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History of Philippine Foreign Policy From Aguinaldo To Present

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Lachica, Elmar Dreex O. Philippine Foreign Relations


Forged in Revolution

Over one hundred years ago, the DFA had its auspicious beginnings when President Emilio Aguinaldo
appointed Apolinario Mabini as the Republic's first Secretary of Foreign Affairs on 23 June 1898, eleven
days after the declaration of Philippine independence at Kawit, Cavite. The DFA was among the first
government departments created following the establishment of the First Philippine Republic. Realizing
the need for international recognition of the new government, Aguinaldo assigned Mabini the difficult
task of establishing diplomatic relations with friendly countries. Members of the Hong Kong Junta, a
group of Filipino exiles in Hong Kong, served as the country's envoys for this purpose.

The Commonwealth Period

The Philippines underwent colonial rule under the United States from 1898 to 1946, and Japanese
occupation from 1942 to 1944. The country regained independence, including full control of foreign
affairs and diplomatic matters, on 4 July 1946. Commonwealth Act No. 732 was passed creating the
Department of Foreign Affairs. Shortly thereafter, President Manuel Roxas issued on September 16 of
that year Executive Order No. 18 providing for the organization and operation of the DFA and the Foreign
Service. The main tasks of the DFA then were to assist in post-war rehabilitation, formulate policies for
investment promotion, and establish diplomatic relations with other countries.

The Post-War Years

The DFA led in the conclusion of the RP-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, as well as in the Laurel-Langley
Agreement, thus paving the way for a balanced yet robust trade and military relations with the United
States. The DFA had a heyday during the post-war years, with its increased participation in the
international arena. It became a founding member of the United Nations and was one of the drafters of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It helped forge the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT). The country was also an early proponent of decolonization and global disarmament. The
Philippines' dynamic participation in global matters culminated in Carlos P. Romulo's election as the first
Asian President of the UN General Assembly in 1952. At that time, the international environment began
to change, requiring that new thrusts and priorities in Philippine foreign policy be determined. During
the Cold War era, against the backdrop of the Korean War and rising communism in China, the
Philippines pursued an increasing internationalist foreign policy.
Professionalizing the Philippine Foreign Service

Realizing the importance of foreign relations, President Elpidio Quirino in June 1952 pushed for the
passage of the Foreign Service Act of 1952, embodied in Republic Act No. 708. During the post-war
period, the DFA focused on institution building, closer engagement with Asian neighbors, and increasing
Philippine global linkages. When he became Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs under the Magsaysay
Administration, Raul S. Manglapus instituted the Foreign Service Officers’ Examinations to
professionalize the foreign service and to upgrade the recruitment and selection of new foreign service

The Philippines in Asia

The Marcos years, from 1965 to 1986, were marked by policy innovations and then difficulties brought
about by the excesses of the martial law regime. President Ferdinand Marcos redefined foreign policy as
the safeguarding of territorial integrity and national dignity, and emphasized increased regional
cooperation and collaboration. He stressed "Asianness" and pursued a policy of constructive unity and
co-existence with other Asian states, regardless of ideological persuasion. In 1967, the Philippines
launched a new initiative to form a regional association with other Southeast Asian countries called the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Philippines also normalized economic and
diplomatic ties with China and the USSR, which President Marcos visited in 1975 and 1976, respectively.
The Philippines also opened embassies in the eastern bloc countries, as well as a separate mission to the
European Common Market in Brussels.

Throughout the 1970s, the DFA pursued the promotion of trade and investments, played an active role in
hosting international meetings, and participated in the meetings of the Non-Aligned Movement. The
Foreign Service Institute was created in 1976 to provide in-house training to Foreign Service personnel.

Post-EDSA Revolution

The EDSA Revolution in 1986 saw the re-establishment of a democratic government under President
Corazon Aquino. During this period, the DFA once again pursued development diplomacy, in the active
pursuit of opportunities abroad in the vital areas of trade, investment, finance, technology and aid. The
Philippines became one of the founding members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in
November 1989, and an active player in regional efforts to establish the ASEAN Free Trade Area. In the
1990s, more diplomatic missions were established in the Middle East to improve existing ties with Arab
states and to respond to the growing needs of Overseas Filipino workers in the region.

In 1991, heeding the growing nationalist sentiments among the public, the Philippine Senate voted
against the extension of the RP-U.S. Military Bases Agreement, thus putting to a close the decades-old
presence of the U.S. military at Subic Bay and Clark Field. Also in 1991, President Aquino signed into law
the new Foreign Service Act of 1991 (R.A. 7157), which reorganized the Department along geographic
lines and strengthened the Foreign Service. It instituted a Career Minister Eligibility Examination as a
requirement for promotion of senior FSOs to the rank of Career Ministers, thereby ensuring the
professional selection of those who would eventually rise to the level of career ambassadors.

Foreign Affairs for Development

The Ramos administration from July 1992 to June 1998 defined the four core priorities of Philippine
foreign policy namely: the enhancement of national security, promotion of economic diplomacy,
protection of overseas Filipino workers and Filipino nationals abroad, and the projection of a good image
of the country abroad.

President Ramos boosted foreign trade, investments and official development assistance to the
Philippines through his state visits and summit meetings. In 1996, the Philippines successfully hosted the
APEC Leaders' Summit, which resulted in the Manila Action Plan for APEC 1996 (MAPA '96).

The Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 (R.A. 8042) provided a framework for stronger
protection of Filipino workers abroad, with the creation of the Legal Assistance Fund and the Assistance-
to-Nationals Fund, and the designation in the DFA of a Legal Assistant for Migrant Workers' Affairs, with
the rank of Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.

Among the other significant events in foreign affairs during the Ramos years were: the adoption by
ASEAN in 1992, upon Philippine initiative, of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China
Sea aimed at confidence-building and avoidance of conflict among claimant states; the establishment of
the Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines (BIMP)-East Asia Growth area in 1994; the
establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1994 as the only multilateral security dialogue in
the Asia-Pacific region conducted at the government level; and the signing between the Philippine
Government and the Moro National Liberation Front on 2 September 1996 of the Mindanao Peace

The DFA, during the Estrada administration, hosted the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in July 1998, and
undertook confidence-building measures with China over the South China Sea issue. President Estrada
strengthened bilateral ties with neighboring countries with visits to Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore, Japan and South Korea. The DFA played a major role in the forging of a Visiting Forces
Agreement with the United States, which was concurred with by the Senate in 1999. The country also
sent a delegation of 108 observers to the Indonesian parliamentary elections, and engaged in
cooperative activities in the areas of security, defense, combating transnational crimes, economy,
culture, and the protection of OFWs and Filipinos abroad.
At the start of her administration in 2001, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo pursued foreign policy
based on nine realities:

 First, the dynamics of relations between China, Japan and the United States determine the
security situation and economic evolution of East Asia.
 Second, Philippine foreign policy decisions are, increasingly, being made in the context of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
 Third, Europe will continue to play a significant role in promoting international prosperity and
 Fourth, the international Islamic community remains crucial to the country's search for lasting
and permanent peace in Mindanao.
 Fifth, inter-regional organizations will become increasingly influential in the global context.
 Sixth, the protection of the environment, natural resources and maritime territory.
 Seventh, the drive for foreign markets and foreign direct investments will form a focal concern of
economic diplomacy efforts.
 Eighth, international tourism will be a major driver of national growth.
 Ninth, overseas Filipinos play a critical role in the country's economic and social stability.

Nonoy Aquino

From 2010 to 2016, then-President Benigno Aquino balanced China's expansive maritime claim in the
South China Sea. President Aquino challenged China by shifting the AFP's focus from domestic security
to territorial defence, bolstering closer Philippine–US security relations, acquiring American military
equipment, seeking from Washington an explicit security guarantee under the 1951 Mutual Defence
Treaty (MDT), and promoting a strategic partnership with Japan. However, the Duterte administration is
unravelling its predecessor's balancing agenda by distancing itself from the United States and gravitating
closer to China, despite the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) July 12 2016 award to the Philippines.
President Duterte's foreign policy is directed at reviving the equi-balancing policy on China, in contrast to
then-President Aquino's balancing strategy. This is best exemplified by his efforts to harness China for
several major infrastructure and investments projects in the Philippines and to resort to bilateral
negotiations with Beijing. The present article argues that instead of relying on the US, President Duterte
is fostering closer security partnership with Japan to equi-balance an emergent China.

Rodrigo Duterte

In the area of foreign policy, President Rodrigo Duterte was successful in the historic return of the
“Balangiga Bells” from the United States (US). Duterte also adopted an independent foreign policy of
being a friend to all and enemy to none, which has benefited the country a lot both economically,
security-wise, and even amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Duterte administration, “independent
foreign policy” is established on fostering a broader and differentiated set of relationships solely based
on Philippine national interests, designed to maximise the country’s autonomy, security, and prosperity.
Duterte made considerable change to foreign policy by re-orienting the Philippines' diplomatic relations
to more friendly and constructive relations and engagement with China as opposed to a more pro-
United States (US) stance; going against the antagonistic relationship towards the Communist state
under the late President Benigno Aquino III’s administration.

Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

President Marcos’ directed Philippine foreign policy to be less dependent on the United States. This was
to avoid the ire of the United States’ ideological antagonists, namely, the Soviet Union, the People’s
Republic of China and other Socialist countries. The president knew that American bases could serve as a
magnet of attack from Communist countries as Recto earlier pointed out. Thus the Philippines’ greater
control of the US military bases became one of the priorities of the Marcos administration. The Laurel-
Langley Agreement, which provided the preferential treatment for American and Philippine trade was
not renewed or renegotiated during the incumbency of President Marcos.However, President Marcos
was a visionary leader. He would eventually tap these Communist nations to serve the economic interest
of the Philippines.

The president envisioned a united regional organization in Southeast Asia that would merit the respect
and tolerance of communist countries and forge ties with the democratic nations of the region. The
formation of ASEAN could also serve as a venue to initiate peace and bring long-lasting solutions to such
problems as the Vietnam War and the fall of Cambodia and Laos into Communist hands. To provide voice
for the Third World countries, Marcos also led the less developed countries to solve problems of poverty
and inequality. The president knew that Communism thrives among poverty-stricken sectors of society,
and leading the Third World countries to voice their sentiments would be a wise move to avert their
possible falling under the influence of Communism. Marcos inked closer diplomatic pacts with Muslim
countries in the Middle East, an unprecedented move among Philippine presidents because our country
is predominantly a Christian nation. He felt that diplomatic ties with the oil-rich Muslim countries would
avert the effects of the oil crisis and pacify the secessionist Muslims in southern Mindanao.

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