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Ethical Code 2014

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Edition 9 June 2014















The main function of the Ethical Code and Code of Conduct is to make the fundamental values and principles
which guide the activities of the Companies of the RINA Group (referred to hereafter also as RINA or the Group)
known within the organization and to all external interlocutors.

Their aim is to orient individual conduct with the purpose of confirming the image of correctness, prestige and the
good reputation which have always been assets of our Company.

Their aim is also to condition the implementation policies of the Company’s main processes in the spirit of
continuous improvement, introducing also a management and internal control system.

Who does it apply to?

An overall system of values and principles must be shared among the employees, at all levels, so as to affirm that
the activities of our Company are founded on this system.

In this system it is also assumed that each administrator, employee or collaborator of the Group is indistinctly and
constantly aware of their own responsibility in observing the policies and the principles of the Codes throughout
the performance of their own activities, and aware of the fact that this obligation constitutes an essential part of
their contractual duties.

The Ethical Code applies to the Holding Company and to the Italian and foreign subsidiaries controlled, directly or
indirectly, by RINA S.p.A. through:
nn the majority of voting rights in the ordinary Assembly
nn a sufficient number of votes to exercise a dominant influence at ordinary Assembly
nn a dominant influence by virtue of special contractual obligations with them.

This Ethical Code will be the subject of formal adoption by the Top Management of every company.

Where it is?
The Code will have to be accessible within the Group and to the public through the publication on the corporate
intranet and on the Group website.

Human Rights
As foreseen by art. 2 of the Italian Constitution and by the major International Treaties, the respect of human
inviolable rights is considered an essential principle. For this reason, the Group promotes and defends these rights
in every circumstance and repudiates all discrimination based on gender, ethnic group, language, religion, politics
and social and personal conditions. The Group applies the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, International Labour Organisation and the OECD Guidelines regarding
Multinational Enterprises.

Compliance with the Rules

The Group respects national and international law applicable in Italy and in every other country in which the Group
does business. To ensure respect of this principle, the Companies of the Group adopt Organization, Management
and Control Models, whose purpose is the prevention of offenses in general and corporate administrative liability,
as foreseen by par.6 of Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Financial Integrity and Anti-Fraud Fight

The group carries out all financial operations and transactions observing the principles of integrity and transparency
and, in any case, it does not carry out any fraudulent operations or transactions. Therefore, every financial operation
has to be correctly authorized, verifiable, legitimate, coherent and adequate.

Fight against corruption

The Group refuses corruption as an instrument to execute its business. Bribing is not allowed in any circumstance
or even if just to attempt to bribe elected holders of national and international public office, public officials or
public service providers, as private individuals. Nobody can promise or give money or other advantages in order
to obtain undue benefits for the Group or for himself. Moreover, nobody can ask for money or other advantages in
order to carry out undue services.

Safeguarding intellectual property

The Group is aware of the importance of intellectual property and for this reason it respects and defends the
content of every type of own intellectual property or belonging to others, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks,
trade secrets or other intangible assets.

The Group recognizes that fair competition is a fundamental element for the development of corporate business.
Therefore, the Group respects the applicable antitrust rules and competition loyalty rules and in no case does the
Group carry out acts or adopt behavior contrary to free and fair competition.

Correctness in the Conduct of Business and Company Activities

In business relations and conduct of company activities, the Group has undertaken to act in a clear and correct
way, with conduct characterized by loyalty, sense of responsibility and good faith.

Relationship of Trust with Stakeholders

The goals of the company, the proposal and realization of projects and investments must be made in order to
increase the assets and the administrative, technological and cognitive values of the company, as well as the
creation of value and wealth for all Stakeholders.

To ensure transparency of the operativeness of the management, RINA defines, executes and sequentially updates
an articulate and homogenous corporate governance system inherent to both its own organizational structure and
the relationships with third parties, in compliance with national and international best practice standards, knowing
that the corporate ability to give itself functional efficient and effective rules represents an essential instrument to
strengthen its reputation in terms of reliability and transparency and the confidence of the Stakeholders.

Reciprocity and Co-operation

The ideal moving force of the Ethical Code is concerned with the reciprocal advantage that all interested parties
can receive, by conforming to reciprocal and cooperative ethical conduct.

Health, Safety and Environment

Health, Safety and Environment are three important values which form the basis of the RINA Group entrepreneurial
philosophy and these apply to the statutory activities of the Group of Companies. These important concepts are
recalled in the Policy relevant to Health, Safety and the Environment, a document which identifies the philosophy
through which the Group intends to pursue its entrepreneurial goals.

To Offer Services for Improvement
The objective of the different companies in the Group is to offer economic and institutional operators the best
services relevant to:
nn TIC - Testing Inspection and Certification
nn E - engineering and consultancy
nn Research and innovation
nn Training
in the maritime, industrial, civil, construction, healthcare, agribusiness, energy, finance, transport, services and
other production sectors.

To Promote Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment

We want to guide the development of the qualitative level of the market, by promoting an awareness that the
adoption of measures to protect health, safety and the environment and, in general, attention to quality are
attitudes which result in advantages and increase the value of those organizations which pursue them.

To Contribute to Raising Standards

Our activities contribute to the well-being of society as they help to improve the quality and safety of human
life and to preserve the environment for future generations. This is why we offer those bodies and institutions,
responsible for defining rules and standards, our competence and know-how.

We are an Italian Reality in the World

We have an Italian identity. We have a worldwide reputation established by a tradition that goes back to 1861
and concerns technical and scientific skills and the ability to resolve problems through our availability, ingenuity,
creativity and style, in compliance with the rules.

People are Our Asset

We undertake to give our people productive work and a prospect of stability and security.
We invest in their development and professional growth, enhancing their technical skills, their ability to solve
problems and to understand clients’ needs, their autonomy, in line with the company’s values. Moreover, we
undertake to provide a safe and friendly working environment to our staff, paying particular attention to environmental
issues and health and safety related to their activities.

RINA Group is a Multibusiness Organization
The RINA Group is a global body, articulated and integrated, with an invaluable common patrimony made up of:
nn our technical and professional skills
nn our clients
nn the prestige of our mark.
We diversify our business, enhancing above all internal synergies.

An Autonomous and Independent Group

We are an autonomous and independent Group, which operates freely in the market either alone or through relationships,
agreements or partnerships and synergies with other organizations to develop and innovate our range of services.

To Work with Leaders

Our preference is for innovative and authoritative clients, who share our objectives of protecting quality and safety and
we establish partnerships with them to raise the standard of quality in the relative markets.

Leaders of Implementation
We want to be recognized as Implementation Leaders: our main ability must be to adapt our services to meet the
needs of individual clients.
Our range of services evolves and develops with our clients.
We operate through the creation of and compliance with professional methods and common rules, we standardize
the processes and industrialize our services in order to ensure they can be reproduced and guarantee a homogeneous
qualitative level at a competitive cost. We use instruments which enable us to evaluate objectives and the progress
made, monitor the trend of our activities and keep costs and profitability under constant control.

Quality of Services as Our Hallmark

Our competitive differential lies in the quality of our services, characterized by:
nn applied skills
nn Customer relations
nn our ability to understand their needs
nn integrity of our actions
nn response time.

Professionalism and Integrity
We consider integrity an essential element of our professionalism, aware of the contribution that each one of us
must make to the development of the qualitative level of the market.

Being impartial and being perceived to be impartial is in the DNA of the RINA Group.

Our impartiality and independency is an added value to the services provided to clients.

The assessment, certification and inspection activities should be conducted in such a way as to ensure objectivity
and impartiality, being aware of the activities carried out by other entities and / or organizations of the Group. The
observance of this principle must be guaranteed even in the promotion of these services.

At all levels of the organization, we assume responsibility for the quality of the work performed by us and by our
collaborators and we are aware of the impact of our work on the end client.

Core People
We recognize that the people who work for our organization have a central role to play, we respect their diversity
and we foster their development and learning.

We are committed to creating the right atmosphere, open and calm so that everyone is motivated and can contribute
to improving the Group’s activities.

Awareness of Costs
We all work with constant attention and a responsible approach to costs and wastage, in order to preserve financial
resources aimed at improving the Group’s competitiveness and increasing the capacity to invest in our development.

Integration and Teamwork

The integration of functions, activities and business sectors is an essential condition to achieve our objectives.

We recognize the importance of teamwork; we draw with confidence on the wealth of skills of our colleagues and
make ours available to all.

Partnership with the Client

We establish close relations with our clients, based on trust and common objectives, aware that the success of our
clients will favor ours.

We ask for and assimilate constant feedback on our work to improve the quality of our services and products.

Investor Definition
The Group looks at its shareholders as its investors.

To Seek Long-term Profitability

Our objective is to produce results which generate adequate and stable profitability over time, thanks to which it
is possible to:
nn create value in the medium and long term for our investors
nn remunerate the capital and work
nn finance company development
nn protect our autonomy and independence
nn enable us to perform our role.

We must aim for a fair profit and compare our results with those of companies which offer technical or consultancy
services and which operate in the same markets.

Focused Growth
We want to offer our clients high value-added services and which produce value for our company.

We have a selective and focused approach to development: we invest in those markets or segments in which we can
generate results, in a reasonable time and with an acceptable level of risk, and which contribute to the long-term
profitability of our company.

The Partners
The companies of the RINA Group pursue growth and development objectives, not only through qualitative and
quantitative increases of their own activities, but also through various initiatives undertaken with other companies
operating in the market.

These initiatives may consist of, also as joint ventures with other partners, company takeovers, exchanges or
participation in companies where other partners remain, through operational or commercial agreements or alliances.

All the people involved, at various levels and with various responsibilities, in such activities, must base their own
conduct and course of action on the criteria of correctness and the ethical principles which inspire the Ethical Code
and Code of Conduct.

In particular, always aware that each violation of the Principles of the Ethical Code is to be reported as mentioned
subsequently in the section relating to the standards of application and the control system, all people are required
nn verify that all partners as well as associated or allied bodies have a good reputation, are not involved in illicit
activities and operate with respect for the generally recognized principles of correctness and ethics
nn exercise the utmost care so that no risks of impoverishment to the activities and to RINA property result from
the above-mentioned operations
nn operate in compliance with the law and in complete transparency, without pursuing the intention of making
agreements at any cost for personal interest or image or unjustly promoting the interests of one or more of the
interested parties
nn foster the ethical principle of reciprocity and cooperation among the partners in all ways possible.

Definition of Employee and Collaborator
Group employees and collaborators are all those who have a labor or collaboration relationship with the Group,
pursuant to legal regulations, aimed at achieving the business objectives. As a result, Group employees and
collaborators include, for instance, executives, employees with a permanent, limited or part-time labor contract,
temporary workers, freelance workers and occasional workers.

Protection of the Individual

RINA rejects all discrimination against employees and collaborators based on gender, ethnic origin, language,
religion, political affiliation and social and personal conditions. The Group promotes a working environment where
the dignity of each individual is guaranteed and relationships between co-workers are based on respect, correctness
and collaboration. In addition, the Group makes every effort to avoid stress and, in general, unease at work, also
through controls and communication tools.

Equal Opportunity
The Group acts in compliance with equal gender opportunities.

Improvement of Resources
The Group leverages on the skills, potential and commitment of each individual. In order to do so, the Group adopts
clear and uniform valuation criteria and provides adequate training.

Protection of Health and Safety

The Group complies with all legal, regulatory and technical standards from time to time applicable in the matter
of health and safety in the workplace and adopts adequate management systems for this purpose. In any case, the
fundamental principles and criteria based upon which decisions are made, of any type and level, in the matter of
health and safety in the workplace in the context of the organizational, management and control model are: when
possible avoid risk; assess risks which cannot be avoided; fight risks upstream; adjust the job to the individual,
particularly in relation to the concept of job and the selection of work tools and work and production methods;
plan prevention, aiming at a coherent plan that combines technology, work organization, working conditions, social
relations and the influence of factors in the work environment; give priority to collective protection measures vis-à-
vis individual protection measures and provide adequate instructions and information to employees.

Protection of Privacy and Business information

RINA Group is committed to protecting the information relating to its staff and to third parties, generated or
acquired within the Group and in business relations, and to avoid any improper use of this information.
RINA intends to ensure that the processing of personal data within its structures respects the rights and fundamental
freedoms and the dignity of the interested parties, as required by current legislation.
The handling of personal data must be done in a lawful and correct manner.
Moreover, RINA is committed to adopting suitable preventative security measures for all databases in which
personal data are collected and stored in order to avoid the risk of destruction or loss of or unauthorized access to,
or treatment not allowed.

RINA Group personnel have to:

nn acquire and process only the data necessary and appropriate for the purposes directly related to their functions
and responsibilities
nn acquire and process such data only in specific procedures and store the data in such a way as to prevent its
unauthorized access to others.

Conflict of Interest
Directors, employees and collaborators pursue the Group’s objectives and general interests. They promptly inform,
considering the circumstances, their senior managers or direct superiors about situations or activities in which their
personal interests may conflict with those of the Group (or in the case in which next of kin hold such interests) and
in any other case in which there are relevant advantages to be had. Directors, employees and collaborators comply
with the decisions that the Group makes in this respect.

Abuse of Authority
No abuse of authority shall ever be tolerated in any labor and collaboration relationship. As a result, senior managers
are never permitted to act or behave towards subordinates in a manner sanctioned by law or by the applicable
collective or individual labor contracts. The Group has also established a listening center to report on cases of
abuse of authority.

Structure and management of the working relationship

Working relationships in RINA are established according to methods and criteria complying with internal provisions,
procedures and general rules which in particular are concerned with:
nn the determination of the needs for recruiting new resources, which are defined in the annual budget and
approved in detail by Senior Management

nn the procedures of company selection, with respect for equal opportunities for all people aiming to be taken on
by the company, for their private lives and opinions, avoiding any form of patronage or unjustified favor.

The working relations are managed in accordance with the laws, work contracts, regulations and directives in force: no
contractual, social security or insurance irregularity or illegality will be allowed or tolerated in workingrelationships.

Considering the personnel as an indispensable factor for the development and achievement of the company
objectives, the RINA Group is committed to enhancing the skills and potential of the personnel on the basis of
clear and objective criteria, considering primarily, for career and salary development, the recognition of results
achieved, expertise and the professional abilities expressed over time.
On this note, the objective of a more effective performance evaluation system, to be obtained also through a
communication system which requires the Departmental Heads to identify the strong points or improve the weak
points demonstrated by their collaborators, in order to favor personal and professional growth, assumes particular

The duties of the personnel

RINA personnel, in the course of their activities, must maintain conduct which is compulsorily compliant with the
laws and with all other provisions in force in the countries in which they operate, in addition to conduct in line with
the company’s policies.

RINA personnel are bound to offer the company work services in line with the expectations of the role and the tasks
carried out, with the commitment to their continuous improvement; in relations with the people involved, with
colleagues and with superiors they shall show correctness and a spirit of collaboration.

RINA personnel must respect the company’s assets; their use must be functional and exclusive to the performance
of the company’s activities, thus avoiding improper or fraudulent use or at any rate in contrast with the company’s

The information systems and their relative applications must be used in compliance with the internal security
systems; the use of these for purposes other than work is not allowed; with particular reference to Internet sites,
already regulated by internal rules, access to sites with vulgar or undignified content is forbidden, as is the use of
computers assigned to other people, without the authorization of the owner.

The information acquired during the course of work activities must remain classified, used exclusively to perform
one’s own work and managed in such a way as to guarantee its integrity and security.
All people working for the RINA Group of companies are to refuse any preferential treatment or other benefits, gifts
or forms of hospitality of an entity which go beyond a simple gesture of kindness or act of courtesy; in all situations
where this limit is exceeded, or there is a doubt, the person concerned is to inform his/her immediate superior so
that a proper decision can be taken.

Definition of Client
The Group considers its client anyone who buys its services or simply utilizes them.

Client Satisfaction
As regards relations with clients, mandatorily characterized by compliance with the laws and provisions in force, in
particular those regarding the protection of competition and the market, the companies of the Group, aware that
the core business is principally drawn by clients and the consequent necessity to maintain relations of trust with
them, and also reciprocal esteem and consideration, intend to meet their needs by supplying qualitatively high-
level services, under competitive conditions, avoiding discriminatory or incorrect behavior.

On this note, the utmost importance is given to conduct, towards clients, which is collaborative and efficient,
to the adoption of a communication system which is simple, clear and complete and to respect for contractual
commitments and obligations.

The principles to be followed by all RINA personnel in relations with the clientele are those of professionalism,
efficiency, correctness, availability and courtesy.

In commercial relations with new or regular clients, the forging or management of relations with persons of a
dubious reputation, poor reliability or those implicated in illegal activities are not permitted.

It is forbidden to offer or allocate to collaborators of clients (representatives, employees), presents, free gifts, or
other benefits with the purpose of deriving undue advantages, either personal or for the company.

Supplier Definition
The Group defines a supplier as anyone who, whether an individual or legal entity, provides a product or service to
the company in return for a monetary payment.

In particular, Non-Exclusive Personnel (NES) are those who carry out technical services to support the activities of
the RINA Group and on its behalf.

Relations with Suppliers

Specific company functions are in charge of the choice of suppliers and the acquisition of goods and services
(including consultants, agents, etc.), who are required to act on the basis of objective evaluations of quality, price,
innovation, reliability, competition and method of service supply.

In particular, the RINA Group personnel are obliged to:

nn observe the corporate procedures to manage the relationships with suppliers and external collaborators
nn adopt during the selection, only objective evaluation criteria based on declared and transparent ways with
particular attention to technical and moral suitability
nn observe and require compliance with the conditions established in the contract
nn keep an open dialogue with suppliers and external collaborator in line with good commercial practice; report
promptly to one’s superior, and the Guarantor, any possible violations of the Ethical Code and Code of Conduct.

Non-Exclusive Personnel
The non-exclusive personnel consist principally in a considerable (through size and importance) number of people
who, although not bound by an exclusive working relationship, perform activities of company interest, in the various
operative sectors.

The non-exclusive personnel are obliged to respect the principles of the Ethical Code; the same obligation applies
also to exclusive personnel during the selection and appointment of non-exclusive personnel.

Prior to taking on work for a client organization, the non-exclusive personnel are to inform their contact person in
RINA of any existing relationship or which has existed in the last 3 years with that organization.

If the non-exclusive personnel, involved in third party activities, offer separately and autonomously, consultancy
services on the basis of the same standards or rules which are the subject of certification by RINA, they must make
it clear that their certification activities are entirely unrelated to the certification activities undertaken by RINA and
that their consultancy services are not to be understood in any way as a means to make it easier to obtain RINA
In any case, they are to inform RINA and abstain from carrying out third party assessment activities on its behalf,
if they have provided consultancy or similar services in relation to the items subject to assessment.

The information acquired during the activities carried out on behalf of the RINA Group is to remain confidential,
only used to carry out one’s own activities and managed in order to ensure integrity and security.

Control of Suppliers
In order to verify that RINA suppliers comply with the principles set out in this Code and abide by the relevant
obligations, the Group may implement control measures at the supplier’s production facilities and operational

The Community
The Group must be constantly aware of its own role and influence which its activities may have on the community,
in terms of components of the communities of various dimensions and characteristics.

In its various operational components, RINA is aware of the increasing needs of the community for a social context
of safety, quality, environmental sustainability, ethics.

Sustainability is one of the core values of the RINA Group and represents the company’s will to create a healthy
and long-lasting business.

This is a value which belongs to our culture of commitment and strength.

The Environment is a primary good which RINA is committed to safeguarding; the Group is committed to protecting
the environment by operating in compliance with international standards and it wants, in this sense, to create
awareness also among the Code’s recipients.

In addition, RINA operates by observing the dictates of environmental legislation, which is reported in its
Organization, Management and Control Model.

Relations with governmental bodies

Relations with governmental bodies, Italian or foreign, must be characterized by a spirit of collaboration, honesty,
correctness and clarity.

Consequently, the companies of the Group show their commitment to initiating and maintaining forms of
communication with these bodies at international, national and local level, in addition to representing their own
interests in a thorough, coherent and honest way.

In relations with collaborators of governmental bodies (representatives, company boards, employees or consultants)
no conduct aimed at obtaining favorable treatment, offering or allocating to them or their relatives or other persons
affiliated through interest with them, even non-economic, benefits, money or gifts or other favors, is permitted.

Representative expenses and other gifts are permitted only within the limits of moderate value, and providing that
these do not compromise the integrity and image of either party.

Elusive actions, through contributions in the form of sponsorship, consulting, awarding of a contract etc., in
relation to the above-mentioned prohibition, are expressly forbidden.

Organizations providing Interests, Policies and Trade Unions

Relations with organizations providing interests, policies and Trade Unions must be characterized by principles of
equidistance, independence and clarity, without discrimination or inequality of treatment.

Company actions of economic support or other, with any of these organizations or their representatives, are not

This prohibition is extended to all personnel of the companies of the Group. The personnel cannot, under any
circumstances, promise or give favors or economic benefits of any kind in order to favor the achievement of
company interests.

Elusive actions, through contributions in the form of sponsorship, consulting, awarding of a contract etc., in
relation to the above-mentioned prohibition, are expressly forbidden.

Transparent forms of relationships with the above-mentioned organizations, even with an economic aim or for the
development of own activities or types of co-operation of mutual interest, are permitted, provided that they are
clearly and correctly referable to the company aims of RINA and previously authorized by the departments in charge
of managing those relationships.

Media Organizations
Relationships with media organizations are characterized by correctness, spirit of collaboration and respect for the
right of information. These relations are the exclusive responsibility of the departments to which this is expressly

RINA personnel may not release to journalists or other means of communication, even if contacted, any statements
or communication regarding the company to which they belong or other companies of the Group, unless previously


The Control Body
The Control Body, in charge of the “Organization, Management and Control Model” for the prevention of
administrative liability of legal persons, ensures the application of the Code thanks to the data and information
collected by the internal audit function, gives binding opinions on its interpretation, periodically reviews it and
proposes any changes to the Managers and finally proposes decisions on its violations.

Internal Audit
The Internal Audit function verifies compliance with the Code, receives observations and reports the results of this
activity to the Control Body.

Communication and information

The Group takes reasonable steps to spread awareness of the Code among all its employees, contractors, suppliers
and stakeholders, also through appropriate training initiatives.

Communication Channels
The Group ensures adequate communication channels with all its stakeholders in order to receive reports of
possible violations and comments on the Code.

Respect for the principles contained in this Code is a requirement for all managers, employees and consultants of
the RINA Group and all individuals who maintain a business relationship with the RINA Group. As a result, their
violation constitutes a breach of contractual obligations, with all the consequences prescribed by law, including,
where appropriate, termination of the contract and compensation for damages.
Information flows to the Control Body: Mandatory information
Any conduct not in line with the Ethical Code or the Organisation, Management and Control Model are to be
reported by e-mail to or by letter sent to RINA S.p.A. via Corsica 12, 16145 Genova k.a.
Control Body. Those making the reports are protected from any form of reprisal, discrimination or penalization and
in any event confidentiality will be ensured with regard to the identity of those making reports, without prejudice
to the legal obligations and the protection of the rights of the company or the individuals accused wrongly or in
bad faith.
graphic design: Elefo

via Corsica 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy

ph. +39 010 5385279 -

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