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Lab 1: Introduction to AWS IAM

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that enables Amazon Web
Services (AWS) customers to manage users and user permissions in AWS. With IAM, you can
centrally manage users, security credentials such as access keys, and permissions that
control which AWS resources users can access.

Topics covered
This lab will demonstrate:

 Exploring pre-created IAM Users and Groups

 Inspecting IAM policies as applied to the pre-created groups
 Following a real-world scenario, adding users to groups with specific capabilities
 Locating and using the IAM sign-in URL
 Experimenting with the effects of policies on service access
Other AWS Services
During this lab, you may receive error messages when performing actions beyond the steps
in this lab guide. These messages will not impact your ability to complete the lab.
AWS Identity and Access Management
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be used to:
 Manage IAM Users and their access: You can create Users and assign them individual
security credentials (access keys, passwords, and multi-factor authentication devices).
You can manage permissions to control which operations a User can perform.
 Manage IAM Roles and their permissions: An IAM Role is similar to a User, in that it is
an AWS identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and

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cannot do in AWS. However, instead of being uniquely associated with one person, a
Role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it.
 Manage federated users and their permissions: You can enable identity federation to
allow existing users in your enterprise to access the AWS Management Console, to call
AWS APIs and to access resources, without the need to create an IAM User for each
This lab takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, choose Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status. In the Start Lab dialog box that opens,
note the AWS Region, as you will need to refer to it later in this lab.

2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then click the X to close the Start
Lab panel.

3. At the top of these instructions, choose AWS

This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Click on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."

4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Explore the Users and Groups

In this task, you will explore the Users and Groups that have already been created for you in
5. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, select IAM.
6. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Users.
The following IAM Users have been created for you:
o user-1
o user-2
o user-3
7. Choose user-1.
This will bring to a summary page for user-1. The Permissions tab will be displayed.
8. Notice that user-1 does not have any permissions.
9. Choose the Groups tab.

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user-1 also is not a member of any groups.

10.Choose the Security credentials tab.
user-1 is assigned a Console password
11.In the navigation pane on the left, choose User groups.
The following groups have already been created for you:
o EC2-Admin
o EC2-Support
o S3-Support
12.Choose the EC2-Support group.
This will bring you to the summary page for the EC2-Support group.
13.Choose the Permissions tab.
This group has a Managed Policy associated with it, called AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess.
Managed Policies are pre-built policies (built either by AWS or by your administrators)
that can be attached to IAM Users and Groups. When the policy is updated, the
changes to the policy are immediately apply against all Users and Groups that are
attached to the policy.
14.Choose the plus (+) icon next to the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy to view the
policy details.
Note: A policy defines what actions are allowed or denied for specific AWS resources.
This policy is granting permission to List and Describe information about EC2, Elastic
Load Balancing, CloudWatch and Auto Scaling. This ability to view resources, but not
modify them, is ideal for assigning to a Support role.
The basic structure of the statements in an IAM Policy is:
o Effect says whether to Allow or Deny the permissions.
o Action specifies the API calls that can be made against an AWS Service
(eg cloudwatch:ListMetrics).
o Resource defines the scope of entities covered by the policy rule (eg a specific
Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon EC2 instance, or * which means any resource).
15.Choose the minus icon (-) to hide the policy details.
16.In the navigation pane on the left, choose User groups.
17.Choose the S3-Support group and then choose the Permissions tab.
The S3-Support group has the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy attached.
18.Choose the plus (+) icon to view the policy details.
This policy grants permissions to Get and List resources in Amazon S3.
19.Choose the minus icon (-) to hide the policy details.
20.In the navigation pane on the left, choose User groups.
21.Choose the EC2-Admin group and then choose the Permissions tab.
This Group is slightly different from the other two. Instead of a Managed Policy, it has
an Inline Policy, which is a policy assigned to just one User or Group. Inline Policies are
typically used to apply permissions for one-off situations.
22.Choose the plus (+) icon to view the policy details.
This policy grants permission to view (Describe) information about Amazon EC2 and
also the ability to Start and Stop instances.
23.Choose the minus icon (-) to hide the policy details.
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Business Scenario
For the remainder of this lab, you will work with these Users and Groups to enable
permissions supporting the following business scenario:
Your company is growing its use of Amazon Web Services, and is using many Amazon EC2
instances and a great deal of Amazon S3 storage. You wish to give access to new staff
depending upon their job function:
User In Group Permissions
S3-Support Read-Only access to Amazon S3
user- EC2-
Read-Only access to Amazon EC2
2 Support
user- EC2- View, Start and Stop Amazon EC2
3 Admin instances

Task 2: Add Users to Groups

You have recently hired user-1 into a role where they will provide support for Amazon S3. You
will add them to the S3-Support group so that they inherit the necessary permissions via the
attached AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy.
You can ignore any "not authorized" errors that appear during this task. They are caused by
your lab account having limited permissions and will not impact your ability to complete the

Add user-1 to the S3-Support Group

24.In the left navigation pane, choose User groups.

25.Choose the S3-Support group.

26.Choose the Users tab.

27.In the Users tab, choose Add users.

28.In the Add Users to S3-Support window, configure the following:

o Select user-1.
o At the bottom of the screen, choose Add Users.
In the Users tab you will see that user-1 has been added to the group.

Add user-2 to the EC2-Support Group

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You have hired user-2 into a role where they will provide support for Amazon EC2.

29.Using similar steps to the ones above, add user-2 to the EC2-Support group.
user-2 should now be part of the EC2-Support group.

Add user-3 to the EC2-Admin Group

You have hired user-3 as your Amazon EC2 administrator, who manage your EC2 instances.

30.Using similar steps to the ones above, add user-3 to the EC2-Admin group.
user-3 should now be part of the EC2-Admin group.

31.In the navigation pane on the left, choose User groups.

Each Group should now have a 1 in the Users column for the number of Users in each
If you do not have a 1 beside each group, revisit the above instructions above to
ensure that each user is assigned to a User group, as shown in the table in the
Business Scenario section.

Task 3: Sign-In and Test Users

In this task, you will test the permissions of each IAM User.

32.In the navigation pane on the left, choose Dashboard.

An IAM users sign-in link is displayed on the right. It will look similar
This link can be used to sign-in to the AWS Account you are currently using.

33.Copy the Sign-in URL for IAM users in this account to a text editor.

34.Open a private (Incognito) window.

Mozilla Firefox
o Choose the menu bars at the top-right of the screen
o Select New private window
Google Chrome
o Choose the ellipsis at the top-right of the screen
o Select New Incognito Window
Microsoft Edge
o Choose the ellipsis at the top-right of the screen
o Choose New InPrivate window
Microsoft Internet Explorer
o Choose the Tools menu option
o Choose InPrivate Browsing

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35.Paste the IAM users sign-in link into the address bar of your private browser session
and press Enter.
Next, you will sign-in as user-1, who has been hired as your Amazon S3 storage
support staff.

36.Sign-in with:
o IAM user name: user-1
o Password: Lab-Password1

37.In the Services menu, choose S3.

38.Choose the name of the bucket that exists in the account and browse the contents.
Since your user is part of the S3-Support Group in IAM, they have permission to view a
list of Amazon S3 buckets and the contents.
Note: The bucket does not contain any objects.
Now, test whether they have access to Amazon EC2.

39.In the Services menu, choose EC2.

40.In the left navigation pane, choose Instances.

You cannot see any instances. Instead, you see a message that states You are not
authorized to perform this operation. This is because this user has not been granted
any permissions to access Amazon EC2.
You will now sign-in as user-2, who has been hired as your Amazon EC2 support

41.Sign user-1 out of the AWS Management Console by completing the following actions:
o At the top of the screen, choose user-1
o Choose Sign Out

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42.Paste the IAM users sign-in link into your private browser tab's address bar and
press Enter.
Note: This link should be in your text editor.

43.Sign-in with:
o IAM user name: user-2
o Password: Lab-Password2

44.In the Services menu, choose EC2.

45.In the navigation pane on the left, choose Instances.

You are now able to see an Amazon EC2 instance because you have Read Only
permissions. However, you will not be able to make any changes to Amazon EC2
If you cannot see an Amazon EC2 instance, then your Region may be incorrect. In the
top-right of the screen, pull-down the Region menu and select the region that you
noted at the start of the lab (for example, N. Virginia).

o Select the instance named LabHost.

46.In the Instance state menu above, select Stop instance.

47.In the Stop Instance window, select Stop.

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You will receive an error stating You are not authorized to perform this operation. This
demonstrates that the policy only allows you to view information, without making

48.Choose the X to close the Failed to stop the instance message.

Next, check if user-2 can access Amazon S3.

49.In the Services, choose S3.

You will see the message You don't have permissions to list buckets because user-2
does not have permission to access Amazon S3.
You will now sign-in as user-3, who has been hired as your Amazon EC2 administrator.

50.Sign user-2 out of the AWS Management Console by completing the following actions:
o At the top of the screen, choose user-2
o Choose Sign Out

51.Paste the IAM users sign-in link into your private window and press Enter.

52.Paste the sign-in link into the address bar of your private web browser tab again. If it is
not in your clipboard, retrieve it from the text editor where you stored it earlier.

53.Sign-in with:
o IAM user name: user-3
o Password: Lab-Password3

54.In the Services menu, choose EC2.

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55.In the navigation pane on the left, choose Instances.

As an EC2 Administrator, you should now have permissions to Stop the Amazon EC2
Select the instance named LabHost .
If you cannot see an Amazon EC2 instance, then your Region may be incorrect. In the
top-right of the screen, pull-down the Region menu and select the region that you
noted at the start of the lab (for example, N. Virginia).

56.In the Instance state menu, choose Stop instance.

57.In the Stop instance window, choose Stop.

The instance will enter the stopping state and will shutdown.

58.Close your private browser window.

Lab complete
Congratulations! You have completed the lab.

59.Choose End Lab at the top of this page, and then select Yes to confirm that you want to
end the lab.
A panel indicates that You may close this message box now...

60.Select the X in the top-right corner to close the panel.

Congratulations! You now have successfully:
 Explored pre-created IAM users and groups
 Inspected IAM policies as applied to the pre-created groups
 Followed a real-world scenario, adding users to groups with specific capabilities
 Located and used the IAM sign-in URL
 Experimented with the effects of policies on service access

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Lab 2: Build your VPC and Launch a Web Server

Lab overview and objectives

In this lab, you will use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to create your own VPC and add
additional components to produce a customized network. You will also create a security
group. You will then configure and customize an EC2 instance to run a web server and you
will launch the EC2 instance to run in a subnet in the VPC.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to launch Amazon Web Services
(AWS) resources into a virtual network that you defined. This virtual network closely
resembles a traditional network that you would operate in your own data center, with the
benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS. You can create a VPC that spans multiple
Availability Zones.
After completing this lab, you should be able to do the following:
 Create a VPC.
 Create subnets.
 Configure a security group.
 Launch an EC2 instance into a VPC.

This lab takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

AWS service restrictions

In this lab environment, access to AWS services and service actions might be restricted to the
ones that are needed to complete the lab instructions. You might encounter errors if you
attempt to access other services or perform actions beyond the ones that are described in
this lab.

In this lab you build the following infrastructure:

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Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, choose Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.

2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then choose the X to close the Start
Lab panel
3. At the top of these instructions, choose AWS
This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Choose on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."

4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Create Your VPC

In this task, you will use the VPC and more option in the VPC console to create multiple
resources, including a VPC, an Internet Gateway, a public subnet and a private subnet in a
single Availability Zone, two route tables, and a NAT Gateway.

5. In the search box to the right of Services, search for and choose VPC to open the VPC
6. Begin creating a VPC.
o In the top left of the screen, verify the New VPC Experience is toggled on. If it is
not, toogle it on now.
o Choose the VPC dashboard link which is also towards the top left of the console.
o Next, choose Create VPC.
Note: If you do not see a button with that name, choose the Launch VPC Wizard
button instead.
7. Configure the VPC details in the VPC settings panel on the left:
o Choose VPC and more.
o Under Name tag auto-generation, keep Auto-generate selected, however change
the value from project to lab .
o Keep the IPv4 CIDR block set to
o For Number of Availability Zones, choose 1.
o For Number of public subnets, keep the 1 setting.
o For Number of private subnets, keep the 1 setting.
o Expand the Customize subnets CIDR blocks section
 Change Public subnet CIDR block in us-east-1a to

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 Change Private subnet CIDR block in us-east-1a to

o Set NAT gateways to In 1 AZ.
o Set VPC endpoints to None.
o Keep both DNS hostnames and DNS resolution enabled.

8. In the Preview panel on the right, confirm the settings you have configured.
o VPC: lab-vpc
o Subnets:
 us-east-1a
 Public subnet name: lab-subnet-public1-us-east-1a
 Private subnet name: lab-subnet-private1-us-east-1a
o Route tables
 lab-rtb-public
 lab-rtb-private1-us-east-1a
o Network connections
 lab-igw
 lab-nat-public1-us-east-1a

9. At the bottom of the screen, choose Create VPC

The VPC resources are created. The NAT Gateway will take a few minutes to activate.
Please wait until all the resources are created before proceding to the next step.

10.Once it is complete, choose View VPC

The wizard has provisioned a VPC with a public subnet and a private subnet in one
Availability Zone with route tables for each subnet. It also created an Internet Gateway
and a NAT Gateway.
To view the settings of these resources, browse through the VPC console links that
display the resource details. For example, choose Subnets to view the subnet details
and choose Route tables to view the route table details. The diagram below
summarizes the VPC resources you have just created and how they are configured.

An Internet gateway is a VPC resource that allows communication between EC2

instances in your VPC and the Internet.
The lab-subnet-public1-us-east-1a public subnet has a CIDR of, which means
that it contains all IP addresses starting with 10.0.0.x. The fact the route table
associated with this public subnet routes network traffic to the internet
gateway is what makes it a public subnet.
A NAT Gateway, is a VPC resource used to provide internet connectivity to any EC2
instances running in private subnets in the VPC without those EC2 instances needing to
have a direct connection to the internet gateway.
The lab-subnet-private1-us-east-1a private subnet has a CIDR of, which means
that it contains all IP addresses starting with 10.0.1.x.

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Task 2: Create Additional Subnets

In this task, you will create two additional subnets for the VPC in a second Availability Zone.
Having subnets in multiple Availability Zones within a VPC is useful for deploying solutions
that provide High Availability.
After creating a VPC as you have already done, you can still configure it further, for example,
by adding more subnets. Each subnet you create resides entirely within one Availability Zone.

11.In the left navigation pane, choose Subnets.

First, you will create a second public subnet.

12.Choose Create subnet then configure:

o VPC ID: lab-vpc (select from the menu).
o Subnet name: lab-subnet-public2
o Availability Zone: Select the second Availability Zone (for example, us-east-1b)
o IPv4 CIDR block:
The subnet will have all IP addresses starting with 10.0.2.x.

13.Choose Create subnet

The second public subnet was created. You will now create a second private subnet.

14.Choose Create subnet then configure:

o VPC ID: lab-vpc
o Subnet name: lab-subnet-private2
o Availability Zone: Select the second Availability Zone (for example, us-east-1b)
o IPv4 CIDR block:
The subnet will have all IP addresses starting with 10.0.3.x.

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15.Choose Create subnet

The second private subnet was created.
You will now configure this new private subnes to route internet-bound traffic to the
NAT Gateway so that resources in the second private subnet are able to connect to the
Internet, while still keeping the resources private. This is done by configuring a Route
A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that are used to determine where
network traffic is directed. Each subnet in a VPC must be associated with a route table;
the route table controls routing for the subnet.

16.In the left navigation pane, choose Route tables.

17.Select the lab-rtb-private1-us-east-1a route table.

18.In the lower pane, choose the Routes tab.

Note that Destination is set to Target nat-xxxxxxxx. This means that traffic
destined for the internet ( will be sent to the NAT Gateway. The NAT Gateway
will then forward the traffic to the internet.
This route table is therefore being used to route traffic from private subnets.

19.Choose the Subnet associations tab.

You created this route table in task 1 when you chose to create a VPC and multiple
resources in the VPC. That action also created lab-subnet-private-1 and associated that
subnet with this route table.
Now that you have created another private subnet, lab-subnet-private-2, you will
associate this route table with that subnet as well.

20.Choose Edit subnet associations

21.Leave lab-subnet-private1-us-east-1a selected, but also select lab-subnet-private2.

22.Choose Save associations

You will now configure the Route Table that is used by the Public Subnets.

23.Select the lab-rtb-public route table (and deselect any other subnets).

24.In the lower pane, choose the Routes tab.

Note that Destination is set to Target igw-xxxxxxxx, which is the Internet
Gateway. This means that internet-bound traffic will be sent straight to the internet via
the Internet Gateway.
You will now associate this route table to the second public subnet you created.

25.Choose the Subnet associations tab.

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26.Choose Edit subnet associations

27.Leave lab-subnet-public1-us-east-1a selected, but also select lab-subnet-public2.

28.Choose Save associations

Your VPC now has public and private subnets configured in two Availability Zones. The
route tables you created in task 1 have also been updated to route network traffic for
the two new subnets.

Task 3: Create a VPC Security Group

In this task, you will create a VPC security group, which acts as a virtual firewall. When you
launch an instance, you associate one or more security groups with the instance. You can add
rules to each security group that allow traffic to or from its associated instances.

29.In the left navigation pane, choose Security groups.

30.Choose Create security group and then configure:

o Security group name: Web Security Group
o Description: Enable HTTP access
o VPC: choose the X to remove the currently selected VPC, then from the drop
down list choose lab-vpc

31.In the Inbound rules pane, choose Add rule

32.Configure the following settings:

o Type: HTTP
o Source: Anywhere-IPv4

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o Description: Permit web requests

33.Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Create security group
You will use this security group in the next task when launching an Amazon EC2

Task 4: Launch a Web Server Instance

In this task, you will launch an Amazon EC2 instance into the new VPC. You will configure the
instance to act as a web server.

34.In the search box to the right of Services, search for and choose EC2 to open the EC2

35.From the Launch instance menu choose Launch instance.

36.Name the instance:

o Give it the name Web Server 1
When you name your instance, AWS creates a tag and associates it with the
instance. A tag is a key value pair. The key for this pair is *Name*, and the value
is the name you enter for your EC2 instance.

37.Choose an AMI from which to create the instance:

o In the list of available Quick Start AMIs, keep the default Amazon Linux AMI
o Also keep the default Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) selected.
The type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you choose determines the Operating
System that will run on the EC2 instance that you launch.

38.Choose an Instance type:

o In the Instance type panel, keep the default t2.micro selected.
The Instance Type defines the hardware resources assigned to the instance.

39.Select the key pair to associate with the instance:

o From the Key pair name menu, select vockey.
The vockey key pair you selected will allow you to connect to this instance via
SSH after it has launched. Although you will not need to do that in this lab, it is
still required to identify an existing key pair, or create a new one, when you
launch an instance.

40.Configure the Network settings:

o Next to Network settings, choose Edit, then configure:
 Network: lab-vpc
 Subnet: lab-subnet-public2 (not Private!)

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Auto-assign public IP: Enable

o Next, you will configure the instance to use the Web Security Group that you
created earlier.
 Under Firewall (security groups), choose Select an existing security group.
 For Common security groups, select Web Security Group.
This security group will permit HTTP access to the instance.

41.In the Configure storage section, keep the default settings.

Note: The default settings specify that the root volume of the instance, which will host
the Amazon Linux 2 guest operating system that you specified earlier, will run on a
general purpose SSD (gp2) hard drive that is 8 GiB in size. You could alternatively add
more storage volumes, however that is not needed in this lab.

42.Configure a script to run on the instance when it launches:

o Expand the Advanced details panel.
o Scroll to the bottom of the page and then copy and paste the code shown below
into the User data box:
# Install Apache Web Server and PH
yum install -y httpd mysql php
# Download Lab files

# Install Apache Web Server and PHP
yum install -y httpd mysql php
# Download Lab files
unzip -d /var/www/html/
# Turn on web server
chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start
This script will run with root user permissions on the guest OS of the instance. It
will run automatically when the instance launches for the first time. The script
installs a web server, a database, and PHP libraries, and then it downloads and
installs a PHP web application on the web server.

43.At the bottom of the Summary panel on the right side of the screen choose Launch
You will see a Success message.

44.Choose View all instances

45.Wait until Web Server 1 shows 2/2 checks passed in the Status check column.
This may take a few minutes. Choose the refresh icon at the top of the page every 30
seconds or so to more quickly become aware of the latest status of the instance.
You will now connect to the web server running on the EC2 instance.

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46.Select Web Server 1.

47.Copy the Public IPv4 DNS value shown in the Details tab at the bottom of the page.

48.Open a new web browser tab, paste the Public DNS value and press Enter.
You should see a web page displaying the AWS logo and instance meta-data values.
The complete architecture you deployed is:

Lab Complete

49.Choose End Lab at the top of this page and then choose Yes to confirm that you want to
end the lab.
A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this
message box now."

50.Choose the X in the top right corner to close the panel

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Lab 3: Introduction to Amazon EC2

Lab overview and objectives

This lab provides you with a basic overview of launching, resizing, managing, and monitoring
an Amazon EC2 instance.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable
compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for
Amazon EC2's simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with
minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets
you run on Amazon's proven computing environment. Amazon EC2 reduces the time
required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, allowing you to quickly scale
capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change.
Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity
that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient
applications and isolate themselves from common failure scenarios.

After completing this lab, you should be able to do the following:

 Launch a web server with termination protection enabled
 Monitor Your EC2 instance
 Modify the security group that your web server is using to allow HTTP access
 Resize your Amazon EC2 instance to scale
 Explore EC2 limits
 Test termination protection
 Terminate your EC2 instance

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This lab takes approximately 35 minutes to complete.

AWS service restrictions

In this lab environment, access to AWS services and service actions might be restricted to the
ones that are needed to complete the lab instructions. You might encounter errors if you
attempt to access other services or perform actions beyond the ones that are described in
this lab.

Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, choose Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.

2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then choose the X to close the Start
Lab panel.
3. At the top of these instructions, choose AWS
This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Choose on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."

4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Launch Your Amazon EC2 Instance

In this task, you will launch an Amazon EC2 instance with termination protection. Termination
protection prevents you from accidentally terminating an EC2 instance. You will deploy your
instance with a User Data script that will allow you to deploy a simple web server.

5. In the AWS Management Console in the search box to the right of Services, choose
Compute and then choose EC2.
Note: Verify that your EC2 console is currently managing resources in the N. Virginia
(us-east-1) region. You can verify this by looking at the drop down menu at the top of
the screen, to the left of your username. If it does not already indicate N. Virginia,
choose the N. Virginia region from the region menu before proceeding to the next step.

6. Choose Launch instances

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Step 1: Name and tags

7. Give the instance the name Web Server .
The Name you give this instance will be stored as a tag. Tags enable you to categorize
your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment.
This is useful when you have many resources of the same type — you can quickly
identify a specific resource based on the tags you have assigned to it. Each tag consists
of a Key and a Value, both of which you define. You can define multiple tags to
associate with the instance if you want to.
In this case, the tag that will be created will consist of a key called Name with a value of
Web Server

Step 2: Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image)

8. In the list of available Quick Start AMIs, keep the default Amazon Linux AMI selected.

9. Also keep the default Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) selected.

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides the information required to launch an
instance, which is a virtual server in the cloud. An AMI includes:
o A template for the root volume for the instance (for example, an operating
system or an application server with applications)
o Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch
o A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance
when it is launched
The Quick Start list contains the most commonly-used AMIs. You can also create your
own AMI or select an AMI from the AWS Marketplace, an online store where you can
sell or buy software that runs on AWS.

Step 3: Instance type

10.In the Instance type panel, keep the default t2.micro selected.
Amazon EC2 provides a wide selection of instance types optimized to fit different use
cases. Instance types comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and
networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of
resources for your applications. Each instance type includes one or more instance sizes,
allowing you to scale your resources to the requirements of your target workload.
The t2.micro instance type has 1 virtual CPU and 1 GiB of memory.
Note: You may be restricted from using other instance types in this lab.

Step 4: Key pair (login)

11.For Key pair name - required, choose vockey.
Amazon EC2 uses public–key cryptography to encrypt and decrypt login information.
To ensure you will be able to log in to the guest OS of the instance you create, you
identify an existing key pair or create a new key pair when launching the instance.

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Amazon EC2 then installs the key on the guest OS when the instance is launched. That
way, when you attempt to login to the instance and you provide the private key, you
will be authorized to connect to the instance.
Note: In this lab you will not actually use the key pair you have specified to log into
your instance.

Step 5: Network settings

12.Next to Network settings, choose Edit.

13.For VPC, select Lab VPC.

The Lab VPC was created using an AWS CloudFormation template during the setup
process of your lab. This VPC includes two public subnets in two different Availability
Note: Keep the default subnet. This is the subnet in which the instance will run. Notice
also that by default, the instance will be assigned a public IP address.

14.Under Firewall (security groups), choose Create security group and configure:
o Security group name: Web Server security group
o Description: Security group for my web server
A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more
instances. When you launch an instance, you associate one or more security
groups with the instance. You add rules to each security group that allow traffic
to or from its associated instances. You can modify the rules for a security group
at any time; the new rules are automatically applied to all instances that are
associated with the security group.
o Under Inbound security group rules, notice that one rule exists. Remove this rule.

Step 6: Configure storage

15.In the Configure storage section, keep the default settings.
Amazon EC2 stores data on a network-attached virtual disk called Elastic Block Store.
You will launch the Amazon EC2 instance using a default 8 GiB disk volume. This will be
your root volume (also known as a 'boot' volume).

Step 7: Advanced details

16.Expand Advanced details.

17.For Termination protection, select Enable.

When an Amazon EC2 instance is no longer required, it can be terminated, which
means that the instance is deleted and its resources are released. A terminated
instance cannot be accessed again and the data that was on it cannot be recovered. If
you want to prevent the instance from being accidentally terminated, you can enable

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termination protection for the instance, which prevents it from being terminated as
long as this setting remains enabled.

18. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then copy and paste the code shown below into
the User data box:

When you launch an instance, you can pass user data to the instance that can be used
to perform automated installation and configuration tasks after the instance starts.
Your instance is running Amazon Linux 2. The shell script you have specified will run as
the root guest OS user when the instance starts. The script will:
o Install an Apache web server (httpd)
o Configure the web server to automatically start on boot
o Run the Web server once it has finished installing
o Create a simple web page

Step 8: Launch the instance

19.At the bottom of the Summary panel on the right side of the screen choose Launch
You will see a Success message.

20.Choose View all instances

o Your Web Server should be selected.
o Review the information displayed in the Details tab. It includes information
about the instance type, security settings and network settings.
The instance receives a Public IPv4 DNS that you can use to contact the instance
from the Internet.
To view more information, drag the window divider upwards.
At first, the instance will appear in a Pending state, which means it is being
launched. It will then change to Initializing, and finally to Running

21.Wait for your instance to display the following:

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Task 2: Monitor Your Instance

Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of
your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and your AWS solutions.

22.Choose the Status Checks tab.

With instance status monitoring, you can quickly determine whether Amazon EC2 has
detected any problems that might prevent your instances from running applications.
Amazon EC2 performs automated checks on every running EC2 instance to identify
hardware and software issues.
Notice that both the System reachability and Instance reachability checks have passed.

23.Choose the Monitoring tab.

This tab displays Amazon CloudWatch metrics for your instance. Currently, there are
not many metrics to display because the instance was recently launched.
You can choose the three dots icon in any graph and select Enlarge to see an expanded
view of the chosen metric.
Amazon EC2 sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for your EC2 instances. Basic (five-
minute) monitoring is enabled by default. You can also enable detailed (one-minute)
24.In the Actions menu towards the top of the console, select Monitor and troubleshoot
Get system log.
The System Log displays the console output of the instance, which is a valuable tool for
problem diagnosis. It is especially useful for troubleshooting kernel problems and
service configuration issues that could cause an instance to terminate or become
unreachable before its SSH daemon can be started. If you do not see a system log, wait
a few minutes and then try again.
25.Scroll through the output and note that the HTTP package was installed from the user
data that you added when you created the instance.

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26.Choose Cancel.
27.Ensure Web Server is still selected. Then, in the Actions menu, select Monitor and
troubleshoot Get instance screenshot.
This shows you what your Amazon EC2 instance console would look like if a screen
were attached to


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If you are unable to reach your instance via SSH or RDP, you can capture a screenshot
of your instance and view it as an image. This provides visibility as to the status of the
instance, and allows for quicker troubleshooting.

28.Choose Cancel.
Congratulations! You have explored several ways to monitor your instance.

Task 3: Update Your Security Group and Access the Web Server
When you launched the EC2 instance, you provided a script that installed a web server and
created a simple web page. In this task, you will access content from the web server.

29.Ensure Web Server is still selected. Choose the Details tab.

30.Copy the Public IPv4 address of your instance to your clipboard.

31.Open a new tab in your web browser, paste the IP address you just copied, then press
Question: Are you able to access your web server? Why not?
You are not currently able to access your web server because the security group is not
permitting inbound traffic on port 80, which is used for HTTP web requests. This is a
demonstration of using a security group as a firewall to restrict the network traffic that
is allowed in and out of an instance.
To correct this, you will now update the security group to permit web traffic on port 80.

32.Keep the browser tab open, but return to the EC2 Console tab.

33.In the left navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

34.Select Web Server security group.

35.Choose the Inbound rules tab.

The security group currently has no inbound rules.

36.Choose Edit inbound rules , select Add rule and then configure:
o Type: HTTP
o Source: Anywhere-IPv4
o Choose Save rules

37.Return to the web server tab that you previously opened and refresh the page.
You should see the message Hello From Your Web Server!

Congratulations! You have successfully modified your security group to permit HTTP
traffic into your Amazon EC2 Instance.

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Task 4: Resize Your Instance: Instance Type and EBS Volume

As your needs change, you might find that your instance is over-utilized (too small) or under-
utilized (too large). If so, you can change the instance type. For example, if a t2.micro instance
is too small for its workload, you can change it to an m5.medium instance. Similarly, you can
change the size of a disk.

Stop Your Instance

Before you can resize an instance, you must stop it.
When you stop an instance, it is shut down. There is no runtime charge for a stopped EC2
instance, but the storage charge for attached Amazon EBS volumes remains.
38.On the EC2 Management Console, in the left navigation pane, choose Instances.
Web Server should already be selected.

39.In the Instance State menu, select Stop instance.

40.Choose Stop
Your instance will perform a normal shutdown and then will stop running.

41.Wait for the Instance State to display: Stopped.

Change The Instance Type

42.In the Actions menu, select Instance settings Change instance type, then configure:
o Instance Type: t2.small
o Choose Apply
When the instance is started again it will run as a t2.small, which has twice as
much memory as a t2.micro instance. NOTE: You may be restricted from using
other instance types in this lab.
Resize the EBS Volume
43.Choose the Storage tab, select the name of the Volume ID, then select the checkbox
next to the volume that displays.

44.In the Actions menu, select Modify volume.

The disk volume currently has a size of 8 GiB. You will now increase the size of this disk.

45.Change the size to: 10 NOTE: You may be restricted from creating large Amazon EBS
volumes in this lab.

46.Choose Modify

47.Choose Modify again to confirm and increase the size of the volume.

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Start the Resized Instance

You will now start the instance again, which will now have more memory and more disk space.
49.In left navigation pane, choose Instances.

50.Select the Web Server instance.

51.In the Instance state menu, select Start instance.

Congratulations! You have successfully resized your Amazon EC2 Instance. In this task
you changed your instance type from t2.micro to t2.small. You also modified your root
disk volume from 8 GiB to 10 GiB.

Task 5: Explore EC2 Limits

Amazon EC2 provides different resources that you can use. These resources include images,
instances, volumes, and snapshots. When you create an AWS account, there are default limits
on these resources on a per-region basis.

52.In the left navigation pane, choose Limits.

Note: You may seem some banner messages indicating that you cannot load some
limits. You can safely ignore these messages.

53.From the All limits drop down list, choose Running instances.
Notice that there are limits on the number and types of instances that can run in a
region. For example, there is a limit on the number of Running On-Demand Standard...
instances that you can launch in this region. When launching instances, the request
must not cause your usage to exceed the instance limits currently defined in that
You can request an increase for many of these limits.

Task 6: Test Termination Protection

You can delete your instance when you no longer need it. This is referred to as terminating
your instance. You cannot connect to or restart an instance after it has been terminated. In
this task, you will learn how to use termination protection.

54.In left navigation pane, choose Instances.

55.Select the Web Server instance and in the Instance state menu, select Terminate

56.Then choose Terminate

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Note that there is a message that says: Failed to terminate the instance i-1234567xxx.
The instance 'i-1234567xxx' may not be terminated. Modify its 'disableApiTermination'
instance attribute and try again.
This is a safeguard to prevent the accidental termination of an instance. If you really
want to terminate the instance, you will need to disable the termination protection.

57.In the Actions menu, select Instance settings Change termination protection.

58.Remove the check next to Enable.

59.Choose Save
You can now terminate the instance.

60.Select the Web Server instance again and in the Instance state menu, select Terminate

61.Choose Terminate
Congratulations! You have successfully tested termination protection and terminated
your instance.

Lab Complete
Congratulations! You have completed the lab.

62.Choose End Lab at the top of this page and then choose Yes to confirm that you want to
end the lab.
A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this
message box now."

63.Choose the X in the top right corner to close the panel.

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Lab 4: Working with EBS

Lab Overview

This lab focuses on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), a key underlying storage
mechanism for Amazon EC2 instances. In this lab, you will learn how to create an Amazon
EBS volume, attach it to an instance, apply a file system to the volume, and then take a
snapshot backup.

Topics covered
By the end of this lab, you will be able to:
 Create an Amazon EBS volume
 Attach and mount your volume to an EC2 instance
 Create a snapshot of your volume
 Create a new volume from your snapshot
 Attach and mount the new volume to your EC2 instance

Lab Pre-requisites
To successfully complete this lab, you should be familiar with basic Amazon EC2 usage and
with basic Linux server administration. You should feel comfortable using the Linux
command-line tools.

This lab will require approximately 30 minutes to complete.

AWS service restrictions

In this lab environment, access to AWS services and service actions might be restricted to the
ones that are needed to complete the lab instructions. You might encounter errors if you
attempt to access other services or perform actions beyond the ones that are described in
this lab.

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What is Amazon Elastic Block Store?

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) offers persistent storage for Amazon EC2 instances.
Amazon EBS volumes are network-attached and persist independently from the life of an
instance. Amazon EBS volumes are highly available, highly reliable volumes that can be
leveraged as an Amazon EC2 instances boot partition or attached to a running Amazon EC2
instance as a standard block device.
When used as a boot partition, Amazon EC2 instances can be stopped and subsequently
restarted, enabling you to pay only for the storage resources used while maintaining your
instance's state. Amazon EBS volumes offer greatly improved durability over local Amazon
EC2 instance stores because Amazon EBS volumes are automatically replicated on the
backend (in a single Availability Zone).
For those wanting even more durability, Amazon EBS provides the ability to create point-in-
time consistent snapshots of your volumes that are then stored in Amazon Simple Storage
Service (Amazon S3) and automatically replicated across multiple Availability Zones. These
snapshots can be used as the starting point for new Amazon EBS volumes and can protect
your data for long-term durability. You can also easily share these snapshots with co-workers
and other AWS developers.
This lab guide explains basic concepts of Amazon EBS in a step-by-step fashion. However, it
can only give a brief overview of Amazon EBS concepts. For further information, see
the Amazon EBS documentation.

Amazon EBS Volume Features

Amazon EBS volumes deliver the following features:
 Persistent storage: Volume lifetime is independent of any particular Amazon EC2
 General purpose: Amazon EBS volumes are raw, unformatted block devices that can be
used from any operating system.
 High performance: Amazon EBS volumes are equal to or better than local Amazon EC2
 High reliability: Amazon EBS volumes have built-in redundancy within an Availability
 Designed for resiliency: The AFR (Annual Failure Rate) of Amazon EBS is between 0.1%
and 1%.
 Variable size: Volume sizes range from 1 GB to 16 TB.
 Easy to use: Amazon EBS volumes can be easily created, attached, backed up, restored,
and deleted.

Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, click Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.
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2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then click the X to close the Start
Lab panel.
3. At the top of these instructions, click AWS
This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Choose the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."

4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Create a New EBS Volume

In this task, you will create and attach an Amazon EBS volume to a new Amazon EC2 instance.

5. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, click EC2.

6. In the left navigation pane, choose Instances.
An Amazon EC2 instance named Lab has already been launched for your lab.

7. Note the Availability Zone of the instance. It will look similar to us-east-1a.
8. In the left navigation pane, choose Volumes.
You will see an existing volume that is being used by the Amazon EC2 instance. This
volume has a size of 8 GiB, which makes it easy to distinguish from the volume you will
create next, which will be 1 GiB in size.

9. Choose Create volume then configure:

o Volume Type: General Purpose SSD (gp2)
o Size (GiB): 1 . NOTE: You may be restricted from creating large volumes.
o Availability Zone: Select the same availability zone as your EC2 instance.
o Choose Add Tag
o In the Tag Editor, enter:
 Key: Name
 Value: My Volume

10.Choose Create Volume

Your new volume will appear in the list, and will move from the Creating state to
the Available state. You may need to choose refresh to see your new volume.

Task 2: Attach the Volume to an Instance

You can now attach your new volume to the Amazon EC2 instance.

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11.Select My Volume.

12.In the Actions menu, choose Attach volume.

13.Choose the Instance field, then select the instance that appears (Lab).
Note that the Device field is set to /dev/sdf. You will use this device identifier in a later

14.Choose Attach volume The volume state is now In-use.

Task 3: Connect to Your Amazon EC2 Instance

Windows Users: Using SSH to Connect
These instructions are for Windows users only.
If you are using macOS or Linux, skip to the next section.
15.Read through the three bullet points in this step before you start to complete the
actions, because you will not be able see these instructions when the Details panel is
o Choose the Details drop down menu above these instructions you are currently
reading, and then choose Show . A Credentials window will open.
o Choose the Download PPK button and save the labsuser.ppk file. Typically your
browser will save it to the Downloads directory.
o Then exit the Details panel by choosing the X.

16.Download needed software.

o You will use PuTTY to SSH to Amazon EC2 instances. If you do not have PuTTY
installed on your computer, download it here.

17.Open putty.exe

18.Configure PuTTY to not timeout:

o Choose Connection
o Set Seconds between keepalives to 30
This allows you to keep the PuTTY session open for a longer period of time.

19.Configure your PuTTY session:

o Choose Session
o Host Name (or IP address): Copy and paste the IPv4 Public IP address for the
instance. To find it, return to the EC2 Console and choose Instances. Check the
box next to the instance and in the Description tab copy the IPv4 Public IP value.
o Back in PuTTy, in the Connection list, expand SSH
o Choose Auth (don't expand it)
o Choose Browse
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o Browse to and select the labsuser.ppk file that you downloaded

o Choose Open to select it
o Choose Open

20.Choose Yes, to trust the host and connect to it.

21.When prompted login as, enter: ec2-user

This will connect you to the EC2 instance.

22.Windows Users: Choose here to skip ahead to the next task.

macOS and Linux Users
These instructions are for Mac/Linux users only. If you are a Windows user, skip ahead to the
next task.

23.Read through all the instructions in this one step before you start to complete the
actions, because you will not be able see these instructions when the Details panel is
o Choose the Details drop down menu above these instructions you are currently
reading, and then choose Show . A Credentials window will open.
o Choose the Download button and save the labsuser.pem file.
o Then exit the Details panel by choosing the X.

24.Open a terminal window, and change directory cd to the directory where the
labsuser.pem file was downloaded.
For example, run this command, if it was saved to your Downloads directory:
cd ~/Downloads

25.Change the permissions on the key to be read only, by running this command:
chmod 400 labsuser.pem

26.Return to the AWS Management Console, and in the EC2 service, choose Instances.
The Lab instance should be selected.

27.In the Details tab, copy the Public IPv4 address value.

28.Return to the terminal window and run this command (replace <public-ip> with the
actual public IP address you copied):
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ssh -i labsuser.pem ec2-user@<pub

29.Type yes when prompted to allow a first connection to this remote SSH server.
Because you are using a key pair for authentication, you will not be prompted for a

Task 4: Create and Configure Your File System

In this task, you will add the new volume to a Linux instance as an ext3 file system under the
/mnt/data-store mount point.
If you are using PuTTY, you can paste text by right-clicking in the PuTTY window.

30.View the storage available on your instance:

df -h

You should see output similar to:

devtmpfs 484M 0 484M 0% /

tmpfs 492M 0 492M 0% /d
tmpfs 492M 460K 491M 1% /
tmpfs 492M 0 492M 0% /sy

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

This is showing the original 8GB disk volume. Your new volume is not yet shown.

31.Create an ext3 file system on the new volume:

sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdf

32.Create a directory for mounting the new storage volume:

sudo mkdir /mnt/data-store

33.Mount the new volume:

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sudo mount /dev/sdf /mnt/data-sto

To configure the Linux instance to mount this volume whenever the instance is started,
you will need to add a line to /etc/fstab.
echo "/dev/sdf /mnt/data-store ext

echo "/dev/sdf /mnt/data-store ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

34.View the configuration file to see the setting on the last line:
cat /etc/fstab

35.View the available storage again:

df -h

The output will now contain an additional line - /dev/xvdf:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use%
devtmpfs 484M 0 484M 0% /
tmpfs 492M 0 492M 0% /d
tmpfs 492M 460K 491M 1% /

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

devtmpfs 484M 0 484M 0% /dev
tmpfs 492M 0 492M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 492M 460K 491M 1% /run
tmpfs 492M 0 492M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda1 8.0G 1.5G 6.6G 19% /
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/0
tmpfs 99M 0 99M 0% /run/user/1000
/dev/xvdf 976M 1.3M 924M 1% /mnt/data-store

36.On your mounted volume, create a file and add some text to it.
sudo sh -c "echo some text has been

sudo sh -c "echo some text has been written > /mnt/data-store/file.txt"

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37.Verify that the text has been written to your volume.

cat /mnt/data-store/file.txt

Task 5: Create an Amazon EBS Snapshot

In this task, you will create a snapshot of your EBS volume.
You can create any number of point-in-time, consistent snapshots from Amazon EBS volumes
at any time. Amazon EBS snapshots are stored in Amazon S3 with high durability. New
Amazon EBS volumes can be created out of snapshots for cloning or restoring backups.
Amazon EBS snapshots can also be easily shared among AWS users or copied over AWS

38.In the AWS Management Console, choose Volumes and select My Volume.

39.In the Actions menu, select Create snapshot.

40.Choose Add tag then configure:

o Key: Name
o Value: My Snapshot
o Choose Create snapshot
41.In the left navigation pane, choose Snapshots.
Your snapshot is displayed. The status will first have a state of Pending, which means
that the snapshot is being created. It will then change to a state of Completed.
Note: Only used storage blocks are copied to snapshots, so empty blocks do not
occupy any snapshot storage space.

42.In your remote SSH session, delete the file that you created on your volume.
sudo rm /mnt/data-store/file.txt

sudo rm /mnt/data-store/file.txt

43.Verify that the file has been deleted.

ls /mnt/data-store/

Your file has been deleted.

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Task 6: Restore the Amazon EBS Snapshot

If you ever wish to retrieve data stored in a snapshot, you can Restore the snapshot to a new
EBS volume.

Create a Volume Using Your Snapshot

44.In the AWS Management Console, select My Snapshot.

45.In the Actions menu, select Create volume from snapshot.

46.For Availability Zone Select the same availability zone that you used earlier.

47.Choose Add tag then configure:

o Key: Name
o Value: Restored Volume
o Choose Create volume
Note: When restoring a snapshot to a new volume, you can also modify the
configuration, such as changing the volume type, size or Availability Zone.

Attach the Restored Volume to Your EC2 Instance

48.In the left navigation pane, choose Volumes.

49.Select Restored Volume.

50.In the Actions menu, select Attach volume.

51.Choose the Instance field, then select the (Lab) instance that appears.
Note that the Device field is set to /dev/sdg. You will use this device identifier in a later

52.Choose Attach volume

The volume state is now in-use.

Mount the Restored Volume

53.Create a directory for mounting the new storage volume:
sudo mkdir /mnt/data-store2

54.Mount the new volume:

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sudo mount /dev/sdg /mnt/data-sto

sudo mount /dev/sdg /mnt/data-store2

55.Verify that volume you mounted has the file that you created earlier.
ls /mnt/data-store2/

You should see file.txt.

Congratulations! You now have successfully:
 Created an Amazon EBS volume
 Attached the volume to an EC2 instance
 Created a file system on the volume
 Added a file to volume
 Created a snapshot of your volume
 Created a new volume from the snapshot
 Attached and mounted the new volume to your EC2 instance
 Verified that the file you created earlier was on the newly created volume

Lab Complete
Congratulations! You have completed the lab.

56.Choose End Lab at the top of this page and then click Yes to confirm that you want to
end the lab.
A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this
message box now."

57.Choose the X in the top right corner to close the panel.

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Lab 5: Build Your DB Server and Interact With Your DB

Using an App
Version 4.6.6 (TESS2)
This lab is designed to reinforce the concept of leveraging an AWS-managed database
instance for solving relational database needs.
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and
scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while
managing time-consuming database administration tasks, which allows you to focus on your
applications and business. Amazon RDS provides you with six familiar database engines to
choose from: Amazon Aurora, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB.

After completing this lab, you can:
 Launch an Amazon RDS DB instance with high availability.
 Configure the DB instance to permit connections from your web server.
 Open a web application and interact with your database.

This lab takes approximately 30 minutes.
You start with the following infrastructure:

At the end of the lab, this is the infrastructure:

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Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, choose Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.
2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then choose the X to close the Start
Lab panel.
3. At the top of these instructions, choose AWS
This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Choose on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."
4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Create a Security Group for the RDS DB Instance

In this task, you will create a security group to allow your web server to access your RDS DB
instance. The security group will be used when you launch the database instance.
5. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, choose VPC.
6. In the left navigation pane, choose Security Groups.
7. Choose Create security group and then configure:
o Security group name: DB Security Group
o Description: Permit access from Web Security Group
o VPC: Lab VPC
You will now add a rule to the security group to permit inbound database requests.
8. In the Inbound rules pane, choose Add rule
The security group currently has no rules. You will add a rule to permit access from the
Web Security Group.
9. Configure the following settings:
o Type: MySQL/Aurora (3306)
o CIDR, IP, Security Group or Prefix List: Type sg and then select Web Security
This configures the Database security group to permit inbound traffic on port 3306
from any EC2 instance that is associated with the Web Security Group.
10.Choose Create security group
You will use this security group when launching the Amazon RDS database.

Task 2: Create a DB Subnet Group

In this task, you will create a DB subnet group that is used to tell RDS which subnets can be
used for the database. Each DB subnet group requires subnets in at least two Availability
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11.On the Services menu, choose RDS.

12.In the left navigation pane, choose Subnet groups.
If the navigation pane is not visible, choose the menu icon in the top-left corner.
13.Choose Create DB Subnet Group then configure:
o Name: DB-Subnet-Group
o Description: DB Subnet Group
o VPC: Lab VPC
14.Scroll down to the Add Subnets section.
15.Expand the list of values under Availability Zones and select the first two zones: us-
east-1a and us-east-1b.
16.Expand the list of values under Subnets and select the subnets associated with the
CIDR ranges and
These subnets should now be shown in the Subnets selected table.
17.Choose Create
You will use this DB subnet group when creating the database in the next task.

Task 3: Create an Amazon RDS DB Instance

In this task, you will configure and launch a Multi-AZ Amazon RDS for MySQL database
Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployments provide enhanced availability and durability for Database
(DB) instances, making them a natural fit for production database workloads. When you
provision a Multi-AZ DB instance, Amazon RDS automatically creates a primary DB instance
and synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone
18.In the left navigation pane, choose Databases.
19.Choose Create database
If you see Switch to the new database creation flow at the top of the screen, please
choose it.
20.Select MySQL.
21.Under Settings, configure:
o DB instance identifier: lab-db
o Master username: main
o Master password: lab-password
o Confirm password: lab-password
22.Under DB instance class, configure:
o Select Burstable classes (includes t classes).
o Select db.t3.micro
23.Under Storage, configure:
o Storage type: General Purpose (SSD)
o Allocated storage: 20
24.Under Connectivity, configure:
o Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Lab VPC
25.Under Existing VPC security groups, from the dropdown list:

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o Choose DB Security Group.

o Deselect default.
26.Expand Additional configuration, then configure:
o Initial database name: lab
o Uncheck Enable automatic backups.
o Uncheck Enable encryption
o Uncheck Enable Enhanced monitoring.
This will turn off backups, which is not normally recommended, but will make the
database deploy faster for this lab.
27.Choose Create database
Your database will now be launched.
If you receive an error that mentions "not authorized to perform: iam:CreateRole",
make sure you unchecked Enable Enhanced monitoring in the previous step.
28.Choose lab-db (choose the link itself).
You will now need to wait approximately 4 minutes for the database to be available.
The deployment process is deploying a database in two different Availability zones.
While you are waiting, you might want to review the Amazon RDS FAQs or grab a cup of
29.Wait until Info changes to Modifying or Available.
30.Scroll down to the Connectivity & security section and copy the Endpoint field.
It will look similar to:
31.Paste the Endpoint value into a text editor. You will use it later in the lab.

Task 4: Interact with Your Database

In this task, you will open a web application running on your web server and configure it to
use the database.
32.To copy the WebServer IP address, choose on the Details drop down menu above
these instructions, and then choose Show.
33.Open a new web browser tab, paste the WebServer IP address and press Enter.
The web application will be displayed, showing information about the EC2 instance.
34.Choose the RDS link at the top of the page.
You will now configure the application to connect to your database.
35.Configure the following settings:
o Endpoint: Paste the Endpoint you copied to a text editor earlier
o Database: lab
o Username: main
o Password: lab-password
o Choose Submit
A message will appear explaining that the application is running a command to copy
information to the database. After a few seconds the application will display an
Address Book.
The Address Book application is using the RDS database to store information.
36.Test the web application by adding, editing and removing contacts.

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The data is being persisted to the database and is automatically replicating to the
second Availability Zone.

Lab Complete
Congratulations! You have completed the lab.
37.Choose End Lab at the top of this page and then choose Yes to confirm that you want
to end the lab.
A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this
message box now."
38.Choose the X in the top right corner to close the panel.

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Lab 6: Scale and Load Balance Your Architecture

Version 4.6.6 (TESS3) + custom change

This lab walks you through using the Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto Scaling services to
load balance and automatically scale your infrastructure.

Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple
Amazon EC2 instances. It enables you to achieve fault tolerance in your applications by
seamlessly providing the required amount of load balancing capacity needed to route
application traffic.

Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and allows you to scale your Amazon
EC2 capacity out or in automatically according to conditions you define. You can use Auto
Scaling to help ensure that you are running your desired number of Amazon EC2 instances.
Auto Scaling can also automatically increase the number of Amazon EC2 instances during
demand spikes to maintain performance and decrease capacity during lulls to reduce costs.
Auto Scaling is well suited to applications that have stable demand patterns or that
experience hourly, daily, or weekly variability in usage.

After completing this lab, you can:
 Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from a running instance.
 Create a load balancer.
 Create a launch configuration and an Auto Scaling group.
 Automatically scale new instances within a private subnet
 Create Amazon CloudWatch alarms and monitor performance of your infrastructure.

This lab takes approximately 30 minutes.

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You start with the following infrastructure:

The final state of the infrastructure is:

Accessing the AWS Management Console

1. At the top of these instructions, click Start Lab to launch your lab.
A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.
2. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: in creation", then click the X to close the
Start Lab panel.
Note: It may take approximately 10 minutes or longer for the lab status to change to
3. At the top of these instructions, click AWS

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This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will
automatically log you in.
Tip: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the
top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening
pop-up windows. Click on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."
4. Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these
instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to
make it easier to follow the lab steps.

Task 1: Create an AMI for Auto Scaling

In this task, you will create an AMI from the existing Web Server 1. This will save the contents
of the boot disk so that new instances can be launched with identical content.
5. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, click EC2.
6. In the left navigation pane, click Instances.
First, you will confirm that the instance is running.
7. Wait until the Status Checks for Web Server 1 displays 2/2 checks passed. Click refresh
to update.
You will now create an AMI based upon this instance.
8. Select Web Server 1.
9. In the Actions menu, click Image and templates > Create image, then configure:
o Image name: WebServerAMI
o Image description: Lab AMI for Web Server
10.Click Create image
A confirmation banner displays the AMI ID for your new AMI.
You will use this AMI when launching the Auto Scaling group later in the lab.

Task 2: Create a Load Balancer

In this task, you will create a load balancer that can balance traffic across multiple EC2
instances and Availability Zones.
11.In the left navigation pane, choose Target Groups.
Analysis: Target Groups define where to send traffic that comes into the Load Balancer.
The Application Load Balancer can send traffic to multiple Target Groups based upon
the URL of the incoming request, such as having requests from mobile apps going to a
different set of servers. Your web application will use only one Target Group.
o Choose Create target group
o Choose a target type: Instances
o Target group name, enter: LabGroup

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o Select Lab VPC from the VPC drop-down menu.

12.Choose Next. The Register targets screen appears.
Note: Targets are the individual instances that will respond to requests from the Load
You do not have any web application instances yet, so you can skip this step.
13.Review the settings and choose Create target group
14.In the left navigation pane, click Load Balancers.
15.At the top of the screen, choose Create Load Balancer.
Several different types of load balancer are displayed. You will be using an Application
Load Balancer that operates at the request level (layer 7), routing traffic to targets —
EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses and Lambda functions — based on the content
of the request. For more information, see: Comparison of Load Balancers
16.Under Application Load Balancer, choose Create
17.Under Load balancer name, enter: LabELB
18.Scroll down to the Network mapping section, then:
o For VPC, select: Lab VPC
You will now specify which subnets the Load Balancer should use. The load
balancer will be internet facing, so you will select both Public Subnets.
o Choose the first displayed Availability Zone, then select Public Subnet 1 from the
Subnet drop down menu that displays beneath it.
o Choose the second displayed Availability Zone, then select Public Subnet 2 from
the Subnet drop down menu that displays beneath it.
You should now have two subnets selected: Public Subnet 1 and Public Subnet 2.
(If not, go back and try the configuration again.)
19.In the Security groups section:
o Choose the Security groups drop down menu and select Web Security Group
o Below the drop down menu, choose the X next to the default security group to
remove it.
The Web Security Group security group should now be the only one that
20.For the Listener HTTP:80 row, set the Default action to forward to LabGroup.
21.Scroll to the bottom and choose Create load balancer
The load balancer is successfully created.
o Choose View load balancer
The load balancer will show a state of provisioning. There is no need to wait until it is
ready. Please continue with the next task.

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Task 3: Create a Launch Configuration and an Auto Scaling Group

In this task, you will create a launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group. A launch
configuration is a template that an Auto Scaling group uses to launch EC2 instances. When
you create a launch configuration, you specify information for the instances such as the AMI,
the instance type, a key pair, security group and disks.
22.In the left navigation pane, click Launch Configurations.
23.Click Create launch configuration
24.Configure these settings:
o Launch configuration name: LabConfig
o Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Choose Web Server AMI
o Instance type:
 Choose Choose instance type
 Select t3.micro
 Choose Choose
Note: If you have launched the lab in the us-east-1 Region, select the t2.micro
instance type. To find the Region, look in the upper right-hand corner of the
Amazon EC2 console.
Note: If you receive the error message "Something went wrong. Please refresh
and try again.", you may ignore it and continue with the exercise.
o Additional configuration
 Monitoring: Select Enable EC2 instance detailed monitoring within
This allows Auto Scaling to react quickly to changing utilization.
25.Under Security groups, you will configure the launch configuration to use the Web
Security Group that has already been created for you.
o Choose Select an existing security group
o Select Web Security Group
26.Under Key pair configure:
o Key pair options: Choose an existing key pair
o Existing key pair: vockey
o Select I acknowledge...
o Click Create launch configuration
You will now create an Auto Scaling group that uses this Launch Configuration.
27.Select the checkbox for the LabConfig Launch Configuration.
28.From the Actions menu, choose Create Auto Scaling group
29.Enter Auto Scaling group name:
o Name: Lab Auto Scaling Group
30.Choose Next
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31.On the Network page configure

o Network: Lab VPC
You can ignore the message regarding "No public IP address"
o Subnet: Select Private Subnet 1 ( and Private Subnet 2 (
This will launch EC2 instances in private subnets across both Availability Zones.
32.Choose Next
33.In the Load balancing - optional pane, choose Attach to an existing load balancer
34.In the Attach to an existing load balancer pane, use the dropdown list to select
35.In the Additional settings - optional pane, select Enable group metrics collection within
This will capture metrics at 1-minute intervals, which allows Auto Scaling to react
quickly to changing usage patterns.
36.Choose Next
37.Under Group size, configure:
o Desired capacity: 2
o Minimum capacity: 2
o Maximum capacity: 6
This will allow Auto Scaling to automatically add/remove instances, always keeping
between 2 and 6 instances running.
38.Under Scaling policies, choose Target tracking scaling policy and configure:
o Lab policy name: LabScalingPolicy
o Metric type: Average CPU Utilization
o Target value: 60
This tells Auto Scaling to maintain an average CPU utilization across all instances at
60%. Auto Scaling will automatically add or remove capacity as required to keep the
metric at, or close to, the specified target value. It adjusts to fluctuations in the metric
due to a fluctuating load pattern.
39.Choose Next
Auto Scaling can send a notification when a scaling event takes place. You will use the
default settings.
40.Choose Next
Tags applied to the Auto Scaling group will be automatically propagated to the
instances that are launched.
41.Choose Add tag and Configure the following:
o Key: Name
o Value: Lab Instance
42.Click Next
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43.Review the details of your Auto Scaling group, then click Create Auto Scaling group. If you
encounter an error Failed to create Auto Scaling group, then click Retry Failed Tasks.
Your Auto Scaling group will initially show an instance count of zero, but new instances
will be launched to reach the Desired count of 2 instances.

Task 4: Verify that Load Balancing is Working

In this task, you will verify that Load Balancing is working correctly.
44.In the left navigation pane, click Instances.
You should see two new instances named Lab Instance. These were launched by Auto
If the instances or names are not displayed, wait 30 seconds and click refresh in the
First, you will confirm that the new instances have passed their Health Check.
45.In the left navigation pane, click Target Groups (in the Load Balancing section).
46.Choose LabGroup
47.Click the Targets tab.
Two Lab Instance targets should be listed for this target group.
48.Wait until the Status of both instances transitions to healthy. Click Refresh in the
upper-right to check for updates.
Healthy indicates that an instance has passed the Load Balancer's health check. This
means that the Load Balancer will send traffic to the instance.
You can now access the Auto Scaling group via the Load Balancer.
49.In the left navigation pane, click Load Balancers.
50.In the lower pane, copy the DNS name of the load balancer, making sure to omit "(A
It should look similar to:
51.Open a new web browser tab, paste the DNS Name you just copied, and press Enter.
The application should appear in your browser. This indicates that the Load Balancer
received the request, sent it to one of the EC2 instances, then passed back the result.

Task 5: Test Auto Scaling

You created an Auto Scaling group with a minimum of two instances and a maximum of six
instances. Currently two instances are running because the minimum size is two and the
group is currently not under any load. You will now increase the load to cause Auto Scaling to
add additional instances.
52.Return to the AWS management console, but do not close the application tab — you
will return to it soon.

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53.On the Services menu, click CloudWatch.

54.In the left navigation pane, choose All alarms.
Two alarms will be displayed. These were created automatically by the Auto Scaling
group. They will automatically keep the average CPU load close to 60% while also
staying within the limitation of having two to six instances.
Note: Please follow these steps only if you do not see the alarms in 60 seconds.
o On the Services menu, click EC2.
o In the left navigation pane, choose Auto Scaling Groups.
o Select Lab Auto Scaling Group.
o In the bottom half of the page, choose the Automatic Scaling tab.
o Select LabScalingPolicy.
o Click Actions and Edit.
o Change the Target Value to 50 .
o Click Update
o On the Services menu, click CloudWatch.
o In the left navigation pane, click All alarms and verify you see two alarms.

55.Click the OK alarm, which has AlarmHigh in its name.

If no alarm is showing OK, wait a minute then click refresh in the top-right until the
alarm status changes.
The OK indicates that the alarm has not been triggered. It is the alarm for CPU
Utilization > 60, which will add instances when average CPU is high. The chart should
show very low levels of CPU at the moment.
You will now tell the application to perform calculations that should raise the CPU level.
56.Return to the browser tab with the web application.
57.Click Load Test beside the AWS logo.
This will cause the application to generate high loads. The browser page will
automatically refresh so that all instances in the Auto Scaling group will generate load.
Do not close this tab.
58.Return to browser tab with the CloudWatch console.
In less than 5 minutes, the AlarmLow alarm should change to OK and the AlarmHigh
alarm status should change to In alarm.
You can click Refresh in the top-right every 60 seconds to update the display.
You should see the AlarmHigh chart indicating an increasing CPU percentage. Once it
crosses the 60% line for more than 3 minutes, it will trigger Auto Scaling to add
additional instances.
59.Wait until the AlarmHigh alarm enters the In alarm state.
You can now view the additional instance(s) that were launched.
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60.On the Services menu, click EC2.

61.In the left navigation pane, click Instances.
More than two instances labeled Lab Instance should now be running. The new
instance(s) were created by Auto Scaling in response to the Alarm

Task 6: Terminate Web Server 1

In this task, you will terminate Web Server 1. This instance was used to create the AMI used
by your Auto Scaling group, but it is no longer needed.
62.Select Web Server 1 (and ensure it is the only instance selected).
63.In the Instance state menu, click Instance State > Terminate Instance.
64.Choose Terminate

Lab Complete
65.Click End Lab at the top of this page and then click Yes to confirm that you want to end
the lab.
A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this
message box now."
66.Click the X in the top right corner to close the panel.

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