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A.zerrouki Et El The Natural Circulation Solar Water Heater Model

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Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559 www.elsevier.


The natural circulation solar water heater model with linear temperature distribution
A. Zerrouki a,*, A. Boumedien b, K. Bouhadef b
b a CDER B.P., Route de lObservatoire, Bouzareah, Algiers, Algeria Faculte des sciences de lingenieur, USTHB, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria

Received 1 May 2001; accepted 21 June 2001

Abstract This paper presents an analysis of natural circulation of a compact thermosyphon solar domestic hot water (SDHW) system produced and commercialised locally in Algeria. Calculations and measurements were performed on the mass ow rate, temperature rise uid and absorber temperatures inside the thermosyphon of parallel tube design. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results is presented. 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

1. Introduction Thermosyphon solar domestic hot water (SDHW) systems have gained popularity both in practice and in research. In these systems (reviewed in [1]), the heat transfer uid circulates from solar collector to the hot water store due to the action of buoyancy forces. Numerous studies have investigated the ow rates throughout the day in thermosyphon systems [25]. Close [5] has presented a simple mathematical model for a solar hot water system, with natural circulation between the collector and storage tank, assuming solar radiation as a function of time; no allowance was made for the withdrawal of hot water from the tank. Based on Closes analysis, Gupta and Garg [3] have analysed the system incorporating a plate efciency factor and expressing solar intensity and ambient temperatures as a Fourier series of time. They also found experimentally that the ow rate of a thermosyphon water heater can be increased by increasing the relative height between the collector and storage
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213-2-901446; fax: +213-2-901654. E-mail address: (A. Zerrouki).
0960-1481/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. PII: S 0 9 6 0 - 1 4 8 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 4 6 - X


A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559

Nomenclature F D g H L N T r q b n collector plate efciency factor () diameter of pipe (m) acceleration due to gravity (m s 2) height of tank (m) length (m) number of tubes in the collector () temperature (C) water density (kg m 3) collector planes inclination to the horizontal (deg) coefcient of expansion of water () mean kinematic viscosity of water (m2 s 1)

Indices c ct o or i amb h collector connecting tubes outlet and inlet of the collector, respectively ambient header

tank, but the efciency is not increased. The efciency can be increased by reducing the loop resistance. Haung [4] has developed a more general theory for parallel-plate absorber water heating systems with natural circulation of water between the plate and tank (for no draw-off of hot water from the tank) by representing solar radiation as a sine function of time. In this paper, we have considered a solar water heating system with natural thermosyphon circulation of water. This SDHW system is produced locally in Algeria (see Fig. 1). The objective is to perform measurements of the basic physical parameters that govern the natural circulation in a thermosyphon solar water heater and compare them with a steady state theory developed during the course of this work. We have assumed an ideal case in which no water is drawn off during the day, and neither cloud nor haze obscures the sun. Experimental weather and radiation conditions, collector inlet/outlet temperature, temperature rise uid and absorber temperatures inside the thermosyphon of a parallel tube design collector, mass ow rates and storage tank temperatures are reported. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results is presented.

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Fig. 1.

View of the SDHW system tested.

2. Analytical analysis The schematic of a thermosyphon solar heat collector is shown in Fig. 2. It is basically similar to the thermosyphon-ow type of design consisting of a headerriser at-plate type of absorber unit connected to a storage tank. 2.1. Assumptions In the present study, the following assumptions are made: We considered a quasi-steady-state regime during the day. Ideal conditions of no draw-off during the day and clear sunshine are assumed. The ow is one-dimensional. The water from the absorber rises to the top of the storage vessel. The losses in the connecting tubes are negligible. Then, the temperatures difference between points 3 and 4 and between points 1 and 2 are very small (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Schematic diagram of a thermosyphon solar water heater.


A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559

The temperatures distributions in the collector tubes and inside the tank are linear. The mean temperatures in the tank, the absorber and the connecting pipes are equal. These assumptions simplify the analysis with negligible effects on the results. Under these assumptions, the collector ow rate can be evaluated from a balance between the friction pressure drop and pressure due to density differences around the thermosyphon circuit. 2.2. Buoyant pressure in the thermosyphon loop The effective pressure ( Pe) responsible for the ow can be considered to be made up of two parts, one representing the pressure drop across the collector ( Pc) and the other between the top and bottom of the tank ( Pt) such that Pe Pc Pt (1) Let T(x) be the temperature at distance x from the inlet of the collector, the pressure due to buoyancy forces ( Pc and Pt) can be evaluated by the following equations [8]:

Pc Pt Then

gbro sin q (T(x) T) dx



g(To Ti)H



g sin q (T(x) T) dx

gH(To Ti)


The variation of temperature in the tubes can be described by a linear equation [5]: T(x) Ti T o Ti x Lc Lc sin q 2 (4)

Integrating Eq. (4), we nd: Pe rogb(To Ti) H (5)

2.3. Frictional pressure losses in the system The total frictional pressure loss ( PL) in the circuit can be separated into the contribution ( Pc) from the collector and that ( Pct) from the piping components outside the collector:

A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559


PL Then: PL j




Pc(1 Pct Pc

j) (7)

where the ratio j characterises the ow resistance in the collector and connecting tubes. At the equilibrium, the buoyancy forces ( Pe) are equal to the friction resistance ( PL) in the ow path. Then: PL Pe (8) Equating (5) to (7), we get: Pc(1 j) rogb(To Ti) Lc sin q 2 H (9)

This equation allows the determination of the mass ow rate. 2.4. Mass ow rate The header-riser at-plate collector consists of two horizontal headers and a series of parallel, vertical risers as shown in Fig. 3. The analysis of this type of collector requires many assumptions [7,8]. These include the following: Headers can be neglected since the cover has a small area. The headers provide uniform ow tubes. The ow inside the tubes is laminar. The ow in the tubes is uniformly distributed. Temperature gradients around the tubes can be neglected.

Fig. 3. Positions of measurement points.


A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559

For the collector [7,8]: Pc Lc rfV2 c 2dc (10)

where f is the uid friction factor in the collector [7,8]: f 64n dcVc n d2 c (11)

Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (10), we obtain: Pc 32rVcLc (12)

Similarly, the pressure drop in the connecting tubes is given by: Pct n 32rVctLct 2 dct (13)

For N parallel tubes in the collector, the continuity of uid implies: Vct Vc N dc dct


The ratio j (Eq. (7)) becomes: j N Lc dc Lct dct



The water velocity in the ow path can be obtained by the following equation [7]: Vc 4M rpNdc nLcM pNd4 c (16)

Substituting this in Eq. (12), we may write [7]: Pc 128 (17)

Equating (10) to (17), then, we get: 128 nLcM (1 pNd4 c j) rogb(To Ti) Lc sin q 2 H (18)

The difference of temperatures ( T=To Ti) can be calculated from the HottelWhillier collector equation [7,8]: T o Ti AcF [I(ta) UL(Tm Tamb)] MCp (19)

where Tm is the mean temperature collector which can be approximated as [8]:

A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559



T1 2



Combining the above equations and rearranging, we can write: M where gNpAcd4 c C Lc sin q H 2 128Lc(1 j) C1/2 r ob F [I(ta) UL(Tm Tamb)] nCp



The above equation allows the calculation of the theoretical thermosyphonic ow rate. Under the assumption of laminar ow in the loop, the ratio j (from Eq. (15)) is constant. The expression for C depends on constant geometric factors.

3. Experimentation This work was carried out as part of the solar system survey project at the Development Centre of Renewable Energies (CDER) located near Algiers (Algeria). The survey project was designed to develop the experimental hardware and analytical assessment of the solar water heater systems (many of which are thermosyphon units) used in Algeria. The experimental thermosyphon solar water heater is schematised in Fig. 3. The apparatus is described in detail in [8]. The monitoring campaign consisted of several measurements of water temperatures, ambient temperature, mass ow rates and incident solar radiation. The global solar radiation incident on the absorber was measured by using a rst-class pyranometer, tolerance 3%, mounted at an angle of 36 to the horizontal, that is the same angle of inclination as the absorber. The ambient temperature (Tamb) was measured with a platinum resistance thermocouple with tolerance of 0.5 K and was carefully shielded from solar radiation. Platinum resistance thermocouples (tolerance 0.1 K) were used to measure water temperatures in the storage tank and absorber tubes. The positions of the thermocouples are shown in Fig. 2. The water mass ow rate was measured by using an original method described in detail in [6]. It consists of using a transparent pipe (Pyrex) with known dimensions. A coloured liquid with viscosity similar to water is injected. The time of the uid displacement is measured using a chronometer. Hence, using the measured time of the uid and the dimensions of the pipe, the water mass ow rate can be determined. All temperatures and pyranometer readings were recorded on a multi-point recorder. The test procedure was monitored and supervised by the laboratory personnel. In the following parametric study, the basic data of the system considered, shown schematically in Fig. 2, are as follows:


A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559

(a) The collector The collector is placed facing south and at a xed tilt angle (b=36). The collector has the following parameters: Type Header-riser at-collector Collector area Ac=1.8 m2 Inner diameter of collector tubes dc=12 mm Absorber 1-mm-thick, roll-bonded cooper plate Absorber plate coating absorptivity ap=0.9 Number of collector tubes N=12 Collector insulation thickness 50 mm (b) The tank and piping Type Heat loss coefcient of the tank The combined heat loss coefcient of the collector and store The tank and connecting pipes are made of steel Tank volume Tank wall thickness Tank insulation thickness Headers and piping size Piping insulation thickness

Horizontal 2.40 W K 2.80 W K

1 1

120 litres 3 mm 35 mm dh=dct=16 mm 15 mm

During the tests reported here, no water was withdrawn from the store. Daily performance test of the solar water heater operating under environmental conditions were obtained.

4. Analysis of the results and discussion Measurements on the commercial thermosyphon system of domestic size were made. The facility and the results of this monitoring work were discussed by the author in previous work [7] and are summarised below. The hourly variation of the solar intensity and ambient air temperature is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Fig. 6 shows the hourly variation of the mean water tank temperature during sunny hours. It is observed that the maximum temperature of the average tank is 57C, starting from an initial temperature of 17C for fresh water in the tank at 7.00 a.m. Three phases of heating-up periods can be observed. From 7.00 to 9.00 a.m., the water in the tank hardly warms up, as redistribution of temperature within the tank is taking place. From the gure, we observe little response from the system with regard to heat collection. After this period, there is a very rapid increase in the rate of heat collection; the water in the storage tank heats up very fast and increases in temperatures

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Fig. 4.

Hourly variation of solar intensity for a typical spring day in Algiers.

Fig. 5.

Hourly variation of ambient air temperature for a typical spring day.

until about 6 p.m. After this time there is a redistribution of temperature. The theoretical mass ow rate is calculated by using a matlab program. Predicted and measured ow rates are compared in Fig. 7. Before 9 a.m., the ow rate is negligible. After 9 a.m. the temperature rise increases and the ow starts to pick up. The maximum ow rate occurs at around 1 p.m. After this time, the ow rate started to decrease. After 4 p.m., the ow rate is small and the ow decreases to near zero. The theoretical model is only valid during the period of insolation (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).


A. Zerrouki et al. / Renewable Energy 26 (2002) 549559

Fig. 6. Mean tank temperature distribution.

Fig. 7.

Mass ow rate, comparison between experimental result and theoretical prediction.

5. Conclusion In general, the predicted and experimental results show satisfactory qualitative and quantitative agreement, especially during the main insolation period. The results from the present study are qualitatively consistent with the published literature. The theor-

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etical model presented could be used for design purposes to evaluate the thermal performance of a solar water heater operating under thermosyphon-ow conditions. Much developmental work remains, however. A suggestion for further studies is to investigate the system temperature distribution patterns for reverse-ow phenomena at night or when radiation intensity is low.

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