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S.4 Biology Paper 1

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Paper 1

- Answer all question in Section A and B plus two questions in section C.
- In section A circle the correct alternative and answer to section C in the answer sheet (s)

For examiner’s use only

B – 13
C – 33

Section A:
1. The part of a microspope used to make the image clear is the…..
A. Eye piece C. fine adjustment
B. Objective lens D. Coarse adjustment.
2. Which one of the following enzymes acts best at low PH?
A. Lipase B. Pepsin C. Trypsin D. Peptidase
3. Fig 1. Below is of an experimental set up to demonstrate a process

Gas Y produced in the experiment is tested by use of;

A. Lime water B. litmus paper C. glowing splint D. Sodium bi carbonate.

4. Which one of the following parts of the kidney carries out the excretory function?
A. Pelvis B. Cortex C. Nephron D. Medulla
5. Which one of the following is the advantage of cross pollination in flowering plants
A. Forms many offspring C. forms resistant varieties
B. Eliminates overcrowding D. creates variation among offspring.
6. Which of the following statements explains why a leaf is first dipped in hot water
before being tested for starch? In order to…..
A. Harden this leaf C. dissolves the starch present.
B. Remove chlorophyll D. burst any starch grains present.
7. A housefly and a tick belong to the same phylum – arthropoda. This is because both
A. Jointed limbs C. two body divisions
B. Three pairs of legs D. two pairs of antennas.
8. Which one of the following graphs in fig 2 below correctly represents the variation of
the rate of transformation with humidity?

Fig. 2

9. Which one of the following groups of bacteria convert soil nitrate to free nitrogen?
A. Nitrifying bacteria C. purifying bacteria
B. Denitrifying bacteria D. nitrogen fixing bacteria.
10.The figure below is a pyramid of numbers in an ecosystem.

Large fish
Small fish
Mosquito larvae
Microscope algae

Which one of the following changes would reduce the number of mosquito larvae?
A. Increase in number of small fish
B. Increase in number of large fish
C. Decrease in number of small fish
D. Increase in number of microscopic algae.
11.Which one of the following activities generates heat in the human body?
A. Shivering of the body.
B. Contraction of the erector pilli muscle
C. Dilation of the peripheral blood vessels
D. Constriction of peripheral blood vessels.
12.Which one of the following is a modified tap root?
A. Onion bulb C. Irish potatoes
B. Carrot tubes D. Cassava tuber.
13. Plants lack special excretory organs because;
A. They do not produce wastes
B. Waste products produced are gaseous
C. They lack vessels to transport the products.
D. Their waste products are less toxic and are sometimes reused.
14.Which of the following parts of the human ear is responsible for stability of the body?
A. Cochlea C. Round window
B. Eustachian tube D. Semi-circular canal.
15.Which one of the following phyla consists of human parasites?
A. Mullusca B. Nematoda C. Echinodermata D. Coelentrata.
16.Lack of iodine in the human diet causes;
A. Scurvy B. riskets C. anemia D. goitre.
17.Lack of anucleus in a red blood cell is advantageous in that it…
A. Enables the cell to carry much dissolved food
B. Helps the cell to fight disease-causing organisms
C. Enables the cell to pass through thin epithelium
D. Allows the cell to carry a lot of oxygen .
18.In a plan tissue, water moved from cell A to cell B. this indicates that,
A. Cell A was older than cell B
B. Cell A had a lower Osmotic potential than cell B
C. Cell A and cell B had the same osmotic potential.
19.Which one of the following organisms reproduce by budding.
A. Mucor B. Yeast C. Amoeba D. spirogyra
20.Which one of the following is the most common air pollutant?
A. Smoke B. Dust C. Herbicides D. Fingicides.
21.Which one of the following pairs of insects undergoes incomplete metamorphosis?
A. Honey been and moth
B. House fly and mosquito

C. Butterfly and cockroach
D. Cockroach and grasshopper.
22.A distinguishing feature on the thoracic vertabra is a ….
A. Large centrum C. small neural canal
B. Long neural spine D. pair of large transverse process.

23.Which of the following monosaccharide make up sucrose?

A. Glucose + glucose
B. Galactose + glucose
C. Galactose + fructose
D. Fructose + glucose
24.Which one of the following structures of a flower develops into a seed coat after
A. Ovary B. Receptacle C. integuments D. Embryo sac.
25.In which of the following are the largest amount of nitrogen wastes excreted?
A. Urine B. sweat C. Feaces D. Breath
26.All the following are true about tropic responses except; it is …..
A. Caused by external stimulus
B. A movement of the whole organism
C. A result of growth
D. Directional .
27.Which one of the following occurs during exhalation in a mammal?
A. Diaphragm muscles contract.
B. Diaphragm flattens
C. External intercostal muscles relax
D. Volume of the thorax increases.
28.In an experiment to determine the amount of humus in a soil sample, the following
results were obtained;
Mass of dish = 50g
Mass of dish + soil after heating to redness = 170g
Mass of dish + dry soil = 200g
The percentage of humus in the soil sample was;
A. 20% B,75% C. 15% D. 25%
29.The structure that connects two bones together is known as;…..
A. Tendon B. Muscle C. Ligament D. Cartilate
30.Double fertilization in flowing plants refers to fusion of two male nuclei with
A. Two egg nuclei
B. Egg nucleus and polar nudie
C. Antipodal nuclei and polar nuclei
D. Egg nucleus and antipodal nuclei.

Section B

31. Six identical potato cylinder measuring 2.0 cm in the length were each placed in a
different concentration of sugar solution. After two hours, the potato cylinders were
removed from the solutions and measured.
The table below shows the results.

Concentration of sugar Length of potato Difference in length of

solution moll-1 cylinder after 2 hours potato sylinders after 2
(cm) hours (cm)
0.1 2.40
0.2 2.25
0.3 2.15
0.4 2.05
0.5 1.98
0.6 1.02

a) Complete the table by filling in the difference in length of each potato cylinder
after two hours (03 marks)
b) Plot a graph of the difference in length after 2 hours against concentration of
sugar solutions. (05
c) (i) What was the effect of concentration of the sugar solution on the length of the
potato cylinders. (04 marks)
(ii) From your graph, determine the concentration of the sugar solution that would
give no difference in length of a potato cylinder. (01 mark)
32.a) What is an enzyme? (02 marks)
b) Study the experimental set up in fig 3 below and answer the questions that follow;

i) What is being investigated? (02 marks)
ii) Suggest what was observed in each of the test tubes. (06 marks)
iii) Explain the observations suggested in (b)(ii) above. (09 marks)

Section C:
33.a) Explain why a skeleton is necessary in a mammalian body. (10 marks)
b) With the aid of diagrams, describe how a human arm can bend and straighten.
34. a) Outline the mechanism of
(i) Inspiration
(ii) Expiration
In a bony fish. (10 marks)
b) How are the gills adapted for gaseous exchange in fish? (05 marks)
35. a) What is meant by the carbon cycle? (02 marks)
b) Describe how energy flows between organisms during the carbon cycle. (05 marks)
c) Explain why energy is continually lost along a food chain from a lower tropic level to a
higher one. (05
d) Describe the effect of carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. (03 marks)


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