#3 Lesson 2.4-2.6
#3 Lesson 2.4-2.6
#3 Lesson 2.4-2.6
4: Market Structure
Market Structure ▪ A very good example is the Metro Rail Transit (MRT)
→ refers to the competitive environment in which whose service is considered by many as poor and
buyers and sellers operate. inappropriate.
Competition: refers to rivalry among sellers in the Oligopoly
market. → a market structure where there are few sellers.
Market: is a situation of diffused, impersonal
competition among sellers who compete to sell their ▪ Competitors in this kind of a structure collude and
goods and among buyers who use their purchasing are called “players.” Either they play as one team
power to acquire the available goods in the market. or they play in different teams. There are few
Market is defined as a place or point at which buyers sellers that prefer to make alliances than to
and sellers negotiate their exchange of well-defined compete.
products or services. ▪ In a duopoly, where there are two (2) sellers, it is
best if they work together rather than compete
There are varying degrees of competition in the market with each other’s; or they can just work together
depending on the following factors: and pretend they are competing with each other.
• Number and size of buyers and sellers ▪ The problem here is the existence of barriers to
• Similarity or type of products bought and sold entry where a competitor finds it hard to enter the
• Degree of mobility of resources industry because of the initial capital requirement.
• Entry and exit of firms and input owners Although it is good idea to be able to have more
• Degree of knowledge of economic agents sellers and producers; the task for the players to
regarding prices, costs, demand, and supply enter the industry is extremely difficult.
conditions Monopolistic Competition
→ a market structure consists of different
Competition and Market Structures: products with many sellers.
Perfect Competition:
➢ Pure Competition ▪ Products belonging to the same industry seem to
Imperfect Competition: be identical, but they are not.
➢ Monopoly ▪ The common problem that a monopolistic
➢ Oligopoly competitor faces is how to be unique and different
➢ Monopolistic Competition from its competitors.
Pure Competition Types of Markets and their Characteristics
→ a market structure where there are many
buyers and sellers. Since many participants, Type Seller Product Entry of Example Common
none of them can cause changes in prices New
The usual problem that a competitor face are: Monopoly One One No MORE, Improvements of
▪ How to survive and how to get a fair market share. ILECO, products/services
in order to be competitive, one has to adjust the
size of his/her business to achieve the most Oligopoly Few Differentiated Restrіcted Oil/Fuel
High capital
efficient plant size. Aіrlіnes
▪ Maintening the profit. Total Revenue should be Monopolistic Many Differentiated Free Shampoo Distinguishing
greater than Total Cost. Competition quality
→ a market structure where there is only one
seller that represents the whole industry. “Price
→ are payments made in exchange for the time
and effort exerted or given by an individual
who was able to either produce a good or a Figure shows an increase in labor demand
service. The total output refers to the number from DL1 to DL2 while supply for labor remains
of workers multiplied by their corresponding constant. A shift of labor demand to the right results in
individual yield. increased wage per hour from P300 to P350 and
increased quantity from 24 million laborers to 30 million
Total output laborers. This may happen if industry expands while
→ refers to the number of workers multiplied by labor supply remains unchanged. If our labor cost
their corresponding individual yield. remains to be one of the cheapest among Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) member-countries,
ANALYSIS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY FOR LABOR then it is possible that we will be the most preferred
country for outsourced labor.