Contoh2 Review Text
Contoh2 Review Text
Contoh2 Review Text
Merry Riana is a successful young woman entrepreneur, writer, and motivator. Her life’s story is told
in a movie, Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, which is adapted from her book with the same title.
This film visualizes her struggle to survive from difficulty of life and become successful.
The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes Merry
Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter to Singapore
because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore with the support money
that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry Riana met with her best friend,
Irene, who wanted to go to university in the there, too. With Irene’s help, Merry could live in a
boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best college there. But, it could only be
reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take a loan college student that could only be
obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met her senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He
gave many requirements before he finally agreed to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job.
Merry realized that she should be successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from
spreading online business brochure, until playing withe high risky shares. The condition of her
economy was moving up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling
to Merry. Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.
The acting of Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana) in thit movie is very good. She can impersonate Merry
Riana’s character very well. But, it would be better if there was no kissing scene.
I think this is an inspirational movie which can motivate people to be successful at young age. It
brings good spirit for young men in Indonesia. The script writer is successful to bring a set of
interesting conflicts which make the plot of this movie become alive.
The title of the Novel: the land of 5 Towers
Author: A. Fuadi’s
Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Copyright: August 2010
KotaTerbit: Jakarta
Number of pages: 424 thing
The novel land of 5 Towers work of Ahmad Fuadi’s which was a best seller in this novel, tells
the story of five friends, he lived in a boarding school that is Hut Madani (PM). This best
seller novel is the first novel of a trilogy which was charmingly tells the story of a
typicalboarding school education world, complete with all the trinkets of life the santrinya.
Alif Kevin was a very wanted HIGH SCHOOL school in Bukittinggi West
Sumatera withexaminations which are pretty good. But her
dream seems shattered, destroyed not a trace, because Amaknya does not allow. He wanted a
school at Madrasah Aliyah Alif whichberbasik religion,
citing Amak want Alif became Ustad (Cleric). Halfheartedly, Alif Amaknyawishes to receive
a religious school.
The beginning she sangatkaget with all the strict regulations and activities the lodge.Luckily, he
found friends from different areas of the correct ² fun. Because half his heart has now
become rounded. Under the Tower PM here’s five of them thus creating dream ² ithrough his
imagination staring at the sky and stringing the clouds into the land of dreams.They are
confident in the future of that dream will be realized. Because they are convinced of
the powerful spell they get
from Kyai Rais (Professor of PM), namely man jadda wajada,who are meant to be successful.
The advantages of this novel is to change our
mindset about the cottage life just studyingreligion. Because in the novel other than learning the
science of religion, it also studied the public such as English, Arabic, art etc. The lessons that can
be learned is never underestimate a dream is as high as any of it, because God Almighty hears
the prayers of his people.
To Kill a Mockingbird
By Harper Lee
Warner Books
Reviewed by Rodman Phillbrick
I’ve never been to Alabama, but novelist Harper Lee made me feel as if I had been there in the long, hot
summer of 1935, when a lawyer named Atticus Finch decided to defend an innocent black man accused
of a horrible crime. The story of how the whole town reacted to the trial is told by the lawyer’s daughter,
Scout, who remembers exactly what it was like to be eight years old in 1935, in Maycomb, Alabama.
Scout is the reason i loved this book, because her voice rings so clear and true. Not only does she make
me see the things she sees, she makes me feel the things she feels. There’s a lot more going on than just
the trial, and Scout tells you all about it.
A man called Boo Radley lives next door. Very few people have ever seen Boo, and Scout and her friends
have a lot fun telling scary stories about him. The mystery about Boo Radley is just one of the reasons
you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in To Kill a Mockingbird.
To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with interesting characters like Dill, and Scout makes them all seem just
as real as the people in your own hometown. Here’s how Scout describes Miss Caroline, who wore a red
striped dress:”She looked and smelled like a peppermint drop.”
The large theme of the story is about racial intolerance, but Scout never tries to make it a”lesson,” it’s
simply part of the world she describes. That’s why To Kill a Mockingbird rings true, and why it all seems
so real.
Even though the story took place many years ago, you get the idea that parts of it could happen today, in
any town where people distrust and fear each other’s different.
In a just world an innocent man should be found not guilty. But if you want to know what this particular
jury finally decides and what happens to Scout and Jem and Dill and Boo Radley and the rest of the
people who live and breathe in To Kill a Mockingbird, you’ll have to read the book.
2012 Film
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other endof-days
prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It images the world coming to an end in 2012.
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when
Cussack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers
crumble all round him from the shock of a 10.5 R.S. earthquake. The preposterous flying
sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment
malfunction threatens almost the entire mission.
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the necessary clarity. In
2012 film, Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is happening to whom. However,
Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for casting Cussack.
McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the
role of the president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of
anguish to a stock role. Piatt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson
also chews the scenery as a bugeyed radio prophet trying to warm his listeners about
All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy.
Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up. Adam Lambert, who
provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.
“A Thousand Years” isn’t the greatest song ever, but it’s nice. Perri’s vocals aren’t up there with Amy
Lee or Kelly Clarkson, but she’s good and has a sweet way of singing. The lyrics demonstrate
unconditional, everlasting love. Everyone want to be loved for by someone for a thousand years!
“A Thousand Years” bukanlah lagu terhebat yang pernah ada, tapi bagus. Vokal Perri tidak sebagus
Amy Lee atau Kelly Clarkson, tapi dia cukup baik dan memiliki cara menyanyi yang manis. Liriknya
menunjukkan cinta tanpa syarat dan kekal. Semua orang ingin dicintai oleh seseorang selama seribu
2. Review Text Lagu Bahasa Inggris Love You Like a Love Song Selena Gomez
“Love You Like a Love Song” Selena Gomez
“Love You Like a Love Song” is single from one of Disney’s shining stars, Selena Gomez. The youngs
who love this young singer/actress will like this song. Gomez isn’t known for having a super-strong voice
or the most original arrangements, but she deserves props for this song, which mercifully tones down the
standard synth-pop noise and kicks the vocal performance up a notch. The end result sounds a bit more
creative and mature than the rest of the bubblegum-pop pack. Selena’s music is always great, and her
voice sounds great especially in the bridge.
In the past century people seem to believe that a love song for pop has to be acoustic with guitars, and
love songs for Rap/Hip-Hop have to sound the same. This doesnt seem to bother Rihanna, Lady GaGa,
and now Selena Gomez. To be honest in the past century “Love You Like A Love Song” has been the most
original love song in years. Monotune was perfectly done here, and the Autotune was good layered,
Autotune is not just robotic Beyonce and Rihanna use it to. Must original love song and just song in
years. Its about loving someone like a love song its gonna use love song cliches.
“Love You Like a Love Song” adalah single dari salah satu bintang bersinar Disney, Selena Gomez.
Anak-anak muda yang mencintai penyanyi / aktris muda ini akan menyukai lagu ini. Gomez tidak dikenal
memiliki suara yang sangat kuat atau pengaturan yang paling orisinil, namun ia pantas menjadi alat
peraga untuk lagu ini, yang dengan penuh kasih nada menon-aktifkan suara synth-pop standar dan
menendang kinerja vokal sampai takik. Hasil akhirnya terdengar sedikit lebih kreatif dan matang
dibandingkan dengan paket bubblegum-pop lainnya. Musik Selena selalu bagus, dan suaranya terdengar
hebat terutama di jembatan.
Pada saat ini orang tampaknya percaya bahwa lagu cinta untuk pop harus akustik dengan gitar, dan lagu
cinta untuk Rap / Hip-Hop harus terdengar sama. Sepertinya ini tidak diperdulikan Rihanna, Lady GaGa,
dan sekarang Selena Gomez. Sejujurnya masa ini “Love You Like A Love Song” telah menjadi lagu cinta
paling orisinil selama bertahun-tahun. Monotune sempurna dilakukan di sini, dan Autotune nya bagus
dan berlapis, Autotune bukan hanya seperti robot ala Beyonce dan Rihanna yang menggunakannya.
Harus lagu cinta orisinal dan nyanyikan lagu hanya dalam beberapa tahun. Its tentang mencintai
seseorang seperti lagu cinta yang akan menggunakan lagu cinta klise.
“BABY” represents more of the same from Justin Bieber. It’s a squeaky-clean song that finds the singer
once again pouring his heart out to a girl he likes. Though his crush breaks his heart in the end. “If it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it” seems to be Justin Bieber’s motto, since most of his songs — including “Baby”
— sound very similar. Here, Bieber falls back on the heavy synth-presence and formulaic pop beats that
characterize his entire last album. Though his vocals and I-want-to-be-sweet-to-you approach are still
somewhat endearing, the pattern is starting to wear thin. The most interesting part of the song is the
Ludacris verse.
Did you know Justin says “Baby” exactly 55 times in the song. The lyrics aren’t the most clever we’ve
ever heard, weI’ve heard worse, but it just repeats “Bay-be, bay-be, bay-be ohh” Not the best hit in my
standers, but some like it, and thats perfectly fine.
“BABY” mewakili lebih dari yang sama dari Justin Bieber. Ini adalah lagu yang melengking-bersih yang
menemukan penyanyi itu sekali lagi menuangkan hatinya ke gadis yang dia sukai. Meski akhirnya
menghancurkan hatinya pada akhirnya. “Jika tidak rusak, jangan perbaiki” sepertinya moto Justin
Bieber, karena sebagian besar lagunya – termasuk “Baby” – terdengar sangat mirip. Di sini, Bieber
jatuh kembali pada kehadiran synth-beat dan beat pop yang mengesankan yang menjadi ciri keseluruhan
album terakhirnya. Meskipun vokal dan pendekatan saya-ingin-menjadi-manis-untuk-Anda masih terasa
menawan, pola ini mulai terasa tipis. Bagian yang paling menarik dari lagu tersebut adalah ayat
Tahukah Anda bahwa Justin mengatakan “Baby” tepat 55 kali dalam lagunya. Liriknya bukan yang
paling pintar yang pernah kita dengar, kita sudah dengar lebih buruk, tapi hanya mengulangi “Bay-be,
bay-be, bay-be ohh” Bukan hit terbaik, tapi ada yang menyukainya.
4. Review Text Film Spider-Man Homecoming
Review Text Film Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a fun movie about one of Marvel’s most enduringly popular characters.
Starring an actual teen (Tom Holland) as web-slinging high schooler Peter Parker, its spirit is very much
in line with the original comics. As always with Spider-Man, there are messages about power and
responsibility, finding strength within yourself, being brave, and persevering.
Clever, funny, and true to the Spider-Man spirit, this take on everyone’s favorite web-slinger is
thoroughly entertaining. The world was understandably skeptical of yet another Spidey reboot, but in this
case, it was the right call. Even more than the Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield takes on the wall
crawler — as good as those were — Spider-Man: Homecoming really captures the tone of the original
comics. A large part of that is thanks to the fact that, for the first time on the big screen, Peter is being
played by an actual teenager.
It’s not a perfect film; the plot doesn’t always have a totally clear trajectory. And while Tony and Peter’s
lack of communication/mutual frustration brings to mind Harry’s relationship with Professor
Dumbledore during some of the Harry Potter saga, their dynamic brings something new and powerful to
the Marvel-verse as well: true mentorship.
‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ – the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – might just be one
of the best ones yet! The latest Spider-Man movie introduces us to a new, hilarious, middle-school aged
Peter Parker (Tom Holland), who is facing multiple difficulties in his teenage life. While he’s trying to
prove to his new mentor, Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), that he has what it takes to become
an Avenger.
Spider-Man: Homecoming adalah film yang menyenangkan tentang salah satu karakter Marvel yang
paling populer. Dibintangi seorang remaja sejati (Tom Holland) sebagai anak SMA Peter Parker,
semangatnya sangat sesuai dengan komik aslinya. Seperti biasa dengan Spider-Man, ada pesan tentang
kekuatan dan tanggung jawab, menemukan kekuatan di dalam diri Anda, bersikap berani, dan tekun.
Pintar, lucu, dan sesuai dengan semangat Spider-Man, ini mengambil slinger favorit semua orang yang
benar-benar menghibur. Dunia ini sangat skeptis terhadap reboot Spidey yang lain, namun dalam kasus
ini, ini adalah panggilan yang tepat. Bahkan lebih dari Toby Maguire dan Andrew Garfield menghadapi
perayap dinding – sebagus itu – Spider-Man: Homecoming benar-benar menangkap nada komik aslinya.
Sebagian besar dari itu adalah berkat kenyataan bahwa, untuk pertama kalinya di layar lebar, Peter
dimainkan oleh remaja sejati.
Ini bukan film yang sempurna; Plot tidak selalu memiliki lintasan yang benar-benar jelas, dan tidak ada
konflik nyata (selain hukuman Tony Stark). Dan sementara Tony dan Peter tidak memiliki komunikasi /
saling frustrasi, ingatlah akan hubungan Harry dengan Profesor Dumbledore selama beberapa kisah
Harry Potter, dinamika mereka membawa sesuatu yang baru dan kuat ke film Marvel: bimbingan yang
‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ – bagian ke-16 di Marvel Cinematic Universe – mungkin hanya salah satu
yang terbaik! Film Spider-Man terbaru mengenalkan kita kepada seorang Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
yang baru, lucu, dan sedang menghadapi banyak kesulitan dalam masa remajanya. Sementara dia
mencoba membuktikan kepada mentor barunya, Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), bahwa dia
memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi Avenger.
5. Review Text Buku Novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The
Chronicles of Narnia
5. Review Text Buku Novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is the first book published in C.S. Lewis’ classic Chronicles of
Narnia series, which children have loved for generations. The main characters are clear role models who
valiantly help save Narnia from the Witch; even the one who initially falls under her sway learns his
lesson, showing the power of repentance and forgiveness.
Anyone who’s ever dreamed of living in a world where animals can talk is going to enjoy this book.
Originally published in 1950, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is full of storyteller’s asides and
precious English children, with a mix of adventure and serious battles. Yes, perhaps the forces of good
sometimes seem to have too easy a time vanquishing their foes, and, yes, the writing style is now
somewhat dated, but this is still a classic series that young fantasy fans will thoroughly enjoy.
This book is great fantasy and if you don’t like fantasy at all, then you won’t like this.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia
Singa, si Penyihir, dan Lemari adalah buku pertama yang diterbitkan dalam serial klasik Chronicles of
Narnia karya Lewis, yang anak-anak cintai selama beberapa generasi. Tokoh utama adalah model peran
yang jelas yang dengan gagah berani membantu menyelamatkan Narnia dari sang Penyihir; Bahkan
orang yang awalnya jatuh di bawah kekuasaannya belajar pelajarannya, menunjukkan kekuatan
pertobatan dan pengampunan.
Siapa pun yang pernah bermimpi untuk tinggal di dunia di mana hewan dapat berbicara akan menikmati
buku ini. Awalnya diterbitkan pada tahun 1950, The Lion, sang Penyihir, dan Lemari itu penuh dengan
asuh pendongeng dan anak-anak Inggris yang berharga, dengan campuran petualangan dan
pertempuran serius. Ya, mungkin kekuatan yang baik kadang nampaknya terlalu mudah untuk
menunggangi musuh mereka, dan, ya, gaya penulisan sekarang agak bertanggal, tapi ini masih
merupakan seri klasik yang akan dinikmati penggemar fantasi muda.