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Quality Attributes of Cookies Produced From Composite Flours of Wheat, Germinated Finger Millet Flour and African Yam Bean

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Victoria Funmilayo Abioye

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology


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[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427



Abioye V.F *1, Olatunde S.J 2, Elias G 3
*1, 2, 3
Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomoso, Nigeria

Cookies are ready to eat convenient food for all ages and the consumption is on the increase in
Nigeria due to urbanization which has led to increase in wheat importation. In order to reduce the
effects of wheat importation on the economy, this study looked into the use of locally grown crops
for production of cookies. Cookie samples were produced from blends of wheat flour, germinated
finger millet and African yam bean. Different proportions of flour blends were obtained using
design experts. The flour mixes were evaluated for the proximate, minerals composition,
antinutrients and the functional properties while the sensory properties of the cookies were
determined. The proximate composition of the composite flour varied from 12.20-12.54; 8.89-
10.62; 1.31-1.65; 1.13-1.39; 1.82-1.48 and 74.33-72.66% for moisture, protein, fat, crude fibre,
ash and carbohydrate content of the flour, respectively. The mineral content of the flour ranged
from 9.064-9.10, 0.29- 0.32, 0.42-0.45, 0.24-0.28% for calcium, phosphorus, potassium and
sodium, respectively. The anti-nutritional properties of the flour ranged from 0.0074 to 0.0098%,
0.1700 to 0.1990%, 0.0905 to 0.1080% and 1.2500 to 1.4900%, for tannin, phytate, oxalate and
trysin inhibitor, respectively. The functional properties of the composite flour ranged from 0.66-
0.67 g/ml; 25.87- 27.48 g/ml; 6.11-8.12 g/ml; 0.75- 0.83 g/ml; 106.65 to 124; 91.70-99.75 g/100g;
for bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil water capacity, foaming capacity and foaming
solubility, respectively. The sensory attributes studied were colour, taste, texture and crispness.
This study has shown that there was a notable improvement on the nutritional and functional
properties of the flour while there was reduction in the ant nutrients.

Keywords: African Yam Bean; Finger Millet; Cookies; Wheat Flour; Snack; Composite Flour.

Cite This Article: Abioye V.F, Olatunde S.J, and Elias G. (2018). “QUALITY ATTRIBUTES OF
MILLET FLOUR AND AFRICAN YAM BEAN.” International Journal of Research -
Granthaalayah, 6(11), 172-183.

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [172]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
1. Introduction

Cookie is a conventional wheat flour-based food product produced from unpalatable dough with
the application of heat and transformed into an appetizing product (Kulkarni, 1997; Obasi et al.,
2012; Ikuomola et al., 2017). It forms part of the bakery products that are consumed extensively
all over the world by all ages (Sengev et al., 2015). Cookies are ready to eat, convenient and
inexpensive snack food products containing digestive and dietary principles of vital importance
(Adeyeye and Akingbala, 2015). The principal ingredients are wheat flour, fat, sugar and water
and optional ingredients include milk, salt, flavouring agent, aerating agent, food additives and
others. Soft wheat flour has been the major ingredient used in the production of cookies but
imported by countries with unfavorable climatic conditions such as Nigeria. The increase in the
importation could lead to economic drain, high prices of these bakery products and a threat to food
security. This necessitates a need for strategic development in the use of inexpensive local
resources in the production of cookies.

Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L) is a small cereal grain grown in the semi-arid subtropical and
tropical regions of Africa and Asia where it is one of the staples (Obilana and Manyasa, 2002). It
is one of the most nutritious and healthy cereals with high protein and mineral contents
(Chandrasekara et al., 2016; Wafula et al., 2018). Finger millet is rich in protein, mineral content,
and dietary fiber, it is valuable because it contains the amino acid, methionine which is lacking in
diet of hundreds of millions of the poor who lives on starchy stapes such as cassava, plantain,
polished rice and maize meal but underutilized (Amadon et al., 2013). It is also rich in magnesium,
phosphorous, potassium, iron and has been reported to have 5-30 times the calcium content found
in other cereals (Devi et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2016; Vinoth and Ravindhran, 2017).

African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) (AYB) is an under-utilized food legume usually
cultivated for its edible seeds and tubers in most Sub-Saharan African Countries (Azeke et al.,
2005; Moyib et al., 2008). It is a good source of protein, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins.
AYB is rich in dietary fibre and other phytochemicals that may have positive effects on health
(Ndidi et al., 2014; Ojinnaka et al., 2017; Onuoha et al., 2017). The primary challenge to wide
consumption of African yam bean (AYB) includes hardness of the seed which results into longtime
cooking and the antinutrient contents of the seed (Aremu and Ibirinde, 2012; Abioye et al., 2015).
It is thus very important to find alternative utilization methods apart from cooking to prevent
further neglect and promote cultivation.

Increase in urbanization coupled with growing number of working mothers, have profoundly
contributed to the popularity and increased consumption of snack foods in Nigeria. The escalating
cost of wheat importation and difficulty in cultivating wheat in the tropics has focused attention
on the need to explore the use of alternative local flours as supplements or substitutes for wheat
flour in the baking industry. There is also an increasing interest in the consumption of functional
foods where the consumers are not only interested in the nutritional benefits of foods but also in
the health benefits (Azzura and Paola, 2009). Finger millet is an important cereal because of the
nutritive value and excellent storage properties but underutilized due to anti nutritional contents.
These anti nutrients have been reported to be reduced to minimal value by processing such as
soaking, germination, malting and fermentation (Soetan and Oyewole, 2009; Sokrab et al., 2012).
African Yam Bean is also an underutilized grain legume in Nigeria though contain quality protein

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [173]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
Several studies have reported the production of cookies with high nutritional and sensory
properties from non-wheat-based composite flour (Akubor and Ukwuru, 2005; Singh et al., 2003;
Chinma and Gernah, 2007; Agriga and Iwe, 2009; Ubbor and Akobundu, 2009; Ajanaku et al.,
2011; Okpala and Okoli, 2011; Olapade and Adeyemo, 2014; Atobatele and Afolabi, 2016;
Ikuomola et al., 2017; Taiwo et al., 2017). Finding further uses for finger millet ans AYB, hitherto
underutilized in Nigeria, adds value to it by enhancing its cultivation, and by extension, the
economy of the cultivators and intermediate processors. Therefore, this study was undertaken to
produce cookies of acceptable quality from blends of wheat flour, germinated finger millet and
roasted African yam bean.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Material

Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) grains were obtained from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,
Kaduna State, Nigeria. African Yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) seeds, were obtained from
Genetic Resources Centre, Institute of Agriculture and Research Training, Ibadan, Nigeria
(IAR&T) while other ingredients; shortening, sugar, salt, eggs, milk powder, baking powder
(Sodium bicarbonate) were obtained from a local market in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. All
chemicals used for this research were of analytical grade.

2.2. Methods

Production of Germinated Finger Millet

One hundred grams (100 g) of finger millet grain was weighed, sorted to remove extraneous
materials and surface sterilized for 30 min in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. These seeds were
rinsed (five times) with distilled water (1:3 w/v) and soaked in a glass beaker for 9 h in tap water
(1:3 w/v). The presoaked seeds were allowed to sprout on sterile germinating trays lined with filter
paper and kept moist by layers of damp cotton wool. The seeds were germinated at room
temperature (28±1 °C), samples were collected after 72 h and dried using cabinet dryer (45 °C for
12 h). The germinated seeds were ground, sieved and packaged in polyethylene bags until further

Production of African Yam Bean Flour

The African yam bean flour was prepared using the modified method described by Okoye et al.
(2010). The African yam bean seeds was cleaned and sorted to remove pods and foreign materials
such as stones, sticks and broken pods. The cleaned beans were roasted, manually dehulled, milled
and sieved. The dried seeds was milled using attrition mill (Globe p44, China) and sieved using a
100 μm mesh sieve. The flour was stored in a plastic container with lid in a refrigerator at 4 ºC
prior to production of cookies.

Formulation of Composite Flour

Blending of the flour samples to obtain composite flours was carried out using D-optimal mixture
design (Design Expert 9.0). The design was based on wheat flour (50-100%), geminated finger
millet flour (0–30 %) and roasted African yam bean (0–20%) flour. The generated mixes are as
shown in Table 1.

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [174]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
Table 1: Trial runs of the blends as generated by D-optimal mixture design
Trials Wheat Flour Germinated Finger Millet African Yam beam
(WF) (GFM) (AYB)
A 100 0 0
B 90 10 0
C 80 20 0
D 70 30 0
E 70 20 10
F 60 30 10
G 70 10 20
H 50 30 20
Sample A= 100% WF
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

Preparation of Cookies
The cookies were baked using the method of Ceserani et al. (2008). About 50 g of Fat and 40 g of
sugar were creamed to a smooth consistency; eggs and milk were also added and mixed. The dry
ingredients; flour (100 g), baking powder (1 g) and salt (0.5 g) were mixed together and added to
the cream followed by the flavour (vanilla flavor) and nutmeg to form a dough. The dough was
kneaded into uniform thickness, cut into shapes, placed in greased pans, egg washed .and baked at
150 °C for 20 min. The cookies were packaged in cellophane bags prior to analysis.

2.3. Analyses

Proximate Analysis
The flour samples were analyzed for moisture, ash, crude fibre, protein (N*6.25), crude fat and the
carbohydrate determined by difference according to the method described by AOAC (2005).

Mineral Analyses
Selected minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium were extracted from dry
ashed samples and determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AOAC, 2005).

Antinutritional Factors
The tannin content of the flour mixes was determined as described by Makkar et al. (1993) using
Folin Denis Reagents. Phytate content was determined using spectrophotometric method as
described by Pearson (1976). Trypsin inhibitor was determined according to the methods described
by Arntfield et al. (1985) while the oxalate content of the samples was determined using titration

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [175]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
Functional Properties
The bulk density of the flour samples was determined as described by Okaka et al. (1991). Water
and oil absorption capacity of the flour was determined as described by Oyeyinka et al., (2013).
The foam capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) of the flour samples were determined as described
by Narayana and Narsinga Rao (1982).

Sensory Evaluation of Cookies Samples

Sensory evaluation was carried out with 40 panelists in the sensory laboratory. Each panelist was
served with cookies made from the flour mixes. Water was provided for rinsing between the
samples. Panelists was required to evaluate the colour, flavor, taste, textue, crispiness, appearance
and overall acceptance of the cookies using the 9-point hedonic scale with 1 dislike extremely and
9 like extremely.

Statistical Analysis
The results of the experiment was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the mean was
separated with the use of Duncan’s multiple range test to detect significant difference (p<0.05)
among the sample.

3. Results and Discussion

Results of the Proximate Contents of the Flour

The proximate composition of the composite flour is as shown in Table 2. The moisture content
of the flour ranged from 9.38 to 10.48%. Moisture content is an indicator of shelf life stability;
increase in moisture content enhances microbial contamination and chemical reactions that could
lead to reduction in the food quality and stability. The moisture content is below 14%
recommended for long period of storage, hence a good potential during storage (Adeleke and
Odedeji, 2010, Ogunlakin et al., 2012). The protein content ranged from 8.89 to 12.62% with the
control sample (100%) having the lowest value (8.89%) while the sample with 50% wheat flour,
30% germinated finger millet and 20% African yam bean had the highest. There was a gradual
increase in the level of protein as germinated finger millet and African yam been were substituted
into the wheat flour. This probably was as a result of the germination which increased the protein
availability which could be due to biosynthesis during germination and due to high protein content
of African yam bean (Ghavidal and Prakash, 2007).

The fat content of the flour ranged from 1.31-1.65% with the sample with 100% wheat flour having
the lowest value (1.31%) and the sample with 50% wheat flour, 30% germinated and 20% having
the highest (1.65%). There was little increase in the fat value as finger millet and African yam bean
flour is been added, this might be attributed to the high fat content in African yam bean flour. Fat
improves flavour and increase the mouth feel of foods and It is a significant factor in food
formulation especially in the cookies (Eke and Akobundu, 1993; Iwe and Egwuekwe, 2010). The
crude fibre content ranged between 1.13-3.39% and higher values were recorded with addition of
germinated finger millet flour and African yam bean flour. This may be attributed to the fact that
Finger millet is a good source of fibre and also due to germination process which increased the
fibre content of the flour.

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[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
The ash and carbohydrate content of the flour ranged from 1.82-5.48 % and 66.66-77.31%,
respectively. The ash content increased with increase in germinated finger flour and African yam
bean flour substitution. There was decrease in the carbohydrate value as finger millet and African
yam bean flour were substituted.

Table 2: Proximate Composition of Composite Flour

Sample Moisture Crude Protein C/Fat Crude Fibre Ash CHO
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
A 9.54 f 8.89a 1.31 a 1.13a 1.82 g 77.31f
B 9.53 f 8.97b 1.35b 1.16b 1.96f 77.03ef
e c b c e
C 9.49 9.06 1.36 1.23 2.71 76.15de
D 10.45d 9.18c 1.38c 1.25c 4.68e 73.06d
d d c d d
E 9.44 10.29 1.39 2.27 3.63 72.98d
F 10.41 c 9.39e 1.43d 2.31 d 4.58c 71.88c
b f d e b
G 9.38 10.58 1.45 3.35 2.53 72.71b
H 10.20 a 12.62g 1.65e 3.39e 5.48a 66.66a
Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05).
Sample A= 100% WF
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

Mineral Composition of Flour

The mineral composition of the composite flour is shown in Table 3. The mineral content of the
flour ranged from 9.06 to 12.10 %, 0.29 to 0.52, 0.42 to 0.55, 0.24 to 0.38, for calcium, phosphorus,
potassium and sodium, respectively. Higher values were recorded with germinated finger millet
and African yam bean substitution. This could be attributed to high contents of these minerals in
germinated finger millet and African yam bean. Finger millet has been reported to be a good source
of minerals (Mibithi et al., 2000; Dykes and Rooney, 2006).

Table 3: Mineral composition of the composite flour

Sample Calcium (%) Phosphorus (%) Potassium (%) Sodium (%)
A 9.06a 0.29a 0.42a 0.24a
a a a
B 9.08 0.29 0.43 0.26b
C 10.08b 0.30bc 0.43bc 0.26b
D 11.09bc 0.50b 0.53d 0.36bc
d cd cd
E 9.09 0.30 0.44 0.27c
F 12.09e 0.51d 0.54de 0.37d
d e b
G 9.09 0.31 0.45 0.28de
H 12.10f 0.52f 0.55c 0.38e
Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05)
Sample A= 100% WF

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [177]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

Anti-Nutritional Contents of the Flour

The anti-nutritional contents of the flour samples are as shown in Table 4. The tannin, phytate,
oxalate and trypsin ranged from 0.0074 to 0.0098%, 0.1700 to 0.1990%, 0.0905 to 0.1080% and
1.2500 to 1.4900%, respectively. It was observed that increase occurred in the anti-nutritional
value present as finger millet and African yam bean flour is been added. There was a general
reduction in these antinutrients which could be attributed to germination of the finger millet and
the roasting effect on the African yam beam seeds (Abioye et al., 2018). However, the levels of
these anti-nutrients in all the samples were relatively low and may not hinder the bioavailability
of essential nutrients in the flours.

Table 4: Anti-Nutritional Properties of Flour (mg/ 100 g)

Sample Tannin Phytate Oxalate Trypsin inhibitor
A 0.0074a 0.1700 a 0.0905 a 1.2500 a
B 0.0081b 0.1825b 0.0970b 1.2750 ab
C 0.0086b 0.1870 c 0.1030 c 1.3300 b
E 0.0098c 0.1990de 0.1080de 1.4900 cd
F 0.0102d 0.2060e 0.1115e 1.5500de
G 0.0106e 0.2125 f 0.1170 f 1.6250e
H 0.0110e 0.2150f 0.1175 f 1.6050 e
Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05).
Sample A= 100% WF
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

Functional Properties of the Flour

The functional properties of the composite flour are as shown in Table 5. The bulk density of the
composite flour ranged from 0.66 to 0.67 g/ml. There were differences in the values of the bulk
density but not all are significantly different from each other. Bulk density is an indication of the
porosity of a product which influences packages design and could be used to determine the type
of packaging material required for the product. The water absorption capacity and oil water
capacity ranged from 106.65 to 124.70 g/100g and 91.70-99.75 g/100 g. Higher levels were
recorded with germinated finger millet flour and African yam bean flour substitution. Similar trend
was also reported for maize-cowpea “kokoro” blends (Abegunde et al., 2014). Water absorption

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [178]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
and oil absorption capacities are reported to be influenced by the nature and behaviour of seed
macromolecules especially, protein and the nature of starch (Finney, 1994; Henshaw and
Sobowale, 1996). Adebowale et al. (2005) and Oladipo and Nwokocha (2011) attributed high
water absorption capacity to loose structure of starch polymers while low value indicates
compactness of the structure. The high-water absorption capacity of the flour blends is an
indication that the composite flour will perform useful function in baked products during dough
making stage. Iwe and Onadipe (2001) also reported that the ability of flour to absorb water
improved dough making potentials.

The foaming capacity and foaming stability of the flour samples ranged from 25.87 to 27.48 and
6.11 to 8.12, respectively with the sample with 100% having the lowest value. Higher foaming
capacity and foaming stability were observed as finger millet and African yam bean flour were
substituted into the composite flour. Foamability is related to the rate of decrease in the surface
tension of the air-water interface caused by absorption of protein molecules (Eke and Akobundu,
1993; Mepha et al., 2007). Foaming capacity and foaming stability contribute to dough formation
and stability (Olapade and Oluwole, 2013). High foaming capacity and foaming stability is a
criteria for good quality product (Achinewhu et al., 1998).

Table 5: Functional Properties of Composite Flour

(g/ml) (g/100g) (g/100g) (%) (%)
a a a a
A 0.66 106.65 91.70 25.87 6.11a
a b b ab
B 0.67 113.50 92.80 26.04 6.20a
C 0.67 a 115.35c 93.30b 26.23 b 6.94 b
D 0.67 a 118.35d 96.80c 26.68c 7.02b
a d d
E 0.67 119.50 97.60 26.68 c 7.07bc
F 0.67a 121.40 e 98.35e 27.37d 7.14bc
a e e
G 0.67 122.55 98.85 27.40d 7.60cd
H 0.67a 124.70 f 99.75f 27.48d 8.12d
Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05).

Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05)
Sample A= 100% WF
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

Sensory Evaluation of Cookies

The sensory evaluation of cookies produced from the composite flour of wheat, germinated finger
millet and African yam bean flour are as shown in Table 6. The result shows that the cookies
produced from the wheat flour had better acceptability probably because people were familiar with
the products. Cookies made from 90% wheat flour and 10% germinated finger millet had close

Http:// ©International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH [179]

[Abioye et. al., Vol.6 (Iss.11): November 2018] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)
(Received: October 09, 2018 - Accepted: November 16, 2018) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1845427
level of acceptability. While the samples with 20-30 germinated finger millet flour and 20%
African yam bean had good rating.

Table 5: Sensory Evaluation of Cookies

Sample Colour Flavor Taste Texture Appearance Overall acceptability
A 8.30d 7.95b 7.90c 7.80c 8.00d 8.00c
d d c c d
B 8.00 7.95 7.95 8.20 8.00 8.00c
C 7.10cd 7.30abc 7.00cd 7.00bc 6.40bcd 7.00bc
cd ab cd ab abc
D 7.10 6.60 6.85 5.60 5.40 5.80abc
E 5.25a 5.15a 5.10a 4.80a 4.20ab 4.00a
F 6.30c 6.25ab 6.00ab 5.80d 5.60abc 5.20ab
b a a ab abc
G 5.90 5.60 5.90 5.40 5.00 5.40ab
H 6.60d 6.25ab 5.90a 5.60ab 5.80abc 5.80abc
a a a ab a
I 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.40 3.80 4.00a
J 6.25c 6.30ab 6.15ab 5.40ab 4.20ab 5.00ab
d b c c d
K 5.30 6.95 5.90 6.80 6.00 4.00c
Mean with the same superscript along the same column are not significantly different (p>0.05)
Sample A= 100% WF
Sample B= 90% WF, 10% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample C= 80% WF, 20% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample D= 70% WF, 30% GFM, 0% AYB
Sample E= 70% WF, 20% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample F= 60% WF, 30% GFM, 10% AYB
Sample G= 70% WF, 10% GFM, 20% AYB
Sample H=50% WF, 30% GFM, 20 % AYB

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

This study has shown that there was a notable increment in the nutritional value with increase in
the level of substitution of germinated finger millet and roasted African yam bean. The germination
and the roasting as processing techniques improved the nutritional value of the flour mixes and
reduced the antinutrients which have been a limiting factor in the use of these crops. It could also
be inferred from this study that acceptable and good quality cookies could be produced from
composite flour of wheat, germinated finger millet flour and African yam bean.


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