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Chemistry Questions Paper (Clear Version)

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all the questions. Section A consists of one question
has ing sub parts of I mark each. Section B consists of 10 questions
or 2 marks each. Section C consists of questions of three marks
each and section D consists of three questions of 5 marks each.
Internal choices have been provided in one question of each in
section B. section C and section D.
In " orking out problems, use the following data:-
Gas constant R = 1.987cal deg-I mol-I = 8314 JK•• mol-I= 0.0821
dtnsatm K" mola.
I I atm I (1m'atm= J. Farad:" = 96500C..N.=6.022110"
Section -A -14 marks
QueNion : -
(A)EiII in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word (s) from
those given i the brackets: (40)
2 third. I
electronegftÄityr, reciprocal proportions.)
(i)Formation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide shows the law
( ii)The maximum number of electrons in a subshell is given

(iii)'lhe element having the electronic configuration 'SIArl 3d104si

belongs period and—A_ block ofthe periodic table.
(iv ionic compound is soluble in water exceeds
and rite the eorreet alternative from the choices given
oxidatk»number of Oxygen in superosides is;

(ii) According to Fajan •s rule. covalent bond character is favonred by a

(a)large cation and a small cation and a small anion (c)
e.smäll cation and a large anion (d) large calion and a large anion.
( iii)The correct order regarding the electronegativity of the hybrid
Orbitals is:
(c) (d)spbsp'>sp
Which quantum number describe the shape of the orbital?

(C)Matchthe following:- (40)

(i) Ig-atom of Sulphur (a)Lithium
, ii' iieitr> Becquerei 2Ni2ioveria
(iii)Strongestreducingagent 32g Q)
(ivySigma bond (d) Radioactivityo

(D) Assertion—Reason (211)

(i)Assertion : In CIF". chlorine has the oxidation number -l.
Reason :Electron aflinity of chlorine is greater than that Of fluorine.
(a)Both assertion and reason are true and is the c«reet
explanationof assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct
explanation for assertion,
(c)Assertion is tn.e but reason is false.
Ld$Åsser1ion is false but reason is true.
(ii) Assertion :Shape ofNH4 molecule is tetrahedral .
Reason In NEE, nitrogen is sp' hybridized.
W)Both assertion and and is the
explanation of asseniou.
Both reason truc but tvason is not the cortvct
explanation assertion,
tci.Assettion is true but reason is t.hlse.
is but is true.

Section —B-20marks
Question 2:- (2)
•€hat do >ou mean by limiting tvagent? Explain with example of
combustion of methane.

Question 3:- (2)

Write the general electronic configurations ot's. p. d and (block

Question 4:- (2)

is the ratio ofthe ener» of electron in first, second and third orbit
of hyirogen atom?

Question S:- (2)

Give reason:- (i) Bon&angle in water is less than ammonia
(ii)CoxaIent bond is directional and ionic bond is non

Question 6:- (2)

+Vhat is disproportionation reaction? Explain with an example.

en the law of multiple proportions is not valid?
Question 8:- (2)
(a) •te all the four quantum numbersof (i) 19theIectronin Cr atom
=24) (ii) outermost two electrons in Mg atom (Z=12).
(b) What is the angular momentum Of an electron in 3s and 3p orbitals?

Question (2)
X, Y d Z are the elements of a short period of periodic table having
, two and three electrons in their outermost shell respectively.
Arrange X, Y and Z in the increasing order of (i) their ionisation
potential (ii) basic nature of their oxides.

Question 10:- (2)

Which type of hybridization is present in the following? (i) IF7 (ii) N03-.

Qu on Ii:- (2)
escribe the hybridization of PCI; . Why are axial bonds longer than
equatorial bonds?
Section —C- 21 marks
Question 12:- (3)
Co available concentrated hydrochloric acid contains 38% by
(i)What is the molarity of the solution? The density is 1.19 g cm-3.
(ii)What volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid is required to make I
L ofO. 10 M MCI?

Question 13:- (3)

A spectral line in the visible region series of hydrogen spectrum is
associated with a wavelength of 4862Angstrom.Find the energy level
(n 2) involved in the transition of the electron.
Q uestion
first IE
elements N. p. O and S in the order of (i) increasing
increasing non metallic character.Give reason for the
Question 15:- by
Write the conditions for it- Give its types
giving one example for each.
lance the following reaction in acidic medium by ion-electron
MnOa C: *Mna• CO: (show the steps of balancing as well)

Question 17:-
H'Scontains94. % sulfur.i•i20
contains I I. hydrogen and SO: contains oxygen. Show that the
results are in agreement with the lau of reciprocal proportions.
Heisenberg's Write its expression
significance. ('alculate the uncertainty in position of an electron if its
velocity is zero.

Question 18:-
Differentiate between the following: (i) Bonding molecular orbital and
Antibonding orbital OiJVBT and MO I (write three points for
-D- 15 marks
Question 19:- (2+3=5)
( 34.2g of cane sugar (C Hu- On ) is dissolved in water, the
solution ueighs 214.5 g. Calculate (a) Molality of cane sugar (b) mole
fraction of cane suear.
ii)BeIancethe following reaction in basic medium by oxidation number
metbs»d —r
+E *MnO: + Bros- (show the steps of balancing as well)

Question 20:- (2+3=5)

(i)Give reason (a) Nitrogen has positive electron gain enthalpy where as
oxygen has negative.
(b) Second ionization energy of an element is much
greater than it's first ionisation energy. (ii) A photoof wavelength
4 X 10-7 strikes on a metal
surface the work function of the
metal being 2.13 eV.
Calculate (a)the energy of the
photon in the ev (b) Kinetic
energy of emission and (c)
Velocity of the photo electron

nge N2. N:- and in the•increasing order of their relative

stabilities and bond lengths. Out of these, which one is diamagnetic in
te three differences between Valency and Oxidation number.
( i)ChlorophyiI the green colouring matter of plants contains 2.71% of
Inagnesium by mass. Calcuiazethe number of magnesium atoms in
3.50g ofchlorophyll. (Atomic mass of M-.=24.3 g/mol).
the shapes of orbitais having 1=2 . \Vhy they are called
degenerate orbitals?

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