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Longman Across Cultures Teacher's Book - 97p

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Elizabeth Sharman

across cuLtures
cult ure

-- music
~ l a n g U a g e
Teacher's Book

Long ma n
Elizabeth Sharman
across cuLtures
culture I li t eratu re I music I langu age
Teacher's Book
f __
h_ttQO lJl.
.... . _e-........ ""'_
CI........ EchI<-.UooIM2lDI
All. "'"" "' It '" ltIo, _ moyM ,_..001,
, IOlH;". 'otn , _ .. ,,""; '.,.. 01 ti ... ""'''',
, ,, , ,ron;<, " " h. n". I, 01Olb' ''''''',
""' n...., tn. ",, ;non p"",,,,on of Iho oopy<;gll1l1ol"''".
SoI .. _ .........
- 130 ..11'91-f
- 100 0SlQ 111W-1
Inln>duol iun
I en",""", dml r..
1. I't'dlu .
; l 'ni l h"dlun .
4 11"", to l '.... lh, ,\I"h'r;"l
n ..... 1I.. .. , ..
{ " ti... Ex. .... " , ... _.. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 17
I.... .' ..l
..dul. I _ .
Modol.. 1. ............................ ....
\1' Klulr ; _ ........................
,\ Io<lul ." 4 _. _ .
\ lo<1" lr '; __ _ ,
\Iocluk 6 _ .
1 .... - .. - - --- .. - .
8 .
9 _ .
,\ 1,,<1 ,,1, 10 .
11 . . . . . . .... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
" . I .. Iuil... _.. .. . .. yr,
\ l ud" l ..
.\ ....t"I..
\ lud" l..
1 Course Methodology
and Feat ures
1,1 General
.\<... .. l'u lluIT'Io i' a >Un.<" lor Ioludents ltv-
rullu", of th<- EngI;.lKpralill,ll " orId. "'th 'pt'riIIl
ntll,h",is on lhr CK and tho;- CSA 1he u n be
u.....tas a fTt'<">la,w1inl:. inleg,,,1rullllf"] (OUI'\O," in ih <Am
or a, .. ' '' l'l'k ...,..OI In ,m["gli,h I..nll"".'t' ,,>Ill" :.
,\Il"rnalivdr, i t 'Oil bp dil'l" "d ;nlO ,n"o" th"
(urrkulum 10w"'l'kmenl ulh. ,. di"-iplint"i 'h"liNl in
th,' ,!ud..nh' tjwn lanRUd.,l\'"(",,'h .I' hi' tory or bu.;n,,, ,
,I udit's). W..... h., nl llu,,,1 'u...t;.... arc b<.-inR'l", li<"tl ..,
.on obIi!!dlorr port of thr rumrulum. Or fur j(1."nnal
",1.......,1in t.... En!,\Ii,h-'\p:-"kinM ,,,>rid and gIob.ol j,'oUtS.
,h ron (' .. II .. ........ ",ill pro, -ilk t.....:hrn ..00 ,tudents
"'lh .. <fimulah"!! ,,nd .... rin.! hody of rullu, ..1(Unt,
10 " pl"'"llo )vunR prop l.-.
J,2 E/gIQl'Q Chgw ed modulg. ..." .. (""Uoon'" i' <1;,,;,1<-<1 into 11 " 'lI-u>l1l"inoo
modul...., <"XI'I, ,rinKIt diff""',,1 Ilw,,"... enlll'" 1<,11" life
ill Engli,h-'p,' "kil1ll cuh",,,'
1 h rryd"y li/r
l II" hil..I. ..oo homrL",d, (- !/"I'!'P"plrrl
1 Link, " ith th.. ""U(- "i<lD<rl
..I.....oo 1_p<JIilio...w
....,ionol/ irnlitur"')
\I.. .. l:d..,(.., ion
\t..d"l.. 6 Globd l ",..rk."!, (_ ,,,>Ii ",,4 I,,,.;,,,,. )
\t'HI"Io' 7 Sp,,11 ..nd Iri. u...
\t..d"l.. H 1110' ..11'
.\t..d"ll- OJ Communiration ,,,,<I !l"(hnuluIlY
.\ t ...I"I.. 10 S....i,ly
\I.. II Un k. 10 lil..r..' u,,-'
n... I.... mn ... bn-n cho....n 10 ern..,r tr..oJil;,,,,..1
cullur..1 .., "-dl .... IJ>o.,r """'I ........ .....", I" I....
rn<><km " urkI ..od 10}"""'8 JH'OPk'. ThO' Iorio ......... I....
"id....' .."llinll l'f>OUllh 10 b<o ...In..nt 10 Ihr .I udrnl..
o",n counlry ......1ndlu.... off..,.;nll ..... n... dl plrmy 01
oppo rlunil!, lor romp..ri",n ..,,<l w nt, .., t 1>(1."'....n
""rid i.... ..nd .. ' kq>o.'r ..n..l p ;" of Ill....I"dr nl , own
1,3 Va rie ty pt t oBil
Th.. rull" r..1 '''pi.... ,k..11 with in .-\ cro.... ( " 11" ..
h....., m",n ,p<'t'if..-..11,- rhost'n 10nl'rt'\.<'nl .. mi,lo 01
thr' t,.wIition..llo l.l rour "",ion.4b Tht uI" ",oJ doto"., of
III.lI,ili.!, "'''''''r<hr. 4, S"'i"",,J uJrb'''lim'' l ,,,,,l lh.. mOfl'
unu"MI to 7b f.tlrm" 'I" >rI. Uk Gr"""li",'iooJ. l Tp-' o-d,,' "
thrm.... ... hip-hop rultu... to 8r in Ih...I.....).
1..,!inKto 9b Tnli,,!!) ..n<ll'O' ili,-e di ..-rimin,,' ion to 10.0
fb5jli", di..-rimi .... rionl h.." .. brO'n indudffi... nd c..... ""..
brom I..knl lo ..,,,,id no", oulwlrd ..lrr<'OIrpes. ..nd 10
p.........,' n't"fl thr """' t""'mrs in .. "''' y Ih..1
i.. int......ting. ch..lIMl&inK ..nd dCCO",ihl.. 10 n><><inn
young pt\>pk.
Th" (lIlt"r..l "I "",h " nit i' m n......yffi "i"
p".,,,n,,1 ,,<coum, ,..,<1 ,Ill,,,.,lol ' m",'h ,,., hI' p"rdy
(,,..-lu,,1 I<'XI,. "llhou",h c...... h , h,','" 10 ",.. ..
,..ti,'ly o( 1.. ,1 Iyp'" to 1.4 bdowl. f nlolli,h'p"..kinlol
counl .i,,,, othN Ih"" Ih.. L' K ..nd Ih,- L'SA ....... I",
rt"guLorly ...f..,,-ro 10,
t,4 Ydtty p t tim
Th<- (lI ltur..:J conlrnl of ,\ . ........ ('a ll """,, i<;
11>"'''&h .. "i<Ic' r..nit'-" or ,,--n".... ......1rr>rdrd
"""",,1in/C ..,, ..ulbmli< ....ri<1y of """n-n t..k..., fromIhr
Enlol li,h"' l'l'dkinll ,,,,,rid.
W";II,'n &"nn'S indudr kll " .... ",..h, ilr,. r m" il. di"ri....
h.o"hu,,'. lit",,,., ,-xlt..,'I\, n"""I"'I"'r "rtid".,.
m"8"';'1(' "rtid,... ,..,<1 ,,,I,,.."i...m,nl'. Ill,llly 01 whi..h
hoi,'" h, n I"ken from . r ,,1 publi,h..d .., urn",. P"t.. i,
..l", p nlffi in gr.."hic fonn through thr u.... of I..hle<,
gr.. ph, . ch.. rt., ..nd m..p'. Au, lio te,l.. r.... tu...
di .. ..... i"I.....; ... ' .... , ...Ii" progr..mmn
dOO ",nl!'
1, 5 Seng,
SanK" ..... ""rtirul..rly hillhli/olhtrd in Ihi' <ou.....,
.... pl"(i.. 1I 1' in lhe fI.....w,Id/,,,'" onib 10 l"'g<' n Thi,
" mph,,.,j, ,, n'"(1' younlol peopl.. i,, 1<' ,,,' in Engli' h'
pop son!,:, ,,,,d th,';' Iy,i<'!>.
'\11I"'''llh Ih..y (dn ,,,m<'li,,,.., fl'"I",, non-,'"nd,,,,1
Enlolli ,h ..nd ""m" ('h"II""gi,,g "",'"h"I,II1'. pop ,onll'
...... ,'imul"linll .."," 'lIld " ",.' i< lt"good scop"
ror c"",, {urri,.-u lar linkinlol ..nd tI.." di'>CuioM.
1, 5 yarigty p f , ctjvit i!ll
n... l..-x" I"""""'lrd in ('oKh doul>k-""g.- unil .....
explnl't'dIhroullh .. " ..M} of ....,i';I;".; r..lm
Ih..n .. rt"Jl"'ti/i'", u.... 01 '1,,,illln comp...hen..ion
qu..., tiun', Bolh .....di oll ..nd ni n& teXl< .....
exploit"l through ,x"" i"... ,,,(h a, g"I, f,llin&. ",u..nn&.
m"td,in/C hll.... I" p,lt"l<r,'ph, ,or 10 pi, t"n.... comp1di nll
d 1..l1k nr .. 'umm" ,.,, ",,,Itipll'--Choill' ""d t,,,,'/ f,,I,,-
qu,''''' .... well .., ,lr"ilolhtfon,..,,1'l,,,...tion... Sp".. kin",
dCti.-;IK-< , ..n u k.-i1... fonn of I'di' ..00'!In",!, disc""iun.
mI" pl,'l'.. ..oo inl..rvi.." ......nd "ntmll t....k, prod........
,.. ri<.1} 01 1..x1 1}l""'-
1.7 gem pra ctice
..ny ,.... ..ncJ comp.... """0i"...
(0 J"'!:<' ,I "",... 1 lly.1niw><...110 mirror ..nd
10 off.... f' , ,,, t i, in pn-ri n ertisr lyl"-'" 'ound in
(".. "fT ..ntI FCE ..ntI 0'....... inlrrn..1i"",,1
..1lt" ..n n ..m.
n...... <'X"o i.... lrlln include mullipk ,ooK". mullipl..
m" l"hinlt- l..bk complr-t ion ..nd lru,,/f..l...
Such <'Xmi unobtrus;"..,ly 1.. ..... in lhe-
Slu,"'n'" IM k " ilh ,..... rn, in Ihi. " ..
I."' ........... n ,lloo\.t' ,,hc:1h.-. or nul lo ("' I,loc, ..0<110
dr.." ,Iutl..n" ..Iknlion 10 th.-ir ..pplit...1ion in "n ......m
(Oot .. " .
In .. ",' of lhe- "" i,work ,p.: ..kin!! ........
.mcJ wrihnH .""i...... l.pnifit..U, tho;.c ,,h.:,.. '>lu, knh
l"odun'" .h"rt I," fn,m 8i"..n ",....Id , u, , lim"li. '1t
5<1 frl>tr ,",, i... 6) .d". offtc. "dl" "hl....,.,m
1''''<I in ' in Ih..,, .kill. ,
1,8 y oca b u l"ry
,\ . 1' .... ( '..1111 ' , h." I}(""o 'p,'citk.,lly d",ilo:",'d to
h;loIhl;ghl "0' .\!lul",)'. " l..og"..g....l..n,.,nl .. fh'"
",.,,Io"k,... !. ' " only d,..1t wilh I'd,s;\'dy. ;" ,,""I , " Ihm'
COli ....... .
10,' ""''''''1 "' '''0,.'1)' b.., '" Ih.. 10f' of """h ".,;1 lel]-
Ih,' "wi". ",,1 ' I" d,'o' .., .. 10:1"",,' ",h..1 11ll'
\oc..h"I. ,l')' ,,,"" of ,.., h un;1 ",ill h..,
\'o, l"I)' ......." .;...... ",p'o no!! 'P<""ifk 1....i<..1
...I,'\ In lh" unil lopi. (<11. typn of holi' l.o)"> lor 7"
I/olwpl o('(u, ncgul..rlj"-
10 .. . , \\"ord 1I.,,,k II100lcoIl)' 01 d,ffirolt "'''nh
f",m lh., I,',l, " I' p"""; on " .>ill doublr-J"'R<' unit ..,,,I
l""-t- 0<'\\' In 1'1'...... c""-,,,k-nd ..n ....".."h..1or u ful
J>drl of ..n <"\ [n!!h.J>,"Otdbuld ...... ",1\0 t , ...1
in ..... h oIlh" Modulr quiur!. 10 ""!l" 7).
A, ,h,,,,o in lh.. ronl t ,umm,,' h.., '" lh<' lOp of
....'n doubl.,' '1' "". ..... h unil ...0 b" linked 10
olh.-n. Ih.. diff nl motluk.... ;n ookr 10 folIo,,"
.. Ih li<.. path ' ' k (0 J>dg ...
11 1-1 of this T("ol(he-f' Ilook.l. liok> I"" IIi "
b..",<'<'O ,\ Iodulrs 1 /0 ..",I ,\ Iod uk' 11 llinl<.. 10
];,....... ,,,....1. R..I],..,. I""" p............ ...oml "';" ..
hi<.lo", ..1 0 1' ..""i<..1 ""rn';'" of Iil I"... in
thr "" lhors ..ntI I..,." in llii, fi"... motlulr "",....
I....." mo...n lo ....11n1 I"" tht'fflt.,. of II,,:
p....,rtIin!! UoilS, wet. .., o..ti<.n,,1 i,lrnhly (Willi"m
..""k"' I"-'.....I. roloni.."ion U..m,... hn;m".... (-OOJ'<'I"l
",,,I ,,"omm', in........ndrnc" (\ "l'JCi"i.o \ \ oolf).
1.10 CDJCaSHttg
, \ ( ' 0 or .. c.""1I,, 10 .. Ih,' """ " . ..II
of lh, ' n..--ord;ng. n..........."y fo, lh,- ' h l" " ;o,! ,l{ l;,,;I;' .,.,
pi", .,.,...,'li"... n'l'onlinH' "f till' ' ''''II' .", <1 Ill<' 1"-'''''''
i" .\ I,,, llll.. I I . ",hich .Iu<l,nl , ,.", Ii,,,'" 10 ... Ih,' y
f..n"", lh." h',I,;n ,h.. SI"d.."I , H..."k. N.,t;\"{' 'p".,h'"
.",<1 ,inW'" ",;th .. "' id,' ".1';"')' "I "oi,,' 1)'1''' ' ,mel
,""'''1' h.l\'" b,'<'n u",oJ "" , hi, ,,,,din " ..,(,-r;"I,
1.11 T,acher's B o ok
lhi. T...,,h.... I:Iook 1'''1\';e1,... :
.lll iol roduclion 10 Ih,' 0\.....,11 ,h";Io:" dl,,1
m' 11".. of lh.. mu.....;
lion, fo, .... rio", l"'lh""'l" lholUHh Ih,'
link, uoib of lh" book:
'''AA,"\lio", for fio<1iog ..,,<I "';"!! """'URn for
cu' lur..1
...n "'......'N"\, 0/ PIT ..ntI ....."m n ." i...
.1.-1..,,,,,, ,.....h"'!; nul.... lor ("..m..f I.... IIool
unih. including tdl""'Tiph ..ntI
11 quiurs 10j;\c:1..... ,,'nh , ......n.,,..
2 Module Features
E.Kh m..d"l.. orrupi ... p.agn of II><- book.
from ." odult- II lLink.s 10 1'1"'''''''''), .. hieh oc{upi.....

2, 1 Qpening p hot o paS
["o,f, modul .. opens ,,-;Ih .. 1'<'10\" prim..rily [" ring
phul'" """"'t Iro to th.. moduit' II",m .
Thc' I,huh" ,lIlll th,;r ."roml',"'yiu,l( 'I king "x<" i...
,,,.: " ,,"'(I ," ,' ,timull" 1mdi ...""j"n, .",,1 ..
h>,ho" h" tl> Ih,- ..r ,1ml Ilw 'I ,,,k ilt, lht'mwh'..,
",jMt th"j' "Ir<wly kno", "huol 11,, jupk.
11, ;, , 'i,,,,,1 ,tlput "I", heir" l<> "''''''' ' ,Io,k,,(>' wri", ;' y
M,d m<>li" .,h' Ih,>m to W,lIl' to o1i , ,, ,, "" mo,e Oil th "
"'11'1,' II",mr ,
2.2 fly, c ult\'re c gateot unjt! '4:1l1
Thr pri"' ;p.>1 rultor..l '''''lml <>, "oKh mod"I., "
mnldmrd "it hin 5ldf-nmt..i ....d ..,hk--I"'g<" unih
Loch unit (Uocnll.dt... on .. diUen',,1 ..,pn-t of lhr
moduk I""....... conl"in, .. '-drirly of 1.."1, dnd prnt"flh
.. b..I <I , it;, of the d,ff"",1
rount of th. "'orid
,2,3 Alte rnate Eng' ish e verywh e re uni"
Mod"l ... I. 3. 5. 1 and 9 f..dt" .... dn "'", /ish
d""hlr-p.oj.,'t' whim ""-' k- In ,lrMil .It ,In
'pt'dkinlt CO" nl'1' " th.., lh"n th., L:K '" Ih, VSA E...-h
&I9/i", n,rr...htrt' ""it conl a;n, " "" 'I' of th.. ",,"'1'1' and
" n I" /"nn,,tion Fil, ,...",m;al inlunn.,lion
"1",,,1 ii' 1'''I'"I"lion ,md 1l"OIl"'l'hr
n", ,ll" ,nnl""'ying texl, " ... hoih IIIIht",..I,vallt
munl ry ,,,,,1 t" til<" mu.luh' Ih..n"., "tiding 10 lIlt'
modlll <', ...,h, ,,, ,,,,,. fo , "x''''' I'It..\Iutiul" '; b'91;",
tH'ry"lltrt' Iou"," dt th.. hi,t,,') " f J,,,,, ,, i,'a. "nd .\ Io.l"i<'
7 f"'lli.d, n'''1'','I,", t<",k, at _purl i n Au.t",lid,
2,4 Alternate Soundtrack unit,
\Iotl"k." l. 4, 6. 8 "nd 10 k"r" a .w"lcJI"rd. doubl...
f'd'l<' ,J"'.... l ,,'hictl wf>lnllr"r on pupuLo, mu,if in
Ihr 'ouritL
\Iotl",..", l. 4 and 10 S<JunJr,od ind",k' a dctailt'd
....ami .... li..n or thr lyric> of 'p<'fifK so"8';n Engli, h.
"h,k' .\Iotl " ..... 6 "nd 8 s.:..nJr",,1., d.... in d ...."..,. g,:rlt'T,,1
m"nl"" "ith 11,," pop indu,t'y .or.d " ",'m" mu,i,
=1"'"11\'d y_
[Mh unil aho link- In Ih,' lupif of il< mooul..
{fo, n"mplt". polil i('dl prol ....t "''''g' fu, ,\ 100"1,, 4) to
mdint"in th,' m" li, lUm i,' ''''''''.
2 , 5 LaDS.\10g e & CWltur' D4'St
Thr fl""II"''l<' of mod"l.. fo<u...."on t"" Engli>h
LIngual:". both in I....'" u, It, ,,m,,,,,, dnd .kill,
Long"",!:"strurtutf'S m"""nllo ,'''' moduLo, tht-mr (fur
...."mplt-. p.oo,t Inl for .\ lod " ],, 3. ,,'....... Ihr"",
" ... p trd Ih,uullh " tnl ",hKh prm;,,,",
addition,,1 'ultu input
Thr ...1<-'-"nl l"n"u""r r.."ll",,, in Ih.. I"xt " '"
hillhli.,;hlt'tl and Ih..n ,"i pr", ti"'" in " .......... 01
, ' X,",' i",,_
11,.. ,,'('( It,,1 h"lf of Ih,.,, 1" '1('" d"dl, ",; th lh,'
, ,,,,,,,lul',,,,,nt of prncllldi\T ,kill , dntl runnion,
(, I" ',' kinIt ",,,I "',; t i,Igl. "II" ;11 ",hi I,. .,1","l" n",inI" i "ill";
.1 link lu III(" mutlul,,. Ih,."" " . '", , 'x,' ''' pl... Ih.. f",,, lion
or n",kinl( d tdrphon. "dll i, ,i<'" ll with in :\lotl ol.. 'l
(e"" n"'",imli.." ""d 1" '11 IttJI"!lrl.
2. 6 Modu le 11; Link. to Uleratwar
Thr fl ..... mod,,1r of t.....rut,..... tliff,,,, in IOnn.oI from Ihr
0Ihn- rrn E<Kh" 01 .\lud ul<- II frdln..... " .....jor
dntoo, and ,onldin, d .ho"
introdortion In the ,,,,iler', hit' """ "urks. a m..t""Inl>lK
1"" ...., '...:1 dnd a r.", . hort .. ..1nrn:n...",
Tht"Ul""'" """ tht;, I'-"Is d... pt<'l<"1"'''' rhronologi<dill'.
but I .... I.."" ...., ... b<Tn m,,,,", 'prrifo,,,ny In t'Cho
thrrn<-. 1""1"pp"ar " ilhin :\I,,, 'ulo;-,, 1-10 (fo, """mplt-.
jtk....Ii tion M,d hu,i",,,, fur thr Sl,;nh.oO. """dctl_ n..
fin,,1n i"' on .....-h p.oll' "I .......... "'''d8''' , lu,l<-nh 10
"I'l'ly th.. i""", rdi..... in lh.. h1<"t,,'1' .,,,I,,,"t to thri,
own , oltUrL' "nd "xpl',i,'''' '' ,
1hi, , ''''' ,d",,n,-;n.,; ".,.. ,., " du,.1 l'u'1'0"-'"' Ih,' ,t utI)'
or th, ' liter,,')' ('xlrMt, , 'n,id"" ,n,,1 ,kl"jlt'tlS th,' ,tud)'
of 1lH' nlllt",,1 tup it- dntl. "t 'h,' " nnr ti",,'. p",vid,""
Il,'ntlr k.,din to 1it.",'ll' rt. " ,,,hjff! ,,-ilh ",hi, h
, itreknl, m;llht nol t". f"mili" r,
,h ", ..II ,.. p,,>\'idi ng d ,,id.. , 'h"'n,,]ug;,,,l ,pn""l u,
"ulho,--.;. Un' hd' " I", Idl "n 10 induck., " .,tirt,-
<lr IHilrr; rrom dift..... nt ,,'''''In.,,. " ,,, I d b.l1"ncr .;,
1'"...... porIt')' d""l drdm...
2. 7 Moctvla q ulues
On 8+94 of thi. T..... hrr". Ilonk you "ill find
m "....hurt quiu t'!< ,,,",ill nrd 10 t,..,1. in a ...I.>li,-..I"
inf.. rm"l .....y. ,..... inromwliun ,""1 ,tudem.
.....l"i .... . ,hro".,;h .....-h 01 Ih. II m<>duk....
Thr 'l"iL qurslion. &,,1 hoth ",th II>" ' ""lu,,1ronl'lu
<lr Ihr modu,,", "nd ,,-ith ''Ot"huIM'f ' p<'fific to Ih, ......
mnc.'ul,,,, Il." "{.' , -",, Iiv- 'luin,,, ron....m' ''t .. only on
" "''''' (,,<1, and ih'm, ul ' ..... "h"I,'I)' (on,itlrrrcl """,,1
in .. ";" '''"'al knowlrd,gr ronl,-,l.
3 Unit Features
,t J Contl0t 'ummary box
hery uni t of th,' ,urse, ind" ding lhl' [,'91;.'" m"'1' '''''''
",,,I the So.HI ,I/,,,, k un ilS, h'"!Iin, with" ,h"rt ,umm,, '}'
box iltmisinl( Ih,' wntenl " ft l"' l u"il at a gl'''''l- Edeb
box delail, lh.- "",r.n topk "I 11\l' un il, Ih.. " "",tri...
in\'oh'l.'d a"d Ih.. \U(aoola'}' lirllJ!sl (()fl(.. on
... i, al.o a li,1 of links to olm units "'ilh a
rolUlt"doo t .......... lg pagt' 61.
'>Urnrna'}' lKn... a.... d....illn<'d to facilitale gnwrdl
....o;on planning. and dl", 10 hrlp Iht I..d<m '1"idJ)"
lind d unillh,'1 ,.m m.......I" 'p<"fifK' t....hing n.....1of II><-
'the )" "I,,, "",,'" to m" k.. , tud,n'. ,,,, "'t of wh.,t Ihl'}"
."' ,bOllt tu ". ,,lIli, teo, <0 .1' 10 m"ke th"Ill .Kti"..
l"' rtid p,ullS in thl' I"dming p"Kt",
3.2 Text)
ThN<" at{" al I<-a'i t".., ....".. ing texl, in T'} unil
pro<'idi"!l" r...l"nr.. of gMV'l'.d. fa(lUdI mdl l " i th lI><-
mo.... J'M"'O""I or ,pnir... (a f"r ..x"mpk. Sb Sludm" at
"""" "nd abnJord, "him f.."tu...... " fdCIual 1....1 dbout
hi!,:h"" ""u<dlion in I"" l K. "n aulMntK ",.-bsit..
...l..N1i,ing Ird\"d """.i<:.... for 't"denls. pI", ,, ('<""",,,,,I
did'}' tnt'} fn'm" uni"""'''r ,t"d,no.
The....,' .... I'[,nty "I pholo< in <',1<' h unil " ff"rinl! "''' pe
I"r ('xt", fl lhur.,1 di"""i"n .",, 1 wIllI'"ri"",,, .md
...gul"r ti,I"ninHtnt"
The 1""l':""IW i" h"lh ...ading "nd 1i,1" ning lexls h",
b....n grad"" '" '" to be "1'1""pri"le 10 It... ,t u, k'nl'
I.......t and I!>en- i'" ""riMy of Inl Rffirt'S 10 I"'I!" 'i).
3, 3 SerRe ygu ceBdtBefoce: ygu li,tl'D
Ibesc di\CU"i<", ncrri"", ............,. g""Ik I.....I-in to
Irw topK of h unit.
8tJo'rt roo mrJ ' ..n:i"" oft..n dl tl><- ,t"rt of .....h unit.
",,,,,lIy d,,,w ,lurk-nlS' Ml..nh"" to the tille of II,, unil.
or 10 tIlt' ph"to' on th.. [>.lg", .,,,,,,,i ng Ilwir nnio'ity
.,hout tl", topi, .",eI ,'flm'ing 111t'1ll 10 ,kmon'l r.,h ",h"t
tl",y\' kno,, .,ooul il.
5tu,1<'nl, "". "fI.." invit<'fI tn di,wss " , 10 mak.. d
rom!",ri"''' wilh thci' """,, rounlri.-s.
This 1'100.'" r.cabli"",,, " cnn"",1ion " it h I unil topi<:
"nd ,ho"ld tTldk.. ,t"doml, me.t<' l't'<q>li to tl><-
rult"r.1 ;npul 1""1 "iff fotto,,"-
&forr!"" Ii<l.... n..m.... hnell!<' I.... 8"1' bM","", the
nodding ""ellh.. li,tM\ing n..m,,"" "a", ,It.lI"IC'J1t. aw.,
from Ih.. ,kill or "'"uing inlo the' ,kill of li,I..ning ,,"':1
"II",,' lim" t" renect on Ih.. Ih,'n,,' and th.. 'p.."k..n
im'olved in Ih,- ,,,,, Ii,, ""rMI hd",, th,' tim,' w me. tn
.\CH,.,lIy li,kn 10 it
3 ,46"";09
Th,' romp....hension of " r....clinll I"xt i. u,,,,,lIv .... ,,11
" 'ilh in lin> ' '''Il<'5- -
Oft,n. Ih,... i' "n initi.,1 l\elwr,,1mml' rd wn,ion ex,' ", i'"
(/li,t """l i"g. mmm,lri, illg. "nh'ring. ""'Irhing til!e,lo
P''''' II'''ph" "Iel to " lln>ur"g" "nd ,".,hl.. ,Iud,'''l, to
gr", !, Ih,' g..ner,,1Ki' t of . ...."ding t"M ,, ithuul "'1udlly
"'"cling it in det.!.il.
Thi' i. It'oUdfly folk>o'ed 0"" or mOrt 'k1dik\l " 'ddinJl
la'ks "'him ""J"in- ,t"d.."-,, 10focu' 'Ill 'p<'<if... dct"il,
of I.... Inn. or on ,p...-if ,-.x-.bul.... ilNns. Tn.....
.......1"'8 nfTri.... I. k ,., ty of form. io P-"H'" 5t boIh
10",uid r.-p<1i\i,.,n , .",d , tuelr"l ho,,'lIon...nd .1",
10 ." , ,, .... Ihal lh.,,, b d Il""'l 'pn'dol uf "'<1m prdo i, ..
10 p"g" 6).
Thl' "nithy-unit 1c'",hi ",Li '''''e' i" Ihi' T"Mhd, B" nk
ufl,'" rt'<:<,mm"nd tlMI II""" "wling "o"'l' n' lwn' ion
,."'i" ,,, a,,' hy 'Iudent< in p" irs, bolh in
u",k'r 10 m"ke Ihe ""I"rien." mOrt i"t,r 1i, ... for Ih..m
"nd to .,,,id k'ng I"' riod, of 'ilent dding ouri"g
,I.t"room tim...
3 ,5 LlatfoioQ
Duri"!l li"ming ... 'tudC'nt ,.rio",""
to I;"I,-n for I.... g"""' r"ll\i,I of tl><- t'."I. Iu listMl f';,
'I""< iii, fdclu,,1 det"il, ("w". d"I'-", {"Id. or to Ii,ten for
th. ' p"., kel'\' altitud,... ,,,,d upinio""
A, with "'ddin!: ...."'l'r"h,"'io". t" eI"ut, an' "ft,'n
It> 1i,len to;1!l "xlr." I t>rlfe r'lf it- g"ner,,1 Ri'l "ntl
th,-,.. foll"wing fN'flh'ltIt. 10li, len " """",1 tim.. in n,,,,,
R.."Ii'lk dudio I..xl, haw' bent cho",n ",hich. ",hil<-
t""'" W'.....r.. ll..... I"n!luag.. "ithi" I.... , Iu<knts"
rom!",",hC'n'ion 1<'\-..-1. m.y ",mr-t,rnn. indud.- rC'r1ain
ntr. phr..... or " 'hit h mighl .....t
ll<'(...."'nly be "bk 10 un.... r; \dnd.
Th" i. 'lC'si!,:nl"d 10,dl..., I"" n('<"ri, .. of li,,'R t..
",,,I spoken Engli'r-.. hut ure h", lI 'n I.,ken
th., t II", '''..-....ary t" {Omp!<-tl' th.
con'l'n'h"",ion I."k> i, "' ilhin Ihe ,t"tI,"I,'
3 ,6 VPcaRw} If!l'
\'txdht,Ltry .-xf'l"(i.... p......nlgroup' 01..-ord, li"k",1 to
d (Omm,m InK.I 1i..1d ",,,I c"n O"Ur ,.;1 bC'fOf(' a
RmcIing nt'frisC' (" "'arm-up f?<CTtl.... or srnlidlpr.-.
tedChing} Or "s Of\(" of the' 8<""'r.II,,,,1 comprd,..n,ion
n ..m........
\'or"h"I,,'}' it""" "",...!><Tn chost"n' p'..-ir fly .., lh, ....
..-onl, mosl likd r ttl I... u,eful in " g' r"llOnlexl
", it,..." "r "clive ""Ill " 'p'..-, Ik
",11",.,1 t"pie i"t" "" "'1' 01.1)" use,
il.Up eak jng
Fi'MI l",i" lI"'uP ." d." tli"'u,,ion oftcn
(Olld"dt- d unit ,'x",riw, !li'T 'ludent,
chan'e to all 'he cult ural inj>nllhpY h,lw
fmm till' unit, to ,e'l/de ,my vocahul",y,
dnd to expre;; their gener.l opini"", on the unil',
The ,Ii""i"'" dh" oftl-n i""ol\"" , ..fl.-ct ion on dnd
cont,.,t wilh thei, own
3.8 Writjng
Othe, ullit, colldud,' with ",rillen outputl.>a'ed on
Student' are "'<juin>tJ to produce ,hort text;, ",,,,,lIy
bd,ed on modd text, ,'pI""uing with in the unit.
topic of Ihe wrilkn t,',xt, will n,u"lly I.>e 10"",,1 on
""d"n1,' OIH' exp,'rienee" Or opiniol\' of
;om,- a'p,,,t of til<' unit', tI",m.-, Or a wmpdri'on of
cultu,.,. preS<:ll lc<! i" tilt' "nil with tileir own c",mtry
TI",se 'Hillen d"illnment, are u,uaJlv ,,,itdbI" for
all",alio n.
,1,9 Word Bank
,\ ny ,,'ortI, apP",lring in the text, ",hid, ,Jr<-
out,id,' of 11l1" inttrm,>tJi"te level are ' ignallrd th,'
I)'mbol a and !l1",><,,1 on the ,,, m,' do uhk"pdlolt- 'predd
a, the texl, appC<lr in.
Th" 10110'''-' apl" 'dr in alpl h'beliral for "d')"
rcf"I"l'n,e, in" Word Il,'nk box ,lI lhe top of t'dd, right-
hand pdlle,
Th."" '''' '"h "I",)' item" unlike tho... tha t appe'" in th,'
,,,,,,h,,I,,,)' exerci,es la pal'l'" 81, n' " n"t int("",k>tJ to be
""imilated br the ., item, of acti","
\'OCnh\lldry, l'hq' drc merely glord in P,,,, inlol '" ,"
110t to impNI,>, 'udenl" mmpn'hm,ion of tht"
4 How to Use the Material
D<'l dik>tJ dd"room nott" dl"l providrd fo, ted( h
unit of' Ih(" St".knts' Book on page' 19-a1 of lhi'
and ,ugge,tio", for diff"l"lnl routes
thmulolh the book are give" On pall'" 12- 14,
4 , 1 U sing 1M egadine tgxts
It i' always "dvi.'<lhk to m"k,' <Ilre, plunl'linll
,t"dent' into . rc"ding tlMt tl"'ir int" l"l" t ,md
nl rio'it)' in the ,ub;<>rt of the texl ha' <l lready I"'ell
'''o",ed, ..vant id,"" 'Illd vorabul,,')' ,ho"ld b,'
,ti mlllat<-d in til<' ,tudent,' mind, I>do,,' th,-, ' I'<'ad, ill
orti n to prevent th..m from approdthinlol " t"xt 'm id'.
tor this reaso n, it import"nt not to omit th,' Rtf"" >"'''
",,,I Ml iviti", in " unit If ,m' not felt to be
,' pp"'pri<lt,, the h-MI",r , ho"ld <1t I"",t ,-n,ure th"l
,Iud('nt,' ,1 t1ention i, r."t dr,,,,,,, to th,- titk, the formal
'Illd the photo, th"t Mcompan)' " I('xt, and tl",t the y
,'I'<' eIKollrag<-d to m"k,' 'om" abolll th"
Look over th" R'adinll t",k< ", ith the
, tud,-nt, hefore tllt"r read and, to m<lke ,ure tlMt thn'
fully unde" l"l1d th,' in, tr" r tion" IOmpll"t" Iht- r."';t
'1",,<lion Or item in earh ," dn ,'x"mpl.. wilh
the whole d ,,,,, Enmu'<lW' ,,,,,h-nt, to romplet" the
,...ading ta, k, in p"i" if pm'ible la p".'\e Ill. ,\ldkte , ure
thnt th'"}' unde,."tand Ihat, for m""y of th,' I'<'ading t,,,h
(", in 1'1'"I-lif, , it"allon, ",h..., yo" are requir"d to "'dd
sonwt hing in <1 fonign lanS""Ild, it I, not n"n';;<1')' to
ull,k",t" "d the meaning of evel)" In " d in the text to
I,.. dble to compld" th,' td,k,
It i' import"nllh"t , tudents do not 1')'10 trdn,late earh
wortl-for-word into tlwi, own lang""g' fif fot no
othN I'l\'111 than it "'ould be too
'hould try i",tead to "e'luin' th,' hdbit of "-drching
<l nly for Ih,' 'pecific infomMtion thdt i, "'luirN! of tlH"m
in e,lch rolS<:, m,lking u"" of th,' \\'ord Il"nk to 'k-c ipher
diffi,ult word" lor gi, t readinll t,,,h, it i' d !lood idea
to ,,'1 "urlc'nl, d , hort time limit'" the}" do not b,,,,,,,, ,'
too pngro'''''l in th" .ktdil, of the tnt. Wh ile ,t"dents
are engaged in a t'l\k. ho\\'".'('" it i, ,till import 'lIlt for
th,' t"Mher to amo"!l th"m, or "t lea" I",
10gi",- dn}" hdp f""lui....><1 if 'tudenb become
An,w,'" to reading t",k, ,ho"ld be ,h,-ck"d with tit"
" 'hole rla, m"ki ng '''f(' thdt ,tudenl' c"" u"d"",tdnd
and ide ntify Ih,' p"rt, of th" te." thdt provide the corrffi
d"'wer to e,,,h question, II i' th"n a good id"d to
conrl"d" th.. ,"'pl"rdtion of a ["('"ding by a,ki,l,<; the
cl"" M' ddditional couple of g..n.'r,,1 'lue,tion, rel"ting
to the text', content, 0, to their opinion of it (, ..... ,p,...ifit
,u8f\",t;on, mad.. in tht, tt-d,hing
4 ,2 Using thg fi,fcmlng ' pf,
'l lI,knh b.. ,,,tnl'Ml,,l\" pnp.. ",.'" bd ur'..
..mhdrkill8 un d .., ....-i'... TIll' iltft''' 1''''' Ii"",
""rri,,... ['"wid,' ,m inln>o.Iu,1ion 10Ih,' ,,,hj,.. 1nf
Ii" .. ld'''- ,Illo.l hdl' 10 ,..-;1," 'hl,Tt-nh' ,,111'n'ion
a",ay from Ih. I..,h lhdl Iht'j' m,,)' j"'1 haw
lid"... Ih.. rr>tdh'!l'. il i, 'il ..lly
in'port''''1 10 WI lhro"gh lh.. in"ru.1io", fo, "d""
1;'I"ning I,,,,, ",Ih ,1",1<"(\1" "",king ",n- 11..,1 II,,")' fully
"r><kr.I..OO Ih.- "'''''''''d' "' Iu.ohun 1'........,1.'" in w' .."dio
""I,an II..-n"mlx.. of 'I....." ..... 111.,1 Ih.-y " ill ht. ...,. dOO
Ih....u<1 ndlon- of Ih.. inf".m..lion 11...1 Ih.., .....
rrquirt'tl 10 ..1fi<"'"f'. Ag.!in. 'I ,h<'uld be np'di",,,, 10
,1",l<-n1\ Ihdl Ilwy ,houM nOI ..,pt'<1 lu Ur>tlf'nldnd
.....f"f). " 'oro Ihdl l....y Iw.... and Ihal mo.h of IIw
Long"..!!.. of Ih. ""u.. ling mighl nut in ..n)' ....... bt..
......... .. nt 10 II..- 1..,,, Ihdl ,"""', ha,... 10 wmplf'le.
lU'o.... ..h<JUIcl ""'" h.. pl..",.,., 100 .....ny Ii.......... '" Ihi<.
i,'"Ii, ... 10d.....-..Ioping IhI' ,kill of ",..Ilik
a"r..' romp....n.n'ion hpLoin 10 ,Iud.. nh lhal i" ....... 1-
lilr ,ilu.oIM"b Ill'lrn"'1l10 II><- , IM,. f'1d. Iht.., ..-could
prob.obh' unly h....... n .....1' 1 '>rl'''. " 'ilh no
op""",,nily dl ..l1 fur trp<1ilion
f.b<il cO"'''"'' frum ,llItlo-nl, ..ft...... n ""h..II"'t"fI,1'\2. ..nd
lhen "Ildin ..flr r .. "-'("....t ..nd you ..i"prub.lbly fioo
lhallhl' <I.., ...., .. ,,!>ok. (..n ..1...... ly romplt1.- lhe 1.. "'-
\ \'hrn ,'hrc kln/o( "n"".... ",i lh Ihr (I,,,,, ..,I< ,I<J<I<....I, 10
lell you lo"y "oro, ..nd phr........ Ih..1 rrm<moo
from Ih.. rn:ortlin/llhal hf'lp""l lhI'm 10 <omplt1e Ih.-
I..,k. Who-'" ..,.'''r.... Iw,... b...." ,""'I<nt Iht ....trc><1
m"ld br- cl,l(din. p"rlinJI..r1r fur IhI' ....I<.. of 1hos.c
"odt-nl, ",ho did "o1 m,,,,,,!!.. 10 ..n,"',r dll Ih.-
11 i, nut ... all) d,h'i.. ,hl. 10 pI.., " "y ....-omi,,!! mo,..
Ihan Ihl1."t'" lin...... ,\/o(..i", Iho--Ii,Ic"in8I'h..,,, of .. I....,,'"
,hoold I... ulf ",l h d fr... 1I'n....,,1'[,,,,u,,io,,
q.....lion' link...1'0 ""..... " .di,,1!-
4 ,3 Us ing thg voca b u lary e a:grcltg,
.\ loc;l of lh.- 'I""' ifi,' \" "'dhul,,')' ,M...i"" in Ihi, (on","
""Ioi,.. ",od..,, 1\ I.. 'dl"W,ri,,- !!n"'I" "I,. or 10
m..I,h Ih,'''' 10 Ih,'i , dd i" il;, ,,,,. ..",, ""h n,"i"...
in",'i l"hly ;,"'01\,,, .....rI.'i" .,m"",,1 "f 1I""" ...o,k .""i
inl"ilion, il i, p",l",hly 1"" 1if ,I " d" "t, m"'pl"l" Ih......
,u",i"... in p,' i...., in "Idrr 10 1"",1 Ih" ir h'''''''''''., if yo" " 'i, h, lh.,t , 11,,10- ,,1\ ",ill p",h.,hly kll"'"
'''Ill' ' " f [h" ",,,,,I, "1n',,, ly, 11 ...1 Ihq ,, ilI l... dhl.. [ 0
8"" " olh,.... h... .1\, ,,' "f Il"'i, , i"' il,,, ;I;,, to "th"r ,"'>rtf,
(or I.. "onl, in Ih..i, "'\'1\ .,,111 Ih.,[ ,,,nwm"y
'i"'ply h.Il--' I" h,' .,1.
l 'h",1< "", ..... ...ilh Ih,' ... hul,, I.",. To ,..,,,,,,lid.," Ih.
,mil'ily. it i, .. good i<ira 10g..1" ",I.'n[, 10 ... ritt alll h,
...o,d " ...ilh co.......-t d..fini liom ,,, It,, ,,,ldli,,,,,. i"
Ihei, nulti>ook. An ..",n 1" 'lIn id"d i, fur ,,,,,tt'nl, 10
k.....1' a nol..bonk , pt'Cifi(ally fo, n["lI n.",
\'()(clbola,y. Thh ( ould hr d;"idrd inlu dll, I...I"1it,,1
..... ,,, inlu 'p""ifi,' 10pi' .... ""h d' /<>Ir<, l Ilt
.-1";",,,/0; , <1<. Condud<- thr \'("ab"ld')' ...1ivily by d,l<inll
"\ cl f..... qut'\lion, lI>al , pt"f ir" ..lll' pt... 1i.... II...
""",. "onis. for t'Xdmpl. 1\ lMr u!J<1abln " ",,10/ ll'" I'"' ill
"salad'I" Id 111 1', in ....." b.N.Ll!l 0' 1I....1drau .... "...",."
if!"" h.oJ "'." 10 ...tilion' (" 5r SI<f, pupilsl.
4 ,4 Using the s pgakjag AA'jvj, ig,
I'ur .. di'>(\",ion ..'1iVily. bq.\in by IIw
in,lructitm, "ilh lhe ti..." ..od "","i,,!! ,u... lhal lho-,
.. od......"',><1 Ihrn-L
A'" .. 1<..- '>tutlo-nb 10iii.... 1m. ''fliniun uf I.... 1',,-
I'ropoc;nl. dod ...,.m..P' Ri\"'" lru.. opinion or itk.. of
yoor OW" If ...........')-, ,u!'Ph' ..ny \'(H ..lou'..'), ill"""
11",1 ,Iudn-ol, m;w.l ......" lu Loo.k. n...n h..- 1"''' or II"OUp
di..-u"ion. di\w "I' thr ,Lo" .., """""'')',
A, 'Iodr-nl\ di..-u,\ thr lupit' amonll lht-rn......'"'
, itnll..le dmong Ihf'm, or ..1 '1 hr d\,<- 10 gi,...
.. hf'lp .-..quired if lher ,hurl of itk.., 0' " .. l"i ....
hf'lp ...ilh \ 0<,,001.>')'.
Allh1'.....t of lhe d;.,..".;on. rulk.. 1 f,'On_1< f,om
\'", ... or grouP' dnd hi/(hli/o(hl dn!' ",..f,,'
'....-.>hUld') or ph......... lhal mi/o(hl ha,....n,...n fn""
,Iodr-nls di"""io",-
4 ,5 Usin g tbsr writin g Betiyjtig,
.\ 10'\1 of lhe ,,'ririn/; ... in Ihi, (OU"",, d...
p,nbdbly besl "" for hom.....o'k. 10 .., 'oi<l ,il"n[
pt"rincl, of p..r;,onal ,,,ill,'n p ,,'o<li,," ""Ihin
\'dl"..bk <ldnroum lim.', tlm' il i, lh..l lh.. l..eKh..r p'''p'''''' ,1",k"I, in k.......n
limr "ill> "lIlh..1Ih..y n....-d 10h.. "hl.- In wml,lrl" lh..
Id' " " I hom...
e"",id... Ih.. lopi(' of Ih. "rili,,/; I,,,k wilh Ill<' d .."
a, a ",hoI... E1 idl from Ih"m dny id,-..,. \',..-"hul"I)' u,
ph'd' ,..., Ihdl b... u",f,, 1in Ih,' r nmf'lt-hnn "f Ih..
Id'" ..nt! ,,'ril .. lh..m on Ih" bo..rtI . If Ih,' la,k " ..I"i .......
,1",I" Ill' 10, ,,,il, 10" 'P''''jfi, IO''''dll fnr ,\"n'pl,. ,m
..mif 0'., po,t'drtll. to",lm, I ,ompl<-h' ' '\o. mpl!' on
Ih.. bo..rt1 wilh Ih.. hdp of va,ioll\ , [",knl" \I " d" nl,
, .." II",, ""I'y d"",n ,'''y id..,,, , ........1, ," ", ,,,kl
fom,a" lhl hl'lp Ih" m ro",' "I< I It",i, Ill"" In l
dl ho", .
For "lh morr' 1""",,,,11" \1' , (''' '' '' '''' 101'' ,I"dnlt' lu
fi,.." m" h 1""I'..r"lol)' nol", in d .",. md 10 "r< I, " Ih.
not .... '" " '..y. 8<' .. .. 10 gi'...
h,,:!rnl\ ht-Ip wilh and id..a. as do
Ihi.. Slud""h >uld dl)() )Iluo,-tht-i . not..,. 10" p.ort.....
10. f.....dbd,k. or .......n ,on.lnMl nol...
10ll<1ht-r ..nd Iht' n "ril'" 01' Ih.. fi.... II...k
"I h"",...
\\"hm ''0<1 m..rk,,,1 "nd .... li'l ril>uI' -.l " ,,<lml'
i",I,,i. lu,,1 I""". spnxl '>On,,' lim. in I.... ,..., 1 k-."),,
hillhlillhhng " "y COmmun ", l't'CUm- Rl ('rm",. ,,,,, I
",kill!: ,Iud..nls 10 suAA....l ""p "I ,nrrrtl i"10\ Ih..m.
4.6 Us ing M Qw,.le 11 O.!01S.I..12.1!lere tuO'I
H.,.fon n..diIl1o\ th,' dilkrrnl exl r,,,'1\ ill thi, moouk. il i'
i"' I" ,rt"" l lh"t 'h"I"l1" "n' li"'l 111.,,1.. f"'''ili'', "'ilh Ih..
dlllh". II", p"riod in ,,-hid, till) ' Ii"''' l ,mol tl"'ir I'ril1' il,,1
"""h For Ihi, n'd,,,n, ,t"d" nl , ,'l lt'nhun should dl"'d)"
hr d",n lu Ih,' I,,, kgn,,u,,1 i" fo,m"li"" on II", kfl'
h.I", 1'i, 1eol the 1"'8". "'hitch "I", I'ro\"id'" Ih.. ro"I",,1
fn,m "hi<h Iix- spt"<if,,- 1(',,1.) h.l,... hn-n t..k..,,_
Irt "",k'fll' Iix- Inl in tt....i. book "11h<'" ",m,." lim,..
.., lilt")' li>tt-n to til<" spoL-n nYor<h"ll "r Iix- I"'L Ihm
..uo.,.Ih.:m to n.... Iiv-1""1 d-*,inlor th........"'".... Ihis "mi
InollJ"/o; IN' oflhe (""'-""T-
Tlv-1trtIJing .md \i>ur"""'!'" <JU"'Iior.....rt" probably' b<">l
......" ......1in p.ti'" or grwl" . tv .......bIr-.rudrN, to p<>t>l
loor tl>otl,l:ht, ..oo .. A,l:din, n lJl.,in In slv<lml' Ih.ll
Ilwy ..hould ron<mtr..l.. on ''''''''''';''8 the 'JX"-;f.
'1,...1;''''' rntuin-rl ..ntl ""-'ukl l" " .p.nd too mum timt"
t'1i " i't 10 the 'fl('(if" , k1"il, oflll(" 1'"Xls_ 1h<'y
"..i"l)' , h"uld ,,01 ml't ,Ill)' lr.m,l., ti" " .
It ;.. i"',l>l, 11"'1 mud' lil<-r" I)' I.. from "th", ",,",
""III"""' diffi<u1t f", ,t",I""I;, ,md f'" lhi, n'd""n II",
'l",,,li,,n, in ,\ l"d"l.. il "',' d,,,ig,,, ,,lp,,n'l)' to ..Ill0""'10\"
' I", I<- nl' 1010\'"'1' Ih,' n"""" id,',,, ,,,,,II''''ling of
th,' tt-,t" ."llw. Ih,m to il1\'"I", ' tlwm in ,111)' d<1,'ilt'<1
lit' ''''I)' ' !irki,m
\\'h." """ 'U' ,,,,k 'tutlrnl' 10 poinl ""I I"
... h;,h I"'fl ' of Ih.. 1..,1 IlIt'm " 'ith th..
inl" mldrio" to """"'r ,... h qu",ho " . Tht
(ontt>lI1""d'r/i",,", qu lion> (C)ukl llx-n bt- c1i..-U\o\.t.'U in
I'di". group' or ", hol. <l",.. A'k ,tUtknh. " ........
it is 10 rrf h.tckl" "tl u"il, ill Iix- book
t!wt !wH' d <n"ll("(lion tv I i "ion \......
lilt 10 rondudr lilt 1....,,,,, try. .tudt-,,1s
1i,lm 10 Ihr- n'O)ttling " ' llx- 1",, 1. .., th..y " ill""
douht !w,'O' d''1" i,ro d ,k..-pt, undN'{,MOOi"1<: ..nd
"PI",.. i..t;o" of il by Iix- ('",I of Ilx-I.... ",,,
4,7 Ul lOA the M od"/fLQ l.4fu !tf
Th,' II ' Iuiu, ,, " P"I0:'''' ul Ihi. b<",k d....ign' ..1
," j" I" ",,,,1 l t, for ..."h m," 1,,1, "f II", "","".. Th"i,
<JU<"';, .......".... import""1 1... \>"",1 fot .....h
of loc mod,,1rs. ..ill..,ut n-quiri"g . tude"Is 10 h,,\....
rr",..mbe.-rnl i"lolmdlion 1""1 i' 100 .....' Irric or
.pt"<ifKto" ,mdi n I"'L All "I Ihr inlomwlion n-qui.... 1
to ..",,' quiunu" br ,1d\...-d undrr til<" br...-h""
" I jo, 1 k""', k"I".... Thr quin...... <" n I.... u....d
in Iwo ''''p: i..;o" di", 'If ". 1..."_
To isilm "id.'impl)' gi\'(' photoropK-d qui/
I" , h .t ud..", "nd " ,l Ih." , 10 <oml,].1" il f",
hum, ",.l. Slud.."I. ,ho"ltlli...1dU,.", pl 10a",," ..r th..
'I",...ti"", wilhout lo"li" g I"" k through rh.. ",odul,..
hUI ,llOllld th..n """nh rhmogh Ih.. m, ,,h,l,' fo, .lIlY
,m,,,,,,, lh"t th, )' , .."", in on'"n "huul. Ch",k tI",
,,,,,,,,,'" with Ih.. <I.." .,1 tlw nl'xl I'"on. m"ki"g ,,,,,'
tl"'l ,Iud"nt> It'll yoo in ",hi, h unit "f th.. n"" ],,h' lI",y
I,,,,,,dl h, """,...... I" 'I""'ifi, ' Io,, ri"", _
ro 0'" '" t...Is. p'''l''' rr , tuel"" l, for thr quiu ... ..I",,,t
.. ......k t" :rv,. ho,,,l, by " ,liu!( Ihr m 10 " ...i.. kq ' fd,t,
and ,'<X"h"I..'1 lor I.... I..l,...t m,,,tuk' th..1 ha,'..
<ompk1..... Derid.. " h.-lb.' r you ....."t )\",kn" I"
wmpkl<' Ih.. quin ,,, i",I"-iol",,lk or '" a
<oml'<1ilion. I'hoto<ol')' lho- "1'J'ropridt.. numh..r
04' At. tIl<".....J of ..... h ' lurslion lho- ......." 111 unit
"umb<'r frum Ibt- Sh... k."I' Buuk i' gin'" in br k<1.,
'0 th..1 <a" rombi.... '1'.....lio". from diff 1
moduk quizzr<;"nd your ,,,m P""1'SO",..d 1, 1,
Quin...."n Ihm I.... 'oml'k1rd incli,iol""lly. u",I... I.-..l
",,,,Iiliu,,,. or, for .. more IiRhlh,"rtt'd ..ppro.t<h,
"dmi"i,t..rt-.l ",,, 8m"l) <nn'lwtiho ll_Slu,knt. '01, 1
,"mpkl'- Ih, qui ' ' ik ntl)" in gn,uI" ""d Ih,'" h'lIld th,'
",,,nl'k t,,,1 l"'1'('T'; i " to )'''', It' h,' m" .k!" l 0. )"ou could
"'nd"d th.. qui, ," " g,,"'" ,h"",. ,,..<l ing " " I
intlil'i<l",,1 'l'''',li",,, in lurn t"" dilk'''''l gro,,1' ",,, I
kl"'l'inRIll<' ""O"'S," Y" " R" .,1" "10\ (i" whi,h c,w' )'" "
" 1"' i",,, I)" " 'oulel not ",,,..I I,, l1",k. "ny phol", ,,pi (")
4 ,8 llJI /aa.tlitJ=,'!tra
n ... 1" ",hi" Rnot... for t .. ,h unit "f th.. SIUl1('n,,' I\<",l
mnduoc " 'ith 'ul!!l'"'li"n, fnr F-",..
n...... i"duoc mlepld,-, pmit" l or ......arrn "orl
",rili"g oK1i,;tiors, hr .....-rllor notl a, lhe I.'", htT
1....1' "Pl'rupri"t..,
Thr \l""" ki"1o\ """ "Tili"R ....h\ili ,,,,, b.- i....'n ", 1ill
,Ix- mido.llr ur "llhrrntlnl .. 10. '" >UPP"'''''':''1 nth...-
...<Tli<-r-\ ill Ihr Stu<!n-.I' Iionk. ' >r " Il(" g;n
" to
'hHlrnt, "ho fi"i"" " I..,k 1",1"... I 1"<"\1 of II... ,ld"
Ihr " 'rili" ,l( ..",I I..,L. "ould I)(' gin" for
h",,,,,,,ork, b"l I pmjrct-, I)'k ..'Ill'ili.... " 'iIl n"l"i...
"'1'"r..I' 1('"". 10 th,m"'h-..,, .." d ,ho"ld 11.->.<, k,.,] un unl)' ", 11<"11 .. ",hul. unir h,,, ht..."
" " "l'kl"<I.
Course Planning
The modular course
A prrfnclly vdlid "'ar 10 1,"..( h thi, CUll"'"' to work
your way thnllJgh ..arh of th. >modul", in tum,. ,tdrti"R
wilh .\ loduk land fi"jshinlot ",ith r.. l"du!r 10, nl<'" only
mod"l .. th"l it w"uld onl h,' ",ki",bk to work throu!lh
frum ,1",,1 to finish would I", Mud"l .. I I. Link!; to
lill",,'IU"-', which i' mmph''''''lll th.. nthrr
mod"I... 'dth", than t" ,t"nd ,,]ollr .lhis lin"l modul.-
i , int.-nel l to I>t' dippro i nto ", "",I wht'n ....1""dI1I 10
th,' ' 0 "Ultu.... rontr " t found in I to 10.
Th,"n'h ,,;thin .....-t. of th.. r. ...ll rn moduks Cdn ..I...
boo loIkJ1'ffi w.lij;;htioo>..nUyin 11'><' <JfdI-t in " hill> Ihl1'
" pp"..r .. ;thin .. modul.. (l 'nib ....... foIlm,...t by Engfw,
"'tr}" hm- or Soundln.,t;l. finishi,,!! with ltv- Lz"'1""9" l.
(ullurr 1"'8"' ...... conclu,inn I<> 111<' modo,," them<-. If kor
.my ......'>On you "i,hnII0 omil 0.... of th.. this
"-ouJd nol <k"l ' .o<1 from ItMo impd<1 or tM
modul<-. tM unit, " 'ilhin modul<- no(
innt';(dbly imrrlinked ... nol desigT><'d 10 folk...
"'o\('h otM' in 'tril1 """l .....n'.... SUI h dn omi%inn ,,"ould
m,'''" ollly you wold nut ti><' .\ lodule quiu....
(to !"'Iol',,; 8+94) In you, d"s, ",ilh"ul Ill'\l editing oul th.
'I"...,ti"n, lh.,1 h"d nul bn.'n rov,tt'ti in your 1.-..,,,,,,.
Ad'!ilio""lIy. if yo" did not \\'i'h to "'ork through th,
10 m"'lul.... in tum. th.y wuld h... compkll'd in dn
on l"T10 ,,,it you .....lf or you r ,t"d,-nl,' inte......t'.
Themat ic pathways
TheUK: historyendtradition
2.. Fou' ",tionl
4iI NlbONlcet.tnbOl1S
5f .. c.n.d. IftdW. 111
I1a WlIIi....
2b 8nos1l iII, nels
3.. . hisloricll toll,
2. TCMO Inc! colllltry
6d WII. n d>I tourists stoYltd . WIY
lib Willi, mWord'wortI1
3b, cotonilt paSI
7.. Th. Fri."dly Gomo,
3e Tho B,iji,h atwa'
lIh Wilhd OWO"
4a UK Pl rl iomontIrlditinnandchinge
4b The ups and downs ofthl B,n"h monlrchy
lOa Positive di'''rimination
ne J.... AuSlan
nil Gltlr;. 8. rnardShlw
The self-designed course
If l'uU"'i,h to desi gn l'<MJ r "'.." n,lt"n' <uu..... '. nr if l'nu
inlrnd to u... ,\ (....." ( '"U"",,, d' d compl... "'r
""0"'." to your mdin 1,\I'l(u"!!,, <0"...... 0' no,,
""rrin,I,If ,tudi..... th..,, h no "'d,on "'hl' th"
"'I',,.,,t, unil' ",i thin thi' ho"k ","'''01 bl' taug ht ill ,my
0"1,, , tl"'l ,uit, you or your <101". E....,y unil uf lh,- book
..\ i' l' ," " f"..."t"nd'ng I...."", (ur ,,,i,... of I....",n,) in
it, " wn ';l(h1. An l' unit could ('",ill' br: ldulo\ht in
,,, ,14tioo 4t 4ny 1'0' ''1uf 4 , d fd....ign.... cou..... in onl. ,
to mN'1d ' prrifir "'...-d. whr th<"t Ihdl n<'C"d b<-
n.... or th.......,. , "o",bul"r)". , kill, 0' 1,, "Sudl(e.
The thematic course
\\ 'hi l<- 411 of tM un,t, " 'ilhin module d.... l"'l....
in ....... by d common lht-....... il i' ... I"",ibk.
u,inl( Iht- links 'ignl""l....1 in edth uni r ,
" , mm,,')" box. to" ' ''I, i, d i""'lion dt dny point
"nd to foil"... inst....... d' if " I " ,n "'['<ldcJ.. d 1"1"r"lli ,,k
I" " unil in " diff""' nl with d ..",ond"f)'.
... l "inl( lh, .... [jnl... it i.' p"",hil,' '"ith",
I" t"k.. lh" Uttd"'l(ldl "ntuff diVl'l'\ion from 11H'
m"d"I ,' theme, or 10 ,['<",It "ntir" "Un,,,,,;\'(' routt,
lh,uu!lh the difft'n'nt unit" Ikln", ,u'{' ",me '''AA,...tiu" ,
for 'I'er,fir them"ti. I"'th" "y' the b" ok.
The USA; history and trldilion
2c The _ " "" ....t of Atna-rica
3d Hostory " the meMes
tkl J_. FtrWnora Cooper
TIe H. melBeecher St.....
"- Na_ " c"' b,ltiorIs
4c Th. lend 01the free
lOb Immi-g,"tion
3. Th. USA: m. lOll; 1111 news in the 20'" c.ntury
4d US 1_.howbusinlS' "" d bigbusin...
10e Gtob,ti sotion
11) John Sloinbock
Scotland, Wales and Iraland
2a four nati ons
2b Bril;.h islnnd'
3a En;la"d: a historicatIou,
8. AcMd CO<ItddotII. 1
51 fllglisJt C....da .nd Wi ll S
11k Dvlan Thomas
4a UK P. rli.ment tndmon and ch. nge
3b coloni.1past
9 1 EnglishuefjM1ler" The Aapublic of Ireland
4& N.tion. 1celebrations
llq G&orge Bernard Shaw
2t Sounrftreck AwoMd 01mu, ic
1a The Frie"dlvG.mes
Britain's formercolonies
2a four nations
9t Eng/ish BWfjM1lBre: ThoRepublicof Irel.nd
3b's coloni. 1past
31 Eng/ish BvefjM1lere: J am.i c.
3d Historyat tha movias
4c The land olthe free
4& Nationoloe leb.. tions
51 EngliSh avofjM1lo ra; C.n.dnd W.los
tid James Fenimore Cooper
7f Eng/ish Bverywhera; Australi.
2d ClimJl a el<1romo.
7b Extreme 'ports
If English everywhera; South Alric.
1" ThoFriendly Gam. s
lOb Immig ration
111 Z.die Smith
21 Soundrrock: Aworld of musio
fami ly liIe
1" Twoordin''Yd.v,
Ie Mode,n families
lad Working mothers
111 Virgini. Woolf
10 e Caring fOrlhe eldarlv
11k Dylan Thom.,
kl What's inyour basket!
1& Tima out
7e Mall ,.t'
1d Popul.rtelevision
re Holidays
2e Town and coumry
lb Homo swop
llb Wi lliamWordswof'\tl
5e Hig h school culture
lie J .na Austen
Ilq Geo,g a Barnard Shaw
5b Students at home and .broad
The UK'schanging society
Ie Modern familie,
l a d Wo"'i ng mothers
111 Vi rginia Woolf
toe Caring for the eldenV
11k Oyl. n Thomas
5a Too much t oo young!
lit Ch.rles Oickens
4a UK Parliament tr.doionand change
6" O. efWo, k&d end underpaid
6b Down,hitting
10, Globolimion
6e The global ,upermar1lat
llj John Steinbeck
41 Soundtrack ProteS1 , ong,
lOa Po, itivediscrimination
lOb Immigration
111 Z.dio
9b TeXli ng
ge Internet innovat ions
9& ch.nge
lOt Soundtrack Ch.nging ,ocietie,
TheUSA's changing society
ic Modorn f.milio.
lad Working mOlhe"
111 Virginia Woolf
lOb Immigration
4d US law: show bu.inos nd big business
10e Glob. lisation
IlJ Jo hn Steinbeck
4' Sound/rock: P'oteS1 , ong,
5d Cybe, High
sc Internet in""vahon,
9& ta nguaQ. chonge
lOt Sound/rack Ch anging ,ociefie,
Young people today
1" Two o,d'na'Yd.ys
le Modernfamilies
111 Zadie Smith
te Time out
2e Town and country
llb William Wmdswof\!l
Sa Too much too young'
l It Ch..les Dicken.
8a AohildcoulddOlhal
5e Stor pupils
8d Holl)owood kid,
5e High '01>001cultura
l ie Au' ten
11"1 Goorge Bern. rd Shaw
5b $tudants at home end . broad
l Oa Positivediscrimination
8e Dancingint he <treet,
9b Taxiing
9d Intarnet cheats
5 d Cvber High
If EnglishefjM1ler" South Africa
Racial i ssues
3b Britain's colonial p.S!
31 English afjM1lerfI. J. m.iea
3d Historyal lhe movi.,
lld J ame, feni more Cooper
lie Harriet Be.oher Slowe
2t Soundtreck: AW\u1d of mu, ic
3e The USA: the news in!he 2lJ'h centu'Y
6e The global superm. rket
Course Planning
If Eng/ish eve!}Wherl' South Afri c.
lOb Immigration
111 Z.die Smith
Gender issues
Ie Modern f. mllres
10dWorking mothers
III Virg inia wceu
5c High school cullure
I1c Jane Au, t,n
llq George Bernard Sh.w
Tho economy
3b Britain ', coloni.1P'S!
31 Eng/ish ,.,!}Wller", J.m, ica
ld Wh.!"s in\'Gur basket?
7c Manrats
6c Th, globa l superm$r kat
10e Gtobellsation
11] John Steinbeck
4d US I$W: showbusine" .nd big business
lOb Immigration
6a O"eIWOrked and underpaid
6b Downshifting
10d Werkingmothers
111 Vi rginia Wool!
6e UK.W=OK?
6d When thewuri,ts Sl.yed .w.y
91 Eng/ish eve!}Wherl' The Aepublico! Irelend
61 Seundrred:: The music business
ld Whar, inyeur basket?
91 English everywher" Theflepubtic o! Irelend
9c Intern,t innayahon,
5d CVb er High
9d Internet , hea"
9b Texting
ge ch. nge
101 Soundtracl< Ch angingsocielies
4e Na tionat celebration,
Sf Eng/is" eve!}W"ef"_ C.nad. and Wale,
2r Soundlfacl< Awerld of music
5e S1er pupils
8c West End mu sicals
61 SOUM1r8CI< The music business
41 SouM lfacl< Protest , ongs
8e Dancing inth. stree"
81 Sound/racl< Cinema music
101 Soundlfaclc Ch.nging societies
The media
Ie Time out
7d Populartelevision
61 Soundtraclc The musio business
3d Hi.tory ot the moyi..
4d USI."" showbusiness.nd big business
5t High $Chool cullure
llc Jane Austen
llq George Bernard Shaw
5e St. , pupil,
6d Hollywood kids
Sb The Lord01 theRings
8f Sound/racl< Cinem$ music
3e The USA: makingthe newS inIhe20'"century
9<1 The UKpre..
Teacher's Resources
for Civi'ta
A of cultural "udie, need not be ",Iidlll on II,,"i,
""j""",,,k "I"", 'l1l<"rt ,m'" \-" riely "f "thn lh,,(
Cd" he "",d to ,,'pplemenl the maleri,,1 in your
rou""'''ook, inrludinl: your 0"''' ""d YOllt ,! u, knt"
1"",,,,,,1 ( ullur,,1 I'rint,"'{\ m"le,;, ,!. .' udio" '" ",1
m;,I",;; ,1 <1"d, of (O"<';e. the Inte''''''.
Finding material
As" primary re'OUlH', it is al",ay, \\,onh <hffkin!\ at t ill"
""tl of il course wi"" experience I'our ' 1,,<l el1l' ,,In,,<I)'
h,,,,,, "111,,, Engli,h-"I','"kjng w"rld, In,,,1<1 11jOlllO 1\"",-,,,1
world knowledge, some of them may hu"" "i'il",1 "n
El\l\li'h-sI...."k inl! country or I""", friends or rd.h,,, Ih,.,.
1\ 1\(1th,'''' d,'\" In,,,t young p':'''I' IO' h.we ' -".')" ",wS' 10,
Jnd an int.."",( in. EIl,lllish-la"lluage TV film'
,,,,d "'''10\''
IVh,th,", th.. film' 'Hld TV I"ow"m"".., .m in
their orilo\i'h,1 Fngli'h, or dubbed inlo yo",. OW"
they "'ill "ill pnwid,' m"ful n,IIl",,1 i"fornwion - "wn
Imm,' l'u"'I)' vi' '''']l'o,nt "f "i ..", - 'h", ,"'y"ne ,,\,t,hi ng
,,,nnol h" 11' b\ll "h",rb,
Prjnt gd maWriat
N'-""p"l'en; i" your o"'n I" ngll"ge "'ill pr"h"hly ''<Jrr)'
d"i1y "l'W' about [n..,li,h,peaking collntries, 'lIld th....e i,
buund 'u b,' oth"r m"t,,";,,1. "im"d "t 1'0I<'''ti,,1 "i,it"" to
til" Engli"h-' pe".ing ,,'orld, ,,...,,il,,ble from \,ollr 10(',,1
Irawl ",",endes, Even though "Tillen in romo\\'n I,Hllo\u,*",
, u,h ll.... nm'" ,'.." ,'ill pm"id" ""'1'0,1 n,lt",al Wnt"nt
"be,,,, til" I",lili,-,; ,,,,d cutT<'nt "ff,'i" "I Engli'li-
,pmking collntries,
,\" f"r in lngli,h. Ilritj,h or Amni,,,,,
lmoh, """"1"1"'" ,,,,d m"ll", in,., ",,,, pml",l>ly b,>
"ht"in"d in rOllr I,nger t"wn" ,10<1 l"" ('O"ld ,,1,(> nh,k"
11'><' of ,lIll' pri"!<'d m"t('ri ,,1 """ il.,bl<- f",,,, Briti'h or
Am,''';'',,,, <ol1Ip.",i,.., 10",,,1 in )'''Ur munl'y. "r Imm He,,,d,
iml",rt,,1 {m", th.. Enf\li,h-'I"'"ki"H "mid

The Bile \\'"rI,1 5eT"i,e broad(a", progr"mm'" in
f:ngli,h "II owr Ihe world. (Vi,it<;-
binlwortd,e",kel p'im,lS<:heduleSDT,cgi to find ti,,' <om"(t
r,,,Ii,, In''1U''nq' f" r yo"r ,Ill">.!
It "Iso b" po"ib]" ill y"ur collntry 10fi"d ,\",erica"
,IIHI lI'it i,h TV I'",wamn"" , to "', Lt, h film, "t th,- ..i,,, m,, ,
or t" hi,,' vi<ln". "II h'I\'ing t h,> origi n"l [ngli,h
soundlr", k wilh ,,,p.. ,uh1l11.." Song, in f:"l':li,h,
", ll<'tll<" "n ,I) "I' ""<0...1,,1 f",m tl,,- r,,<Iin. ",,- " '"dily
,m,il"h!c- in most .--ountn"" lh"", d"\,,
Th,' Inlm",t tod"y p",,,id,,, tl", rid " " t "nd m",t ,., ily-
"",,ible sourc" "f materi,,! for cullur,,1 ,Iudi,-" but
t,",' h"r> mu, t h"w.,,,, of ",,,,,hi,,.., 100 r""d"ml;' for
i"f"rm"H"n, or "f ",ing w"b,it'" indi,crimi ""t";). It i,
import, ,, ,, to I" k,' ""''''ri,,1 fmm " 'Ii"bl,- ,,,,<1 "11-ln-d,'h>
" n",',,,. "'ing t h" ,i,e, (>f e'l"bli'herl orl':,lI1i'"ti",,, tl"'t
[,Ill be 'died upon to I'rovid,' " u r,,t<- i"f",m"ti"" ,,,,,I
to "pd"t" th"t i"fn",,,,t ion f""I ,,,nlly. The full"wing 'ito"
[an be rewmmenderl ,,' r!'liabl" "..,ou",..,:
GM ffotl infOrmilrJon
hllpJl wwwl ongman.flt.eoml
hll pJlwww.s101ist;
hltpJlwww, Yi',vkJ
hit pJ Iwww,' .........ngl.M."'
htt p,llwww"ouri,
hit pJ1Www,"';1ScOiland,toml

Tr .elltouri<mlgeog,aphy (Au",./..)
hn pJlwww.. u..fOli o.coml
Tr ..,ytouri>mlg.ography (CanNa)
r,..elltouri>mlgeogr.phy (World)
htt pJlwww.cil.gcrvltiaJpubl;C;llionsilaetbooloJ
httpJ IWww.thec:ornmoowealt h.orgi

htt pJ Iwww.ti......
ht, pJlwww,guardian.<o-uloJ
hn poJl new,
htt pJlwww.nyt lme"tomI
h.l poJIwww.usatoday,toml
htt pJIWww-Ofllin.'!it.'at" re,toml,uk.!
htl pJ l authondi' eamy t omJ
Englith I. nguage""opal .
htt pJIWww,,,,,,," ,toml
http://www.. ..
If "",,hinf\ for ",lrr",,',-,-, i" form" ,io n, h.'"
r<Tumm,-nd"i ,,-,'n h ,-"gi",', ,n..:
hltp:/ " d hllpJI""'-'W.a, k.tom!
Teacher's Resources fur C;v;Ita
R"m,'ml"" Ill<' til" fn, 0",,,,,1,, ",.'nh
Indude." m.",y kq' \,-0,,1, in your po"ihl,,
Ih"lll ", ith 'ph,,' (+), fo, ,'xampl", if
"-.,,,hi"loI for i"fo"",,lio" 0" !r"dili",,,,1 f""d .md drink
in J",1.",,1, k,'y io: I"r""d+ Im,!ili"",,1 +l00d + drink, plus
Ih,' nam"" of ""}" 'p"dfk food 0' d,ink IIMI you "re
.\[",.,ely .m'.m' of. rbi.' ",ill produ,,' ., ,nt"'b Illon'
and specific li,t of , ites th.m Ill"rely ,,,",ching
"ri de, rrtbu,d.
fo, ", ..."r"t" ",,, ...hing, k"y 1'1"",,"-, ",,"i,ti"ll of more
Ibo" O'l<' "'0,,1 ,hould he llm" p"t! t<rll"tllt:' ",ing
doubl" '1""1""0'" m",b ("J. rm nomple, if
for i,.,l'"nh,lio" 'n' Th"",,,, Jeff"rs"n', i,wok"nl<'nl
"'ilh till"D,'( 10,,,li,,,, of 1".1"1",,,.1'"1\(<", kcy I,,: 'n",,,,,,,
IrjJm;(ll' "+ ' Ik<l"m""" "lll,dtp<"J,dnICr"
To eHI"d,' Ct'rt.,in infnrn",t ion from )"our
" '.mh """II" k"y i" " minus ,it:" (-) <I i' ''1Iy I,..fon'
the unw.lIlted k"y wonl 0' ph,."" f(ll ex" mple. it
t<>r infonniltion on lVordsw0l1h', poelly, bUI
u"inl" ... io hi, coll.\boratj,,,, wilh ."d
",i,hi".': 10 e"dud" the poe"" comain"d in l.y,iml
Hall".ls. key i", Il'o,Jmwtlz + p"d')' - (olnidll' - "l.)"Ti ml
1Ia1l"d,' ,

,l\'.,il.lhle II> Ih,' I"""h", .-.n I", "o.p"'.-I in d ."" 11<'", art'
,1 f,'w llr,,,'i,,,1 " II\I,:", ti",,,,
fgCSOOr!! ' kn0 w !IlP9t:
T,'" "",I ,lud, 'nl, wilh di", I p..rson.,1 km,,,,hlt:,, "f
Enll[i,h-'ol",.k ing n "",1,in,"",,1<1 Hi,'" , ho" I'",,,,,,tations
Iu Ill<" ,1,,,, 1'1>i ng ph"I"" "i/l"o" ,Ihit's 0' ,,,,,,,,,,i,,"l
II,..i, " i,i!; Ih,'",. ,\II"m.\ti , dy (0' in oUldilioll 10 Ihei,
pre",ntaHons) they could oc intel\iewed i" E"gli,h abOill
Il,,'i, "xp..ri"r1 f'".
If 'rtaill British .md Allle,;,an TV .1Ild nlm,
M, ,I"""n in 1''' ''' ro" nt'y tluhlH'd illto your ow"
I.lnll"d/.l'" y"" muld , Iill m mpik '1L" " "'"'' m
."""nil th" , h.,.." 1<',,' "o"i"lIlll'" nl .1 mi dol iI Y1i\"t'"
fm , 'x"ml'l," 1\'1",1.10 11".x l 1l1" ily ,,,,,,,Ur '"'''' 1''' Ormlifa' I'
m",1 101,,,,, "" 11" ''''''''1><'',I.,.\r:</1"., i<i" ,F II" d,il.I"" i"
Xgo t" sc'",ol o","II,,'d0r'i de
Printed wjlwri,l
,\"II1<'l1lic ["l;li,h-ld ngudlol' puhli.-"ti"," ,., n I", u,,,1 for
"wl ing ...,mp,,'h"Il,i..,o ''''''"i,.. .,, b"I, if '1"1 'I'",'ifi,alJy
" im"I.1I HI. ,,,,,I,'m,, tllt'I"XI, ",iII.1Im", 1,wl.,i"l\" '1<,,,1
.ul.\pl ing '" ,iml'lifyint: 10 ",m,- n l,'nl to ",,'I...h you'
st",knt>' l.mgu"H" 1"....1, T'y to ... hoo", texts tll.,t me onl)'
W"'" I1"'li",11 ,In'OUn", ""d I,-n"", II"'t I'''''' , ltI,klll' hov("
" Ire"dy tIl....,ed in lhei, ,)"II"b",. 'Ihl' beyond )"0'"
",udem,' 1l,,,mmalkallev,,1(e",," ",ilh expla natio,,) will
I'mlldblr onl), mnf",,' d"d d("moli,'"ol... tl1<'lll. If
",,,ril<' til<' I"xts to a,'oiil lh" dimwIt mud""",
Dimw)l ""'dbold')' il"rl\' in In !., 1'0"" Ie" of " prohk m
Eilh,', ,,'w,it<' th" h'xt" ,,,b,tilt'lti,,/; ,.,'.,i", item, of
""" "1,,,1,,'1', 0' gl"" Ih"m for , t"d.. ,,,,, (in II", ",m.. ,tyl ..,
", Ih, \\'onllhmb in lhi, book). If Ihe o" w ,,"ord, ",uld
be ",eful addition, In th" ,tudenl,' mcab"lary,
you ..... It,ld dc,'i,,' 'I)('('ifi,' 'Xl,,,i,,,, .\m.. ,,1<1 11l("1ll. A,k
,t"d""t., to .':ue" the Ill"a"inll' of Ihe ",ord, from thdr
<'O",,'xl (1l1d)"1l(" ", ilh mllltipl,,-d lOi..-c ol'lion,) 0' o,k llH'm
10 m. t..h Ih,' ,,"0,,1> '" Ihei, Ijllmbledl tIl".minK'.
\\1\<'n ","tint: your ow" n,,,dillg ..... 'ml"d,...", i"" "'1iviti,'S,
I"ke i",piralion from w"rseoook< "nd ",,' ., ,.,i"'l of
ditrere", I.'ks imt"ad of "I"'d)" ,,' lyi"ll "" ,I,.' ight
",ml'"-I\('",i",, qu",ti.. ",;, for eXolml'k, ,Iudent, co"ld be
a, ked to o,d", th" pa,.grilph, of ,I tnl , In m.,hh" li, 1of
lopir., to 1'0'''Wdph" to ..-oml'l",,'[\o\f" 11",1 yo" hal'(' ",ad"
in th,' lexl, to an'"'''' 1""lj,,1st to "'.'lem""h or 10
,umm"ri,,' 111<' tn l, II i, in'llt )r1.,nl al", 10 "'''Im y<lL"
., truk " l, up to the topi... of the text betore lliving II",m .,
"',,,li nH ro"'prehension "x",d\(". Ikfo,,' lIH'r "
'I'("{" ifi..- ta'k, i"lmd"... Ihe top i.- of the I<'xl by ",kiI1K
g""e,af question>0' by d''''''ing Illt'i, "1I,,ntio" 10tl,.. I<'xr,
Illl" 0' "''''mporl)'ing pidu"".
m (Jt erjal
In th" ,.Im,' "',,}".- the p"",'nt,,!ion ot """ " '",,,I,-d .,"dio
0' "id"o m.,t"ri.1 ,ho"ld I,.. I'"....,hl hy ., ,hort
o,i"ntdli"n "'"io" ",h,',,, ,'",ko'" iot",e, t in the th"me
of the ",,,1,,,,.,1 i, In .,ddil i"", .lll)" dim.. ull
l"rlloI""Il" il"m, Ih.,1 millhl 1'...."""1 ,I"d..ot; from
,md..'rsl;lIldillg the Ill.,in poim, of Ih" "xl",n ,hould h"
d"dr''tl tip oclore Ih,,)' art' "'qui,....!! I" li,h'n.
R.....o" I,d r,ldio ,'xlra...h \\'illl'",b"bl)" <'Onl,li" 'l"il".1 lot
oll''''I'\"al'\e beyo"d Ih" , tude,m' I,,\"(-I, bul if you f,,'1 tl",1
\'Oll, ",,,.1,'''1' "", "'''I",hle of W.,pi"il tile gi,t 01 .,
p"'ll,.,mm", you ...m ,till d""h,' ,um,' ;:(,1"".1 li,t("Jlinll
ro"'p,dl<'n., ioll '1m",lion, th.,1 do not "'<]"i,,' a d<'t.,il"d
,md"rsl.n<!i"t: of "'w')' word of the teXl ,\t!", iI .....ul'l"
of inili,,1 ;-ml coLlld 1'",,,i,I,' , t",k"l, with .,
Ir., n,,';pt of Ihe ...1 (,\S I""'ll ," it did "I>I ,ollt"in 100 gr"mmatical ,tl1ld""" '" "'K"bul.,'"I' ii,,,,, tl",t tlw
>Iud!"llh 1",..1 not yd rt>w",ll. lit"" i" mind, howe\"("r, 1l',,1
in ,e,,1 [ife, ,adio prow"mn"" .11" 10 b...
"11\]("11\""'1. "nd "n' ""t i,lI"ntlnl for repe"t"d, det.,il, i
li'h' ning. A, in "',II life, ,tlldent, should aim 10
"11<I""t.,,"1., m1lth ." lI,..y ... d" of Il,,' /.Ii,t "f Ih,'
on 11", n,."t (01)",
Wilh sunil', ",hith b"iI' rt' I"'dt,,<! 1i,1,'ning, yo,., ...0 h"
Illu,,' nnih)" "rid, if p'LI wi,h, 'Ii,'" ,1udenb a tra",... ipl
oj the Iy,i" (p",h.!" "ilh !lilp' 10 filii 10 foil",,' d' tIlI';-
Ii",,,,,, It m,,' abo h" " !Jood id,-", t",lore Ih,.y 1I,len, to
"'1'1"in 10,tr uknh ",,}" n(lll",tandard 0' lIlIro"w"l i",,,, 1
ik m, in til<" "mg '" Illdl lh.. ,,,, <10 nol imi", d,'
Ih"i, m mpT"h"I1\ioll.
\'i,h, "",onlinll' in E"glish Ciln b" ",,,d i" ., """,I"" of
w"y>, ,h d "'.,Im-LlP, rOLl ,m,ld 1'1,,)' Ih,' "ideo "Xt'iI(\
witho ,,1 any "'lind a"d ."k ,tud<'nl, 10 !lor,,,, wl",1 i,
happ"nil\,! Oil ",,,,,,n. \\'ilh .,Uldl ..-omp,,hensioll I."k-" il
i, I'Illhohly h,,,l II> lliq' ,1 g,'nt',.1, lli,H:nmpreh"mjonl",k
n"t "nd Ihel1, f", " ,'i,'wing. 10gi\",' ",m.. "'0'"
del"iled 'I LI'''lio",. ,\ , ",ilh r.,dio proll',lIlll"''', it i,
I'Illf",hly t,..\110 tonte"t,ale on" I'\"n"rdl urld"rsl. lIuli"g
of Ih" "xtr", t ,,, th,, lh,,,, to Il" inlo 1, ,,><I<'I.,iled ,lIl
n "min.>liOll 01 it, ""1(1""", II i, imT'0r1.IIl1Io
bedr in mind Ih" 1''''1'''''' 01 ,,,<1i o, 1\' .\nd ('1", ext,a..ts,
,,hi..h ",,,,, Ill' "im ,,, gi,'e .IIl imm",If"I" m"",,!,;,', 10
inform, to 0' 10""g"I>" "rl\oli",,,,liy, o"d not 1<>
" ",',-"n"ly'" Ih,,,,, medi".
Tnts or ",, <Iio dip., do","lo."led from Illlenl"l 'orl h,'
u"xl in Ih" ,,,m,' w"J" '" tl""... d("l"il,,1 .\hO\'", in l' ri n'"
"", \<>,1., 1"n tl ,l mli, ... ;,,,., 1"",l eri.lI
Exam Practice
The ",,,lin/; kxl , dnd li,tell ing ,-,l r. ,1, in ,\ U O'"
( '"II"...... dlm"l)" '''....mb1ethose in Ihe,ic!g' ESOI,
ndm, in h'm" or their ""riety " ",[ the ir ,-mph",;s on
"uthentkilv, Cd'" I"" " I", hn'n laken to ,'Il,Un' l h,,! Ih,.....
i, " ,'a'iet; of ndm-, e!' \'" ,,1 exerds,. Iyl'''' ,,,,, I ..kill,
wit hin (ll(' w,,""'.
,\lany of the Reddin/; " ,1<) Li,len;ng ",rrd,e, in " ......"
r"lh, ...-, " .... I"bdled by Ih,- , ymbol l!8. Thi , symbol
In," ",,, th.,( II", ""'K;'" h." 'p"dHcalJy In
mirror olld In offcr p'.elk" in" t", k or ,kill " '!lul ," ly
by C.mhridH' ESOL I Xdmi'Mtinm in l h.';, PH " nd FeE
Text types
leN'" ( '" II" ..." ,..-Ii<-, " ", ,,gil' 011 ., "",i" ly 01
""t hentic or ,,<l aplni -. ut h""'i, text, wit h .In . -mph", ;,
on "",,I -)if,- 1'>'1 g.'nrr, dnd 'I'e"kin..: Ira n, ,,Oi,, ,,,.
5imil,, c.tmb,id..:e E50L ,-it,. ll,.. f,>Ilowinl! h'xt typ'"
r,,11 t" lw rmllld within th,. l>dll'" of ,\ <'ro ss l ull......
.. t),l' i,.,,1 "f th"", f"uud in tlld , PET ,,,,d ",,,rn,
K.-.,di"l:' n"li,,", """-' p.,p"", m.",,,zin..,, en,)" IUI'"l i,,,,
I""b , it"" ",lverti,,n,..nb, co"e'I'OI, d""",', fir tion,
inf"m",t;"ln.,l ",ate,ial (eghro, hur,", I!uid('" m"uu.,I>,
"td, m' "" l;<">. n' I'",t>_S"-, f", ('x.,mp l". the lext, in
unit> 1" . l b, xc. 5", 6b, rx, 7(', Ilh. 9", 9<1. 10".
l.I,lt"i"l:1 .,n " ' -"rphOll(, me""W"', do""m,nt"r;"';
/("" t""",, i"'tn"li " n,. n,.w" puhl i,- ,'"nOUllce",em,.
pubI kit)' / "d" ",ti,,' m('Ill', repom, ' I" "d",,
, ton,..,)M" ,.,I"t ,, , ,,11<11', ron""""t i", ,,, ,Ii",,,,,io,,,,
inten' i""-,, 'lui ,,,.,, t" ",,,,, ..i,,,,,_S'T, f", ,'x"mple. Ihe
liSlenin..: ,trti ,-iti," ill units 1", 2c, 3<. 6<1, 8(', 8<1 , 10.' .
Task focus
11>" foll"w-ill8 ,peeific wpe, of t",k foo " Iwllich arc "II
"",dinl! ,mof liS1"ninll ",I"kill, ), , -it,,1 hy C,mbridl!e ESOL
"' rrle""nt In ,,,,,I Fe E, .' ppe.r "'Il',i"rry in ,\ (-.."'"
{-"lI un-,
K. .. di"l: ' ""de"tJ "din.': 111<" n",in I'"i nl;/d('("i]";
'p,,-ifi,- info rm"ti on rontair",l i" " 1,,1k8 5. [ 1I1/""d,
{/ /,;" )"';11 10", ,",,,i,, ;), ' '''' ''<li''I-: .",<1 di'''' l'(ardinl\
redunda t inf" ,m.,t io" leg_2b Hri)i,I, ;' 1,,,,,,-, ""'rri,,'
"'1<I,",t"", ling I",t ,t", et"", leI'\- 6d (h-tn,-,,,k.J "" J
u"M'I",iJ exerri,,' u",!<",t"'1<ling l!<, writer', purpose
Jnd altitude (t'I\, I<k ( ariny for II " rll<1"lr exerri,,'
r,. dding for gi,t ('il- 8d HoU!'11'"",1 ki,b ""',,-i,,' :;),
<l educi"l! ",... " In" (,'g. 5<' Hi9" ><1",,,/ (l(It"" "",.tise ;) ,
.. unde"td"di o;: kl")' , pecilic info,m.tio,,/
in " Ii, t.-ninll ",l r""t ("I!. )c .\1<1<1<1"" fa", ili"
,'x",, -i,,' 8), ""derslandin.':..:i ' t h'go ';h .It,,,I,,,I, co, /",m, a",1
dl,,,,,..lexerd,e 6), ,1,,1,-in8 mO'"ni,,;.; (eg, Sou"dl ra,k:
Prot,,1_w'y' exercise und,.",t ,m<i inl!lh" "ttih"I,., and
opi " i" ", uf th" , peoker:s (eg. TIl , "'",,,,,I,m,,.,,, of II"
n,Ui,l!",o,,"nl,!, '"X"r('i,e n
Task types

Camb,idl(" ESOI. rx"",In"tiom li,1 th,- f"lIoll'ing t,,, , I}'P'''

."' bd".': app"' I',i"t" to PH Papt" 1.
" Iult iple ehui,,. I<-h"", inl'( tlw m=n a,,,,,,,, to .1
,-o"'prehen,ion 'l,'" I",m " ".\rid)' of a ltt'nt.ti,-,,,I,
V I; P.,li. ",,,,I: lradi,i,,,, and cI,""y, "xerc;,e 4.
.\ la tehin!!("", telll".': promp" t<> d" m('J\t, in., ",.dinf\
t,'xU, "g_7c .-11,,1/ ml, exercise 2,
T"",j"l<I (decidi ng ",h,t]",r ",,,1,,,,,,,, "b"ut tltO' h"X1 .m'
In", or f.,I",l, eg, 7a 11" I'ri", dl)' G",,,,, exel'<'i", 2
,\ l ull 'ple ,'lIoi' do,e lehoo'ing tit" mrrrct olte"'"liw
to m rnpl<'l " .':"p in the l<'xtl. kat'lt"" ,-"" m"ke the it
o",n I" ,({-t ;n' \'(' ",io n of thi, t"" by hl.tnkln.': o"t
ind ivid"al ",o,d, i" ,'" ('xi't in.': l<'xt ",,,I 1""'i<1i n..,
"](llt ipie choice . It,n",t i"e,
PETListeni ng
C"mhridg.. ESOLu om,n" liom Ii,t tll(' folioll'lnl\ t,,,k t;'l"'"
d' b" ing .' ppmpri,,!(' to PET1'''1',., 2
.\ [ulti pl,. , holc(' telloo,ing tl,, mtn'1 "n,WeT to a
rompl'<'he,,,ion ']",'Stlo" fmm a ",,,i,'t)' OJ f" 1{('m"ti",,,I,
"!!, 6e l :1; + e",rei,(' 5,
(;.1' f,ll immpleti"..: " " h' , '" 0 ,,,mn,,,,)' .."I I,,
th,' )i,I"";"1; extraet with th,. mnwt "wtl,l, ' il- 6<J Illlnl
llot I,,,,';'!.! _"",-,.1 "u'''1' ex",ei,e {,
Tn"'10 l ,,' '-;"'-'''0'] ,,,,,t l,,,,, Idecidi".': ,,-h,.th('f c"rI" i"
,I .lt('ment, ;,,,, "')"VM' t 10 th" ]i,l"ni"..: exl 0' noll,
'1\- I., -/i,-o onli",,'}' "x,"i,, "
I' I"a,,' nul,. Ih,,1for ."lhenlk"xam I"'" til ". ".,(' 11 Ii'kni,,);
('xt,,,,,t ""ght only to I", p]"yt'd to stud,.nl, t,, 'ic...
E&EBead in g
C"mbridg<' ISOI. b"mi""ti"n, list the 101l,,,,,in8 l",k tyl""'
." bei".': "Pp"'I',i" t, to R E P"per ];
.\lulti ;> l" m"t, hinl! (n,a"hing l'",mptl to ekm<"l'h in
tl", text), " ;';' 2" 1' "" ".,,,1 ,"""1'1' ",,.ni,,' 2.
.\ l uili l' l" ,h"i'-e kho",i"l\ the corn'" ,m,wet to "
roml' ,,,h,'n,,on 'l u,,,lio n f,,'m " ""riet)' of ,,1h'm,'li"e, ),
eg _3b "i /to"' , nJ,,1 ,xe,d.. 2,
C,,' pped t"xt ((Oml'1<ti"8 g" ),, in " h'xt hy choo,;ng
fmm mu ltiple " ltemati"",l. '1\- ". (h -m.-o,k,d "",I
""d''1'',id e.",,, i ' e -1
Exa.... Practice Exercises
FCE Lit euirw
ESOL list Ihe following t,,,k Iyl""
," bd"g "ppropri,'le 10 FeE I"' l'''' 4:
I\lultil'l,' dwice khoosing Ill<' nmnl .,,,w,., 10
COl11p",hell""n' 1(1'''11"" from" v"riely of " II"",,,Hwsl,
'".I\- l' /.: +H i _ OK? ,''''I'("i", 5,
(I"king hri..f ,mh" ",,"I.,ini"l<\ ,,,,,""li,,1
infm"",1 i" n from " li, t"",ng ,.xlr"'1I, eg, h hili' ""Ii"",
<"Xn,h,. Z
1l1.1Ilk fillil1ll {",mplding "olrs or " ''''''''''''1' co",,,,,t,,1
I" th.. li".. ning ..xlr,1< I w,lh til<' ""m'fl w""lsl, "Il'
1'''l'il.' (',,'ro i' Ii,
,\ h,lt ipl,. "",Iching hn,,',hiI\g prompts to elenwnl' from
Ill<' li,I""i"g eXlr",tl, eg. 9b Tr" ti"9 ", ..,," '" 7.
'1""1"1" or y"i,w '1(1",li "'" (deddinll ",h,'I)",r '''''I"ill
,1,,1""'''1\1> M" r("[,'v."nl" Ill<' li'I(,ll ing '" not),
('R 7b bl",,,, ,)"r1, ",,,,,,'i,.. 6
1'1""", !l"I" tl"' t 1m.,ulh"Il\i,. ,'x"", I" .,'li ft' , 1i,lming
,'xtr.,,'1 ""Ilht "nl}' to h,., I'I"ynll " ,hJ(I"I\\.' twice,
It i, "p 10 individ""Il<'"('h..,, \\'hdh..! or nol Ih..}' d1O"'"
to dr ,1\\' Ih,. ir , Iud..n" ,mention tu Ill<' EMm Pr,,, Ii",.
",,,'rri,,, in II", m u",', TIl<' ,',en'i"" ('.m b.. ",,,I
u!lo!>ln"iwly, ,,, .' "','y"f r.lTnlliMi,illg sludenls
wilh ,'x"m , 'xn("i,,' I)'I"'S befOle they \,.,gi n In i' '''P''H'
'IK'(ifledUj' for .m ,or Ih,,\, ,,,n 11<" d' "wl1 ''x,,,,,
preW"dlion. Altem"jdy. th",," i, n" m',,1fm dd"'" wilh
no in ,,,,, m pr"di",' 10"mit th.. EP ex,'",i,,,. ,,.
tl",)' ,,'main inl<1l, .,I I"' I1' of ,'",-Il utlit "lllll'Hlvide u, ..ttll
tompreh"",io" I",k, i" I)", i, 0 \\''' , iRhl
,\1.,, \)' "f n", Spedking ""d IVritinll IdSks in ,\ .......
( '.. It......,., 'p,:('ifl("dll)' I'di,,,'ork 'pedkinil "divitie, .,,,d
"' ,i tinll ,l<1 ivili,,, ",I".", ,hu l("l11> h,,,',, to 1",,,1,,,'(' d I..xl
"long given guideline<; or r"lIowi"g pmmpl',
I,,,wid,' u,,"I,,1ex,,,,, pr,'diu",l">d" ihl lip' for <I.. ,,'ith
,,,,,h "i" Tilk "",,,'i,,' ,m' <; i",'n wilhin thl' " nil'l"""' 1
ledehin!': notes in thi, l",,,k
Ii, "hi ,,, m"H' <i l'l"il<xl info"''''ti" n dbOlll Ihe spedlks
"r Ih" C.mhri<lH" ",'d'''', M,d I10W b,..t 10 pn'p"'" fo,
Ih,'m, ",mhrid!,:,' ESOl fdn I", (""1,,,'1<'<1 diH,(,tly:
Uni..-etSity of Camb'i dge ESOl EXilrninalion,
, Hill, 1loa<!
CB1 l W
Un;ted Kingdom
Tel, +44(0) 1223 553355
F= , 44 (0) 1223 46027B
websit.: ollp"/W>OM".cambridg flo.-g
Mod ule
Everyday life
'" 0. 2,. 3, 7, 8; b. 4, 5:c. 2; d, 1;e. D.
m\ tuti ..nlS,,,I>w," Ihe 'I",,,'io,,, in p"i" Ch" k II,.. ,..""',.,,
wil ll Ih,' whok ,I,,,,
ha, b,eaklest
with her l.miiy
I. ... s thehouse at 8.00
len o". stall . 18.:ll
has lunch et 12.00
does net eftan watch TV
gets home 81 5o'clock
has dinne, at 1,30
10 dino",
with ho, parent'
goe, lo bed 011 0.00
gets up al7.oo
goes 10 school bybus
eats lunch .Behool
lessons fi"ish al ft, "past three
gets home el 4 o'cl<>ek
has dinner 016.00
does nmt dinner
withhis pe",nl<
does nOI ha b'ea \;fast
with hi$family
leaves !he house ai8J5
lesson>stan at9 o'clOCk
has lunch a112.30
goes to bed et 11,00
Is lunchal school
less ons finish at half past til ",.
goo. 10 school bybus
often watches lV
i" theewning
C 1"'n"I,,,.. Ihe '''rvi,'.Il\"i,k b)' ,,,king ,w,k.." if "")' of
II,..", h""," ,""<T \' i,i t,xl Bri I. in, \ \'h", di[fe,l' 1\,,"> in ,""eml,,,.
Ijf,' did t h,,\' "'p"ri..n",' 11"",,,1 ' tud""" "'d,1 Ih,.
l\ Ll i<l" , ii,'otl }' ,,,,d fond Ihp wo,,!>.
1. o, del: 2, inlrM"oo; 3. greet;4, rude; S, post box
TRACE\'. H,dl lll,. ,HI'"W, frum the ,,,,,I wrn!,I"I,
,I,.. col"m", or Ih.. t"I>I",
DCD I lI[j;) Ie Tr,,,n,,, .. 61Co Ih",,,gh
11,.. Ii" of " i!\hl topi,', ", jth ' he ' t"dl'lll, ,mol n"'i", "h.,
, t ud,""l, k" m,' ,' [lOll' Ih..,,, ",p"" of Iii< in thp ti l'. 11'.,"
, I Ll d""" Ih,lt 'he lopi" mil\hl nul "PP"'" in thl' ",n,," o,d",
, ,> un Iii" li" , PI,,}' Ih.. S"Jdent< li>(,.n .",1 ti,'k th"
10pi(> Ihdl .n m"n!i"nl'Cl
Tap e. c,ipl
(Ititi,h + lo,. i&"
WOMAN: Hi ' How "'. , 'jOu' dayl Did)l<llJ 'UM"""
STlJl)' N" O h, yo" il W", fine, thMh
WOMAN; Did you l ind' he >!log. OK'
STU(>{NT: Ye'. th.,wa, no" in Ihe centre of

Didyou got lho "" mbe, 32 b".. like l said?
Ye" but it "'"' a bit embarrassing, bause I didn't know
where to get a tic'el/tOm.At 1>0",0 yo" buy from
Simon Simon's m"m S,mons dad
Get up
befo", 6
'. 00
tee ve Ihe house 8.1 5
8.1 5
Get home
'00 ' 00
afte, 1,OO
H... dinner
Go to bed 11,00 10.00 , .00
a Elicit ,my [",,, ,h ,ll ",,,I""l> Imuw . ooul hom, ',. ,eh,,,,!>
""I f,.... 1 in Ih,,,,' ,,,,,nt,i," , When' h.".p Ih,- " " dent' 1<01
Ih,"", f.<1, fmm'l hom "" ii, ,<) ,host ",,,nni,',' '" fmm II,,
fmdll,17i"p>, l\', mm" Inle""1, dcJl
la Two ordinary days (pp. 8-9)

(J St"d,",,!> lo" k <,t Ih, phol'" in p.i" ,\11,1 g<l<"" lI'hi,h
wunln.", Ihp 11mho""" ,,, n h.. fo""d in,1h'1' n'I",l1I""k
10 ' h, \\'hoh ' d,.", ' 'I'I,.irling tl". n',,,,,,,, fo, II",;, 1\""'''''
hpl_;ll Ih1Ihl' pi, tun' 0" 1"1\,-1\ ,I""", ., I." ,,,, in II,.. l'K
.ntl Ill<" I'il'l"n' on 9 "h",,', .' hom", i " Ih,' LISA ,hk
"",.,,1, I" g'""" (0' W 1<"11 I''''' if11,,'y k,,,,,,,1 "'h,,, lim(' ,t",j,'YI"
i" II", ,,,,01 Ihe l!S,\ .l1d fini, h Ihpi, "ho,,1 dill'''
o ,\,' "u<l""h il tlw,. <'rill m,l,'11 lilt" COlln";", (the
l 'S.Vlh.. L:IVS"ulh M,i'-d)to Ih,- ph<>I"', WI"" "r the
pitllO"'" Ih,-m n". of tJ", I""plp, Il,,'
dot h,-,. 1M' kW" ",,, h . II,, " ....'ydd)' ilem,l
The photos show: Americ. n students, British famliV having
b,ea1<fl$l 8 woman shopping in an Amerioan supermarket . nd
m,mbers of SoulhAl, iean 'ports ream.
EI eh,"klh,,' ,w,kll1< ""d..""_,,d lhe lo,m,,1 nl ,1n by
Ih,' ''' In idl'nlily lhe ..m" il ,,,Id ,,,,,, , 11""
>end"" <\l Id"..., Inpic "f th", me>'.!l''
&,,,,,,,,.1 w ml',,-h''YI,ioll by ."ki"l1'1,,,'''St ;,, ,,, ""h d>: U", 'I"",!,
.. ,', ""I' '""l1rm O' ,i,r",11I'1,al j"r, ,I" ,I" ,ifrrr,I,,,,,rr' Sind,' "''
find the ,!iff,"," I"'" . ",1 th" , imibrihe. in p" i", ,,'hM I'on
lI'ritr ., 1"hI.- 0" Ill<' b".,,1 wHh nm mlll"\t,>: <mol
EI R,",'i", Ihe "!rIll.1 01" Il,ili,h 1<'1 1<"< h) ,,,king ,1,,, j<'l1" tn
iden,; fy Ih,' tldt, ,,"d Simon', ",Id"",,
(1,,, k 1I"'1<"'dl mmpn'hm, jon hr ""kioll '1"e "i,"" ,uch dS:
il'holdo ,\j""''''<I"",,1< ,10'
ll'hI' d<",,, 'I 11" j",,,,I,.I""" I'rr"lj"" 1"'I<rll<71
Topics: everyday ,outines, homes, modemtamilies, food
shopping, leisure time
USA. UK, Australi Canada, SouthAfrica pfesenllens.s, havlI adverbs of frequency,
'Orne simple past ImainlyUni, l bl
Vocabulary: cukar al diffe,ence. facilities ina ilouse,f amily
members. food,leisu'" activities
Teacher's Notes
........g. nt' ,h<>p'. '" Iwent intoa mop to OIJy 0 buttl>eyd;do't know wh.t I"'0' t.lking about!
w""""" OIl _ I ,hould h.v. told)'Ou that! VOU j U" pcay on the
S'UOI>": W. ll l . nO"" th.t now! OIl . andanoth., e<nt>orro"ing
thinghappened . I met ",me English gi,l, at Iunchti.....
" the coll.g. andI triedto themwhenwe were
io" oouO>:l. II'<normal in""I wuntry - OIJt Ithinkthey
wer bit ",rpti,.d'
W""""', Oh, Ithinkth. ywere pr"""bly ple. ,ed,lIy!!lut
yoo',e right, wedon't '.olly tendto ki" "range" in
thi' country. W., th.... anythingeI tnat)'Ou found
S"-""Nt: E', no, Idonl th;nk"'. Sorno ' hings.... diffe...nt !' om
but be\te<.lik. ot lunchtime. Icould go oot aM
i>uy things andgoto the Yoo <-onl .;0 th., .t
homobeca use <Iosed 12 . nd 3.
Hementions, 3ki..;ng,6buying bustickets. 7 openingnours.
o CD Tr... .. I Pldl' Ihe rt'<ominlldlldi n. St"d" nt, list..n fo'
mOT\' rletdil aboul Ih,' Ih"',' top;,,,l hdl hd'''' b,,,,n identifi",1.
Inlbe " udent's countlYYoubuybus tickets fromnewsagen!"s. it;s
norma l tokiss people whentheyare introduced'0'(Ou. and bsnh
Ofe closed bSfWaen 12 and 3.
lb Home swap (pp. 10-11)
BergO! you w ag
D Slud",,1> di"",, Iho o,e,d", ;n pai". (;i"e help wilh dn)'
unknu"," ""c. b"t,"r. Elid' rlC"tCriplion, of Ih.. Iwo ho",,">
,1o-pi<1<".1 ill Ihe m'\'l,17;ne "rtidC"
[(-Mh Iht' ",p..." in", Irrn",d J,o'''', Jrlmh,.,-l ho",,, d"d ,,,b,,m,,
Askstut!cnt, ",hich hnme Ih"y Ihink i, in the L'5A d'KI ",hi<h
in B,ildin, "'hat fad lih... 'hq' Ihink Iht-j' hd,'e. dr,,1 whid..
home look' mO'" "U,arth-- ,'
a (D kdd"'" Ilnnl.; ['<'II' (,) Slu,;,',,!, mmpl.-l<" Ih..
,.,;(",..,'" in pdirs, Ch,'("k ..., 1 mmpT\'h"",ion by d,k inK
<j u",lio," ,,,<h os:
11o,," "'''''f !>r,lm",,"' h", rl" Jlnli,h he,,,.. 9,,1}
flo' Ill.. Bril;,h Ira",.. 901d 9"'dro'
II",,"mOllr ""II,,,,,,,,,, J,,,, ' J" ,l""n'o" Jra"... 901}
II", lilt A"ttri'"" h""...fIOI " ,,,,i,,,,,,i"9 pool}
1. the English Dna; 2. the Amarioon ona; 3.the Enghsh one: 4. tha
Ama,ican one;S.tha Englishona; 6. the English one; 1. tha English
one;8. tha American one,
Extra act jvities
Sp ppk j ng
o lJi""''' ",ith Ihe ' Iudenl' the infu!mollo" tl"o" , ther h." "
in Ihi' utlit ,'ho'" c"""rvddv Iif,' in Ihe n, dnd ,11<'
USA M,tke' d1i" On Ihe hOd,d or;""j:' in ",hi, h lif.. i, dilTtTI'lIl
in Ihei' o",n ''''JlIlry. Do Ihey kno'" .on)' ot her ,tiff""" nu"?
Rol aplay
Student A'
Studantscompile anf ... rydar Survival guidafor
lhai' own country, consisting of. Ii., of tip. for
visito's to'(Ou' country, should COV!!' aspects
of evet'/day life that /o,sign m'ght be
unlsmilia, as shopopening hou's.
howto use pUhlic tran, port, ate,
Inpai's studen'" role play one of the following
You a,a a teenaga, from the USA or lbe UK
visiting you, country, Tomotfow'(Ou hava to
cateh a bus to school, and you afsowant! o
dosome shoppingandhaveadrinkina oafe,
Student Baverything you need to know
(abou, timas. howto payfo ' things. etd .
Yoo are StudemA's ho't Answa, StudamA's
EI (ll T"d<hc-t, !'<'g" 6l ,"mpl"le II", I,,,k
in f",irs,
l. d; 2. I; 3. a; 4, e: S, c; 6.g; 1. b,
o St"d",l, , lu,l;- lhe Idbk.., ill p"irs, Hid' fmm !h..
"' hnte d.",
Tha Mille's' house scored tha most fOf , paca,
Th a Millers hou'e scored tha most 10' comlort.
Th a Keanu' hou, e scoredtha most fo' daco, alion,
Tha Keanas' hou, a scoredthe most fo' ns garden,
TheKaanas' hou,a soo,ad!tie most;ntotal,

o Slude"" di"u<' 'he 'lu""h"", ill pair>, Ihm ""1''''1 h,u k

10the do", I)i""" the lindl '1",..,lion a, d dd".
o Stud..l\" 'Ii""" ' he 'lll''''lion, ",ilil a pdrtnn Th,'y ",,"tol
dbo d'd" a pl,)I1 of their ho,,,,' dnd bbd il in EI1i\li'h,
Extra a c tiY1ti6.f
Sled,", B'
You are on an a..nange visil 10 lh<l UK.
Tomotfowy{l uhava to ca'ch a busto school,
andyou also wanl to do some shoppingand
have a in a oafe, Ask sl udant B
evarything you nead to know (.bout time.
howto payforInings. elc,),
Youara. British " udant andStudantA'Sho<t
Answa' StudentA's Qua,tions.
wo, k
Oistributa pictures of housas cUI f,om
magazinas, Students must imagine what the
nouses a' a like inside and 1han wr;te
deSCfiptions 01 them. as if they are astat.
agents ti)/ingto sell tha houses
Students drewa planofIheir own homa
label i1in English,
lc Modern families (pp. 12-13)
Befort you rea d
o Siudent> d i.m Ih,' 'lut."tioru; pri" aldy in p.i rs. It i,
b"Uer nu l In ,,,k In<l i, 'i,lua\ ., lu,lm l. 10 anw..,,,
per,'m,'] '1"..lio<1< Iu fronl of l he do"" .",d 10 t"ke (.'"
Ihroul'(houllhi> uni t to.<I<1....., Ih" tori< "' ith 1,' ( 1, in ( "",
Ih",,' .,,' , Iud,' ob in the da" ",ilh unlMI'!'Y or
ul1con"",,!iona l r. mily Ih-", who do nol wi.h to ., h. ", d"lai l,
"' Ilh lh.. ",hoi" d.",
EJ Slu<l...'t ' romrld"lhe I.,k in I"i"', 0"", !lie ,,,,,"'.'" ", ith
Ih" ,,' hok da..
1..; 2. e;3. I; ' , . ; 5. d;6, b,
nou..! Sometime>, h. invit e< lot>oj hor friend' roundto t""
nou'e, '0 Ila<hel and I con't get into t he ,It<hen, 0' w. tch whal "'"
want 10 OIl TV, And when wo complainto nltlm abo"l it <he j""
"'Y' thot it's louis,", homo t<>o " OW, and In.t wo <houldtry to
understaoJ hor problem, 1And if wo have an argumen' , RiChard
. lwaY' l>oIi"".. he, and not " .. It ', not f. i,1
I , Aaen.1i. Jame.'s siste" louise is J ames's st .psiSler. Aitnard ia
J"mes's st epfather, Z. Heli' . s hima 3. Louise; 4, B.cluse , he'.
CQml t o livi in hiS hQu $l , but she elway. tell. him and hi, si.le r
what to do;S. She says that n'. Lou i..'. hometoo now, andthat thl y
should tl'i 10 understand her problems; 6. Aienard believes Lo ui.a
and not J ames and Aachel.
o Thi, "" n IX' m ndul'l<:<1 a,. ",h"I,' d." ,Ii" " ' , ion, or in
Extra a c tiyitjg:l
a A,k , trldeOI> il thl')' <.n identi l)' ,h,' fo\xh d"l'i'l<'d on l h..
" 'eb,ites, In I'di", Ih")' Ji"",,, Ih" '1" ....1io"'. O, ,,,,,,,,,,,
,,-ilh Ih" do"
ld What's In your basket?
(pp. 14-15)
Students wrne a de.oripbon 01 own lamily,
of lamilyth.Vknow, or 01a lamous or otionaI
SlIJ denu roleplay the fullowing convefS"liQn
fremind them lirst 01 the .nuation and the
ena raClefS invo/ve{l ine rt ise8, and a,. them
tQ imegine how Jemes and lou i.a feel):
SllIdent B:
You a,e James lrom e.e,dse 8. CQmplain to
loui,., you' sleps ist.r, IboUI hi ' behaviouf,
You are Louise, hom . ,erci 8, L;,ten 10
Jeme" you, . Iepbrother, complaining aboul
your behaviour, then !ell himhowyou leel.
Pqiqre you amg'
o Elkil ,u",,tt> from l!lr' tI." ,,.a ",hoi.., Fiml oul h,,,,' ollen
'l <ldelll" f. miry membt' B go 10 Ih" vUp""""rk<1, In ,m. ller
, hup' or 10 a n ouldoo, m.rhi, on<l ;f ,m}' of !hem ...-eive
h" me <leli""n...
(ill] (o 11o<>k. p.1J 6) Slud,nt> t<'ddIh" 1",1 ofl";n
mon' , Illwly and, h,xl>" Ihe ..1I,mali" ",
'" 1, ch.ap; Z. eao; 3. nave r.ceot ly become IXlPu lar again: 4. no;
5, producer,
E] Indi d,io,all)', ,lud!'ll" '1uickl)' ",.<111,.. lext dud finrlthe
dine",nl " 'a)" of ,hopping rOl' [,xxI.
Snopping in person in e 'uparmar'.t, ,nopping on,line 10'
' up.rmarbt products, .hQPping alan oll1door mar, et, ha. ingboxe,
01organic Jood defi.e red,
t1\<1' qui<i<l)' "",<I Ih,. t,',t, "n<l th,. ,m".....,
C,llum: 2p. opl.; Mre, 5 B.n; 3 p.ople; T, udi; 2people.
D A,<;" in, il iv probably bnl if , Illdcni>, Ii"'u,, Ihis p,i" "ldy
i" I"'ir< in ""kr 10 p,e"""1 .n)' embOIT." menl I" ind;vi<1udl
.I udenl',
111 '\,k "ru<!<' nt< 10 ",,<I ll><- , I,1Ii,lk< " ooul l"mil; "" in Ill<' 15A
. "d Ih,' VI' on ]2, ro ml",'I"' '''i" n by ", king
qu....lio<1< ,u,h " " Whichof II" 1..-0wUllln" hll> II... Ai "",",
", Ir' \\1,;"" llf ll..." """,,,,,'n,, J,,,-,IIl, "igM "ollllorTof d,iIJm, h; th
"''' ''0,"''' l",tmU? A, k if <I ll)' of the sl.ti'lb in Ihe 1" I>ks
, ulpri,e Ihe , Iurll'nl',
a (ill] 10 Bouk. p.!\'" 6) Sludent> ,e.d lhe I<'XI.
og.J-iO\ mo", ,lm"lr Ih;, lime, " n, 1compkle Ihe I,,,k. Ch... k
1'""'0\ romp",h<mion by ., kinl'( q"..t ion, ,,,(h .,, Ill, ,,,,
d"" C.II"m', Jad wIll' from! flow"'o" y 0,,,,1,,Irt ,11< A...
lin,', ""m,t.< <l ill ",orrir-J 10 ,om 011,,<1 Ill,,,,, d"" rnul i 9" "'fTJ' Jay
.fl'" ><J'ool '
I. a" nt and unci. ; 1, , om.times; 3, near: 4. oft.n; 5, stepsist.' ;
6, 'wde; 7, in different pieces; 8, , ees her ded regularly,
13 Elicil .."c<'S or , ;mil .,nl ;"" b"1\,,,'<'O lhe Arili,h " "d
,\ men( . n " .>Ii" i ",,<I Ih,- prob"ble " . ti" ic, in }"l"r COUll'')'.
IJ ([l Tr...k J. ,\, k vlud"ul' 10 ",.d lh'uul\h lh,' ' 1"""li"'"
before 'h"y liv' m. C. n Ih'l' \\hal ldnl/" 'v r"mily
'"'"",iOll j,? Pl"l' Ih,' " nc" .",<1 holY m.n)' uJ
Ih,' qu,',lium Ihe , lu,lellt> ,'<Ill "''''',"" PI..)' the ('('COn:!illg
. n,1 dn)' an, ,,-e,,.
Tlplsc, ipt
My name', .nd I I"" with my mum and my " "l' fathec. I'....
8010 .. , W, but I al>o Ii.... wit h my She',
"""" wilh u, fo.- t wo , in"" mum married h. r f. ther,
Richard', OK _ 11;k him 0 lot H., , lIy fri. ndly10Rachel .nd
me, l>lJt he pret.nd that h. ', our dad. But I find my
,I'p'i't.r difficult. Sn.', older Inan Rachel . oJ me, and "'e
,,;,,, 10lell u, what to do .1II n. lime - bul ,,,,,', livingin our
Teacher's Notes
Bread andpastry: Pies, pizza. ,au.oQo roll" sandwiches.
ti3 5'"d,'"'' w,i,, t h.. Ii,,, inel i, 'iri" "lI y. (;i,'" h<'l p ,, 'il h
"'''-d[>"ld'1' ",h("r.. "''''''''''Y-
Students makea poste, in Engli.h .bout lood,
us ing pictu,e<out from m. g31'nes. This could
bB ebautlhoi, favourite lood' , famous dishes
fromyou, co"mry, healthyliS, unhealthyfood,
or it couldhe .n .dv'rt lor an im.gin. ryshop,
, upermarket 0' doli.ory sOIVice,
Students compileand oonducta dass <UMV
. bou! their ' . vou,n. food"

Ie Time out (pp. 16-17)
!1.9fQrg YOU Ur;t 91J
D A,k , tu, lenl, wh," d" in II,..i , fri, ,,n' lim", t h"n ,"k
Ih"", 10 I' '''k '" If". e", 'he)' find I;,..i,
f,\\'u," ;I.. d,ti"i t,,"';? b pl.,in Ih", til,>'1",' tionn"i,, i,
"t ;''''1g Am..n, ',m" .,nd Rj'-e hl'll' witll """";,,,1,\.-;, if
n"""",.-;', AI(' ,I", ."'i"ili,,, nn til<" li, t p0l' "l," in th.. ', rount'1'?
Extra gc tiyit i'
EJ In IMi", 111<")' h"w on Amen".,n It', i "' i!(lll ",,,we,
Ihe ' lc,l io"" ThPj' """,pi,'t\' ,h,' '1'''''linnn" i,,' wilh Ihei,
".... Ii' liun" I',....-Iklio",' from d f<-w p.,i" "I ,tr"k"h,
EI Slude,," <umpll'l" Ih.. ",hoi.. '1"esti onn"i,,' i",liviel ".,II)'.
111<"n , " m'hm' !hd r "n'''"'r- in I\"" ;f"
p,ven i ng
a (l) Tr...... 1 ID 'I<-,,,hd' Ilno k. 611'1,,)' t h..
"''''ding onh' once, Slud,""l, Ii ,t ..n ,,,,,I <fwd t h..i,
1',,,Ii,Ii ",,,, " n;"nd i"l\ "h"l Ih") ' h",'o ",r lll..n if '''''''1'.
(Amenton aanto)
MOM: W!lat',
K""',,, Oh, a ,urvey Igot from>chool. Ihaveto it in
Hmm ,.looks int.",,,ing,WIl y 6o't ... do il now,
while...... having coIf.., Ican ,ead you the

OK - Igo ....
Right, now How often do you do til ... ;><tivil",,1
You have ' 0 '"YDften, ",me'im., Drne""t,
Computeraq ;"iti""
o<finit"y oft..,!You 're alwoy> on thecompulor! Now
. ' ''''',ng,Weil l <anan,...r t" at for you _
OK, You' ..

No, Ilikl! dancing.but Iwwldn"t sayI wen' dancing
ofton, P.t .....-.oti rne-s.
OKNow, . go;ng to the movi.. "' W.I' you goevery
Satunlay night, '" ;, that oft.n or so rnot lme>1
Iwould'"Y often.let"sput thaI.
OK,What about readingl
And""'wing ,_I
Bonan.s. apple" or. nge, . pears. "vecado.
Cream ca kes and dessert" ice cream and
f ruit

D St",h-n" ,Ii",,,, Ih" tOl' i,' in I'di", If Ih..y ott<! help,
prompl Ih"", I" "on, i,k, Ihe 'l'"iilir.,1' implir,' lir"" "f
, up'fm."kd 'hoppl tlR' ohm ,,,,, "',. thei' foo<l
prod"'h fm'" di,t,,,ll, I,,'!I'. ,'h"dl"" " 'p pli,'", ,.,Iho, 'h ,'"
helpi,\'( the I", dl m,,,,,m)', ,mel ",m,' ul t l\<'m ",,' 1""" iYf" id
f"" "gn """k"" ,md ;mpon foo<l o,'e, long di ,l "n",,,
'h" "twi,,,,, ly h",I" I" low I' ,i"". fm IIw

Sl , t u,k ,," n anpl!'!e th.. t,,,k in pdir> ( h",' k ,m",'..", tlwn
,"k ' I" d..n!>IVhi"h of 111<" Ih,i" fomilj,,, 'm,nr>ni y huy.
\\1' i'h hd"" lh,';' nl".'('T tri..d' \\1' ich do Ih..y think 11", ;- ",,,,,lei
lik,/hdl ,?
pJlP.. k infllRfl s (! ng
[l] If )'"" ll." 'e .,,, ,,, , t" th.. Inl""',,, "t y" LJ r "h"ol. "" il on..
of L'K ,,,p(",md,k,,! ",('[" ite, wilh yo'" ,I"den,,:
JI<-il' yo", '" fen" '0 log 0 " to " , iIe. Ir Ih" ,ii, ''''l'' i...., )'0"
!o "m"'" ""lid L'K I',.,"d(", " nh"r lhe roti"" 'inR' !\AI l lil/,
Fuliuwing llu- o,, -iin.. ,n,t ru"l i""" ('d,h ,tu, "' "t '"" n 'h,,, fo'
I;'" il..m, on Ih,' Ii'l ' h,lt ' he)' w"'pikd in e",,'''''''' 6. "eldiog
,he il"n" I" Ih" i' ,f",pl' ing h,,,ht ," Ih,'y lind th"m, r;h' "
help wilh "'K'"h"I,,'1' ,md , il.. n.w ig. lio" ;" ' l<" "' '",!,.
II'lwn , I"d" n" h"",' fmltl<1, l< m,my it.."" ," th")' "dn, Ihey
nole ,low" !h.. t"I.1 <u,1of th"i" ,,,, I,,,, ind"' ling Ih,' ,leIl",''Y
<h" It,'o
,,,n' t hdl ,I"d"nl, ,11"1,'1<' Ih<'i, ""I," .'0<1 Tog off from
Ih,' ,iI" " t Ih,' ond of Ih.. t. , 1;, 110m !'Ii",t f"' el b;" k fmm
,,,,livid,,,,; ,Wdonl<, e, pe<i"lly ' ''I\."linl\ w mp" n,nn nl Ih..
1. The ready meal' come fremfive dilferent Cou"t,ie, IAme'ica,
Me. ico, China, India, IlOlyl. Ready meal' are p,e-prepared
oomplete meals Ihat iu, t need to be heated; 2. $35: J. It oonlain,
fruil and vegetabies; 4, Su,hi; 5. Personal .nswe"
tIIo.l and fi' h' Chicken .nd lurkey- burgers and 'teakS, fi'h
breadedJbaMred. f"h oeke, "ndfi'h fingers,
"usagas and sau.age rolls, cooked beel and
ham, pOle, salami, .ushi.
Vagotable" Red potatoes. yellow onion, c.rrots, red
Ca bbaQa, luochini.0 uoumber. spinaoh,fenuo e.
bean' prouts, chips, w.Hle' ,nd jXltato shapes,
SllIdents imlg;", 1llIt!hey . ".n Am, ric'"
S11Illem Ind WIne lhetr dllry foo a \WIlke.
concenltebog Plrticol'rIy On 1ll." "iJllle
SlIldenlS WIne, pllegraph ' bout !<ow \IIey
SPlnd the;, OWI1leifure lim"
Speakin g
D A, k >hx!enl> h"", m""h I'hl,i.:,,1 n .... i,,' th..y 1lI'1."oJ il
.ny of lru.-m !!" 10" 1l''Ttl. , ,, ... lIMt lhey "",1<-""..",1
lhe "'p"""on, fi t. """"",r l mi....., .....,b;", .Iminn'!l
S,,,dt-n,, ..."d "rt; .!, "rod ..n",.., lhe 'l u.... ,n 1"""
O....-k .. thrn ">k ,, ,I u, knl, Ih,.;, "l';n"", .1.><""
Ih... " rt'd ...
1. All.,KhooI; z. m an 1Iour. 1 11-17;4, 12 IG 11; 5. $45 an hour;
5. A at the for Oise,se Contr<A , ndPr __in
AN...;7. He til;'*' thIl "lIerl need mo.. ICIiv. Was. I nd _
rt" lIOI. nough III go to a e-hour e 'c.... closs: I. He. """1.
D PI''''; '''...0 .... \ \ 1" ", ""dnrh ore "rih"JI IIM-i, flu
qu ioo-s. ..round , 1M- d.." !\I";,,!! h.-Ip " .h..rto
nt'C If ...udnrh ..... h,,,,"J! ,Jofforull!' Ihml.l"ll of
'lu !"" ""uld "m.. ' h<' pruml'h on ,1M-
LI.t 'f"OIS' tllhidl!l
- J!",' '";""";"!Jf'I'Ol'
- ....1110 odod'

_ -1' limn'_"""'1'/0"",>
Sludnlb Ih<n tht-i, 'l"""""" In full on .. wlJl<' "'""
ofl"'P"- plmt\' of..-.- to nol.. dtmn II n''' .....
of ..a tht othn-d. " or",h. IS. Sludrnc, 110m ",,,,10, "''''1
cIM-,l.o>, \\l... ntlll')' h,r,.. .N.t-<I thnr
do" , lin' <'OIlole ,ht ,.....,1" in 1"';"- Fur......mrlr. clll')'
,,0<1; nut " , of u... ,w... ""XU1o,!.JlO to cheIl'nt
" nd ......t !""TT'l.l1l'"of the d"" ..........JlO. "hoi .. ,1M- "'........
numbt,- of """,,, I....C<horlm" in ,hoM. ,La" """'" u . h ..<rl.
do.i"ll ph!Yc. 1r>:_0< """ >I"denh mim' rlo' i"ll
Ioolbolfl <<>n1I"'.-..l tn <>1M >pa<1'
r;".u". Ill..... dr",, boI, m..11.. 1'''' <....n' , or I"", 1l'''1''''
,kpKii"lllh,.,.. ,.....,1" In l\'.phi< fo,nt..o.nd Lab," tlll'm, n...
di.all',m, <. n then t... di'f'la'n1 on the d."",o", " ,,,11
Ext! B tiyjti'l-f

S";""";"I. _ ...- _
No. tNt', not 10'Uf. 1do 10 "';""'"""a It> 100 .......... -
quit. , ""-
OK.'" ....'Il l"" ........ ...... Io< ..........,inI- What obout
_ ;,,&1
What I Woll.,,&fof Mt"fO'JbdditI&r _
...... finolly._'''"'&TV,
""""1 oIlonWiI,do TV. Who doosn' , 1 _ k'hot it. 'hon'
No. no. No>'\,"fO'J '-to runbo< '00 tho,
"fO'J doIt> ...... _ _ I .. 'JOU' So
l"'" how to......- ....... oct"";'"", computor

lot _woO, """f'U'O'" oct;';!iK..-.eIy
_ _byslooppin&. Thrdio, l-'
-'""&TV. wG _ d.oncios- Whot ......... .... 1""
- ,
oc..., fivo ioP"ctolho ..-.... io,-"" wG

r"' _ _ )dl _
do"fO'J doin 'JOU' brrot 1M .......l li5l...
........ 1_ in tho """'- Do "'" __
-" Sur9.1donl_ __ -If'""d,lot <A _
ce, ....... lot', ",,"'-':onI "" (Dffo.o Ihop' --<mI _
'pn("" dotn' _

00::.ThoI ',,.,. tobo __,.......
Goonglllu. .........
Witching TV

1 ttowotr.ndoVOU ""lMse "_f?
Wr'ote llItffI, _sor_.

3 Which othor .clovino, 00 voudo in your lret timothlt.,e
not1;S\od obov.l
Worll;ng in a coffe. fh09. go;"'gOndal". chu"h etlMbos.
Spgak jnq
9 !!El l. 'h"" j1\'''' llox,k, r.) Slud"nh ' h " ll' Ill,
'\,k Ilwm " ,)';<1, ,I.",,, 1"1<'''''''11",, .'\>" UI
1(";, LIn' d' Ii,'iI i," . d ' U I ",hi, h 1\'" ph , h""" ;" I" ",,,, Ii"" "h"uI
I,..,n.,g" ....' Slw k ll l, Ih.... <I i"",,, Ih,' I\',' pl>\. .",01 lh..
link h<1''''' ' -n lh" m, in IMi"
Ke'j . " ".
ThOgraphf suggef l lhal Amanean laonagO' f 10" u' . acbv,t,os uO
not invelve much physical .'ere i, . and that es a res ult lhey are
I>ocommg more e,. rweight end unl<!.
1f Enqlish everywhere:
South Africa (pp, 18-19)

D 111.....-1 " lienlion 10th,' phol'" ,,,, 01 Ih.. m"f'. fJi, It
Ih,,! ,l"den!> kn,,"' Soulh ,\(n" , II", "" ""f' I<- ,
lh", m;!\1l! kno", "\>OUI I':,hu" ,\I,,,,<ld,, ",,<I Ih" old
"I'",t h"; '1 'l'\f"m. or mi,o;h l k,,,,,,, .11,-;, "..

EI A,k i f '!U,le"b , ,," d",,,,e, dill' "I l h;' 'I ,,,,,h,,,,, ", ith"" t
!<x,ki,,!\ "I !)". Info,m. lion Fil". ShlOk"" Ih,-n '''''' )110-1'' tIl<"
I..,k in p"; "
Teacher"'s Notes

1. White 2. Th'a e; 3. Cap. 4. Int he on
the coast; 5.The east coast.
111 b:pl.1in tn ,1M lhe)' ",e !tUillg lu n :dd p,'rl "f a
f", n, a Sout h Mric,mschool, l ook dl lhe inli" m" lion
"-' Iue,"c-d in Ill<" onJ a,k , lud..., h to 1',,-,l i'1 ,,, m,' "I th,
obolll I,,,,k bel" ,, the y ",.,d ....bsile, SluJen!>
t h,' n m mpi<' lp l",k in p"i".

I. Language & CUlture (p. 20)
{Q Te.1cher, Book f'd8" 7 fo, '"AA,",tion< on hm\' '0 " '" th..
( uIlm,' I"Xd
Preselll tt'''''' (p"',,,nt p"-"',,t cont inuous,
p,,"Serlt perf,,'t)
C Sf"rl enh complete Ihe t">k inJiviJlIdlly '" in I'di",
1,No. it isnt. II'S multi'a cial; 2, At 5e'c lec,; 3. Hehates it; 4.AIholf
past ton and at h. 11 past 1W.lve; 5. SPOilSsuch as . ugby, hookey
and ,wimming, o. artistic act i"itle' like music photography;
6, Aba, beoue
Nomber el""MOldaj'll per weak:
School del"
First 10.9"ago:
Other 10.9"agel Sl"diod:
Preoen! perleot
'"e iust begun
B K. y
111 Key
2. gat up; 3. get d.e ss ed; 4. have; 5. celch; 5. rea. es; 7. afTli'm
sfudying; 8. haver.e iust started: 9. i$fs; 19. finishas; II, have ; 12.
play: 13. a'et.e waiting: 14. haver.e iust won.
The p",se" l <imp!, w m> d,"tilw p"rm"nent ,1"1,,, O'
rl"i!y m" t ine, Ih." , I,
111<' p"''''OI co"tin"o", 'Tm, ,k,erilw 'e "'po' " I)' . ,ti" m
t h"t a,t' hdl'p,-ning now (I'm.''''")'1'' 91 '" CO"ii OUllU> d' tio",
lh,t ,1 hMk llto" nJ 10 doolh(" d,'ti"n {,I,,,, ""i"9 III,
"' .,I,iIl9 upl,
The 1'",,,,,t perf"t \' em' ,k<u ibe ", l im dl ""
in Ihe 1',1<1,,"<1 i" co' pO, ,,I" l h,' d,I",rb j u, 1
st all
M. ot Of chickan with,ice
and veggtablas
I, ak ford
Cape Tewn
Swanepeol Boy$ School
"" From7.40 a, 215 p,m,
English endXhosa
Doing hemework
fHand Fdends
Geingto shopping mall.
_ .. ng ba'becues
Fueurite TV prog mmes:
W...kend act ivit,.",
Notiefllli ity:
Nam. ehchool :
W ri ting
1:11 'ilu,len" fill in Ihe ",hl,- in,hvid"oUy, GIV<" hdp with
vo.-"h"l"ry if ne'S'I<' I)'. FJicit J iffe",n",> bci\\wn thot"dPn['
w"y of lif,' ,,,, d I/dk'" by 'I"t',lium db,,"1 >< <1"J",
m"dl" ,'It.
13 I.ook l",,-k.n 111<' em" il UIlIM!t' 9 ""d " 'mi"J ' 1",lel\l> uf
," fOmlJl, TI,i, l", k CO" Ix: fu, who
1M"" ,"", il dt hum,' ' dn lIril" " n'dl em"il their ",,11
,,,Id,,'" alld prinl it nllt Ido nollry , e" J lllg "'hi!" , t u,l nll '
wilholl' ,\, home (.1" i'1<'em on dJdn:', onJ ",.it" Ih,'
m,"," 'g(" by I",,,d, In ellh,-, <"'P, tl1<";' , llO,,]d ' I'" Ih,- two
Idbl", frum (' w n i","; '1\(1:; ,,. nolp'; for Ilw .,m"il
Wril ing: ",ing " "llle"dn!t " 'un!> to "rue, " "Ipn,,,, in ,l
C Key
My ded get' up e"ery day at4,OOsm.
Firsl ha has a showe' and puts on his "nifo,m,
Then he gee, downsta irs and ha, b. eaklest. He elw8y$ ha, a
coo, ed b,eekfast with b,oon, eggs, sausages and be.nsl
Next, he oheds his bike and makes ,ure t he,. are no problems
Afte. that, he cycles te wo.k and soils e"e rything fo' the day.
Finally, h. cycl.s ro" ud lots of heuses and things10 people,

- lleseoreh
Sludents eut merg gboutth e history ofthe
apallhe idS'/stem.
,e.ea,oh and about Ihe iile ef
Nolson Mandela.
He', a postman
Ii} Key
.: c:; d:e; . ,
First I gel up al 7.30am.
Alte' I get dressed and have breakla. t
Alte, Ih,VNext/lhen, I drill. 10wer k,
Alte, Ih, VNext/lh"n, I wo, k until 5.30 pm, Finally, I go to bed at
Habitats and
Topi cs: the tour nations of the United Kingdom. geography of
the smaller British islandS, nalu, al wonders ctee USA
and Canada, "!<tramc weather, lifeinLondon end in an
fnglishvil lage, popular music styles
COU"lf;e" UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Jamaica, Iraland.
South Africa
l.Inguage: presenllensn, comparative and super lative
adjectives, prepositi onsof place, points of thecompass
Vocabulary: natiooal symbols. nalUlal features, adjectives at
measurement weather and natural disaslers,lypes of
D A'k 'tud,'''I> if the)' (.n mdl,h Ih= r mont, ;", Ito.
l:'iVAll'I'dli./b'SJd'''i/SC<Jll"nol 10 thr photn,. Wh.,!
a'p"'t, of Ih,' l'i"!lIn., Il""f Ihem d d,,'? The bUil<li nll<, th,-
t)'!", of ""'ncry, Ihe ",Nth? Hieit oln;' (,.1, Ih.t ,'utlm!>
know .I>Olll the dim"le ,'n<l ' he phy'icalll''''W,'phy uf tho,,-
m un lri,'S(fnr example, Ilhid, ",drol/",I,!?\Hi m 0" II" "
The pootos show: a l ondon tenace. an Au' tra li, n highway, an
Ame' it an mountain town, a Scott i.h cottage
El S<'I " time limi t fur Ihi' td,k ("boul 10 mi""t'''' I. Wri'e
" "dent<' "n,m'" on tl1<' bOdrd, Ihm .,k ,tt"k"t' In l<"il you
"ny ",ldiliOndl i"f""n Ih,'1 Ih,')-' kn"w " houl Ih, ,'ili,,,
"ntl Ih,' ,I dle' Ihdt Ihey hil,," Iim d .
2a Four nations (pp, 22"23)
Bs focB you egad
D Eli"iI .n",," f",m Ihe, I"" ", d ",1",,,,. TIl<' "","w10Ihi,
que't io" ('m,''!l'" in Ihe lext for blll you
mighllike '0 ""pl .,in Ih,' <lif/,rrn<c imm"lidtd)'.
England is Oneof the four countne , of the United Kingdom, end has
, ,eparete identity fromSCOtland, Ireland and Wales.
Great BI".in is the i, land consist ing of England, Stotland end
W. les
The United Kingdom is t he p-olitical enlity tonsist ing of England,
Scotland and Wales, plu, Nonhem Irelend. Confusingly, paoplafrom
the United Kingdom . re referred to es 'British', although thi, label
, en be highly whan epplied to people fromNorthern
El ",mpl'"I<" 111<" I,"k in I"' i" . ,\' k them "'hi'h ollhe
,ymbol,.r<' ill",'r"t... 1on lhe Iwo pdl" of Ihi' " " it (("rt"",
Il"d ro><', d"ffo<l,1 "nd
Plants: red rose, thistie, leek, daffodil
Rool onimals: lico, bulfdog
Mytl1ica l .nimals: drogon
Abst' act patter ns: tartan
Bgadin g
Eil I!a la r"d,h"" lIook 1"'8" St " d, ' nl, rr.IlI the
1"lorm,lIio" Fib ond find Ihe "","e" i,,<Ji vid" dll)-'.
1.England;L Wales; 3- ,ngland snd Wales; 4.Scotlaod;5. Scotlaod;
6. Woles.
C Inlrod"ce t he topic hy " ,kin!! if 'Iudent, ,,, n loll yo"
anything .,boul Ihe ,ur",,,t , itu.Hioll in :":'H1lwrn l'd 'lIld.
Stu<lent; th,." "'d<J the """ dnd do,,,,er Ihe qu,.,lio", in pdi"
Y" u mit!hl lik<' I" ,.xpldin 'h,,'. d"'pil, th,' (;ood I-"rid,,)' pm'"
dB,,,'m. n' l>f 2\XJO, tl ll' pol il](,,1 ,;",,,1 iOI1 in :":"rth"rn Ird.lIld
remd im wry ",I"lil", d"d O";li,h lroup' 0'" ,till in fum' Iht''''.
1.Thr.e; 2. f922; 3- Fou,; 4. Th. ywentta ' emainapart olthe Uoited
Kingdom; S. They do not w, nt to 'e main a part of the United
peji1(i Q9
mIn I'" i", .,'u<l""I, idl'otil)-' lhe p",,, I,,', I1 dt ion" lili",. for
".,h phutl>. ,"k " I", ir of 'hl<lt'nt, 10 e,pldin "'h'" hdp,'<.l
them wilh Ih,,;r iU"l\l ifl,,,lion.
The gid is Welsh Ishe'$ got arad dragon on her Tshirll.
The man without a hat is Scottish (his face is painted with the
Scotlish flagl.
The man ina hat is English Ihi$I.ce is painted with the EngfishIf.g).
[iI I!a ( a r,. ,I<h"" Book. 6) A,k Ih,' , t"d"ol> "t ,, h.t
people millhl di' pl,,;, t hpiT nM;on,,1 fr,,!!, .,,,<1
'1'",1>"" Ilk" t h, ,,,' in th,' pholo, (",,,,,111' "I 'rom ,.... nl>l.
Slud..., ,, frd,1 Ih" drtid,' 11'100 drr 110, 8,ili,),? dn<J mdl,.h
lind Ih,' ",,<I, or Ih, ""nlm",'> in p"i". thei,
,Ill'''''''', th," ."k " I," "'l>'" (omprehen,ion 'll>,"liu", "I<h
dS; \\.i,"1i, II" ' "',," uj Ilot fI{j(j oj 0" t '"ii!'<l /;i"9'1u,,, 1I011'
,>wlla,"1 ,,,I<I 11"1,, ",,,, 'II' M'O" "'"" p',/iliml i",ftpr"d",,,, jrom
f' ':'IIu"JI
I. c; 2. a; 3. d; ot b
Lis tgn j ns
o (]) I!a Trd, k 4 (a k., her', n"ok P.W 6i bpl"io I"
>!"d"nt, Ih,' t lh'1' ",ill he." one 1<','n.,8'" from "a,h of Ih,'
lour (1),mtri", 01the UK tdlki ng "bollt Iheir nation,,1 ide"lit;,.
A>k if Ih,' y h,,," h,.,,1 Sroll i,h, W"bh or Iri,h 1"""0"
1"lkinl\- .nn th<')' Ih"ir aC("f'n"
rlifferecl fro'" ,',,,,d,, m En!!Ii"'- ""pl"in, ho"",',,,'r, 'h,l1
will Ix' rt'quin'<.l tll """.'\"i"" Ihe diff"n"t ""tioIMI .,,,,n"l
Stude nts Ii, t", .md ,h,' """".'\1',-,' munl";,., dnd dX'''
Briti'h. NorthHn Iri'h. S<orti,h occ.n1>j
W"'HOO'V' Hi. My nam. ', Morg.n and I'mWelsh. I com.
f""" Swan,u, in tho <out h of Wal.,. I'm' ''''''''. I
think 0/ myself .,;WIshfi"t, th.., I do"' t
think 0/ my", 11 a' Eu,,,,,,,,," at . 11.
E""""," "'"" I'm Wright. I'm filt..n and I com. from
Soulhamp,o-n, in Engtand.I'hiokof mY'Otf a.
Teache....s Notes
EJ m!I to Ted( hd , Sook, 1'''1\'' (,) In pai". ,Iudenl'
irl"nlif;' l h,' In!> wilhout "',din1\ t h,>m in rlel"il.
on"",'" with the" hok da", .I<k'nj( ho,,"q " rI"nt. id"nt ili...-l
the different lyp", of texl,
1. B(I, le of Man!: 2. CIScilly Isle,!: 3. A IAnglesey); 4, EIOr'ney
Island, !: 5. 0 lChannel lsland, !.
'" beaches: photos A. Band D
cliffs, photos Band 0
hillS: photo Dland pOssible E, io the backgrouod)
eprehisto,ic monument pholo E
tropical plants: photo C
a coslle; photo A
A.k ,Iuoknb to ,,'an Ih" 'rx" f"r 'p,-,<,ifit info"",t i"n ., llOut
the of th" i, bnd" They do n"t )"1 need
'0 """I,ll<" In!> in dt10il Thm"k 'hem to nMtth Ihe i,lond,
I,bdl<-<I 1-'; nn II". map of Ihe Iltiti,h f, lt." w'il il th" t<'Xt,
Check .""we" with t ht" " ,hoi" do". ;"kin!! ,t "t!<'n" 10
id"nti/y lb,' ,,"" nl , in tht" h'xt, th,,1!!o"" ' hem the
inform"lio" 10 I"," ,, the
'" 1,lands 1 Tho O,kney Isl.nds heX! E!
1, land 2 . The Isle of Man Ite,t B)
1, land J _ Anglesey he. t AI
1, lands 4 _ The SciliV Isles heX! Cl
1,lands 5 The Ch.nnel lslands he.t DI
'" te
De. n. Cia ire. Js,on
Clai' e
Claire. Emme
Northern Ireland

Bri,i'" Ii",. aOO then as Engli.h,AOO I' m
'00 _ it'. importan, to fool PO" 01Eu'<>po' ,h.,e

I'm Ja, on MeA"hur I,om Nort hern Irel. nd. I' m
seventeen. 00 I I"" in 8elfa.., I t oinkof my.. lf . ,
bo'h lri. h and Britilh. bu' I don'I fool ,oall'm
E"rope. n,
110Uo., Emm. D. niels and I'mS<otti,h.
fromfalkirl l' m.evenleen. I ft<>! 'h.t I'm S<ottilh.
and I . lsofeel Eu rope.n, bul Idon', t hinkof my. elf
.. BOti,h . t oil, It doe-<n'l mn anything '0 me
Cla ira:
(!J CD '..r,.... -t- A,k ",hl1l1<"r ,I",II-nl, r',n ",memf"' r hill\'
,,"y or Ih,' afx",t th" ir n.,linn.,l irJen, ity, SlUdenh
Ii, ten "I(.,in ,1l1d thi, tim" nllie d'''''n " ' hi, h I",linnalily ",hi,h
t""n"Re, 1....1, 'b.,t ' hey belu"l( Iu.
Eng li, h?
Sootti, h?
Wal, h?
Wrjt in.s
[I A, d dd" ",,,,pile "n II... lXMru,,, I"{,,,mat inn
hie dU",,1 l'u", tounlry ,i mil." to tho", 0" SI",II-"t, Ilo<.k
IMI(" 11, Dim", ,w " da" which 1""" nf your cou n',y mil(hl
kd t l"'l ' lwy I",w " " 'pM'I" id,''' lity. 0,,,1 why the;' fed thi.
''''' y lpt"thdJ" Ihe)' ho"e , <lil/m:nt hi,lm)'. 1""I(".' ge.
,t.... to Ih,' rest "f Ih,' """ ntry). Shul,' nl< then wri te Ihe l",k
in lull lor hn nwwork. I',Hting Ihe inf"rnMlio" f"'m Ih,
Inform.Ol in" file into f,,11 "'"Ie"'<" ,
o l1EI tg Rocok, I'<'l(t 61 St",I,nl. ' "'''' " ',,d Ill<' 't'xl>
in mo,t' ,I< toil.",d "n""rr Ih,' 'I",,t i""" AI(.,i", <" k " ,,<len!>
lu idtltli!" Ih" ",,,,I, in the 'ext, th"l 8<"" Ihem ,h,'
in/m m, 'ion to al1mw 'he 'l uesliom,
1. The the O' kney Islaods,
2. The Isle of Man. the Stilly1,les.tha Channellsl. ods. the Orknev
3. The S, iIl VIsle,. the OrkneyIsland,
4. The Sd llyIsle, . the Orkney Islands,
5. Thel , le 01 Man. ths Channell,lands,
Researc h
ltdi. ity
S'udents ""earch more aboul Sootland, w. res
or Northe rn Ireland (geogra phy. principal
'awn" famous tcunst att 'a ctions, famou"
peoplalandwrite a paragraph Or makea pa' te,
obout ,ha' counlry,
S,udents discun the perti,ip. tion at 8ritish
tesm, and ,portspaople in imamationol spans.
Which learns (English. Scottish 0' Wel, hl a' e
good at football . nd ,ugby? AIe there anyother
' ports wher. the 8rrtish sr. intornationally
successlul? Can thay name any British sport,
st ars. and do they know they a'e ngli'h.
ScottiSh. Wel,h or Northern I' i,h?
o lillI (0 'J"othd, S,x,k. p"l(e"" S"'t1",n, w mpl,' h' Ih,' t".k
," I"'"
'" 1. TllJe:2. False; 3. f al, e; 4. Trua: 5. Fel,e: 6. Fslse; 1, True:8, True
o fillJ (0 l"d,h<"<', lIook. 1M!!" (,) ,,,,,Iellt< di""", t h"
'l",,ti"", >l' ith ., 1'" rtllcr, ' hen "'I'"lt I"" k to 11!t ",hoi, tI""
M" k< a li,t 0" 'he bn",d 0/ ot her pI""." in llrit.,in Ihdt
"ud"n!> '",,, Id lik,, to "i,il ,,,,1,Ii""", wh,t th,' y know ..oo"t
th" m,
2b British Islands (pp. 24-25)

o Studen!'> fmrl Iht" 1,'<' llln:, III th,' phoh", "n",-,'"
wilh Ihe wholt" dd",
D , t"d" " t,' .,ltent ion I" Ihe 1'0'1<'0,<1 in thi, unit
At '\,k wh,,1prople ",,,,,Ill' ", rilt" ,b",, 1on 1''''1' ald, {.,!>ou'
the lor ,Ol i"" , we..ther, "'hot Ih,')" o, e doinl!. " ' h"1 11\<")' M,
lI" i"!! to> ,I,,). bpl,in Ihat , t"d" nt, C" n ""ile"n im'l(ina')'
I""t,-"rtl from "n)' i, I,,,,d in tht" " 'otkl - il do,"" not 11,,,," 1o
I,.. O'l<' III B, it., in, Stmlenl, wmpl,tt" Ihe ' ."k lor homew", k.
B\.ooosq km
2,000 metres
86 moUe. below.e. level
lake Supe' ior:
G,and Cal\yon;
",. Vaney:
"'"",nd May ondJUM it gel' ,.allyI10t and dry in the canyon. and
Io,e" fire, a,e a b<g probl. m....tot of these fi,e, "art n"orally, oJ
cou"., but atot a'" >ta"ed by vi, it"'" or And
campe", ott .n givefood to tho w;ld animal>. ""'kn i. a b'g mi"ak.<,
S<>me of tho food we eat i, dang. ,ou, to . n'mal<. and tl>e dOimol>
al>o , to" 1<> onhuman, for food _ t hey boc<>m< too
f'i.ndly, which isn't good f", thom'
Thomo.t """i'on","ntal probl.m i, til. of noi..
tram and .mall ai",,"""",Tho,. ar. ""or
the <0"YOn from down to dork, . nd h', t o <SC' pe from
noi... A lot of peopfe want to ", doct ioo in the noi..
I. vel> in the pa, k"
'" He tails about fires , danger to animals. noise and traffic.
'" Eli"it from tht d ,l" .l<0 ,,h,M. """
" o" io", pollution, liller, , ",m, <Iimoh' <1",,'11" ,ou,,,l 1.1'
hlJm.o ddi"it1' . de
D CJ) Tr... .. A, k if ,lutl""I, """ J r"w,'r .lJ1;' of lh..
.,lm ,d)'. TI,eo pl." l hr rrw"linl\ "Il" in ."d ,' Ikit
.",,,,-cr", h om till' d .",-
' !ttQjng
D CJ) m!l l r",. " la T,", lld, Book, 1'''lIr 61A, k , l",l"nl>
tn r""d Ih"'''l\h th" Inpi bd o", th'l' li, lm. Wh i..h ,10
Ihink P"'" .l <1,nl\o, tn tbo (;"mrl C"n)l1n' \\'.,m 'l"do"I' 11"'1
th,' t"pi" no t " I' P"" ' in 11l<' .. o..d, ,." ,, " II". li't,
l'b" t f,," ""o,-din!;, Slud"nts Ii,!<'n"nd l i"k lh,' to pi<> Ih"t .m
"""nti",,,,!. Hi,';l .,,,"',.,, Imm th.. <I,,,. Pld}'
.. "",,,d l im" if "''''''' ,' 'r
(Am. ritan o<u n. )
we got about million yi.;IO<. to tn. Grand CanyonIN"'Y
Y"a..,That ""mbot of ";, ito,, <an bOng" tot oJ problom" Th, woot
problemI, t he amount of traffic tMt we get around t he edge<of
tn. parleTile", a", long lioo, to got in t ho g".', and tho pollotion
from th. u " un SQo'I'Idim u u" douds tMt obscu""he vi..... ot
the conyo<>, '0 po<>ple <an'! ..., anything,And tl>e traffk poUotion
can al>o .,od. the roc\e; ,hemselve,.
Sludent$' u earehinformation abo", the
followingother British islands: lheHebr>des. ee
Shati, nd, . til. lsi. of Wiyht Lind,s!.,", .
WithUUI help ot. map, student' plan an
itinerary . rouod G' u t B'rtein. visrt,no . 11lhe
places that theywouldlike to s.
Grand Canvon;
R 'en
El m!llg Tl',l<hd, Bo ok, 1"1l" 6l .hk , ludt' nt, to ",,n lhe
lexts fo, the 'I'"dfi<infurm"tion ",{uired " bou( Ih.. (,,luo"
in th.. pholo' . TIl,'y ,10''''l )'''t ,,,"<'<I to o'"d lh" I<".,t, in ,J"l,l i!.
l. lhe G,eot lake. and Niaga, a Falls; 2. Glecier Bay:3. Oealh Valley
and lbe lIees: 4, Old Faithful, tha Gro,t lakes, Niagara Falls.
Ex tra Byti yWg
C S'",kn1> ,,,,,d t h., I",t, "lIoin. moo' ,1", ,1;' Ihi> lime, ""d
OOmpl"l(' lh" I.l<k in [>Jir<. Elidt . "'''','" fmm the <1",-
'''0' Ih,,1 , lo,I""l> 0'''".... lilt" 'lu"'l;on; ",ing lull
",nteo..<,,<, to pr"'1i,,th.. ,lru,1"", If<" m<t", I""y, d <.Chttk
!l"n"r"l mmp",h,'n;ion by ",king '1,, lioo, " " h ..,, \ \ 1",1;'
thi 1"'I",t I'" in IIrt "'<>tid! II",,oJltnJ"", lJiJ fu;lliful ""Irl'
2c The seven natural wonders
of America (pp. 26-27)
B,rom YOU amst
o A, k Ilw <l.h' III 'lu irkly look "od
<;('(' iflh'l' ,""n id<'ntifr dill' of die MI"',') fe,ot"",,- On the m"p
,k ,lu'K'"!> (" i,k'nl '!!, Ihe10(JI"'" of nll/omi" (nn Ilw""',Ih
"'<,,>1( O",t, ",h"n' dol, n",. I ., od 1 .m. Stu, k "i , ;d.. th,.
IU':dIi Ul\ on Uw mop Gr,m<i C,n},m Ith,- "" ,,1,,,uthedy
dol. ""xl to UOl no, ll, the C...."1 l"k,", \tl", 1,-[II",,,d d,,1 ""
USf('..",di.m hor<krl. Gldli"r Bdl' (the <l ut in Al", kd) ",,<I
),' ;i\J<d'd f,l l1, Itl", nllhth,,,,d dot on th,' L'5/Cdn"dj,n bo,de,)
VOC!b Ylea
EI 5t",knt' wmpl<'!l' IhP t,,,k io [>Jip,. th.. ,,, ,,,,,e!>with
the who le dd", Check cnmp..... he"'; nn of Ih,' "di...Ii" ,." by
, tu,I"ot, to " pply "pprop'idl<' li",., to t hl- pho('"
Ilor ""l ml']l'. n " /;m"d ;, ,1<t'J'.1on9/ (litf<, ..ld-
d.epl'hallaw; high/ law, . mall: long/' hort oa lfow/Wide:
Gone'e l Sherman:
OldP.l ill1fu1 :
N;agara Fans:
'" General Shermon;
Mllthul elah'
Olde' t 'ooks in tho Grand Can\'On:
84 melle.
3,000 \'l! ars

ove' 1.800miliioo vurs
1. 5 mill ion: 2. It can cau 'e claud, that ooscut . tha view of the
canyon, and it can etodo the rook. : 3. M.V and June; 4, With
oampfi re. and 5. Some human food i, dangerous 10
onimal,. and faeding ani mal, male, them depe nd on human, lot
R.gak jn g
III A, " d;"" m"k< .. Ii,t on Ih, b".r<! of ,o m,' of 1"'"
( o" n' r;' , mm t l" ' p"l..r lou ri.'1 .,,, r. ,ti,, n,- StlJd"llls t h,' "
<1 i,, :u lh,' elf"t, ol l" uri>m on Illem in I-'<'i"' ,
'I'eacher"s Notes
Students wrile about the natu,al wonde,s 01
the ir own "OUnlp/, This o<>uld be inthe lo,m 01
a tou, i'l guide, with photo"
Comp,ehe nsion Test students lot get them to teot eac h oth.,I
act ivity on thlli' I<nowledgo 01 tho diflarant state , of the
USA. Th.. couldbe dooa bycompilnga " u,..boot
which slate, "erlOin Ame'kan cities 0' lOurist
a"raClion, are in. 0' by providing a map 01 tha
USAl'>ithth nemes
2d Cli mate extremes (pp. 2829)

() A, k ,tudenh if can ndm,' dn)' n. tural ,Ii""te"
in Engli'h, They Ih,'n complete Ihe ta,k in p.,i", t.,n ' hc)'
'hink "t dn)' pldn" in Ihe "wJd 'hdt h. ,,,, nw"ll)' ,uffered
from the"" di'.,Ie'"
1. c; Z. e.a d;4. e.
BlU!din g
a Studen" 'lui' kly complete 'he 1.,k indi"id'MIl)', [ , pl. i"
thdt lhe)' ,hould conccnlMe on the "eather ".ord,.
"d that th";' do nul I,t Il""d to "'ad till' t<'Xt in Build
"p , li'l of """,I, on the b"",I, Ch,,,k )mp'eh"",ion of Ihe
",ord, hy ."kinll '1"c<lion, '''ch as: m'dl do 10" lI,i". II"
'''''!''MI",' i; today? .\,,,,tI, n I",!'i<o! i,I,,,,o,
Clim.te; we.tha ,; tempe raluras; summer; ,uo; snew; cold;
snowfall; tidal;; sOowfall; ica; wind; hurrica nes; tropical;
lOrnadoe. ; slOrms; wa rm.
Homes in'Tor doAlley' ofteohava stormcalla" whe,efamilie' , an
. helle,lromtomsdoes.
In Caldo'''a, some oJde' flui ldiog."re being pulleddown. end thera
is very li ttle new buildingalongIha SanAndren F. ult
Sne aking
tl! A'k ""dent' wh"l th")' kno,," dbo"t I;lobdl ",.nn;oll- If
JIlu...... ry. "x pl. io th.1 ,'e",in 11.''''' pm<l" ...<1 b)' hun",n
iodu>l ry .re damaging the ea"h',' pmtC<1i'''' OWne JdY"'.
c.u, ing Ihe "lO I" h...1Ih" earth more Ihdn il did in th, I'",t.
lee it! the pold' ":gi,,n, i> m,lling. c ...,iog Ih"
f""d of the se. 10riscoTh,'o .,k ,tud,,,,t, to 'I"d)' t hc 8'"ph,
,md <Ii"u" Ihe link the I"''' g'dph,_
1. The lell' hood graphshow. informationabout the world. end Iha
righl'hand graph ,how. informalian about Brila in only; 2.
DalOS/Yaa rs; 3. The rise io lomparatu ra in dogroes Cel, ius; 4. The
minimumlavel ofth. ,n; 5. Possiblylha effects of globai warming
D Di"-",, th,. ' I",,ti"m d' .1., hef"", ' luMm. b''IIi''lo
"'rito_ S!<'!k'Ilt' th,'n mdke ""t<" in d'''' .",,1 rump]"I' lh,'
"'ri'inllld,k fo' home"'o'k.
Eis:t ra acUyi tigs
, W' iting
. ct ivity
2e Town ... and country (pp. 30-31)
Bgtocg YOU CfUld
() A,k If,"'y , tud,,,,rs h.v< ",,,,n 10 london. "d. if >0, ",hi,h
pl,1"> ' hey "i'iled, A'k if th,;' Cdn id"nl ify th, pl."" in Ihe
ph"'os on Slud"nl,' 1Iook. M" Yl
li'l Ihoi' 'Jl,';Il,..t;oo< on the bo.>rd "Io"g wilh .ny olh,"
all'drtiom ;0 I,ondon Ih., ""den" c.", lhl"k of, 1110 pi",", io
l he phOl'" "'ill be iokmir"tl iJ1 ,x"n'i,,.,. hul }"" pnft,
10 ide t\tif)' them immediatdy_
The pletas intile photos are IIromtile Madam Tussaod's. tho
Towe r of l ondon. Harr ods depanmenl .ta'e. Camden Market a"d
the underground
Beadin g
a l!I!I (It T,.,'hd< Bo"k. 1'"8" 6) Stud,'O" comp let" 'he ld,k
io pdirs. Chf'Ck .1I1<we" wilh Ihe "'hole d,\", ,,,king ,t"d"nl,
to j,,"ifr th";, choi.os_ Ch""k gene,,,] compn'hm,i,m h
.,kinll qu<:>lions ,u,h dS; 110<> ,IIi vjl'" ,i>jl II" To,,'" oj!.o",I", ;'
II'/Ull !,", bro, do", "'''' Ily 1o ,,<II' imp",., 10' "ofik 'irauli"" j"
I_"",!",,>"ow mild, ," " it .",1 to9" 10 tilt fi""' r. j" .mlml i.o"Jo,,>
l1J l!I!I (D Te",hcr', 1Io0k, P.lle 6) St"dent' ,e.d the text
010'" ,I",,-Iy.nd m.teh Ihe "'''''II"" condilio", 10 Ih,' .n'd'.
1. ; 2. a; 3. d;4. c; 5. b,
o Eli"it a",,,,..,, fmm Ih,' da".,. ",hoi"
1. Ski o ca"car. 2. Beca use it wa, de'troved bv an earthquake a"d
a tidalwave; 3.No,vouca n' t 4. Eoeryth'e e 5. inthe ceotral.
mio;fwoster. steleslln 'To,nado Alley: 6. In 1906; 7. Becausa thev
th.t th.'a will ba v.a" of war ning signs befora major
earthqua ke.
I:lI comp lete Ihe t.,k i" 1'<';'" "'.dirtg Ihe lext "Ildi"
if n('('fS'.'y to fi"d the relC"."'t it,form,\lio". th..
a",,,.,',, ", ith Ihe d.". ,Iud"nh 10 id..nlify lh,' pa",
of Ih,' !exllh.t ""olai" Ih,' infonn,'lio" .1boul ho",ing
InAustralia. houses a," sometimes specificallysituated towards tha
aast orwos!.10"VOi dtha summe' sun. Their roofs are in,ul"ted toSlOp
heat gettingio\ and wood i' .paciaRvtreatedtowithstandthe heat
InAlaska, 'ome houses.ra buikwilhoUl e, cavatinganyfouodations,
and mastllave , pecial 'traog'oafs ro,u pportthe .now. andfe"lur e.
,och as windows that onlyopen inwards so 1Il.t they ora not
offbyth. Arctic wind,
fn Rorida. builders prefe' concrete w. lls 10 wooden 0' met.1
construCIion. andmost ndews and doors havehunic ane shUIlers
Soma newhousas a'a alsobaingbuikwithspacial ",info'cad room.
lor shekering fromhurricanes,
I Concl",; on
KC' ime 60d People's AMuda
F Environmell1lll Problems
e T'a", port
C lei su,. Choieas
EJ ,,,,,I"nl> Ih,' la,k in pairs.
I'ee Exerci.e 1l
C l!a (D A, k to td l you in
th,'ir Ulm ,,,,ru, wlldl ,\Ji lik,., dnd di,like, dW" ! li" in&in
londo" then Ih,' Id,k individudlly. Give
hd p with vo,<,I"Jlary. Ihm ,h",k th(" "n,,,,,",, wi lh Ih,' ri""
For Ali. the principel advantage of Ihling in l ondon is the . eri.ry
ofthingSlhal tha,e are 10 S99and do. He thinks that the sho,n. the
ehoi,e of leisure ...nd tholranspcrt ere goad, end holikes
the Ioet mat london i, a mullieulturnlerr;, The disadvantages lor
him "ra the traffic, the up..... people', unlri..dlin. ss and the
crima, but he doe, nOI want to I"ave his hom.
111 A,k ,Iud"nt>", h"rr Ih"y think Ihe "ifl"g, on Ih.. l'o, t(Jrd
i, 10,ot,,1. Un", mOllY P"'1'1l" do th(")' Ihi nk hr Ih,.,-,",
St"rlen" thr n ,...,rl the text on Ih.. pmt,",rl "nd ,""""" the
'" 1, 6ladwell; 2. In inthe north of England; 3. 4.
Apub and a ehoreh, .
pgak in q
o Slude"l, di,cu" II'" 'l'I<, t io", in p.i" ,\<k roupl,' 01
p" i" In 1... lu Ih., lI'hol r dd,
U$! e n ing
Ell CD Tr ... k 6 '\,k , t"d"" I' to ,,'h,'t ,\ [i('{" mi!lhllikl'
ond 11i,1ik,' <,houlliv-ing i" " "ill "!l'' Th,'" 1'1"1' the "<coruin/;,
Stllrlent, ,h",k Ihd, p""Jic1iom
My ",me', Alke HOj>kin, . <><1 I liveinGI.dwell ioYorI:.shire int he
.-.orth of Engla<><l. Th.... ate aboul SOC people10 bot the'e
a,. 00 facilit i.. a' all Wen.ed to havea ' I>op witha po<t ollice,
Out t hal . bout a yea, ago b:.l"", r>t e'1one wen' '0 the
lo<all-lJpe""""ets 10 their ,I>opping,We've got . church. of
CO<Jrse, and a pub,but lhe pub , Io't a lot of cu, tome" ,",""lly,
If bu.ine.. get. any",,"e, then might the pub t oo,
Th. big;>< of li,iog h.... i. , h.. it', a re. lly fri.ndly placo.
' ''''PIe like to ....Ip t hei, n.ighbou". NOI 've<ybocly, 01cou,," - you
" ill get <Ome unfriendly people, but in general the at"""ph. re i,
"''1 f'iondly.
The", ', a town "0.' the vill. ge callod Halifa., It's ""Iy 8 mil. , away
andmyfriend and Igo t herer>te'1Sat utday. but we can' t go in lhe
"".ningsbo<;a-u,e tho", . ron', any bu,", ham t he village aher 6
odoc'. Th.... are onlylh,oe bwesa d"Y fromMo<><l"Y In Saturday.
a<>d no bu'.' at all"" Sunday>. So scm.t ime-< youcan foel really
i>lated ifyou II.. in0"" of t he villag.., But I would noverwanlto
I.... in a large town. I li , e vill"ge life _ if , quie' and peac:eful and I
think youM.d Ihol l h.,. doy<.
'" Advantages: the frlendlineS$ of lhe and lhe peaceful way
of life."amages: t he lack at f.e ilities and the lad of public
(I CD '1'rd. k 6 SI"de"t> li'te" <'g,'in in ",n", ,]"",11 ,,,,rl
a",w,', Ih" 'I l,,"<oliom.
1. Bec,u,o people wonllo supermarke" for their shopping;2. The
pub; 3, No, ,he 4. Go'clock; 5. None.
o Di""" d' "da" IhI' dd'dnlagl., " nd ,Ii,,,d,,"nld!l'"<o 01Iii,'
in the ril)' dnd Iht" munlf)' wilh to J"ou, ,nontry
in p"rti .-ub , Slu,k'nl, Ih,'n ,'ompkll' th.. lo,k for homl''''o,k
Extra acfj yjtie /f

Stedenl A:
Studont B'
21 Soundtrack:
A world of music (pp. 32-33)
B etgrg YOW recut
D In p" i" , ,I udents dh""" Ihei, fo,'oulit\' , i"!lt"'" Wn h' "
Ii", of fa"ouriles on the bodrd, ,,'ith !h,' (("Iunln,"
thol l h" y <Oml' from. Do ' t u,btl< prrl," ,ing"" Imm t hei,
m"" rou nlry. '" tho,,' Imm oo"nlri,.,1 \'\1,y'
no th,'y ""ngni", ony of ,h.. , inlle" in the photo,'
v oca b u la n !
a A,k ""de"ts if Ihey (dn ide"tify til<' ' Ounln." in yellow
"" Ill<" m"l' with"" t "",din!! Ih,' t,,I" If nol , Ih"y "dn loll"",
the drro"" " nd lind the n"m"" of thP muntri,,, in Ih.. te'!'
Siudent< Ih"" m"t,'h th,- , Iyl.., of mll,i, tn t h.. (o,mtn""
wilho ,Jt)'ct ","d'ng (h.. te,t,
Urban USA' rap d.d hip-hop
Aural USA; countryand western
J omaio a; reyg
Irelaod: tr.dillonal Cellic music
South Alric", t radilional 2ulumusic
I!l tiEl 10 k.,I1<""-' fl""k. I"'!l" 6) In I'"i", ,'ndml, r.."d Ih..
lexlv qui,:k1v "nd match thP ''''("Ills to the ,Iffade,.
1. 1991ls;2. 1970s and 19l10s; 3. 1970s; 4. 1981ls: 5. 1920,
o ,,,,,1,,0" ",'ad the I"'" "8"il\ In mOll' dl'l dil .01" ] al""""
Ihe qll,,>Iiom,
1, Nashville, T.noe, n e; 2. G,rth Brooks; 3. New Yark and l os
Anyeles; 4. 8ecau,e he i, a white rap 5. Harp, violin. drum,
whi' lla: 6. Mining; 1. In Iheir oallve lulu language and in English,
Teacher's Notes

o01 k 7 P10r Ih" nl t il" w"g while M",.k"t.>
1"lIow th.. worel, in Ih";r I"'ok 1h,'n </ i,<",' II". 'I L"."tio",
0' d <ld'" fi na lly, pl"y Ihe "-'I'll 0 ti m,'
b. ndc.
2. Lanquaqe & Culture (p. 34)
(0 nouk 1'01\" 7 Ii" <IlAA""I"", un ho'" to ''''' th, '
ld"gU,'!\<, (, ('IIIt LlR' p,'gd
R!{j kiag
o 1 .... j.. 1 . ... SI.,d",,!> ,Ii",,,,,, Ihe '1"""io,,, in l><Ii'"
,\ k"n",ilil,.. ",rite 0" 'he bOor<! tk lyp'" "f m"'ic
1""li li"",,1", ,,,i, /n"" I 'om '"101'1')')
Fol' ",,,,if
Pop ""I''' i" '1""'"
1'''1' i"
(",ml'I" ", ,,I ,,.,..lm,
Add "I I"., In""' "I m",k t lMI Ihl' ,t",k'nt' ("n '"AA,."t.
d"d t l",,, do ,1 ,urwr 01 the whul.. do, 0111 ", hl'h
Iyp'...of """i< "... 11\1" m",1 populor 0"""'11 t h"",.
acti, lty

acti, ity
Students liste" to . nother Eng
soog01 yourchoice .nd complete based
around Its ly"cs Ilistening for the gen.,"1gi ' t
putting lyriCS in orde" compleling missing
words, etc.l. Students dl""usswhit hco""trylhe
song oomes lrom, andwhat typeot music io,
St"dontswrite .bllUl a songwithEnglishwords
that they like, tr.nocri blng II' lyritS and
describing why!hey like !hem, You couid .,1<
students to playa reto rding 01 their lavourite
Eng li, hSO"9 tothe class, might notbe
advisable il you think lhat Ol"dents' choloes
could be un, "ilable lor gene,al listening. or
evenoffen, ",.1 _
E) Key
Adje<::li,. eom,oroli, .
Itl eld olde r
(2) "Idnt
131new newer newest
141big 151 bigge,t
161 lnMlI sma llar (7) smalieSl
1811-.1'1 lo, elier
high 191 higltet highest
\1 0)f_e morelamous mostfamouo
good It uUr!e'T ,..
large lorger 02l1....aSl
It3) hmheT furthest
modern It4l ma<e modern mOi! modem
I!l Key
t. oppa.ite; 2. ne, r.3, onme ,ight: 4. between; 5. behind; 6. infronl
01:1. In; 8, un der. 9. in front of; 10. 0" Ihe left,
Sp"dki "l\: I\i\'ing <.I i"",'llo'"
o Key
2. Is la' lromhere?; 3, turnleft into; 4. Walkstr.ig ht down; 5. go
past: 6. Go straight aero..; 1. Keep on the rig ht hand . ide; 8. You
tan't miss it; 9.Th. nk you verymu ch
Links III/ith the past
ropics:the history of Britain uptolIle Second World War,
thehistoryof the USA upto 1969, colonisationand the
slavelrade. the historyof Jamaica. the early historyof
Counlries: UJ(, USA, Ireland, India. Singapore, Hong Kong.
West Africa. Jamaica. AuslIalia
lIng. age, past tense" passive
Vocabul ary. historteal events, colonisalion, militarywords,
Military action: .rmy. b.nte. furt invasion, nalll'. ocoupation.
troops. oicto'y,
Religion: abbey, monaste ry.
B g.f Qrv you reag
EI ' '''' if.m}"Dl1e in the <I.,,, ( ,'tl i,k tlt ify the I",-,pl, dnd ,I,,
1'1 ,,,',, "'i th""1 ,...,,,!ing tlw 1"'",.
DAY2 lilabe' h I. DAY 3 = The Towe r of l ondon, DAY 4 =
Slonehenge. DAY5 William Shakes peare. DAY6 _ fo untains
Abbey. DAY1 HadriansWall
111 la ko,hd< fl"ok, I"'!l'. r.) "lid,""" "'.,d ,h. ' ,,"I .lIld
""mpl!",," Ih,. t."k io p.,ir<.('ln'J' ,10 no, tltt<! ,,, "dd th,
l," " " ''''tl.mol.l
(h,,,k, "",we", with th, ",hoi" d,,,, ,,,king ,'u<l,nl, t" tdl
)'Oll in wh i, h <10)' of th!" t"ur t h!")' Im",,1 ,<'Ie,'.,nt
inf" m",ti"n t" 11w l"lli<'
o S,,,,I, ,,,, ,,",,<I Ill<" 'ext o/;oi" dml fiod l h, ."''''',." t" ,h"
qu,,Ii"n" <:I,,,,k, then ."k (offip,,h,"' i""
'l " ,',ti"",, "",h .1<'
t\ l"" J"'!'II(r1,J 10 ,I'm, &1,!","",J ff"",,,,J'
\111,," mil "' '' ploy in Slm'-'onfi
,hk if ""dm ", 1M"' dn)' "I th,.", pl.,,"" itl h/;l.lI\ d,
'" 1. To protect themsefves and l heir Emp ire fromthe Scottish tribes;
2. AQuae Suli,; 3, The Ro man balhs; 4. The Eng li,h (under King
Ha' oldl and the Normans lunder William the Conqueror), The
Norm.ns won; 5, Williamt he ConQueror. in 1018; 6. Anne Boleyn.
Cather ine Howard and Eli, abeth I; 1. He,ofd allthei, buildings and
iand; 8. Eli, abeth I.
o '.l,k i n 1"';"- If .1,. h,winil
,lime"ll\, i<!rnlifyi"ll tk 1"'""1'10, y,,,, w"ldl(iw tl w " ,,,,,,,,
in iambl"f ordrr O il II,.. I"""d.
Tho phothow:
top: QueenVi cto, ia
middle: HenryVIII, JohnF. Kennedv. Jul ius Caesar
bolWm; fromthe Bayou, tapestry, Georg. WnhinQlon
Chronological o.der endimp"n"nce:
Jol;a, Ca es", (inoaded Britain end made it part 01 the Roman
Empi' el.
The Bayeu, tapeSlry(depicts howthe Norman, . uod"Willi,m the
Conqueror. invaded Britain aod deleate d the EnGlish at t he Banle
o! Hastings in 10661.
HenryVlfl lcreat ed l he Ch urch 01 Eng land . nd broke wilh Romel.
Oeorge Wa,hington (first Pres idem 01 the USA 10lfowing it,
independence fromBritainl.
Qu . enVi ctoria lB,itain's longest-serving monar ch and head olthe
British Empire at its height!.
John F. Kennedy lassa., in"ed US PresidenL Ch.mpion of oivil
nght. and of the USA's spa ce race l.
EI [xpl "i" thot , tlld,"t, "'dy I"",!" to d I,w ,,1 th,."r
d.l... - lh,")' oot ' ' f" "<.1,-J tu knOll' them oil ..h . dy,
' t" d"nl, mmpl"hlh,. lo, k in p.,i", thl"O d ,, "<.k .\0"","" ",it h
tfl(' ,,'h,,1<> d d"
1066 d. The Norman, invade Britain
1534 I. Engla"" breaks awey fromthe Catholic church.
1775 a, The USA declare, independence fromB,itain.
1914 g. The First World War begins.
1m e. The beginning ofthe G'eal Depression inthe USA.
1945 b. The Second WondWar ends.
1969 e, on 1I1e moon.
1509 1547
Stonehenge buikbV nanoe Britons
Rolfllln i"".sioo 01 under Juliu, Caesar.
Normen iO\l&sion 01 uoder
Willi"", til , t'<l"jUlll,,,,
Reignof King Henry YIIi.
England bre.ks withRome,nd lo,m,
Churchof England,
Reign of Queen M. ry1.
Reign 01 Queen Eli" bath I,
Defeat of the Spanish Arm.d.,
3, Enqland:
a historical tour (pp. 36-37)

D ,'ud(',, '< mmplo- t" t il" t."k in p.,i". Give h" lp ", he,...
and Queens, kin gdom. monarch. 'eign. successo,-

l:1I ,\, k ,tud" n', lDlonk .\t pitt .. " ", of th" kilt, hd!Q;i, ",,<I
".'gpip'" and '0 tdl )'0" ",h<1t <0"" 1'1' the)' ., ,,.
" ilh, A, k il otlv ,1<1,i," " how I"," 10 ""t lond. 'tUl I,"ot, "dd
th, tn t "n S,;,t laod ood find 'n t il<' 'I'''',ti,,''>,
a Soottish mu, ioal insuum. nt bagpipes
an ankle of Sceni,h clothing,
a Scottish d, ink:whisky
a type of Soonish fuod: h.ggi,
Teacher"s Notes
ml!I!I {D Tl"Mh..(, lI..ok. 1"',Il<" 61 Slu,k'"'' Int un
."", in a rid <t>ml'lrl.. Ihl" Id.k. Ch,,, k ."',,-..'" " i lh
Ill<" ,,-I><, k- c'la"
'" . Ill. kilt b. bagpIpe, ; c, """'.ky. d. the kilt; 1 0 !he and
EJ Knnind """l<oI""lwt 1Mrniod,,,, lor lh.. "nil ... onl}"
'i,!lC.!>llll 'iludm" tI,......." the- qun.iio". '0 "", .... "",ling
001'" of kt1".....",.. fH'<>rk' and plo<... Jour 'UW1I,vfrom
thooc <<TIl",.;",., ("011<-<1 k>o'dl>o<k fnomII>< "hoi.. ,la"
Wet t lno
o Thi, j. ""', "....,nl lid" ",ti,il'\". '" d. no!
10 """,,Ii... iooi, 'idu.ll "udmt>" ho mlt nol .... "mnl(
""""'1rd;Ito:' of I>,.. on
Elie;! from 111<-,1.0" ."" ""'l"th<1n in noklorm
on the boon!. Stu<Jt.n".ho:-n ;,..dwKlLWIIJ' .. ot<- up 1M 001....
mlo .. <hn>noloIl..-.oJ ul>lor.
'" I. Koog. Singapore; 2.J.m.ic. :3.lndi. ; 4. I. eland; S. Am.,ic.;
' . Chln. ,
III 10. rI.." 10 """'" 1"0 Brili>hIi' ..... Ih.., 11:"'" n<h Imm
,Id'" Itad<.-. lncdle [j'..rpool dn<l R.i",,1 ,," d mdl' or
.."" " 'h,' " udf-nl\ II..-.' N il '" m",h
bu,in.,., from Ihe >!d':" 1,...1,. <h<'-<d...... "I Ih. i, """""n ,,"
"....1 roa>l of The """nl')'. ",,,, " ... AII.."I'"
<ro\,i"8' l, ",...J .ill I/r I,,,t, abou' ..nd .. n,,,,.,.
,h. qur>lin",. ABrr <heding thor dn""". d,l """'" """..
roml'"""n"on q......,ion" ,,,,h d" Ilh) i> ,.......-oJ fJu,"
(<II...... i>I """'" Po Bri>I<>l'
1. 8ffIust it was lho Eo'""".n v Ag.,nst Recism;2. H. w
M....t>. n "1/I. Eu' ape. nP ntlOf f1lislol; 1 TIIa 01..... 11.....;
4. AnA1nc. noIovewIIcI fIlistol. 5. shClW51/111lho
If. ,ecoglll$illg ee C1lI'lUibulion 1lI1ho w.... II"" 101/Ie C(y. '- An
18'" Centutybusinnsmon; 1. H.1/I1flb11>1, weshCluld lor(live him
Ior his ..........mem...lho ....... II.....
ate actjvitios
Stue*1tl ,u..rch more,boo! \tie Roman
OCCUII'lIOn 01 6 nt1.... Thrr fitId 0IIl how Ior'll
the OCC_listed. Ind focus on
towna. IUd. II CoIchnWr, Yon,rill Cheater,
StlJ\ltnts '_lIth _ bouI lI'lI hIstDry of
Scol!lond. ItS sOnlbel' ,lid 1IIlJ""11
.no" .....111. E"lI,..d
Sludent> di>cu>, the qun.lion, " 'l1hd l'o'nnrr. ,t>rn "l"'"
bk ,,, ,he-"holr d Co.. <tudtnl\ 'hinl 01.m' nthN ( d....
"t.rrr p<'Of'k in """'1 1'0..') N,..
hi"ori<dl ....I. INI Ihn' IwoJ no 1"" in lfor .......mpl<. I""
l\lpt tttnllt, for his pr<'d<''>'u, n<>l 'i"dU"lI nnl
0I 1/r "h,- f"'<'PIr
.....k.''- dod .. ht<hrr thr). h.o, ...... !. ........n'''lI
Extra actiyjti9
3b Britain's coJorjal past (pp. 38-39)
o 1!0 la TO'" d ,,.-, !look, 6) St",I."" ""w n..<lII", !I'xI
in n'KJ'" d" ,lIld ..""" ., Ih, 'l'""ii"""Ch",k ..n"""" " 'it h
Ih,' " 'hol" , 1.."
V91i"a b u lacy
E1 ln,Ii, 'idudlly, ,,,,,1""1' 'llJitldy " ',Ml ll><' In!> ..,..-I find th<-
mi"ing " 'urd, ,,,me """" 'dl '1",...1i,,,,, "lM'"1 Ih" I,"1 I"
prd< l isc II><- n," " onl, For o , .. ml'k Ill".... ,Ii<! ",,,,I
.miyranl' ...!lI. ''.I'" Ih. 1"'1"'" 1",ni".1 111.... Ji,l l/ritain OOjjn t"
<oWJ,i... IIIJ i.. '
Dis<:uss WIthstu<MnU,I YOU' CMI'I COl.Ol tryhoI
...., had its CMI'I colonin. or bft<Illw colony
of .ntltI>er CO</I\lrV How ..d wily ISod dI,
clllclnisoliatl occ.... _ """"I , 11K-to tf;d it
"- ,
hQn>a. Ottl""' ... _ 011/1.
IY9ryday k>ods h...... bun rnpo<tlldIrom They
,.pon back 10 dill c,-n arid disc... torI.v.
""POri .nd of lood
1Iat. ,d
e l!I!1{t T.d(hr(, llook, f"l1l:1" 6) ..nb 'luHkf !' nW, h Ih..
'YP'" 01"""011" ' 1"" , 'h..m" I,....., It", ,,,,,,
in fu ll. '1IItlcnl> whdl h,-I[><'<I , I,, ," ,,, i,I"nlll)' ".II h (P,t
1. D; 2. /\;3. C; 4. e.
vOC8 b: Y /8 ty
I!I Slud.."" ""'"1'11"1" th.. I.., k ill ( <i ",' hel p "' I"...
n<"."" ,')'.
'" 1. c: 2. 1;3, d: a. e; S. b: 6. a.
o SI",I.." I, " ..<1 , h" 11m((',I , on SI(HI" nl>' II<n ,k -1( ' ." ,,1
. n",.., Ih.. '1u.-sl in n.. Chfrlll"ll<"di "'Illl' '''ho'", ioll hI'
B,tqre !(ou reaR
(] I)i"",,, ,h. qur>lion, .., d (ld" .
3c The British at war (pp. 40-41)
" .ding posl
noun/th, fl6rsrm!
tTl/d. ,
10 u tl /.
10 t,ede
10 coloniso
BJ:fo m YOu rea d
o + El A..l \lUcI...", 10 10..1 'h.. ,,,,,nlnn '''''' d''' d...ll ",lh
,n , .... Ii,... n.JIi<II""'Y"hM uM, in Ihi, b<.>ol. d",llo ... kllo
1;';1 ""y othN Enll:li>h-'f'<"dLiAJI """nlli<'< IN I lhey , ""
IhinL 01. A,L lh<-m dl,,, ,f Ih.... (dn t<il "'>0.' "hc-rt- Ih<- fuool,
in lh<- photo> ..... mmrnonlr IIn""n. I"" """I.>
roIorli>.It.........tlmtttlt ..nd ......
JI ""'''''''1)', prompt '''MIr,,!> I" dn"".. II><' b!-'
",Lin!! tht-m ho-.,' 0 ".. ,ounlrr ( Om<'> 10 N'" .. >lronll
inn"..,,, ,,, d",.II..., I"" IFd,lt. by ><1lkm,nl. b!-- mnq...->t
- " '"h " 1.... to'lI: I" ml"ni",t..",),
Before ygu q U.N
D 'itud<n" di".u", thr """'''01'' in 1""'" rhm "1"'" b..d
10 Ihr . 1....,.
3d History at the movies
(pp. 42-43)
"" 1. She wn 12when the wI' stened , end 18w" en . nded,
2. 11 wa, I,no Sunday and he r mum we> m. king dinne" She
,emembe'. be ing sent to get hor dad in tromthe glrden to li'ten
ta (h, 'Idic.
3, A p, inter fo, the 10c. 1newspeper, He wn loo old 10 go (0 war,
4, II ""S bombed in , 942,
So She st.ned treining to be e nu, SI.
&. That rtw.. necess.!)' and justil ied,
Oi".u", rl><- '1u",tion ",. ,1.0"
Etl'tca asUyafe:!
BHcUa g
El (ill] ' 0 Te.che" Book. 6) " '"d , '
I",,,;(,,, ,,h<'''''/m.ns in hi"",!' fi",. 11K""! ' I.....n ' d
I.... '!"10!,"" uf l he film, ."d m"" h Ih"m I<J Ihe I><',-;od, of
hi,'ory Ch"'k ge"",.1 "'ml' n' h,' ",,,,,, hy 'I u,., lion,
II I", i , dUJ who JOt' JI( http!
111,.., ,f" II" ,!o"" <1, ill AmhldJ'1
1\110 j, 1o, ,I., oj1h, Iilltior?
II; Th. bsr of rII. MoIlie. n. l eno,
S: The PiU;,,!
C: Gone with the Wind. How lhe West w" Watt Amisrod
I1n:l end_1rorn\QWtoo.nJyfro'nlhol
l\"OWorIdWn .. EngIish.
Sluclertls en akI ..... ebo.I .....
".,.....- Socond World W..IfllI_till
....rlJIllb.- _ ..fngIIieh.
SI I ,
- oWr-..g
1m'<-: 011, no. My dad ... quite old _In M .... so.. ... 1Ie
d;dn ', "-to go. HoI.... --..d '"' pml... on ,,.,.
1ocIl ,.... P...... ... ,.,.!\ad quot. ....
du1n& tho_.
...,.........." _ t ...... ... 1M1n1
1m'<-: In
... And llath du1n& the _, <It
8fm-: 'llK. tl\at', Thtte _ r- ........ 01boo,a. in
Apri 19-4.l. It .-_ lO pocpIo _ lUlled,buI
Ioo:kiIy ... _ *iCI'< and noOody II\af ... U-wn
................" _doyou """"Ot< _ the_oI the _ I
1m'<-: 1I_; . reIO!f. " ally, juot ed to co<
- to --.l Mr-Y.' _,.., "'1 nlnin&
to be .......... ... I wn vo<y busy _ .. t hat.
INTI"""""", And t-do y"" I... '-- __'. part in the
_.' 1 00 you tha, it wn neceuary' That
it jul.tifoedl
8lm: Oh. abK>Iuteljr. We !\ad 10figl>t _ ... had to dofond
""" , ..'"' .. .. tllot. Nobod)o
quosIloned it at . ll
ca Il i" ' '', t I", I" ,,", t ." " dol" .
Thl poste, is IPPliling to peopl. women) ,a lu Vl the
hame to wo, kin lil ld, ro n. lpto gllllle hl",est in,The Vierorv'
r. f. " . d to could bl 'eall ,l eould be the hl"'''1!t me end 01rhl
wor. I hor thl SIIti, h Wert vie1O,-;ou,I, or rtcould b ' I fll,nelto
I Iuluro ";elOly. Ihl t would bl won d the S'iti,h peopl e III wo.... d
'I"""........ " .. h."
li horalnJilioln ..... rlw IoIon IlDi>tI ill " htrt l1o.:Imm II""" oni,""
I' hor >IopptII /ron' 0'
1\ ""r,""'. "",,,.-1>4 r", fboI< ""'" '" ""'"' ......... " tIP'
1. Cold. -........, _. 2. H,.tIers to untnIe -..,.,....1tllOIU
IhMlilt wc.oldtd ...... t_bod ""PlIi\t lromlilt 1rOflI ...; 1
( ..... p/rysltdy til"'. ThIt. """,ld I """ d """ III" til""":
(. At .,.,., IIlIng ..-.ougII? Did.,.,., _be, OoI(llIInI>d.,.?
D 0.\01" Ihr 'I'...... ion' '" " 0.1...,. ",kIng "",1m" 10'uf'l''''
<Id"'K of .......1*., d....., in thr ",,,,. A,k
I"rtl<U rl!' .t>ou, tIM' fttIi"le' of lhr I""'f'I<- .. h<> ,.n ,hr".
Wf tgn lng
mCD Tr. ... . hpl.o,n t""l "ud<nl> ,IIOinll'Q .." ..... 1...
""ltWr>h "'um.on ... op durmlt tlw"'0.< ",...It-nb tNd
t!lruo.W> Iix- '1'''''''''''''.00 pr<dxt "'" ."'"n>.
1'1.,. I1M' ....ord,"ll Studmr. ..,. "h<-th<-r IlM'y1'""1",,,",,
.n! 01tIM' .n'......... or ""'-
PLl!' Iix- .... _ I,nll ....ond Ii...... <'IooI.U I1M' .n''' .....
from Ihr ..Lo"
(arit ;oh ace...,,'
l-<tt ........." SoIftty. "-- old _ you ........ tho _ ....,..,1
!<lTv: Iwnl __il
f...shod in 19'5,
I"" ...""" WtIM.,... you """"" tho d'YIllot 8rit.oin
...' ..od,ho ",..t
111_ I con 'omsmW il vo<y <I..rty. w a _
SoplOmbH l ho 3,d 1939 - . nd it ..., buulilul
Mum w m.king tho Sunday dinn.. in II.. lil , h. n . nd
I ..., ....lping her, M, Cham!,;.in _ t .... Prim. Mini. ",
- c' me on I"e ,""io. Mum sent m. to le"' h in
hom lhe ga'den, W 11 >at in tile kild..n and linened
10 , h. ,.d4o,The Pnme Mini, ...... id ,h., ........,. at
w.. ..ilhGermAn)o,
IN"........ " WtIM did Ih.ot h.we IN your fa"';l)'l lM
your f.,,,,,, h.we to go off 10...... for..ample?
Be'l?Cft you SteO
" l!I!J " Book. 1"11'" 61 O''OI" .. hcthrt ,.,.."
,,,,,,,,n' " ... 'n'...trd dun"ll thr 'i.<'rond Worid w". .ond
rilrd ir UM' fl"'<'Pk. f.:cpLoi n ,'''' , .....". Ihr 0..."",,1
h...."'" 01 Rnl n ,,,"o>dt-d bul r""l in Ihr .... "'. ,,,,.on of
thr Ihr Rnl"h pt<1t'd 1t"""'a1 'nI''''ion Imn-.
A-llhr d." ..h., !t"'<"ffirnrnt mighl .>d,' .... il>popuLolion
to do or nol I II do in Ihr <"\'.'1 oJ .n in , .,ion. Sfu,k-nr, Ihm
rom"... II><- "",t<hinll ,. ,l in I"i,,;
( ht.-k !l""rt.1 hy . , ki"8 '1"<"\li.. II> ,u, h.s:
ll boo I:I,-;ti,', I"'P"lolion " us! .. gi,-. ,,,,", onlm.'
II"', 'f'Rifu lI,i,,!!, IItrt lh'l r<lU WhUitfmm lh, in,'oJm'
.. III; b. IV; c. VI: d. I: I , VII; t il ; I. V.
Module J:C
Teacher's Notes
l!J I!l!J10 ... IM-(> Ik>oI<. """'" 61 I"" I.....k
in ""i'"

Englil;h Puma nSlIm_" mo._ toAm.",a
The SC"h/r UlltIIt

The '"HI cholr.eto" Q
Th. Slory: Q
Th. d..logu, : 8
The Cl merewor' : Q
The hi.lo,ic.l accu,a,v: e
C fJidt ,on"" ',, fm,n ,h, <I .", ."" wl10k
1. EngfaM; Z. Am' ric'; 3-Th' noM' ''' . toIes;4.Georgi III; 5. Nativl!
Amln e.n. ; 6. Atnel n and Catibboa" .fa"".
D Sh'd, 'n!> oJi"",. Ihe 'Ilt'''li"n, in I"i " ,I "'>"1'10' nf
p,'i" I" I" ,I", whule ,I .",
Extra a.ctiyi tl'lI
" C) Ird.... 9 li,len in morr <I,1dtl.,,,1
,I<,c..... ""..,'. "fJinion Ut,,1rr ,1M- f".. C4"1I''''''''

The ....iII cholroettr: inletbIII. chlnll'" .... 0\lini0n.
Toe Itory. YetY long. ...... _t.... uninlttllSln>g low>loOt.,
Tbt ....1ogut: \t)O """"""'100tnOdtm-
The _-.t boewful p/IoIovflp/ly, nftIng. 1M
The himtiullccurocl' too ....pltled. toon>odttn
Selllemll. n!he -.nstlt.I
The llS\I of altve<y n the SOlIth
The FrenchWI"
1lIoUsl " , .
Tho D.d '",
EJ In pa,.... h,*, 110.: lop lell h.1 In tTlOn" ,leIdoJ " ",I
I'l l" fL.l lhe .. tt, ,h",nu,,-,!!i'dl ,,,,In dn. ,1",....
,h,lI ' h,'J-' lhink Ihey knm,-, A, ,, tI,,,. :ttld
" "ilt ' il on Ill(" lx"",!. ,\ tld .hulenh' '''AA'''bl dolt"'> I" lilt"
'">" 'n", I"" do nol "'I "'l' mol", ,,' II", drr , Of n " I
ttl ""I
- Co . ,1iI1lSi... Studtntswm:h
0 "'" Setu- I V_,ll COfIIlIt-..;on ta ...
Rn . ell Sfudt<rts r_t<:h .nd ...u lbouIlhe ",
G_o- 11I.nd G_V- Wi shington.
l!J C) Tr..<I.10 rn '. lc"'-.......
b>tm to 11M- ,,,"k 11M- onlrflM ...........
on II><- boa"', Thtn I""" li'I"" _",..,..j 11M-
ddl'" 0I1"" nW.. Conlirm "htt"" ,,.. rd 11M- ddl.... lhrtllht'
'1",l<nh ,Ilol l .... in ...."nt... 1 "lITn1 or not
' . peactipt
(""' KCont)
0 (. Ion III "-you oil d;d on On our 20" <o"'"'}' If you
......mbt" I g_ you Iho lop 10 new> " 00'" of , I. .. <lnl ury
l od you had to 1'"' 'I><m in chrorrologicol ordt<, So "0.. 'NO go.
Tho fin' .....0' W"'I'" nigll' of ' IleWright bfo'h in, "'ir li,"
1'1- -Ihot ..... in 1903, j\KI a <ouple of :to"" into , I>< <onI"'}'.
Thtn no _>1)'. iI ,1>0 Fir>! WOOdWor. ""'":h bIg.oo in 191.,
""' _ ...... -non in ..... t>eintl g;- ..... right ' 0_ .
""'" unb!1920._..,.,., .11.. tt-..
3. The USA: makinq the news
in the 20th century Iw- 44-45)
R.C! foC! you
D ,10k if , ' utkn' >(dn dm' of 11tt f"" I'I, or t l", ,w,,"
tn pholOWdph. , Tdl lh,'m l h.. . 1I ' h,,"<" pOOl'" n-f...- I"
........", in 11M- 'OPI"" h>!.:>I1d.-k lhtm I" mal,h lh<-m.
1 Atomoc bomb "" H.-osIWnlo, Nl9ull.t ,ts on !he tnOOn
6 "' tII JohnF, KIme<Iy IUlssinll'" tn D.lIa.
Q C) b ...1. 'I lia '0 T,... hn'. IIool. _ ol l,plotn 10
>luod<11h Ihroll""" mu>lli>l<n lor 1.... 11\oUl'. gn><'1'.1 opinion
of I <ld1<-....,., "f"'<" of 11M- 1,1"" n"'l ........kl ",,c Iry 10
u I. "'l .fl " I d<1.d>, Plro. 11M- tnonli"ll ortI., """'_
.nd cirrI< 11M- '
Tl pltSC. ipl

W"..,,,,, 1' .. go' us> vid>for . onight
M' N: Oil. groot. Wh.t did you gil?
W"..,.", 1go! T1>f P.lfiol - Mol GiI"o,,., On ii ,
M"", 011. r... oI<tody >Hn lholt. Sorry. You _,h il II you

Wot, 1_11... iI vtryMu<!l. Iut th< ..-
-.c-', p><i HoI Gib>a1 _fought
On lho F<WodI ..,.j _ -.. ..,.j ho', tMI)o of
_. 10""'"" th<Wor 01 >taru, ho i5n1, Iut l hoo> tho Iri<;,h ..a" doiI'Cu mblo
Ihi..,.. _ ho <10<_ "'"' hot>a< ' 0 l iz!"-
So it', good >lory, l hen
Will, ". "0. 00' t ..lly, Tho main >lory' , O( bioi il" ..ry
10ng,AM lho<e', 101of 'luff .bout hi, I. mily ,holt ',
,..lIy . t>d ...,, ' imen' '', At>d 1"0.. aro
two _ "orio. , hot iIKI On"t vory in' ''''''i''l_ lhoy
...... your anomion ""'" tho _ ""'Y,

..,., tt-.. " ft' . "'" omotionol._

Is onytIWIrlOOd_ ill
Oh, JI". n __0<. Thop1toapIlJ', _4, lui
,f> . VIfJ boout,fu1 Tho<H<i"ll _ l ho
c"',"""" ....
SoIi's ...,.;,tic? - I . h"loO<oI fi lm.
WtI, orm' , no. I didn' llrnok<0.
Howool"'u ml.n?
Well, I ohougttt it WI< 100,i mpl;!itd,Thl 8rill," we..
oil rutly """'bIo and violIot , and I.... we..
.olltood It>d__. 11 oas 100 blad< and whi,".
011. _ <Om< of iI _ ' 00 modom- u tho Mol
CibolO<> c!>KI..- t.od I pIa'lUtlion. but _ ', _
IJhj ....... 'That ..... of thin _ ..
o I;,il Irom Ik tid" ," ,I whoI!' .

6 lJiKU" Ihe ti"t '1ll(', ti,,,, ;0 ir<, "'1( Ith.. """'0<1 'I' ""ti"n
a, d "I."
9 Thl "nd of f.o i. 1 inUS schools 1954
6 Presidlnt JehnF, Kennadyass.$$iMlld in D.IIa. 1963
2 Fifstmanwall<s onthe meon 1969 studlnts to di"uss how these
events were to the world, and wh.,
effecls thlV h.d onthe USAand On the world
Studentswrite. report ofa 'ell news stary in
Eng li.h, suitable fo, ,adiob,oadoost Ingroups,
sludents follow these
3. Enqllsh everyWhere:
Jamaica (pp. 46-47)
fore K!l' U rfI,,!.d
o Dirm >tu,le,,!>' """ ",;on '0 the phot"" cl1\<1 Ihe m"I' . <1i,;l
"")1hillll l ha' >t", k'nt, knoll' <,lx,u' /,'m"i,'" II", ..' ,.mpl... th'"1'
might k"oll' abo"t 1",1(")' .",1 ""AA'''' mu,i,', '" th.. rod
lhat )dm"i.." I, ,m i,I<""n.
- Each Qmup ohoOSes a Currem news SIOry fnetia"of or
internatianall that theythinkwould be 01;nte'est 10 paople
in the,king world. If necessary, provide
"e..... linVau, ownlangu.gel ta SlUd unts Iect
a stal)', it does not matte, it mOreth. none groupchoo, es lIle
sarna story.
-G'oups maku rIOte' inEnglishoflho pointsof the story,
upanyrelevsnlvot lbularyin diClionary, Givehelp
whata necessary,
- Groups o,derillenota. imo. coherentstCI)'. Remindstude nts
that radionlw. bulleti n, usuallyst.rt with 3 short 'hoadline'
summarising the main story, . nd then go on to g;ve mote
- With help tromthe others, one membar ofthe group writes
thonlws iteminlull. Tell sludlnt, thot thei, storyshouldnct
last mo,e th.n 90 seconds when ,e. d "loud.
- One ' tudent fromelth groupf. different student tothe one
whowrotothostoryinluIIIreads thI story. Iou dlOthe class.
It you li k. , youcould reoordthusa 'broadcasts'.
- Afte' e. ch 'epo rt tha doss a few comprehansion
quastions 10 chackthot th.V have understood. fl mo'e lIlan
onegrouph chcsenthe same storyte report get Ill . class
tocomp'fe the dillerenl versions,
EJ ,hk if ,1"d..n1.. (,." "">11'("' ,Ill" of th.. lI'i,hotlt
fookinH " t 'he I"f"rrn"tion l-'i1,'. then mmp\,t< ,I,,
'o,k;n p"i",
1, No, it dossn!. It is .n island;2. It is inthe south-east, 3, 600,000;
4. In 1962; 5, On the oaast
111 Ix plai" th,\I 1'011 KO)' d l "'0" O'l<' "I ,1" 1i",1 to\>' n< i"
I;,m"i..,,, 11'11<"1) !I\(" f,I,,,,,1 , ta,,,,11n be roluniS<'<! loy f""'I"",,n,
in ' he 17'h<mtur)'. h", 'h,,' i!"" ,,,i,t, Slll<lr" " " ',urn
10, d", a" ",','" to the q"""tion, ;n p"irs, Exf'l"f" II",t i , ;, not
n,'('(" '") ' 10 ,,,,, I,',,t"i,, 1..v..ry wnrd on th.. CI", k
I\'"" ,-,al ro mp"-'h",,,;on hy J>ki"!; '1","<o' i"", >L l("h ,'"
\\Jw 'm< tl" -bral",,,,"fII" ,,,,,,I?
11 '/wt ' I P'" aJ 1"",,,,, ,Iii! 11,'1' I"i"y to p,Jt1
1.The richeSI."d wickedell cityinthewo, ld; 2.Morgan.ndTe.Ch
Were pirales, NelSonandBenbowwere officors inthe navy; 3 By
an londlidal w",el.
StudenlS distun the important evenli th.t
have happenad tothe USA sinte 2000. If thaI'
need anyhelp, the te"e,i'l . tt.cks of
Septembe, ll1h 2001 andtha IreQ W.r of2003,
. cti. ily
111 1r" lil-idt' oUy. , t"d,' [\!' ' I"i, 'kl\, , ..a<1 the " " ,md d..,.;,,,"
",hkh fnm, of ronlrn" ni""tion i, d,'all " illr in", KIt I"" awoph.
("h,"", th!' d'''''''' '' ",ith tl w a, ki,,!; ' 0 j,k lllify
'he pa," of ,h.. "" t tl"" "''"'' "i" th,' ,'dn 'an' inlorn'dlion.
First ,adio.
Secondp. r.gra ph: film,
Th ird paragraph, television.
Newspapers are nat cooored inthe text,
5 Wcmen;nthe USA gfuen thurigtlt tovoW 1921)
10TheUS stock market 1929
Beginnin9ofthe G,a.t Oep,es.sion
3 bamb$ Peer! Harbof. USA enwrsWork! Wu r II 194\
I Atomic bomb dropped 00 Hi ra.him., N.g.... i 1945
7 NOliconoelltr.tian campsexposed 1945
beginningof the Gre" Depr..' ion, 0/ the WanStreot Crash, in
Ing. The bombingof Poarl Harbor come, ne><t. in 1941.andthe
".><t two are quite ""'y. be<au,o th.... I>.>ppened fn the "''''''
t!>on thodiO'Iiel)' of the No,i COIICoWatfoncamp' andtho
dfOPpingof the atomic bomb. Both 1945, a, I'msureyou kn.....
fnto the 19500 noww;ththo..,d of racfal 'og'egotionin our
""oi, in1954, andffnally the . ' ,"",,""tionof jFK _ Pre,ident
John F. KOMoOy- in 1963 andthofi" t moonwalkin196 9
4 TheWrigtlt brothers fly the first powered aeroplanu 1003
8 WcrldW.r i f>egins in Eu'ope 191 4
iii Studen', (0 "'1'1,",,' ,h,' ""k in<lividu" lIy, then d",'k thei,
''''''''<"1'< " 'ilh" I"' rtnn
1. Franklin D. Roo. avelt 2. A se, ies of radio bro.doasts to lhe
AmeriC l npeopla; 3.Dacemberath, t941; 4. Shortnewsfilms shown
incinemes; 5.Twioe weel<; 6.600mill;on; 1. Neil Armstrong, Bu"
Aldrin and Mic haal Collins; 8. At stationfnAU'I... li. ,
I) Thi, i, prot",bl\, b...,! , ' a" ,, 1,,,. , I. " ,' '' h"f' )', '" a, not
I" i,m"li i"di l'irl"dl ,t",lent>who mi!!ht no' h", ', d,1",n8
l<"",,'I,x!g, 01 hi,'o')-'. EIi";t <\lAA''' iun, from the <I .,,, "I\d
w,ile Ihem in no'e fo,m 0" ,Il<" hOM,I, Stud,,,,, th..n
i",hidualJy w,ite up ' he not,, into" tup "'n I;", ,,,,I,.,-i ng
Ih, ( I'em. ," ,I,,'\, f,, 1 appmp""",
'Teache....s Notes
Extra Bctiyjtie
fa Sludents di,l'U" Ih,' 'J'''''''o"" i" p.,i" .
y o c Bb u laa
o l!Ia la Te"ehd, 1IO<Jk. 1'''8'' 61 Slud,''' t' rompl"'e the I",k
i" !"irs. After m....-kiJ\H Ih,' am",,.rs. ",k som!" olh... '1u," lion,
aboullJ", te,l, to I'r.'1i'e Ih,' oew ""ml;, for <'Xdml' l" \\1"'1
.Iio11" Brili>h 90,m""mr do ill r807' l\l' '' J l,apl"'" J ill Imllaim III
n"',(",,,, 18.11>
1. ,"racy, 2. pl"ntatioo.; 3.own" (S); 4. ,ebellion; So abolition. oy;
6. Independence: 7. Inhabrtams,
0lpM.ible . nl w.rl
Austr. lia's first people we,e lIJe Abo,igines. They have occup ied
the conlinenl fo, . t le' SI 50,000 v .,s, Bnd b.fore tll. Europns
e"ived in 17Mthei, populationwa, p,obablv betw.en 300,000 .nd
750,000, n.
s III sllha 1e"Ia'l
AII". I" G. p"iR J a.. " G,al, , "I" 11' 1" al ' I" as al
01011'Rl ng the ari tish did oot s.ttl. in Aust, alie until 1788. l'l!&
het " " ., " i IIlIlQ ee" iel" b "", ERRI , n'. Thel
e.n,d 1"8 a". , "or a '"a, le" , a; 'Ia ' "', lea
!liSle,i'R" 0\111 to" , .. . 8.l a' ." ',,"'I' a
Some seyth. t Britai" w.s Uyingwfi"d new pl.ce.lo s. nd convicts
b. cause aritish prisons we,e 100 c,owded. say tllal th.
British w. medW use Australia's netura1,"sou'c es 0' that lIJey were
Bnempling ," st op otlle, Europeans f,om cla iming Aust ralia
' . w al'a' "." "p, lelleR I " A01""1\ efi 1788. Mo. t of t he
poople were erthe' convicts or fo, mer convicts who h. d finished
tlleif .emallces.
Inllle 1830s, mOfe mig,ants Brrivod in Au, tralie fromari teinloo,ing
lor a new li le. Sheep f.,ming had . I,eady developed . nd m.nv
peoplefoundjobs onferms. 'la ' , . 1,"eo 'Ji8lSFie,
W"I"" A. ' lJ, lie, To,.. .,i. a"' fl,a n aI la' IF Ilaas,"e
I"' ,ft", b" ", ,"e' ,,e, ll ' ,I ' . OlF , l'a
[) KeV
a. 3;b. 4:C. 5:d, 1;e.2
I!l KeV
2. .,rived; 3, died; 4. we,e ; 5. h.d inc,used;6. immigr.ted: 1.were
looking; 8. were hoping: 9, found; 10. made; 11. h.dn'l inv.d.d.
Wriling" 'l,m mMy
1h" 1"',( ,'nh, rf..mhe .,1iom Ihol dl a
'pttific tim!" in the p.1'I,
Th,' 1""1 conlinu"u. ""rb, d,'S<.1"iI><' oo",l"u"", ,,(lion, Ih"t
pm,'lrle<i. b"ckwound 10 "nolh," 1'<'<1 "Clion,
1'-" 1 I",rfcr' "'Tt,, <I""Til", ."lion, 11",1 ,,,uJm,J b..f"",
olh,'c .,lion, in Ihe p,'S!
SIU ents feseart htll. R':t.1. nan ",Iigion<
t he importance 01 reggBe music 10J amaica" s
10dBY, They listen 1o a , egg.e .ong ."d
complete a comp, ehension luk
Find\favel b,oc hu,e , or p,int olJllnterne1sil<l s
(in your own language 0' in E"gllshl IhBl
,dvertlse holid.Y" inJBmaic" Discuss wit!llhe
st udents the feBlU,eSof Ihe t Ounl ry Ihallhe1
concentrele 0". endll1 e imp,essio" of J . m. ic.
tll.t \!leV Qiv,,_ ...
Rese.rc h
[) l!Ia 10 TNdwr.' Ro ok. 6) A, k if >lud!""t' know ..h ot
",mmOn food ""," pro<hl{('<1in J.,moko ily wlo";,1>
{,u!l"r).md \\h" workc'd for Ihem (Ame,, " , 1"w , 1. A,k who
Ihey Ihink li.."J in the I"rp,e ho",!" in Ihe Inp pholo 00 pog"
47, ,,,,<1 ",Iw Ih"y Ihiok Ihe 19'h "llt,,,) prim >I,u''' ' , Sludt"nt,
o'oJ tl>" t"xl ,,,,d "",,,,or Ihe q,,,,,liom. CI><-.:k "",,,.,,.. wilh
tl>" d o" . a,king m,d!"m, 10 IPII you wh,'", in Ihe ("xtlh,'
rd,...'.nl"n "dn 1><. f"und"tld getti"ll them 10 mIT<'<1
t he f"l,e ",,'emenl>.
1. F, lse; 2. T'ue; J. Fal, e; 4. T,ue: 5. F.lse; 6, T",e,
3. Lanquaqe & Cult ure (p. 48)
10 Tm"hd, lIO<Jk pdl'!" 7 for , uAAe,tin n, on how 10 us<'
'1'" ,. ('" I" ",
1'"" 'e<"P (I"',t , Imple, 1"" 1(o n' ill"o"-,, p,,, t
o Key
Austr. lia was used as e destine tion fo' a ritish t onvicts.
t'J lpouible en.werl
The aboriginas hav. occ upied Atuma lia lor ell.ast 5O,txXl v. ... ,
Th. ir origin. l l"' pulelionwas P'obablybetween :ol,OOl and 75O,ClXl
The Brili.h . rrived In Australia in 1788. Some historians say thel
Britainw. nled 10find new pl.ce, 10s. ndconvicts bec.use B,iti. h
prison, were too c' owded. Olhe.... y Ihal they w. nted 1o u, .
Aust ,. lia's narural reso urces 0' pre.ent olher European, ffom
claiming Australia. Mosl white Au , traliBn, w. '. lorm., convictS.
Intlle 1830s more migrants . rrived lrom Briteint o lookfo, jobSon
, h.e pl.rms.
EI K'1

had sailed
had finished
D Iponibla warl
Th. aborigi nes occupi.d Au,tralia fo' at 5O,ClXl years,
. nd Ihei, o'iginal population was probably betwe. n 3OO,ClXl Blld
750,000. The British errivedinAustr. liain 1788. Some historians say
IhBl Britain w.nted W find new places to se nd conviCll beceuse
Briti. h p,i.ons we,e 100 crowded, but sayth.t theyw'"ted
10 use Australie's natu,a l ,e,ou, ces Or prevenl otlle, EuropeBr'.
f,om CIBi ming Austrelia. Most wMe Australian. we,e fo,mer
convicts. Th. n, i" Ihe 1830s, more migrants fromBritain 10
100' fo, jobs on she.p f.r ms, (86 words)
States and systel11s
EI Student, I.... t.,k in I"''';', CI......k .n,,,..,,, "itll
th, "hoi.. d""
1&5; 2&3; 4&1; 6&8,
B" ONt yoy ' t a n
EJ .' ldle", l"'l ,ludmh """'''"''
Io< .mel Ellropr.on," h,. wh.., 0( Iht I1odliunooI
parlJ.t.mml t'kood ., """"... t'koion>, ". nobt" ollut.d
W>lrit, roulKik dt<" mIni dI Iut... cItrti<",.. 400 rnttnl><n
ollh<- p"m..mcnl 4... drdnl41EUl'OJ"'o'n
b r"'in. if n""",,"'1', lhool thor thor proportion
of ,host' ,-I'llible 10 '''Ie (.n,..........,,, 181 "-00 "" ...h mle
e<>eh "1<'<t;on, In llC....'.I, lu rnoul i n lhe L'Kh.; f.Uen
'h"d,1i1r ,i r".. Ih.. Second \ I'orld IV.,,_
British. Iettions Oyory 4-5VI' ''.
1. Th. Hous. 01 Common.
:z. Th. fIou oI lotd.
1 "" .......
.. Thalord o..""eIor,
5. It ,.",.Slms Bm in. histone.. "'-*Y_
O I!B II r...m.r-,Boo'" J'd#61!>ludmb ....4<l1h<-1"".. 4oo
a..."..... lhor q"""-ion._ 0... 1< am"..... "ilh Ihe <14.... d<J;,i"ll
>l udml" 0 ldl um ,,-hith part, 01 lhe horlpt'd Ih<-'" I"
choo<.<- . he A' k " 'N l ,."d.."" lhink .boll'
'h" 1""1" ".11" 1"",,,, lh,' m linll 16,
1. c; Z. b;1. b:4. e.
B Sludm" <I,,,,,,, II><- Ll, k in 1"";" Do ""I ...... k .n..' ......
u"'il 10 0\" . 1.... ....I'Mr.-i", 1.
The photos show
1. The WMe HounIUSAI.
Z. Buckingham, . ll c. tBrn. ;"I.
1 AUSI.....e...rt
l n.. Houws of ....nt (BtU....
A.a-{Iilabelh 111 Britlinl.
I . "..sOdem GeorgeBustl (USA!,

O. Mtmbtrs of lilt H_ oIlords IBntWll.
Tooi es: the UK p.,l i.mont. the UKmonarchy,lhe US
constitution,theUSlegal system, nalional days, prOlest
songs. the US government
e-tries: UK. USA. 1,.land
present lenses, past tenses. paSSIVe
\IouolMIla.." po!l\'U Ind poIin"t proteS\, mon."hy,law.
CfQ. natio,,-I C"'Mations
l..-rt......... . :
4. UK parliament: tradition ...
and change (pp. 50 -51)
o Sludmt. comrJ<1c !he ....... In 1"'1'>. Gi'T hc-Jp " .........
1. t: 1. . ;1 d: 4. b: 5. c; 5. e.
,,(ore you read
EJ I)i "u" thr ' lu,..,I;u", ,,-ith th.. "I"' k d""
Tho ol>otos ,e",nent Ih.two ch.mhrs 01 the Bntlsh
I!OII Th. Hous. 01 C""""ons. .....d... ThaHouse oIlo<dsl. plus
the ScottIShlHI""'''''nl
Alo<d is an Entlish aristoc'at whose lJdI is pUHG lhrOU\)l'l
his..... heirs, Until,.c.ndy. ""'YE"ibh lo<d had an alltOml1ic
ploc. in the B"tisll ""rlialMnt. but this rigIII wn
""""d' ...... in 1M
EI ""d..,,1' 1'<',,, 1d'" 000 0"" 1'1<1'- ."k in p.l ''', Ol('( k
<'o"'I' '''h,'''' i'''' by '1"" '1;011> '''' h ,,>:
1\I'd! i, !II<rolrof III<Lo,d O,o""lk"I
II.,.. <>!J;, , /I( Hnl;," I"'rl;""Im'd'r '1""",
Lj ' tlfnjns
[3 (]) T....... 11 Srudm" ....... 1h<- ql>C>lo- IMf<:>rt, Iiv..,.;",,"
Do1.<u" 'M dn''' ...... 4' d <Los.. lhn1 pl.... It... ..-c<>t'd'ng
_and ',me if Il<'C'<;w,,'
T. (IlISCrip:
(8ri1;,J1 aco'IU)
1(Onthe ......r:)
""" """"., E>t<u,;e ""'. ""'"'. <ouId I ...... you il you'.. old .......,;.
J"" Me? E', yo<, I am. I'm 22.
INtlOl'itwu: OK. Can I you>tim. que"lon, 1
J>.<I: 'HI. I "'_....
I..,..""".... ., Thank<. Now. flow """'-'d you dn<ribo 'JOIO' attil ude
10 poIiticsl "'" yoor. Ye<y " '<tnled '" politic>.ju<1
.,..,,10<1 '" politic>. _ Ye<y ........Ie<!.et not
inI ed at ..1
JM<; OIl .... Ye<yinterwsto<1"rmafrai<l
............., Nat Ye<y rnonsted _ - so _ you __in...
Oh.yn. I VOIed '" the &"'....aI ..KliOrl ...... yean .,...
...".,_ about the Ioc.I oIKIion,l
What abo<n ' ''eml
There art "'"'" local elect;on, ....'1 ....,IeWillyou
Lot.1. 1.....""'. 1 No _ t'm no' ;nw e"otlln Uoem.
I Ih..... they.... wa, te 01 1;"""
TeacheY's Notes
Have yOlJ heardaboot ,he reeent proposal to lower
the \tOt ingage to 16?
Well. t here'. a 8ill proposing to lot people have U..
vote at t6 in" ..d 0118. Do you 'hink 'h a' would be
a good idea?
Ve. h ll, e a good idea '0 me. It migh' make
people le.,n a bl, more about politics""en they' re
.till at school.
So you , hin" the vo' ing age ,"ould be changed'
Yo,.1 do.

D Slude,," di' fl O 'he '1\1('<110' " ", llh.r 1"'l1n,",- A, k f,.w
I",i" fOT Ih"i,
9 I'roj,-, Inrlivi'h".lIy, " u,k"f , ,. '''o"h 'h,'
.""11"'" to Ih.. 'I m, ti" n, Uhi, i, prolo" loly l>e,t gj",."
h"",..",o,l<). Allm,' ., mupt,. ,,1 'H t'k> lor Ih,' fI">to"h. then
di,.,,,, th,. .""we" 10 Ih, '1",,ti,,,,, ",if h th,' dd" . Stud" nf<
th"n ,,,,i l,. " I' th.. inf"rm"U"n "',, complete po,.'gr.,ph \>ith
,h.. adrl ilion of on inl rud",tion fu nd",ion,
IN' " ' '''''''

In g'ouP'. students form imaginary poli' ical
parties. They think 01 name. a logo and
polici.s fer th&ir party. ond thon produce
le. ll. " Il"' 'lot. fo, them.
i hi, activity could be a, , eriou, 0' a, ligh'
h.arted 0' you wi,h,
Studonts , e, e. rch basi< f.cts about 'he
parliament when it was fe,med.
whe," it me.ts. how m.ny mombor 01
..eaf. , e'c ,
Pf.jt Cl
4b The ups and downs of the
British monarchy (pp. 52-53)
fltiPl:. YOHm,lUi
() A,k if , t "d,.nt> know " nythinl\ .,ho," .m}" of 'he 1'''''1'1..
in th,' ph"to, . Eli, il Ih.. fldm<sof nl<'mb,,,,,uf ,Il<' ....,mnt ",y,,1
f.mily, I""do n" t (o nfi,m Of (IlITf"(t lhem d' the
will be di st o, ell"d 1,1tc' in 'h.. ,mit
Extra Pyt M tilllf
iii St"d,'nls (ompl"'e the 1.1,k i" pol '''. ,\I.,kr ,u,,, th..)'
unde"t.",1 lhe ' il';"ifo,,," (e nf the ",ord ", hkh i,
",,,.lIl' only In IT-f,'c I" Ih,' ""febf"lio'"
'he """i""" " I)' of " mo n.",.Il', .,u"i" n 10 till" 'Ilrunc, A,k
'Il "m ,,, rrr\rI oul from th.. t.." , hmv monr yr'"'' ",,,,,tit,, I,
d (,ol<lrrr J"hil", 1;01 ,,,.. I lJinnwnd)"Ioil" (60). c "" t lw)' gu,,,,,
,,-11.11 .1,li15" /"llil", (c!eb,.t,.. ? 123 "<'d"),
Ell n p.tir<, ""<k",, II)' '0 (umpl,',,",I", l."k ", if h"", ....."li,,8
Ih.. t..,,,. If ,h,,)' "IT' ,'u<ir.. th!")' (dn 'l"i,kly "'dn t he lex" to
flnrlth.. ml" i11Il "",,<1,
I . prince
2. prince ss.
J. tlnona,
4. comnatlon.
S. hei"
6. polaco.
I Jake
t . "
2. No. not "elY,
J. Yes.
4. No,
S. Yes.
6, Becau'e he lhinks ,h" it mi ght m. ... loarn a bit mo, e
bout politic, whon 'h ey',. , till .t " hool.
2. No.
3, No.
4. No.
6. Bec,u,e , he doe, not thin. that it would any diff..enc.
10anything Of th.t many IOve.r old' woold ba inlarested.
Z (On t ile .,....t )
IN" "",,"[" bcu," me, couldy<>U An, wer a fe'W lot
m, '
Oh, well.>e<1. But Med [0 be quic'.
Tha['. OK. It woo', t"e a minute, Fint , howold"e
Ne'" que..ion:howwouldyw de",il>e your
to poli' ics?Are you, .eryi"'"",ed In
polit;,:" just 'inter..t ed' inpolit ics. not ""-ry
intere,ted. 0' not ;nwe.ted at all?
Not int ere" ed ", aiL
Nota' aU?
No _ politician, a' e aU t he I d",,' , h.1. e t ime
10, any 01t1", m,
H..e yOlJ \tOted in an eleeti",, ?
No. I haven't, Who,' , 'he point?
Will)'OlJ 110" in the local elec,ion. n<let week'
No, I woo', I didn', ""en ' nowabOlJ' t hem.
now. h..... you heardaboot the ,econt proposal
to fow.. the \tOting age to 16'
Oh."",h. they had it on,he ,adio la,t nigh'.
Po you ,h iet k,h.1, the .oting age , houfd be lowered
t o 16?
No. 1dont. I don', thin, 16_)'<0' old, are old enough
to , nowwha, they want. And I d,>,ft thin, many 01
,hem ",ould be interested iet \tOting anyway,
16Q The Enplo$h Civil War
lug The executionof Charles I
16fiD ThoR.lllor.tion olthe monarchy
'16' O th of Prince Albert
'''1 Victoria celebrates 60 ."..... on tile thr""e
IDS EdwaldVIII boeome.
Ins EIManI VIII abclicates
IJQ Elizabelh II bKomes_"
IfI1 PMu ClIIrIn ....mes Prirlc_ 0iInI
,. PMc. PrincItA0!InI dM:i<c.
,fIR Prif>l: _ 0... dies
2lIlIl EIilobllthII cel.lIrale. 50'I.... on the Ill,,,,,.
o 1!13 ,lI T,... "'(, llook. J'd!(l" (,) m"l(h II I<" """""
"I mO"d"I1, Imlll 110.. lnl> I" Ill<" <!,....1iplion', M,,, ,.Ill'
'Il<' .,,,m' c,",, .,,1..: " ,m" mu n' gm,"",1 ",ml',,-Il<"m"l11
. h"I" til<' "lIh "-,-
fur ..... b.; ..... f+oJ ell'pUbli.- in Iht r;tl
1\lrrdi4 Iht "'! ..fonnill of ,\ In }in""",,'
1. EJillbelh II
Z. ;ctotit.

4. Ectw..dVIII.
5.ClIort es II.
i. C"'dt . l ,
,\, 1..: Ih, ,I." ,,-1M! ki",1"f,("kh'"I;n", .",""'p.'''y
" "" "',>T, h\ rubil,.,. 'I'drd,b. ,Ir(rt pdrtin, """',l>.
li""o' l..:<, ....,,It!>, le'l..I juM" "'0 oj n.J, "hil'
oJ blllt . ",1 .on,,,.,.. ,I\" '1"'"" ""'''' Oi..-u" "h.' imp......,;.'"
Iix- .rt;.lr ..... " f 11><- 8fi1i>h p"hli<" upini"" nl the
h,m \hI< "",lId,h "ith thri,
,"'mtdi.oldv lho- of Pnnt ....., Di.......
(lritlsh 1C<...u1
I G.ry/ln. fMrtj
' donllnow howI f. , laOOul111e monafchV, TheyvIwIV'
b.on th." - n's jusIsomethingyou'.. usod to .. I B' itishpo" on,
hi ving . Oun and a rOVI ll smily. The Oueon', OK, she', , lwlVs
wo'ked vo'" hlld. and I donl mind Prine. $! Anne, but I donllike
Chari" partiCularly. I donl ttNnk about themmuch, 101111 ywthl
, cenl SlInd thl 'OyII f. miIy. TIl"".cofl'l(llmo ... stl oIl1lQt11y,
in ..., opinioft. Hal of t'-'m donl doenyt!IinQ. end ;(1Ul lNf. PI'l'WlII
lor them, wiIh .... u...! TIley....... noiIle. howtt.. "st 0( us"-t,
. ndthoi.. 'lOI no pIIce inthl 21st cent utY. Il'$"'"' thelIl(lIIarctry
.... . boIi.hed.
Ithin' they do I I. meSlie job, es peci. 11y the Qu een, She's de.OlOd
her lile10Sirvingthis count",.' ' nowthel've hid thei' dilticulties
fl cenllv, butthey re reall yHying10 mod""i,, now, Look11 PrinCI
Willi l mInd PrinceHOI'" - tliey re reall y Ind theYre go,ng
10 make . Ufl thalthe monarchy .urvivos.
Ge", his no Slrong j .. ..
E""". _ . esthe """,.relly.
lin6I -"5lhe monatclrv
Ii] CD h ... .. I./; @ I_ k..m..-'. Book. 1"'111" 6) Studmh
h<lm "II-"n ' Kk til<' ro<Tt<1 .. I' ......",......
l . b; 2. b; 1 '
(l l>i" '''' the 'lue,lion, ., "1,,,,. S"n'" n,l"' r mun"i.... llM!
"ill h.,... mo,,,,rchi,... " e ,polin, Ihe :-,:,lh.,I,,, ,,I, , .
S<"" ol ,,1.lI"n""' rk. "' ...Im. s..",li ...,,01 InLm
M ira act/vitie,
4c The land of the free
(pp. 54 -55)
s ,rom ygu re{H/
D A,L 'hKk-nl< if k",,,,' "hot. (<JUntO"! "" ..II)' n:-k" '0
il>..I1 'Iho LoOO of 1M frT<' IlMLW . 0;""" lho 'I""";"'"
., . <I."
Ame" ce become in 1776. II rill Ihlt Ihl Brdi, h
go.ernmenl was no, ""ting Ihl counlryfairly Ii spet il ily in te'ms
oftlll. Aconst dution isthl Olfit il l, Ieg.1definrtiotl of the ,;ghts I nd
free<loms of counlr'{. clolln. , -
ll;$c_wilh'-' yOUI' COWl!ry hes_
hod I -.retry, t_il llCed .. u
hislO<y "'d. d n "" longer.JUSlS. whjch syst..
tlp!eced 4.
Students 1I$l IlCh mOre I bout P, int e William
end Pron ee Harry and dis<uss whethe r their
livo. seem 10 be modem Ihan prince. in lhe
'- __ F'r'rIcI Pi'Iikp; '. a..,; kJngham Pl ln l ; e. the t.nd 01
H"I* Ind Glory Ind God s.... \hi' 0..1"'.
2. Mouthan . ,,,,lhon,
3. a Rtause thO$l "' t'" colo",. oI t'" BntJ.h flog,
t. Thl' they wet e very.ucce.sful.
J.i VJt!Jing
CD Trd." 1.l. li,l on h' tl>< I'<'<ordinl( "n<r. i"'l
t" ..:<1 1h<- Il'" of II", lh"..... I""'pW-. on 11M hy
Bgforg you IImw
C R.f"r bd< k In II", 'M""", th,lI j,,, owr.-i,,'
I , '>' , k if!hn' k"' K" ",h.J1...... the ,l,ff....,."t me",I,.., 0111...
"'!,.II."'ih . ... to 1M Qu'""'- Or.,,'. quic k I.", ily t...... On
Ilw-I><>.> rd (u"I.,n''''I11... loliooi""'1"''''''''' Th.. ",iUhdp " 'ilh
The qu.",', childrlll ,," Pn>c. the..... Princ... AMe, Prince
AIld,_.nd Pr onee Edwa'd. Het gr.ndel'Old..n "" Iby Prine. end Pnnce H,ny, (by F'r'rIc... Aml l Peter
Philips endl lf' PhOtIopc.l try Princ. And.....) Princess atoUiCe "'d
Princ... Eugeme, (by Prince Edwardl tou ise Alice
Teacheys Notes
Extra actiyitiVs
Bptqrg vou read
o discuS' 'lu,><oliom in pdi", lh,'" ' q", rt l""k
tu thc d dS>,
4d US law: show business ...
and big business (pp. 56-57)
Students w,ile 0 constitution 10' their sc hool.
or ct..., deloili"gwhot I,easonob lel riglru; and
f'eedom$ eve,\, student shouldhave.
Studenls l indout whethor tne i' count'\' hn a
wrinen constitution and. so. when it was
w';tten ond by whom, and Wh. l sort of
freedoms it gives to the people.
CSI =Crime Scene Investig.l10n
OA_ Olstrlct Anomay
FBI_ Fedolol Bu' eau 01
NYPO=NewYOf' Potice Oepartment
El Ihe ",e,,,, ing' of th,' "I>;",.vi "ti"", '" d dd", but
do 1\ot ;,et confirm or correct "udenl,' ."''''...,,,. In pdi"
, 1" d,' ''!> ' luI<kll' ;Cd" t il<' 'n nnd Ollt ,,'11..1 lhe
"hl>""'I"II,,,,, , l.",d I",.
o l!8 la Te.clwr, Ro"k, 61 h thot thl' ,l ml'r ic,\O
Co",tituIi01\ h." IWl'n ",,,din,...1 ,Iml ,,, Idrd to
, ,'\Tnt, In US hl,tOl)". Silidents compl",e thr
losk it> IhOi"
'" . Amendment XttI.
b, Am.ndmonlXXVI
c, Amendment XXV.
d, Amendment XIX,
. , Amendment II.
I. Amondment I,
Readin g
El ,l ud,",'1> lildt it is not imp ort,lOt 10
ever;' ,,"ord 01Ihe D,...ldrdlion, TI,ey mu, t ,I mply it>
princ ipill iele",
b, Godinlended all people ro have the s amo , igMs and lreedoms.
!1J Slud ml, ,e<KI lhe extr,'ct fmm Ih,' ["",titut lon d"d m..teh
' he ph ,.,,,, to thel, 'mudem tr,lI"I.lio",'.
1. provide 10' the common dofenae,
Z. inau' e domestic Tranquillity.
3, se oure the BleSSings 01 li bertyro ou" elves and our Poste' ity,
4. establish Ju st ice.
5. promote tho general
til l!8 (a T"dChd, pdg,- 6l Slude'* quicklj' "'d,lll1<"
lexl ,\0,1m"t,h t hr pd'dgrdpl" lo the relev.n' .1mendme nt
AAmendment I; BAmendment II; CAmendment xxv.
C Siudenh redd til<' I('x' in d",1fi", 1th,' dn,,,'cr>
In the qu,,,liom, Mt'T chNklng ,,,, ,,,'e",,, ,,,k " 'lOr ot h",
co",prehen,ion 'lu"' llon; ,ud, d'=
lJo<s ("I"rr;", .110"1,,,., 1,,"11",..1"!1m ,,'illl l,rr m!Jj'i1l9 " 9nn?
1\11", ,..", L.l7ldo" 8. loll",,,, ,, <",m, i" "' l'5 1' "";,I,,,t'
1. Becau, e he felt Ih9t his la, asse ssment w," nn!fal"
2. Ves, it hos. Hi, 1.. 1S.lSsment has been lowe,ed.
3. Bec" u, e he, job too. her to sOme places she did not la"1$.le
In ,
4. She wo"ls to atay allvafor the S" e of he, child,," ,
5. Tha deoth of J ohn f , Kannedy ln 1963.
6. They did not go to t he plaoes l ogether, and Cheney
sometimes ' efu$ed 10 give his locotion.
Spga kinglWdt ln g
G l lMt ,tuden!> u1\de" tdnd the Imptir,lt ion of th,'
'Nonel .Imen, l",enl - th,,1 dn,' l ' S " t'lcn hoi, "IM,it right
10 mrr)' gut>, h'Ording of l he ,l",rod",,",,t impl l'" thdt
11h'd' i"'porldot in 1791 fo, ,\ merk."" 10 he ." n1O' ,1 in ",d"r
10 1'",1('(\ tl",ir ""1l1Ir;'. A,k " 'hl' L'S <iii,,"" r"n)' gum tod";,,
.",,1g"l tl\<'m lo dbcu" in p",,,. Student, Cd Olhrn
writc' lhe leiter to for hom""""k, , t"ting th"I ,
on Ih,' I,,,u,,
o c aWtWLx
!1J 5tud" "I, "'d,1the t,'xl mu,,- , lowly dnd t,.,k
III p,,,,,.
1. cop.
2. detattive.
3, lo'en$ic sci9nti$t.
5. cas.
6. se ,iel
1. de"h 'ow,
o l!8 (a Tt'odwr, Book. p.\.<\t' 6) Elicil ."" ""'" {m", the
whol,' dd"
1. LA Law,
l. Dead Man Welking,
3, The Silenceof rhelambs,
4, NYPD Blu9,
5, CSI.
til "',,d the r,,<1, " bo ul th,' ,I""th prndltj' ond """"'"
Ih" ' Iu,,t ions ind i.. idll"lIr.
2. l ethal injeotion,
3. 13
4. Toxas,
Bgtgeg y o u egad
ExtuJ ac tjvitigs
FilI" .ol Counlry [lelo l , . dilional
Scotland iSd' January haggis. beet.
51 D,y Irel"nd ni/! March Quinne...
Indopendance Dav
J utv bu,ge".

opple pie.
che,ry pie
l!I!J ID k"t'hd' Bo" k. I"ll" 6) A'k II dn)' "r th!" ,'"d"nl>
eon dn" ""r Iru,IJol 10.,nr nl the ",'lem,"t> bd"n'they r""d
thr lr,t ,t,,<l enl' lhen ....,,<1 .1 Ii"" '0 "Iroml' dnd ftl\O the
,"""'e", Chcxk "n,.,-"", with the wholr (I"", d,king ,tuol"nl,
to identify Ih,- pdM' of lhr trx' t h", tllem th" rd",'ont
Il1 foro'alion
1. T,ua; 2. T,ue; 3, True: 4, False; 5. False,
o E1i,'11 on,w,'" fro m 'he d.m ," d ",hole.
'" 1. Tho birthd. y o(!IIe poot Robert Burns.
2. - Addre, s 10 e Haggis" and "AuldLang Syne",
1. Atoas t totIlohaggis wrth whisky. a toast to l"eladies and a toost
to Burns.
4. Batween 9pmand 10pm on St Pat riok', Dav,
S. Abarbacua, e para de. e dance Bnd li,awarks
Studenl<writall18pial fu' a new AmerioanTV
'erie' 0' film based an orima and tnma
Speak in g
4. National celebrations
(pp. 58-59)
Comp,e helWlon Studeol< watc h part at one 01 the films or TV
activity pfOgrOmmes on .ideo. Set them a gonoral
comprehension task
oflielt .""we" from the d"",b ut uu not n ",llrm or mrr<'(1
o"y "I tlwir " 'AA,<t ion, y,.1. nl<" "n"n' " (I'ill "m"'1l"
lhe <our", of Ihe un it
CEl A' k 'tude"!> to look dt t he h" odhne the photo
d,mmp""yill/; th,' "'W' drtid,' ,,,,d w e if tlw)' r"" prt'<lirt
whdtthe drt lde i, .,I}(lllt. Mk if dnr of th",,' h"w hedrd of
thi' ,tory "I rr ",l)'. Stud!",,!> ....,' d the text to w ofirm th";,
p,,-di'tloll>. dnd then dOm'er Ih,- 'l " ,,,;lion<
1. They blame McDonald', lor meking themfat and ill.
2. Beeau, o he thinks t hat McDanald's did not provide enough
informationabout il<food. and made people boliovethe load wos
3.They will hove to pay compensal ion to t he teenage"
4. Billions 01 dalla",
5. The tobeoco industry
6. Smokers who h..e bocame ill through smoking,
6eadjn g
El A,k 'l"dm!> 10 i,lm lifr whkh of ' hr ' hree texl' On
';KI" " no, i('eoul,ide d pub 12I, ., p",ter mor dll
St",ient' ' e"d Ihe '-J" ickly to ",l"bli, h whl,h fe, t i"" I,
on<1 "'hi'h ",,,nt,i," f'"I" ..... In th..m, 01\<1 m,tl,h ' h..m 10 the
A:l; Bl:C2.

Writ in g
oI\' k , luol"nt- for ,o);/;,,t iol1> for lh,' writinll'",k, ",,<I bui ld
up " ><ori'" of on lhe he"'''1. S'u,knl' wrile' tl". pdrdwoph
for h"m"\""rk

rt"d,ll h" lnl> ;ll mo,,' d..'o il "nd mmpletr the
'dbl.., hplain. if n...-"" " ry, th .l1 E,m" Wd' ,' p'l<t of
'h<' R<)monti.. er ,1 I<'hn wrote ;nScot>ui"lett, 'h"l Sdinl r"lri, k
i' the p"I"''' , dint of 1....1,,," 1. dod lhdt Amr rican
Indepl'nd"nn' t>dr u 'lcbr"t", Ihe when ' he l:SA d,xl .,t't"lJ
in'; "p" ",I!"I\('<' lrom Britdln In 1776, \'ou on,'y dl'" n....-d 10
,I""ribr t he follow",g food and dri"k>'
- on"dt, 011.\1 "nd 'Mlmh,1 ,nokrd in the 1i " lnj! of 0
, heep', ,Iomd,h, Reh' r ,tud"nl, t" t h,' "nil fm more
inform"tio" 0" ("nd pictull.-" of) hOAAi' .",d b,'gpip",
Cui"""" _ " t hid, blMk l" w
",,,t,"Y _lh!" lri' h ",,,ion 01",hi,ky (the <l irk",nl 'pellio/; I.
in' port""!!)
Extra ac tivities
SludonlS;magina thotthey he been to one of
the caleDratians ;n Iho ta><t> an poge !is and
write e d;ary entry Or a lone' .Dout what they
did, and howthov enjoyed it
Comp,ollens;on SlIJdents Iistento othor patriotic songs rromthe
act;olty UKor the USA and .natv,e the words , You
could use, lor e"mple: God Savelhe Que"n
IUKI, Rula, 8rilannia' IUK). flowor of Scotland
IScoUandl. God BIB"Aman<aIUSA), ThaSW
spangled 8BnnBr(USA).
Teache....s Notes
Ii) S",rle,," rli""" t he '1"e 'lion, ill p., i" .IlU Ih" n ":port
I""k 1o Illl' d,,",
4. Soundtrack: Prot est songs
(pp. 60-61)
PO. t oimplO P, oso"'p..-raol Future
was o'eated has been elected will be olocted
W<lm ele cted have been chosen
is Imown
Ismode up
are alected
is ele'led
ere ileld
a Koy
P,mi." ,-ui,e
[l Key
2. wo, abohshed; 3. Of. (or ila been) eleclad: 4. was writtoo;
5. is held;6. has iustb. en p""ed;7. Will.. . be uleolod;8. wem mode,
4. Language & Culture (p. 62)
(a Book p.gP 7 10, ",/,.,,110'" on how 'n ,,,e ' 11<'
LHlgU,'gP U Cullu,, ' P<' gd
o Key
[) Key
1. b; 2. a:3, e; 4. c; 5. d
D (.eggo_tod answe rl
"I'm goiog 10 talkabout Abraham Lincoln, One of the USA', mo,1
famous and re'p.cted p, asidants
Lincolnwas born inKoolu, ky io 1809, Hi' pa,em, we re poo' counlry
paople and he educ.ted himsell.
FromIIIIi I10Ill65lincolnwas Preside", ol1huUSA.This was dunog
t ile American Ci.iI War, How,olod to keep lhe USA united "nd he
was oppo,ed 10 slavery. In 1853 he iss ued !tie Eman,ipation
P'ool amalioo, which freed all tile , lave, in tha USA
Lin' olnwas a"ass inetod bV John Wilke, Booth io 11lG5, wilile he
was a!the Ihe. Ir.
Therets huge st atue of Li nw ln io Washington DC called the
Lint oln Memoriol. 11 was opened in 1922, Nationai Memorial Day.
wilen Americans 'em ember the ir couolrymen who have died in
wa rl. was inspi' edby Li o, olo's 'Genvsbu' QAdd'ess ' ,peech in 1863.
Eveo t oday, Liocolorem.lo, an inspirat ion to other p,as idems and
10ordinary Ame,ican,.
Ii) Key
Introdllotiw I' m goiog 10talk aboul Ab,a ham Lincoln, one of the
USA', mo,! famous and respeCled p,esi denIS,
Conclusion' Even today, Li ncoln ,e maio, an inspiralioo '0 o!tle,
pres idoot. ond 10 ordinoryAmericoo',
Students w,it. about another favou' rteEoglli h
' ong 0' 'ap whichdea is with p-olitical 0' soc ial
I$S Ues,
Ingroups, students disouss aspects of mode'n
li fe !hal thev would like to prOlest about aod
""'ethe r or nOl those IOp ios would maka good
aOl i. ity
o CD Tr ... k 14 [![I la '[" dd 1<""" !look. I"'g, 61 PI" y Ill('
",hil,' "uden!> [oll" ,,' Iht" 'ong lrn'" in II". hook
,hoo' " Ih" . n, ,, ,,,, 10 Ih" '1"<><tio", in p" i"
rh,,,k 'he ,m"""", ",;,11 Ihe d ,"', II"'n pi,,}" tl'"
,,,,,,,, oi'in,,'
1. a; 2. a; l. b; 5. a
Bgforg you read
o Di""1 ' lud"Jlt" .!len!;"" I" lhe pho!<" on I"')ll' 60 011<1
o, k if Ih,')""0"idenlify l h" ir A,k in II'h.1! olh" r "",)"
pml"'l .' g. i"'l p',liti"ol e"" n' ,' 01,,1 <1"'"i"" , Ih,1I Ih'1'
di"'. g...... wil h.
The phOIOI Ihow(cloc kwin fromthutop); Udemonstrationaga inst
the Vi. tnam wor, a demoo,trafion agaiostthe poli' ie' of Prime
Minister Ma,garel Thatcher '0the UK in the 19BOs, a demOnSlfalion
against nudea, weapons, the Vietnam Wa" Marga' et Thatcher,
B gpdinq
a Siude ni. comp l<'le Ihp I,,,k inrl i" iduJ lly.
1. A'ong whOle Iyrici c, iti, i,e the politici of the day.
2. ln the 19601
3. Bob Dyla n,
4.TheViemamWa r,
5. M3fg"et Thalche r.
Bgllw aq!LiSfgn inq
[l CD Tr ... '" 1 PI,,}" Ih" ,w ording " ' hil<- , trlll" "I , follo,,-
Ihe 'ong I)'ri," i" Ih" bou'" S!lIuml, ,Ii"u" Ih" 'I"" ,!inn,
in I", i", ,' nd Ihl'l\ 'qx,rt bo, k Il' 111, ,I.", Ih,' n" ording
,, '( ond l in",.
1. Beoause he got inlO ,ome trouble at home.
2. He was killed (p' obablyat Ihe ban le of Khe Sahn),
3. He oa uld not get a job, 0' aoy monev,
4. He feols . ery pesslmistio. "' if he has no future
School hours: Mond.yto Friday, approximately9am- J.30pm
BgfW e you
() SI"d...,,, <fi,m" lhe <]u'"" I"", In p.irs,
Students w, i,e a laner '0the Saturday
relograph IlI1ls is the Saturday eddion 01me
Brdish broadshee t newspeper rha Daily
relogfaphl , .ying whatth.ythought about lI1e
'Holl1ouse !lowers' and ebout Ryde
Students an advertise ment 10' Ryd e
5b Students at home ...
and abroad (pp. 66-67)
(3 l!I!I (g T"Mh,I", llook. p"g" 6) 5t ud""l, """'I'T<'1e Iho I",k
In r.,irs. A>k " ,Iud"n" ",h. ,1 th,'}' Ihlnk ,.f I'ri", II' ''"'
,,,,, I tTa' mdhodolom- "r Kyde Coilei'll' Ibllt do nol I"t Ihi,
inlo d f"IT-"'"I" dl",,,,i,,,, ;'('1).
1. 9; 2, d; 3. b; 4. a:5, f;6. c'
A,k <lud" nl, how Ihe th"1 yo" in ,,,,tt 'i' e
,diff"r< /Hlm, '" n""",IM<. \,0'" o",n !'OLl nlr)"< ,..-1"",'lio"
"\,,tem, 5n,de,,", ill p.i",. Ih"" m ml'i T" I.,hl, ' f", II",i,
<'o'lIloy. C1w<k "n,,,,'" \I'jlh Ihe \\'h" I.- d.", by rompiling "
,,"umd I"ble on Ih.. b".rd.
Siudon l, di,m" Ihe '1"e<lion< wi,h " p."",- r ,h k ,l f,'",
]1;,i " /m Ihei, h_llwk.
t!Atra@c t M ti/illi
o rlicll ,""'w,, fro", th" d"", "nd .,ktl", m ,,, ..nmr,m Ih,'
,'IW' ." ", hi..h R)'de p"pil, I"ko ex,m" wl'h II", "1(0' "I whi, h
uth.., Brili,h "h""I, hadtt'n I.,k, thom,
I, 18months; 2. S:3, 10.
() S,,,d, ' ,,,, di"-u,, ,i \<' 'l",.. lio,,<inp"i" A,k if ,my <""le"l,
h.\\'o I,'mily membor>or frimd, who "tt' "ll<lyi"l'\ "I 'o1l<W'
0' lIni"""il)' in ,,,m ('(I LJ lllr)'. "d l>'h" t "xp",i,''''''' I,
of b,-ing oJ <lod..,,1 in highe, <'\l",,,lio",,
El l!I!I (g T".,'h""', B""k, 1"'1'1' 6) A<k 'lod<"I, 10I"ok at Ill<'
multlpl...,.hoke 'lu,"lio'" i",li\'i,ludlly "",I to l'\u('\., ", h,l1,hr
<<>'Il'<' 0",''''''' "re, SI"dent< then ,e,,,llk t0l' 1"xl ,,"
66 I" " nm"", A<k gene,.1 wml'rrh"n<i()n
'I",-,lion< ..-h ,''''
\\1'fI' ,ii,llIl' B,ili<h qo"""",,,,t '"Ir..-l",< II" ,,"""" k",,, , mlfl'"
t\ 1",r;, 11,< Ill r9<>1 >0,;" 11"" " "I ",lfI" "'" rri ,,(ll<0I.."" .
\\ 'hi<l, " "",Ifi" Ill( l'''I'"lll' ""II, 9"1' 'ttl , ,1 ,,,I<'I ,I>!
1. b; 2. c;3, b; 4. c: 5. c
'" 40,5
Take GCSE. xams
rn. slaW systom
B.2in p,im.ry school
(students can leave schoeN attn's agel
Take A1I-HI exams 18
BgginS<lcondalj' school
Start studyi ng
10'GCSE exams
111 Stud, '"'' "',,01 Ih.. 1",1dgdin .",1, 'he ,.,hle it\ I"'i"
", h,lo)'"u cop)' Ih.. I.hle onl" lilt' b....."d, W"m Ih..", Ih,,1 Ih,'
""lui.. ..-I i"f"",,,.,i"n doo' nu, "wo"r in Ihe 1e.,1 in ,h.. ""ne
"nl," ," it "1'1''''''' I" Ih,' I.hle.
Whm'h,,'king ",,,m-,, with t h.. d"", ,.ompk-le Ill<' I"bl,' on
Ih.. bo....1 ,,,,d ,wk t h..", whe... I" tho lest Ihoy fuund 111<"
",1'-"",,11 i"lom""i"", , hpl"i". if n'''''.I)', 11"' 1A-I.wl ,I"n,,,
fo, .odv.",,,,lln'd'.
D S,,,dm(, dim,,, Ih,. in pJir>, repurt 1M, k
'0 tn, ,.1.,,,_
The photos showSCenes fromBritish and Amo,ican ,ehools Ith.
schoolchildren woaring uniforms are Brit ishl .
a Ih" t top ,hO\,-, the " limber of ,[udent.
who lo" k v"ri"", G{'Sf: i., lOO2. GCSh IGe.,e,..1
Co"il""le of 5,,-,,,,d.I)' b l",'.lio,,) an> ,,,,11.,,,,,1 e,.'"'' Ih",
B,ili,h ,1.,d..., I" I.k, .1 Ihe .' ge or Ir. , S,,,, le,," i" lo, pret ,h"
two ",hi .., "",1,1i,,.It,, Ikm i" I"' i.... m"king romp"ri, ,,.,,
w'l'h Ihei, OW'" roll"II)',
Sa Too much too younq?
(pp. 64-65)
El hll,i<!ll.,11 \', 'I"'''''''' 'I" kkI)' ",,,oJ Ii,.. t,-,t 10fi.,,1 thl' """,',."
10Ih,' ']ll,",'"'''' coml"'''' Iht i, "'b'''''' with. 1",,'nIT
1. b;2. GCSE and A-Ieltel: 3, degre.
Topics: a British schoolthat encourages veryyoung children
tosludy. higher education in Iho UK, Ame,;ca" hig h
, ehool cuhure. uinoal highschools onthe Internet,
spacialisl mus ic " od drama schools in the UK and USA.
bilingual educationinCanada and Wales
Co untries: UK, USA, Ca nada. Wales
Lanyuaye, mostly oreseol tense s, sOme past tenses lmoin ly
theEnglish evotyWhare" nrt), passive_ p,esenl peffect
Vocabulary: education, exams. studying, Ame ricanhigh
school cullure, performing arts
Teacher's Notes
1. Hetilink' it's a good idea bec ause ne like' the ideo of seeing t he
world and doing valuable wo, ktoo: 2. Sha i' n01 very impfe " ad
with It baca use she thinks ir, a bad idea t o pay 10' a trip and then
hove ta workwhila you' re t he'e: J. He wa nts 10 travel and do some
u,alul work; 4. Sile wont, to do paid worke, periance in he r own
count ry
peak lng
A,k , t"d"nt> how u" iHrsify ""dents i" your co,mt'1'
fina" "e th"I, , tudi,,. An' th ey lor by the Ko,...",ment,
d(l th'1' 0' t hei , tamHi,', jMy, or i, II 0 romblndti'll1 of h"th l
llow Jon!! do de!!' .... CO""", 1" ,,1IVhe.... <10 , ""Imt, ",ually
Iiv" ",h"n ' hey "re " " dyl" K? Do mOst "fthem \("d to go to
" ni"""lly near thd' home t",,'n? IMok,' , ,,n' you ('an u",wee
these 'I " e,ti"", yom'(df. in ,'a,,' n"n,' of the ,tude,," ,all,)
5tode"" t hen <11",,, , 'he I.,t t"'o que,tinn, In e"'rrl,e 7 i"
Extra BeV y/WI
m5t ude"t' "'MI the hoU"m te, t "" pal\" 66 0,,,1dn, I'W the
A, k >orne more general m mp" h ' m io"
,uch ",'
Ill,;,,, ""I' mlti" ",,,uW ,I,,,a,,Ja )'rrJ" ", I!O 9"!O?
111,id, h'" i<tb< "'IS "" oppll"']Jo"
\Il,<>, "'0' I," ",um a ,f"dtm?
I. She liv. s in her porefT\S' house; Z. f 12,(O); 3.f l20 per wee1<; 4. Her
mumdidnot h""" ropaybacktilemoneythat the government gave her,
voca b ulary
o Elkif om",e", from the d,, ,I' a "hole,
I , tuition fees: 2, , choal l. avers; 3, to graduate; 4. lectures; So oni.
B gfqre Yo U ' lffD
,\,k t he do" to look "t the phot'" 0" 'he " 'eb p.11\<> nn
p"l\e (.7 "n<1 to p" .. lir1 " 'hot i , oci ng "d,...rti'i<'<l. 5turient, Ihen
reorl th" introd'''ti'''' .md Ih,' ",eb pai\c "",I " ,,,"'e, th"
q"o,ti""" A,k thcm ",I""'ort of ",,"k th,')' thin k tha t f"-""ple
On ., G,eenl""e "'p"rlltion wo uld do. "n<1 ",h' 1h", th'1"
would like to 110 011 m"h a" np",liti",' tlwm....I"""
1. ASIudent who. inst ead 01going to university immediately afte'
hiS/her dec ides to go travelling for a year Or do cha' ity
wo, k abroad: 2. G,. enfo' ce ; 3. Con,e,vation and ,ese.,ch work;
4. Five; So Gapye a, students ,
I Cli. ily
W, itiag
Stud. nts wf ile o!xlut the highe, education
system in thei, own country,
Student' iml gine lhat thay have bean on a
Gre.nJo,ce expedition. and wr ita a diary a, I
101\0' de scribing thair exper ienoe ,
(I ([) TM, k I i I'[ay the ,,"(ordirll\ orl<.... dlUI " ... if ,,,,,len,,
""" 0'1>''''' ,II<' t"'" 'l"",tio'" 11un plal' the m:o<ding "8'l in
.1Od e1 idl oil the "I\>',-C"', ,1sk If .my ,lud, nl> ,'an al", tdl 1'00
"'h...... "m,ld I;ktto!l" with G""nliJ",", ho'" l0"ll til<' trip
""><Jld ht..ond ho", m" "h It ' muld <U,t him, P1dy the """,,11"1\
.1 third timr if ,""""",,'),.A' k,tu,knl, 11<"" ,11<1' woold ft'd dbool
poyi,'I\ Ihl, amuunt of n"",,')' to go on ,1 "'''' killKr'l'"lili""
Tlpl so,i pt
MAO" R.d l ila.. yoo ,oon l hioadve" In fl
Wllich on. ?
M_: nol, "". for gdP , t rip, _ Grnforco,
Oil.yoah, I ,aw It ,
M,,,, ; I th ink It ...m' I grt go;ng t o
<ontaet t h. m.
I' m not so 'U<e ...
M.", Why not ? lookat I II tht gro.t pi""., Col n go. I'd 10..
to got o t il< <;. ribt>oan ...and yoo gel to do u..lul
,on,.",.tion work..mIl. So it I, n'l iu' t I
ExarttylAnd how much do t h... trip, tost '
MAO" JU' H minute __ Ie' m ..., ... wea<e: t he e.pedition
to the eohlma, i. for __ 10 .nd i' ct"" 1,750.
RAc... So. I'" me gEt thl. right.Vo<J r. working for th. m. but you
p.y t hem 2,750.
Forg<tltl Who ",.nn t o poysom.".,e t o give th.m a job ?
, don', tilink01It like thot. I dofinitelyw.nt to do
this for mygap yo. r. 1""'Itt to '"" the world
and do some ,,'efoll wor'<-And I don' , mind payi"g tor it.
, th inkyoo'", mad,
So ""'at do you want to do !>tro<. you st." onl?
I'mgoing to get """e work in thl, ,oyntry -
<Orne f><l id ",ork.. I don't w. n' to st. rt uni
without any money.
5c Hlqh school culture (pp. 68-69)
B gfore you ret!
D Stu de nt, dl,,,u,, th" qu(",[jOll> in poi""
B!I' a"in g
El I" <l ivi<l ,,ally. <t"d,'nl> quidd)' m,d the " 'XIS to 'hei'
!list , nldt an,,,,,',, fmm th,' da".
They 0'0 on set in US high "nools and concentrate onthe contra ,t
balW.e n and unpopular students, Thay are also all about
boy/girl relationships.
EJ !!Ell" Te.l"hd, !lolll POI\" 61 re"d the 'ynop,rs
of the <la"ics, ,\'k <omp" h..."i",, qU'''lio'''. 'u, h ,"
\Ill)' don I'cl,,,,-!olo "'M'l
l\ llol ;oJ" do Pro!""" lJiqqlm ",'d Ii::" Voollrfl, do'
Stu de nts t hen mat,'h Ih,' da"i" I" th" film'
I, ThO Taming 01 the Sil, ew - 10 Tilings I Hate aboul You;
2. O,ogerous lia isons - Cruel Intent ion,; 3, Emm' - Clualess;
4. Pygmalion _ Sne's All That.
o Eli"it 0"'''''''' from the d." ,IS " "'hole. A,k If ,tudent,
kno", of a ny oth," da"i' wo,k>",,,,, ocen Ilprlaterl to
modem time' It", ,,ampl". th,' film Romro + IlllI ",ith
u'(I,"'rd" <I ie " p, iol und if they Ihlnk th"t ,,,,h adaptaho'"
,,,. a 1\0mJ i<l....
B. cause tIla origin01 worksdeal with timeless themes , and beea u,e
high ' chool is a mic'ocosm 01society in yene fal, Also, the t..nage
y'" cl nbe veryemotional and dramatic yea",. e,p.ciallyintarms
01boy/giri relationships.
o rna (0 Td,.. r, II,,., .. P"!\'" 6) A_k, tudml< illl", fl JII"...
of I"'p"I,"ity/u"pop"ldrily i, .1,' impm1""t . t the ir "houl d'
it ""01' ttl b.. ill ,Im"ri",," h igh "h",,!>.
IVhdt p"H..m<".111 i, for ' wll"'puldr <luckl1l<? 0<, Ihey
kilO,," 01 "..-ell! "''<'"" .11 Ameri,'''" ,,:h'H,I< th.1t <how
the d.mger> "I ,hi, cull",, lie, high "'''001 <"'Hoti,,!:, by
<t",len1' "ho du 1101 'fil in' wit h the rolture) ,
StudCl1I, ,hm r<'"d Ih" web p.lge .1I1d m. I,h ,h,- , um m"ri",
to Ill. p.""g,.'ph,
w"erJI romp rt'h"mi"" by a<ki ng ,,,,dem, 10 dt'fin"
Ihe 11'<",1 diq", "",I 1<> tell you ",I"'t <or! 01 di'l"'''> "n'
{Ommoo io Am",;e,lo high school.,
Fitstparagraph: 3
Second par.greph' L
Thi'd parag,aph: 4.
Fourth poragroph: 1,
[?J '\>k jf ,,"y >l"d" nh h", '. h.,,,,1 "I, or .I"'ddy know Ill<"
ul. ,,, n,,, of th",e "'O'd,, bu' d" llol wt t'Onfirm or
t'OITt't"t II",ir i,k."
J,i.19n inq
El CD r -... k 1(, hpl.,in 1he st udt'n!> willl"",,r ,," Enllli, h
girl ."king .m ,Im",i, ,mhoy to drfi,,(' " ,rtdi" "'" ,, !< Ih.1t <he
does "ul und,"ldnd, 1'1.". til" rt't"onli ng '"k.., StUlI"m< 1i,1,"
",,,Inol,, <1",< n Ill" ddi";ilio", of 1he "onl"
(MI;'h . nd Amffi >11 at
Norf: Ht Paul U"... - I'mgl. d1'". bumped inl" Y"u. I'm
' Oddingt ni. grE.t boo< . 1,he moment _ ;t ', , e' in an
high.<hool and I t o a" Y"IJ about
",me th;ng' in it
OK_ I;reaway,
WoU, there', 'h;. w<>rd ,lui, ...p' <om;ng up.
The ki d. ;nthe "ory are all to b<'",pt<omore, ',
t hat . 11 about '
Tha'" "'y-"'phom"' 're 'e<ond.year." u<le nts at
high.<!loolYou .!a,t h;gh",hoot whenY"IJ 14, .0
are 15 or 16_
I,.e, Now. t he ","inchara' t.' ;n lhe .tory I
y"" kt>ow what thaI i. ,igOl?
011, ye. , Ch.. >nd shout at lootball
ma1<h., _
W.II, any>po<t, gome, ",.Uy,Th.y .nle,tain tho crowd
. nd tt\ey'upporl l heirt eam,
OK, Welt thi, <harae'.r _ tho ,h...rte,d. ' _ h., to
peria<md' h., ",hocl t..m, homec<>mlng,
" ,
wh.t doe, thaI me' n _ 'homecoming'?
Home<: om;ng i, the ,<dr, of toot b.1I , ""', Old
' tu<lent> come bac' t o t he ",nool.1'Id you havea d"l'. or
e"en. or col.b.-.l ioo"
righ'.OK, then. after prom ,_ ye., I do wh. 1
t he f'<om
What i, it,
Irs spec;.1 party Ihat you1>0.. ju,t before you I....e
high ",hoel
Al the p,om, gelS. <opy01 Ihe "hoot Y"arbool:
P>u<: The yurbook;. a book 'luit " compiled . boutollthe
t;nal.yea, "<>d.n,, (th. ,.n;o,,),They put ;nyou'
photogr. ph . 1'Id.d..<ription 01 your . nd
)fOUr ;"", . " "
sophomor9_ . ged 15 0' 16
cheerlead. r_ 0 girl who enmnains the c'owd .od suppo", the
te.m et spons m. tches by d.ncing end ,houting
hvmecoming_ cel. t"at ions conngcmd wt he stan ol!he footb. 11
seas on. whera current students .od ex-' tud""ts meat
prom _ 8 pony fo' lin. I,yea, ' tudenl' just befo' e they high
ye.,bovk 0 book compilod .boUl !he final-year students with
photog<ap hs and dgscriptions 01their personality and interests
m,h,denls di""" Ih,' ' 1"",lion in I",il">, II "' il(hl b,' b,,,>1 nol
'0opt'n up Ihe 'l "",tion to 1(.." ..r.,1 dd" di"m<inn, 0' Ihe
lupi,- ",,,Id poss ibly c,,,,,. emb."d"m''nt to i" di,,;dudJ
,t u, fmt<_
oComp..he. , ;o. Sludonts Walch po rtal on. al tilefi lms onl'idoo.
a01ivity Sal thema gonoral comp,ehonsion task.
Students ' aod the o,igin. 1 ta"" by
Austen end/or Gaorge Bem.rdShawin Mooul.
, Srudallts' Bool<.
5d Cy ber High (pp. 70-71)
Before ypu !Bast
D Ili""" the qlleslion '" " dd"_ If nOne of Ill<' , t'ltl""h
""'nlio" il. i" l",d' Kt' th,' lop ic 01 Ihm"lIh ,he
Intt'rnt'!. A,k if <tu, l" nl, h.,,,,, ,'''''' heo,<I "r """m",1heir ,lg..
who <h,di,'<"t home ."d due> noillo 10<rho;,I.
a St"d.,nl, qlJkkly" ,,,' lIwr,,,II,,,, web 1"'11'" lor the dn'\I""
t" Ihe 'l"e'lio'b, lxpldi" Ih"1 ore looki)'.': for
' c'dLhi"lI ,1\('11" "1, , ml jll,1 Ih" W'n('l",,1 .""\I't'r 'in,lro,1i, ,,, ow,
Iftt' lnl<'n....t', Aller dll",king ",1>"',....,mdh "'H' 'hlt'!.m,
"",h,I"",1 the conrt'pl of vi,ko("(mferendng by
'1",,,>1 >ot'" >", Il d>: ("" II" ,1nJ",1""II" ir"d",! Il""'): ("" II" i",d",
"" Iii, , ' ,,"",t' (J"NJ: 1Jn<, II" ,1",1",/ '""td, " "J III<1",(1,<,,;
(If il " Ij" 1m",1",,!' lit', ,1 Ii,.,. b"",d,.."O: ("" /1.. lnu/", ,,,'"
'f'<"l10""j, ",j,,,! Iy,."I,
1. u.a one-Io-one inst' uction by videoconlefenc ing_
2. Sm. ll-group inst,uction byvidaooonfefencingandinstruction by
El i ll p"i", , tu, lo:"t< 'C"n 11l<' lext dll"in 10I,nd Ill" wom,
'" l , onetoono,
2. homeschooiing
3, correspondence schoof,
4, assignmMt.
5. se mestef,
6, se mi n. ,_
Teacher's Nores
D "' ", ,,", ll ' ,Ii" u" th.. <jU<"'li".... ,n I"' ''' 0 1""'" to
k....l b.>d In ,he c'lo"
Writ io g
C Wit h I ,t",i.-nh hrIp. 'um I....! " ' 0 'I""""' on 1....
I ;" l>hoIm ncl"",,,,, ;n'o lull ,!","",ion, on I""
bo.lnll"ll- ,"'" oW... I"" hon... "" .. .."It ft, ' II"'"
"mIi< aurw<'" ''''' <IjJn'l. l.t><>k h.oc k ..t 11 on t....
Sludml,1lool. 9. ancl ..-mind <I,.lmt,of ", lOnn.ot T....
toll ,,""nil- lor-l , .. n "" !t" .... .. """"",,,rk
'>luoJrn" .. ho """ .......... ,1..1ho"tn<' c.." pnn' 0U1 .......1""",U
tnilJ:lt tlon, ..... I.add".,., ..",I .." ,", ' ..01 .adrI ......, Iof h""'....
l<lonot ' n ' ,.."d,"ll It'( .. h,k- "' '1' ",tl,, 1,""",II ..I hom."
<.." """"'I tlon, .."'It.." ..oo .."I<" lh.. """ 1:" ",. h.dncl
R. :", ioo "udnlh I" ..dd "n int".I"' ...... ""d 0 <o"<l..<lillll-
10 lhe" li, t ot 'I"''''''' t'll- f4 "'... """,..-r:
'n,...,...'.... 01-0, !t>u, In1tmtl ,,""'" .nll h Jon<"'" ,.
It<ti,,"!l ,t>u. "'fl!')
o ....,,1 the te. t mn... ,1",,1)" 1m .. li",,1 tim.. " nd
mmpk'ie ttw- I."k in po, i.... \l' hen ch... "n""... 1l'1
, Iu' k'"" I" lell )""" ,,1>0.... "" the ",,.1> ttw-)" th,'
" -It..."nt ..t"N', '\,k thnn It l k l' Ih mp......, .",
thi, t!'P'" " I i, ' luilO" m ln",,,n in Ih..

1. FLII U<u lake. SIlJ<!."rs lrom. ny C"""If)'.
2. r ch.... give .IWIl$sons t<I tho students
3.. Sludltl\S 11" !hIi, II l ch..s OfIli", Qtlc _k.
.. Elc h 0 1e000IastS Itu III,.. qui"'" tJllrl hooT,
5. S" ts 1r1... IO 110 _ "0'" _n11'I. 1 ,
6. Al !hl .n<! 01 !hi cou'". $fI.Id",rs .... hi ItiQh scllool
1. F_ es cln h"rou ,nyprobl,,, Ih YO'" CdmpIII".
L TII. Ia,gest fl<IIIIbIot of 51 _ .n I n roup is "'"
9 I!I!J '. r..... """, EI<>uL POll" 61 A I <1"" ",,",I .....""',
<nIdin ,I"","n" "",, .. '''''''''''ll I" ,tud!' "111\
fufU...... "'t><J<onl< . Iwn .ad I"" "uoJrnt I""lilnon tho:- Ihinl
"n, ..ncl " h , ' 0 ,"" ' h...........>Un' Lo....-.t u",1n-
Il hr 011<1II ful '

CKelly;AI.DooiD; 8 JICk.
C (J) Tr... k t 7 I!I!J ro le.l{hd, Ik.,,'"I"''''' (,1 1:' 1' 1" ,,, th.,1
'111,1.'1\1' " ill lt,... 0 R" ln K,f, plIl' ilt"i'i"l\ .,1'011 1d"i'" Ii!,'
Ill,''''. 1'1..., Ih,' """" lil1,'\" fint li m", fn, ,tud""" ". <h,,' til""
1''''diol;O; '', "",t ,hO'" . jm , ,,,,I,,,, ,, I" " ,i t" <I""." tl,,
correct ,' ''' ''-er,.A, k lI,,"m il tl"'l' " ""Iol li'c t,, IK., I'ul'. l ."
RHl m"i<,
Se Star pupils (pp. 72-73)

D Sl u&:n t, d;,.,l.I" cjUNlinn, tn A,kItw- , I"" h",,,
in "ou, (OtI nlry. m",i<. "",j "''''''0.,,,. A,..lhory
1"''' of 1.... roonn.ol " .. , ...1IouJ ,om, ol\lm ...-.. tt",!, "ff 1
.l< .. "", <Id,,,", ..t >,:hool.. tit on' t....) ctnl!' 011 <1 ..
pti , ",.. clo,,,... oul, id.. of ,t"k >thoul,?

.-\>k if om' >tud.--nt< C<U1 thin k oIt .-orrn1 "on'" k.. Itw-
M,nit...... ;. i,houl Ioo/Unjl al ,"" I t.. !>(",Im" ,,,,," r,nd
..ll , "" ".-.roo. in ,,,," ' .....1'

I......tbon; 2. <tyboItd; 1. IIIt:1J'onio: rnueic. jaZZ; COihl UCoOfI;
5. choi<; Ii. performing I rtS;1. ballet '- .....,.
o Stud.--n'" ,...ocl tlx- lo t< mo... """", 0",1 .."'",.. ,hi"
<ju..,t...... indi,id.."lh. Ad """" ........ cnml'n:hm......
'l"""ion.. ""h ..: C""!"" ,tI"'!<i>ofi'" ot Chtt"'n'-" IIltl ....
tN \ '" li>oi),-'-I <>J /'njoomIO", .lrb.,."w'

U m , 281
2. In\li e l1ftoenlh centu..,.
1. No. you Don"!. The lIO""' nment "n g.... you g"nt
" In 1943.
S.TII....u k. I ..l et claul"d I mode", dlnce CIa".lnd "'.... m.y
.Iso have 10performI . 010 wort.
,. (lye , IIlVl00
7. TV. tldio0' ll'leolr. wo,k.
'- Afto' cenltil london,
9 look ,,' ""pl""'l t,",,' lJuil) Iif< ot Kn/"'1'
in I", i". &' 1" ",i"ll- Ih.. i, ""." I' ''' ''' KIi"",
EJ I!EJ <0 T, oI<hcr', BouL I'<'lI'" 61 hplo," lho' I.... lhn...
hool. fNt ored in lIU, uni t "... ,pnidli\1 prdonnu'll ",1<
'l<hool... " ....... >lud<nl:. >pni.oJi", in ",.. '>i<. ot.. ......0< ,1,..",..
b"loko ,toch, I.... nonn.>l oK...k-m" ...
In po"' . quirk"" "0" ,.... I-'fll>pnt 0",1 "",.....
Ii><' 'I .........",...
2. DIIII'I.m.lnd Re<l,oon
1. II GUInlia
.. fledtoof..
5. DIIII'Ilms.
Students ,mlginothllll' been Sludyong
with fl,lu,es "sil1\l inWutlOl)II 'V oneloonl
vKl ooconlerencing, Thev wnte I len. r 10 0
t rio nd who 'ludio 1 1 norm. 1ocheol . bout
the" " po' ion"s,
P',nl oul WiI' pogo. Iromoome otho, Intornol
, Iudy prog,"ms ,n English. Students comp",o
rhom10 what FuI U'. , h. , '0 oil",.
wo, k
l et ivity
&I ,Iu<l"nt, dil-< "" th,' ' I"",li"", ill f'<'i"
Student s ,",ea"h anothar performing aO.
.chool, th. LNerpool lnstittlte for Performing
Art', This school wos founded by Peul
McCartney and concentntes more on popula,
music and thetechoological sida 01the a",.
Students comp". it to the other three "hools
in this uniL The can be found at

- Rn","
The two languages are French and Welsh.
Canada shores a border with the USA
Walas sh"es a border with England,
eJ Str,el."t, I"'dt" Qu,.ht"c 0 0 ,ht n",1' " " d look ., th,.
"-",d, ill'\ "r> f"'g.. h ploio ,Iw i, d Frrnch-'l',\,ki,'l-:
rq;:iun 01 c.",,,<1,,. 5t",k" ,; "'"d lho-tnl in p"i" lo r,nd the
d " ", er to 'lut'<tiOl\ I. tl,,' ," " " "'" ,", .. <I"", Sludmt,
"',,<1 tit, h"xt "ll" i" "Ilel 0 0"''''' lht' ol h..r ']",, t ion,- ,I>k il
'<IUd<"nl, think th", Ih.. 1<1t\Il" "Il" I"." in ,'''' f,\ ir,
'" t II made French the oHitialla nguoge oTt he region
It introduced languagaleS\<l fOf admission to many profess ions.
It obliged most bu, ine" with more th.n fifty . mployees 10
operate in French,
It prohibiledthe use of English on tomme"ial . igns
It obliged all . tudents to F,onchlanguage $Ohool"
2, Englishwas all owea to appear on outdoo' sign.,",. ,mailer . i,e
than any French WDfd.
3, They make .ure lhat the lenguaga are obeyed
4, Childcenwho had previously bee" allowed to st udy at Engli,h-
s peaking school, had th' t right away
S. Yes, they do,
6. Boc"u, e thev only.tart to studyEngli, h int be tifthg' ada, sOthey
might not have a good levol 01 Engli.h by tha lime they leave
Sf English everywhere:
Canada and Wales (pp. 74-75)
,!. efprg yo\.! aUld
DlJiJf'<1 ",,,1,,,,,,' ,,"""",,,, to Ih,' ph" to, ,m<J llle rndl" [Ii, it
"n)'thinll th", >, klt"" ol>"" t C" " " I" or 11'"1",,
i"('),,,l i"l\ "'hi,h <Duntri", Ihe)' boruer. Cd" Ih,' y i<l ,' mify tlw
t",u n",,-Enllli,h 1""l\u,'l-:'"' " " tl,,' ,ill'" ,mrl ""pT" i" ,,hy tl1<"Y
"". Ih,''''-'
El A; k if ;t",h"t, , ,,n p,..d icl ,my 01 the dm "" 'r> ",ilho"t
loo kinll dt th" Inform"li oo HI<-; , Stud..nh lhen m mplt"" t he
t<l;k in p"ir>. A; k ,writ'"" ",hl' Ihq ' think ,I,..", <l '" Fm"'h
;I't'.,kt' r> in e"",d" , " ' mimliog lI",m of t ht" t' orl) h i,t or-,- "f
nort ht' rn Ame,i"d (a '1<1 !li,lmy ", Ill( " ""'if;l,
1. Z3..
2, No, iI isn't
3. The north
5. Fi rst Ministor,
In pai" ' IUdem. rolepll y t ho following
You are the porent of a 12-yeat old childwho
ie,,/ talented io music, You have an
inlel'liew withthe headt.acher at Chetham's.
Ask him/he, how me school cen help your
child, what you, child needs to do to get a
plac. at me school, end how the sehoolle .s
are poid,
You ere the heaa t each er at Chatha m'S,
AnSW<!, Student A's Questions.
Slud"at A,
Studeo' D:
- Roluploy
N. .."",
1"""" ""0;
Tapu.c ripl
(Briti.h at sch"",,)
INIlRVIE"''' N....h. , you' pupil", Redroof, school,
Howold you lOtI.n you , torted at t he h"",,1
Wrm! R lly'
pupil> Irom8 '0 16.
I .... Now, I "'I'l"'" your school day i, a lot diff. r. nt
from ot h... """"n,,' '"
W.II, t he morning' .... pretty much the ""me a. at . n
ordin.ry school,W. "art I."on. at holfp.<t . ight, and
.... ha"" normal '<adom;, ",bj.ct' all moming.Th.n,
ah. r . quickbreol< Jorlu"" h " tidy I"'rtormingOrt,
in the . ft. rnoon" That', wh our day i. diff".nt,
'"""",,w..: S<> what type of thingdo you ,tudy in the . fter noon. '
N. " "", Oh. you <ando .pooch, ' inging, and different
WI"'5 of cia"".: boll. modern dan. top done. , jon
dan .., all 01t hing.
IN""""W' O; It >OlJnd, ,.olly intere.ting, Do you go out on t rip. to
.ee .how. and play' tool
Yo<. .... do. Ou, t.ach." ut. u' out quite rogularty to
mu,"um,. the.. . nywh.... th.r, u50lul f", our
1N1'RVlEW! O: Nowwhat .bout . "m,IYou h..... to do t h.m, 1
, uJll>O'O!
You '... not W. do load. of '"ms. Th",e ". t he
hool', OWn m, .""Y ,umm",.They' ro mo5tly
k. t OO<o .. ,he scbool', t htre _
the N"""llo Th" .Th. n .... hoveto do nat ional
dan OJ"m, too .... followthe Royol Academy of
D."'.' yll. bus.
INn "'"w.., But what about norm.l.wJomic ex.m, - like oth.,
Oh, .... do those tco. Sonior >tud. n" do GCS! . ..m,
whon th'y're 16. JU5t "''Yono olse,
PupilSal Redroofs ore aged between Ill Sond 121 16. Cla.,e. begin
""hdUy . t 131 8.J1l Morning.... dedic.ted1014) demi. c1as,e"
and aflemoons ora spent studyingperforming.rts such a, 'peech,
IS) (6) singinrJ, 111 1ul1l8t modern dance, (B) tap dance .nd
19) Pupils are on ragular vi, its to (10) museums.
1l1l th. afres and othe, place, of int erest to their studies.
Th. school h, s itsown pra, bt al."ms eva,,/ summer, which pupils
do at the , chool's 021 th88fr., enol pupils mu,t al,o .... the Royal
Acadomyor(131 D8nce e""ms. SeniorSUJOefllssttJdvlor114)GCSE"'""",
Module :!
Teacher's Notes
..., !tie Plrogr"""" On If.- _ /taftd, On 1111 h hind.
1JIeft.gMl, Itt c""elusion.
Making eOfl\l\&riIonr: On If.- _ /taftd, On 1111_ hand. TI!M
1jIMl. I /o" no"
IntrodUCIng 1....lnllgll .nd d<udYantag.,: "'-
big of .. i$ liIlI ... OM of liIe
d41dv.nllgft. of . .. is ""1...,1lleteera "'" rna;" 1Ih.<J11j1ti to
iIIis. rt>Irre.1so diudY.ntlglS to ...
E.>J tca Bct l yitlg,

\\ril;nll ..n ......." I''''lll- of "M"
50 Lanquaqe & Culture (p. 76)
6l Klv
2. orl; 3.her"" just tekln;4. hon't received; 5. a" iYI;S. Itudied;
1. he"" to, 8. st,ll hen1 decldod. 9. haver .. no"er h. d; 10, h.d;
11. her." enioy"d; 12. lhin' .

Hethinkshi wiI WIil to_ wl>at "will hi gftI in"'" IU"" ....>;t
.......- Ind IIHInproWblv lI" I<> ......"Ij ru..gIIt 1ft.. scho<>L
a ..,
The WfblI." lIinII>e presentper!ect. TMpreHnl perlKllS .....d
10Il lkl boutgeneral " ,,,,,nenclill """"cd>ld b.......,ntile IlIst
(1'... "'a'd. 1""" .e(!ll,. r ... _ bHnI. 10 1111. lbout ae\l>ll..
hl Pfllt!inginan ul'lfinishedtime penod d'lIl elllendlintothapresenl
(I"vuelrchad. I.o'h... ntfitlnhedl, 'MIft",..d.a'bl JUS/.nd I'ff
(/,,,,, {,",.hed, I h "c. ",ad .. . Ylt I h,wnl dlcid. d
Ind with 100/sine. ISinG' . ,. I' WI Dnly1111>1
1 . Introduction; Zb. The a"'an\llj.,.nd d,", 01 g"ng
10.......rliIy. 3 e.The ""'"ntllII' and d..tdvlnlage, 01 gltlJng I
job; 4 1, The ."..ntI.... and d'"<hrlnlllll$ 01 I gap ye.r;
5d. ConclusIon.
I.. Tr...hd, Ilook P"8" 7 fo< 'U1OI""'ioo, "'" hom ,,, u.... 'hr
,. CUllU'"P"ll"J
foolcIlr.... bfoclues '" pr'dO<flI__lfl
'f'OUI' own ItnouI9I '" inEngbtIlltlllldwrtlse
hoIid..... WI Wiler '" c..ada Disc wiII'IltlI
ltlIlellWfeS"'1hI c 1!lll1tItV
roo 'ClOlh'lI' on. end IhI "",rnsion orI!IIfII \heI
Studenl. look follow"g words. whICh
ho.e .11 been from onclonl ColllO
I.ngulges inlO standard Engli'h. in I
mono4ingual English diction.ry. They oul
themea";ng. of!he word. the" pronunci.tion
.nd the I.ngu.ges th.1 thev h'''1 bun
00rr0WfJd wom'
social willi <nllSic

resbYal oJ.... sic and drl""
I cruture, ike IIWv
I Ie te

011 singlestI<'IdO'Ig- Slone
",, (ScomUl h;gh. roekyhiI
i:IIn (SCOlbIh GMbo;k
ftmdfoddlWtb/l t.
.bcMG.., .
' $f l I ..
p", joct
D o;","" II", '"", .., .. ,I.." . If your ,-oU1\I'1' h,,, I... h .,l
' 1i"I"h 0' .. .., llwn <Ii''''''' thr f," "l q"....,in" .." II',
o 0.""" Ihr <jU<"'lion .., .. <Lo, ..

ThI8ntJlhOOO",rnent_to"-l more lOItr..... Ol*lI1llludI
lI"n Illi Quebec glIWrr'lI'IIIonl P<1l"'Otl'S bo!ht."lIlIaIle.1qU1lly ill
Will. Ind. w!liII .till protlCling lI1e heritlge oI lheWeW!
recognisl, lhe impoI'unc. of Engli$!l 'S WO<1d IongUllgl. The
Quebec lIOV""""""- on lI1e othe-r hi nd." em, to Wlnt 10 ,soIIte
Quebec remerm. nintogr.le witIl me ref[ ofNorth Americi .
o rn" Tr... hd, Ilook. P"!l" 61kk 'ludrnh "'hy w..1n
""I"'rirn<r "m,Lo r problnm 10 Qumn-
nhK..lIon Ibn..u.... " too ...., .. hilin.':..... popuL.."",I. In P"'"
'Iudcnl' r.-.ollhr 1""'1 ..nd irVn,,[o. lhr S1ol1"""-""b .., I..... Of
I..k . o.n.k ..n,"", ",Ih Ihr ".hOI.- <I..... >ludtnh I"
idrn,,[o.' Ihr p.or" of lhe 1<'11 Ih.ol 11"'" IIw-m Ihr m......."1
ill!o<nWloon. .nd...J. """"'" II"""'"oJalml""""'""""'" qu<'>loon...
....n "" 1I1wl .....1Ir .... Ilv 11<W1 ....,... llhrlt .... lli'&lt""'r .......
10 It<lo''Il'

I. T....; l.f..; 1 f . ,...; to. True; 5. F. Ise;'- True.
Global nJarkets
Topi cs; working lifefor nurses inthe UK end the USA. people
who swap Slressful jobs forlile inthe counl,,!, global
superma,ket culture, thetourism induslr'l intheUKand
USA. theUK' srelationshipwilh!hefest of theEU. the
UK's pop industry,business teners inI he UK and theUSA
Countries, UK, USA. Kenya, the EU
language: present tMsas. past tenses, prosont perfect
numbers, money, percentages. measurements
Vocabulary: employment, hospitals. breedmeking. businass,
tourism, melrie andimperial measurements. the pop
o m!J (D Book, M ,hk , I",knh 1<> " 'ad the
hoodline of Ihe 0(1 1" '1\'- 79 .md lo I',,--,jj,t II'h.\! tlw
" <tide wiJl Ill' ahnut. In po iI'>, ,tud.. n!> "'d,1 ,mi,), 0,,,1
in",,, IIw n*'i "l1 ",,,ten,e,

I. C; 2. S; 3. 0; 4. A
Ii] rnD ID'Ie",h,'" 6) Sl"d,'nl, <.o01pl'1' II", lable
compdrinll ,\'Ork ing conditinn, fur n"",, in th ,' l: K ,,,,d th..
USA A. k ",,<1.nts lu ,,,m01dri,, Ih.. """"",, " 'Ill' Ilrili,h
<HI" '" might b<, to !10" nr! work in Ihe

Litfm j n g
D (J) 18 St"d"nl, ,,.d the '1"",Uu," !>d"n' ii,lcniog
I)i,,,,,, t h m"," " ," .\ d"", Ill m 1'1")' Ih,' "
"'<ood tin", il m' '''''' rj-'.
l epes crip1
(Driti.h oc<on,)
Well.lll}' name', Jenny WJ;gM,I'm regi"e, ed nurse .tId I work..
tho Prince" M. ;g. rot Hoopit. , in Switldon. 1m."'go one 01the
c!>;ldron', word, there
I'm "'.pon,;ble fo, tho 01............n nurse, . tId fo< argoni, in! tn. ;,
sh;fts. The nurse, do , hirt, Of> ro.., io",,1 ba, i" ThO! me.n, thO!
they work flv<! wee", of <lil y shifts and th. n 0<>. week01night
sh;ft.. The", a", a roupl . of hours ..ell day where the ,hilu
Ev<!ry ""'01iog I go,ound the Wil rd to chock tho """" 0<101;";0<>'
and t . ll< t o t ho ' toff and pation" . Wo have 22 ot din.ry bed, and 10
int.....iv<! car" bed.. 1'ry t o all tho pot ient" recotd, belot.
t he con",ltants com. """ nd. wh;ch i, uwally at about 100docl<.
In the aft.moo", I do p.perworkand ....... moot ing' wilh nurse, ot
doc,,,,,- The la'tthing I do belO<\! I go hom. ;, to ched ,ha, the re
.,. beds free lor any emergency .dmi"i<,,,, in 'he night.
" A children's ward.
2. NlIfSeS work f... weeks otday shiftsandmenone weekof nigtJt shifts.
3. 21ordi nary beds and 10 intensive care beds
4. Around Warn,
5, She does and has meet ings nurses OrdOClors,
6, She checks that Ihere .r9 bod. "vai l"llle lor eny emoryoncv
edmissions in tl1 0 night
Typloal sala"l 14,000
Anv limit on he' yes
Holid.\'"S 1weeks pe, ve.r
C1I SI" d",,!> mml'klt, l!t.. t" ,k ill I"'i",
1. d; 2. f; 3. a; 4. b; 5. C; 6, ".
Phoeni" AIi,ona ,
2weeks per vea,
18monlhs ago
lorbay. England
small, e. -counc il iTypa of house
ID Slud,""I> "'Jd Ihe t,,t in mnre .",d find II\<:
Chnk gen"ral mml'"!t,,,,ion hI' q ue' tio n, "",It""
1\1,.,1 '/0 II,(/m..... 'S Il S' ,I""df or!
III "1,,,, /I</< 9'ur,P" " ", <1Brilish ru,rsrs'
'" 1. 1.2 million; 2. 40%; 3. 6.5 hOUlS; 4. 10%; 5.15%; 6, Doer 30.
Blltorg you [flag
o Di"u" til<" 'I",.,liu", wilh lit" da,
6a Overworked and
underpaid (pp. 78-79)
eJ SI"d"n" lile I,,,k in om,,",'I'> from
,,'huk- d,,,, ,\I1db"i"lllo<, Wr",,1 1;"1un Ih<' bo",d, lli"",,, " )ldl
m"k,"> >ome m"nt n,,, ri< h "hil,' olh",... n'm"in I"""
C.nedo, Frenoe, Germany, II "IV, J.p. n. Russia, UK, USA
EI ,huk"l< " ' ,, d Ih. lexi 'I Ll i,-kl;- 10 li nd the
m m l.. J' ''w,'"" ,,' it ll 111<" ",hoi, dJ " . ""d ." k the
, t" d, ' '' 1< K<""erdl 'lu,">\jo", I" I",t m ml'",llI' miotl Oflh,'
" 'ottl " ,,,,h .,,,
.\'a""" big ill II,i, /<Un' ..'""" H",,' ""my " "J' lo!'", ,10 J'""
II, ink tl'n'/w,','
111,,, 1i. ,j '"i9J,1'''iff?
1. employe,
2, employee"
3, ,ecruitmem,
4. shifts
S. overt ime,
6, ,.Iary,
o Slmknl> <I i,m" lli,- t.l<k in p.,'''''

Tho photo, show:
lOp: a businessman, a nursa
middle: an Af,ican farme" memba,s 01the Eu ropeanparliemenl
bottom:. ,upermarkel worker. a sound eng ineer,
Teache""-s Notes
b u 1a
EJ s..... h,,\\, m"uy w"rel, ,1<"len l, ,'"n m nll' l, 'h' " ithout
th"lr'xl, t h.-" iet II1!'nI ",.,,,,11 U", t...,t f", ,my
11 "",,,h
Q SI"<I..,,I, ,Ii,n,,, th" quo",;"", in p";". II 'h'T ",,"'''!
.""we, ,11" '0><0" .1 'I""";"", <I , lll"",,, to thi nk . !lout Ih.. ,..",
of h'l<p ir,,!.<, "1"ip""""1 ,)rld ",Idri,... dooul ,,"<.mitmen t. ,hout
lh, - 1("l1l\lh "I lime Ih", 1''''1'1(" how to ",.i l for h"'pit,\1
[,(""lnwnl , .",d "hou, 11'11"", ,h" govern",,, ,,, il>
" pendi ng hom
Students w,ite on advMisemom 10' the 51
Martin's Ba'e",., Or an emry ffOm Toby or
Loui.os dial)' 10' l'/pica l d.V.
Students research more abOlltlhe Sciliy 1, les,
Slamng with2b Britishislands if mey have not
al,eady ,ead mal unjt
W, iling

Rese. rch

D Studl'"t, .Ii" us< lh,' 'l",-.,;,ion< i" I"'i'-;,
6c The global supermarket
(pp. 82-83)
o Ili<.<"" til<' <Iu,,,ti,,n '" 0 d."
C I!!J (" Te" ,.)", ', Ro" k, 1"'8" hi S",,1<',," ('",'plt'l... the to,k
ind iddOl "lTr, co"'",,,, o,"" 't'!>wilh " I",rt"",- \
'h... dd" .,k ,t",lml" t" "0" " hl' '':
i" tht' text th,,)' r",,,,,; ",I",-""t ;nl, ,"''''ti''n, '
1, b; 2. ,;3, c; 4, a; 5. b.
D St"d""" di""" lh"ir id..." in I", i"..",d n",,, "'mpl,'!l'
thl' t."k im Yo" m;lliot 10 k" tu n"'i,,' t ill'
,t 'Het"",' of th,' ",-"",I """lit i, u",l {If. "I.d/ J ,,,,,,,I,I"t . i wiIh
<1ude"" hef"rt, tht')' w,ill' t h" 1""'\I\','ph
111 Flid t 0"'''''-'' I" tl", fi,.., 1<' 0 q"",ti"n, rrom th,' d ,m
S'Ud... nb , h,'n <Ii" ,,,, qOl,,,ti,,n, '; ,,,,d 4 ill I"' ;".
'to Escape fromme 'Ia! 'lace;Downshiftingto a'Ii chel l ife
ALIlhor. Nicholas Corde ,
Publisher. RighI Way Pius
Price' 7.19
2. rhe ral
3. The play on words is on ri cher. Your lile betomes Ie" rich
financiall y when youdownshift, but ,iche' emolionally.
4. 8ecaus e he soy. thot the eHortoleami ng me money makes you
100 t i,ed to enjoy it.
10 bake
In pei, s 'I"dems roleplay the folloWing
con.a lsation"
You . ,., . nurse inme USA. Try to persuade
you. "urs. in 111. UK. to com. and
You . r nurse in the UK. Tell your friend in
lh. USA how you 11about YOU, job. and
lislen 10 him/her ta iling aboul working
conditions inthe USA.
Stud"nlS writeahoutanye,periencethevha
of hospitals in vour country, whoUle, as
or vi, itors. Di dmeho,pital!sl seem
we ll -o,ganlsed end we ll -funded?
Stude'" 8;
Stud.nt A:
TO make b,ead;
A person who me, a" bread;
Ashop where b' ead is made and sold:
.c\l , ily
6. Downshlftlnq (pp. 80-81)
!!'l fprv Y9H.LVltli
D ,hk ,tnd,'nt, 10 Took ,11 ' he pho',*'Jph' il\ thl, ""it ond
1<, I""lifl "'h,,,tlw ,,,'ti< I, i, "b"", - whot "",k ,I" til<" IH"pt.-
d", o"d \\'h", ,ort of ploc<' dn tlw}' li\'e In' Sh,d,-,* Hw"
di",,,, Ih.. 'lOl,,,ti,,m in 1",11'<. Hnd o"t which "",j e"l> "'un ld
I",f,, 10 Ii", I" " ,ill' .'nd ,,';';<'1, w"uld 1'",;", t" Ii..., " '1"i'1..,
Ilf,' in t h.. o:>"nl<;',
Uncooked bread mixture'
Sepa ,ate pie"e, 01b,ead cooked'
I I!!J 10 Iw", Ikmk, ["'lie A) ""oi.,,,, <omplet" th,' to,k.
in p" i"" A,k (he'" h' ''<'dd til<" lr',t ' Io,d y, \\'hil .. I"" king ot
the Ii,t of "",'nt,. 0,,,1 to ""kr t h" "'...." t, ," tI,e,' ,,-.,d , ,111 0"
pl..nly "f tim.. 1<" thh t." k. "'''' ,h.lI su,d,'n"
,,,,d,''''''' Old tlw W'n,' r"Illi, I "f Ih.. ort id .. hI' ,,,ki"ll 'I",,,[j,,,,,
II"'" ",,,I I.""i", 1<",,, I" bt
I)(",ii...tI"i, ,I,,) lIowd,,,, lif('''' Ii";, I""d<U,,'m,t "'ill, lif,
iu I,,,,,i,,,,'
I. g;2, e; 3. 1; 4. h; 5. c; 6, b; 7. d; 8, a.
!.'Rca(:l,u/ a.!X'
EJ ,h k " "de,," ,,'h.,t typ" of ,h,,1' i, ,h",\'1\ in fi,."
phut"l-i r"ph, 'II"';- th"" """d t1,,- mmp""r I'",fi I, .",d fi "rl thI'
wurd" ,,,,e, in your mm 1''''RUJll<' if Ill"''''.,')" th..t
,(L"lmh "",k", I" "d th,' b.,,,ic (on("pt of burin;;: .nd ,,'lIinll
,h.,,,,, on tile 'to,k "'o,k,'l.
1. publio company.
2. (New York) , toe, e,change.
3. aCQuisition,
4, ,eta il er.
I Elid l .""we" fro'" the tI." ,w " ",hul,', " , k ..I", hm,' mlHh
W"I,M,ll'! took in the y"O' 2002-'1IS.H -I.> ;',lIio"l.
:z. MoicoCly.
I II is ... MOSt succ8$dul tIlIiIIr ItICI thebo9Qd in Iht
5. 13.......
StudenIs_Ilettl' toI SUpennorttl l $kJng
tor ton>pleiningll'bout1hIir policy"" !rurIlnd
wgNbios. They .... 1 Coonplain!lboo.c: ""'II
_ -pM! IOtoigrl wort or;anic
o ,I". "', ,"" "w.. '" I",il', Lit< hd!, il Tl<'f'M,",'"
In' ....k,n/( ,,,..Jon" "1'1""1''''''''' 'I''''''.''''' ""Il .."
I"'" imf""'W... ,..,...,..rlm.... ....uL1}ott J-nnm'
(...wI f......,....,j.nm .r"...,.,......L1 ... ,hnrpl, ... "" ..,......
,...,' 1\101' '
II Il.ol M.....,... IF....,.., _ '" lltt ""no",," ,"'
lrl-...,...i< ,..,.._npm>i,.-'
E. t ra activities
[] It>e ,,,,,t 5<>mt ...,....10 of (lliturr
o"m,.. Ihr '1" Ii.."'" A>lthom ,,-h.1 .1><1' thi nk dboul [Ix-
II'..IM." rul \\ ""1 ,to 11><1' thi nk" " Hr to Ix- .. \\"01-.\ 1.111
1. Boc'u,e they01. supposed10 III '.quo,ts d.y,
2. Boclu.ethev 'f' supposedto greet anyCu'tome, whocomes
within lOII.tolthem.
3. 6eclu" Illei' first loyaltyis supposed 10b. to ttl. c"'lomet.
l BecausethevIr. supposedtob. C(lfTlmi nedto low prices11M" tho
(;l '\,l ,tudt...." fn' fnoOt>.>o.l "*,,,I"'K ,..." ,I,<OIio", In
........,... I fdn ''''' buv Imp"""" I"" , ......1''ll<1..bL-s in """
A..l .tudo:nl> It>JlU"'"1Uch euunl.y the IMm " tlfln
in tho- phooo on I'o'll'" 83 .. I."rn I'n-l.... h I"" blIoo.'inlI""""
rnn....... trd 10 f.lnning: ndm_ *<Jf_ -n.-. "'"'
..... 1' h 1.... 0100 "unt. ,n f'i'''''
l . d. :z. I :1-. : l t, 5. 0:6. b.
C Rat" T hd, Book, POOl:'" (,I \1",1<',,\, .......J tl><- 1." 1.on<!
'hKIe ,I II ,1.kIT,..n!> dn" ,"". nt f.,I..-, When <hc<kinl(
4'"'''''' ,,"h It.... d"". ", l ""d..n" 10 ,h,' I"' !l' 01
tho ' n l l l"" 1:<"" 'h en>Ih... "k,'''''' i" l"m,.."on, A,. ""'k""
il Ih'1' 'hi"k 'h,,' ,h, M,i, .1It ",,,,l,'I' .or,' l>rilll(e,ploi',.,] '"
hd l''' l hy Ih,' fu,,,I''''''' ,'01111'.",i,.." II'h.,' d" ,I,,'y Ihink ,h.,'
II". " ', i,,, "I 'h,' ,,!lid.. 1",,1, .,1"" " i" (N"I<' ,h.. "'"I;'" ivr 'on..
01tl)(' h"."lI i"",)
1. T, u. : 2. fllsl; 3. T'uI; 5. Tr" "; Ii. False; 1, T'u. : I , Tru.
1. Tha Septembe r ,e,,",i, \ , n,c,s,
2. ll
lerr O,isl . 11lds !eeland mo"lh dlSea,e.
l , The USA 10.1$12.Sbillion I nd ' hi UK10" n,s billio".
I!I \l"II."n', ......<1 Ihr 1",,1 ''I' 1"')(" IH in mil,,' ,k1",1 .",d
" " " , '" 11ll' 'I"''''''''''
I. Allam. New Yott<. Na'-. O"""llCl-lo. ArllIe"'.. La. v.!JIs.
Honol......San Frlncisco. NewOtIeens
2. 11.
l. To.......ado "'" gowemment to help 1IIetoo.rist industry.
4. Frlfltl.
5. InHcond pletl.
6d When the tourists stayed
away (pp. 84-85)
9 tli" "" ,ho.. 'I"'''''.'''' in 1,-,iKA,k " f,,,,' 1""1' 10
I""d l.., ll" th.. ,l.l
a \ludtn" ....n ,I><' 'n."quiokh ," ,I ,he' rla<f' I\U<">......
lhe' lit1o= of I.... unil 4ft" t, 4nd IQ find ou' ,h<-
I"" ,... d.-'I4il, ,,",!u,n'd upl.un. ,I """''''''11'. "'Il" lit<-- I""
.......... " d,..."""g<"tl 'oun"', (I,,,,ml, "r... I',,,id 01 I"nhc'r
1,'"on,1 ""...-I.:, on '\""'';'4n ' ot IIn1l'h '"rg<1<. ,n<l'Khn..
... ..... nMnl' Amn104n, 'lol'l'<'t 1,,,,'dJiJll\ ' hr m... I, .....
.",d """",,n.. ldk.... In I,"",rnl Ih,' '1'......1of fooh",<!-mnolh
,I; "',,,,' n"',,n' ' h'" mu,h " f II,,,,,,,,', """"I1""k ",,,1 m.",\"
In,, ,i ,, ,' ll"" in ...".,1 ' ""n' ,
o "uoknl' "" ,I><' " ." ''" II, in m"... <IM."I ..",t
on",,, '''''q <h('",
I , Shakespea,e, birthpiaci.
1. 1I>a Rvd er Gall Teum.mem,
] , Wlrwicj;.hir.
'. 80%,
5,25 million.
D A, " '''"h'm, In ,n,,'iil," ,Il<" Ii'k, ,j ' hi' '''' i' , \\,1"" "" ,'nl ,
ill '" "n, )"'UI> miHh' h.,,,' n""Io' I",,,i, " 'h'J' ,,\I',,!' lrom II...
l ;' ,\ .,,,,llh,, UK' .\ t u,ll'Ol. idl'nli ly Ih,' ' ou ,i" <I, ,,lin.,,,,, ,,,
ill .,11 ,h".., pho' o,
Thl ph010sonp.age 84showHonoluhJ Imain pII0to)and La, Veon
C"""II pIIoIol. USA.
The photo onp.age 8!ishows Shlkospea'.', bofthlllace .. Stndo'd
on-A-.. UK.
In pli'" st udanu , 01.pll Y thl leGowing
y"" a", an Amencan swdefl1. y""
hI Ipphld Ie WI I MlnIe, I Sa,urday jeb,
YO" . 'abeing in,erviewad by a manaoar. A"
him,lhe, how vou ar' , upposed to b, ha
,owa,ds c"51omaro.
Vou a" a Wal-Man manager. Imerview
Swdant Alor I S'turdav job. AskhinVhar why
he wants Ihe job. Ind ..pll inthl tompaltt's
pohcylawa,ds customl,.,
Sludln! B;
Teacher"s Notes
StudenfSw, ite a paragraph aboul tha touri. l
industry in tha;r Own counlry. They could
,e rch the top 5 (or 101 most popular
omactions. find OUl how much money tourism
brings 10 tIlei, country each yea'. and where
most of the touri.t. oom. from,
Students make a poster. or en intormation
10" flet for one oftlte toplourist dest ination. in
In. i, country. ,imod al Briti.h and Amer1 can
- Re'earch
Lengthof stay
Return On:
Numba, of people
eCfi. ity
@gfW 6 you
D Di"u" Hw wllh 'he "'hnie d."" ff 1'0'" ""n'''C)'
h." {h""g,'d i" )'e"", ol,kif 1''''1'1<' lid"," Iwl 1'",1>1,'''''
1I,1Ii"lI used tu th" """. ,urferlt.,-,
,\, k 'l",k"I' to ndm,' ," mol")' m, ' mb("r w"nlri", of II",
Eumpe,m l'ninn." lh"" (.ll1
Vear E.ent
1973 UKjoins the Ell
1914 Metric systemintrooueed in British , ehooli
1994 Channel Tunnel opened
200tl ObligalOry prio ing of food;n menic meosurements
2002 Major European countries the ouro
2010 P,ioing 01 food in ;mp"ri&1 measurement. must "nd
El A,k ,I"dent, ",hdh"r th" l'l\ i' " """,Ilt,, of til<" U; {y,"l.
d"rl "'hC1he' Ihe l' J( "S''"' the emo d' il>' lIm:n')' Inol.
A,k ,tll,h-nt' if Il,,')' <'dn n" me ,m)' imp''Ii,,1 m(',""I<'",e,,"
Ip'fll, incl', del, 'lIld ",h.,f fhe , te"",typie"1 ;n,"-8' "f" Btili,h
i, (Ihe lr rh.u.,nrY.l< "" i1 ,,, thei' dppeolrdmd.
S",r!""I, "'dd Ill<' -xt in pdi" ""r! "' n'p1('(" II,, t.,hJ", A,k
Ihem ", h" l imp""'ion IIlf')' lI"f of the Brili,h e1, ,"""'N "fter
It"'ing [('dd t h" I""
6e UK + EU = OK? (pp. 86 87)
Typ. ef a. c"", medal;oo
Se" -. otering nouse/Se" -catering apartmen,
Speci.1 ,equi,ements
Must be near ' ne bea ch or he swimming pool.
Wri tigg
D A' k "'hid, d.,ti""li"", i" Ih,' L:S or th,' UKlh("
,,'ould Jik,' to ,i,iI, hpi"in Ih, 1Ill")' m",1"hom,' onl)' 0";'
of fhe ",un lri", for Ih,' writ i"l1 'a,k. ,an
wml'i<'t< Ih, f"rm 1nrli\' i'l u.\II)' fo, Ilwo'.....I"". 0' th"!, Cd n
Ihe "'t;\';t)';" pdif> fll thi' 'dS<. OI,," "f the m I"k",
Ih,' ruJ< of lhe IrdH1"II,nt. "'k> ,,11 Ill" q"".,lim" .1I1d nnte,
d"",n Ih" d"''''''''. TIll' , I"d" r* ,\\'.'p rol,'"
Extra ,ctiyiti' lf
Anne Mau,ice
79. London Road. Bristol
17'" May 1965
Ye, .
79, londoo Ro.d. Ilfist ol' nd your d. 'e 01birth, I'm
.I,. id,
OK, Ws l he 17' " of May 1965,
Thankyou,Andyou',. Ilfili''l?
'fe, .I . m
So. you w. nt '0 go t o ' he USA"
'fe.. Florida. '0 .. 'pecif",.
Soflorid. i, your numbe' one p.-d eron<:e, Doyou
h. , ' '''and ' ooi<o if w. didn', ha'" . nything
.....ilablein florid. ?
E, ... no. not ,.aUy.lf< ju<t Florida I'm in,
Tho' " fine, Now, how m. nypeopleare we l alking

Throe - l hat's """"If. myIlusband . nd our dought..,
And howold i' you, dau8htor1
She', 11-
50 , t w<;> adul" and one child,Wh. n wouldyou
to out?
Ide.lly On Julytl>e28' 0. And we'd '0 "ay fo< 10
days .nd come backon Aug"" ' he 7
0. .
nQW. wha'lype of .ommod.,;on.,. you looking
self-catering.ple",e. It couldbe a Ilou.. or an
.partmen', Wedon't mind.
Th..', fin.Any speci. l about
accommodation - or onylhin801'01
Oh.wei, we'd like 10be nea, Ihe beach. Or10hilVe
,wimming pool That's . en,i.1.
Sure' Now, lo'" , wh., w. go' on tho compu,""
D. " inel;OO
Preferred locat ion:
2"" prefe'ence,
Client inlelmation
Oa,e of birth:
M. ",
M.... :
C1I C!l Trd. k 19 (0 TCol,hd, Ilouk. pd;;C 6) co thruU;;h
'he fom' on 1"'8" "'ilh the ,t\l'knt" m"k ing .'Ur<'
""de"td"d dll lhe '.1Iogori" Mk ' hom ",h.1t " p""i., 1
......"il<'m,"ts d h"lid"rm.,ke, might hdY<' , P1dr th" ""ordi"g
om',', 'tudt'llt, mmp],te ", rnu<.h of ti ll' funn ol' till)' 'dU. Eli'il
,10"", ,, I,,,m th,' d"". Pld), th<" "'mrdi n;; oll'din 1<" ,tudent,
," ""mplel" dny mi"illg "n,,,,,,,,
(5ri' i'h . en". in t r. vel .gency)
Mm: Good morning, HO'W u n t help you?
WOMN<: Well I'dli '0 book a holiday to S'ot... pl. . ...
Mm: Cert.i nly. mad.m.l11ju, t get (onn ... oow. 111 netd
,om. po<s<>n. l d.tails, pl..... First "I.Uyou, n.m.,
Ann. Mou, i,", Thot', Anne with . n 'e'.
SoA-N-N-E. And the , "rname was?
Maurice. But iI', spelt M-A-UR-I-C_E.
OK, . ndyour addro" ".
79, london Ro.d,
And t llal" hero in Bri'toll
WOM>. N:
ptI 0tJI!Iic .... s 22I1ia..
21bs clttew. 0-9blo
6 OJ'''' .170-10, .....
OK. , !><n, , ...., a FM nl _. hili 01_
Hi. Mum.
Hello, llobM. And)'O'JVo i:>r<:>ullM)IsorI! .-
HelIn.)IsorI. Oh. ""-0'1)'O'J 1fO'l"'" _ lIU
_)'O'J _._l
1m """ mot siI<t)I
Oh.dc ar. , doosn1_... Inythi,.'o ....
What', , hat in to.! __,
That, abou1 foot t!Iroo. M......
f'_ foot t!IroofYotr'l soon bo IS 11I .. "10'"

_..-tI is !hat Nm. ploISo1
Th ..... _l ThM. f"ao. kIkI _

Than _ 2.00 pound.
Oh. OIl can , __..... _ ... ploISo
That, just """"'..-. _ ..... , hat OCl
""'- that"bo fine.
rd ... to , ..... pounds into ........
c..uinIy, sir.
What ', tho.- 'ot. tods)'l
lot .... _ _ in_""" point ""'" """' ...... to
OK. Tho, _ r....
So _ Y"'o"-etot two __fofty pounds
-..That._ t!Iroo__siI<t)I-
__l"'" tho motIO)'1
Oh.t!Iroo ........ 04 ..... _ ... ploISo._tho
.-in "-"'""-
Inpairs, studentswrit. I c""""..a!lOR beIwiIl n
,hop' ..per lod I cu'tomer ,hal us.. both
imperi.llnd metric mu.u'e-moms. ThayII>on
rol.plavthe corw",ation.
S' udenls imagin. th... Bri,i,h ff iend'.
graudnmlher h" $....d them!Of I f.cipa from
their counlry. Thevfinde repnd1,.nslato
inlOimpe,ial meu u,omen!S.
INS,Th ov could . 1$0translate Iny,.mlMlratures
fromCels;u, to
Au ..., ch

2 (.It I\omcJ

Extra actjvitie,
1. 8; l. A;1 C; 4. 11.
Q f);"",,, the qunlion, .., ...holc .... " B"",<I..".II<' '''pi<
'" ,h.>. you .Ii"",,, """"'1)"1"" of 0'00 k"'"""'" .Oft
"-hctli,,.,. ... n,,' .1<" juslifl<'<l. \\lM' ," "ypi'.1
tlo 1""'l'1" . .... of ,-our .... n ro''''lryl
Wh 0 youhoving, Mi k. , AFM""
Yopie So'aIl,
you. Phill
J"st pin, for mo, pi..... I'm driving.
I'm ' . ally Umm ". 1 "'O"t
. 01>011<. ,'Uho I pin, of
orangc .nd I. """,ado,
El lml la k",kr', 11""k. 1"'.<\'- .I) n'dd tlir lr." in
....Orr tlrld,l dnd ,h"".... ,Ii,- "',,"1 .IINll dli,'"," M k """'''
oIhtorromp...."""'"'" 'lu...1iun, 'I" h d"
In,'" l.'k, ,,""r ,et 1""L,9<u,," ""Ik dnd '<lIJ
11It" .."",1t< -,,111";'
II"" dio/ ,'" /:In ,,,b1"'101...htlp '''''''I
BriUirl .. . mamba. of th. EO. but lot 01 8nt1oil llO'Ol'le f1
1hIIi. countryis qual ... "-lhol "It af EurOPI_ The .....bic
SVSl"'" of "'__"11 bun UHd '" 8. otlIin ","CI lhoI191lls.
but many B,itotIl. IIptcilllly IIJdM pf09l pret"l0 OH tile old
im;>erill S'fII F<lOClsold in B<otlIin is owally pncfll u'inG both
ly?e' of ma ""'"" bul n is 'u.,.I 10 pnc. Il'oductl using
imperillmU'ur_fIlI 0tIly, 8ril.", ..... lhtl III
c...... rq. ..lii ..nollhol 01h" cOWltliIi in lhtl EU, A d.,.lor I
rlttrflldlo'n inII'If UK on lhtl.uro ...l ,.tbHnb ....
Ustgg ipA
CD ... 1. .10 lmI '0 T"....f,..(, Ilo.w>k. I"'ll<" (,1 brlo,n to
"udtnts th.1 dll t...., h.>.-" to do "... h ,,,n,, ;.. t" idr-ntof)' ,,-hat
1)1'" of .......,"............ " bci"ll tI,,,,,,,,,,,,1 - I..",id.
"-";1\"' o. ""Of"'y 1...., ,hould Ii""n 001 1Ol."" .pplOp';"l...
""'.."'....mcnl,hnnm dml iml".....lldnrlli' k . 11<'<0"",1 box
Itd dlinlt '0 pitt..." A. 8. (. or Ll .., dl'1"''''';''''';'
Whcn ""dcn" h."" <ompl., l'hc ...... pl.y Iii" rr<OhI"'l!
..,k if ""dcm, .dn !ti l"" dnl' ..... ,1<1.,il, ..boul
dn)' "f ,h" ron"c""h"".. For c, ..mpk-,
1Ihm-Jon rhcfir>l ,,,,,,,,,,..i..., ,alt pla<r'
Illlar ,"m, hip. f<' pn>plr inllu-",OnJ ,...,..""""",,
1\h.l I ",,.,..,d,, "ft r"''''''9'.1 i" rloc rr"r,/ ,,,,,.""'ti,,,,'
Tl pcripl
(Ilri'i'" ..)
1(rn. P\>b)
w"""'" 1:
M." ,:
W""",,, 1:
M.- 2:
W""'." 1:
W"""," 2:
Bgtpra YO" IlIt1n
D M ...udtnb 10Iool .t tI,.. ron,.......,., ldbl<- to lNl ' ''''
..-lu, the m<lri< <'<1"1\'.""'1 "of_ pinl th pinl,. fuoo.
1hrrc lr<t rl<c lin.... thor ron,.....t"'" oi I.... dn: poull .nd
"""'-'0 pronountt it (1"'0 poin' fi,.. four < tlm<lrn: <t<J.
"'uo<Imts , look .t the Nnd"Till Ii".
bpLoin. if ,.'...hal ....- --.I .nd ,..... .
'itudtnt, """' 0'" .hO' ron,-.nOon<, indi,idu,olh' .nd , ......
rhrd 'M' .n''' ..... ",th. p.o.........

Teacher's Notes
6. Lanquaqe & Culture (p. 90)
,'>Ll mb,.", ".li"i'>, I"'''''nt"/;,,,
Sludents dis, uss what 'ingrodients' a,e, the perlect 'artdiciar pop group,
Theythink aboUI issues like the . ingers' age,
sex, race, looks end ebilrties, and the type of
songs Ihat they should ,e,o,d.
Students imaginethat theyarethe manage"",,,,
teamfor a new bend. They produ, e a ,'''il..n
' business plan' detailingtne above issues. They
al'o nolo downwhat typo 01 merch.ndi.e they
could p'oduc e !ssotiatod with the band, and
howit tould b. marketed.
l et i. ily
(a T, ,,, hd ' Ronk )l.g" 7 I"r '''I<,,,,, 0" how to ,,<{'
C" lh'''' [Jdl.:d
G TI'i, I",k i, b..,1 ,PI 1m h""",wo'k. ""d('nl< ple"ty
"f l ime to n-';",' I'<'h the ",I, i"fo,m"li"n Slud('n" (o"ld
I'''',(' nt Ih(' profile ," ,l 'l<1ide, complele ,..ilh
pi"t " r,,".
o <; t\l(le,, " di><.u the 'J" ,, tion, ill I",i" ,md Ill<"n "'po<1
h,k tn the d o"
B K.y
The lene' on lIIe loti was w, ine n by a manage' In the UK. and the
one onthe right ", os Wrfllen bya man' go, in Iha US,
El Kef
1. iovenlyone pointl i,e pe, cent _ 71.5%
2. one hundred and ninety thousand pound. _ 190.000.
3, two hund,ed and siJrt'f-two thou.and l i.a hundred doll a,s _
4. ninety.aventhousandfive hundred and Ihirty pounds _97.!i30,
5.forty !ou, thousand ninehund'ed andtwenty.!" a dollors _$44,S25
6. eighty two pointli.o par t ont _ 82.5%.
1. one t housa"d eight hund'ad and twenty POU"di _ 1.820.
8. th,eg thous and nine hundred dolla,s =S:l.9oo.
EJ Compleh' t il<' I,,,k lI'jlh Ih,' II'h" i,- d.,,,,COl\wrt th, pOl'
,t.,, money into yo,,, OIl'Il (urrt'","y, ,hk ",h,,' ",<1 of ",],0,
m,,"" "I' the ,'m"",1 fll("'" ul U,6 billion .. ,I.... viMos ,
w""",,,, "",,,h,md i,,. ,,,,' j, ., T-..hirt" ,\, 1,-".1,,,,, ,.'f"
pml"'hl)' r illhl' ."d m)',l lti", '00),
1. l a.. middle
2. 10%,
:l [ 4.6 bill ion
EI [[!Ila To-Mhd' Uo" k, p,>;:,' 6) A, k il 'I"dent. ha\' e ,m,
i,le" ,,'ho III<" gm"l' in Ihe 1.,'Jol'- pl\l)[(" ;" SI",knh ",,d
Ih, "'lide. m,<1 ,hl" l1 the topic> tu Ih,' p." 'lI'dph, ,"
the)' ,, 1""I!' A, k 1(",w"'1 <omp",I1..,"i""'I ,[(,t i"", ,,,,h .,,,
1101\' ,m, I f""5.-'f J," ""JI
11o" "1(,,,,-,,,1 ,m, II,,!, "I II" , I"rl ojII ,";, ""ur'
II'J,ol orr ,1" ",,,,,Pm ,>jlh' 9''''')' ,J"i"9 '"'"'I
Ih,' unmn\'Cn'i "",, 1 plln"".lion "ll kd'S,,)' i, jll" "
n1", k" li" l( I(im"'i'k ,"'d i' w n<I' ]"ld)' m(,,,, i"I1I,,,, .1
1. d: The long hi. tory of manufactured pop group'
2. e, Hoar'Say's formation and eany success
3. a: The ma,kebOgof Hea(Say.
4. c; The g,oup's downlall.
5. b: Some young people's des;re for lame.
6f Soundtrack: The music
business (pp. 88-89)
.6e io"
D SI"de"b .Ii""" If\<" 'l ",, t iun in p.i.... lh,." 1rr<II""k 10
the d."

oSI"d"nt, """d II", to'xt ,.." I fi ", ll h" "",d,
to th,. pup i"dll,I,y. A,k 'l " ", lin", lo 1t" 1 ,W,k""
",mp"')"'n,ion 01 Ih,' wo"l,. ,ufh ""
11'11kl, , i"tll, l, I('P0) ,I" ,hrlrl,' " I lile""",,,,, II
t \/"" 'n',' II" lilk or",', ,1,1",1 .11"",,'
\ , to ' ecord.
2. si"g l.
3. chans,
o!. debut.
5. album
6. audaion.
1. fa".
8. to boo.
f! r;l j J)9
o Simi.."" I"" k t h, h'." I,,,,, fi,,,,1 ti",,, ."d rLi ld
lhe ",I""",t A' k 'h"knt> "'hI' II,,")' lh i"k Ihot
It,',,,'s.,;- on ly e,ist",t for ""h. , ho<1 I'eriod 01 time. em ,Iw)'
' h""" ''''!' ,imil", /;"' '' 1'''
t . 3.000.
2, 5,
"4. over \ million,
s. s.
6. 10.000,
1. over\ million.
8. 20.

Wril;ng. l" " i" ," [!'tl,,
EI Key
Tho lorter fromtheUli managet:
the .ende, s address: Sports Window UK, 29HighStreet. Higher
Hepburn. Herts" HH I 2HO
the reCipient's address: The Manage,. Sports W'ndow US, 275t
Beach Boulevard, San Antonio. California. USA, 115002
the date: 19.10.200S
lIIesubject line: Stock and .alos le" ef.
the oponing safutation: Dear Si,!Madam,
the closing salutation: Yours !iahfully,
The leller trom the USmanager:
o lhesender's oddre,s: WindowUS,2751 BeachBoulevard,
SanAntonio, C"litomia, USA. 115002
o tIlarecipiant's addrass: SportsWindowUK29 High Hlgha r
Hepbu,n, Herts., HHI 2HO
o the date: 10.27.05
tha subject lina: Stock,ndsale, levels
the opening ..luI' tion, Dear Sir;
o the closing salutation: Since,elv,
The lWo leuers use a diff erent form. t fa, Ihe d. le .nd diffarent
olosingsalulati0ns,and tIley hav. diffe'am po,i1ion. farlheclosing
salulations ondsig n'lura. ,
o Ke,
spell ing diffe,ence, : col om/color and cancellerJ!cancoled
voc.bularydiffarence eutumfl!fall
tense diHerence _Hs.e you your checks you
check your online orders
Ii] (. ugge>ledenowe..)
Lene' 10 the UKm.nager.
fraur eddress!
/lOdavs dareinthe format de(e-month-Y"ar/
The Manager
SportsWindow UK
29 High Stre"1
Hig he, Hepburn
Slock ond' 810. levols
Oe" Sir,
He,e ,re our stookands$lel le.ell for the previous year.
Ou' revets were as fol lows;
oTrecksuits: 5,572 ,old. This w"' 52.5%ofthetotel stock.
Most oalour: blook
orreiners: 5,152 pai' s sold. Thi. w"' 95%oftha lalal .tod
oFoolbalilops: 1,995 .old. Th isw"' 99.5%01lIlo latalstook.
oSparti bogs: 1,033 sold. This wos 51 %of lholotolstock.
Porhaps we can meet some timelaler InIh" autumn. perhapsin
to disou tha figu re,?
Yours faitllfully,
/your signBrllfeJ
/ your namo/
Slore Maooger
/your Sddres>l
hadays dere iothe form.t: monrh-dareyear/
The Manager
2751 BeachBoulevard
Sloek and.-1.. I. vel.
Oe ar Sir:
He re"e our stockond ,.Ies lellel. for lhe previousyaal.
Our lellelswerea, lollows:
o Tracksuits: 5,512 sold. Thiswas 52. 5%of the IOtal 'lOok
Most oolar; block
o Trainers: 5.152 pairs ,old. This was 95%ofthe total stod.
o Foolballtops, 7,999 .old. This wei 99.5%oftho10101stod.
o Sporn bags: 1.033 sold. Thi. wos 57% ot the total SlOck.
Perhap, we Can meol some tima laler in mefall, perhaps in
November, 10discuss the figures?
/your slgnerurel
Store Manoger
Sport and leisure
Topics: theCommonwealth Games, extrema sports, shopping
malls, popular television, hoHdays, Austral ia and
Countri es: UK. USA. Australia, Britein's ox-colonies
Language: wesent lenses, past tenses. s uperlatives.
frequency adverbs
Vocabulary: countries. sports, sports equlpmem. leisure
TV, types 01 holidays
ID!,adjn q
111 A,k ,Iud,.nl< which 'pnrt, .l'" ne pict,'{I i" ph"to, un
p"g" 9, (;p,inting!nmning .10,1 ho'inW.\"d if Ih!"i' ,,,n n" m,.
<lny fomu", 'tJUrt'I-','Upk ,,'ho do th,.,e ' pnrt,. S!LJlI"""
<:ompl,t,. Ih,. Id,k i" poi"
'" 1. C.thyF,eeman is an Austr.lia n runne, wtIa wontwo goldmed. ls
"'the 1994 Game, inVi otari.: 2.AlanWells is. Scottish nmnerwlla
wan a joint gold med. 1at the HlS2 Game, in S,i,ban . ; 3, Lennox
Lewis is . British boxer who wan a gold med. llor Can, da at the
1986Games inEdinburgh.
E.,;fU! acyltie,
7b Extreme sports (pp. 94-95)
8efort you react
() Student., d iscuss Iho' '1"",!;nn, in !h' i"
o Tili, t", k i. bo" ,<1 for humt'''Ufk. '" , Iud,'nl, will no><'<!
ti me 10I,.. tn rt'S<','rch d"te, .,,,d 'I"ti<li<>, ,t<.
Students loa, up the nOmOS in English oj .,
many Olympic,tyle sparts as possibla end
mekea paster shawinQ picture, or sVmba l, 01
the 'parts and thei, names
Students research the history 01 the Olympic
G.mes andwriteabout a recent a, forthcoming
Games,or .boul a Gemesthetwas h.ldinthei,
R rch
7. The Friendly Games
(pp. 92-93)
Petorg you rgaq
() Stude"t< d i" u" lhe '1"",1i"", in I", i", th"n to
Ihe d."" hpl.,in tl", pi'1u"" ,ho<>, the (omm<) m"".lllh
(;.lme<, pl.,;,,,t he'"',,,,,, mo'mllo''"' nf Illi'.lin', """wlnni..,, not
the ()I\"I"l' i,. G,,,m', .
EI St"dent, wor k ",,( dpproximdldy how "''' '' )' of
holid.y th'1' h""r ("d,'h )'("d. llim m mfMrt lh,- fi ndl tot"1 with
tho", of [ " 81" ,,<1 .md 1h,- l'S'\.
YOll might like to point Oll' 11 ",t Sculld,,,J ltd> d dill",,,,, t
<'dh01l fru m drl<i \\'dl,., (dlthulIgh t h,.
holi,l"y' mort' or 1,-" t hr ,,, mel
Di<o,,, ,,-ilh 'hlde nh ifth.y f..,,1 'h'T nU!lht 1o IMW mO,,"
holid.}'> Ihrough""tthe Y,.M.
EJ (a 1,.",h"',' P"!!" 6) "',,d til<' I<, t .lIld
dl<'(k Iheir Inlelf.,I"" ."""'("1"> ", ilh" f"lrt ,,,,,, Chl'lk ge,,,,,,,1
comp rdl<'n'ion by ."king '1" ,"" io", "Kh."
t \ 1wl ,li,111" (0" rr,,,,,, """,11 h(;"'"r< ......,'lu ht ,,,ifni?
1\1"" ,lid, Il m", ,,,',, 1",, 1l ilt G""",'
1. 1,"e; 2. False: 3, False: 4, False:5. True: 8. Fal, e; 1. T, "e:8. T,ue,

ID Stude"" Wmpkl" the td,k il\ pdi,-" If p,", ibl<-. 10,,,1, "II
the <ount,;", 0" mop or the ",orld, Of elicit their
!;<'''!l r''l' hi(,dll","liom f",m th,' do"
Canada, New leal. nd, Paki' tan, Ba, b, dos. Sri Lanka, lambia,
Britain, Ja maic. , Malaysia. AUSlr. lia
o Ill,," mo", of th,. , lu,I"ll t, '0" n" me wi lhou l
h1ki"l! b""k 1<'1t, Ih,"" 1 <I , hnrt lim,' Ii mil In ",mpl"' ,'
Ih,. t",k, "llolI'ing ""d"nl< 1<> ,.d n b",k to tI", h'lt.
. b. swimming: c. bow1s; d, relaV: e. wtestling; f. athletics;
g, ,0winQ,
EJ Studenl' <:oml' lde th,' t",k in f"'i"
1, b;2. c; 3. a; 4, I; 6. d;6. e,
ID IDa (D 'k,,<her"> 11",-,.. 61Sinde n', '1ui, kly m."ch the
pid" n" A-D to th,. fn", 'I"rt, ,It..,rlb,, 1. Ch...-k ."""'er>with
Ihe whnle d .,
I. B; 2. 0:J. C:4. A
o l:illl ia 'It-o,hd. llouk, (0)\lud"1\t, ,omplet, Illl' Id,k
ir\<h'idllolly, Illl'1\w ml'd'" tht' ir "",we" with <I partne, \ lIll'n
,h",king Ih,. " n,,, "'" '" <I"",."k <1<"1"" ,, tn tell rOll ",he,t'
in Ihe to' '' they Iuufld Iht' rd,'""nt i"f",m.lion,
1. Base jumping; 2, Street luge; 3. Freestyle mota"ass; 4, K"e
surlinQ; 5. S..e jumping; 6. F, eestyle motocross: 1. Street lug. ;
8. Kilesurling,
I1g fore you lis t en
111 St"nen!> d i.w" th,. que,lion' in I'"i",
lJ Ql Trd,k .ll Siudenl, "'dd lhmugil the 1i,1 uf IlIpi"
befo... Ihey Ii,ten .\ lake ,u,... that ,tudenl.< unde"t",,,1 the
" 'ord, ,r" ,,,,,11, r",,,1 ,,,,<1 lo"di"9 in th l, Play the
Iwl,e, if n.ttMY, Ihen <he. k " ' llh ' Iuden!> "N.h
of the topi," PaUld ha' menlionc-J . At th i, ,Id/(e, do <\Ot
menliun dn)' of the det, ll., Ih" l ,he gin...
Tl pesc,i pl
(""'''Al iAnMe.nt)
Vuh. woll.I've bo. n b iumping f<>r good fow now. but
the fi"l tim. I triM it b.d In 1999, IWEnl wil h my Inood,
Keith .nd \.om ' 0 j,K""'n Ridge, whiell i. 001 in the bu"', .bout>
day', drivefrom Sy<jnoy.I 'd got 160 ""..chut. jump' behind me
al....dy - bull w., 0.""'''' .l>oIJtl1)ting 1>1.. iUmping. My<rting exl"' rie<K<' w., really 'mall<ompa..d t o K. ith ond
\.am'. Oimbiog to the top of the rklge w h. rd going bee. " ... my
eqUipmonl w.s re.lly ho"'Y _ it woigh.d nrly., mvch .. m.1 But
il w" worth it ""'.n wogot 10 l ho top. Th. ,low wa, .m.,lng.
Ther.' a big lal althe bottom of the ridg. -tha!' , wny w.,no...
it for my firsl jump. It', moch ",I... il you t. od io w.ter.The boy.
in, in . d thaI Ijump fl,,!. SO Ijust wont to tho Wgo of t n. rock,
e""nlM..... dy, ".ady, go' .nd ' u<kl.nly Iwa, in wa,
gru t I..,li ng but. unti1<e , kydiving. you h"", to opeo your par.ellut e
...atty rly, '0 t n>1 f.., lingdidn' l t. <t lor long. I hit some "'oog
wind,whi<hmade me p.nic for. mom.ot, but Ih.o I ulmed dCM'fl
, od coocenttotM on my I. nding, AndIla ndM right on t''!l.t - in
the w>W .. tho Mge of the 1. 11I".rted cheering . nd ,houl ing,
bul tho , I>OO, Io' t vory tong. K. it hJumped n..t, but h.
I,ndo<! r..lly b.dly .nd ioju1"o<J him..lf, W. had to caU 1M . ir
mbolaoc. >od t hey tookhim to ho.pit.1fo, Ih.... doy; , So all in
11 II w.,n't. vo'Y goodd'y _ but 111n""" forget It,
Pau la menlioos topic,", b. e, f, aod h.
D Ql Tr... k .ll Pl"y Ih,' '''''ruing fo' ,tud,'nlS I"
m" k nol", of Ihe 'I',..-ific ,1("I"il,. Slud",t, tl1(";' "n",u,
",i,h ,1 I'",'''.r "ftn 1i<t.,,;nR, then 1",,1 tn Ihe ,Id".
. IJa ckson Ridgel, OUI in the bush, .bout. day', drive fromSydney.
b. lao parechute jumps : . It wos safe r i(" he r beteuse she could
land in wate r: I. You have to open your pe r.chute e. rlier ;n base
jumping: h. Tilre. deys.
o Stud,'"" <11"'1'" II". que,t ion, iu p"i" ao<l then Ie",)
to Ih,. d,,",
xtrft ftctjyjt ie s
7c Mall rats (pp. 96-97)
Befo,., ypu reM!
D Stud,""" di><-u tht' que, ti" ", in I,"i"" A,k Ih,' .-I,,,, 10
ndm,' >orne io'!!t' ,hoppinll ,mire, in y<l Uf ."'d. dnd to "W
,,h,,1 th,.}' thiok 01till' ,hop' and I""i lili", ti".",.
El m!J ID ' Iearnet', Ilook. IMlle(,Il.ook ,'It i", ",,,,"n 'hop ,ill'"
",i lh Ih,' ,Iudenl" ,hk thl'm wh.ll t;p" of , h"I" they th ink
Ih,. , i!!n< fC l',,'.en!. Stude nt, then ,...old t he t," .m d,h
1he 1""1'1, to Ih,' ,hop"
I. The Kowalskis; 2. N. ncy: 3, Conole: 4, NancyITylg,; 5. Tvler;
Ii TVl er; 1. Coonia.
ID ,t udent< find the lI'O'o< io p"i,., i\ , k gene''']
romp",h"o, in" 'fu...tions "h,,"l tho te". ,,,,h .l>:
H,n,- oflrll do"II Ih, pro!'lr go'" /It, ","11'
Il'Jlo fIlmlioll' !/Jal ,1,'1' lik, I" ,"I 011/" "Jail'
I, movie theater.
2, ice cream p.rlor.
3, bowliog alley.
4, food courl.
5, 'pa
6. ercade.
1. , kate park.
o,turkn" nwl th<, on f"IlI' 'fI ",,,1 ,m""", Ill<" qu,..,li(}""
1, Blu&wate r.
2. Over 330store, and 40 ca f., and ,estau"nts.
3. Cinema, sp . boa ting, fi, hiog. golf, mokolimbing.
4, Tovs, aIlS . nd cr.lts, computers, SPOrlS
5. No, you cen goin the even ing too,
6. 13,000.
1. Gr.e nhilhe
8. Ves, you oao.
o ' Iud.-ol, di""", thequ,..,lion in pdi. dndlhon
10 II", tid".
Rolepl. y
Sludeni A'
Stud.ot ei
' ClI, ity
In p. irs students rolepl.y th e foll owing
You are an expert at one 01 t he sports
de scribed in(hia uoit Try 10 Studeot
B,who hI' o"".r med the ,poo. to coma with
ytl u the na", time ytlu go,
Your I, ieod, Student A, is trying 10 persuade
yout otry hl""er f.-ouril. a""eme sport. bul
you have no iot.mioo 01trying it. Ex to
Studenl A how you feal aod whV,
Students write . letter Of d;. ry entry for
someone whoh.s justtrie-d surfing,frne'ly1e
mOlocross or str eet luge for the first time
lJ Stu rknl' m.kf. pfCp,,,,,to,,' nole, in dol". C;i\" hell' lI'ilh
" ..." hul" " , ., ''''''e''dry, an d 1 the h, 1I writin!! t.l<k fo,
gakuct iyitigli
Projeetwe,k Students draw a pl.n of the ir ide.1 shopping
mall and label tne ..riou, shops "nd
Th&Vcould also write ate", to " ocompany t he
plen en .n .d,ertising I.aflel 0' w.bsite.
W'ilieg eOli. ily Students Wfi t e paragraph about their own
shopping ha bilS- if they aojoyshopp ing, what
shops they liko, whoo they go , hopping and
who with,
Teacher"s Notes
7d Popular television
(pp. 98-99)
I;] CD Tr d.,k Ll. mn ill Te."j ,e(; lio,," I'og" 61 SI",I" nt, ,,'.d
Ih" , ihJ.,io" d,-'o;b...-l ""d th.. four Ii, Ie" , PI"y Ill<"
"",o,di 'lg <>I\C': o"lr for ,1"<I,,nl, 10 li, t'-n to !li' t oml
dwo"'lhe 01,,,1 "I'propri'''e tit l,..
T' ''Ya, '0 runt hi, ide. by u. ag. in.
OK,Adom, Wh., I'mprOj>O'ling, b.'kall}', i. a
new realily , t>aw. atang the li n" 01Big Brother. Pop
Stafl. l'amoAcad<>my _.
SCmetlling intNacti..,you mean
ThaI', right,Wh. t we'U I>a,e i, 8'o uPof young
reople who aUwant to b<sport, >t." ."
0a<>d i,,"a'
And we'U pul ,h.m' og<1h.r in t. ainin8 <chooller
mont h and.
_.viewers will '-'<l te each we. k an who 8"""
You've got itl
Would l hey.U b< doing diffe..nt ,port,?
I t hink I,)IOU <ouldn't hiWO j u, t
foo,bal l Of t hat WlJ Idallb< boy> ."
....nd we ",ouldnl ge' ' ''Yfem. li......" 1Vo>, f
.... wh., you m<.n.
Wou ld it g<1 good aud;enee. do you 'hink'
Yo, . 1,h in' 10, OI>viou,l y we wouldnl ju, t
<Onntr. t. an ,I>< . port" We'd .t>aw lot' abou'
lh<: if pri ,. Ii.." 'heir rmtianshi",. ' I><ir

Mmm, Il ike it.What would to the win"" '?
They'd get >m. , on of prafe"ioNI conlrac' . er . t
1 .,1 lOmeprole"ionallraining,
And W<>U 1d the,e beall)' po"ibili'y 01a ,.I,onty
'e"ion, do you think?
No ... f <!on', thinkso, I tllin' th" audienc:e would
Ih , I>< >d ol an:Ii N<y kid, g<1t ing the
, haneeto bE famou'.
We><< 2:
W""""" 1:
W""'AN 1:
T..pu.c,i pl
(Brit i,h ",nt,. in TV , t udio)
_ iDs
Ell I!l!J III T,'od",(.. Ih,. l"Il" 6) A,k ,,,,,lell!' wl"'l Ih" m,,,'
I'nl' (J I,,, ; u"p op t',. , "", i" IIwi, ''-''''''''', no Ill";' ,lOy
,imi l." Ih"I("" or ,'h,"' ,'<\e,,1 I\'h"l m,,",... '''''I' "I""'" '"
' hen ..... d lhe 'xl nn !"'W' 99 .",1 ""''1Tr Ih"
qu",li, " ", If ,lud""I, f.mili,,, " 'ilh ""y A"wri<"" "'"I'
upt'r." "'. Ih,'m if t he Am"ri, "" "'''I'' "'<'m , imilor
or dill"",,,, 'n ' he Brili,h o"e,
I. B,ookside and EesrEnders,
2. Brookside.
3. Brnabid8 .nd Caron.rion $Freet
4, fastEndecs,
S, Coronation Stroet.
c ([) k 1.1. (;0 Ihmllllh Ihe '1"<'SIi"'" wilh th..
Iht'n pl" r " -conli,,g on' 10''''',
E1i,'il ",,,,,,e,, from Ill" , 1m, "",I ,,,. 'O"W t""., 'i,,,,,,,,.
"ah ,,;:
l\'ill 1/ra , .. a "frI"i1r' "",i"" "f III( P""!,""""r'
1, Amonth,
2. Boc"",e thevl hinkit would only b. papul.. with male viewe rs.
3. The kids' p,i, ale lives. ,.Iabonship, and personalities.
4. Ap,olassion. 1cont'.ct Of some p,ole" ion. 1tr. ining,
b. Sports academv
p!!l!k in g
rn Oi<,."" Ih,- 0 d""
I'm Celebrity- Germe aUIof Here
Driving Sohaal
How Cleanis vourHause?
Far Club
Wile Swap

d eed "ng
B mn (ll k,,,h('(, llook p"g" 6) Slude"" I,,"d Ill\" It'xt on
l' '' ge 98 in I", i", ,h Ih"y r".d, II",)' m" . "., li' l of.1I lhe TV
I''''XC. mn"" me"..o"...-I, "long ,,' ilh hr id nolt" "h""t the
l''''gr" mn",,' ">"h'n!.
Siudenl, then ,,".,ll he n' g" id,- bd ",..' Ih, - 1," find Iht"
run,",1 ti ll", lor Ih" I'rngr,Hll me ' y" "I'''"" ,\11",,, pl""l}" "r
lin", Ir" t1* 10' .. Wh"n , h"' .i"g . n",','" \\'il h 'he d"", . , .
<ludem, to Idl }u" ",h.1 du,,, in t h" ,}'n"p"'" hdped them
I" m"t<h I!lt'm I" Ih" P"'jt." ,mme Ii' les.
Ch"nnel 4 QCU you fritfUJ
o A", d"", tli""" wl"'t m.,"'" H'.lih' TV l'mgr",,,m,,,
pOl'ul,,,, ""d wh. 1 th'l' h;"'e i" e"mmon.
(Prow"mm,... like 1\ ,1' " '''"' ,lIlr! hll (1,,1, , h"I\' onlin,,,)'
m"mIN'r<of ,)", puhli, in ,li ffi, u ll or ,'h"lk"l\i"g ,il"",inl1\'.
I'mW.""m,-m"."" Ii.,' tn m ""-n""I,, "n II,,
I"'",u",lil i,... ",,,I Ih,' fd"li"",hip' nf t he p""i' ip. "I;, "nel
Ih.., m'm 10 tik,- to ,h",... ;I",,,f,,1,or 'unlm"t"l i"".1""I'"''
Otl;,'r I''''!\,.,mm,'' ,,,<h .',' 1I01l' (fmn is r',,"r 11"" ",-' ,"1(l lI' if<
,'ii, "J' e"pit"li", on , 'i,w",,' (mimity . IH,,,t h" ,,' " ,her pcuple',
nrdlnMy li"," ""mp. " to Ih,-ir OW".)
SI",I""" di""", i<1,'", in Rm"p' , If they . '" I",'. i" g ill i,le,' s,
"Ii<il ,It,, 1"',.,t,' 0" Ih,' Ixldrd " li,1 of topi<> Ih", "rc of in'erest
!n Ihe " ' i, b l I'""ibl,' .udi,,"ee, ' ll<h ,'" 1/"""" ,Illlrr;",qr.
(I, iI.!m" ,,,1...'",,"',/,1I"I>I>j", ,\p.rl, ,U",if, Jft,Ii,I,lJ's, r ,I "
EJ {h". ,m"",, wilh the "hole <I.,,,
1. TheFemrlv.
2. Ves, it w.s.
3. Drivi"g Sohool,
4. BigBrnlher. Pnp Sters, FamoAcademy, I'm a Celobrity- Ger me
aut of Here,
5. I'm aCelebrity- Got moOut 01Here. Big Brother. Orivi"gSchool,
FatClub, Fame Academy,
6, BBe, lTV, Channel 4.
llfltpr u you 1M
D Siudent., di,em, Iho '1ut'>liom in p.i", If , Iudenh .r<'
unf"mi li", \\'ilh /luI /In>lIur, Ih"t Ihe
;,wol,'e, pUlli r>;; " gmup of ;"ung 1<'I;,'t l>o, in hou",
fur" " "ml'er 01 ,,,,d filmi ng ,d" ,'t'wr d" Hlop', hery
"".,'. " it''','r, "'MI" ""i'llhe mo>l u"popu l. r p"""''' fro m
'he hn,,,,, ,,,,\ il onlr 0"" wi", ,,, r "'nMi,,,
Bvtoeg you egad
a I!I!I (a Te.whee< Ik>ok, P"Il" r.I mmpIM,' th ,' ld,k
I" I'" i", C1wd .,,""','" " 'ith th,. " ,hoi,. d"", btl' do not }'N
,n opillioll of the , Iu, j,' nl,' ,'hoin"" A, k "Ildent> lu ", h,' m"d,. Ih,' m ,'hou>(" ' I><"('ifi,' holi,I.)" for lhe
v"ri"", p,,,-,pl<'.
o (a kd,'hd, Hook, I"lIl" 6) S",d..nt< ,....,rl the p<><'<'''']'
dg.,ill ill ,1("t"II , C1w<'k ,m,,,','" \\'illo lh,' ",1",1, d,,,,,
,lude"t<, '" WrJ'ffl bl,t" <I.,t,n",,t., ,Inti 10 Idl)"" ",he,,'
in Ilw te'" ' h'")' found , ),,, ",I"".nl ;nform"li""
'" 1. Falsa; 2. False; J. False;4. False: 5. True: 6. T,ue: 1. True: 8. Tru e.
7e Holidays (pp. 100-101)

o In I",i"" ,tlI,knl' m.l<h Ihe ph"to, h) l yp'" o{ hol id"l"

1. tz. a; J. e; 4, b;5. d: 6. c.
You n,e pl,nning n holid ay withStudent B. You
hate the Irlea of !'ling in the Sun all ds v. a"d
you hat. nightd ubs. 'Iou w.m to go on a
ouhural sight-seeing lour of B,ita in. T"I to
pe' suade you' f' ia" d,
'Iou are planning e holidey Studenl A. 'Iou
hate siQht-seeing, 'Iou wam to go to Ibi, a and
spend all the lime sunbathing and going to
nightclubs. T"I to pe 'suade 'fOU' f,ienrl.
Srudents about their last hallda'l, 0' a
lantas'l halida'l.
In pai' s stude nts rolep lay t he following
SlIIdont B:
Sl udenl Ao
ki!f' Qing-
111 (l) ... k .n 1'1"l" Ih,' on<'t' only for ,it,d"n"
to u" ,k"l"nd t h" 1l'""("f"l/;i'l "rrrl I" ,m,,,'r, lhr q",,thm
A,k _ f,'w m"o' ""mp"'h"n,I"n 'I ","'io"" 'I" h ,1<'; Ill,,,, ,;Id
II" J""'II!' ",rtf lV9""<1 Iwli"',!' wll", (I"i", '1'10 II III,? 110'1
,qo Iv _ viII" i" I'm",,' dml pld)' Ihe n"('urrling _g"in If <lwknt<
,lid ,wI h,.." Ih,' d"',II, Ih, firsl lim"
(Briti,h n
MOM' OK, ' 0 a,. we going to go ,hi, ,ummer? Arty id .,?
W. Uhovt' to boo k it soon ;1we wont to go inAugu<l.
G,"" I don' l mind - a, long a, it', no' 'hat , a<aya" part
0.",. Oh. Claire, you used to lO'<I e going ' hore
G'"" 'feah,.,men I was aoou' , i,'
MoM; Oh, wt'fl l 'uppo.. youare a bit 01<1 for it now,
Sophi., going10a villa in the Soot h of Francewith h<f
MUM; Oh. that would be lovy __
G'"" Canwe do 'hat, thon?
D.", I'ou're joking' There', no way we could afford thot,l 'm
.fraid_ "'" inAugust.
MUM; It would be nioeto go abroad,
D.o: 'fe,. il would, Whala""", a p.d.age holiday?
MOM: Well ...i, would make th ing> ea,ler.And 'hey a,.
, he.p
G'OI.; G,.at! Can wego to MaJo".?
MUM: No tha,, ',1I want a bit of p..c< and quiet on my holiday.
How aoout G'ee<;e?
DID; It <oond, good tQme, Claire'
G,,,, Y.ah, it ,,"und, " ie.,
MUM: 11>00, nI have a lookdown at t he Ira",,1
t1 Remi nd , lu,I" "" "I' thr " "" 'r nli" n, " f wril;ng " 1",,1,",,1.
I'he must ,It"" .1",i inf"'''',l l, ' hey m",' b'1lin
l}fur .. .. .,,,01 <,,,, I wi .h "n inf",,,,.1 ""h ,,, or
1k>1<li,h". 1I",' or Ih.. p,,,,""t ""nli" u"", i, ""mmon. ,IS Ihr
, e,,<fers ,','ent<, h,'pl't"ninll now
Extra actiyiticui
p"a k in g
D ';h ,d,'" " ,Ii" 11" the '1u,,,'i,,,,, in p"irs

Apaokage holiday to Gree, e,
Sturlents wrlle some pmg ramme syoops es, I,ke
these in Ihe TV guide on page 98, eil he' for
, ea lRy TV p,0Q,ammes f, omlhel' OWncounlr'l,
or fo, imagina"" programmes ,
In groups, stud ents rleyelop the i, irleas lrom
ercis.4 in more del ail. end write a plan for
a new p,ogramme oUllining the following
P, uje<::l

' CliYity
- t he t ide, and what Ole besic idea is;
- how mBn'l episades lIle programme would have;
- what 1'lpe 01 people the'l WO"lrl want to appear on lIle
- how the'l would rec,un the people;
- ilthe programme would be interactive;
- dthara would be winner,enrlwhat the "';nne, woold ,et eive.
Groups could,eadtheir plans 10 the c1ess,who ""te 00 Ole best
programme idea.
iii hI pair> 'tuden" ,e.lrl pO<1<.",k ,hk l),,-m nr.l I"
Idenlif}' whi,h of tht" pt."p'" frum ,",d",, 1 ",,,,I,
p"",.,,,1. lhen 10 ,'h...-k If Iheir ,hoi",> of hol ld,,}" fi" Iht'
pe"ple ",el'<'
POSICa' rl Pc. written byJ ames M,lls fromexefcise 2 no, 1
PoslCa,d B; written byLisa Ellis frome.arcise 2no. 2(0 se lfcetering
Poslcard C, wr inen fly Ritchie and Paul Grahamfrom..ercise 2no
J (, somme' activRy camp)
Post card 0: b'l Borbara Marr iol from e,e(cise 2 rc. 6 (=
ba okpaokingl
Postcard E:"",ine" bySaroh AM,at (romexerci,e 2no, 41_caravan
pe rk)
Post card F: written by M" Wyatt from e.e,cisa 2 no. 5
Teache....s Noms
71 English everywhere:
Australia (pp. 102-103)
Bgf o re you read
o Di,,:<1 , tu<!<' nt,' dtt.ntion In photo< ,,,uJ the nMp, Eli"il
dnything Ihdt k"n", oho'" A"'tr,,Ii,I,
El A,k il 'oln prffikl ,m y of Ihe .,,,,, '",, "'ithool
hlking " t 'Il<" tnfmm,l1ion FHe, 't"Mn" th,'" rornplele the
ld, k in I", i",
1. 2(1 miliion I..... hich is a small populotion10' . uch 0 huge <ountry),
2. Bocou,. tho coosts are left il., ..... hil. tho ime, ior i. d.,ert.
3. Abori gines,
4. Sydney, It is not the capitol.
5. No, It onlV has a populat ion 01330.00),
6. Quun Elizabeth II.
VOcab u lar y
l!) Identify 'hI' ,poOh ,,,., <1,,,,, A, k;f on)' ,"udent>,on r,nd
,he obj,..." Ii,t,"" in hu t do " <It m nnrm or
fOm....l lh" i,
o Stud""t, ,edd text in p.,i" ,,,,d 'h,,,k t1wi' .n,,,"',",,
V.cht, c. n b. , .en in the Soiling picture
An oval boll con be se. n in the Australian rules picture.
Ab.t can be seen in the C'it l<et pit turu (the ploV.r 00 tho I. ft is
holding ill.
Stump, can be ,een in the C, icl;e! pi<tu,e (to the righ! ofthe two
plavers ),
I,;) ,,,,,,,,.,, "'ilh t h,' ",1", 1, d"", ,hk " few mort
curnprt' lten,ioo 'lue,lioll>, , u, h ..s:
I\ 11","r< til, 9O<1ll""t, ill ,'h"", mI,,'
","nr lI'm ;" " (rH,l U"""
11 JI(II Jo'""'P<"; IO" j" lilt r" IIvI><,,' \,,,1,1R"" Iw!" t" "rr;'"
i,' T.,""""i,,1
J. Melbourne,
2. Yes,
3. Acricket competition between En gland andAustralia. II is I<nown
as The A'has' b&c aus e when Austrulia beat England in t882. it
was tOnii de red lhe death of English cricket.
4. On 26'" December,
5. ln To , moni.
y ocpb u lAJX
o S,ud,'"'' 'ompl, ... ,h,' '",k in pdi". f,,, 1h",'k '" th,'
scuba diYing: flippers, mask, oxygen lank.lmo!or boat)
surfing: surfboard
wi tefs kiing; motor boot waterskis
wind,urfi ng: .ailboard
SludenlS fesaarth the ,ulos of ,ugby. onothe,
Auwa lian nationa l
In group. students wrrte tha rules of a team
sport th.1 lhav a'e lamili., with. Thav then
", Ies wtlh another group and see il
each sport
7g Language & Culture (p. 104)
(" Te.tchd' Book 7 fo, ,ugg,,,lion, n" h"", t" ,,"-' tlw
L""Il"olg, (-; Col'ur<' f'dll ",)
Ph",,, . 1verbs
o KeV
B.d minton, tabla tennis. short le nni" football, basketball.volleyb. ,I,
wate, aorobit S, ' wimmlng I. " on" ...... ter polo,
a Key
a. take b. loke up; c. come .Iong; d, sign up; e. pick l. find
"ut g, 1001< iOlo; h. fit in: i. look up; I. gel in touch with.
l!) Koy
2. t. ke up; 3. plate; 4. lOOked 5. 10und out; 6. pick up:
1. looki ng into; 8. fit in; 9. signed up; 10. come along,
m" king ,ugge'lioll> . ,,,1 i" " iti" ;;
C Key
Z. we touid go: 3. How .bout!Whol about 4. I'd rathe, not 5. How
aboul/What about ; 6. I'mnot keen on; 1. WhV eemvou;a.l lbthe
sound olth't.

The arts
Topics; modern srt. The Lordof theRings, London musicals,
ch ild aetars, bro.,dancingand hiphop, filmmus ic
Countries: Scotland, UK, USA
l enguoye; presenl1onses. prese"t perleet pasttenses and
n.lfatives, ad jectives
Voc.bul ary: art literaturs andmvth, theatre. film. dance
D SI"de"lS {(Imrle!e 'he t,l<k in 1'.1;"
KeyliromIh. lopl
fi lm
litem u,.
s,t music
EI ,tu,lenl, compkt,<tilt' td.J.:in I' '' i''' fh"-\< Ih.. " n, ,,e,, wilh
Ih,- whole d,"" th,'" 1".<1;'" Ill" n,'''' "'"rd' br ", king
'lile>lio1\> >"d, ,," Nm'";,,,,,, .<10r; ill Ih' "IS' oJI" TI' p0'!l'""' "''
orfilm), ,';""" '"'''' rla.,;ml """f""<'>.,"Ir.
boxoffIce: theatre. lilm
canvas: art
csrt , hewe,t ilm
choreograp hy: the.tre, film, d, nee
composer: muSIc
mu, ic, theatre
hibilion; M
plot lhaatre.litarature. film
.cript: theatre. film
set theatre. film
Fi,S! d.
Socond pa,a graph: .
ThirdparaQfoph: c.
Fourth parag,aph: e,
Fihh pa,agraph: b,
o [ffi] la li'",he," g""k. pag<' 6) Allow mOn' lim,>
to n'dd the tnt 0lld;n In more ,let"i l. i lkit .m' '''e'"' from th"
da". "'king Ihem I" ju,t ifl' thei, tn,df" I", ,,,,,,,,,'" eMh lime,
1. True: 2. True: 3, False: 4. False: 5. T' ue; 6. False,
'" lIB {a "",..h"r', Hook, p"",e (,) ' t",I< "t> ' ("dd the
i" trod ",.!",y ""1",,,,, the T" m," Pri,.. "n 1"'11(" 106. A,k
them to l" " k at t h,' phot"ll'.'ph, which ,how, Keith Tyso,,',
",,,,k. 11" 11, j"I,,,, Whdt do they th ink t h,' 1.,11hlad rohm'"
i, 1Stude"t; read t1>(" d,",o;pli,,", "fdll four ,, 'mb in tlu"tobk
a"d a,,,we, th,. '1",'tio","
'" 1.Ste,," MeQue"n; 2. WoHgany T,llman,; 3, Kei t hTvson and Man;n
o I)i"o" the ",o,k, "I en "' ilh till' lI'h"l" dd", Th,' T"",(",
Pri, e h;" bemow q"ite notorioll' in f'" n'll'a"l ing
Oh"llf(' ,'rli", and t heic ",ork<, Why do ,ml,,, aNte 11mb
iik" till' uo,'; d">{',il",l on IM",e 1061 An' th!')' 'arl?
EiI Siudent, d i""'" th,' 'I",,,tl,,,,, i" 1'"1,, , II ",,, f"ed h"'k to
the d."
E1l:tra @c t iyjt ie s
EI St LLdent> read the inlrududo,y 1'","I\,;ph in<! j\'ld"" lIy,
80 The Lord of the Rlnqs
(pp. lOS-109)
Il!p' q you re
oSt"den!' d i,,"" 4" ,., tiuo, i" [Mi,." A, k Ih(" , Id" if th!')'
know whi ch ( h"'''tk" or e"e,,1.> from Ill" h"ok>,re , hOlm
in th,' ph"I'"
8. A child could do that
(pp. 106-107)
Bgforg ypu wag
o D,,,,u,, 'Iw with tiw "'h,,le d.,,,
""d"nl" quickly ,kim Ih, h'Xt to understand
it> "nd to ,,,,,"wthe Ihree 4",.,t;0"" Set" ' hort
time limi l f" r thi', to ""<OlIr""," 't"denl' " Ot !O,odd evet)'
"urd "f Ih.. tnt )"'1.
I. She i. onto( 10yea" old, and st il l at primarysohool:2.Thevare all
primary. choolchild'en. and no" duIt. a,e in"o;.red:3,Thetwo e
g.... the child,e n responsibiljtv. and allowthem compl.te frndom,
111 [ffi] la Te",'hd, gllOk. pOI\<' 6) See if ,t"den!> ,on
","'emh'" Ih, gi,t of ed, h [ldfdgrdph frum Ih,.i r initiol "'",Ii"11
of the t,Xl. Is'ithollt ",'"ding it "g" in do><:ll" If nOI. ,,, k , wdent,
10 the text,
Student. pretend thot they are the cceaton 01
OnO 01the Turne' Pri,e,winning wolle. of an
de.cribed on page 100, They describe their
wo<'<, and ""'at it means. to a pertne, 10' tothe
whol. ciani and try to persuada them to tok.
it.e, iou,ly,
Students some descriptions 01 imaginary
wo,ks of art in . modem art e'hibition - the
mofO unusuol t he better!

Te acher's Notes
....; W"

_ 0,.001 _
- --
o l!EI '0 T,...r...-t, flool.- 61 SI...Irn" ...."'rIM. Ih.: I......
in l"'i" "'hile}'OlI d,,,,,' 1M on t.... ho.onL
on ,"" ,,"h 1M hMp of lhe-
(;) Srudrnt< Ir>oI.: """ "" J'OlI" 11 f. A-l 'hnn "",,", 'lit'!.
'hink ,'''' '''''' is I.k.... from ,. "h.o' ,,>r1 of
infonn.otion """. ,,"ould ""f'<'<1 1o r,nd ,n ,..... ,,.. ;\0 ...
Iti....... of p<rlonn.on<.... 01 ,.-L-t" pnon.. noml""' ....
\\,h.., .... thor ........... in bold ,.",1.1 k-t ' rn .... "I
L"ndon , .....,"'" "nd ,I>.- ........... 01 """" 1. l\"h.ol do 'M
.obb....i.IIlio", .IIM. 1..... " "l. t'l'_"..",I II"" ,1.1, ... 01 ,t...
I" ""i" ,'udt-nh ........ h f", 11>.- info"".'"", ........"'". to
.... ,,,'" th.- qu<"'liotl' Rnn ind "uoirnl' Ih.o'Ilx-..' cI" "''' .......1
'0 ....... ,h.: ,,-hoi<- 01 I.... jlUKIf"
1. b dy: Drury Lon. Thutre Rayll. W. W. I/ocl
DorNnion. Apollo Vi"or..; Z- Two; J. Fo' lIIe
p.rtomtl nce on FridIYIt 5.30; 4. BO. mol.. /;<;5. Slto'dlYI t 31nd
. 1 1.l5, SUndlYIt 3; 6. 16tI1 AUQust 1. They \IIought til., n wos
' probltMy \lie Q,ea'est musicil of .n bm.': L Wldllu dly Ind
&!.,Yr ng
I!l 5l0'k"h ......I lh< ' '''1-' "",.'.'\' ;"'j". I",,Uy, A' k
1h.. fuU""'i'lg <ju,">'iun" H"w "'''nl' ptvrIr 9"'"!''' ,h,,,,,, i"
J""J"" ,.",,' II"", """,," ,.l.n "",I' Ill"" h".-t1/
.J"",. "" ,,00->1 f"'PU1...-' S'odr"l< "'",,1 n.. th..... 'Int'
..houl 'l""ifi, mu, ;""I, ..I ld<-""f\' lhe
f rom"l1to right: We WiI Rock I'<M4 B< Or, _ MyFIir Lody:
CompotfI....."" SI"donl$ ",,"ch In 1<lf1C! from tho him on
K\iYily vide-o Ind campllite I simpl. comprehension
' oskH t by '(00,
Sludonl$ tho fllst p"IIgflph of I fl ntl S)'
M ....I ICI TIllLordof /he I/"'Qs-
l eli,i"
lJ !\Nnl 01.11 Ir... m..'..l ..... 01 ...L.lf h"l1h Il>.-lon,l: "hl1..
h.oi,..nd ""..nll.nd [n"IoUr... !uu"ll .... in ,.... ph<MO'> ""
p.Il\f" IO!I. .on<! npl.l.ln 'h.o' lhe- ...t " to""" lrom Ir...
""n ohl>.- fi .... book 01 fhr l#rI <If l!tt 11:"", It"""" .,.. Ih.....
hoot. in 11>.- rLo"h' ..m' prubIrr'n. ",Ih , ... .
........ ,1>.- 'n'.ond ...""... ' .... q"'"""om lndi,idtWll
1_To away. !. No.... c....IcIn't; 1 H"'" ..IIIIICI
4. Bee........ is .lrIidol "'" _ rt_g,"- him.
f WB IIcti y l t iBlJ
D ,I>.- qunhun in p.o, 1' h<' n k'<'d I>4< l
1o ,.... d ....... Fo, ......mpl<. Jhr \'n , "f Sr.., '-'!.
'n<W. "h" h h.o, ..r.o I......, ...1.11" 1 'M l>ill ><n'tTl.
o rn '0 T..... hd. I"'K<" 6) I" J'di.... "'
,..,., i" """'" d , Ih..."..,; of lht (....I <If ,'"
( Iwrl .."'"..... "Mh , d." kinll "ucknl> '0 l<"lI !""
" ......... in lhe- ,...., 'h.-y f, I'he- .n,., infnnn.mon.

MOlon.tom'. 'Bookotthl Mill. ""i..",', 111,.. nltionll B'itish polls.
Chl nn.1 4"s ' Book 01thl ClnlUr(. thl BBC's 'B'QRoad'
I!l (a (>I '1,,,,",,,,,
'lui, kh' , kim/n".d Ih.. Inl in ,,,,k-T '0 ...I ,h..
IIi,.. <"1 . ,hon Ih" n,.d"'l!-

(;) <.tuoirn" """"" 11>.- '10<">'''_ in 1"' .....

1. 19S1: 2. J.RR TobIn; 12S; 4, ftodo B,.s: 5. H. _lak.
'0 .........'. it Cln'" d.SVoyoed. So P. ,cen t 1. GocIlndlhe DrIil;
.. The SlarWItS ......
Be West End musicals (pp. 110-111)
e1911l.Y.SlM..U8 (j
o S,,,,1o-,,\, h 'k ,,' ,I,, l'ho,,,, 0" 1"'.'\" 110""d "''' "'h", ",n
" f ,h'l' ,hink th"I' dl'f'i, t , I)i" "" 'l""'t i"'"
''''h ,I", ",1",1,' d." ,
j{pJ?8b u/8f:X
EI S""kll" ",,,'pi,''' ' ,10, t,,, k in p.,i", . Cl"'k ."""'",, wi'h
,h, ' wh"l.. 01 ,,, , , t h..n 1",I< tI,, ,I,, '\1"'" ",,,,d, b\, ," ki".'\
'l",,,Ii,,,,, ""'h "s N, ,,,,,..Jil'" Ihll! I" " </<,,1 ' 1".-i,,1rf}f<!" 01<,-
t.n.z. c; 3. j: 4. b: 5. d: 6. i: 1,1: 8.1: 9. g: 10, 1.
fJfl for ", Y flJd.1iU.!ID
Ii! Stud"'I' di"o" ,I.... '1", ...lj,,,,, j" I"i"
.r. 1.
D CD T"d' k .l i (ill) ,ak ." 'hd , fl<><,k. 1" 1(" r.l bpJ."" '"
""dell" 'h"' m,,;t I)"" ",,:, I' mv id,' " " " ,,,1,,1 m'''' ' ''Il''
.... r<'k<' , I(i"illg de''' ib of perfo'm,"" .. lim,....",01 ti, k.., I',i ...,.
,h." yo" "dll phon.. A'k ,'ud",,' , if .,lI ,h, ' "",1, ill" ,10,.,1 ,,
will ,mt '" il th,... II ill I", of;rr"" 'n' I" i" " fro,
d iff,""" '''''1<. '\'k tl"'''' .,1,,, h, 'dl y"u, f" ,m 'Il<" ,h,.",,
lI" id,', ,," ",hj , h d"l" ,I,..,, ,lr(' perf",m,,,,, ,., "f 11', !rilf "".l
(.\lo"ddy-SdtunJd,I, Stu,I,"" " ,,'" d"" n Ihe d."" '" Ih""
"", .. ... fl'd"ing 'pM" 10 ."it, in li,ht 1'''''''' .",<\
"U""i,,g" ,ep","'" liu,' f"r ,I,, , ,,,u,,I,,\, ", ,, Ii ,,,,,, ,I...
rttO,dilll( "n<e , Stlld.."t> fill in '" m,,,, !, "I ,h,' 1'6,," ," ,I", )'
con. Chc...k o"'we", "'jlh Iht, d o"" " " it i,'S Ihe price'>0" Ihe
bUdrc!. t he n plo)' (he " ,-urcli"iI "'iIdin. A>k if >(udc'''!> Ihink
Ih"l II". Ii, kl"h .'" "'p,", i",. n, 1 "'h)' Ill!' ti, kd' " H' mOH'
c'l',.,,, i", n" fdd"y, S-,wnl"y,,-
Tape. cnpl
(lltiU,h ae"t. rewr<lod me' ..go)
you 10' <aWng the holtin< fo< the Oo>m;o;ooThe.t ce,
Ticke' informatioo 10< 'WeWon RockYou' i, a, Jollow"
, wniog "ar' at 1.3lJ. For midweekperforrmoc.,
from MondO)' to ThurWO)'. Oleovailabl. at tile following
price<: t we-lve pound' fifty, pouod' fifty, t hirty -two
poond' fifty and forty pound,.
fo' the Friday ....oiog l"'fIormanc tdot' ace pri<od at twe-l
?Cund' fifty, t"",,,ty-''''"'' ?Cond' fifty, t hirty-.....n ?Cond' fifty.
IOOy. two pound, lift y and pound,.
f or , he \.at urday eveoing performance. ticket>0'" pricod ." """I.e
pound. fifty, ?Cund. fifty.t hirty_fill<' pound, .nd
filly pound',
There i, a"o S.torday "",tine. ,t.rting at Z.30prn.
Tldo' pr",o, aro ,he a, for \.a'u rdO)' evening
Mon-Thu" 12.SO 22.SO 1:32.50 41).00
h i 12,50 27.50 1:37.50 H 2,50 45.00
Sat eve, [ 12,50 27.50 35.00 [50,00
Sat mat 12,50 21.50 35.00
I m!J ia f,'", f",r'., flno k, (,) In p.' i", , 111, I,"" "",,d ll le"
leX! ill m O f(' tldoil "nd "n'''''T Iht- '1",, ti" n" Expl,'i n
th. t lh,' "''''''''r to , ,, m,' of Ih" '1u.., hon, in""I"", n"",'
"n, fifm ,t""
1. Shirl ey Tempfe, Macau layCull<in:2. EI;>a beth Taylor, Jodie FOSler,
O,ew Bar"!mor e; 3. Sh irlev Tempfe, Efi, . both T. ylor: 4, Drew
Bor rymor e, M.c.ulay Culkin; 5, Orew Barrymore: 6, Drew
Barrymore: 1. Jodie Foste,; 8, MaoaulayCulkin: 9.Efilabetll Taylor;
10. J odie Foste,.
f'I.e f9rfl YOM listen
o Slud.. n" d i",,,, Ih,' 'l lt,,,Ii, ,,,, in I", i", I"ed I"" k Ilt
t h" ,f",,,A,k ' ''MI,' nt ' if tlw)-' ""'1'1";'' Ih,' film' "rtil<" ," to"
J epitl<,-I Ott pogt' f 15 (H" ley loel ("m!"nt wilh Bru' Wi lli,
i" J1" Si,lh 51'''-'1". ond with )"tI, Lo,,' in .H,J .
!J.:flW/o 9
I:' <D T.....J. .l6 1!lI1 {D 'f",,<!,d, I'''!\I" 61SI"d!"nh
I" ok lh"' ''!\h th,' ""t,", "I x, ut fl"ky l,x' l O, m,' ,,1. .\ l"k" ,,,,,'
t h" l ' hey wlW miil\!\ inlom,"I;"n Ihey m,,,1
li' I,' n 1<", PI"y Ih,' r"t"<mli,,!\ "'1<" ,,,, ly .",1 <"ii'il t h.. mi"i "!\
infom' <l lion. Only ploy t h.. if tfwr<'
or<' th ai n' H " '" in lhe d""h", m. on"Il" f to mmpl,"" .
ad Hollywood kids (pp. 112-113)
Bgt ere
D d i""" II", q",'''iom in p" i", t h.. n h.,, k to

rn Di","" th .. qu'"lio''' wil h Ih.. whole d" "

A....a' ch
W'i bng
Ing'oups. ""dents fO<Jkal a titealttl guide lrom
a city in their count"! and discul. what tlley
"",uld like to go .nd see,
Find a recording of a song from My lady,
Or a song by Quaen end play it to the Sludents,
who complete " gapfill or. comp rehens ion
[Amoric"n IKcon')
Now. todaY'1 fM ed HoU)"I'OOd ,tar i' Halty J""l O,ment _ Ihat
migllt nOl be a name that you'", familia' with, but il you.o ....n
any 01hi, film" you' ll cenainly remember h;m. B. uu, . Haley i'
" illonly a " .nager.
H. wa.l 1>om 00 the 10
of Ap6f 1988, and hil li"l l ilm was called
Mixed Nu". which he "",de when he wos ooly 6, in 1994. But tl>o
film, hat you'll all ..momber him in i' rho SixtilS""'. oMlic/l he
mad. in 1999 with B",<oWilli' - what lantastlc film tllat w., !
And he'l been in pl<nty " I " t il" lilrn<too,
I" Fo!res'Cump. al", in 199<1. he play' To>m Hank, ', son, and in
1996 he aW"ored ;n film<allw !l<>9v' withWhoopi Cofdbe'8 .nd
C.r.reI O.pardiw.ln 2001 h. made afilm with l aw <allodA. I.
- th.n 1000 fo' "'rtlficial _ wh.", he played a robot
00y, and that', on ly tfie beginning'
Ho'sa l,.ady had . n O><:a, nomination _ for 1MSi.til5-e"" _ and
h.',cort,linly got a great future ahead of him!
a hld i, 'id'h,lIy, ;tt,r1e,m 'l"j<kl y t ile text , ,\s "",d.
t h..y m" k,' I"i ,.( ",,1,, or> fh.. proh l"m, of c',,,h film ,Idr, D"
t his for th,' fi'" p,lroll'oph .. y k mpfd wit h Ifl<" ",hole
d,,,, ." ,m ,'",mpl,'. " , hort I;m, Itmit f,,, thi " to
'I",k"" n"t t" ft'"d ,,,,,,,I of til<' I<'xi yd,
Shirfey Temple; film finished in her 20s, divorced at tha ago
of 21.
Eli,abeth Taylor: many marr iege" alc oholism, weight problem.
Jodie ..alked bV a mad tan
O,ew B..rymo,e: drugs. elt&mpted suicida, f' om her
Macaulay CUfkin: battling p.,ent separation hom his father.
married at 17and divo' ced twa vea" lale,.;
O.te of l>rth;
Nf$t film:
Most famou, 1,lm:
Ye ar.
Costa, in thet fifm:
Other fi lms. vaa" and co $I.,s:
Any Oscor
Haley Joel Osmenl
Th8 Sixth Sense
Forrest Gump11 9941
.....tll Tom;$
with Whoopi Gofdber g
and Ge' ard Oep$' dia"
A. 1.1200II Jud e l aw
Teacher's Notes
Ex tra actlyltlu
SRCUlkin 9
'"" Sh,drnt, di",u" lhe '1ue>lio", in I", i", then h"tl bd,k to
th,' do"
WrIt in g
cr ,tlld""h wpy th,. 'atego,i.... in th,. 11,,1,'1' J<wl O,m"nt
not .... ,,,,1mmpl"tl' th,. dM"il, "hnut thl'm",lv"" u,i"g their
Oil''' im"gin,\t i"". it migh' hl' 1><-<1 to Il't t hl' m (Jo lhi' for
honlt"wk, to ,,110" plenty of l inu' for thil1king
f] ,,,,,ll'l1t' 'ompll'h' , <,('{ol1d v"rs ion of the 10hl,., th i' time
"buut thei' port".." by i"te,vi,,,'i nl\ e,,,n nther in poirs- They
lh,'" di" ...., lol!ethe, thp p,obiem, of be i"l\ " child "." /I'k
" poi" to ",port bock to tlw d,'" thp i"fo,m.tiol1 t hot
lhey fo,"'d out "boul th"i, port",,
Extra ectiyjtigs
In pairs Of groups, st udenlS discuss rap and
hip-hop music in ganeral. 00 they like it. 0' do
they p'afa, othe' SlIdes of music?
In poi,s, students invent e sequence of dance and "" ite a description of mem. They
then gille the de' cription to anOlher pair and
see if theyt an followthe move, purelyf,omtI1a
w,inen instrUCtions.
Camp,eh.nsion Studenls watch an .>:traCl f'om The S,,,,h
Sens6 on . idao , od complete a simple
comp' ehe nsion task set byI"'u,
8e Dancing in the streets
(pp. 114-115)
El S'ud"nt"nmpl"'p the t",k in I"' i" A, k if th..; ,,"ould
like t" 1\" 10 o"r "fll", li,t"1.
1.F,iday and Suoday;2. Friday; J. Saturday;4. Thursd.y; 5. Thursday;
6, Frid.y,
Students 'esearch Oscar-winningfilm music. 0'
filmsongs. 01rocont yeo,s,
On . ideo. playlhe class partol a film0' a TV
d,ema thlt makes use of background music IiI
does not motte r which language the dialogue
i' inl. A' k the ' tudents 10 desc,iba the music
and to explain how il . dds to the .!fecl of the
' Spe, kieg
lkmi"d ,h,d"nt> of the m",i<dl \'Orb, 10'""'P"" .",<1 to
ron,l "rI, S,,,,lenl, ,,.d lh.. t"" ond " " m w the '1"">li"",
1. New Yo ,k; 2. The University01Calilo'nia at LosAngelas: 3, The
piano: ot Neafly 80; 5. 5:6, ConduCling
8t Soundtrack: Cinema music
(pp. 116-117)

() 01""", th, 'I"",t i"", with th,' wh"I,, I.",
El A, k 'luden!> tu 'lui,'kk ,klm""',,,l 'hp 'ext .1"d 10 nu l"
d",,,,, which "I 'he film' in ' h" pho"" dt<. "i<o
III t he t""" Studetll' 'he" ",.d the tnt> ogdin i" m(IT" <lp'"il
o"d ,,,1>,,"" Ihr 'I"",'ion"
1. Pianos 0' organs; 2. Heor she had to watch the lilmat tho sama
time;J. Al tI1e end 01111e 2ll'" century:4, Moulin Rougeand Chicago,
5. Epicor , ci"n, e-fiction lilm.
o Stude"" h,k 01 the t,,1' l<" tl poll A,k th..m ",h" in
t he poll "nd which ." " ,,, dl rdck \1m thp "",te,,' I,",'ou,il,. ,\'k
t ll..m "'Il i'h film, In t hp '''I' 'ell tlley h,"'" """11. ond ,,'hid,
h""" ,,-we, 1' John I\'il li" m"
StarWars, Schindler's Lisi. Tha mpir6 Strilcos Back. fT.
Wrlt iDB
mSlnd..n!> mok p"'!,,"o",,)' "0""" in d o" , Give hdp wilh
\'ocobulo';" The;, lhe" rump;",.. lll<" full w,ilinl\ lo,k f",
Extra actlvitler
Srudents writ. ashort bing'aphy01 tI1emselves,
0' of ,h.i, partn., (in thei ' imaginary 'oles as
child film sta,s). simila, to the biog,aph ies on
pago 1l2,
W, iting
,cli .iry
S efore ypu w n!
o A'k til<' '1'"'>lio''' to lh,' do" 0' 0 "'hull', Do " ,, 1 y,.,
",,,fi'm or ro,,,,rt their o"'",e"'. 0' the infonndtion i, ;;iwn
i" ,h,' fi,,' Ii".. of ,h,' ,ed<linl\ ,<"Xt
EJ ID!l1" ko,hd' Ilonk, 1'01\" (,)Stu,knt, thP ""k
in p" i", Remi"d them lo "'od 'he Illm<."r of hl!,"hnp Ie" ",
to hdp u...", und,"to"d Ill<" ,,'xl. r,,,,l i,,,, the " """,.t> t"
('Xt'"i,,' I, lht'n di"i' th" ",he, ,,,!>wet>from tht' do", d'kin;;
t h" m to j",ti{r th" ir t,u,,/f.I,, ,hni"," e""h ti"",
1. False; 2, True;3, T,ue; 4, False; !i. True; 6. Fal' e: 1, True: 8, Folse.
Ii] lmI [D Tp.",lld, Rook. pog" 61Stude"t, comp[,,'" tl'" td,k
in I"'i"', Whl'n dl<'cki"g o","'e"" o,k thtm to exploin hOIl
tl""r mdl<h,,1 ",,, h l' i'lu,,' to it,
1.heodspin;2. donkey;J. windmill;4, lI"e, ; 5.handglide: Ii popping,
Voc ab ulary
o Stu,knh mmpl,'''' tl,, t.,k i"di\'idu"U;', p,o, t i,," the ""'"
lI'Urd, 1' o,kinjo\ i",hid""l ,tud,",," to demomtrol , the
m""en"'nl' Ilr, 1<" ,",mpl,.. 'lidin;; 0 olonll .1 'fc<k.
,pirl" ing 0 w in, ,witlging" b..g 0' nippillg b""k uver.
I. sliding: 2. s pinning; 3. swinging; 4. flippiog,
8q Lanquaqe & Culture (p. 118)
(g Book 7 I", '''AA'''t ion> on how In <IS<' tl\l'
,_ [ "II".... [Mild
D Key
Mortmain. TopaL Cassandra. Rose
a Key
2. " oidly.
3. "oatly,
4. extremely.
S. convincingly.
1. well.
B. diM"r.olly,
9, beaul ifully.
10. precisely.
, 1. , eali'tically
fi] Key
mo re convinoingly, more ,. ali, tic. lly.
a Koy
1._ II.
2. badly_
3, ,ensibly,
5. logically_
1. su' piciously....ily,
11 intelligenllv.
9. nicely,
\\'ril i ng d film rrvi..",
";"n, di'ect, 1Me, director. perform.nces, oho, eolo" .
scr.enpleV. lin es, plot. ,ub-plot, role. plav. "<Lsoon, part,soning.
filming. co, tumes,
(;J Key
l e. l ntroduoti on,
2d. The plot
:Ie. Th" main char .cters and the actors who "I,ve d them
4b.Thesgttjng. <ame,aworle andcuslumes,
53. CU"oIusion- g"n"ral upiniunof tll" film
and technology
Topic.: Brrtish news pa pers.text messages. tethnological
innovations. studying withthe Internal, tec hnology's
effect ontha English language, Ihe Republ icof Ireland
and its computer industry
Counl,i es: UK. USA, Republ ic of Ireland
language: pasl, presem and future slang aod puns,
abbreviation tech nical j argon
Vocabulary:weather, telecommunications. computers, the
Internet, the language 01 text messaya s, wordbuild ing
o 5(ud,-,,1<n>m1'I<'I,- I,,,k il1 I" ;" C1"., k .,,,,,,-'",, wilh
lit, dd,
KeyboBrd. mani/Of; and scraBlt con be , n in the larg"
pheln01 the couple .t thocomputo,.
laptopcan be seen in the bonomphoto,
Electronicnoll/bookc"" besaenintile lelthand photo 01 theblande
h. i' edwoma",
Mobilephone c.n be se." inthe top pholo.
e .e
SI",le"h di,,,,,, Ihe ' l"e, li",,, in polin. Ihe" [effi l"" x 10 Ihe
,,",lot 111<" d."
9a The UK press (pp. 120-121)
gtocg ypu
[J Di""" 111<' 'lu",Ii<m, ,,iln Ih" whole, 1""
El Siudenl, look ,,1 Ih,' II"" "''''' P'' I'''' nl" " 1>, ,hk if Ih,",e
d'" ,'''y d, ff",,'n,e., in Ih" ,t)'le .,.,<1 I"ro"l o r Ih,' 11m
"e'''pdl",n. Cd" ' h"l' !l"e". fmm t n" n".ldh",", .",d In"
photo." wh,,1 Ih.. , 1<,'1' i.,/
hpl,;n Ih,,1 Britt,h peopl.. Ihe, .. dol)'> u>c both the
f.,h",nhdl .md Ihe , .. ><.1,", rm t"lkin!l "1,,,,,1
le"'l",r"lo,,'. 11"1 h-nd tu " " W i 10 t.,h",nneil when
"bonl hoi ,,,,",,ther,
'" Th e hotte' t dayeve, in the

El ,hk ,t,,,kn!> wh"I 'o""'l ",,,,, ,,, . " ,,<1 e,pT.,in 'he pHn in
th.. heddli'1<" 0" 1"' /;" I lO {" .<;"".Ia!' """I i., ", u"IIr " Ifol .1ili"'ldl
m"dl "dlen in Il,it., in lor S,, "<l.lY t",,,h). St uden!> m"t , h th..
w" ,d , 10 Ihel, definilion<.

o m ill kd, hd, ltook. p.1ge (.j Slud,'n" "",,1 t h" .\l1i, I,",
ill I",i". Allo,,' pk nl;' of lim,' r", r"ddi,'l' bul ,'mph",i'" tholl
,w<knt, , hould ,,,,1try 10 und..!>I.nd "H'ry \\'oed of Ihe
TIle)' , ho"l<I",," .."IM.. uti >CM<-hing to' Ihe lopi li,tN! in
exerri '. ,hk , llI<I"nl, 10expiolillihe ,onceI'I of
o bN, onrl expl.,i" if Ih.lll x,okm" k,!> in lh" ll K
oJ,,' 1''!I"lIy Ii""",,,ll,, o<H'pl bel" YOll "dn find boo km.,",,,,
ill mo, 1l' KIml'll e,,,I,,,,.
. bOlh.
b. bot h
c. TIleIndependent
d. both
e. TIle Dnily
1. Th9 Daily Star.
g. both,
111 Di"",, Ihe ", ilh Ihe ",h"l" d .",
Probably Th9 Ind9p9nd9M. because il uses more standard
I. "guage.
G Studmt, "'i ll be "bk to i<!<'lllif)' ",,,,1, Imm Ill<'
gl.,,,.lry, bUl lh,'}" might r",,'<1 hdp "i1h ;11I"I''''';n<llh<' 1"'1
IH''' lher 1'''''' i" Ihe olrtide 0" pog" 120 (S,.. "I,,)' "'"" Bril"i",
d SlI"ddl' ,,h..n the Briti, h 1"'111'1, II",m",I",", "D" k,'<I.
",;1i;0I'" rf,ill Q>lI: millin", rel.,x in Ih, h", ""'.,Iher, 1",.,1",
'1"1" hookies "e.... hllUI' ,k'fNt,,1hl' the hoi \\'eJ,herk
Aller ""''''''n. ,,, k ,1",1",,1< In <I i',u" in I"'i'" II,,
h."i" <llffe",n",", I",' ", ('('n labloid "",1 l",xlll , h' TI "'.".,
.... pnrtin,l< h.,"'" on their find inll' in ,,,'r,,i,,',
., The OailVStar.
b. Tha
c. The Oailr Srar,
d, The OeiJrSrar.
e. The Independent
BgforQ ygu IjsW a
D look.lI li<l nl dolily ti l' nell"p"I"'" on p.1!\"
I.!fl, lJo II",}" Ihink lholl I mo", ,,' r,-,"'r ,lilt,'" ,," ,;II,,,
in Ih" l ' KIhon in their """ntryl SI"d"nt< di"'m' th..
tn 1'''' ''
The popula, tabloids ,ell Ihe mosl copie,. probabty beca"sethev
are cheap, easyand Quick10 read and ofter e<oiting sto, ies.
!d.tvn i n g
Gl C!l Trd.I.,l.7 Stud,'nl, ,,,, it,, ,I",,,,, th" nllmb,,!> 1-; i"
Iheir t\u1<' bouk<. hpl.,in Ih.ll tl wj-' m",t lis' e" eMil time for
Ihe "",ne, of """" I"' pe" 1i<tN! on IMg" !ll). ,,.,<1 for hOI>'
oft,." ",,,h I"'''''''' b"y, Ihem,
PI.,;, Ih,' """r<ling o""e tn, ,I"den!> 10 nol, d",,,,, Ih,'
n"""p.'l'e" and Ih" li--Pqllc,l<'i"" .",d Ih,'n pi,,}" it d '''''o"d
li,m' for , 1"<I"l\1> 10 li'I"n fur 'f><'d k"t'>' 'ed>O'" f." buying
Ih.. p.1Ix!>.
(Briti, h,'"t,)
"""'-"', I'm'00 bu,y to rood , d. iiy ne" 'p"p<r. but I buy
new,p. per> at the S.,,,,day I blJy 1M
eu old;on ndon Sunday t buy lime. i ii k. 71>,
euold;on t>e<, u", the "", it e" h,.. ' he
polrti",,1vi"",.. me. and t tike 71>. rim" 00 ,
Sundoy iI i'Iti ..... 01-..... 0Kti0trs_
mol ..i ...... 1SU)' in bodlIIl marnirllI: it!
I 1<" n.. Sun'"""'Y doy duting Ill< ........ - from
Mondoy to Fridoy.l lik. ,t OKoU" it' . quid and
e..y " , r..d _ I u n it in my lun, h hour, And
. ports rej)O<tS a....aUy good
I go! tM DMIy"'.-.y doy. in<h.-:ling 5<lndoy.
lot to ro.od in tM"'. _ iI'. a ..illy ....
'P"!, M _ .. OIl tt.. ....... >1_thoro Oft
..... 0I __
ptdotWc __ P I ,_ ....-
w 'obi..ed
1. Sh. bll"j'S 111.Guttduln DIIt d'V ' ...., .. end T_.on. d' V
I we ek. Sh. buys T1I. Gu. rdil n bel:, us. th' writ' " h, ... the
$. me poli' io. ' vilw$ '$ her, .nd 111. Time$b.t ause il hI' lot $
01diUertnl sections . nd maga"""$.
2. H. bUV$ Th. Sunfive deys e week. H, buys it beCI"$1 it'l quid
Ind euy to . lId Ind beoa",. hi likes its. porU .eportl.
3. Shl buy$ TIl4 O.ily Mu$evend"fS I we. 1<. She buy$ it beclu$e
it Contlins 1101of d"'e.ent lhIRg$toread
SRgplsin s
D Sl1.ldm" </,........, 'Mqu<"l""" in 1Mon, a. a , ....
tal>lo;d ..-portinll In !'UU' IUn',)' an<l'M rn..,..,I,,",,"'" 01
"'r>ou' publ.. . t"",.
Extra a Ctl y/tlBf
E] If 11t'<"''''').. ht-Ip -l"'ltnh In .... .hot
\Vhi<h Illdphil, ('O"MI......., m .lli,If.... "d to a bo-,1'i<"",I'
() .m,wh .",." ."'''. :'>.11"1 ' . >1 " 1;.1'. WIT I ' Wl\ I .Ili .. },..
Ral>t .",d rna ),be al.., If<" ", rill)' a 1";"' ''\ an .-1 "",1
.",d ri III, llt,i II
\ \1,;, h co" l<I h. ..'" , "' 'ht " ',,, k'( , mllth.,.>II w n
(; ,111".1/ a'HIIIN ,1I"m i"I'" \ \i><lJ)
Wh il h ll,a phi,,.-o"ld It<- ..,,1 1>,' "'''''"',....." annuun<t I"".
" ..... "'prrti ...... ltab,., lCu,,,, 111... 1'" lilt
El \lu<\tn" """" .ht tM.t .nd an,,, ... thot 'l""'t iorn

1. ohorl ml m ging se MCI
2. Th.UK,
3, 60 million,
4. 71% 01thom.
5. Beceuse le.ting is hl , d m,' on 1he thumbs
C 1mJ ,. r...,htr, 8ooll"'Il" l>I S1"'I,,'h tht '"'" of
tht arli<foo on 'ht "..-t> pajl<". " .... 'htm hoM 'h'nk """nil
<UUId CdU><" int"........ Sl"d"'Il' .......llht . rla in pa,,,
.nd ,ump!<1<" the Ia"'- O""d, '"" ",th tht "hok d.. " ,"ll "u<\tnt< '" i","n' thti.' ,' I. l... am"n'\. Aok ,htm
" hal t""" 'h'nk abuu' Iht KIt. , "", ' ''' ' IOIl rould .....
phpil.lly daf1,ll;tfOU'
1. FI ' s. ; 2, Till. ; 3. F. I..; . True; S. Tru.,
Find another now, story reported in 10rmal
EnOIi$h 11.0 m a niWSpape,. trom tho Inl ","et
or lransonbed from a . adio 0' lV reportl
Students re'Wfitl it in In inlonnal style for I
llbloid . e.dor$llip
SlUclents compilee .-sIttlllf \of Ihllir school
or """"'- As. I cl. ... sNcIent:I IlK"", which
_ $lOria '0 inclUde. AlDcat' IIch llo<Y lD
I group.who _lIIe 11
you h :arge eli'" you CllUIdehlll iftCl.....
_ le . ""es..,ch al l horoscopo 0' wtem.,
e port, etc. . lIthe storiestog lthl' . nd
presenl tha<n in I !old 0' es I "';.$ of
poste rs,
t!e to,." you U,Jg.a
11] di"-"" . h. ' lu,',Ii,"" i" pai" ,
rJ CD 1 . ... '" .t il PLo,.ht ._. Sludmb no-
_n_. oIl 'P'"al... >ntd, 1..1."
(1lri'I.... ..,centS)
.-.... 1..... 11"'. mobio.buI . ..o...t ..... n -.y doy. I just .....
few ...... . _ t o _ ""', '"1 _ Oft """"
ond if they wont to fT>Ht lOP thlt nT". I o/woys ......
t..IS - I hardly _ . calls, II you ...... . 1m you
can ....... t il<sa"", mtdg. 10 10' 01ptopl the
same t imo. It'. mud. more <OrNenl. n,.
9b Textlnq (pp. 122-123)
Before you reaiJ
o ,\ -..k ,tudo:nh " ha' l"," SIIi in thot phto k dnonll- l-
",rn mon in , "". countr!'. .and ha. ,t <k...lop.d ,t> """
\\ h do t",t mt<..Rt"' i","OI.. a 101 of
-' :\.I",Itn" Iool., 'ht 1",1 """"'g<" on pajl<" III
nd <I,,,,,, in .'" ,,, " 'hat it <uuld "",.n.
WAN2 MEET l8R1 TXT ME BACL 00 l'Ou wlnt to meet IIw 1 T. JC1
m. bacl<.
WAN2TXT1 L 00 VOU ""antto teXl1
2 1i,""Y". I "'" '"1 _ doy, -"1 six.,......,
limo> . doy. bu. I it ro. rNl<inI phor>tuoIIs -. not
j"'" lor sond;ng t 1<riy tnt ;f ...... go( .... , .. U...,
priwal.toSl1-_s _;Cs_Ybu _ 1_
1i>t..... to.,... f'"'1O"'Il.,....,..,e<!
J E......n<:1_.... mymobio 101' rNl<...... - I just ......
_ I........ I lot oIt"",,! l'tobabIy oboIot -.ty
doy. Some of tl>l ..... Oft quil. 1on&. too. Tlw.
""'YI pro!.. ' . " inl _ d><ap ' 0 ...... long rno>Uf"'
bytext. bIo. it would bee. pen,i"" to m.l e long pI>ono
Teachers Notes
Extra actlyitles
'" Eli,abeth.
Spga k in a
Ell Studpnt, d i""", the qu",tion, in group> dnd then fet.-d
b.Kk 10t he d,,'S, If <h"lenl<.njo\' h'xhl11l- d, k lhem ,, 'h\'. I){)
IheVp,,-fn il tu ph",,,, ,'dll, 1
4WIWAM' I ><nd quit e a lot of te'" "",,,age> _ about ten a day, f
S<J ppose, I don't phon. rna"", people "" my mobile_
ju, t fI'rj<. 1 it , I. r to t.", people than to
phone them. becau'e , ""II _.I'mqui,. "'y.nd
somel ime. Id",,'t knowwhat to ""y On the ph_, Ir.
...i., to put your in writ ing_ e.pedanyil
you'.. sendingm. . ..go. to gir!>!
o ,\, k,ludmt, if they h",,, ""er hl""rd 01dny "'''J'' i" whi , h
y"u "dn use Ih, ' Jnternet, on your m"" mmp"lt'T fo, 1= .
k ,n,,1 "'"d<'"'' unrl' .....,'nd Uw ,,,,,,,I- lm""kd>l .."I co,li"
Th ey then ",,d the ie,t In pdir>, ,\ , k them "!\di" h"w
they """Id I"'ibl)' "',. the Intnnd ", iih""t ha"ing tu I'''Y
for It Ih;- ,.,ki"g " lap'''1' 10,In .,rea lh", 11'." knnw" for"g
WiF; 'iA,,,,I,). Stu<!e"lS'he" .nl<Wl"r , hl" '1lll""i",,; 1-6, Af'e r
rhl"d<ing the '''''''',r;. o<k'1",k"" t" b'iefly "I", ,,,,,,i,,, th,.
tnt. "i,h", "",Ill' or in wrili"g. to ,he..-k lhdl they h."e
lll" t"" ' o,,,1 it> I'rindp.J poi"".
' 0'
1. To showother Ilobos whe re gene,"us people lived.
2. More than 1.000 teet.
3. They can connect to the Imernet lor t rea. using you' wiroless
4. Two back-Io-backhall drcl...
S. To try to attract cuSlomo.. into lhoir buildings
6. Thevt hought thot il wa.lhlft and tritd to stop
Slu, I""t< i<x,k ,,' the tn', '\,k th"m if "ny ,,{ lhem kno,..
",h." IlfOO"IIm"I, "',d,,. or JG are ",ilh"u' redding th" In'- 11
n"l, d,k th"m '0 , kim the le,'" <]ukLly '" find ",H. Elidt
,"XpJdlldUO'" lrom <I"", St"de"ts the n ",,,d the t,"X1S
mu,,' (dref"ll" dlld .,,"".. thl'
1.Va, . it i. ,
2. You pav a fixed sumea ch month.
1 oucan use " laptop or notebookwithout connectingitto "phone
4, Yo u mu, t no, got oolor sway Iromtha wi,ala.. hub.
5, No. it hasn't
6, Voo'libe able to acee" 10 the Internet quickly and in colour and
downloed music and \lid eo.
You do not haVI a mobile phone. (,; plain to
vour mum or dad vou, raUOnS fo,
wantinglneeding ene. and lry and persuade
themthat they should buyvou one,
In pai, s Sludents roleplaV the lollowing
Stude.' A:
D C!l Trd,'k l 8 (D1'dd,,'" Book, (,) Ihe
" ''''''ding dg"in for .lud,""1< to not, down ",hy "a,h p""",n
Ii"... lexli"!\- TI'ey then m...,h the 1"""1'1. to II", rea,on, a-.d.
'" . Will iam
b. ElilObeth,
o. Adam,
d. Haylev.
acti. ity
You are Srudenl A's mume, dad, ou do not
wan t him/her to have a mobile pllone,
bae,usa you donot thinkthat teenagers need
them. ou thinkt hatthev wOSle a 101of time
them in' tead 01doing more inta,esting
IIlhevllave mobile phone. stmlants send escn
otherte", messages in English lusing stlndard
EngIisn. nOli peciall e'" abbreviation, - whicn
will be e.plored in onit gel.
Spe a lsJpg
Q Student. di",,,,, the ques'io" in pi'i" ,md f<'l"<l buk to 'he
.-]" " ,
Writ ing
e Stud,."t; de,,,,lop tllt'ir ided. fro m ...rei.,. 5 in wri t i"g,
Thq' ,hould ,hink uI' d' le..t th"... diff"m't fnrm, u{ ""w
'edmology, dl"<l"ri hing thei r fedt",,", .",1th,' b"""fi l, for Ih"i ,
U...r;.," i" ' he ." t id l" on 1U bpl.,I" ,h", i, do", not
",.It"r il , tu,I,nt , who ldlketl in J"'ir> wrih' dbuut
th" ,,,me id"a"
9c Internet innovations
(pp. 124-125)
Before yow read
oSit,"'",. ,Ii""" the 'lu("51i<>n, in pair> EIi,' it from the dd"
whdt yo" ",,,,, do if \,0" "'d'" to W, connn1ed I" ,h, I"krnet
d' hu m,', dnd how Inl"rnd provider> ,hdrge!or [n,t'rn"t me
in your <nunt ,y-
y oce b wlBry
a '\,k ,n,d,'n', t<> "",,'r ul' the ,I"liniti",,, ,,f, St" if dn)' "I
them c'd" ...>"ny of lh. , from t he defini ti<>n,. lhen
,,,k them to rompIete the t.<k in 1'"Ir<.
1. d: 2. f;3, a; 4. b: S. 0; 6, I.
D I'""j ".... In poir>. ,t",lcn" ,h i"k of fo" r qtl<"'ii"",
that they t.'Ould a<k their d.'''''''te, db" ut thei , use 01
wml' uh-r>, Whi I,- ,'ud, -,,1> .re 'Hi'i,,!! their '1u,.,'ion>,
,i",,,bt,, .1round lhe d"" gi\'i nll hell' ",here nff"".,,), II
""d."t<.,,.,.h.wi"g dillin,l,y Ihink i"ll or qu",Ho"" yn" ,ould
",i,,, the lollu", ing pn'm!,1> "nthe b'hlrd,
, likrlwJrJp" ' m '
, 011",,,,(1 01 ,<d,ooJl "' 0 Jri","', I'''I' ''?
h",n",,,r'? ,'I"JrJ" l lnl",,, F , ,,,oil! gnrl,i,i" on" di.g,,?
ImIV oJ'm' it"w "''' ''y ti",,,' IwIV many Ito,",,'
the" wrile thei r '1Ul""'lion< i" fun on d large ,11...t
<>1 I'dI'.... I(,d"iog pl"rlt)' of ,,,,,n '0 "ot" down ,h,' ",,,,,,,.,,
of ., 11 the nther d.", memh""" Student, t1wn,;"ulat" dmund
the d"" ."klng the '1u",!Oon' , \\h<'" tl", y n,we d,ke<1 dll ,hr-ir
dd,,,,,.t..., , ,h,'y wllate the " ...olt> in p"i", wr e'dmple. th"y
"",k out wh.t pl"l'<'entage of the dd" hdve" ,-"mpu'e,.t
a '-lud<nb di<cu.<1ho' """"""" '" pooir<. Oprn the <buWIon
.t><>u, ,"'".. rongn<'<' of pLoiPo",m 10 ,"'" .. 1101<"
ho....... , ..... i> lhe .,tt.og<- numbn ofhou... ,.... <fUdm in
Ih<"Ir d." ,pmd .....h "....k U<lnA. <ompU'<1'or ....... "",n v
sludm" compu,.... ""........ 10 aloo
u,," of ,he rnrnpul"'. H... dr." bor m..rt.. .....",
Of Ii.....\. <kpKting ,hnot mul" in W. phi< k>nn,.md
IM...J Ihtm l'l>.. dwgtdln, <.n ,hen b.- on lhe
o;1.o"room "ill
E.Jte4 setiy/tin
In pl irs .01.pI., lIJ. folluwmg
9d Internet cheats (pp. 126-127)
Vqcb U!!a
a '-ludrnl!. ...dn .1><- Inl .nJ find 11,.. rrln"nl " '0,, 1<.

You re Jellln Hutller,lh, III cloer quoted on<Wbsilo, Con!ront lh, rlud' tll
who hn plegierisod hil essey from the
Inlornet. To ll him hollt vou know Ihlt rt il
plaglarin d, e, khim why he did eox! di,cuss
together whit you ara going to do no",-
You Ire' student wllo he, ptagieri5ed en ' ssay
from the Im,rnet 'four1eechor hasdiscCMI' ed
the plegio"'m. lhat you did WfOl'l\l
. .......... \'OUt tel chef, Qutstions aod d,,,,,,,,,,
ll>gelher wIIet \'OU "" going 10 do nen
o.sc_ _ thestud_howthty c.. .... the
could nllDn d'l.loIowWIg nps. 0< ON' '-
the 1 '9 n. comprllltns;on text.
Slud'"t B,
SIUll,", A:
ge Language change (pp, 128-129 )
IItttm Study T'J'$
- Onlyta'" riormIllCln Ir"", relitblland silt$, weh
.1_c""",ctH10 mu.......... insliluIions. TV
channtls I nd
- 00 nOl " '" inIc""ltioI'llrom the 10mIlle \'OU come IClO$S,
end do n<JI rely on infon",,,,,,, hom on. Ido only. Cross,
check info<metion ,cross, numb.. of dotlerant silo.
Anelyl, end Id lp! mformetion fer your ll<J'llOso. DonoIi""l
it directty- mly not b, I UIlO bie for voor perticul"
I " ignment
- If YO" copy any Unet dlracUy f,om e site. use only I ,mail
e.tracLmake obviousthltyou are quoting from e websila,
Ind give III tho dotail, of met li lO.
- No. er plegiar"o IItiIoII II l<lS di.. from tha Imornet.
You will be discovered.
Vocab ulary
P........ 1o'Irbo ......

Find 01 Ih, ('1051 phonu ud
computers in meg'linn. Studonts discuU
them and thorn in groups, l>I'
about moi, 10alurOI .
Studenu inl\ruclion. for a complete
lboul hollt to use I simple
or "",bilo

Batoar YOM
oA<Ji.>tudmh in ....... " .... (ompul........ n hdp Ihtm "'II<
lhei r ..hooI ..'O<Ic 0;.."".. lhe qu<"liom "nl< 1......-hoI<:- dr;<.
A, k lhem ............. il ..""Id b.- 10' ropy m.>'t'rioJ from lhe
tnl<Tn<1 .nd prdrnd il """ ' h<"Ir O"n InlrodUtt lhe ..on!
Wl...., "ould br II><- of thi>?
IiliJ (0 "'d"her' , U" " . 61SI"d,'nl. n'" d Ih" 1",1i"
p.,i", . k ,on' \I"'" \I'ilh Ihr \I-h"i,' dd", ,hk somr 1l,'n",.1
" ,mp",h.". i" " q"".lio"" 'I" h ,'<'
11 hal l""" 'd" In""," U>t '" drltd f'lo9.",,,,,'
" d' ''' ""'" ",hITIt"" ;""hidl 1tlod,m "''' "" l/wi. rom""", >rID<
.. iJm1<h pIogiorisls.

I. b; %. b; 1 a; I. b; 5. I ,
o ", It-n" look> .1 ."" ..rl><o"....nd .. hio. h
""" 'poo pnmd/',.md ,,lU<h ... tool lor ",... hM-s. A>k lhem
.....1hrIp<d Ihtm 10 ,it....
. , EueyM..ler; b. TUrMIII,cDIIl
E3 .....-1 l he " ....."" ... ,n <I<1dil . nd dn''' .... lhe
'lU<'<li""" A<1lh<111; IXn u"'l ,I I""IT""""/,,, """J ' in l.n#>I"
/10 I "" Ihi"ll''''' I",w pa, '" u..- I--'''')',I/''''IT' IIMI did /d,nl'<
lI'mllT"" .. h", I" di"",""", lhol " ",""I hod ." "",,-'
'" t. / 2.00)
2. Lilo,"," re,
3, Thev compe,e it to billion, 01 loternet pl ge, .nd moir own
4, An 'o<igin'lily "port'.
5. ThI1iI weI pllgilrisod Iromth... dotl.r.ntlnlerne/ 10UrC'",
o '-ludrnl< rompk-k lhe lk ,n """n 1lr<1Up<. .., ..
romf"'l,loon 5ot1 . <hurt tim<' limil'" ..... 1A.<k.
a A<1 if """"",, tw.'<" ni of .n!' of 11><- .."""
drfin<'d on P'"ll'" 118. .od ,'''' ddindiorn dIld, ,n
1"';", ""'1m thnn 10 ,''''' in ,''''' '111<'fl<C'S-

1, <WlKlSl.
2. <p.m,
3, dOlcom.
4,webcl m.
$, blog,
6, cyberspace.
I!J lillJ la T"drnd. lIor,k, 1>.IIl" 61 "'d,1 til<' 1",1
'lud1y dn<l m,llch tI,, lilln I" III.. """'Ilr,'ph". Wh.." d ...c\<ing
.m"rt<, d, k "uw:n!> ",h,,1 IYII....J Ih..m 10 rk-<-i dr th.. ,opil'
uf .....1<
Teacher's Notes
First paragraph: b, Aperiod of huge for En gliSh
Second pa,ag raph: d. Changing words and meanings
Third paragraph: o. The spread of Ame, ican En glish
Fourthpar.g'aph: c, Chenging style and tone
Students about how computers halte
nwolutionised ou' lif. in the last few vea, s,
using 81 mUCh Of the vocabul.l)' t het has
emerged in this unit as poss ible,
Comprehens ion Stud. nts devise thei, own simple teJ<l messege
eeli. itv in English, usingthe ebbleltietions on peg. 128.
TheV give it to a" othe, student, who tries to
W,it ieS
oeti. itv
Bef ore y o u reag
D I , Iudenl, ' dUmlion lu the .nd Ih, mdf'- Eli,'il
"n)'t hin!\ Ihdl , lud,""l. know dbu ul t he R..publi,' of
9f English everyWhere:
The RepUblic of Ireland
(pp. 130-131)
a 101ol Wfitten communication
is ;nl",",,"1
Inthecomputerege t
B,itishpeople use
me sfl'liling disk
accessis nowalso . Yerb
"'.ot is nowalso a verb
chal can mean a written
lo, mof communication
British paople use
the spelling fN'J9f.m
most written communit.t",n
was formal
accesswas onlv a rIOun
'e.olwas only. noun
Mal meanl e .arbal
loon of commonication
British people uSlld
the spell ing programme
British people usad
the spoiling din
o l!lEIla k",'hd, flook. Me 6) Student< <omplt'k the
in p.,irs
Bolont compute..
o l!lEI {D ""d,h,'f, Iloo k. f>dg" 61 SI",I"ot< tompir-l<' 111<" I."k
in I'"i", When ,'h,'<.kin;; d""n'''' .,k >1"de"I, \I'hi,h
or Ih, h'., 1 10 idenlil)' the .n,we"

o l!lEIla Te",her', Rook. p.'ge 6\ ,\,",tu,kn" to n.'''''' >0,,'"
U;ffeft"r\1 mdk", of <omputer, Cdn Ihey identily Ihe of
comp"I"r in the pholo "t Ill<" lop 01 1>, redu
,he le,1 .",d romplel. lh.I."k in 1M;"
b. d, C,
El '\,k ,f",knh wh., imdg,, if dn}', Hwy h.I"e of Irtl"nu .nd
h i,h A,k Ihem ,,'hdt the)' t hink m.i" irldu,I')' i,
in In, l. od, SI"d..o!> theo ...."d Ill{" t,,1 .0,] ,m"""r Ih..
'lu...ti or,,-
1. Neatly ethi,d.
2. The euro.
3. Athi,d,
4. 1lO'Io.
B '\,k if.Iu.....'l> ,.,u I'",'rii<t ""r of liw.n,,,',",,
.,t Ih. Inlorm"tion Fik. Siudent, II"." ('(Imp"i,Ir.. I."k in I",i,,-
1. Onthe e.,t coast

4. No.
spelling end punClualion
are ot so ccr reet
, pallin9 and penctualian
ware vel)' COIT ct __...!lI.I2'l!!<!!lC5 ';
o Di"'U,, the uilkn'nu" behn"t"n th, ,m.,il .lnd th,' lette ,
Wi1h th" "'hole d.,,,, n",king ., li, 10" bo.m l ." you .'ITpl
, t uuml,' "'AAe'tio",
Th" poslal addressas Ore nOI included. the recipiMt is add, essed
bV his first name. lho se nder introduces himsell informallV, the
quast ions a,e shorter , nd more info,mal. Ihe closing g' t ing is
informal. the se nde, adds an inlQl mal PS
Writ in g
mThi> e,,'n'i,,' (oultl he done in rI.,., or lor homework. In
dnr "d,e, 't oue nl' ,hould n,.lke m. of Ih. ii,t of rlifte,l'n''''
Ihdl h. , <umpil<d on Ih. b,,,,,,1, .,,,1 f"II,,,,' Ilw ,' m" il
on I"'ge WI.l< ., mod.l.
Key luamplel
F, om: r,t. r@iportswindow.coml
D.te: Fridav OClob.r 26th 2,34pm
To: J on Runn.r (j.runnatCsportswindow,coml
Subject: stOCl and selas le.ols
Dee' Jon,
Thanks lot vour me,sage. I'mana ching tne inform"tion vou
needed. We took at01. 1of 7.500 orders online, 121were
cance led, Did '{tIU check vou, onlin" orders vet?M"l'b. wo
snould re.iew ell the stock levels. LeI'smeet leter in the fen end
gothrougn the st OCk sheets.
I hopemis helpsl
Je'emy fost er
o Thi, I. , k multi k done in d." {,n IMi" or in,livi d".i1yl
or fo' hom,' work
Hi use r
Whet a.. vou doingleW today? Do vou want t o do anything with
us? 0, maybe tomorrow? Sand me a message.
See you
III Siuden" <1i""" Ihe 'JU'"'tion in pairs, Ch".-k .11"W"'" w,lh
the , 1.0 , up .1 h<1 of "Willi ",o rd< .",<1 ph,.", on
Ihe budrd, ,u,h d' ,,,1r, 1m-d. Ji'wr",,<t, ml"rI, "Ie
'\,k , Iuden!> .1,0 \I,h.1 Ih("y lhi nk il w,m ld be like lu work
in ""dll ,'.nln, " nd " ,helh,, t h'l' ,, 'nuld find il bodng or
inler(", lil' g,
' s,-ki..
Stud.nts Ilk nth ot/>e' wh.1 10,," of
compll1lf iheyIIawIt home. or use II school,
arocI ..toc:h I"'ogr..... 'IIw, regtUltr \lSI. e-tl .1Id cornpill I Ii$t 01 !hi: mosI
on ih' board.
fir<lltlvel brocho'" or prim0IJt Imemal5<1"
(in \'OU' own IInOUIOI or in th.1
.dverti$' holidlYS in1,"llnd. O;scuss willi the
lhe f.IIUt of \h. countrymOlmey
conoenlt'le on, . n<! th. imp'ess>on of
IhM IhlVoive. 00 tend 10emphasi.. lhl
uaditionll 0' flo e modern e, pools 01 the
Wdl s. ..... ...
"""11*10 pooylO.......
"'H...,._t1'''''' po!I1lO.....
1\,/1 i, med 10, )';mcr. 1 1'"..<li'lioo bou' ,..... lu(un'.
II<9"'''9 I" i, u'ot'd fo, pl." " n, 1",,,,,,Ito,, ,,or for " h..,, Iher<'
h mu, n'h' ('vi,k n<r rnr m.o.iull ., prffii" iun,
Ill<' p""t'flt conli""o", i, ""'d for ddinitt' h,""'
9q Lanquaqe & Culture (p. 132)
10 I..... h....... BoolI"'Il<' 7 for on horn, 10 ll'I<' ,''''
,. rul'u"'I'4I!"'J

r. "'0 IndO" .nd inIeIIi9MW centr.1h.atJng syst. ...
T........... on wriSlwttohi'l
Tl>o lnl.rnet On ..,;crow... o .....
evo players on fridge.
Eno'gv.....ngS'(SIems to reduel boUs
Cl r. thll lll< to $IMOI stabon.
Person.1digilel shopping",.iste.1S

1. wiI Ig.enerlll prediction).
, "" gcW>g to be fl"'e'hC1l0n hu.d on conc:,et.""",.
1 ..........r haveIgen.'11 I"' C1>lInl
4. II giomg fdofinb Itt ntI.
S. isnl fOing to (P<I\lie:tion l>alldon concrete
I. Ir, ...... t. IIaw Il"'odOcto<lfl basH on concm. meloncl !.
J. is toino 10 I>e spIiI (pIafi,ntlflbon)
SI'''.'iOll' pho....'o"'......ho'"
Q Key
,h'l mI UU,",
1 0h. hi.
e, Iiust w 10Oil< vou.
S. Pa,don,
S.1didn't cltch what you Slid
1. ( id
.. ( lhin' I" U.
t. No problem.
IG. n cdyoutomorrow"'lIht
II . r d better go.
Topio::s: positi", d,scrim,net>on, globalintion,
wDrting mothers, !he ee,. of old people, pop $Of>gs IS
reflection af s.ocial change
CouRtrin: UI(, USA. Austrlli.
Lang.-g.: present lensn, pruem ,_p.rl
tenses. condrtiooll sentences
VOQblllary. educ"on. discrimlnlt>on. ,mm'llrIOOn e""
citil enshijl. pr()!e5t,m.'....lillQ end edYerliJing,
ef>ll child c.... eer. ofthe elderly
o Sludtnl> d,,,,,,, Iht rholool,n ""i",

flOpl_ w_in london in !he 1901Os
tleltll street in N.... Yort< \Illd'Y
tbouomll BritiIII l...,;ty in the 195111
friglrtle BritIsIl 11miii' lOClay
eJ onru Ii.. q...-..lion ",'h Iht ..holt d.. ..

TheWHI photos anir\cse.. popuIIlJO'I ..-.:l1l'.tfJc. Tho
femily pIKKos",-. in domeslic roles.nd. cbop!rom
formaIj(y to itIf......hIy.
l!J ...udtf>r...nle ........ n Iht... Mun b.pI.oin
,..... >ludmh "dl !I .,,,., lho<.<><nrt .....C;.,.K til<'}' """'
Ibn, "'d" tItn>uIlh II modulr.
10. Positive discrimination
(pp. 134-135)
S,Cgrg you egad
o [);....." ,I><- q"....tion, ..-'th Iht ..tlnk <I \ldkc .u.... ,h.l,
,tudmt. un<kn'dnd the ,lIff,,,",,,, 1>01" " .Idle ",hool._'.Ii,," ;, fIT'<' 1>,' l/,.. 1I"",,",n'm1. .00
'"'",,/\ l"h.", ',ndrl'm'k-nl ....hooI' In the l'K)
- "h..,,, p.>rMl" p.>yfo, Ih.i, (hi ldIT" \ n lo,. I;"n,
EI If Ihi, I"l'i< h.., "'" bn-n In 1M n"", in YOU' ( OUnl ry.
",, thdl po,ili,' .. dirimln",io" " the- pmn"'" 01
tldioodld)' ,h".,.i"l1 f.."',,,e 10IIn",p' of I""'pl .. who . in th..
I"',t. h.,'" h..m ,1i",<I".." I"II",1or ",...,h,kr<.I, rypi(dlld'll<'h
for po. IIi".. ,hrimllldli"" .,... P"" I'K. IVonlVo, Il<"<>pk
from et hni( ml"",Il i,.., .",,1 1""1'1<-.
I!I Slo,!<-rIl, n 'dd th.. , '" Ii,lin ..1"'01n h,mt i"" in the lr K a"d
Ih,' ..rti , Ie> ""ItI..., hl' Udni..1Y,,"'" ..,d 1I.'fTirl n.h,'., ('h{'(k
Ih, - .m"w, ",illI t l", <1.",. II", n ."k ' \< 0<10' " '' '" ""nn",ri,,
..11 Ihe <I1flo ....""'. ..." ll .., id', "hool .",d II,,"';,'!,'

1. AboutU.lXXI I.'m,
2. Astat. sohoo!.
3. About 1tu che' 10' eva"! 9 pupils,
4. 5t AndreW$. Etlin/:l"rgll. C8mbridgl ,
5. 51%,
tJ A>k >Iodent> "'Ir,' think th.., "" .....m ,to......".t ' h..
l ' " ', top on;" .-..i!ion <omdrnm >ehool'- \ \1wt roold
.. uo;"TNty do 10m.oke 1he bol.on- """" ..,.." Sludml, ",.od
the """"""ptt to.1 quidJr 10 ond,-nland 1he fI"""I.J II'"
h pl.oin Wt _ try' 10ondc-nt.oo .. ,n
, f,.. .rt;n.. .t thi< prMnl

iii Stodn>" ...;w:t , .... ' <"XI """'" <Io<rl)" '0 lind t 0'"''''' to
the 'l""'lion.. A,k scudmt< ....... Briti>h on;' 'h......
thinki,,!! of m.nnII thrir prncntu"" 100- >f"\r<t,,,!! "....'

1. Becluse t!lO'Y think!hit Bns!Ol ... dtloWr,tllr '.jectItIQ tood
pu"",, IrQm priQte "hooIl-
2. BecIUU 1hrf thinlr. N I Bristol "" daIibaf_ choosont stitt
s.chool pupils in oflle< t. p1a.u 1M 8O""..-l-
3. 1lec. uu 9'M'""",m...- ......, .......sity 10 ttk. _.
stltt"hooI puDil-
4.1l. lIS<I ....... s4Jas... _III use",," as I "-lot ,,"cto'll
a Studmt; romplck the ld>k in I"'il'>.
1. b; 2. d;3. I; 4. e.
D C!l Tr_k Z!J [ill] '" T...xh<'t'", 8001<. I"'ll'" f>j "'utlm!>
...;w:t t .... brio", h<tm'nll- OM 1'....1;,' ... twt lhry
think the ",,,-,,0 dl'........ti'n ,.. UI>o. Hi..,n "h.1 , hn- h,,,...
.J",.o<I)' ",.0<1 .boul the m''' t<",..nh po>iti,.. ill... rin,i....t;'>n
in Briti<h o,,;......,,;t..... PIa )' , n:'<onJing .,........ ,he-< k ,1",Im"
on,,, l'n, lhen pld)' , h.. "",on:!ing '"000 lim.. if on...."''},
(Briti'" _Oft')
Edlnb<>rgh I, iooki"l f ...)'1 10 bri". in "...,,,
l<em po<>tff ....., in ' 0 ilki"", ,,,", Ison"iti<!
i"" itutior1 on imag< Modu.iwM O>donl.Clmbfldg< 10<1 S,

To .<hi..... i" goal. EdiobIJcgtl i, planning S<>m<rodieol ,,,"og<. to
its admi""", p"""", From....1Y' '' ,II< ",U. wa'"
poin" for. " u<loo,' , familyWe'ground weU tn.i, , m
..,ul,.. Stud,nt< will be gradod on wch r. cto" "' ,hoir mo li."iO"
I nd p,,,ooaii'y.lh<i' school.od Ih.i, poronh' jGb. h"a cr<dit
will b<gi. ..n if OOono io ,II< familyhad _ to
Thor. wili olso be 0 '" Clodih lor<tl POOP" . nd lor "odon"
who <ducation hos ...." di, rup'<d by famiiy"agody or som,
0,11<, "aumat i, ......nt

I. doe'n't 2, 3. jobs:4. no-one; 5. e tragedV,
Spgk lnq Spuk log
D '>Iudn11' di<cuu II><' 'JU"""o." ,n poi".
Extct a c t/vitie '
In group$,SluCltnts*"Ie I wiesel quesllOnl
lot cttile<tS!'lip ' xam tor lh..- own country.
Thi. clIIIld !oIlow the Amonc.n model. IJ/\d
conCOtllU" On nlbOn.1 idon!iTv. history and
POb\JCl. 0< couldtollowlIleBritish mod.l.nd
conC'nulle more on praclicll m"netl o! dlV-
lodot h. ing. Grllllpslh.n OW"P Questions!nd
lly 10 complil. ,"ch others exems.
Stud.nt. di,c u", or w,il. ObOUl lh. r.asons
wllypooplod,ooso la tolVI1I1.i, own countries
"nd omigrtlo to enollle'. Has th. ;r counlry'ienced ony form at mlS' or
immigrltion in the PU1' Whit wlte the
r.e.on. blh'n<l . 1
Estra ' etivjtiel
lOc Globallsatlon (pp. 138-139)
BJ: f0rl ygu read
o Studml> <Ii""", t 'JU""'io<l' ,n poir<-
f] A-k <ludn11> 100< 11><' nPcl-.... nd .olumn of prud"'t<
.nd to ....... if CAll 1..11 "'1""'-" looking. \\ ....1 of
lho,. ompanin prod",.... lht-n ....l,h the"""pan.....
to tl><' pmduc1< in pain, A-k Ihrm ,f likr Ihn<- """panir<'
pn><ftKl'- dnd if ......,. bu,' Il><'m
I. , ; 2. g; J. b; 4. h; 5. I; 6. c; 1. d; " f,
Rggd lng
I!I I!I!Il a TN Chd , nook, (,) M, , , un' , ,,,,I" nl ,
"",I' "I,II"llh, wrll, '0 po"'" dnd 'o<ln""'''''ol', l1wy 'lui, .1)'
....,,, I t h, t",t to Iln,k",.,,, l 'he "f ' Mh p.fd!!,dph .. nrl
.lIr" .tc 'he li, l...
1. c;2. . : 1 d;4. b.
9 m I. r.."'......., Book. po", 61 .."I' look .11.... phoI<><
of prodUC1' . nd logo< on j>dl(e 119 .,d ....lm Il><'m to 1M
<om, in n,nl<-c 2. Simienh ..."d the fi"t p.1'.....' dph of
II><' -". Wgot.., l .nd find ti><' Mmc'<III tl><' <om,.. "",, lhat <1.....-1
,.",h A, k "1,,,1"lher t",h ni'l'-"" the I" t
nwnl i.,t" f", pllbl ici,jl\1I flfl"Ju<l' . " ,1 the 'W,k"l,
Ihink of Ihe d iffer..nt I<xh";'1\1'"
1.C.I.i" Kl ein; 2. L. ... ; 1 Pepsi; 4. Go,don. gill; 5, Mattol; 6. ABC.
C In pa, .... ,tudn11' ....A<l l ,,,,, on......... dr1Ail.nd .m"...
t.... qut'<lion<. Aw. Ihnn " tl""' th'nk About P""I*
Of) ,lmIon<lr.liom. Do .. hi........ "'1hi"l!'
I . Beet C....IIosIing. lNWorId Trlllt Or98ois111on;
2. No. h n't 1 fvwy l 0 el MIr".4. In 2001,S.Ont; f,. Larvo.
AtneOc mulli---nllional c_1. Mt Donl Id". GAP Ind
S_kl; " HI dernolOshtd . McDoneIL:I"&,
Studenls ' ...arch lIIOfe irotonnatiollI_thlI
towns .nd _rsrtiIl of Ol<lord. Clmbncl9f
.nd St And.......
StudenlSwrite .bout or di.lcVl. lIle and
wtlltIg. of prIVole education, Wouldthey send
lIl.i r """" choldr to I privot. school it IIllt
cou ldafford it?
' . Iiwily
lOb Immlqratlon (pp. 136-137)
EJ 1!3 LO BuoI<. P"II" 61 A,k <tudn1h ,,Iw,
t" >o k t< Iwpp=i"ll: in lho, boIlom pfto<o on p"JIt 136- H",,,,
..........anIor 'wn'" <......., \\'IwI <l<J,n it tnlitlt- it< Ol<,.,..,.
' n do' \,"''''''t..-Ad boIh lext< on poJlt 136- \\"ho:n rtwd.i'\ll
In',,", ..-il h the W, ..k <lud'Tlt, 10 j....tif, too,
,hOK"". A, k <Om<' mo ....'i<ln '1U'...too" ",ct> AS:
If.... ,11, ,.. ..."'"
II"', "'" of qU"'H,"' "I'l""r in Ih. <i li:m>lup " .m1
tl 'hill, "" '0' II"..... 01>1"""",,' r"l" im",.,,!> 1'" "al uml,,,,,i,,,,'
1. 1,ue; 2, True; 3. Fils.; 4, F, lso; 5, For..; 6. T,uo.
Sglo at ygu CfUld
o A. k . tUtWnt, if A 101 of co...... to cuunt'r
If ",, "'hdt 00 thry cOffi<' from! 1Jiu" tho, 011... ,
'JU"<Ioun<" ith lh<-..-hoI<:- d....... If t....... . t<' ,mm,!U.,ot dI<IoJrm
II' "'u' d..., 1M' "..-ful to Iwndlr th.. And
6 " " h tAC1. You might to omit ..... ..i!c 6 if 1"'" tlw'
,t ,ould Cdu,,".m' offnK-to
I!) ,,,,,I,,,,, dll"m!,t to ,,, ,"'.,., th,' e\,' m ' I" ,."liom in , 10,, 11
I(mlll><' d' wmp<'lilion "ith ti"w Iimi!. Allo\\' III
'l<"d nh lor i"l",mdlion In l he t"<'<l of the Studenl' 9"ok. if
1, 50". 2. RId."d ....M.; ]. 50". 4. Arnt<iun IndlIptft donco Oly. S.
Btitlin; I . G_go Wu hinglon; J.I"' of C""M1 President; ..
1_atC_\lie, /'TesldenV; I. Fe...- r c10. Th. o/fitiII t9ItJ
011he Americ." pe<lllIe,.nd Iht rules for 1IIti. gtl\teln.... '(.
C !>Iudn11' ...A<I thr lexl quorlJ1 in poi" .nd fmd ,....
d,flnnx.. 1>..1"...,., 1.... lwo ex.m,
The US e..mconc:enull on polfbcs _ hisl"'"!'. !I>o British eum
coocentl'll.. on pt. otiCI' IspeclSof "'- in Britain. Tho US", "m
hIS compulsory lengulg, lUting, Ill' Briti.h ","m doe.n't
m\ Imlc nh n'd<l t'" t"" in "",,... </.... " " nd an,"", tl><'
1. 110.000 Irhis , nswer. qves/ion Ilrem exercise3on peg. 133,1;
2. Th! l t hev should nOI be compul. ory; 3. Thlt th.v .hould nol bo
compulsory; It, Howto find I job I nd bl pl id lh. minimum wl go;
5. Y mey .....lI.
Teacher's Notes
Extra B"tjyjtjes
IOd Worklnq mothers (pp. 140-141)
(I SI,,,!mh ,..",III... 1''''dWdph "f Ih.. !ext. .\ t, k.. ,u,,
Ihol t lh,,) ' Jllrl""t,1nrl t h" w",,1 b,",,,1. Slu,kn!> rli""" l h,
'IUNi",,' in po,i ..... Ih<'n "1"''' Ih.. d;"""in" In 111(' ",h,,1r' ,Id<<'
'" 1. Alison has two child"n, Beth has 000,
2. Alisons child'e " . 'e at Dai, ies fo, "ine hours, fi\ledavs a week
Belhs child is al Dai, ies fo, , e\len hours. {h,e e day' a week
1 AII. on i. happv about it. Belh feelS guilty.
Gl [I!J {II f" d,'hd , fIon. p08" MSIr"I"nt, o'"d Ih,' pn'lil,',
,',!l" il1 ,,,,rj ,""Wef ,he q"""iol1', ,h k 8e' w,,,1 cUlnp,d,,""si,,"
'Iue.lions, ,,,ch ,,>:
/low"'''''y ,hild,,"n """ jr""y lookoil" i" 1ioI,,!'
\11>01r,,,,,,, d"" IMO",ork'
11<,,,, 01,1 " " Ill, (I,if,I"" ,1,01 A"",,I, "i',,1
'\,k ' I" detl!' wh;ch of Ih,' 1ft ",,, j<>b, >u,,, ,d, like Ih(" hdl1l<-,1
,,' ork.
1.J enny, the child minde"
2, T,ieia. the 08f. assistant
3, Ann<llte. tho nanny,
I , J enny, the ohildmi nd. "
5. An"ene. the nannv,
S, Annene, the nannv,
Bef9tJl' you UU t IJ
(I St udmb ,Ii",,, ,, Iho '1",,,tioo< ill 1',1" A,k" f"\I' p.,i" to
f("('(l l>.,..k 10 tho ..1 .1
Lj:rtqgjn 9
Ell (l) Tr d. &. 10 Stll,k" l< 'Nd tI", '1"''''' ;011> h, 'f" ... ,ft,y
Ii",,",1'1.,), t h" ""ce. fn, 'It,de,," I" ""I .. down Ih..
numhe' "f ,hild... n ,,,,, llhe ",,,nh.: , of ho"", ""d" ><xu"d
t in,,", 10, t h" m to 001" ,I"\\,,, Ih, mol h,",,
("'mork. n
AuSON: I h. "" two child..n _ G"go<y. aged 'h,.., and Ro,ie,who'.
ni". months old. I workfull time a, a taWYOf in the so
I lhom both 10 D. i, i... Dayt:. re Cente" I drop t hem
olf on w. y ' 0 wo,kat h. 11p",1eighl . and then I piCK
' hem up again . , h.lf p." five.Th.. da,.. a week. 01
<OU,,".I'm quito happy about leaving them In'" I knowt hat they ,e;,lly it tlre, ha"" a
g,e01 time, . nd the . " i," n" alway' do;ng
int.,.,;li ng act i,it i.. wilh lhem,And I still get to have. lot
of fun wit h t hem in the ........;ng' and at _ kend"
8' TH: I have a l;tlIe boy.A",on, who, 1",0 anda half, He', ""e"
at Dai,ies ,i n,. he wa, a ye" old, luckily, , onlyworkpa"
, ime, al home. so Ail ronoolyh.. to go'o day care for
!II..e day we. l l ,.ke h;mtile.. at ni". o'<lo<kand
h;m upal fou' o'doo:k, I ha"" to admil t llat I've """.,
re.lIy ""en10lally h.ppy . l>oul pulling him in daycare _
altl>ough he 1011.. rt. You have ,hi, po""" nenl guilty
f.., li ng. and I think you miss.Iot of the" development ,
whi<ll l. a pity,
You nead a new pai' of jeans, All you' I,iends
weer desiQne, b,snds, Try to pe, suedo you,
mum0' dad to bll'/Youa newpa;, ofdesigne,
jean" e"pI "inl"gwhyth;s ;s impO' Un110 you.
You are Student As parent You have not got
e 101 cl moneyto on his,lhe' Clollre. and
you do not u"de,st and why helshe wants
designe, joans whe n cheape, ones look
the same.
'tudents in10 groups, and allocale each
ofthema differont example, 0 new
soft dli"'<. new stvla of l'.ine,. new
perlumel. Int hei, g'o up" studem. try tothink
of new wavs of adverti, ing the
p,oduct that would'eall y captUre the attention
01 the global public.
I" pei,s studenls roleplay the 10110win
Sludent B:
wa ,k
SQf ocg you CBad
o <; tu,lm t, I""k ", Ih.. I"blr ,,,,d di,,,,,< Ill<" '1,,,..,Ii,,", in
p., irs.
30 yea" ago, the ages of 1IIe mOlhers we,e younge" and the
numbers of child'en pe' family wore g,.ate,. The st atislics h, \le
probablych. "ged in,eceoI V ' Sbecaus. it is mo,o tOmmO"" ow
fo, women to have well-pa;d jobs. and 10f Ihem 10 delay having
Ch ild,"" IThe rable answers Q"e , rion llmm exerd se 3 on page

SllIdm!> ",,,d Ih.. fi,,1 pd'<ll\'dph of Ihe lext. They ronfirm
t h" i, on",',,!'> 10 ""("("I,,, I "nrl om",,, Ih(" lIlh, " 'l 0,..,lion<
1. Beoause they have good education a"d ca ,e ef oppo,mnines
theso days
2. Th. man stays at homo ,"d looks ,ft" the chlld,.n
3. The p,ice of hou,es,
4.39%I This answers Quesrjon3 fromexe" ise 3onpage r33.)
oA,k , lud,""l< 11'1",1 '''''' 'l,l;,mrI1I' 1'''''''''' ',111 m"k< if Ih,}'
I", .'.. ,nMIl ,.hild....n ,,,,d th")' b"th need 10 w",k SI"rl"nl<
look "t Ihe j"b titl", "f ,h,.,... wo"'en i" ' hi , ,,,,it
Do " ny of Ih(" m " I",,dy kn" ,,' Ihe d iffe"",,, "
("h,ld", II1,k,. ,1 d"r "" '" o"l, t" ", dod" "ooo)'?
s""I"'lI< "',,d 'Iw prollk< dnd m., lt h Ih" 1<',,,,1, In Ihei,
d,fi" iti""s,
1. 2, a: 3, c; 4. b,
mf)i<n.l t he qu",li"" \I'il h t h, \>' h"le d"", '\,k Ih(" <I""
\\'h,1I ' hoy {hi"k th, "'1,';"" lo"t ' t,lll'l i", M" f", I"mlli,.., I"
II1<"i, >un l'y.
Ii) Slu,it'" I" ,Ii" u Ih" 'I'l(',tio", in <m,,11 gr''''!,' ,1h ey co"ld
"I, ,, dh,"" ",h,'lhe, h ur l ;" g ",,,tl,,,,, ""d dlild ,.". i, " bi,<;
phe<lOm"!lon In their <JIHI wuoln' Do """ ,'"d"o!> know
of "ov f"", ili,.., io lhei r m u nl!'>' whm'" mao <1 .lV' '" home
10 "her lhe child....n' . ,
Extra actiyitltf
@grare YOU read
10. Carlnq for the elderly
(pp. 142143)
'" 1. Zoe.
2. Daisy
. Dl i.y,
5. Daisy,
6, Daisy
1;1 A>k >Iu,knt , tn Took . 1the 1"".';V"ph Un f"'ll", ..nd to tell yuu how elderfyllriti,h peop le
Ii,," in , d, e h"m,,,. Whdt i. Jikt'lr tn IMI' I'..n to th,' n,,,,,btT
of old l""" ple . , 1'''J"Cenhlge of the pOpuf.ltinl1in lh(' [utu,,'/
mu' "" ml)(', will Il""".) ,Ii"' u,, lhe otl1t" 'lUl',lin",

(I 1.... " '0.1< Ukit ide..> f",m th(' d "" l'<"l(.,dillil th,'
kind 01 infnr m"liun th..1 >m uld li k" to know in thi.
. ito"'h'm, ,,,, d build up d Ii,t n(topi", 0" th.. If "",11',,1>
.'" >hor! of ;'ou """Id " ", ,, tio,, Ih,' lolinwing
""'Ill, ,,.,,,,1..,. ojm"I"",."d,'off I i ,ili"9, ", ,, li,,,1"''', 0" i,i 'i", m,l
Stud""I, m,lkt' ""I, of th.. t"pit< on lhe ho",,!, thpn "" ih- ..
Ii" 01 lull .Hld rui<'ploJy Ilw i"I",,, i,,,,, wi'h thei,
In pai,s Sludlnt. ,oiapllY the following

You and StudentB ha.e a one'yea , oldbaby.
You ha.,. been looking ahar the babyfull-time,
bul now you wanllO go back to work. You
wa'" 10 discuss child cer. arrangementswith
You and Student Aha"" a one-year old baby.
Student Ahas be.n looking alter lhe babvfull
time, but now hI/she w.nt, to go back to
wo, t You do not wamto gi"e upyou, job. and
voudo not want a manger to 100' elt&' vou,
Students ""it. adiaryentryfo, oneof the three
W<l men !rom this unit. describing a r.a lly
diffi cult deythat they hlva just
Stud8nt B:
Studlnl A:
Rol l play
l et ivrty
Dgqk in g
D f) ;', u" th, ' ' Iue,t iom with ,h.. whole {I ..".
lOr Soundtrack: Chanqlnq
societies (pp. 144-145)
Students imegine that they 8n old person
who hiS just mooed into a r.,idential home
Thev ebeut thl ir opinions of the homl,
and howthey faal I bout t hei, new situation.
Students .bout or discuss the trearmenl
and Ihe 01 old people in thlir own
country, ThlYcould,esearch stensncs like the
British ones an page 142.
oet ivily
El Stud,'u!> ' lui, kI)' ,,..n t hp to tIl<" Joni ,oug
.nd find t he wo,d, in th, 'i, ,,,,,text< The)' m." ..ll th" wo"l,
tu Ihd, mh1ni"l'l' inthid,,,,lIr

n i
n q
!1J CD T....... ) I Pi"y tllt" joni .\ \ it. hell 'ung 0""', St"den1<
folio'" til<' I}'ri,; in Ih..i, ..., lhe)' li'tm, A,k 'i""' "'o"
to tht, who le
DCfI't iralwal'Sseam10 go
ThaI youdOli'!kll Owwhat rou.e gal ullit's gona

ID,\<k "utklll> " I"'tl",, Il", ,oumh like ., nice
fm nl<l prople to he in Thq' <Ii.."" ' he <jut'>ho'" i" p"i"
B fMd iQS
C ImJ (D 'fe"dw", 1'''Il'' 6) ,hk wh.t they
lhi tlk .Lout the irk. 01nld peopie'; hume" Ilow ",,,,,1.1 Ih,'}'
1",1 if th, 'i, W,,"dp."'"h nr l hei, p.",nt, m' rc in one' ,hk
t hem '0 ","d tht" h"o Ie,t, qui, kl;' ond lim] n," whirh lli,1
,'ppm\'t> of uld p{""l'le, hnm"" .lnd whit h ,Ii" ll' p""""
"fth..m, Th,'}' thm '.d Ih,- t e,t< in mo", deld il
tfg,ltst'n g
L I!EI IInnk. p.l(e 61 '\>k >tu,lenh wh"t II", }' 'hink
'he ph"\<" un l'<'Il" 142 ,huw.,,,1 ,, lh'1' ,hin k the text
i, .,hulIl. Ml" Ih..,, i,,,'itulion, likl" lh i, in tl",i, olm >untry/
S'< .... .,pl<'l, thl' t."k in p.'i". When t'h", ki"ll ""'"W'
" 'itll tht d.",. ,,,k >""il'm, tu j,"lif)' th..i, tno..!I.,I", .hnke"
1. False,
2. False.
3. True ,
4, False.
So True
6. False.
7. TruI ,
a. Fal,e.
Irhe introduCl0'l' pa'agraph an,wars question4from 3
onpaga133 1
Teacher's Notes
oCD Tr .. . k I I lillI (II k",Il<'(, /lo"k. pag<' 6J Pia)' Ill<' '''ng
,'gain., ,tud",,!> mal<h tk lopi(, to Ihe "el"'eS,
Ver.e t c,
Vern 2: d,
Ve r.e 3:.,
Ver.e 4, b,
DeW" You listeq
111 Stud""t' d i,(u" the '1'"''lio''' in p;,i".
fiI CD 'I'r .. . k l.l lilll III Teach...", /lu"k. pdge 6) Pld)' th"
l.dlle'dntl hd'" o"r,-, Studrnt" f"lI"w Ih,- I)',k, in Ih"ir
hook,., the>'I1,\<'n, Thm d>k 'tudent' to mdl{ll the I'Nr< 10
Ihe prediflion, \Vh"" d"'W"!S, 'lSkthem 10Idl >""
which wo'd' or pll'd>\'> in Ih,- mil hdp<-J 111<"m to
m.I<'h Ih" , ',''''., to Ihe prediflion<
1, d: 2. e;3, c; 4, b; 5..,
Spe a'dn a
f.iI CD Tr... k l .l Pld)' Ih,- ,,,,,,,,,,ling. ,,"cond lim" for
sluMnl, 10m",id", Ihe gen"",1 me,,,,ll' .md mood "llh,'
"''Vl, Di..-u>< the '1",."b"", with th" "'hole d,'"
mOT,"",tudenl, dlt"ntion to the j;, r1 lh. 1holh "mg' ,n'n-
wn"e" in Ihe 'dme j'eM, ,\,k thl' dd" fo' ",me gonor,,1
",.mpk'S "f ho", ""iell' h," ffi'T1!!,,1 ,ime the 1960s. Stlldents
,Ii'>nl Ihe qut'Shom ill , 10,,11 WOllp'.
I1l Thi' ex"":i,,, muld bo done in cia 0' a po" <>r group
d{1ivill', or f"r humework ., 0" i"d i"i,fu.,lla,k In dlh'" "o'e,
the follo"'in8 '1<'1" 'hould take pl",'e ill do" bdore , ludell"
kgin 10"',it'-:
_ Stlldenl' <h""ld d"'i,I,' ",hith 'o'iol problem th'1' 1",1
,uo"gl)' "b,-,ut ,md would lik<' 10write "b""I;
- hdl' them wilh "nl' ne't'''''''')' voe" i",],,')' :
_ <lude"l, compile li>1< of "wrd,.
Gi,,, ,luM,m {l'c,,,i,,,,lr",d"m ,,'illl thi' Id'k. dml "II"" , them
n"'ibillty wilh tile I,-"glh ollhei' <ong<. Ihe rhythm dnd the
rh)'me "h"",,'. AI"" d!lOW Ibem ,,, m,,{h "'p"Iil;on of """d"
0' they wish.
Eistre actiyjties
109 Language & CUlture
(p. 146)
(II T"d,hd, !look pdl\e 7 fm ,u!\ll,."tiol1> on how I" u,,' Ih,'
1"ln;:""lle" (:ul!u", 1'"1Ie.[
C"ndition.1 ,,..,,Iene", revim'
(] l oy
hotel accommodalion
package holidays,in. end newsletters
financial advice services and in,uranc.
Zero: If there was nowhe,a els. to go, tho," was a ma' kat for
ereal inolhat place forold poople.
First II I offlr these p&ople cha.p holidays and organise
e"arylhing,mey will wanl 10 l, e""1.
11 pen, ioners want to travel to particul.r ploce', thoy wil l l ind . 11
the informationIhev need in tho Saga travel mag"ine or on me
Saga websita.
Sooond: If tha holidoy, worked, olhor bu, ino idoe, lor tho Ove r
Th ird: If Oe Hnn had nOI recognisedthis ma'kelllfe for the over-
50s wouidhov. beon v.ry different
gJ Key
1, hadn'l given,
2, wouldnavor hovethought
3, had had,
4, would he.. gone
5, could,
8, WO" ldwe see
Speoking: ,""eh,l,-,g",g opinion,
o Key
2. What about you,
3. So,ry, I doo'lag rea wilhyou.
4, Inmy opinion;
5. 1don'l lhink
6. I think it depends on.
1, we' lih. ve to agree to disagree.
Ute. MIn ",,",rH ia IlIis -.I,11l:
patriot>e speech worn HenryVl7yW....., SMkespeere
two poelll$ byWiliam Word--u.
an tmaet from fmm, by JIMAuSlen
en eJCllICI from T1>g Laslof theMahlelns byJames
Fenimore Cooper
In,.trac! from Uncle Toms by Kerr;lt Bu che.
en eXlrac! fromNicholas Nicklalwby Dickens
enexlract fromPygmalionby Geo'gl BernerdShaw
poemabout the First WorldW. r byWill,ed Owen
In exulcl fromARoomof On,'sOwn by\'irQini. Woolf
In '><tIlel 110m The Grlf/4Sof W"th by John S' 8inbecl
I poemby Dylan fbo<nQ
en ' XUl el fram Tmby lad,e S"IIth
Links to literature
fhuJdio q
CD T. ...1. .. .. I'Lll' ,,,,"""'.....!tt'll of 'hr <'XI,"" "ho.k-'h "
k,U,," th<- ' n l in Ihri' bo,A,....udt-nt> ",...J ,,,," 'h.....
,ompnh :n..x.o 'f""" ioo, .",1 """",h 10. ""''''PI'> i" , hp tn t
F. pl.,n ' 0 'h<-m ' hd! Ih,y .JlQol<I , 0OCp"lr.,p " " fi"d"'K Ih<-
."".. . 1'> ' 0 Ihe q,,,,,hon, ."d ""I ....,'"1' .t>oo, "nd<-N"n<linll
n 'r l)' wunJ of Ih,' 11',,1.
WI",,, ."'""1'>,....k , hlll...,l, In Idl \'011 ",hi,h Ii"",
"I Ib,- ,,-' I pm\'idt'lllh" '" "' ill' ,h, - i"f"rm"lio" "","-' "" ", to
,II"' '''' IllI' 'l "e' li,,",
-" DHI sho<J td re. omble e tiger. He shouldml kl his muscles teosi.
""0 IIIh;. fe. erve. of blood I od ml kl hisleci l lId eves lookengry
Ind n""" 6-9).
EJ l.ina 1214. PlJIo.. thllthI .... nslellln he'4 aIIOloughl
onthI ...... hettlel\old. Iglinst!hl Frondl.
,.. I<', Iloo.01<1"'8"" II lor """"" ' ...... on 00..-10 "'" ll-
lo,,,,,,,,,,,, uni!>-.
o In PO'" "udrnt. """'h,hi' d."", lo lhr lour pictu"'"
A.....1Inn ..hoi htIP"d lhtrn10 , Iv- flirlu.... """" hdt
... lhn<- p<Tio<k h..1 on U, histon' and .."tid
Th, pIcture. show(from
1 The FrenchAeO'Qlubon(, gen,,.1 ponodof rev<>l ullOn andralliell
.ot il l thing. in EuroPl lnd AmeriCI I.
2 Thl Elill b. ,han era (a of prosperily and mihta"l
superiorityfor England. An. gl of I.prorationand dis"overyl.
3 The First World War Ithe beginning of industrial. e. le wart. r.
alldm"S . illing, The 10.. ofinnoelnce endthe breakdownol the
class .vsteml,
4 !'heVOC lONne, l (!lie blginning 01 tho industrial age. Thegrowth
of tho oily. Mechaniu bon Ind ",twavs btingi"ll prosparllyIIId
mobili!y 10!lie popull tiol\ Tho growth01 1111 British EfIl9i ro).
a Do , hi, ,,, .. do..... n....,.... '>tudm,.... iU prub.&blr kn<Jo,.
,n ...hid>....a ShoL",p.,..", bu' 'h<v mar n<nl Mp
",'h ,,,," Olhtt a"thon. """ Ihrrn 'f ,,,," piet".... of ,,,," k""
.,,'h un IIi... Ihrrn a <1.... ;n 'ntI\'< of 'h<1r doI.l>n and
ph, '" aWa,"n'.
AI til",," O",kens: Tho 'W<toriIn 0'"
BIWilf<1d Dwll'tt Tho First WorldWar
ClWlHil m$!olkeSjlelf", Tho Elill bothl n0'"
01W"'mWo,dSW<lnh: Thl F,e,,"h Revolution
lla William Shakespeare (p. 148)
,h k if ,",, 1,' "'' " ,,,,,e ,m)' pi,,)" h Sh"kc>l'edrr, ,It
d""rif ,, 'hei r b"' i" pfo". ,r"d II", pdf"W"ph, li n
\h.,I..'I..d..... ......1., "n,f 'l b . t. ,,.I. A,k "hoi'
, fill.",,,1 " f ptd)",""", ..-ro'., and ,,h.ll lho.-
hi"",;<.f <onl""l of , ,,," 'I"""h 0" Ihi. P"I\<" is
El Thl -.ero cOIIIpo, 1dtoII'I'fIIooRls f'""'11 doqsl just bofofl
!lie reel bogifts(k>es 24-251. TIley wouldresemblogrllyl'looo\ds in
thII'II'IIIy.....,.,ldbe ful of enlltipnon II'ld-.1I'ldbe
to be ....1..... end _toronIOWI.'" !lie enemy.
Your analrs;,
CD h .. ... 'n S'od<'"l\ d,,,,,, ,, ' he-..- q",,,,boo, In pooll'> Of
.."",U8m" !,,, ( haL an""'''' ..."h ,..... "'ruM ,Lo", Ihm pLoy
I.....rr",nli " l1 of 'hr c,I ,.,1 "R"i",
-" o He rt fe to thoir fathers in Iinl1 11, \ 2 l od 16, end to their
b, ding lie. Ihei, ancostryl in line 21 ,
He eces Ihi' 10 "ppeallO th. ir sonu of pride and duly 10 l neir
I ncestors.
Q They would be wo,k", gcl..s, H. ,ef. ", to them .. nolJle
bec"0'"hi .....ants '0 btu . downtho social barrier, be_"lIIem
...d I>iM$Ilf, I ndto fIl4 k. !lie wI'ocN IrmyIe" 1$ , lIIey "I equat
ports 01thosame, ""bit coontry,
lJ HI .-. Ilifect. IlrIllll!>C ""IIOIgo. He u.... imoglO$ thot thI
sddre<'I c... N siypicture II'ld....strstIfld lit- thI.,. he IPPI*
10 tho lOkio",' ...nse01 dUly 10 \hIif 1nc:10I<n elld u..;, counuy,
MprllSl'Send nlllo", tho... colr>g thorn
At tho_ of III. SllI'Id>.I!le sold.... lre .. 1 high ornotioneI stili.
..... to go into bittle, '''''''IClille1y I II" this $pilCh is "shed.
lIorvy r..dslllem in e ctlorgl Igoinsl the ktl>.
eoot o!pROrsry link.
Slo,Im,' di""''' tho..... 'I"'..., ...." '" pooil'> 0' ,,,,.U Il""'f"
. m", r l'> " 'ilh ,h,' "'holt- f.,\.
" tea jilctjyitielE
Studentami" patriOlic speech, poem, song 0' P'O,.
ext"et I.omtheir own tountrys f, leratu' e. end compa'e it to
this e><t,act f' omHenryV,
Students ..starch the Hundred Via" Wa, and the Billie of
110 William Wordsworth (p. 149)

Ask if ,my student' I",ve ew, tu Londun, "nd Wlldl1<"'
0' "ot the y fo",\(1 it ,,,' Mt rM1i"r ' ity, Student, ,o"d th,'
p,,,,,g,,,ph, "n w"...I, .. "rth', .....rk, .",,1TI... 10-,,1_
A, k tll"m wh i,h othr, Rom,m t po" Word,wot1h
o>U"horrl!,,1 with, ,,,,<1 whirh t"'" I"'"lio'"
til<" twu 1'0""" un thi' 1'".'\",
Ql ..-..... k 'i4 PI,,)' th. ,,'wr<.l ing of thr pue "" \\'hilt">t",k'nt>
loll"w th,' tnt in t h"ir hooh ';tuckn" " ""I thr fo'"
comp"'hm,io,, q"",tion, ,,,,<1 ",.",h fo' ,1ll<Wers in the
hpl"in tu tl\l'm tlMt tll<"y ,h""IJ '<Jlll"nt,,, t, un (i",ling lhr
"n"",'''' , th" qu(',liom "",1not worry "bout undr",t,,,,dinll
rn',y w')r<1 ,,( the I'o<'m,_
Whrn ,hc'(killg "",,,,,,,,,, d,k , t udrll!> to t<"l l P'" \\'hi, h Ii",,,
o( the pm' n" p<ov,(kd th" m with Ih" ,nf",m"t,,,n n" """'Y
to .",,,"", thr qll",Ti"n,
D It is eady morning !line 5; line 101 on a sunny dayllines 8-10),
Ther. is "'ery li nle aOlivity inthe City llines 5-6: silont bare, Ships,
towers, domes. thealro., endtemples lie;line 8: the smokelesseir,
line 11: e calmso doep, lines 13-14: rhe veryhouses seemasleep:
And all rh8r mighty he8ff!5 lying 5/illl
B He hnds it beautiful and calming Ilin.. 13; lines 9-1\ ), He
considers il mote beautif ul rhan a view of the counlryside on.
sunny morning_
EJ They are compared to a crowd of people Ilin.. 3-41; dencing
peoprelline 6, line 12, line 2(1; shining sters Ilines 7-8),
[] The sight hiledhimwith joylline, / 5-161, The memoryof t hem
helps him re-li.e t haI e'perienoe of jOyIline, /9-241_
ye w liJo aluill
Ql Tr... k 'i.f St, ,,I,.,,I, ,Ii",,,, 'h,''' ' 'I,,,,,'i",,, in l'di"."
, m,,1i grou p<. Che,k ,"" " 'ers " ,'th the " 'hole rid, Ihrn pld!,
tl'" " '(""Ii,,,1( of th,' p,x'm ,'g" in,
mHe is saying Ihal Ihe view 01 London is more be. utifulthan
anything mat oould be lound in me nalUl al wodd, This is unus ual,
because most trad al poetryu,ually considers the naluralworld
10 pro"' ide lhe highest, p"reSlform of beauty_The beauty ol lhe
daHodils inth-a secondpoemis therefore a moretraditionalsubject
o b., becau,e in Ihese poems Wordsworth finds eQual beauty in
boththe City and the counlryside,
[;Q,n t ernp o r ar y,
St,,,k ,,,, ,Ii""" Ihi, q,,,,,'ion ill p"i" or <m,,11 Che..-k
,,",,,,,.,, "' ith th., ",hoi, d.",
Studems examine a poembyColeridge,
Studenls write their Own poem.bout somelhing that they f'nd
beautiful. eithe' inIhe nalural Or Ihe manmade world
11e Jane Austen (p. 150)
A' k , tlldmt, il j'ou"g I'ropl,' Ih,.", d,,}', M' > 'I ill int",,'<1<'<1
in mdrri,,!!,'. \\'nllid thr)' exPfft thei, frie".-I, ,,,,d Idmilic" tu
gi"" dn opin'" '' "" Ihe 1'<''''''' th,'tth", i"t ,",k<l to m"rr,.-I
\\'o uld this i" n" WfC' !I1<"ir d"",'l"! Th,,}' "d,llh" 1''''''ll'''l'h'
on ,\ u . It.. ..'Urk., "nd Th. It-d. A, k Ihem wlw Ih.,
m mmon Ih,' m,,, of An'''''f' ' i' 0,,,,,'1, ,m' , dod wh"t Ill('
",I" tio".<h ip t>el"'tttl \\'oodho",,' " ",I Ildmrl Smith i,
"'dd the fou, m ml'"'h,.,,,ion 'I",.,tinn' .",,1 ,,",'" h
1o, ,'n"n 'p> in the tn \. hpldin to t h,.m Ih,lt th")' 'hullid
co""enlr"t" nn finding th. , ""'w.',, ,)(\<1 Tl"t "'orry' db",,!
",'ery "'ON of thr Itx l. Wh"n ch,,-king
d" " ...." , ,,,. tl,,'''' ! o t<"l l you ", hi,h Ii"", of th, ' fl',1 pmvi ' l<'<I
rh"m ", ilh th,' inlnmlolt ion ",,,.,,,,,"y to d n,,,'('r till' 'I,,,,,tiofl<,
'" D Because she <anbe charitable 3ndusefulto poorpeople,while
independenl farmers lik. Robert Martin hsv. noneed 01 hercharity
(lines 9-15),
El She think, he should ma'ry anordinarywom.n of hi, ownsodal
tla .., who has a little money, when he is about 30years old Iline'
EJ She does not think that Karriet should socialise with Robert's
wifa. baca usG ' heleel' that Harriet. althoughillegitimate, i. from
a superior social class, and should n01 be seen10 ha.e friands in
the lowerlevels 01 society incase it rellects b.d lyon herIlines31
o Because she think. thaI Harriet has aocepted he, advice, and
soshe willbe abla tochoole a suitobl. hu' bandfo' Harri et herself
Ilines 5154].
Student, di''''' '' the,,' qu",1io", in 1""" " r , m" il
Ch,'(k "n,,,"'" w,th Ih,. whol,. ri ,,,,
g She i. l rom the upper cl,s,es_She wants 10 patronise and be
charitable10poor people, andshe wantsto soo'ally improve people
who e'e a Ii tlio above the le' GI 01 workingclass, She does not
believe that the different dasses shouldmi. inlerms of f<iandl hip
or maniage_
o Because she I;;es to,nterlere io othe, people's li"'e' and make
'projet'" oUl ol ll\em, Ha rriel is complarely open to Emma',
influence, ha. ing no fsmilysnd hardlyanyolher f' iends ,
S,<1,>n1< ,Ii""" tlw, <: <f ," "t ion' ,n I'"i" ' " """II
Ch,.,k ,,,,,"e,, with the ",hule d"",
Invile me students to pred,clhowtheS!OfY prog...sses arid ends.
lEmma introduces H.<rioItoa variety oj 'suital>le' meofrom herown
class, Il<lt all me matches have disastrous consequences. I" the
eml, Hamet mames Rober!Ma rti nandtheyare per/acllyhappy,1
Students examine an el<l rectlrom Pride and PrejUdice, the
Briti sh public's da"jc ac<ording to recent
polls, This novel deals mainlywith tho lhemeof cless di'lisions
and howthey canaffect a person', choice of husband 0' wile.
lid James Fenimore Cooper
(p, 151)

,\>k,Iude,,!> ,,Ildl thq' h'l\'" of ;\"t iw' A",, ' ri<'d'" f" ,m
f,lm' , li d\'(' Ihe)' "-Tn dny old w",tern, from Iht 19>0> ur
1960, ' Wh,,1 dho" l mO'" " w nt nh", like Il" ",,1 <111"
"nd D."", ",jl1, \1,,1<.,, 1
.... d Ih,', on ....rk. ,md 11...
It,. I . ,hk Ikm who H.'''' k,-y,- i" ,mol ho'" 1"'0 ("''' dle
d"",\(I"" f",\t,,'" stro"lIly i" Ihe pllli onl" Iml ojIh,
B!U! ginq
Stu,I,-nl, ,,' . d Ill<' 11",, -m mpr,.)"" ' i" " 'l LL"'tiun' ."d " 'M,h
fm ,m,,,'"'''' in Ih.. hpl<lin to Ih"m Ih"l Ihey ,h""ld
ro"'enl rdt" "" th,' dn,,,'O,, I" Ih" 'Iu",li"", ''''d nol
"'''rry "hmll ,,,,d""I,,,,djnll '-"'-t)' "'ord "f til" 1" ' 1.
II'h"" ehe.-kin!\ "","-er,, ,lSk , tudl'n!> lu lell }"" ",hi<h Ii",,,
"I Ill<' \<" 1 I' r<o" i,kd IIl<" m ",ith Ih" i" I",mdlion " 'T' ' S., t)' to
d ,,,,,','r II". 'I u",1in",.

D b, e. d, a. e,
a Orinl ing too much alcohol{Ii"es 59and 36,401,
6J Munro whipped Mag" a in public llines 47,481. which made him
ashamed. Inre.enge. h. went. 10loreo Core to be hi, wilel lines
Stu-I"nl> d i'(I", Ih, ',, '1"e,ti"," I., pdi" or 'mdll wnup'
.'''"C'' wilh IIh" I, d""
C Ho blame. the whit. colonist' 1m introducing him10 , Icohol, He
does nol accept his own responsibility lor drinkingt oo much.
EI She is , trong, proud and delermined, She reaCI' with di,guSI
to Magua', demand ' nd prele'" 10 l ece death ' elher th. n b. hi'
CooWmRt@ryUo k ll
di,ru." 'I,,,,, tim,, in [)<'i,.., or , mdll gw" I" ,
(h" k ."', ""-" with t h" whol" d,,,,.
Slud&nts an extract fromthefif mof La. 1oflh"
Students imagine and wrilOthe next lew lines 01 dialogue
between Cora and Magua,
lie Harriet Beecher Stowe
(p. 152)

,hk ,t"d"I1!> h"w Ih,'}" Ihink Ihdl pl.",r.,linn ow"e" ill Ihe
e"" lury .le'luired 'heir ,I,,,,,>, SI",k"l> "'dol Ih,'
p,or"Il'.'pl" ,, " ll.' . '{h .. ....,' . ....r ... dnd Th., 1, 'x1
,h k 11"' m if [-,,,,I, Ii,,,,', c"l,i" w", d 1''' llLlldr bO"k " "d whl'
]" m h."I I" O1 d, lcr<.
Shlrl"n l' ' t"Ml lh" fo", t'Omp,,,hen,ion '1""'l iol1> .,,,1""",,il
I", dOl''''' ''' in Ih,' h pl" in In ,I", m tlMI Ih,'" ,houkJ
(U1K""I'd'" on fi"'iing t h,' "n"'e,, 10 Ih" 'I"'''liom 'Illd n<>'
"'o,t)' ,'h",,, ",',.')' """,I" J Ihe texl
When , 1,,, 1,,,,1, '" 'dl ro" ",hi, h Ii",."
of Ihe provi,k<1 Ihem wi'h 'he i" (utm"t i"n n' ''''''' t)' to
n",.,. rII'" 'I'"''ti"",.

D Al lhe , tarl olthe sce ne, Tom is dressod infine clolhes !lines I
31. l . g' ee m, kes Tomch.ngointo hi. poo, est (lin",
a He l inds a hymn-bool in Tom', pocket (lines 32331. Hedoes nol
bolie that slavo, should have religio"s beliels Ilines 37,421.
ID Theyl indthemamusingbacause thoythinkth' t the p,,,sessions
aretoo sophisticatodlor a . I..oto own Ilines 45-47).Thaysellthom
.mo ng themsel. e. and they ,uction Tom', \l"un l (lines 4748),
C Tomis leftwilt1 tho clothes thet he i' wearing, andthe BiDle lt1at
he Ironslerrod to hi. old clothe. in ,ecret (lines 2324].
you r aO{lJuiJ
d i>n'" Ihe'" 'lu,,,>liol1< in p.,i" or , m,,11
(,h""k alO<\j'," with I)", ",hok ,-la.
mHe\l"oats Tomes if he were an objec! rathe' a hum, n being,
He gi. e. n" lhoughl to Tom's feelings. He b. lie , that .I . re
the possess ion. ot Ihei, master, and do not therefore need any
property 01their own, or any religious beliels.
o Tom i' stripped 01 his identity, He los" ' e. erything thaI
distinguishes him., porson. andbecomes an object. identicolto
the rest of Lo groo', ' laves.
Calm, passive. resigned.

Siudent. di"' \1" , hi, 'l""' lion ill !,.i" or "",,1 11\""'1'" k
.,.""."" " 'ith t h" whol,' d ,,,,
Students examinoan . m act from lt1e book ROOls bVAlriean
America" author Alex H,yfey. In this bool. Heyley traces his
familyhisl o<y back 10 ' lave brought 10 the USAIromAfric.
Studem. , es. archthe .bolitjoniSI movement intho USA who.e
members. in!he 19mcentury, c, mp. igned101 an endto . 1..e'Y.
11f Charles Dickens (p. 153)
A,k , I"d,-.,I, " ' h,lt 'hey i"' '' l\i",' ,d",uJ, W"r<' Ilk" in II"' i'
(QUill')' 1';0 Y' dr. dgO. W",,, I""" ,hild,,'., ", I"e"t<'<l'l IVh.1
"t,,, Iht' dd"",om, like" \\1"" wrI " f Ihirlll' <l id Ill" "hildrm
,t Ll,I<-'
S' LJ rl;'JlI> " 'dd Ill<' 1"""W,,!,h, 0" ni t " .. ,,,,,I
11..' I....t A,k them how ll i,h",'.' nm' d , " .,-,,-
,,, ,,I IIh l' r\ i, hol,I< '''i' kl''h)' h,I< 10 1\0 h, work at
0"lh"h01" 11,,11.
Teacher"'s Notes
B.e(! Wp a
5t\ld" >I, ",,,<1 1h,, fOllr romvn-hernK," qll t" tiufl'> " nd ,..,h
"mwt"f'> in tl... tr'Xl. hl'l"i n 10them th.!ltl...y <,),(",1<1 o"\(''n' tolle
on find,",<: lhe ,m ",' ,"" '0 'he 'lues' inn' " od not "'ot'!)' <li>tmt
,,,,,Ie,,,,,ndln,<: ew'ry ",mrl of the 1""1.
Wh"n d",dcirl/<\ ",k ,luckllt, 10 tell you whir h Iio....
of lhe 1,.1 ..m ",Ilh th.. informalion " ",""," ' ry tn
,m ",.", Ihe
D The atmosphere is quiet Md the boys are very subdued (lines
e TheVlookcold, il l and unhappy111"e, 4-51. and they ara thin
ragged clothes lIines 15-16),
g) He maxes the m perlorm a practical t ask connected with that
word {I,oe, 29-311.
C He c1eaowiodaws lIi"es 23241,weed the garden(' nes
31321, groomhis horse (lines 51-53) and fetch water (lines 53-561.
Your analysis
Student, d i""" theM' q, ,,,stiom in pili" Or ,nMIl I\ro" I" .
Ch" k ",,,,....,,< "ilh 111<" ",ho1<' tI"",
'" E:I .The clas..oami. cold{line 41. th.r. i. only aoe booklor every
eight students Iline, 19). the children wear ,agged clothes (li nes
1516).the books a,e old and dirty (line 17).Squeers obviouslyuu s
the to dothe wor kof se rvants (line 23'endl; b. He caonot . pen
(line line 341. His gene ral lea ching methods a,e obviouslyof no
use t0 1l1e students,
He is ,hocked and disapp'oves 011l1em. Olokens shows this
through Nichol..' short. sa,cesti, replies ta SQueers' rema"'s (line
39, line 44, li ne sm, or his sileoce.
He intend. to .how how bod the cooditio". were, and how
un.c,upulous the owne.. were, in some schools of hi. day. Hedoes
Ihi, by e.agge,ating ll1e cooditions at Dothebov' to extroma
proportions. and bymakingSquea,s a ca,icatu", figure, Thehumou,
makes t he .oeoe Vtv>d and memorable, and avoids ' preaching' to
Ihe reader,
Contemp g rary links
St"dent, di",,,, Ih,-'>(' ' I"e,tlu,,, In lMi,.., u, ,,,,,,II gn ' " I'''
Ch,..-k an''''N'' with the " 'hole
SUrs setty!tig,
Students examine an emact Irom Oliv.r r";st or Oavid
c"pp9rli9ldthatelso depicts the chiH:l poverty that formed a part
of everyday Victorian .ociety,
Students e.amine photos of schools from the 19
cantury and
compare the schools to their own,
11. G.B. Shaw [po 154)
,hk ,I"denl, if Ih,' y Ihio k tll"t lhe)' t"lk;n" d;"lo"("1
or .,("(".."t. ,\ '" the'" any ...-giOl1<11""col; in their (Uunt'y IJw
they think <o,,,,d "m"sing. 0' "lt rd<ti\'eI Sludent, re"d the', ,m Sh,' .. .... ..nd 11... It'd
,I,k th..m h"", pl"1" 'ih.\\\' ",,,,te, .",d ",ho the prindpd[
<h,,,,,,t,-,.., ;n I}ga", lion.m-. I\>int o"t, if 1'0" like, tha t t he pl"y
t"k, its l itl" fron'tl,, myth "f" ",,[plor ". h" [,-11 in
low ,,'ith the "",I ptur .. "r d )''''' ''1\ WOOl,lll h, h"d ,,,,.,t,..-l.
St" den" " .,d the fo"r <o",preht"""n <ju,'<li"n, dnd " '""h
lor ,,,"Wel"< in the It", hpldin t" th" m U... )' , ho" ld
""m,,"trdl, "n the "0""""" 10 Ihe '1"",ti<>", ,'nd not
", urry every won! of th" "'Xl.
When, h{'(king ,In'''',-", ."k <n"lent< to Iel l 1'0" " 'hi,-1I lin",
of the I" ,," id<-..I tht'm wit h Ih,' ,,,f"Ol,,,1I,,n 1<>
.",,"'e, the '1,,("';ti,,"'.
D She . pe,k. In ,n ove, co"e" manne, althe Slart Il ines 251.
When desc, iblng her aunt's death she lapse. into "aog and "on
standard grammar (tines 1563),
e She1l1inks that, because her aunt suMved diphtheris, she should
have survivedinlluenl a as well.She thinksher familymu,deredhe,
aunt for her possessions. such a$ her strow hat {line, 24-271.
@I He p,etends Ihal It is a foshionable new way of making
conversat ion Iline 291.
o Thev a,e . hocked.
Yow analysis
Stlldm" dl'''l'' the"" q"e'tim" in p.>i,.., or ,mdll gm"I".
(h" k .m,"""" " 'ilh the ,, hol, dd".
III He is attrac ted to he,- jHe finds he, ramarks amusing and he
wsnts to walkthrough t he pa'" with her at the end.) The Eynsfo'd
Hills probably have 001guess ed al r lEla's identity.
He is p' obably highly nervous, aod embarrassed by Eliu's
The acta, oughllOshaw Higgins' diHicultyin concealing
these emOlians whlle lryingto put ona rela d appeara nce ont he
He i. sall, islng the convention, 01 meaniogle..
conversation Ismalllaili. and showing how ea.i ly society can be
deceived into accapting somethingunconvent ional il they are told
that it is a new fash ion,
Confgnw orw y links
Stucknl' di",,,, 'he<e '1""'tlo", ,)\ p"i", or , m,,11
(h{'('k "n",,,,,, " 'ith th.. "-I,,,k <ld"
Extra setiYiti9'l!
Students watc h e 1,lm version ot t his scene, eithe, fmm
Pygmalion, 0' My fai, lady (the musical adaptation).
INB, the sc ript fa, the filmversion mighl not exactlymatch thi.
o,iginal stage sc ,ipt)
Students ,oad . Ioud or aot out the scene insmall groups.
I1h Wilfred Owen (p. 155)
A, k if ,tud..n" know "bo"t the t}'P" of ",,,ri,,,,' th"t
" ,Idk" ,-xp<'ri,-n,,..-I lhe !-irstWorld 11'"r in fra n", ,m<l
BelgIum,.:n,h "'"ri,,,,' wilh h,''' ' 'y bu m,',,' .",d, ,11k'
the r,r>t )T"r, lUll/; p"riod, of , t"lem"td
SllId""" "'dd th.. p"r"&,,,ph, 00 ....rlo "0<1 1h ,
1",,1. ,I,k them hoI>' uld OW"1\ w", !l'h,' " h.. "'.' kill"l. nd
\\'h," itlthe Ilibl,' , tury of Ab'dh" m "ml 1,.1<1"
CD Tr,u k l 'i th,' of the rot"m ,d,ile ,t"<I,,,t,
follow the lext in 'heir bo"b, Slud..n" rt",,<I Ih.. t wo
<Umpreht',,,,ol1 'l",,,, ion, ,,1111" 'onl1 for "0''''''''' in the [loe m,
hpl"io 10 ,Iwm th,ll th" .' , hould CDoren".' I" on r.ndi TlIl tht'
"''''''I'" 10 th,' 'IU<",hoo, " "I not "'0rl1' obout umk",t.mdil111
eWI")' worn 01Iht' [lO<'m. \\11"" ,h,...L ,'ll om""',,. ",k '''"It'Ill<
to t.-lI 1'''' whkh Ii",,,, of the lX'em prm' irlffi Ihem with th..
inform,nion n'"I<'"I")' to OTl>"'t'r Ih,' 'l0,><,tio"",
n ures r-a.
E1 lnOwen's versJonofthesto,\" AbrahamistooproudtosubstiMe
1I1 e rom at the lost min ule, and he sacrif,ces his son, He also kill,
he" the seM01f urope,
Youc.eaP!Yl j
CD ... " ' t",I" I\!> di""" t h<"<e 'lue'tio", ill p"i " or
<m,,11 group" n " ...k'''''''''''' ,,' itll Ihe wh,M d,,, t h..n [IT,'y
the O'CO"Iinll of ,ht' [lOl'n, "8o,I",
'" I!I Abrahamrepresem, thewoM's politici. ns endmil itary le, de,s,
Isaac and helf the seed of fu rope rep,esent Iheordinary, young
, oldiars_
The Rom of P,ide represents the refusel of the world's leaders to
, oma 10 any 01 compromise over , he war, end Ihei r
determin",ion '0 carryOnwithlhe mass killing until,he and,
oAbr. h.m: Fathe" rhe ofdmen
Isa. c: thafirsr -born,the youlh, hi. son, the lad
TheFirst WorldWarisoiren,ee nas . warwhereold menImembe"
of lhe ,ulingc1." es and Ihe political and military establi,hmeml
sem, he younge r generalion toIheir deelhs 'a achieve Iheirown
EI The fi""l two lin es are the only rhyming lIne" TheVmake a
d,. meti c,shockendi"{J tolhapoem,witfro"",one, ofbl., khu mou r
'00, Togethe'/lather(lines 341 .,e a half-rhvme,
Contemp orary link!
dh,-"" <jm',lion, in fMi" or 'm,, 1I Ilf"up'
Che.-k",,'w,,'" ,,'i lh t h.. whole d""
E1I:tra a c ti ylt /!M
Students examine, poem by Rupert Brooko 0' Siegfried
S."oon, other First Wo,ldWar poelS.
Student. re, earchIhenumber ofpeoplekilledduring lhe Mrs!
Wo rld War, end,he average age ofthosoldiers.
111 Virginia Woolf [p.156)
A,k 'Iudml< to 'orne f"mo", women ,ui!<'". r "n th<;-'
n,Hne ,1I\Y from hdo,,' th,. "<lori,," ..",> ",,,<1 th<-
[l''''''<:'''I'I" 011 ,,,,d lh,- 10-",1
,\, k th,.m how th" "rle of Woolf, no",I, differ< from
Ir"dillon,,1 no""I" ,,,,d If :1I{oo"rojOf,,'< no", I, ., nowl,
f!!!..a d io g
Slurl<'l1!> m,rl 'he r."" (Ompr" h,.m i,,,, '1u<"<l lo", ",, <1 >f""tth
for ,,,,,,,tt> ill ,ht' In t. Ixpl"in 10 Ihem tlW ther ,houl,1
1"0"'-1"<1 t r"te 011 findil1ll the ,"'''''I'rs to t h(" 'j u,"h"", "od nol
obm,t unrler<t.",rllnll I"wl")' word of th.. te, t
When ,h<'Cklnl! "n",,7"o. ,,,k ,t ",lm!> 10 1<'11 1" u whl,-h lio(",
of thl" te,t pr",'iuPd 'ht'm ", ilh t he i" fomldtio" n''''''''.I")' to
.,\<,,..r lhe 'l 1J"'lio",
n It is imaglnery (lines 3-41_
EI Shehas nofo rm.ledueation, bulshe'eads a li trIe al home lIi ne.
15-1 9I,
l5J She runsew.y bec.use her pa' ents want he, tomarry e certain
man(lines 2730), Shegoes10 Lo nd onIlines 38-401_
oShe want. to be anacto, lIines 44_45) or e write r llines 47.491-
All themenshe meets, apartfromNick Greene, I, ughat he, Ilines
EI Becsu, e , he is pregnant . nd un married lIine 53) . nd al, o
bec. u," ,he reallsei '0" being awoman willelwaysst,nd in the
wayofhe' having . , uccessful Ca ree' (lines 5456),
Youe cm alysf.l
Siudent, ,Ii",,,,, the,,' 'Iuntion, In p"i", or ,m,,11 I\'0u[l',
Chf'l"k "n,w("I"> ,,-llh Ih,' "hoI<- d,,,,,
[11 Because she is a girl, she is not educ.ted . ndshe . tways h..
work10doinlhedomesticsphe,e, She h. s notime 10 re.d orwrite,
Sh. is expected ta "' .rry early, Men cannot te" her . mbitians
,.riau, ly
G Shedoes not seemto hoye anyopinion oftha man him, elf, bul
merriagewe. halelulloher(fi nes 3(l- 311. This isprobabIybecause
she knows th.t as. she wouldb. marecloselyinvolvadwah
tha home sndchild ren, noflee time et . 11.
Cggtemporarv ligks
Siudent> ,Ii""" th...., que,tion> III 1"'1" or """II grollI"
Ch,...k ,ll'm',"" "llh th,. "'hol,' d."
Extra Ii'Ctiyit/vs
Students ,eed. shorl eXlfactlrom one of WooWs nove l, end
discuss the . lfe, mof consciausn"ss!echniQue ofwriting.
SWden1S sfudy peintings by the ,rl iSts from Ihe Bloomsbury
GlOup, p.";,ul.rtyWooWs sister, Va nessa Bell, .nd b,otherin
law, Cuncan G,ant_
11) John Steinbeck [ p. 157)
A,k ,t "rI" nl, tf> tell j'O" whot hf,' " ',1< like in til<" L:SA ill Ih,-
Idte ,no; "nd thllllJllh th,' 19>11<. Stud"nt, ",.,d the
[l'''''II'''l' h, un Sloinl,' ......... ","I n .. 10'''1
,hk th"m "'h,,t Iheme<S' ejub,...k'< mo,t I"m",", ,,t>tk, h",',
in mmmo", .' nrl "'hot I'S ,t",," Th, oj 11'",11, i, 1 In

Studrnl< ",,,d the twn l<lTl1pr"hrn,ion 'l"e<tion, ,,"d ,e.'tth
lor an'we" in th(" I(",t. hpl"in to tl1<'m thdt Ihr)' , h"uld
coo"'nt,,, t,. on r.",I inil t ,"'''''1'1"> to Iht' 'I"I" ti " '" " ,,,I not
worry "hnut "n,krst"n,Ii"1l mlrt! of tile le,t.
\ \' h..n ,-hf'l"k;nll ,,1\"'-"1">, o,k ,t lJ,ll'nh t" tdl j'llU wh i, h II'H-'
of ,he 1<''' !"o"id"llh,-m wllh the inform.,lion nt'ce,,,,ry lu
,''''Wer th,' ' 1"<,<lloo,
n Orangas . re dumped and spreyedwithke,osene (lines to-181,
Coffee is burnt for fueilline 201.
Camis burnt forfuel (fi ne 20),
Potatoes ara dumped Inthe river liines 2023),
Pigs ere ki lied ,nd buriedIlines 23241.
Teacher's Notes
El lt ma' e, themfeel '.d. and angryIli ne' lines 41
&2W:!!'.wpgrary linkti
'ludenlS d i,eu" lh"e ....linn' in p.,i" 0' , m.,U
n,,, .1I"""CS with thr whol,' d." ,
Sl"de,m dim'" '" I" i" 0' ,m,,11 ExtraJilctiyltf!t!
,,,,,'w,, "'i'h tI", "h"I,'
EJ Decey. ret pur,.scence, slep, purrefying, ooze,
Steinbeck uses the different words teemphas ise to the re,der how
widespread the dest ruction of the food is, The deoav ef the leod
svmbelisos the meralcerrupt ian oltha peoplewho decide tIlot the
food should be d. st royed ralhe' th. n gi.en tethe hungry.
C Sorrow, fail",e, angry. wme. wrarh,
Slei" beck u,.s the lQ ,.inlo, ce Ihe strength 01hi, . ""d
the people of C, lifamias. "egati foeling" abeut the destruction
Cpnt e.!l?PQm r v fnfq
St ud..,,!> ,Ii",,,,, Ih"," <j ,,,.,tio,,, '" 0' , m.,11 W"u l"
"' ilh Ill(" "hoi, d.",.
Extra ,pc t i v i t igs:
Students ,e,ea,ch tho cau, es of the Great Oep, essioo,andhow
we,e int hei' own country the 1930,.
Studonls ,asoarch wav, in which they can buy 'fair trade'
products in th.i, own count ry that do not e, plo;t food
prOduce" in poo' e' countries.
11k Dylan Thomas (p. 158)
,h k il ,Iud,'"'' " h it tlwy rhink h"PI"'''' I" \"" ",he" I""
\Vh.'l i , " '1l""'I" "'''I' !o did ....,, 1 p;,..,gr.'ph,
on 1'10.............'rk. d",l n ..- ..-, I. ,\ , k II",m "'1"'1
TI",mo" n",.,t f.,muo, "'o,k i' , .", 01 ", il"l in Thorn."
po"m m, Ihl '
Befl d-vs
c:J) Tr... k 18 111<" m "f11", I""' ''' " ,hiI" m"knt,
f" II"", Ih" in thd' hook,. Studmt, ,,,,,d th,' 1"'0
cornl',d"""i"" '1"Nio'" .1Ild "'.m'h for d"" """ Ih" p"em,
I" tl", '" tl"'t II",}" , hoold (on'ntr.,Io' " " li"dinll the
."""','" 10 'l lL",ti"m .nd nol wo' I)' " hoOI
,,\'el)' "'0,,", of Ih,' p'''' m, \\1Im ,lit""",,, ,,,k ,hl,k"t>
I" Id l \,0" ",hid, lirK" "f Ih" I',,,,m",l II",,, ,,'ilh th"
n,,-,,,,.,y to ",,,we, t he
() thar good closeef dey. tho dring of ttl. I,ght
Hewants oldand dyi ng people to fight agoinst ondto prOlO$la bout
t he epproech of death Iline3; line 6).
El 2. 4. c; 5. . ,
XPJ U;J!'!!akt@
c:J) Tr... k 16 St", i""" .1;""" th,''''' que, Ii,,,,, in p.,.1'; or
" n,,11 Ch""k .m" ,," wi lh the ,, 'hul<- d."" rhell pl" y
the nf rho' I",,' m dll"in.
'" l!J ' . lo$l-I"' i0 9 people1line b, intell igent peopleIline 5) 900d
people llines 7al; c, ,o,iou, people Iline" 13-'4)
C No. he doe, nol. He thinks t h.t il shows mO' . spird e"d
intelligence to protest about death than to accapt it pa""afully.
Students examine On ext,act f,om Under Milk Wood, and
di,cuss d' n. ss as a radio play
Studentsexaminea flOemabout deal hfrom lhei'own country's
li te' aM e. and compa' . 10Thomas's poem.
111 Zadie Smith (p. 159)
Wli'rm -YR
A,k ,I"d,,"t>10 l"III"" "I"'t the...
". in mur Stude"" ,,.,,1 lll<" on
.. .",d nil' 1, ,, 1, A,k Ih..", h"", old
Srnith "'d' ", he " ",roW II'hjl, 't" lh, .1l1 <! lI'hi"h
<omm""il)' in Brit.lin th" ,"1'." t "" rht> h on.
SI"d..n!> H'"d til" , ix <oroI'H'h"",i,,,, qu"stio'" .",d ",a"h
lor am""", in Ih,' Inl. 10 Ih"m Ih." II,,)' ,1"",ld
<O"'nl",I<' on fi"' iing II", ."',""." 10Ih,' ' 1"",Ii"", " ",I""t
"'0' 1)-' "I,.."t ........1)-. "'0,,", of l<'xl. II'hen
"",,,'{'rs, .l<k ,tllOl,'nt, to 1.-11 )'"" "'hi, h Ii,,, ..,"f tl,,
k'lp" ",i,h l ll",m with lh,' !"" " "I) lo "",we,
t he
() He told themt haI his n,me was MarkSmith (I;nes 6-111.
El MaQ;d Mahfooz Mur, hed MubtasimIqbal (lin 22-23i.
EJ He i' a waltar Ilines 4'H 21.
C His motho, doe, sewing at homeIlines 30-32)
111 Because ha wants to fit inwith his whitefri e"d. lli"as 42_441.
D Beoausa he wants Ma gidto be trueta hi' awnouku'a (lines 14),
:ts!.Y.u n a1ysi s
SI"denl, dim'" II",,,, 'l u",tio", ill I'"i" "r " " "II
Ch",k ." " ""',, ",i th th.. whol" d d"
D TheysymbolISe a white, English, middleclass way of life.
rn Quite allen. aide' immigrants <Ii"g to their tradition,1
culturewhilethe younga, aeneratian wanl to imegrate ma, e with
theirhost culture inorder tofit ,nwilhthe;, friends, Th is cause
ten,i on betw.en lhe geo. retion,.
.<&oJ!Ul1RS?LPry links
Stude nt' di""" th"", q" ,',linn, ill l'"i", '" g"'''['''
, h,,'k ,, ';Ih II", ". hul, ,Id,
Students imagina the where Magidlollshis friendsthal
hi, namai, Marl< Smith, Theywritea parag,ephdesc' ibingthe
i"cidellt concent,al ing particuiarly on M. gid'. omotian,
Students ' es ea roh tile customs and baliefs al one of tha
immigrant communitin in thei, own country
Module Quizzes
{DIl'ddwr's Book r < 1 ~ " I J for suggesuons on
how to use these quizzes. The rek-vanr un it
number from the Students' Book is Riven in
brdCkl'ts for ('iKh quesuon.j
Everyday life:
Culture and Vocabulary
D Where do British and American schoolchildren eat lunch on schooldays? (l a)
B Whattime, roughly, do lessons finish at British and American schools? (la)
SI Where do you buy bus t ickets in Britai n? (1a)
[) What are the normal shop opening hours on a Sunday in Britain? (1 a)
o What is a terraced house? (1 b)
lil What is an en-suitebathroom? (1 b)
Ell What do you call a man who is married to your mother, but isn't your father? (1 c)
m What do you call a girl who has the same mother, or the same father, as you, but not both parents? (1c)
I1l What is a readymeaf! (ld)
m What is sushi? (l d)
m Which of these acti viti es involve physical exercise? (1 e)
Aerobi cs 0 Reading 0
Cooking 0 Surfing the Internet 0
Cycl ing 0 Weight training 0
Going t o the movies 0 Working out 0
EEl What are the three capital s of South Africa? (11)
EEl Name a South African language, apart from English. (11)
ED In South Africa, what is a bteei! (11)
Score: ... /14
~ Pearson Education Ltd 2004
I 84 I
Habitats and homelands:
Culture and Vocabulary
D Which arethe four countries of the United Kingdom? (2a)
B ... and what aretheir capital cities? (2a)
E!l Which UKcountry's flag showsa white crosson a blue background? (2a)
o Where in Britain arethe Scilly Isles?(2b)
111 In which US stateis the Grand Canyon? (2c)
iii What is important about the bristlecone pinetree in California?(2c)
fjJ What arethe names of t hetwo main wat erfalls of the Niagara Falls? (2c)
Name four natural disasters in English. (2d)
m Which US state has Juneau as its capital? (2d)
(E What is Harrods?(2e)
m Which count ry does reggae music come from? (2f)
Pearson Educati on Ltd 2004
Score: .. ./14
'-holocopiable ~ ...
Links lNith the past:
Culture and Vocabulary
D Which Roman Emperor first invaded Britain in 55BC? (3a)
EJ Which famous battlewas fought in England in 1066? (3a)
I!J Which English king had sixwives? (3a)
o Circl ethe military words inthis list. (3a)
abbey army infantry invasion monastery reign troops
o Why was 1776 asignificant year for the USA? (3b, 3d)
o Why did a million people diein Ireland inthe 1840s?(3b)
~ Name a British city that made a lot of money fromthe slavetrade. (3b)
m What arethe datesof the FirstWorldWar?(3c)
m Which country did Britain fight for control of Canada inthe 18
EEl Which wartook place between 1861 -1865?(3d)
II] Inwhich year wasthefirst atomic bomb dropped? (3e)
EE Which US president was assassinated in Dallas in 1963? (3e)
EEl What is the capital of Jamaica? (31)
ED Which food used to be grownin Jamaica byslaves fromAfrica? (3b, 31)
~ c Pearson Educati on Ltd 2004
I 86 I
Score: .. ./14
States and systel11s:
Culture and Vocabulary
D What arethetwo Houses of the UK parliament called? (4a)
E} The members of which House have to be elected bythe people? (4a)
gJ What, inthe UK parliament, is anAct? (4a)
[) What did the Roundheads doto King Charles I of England? (4b)
111 Which British monarch ruled for the longest time? (4b)
rn When didQueen El izabeth II celebrate her Golden Jubilee? (4bl
f.jJ What does the Second Amendment to the American Constitutiontalk about? (4cl
III Whotakes control of the USA if the President is killed? (4c)
m What isthe name of someone who analyses physical cluesand dead bodies at the scene of a crime? (4d)
EEl What dothe letters FBI mean? (4d)
m Bywhat method are most prisoners on death row killed inthe USA? (4d)
EEl What do Scottish people celebrate onJanuary25th? (4e)
(E Which country celebrates their national dayon17
March? (4e)
m What is the name of England's national saint? (4e)
Score: .. ./14
Pearson Education Ltd 2004 J'hotocopiahle ,....
Culture and Vocabulary
D At what agedo children in England begin secondary school? (Sa)
El What is the name of the exams that theytake at age16? (Sa)
I!l What is the name of the exams that theytake at age 18? (Sa)
[) Howmany years do most university students studyfor a degree inthe UK? (5b)
iii If a British student is taking a gapyear, what arethey doing? (5b)
Ii! Which year isthe sophomore year at a US highschool? (5c)
~ What is the prom at a US highschool?(Sc]
III What isthe differencebetween correspondence school and videoconferencing? (5d)
o In which city is the LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts? (5e)
IE What word describes atype of 'i nterview' whenyou have to sing, dance, act or play an instrument?(5e)
OJ Nametwo Canadian cities. (Sf)
IE Which European language do23%of Canadians speak? (Sf)
(E Where, in Wales, is Cardiff? (Sf)
ED What was the "Welsh Not"? (Sf)
Score: .. ./14
1:1 Pearson Educati on Ltd 2004 Photoopiable
Global markets:
Culture and Vocabulary
D What is Britain's NHS? (6a)
El What is the English word for extra work that you dooutside of your normal hours? (6a)
I!l What is the English word for a room full of beds in a hospital? (6a)
e Explain what downshifting means. (6b)
m Which commercial company is the biggest employer inthe USA and in the world? (6c)
Ii) What type of business is it? (6c)
fjJ Which countryis the top tourist destinationinthe world?(6d)
III Which country, usuallythe second most popular tourist destination inthe world, fell to third placein 2001? (6d)
III What crisis, apart fromthe terrorist attacksinthe USA, affected the Britishtourist industryin 2001? (6dl
ED Inwhich Britishtown is Shakespeare's birthplace? (6d)
m Howdoes Britain's money differ frommost of the rest of the European Union? (6e)
IE Approximately, howmuch liquidis onepint, if measured in Iitres? (6e)
lEI Name three imperial measurements of length. (6e)
ED Whois the richest pop star living in Britain? (6f)
Score: .. ./14
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Sport and leisure:
Culture and Vocabulary
D Howmanyweeks of holidaydo Britishschoolchildrenhave inthe summer? (page 91)
E) What dothe countries who compete inthe Commonwealth Games have in common? (7a)
I!l Which city hosted the 2002 Commonwealth Games? (7a)
o What do at hletes carry fromthe Queen to the countryt hat is hosting the Commonwealth Games? (7a)
Ii} What do street luge riders use as brakes? (7b)
o What piece of equipment doyou need to dobase jumping?(7b)
~ What do Americans call a cinema?(7c)
m Name three British reality TV shows. (7d)
ID What is theEngl ishword for atypeof holiday, or holiday accommodation, whereyou doall the cooki ng yourself?
mJ What doyou doon a backpacking holiday? (7e)
EJJ What is the capital of Australia? (71)
lEI What is the name of the largeAustralianisland situated off the country's south coast? (7f)
(E Howmany players arethere in a cricket team? (71)
m On what dayof the year does t heSydneyto Hobart Yacht Race begin?(71)
Score: .. ./14
~ Pearson Education Ltd 2004
I 90 I

~ .
The arts:
Culture and Vocabulary
D What is the name of afamous prizeawarded in Britain every year to anadult artist?(8a)
B Who is the author of The Lord of the Rings? (8b)
I!l Who is the young hero of The Lord of the Rings? 18b)
o What must hedowith the One Ring? 18b)
III Which famous musical is about a Cockney flowerseller and a professor?(8c)
rn Whose songs are used inthe musical We Will Rock You? [Be]
~ What is the cast in a playor showat the theatre? (8c)
III What isthe Engl ish phrase for atheatre's ticket-selling service? (8c)
I1l Which famous child actor appeared inthe films The Accused and The Silence of the Lambs asan adult? (8d)
IE Which film did DrewBarrymore star inwhen she was seven years old? (8d)
ED What formof dancing doyouassociate with hip-hop music?(8e)
(E In hip-hopvocabulary, what is a crew! (8e)
E Howwas the music providedfor silent filmsinthe 1920s? (8fl
m Nametwo films for which JohnWilliams has writtenthemusic. (8f)
Score: .../14
~ Pearson Educali on Ltd 2004 Photocopiable ,.....
and technology:
Culture and Vocabulary
D What is the word for a small-format popular newspaper in the UK? (9a)
El Name two British national newspapers. (9a)
I!l What do the letters SMS stand for in English? (9b)
[] Which country sends the most text messages in the world? (sb)
III Name an advantage of having a broadband Internet connection, compared to an ordinary connection. (9c)
III What English word means 'a small portable computer (the size of a large book)'? (9c)
~ What is Wi-Fi an abbreviation of? (9c)
III What word means 'to copy some work and pretend that you wrote it yourself? (Bd]
~ What, in the world of Internet cheating, is a papermiJn (9d)
(E What two English words have been combined to produce the new word webcasl? (ge)
II) How does the language of emails differ from the language of business letters? (ge)
IE Translate this text message into normal English: I GOT URMSG. THXl (ge)
IE What money do people use in the Republic of Ireland? (9f)
ED Which famous computer company has its European headquarters in Cork, Ireland? (9f!
Score: .. ./14
~ Pearson Educat ion Ltd 2004
I 92 I
Culture and Vocabulary
D Who pays for a child's education at anindependent school in the UK? (lOa)
El In the UK, is a comprehensive schoolastate school or a private school? (lOa)
ED Name oneof the top universities inthe UK. (lOa)
a What document must immigrants to the USA obtain if they want to livethere permanently? (lOb)
m What is the name of the process immigrants must gothrough if they want to become a full US citizen? [lflb]
III What arethe questions inthe written US citizenship exam about? (lOb)
a Where in the USA didthe first anti-globalisation demonstration take placein 1999? (lOc)
m What dotheseAmerican companies produce? (lOc)
a) Nike .
b) Mattei .
c) GAP .
11] Which US company has considered projectingits logoontothe moon? (lflc]
ED What is the difference betweena childminderand a nanny? (lOd)
m American parents call it a daycarecenter. What do British parents call it?(lOd)
EEl Approximatelywhat proportion of the UK population areaged over 60? (lOe)
EEl InEnglish, what doyou call aninstitution whereoldpeople live together and arelooked afterbyprofessionals? (lOe)
ED What type of customers arethe different branches of the Saga business aimed at? (lOg)
Score: .. ./14
e Pearson Education Ltd 2004 Pholoopiable ,......
Links to literature
D Howmany plays did Shakespeare write?(lla)
B In the famous speech fromShakespeare's Henry 11, whoare Henry and his troops about to fight, and at which
battle? (11 a)
I!l Which flowers feature in afamous poem byWordsworth? (11 b]
e What dothe plots of all of JaneAusten'snovels have in common? (11c)
III Who is the central character inJamesFenimore Cooper's novels about early lifeinthe USA, including The Last
of the Mohicans? (lld)
III Which novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe deals wit hthe issue of slavery int heUSA? (l l e]
~ Who is Squeers in Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby1 (111)
m What nationalitywas George Bernard Shaw? (11g)
I1l What experiment does Prof essor Higgins want to carry out with El iza Dool ittle in Shaw's Pygmalion? (11 g)
IE How and when didWilfred Dwen die? (1 1h)
En What doesShakespeare's fict ional sister want to bein Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own? (lli)
m InSteinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, why arethe Californianfoodproducers destroyingtheir excessfood, instead
of giving it to the poor? (11j)
EEl From what part of the UK did Dylan Thomas come from? (11 k)
m What doesZadie Smith's novel White Teeth deal with?(11 1)
Score: .../14
~ o Pearson Education Ltd 2004
I 94 I
Modules quizzes keys
Module 1 Everyday life
1. At sellool; 2. At around hat! past three t, ccept any
,nSW6fSapproximateto thisl; 3. Onthe bus;4. tOam4pm;
5. A house that is joined to ot her houses in a row; 6. A
private bathroom atta ched to bedroo m; 1. Your
stepfather: 8. Your half-sister;9. Apre-prepared complete
meal; 10. Jap anese rawfish and rice dishes (accept any
answersapprOlCimareto IlIis); 11 . Aerobics. cycling. weight
training. working out; 12. Pretoria, Cape Town and
Bloemfonteintonly give a po,nt for, complele answet!: 13-
AfrikaansIXhosa; 14. A barbecue.
Module 2 Habitats a nd homela nds
1. England. Scotland. Wain and Nonhern Ireland (only
giveI poitIt for8 complete ,lIswe!t 2. l ondon. Edinburgh.
Cardrtl and Belfast (only {JNe point for II complere
answe"; a, Scotland; 4. 28miles$Outhwes! 01 Comwan.
England IlCcepr ally answers ,pptorimate to /his!; 5.
Arizon, ; 6. II is the aideS! living thing in the world; r:
Horseshoe falls and Americ, n fal ls; 1. 11. Tom, do,
hUfriune, eaflhquaie, tidal w, ve, foreS!fire(accept any
o/her correc/answers. evenif they do nllt appear in this
mrxJule. FlIf erampl e, flood. vclcenc. I v,l ,nche, etc.l; 12.
13. Adepartment store in l ondon; 14. Jamaica.
Module3 Linkswith the past
1. Julius Caesar; 2. The Battleof Hastings; 3. Henry VIII;
4. Army. infanrry, invasion, troops. 5. It was the veer thai
theydeclared independence Irom Britain; 6. Because the
potatoes were infected with a fungus. and there was a
lamine; 1. Bristol/liverpool laccepf 'IsOlondon);8. 1914
1918; 9, France; 16.The American Civil War; 11. 1945; 12-
John f.Kennedy; 13.Kingston; 14. Sugar.
Module 4 States and systems
1. The House of Commons,nd the House 01 lords (only
give' point for a complete anSWflrt; 2. The House 01
Corronons; 3. Anewlaw; 4. They u ecllled/killedibeheaded
him; 5. Queen Victoria; 6. In 2Oll2; 1. GunS/Owning
gunslThe right to carry guns (bear armsl; 8. The Vice
President 9. A fOfensic 10. Federll/ Bureau of
Investigation; 11. Bv Ilethall injection; 12. Burns Night; 13.
{The Republic off Ireland; 14. Saint George.
1. 11,2. GCSEs; 3. Alevels; 4. Three; 5. They are laking a
vea( s betweenthe endof school andthe beginning
01 un....ersityor conege,(accept anyanswers approximate
tothisl; 6. Thesecondvear;, . Abig danceheldlor srudents
who are about to graduate from the school; 8. With
correspondence school. st udents correspond with their
teachers by post. With videaconferencing, students
correspand with theirteachers byvideolinks; 9. New York;
10. Auditiorr. 11. Ottawa. Vancauver, Mantreal, Quebec,
TOflmto (only give afroint fo, two cities!; 12.French;13. On
the south coast; 14. Astick (If plaqueiApunishmentthat
Welsh schoolchildren had la carry il they spokeWelsh in
scllooll accept any anSWflrs ,pp,oxim'te to /hi$).
Module6Global markels
1. The Nalional Health Service; 2. Overtime; 3. Ward, 4.
Giving upa wenpaid, stress ful jab10< a less srresslul job
that pays less laccepr allyIInSWflfS approximate to /hi$);
5. W,I Mart; &. low price supermarkelS; 1. France: 8. The
USA; 9. Footandmouth disel$e; 10. Stratford f-upcn-
Avonl; 11 . It uses pounds sterling. nat the euro; 12.
Approximately hall a litre (0.S1Iitresl; 13. Inch, foot yard
{accept a/sami le, and IInly give a point fa, three wordsl;
14. Paul McCenney
Module 7Sport and l eisure
1. Six; 2. Thevare all ex Briti sh colonies {members of the
Commonwealthf; 3. Manchester; 4. Abaton containing a
message Iramthe Queen; 5. Theil feet; 6. Aparachute; ,.
Amovie theater; 8. The Family/ Changing RoomslDriving
SchooVFl/ CluMWe SWf(1lHowClean is your House?/Big
Brol/lerJPopSt,rsIF'mt! ACll demyJrmaCeleIJfity- Get me
Out of H,re {only give a point for /hree titles!; 9. Self
catering. 10. You travel around different (usually8106cl
countries on loot ur on public transport, carrying your
luggage on your back. and staying in cheap
accammodation ("ctep!any approximate to/hi$$;
11. Canber"; 12.Tasmania; 13.Eleven; 14. 26
IBoxing Day).
Module quizzes k eys
Module 8The a rts
1. The Turner Prize; 2. J. R. R. Tolkien; 3. Frodo Baggins; 4.
Deslroy itlTakeit tothe placewhereit can bit dltStroyed;
S. My F,ir Lady. 6. Queen's; 7. The people inthe sl'lowflhe
performers/lhe aC!Drs; " &nI-officrr. 9.. Jodie Fosler; III ET;
11. Breakdanc;ng; 12. Abrnkdlncing team; 11 Someone
pllyed the piano or the orgln; 14. JawsIETlClase
Encountersof the Third Kind/Jurassic PartlStar W, l'$IThe
EmpireStrikes BacklSchindler s Listlonly givea point for
two til les).
Module 9 Communication and lechnology
1. Tebloid; 2. TelegraphjTimesiFinancial Times/Guardian/
Independent/fDaily} Mall/lDaily} [ xpress/Sun/(Daily)
MirrorlfDaily) Slar (on/ygivl apoinl for two ofles);3. Shorr
messaging service. 4. The UK; 5. It is faster/It is more
relieble!1t is turned onell thetimelYOli candoIWO Internet
ope.etions atthe sametime;6. LaptOIT. 7. Wirelessfidelity.
.. To t u g ~ r i s e (acceptplagiarismt. 9.. Awebsite whBfe you
cendownload!pl agiarise/copy ready-writtenessays; 10.
Web .. broadca$/; 11. It is Insformallmore informal; 12. 1
gal your message. Thanks!; 13. The eura; 14. Apple.
Module 10 Soci ety
1. The child's parltntS/family. 2. A state school; 3.
Dxford/Cembridge!EdinbllrglV'Sl Aodrew's/Brislol; 4. A
greencard; 5. Natli raliZ, tion/nlturalisation; 6. American
politics, constitution. government,nd history; 7. Snnle;
.. a) Sports clothes; b) dolls; c) casual clothes lonly give
a point for a complerrJ ,nswer!;9. Pepsi; 10.Achildminder
looks after childrenin hll!h's own home. Anannylooks
after cMdreninthechildren'shome; 11. Anursery,12. 18%
l accept anythingbetween 15m); 13. Carehome/nursing
home/residential home/ old people's home; 14. Old
people/elderly people.
Module 11 links to literature
1. 37; 2. Thef rench. attha Battle 01Agincoun (1 415); 1
Daffodils; 4. They satirisemiddleclassrural life; 5. Natty
BlimppolHawkeye;6. UncleToms Cabin; 7. Nicholas'sfirst
employer,theheadmaster of Dotheboys Hall;8. Irish;9. He
wants to teach her to speakand behave politely, endtc
eonvinceotherpeople thlt sIIais anllpperelasslady; 10.
He wastined in battle a week beforethe enel 01 the First
WorldWar in 1918; 11. A writer or anactor; 12. Because
theywent 10 main13in demanelanel highprices; 11 Wales;
1... The experiences01 imml{lranland maeel recelamilies
inmutti-eukural Bntain.

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