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Fs-Buntis Bilis 2023 - 2027

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Statements of Financial Position

(Amounts in Philippine Pesos)

As of December 31
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Current Assets
Cash P 753,000 P 1,141,800 P 1,589,910 P 1,983,947 P 2,620,037
Accounts Receivable 60,000 79,500 82,300 76,200 72,832

Total Current Assets 813,000 1,221,300 1,672,210 2,060,147 2,692,869

Non-current Assets
Property, plant and equipment 2,075,300 1,839,600 1,603,900 1,368,200 1,132,500

Total Assets P 2,888,300 P 3,060,900 P 3,276,110 P 3,428,347 P 3,825,369


Current Liabilities
Income tax payable - 18,390 35,040 13,091 P 84,523

Total Current Liabilities - 18,390 35,040 13,091 84,523

Networth 2,888,300 3,042,510 3,241,070 3,415,255 3,740,847

Total Liabilities and Networth P 2,888,300 P 3,060,900 P 3,276,110 P 3,428,347 P 3,825,369

Statements of Income
(Amounts in Philippine Pesos)

For the year ended December 31

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Service Revenue P 2,646,000 P 3,510,000 P 3,828,000 P 3,866,667 P 4,375,692

Operating Expenses
Supplies 64,600 193,800 290,700 406,980 468,027
Rent 60,000 63,000 72,600 79,860 83,054
Salaries 1,742,400 1,782,400 1,842,400 1,853,400 1,942,400
Fuel 434,000 672,500 682,000 693,200 713,996
Utilities 59,000 94,000 118,000 135,000 124,200
Depreciation 235,700 235,700 235,700 235,700 235,700
Miscellaneous 62,000 96,000 103,000 125,250 98,200
2,657,700 3,137,400 3,344,400 3,529,390 3,665,577

Income Before Tax (11,700) 372,600 483,600 337,277 710,114

Income Tax Expense - 18,390 35,040 13,091 84,523

Net Profit (Loss) (P 11,700) P 354,210 P 448,560 P 324,185 P 625,591

Statements of Changes in Owner's Equity
(Amounts in Philippine Pesos)

For the year ended December 31

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Buntis Bilis, Beginning 3,000,000.00 2,888,300.00 3,042,510.00 3,241,070.00 3,415,255.17

Net Profit (Loss) (11,700.00) 354,210.00 448,560.00 324,185.17 625,591.41
Drawings 100,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 300,000.00

Buntis Bilis, Ending 2,888,300.00 3,042,510.00 3,241,070.00 3,415,255.17 3,740,846.58

Cash 3,000,000.00
Buntis Bilis, Capital 3,000,000.00

Office Equipment 46,000.00

Cash 46,000.00

Ambulance 2,265,000.00
Cash 2,265,000.00

Supplies 64,600.00
Cash 64,600.00

Rent 60,000.00
Cash 60,000.00

Salaries 1,742,400.00
Cash 1,742,400.00

Utilities 59,000.00
Cash 59,000.00

Fuel 434,000.00
Cash 434,000.00

Depreciation 235,700.00
Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00

Miscellaneous 62,000.00
Cash 62,000.00

Cash 2,646,000.00
Service Revenue 2,646,000.00

Buntis Bilis, Drawings 100,000.00

Cash 100,000.00

Accounts Receivable 60,000.00

Service Revenue 60,000.00
12/31/2024 12/31/2025
Supplies 193,800.00
Cash 193,800.00

Rent 63,000.00
Cash 63,000.00

Salaries 1,782,400.00
Cash 1,782,400.00

Utilities 94,000.00
Cash 94,000.00

Fuel 672,500.00
Cash 672,500.00

Depreciation 235,700.00
Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00

Miscellaneous 96,000.00
Cash 92,000.00

Cash 3,510,000.00
Service Revenue 3,510,000.00

Buntis Bilis, Drawings 200,000.00

Cash 200,000.00

Accounts Receivable 79,500.00

Service Revenue 79,500.00
Supplies 290,700.00
Cash 290,700.00

Rent 72,600.00
Cash 72,600.00

Salaries 1,842,400.00
Cash 1,842,400.00

Utilities 118,000.00
Cash 118,000.00

Fuel 682,000.00
Cash 682,000.00

Depreciation 235,700.00
Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00

Miscellaneous 103,000.00
Cash 103,000.00

Cash 3,828,000.00
Service Revenue 3,828,000.00

Buntis Bilis, Drawings 250,000.00

Cash 250,000.00

Accounts Receivable 82,300.00

Service Revenue 82,300.00
Supplies 406,980.00
Cash 406,980.00

Rent 79,860.00
Cash 79,860.00

Salaries 1,853,400.00
Cash 1,853,400.00

Utilities 135,000.00
Cash 135,000.00

Fuel 693,200.00
Cash 693,200.00

Depreciation 235,700.00
Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00

Miscellaneous 125,250.00
Cash 125,250.00

Cash 3,866,666.67
Service Revenue 3,866,666.67

Buntis Bilis, Drawings 150,000.00

Cash 150,000.00

Accounts Receivable 76,200.00

Service Revenue 76,200.00
Supplies 468,027.00
Cash 468,027.00

Rent 83,054.40
Cash 83,054.40

Salaries 1,942,400.00
Cash 1,942,400.00

Utilities 124,200.00
Cash 124,200.00

Fuel 713,996.00
Cash 713,996.00

Depreciation 235,700.00
Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00

Miscellaneous 98,200.00
Cash 98,200.00

Cash 4,375,691.67
Service Revenue 4,375,691.67

Buntis Bilis, Drawings 300,000.00

Cash 300,000.00

Accounts Receivable 72,832.00

Service Revenue 72,832.00
Buntis Bilis
Trial Balance
Cash 753,000.00 Income tax payable -
Accounts Receivable 60,000.00 Accumulated Depreciation 235,700.00
Propert, Plant & Equipment 2,311,000.00 Capital 3,000,000.00
Supplies 64,600.00 Revenue 2,646,000.00
Rent 60,000.00
Salaries 1,742,400.00
Fuel 434,000.00
Utilities 59,000.00
Depreciation 235,700.00
Miscellaneous 62,000.00
Drawings 100,000.00 -
5,881,700.00 5,881,700.00

Buntis Bilis
Trial Balance
Cash 1,141,800.00 Income tax payable 18,390.00
Accounts Receivable 79,500.00 Accumulated Depreciation 471,400.00
Propert, Plant & Equipment 2,311,000.00 Capital 2,888,300.00
Supplies 193,800.00 Revenue 3,510,000.00
Rent 63,000.00
Salaries 1,782,400.00
Fuel 672,500.00
Utilities 94,000.00
Depreciation 235,700.00
Income tax Expense 18,390.00
Miscellaneous 96,000.00
Drawings 200,000.00 -
6,888,090.00 6,888,090.00

Buntis Bilis
Trial Balance
Cash 1,589,910.00 Income tax payable 35,040.00
Accounts Receivable 82,300.00 Accumulated Depreciation 707,100.00
Propert, Plant & Equipment 2,311,000.00 Capital 3,042,510.00
Supplies 290,700.00 Revenue 3,828,000.00
Rent 72,600.00
Salaries 1,842,400.00
Fuel 682,000.00
Utilities 118,000.00
Depreciation 235,700.00
Income tax Expense 35,040.00
Miscellaneous 103,000.00
Drawings 250,000.00 -
7,612,650.00 7,612,650.00

Buntis Bilis
Trial Balance
Cash 1,983,946.67 Income tax payable 13,091.50
Accounts Receivable 76,200.00 Accumulated Depreciation 942,800.00
Propert, Plant & Equipment 2,311,000.00 Capital 3,241,070.00
Supplies 406,980.00 Revenue 3,866,666.67
Rent 79,860.00
Salaries 1,853,400.00
Fuel 693,200.00
Utilities 135,000.00
Depreciation 235,700.00
Income tax Expense 13,091.50
Miscellaneous 125,250.00
Drawings 150,000.00 -
8,063,628.17 8,063,628.17

Buntis Bilis
Trial Balance
Cash 2,620,036.94 Income tax payable 84,522.85
Accounts Receivable 72,832.00 Accumulated Depreciation 1,178,500.00
Propert, Plant & Equipment 2,311,000.00 Capital 3,415,255.17
Supplies 468,027.00 Revenue 4,375,691.67
Rent 83,054.40
Salaries 1,942,400.00
Fuel 713,996.00
Utilities 124,200.00
Depreciation 235,700.00
Income tax Expense 84,522.85
Miscellaneous 98,200.00
Drawings 300,000.00 -
9,053,969.20 9,053,969.69

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