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Land Acquisition Policy

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Government has a duty towards public work. For this most of the time they have to deal in
construction. And for this they need land. And it is possible that at times the land they need is
private property. In such a case the government’s power to take that land overpowers the
individuals’ right over that property. The government can acquire private land for the purpose
of public work. This is called land acquisition.
Land Acquisition is simply the process by which the Government can acquire private
land. This may include any other private property. It is usually done for the purpose of public
work building infrastructure, urbanisation, development and industrialisation. Government
can also acquire land for private firms for setting up factories or other industrial setups.
Purchase of land is a contract between willing buyer and willing seller, while in case of land
Acquisition the land owner has no choice. This is the reason right to property is not a
fundamental right.
Land acquisition by a state is rooted in the concept of Eminent Domain. As per this doctrine,
the state can do anything in public interest. It is based on two Latin political concepts
- Welfare of public is paramount
- Public necessity is greater than private necessity
The idea of Land Acquisition in India is based on Eminent Domain. The state has the right to
acquire any private property for the public use. Right to property was a fundamental right till
1979 when the 44th amendment reduced it to a constitutional or legal right. As per the
amendment, “no person shall be deprived of his/her property save by the authority of law”.
Hence remedy in case of right to property in India is available through High court and not the
supreme court. No law that deprives the right to property can be challenged. However as per
the constitution, no land can be acquired by the state without compensation. Land Acquisition
is a concurrent subject

Land Acquisition in
India occurs in 3
different ways

Acquisition through
Through various
Land Acquisition Act Through negotiation
other Acts
In addition to the 2013 LARR Act, other laws govern the land acquisition process

• The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958

• The Atomic Energy Act, 1962

• The Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948

• The Indian Tramways Act, 1886

• The Land Acquisition (Mines) Act, 1885

• The Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978

• The National Highways Act, 1956

• The Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User Of Land) Act,


• The Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952

• The Resettlement of Displaced Persons (Land Acquisition) Act, 1948

• The Coal Bearing Areas Acquisition and Development Act, 1957

• The Electricity Act, 2003

• The Railways Act, 1989

Land Acquisition Policy in India

Until 2013, the Land Acquisition Act of 1894 governed land acquisition in India. The 1894
Act provided compensation to landowners but did not provide any form of compensation to
other persons affected by the acquisition. The older law did not clearly define public purpose
or fair compensation. After a number of attempts, the UPA government was able to replace
the 1894 Act with Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

Key Problems with the Land Acquisition Act, 1894

• Under the 1894 Act, the government could acquire any land as it wishes to, in the
name of “public purpose". The term "public purpose" was ambiguous and open to
executive-discretion. So, poor peoples' land was acquired at throwaway prices in
pretext of development projects.
• Sometimes such projects never started, and the same cheap land was resold at higher
price to real estate developers, without building anything for "public purpose".
• No safeguards: There is no real appeal mechanism to stop the process of the
acquisition. A hearing (under section 5k) is prescribed but this is not a discussion or
negotiation. The views expressed are not required to be taken on board by the officer
conducting the hearing.
• Silent on resettlement and rehabilitation of those displaced: There are absolutely
no provisions in the 1894 law relating to the resettlement and rehabilitation of those
displaced by the acquisition.
• Urgency clause: This is the most criticised section of the Law. The clause never truly
defines what constitutes an urgent need and leaves it to the discretion of the acquiring
• Low rates of compensation: The rates paid for the land acquired are the prevailing
circle rates in the area which are notorious for being outdated and hence not even
remotely indicative of the actual rates prevailing in the area.
• Litigation: Even where acquisition has been carried out the same has been challenged
in litigations on the grounds mentioned above. This results in the stalling of legitimate
infrastructure projects.
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Act, 2013

The 2013 LARR Act focuses on providing not only compensation to the land owners, but
also extend rehabilitation and resettlement benefits to livelihood looser from the land, which
shall be in addition to the minimum compensation. The minimum compensation to be paid to
the land owners is based on a multiple of market value and other factors laid down in the Act.
The Act forbids or regulates land acquisition when such acquisition would include multi-crop
irrigated area. The Act changed the norms for acquisition of land for use by private
companies or in case of public-private partnerships, including compulsory approval of 80%
of the landowners. The Act also introduced changes in the land acquisition process, including
a compulsory social-impact study, which need to be conducted before an acquisition is made.
The new law, also has some serious shortcomings as regards its provisions for socioeconomic
impact assessment and it has also bypassed the constitutional local self-governments by not
recognizing them as "appropriate governments" in matters of land acquisition.
The 2013 LARR Act became applicable across India, from 1 January 2014.

Features of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and

Resettlement Act, 2013

 Consent from 80% of affected families is required for land acquired for private
companies and from 70% for private-public projects.
 The act requires Social Impact Assessment to be done before acquiring any land. SIA
will assess if potential benefits would outweigh the social cost.
 The owners will have to be compensated for the land and have to be rehabilitated and
resettled if needed.
 There is an urgency clause in case of national defence and natural disasters
 The act forbids land acquisition when the land is a multi-crop irrigated area.
 If the land is not used in five years it returns to the owners
 No consent from owners is required for land acquired for public purposes.
Compensation, Relief and Rehabilitation aspects of
the law:

 For rural areas - 4 times the market value of land acquired

 For urban areas - 2 times the market value
 People whose livelihood is dependent on these lands have to be paid a one-time
payment apart from other compensations
 Provision of employment to one member of affected family
 In case of land acquired for private companies, the said company will be responsible
for relief and rehabilitation.
 If fertile land, the govt will have to develop an equal size of wasteland for agricultural
 If people live there, they have to be resettled.
 Special provisions for SC/ST

Process of Land acquisition as per the Land

Acquisition Act 2013:

 SIA (Social Impact Assessment) done in consultation with respective local

 SIA is accessed by state government.
 After approval, a public notification is published in official gazette and 2 local
 60 days are given for people to raise objection.
 Land survey is done along with relief and rehabilitation assessment.
 Land is marked, measured and planned.
 Claims regarding acquisition and relief and rehabilitation are dealt with.
 Govt takes the possession of land.

 Article “Land Acquisition law and process in India” by Hammad Habibullah on

December 03, 2021 for
 Wikipedia “Land Acquisition in India”
 The Land Acquisition Act, 1984.

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