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Emp Management 2

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Page index

Abstract 5
1 Introduction 6

1.1 Problem statement 6


1.2 Objective 7

1.3 Scope 7

1.4 Expected Benefits 8

1.5 Requirements And Constraints 8

1.7 Summary 8




4.1 NetBeans IDE 12.6 (Smarter way to code) 12

4.2 Scene Builder 13


5.1 File Design 13

5.2 Relational File Database 13

5.3 Input Design 16

5.4 Output Design 16

6.1 Training 17

6.2 Training System Operator 18

6.3 Training Guideline 18




Table index

Table Page N
1. Table 1 Hardware Requirement 13
2. Table 2 Software Requirement 13
Figure index

Table Figure Page

No. No.

1. Figure 1 : The main window 22

2. Figure 2 : Employee Registration 23
3. Figure 3 : Add Allowance 24
4. Figure 4 : Employee Table 25
5. Figure 4 : Allowance Table 26
6. Figure 6 : SQL Database 27


Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major
role in deciding the success of an organization. Employees Management Software makes
it easy for the employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the administrator
to edit employees, add new employees, give allowance to employee. Each employee in
the database is associated with a position can be added and edited when need arises.
You can check to see if there are duplicate positions/employees in the database. Most of
all, the employer can assign tasks to employees and assess their progress in order to
keep track of employee performance. A flexible and easy to use Employee Management
software solution for small and medium sized companies provides modules for personal
information management thereby organization and companies are able to manage the
crucial organization asset. The combination of these modules into one application
assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning Human Resource processes
along with the organizational goals. This system brings about an easy way of maintaining
the details of employees working in any organization. It is simple to understand and can
be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employees system. It is user
friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to follow
options. It is fast and can perform many operations for a company. The goal of this project
is to design and develop an employee management system to fill existing gaps in the
electronic management of employees.
This software allows the administrator to edit employees, add new employees. Each
employee in the database is associated with a position can be added and edited when
need arises.



Manual handling of employee information poses a number of challenges.

This is evident in procedures such as Giving allowance to a particular person
or for a deartmentThe use of paper work in handling some of these processes
could lead to human error, papers may end up in the wrong hands and not
forgetting the fact that this is time consuming. A number of current systems
lack employee self-service meaning employees are not able to access and
manage their personal information directly without having to go through their
HR departments or their managers. Another challenge is that multi-national
companies will have all the employee information stored at the headquarters
of the company making it difficult to access the employee information from
remote places when needed at short notice. The aforementioned problems can
be tackled by designing and implementing a web based HR management
system. This system will maintain employee information in a database by fully
privacy and authority access. The project is aimed at setting up employee
information system about the status of the employee.


Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major
role in deciding the success of an organization. Human Resource Management Software
makes it easy for the employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the
administrator to edit employees, add new employees as well as evaluate an employee’s
performance. Employees can be managed efficiently without having to retype back their
information in the database. You can check to see if there are duplicate
positions/employees in the database. A flexible and easy to use Employee Management
software solution for small and medium sized companies provides modules for personnel
information management thereby organization and companies are able to manage the
crucial organization asset – people. The combination of these modules into one
application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning Human Resource
processes along with the organizational goals. This system brings about an easy way of
maintaining the details of employees working in any organization. It is simple to
understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employees
system. It is user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving
easy to follow options. It is fast and can perform many operations for a company


In this world of growing technologies everything has been computerized. With large
number of work opportunities the Human workforce has increased. Thus there is a need
of a system which can handle the data of such a large number of Employees. This project
simplifies the task of maintaining records because of its user friendly nature. The objective
of this project is to provide a comprehensive approach towards the management of
employee information. This will be done by designing and implementing an HR
management system that will bring up a major paradigm shift in the way that employee
information is handled. The objectives of this system includemanagement, leave
management, report generation to assist in performance appraisal, ESS and employee
• Well-designed database to store employee information.
• A user friendly front-end for the user to interact with the system.


The scope of this project will be limited to the following: Employee profiles:

• Employees will have access to their personal profiles and will be able to edit their
• To give allowance to employees like individual, departmentwise and for all.


This system is expected to be user friendly and will offer easy access to data as well as
services. The employee is expected to have direct interaction with this system. This direct
interaction with the system will enable employee self-service. Without an employee
management system, it’s a tedious job for the human resource department to keep track
of each and every employee and even harder for a project manager to assign tasks to
the project team with proper allowance. The HR management system will be developed
to provide information of employees and many other facilities at the click of a button.


Performance requirements

There is no restriction on the number of the employees to be added to the database.

Hardware requirements EMS should be able to work on a computer with the following
minimum hardware specifications: OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 and Linux CPU: Pentium
III (700MHz) and above Memory: 128 MB and above Capacity: 4GB of hard drive Others:
Network interface card, mouse, keyboard, and monitor. Software requirements Since
EMS application is a web-based application, internet connection must be established.
The EMS software personal database model will support XAMP environment as DBMS.


This section began by giving a brief overview of the entire project, the background of the
project and the scope. The problem definition and solution highlights the current problems
faced with the use of the systems that are in place and outlines briefly the solution system
to be developed. The next chapter will focus on the literature review.
This is literature that relates to the project and similar systems.


To make this software more handy and feasible to the user we have divided it into few
different different modules and they are as follows :

• Home module

• Employee module

• Add new employee module

• Payroll module

Registration module :

New user can register in order to use the full features of this system. Normal users can
also access the proposed system but with limited features. Only the registered users can
get more priorities than the unregistered guest user. Once the guest users register to this
system, they can also get full access to this system.

User module :

It is used for adding new user and for updating existing customers. It is used for storing
new user as well as for updating the customer’s details. The module is very useful to find
the number of user who registered.

Add Employee module :

It is used for adding new employee and for viewing, editing and deleting existing
employees. It is used for searching items in this system. Here the admin have the
privileges to search items in this system. Employee details are stored with their name.
When a particular module is being liked by people, that particular module will be shown
to user.

Payroll module :

In this module of project we are keeping records of employee payroll and if any new
employee comes into the company than we have a option to add that new employee
allowance into the database.



CPU : Intel Core i3

RAM : 32MB

Hard Disk : 5 GB

Monitor : 16 LG

Mouse : Logitech mouse

Keyboard : 104 Keys

Mother Board : Intel

Speed : 3.3 GHZ


Operating System : Platform Independent

Front End : JAVA

Back End : JAVA, XAMPP Database.

Reports : Data Report

Tools : NetBeans 12.6 (Smarter way to code)



4.1 NetBeans IDE 12.8(Smarter way to code)

NetBeans IDE gives you skeleton applications in the form of project templates for all the
technologies it supports. In addition, it provides a set of sample applications, some of
which can be recreated step by step by following a related tutorial available on

The IDE provides project templates and sample projects that help you create Java SE
applications, Java EE applications, Java ME applications, HTML5 applications, NetBeans
Platform applications, PHP application, and C/C++ applications.

• Best Support for Latest Java Technologies

• Fast & Smart Code Editing

• Easy & Efficient Project Management

• Rapid User Interface Development

• Bug Free Code

• Support for Multiple Languages

• Language cross platform support


4.2 Scene Builder :

• A drag-and-drop WYSIWIG interface.

• Tight integration with the NetBeans IDE.

• Integration with any Java IDE is easy.



A flat file database is a database designed around a single table. The flat file design puts
all database information in one table, or list, with fields to represent all parameters. A flat
file may contain many fields, often, with duplicate data that are prone to data corruption.
If data between two flat files have to be merged, it is needed to copy and PSMte relevant
information from one file to the other. There is no automation between flat files.

If two or more flat files that contain client addresses, it is required to manually modify the
address parameters in each file that contains that client’s information. Changing
information in one file has no bearing on other files. Flat files offer the functionality to
store information, manipulate fields, print or display formatted information and exchange
information with others, through email and over the Internet. Some flat files may be
attached to external files, such as text editors, to extend functionality and manage related

5.2 Relational File Database :

A relational database, on the other hand, incorporates multiple tables with methods for
the tables to work together. The relationships between table data can be collated, merged
and displayed in database forms. Most relational databases offer functionality to share

• Across networks

• Over the Internet

• With laptops and other electronic devices, such as palm pilots

• With other software systems

Designing flat file databases is simple and requires little design knowledge. Flat files can
be developed using just about any database engine. Flat files can be created in
relational database engines by not taking advantage of relational design concepts.
Designing a relational database takes more planning than flat file databases. With flat
files, it is possible to add information, as you deem necessary.

With relational databases, it is required to be careful to store data in tables such that the
relationships make sense. Building a relational database is dependent upon the ability to
establish a relational model. The model must fully describe how the data is organized, in
terms of data structure, integrity, querying, manipulation and storage. Relational
databases allow defining certain record fields, as keys or indexes, to perform search
queries, join table records and establish integrity constraints.

Search queries are faster and more accurate when based on indexed values. Table
records can be easily joined by the indexed values. Integrity constraints can be
established to ensure that table relationships are valid. If the project is able to establish
a one-to-many relationship in the data tables, relational database should be used
because a flat file is not sufficient to handle the data processing needs. Relational
databases offer more robust reporting with report generators that filter and display
selected fields.

Relational databases offer the capability to building own reporting modules. Most
relational databases also offer the capability to import and export data from other
software. There are three primary relational database systems, proprietary, open source
and embedded. Proprietary relational databases require the use of proprietary
development languages, often times, to complement SQL. Microsoft Access, for
example, combines Visual Basic with SQL. Open source databases, such as MySQL, are
distributed freely to encourage user development.

Embedded, relational databases are packaged as part of other software packages, such
as with tax-preparation software packages. The vendor supplies the database, and all
manipulation tools, to control the database structure. These databases are, often times,
accompanied with tools to provide audit trails of transactions. The vendor supplies the
database, and all manipulation tools, to control the database structure.

Each row in a table has its own unique key. Rows in a table can be linked to rows in other
tables by adding a column for the unique key of the linked row (such columns are known
as foreign keys). Codd showed that data relationships of arbitrary complexity can be
represented by a simple set of concepts.

Part of this processing involves consistently being able to select or modify one and only
one row in a table. Therefore, most physical implementations have a unique primary key
(PK) for each row in a table. When a new row is written to the table, a new unique value
for the primary key is generated; this is the key that the system uses primarily for
accessing the table. System performance is optimized for PKs. Other, more natural keys
may also be identified and defined as alternate keys (AK). Often several columns are
needed to form an AK (this is one reason why a single integer column is usually made
the PK). Both PKs and AKs have the ability to uniquely identify a row within a table.
Additional technology may be applied to ensure a unique ID across the world, a globally
unique identifier, when there are broader system requirements.

The primary keys within a database are used to define the relationships among the tables.
When a PK migrates to another table, it becomes a foreign key in the other table. When
each cell can contain only one value and the PK migrates into a regular entity table, this
design pattern can represent either a one-to-one or one-tomany relationship. Most
relational database designs resolve many-to-
many relationships by creating an additional table that contains the PKs from both of the
other entity tables—the relationship becomes an entity; the resolution table is then named
appropriately and the two FKs are combined to form a PK. The migration of PKs to other
tables is the second major reason why system-assigned integers are used normally as
PKs; there is usually neither efficiency nor clarity in migrating a bunch of other types of

When a PK migrates to another table, it becomes a foreign key in the other table. When
each cell can contain only one value and the PK migrates into a regular entity table, this
design pattern can represent either a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship.


Input is any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer. Two types of
input are data and instructions. Data is a collection of unorganized items that can include
words, numbers, pictures, sounds, and video. A computer processes data into
information, which is organized, meaningful, and useful. Instructions can be in the form
of programs, commands, or user responses.

A program is a series of instructions that tells a computer how to perform the tasks
necessary to process data into information. A command is an instruction given to a
computer program. A user response is an instruction you issue to the computer by
responding to a question posed by a computer program. Any hardware component that
allows entering data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer is an
input device. Inputs of Automobile Management System are eid, ename, qualification,
automobileid, brand, cusid, cusname and salary.


Output design involves specifying how production of on-screen reports and paper based
reports will occur. Output may occur to database or file for storing information entered or
also for use by other systems. Output is data that has been processed into a useful form
called information. Four types of output are text, graphics, audio, and video. Text consists
of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, or any other symbol requiring one
byte of computer storage space) that are used to create words, sentences, and
Graphics are digital representations of non-text information such as drawings, charts,
photographs, and animation (a series of still images in rapid sequence that gives the
illusion of motion). Audio is music, speech, or any other sound. Video consists of images
played back at speeds to provide the appearance of full motion. An output device is any
computer component capable of conveying information to a user. Audio is music, speech,
or any other sound. Video consists of images played back at speeds to provide the
appearance of full motion.

6. Planning :

Planning is the first task in the system implementation. Planning is deciding on the method
and the time scale to be adapted. At the time of implementation of any system people
from different departments and system analysis involve. They are confirmed to practical
problem of controlling various activities of people outside their own data processing
departments. The line manager controlled through an implementation coordinate
committee. The committee consists of ideas, Problems and complaints of user
department. It must also consider the implementation of system environment.The line
manager controlled through an implementation co-ordinate committee. They are
confirmed to practical problem of controlling various activities of people outside.

• Self selection and allocation for implementation tasks.

• Consultation with unions and resources available.

• Standby facilities and channels of communication.

6.1 Training

The personnel in the system must know in detail what their roles will be, how they can
use the system, and what the system will or will not do. The success or failure of
welldesigned and technically elegant systems can depend on the way they are operated
and used.

6.2 Training Systems Operators

Systems operators must be trained properly such that they can handle all possible
operations, both routine and extraordinary. The operators should be trained in what
common malfunctions may occur, how to recognize them, and what steps to take when
they come.

Training involves creating troubleshooting lists to identify possible problems and

remedies for them, as well as the names and telephone numbers of individuals to contact
when unexpected or unusual problems arise. Training also involves familiarization with
run procedures, which involves working through the sequence of activities needed to use
a new system.

6.3 Training Guidelines

• Establishing measurable objectives

• Using appropriate training methods

Employing understandable training materials

7.Algorithm ( Pseudo Code ) :

Creating Database :

Step 1) Create database with name employee management in XAMP SQL server.

Step 2) Create table for employee registration and employee allowance. Here employee number
from employee registration table and id from allowance table is of primary key.

Step 3) Id from allowance table will be auto incremented.

Employee Registration class :

Step 1) Create window in design for employee registration and text field to add employee id,
name, city, mobile number, salary, department. Create button for save and cancel.

Step 2) Import packages Java Statement, Driver Manager, SQL and Option Panel.

Step 3) Create function connection in source code and insert driver manager in the function, give
server address in it. Here our connection of NetBeans and our SQL server is created.

Step 4) Give action after clicking the save button in source code.

Step 5) Import packages Java Statement, Driver Manager, SQL and Option Panel

Step 6) Give action after clicking the save button in in save button function in source code.

Step 7) Call function connection here and create variables for text field. Give SQL query to add
input data our database. Give a panel which will give a message after adding a employee.

Step 8) Give SQL query to insert entered data in server.

Employee allowance class :

Step 1) Create a window for allowance class employee allowance create three tabs for individual
allowance, department wise allowance, and allowance to all.

Step 2) Creating tab for department wise allowance.

I) For designing tab for department wise allowance add a combo box for loading
department, combo box for allowance type and text field for adding amount for
II) Create button for saving data and cancel button close the window.
III) Inset a table with column id, allowance type, amount and employee number to
preview the allowance.
IV) Now to in course code Create function connection and insert driver manager in the
function, give server address in it. Here our connection of NetBeans and our SQL
server is created.
V) Create function to load department and call function connection created earlier.
Here we have to give a SQL query to call all distinct department from our employee
VI) Create function for action on save button. Create variables for combo box and text
VII) Here we have to give a SQL query to insert entered/selected values from window
in allowance table in server.
VIII) Create function table data to update table created in window.
IX) Call connection function and give SQL query to select all rows from allowance

Step 3) Creating tab for giving allowance to all employees.

I) Design tab for all employee allowance add one combo box for allowance type, insert
text field for entering amount. Create table to preview the added allowance.
II) Create button for adding the allowance and another button for closing the window.
III) In source code create variable for allowance type and amount. For action performed
after clicking save button give SQL query to add the allowance and amount in
allowance table and give one message panel as allowance added.
IV) Here call the function table data to update the table with the entered values.

Step 4) Creating tab for adding allowance to individual employee.

I) Create one tab and add combo box for employee id and another combo box for
allowance type also add one text field for amount.
II) Add table in the tab and add buttons for saving entered data and closing window.
III) Create function to load employee and call connection function in it. Give SQL
query to load all employees in combo box.
IV) Not give action on save button create variable for combo box and text field.
V) Give SQL query to insert values selected /entered in the allowance table entered in
the tab of individual allowance.
VI) To update the added table just call the function table data.

Step 5) Function defined in above just call the in the constructor in the code.

Employee table class ;

Step 1) Design a window for the class and add one table with column employee number, name,
city, mobile number, salary and department.

Step 2) Create function connection in source code and insert driver manager in the function, give
server address in it. Here our connection of NetBeans and our SQL server is created.

Step 3) Give SQL query for selecting all the rows from employee table and displaying them into
the table.

Allowance Table class :

Step 1) Design a window for the class and add one table with column id, allowance type, amount,
employee number.

Step 2) Create function connection in source code and insert driver manager in the function, give
server address in it. Here our connection of NetBeans and our SQL server is created.

Step 3) Give SQL query for selecting all the rows from allowance table and displaying them into
the table.

Main class :

Step 1) Create a window with five buttons employee registration, adding allowance, allowance
table, employee table and cancel button.
Step 2) In source code action performed on clicking employee registration button make object for
employee registration class and make it visible.

Step 3) In source code action performed on clicking add allowance button make object for
employee allowance class and make it visible.

Step 4) In source code action performed on clicking employee table button make object for
employee table class and make it visible.

Step 5) In source code action performed on clicking allowance table button make object for
allowance table class and make it visible.

Step 6) For cancel button close the window.

Figure 1 : The main window

Figure 2 : Employee Registration


Figure 3 : Add Allowance


Figure 4 : Employee Table


Figure 5 : Allowance Table

Figure 6 : SQL Database

Figure 6.1 : Database

Figure 6.2 : Allowance Table



The system is completely menu driven and extremely user friendly since it is developed
in an efficient front end tools and FXML. Appropriate error messages are also provided
too guide the user in a proper and user friendly manner.

The software “Employee Management System” has been developed in windows 10

environment XAMP as back end. Time consumptions reduced to a great extent and user
as less complexity in handling it database.

The project is fully fledged and user friendly, End users will be lightened in using it
software because it is easy to have many employee related utilities and mostly all
contents to be entered are to selected from combo box and textfields. It reduces the
calculating efforts to be carried out by the user.


Further expansion of the system also can be done in future if needed. The application
can be enhanced in the future with the needs of the organization. The database and the
information can be updated to the latest forthcoming versions.

There are also possibilities for enhancing and further developing the project with
customized reports according to the latest information and needs of the company. Thus
the system can be altered in accordance with the future requirements and advancements.
System performance evaluation must be monitored not only to determine whether or not
they perform as plan but also to determine if they should have to meet changes in the
information needed for the company.
The performance of the system will be evaluated to determine whether system achieves
the results that are expected and whether the predicted benefits of the system are



• No book was used as referenc during development of this desktop



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