Vietnam. Turkish journal of
computer and mathematics education. 2021;
48. Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose. Higher Education Quality
Auditor Training in Vietnam. Turkish journal of
computer and mathematics Education. 2021;
49. Tien NH. Leadership in Socially Responsible
Enterprises. Ementon Publisher, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
50. Nguyen Hoang Tien. Development of Human Resource
Management Activities in Vietnamese Private

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