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The Energy Electricity Supply Regulations 00000002

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Legal Notice No………………

THE ENERGY ACT (No. 1 of 2019)





1 Citation and Commencement

2 Application
3 Interpretation


4 Establishment of the Grid Code

5 Compliance with the Grid Code
6 Failure to comply with the Grid Code
7 Review of the of the Grid Code


8 Establishment of the Grid Code Review Committee

9 Composition of the Review Committee
10 Review Committee Member Qualifications
11 Term of Office
12 Vacation of Office
13 Conduct of Business of the Review Committee
14 Replacement of the Chairperson
15 Licensees Grid Code Implementation Committee


16 Duty to provide electricity in area of supply

17 Provision of electric supply lines
18 Application for connection to an electric supply line
19 Records of connections
20 Charges for connection
21 Terms and conditions for connection
22 Processing of applications for connection
23 Mini grids and stand-alone power systems
24 Other connection requirements
25 Metering

pg. 1

26 Precautions to avoid damages including fire and lightning

27 Insulation of electric circuits
28 Transformers
29 Protection and maintenance of electric supply lines
30 Earthing of alternating current system
31 Earthing of concentric cables mains
32 Removal of disused works


33 Overhead line conductors
34 Clearance of overhead lines
35 Location of overhead lines
36 Overhead conductors support structures
37 Erection of supports
38 Attachment of conductors to supports
39 Factors of safety for supports
40 Precaution to prevent danger
41 Road and railway crossings
42 Different voltages lines on same poles
43 Feeder interconnections
44 Protection of conductors against vibration
45 Earthing of metalwork of supports
46 Precautions to ensure safe operation of apparatus
47 Protection of earth wires on support
48 Overhead lines placed in default by another party
49 Erection of service lines
50 Service line lead-ins
51 Precautions against damage to consumer’s premises
52 Anti-climbing devices and danger notices
53 Prohibition of use of unsafe works
54 Prohibition of works causing nuisance
55 Joint use of supports

56 Underground supply lines

57 Insulation of underground lines
58 Minimum size of underground lines
59 Depth of underground lines
60 Underground lines along and across roads
61 Warning of presence of medium and high voltage underground lines
62 Levels of underground lines at different voltages
pg. 2
63 Construction of pillars and street boxes
64 Underground lines brought above the ground surface
65 Earthing of ducts and metallic sheaths
66 Testing of underground lines
67 Prohibition of use of unsafe lines


68 Licence required for electrical installation & construction works
69 Powers of the Authority
70 Electrical Installation Work Licensing Committee
71 Qualification of members of the Licensing Committee
72 Composition of the Licensing Committee
73 Termination of appointment of members of the Licensing Committee
74 Meetings of the Licensing Committee
75 Certificates for electrical workers
76 Competency assessment of certificate applicants
77 Licences for electrical contractors
78 Suspension or revocation of a certificate or licence


79 Electrical installation in the premises of a consumer

80 Certificates detailing particulars of an electrical installation
81 Inspection of Electrical installation at the Premises of a Consumer by Licensee
82 Periodic testing and inspection of electrical installations
83 Failure to comply with these Regulations


84 Offences and penalties

85 Offences by corporate bodies


86 Revocation
87 Preservation of Licences and Certificates
88 Preservation of proceedings and rights of appeal
89 Continuance of periods of time

First Schedule Kenya National Transmission Grid Code (KNTGC)
Second Schedule Kenya National Distribution Grid Code (KNDGC)
Third Schedule Guidelines for Network Connections

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Fourth Schedule Classes of Certificates And Licences
Fifth Schedule Minimum Licensing Requirements
Sixth Schedule Certificate and Licence Application Forms
Seventh Schedule Application, Grant snd Renewal Fees
Eighth Schedule Periodic Inspections and Testing of Installations
Ninth Schedule Certificates for Electrical Installations
Tenth Schedule Penalties for Non-Compliance

pg. 4
THE ENERGY ACT (No. 1 of 2019)

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 149, 151, 160, 167, 208 of the Energy Act,
2019, the Cabinet Secretary for Energy makes the following Regulations



Citation and 1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Energy (Electricity Supply)
Commencement Regulations, 2021.
(2) These Regulations shall come into force upon gazettement by the
Cabinet Secretary.
Application 2. These Regulations shall apply to any person carrying out or intending to
carry out the generation, exportation, importation, transmission,
distribution, retail supply and use of electricity or any work relating
thereto, including―
(i) System operations.
(ii) Planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of
electric power generators, electric supply lines and equipment.
(iii) Connection of any premises to an electricity supply system.
(iv) Electrical installation work at the premises of any consumer.
(v) Quality of supply and service.

Interpretation 3. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires ―

“Act” means the Energy Act, No. 1 of 2019;
“Agency” has the meaning assigned to it in the Act;
“Application” means a formal request to carry any undertaking to
generate, export, import, transmit, distribute, or retail supply of
electrical energy. It includes a formal request for a certificate or
license to carry out electrical installation work;
“Area of supply” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Authority” means the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
established under section 9 of the Act;
“Auxiliary conductor” means any overhead conductor other than a
line conductor.
“Building” has the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Cabinet Secretary” means the cabinet secretary for the time being
responsible for energy;
“Capital contribution” means that amount of money paid to a
licensee, by a person who applies to be connected to a transmission
or distribution system, as a contribution to the cost of erecting electric
supply lines which enable supply to other persons;

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“Circuit” means an electrical path forming a system or branch of a
“Connection Charge” means the costs incurred in the development
of the infrastructure to connect the customer’s premises;
“Connection service provider” means a transmission, distribution or
retail supply licensee;
“Consumer” shall have the same meaning as assigned in the Act;
“Corporation” has the meaning assigned to it in the Act;
“Day” means a calendar day;
“Distribution system” shall have the same meaning as assigned in the
“Electric supply line” shall have the same meaning as assigned in the
“Electrical contractor” means a person licensed by the Authority
under Regulation 77 of these Regulations to carry out the electrical
installation work as specified in the license;
“Electrical installation” shall have the meaning assigned under the
“Electrical installation certificate or license” means a document
issued by the Authority under Regulations 75 or 77 of these
Regulations, respectively, authorizing a holder of the certificate or
license to carry out electrical installation work either individually or
as a body corporate or incorporate for voluntary, business, training,
or teaching purposes either for gain or reward or for no charge at all;
“Electrical installation work” shall have the meaning assigned in the
“Electrical worker” shall have the meaning assigned under the Act;
“Electricity supply system” means any system used to provide a
supply of electricity and includes the national grid, mini grids or
stand-alone power systems, stand-by auxiliary power supply systems;
“Equipment or appliance” shall have the meaning assigned to it
under the Act;
“Factor of safety” means the measure of reliability in equipment
design given as the ratio of absolute strength or capacity of a material
or equipment to the intended, actual or maximum permissible load or
“Feeder” means an electrical line emanating from a generating
station or primary substation to a supply area controlled by a circuit
“Form of Contract” means the supply agreement document between
the service provider and the consumer as approved by the Authority
setting out the rights and responsibilities;

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“Good electricity industry practice” means that degree of skill,
diligence, prudence and foresight that reasonably would be expected
from a competent person, consistent with applicable laws,
regulations, licenses, codes and ensuring reliability of supply, safety
and protection of the environment;
“Grid” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Grid Code” means the Kenya National Transmission Grid Code set
out in the First Schedule and the Kenya National Distribution Grid
Code set out in the Second Schedule, which establishes the technical
and other requirements for the connection to and use of the grid in a
manner that ensures reliable, efficient and safe operations;
“Installation” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“License” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Licensee” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Licensing Committee” means the Electrical Installation Work
Licensing Committee established under Regulation 70;
“Line conductor” means an electrical conductor or cable used for
conveying electrical energy and includes so much of any service line
as may be placed above ground and in the open air;
“Mini grid” means any electricity supply system with or without its
own power Generation Capacity, supplying electricity to more than
one Consumer and which can operate in isolation from or be
connected to a third party’s Distribution Network with an installed
capacity of up to 1 MW;
“mm” means millimeters;
“Network Users” has the meaning assigned to it in the Grid Code;
“Overhead conductor” means any conductor of an overhead electric
supply line normally in tension and includes line conductors, and
auxiliary conductors together with joints and jointing devices used
“Overhead line” means any electric supply line which is placed
above ground and in the open air;
“Person” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Premises” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Primary substation” means the interconnection between high
voltage and medium voltage;
“Public road” has the meaning as prescribed in the Public Roads and
Roads of Access Act (CAP 399);
“Review Committee” means the Grid Code Review Committee
established under Regulation 8.
“Revocation” means a licence or certificate has been permanently
canceled and cannot be reinstated.
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“Service line” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act;
“Stand-alone power system” means an electricity supply system
which is not connected to the Grid;
“Street box” means a cabinet for electrical equipment mounted in the
street and controlling the electrical supply to a number of houses in a
“Support” means any structure used to prop up any overhead line
including poles, stays, struts, and cross arms but not including
conductor attachments;
“Suspension” means a licence or certificate is temporarily out of
service and can be reinstated upon satisfying set out conditions.
“System operations” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the
“System operator” means a person designated as such under section
138 of the Act;
“Underground line” means any electric supply line which is placed
underground; and
“Voltage” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act.

(2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-

(i) any reference to a numbered Regulation or Schedule is a
reference to the Regulation or Schedule bearing that number in
these Regulations;
(ii) any reference to a numbered paragraph is a reference to the
paragraph bearing that number in the Regulation in which the
reference occurs;
(iii) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;
(iv) words importing a gender include any gender.


Establishment of 4. There is established a Grid Code with the objectives of setting out rules
the Grid Code and technical standards for connection to and use of the grid in a manner
that will ensure reliable, efficient and safe operation.
Compliance with 5. (1) The Authority shall be responsible for the implementation of the
the Grid Code Kenya National Transmission Grid Code set out in the First
Schedule and the Kenya National Distribution Grid Code set out in
the Second Schedule, collectively referred to as the Grid Code.
(2) The Authority shall ensure that every licensee complies with the
Grid Code.
(3) Every licensee shall comply with all the provisions of the Grid Code
that relate to the licensee’s undertakings and operations.
(4) The System Operator shall comply with all the provisions of the Grid
Code that relate to its undertakings and operations.
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Failure to 6. (1) A person who fails to comply with any provision of the Grid Code
comply with the shall be dealt with in the manner set out in the relevant Code and
Grid Code these Regulations.
(2) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of these
Regulations or who fails to comply with any prohibition or order of
the Authority or the System Operator under any of these Regulations
shall, where no specific punishment is prescribed under paragraph
(1) hereof, be guilty of an offence and shall be punishable with a fine
not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings per breach in
accordance the Act
Review of the 7. The Cabinet Secretary hereby authorizes:
Grid Code (i) the Grid Code Review Committee to review the Grid Code regularly and at least once
every three years to conform to good electricity industry practices and emerging
technologies and;
(ii) the Authority to approve the reviewed Grid Code.

(1) The Authority shall be responsible for the review of the operations
and revision of the Grid Code
(2) Any consumer, licensee, System Operator, Grid Code Review
Committee Member, Authority and or other interested party may
propose revisions to the Grid Code.
(3) Before approving any proposed revisions to the Grid Code, the
Authority will be guided by the Grid Code Review Committee
recommendations on the matter and any representations made by
party proposing the revisions.


Establishment of 8. (1) There is established a Grid Code Review committee hereinafter
the Grid Code referred to as the Review Committee.
Review (2) The Review Committee shall:
(i) Review the Grid Code;
(ii) Ensure that the Grid Code is consistent in its approach and is
developed to reflect changes in Prudent Utility Practice and
(iii) Review and discuss all proposals for amendments to the Grid
Code which the Authority, System Operator, Generation
Licensees, Transmission Licensees, Distribution Licensees or
Network Users have submitted to it for consideration from time
to time;
(iv) Submit its recommendations to the Authority for approval;
(v) Review existing standards relevant to the operation of the Grid
Code and make modifications or proposals for new standards in
relation to the operation of the Grid; and
(vi) Issue guidance in relation to the Grid Code and its
implementation, performance, and interpretation.

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Composition of 9. (1) The Review Committee shall consist of the following Members:
the Review (i) A Chairperson appointed by the Authority;
(ii) One person representing the Ministry;
(iii) One person representing the System Operator;
(iv) Two persons representing public Transmission Licensees;
(v) One person representing private Transmission Licensees;
(vi) Two persons representing public Distribution Licensees;
(vii) One person representing private Distribution Licensees;
(viii) Two persons representing public Generation Licensees;
(ix) One person representing private Generation Licensees
(x) One person representing Retail Supply Licensees;
(xi) One person representing the Corporation
(xii) One person representing the Agency
(2) The Review Committee may from time to time co-opt such other
members as it may deem necessary but in any case not more than four
members but such co-opted members shall not have voting rights.
(3) In the case that any of the above categories include more than one
entity, the constituents shall form a caucus and appoint a
(4) All nominations are subject to approval by the Authority with regard
to required minimum qualifications for Members.
(5) In the case that any of the above categories contain no entities, the
position will remain unfilled.
(6) The Authority shall appoint the Chairperson and his alternate. The
nominating entity shall nominate both the substantive member and the
alternate and forward the names to the Authority for appointment.
(7) The Authority shall appoint the Secretary who may, but need not, be
a Member but shall not be a Member by virtue only of being Secretary.
The Secretary shall have the right to speak at meetings but, unless he
is a Member, he will have no right to cast a vote at any meeting.
(8) The Authority shall appoint members nominated by the respective
entities as described herein.
(9) References to a Member shall, unless the context otherwise requires,
include his duly appointed alternate.

Review 10. Due to the technical nature of many of the duties and responsibilities of
Committee the Review Committee members, any person that is being considered as
Member a Member must meet the following minimum qualifications and
Qualifications experience;
(i) Chairperson: A licensed electrical engineer from the Authority
with a minimum of 7 years’ experience in the electricity sub-sector.

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Committee Member: A licensed engineer with a minimum of 5 years’ of
experience in electric power industry with relevant technical capacity
Term of Office 11. (1) The term of office of a Member shall be a term of three (3) years from
the date of his or her appointment and may be eligible for
reappointment for one further term of three (3) years.
(2) The Authority has the right to modify the term of office during the
initial formation of the Review Committee to assure that incumbent
Member’s terms do not expire at the same time. This will assure that
the Review Committee has a consistent mix of incumbents and new
Vacation of 12. (1) A Member may resign, be reappointed, replaced or removed in
Office accordance with the provisions prescribed in these regulations.
(2) The office of a Member shall be vacated if:
(i) They resign from office by notice delivered to the Secretary;
(ii) They become bankrupt or compounds with their creditors
(iii) They or their alternate fails to attend more than three (3)
consecutive meetings of the Review Committee without
submitting an explanation to the Chairperson which is reasonably
acceptable to the Chairperson;
(iv) They become unable to perform due to mental or physical
(v) They grossly misconduct and behavior whether in the
performance of the member’s function or otherwise
(vi) The member dies; or
(vii) Ceases to be an employee of the nominating institution.
(3) If a vacancy arises as stipulated in paragraph (2) of this regulation, the
Chairperson shall notify the appointing authority who will seek for
nomination of a replacement. Once the request for nomination is
received, the same shall be done within twenty-five days.
Conduct of 13. (1) The Review Committee shall establish and comply at all times with
Business of the its own rules and procedures governing the conduct of its business as
Review approved by the Authority.
(2) The Review Committee will seek to achieve a unanimous consensus
agreement among all voting Members. If the Review Committee is
unable to reach unanimous consensus on an item, a simple majority
voting method will be used. If there is a tie after voting, the
Chairperson will be allowed to cast a tie-breaking vote. Otherwise,
the Chairperson shall not cast a vote.
(3) The Chairperson shall preside over every meeting of the Review
Committee at which he is present. If the Chairperson is unable to be
present at a meeting but has appointed an alternate, such alternate shall
act as Chairperson. If neither the Chairperson nor his alternate is
present within half an hour after the time appointed for holding the

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meeting, the Members present may appoint one of their number to act
as Chairperson of the meeting; such appointee shall not be treated as
the Chairperson’s alternate and shall not be entitled to cast the
Chairperson’s vote.
Replacement of 14. The Authority may at any time replace the Chairperson. Upon retirement
the Chairperson or removal by the Authority of the first and each successive Chairperson,
the Authority shall appoint a person to act as Chairperson.
Licensees Grid 15. Every Licensee shall establish internal Grid Code Implementation
Code Committee which will be tasked with the implementation, monitoring and
Implementation reporting on the Grid Code. The Committee will also be responsible for
Committee proposing any necessary amendments to it.


Duty to provide 16. (1) Every licensee shall use its best endeavors to provide electrical
electricity in energy appropriate for each category of consumers in its area of
area of supply supply in accordance with applicable contracts.
(2) In providing electricity to consumers, every licensee shall ensure
safety of people and property, protection of the environment as well
as sustainability, efficiency and reliability of the supply.
(3) The licensee shall prepare and submit to the Authority for approval
the Form of Contract to be entered into between itself and its
(4) The Authority shall make a decision and communicate within sixty
days on the Form of Contract submitted for approval.
Provision of 17. (1) Where a licensee uses any electricity supply system to supply
electric supply consumers pursuant to Regulation 16 of these regulations, that
lines system may be laid down or erected at the cost of the licensee, the
national or county governments or by way of capital contributions
made by consumers connected to that system. Provided that each
electricity supply system shall be under the control of the licensee
responsible for that area.
(2) Every person has the right to use the electricity supply system under
the control of any licensee provided that the installation to be
connected thereto meets the minimum requirements of the licensee
as approved by the Authority and in accordance with section 140 of
the Act and the Grid Code.
(3) Every installation connected to the electricity supply system under
the control of any licensee shall be in accordance with a contract or
Form of Contract approved by the Authority. It shall be the duty of
the owner or occupier of any premises requiring connections to
ensure that the electrical installation in the subject premises
complies with the provisions of section 151 of the Act.

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Application for 18. (1) A person requiring connection to the distribution system under the
connection to an control of any licensee for any purpose shall apply to the Connection
electric supply Service Provider in the manner set out in the Third Schedule.
(2) The Connection Service Provider shall prominently display on its
website and at all offices where an application for connection may
be made, the complete list of documents to be furnished with each
application and the procedure for processing the application.
(3) Application for new connection shall be made in the form prescribed
by the connection service provider and any error, omission or defect
in the application shall be communicated to the applicant in writing
within fourteen days of receipt of the application.
(4) Upon application by any person, the Connection Service Provider
shall, in accordance with Regulations 21 and 22 of these regulations,
notify the applicant in writing of the terms and conditions, which
may include payments of whatever nature, to be complied with
before the connection is provided.

Records of 19. (1) Every Connection Service Provider shall maintain records of all
connections persons whose premises get connected to electricity supply systems
in their area of supply together with costs of all electric supply lines
erected to enable the connections and the capital contributions
(2) Within three months after the end of every financial year, every
connection service provider shall carry out an analysis of all new
connections made at each supply voltage in the immediately
preceding twelve months and derive the average costs of single and
three phase connections.
(3) The licensee shall submit to the Authority the analysis and average
costs of connections derived pursuant to paragraph (2).

Charges for 20. (1) The licensee shall endeavour to provide the consumer with a
connection reasonable connection charge based on a fair, just and transparent
methodology. The methodology shall provide for equitable
distribution of capital contribution. The equitable distribution of
costs among persons who get connected to electric supply lines that
are paid for by others shall be in compliance with Section 142 of the
(2) The methodology for developing the connection charges shall be
developed by the Licensee and submitted to the Authority who shall
within a period of 14 days communicate its decision.
(3) The licensee should clearly display in its website and offices the
approved connection charges, the option to complain or dispute the
connection charge and raise a complaint with the Authority.

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Terms and 21. (1) Upon receipt of any application for connection to any electric supply
conditions for line, the connection service provider shall:
connection (i) make a determination of the connection charges in accordance
with the approved methodology referred to in Regulation 20
of these regulations
(ii) establish all persons who may have made capital contributions
in respect of the electric supply line that the applicant is to be
connected to and any refunds due to those persons;
(iii) advise the applicant the payments to be made before the
connection is made, as well as any refunds that the applicant
may be entitled to from persons that may be subsequently
connected to the electric supply line for which he has made a
capital contribution.
(2) The payments and refunds contemplated in paragraph (1) shall be
determined in accordance with the approved methodology referred
to in Regulation 20 of these regulations.
(3) In any case where the application for connection relates to a
household, the payments shall be in accordance with Regulation 20
of these regulations.
Processing of 22. (1) Applications for connection to low voltage electric supply lines shall
applications for be processed in the following manner―
(i) The connection service provider shall within thirty days from
the date of acceptance of application give to the applicant a
written notice of the conditions and terms to be complied with
before the connection is made;
(ii) The applicant shall comply with the terms and conditions
contained in the notice contemplated in paragraph (1)(i) within
ninety days from the date of service of the said notice, failure
to which the notice shall expire;
(iii) Upon fulfilment by the applicant of the terms and conditions
contemplated in paragraph (1)(i) and upon acquisition of
wayleaves consent and other permits and approvals, the
connection service provider shall effect the connection
through a meter (unless other method of determining the
quantity of electrical energy supplied is agreed upon):
(a) within fourteen (14) days, if the connection is to be made
without requiring any network extension;
(b) within ninety (90) days, if the extension of the network is
(2) Applications for connection to medium and high voltage electric
supply lines shall be processed in the following manner―
(i) The applicant shall notify the connection service provider of
the technical details of the required power supply, not less than
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one year before completion of their project where high voltage
electric supply is required.
(ii) The connection service provider shall inform the applicant in
writing whether the connection is technically feasible or not
within thirty days.
(iii) If the connection is technically feasible, the connection service
provider shall inform the applicant in writing, on such details
as the voltage at which supply would be given, any agreement
to be executed with the licensee and other commercial
formalities to be completed.
(iv) Upon execution of a supply agreement and completion of
other commercial formalities the licensee shall, within thirty
days serve on the applicant the capital contribution and
amount of account deposit payable and the procedure laid
down for connection under paragraph (1) (iii) shall apply save
that the licensee shall energize the connection within ninety
days or such other period as the parties may agree on, from the
date of payment of the contribution.
(3) Under these regulations;
(i) The licensee shall promptly inform the applicant through a
written communication of any emerging unforeseen
circumstances that will impact on the connection timelines.
(ii) If the connection is not made and no written communication is
received by the applicant within the periods prescribed in
Paragraphs (1), (2) and 3(i), the applicant may lodge a complaint
with the connection service provider and where the complaint is
not resolved within thirty days the dispute may be referred to
the Authority.
Mini grids and 23. (1) Where it is not economically viable to provide electricity supply to
stand-alone any area or premises from the national grid, that area or those
power systems premises may be served by mini grids or stand-alone power systems.
(2) The process of developments of these mini grids shall be as outlined
in the regulations with respect to Mini Grids.
Other 24. (1) The connection to an electricity supply system shall further be
connection informed by the provisions of the Connections Chapter of the First
requirements Schedule and the Connections Chapter of the Second Schedule.
(2) A consumer shall pay on demand, charges for consumption of
electrical energy, whether such charges are due to the licensee for
the supply of electrical energy to the premises in respect of which
such supply is demanded or in respect of other premises.
(3) A licensee may require a consumer to make meter and account
deposits as shall be contained in the methodology approved by the
Authority as per Regulation 20.

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Metering 25. (1) The Licensee shall establish a meter reading cycle for purposes of
ascertaining the charges for consumption of electrical energy.
Provided that a consumer may with the agreement of the Licensee
take the readings in the meter and submit the same for billing
(2) Where any meter is interfered or tampered with whilst in the premises
of the consumer upon whose premises the meter was placed commits
an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years or to both.


Precautions to 26. (1) In supplying electricity to any premises, every licensee shall exercise
avoid damages all due precautions so as to avoid causing any damages including fire
including fire on those premises.
and lightning
(2) Where any electric supply line or its support is exposed in such a
position as to be liable to cause injury from lightning, it shall be
effectively protected against that liability.
(3) The consumer shall be responsible for the installation of suitable surge
protective devices within his premises so as to avoid causing any
damages including fire on those premises.
(4) Electric supply lines in areas prone to lightning shall be fitted with
efficient devices at such point or points as may be necessary to prevent
as far as is practicable the conveyance of disturbances induced or
created by lightning into the premises of consumers.
Insulation of 27. (1) The testing for insulation of equipment and switchgears shall be
electric circuits carried out in accordance with the standard of the Kenya Bureau of
Standards or where no such standard exists, any international standard
approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standards.
(2) Every equipment and switchgears shall be tested for insulation
periodically in accordance with the standard of the Kenya Bureau of
Standards or where no such standard exists, any international standard
approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standards.
(3) The medium and high voltage switchgears and equipment shall be
tested based on the standard of the Kenya Bureau of Standards or
where no such standard exists, any international standard approved by
the Kenya Bureau of Standards and good electricity industry practice.
(4) In the case of every machine, device or apparatus the testing shall be
in accordance with the standards of the Kenya Bureau of Standards or
where no such standard exists, any international standard approved by
the Kenya Bureau of Standards.
(5) The results of each test shall be duly recorded by the Licensee.
(6) Any electrical fault shall be remedied without delay.

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(7) Where it is not possible to isolate the earth associated with any part of
an electrical circuit for testing purposes, the provisions of this
regulation shall not apply to that part of that circuit so long as the
connection with earth exists.
Transformers 28. (1) The transformer sub-stations shall be placed either on poles or in
premises, and where ―
(i) mounted on poles, they shall be at such a height as to make them
inaccessible except by means of a ladder or other special
(ii) housed within any premises, they shall be inaccessible except to
authorized persons.
(2) All customers’ fuses should be automatically acting.
(3) The metallic portion of every transformer with the exception of the
conductors thereof shall be effectively connected with earth.
Protection and 29. (1) All electric supply lines including apparatus belonging to or
maintenance of connected therewith shall be regularly inspected and efficiently
electric supply maintained in accordance with these Regulations.
(2) Every electric circuit shall be protected by a suitable fuse or automatic
protective devices.
Earthing of 30. Alternating current circuits shall be connected with earth in accordance
alternating with the following conditions-
current system (i) the connection with earth shall be made where energy is delivered
to each circuit, that is to say, at every generating station, at every
transmission or distribution substation and at every consumer’s
metering point, and shall wherever practicable be made at a neutral
point in the circuit and in such manner as will ensure at all times
an immediate and safe discharge of energy;
(ii) the connection with earth shall be effectively maintained, except
when it is interrupted by means of a switch or link for the purpose
of periodical tests to confirm the effectiveness of the earthing;
(iii) the insulation of the mains shall be effectively maintained at all
times; and
(iv) tests shall be periodically made to ascertain whether any current is
passing by means of the connection with earth, and, if at any time
the current so passing exceeds one-thousandth part of the
maximum supply current of the circuit, immediate action shall be
taken to improve the insulation. The tests and any action taken shall
be duly recorded by the licensee.
Earthing of 31. Concentric cables mains used for direct or alternating current shall be
concentric cables connected with earth in accordance with the following conditions:
mains (i) the connection with earth shall be made―
(a) by means of the external conductor; and

pg. 17
(b) only at the point or points where energy is given to each circuit,
namely, at every generating station, at every transmission or
distribution substation and at every consumer’s metering point;
(ii) the insulation of the external conductor shall be effectively
maintained along its entire length;
(iii) the external conductor shall form a complete metallic sheathing
round the inner conductor;
(iv) the connection with earth shall be effectively maintained, except
when it is interrupted by means of a switch or link for the purpose
of periodical tests to confirm effectiveness of the earthing; and
(v) tests shall be periodically made to ascertain whether any current is
passing by means of the connection with earth, and, if at any time
the current passing by means of the connection with earth exceeds
one-thousandth part of the maximum supply current of the circuit,
steps shall be immediately taken to improve the insulation; the tests
and any action taken shall be duly recorded by the licensee.
Removal of 32. (1) Where any works have fallen into disuse other than for a temporary
disused works short period: -
(i) the owner and or licensee shall notify the Authority.
(ii) the owner and or licensee shall remove the disused works within
a period of 12 months from the date of notification to the
Authority or for a period as shall be agreed between the owner
and or licensee and the Authority.
(2) Where the Authority establishes a disused works that the owner and
or licensee has not reported, the Authority shall give the owner and or
licensee 12 months within which to remove the disused works.
(3) In the event of the owner and or licensee failing to remove the disused
works within the period set out in paragraphs (1)(ii) and (2) of this
regulation the Authority may order their removal.
(4) Before making an order for the removal of such works, the Authority
shall give notice to the owner of its intention to make such order, and
if good cause is not shown why it should not make such order within
thirty days of such notice being given, the Authority may order their
removal and recover the cost of such removal from the owner as a
civil debt.


Overhead line 33. (1) The sectional area of any conductor of any overhead electric supply
conductors line or any service line shall not be less than ten square mm, and the
minimum size of any conductor of an overhead electric supply line
shall be such as to have an actual breaking load of not less than 2.5
(2) Line conductors shall be of copper, cadmium copper, copper-clad
steel, galvanized steel, steel-cored aluminum, aluminum or such other
pg. 18
materials as may be allowed by the relevant Kenyan Standard.
Provided that line conductors of soft-drawn copper shall not be placed
in tension.
(3) The factor of safety of line conductors, earth conductors, auxiliary
conductors and guard wires shall be not less than three (3). The factor
of safety shall be based on the breaking load and shall be calculated
on the assumption that the line conductors are at a temperature of zero
degrees Centigrade, and that they are simultaneously subjected to a
horizontal wind at right angles to the line. This wind to be taken as
exerting a pressure on the whole of the projected area of the
conductors calculated as per KS-1876: Electrical Power Transmission
and Distribution – Overhead Power Lines for Conditions Prevailing
in Kenya and KS-1587: Kenya National Safety Code. The elasticity
of the metal shall be allowed for in calculating the sag for line
Clearance of 34. (1) All line conductors other than those permanently connected with earth
overhead lines of overhead electric supply lines shall be so erected as to be
inaccessible to any person without the use of a ladder or other
extraneous device and in particular―
(i) all overhead electric supply line shall be placed as set out in the
KS-1587:Kenya National Electricity Safety Code and KS-
1876:Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution –
Overhead Power Lines for Conditions Prevailing in Kenya ;
(ii) all distribution systems shall, in addition to compliance with
paragraph 1 (a), be so placed as to provide for the convenience
and economic provision of service lines.
(2) The height from the ground of any line conductor, earth conductor,
auxiliary conductor or guard wire at any point of the span at a
conductor temperature not exceeding eighty degrees Centigrade, shall
be not less than―
(i) for line conductors and auxiliary conductors at low voltage, earth
conductors and guard wires―
(a) across a public or private road ……............ 5,800 mm
(b) in other positions ……………...…………. 5,200 mm
Provided that, in the case of service lines at low voltage which are
situated on private premises, the following minimum heights above
ground shall be adopted:-
(ii) for bare line conductors (other than earth, neutral and auxiliary
conductors)…..…...…........................................... 4,600 mm
(iii) for line conductors and auxiliary conductors efficiently insulated
and for bare earth neutrals, earth conductors and guard wires―
(a) across a private carriage-way........................... 4,600 mm
(b) in other positions …..……...………................ 4,000 mm

pg. 19
(iv) for line conductors at medium or high voltage in any position―
(a) for nominal voltages ≤ 66kV............................ 6,100mm
(b) for nominal voltages 66kV < V ≤110kV ......... 6,400 mm
(c) for nominal voltages >110kV....……………....7,000 mm
(3) Where overhead electric supply lines cross―
(i) navigable waterways, the minimum height above the water shall
be as directed by the Kenya Maritime Authority.
(ii) game parks, the minimum height above the ground shall be as
directed by the Kenya Wildlife Service.
(4) No overhead electric supply line shall come within 600mm of any
other separately owned overhead electric supply lines or cables except
at a pole, and then only by arrangement between the respective owners
of the lines.
(5) Telecommunication lines carried on the same supports with electric
supply lines shall have at temperatures of eighty degrees Centigrade
and below, such clearance from the ground (or, where crossing a
railway, from rail level) of not less than 5,200 mm.
Location of 35. (1) Every overhead electric supply line shall be so located within the
overhead lines distances set out in the KS-1587: Kenya National Electricity Safety
Code and KS-1876: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution
– Overhead Power Lines for Conditions Prevailing in Kenya so as to
be immune from damage by vehicles which remain on the
(2) Where erection of any overhead electric supply lines or
telecommunication plant necessitates the alteration of any existing
telecommunication plant or overhead electric supply line, the expense
of such alteration shall be borne by the owner of the new overhead
electric supply line or telecommunication plant.
(3) An overhead electric supply line shall not be placed below a radio
aerial. No new radio aerial shall be constructed so as to interfere with
the overhead electric supply line.
Overhead 36. (1) Overhead conductors shall be carried on support structures of durable
conductors material including wood, metal, reinforced concrete or other suitable
support materials.
(2) Wooden supports shall only be from hardwood sources and shall have
been treated in accordance to the KS 516 S: Wooden Poles for Power
and Telecommunication Lines – Specifications so as to be resistant to
insect, fungus attack and to deterioration under local service
(3) The Authority may require production of evidence to satisfy itself that
the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (2) have been fulfilled.
(4) Special precautions shall be taken to prevent the corrosion of metal
work above, at or below ground level.

pg. 20
(5) Every support shall be so located as to avoid obstruction or
interference with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(6) The supports, in conjunction with stays or struts if provided, shall
withstand the longitudinal, transverse and vertical loads due to the
weight of the wires, the wind pressure hereinafter specified and
change of direction of the line without damage and without movement
Erection of 37. (1) Supports shall be so erected to withstand their normal service loading
supports without damage and without any movement of supports under the
(2) Any stay which forms part of a support and which passes over the
carriageway of a public or private road shall be so erected to have a
minimum clearance of 5,800 mm or 4,600 mm, respectively, from the
surface of the carriageway under all conditions of weather and loading
likely to be encountered.
Attachment of 38. (1) All overhead line conductors shall be attached to suitable insulators
conductors to carried on cross arms or brackets of suitable material and cross
supports section.
(2) Line conductors shall be attached to supports by means of insulators
having electrical and mechanical characteristics which at the time of
erection meet the requirements of the relevant Kenyan Standard,
having due regard to the atmospheric conditions to which the
insulators will normally be subjected.
(3) Auxiliary conductors shall be attached to supports by means of
suitable purpose-made fittings, which may be insulators where
Factors of safety 39. (1) The insulators or fittings through which overhead conductors are
for supports attached to supports shall have a factor of safety not less than three.
(2) The factor of safety shall be based upon the ultimate strength of the
attachment mounted on its service condition, and shall take account
of the unbalanced loading due to conductor terminations and changes
of direction. The factor of safety shall be calculated on the assumption
that the conductors are at a temperature of zero degrees Centigrade,
and are simultaneously subjected to a horizontal wind pressure at right
angles to the conductors. This wind to be taken as exerting a pressure
on the whole of the projected area of the conductors calculated as per
KS-1876 Standard: Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution
– Overhead Power Lines for Conditions Prevailing in Kenya and KS-
1587 Standard – Kenya National Safety Code.
(3) The minimum factors of safety for poles made of iron, steel or
reinforced concrete shall be 2.5, and 3.5 for those made of wood.
Provided that in the case of:

pg. 21
(i) reinforced concrete poles, the manufacture and test shall be in
accordance with the relevant Kenyan Standard;
(ii) wooden poles, the factor of safety shall be based on the
measurements of that portion of the pole impervious to the
attack of termites;
(iii) any other suitable material, the manufacture and test shall be in
accordance with the relevant Kenyan Standard, or where no
such standard exists, any international standard approved by the
Kenya Bureau of Standards.
(4) The factors of safety specified in paragraph (3) shall be calculated on
the assumption that all conductors, cables and wires carried by the
supports are at a temperature of zero degrees Centigrade, and that
together with the supports they are subjected to a horizontal wind at
right angles to the line conductor. This wind to be taken as exerting a
pressure on the whole of the projected area of the conductors
calculated as per KS-1876 Standard: Electrical Power Transmission
and Distribution – Overhead Power Lines for Conditions Prevailing
in Kenya and KS-1587 Standard – Kenya National Safety Code.
(5) The wind pressure on the lee-side members of lattice steel or other
compound structures shall be taken as one-half of the wind pressure
on the windward-side members; the factor of safety shall be
calculated on the crippling load of struts and the elastic limit of
tension members.
Precaution to 40. (1) The lines shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
prevent danger relevant Kenyan Standard and maintained in accordance with good
electricity industry practice in such a manner to minimize incidences
of broken conductors.
(2) Every licensee shall take adequate precautions to prevent danger from
a broken line conductor, leakages and lightning strikes. The lines shall
be so maintained in accordance with the standards in which the line
were constructed.
(3) The licensee shall develop and maintained public sensitization
program which shall be audited by the Authority.
(4) All metalwork other than conductors shall be permanently and
effectively connected with earth.
(5) For purposes of compliance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of this
regulation, a continuous earth wire or aerial earth shall, where
required, be provided and connected with earth at not less than three
points in every kilometre, the spacing between the points being as
nearly equidistant as possible, or, alternatively, the metalwork shall
be connected to an effective earthing device at each individual

pg. 22
(6) All stay wires shall be insulated to prevent danger from leakage and
for this purpose an insulator shall be placed in each stay wire at a
height of not less than 3,000 mm from the ground.
Road and 41. Where an overhead electric supply line is erected along or across; a public
railway road, a railway reserve, within a township or railway station, the following
crossings additional precautions shall be taken to prevent danger-
(i) provision of additional insulators supporting the conductors; or
(ii) installation of a suitable device to ensure that in the event of a line
conductor falling it shall be put to earth; or
(iii) other means agreed upon with the relevant authorities; or
(iv) installation of an earthed aerial wire-mesh (safety nets) below the
electric supply line.
Different 42. (1) Wherever overhead electric supply lines operating at different
voltages lines on voltages are carried on the same support, the line operating at the
same poles lower voltage shall be placed below the line operating at the higher
voltage, and such precautions as in any case may be necessary shall
be taken for the avoidance of danger arising from one line becoming
accidentally charged by the other:
Provided that in any case in which the support is specifically designed
to provide adequate separation of the lines in the horizontal plane the
lines may be attached to the support at a uniform height.
(2) Where lines at different voltages are carried on the same supports, the
licensee shall provide the necessary protection and apply good
electricity industry best practice to prevent the high voltage line
making contact with the lower voltage line.
(3) Where any overhead electric supply line conductor crosses over or
under or is in close proximity to any other overhead wire, precautions
shall be taken to prevent contact, due to breakage.
Feeder 43. Different feeders shall be interconnected through switch-gears where
interconnections possible.
Protection of 44. Overhead high voltage conductors shall be protected from resonant
conductors vibration.
against vibration
Earthing of 45. (1) Where the main structure is made of metal and supported by means of
metalwork of metal work, all such metalwork support shall be bonded to ensure that
supports there is immediate and safe discharge of energy to earth in the event
of any such metalwork becoming electrically charged from any cause.
(2) Where the main structure is made of reinforced concrete and which is
part of an electric supply line operating at medium or high voltage, all
exposed metalwork forming part of that support and all metalwork
other than conductors of any apparatus mounted thereon shall be
bonded where necessary to ensure immediate and safe discharge of

pg. 23
energy to earth in the event of any such metalwork becoming
electrically charged from any cause.
(3) Where the main structure is made of wood and it is mounted with
apparatus which materially impairs the impulse flashover value of the
additional insulation provided by the wooden structure all metalwork
other than conductors of such apparatus and all metalwork forming
part of the support and which is part of an electric supply line operated
at medium or high voltage shall be bonded to ensure immediate and
safe discharge of energy to earth in the event of any such metalwork
becoming electrically charged from any cause.
Precautions to 46. In addition to all other requirements in these Regulations, any apparatus
ensure safe mounted on a support of an overhead electric supply line shall be placed
operation of in accordance with good electricity industry practice and KS1587: Kenya
apparatus National Electricity Safety Code that does not pose danger to any person
who may be required to operate such apparatus.
Protection of 47. Any conductor which may be affixed to any support for the purpose of
earth wires on providing a connection with earth shall be guarded between ground level
support and a point not less than 2,400 mm above ground level in such a manner
to prevent any person from making electrical contact with it and to protect
it from mechanical damage.
Overhead lines 48. (1) Where a person interferes with any electric supply line the owner or
placed in default operator of such line may take immediate steps to effect any
by another party modification or repair necessary to avoid danger caused by the
interference and shall recover from such other person the costs of such
modifications and for any loss, damage or penalty caused by the said
(2) In the event of any dispute or difference arising, the matter shall be
determined on the application of either party by the Authority.
Erection of 49. (1) The point of connection of service lines to overhead distribution
service lines systems shall be at the supports and the line attached by means of
appropriate line-taps and insulators.
(2) Service lines shall be led as directly as possible to insulators firmly
attached to some portion of the consumer’s premises which is not
accessible to any person without the use of a ladder or other special
(3) Every portion of a service line, except an earthed neutral, which is
outside a building and which is within 2,200 mm from any portion
thereof, or is in any way accessible therefrom without the use of a
ladder or other special appliance, shall be protected by insulating
material conforming to KS-194: Specification for PVC-insulated
cables for electricity supply.
Service line lead- 50. The service line lead-in from the termination of the overhead portion to
ins the consumer’s supply terminals shall consist of either―

pg. 24
(i) insulated and sheathed cable of an approved type clipped direct to
the building;
(ii) weather resistant cable of an approved type carried on cleats;
(iii) insulated cable carried in heavy gauged screwed conduit;
(iv) paper, rubber or plastic insulated metal sheathed and armored cable;
(v) mineral insulated and metal sheathed cable.
Precautions 51. (1) When installing any works upon the premises of any consumer all due
against damage precautions shall be taken to avoid the risk of causing fire upon those
to consumer’s premises, and every service line shall be placed and protected at the
premises point of entry to and within the building so as to avoid any damage.
(2) Any overhead service line or associated attachment to the premises of
a consumer shall not cause any damage to such premises.
Anti-climbing 52. (1) Every support of an overhead electric supply line which can easily be
devices and climbed by unauthorized persons shall be fitted with a suitable device
danger notices to deter persons from climbing the support without the use of a ladder
or other extraneous device.
(2) Every electric supply line operating at medium or high voltage shall
have permanently affixed to it notices of such size as to be readily
visible and bearing writings and symbols designed to convey to any
person that it is dangerous to interfere with the line.
Prohibition of 53. In addition to the imposition of any penalty under Regulations 86 and 87
use of unsafe of these regulations, the Authority may-
works (i) prohibit the use of any overhead electric supply line if in the
opinion of the Authority its continued use would amount to breach
of these Regulations or,
(ii) order the removal of the overhead electric supply line.
Prohibition of 54. (1) Where any person is maintaining or operating any electrical
works causing installation or other works which, in the opinion of the Authority, is
nuisance causing a nuisance to any person or to the general public, the
Authority may, by notice in writing, prohibit the use or order
conditional use or removal of such installation or other works.
(2) Any person upon whom a notice has been served under paragraph (1),
and who fails to comply with the notice shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand shillings
or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both.
Joint use of 55. Nothing in these Regulations shall prevent the joint use of supports for
supports the installation of telecommunication plant, electric supply lines and
street lighting as long as such use does not endanger the public or
property. Provided such use shall be on such terms and conditions as may
be agreed with the owner of the infrastructure.

pg. 25
Underground 56. (1) These Regulations shall apply to all underground lines installed after
supply lines the commencement of these Regulations. Provided that any renewal,
modification or addition to underground lines carried out after the said
date shall comply with these Regulations.
(2) The provisions of these Regulations shall not derogate in any way
from any powers conferred by any written law on any person to take
steps to prevent interference in his property or interests as a result of
the laying of any underground line under these Regulations.
Insulation of 57. Every underground line, where necessary, shall be insulated appropriately
underground and protected from any damage, and appropriate means shall be put in
lines place to prevent danger resulting from the ground surface or any works in
proximity to any underground line becoming charged by leakage from
such underground line.
Minimum size of 58. The conductors of any electric supply line or service line placed
underground underground shall have a cross-sectional area of not less than ten square
lines mm copper or an equivalent.
Depth of 59. The depth below the surface of the ground of every underground line shall
underground be not less than-
lines (i) 450mm in the case of a line operating at low voltage;
(ii) 1200mm in the case of a line operating at medium or high voltage;
(iii) 2000mm in the case of a line crossing beneath a roadway.
Underground 60. (1) Underground electric supply lines laid along roads shall wherever
lines along and possible be laid under footways.
across roads (2) Underground electric supply lines crossing beneath any carriageway
having a surface of concrete, bitumen or other permanent material
shall be laid in ducts so that they can be withdrawn without damage
to the surface of the carriageway.
Warning of 61. Underground electric supply lines operating at medium and high voltage
presence of unless contained in ducts shall have a covering in the form of tiles or slabs
medium and of durable material laid above them, bearing an engraved inscription
high voltage warning of the presence beneath them of such electric supply lines.
Levels of 62. Where low, medium or high voltage underground electric supply lines are
underground placed less than 1,800 mm apart, except where both lines are laid in ducts,
lines at different the higher voltage lines shall be laid at a lower level than the lower voltage
voltages lines and the difference in level shall be not less than 300mm.
Construction of 63. All ducts, casings, pillars and street boxes used as receptacles for
pillars and street underground electric supply lines or apparatus shall be constructed of
boxes durable material and where placed under carriageways shall be of
sufficient strength to withstand heavy traffic; and

pg. 26
(i) reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of
gas, or water in such receptacles, and
(ii) the doors of substations and pillars, covers of street boxes, subways
and manholes shall be so constructed that they cannot be opened
except by the use of special appliances.
Underground 64. Every part of any underground line brought above the ground surface or
lines brought into any subway or tunnel not in the sole occupation of the owner or
above the operator of the underground line shall wherever it is less than 2,400mm
ground surface in height above the ground surface or any footway be protected against
any damage and unauthorized interference and for public safety.
Earthing of 65. (1) Metallic ducts containing underground electric supply lines shall
ducts and where necessary be effectively earthed and shall be so jointed and
metallic sheaths connected across all street boxes and other openings as to be
electrically continuous throughout their whole length to avoid danger.
(2) Metallic armoring and metallic sheathing of underground electric
supply lines shall be electrically continuous throughout their whole
Testing of 66. Any medium or high voltage underground electric supply line shall only
underground be used when it has been completely laid, properly jointed and tested.
Prohibition of 67. (1) The Authority may prohibit the use or may order the removal of any
use of unsafe underground line if such usage breaches these Regulations.
lines Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with Regulations 47
to 56 of these regulations, or who contravenes or fails to comply with
any prohibition or order of the Authority under this Regulation, shall
be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding twenty
thousand shillings or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six
months or to both.


Licence required 68. (1) Any person carrying out the design, construction, operation or
for electrical maintenance of any electricity supply system must be licensed by the
installation & Authority as an electrical worker or electrical contractor. Provided
construction that the Authority may allow a licensee to authorize its duly qualified
works employees as electrical workers.
(2) Every licensee, electrical worker or electrical contractor shall in the
process of carrying out any work on electricity supply systems
exercise good electricity industry practice.
Powers of the 69. (1) The Authority shall have power to issue, suspend or revoke
Authority certificates for electrical workers and licences for electrical
contractors in accordance with these Regulations and the Act.
(2) The Authority shall have power to resolve complaints and disputes
involving holders of licences or certificates for electrical installation
work, licensees, connection service providers and consumers.

pg. 27
(3) The Authority may in writing delegate its powers and duties under
these Regulations as provided in the Act.
Electrical 70. (1) The Authority may establish the Electrical Installation Work
Installation Licensing Committee hereinafter referred to as the Licensing
Work Licensing Committee.
(2) The Authority may delegate to the Licensing Committee its powers
for licensing of electrical workers and electrical contractors in
accordance with the Act and these Regulations.
Qualification of 71. The Authority shall appoint as members of the Licensing Committee
members of the persons who are holders of at least a higher national diploma in electrical
Licensing discipline and not less than five years relevant experience in electrical
Committee installation work.
Composition of 72. The Licensing Committee shall be composed of:
the Licensing (i) One Chairperson and one Secretary who shall be staff members of
Committee the Authority. The Secretary shall not have voting powers. The
Chairperson shall only vote in the event of a tie.
(ii) Eight members selected as follows:
(a) one person to represent the ministry responsible for energy;
(b) one person to represent the Institution of Engineers of Kenya;
(c) one person to represent the Institution of Engineering
Technologists of Kenya;
(d) one person to represent the generation licensees;
(e) one person to represent the transmission licensees;
(f) one person to represent the distribution licensees;
(g) one person to represent the retail supply licensees; and
(h) one person to represent a recognized association of electrical
(iii) The members appointed under paragraph (ii) shall hold office for a
term of three years and may be eligible for reappointment for one
further term of three years.

Termination of 73. (1) A member of the Licensing Committee appointed under paragraph (ii)
appointment of of regulation 72 may resign from office by notice in writing addressed
members of the to the Accounting Officer of the Authority.
(2) A member of the Licensing Committee may be removed from the
Licensing Committee by the Accounting Officer of the Authority on
the grounds of—
(i) inability to perform the functions of the Licensing Committee
arising from mental or physical incapacity;
(ii) non-compliance with Chapter Six of the Constitution;
(iii) bankruptcy;
(iv) incompetence; or
(v) gross misconduct or misbehavior.

pg. 28
(3) The Accounting Officer of the Authority shall write to the nominating
authority to replace the person so removed under paragraph (2).
Meetings of the 74. (1) The Licensing Committee shall meet as often as necessary for the
Licensing transaction of business at such places and at such times as may be
Committee decided upon by the Licensing Committee but it shall meet at least six
times every year and not more than ninety days shall elapse between
the date of one meeting and the date of the next meeting.
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Act and any amendments thereof, the
Licensing Committee may regulate its own procedure.
Certificates for 75. (1) The Authority may, on application made to it, grant to the applicant
electrical any of the prescribed classes of certificates as set out in the Fourth
workers Schedule.
(2) The Authority may grant the applicant such class of certificate as in
its opinion the applicant is qualified to hold, and the Authority may
refuse to grant any certificate to an applicant, setting out in writing the
reasons thereof. Provided that a person may apply for and hold more
than one class of certificate. The minimum requirements are as set out
in the Fifth Schedule.
(3) An application for a certificate shall be made to the Authority on the
prescribed form as set out in the Sixth Schedule, and such application
shall specify the class of certificate in respect of which the application
is made and shall be accompanied by the application fees as set out in
the Seventh Schedule.
(4) The applicant shall furnish to the Authority such evidence or
particulars as may be required relating to the applicant’s previous
experience in electrical installation work.
Competency 76. (1) To be certified as an electrical worker, the Authority may require an
assessment of applicant to undergo or to have undergone a competency assessment
certificate appropriate for the class of certificate applied for.
(2) In addition to the competency assessment under paragraph (1), the
applicant shall furnish the Authority with evidence of on the job
attachment/internship/apprenticeship with a licensed electrical
contractor or an electrical worker for at least one year.
(3) The applicant shall pay the prescribed fees set out in the Seventh
Schedule for grant of the required class of certificate.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5), every certificate shall remain in force for
three years after its grant and may, subject to such conditions as may
be specified by the Authority, be renewed after every three years.
(5) An electrical worker shall pay such renewal fees as set out in the
Seventh Schedule for the class of certificate held not later than
ninety days from its expiry date. Provided that in any case where the
renewal fee is not paid:

pg. 29
(i) for more than ninety days after its expiry date, the fee shall be
one and half times the prescribed amount.
(ii) for more than one year after its expiry date, the fee shall be
two times the prescribed amount.
(iii) for more than two years after its expiry date, the fee shall be
three times the prescribed amount.
(iv) for more than three years after its expiry date, the applicant
shall be required to make fresh application for the certificate.
(6) An electrical worker shall practice with the current certificate for at
least three years before applying for a higher class of certificate.
Provided he may apply to upgrade to a higher class of certificate
upon attaining higher professional qualification meeting the
minimum requirements for the higher class of certificate.
(7) The Authority shall maintain a register of all electrical workers for
the time being certified under these Regulations.
Licences for 77. (1) The Authority may on application being made to it grant to the
electrical applicant any of the prescribed classes of Licence under the Fourth
contractors Schedule.
(2) A person may apply for and hold more than one class of licence in
different categories. The licensing requirements are as set out in the
Fifth Schedule.
(3) To be licensed by the Authority as an electrical contractor a person
(i) be certified by the Authority as an electrical worker, or
(ii) have in his employment, a person certified by the Authority
as an electrical worker.
(4) An application for an electrical contractor licence shall be made to
the Authority on the prescribed form set out in the Sixth Schedule
and such application shall specify the class of licence in respect of
which the application is made and shall, depending on the class of
licence applied for, be accompanied by the application fees set out
in the Seventh Schedule.
(5) The applicant shall be required to pay the prescribed fees as set out
in the Seventh Schedule for grant of the corresponding class of
(6) Subject to paragraph (7), every licence shall remain in force for three
years after its grant and may, subject to such conditions as may be
specified by the Authority, be renewed after every three years.
(7) An electrical contractor shall pay the prescribed renewal fees as set
out in the Seventh Schedule for renewal of any class of licence not
later than ninety days from its expiry date. Provided that in any case
where the fee is not paid:
(i) within ninety days of its expiry date, the fee shall be one and
half times the prescribed amount.
(ii) for more than one year after its expiry date, the fee shall be
two times the prescribed amount.
pg. 30
(iii) for more than two years after its expiry date, the fee shall be
two times the prescribed amount.
(iv) for more than three years after its expiry date the licence shall
be deemed to have been revoked.
(8) The Authority shall maintain a register of all electrical contractors
and their physical addresses.
(9) The Authority shall not license any electrical contractor who is
unable to satisfy it that he carries on the business at premises
constituting a permanent address. In the case of a business having
more than one branch, one electrical contractor license shall be
issued to cover all the branches.
(10) The licence of any electrical contractor shall become void upon the
expiration of thirty days from the date of any change in ownership
or physical address of such business in respect of which it is licensed,
unless prior written notification to the Authority has been made.
Suspension or 78. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Act and these regulations, the
revocation of a Authority may suspend or revoke a licence or certificate if:
certificate or (i) the Authority discovers that the licence or certificate was
obtained by deliberate or negligent submission of false
information or statements;
(ii) the Authority discovers that the licence or certificate was
obtained through forgery of documents;
(iii) an electrical contractor has not engaged a qualified electrical
worker on full time basis for electrical installation work being
(iv) an electrical contractor undertakes or carries out by himself, his
servant, or agent any electrical installation work at any time
whilst his licence is expired; or
(v) the licensee contravenes the Act, these regulations or any
terms or conditions of the licence or certificate.
(2) The Authority shall, before suspending or revoking a licence or
certificate under paragraph (1), give written notice to the licensee of
its intention to suspend or revoke the licence or certificate and shall
give the reasons for the intended suspension or revocation and require
the licensee to explain, within thirty days, why the licence or
certificate should not be suspended or revoked.
(3) The Authority may, if a licensee notified under paragraph (2) fails to
explain to the satisfaction of the Authority, as to why the licence or
certificate should not be suspended or revoked within the time
specified in paragraph (2), suspend or revoke the licence.
(4) Upon the suspension of a licence, the Authority shall specify in
writing the conditions and period of suspension.
(5) Upon the revocation of a licence or certificate, the Authority shall
notify the licensee whose licence or certificate is revoked, in writing

pg. 31
of the revocation and from the date of the decision, the licence so
revoked shall no longer be of any legal force or effect.
(6) A person whose licence is revoked under these regulations is eligible
to apply for a new licence only after the lapse of three years from the
date of revocation of his licence.
(7) A licensee shall, within fourteen days after receiving a copy of the
order of suspension or revocation, return the licence or certificate to
the Authority.
(8) Where the Authority suspends or revokes a certificate of any electrical
worker or a licence of any electrical contractor it shall remove his
name from the register of certified electrical workers or licensed
electrical contractors for the time being maintained by the Authority
under these Regulations
(9) A person aggrieved by the decision of the Authority may appeal to the


Electrical 79. (1) It shall be the duty of the owner or occupier of any premises to ensure
installation in that the electrical installation in the subject premises is—
the premises of a
consumer (i) carried out only by a licensed electrical contractor and appropriate
certificates detailing particulars of the installation are submitted to
the licensee to enable connection to a supply of electricity; and
(ii) tested and inspected periodically in accordance with the Eighth
Schedule, any defects being remedied, and appropriate certificates
detailing particulars of the installation issued and displayed at the
point of supply.
(2) An electrical contractor shall carry out the following electrical tests
and record their values before a new electrical installation is
connected to electricity supply:
(i) Continuity of circuit protective conductors;
(ii) Continuity of ring circuits
(iii) Polarity test;
(iv) Insulation resistance test
(v) Earth resistance test
(3) The Authority may, at any time, inspect the premises where an
electrical installation is taking place.
(4) Meters for measuring electrical energy shall be located outside the
consumer’s premises where the licensee can easily access and at a
height of not more than two metres from the ground. For the purposes
of this regulation the term “Outside” means at the exterior of the
perimeter wall of the customer’s premises or exterior of the consumer
(5) The consumer shall be fully responsible for the security of the meters
where the meters are located within the premises of the consumer at
pg. 32
the place where the licensee approves. The licensee shall approve
where the meter shall be placed. Access shall be granted to the
licensee at all reasonable times.
(6) Where the electrical installation does not meet the conditions set out
in paragraph (1) of these regulations, the licensee shall decline to
connect supply, or if the supply is connected, the supply may be
discontinued until such time as the defects are remedied.
(7) Where the electrical installation does not meet the standards set out in
paragraph (4) of this regulation, the licensee shall decline to connect
supply, or if the supply is connected, the supply may be discontinued
until such time as the defects are remedied.
(8) Where the distribution or retail supply licensee notices from the
completion certificate and test records that the installations do not
meet the minimum requirements, the electrical contractor shall make
good the defect at its own costs within a period of one month. The
costs of the repeat inspection shall be borne by the electrical
(9) Where the electrical contractor fails to make good the defect noticed
under paragraph (8) of this regulation the electrical contractor’s
license shall be liable for suspension or revocation by the Authority.
Certificates 80. (1) An electrical contractor undertaking any electrical installation work
detailing shall submit a commencement of work notice on the prescribed form
particulars of an as set out in the Ninth Schedule to a licensee delivering the supply,
electrical but where there is no such supplier, the notice shall be submitted to
installation the Authority.
(2) An electrical worker in the service of the electrical contractor
responsible for the electrical installation work shall submit a
completion certificate on the prescribed form as set out in the Ninth
Schedule to an electricity supplier delivering the supply, but where
there is no such supplier, the certificate shall be submitted to the
(3) Where there is change of the electrical contractor undertaking the
installation, the new electrical contractor shall issue a fresh
commencement of work notice.

Inspection of 81. (1) Where upon inspection of the electrical installation at the premises of
Electrical a consumer and testing at the supply connection point, a licensee is
installation at reasonably satisfied that-
the Premises of a
(i) the wiring or fittings are not suitable for the service voltage;
Consumer by
Licensee (ii) a defect exists at some part of the circuit of such extent as to be
a source of danger; or
(iii) any other requirements of these Regulations are not being
complied with;
the licensee shall not commence a supply or shall discontinue the
supply of electrical energy to the consumers’ terminals, as the case

pg. 33
may be, and shall give immediate notice in writing to the consumer
the reason for not giving, maintaining or restoring the supply.
(2) The cost of the initial inspection in paragraph (1) shall be borne by the
licensee, but if the installation fails to comply with these Regulations,
the licensee shall be entitled to charge a fee of one thousand shillings
for each subsequent re-inspection.
(3) If any consumer is dissatisfied with the action of a licensee in refusing
to give, maintain or restore the supply of electricity to his premises,
the installation of that consumer shall on his application and payment
of the prescribed fee, be inspected by such person as the Authority
may appoint. Provided that this provision shall be endorsed upon
every notice given under this Regulation.
(4) Notwithstanding the inspection and testing envisaged in paragraph (1)
of this regulation the licensee shall bear no responsibility for any loss
or damage arising out of the commencement of supply
Periodic testing 82. (1) The owner of any building or premises shall ensure that periodic
and inspection of inspection and testing of the electrical installation of the building or
electrical premises is conducted to ascertain that the installation is in good and
installations safe condition.
(2) The owner of a building or premises shall affix a notice at or near the
place where electricity supply enters the building or premises showing
the prescribed intervals between periodic inspections and tests as set
out in the Eighth Schedule.
(3) The owner of any building or premises shall engage the services of a
licensed electrical contractor to carry out periodic tests and
inspections and ensure that he is issued with a valid test and inspection
certificate which shall be displayed at or near the place where
electricity supply enters the building or premises.
(4) The licensee shall issue a defective installation notice to the owner of
any building or premises which is overdue for periodic testing and
inspection, and if the default is not rectified within the period specified
in the notice, the licensee may discontinue the supply until this
regulation is complied with.
(5) Where it is not practicably possible to undertake the tests and
inspections, the requirement under the regulations may be waived in
writing by the Authority.
Failure to 83. An owner of any building or premises or any developer or main contractor
comply with of any building or premises under construction who causes or permits to
these be carried out in the building or upon the premises any electrical
Regulations installation work in contravention of these Regulations commits an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to such penalty as provided for
in Regulations 84 and 85.

pg. 34
Offences and 84. (1) A person who:
penalties (i) undertakes any electrical installation work without being an
electrical worker qualified for such work or not being under the
supervision of a qualified electrical worker;
(ii) contravenes or fails to comply with any of the terms and
conditions of any electrical installation licence or certificate
granted under these Regulations;
(iii) willfully gives false or misleading information in relation to any
electrical installation work;
(iv) submits or causes to be submitted to any licensee or to the
Authority a completion certificate which he knows or has reason
to believe contains false information;
(v) undertakes or carries out by himself, his servant, or agent any
electrical installation work at any time whilst his business is not
licensed as an electrical contractor or while the licence of such
business is suspended or revoked;
(vi) being an owner or occupier of any premises under construction,
causes or permits to be carried out upon the premises any
electrical installation work in contravention of these Regulations;
(vii) being the developer or main contractor of any premises under
construction, causes or permits to be carried out upon the premises
any electrical installation work in contravention of these
commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine or
imprisonment as set out in the Tenth Schedule.
A person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of these
Regulations or who fails to comply with any prohibition or order of the
Authority under any of these Regulations shall, where no specific penalty
is prescribed under paragraph (1) of this regulations, commits an offence
and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred
thousand shillings or a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or
to both
Offences by 85. Where any offence under these Regulations is committed by a corporate
corporate bodies body is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance
of, or to have been facilitated by any director, chairman, manager,
secretary or other officer thereof, he, as well as the corporate body
commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than
one hundred thousand shillings or a term of imprisonment not exceeding
six months or to both.


Revocation 86. The Electric Power (Electrical Installation Works) Rules, 2006, are
hereby revoked.

pg. 35
Preservation of 87. Any person certified or licensed under the Electric Power (Electrical
Licences and Installation Works) Rules, 2006 (now repealed) shall carry on as though
Certificates certified or licenced under this Regulations, without having to apply for
new certification or licence, and shall enjoy all rights and privileges as
provided under this Regulation. Provided upon expiry of the existing
certificate or licence the same shall be renewed under these Regulations.

Preservation of 88. Any proceedings, instruments and any right of review or appeal subsisting
proceedings and immediately before the commencement of this Regulations by virtue of
rights of appeal the repealed Regulations shall after the commencement of this
Regulations be treated as subsisting by virtue of the corresponding
enactment in this Regulations

Continuance of 89. Where a period of time specified in the repealed Regulations is current at
periods of time the commencement of this Regulations, this Regulations shall have effect
as if the corresponding provisions had been in force when the period
began to run.

pg. 36



pg. 37
This Schedule sets out procedures for connecting the premises of any consumer to the
distribution or transmission network of any licensee (hereinafter referred to as the network), for
any purpose.
Information to be provided by an applicant
1. (1) A person requiring connection to the network of any licensee pursuant to
Regulation 18 shall file his application with the connection service provider,
detailing the information set out below:
(i) Name and contact details of the applicant.
(ii) Description and address of the premises where connection is required,
including a site location plan showing the site boundary and a site layout
plan, drawn to a suitable scale.
(iii) A reasonable date by which the connection is required.
(iv) The purpose for which the connection is required, and where applicable, as
detailed in the Grid Code.
(v) Any other relevant information as required by the licensee to facilitate the
(2) The licensee may prescribe the form to be filled by the applicant.
Processing of an application
2. Budget Estimates: If the applicant makes an enquiry of a provisional nature, the
connection service provider may provide an indication of the charge for providing the
connection in a Budget Estimate. Any estimate that is provided at this stage will be the
result of a preliminary assessment only and need not be accepted by the applicant. The
budget estimate is not binding on either party.
3. Feasibility Studies: For more complex connections, the connection service provider
may at the request of the applicant undertake a feasibility study to consider a number of
options for connection and provide budgetary estimates for each option. Any cost
estimate at this stage need not be accepted by the applicant
4. Connection Offers: An applicant need not to have requested a Budget Estimate or
Feasibility Study before making a request for a Connection Offer. Upon application for
a connection, the request may be dealt with in three key stages set out below:
(i) Stage 1: Upon satisfaction that all the required information has been provided the
connection service provider will process the application as set out below.
(ii) Stage 2: The connection service provider shall take into account the location of
the premises for which the connection is required, its proximity to the existing
network and the available capacity in the network to provide the required
(iii) Stage 3: The connection service provider will issue a formal Connection Offer to
the applicant detailing the works to be carried out, connection charges, offer
validity period and any other terms and conditions to be fulfilled before the
connection is made. It should be noted that the cost provided by the connection
service provider at this stage may vary considerably from any previous budgetary

pg. 38
FOURTH SCHEDULE (r.75(1), 77(1))

Class L1: To carry out work on all Class C1: To carry out all kinds of electrical
kinds of electric supply installation work in consumers’
lines; premises for connection to supply
metered at any voltage

Class L2: To carry out work on Class C2: To carry out electrical installation work
electric supply lines in consumers’ premises including
operating at low and factories and places of public
medium voltages; entertainment and for connection to
supply metered at low and medium

Class L3: To carry out work on Class C3: To carry out electrical installation work
single and three phase in consumers’ premises for connection
electric supply lines to a three phase supply metered at low
operating at low voltage. voltage and restricted to four storey
buildings not used as factories or places
of public entertainment

Class L4: To carry out work on Class C4: To carry out electrical installation work
single phase electric in consumers’ premises for connection
supply lines operating at to a single phase supply metered at low
low voltage voltage and restricted to two storey
buildings not used as factories or places
of public entertainment

Class S1: To carry out specialized electrical

installation work, including elevators,
escalators and generators in consumers’

pg. 39
FIFTH SCHEDULE (r. 75(2), 77(2))
Licensing requirements at application Licensing requirements at renewal
(i) Application Fees (i) Renewal fees
(ii) Valid tax Compliance (ii) Electrical worker consent or
employment letter
(iii) Valid trading licence
(iv) Company registration documents (Business (iii) Valid tax compliance
Registration Certificate/ Certificate of (iv) Valid trading licence
Incorporation and CR12). (v) Report of electrical worker’s
(v) Office lease agreement/ownership continuing technical trainings and
documents experience
(vi) Certified electrical worker holding a
certificate equivalent to the class of licence
applied for by the contractor or higher.
(vii) Electrical Worker consent/employment
(viii) Appropriate Electrical Test instruments: -
(a) Multimeter/Clamp Meter
(b) Earth Resistance Tester
(c) Insulation Resistance Tester
(d) Earth Loop Impedance Tester
(e) Phase Sequence Tester
(ix) Equipment and tools such as:-
(a) Means of transport
(b) Computer and printer
(c) Well-equipped toolbox
(d) Ladder
(e) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
and safety signage.

pg. 40
Licence Professional Qualification Professional Achievable
Class and Experience Registration Licence
Class L1 KCSE • Bachelor of Science degree Registered as a L1
in Electrical Engineering or Professional
equivalent qualification. Engineer by EBK
• Bachelor of Technology
degree in Electrical
Engineering or equivalent
• Upgrading from L2 after
three years of verifiable
practice with L2 Licence.
Class L2 KCSE • Bachelor of Science Degree Registered as a L1
in Electrical Engineering or graduate engineer
equivalent qualification. by EBK
• Bachelor of Technology
degree (in Electrical
Engineering) or equivalent
• Technologist degree (in Registered by L1
Electrical Engineering). or KETRB as an
equivalent qualification. engineering
• Higher National Diploma in technologist or
Electrical Engineering technician.
• Upgrading from L3 after - L1
three years of verifiable
practice with L3 Licence
Class L3 KCSE • Diploma in Electrical - L1
• Upgrading from L4 after - L1
three years of verifiable
practice with L4 Licence
Class L4 KCSE • Electrical Craft Certificate - L1
KCPE • Electrical Artisan - L3
Certificate (Trade Test
Grade II)

pg. 41
Licence Professional Qualification Professional Achievable
Class and Experience Registration Licence
Class C1 KCSE • Bachelor of Science degree Registered as a C1
in Electrical Engineering or Professional
equivalent qualification. Engineer by EBK
• Bachelor of Technology
degree in Electrical
Engineering or equivalent
• Upgrading from C2 after
three years of verifiable
practice with C2 Licence.
Class C2 KCSE • Bachelor of Science Degree Registered as a C1
in Electrical Engineering or graduate engineer
equivalent qualification. by EBK
• Bachelor of Technology
degree (in Electrical
Engineering) or equivalent
• Technologist degree (in Registered by C1
Electrical Engineering). or KETRB as an
equivalent qualification. engineering
• Higher National Diploma in technologist or
Electrical Engineering technician.
• Upgrading from C3 after - C1
three years of verifiable
practice with C3 Licence
Class C3 KCSE • Diploma in Electrical - C1
• Upgrading from C4 after - C1
three years of verifiable
practice with L4 Licence
Class C4 KCSE • Electrical Craft Certificate - L1
KCPE • Electrical Artisan - C3
Certificate (Trade Test
Grade II)
Class S1 KCPE • Electrical Artisan (Trade - S1
Test Grade II)
• Relevant work experience
(working on Generators or

pg. 42
SIXTH SCHEDULE (r. 75(3), 77(4))
The Director General
Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
P.O. Box 42681- 00100, GPO

I hereby apply to be licensed as a Class ……………… electrical worker in accordance with the
Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021, and commit to carry out all electrical installation
work in compliance with the Energy Act, No 1of 2019 and any Regulations for the time being in
force therein.

Name in full…………………………………………………………………………………
First Name Middle Name Surname

P. O. Box ………………………… Postal Code ……………Town ……………………..…

Mobile No. …….……………………… Email ……………………………………………...
Date of Birth ………………… ID/Passport No. …………………. Nationality………….…

Name and address of present employer, (if any)

Title of present job ……………………………………………………………………..……..

Experience and Qualifications-

Details of educational qualifications and examinations passed ……………………….………

(b) Details of apprenticeship …………………………………………………………………..
(c) Experience in the work of an electrical worker ……………………………………………

Knowledge of Regulations:

Current Edition of Kenya Wiring Regulations (KS 662) Yes/No

Occupational Health and Safety Act Yes/No
The Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021 Yes/No
Details of electrical installation certificate held (if any)
Certificate No…………………………… Issued on…………………………………………..
Issued by……………………………………………………………………………….……….

I have paid Kenya Shillings. ……………………………………. being the application fee.

Payment Reference No………………………………. dated …………………………………

pg. 43
I declare that the particulars given above are true and correct
Signature of Applicant … ……………………… Date……………..………...……………….

Provide details of two referees who know your ability in the trade.

1st Referee
Name in full……………………………………………………………………………………
First Name Middle Name Surname
P. O. Box ………………………… Postal Code ……………Town …………………………
Mobile No. …….…………………… ID/Passport No. ………………………………………
Electrical installation certificate No. ………………………………………………………….
Position held at present…………………………………………………………..……………

2nd Referee
Name in full…………………………………………………………………………..………
First Name Middle Name Surname

P. O. Box ………………………… Postal Code ……………Town ……………..…………

Mobile No. …….…………………… ID/Passport No. ……………………………..………
Electrical installation certificate No. ………………………………………………………..
Position held at present………………………………………………………………………

pg. 44

The Director General

Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
P.O. Box 42681- 00100, GPO

hereby apply to be licensed as a Class ……… electrical contractor in accordance with the Energy
(Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021. I/we intend to conduct the business from premises
occupied by me/us and described below:
Description of the premises:
Town……………………………… Location/Road……………………………………………
Name of the Building………………………………………………………....…………….….
Details of Business
Business registration No. …………………….… and date………………….…………………
P. O. Box …………………… Postal Code ……………..Town…………….………………….
Telephone/Mobile ………............…………….. Email………………….……………………..

Names of partners / directors, their addresses and nationalities

Licensed electrical worker(s) who will supervise the electrical installation work:

Full names of electrical worker Certificate No

(1)………………………………………………..……………………… …………………….
(2)……………………………………………….. …………………………………………….
(3)……………………………………………….. …………………………………………….

Previous experience in electrical installation work …………………………………….…….


Name and address of bank(s) or financial institution(s) where the business account(s) is/are
maintained ……………………………………………………………………...………………
Details of the tools and measuring and testing instruments available:
(a) List of tools
Description of Tools and Equipment
(i) ………………………..…………………………….…….…………………………...……..
(ii) ………………………..……………………….………….……………………………..…..
(iii) ………………………..……………………….…………….……………………………...

(b) List of Testing Instruments

Description Make Serial No.
(i) ………………………..……………………….……..….…………………………………...
(ii) ………………………..…………………….……..……….………………………………..
(iii) ………………………..…………………….……..……….……………………………….
(iv) ………………………..…………………….……..………….…………………………….

pg. 45
I/We hereby apply for licensing of the above mentioned Electrical Contractor in accordance with
the Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021 and undertake to carry out all work in strict
compliance with the Energy Act No 1 of 2019 and any Regulations for the time being in force
Payment Reference No……………………………………. dated ……………….……………
For KShs. ……………………………………………………. being the application fee.

I declare that the particulars given above are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant ……………………………… Date……………………………….

Provide details of two persons, who may be contacted to vouch for your competence

1st Referee
Name in full…………………………………………………………………………………...
First Name Middle Name Surname
P. O. Box ………………………… Postal Code ……………Town …………………………
Mobile No. …….…………… ID/Passport No. ………………… Nationality…………….…
Position held at present………………………………………………………………………..

2nd Referee
Name in full…………………………………………………………………………………..
First Name Middle Name Surname
P. O. Box ………………………… Postal Code ……………Town …………………..….…
Mobile No. …….…………… ID/Passport No. ………………… Nationality………………
Position held at present………………………………………………………………………..

Attach copies of
(i) Business Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation and CR12 (where
(ii) Licensed Electrical Worker Certificate
(iii) Contract with Electrical Worker witnessed and commissioned by a Commissioner for
Oath, if applicable
(iv) Office lease agreement or proof of ownership
(v) PIN Certificate
(vi) Valid Business Licence/Permit
(vii) Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
(viii) Route Sketch to your premises.

pg. 46
SEVENTH SCHEDULE (r. 75(3), 76(3), 76(5), 77(4), 77(5), 77(7))

Table 1. Fees for Certificates of Electrical Workers

Class of Certificate Fees in Kenya Shillings in Respect of

Application for Grant of Renewal After Every
Certificate Certificate Three Years
Class L1 2,000 5,000 5,000
Class L2 1,500 4,000 4,000
Class L3 1,000 3,000 3,000
Class L4 500 2,000 2,000
Class C1 1,000 5,000 5,000
Class C2 750 3,000 3,000
Class C3 500 2,000 2,000
Class C4 250 1,000 1,000
Class S1 750 3,000 3,000

Table 2. Licence Fees for Electrical Contractors

Class of Fees in Kenya Shillings in Respect of

Licence Application for Licence Grant of Licence Renewal After Every
Three Years
Class L1 5,000 25,000 25,000
Class L2 3,000 20,000 20,000
Class L3 2,000 15,000 15,000
Class L4 1,000 10,000 10,000
Class C1 1,000 9,000 9,000
Class C2 750 4,500 4,500
Class C3 500 3,500 3,500
Class C4 250 2,000 2,000
Class S1 750 8,000 8,000

pg. 47
EIGHTH SCHEDULE (r. 79(1)(ii), 82(2))
Type of installation Maximum period between inspections
and testing of installations
Domestic accommodation (General) 10 years
Domestic accommodations (Rented houses and
5 years
Commercial premises Change of occupancy/5years
Educational establishments 5 years
Laboratories, Hospitals and Clinics 5 years
Industrial premises 3 years
Cinemas and Theatres 3 year
Churches, mosques, temples 5 years
Leisure complexes (excluding swimming pools) 3 year
Swimming pools 1 year
Places of public entertainment 3 year
Agricultural and horticultural 3 years
Caravans 3 years
Caravan parks/sites 1 year
Emergency lighting 3 years
Fire alarm systems 1 year
Launderettes & Laundry 1 year
Petroleum service stations 1 year
Public Houses 5 years
Marinas 1 Year
Highway power supplies 8 years
Construction site/Temporary installation 3 months
Electric vehicle charging stations 1 year
Offices 5 years
Shops 5 years
Restaurants and hotels 5 years
Village halls/Community Centres 5 years
Fish farms 1 year

▪ In this Schedule, “domestic premises” means premises used wholly or mainly for domestic
▪ Within two years of coming into force of these Regulations, all installations which are due for
inspections shall be inspected and tested.

pg. 48
NINTH SCHEDULE (r.80(1), 80(2))


(Name and address of the Authority)

In accordance with Regulation 69 (1) of the Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021,
(Name and address of Electrical Contractor)
hereby give notice that I/we propose to carry out the following work as under:
(Name of consumer)
(Address of consumer)
(Situation of Property)
of land office reference No…………………………………..………………………………..

Nature of work: new installation/addition/modification of an existing installation.

(Delete where not applicable)

Proposed situation of meter-boards(s) in the case of a new installation or if the site of an existing
board is to be changed will be ………………………………………………………
A service line is/is not required……………………………………………………………….

I/we have Electrical Contractors Licence No…………………………….…………………..

Class……………………… valid for the current year
Date………………………………… …………………………………..…………………...

Signature of Electrical Contractor …………………………………………………………..

NOTE - Any person who submits a commencement of work notice which is false in any material particular
is liable to prosecution under Regulations 84 and 85 of the Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021.

pg. 49

(Name and address of electricity supplier or the Commission)

In accordance with Regulation 69 (2) of the Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021,

I/We …………………………..……………………………………………………...…………
(Name and address of Electrical Contractor)

Holding Licence No………………………class ……………………………, hereby give notice

that the under-mentioned work in connection with the installation of the premises of:
Address…………………….……………………………………………………………. is now
completed and ready for testing and connection.
A service line is/is not required:

Details of installation (stating if new, addition or modification) ………………………………

The work has been carried out and tested and is in compliance with the Energy Act No 1 of 2019
and all Regulations for the time being in force thereunder. The test values report in accordance in
IEC 60364 standards are as follows:
1. Visual inspection ………………………...........................Yes/No (with comments)
2. Polarity and continuity tests……….…………………….Yes/No (with comments)
3. Earth resistance test value …………………….................Ohms
4. Insulation resistance test value…………………….......... Megaohms
5. Earth loop impedance ……………………........................Ohms
Name of licensed electrical worker in charge………………………………..………..……..
Class of certificate held…………………. Certificate No………………….…..……..……..
I/We certify that the electrical installation is ready for energization.

Signatures of

Licensed electrical worker in charge …………………… Date………………………………

Electrical Contractor/Worker………………………….……………… Date…………………
(For office use by the electricity supplier)
Connection order No…………………………….
NOTE - Any person who submits a Completion Certificate which is false in any material particular is liable
to prosecution under Regulations 84 and 85 of the Energy (Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2021.

pg. 50

Regulation Default Penalty

6(2) Failure to comply with the Grid Code A fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand shillings per breach in
accordance the Act
25(2) Interfering and/or tampering with a A fine not exceeding fifty
meter whilst in the premises of the thousand shillings or to
consumer upon whose premises the imprisonment for a term not
meter was placed exceeding two years or to both.
34(2), 59 Breach of clearance and depth of A fine of ten thousand shillings or
overhead and underground cables, imprisonment for a term of three
respectively months, or both for every incident.

Various Use of substandard materials or A fine of ten thousand shillings or

procedures imprisonment for a term of three
months, or both for every incident.
84(1)(a) undertakes any electrical installation A fine of one million shillings or
work without being an electrical imprisonment for a term of three
worker qualified for such work or not months, or both.
being under the supervision of a
qualified electrical worker;
84(1)(b) Failure to comply with any of the A fine of one million shillings or
terms and conditions of any electrical imprisonment for a term of three
installation licence or certificate months, or both.
granted under these Regulations;
84(1)(c) Giving false or misleading A fine of ten million shillings or
information in relation to any imprisonment for a term of five
electrical installation work; years, or both.
84(1)(d) Submits or causes to be submitted to A fine of ten million shillings or
any licensee or to the Authority a imprisonment for a term of five
completion certificate which he years, or both.
knows or has reason to believe
contains false information;
84(1)(e) Undertakes or carries out by himself, A fine of ten million shillings or
his servant, or agent any electrical imprisonment for a term of five
installation work at any time whilst years, or both.
his business is not licensed as an
electrical contractor or while the
licence of such business is suspended
or revoked;
84(1)(e)(f) Causes or permits to be carried out A fine of fifty thousand million
upon the premises any electrical shillings or imprisonment for a
installation work in contravention of term of three months years, or
these Regulations; both.

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