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HPP-PL-PRC-5-028 - 14inch Pipeline Pre-Commissioning (L5) Rev C

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Doc. No.

14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-

Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 1 of 49


Revision Date
Revision Update/Amendment Details
Description Issued

Internal Discipline
A 19-03-20
Check (IDC)

Issued For Review

B 19-03-20

Issued For Approval

C 10-4-20 Incorporate HOKCHI’s comments


No. Section Description Input From

Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 2 of 49



1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................4
1.1 Project Description...........................................................................................4
1.2 Summary Scope of Work..................................................................................4
1.3 Project Overview..............................................................................................5
1.4 Purpose...........................................................................................................6
1.5 Definitions.......................................................................................................7
1.6 Abbreviations...................................................................................................7
1.7 Codes and Standards........................................................................................8
1.8 Reference Documents.......................................................................................8
1.9 Pipeline Data....................................................................................................9
2 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT........................................................................10
2.1 General..........................................................................................................10
2.2 Operation Safety............................................................................................10
2.3 Pre-Job Safety................................................................................................11
2.4 Equipment Safety...........................................................................................12
2.5 Action in the Event of Emergency....................................................................12
2.6 Emergency Plan..............................................................................................13
2.7 Environmental Measures.................................................................................13
3.1 Personnel.......................................................................................................14
3.2 Responsibilities...............................................................................................14
3.2.1 Subcontractor Personnel..........................................................................14
3.2.2 Contractor Personnel...............................................................................16
4 COMMUNICATION AND INTERFACE.............................................................................17
Support Telephone and Email Directories..................................................................18
5 SCOPE OF WORK..................................................................................................................19
6 CLEANING / GAUGING / FILLING....................................................................................21
6.1 Equipment List and Set Up..............................................................................21
6.2 Pigs and Consumable Materials.......................................................................22
6.3 Gauging Plate.................................................................................................22
6.4 Filling Medium................................................................................................23
6.5 Cleaning / Gauging / Filling Operation..............................................................23
6.5.1 General...................................................................................................23
6.5.2 Activities.................................................................................................24
6.6 Acceptance Criteria.........................................................................................26
6.6.1 Cleaning.................................................................................................26
6.6.2 Gauging..................................................................................................26
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 3 of 49

6.6.3 Pigging using fresh water or treated sea water..........................................27

6.7 Contingency Plan............................................................................................27
7 HYDRO TESTING...................................................................................................................28
7.1 Equipment List and Set Up..............................................................................28
7.2 Detailed Calculation........................................................................................30
7.2.1 Theoretical Water Required to Pressurize the Line.....................................30
7.2.2 Air Volume Calculation.............................................................................30
7.2.3 Calculation of Pressure Variation due to Temperature Variation..................31
7.3 Hydro Testing Operation.................................................................................31
7.3.1 Preparation for Testing............................................................................32
7.3.2 Pressurization.........................................................................................33
7.3.3 Stabilization............................................................................................36
7.3.4 Hold Period.............................................................................................36
7.3.5 Test Evaluation.......................................................................................36
7.3.6 Depressurization.....................................................................................37
7.4 Hydro Testing Activities Reporting...................................................................38
APPENDIX 1 – SUBCONTRACTOR PROPOSED PERSONNEL...........................................39
APPENDIX 2 – MSDS.....................................................................................................................40
APPENDIX 4 – BI-DI PIG DATASHEET....................................................................................42
APPENDIX 6 – PIPELINE ALIGNMENT SHEETS..................................................................44
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 4 of 49


1.1 Project Description

Hokchi Energy S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter the “Company”) together with E & P Hydrocarbons and Services,
S.A. of C.V. is part of a production sharing Contract Area No. 2 - CNH-R01-L02-A2/2015, signed with the
National Hydrocarbons Commission on January 7, 2016 (the "CPC") and has been designated as the
Operator in accordance with said contract, for the Hokchi field development. The Hokchi field is in the
southeastern State of Tabasco, in the territorial waters of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, at
approximately 30km off the coast, covers an area of 39,598 km2. Water depth is of approximately 27m to

The project is split into two parts: Onshore scope of Work & Offshore scope of Work.

Figure 1.1: Overall Field Layout

1.2 Summary Scope of Work

CONTRACTOR’s scope of work includes the following:

 Overall Project Management.
 Detailed Engineering of Pipelines and Structures.
 Procurement of Permanent materials – and handling of COMPANY provided items.
 Fabrication, Load-out, transportation and offshore installation of COMPANY assets which
includes pipeline crossing and HDD.
 Pre-commissioning and commissioning.
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 5 of 49

1.3 Project Overview

Figure 1.2: Project Sketch

The EPCIC scope includes the following facilities:

 1 x 6-legged Central Wellhead Platform (HCP) with minimum processing – fully automated
 1 x 4-legged Satellite Wellhead Platform (HSP)
 14” x 24km MPL from HPF to HSP with HDD approach, trench NLT 1m TOP.
 10” x 25km WI line from HPF to HCP with HDD shore approach, trench NLT 1m TOP
 Circa 3.5” x 26.6km power umbilical HPF to HCP with HDD shore approach with 12” casing,
trench NLT 1m TOP
 12” x 2.8 km flow line from HCP to HSP, trench NLT 1m TOP
 6” x 2.8 km test prod line HCP to HSP, trench NLT 1m TOP
 6” x 2.8 km WI line from HCP to HSP, trench NLT 1m TOP
 Circa 3.5” x 3.8km submarine power cable HCP to HSP, trench NLT 1m cover.
 16” OD HDPE x 1.5km water intake pipeline from HPF to open sea, trench 1m TOP
 8” OD HDPE x 1.5km water effluent from HPF to Open sea, trench 1m TOP
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 6 of 49

1.4 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the method to be used for the Pre-Commissioning activities for
14” Diam., production flow line from HSP to the Onshore Battery Limit. HPF Facilities Onshore Paraiso.

The scope of Work is detailed in section 5.0 and includes gauging, hydro-testing & pre-commissioning the
pipeline; ready for tie-in to the Onshore facilities for upcoming production operations.

Figure 1-2: Battery Limit Schematics

Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 7 of 49

1.5 Definitions

The definitions that apply to this document are shown below:


Worksite Sites where work is to be carried out, i.e. 14” LANDFALL AT HPF
Pipeline Segment of Project whose construction and installation is under
responsibility of Contractor
Work All and any of the Works and / or services and / or materials
required to be provided by the Contractor and / or Subcontractor
Shall and Must Indicate Mandatory Requirements.
Should Indicates That A Provision İs Not Mandatory, But Recommended
As Good Practice.

HOKCHI Spec Pipeline Pre-Commissioning Specification 076951C-310-SP-5502-


1.6 Abbreviations

The abbreviations that apply to this document are shown below:

DNV Det Norske Veritas

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMS Environmental and Social Management system
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
ID Internal Diameter
ITP Inspection Testing Plan
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
O.D. Outside Diameter
QMS Quality Management System
HP High pressure
ROW Right of Way
SI System International d’Unites (International Systems of Units)
Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 8 of 49

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME ASME (founded as American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
KP Kilometre Point
LP Low pressure
SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength
TANAP Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline
WT Wall Thickness
TP Test Pressure
DP Design Pressure
1.7 Codes and Standards

The codes and standards that apply to this document are shown below:

DNV-OS-F101 Offshore Standard OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems, DNV


API 5L Specification for Linepipe

1.8 Reference Documents

The reference documents that apply to this document are shown below:

Table 1-1: List of Reference Documents

No. Document No. Title

1 076951C-310-SP-5502-001-0 Pipeline Pre-Commissioning Specification (HOKCHI)

Alignment Sheet (1 to 5), 14” HSP –HPF Production

2 MEX-HK-FL1-PC-128 to 132

Project Health, Safety, Security & Environmental (HSSE)

3 MEX-HK-P01-GP-121
Management Plan

4 MEX-HK-P01-GP-124 Comprehensive Waste Management Procedure

Project Emergency Response and Preparedness

5 MEX-HK-P01-GP-122
Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 9 of 49

1.9 Pipeline Data

The pipeline data are shown below:

Properties Unit Parameter

Pipeline Size inch 14

Outside Diameter MM 355.6

Wall Thickness MM 12.7

Material - Carbon Steel

Pipeline Length M 23,331

Pipeline Total Volume (Approx.) M^3 1998

Linear Volume per Meter M^3/M 0.08

Water Depth (TYPICAL) M 0 - 28

Material Grade - API – 5 L X 52

Density kg/m3 7850

SMYS MPa 358.5

SMTS MPa 455

Young’s Modulus GPa 207

Poisson’s Ratio - 0.3

MPa 5.88
Design Pressure barg 58.8
psig 853.4
MPa 7.35
Hydro Testing Pressure barg 73.5
psig 1066.8
Thickness mm 0.406

Corrosion Coating Density kg/m3 930

Cut-back mm 160 ±

Filling Medium - Filtered sea water w/Inhibitor

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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 10 of 49


2.1 General

All work will be performed under the jurisprudence of HOKCHI’s Permit to Work (PTW) System, and it will
comply with Contractor Health and Safety Management Plan. Any change to site conditions will be reflected
to Job Safety Assessment by re-visiting the site. Sub-contractor will comply with the Contractor Health and
Safety Management for night working, shift change / handover and driving. Contractor will erect barricades
to restrict the public access to the operation stations and pig launching and receiving points. Contractor will
inform project personnel before and during operation. Approval from Client will be obtained on the safety
measures to be implemented and on the structures to be erected before starting the Cleaning / Gauging /
Filling and Hydro Testing operations. Only the personnel, who have completed necessary training related to
the requirements of the operations with the stamp on their Safety Passports, shall be allowed to work.

All environmental management plans mentioned in References section will be implemented / referenced
during the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing operations. Contractor Readiness Review shall be
prepared prior to start any Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing operations. Approval from Client
will be obtained on the environmental measures to be implemented and on the structures to be erected
before starting the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing operations.

2.2 Operation Safety

Throughout the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing of the pipeline sections, safety signboards,
prepared both in English and Spanish shall be posted at appropriate locations which will be identified during
risk assessment. The signs shall display the following message:





Prior to commencement of works, below indicated precautions shall be taken:

 Notification of local law enforcement (police or Client Security Manager as applicable) not less
than 48 hours before start of pressure testing
 All accesses to the ROW to be suitably signposted in English and Spanish as indicated.

 Maintaining a safety distance of 25m from the test ends for non-site Personnel.

 No personnel other than experienced personnel directly employed by Subcontractor or

Contractor for the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing activity shall be entitled to
enter this zone.
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 11 of 49

2.3 Pre-Job Safety

Prior to commencement of work on site, a Pre-Job Safety Meeting shall be held to ensure that all parties
involved in or affected by the work are aware of its nature and of the hazards involved. The meeting shall
be held onsite and shall cover an outline of the work to be conducted, using Contractor’s Plan, Brief,
Execute, Debrief (PBED) tools & techniques.

It shall also cover all recognized hazards, plans to control them and emergency response contingency plans
and the relevant Work Permits. Subjects covered and discussed during the meeting shall include but should
not be limited to the following:

 Sequence, co-ordination and details of work to be carried out.

 Hazards / control measures / emergency response contingency plans.

 Safe areas / escape routes / muster points.

 The Pipeline Sections Safety Signs, prepared both in English and Spanish shall be posted at
appropriate locations.

 Instructions not to work on any part of the system where pressure is being maintained.

 Safe working practice maintaining a safety distance of 25M from the Test end of each Test
Section for non-site Personnel.

 No Personnel other than those experienced personnel directly employed by the Contractor or
subcontractor for the Pre-Commissioning activities shall be entitled to enter this zone.
 The communication and emergency procedures shall be known to all key personnel at Site.

 Those attending shall be limited to: Contractor Engineer/Supervisor/Personnel involved with the
work, relevant Client Representative, Contractor management / supervision

Where shift work is in operation the toolbox talk shall be given to personnel on both shifts. The talk(s) shall
be conducted along the shift’s PBED principles and logged in the Tool Box Talk Report. Any precautions
specified by PTW work permits shall be fully adhered to at all timesby the Job Supervisor. He shall ensure
that he/she and the team fully understands all sections of the permit and the responsibilities.

Before the actual works starts, the below mentioned checklist must be followed by the site safety officer
and the site personnel as per requirements:

 PTW scope & its compliance requirements, responsibilities of all personnel.

 Pre-start and tool box talk to be held before work starts (PBED).

 All works shall be carried out according to safe Construction Practices and Project Safety

 The site shall be kept clean and in tidy conditions.

 All access/exit points to work areas shall be maintained free from obstacles, materials and

 Safety sign boards shall be placed at the entrance/ temporary access road.

 Physical barricading shall be placed at the work area to control the vehicle and traffic.
Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 12 of 49

 All Personnel at the working site shall wear appropriate PPE at all times.

 First aid kits should be available at the work site.

Ensure by regular Supervisor & management audits that all the relevant provision of the Project Safety
guidelines and the Specification guidelines are adhered during the entire duration of work.

2.4 Equipment Safety

All equipment positioned at the working site must be set to provide sufficient and safe escape routes.
Equipment shall be located to leave at minimum 1m space between each unit.

All pipes and hoses shall be routed in such way to:

 Prevent trip hazards and damage to pipes and hoses.

 Protect all personnel and site equipment in the event of pipe or hose failure away from access
routes and barrier areas where hoses and equipment are under pressure.

 All hoses under pressure should be anchored at 5m intervals and protected against external
 Hoses should not pass through doorways. Where hoses pass over walkways they should be
protected against any passing personnel or equipment.

 All diesel powered equipment shall, as a minimum, be fitted with a spark arrestor on the
exhaust, an emergency fuel cut-off device and an engine over-speed shutdown device.

 Ensure that all items subject to pressure are suitable for purpose and are designed for the
correct operating pressure rating.

 Equipment safety features shall not be by-passed or over-ridden without approval from the
competent authority

 Careful attention shall be paid to pipeline systems, pumping systems, manifolds and other such
items under pressure. Interventional work will not be carried out before de-pressurising the
system and releasing the stored energy.

 Hoses will be secured and tied down, to prevent whipping in the event of failure.

2.5 Action in the Event of Emergency

In the event of an emergency during operations, all equipment shall be shut down immediately. The power
and fuel supply to the equipment shall be isolated and closed off.

Operations in Emergencies:

Note: No attempt will be made to perform any remedial work to any equipment under pressure.
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 13 of 49

On completion of operations, all barriers shall be dismantled and the Client representative(s) shall
be informed.

2.6 Emergency Plan

The following actions shall be in case of leakage/bursting of test equipment and/or Pipeline Section:

 Stop operations

 Inform all the concerned personnel deployed on the work.

 Inspection will take place through the test section to locate the exact location of the leak.

 Assess the extent of bursting/leakage. Barricade the affected area.

 Don’t allow any unauthorized person to approach the affected area.

 Excavate suitable pit to divert spillage to avoid spreading in large area.

 Pit shall be barricaded to restrict approaching of any animal or human being.

 All emergency numbers shall be made known to all involved personnel in the operation.

2.7 Environmental Measures

The handling, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes will be in line with project requirements.

Before commencement of the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling and Hydro Testing activities, all necessary
permissions will be taken from the owner / occupier / local authorities.

Any waste generated from the activities will be disposed according to the regulations, project requirements
and Contractor Waste Management Plan.

Environmental audits will be conducted by Contractor and Subcontractor periodically during the activities
and adequate number of awareness posters will be available at site in line with project environmental
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 14 of 49


All activities included in this procedure will be carried out by Subcontractor’s personnel under supervision of
Contractor’s team.

3.1 Personnel

At least one Test Engineer will be made available during this activity of each separate location. Manning list
as listed in below table:

Table 3-1: Proposed Personnel at Launcher


1 Construction Manager 1 Visits site as needed
2 Test Engineer 1 Full time at site
3 Supervisor / Foreman 1 Full time at site
4 Mechanic 1 ON CALL
5 Electrician 1 ON CALL
Hydro Testing Personnel (i.e.
6 2 2 Day – 2 Night
Technician / Operator / Fitter)
7 HSES Personnel 1 Flexi / Depend on activities

Table 3-2: Proposed Personnel at Receiver


1 Test Engineer 1 Full time at site
2 Supervisor / Foreman 1 Full time at site
Hydro Testing Personnel (i.e.
3 4 1- DAY & 1 - NIGHT
Technician / Operator / Fitter)
4 HSES Personnel 1 Flexi / Depend on activities

The final list will be provided prior to Cleaning / Gauging / Filling/Hydro Testing & Pre-Commissioning

3.2 Responsibilities

3.2.1 Subcontractor Personnel

Subcontractor Construction Manager

 Report to Contractor Representative

 Responsible for Test Program and signing Test Reports

Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
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Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 15 of 49

 Execute Site Variations after MOC approval from Contractor & Client (as applicable)

 Ensure that all existing policies and procedures are adhered to at all times during the execution
of the work-scope.

 Ensure that personnel under his/her supervision are competent and adequately trained in the
use of machinery, equipment and processes, which they may be required to use and they are
fully aware of any associated or potential hazards.
 Pro-actively contribute to the overall site safety & work progress.

Test Engineer

 Report to Subcontractor Construction Manager

 Co-responsible for Test Program

 Prepare related task procedures, Method Statement & Test Packs associated with the Project to
brief crew in a step by step manner, as and when required.
 Prepare related permits and other documentation

 Perform works as per approved procedure and requirement to meet the Operational, Health,
Safety and Environmental standards established for the project
 Conduct task-relevant toolbox talks with all relevant parties in a correct manner.

 Ensuring the proper hydro-test wastewater management system are understood and
implemented at site

HSES Personnel

 Ensure that PTW system shall be implemented where required & relevant documentation
maintained for record purposes.

 All Health and Safety requirements shall be briefed and a risk assessment has been carried out
before work commencement.
 Ensure that Vehicles / Equipment have valid Operational Conformity certificates as required by
legislation & project requirements.

 Facilitate by coahing, participation and mentoring that safe working operations are maintained
and the environment at worksite meets project requirements.
 Check to ensure that Drivers / Operators shall be competent, holding valid driving licenses and
undergone defensive driving training

 All personnel involved have been inducted per project HSES requirements, are fully aware of
PBED principles and hold a Safety induction certificate, relevant machinery operation
certification and permits.

3.2.2 Contractor Personnel

Site Manager
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

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 Overall responsibility relating to the development of procedures, Method Statement & Test
Packs associated with the Project.
 Ensure all health, safety, quality and environmental systems are implemented and adhered to.

 Supervise execution as per project-specific schedules and plans.

 Attend all meetings scheduled to discuss HSE / Progress or other relevant matters pertaining to
the Scope of Work.

 Observes site, fix all unsafe acts and unsafe condition and reports them immediately.

Contractor Engineer

 Report to the Site Manager.

 Assist on the preparation of operational procedures during the planning phases.

 Direct control of operational activities to ensure effective completion of works in accordance

with the approved procedures.

 Ensure operational quality, safety and environmental systems are implemented and adhered to.

 Verify the Permit to Work.

 Check on site personnel and equipment.

 Ensure full records of operations are generated, maintained and compiled for submission to
Contractor and Client.

 Ensuring for the implementation of the risk control measures as per risk assessment.

 Ensuring welfare and hygiene requirements are complied with.

HSES Supervisor

 Ensuring all site staff, including Subcontractors and activities comply with PTW requirements &
all relevant Project HSES requirements
 Evaluating the compliance with laws, regulations, project guidelines and Client requirements

 Ensuring the elimination of the environmental and social risk related to hydro-test wastewater

 Ensuring the acquisition of the appropriate permits / licenses

 Issuing non-compliances when commitments are not applied

 Site monitoring during the Pre-Commissioning

 Mitigating the environmental non-compliances at site

 Auditing and inspecting the Subcontractor(s) on the environmental compliances

 Monitoring the hydro-test activities to ensure correct procedure to minimize / reduce the risk of
polluting the marine environment
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For communications, GSM phones will be used as primary assured communication systems. Sufficient
backup equipment will be kept available to ensure communications will not be interrupted. Communications
shall be maintained between all concerned parties throughout the entire duration. During all operations,
proposed communications will be as follows:



CONTRACTOR (Field) CONTRACTOR Personnel (Office)


Figure: Typical Communication Flow

The Internal and External Communication Procedure sequence is described in the Internal and External
Communication Flowchart. For an emergency Tier I, the Site Supervisor will manage the incident at site and
notify others. For a level II emergency, the communication will continue to be local-internal, and it will be
the responsibility of the members Emergencies Response Unit to assist with handling the emergency.

For an Emergency Tier III or Higher, that requires external assistance including support from entities outside
the work site, the communication is internal-external as shown below.
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Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

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Support Telephone and Email Directories

Directory of HOKCHI key personnel:

No. Position Name Telephone E-mail

Facilities Alejandro 5580088199

1 Project Dellavedova

HSE Victor 5579133132

Manager Falconi

Subsea Eduardo 5548220569

3 Construction Calva

Directory of Sapura Energy Mexicana S.A.P.I DE C.V. key personnel:

No. Position Name Telephone E-mail

HUC Manager Tomas 9381093533

1 Valdes

Project Engineer Diana 9381036577


HSE Manager Cesar Julio 5579189628

Cuellar Ruiz

Environmental Dulce Maria 9381101617

Engineer Cetz Vidal

HR Manager Elizabeth 9385002300

5 Martinez
Marentes Cel. 9381049173
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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

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The Pre-Commissioning Works will be performed as summarized in below table:

Table: Summary of Pre-Commissioning Works

Proposed Acceptance
No Activity Section

Flooding, Cleaning and Gauge plate 6mm thick & 95%

HPF (Offshore-Onshore of minimum Pipeline ID to
Gauging of the 14” production
1 Demarcation Flange) to HSP traverse the length of the
pipeline (Permanent PIG Trap) pipeline without being
(4 bi-di PIG Train) damaged or deformed
Pipeline hydro-test Pressure*
is held for a minimum period
of 8 hours with no
unexplainable pressure drop.
Air content not to exceed
0.21% for the overall
combined riser and pipeline
Pressure variation throughout
the test hold period is within
the limits of API RP 1110.

*Note: It is proposed to hydro-

test the 14” pipeline from the
HPF (Offshore-Onshore
Onshore temporary pig
2 Hydrostatic Test Demarcation Flange) to HSP
launcher up to the Pig receiver
(Permanent PIG Trap)
on HSP platform as a single
pipeline system, at 1.25
times the submarine
pipeline design pressure.
It should be noted that testing
the 14” submarine pipeline
system at 1.5 times Topside
piping’s design pressure will
reduce fatigue life due to
additional strength test.
Contractor is therefore
proposing this to ensure the
submarine pipeline fatigue life
is not reduced.
Since it is an oil production
line, it is proposed to leave the
Dewatering and Drying HPF (Permanent Receiver) to pipeline full of freshwater or
(3 bi-di PIG Train) HSP (Permanent Launcher) treated sea water and
handover to COMPANY for
Nitrogen Purging HPF (Permanent Receiver) to
4 HSP (Permanent Launcher) As Above
(1 Poly PIG)
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HPF (Permanent Receiver) to

5 Nitrogen Packing HSP (Permanent Launcher) As Above
Doc. No.
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6.1 Equipment List and Set Up

Preparatory works will be done prior to equipment mobilization at both Offshore & the Onshore Landfall
point, HPF in Paraiso. Below diagram is the typical layout for Cleaning / Gauging / Filling operation.

The equipment & tools listed herein, will be mobilized to perform the pipeline pre-commissioning work
scope. It is proposed to set up the pre-commissioning equipment in the HPF, Paraiso, Mexico. The
operations will essentially be controlled from the HPF facility.

The activities at the HSP platform end will be limited to monitoring the arrival of pigs, removing the pigs,
bleeding air if necessary, during the hydro-test operations.

Figure: Typical Layout for Pre-Commissioning

The Cleaning / Gauging / Filling spread will be set up at both HPF and HSP as per proposed layout & the
equipment list as per the following table:

Table: Pre-Commissioning Equipment

Quantity Description
2 High pressure centrifugal pump 6X4”.
2 Triplex Gardner pump 82 - 163 gpm @ 2950-1500 psi
2 Air Compressor 1150 scfm @ 350 psi
1 Air Dryer -1550 scfm @ 200 psi
1 Nitrogen Purging Unit 3000 SCFM
1 Lot Hand tools (various)
1 Lot PPE, Safety Signs etc.
1 Lot High pressure instrumentation manifold
1 Lot High pressure hoses
Recording instrumentation (includes chart recorders, gages, PRV
1 lot
for each of the pressure the pipelines will be tested)
2 each Chemical injection pumps
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Note 1: All calibration certificates of measuring equipment will be submitted before commencement of
testing activities, with Test Packages.

Note 2: All related equipment will be checked for conformance in line with the equipment specs, types on
site and adequate number of waste bins in line with segregation requirements and colour code at site.

Note 3: Temporary piping will be visually checked for leak by applying the maximum pump pressure or
maximum pressure relief valve (in the line) against the closed valve at launcher before starting of main

6.2 Pigs and Consumable Materials

As minimum, the following materials shall be made available during Cleaning / Gauging / Filling operations:

 3 complete Bi-Di pig assembled with 2 guiding and 6 sealing disks, one nylon plastic brush and
magnetic ring;

 1 complete Bi-Di pig assembled with 2 guiding and 6 sealing disks, two aluminium gauging

The pigs and relevant spare parts will have suitable characteristics to be properly utilised in the submarine
pipeline 14” with internal nominal diameter 330.2mm.

A pig tracking / location device shall be incorporated in the first and last pig of the each pig train. The
battery provided for the tracking / location device shall have a life suitable for the duration of the filling,
cleaning and gauging operations. The minimum life shall be 90 days after being put into use.

Each pig shall be uniquely and permanently marked with numbers such that they can be identified in

6.3 Gauging Plate

Gauging plate shall be 6 MM thickness aluminium plate. The diameter shall be 97% of minimum internal
pipeline diameter.
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Figure 6-2: Gauging Plate

Gauging Plate size calculation is as per below table:

Table 6-3: Gauging Plate Size



Minimum Outside Diameter, Dmin MM 355.6

Maximum Wall Thickness, tmax MM 12.7
Dgauge = 0.95*Dmin,tot
MM 313.7
= 0.95*330.2
6.4 Filling Medium

Contractor will proceed with Cleaning / Gauging / Filling operation using either a) fresh water or b) filtered
seawater, dosed with a Corrosion Inhibitor. Prior to filling, samples of the proposed test water shall be
checked to confirm absence of possible contaminant and suspended matter. The test water shall be filtered
to 50 µm. Samples of water shall be taken at a point after filtration but prior to water entering the pipeline.

6.5 Cleaning / Gauging / Filling Operation

6.5.1 General

Cleaning, Gauging and Filling operations will be performed together and will generally be in
compliance with DNV-OS-F101 and the governing project specifications.
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After completion of the HDD operation, the pulling heads at the landfall will be removed, onshore
pipeline installed and a temporary Pig Launcher (Sketch below) will be installed on the 14”
production pipeline end.

Note: Hydro-testing will be performed after free spans remediation, completion of

trenching and burial activities, and completion of any other offshore pipeline intervention activities.

In case seawater is used, Water will be drawn directly from the sea through a feed pump in a
series of break tanks via filter and pumped by a filling pump into the pipeline header.

It should be noted that the 14” pipeline has been tied to the riser using subsea spools at HSP
platform. The pipeline is therefore already full of seawater, which will be displaced during the
pigging operations.

6.5.2 Activities

Following activity sequence starts after the pipeline is mechanically complete.

 The Pig Launcher will be set up & connected to the main line using 14” flange at landfall.

 All kick off valves with the exception of the designated discharge line maintained in closed
position on the receiver header on HSP platform.

 Operator at Launcher side verifies that all equipment is ready prior to start.
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Pigging speed Flowrate Pigging duration

m/s m3/min

0.25 1.29 6.5

0.5 2.59 13
0.75 3.88 19.5

Total Chemical 20% Chemical Total volume of water

Chemical PPM requirement Contingency required for FCG
(Ltr) (Ltr) operation (m3)
Dye 30 60 12
Inhibitor 400 799 160

 Launching of Pigs;

o Operator starts injection of colour-dyed filtered seawater OR Freshwater through Pig

Launcher valve (approximately 5 m3)

o Operator opens the valve D1 to launch the first cleaning pig.

o Operator injects approx. 43 m3 water between first and second pig.

o Stop pumping, drain by opening D2 and D4.

o Open the launcher door, insert 2nd pig until reducer and close the door.

o Operator opens the valve D1 and closes D2 and D4 to launch the second cleaning pig.

o Operator injects approx. 43 m3 water between second and third pig

o Stop pumping, drain by opening D2 and D4.

o Open the launcher door, insert 3rd pig until reducer and close the door.
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o Operator opens the valve D1 and closes the valve D2 and D4 to launch the third cleaning

o Operator injects approx. 43 m3 water between third and fourth pig

o Stop pumping, drain by opening D2 and D4.

o Open the launcher door, insert 4th pig until reducer and close the door.

o Operator opens the valve D and closes the valve D2 and D4 to launch the fourth gauging

 Receiving of Pigs (Intermittent pigging to allow pig arrival confirmation & recovery);

o In order to receive the all pig in the receiver, the valve R7 and R13 will be open and other
will be closed.

o Once the last pig arrived and detected via pinger, open Valve R2.

o Further pumping will be stopped at landfall end.

 All pigs will be retrieved in the presence of Contractor and Client representative.

 Contractor and Client representative will examine the status of gauging plate in order to
evaluate potential pipeline anomalies if any, or certify the positive result of the test.

 Once complete the Cleaning / Gauging arrangements will be disconnected, and hydro-test
connections will be made.

 The HSP Pig Receiver will be similarly readied for hydro-testing

6.6 Acceptance Criteria

6.6.1 Cleaning

 All cleaning pigs are received in good condition,

 Cleaning of the pipelines SHALL continue until the water passes through the 50 micron filter
without leaving any debris or foreign material residue which is greater than 50 microns..

 Any debris (liquid, solid or effluent) which is going to be the result of the cleaning & gauging
activities should be recorded and data should be available on Client request.

6.6.2 Gauging

 All gauge plates are received undamaged.

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6.6.3 Pigging using fresh water or treated sea water

 Water does not include any debris or foreign material on a filter with size 50µm filter.

 Waste management plan requirement will be applied.

 All water entering the system has a maximum content of suspended matter of 20 g/m3

6.7 Contingency Plan

In case the pigs stuck in the pipeline during operations, the following procedure will be applied:

 Operator at discharge site to close all the valves. Stop discharging activities.

 Increasing pressure to the maximum allowed by Pig Launcher and rapid opening the valves on
the Pig Receiver at HSP.

 This sudden increase & decrease will be attempted 2 or 3 times to dislodge the potentially stuck
pig and make it move again.

 If the stuck pig does not move, the location of it will be detected with pig locater.

 Further remedial work plan(s) will be developed on the basis of the findings at site
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7.1 Equipment List and Set Up

Upon completion and acceptance of Cleaning / Gauging / Filling operation by Client and Contractor, Hydro
Testing will be performed as combined operation. Below diagram is the typical layout for Hydro Testing

Figure 7-1: Typical Hydro Testing Layout

The Hydro Testing spread equipment list as per the following tables.

Table 7-1: Hydro Testing Equipment at Launcher (LANDFALL HPF)

Equipment List For Hydro Testing at HPF

Item Description Quantity Unit Characteristics

1 Feeding Pump 2 Pcs 3000 PSI MAX 188 GPM, Diesel

2 Pontoon And Pre-Filter 1 Pc (2 X 2 X 2.5)M, No:4

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3 Main Filter 2 Pcs 50µ

4 Break Tank 12 Pcs V = 150 M³

5 Flowmeter 1 Pcs Range 0 – 100L/min, calibrated

6 Pressurizing Pump 1 Pc HY-115/230 Pump, 10000psi

7 Pressure Gauge 2 Pcs Calibrated

8 Pressure Relief Valve 1 Pc Set 102% higher than Test Pressure

10 Suction Pipes 150 M To suit HPF Paraiso site

Typical 20 Feet Container With DWT,

14 Test Container 1 Pc
Recorders, Props And Flowmeter

1", WP = 220 Bar, to suit HPF Paraiso

15 Flexible Hose 30 M

½", WP = 220 Bar, to suit HPF Paraiso

16 Flexible Hose 30 M

Note 1: All calibration certificates of measuring equipment will be submitted before commencement of
testing activities, with Test Packages.

Note 2: All related equipment will be equipped with adequate number of drip trays, spill kits in line with the
equipment types on site and adequate number of waste bins in line with segregation requirements and
colour code at site.

Table 7-2: Hydro Testing Equipment at Receiver

Equipment List For Hydro Testing At HSP

Item Description Quantity Unit Characteristics

1 14” Pig Receiver 1 Pc Already installed on HSP platform

2 Pressure Gauge 2 Pcs As available on HSP platform

3 Flexible Hose 30 M 1", WP = 220 Bar

4 Flexible Hose 20 M ½", WP = 220 Bar

Note 1: All calibration certificates of measuring equipment will be submitted before commencement of testing
activities, with Test Packages.
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Note 2: All related equipment will be equipped with adequate number of drip trays, spill kits in line with the
equipment types on site and adequate number of waste bins in line with segregation requirements and
colour code at site.

7.2 Detailed Calculation

Calculations shall be carried out according the following criteria.

7.2.1 Theoretical Water Required to Pressurize the Line

The quantity of theoretical water necessary to pressurize the section to be tested shall be
calculated on the basis of the formula given in below reported.

Vcal = (0,884 x ri/S + A) x 10-6 x Vsecx (P1-P2)


Vsec Calculated sectıon volumes (m3)

Vcal Calculated theoretical volumes (m3)

Vact Actual volume to pressurize (m3)

P1 Initial pressure (bar)

P2 Final pressure (bar)

ri Internal radius of the pipe (mm)

S Thickness of the pipe (mm)

A Value of water compressibility at the pressurization temperature in the P interval

(bar^-1), See Appendix 8, Table 1

The quantity of theoretical water required to pressurize the line is approximately V ca l= 0.60

7.2.2 Air Volume Calculation

The quantity of water pumped in the line (V act) to reach test pressure shall be compared to the
theoretical quantity (Vcal).

The assessed air content (V act-Vcal)/ Vsec shall not exceed 0.2% of the calculated V sec according to
technical specification.
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7.2.3 Calculation of Pressure Variation due to Temperature Variation

The pressure change due to temperature variation shall be calculated on the basis of the formula
given below.

ΔP= (B x Δt)/ [(0,884 x ri/S + A) x ( ΔVact/ ΔVcal) ]


ΔP line pressure change (bar)

B Volume temperature factor (Appendix 8, Table 2)

Δt Testing temperature change (°C)

ri internal radius of the pipe (mm)

S Thickness of the pipe (mm)

A Value of water compressibility at the pressurization temperature in the P interval

(bar^-1) See Appendix 8, Table 1

Vcal Calculated theoretical volumes (m3)

Vact Actual volume to pressurize (m3)

The Hydro Testing is acceptable if the pipeline is free from leaks, and the pressure variation is
within ±0.2% of the test pressure. A pressure variation up to an additional ±0.2% of the test
pressure is normally acceptable if the total variation (i.e.±0.4%) can be documented to be caused
by temperature fluctuations or otherwise accounted for. If pressure variations greater than ±0.4%
of the test pressure is observed, the holding period shall be extended until a hold period with
acceptable pressure variations has occurred.

7.3 Hydro Testing Operation

The Hydro Testing operations will consist of:

1. Pressurization: During pressurization, the pressure will be raised in steps, at diminishing

rate as the pipeline internal pressure increases. During the initial pressurization steps the air
content of the line will be assessed, and leaks detection performed.

2. Stabilization: After pressurization steps, time shall be allowed for confirmation of

temperature and pressure stabilization before the test hold period begins.

3. Hold Period: The pressure will be held for a period of time of 8 hours. During the test
period, the pressure shall be continuously recorded. Temperature and pressure shall be
recorded simultaneously every hour.
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4. Acceptance: The pressure test is acceptable if the pipeline is free from leaks, and the
pressure variation is within ±0.2% of the test pressure. A pressure variation up to an
additional ±0.2% of the test pressure is normally acceptable if the total variation (i.e.
±0.4%) can be documented to be caused by temperature fluctuations or otherwise
accounted for. If pressure variations greater than ±0.4% of the test pressure are observed,
the holding period shall be extended until a hold period with acceptable pressure variations
has occurred.

5. Completion and Depressurization: Test will be considered completed once the Client or
its Representative provides written approval. Upon test completion, the pipeline will be
slowly depressurized at 0.5 bar/minute from test pressure to 95% of test pressure and
continue at 1 bar/minute until atmospheric pressure is reached.

7.3.1 Preparation for Testing

The Hydro Testing operations will start after the Cleaning / Gauging / Filling of both the pipeline
has been completed and accepted by Client.

All safety equipment, materials, devices and personnel, on both pipeline ends will be made
available and prescriptions applied according to specification.

Prior to commencing the test the following preparatory work will be done and precautions taken
prior to testing:

1. The high-pressure pump connected with test head at Pressurization side.

2. All temporary piping will be adequately supported during the pressure test. All flexible hoses
will be anchored to prevent whip in the event of failure.

3. All in-line instruments and instrument probes will be removed, blocked and bled or
otherwise isolated from the test;

4. All temporary piping will be visually checked before testing

The Pig(s) will be removed at the HSP platform pig receiver at discharge location

After Client has accepted the gauging, the HP test heads & connections at both sides will be
tightened to the pipeline ends.

Seawater will be pumped into the pipeline from pressurization site to fill the water which is come
out during LP test heads removal, while the trapped air will be purged. Dedicated valves will be
kept open until all the air has been removed. When the water leak out, the valves will be closed.
After that two pipeline will be connected to each other with a flexible high pressure hose for
testing together.
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7.3.2 Pressurization

Pressurization is the first phase of Hydro Testing operations. The pressure increase will be
moderate and constant. The air content of the test water shall be assessed by constructing a plot
of the pressure against volume during pressurization.

Hydrostatic Test Data – 14” Pipeline

Pipeline Length 23.331 Km
Pipeline Volume 1,998 m3
7.35 MPa
Test pressure 73.5 barg
1066.8 psig
Maximum Target Pressure (+ 2% TP) 75.0 barg
Air Content acceptance criteria 0.21 %
Pressurization 0 to 10 barg 1 bar/min
At 10 barg allow stabilization 15 min
Air content check #1 10 barg
Pressurization 10 bar to 50%TP (10-36.8 barg) 1 bar/min
At 50% TP (36.8 barg) allow stabilization 15 min
Air content check #2 36.8 barg
Pressurization 36.8 bar to 75%TP (36.8-55.1 barg) 1 bar/min
At 75% TP (55.1 barg) allow stabilization 15 min
Air content check #3 55.1 barg
Pressurization 55.1 bar to 90%TP (55.1 – 66.2 barg) 1 bar/min
At 90% TP (66.2 barg) allow stabilization 1 Hr
Air content check #4 66.2 barg
Pressurization 90% to 100% TP (66.2 – 73.5 barg) 0.15 bar/min
Test Stabilization period (minimum) 2 Hrs
Test Stabilization period (maximum) 4 Hrs
Test Hold period 8 Hrs
De-Pressurization 100% to 90% 0.5 bar/min
De-Pressurization 90% to 0% 1 bar/min

The following sequence for pressurization steps will be adopted:

1. Pressurize up to 10 bar pressure at maximum 1 bar/minute and perform air inclusion test;

2. Pressurize up to 50% test pressure (36.8 bar) at maximum 1 bar/minute and check for

3. Pressurize up to 75% test pressure (55.1 bar) at maximum 1 bar/minute and check for

4. Pressurize up to 90% test pressure (66.2 bar) at maximum 1 bar/min and check for leaks;
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5. Pressurize up to 100% test pressure (73.5 bar) at approximately 0.15 bar/minute and
commence period of stabilization;

To carry out the above pressurization steps, operators will proceed as follow, under direct
coordination of Contractor representative located on pressurization site:

1. Operators at pressurization site to verify warning notices placement and test equipment
area boundaries delimitation by marker tapes;

2. Operators at pressurization site to verify injection system equipment connection and correct
installation of recording instrumentation.

3. Operators at discharge site to verify warning notices placement and test equipment area
boundaries delimitation by marker tapes;

4. Operators at discharge site to verify closed position of all test head piping isolation valves
and correct installation of recording instrumentation;

5. Operators at pressurization site to start high pressure positive displacement pump, injecting
freshwater or filtered sea water and to act in order to obtain a pipeline internal pressure
increasing gradient of 1 bar/min

From this moment, all measurements and recording of pressures and temperatures value will start,
and continue monitoring of potential leaks of entire pipeline will also be started.

6. Operators at pressurization site to continue to inject water, with high pressure positive
displacement pump, maintaining a pipeline internal pressure increasing gradient of 1
bar/min, as constant as possible, up to reach 35 bar test pressure;

7. Operators at pressurization site to stop high pressure positive displacement pump and
isolate the pipeline;

8. Operators at pressurization site, after few minutes of stabilization, to perform air inclusion

9. Operators at pressurization site, based on above test data, to carry out calculation checks
as described above;

Should the air content be > to 0.2% the operation will be interrupted, the pipeline depressurized,
and an additional swabbing pig run, before new pressurization can restart with Client and
Contractor authorisation, following the same operations and phases.

If the calculated air content is <= to 0.2% on whole pipeline, the pressurization phase can be
continued under Client and Contractor assessment, as follows:

10. Operators at pressurization site to re-open pipeline isolation valve and restart high pressure
positive displacement pump, acting in order to obtain a pipeline internal pressure increasing
gradient of maximum 1 bar/min ;
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All measurements and recording of pressures and temperatures value will be restarted/continued,
on pressurizing location, and monitoring of potential leaks of entire pipeline will always continue.

11. Operators at pressurization site to continue to inject filtered water, with high pressure
positive displacement pump, maintaining a pipeline internal pressure increasing gradient of
maximum 1 bar/min as constant as possible up to reach 50% test pressure;

12. Operators at pressurization site to stop high pressure positive displacement pump and
isolate the pipeline;

After few minutes of stabilization, with leak checks always active, if no significant pressure
decreasing recorded, the pressurization can be continued under Client and Contractor assessment,
as follows:

13. Operators at pressurization site to re-open pipeline isolation valve and restart high pressure
positive displacement pump, acting in order to obtain a pipeline internal pressure increasing
gradient of 1 bar/min ;

All measurements and recording of pressures and temperatures value will be restarted/continued,
on pressurizing location, monitoring of potential leaks of entire pipeline will always continue.

14. Operators at pressurization site to continue to inject water, with high pressure positive
displacement pump, maintaining a pipeline internal pressure increasing gradient of
maximm1 bar/min as constant as possible up to reach 75% test pressure;

15. Operators at pressurization site to stop high pressure positive displacement pump and
isolate the pipeline;

After few minutes of stabilization with leak checks always active, if no significant pressure
decreasing recorded, the pressurization can be continued under Client and Contractor assessment,
as follows:

16. Operators at pressurization site to re-open pipeline isolation valve and restart high pressure
positive displacement pump and act in order to obtain a pipeline internal pressure
increasing gradient of maximum 1 bar/min ;

All measurements and recording of pressures and temperatures value will be restarted/continued,
on both on shore locations, monitoring of potential leaks of entire pipeline will always continue.

17. Operators at pressurization site to continue to inject water, with high pressure positive
displacement pump, maintaining a pipeline internal pressure increasing gradient of 1
bar/min as constant as possible up to reach 90% test pressure;

18. Operators at pressurization site to stop high pressure positive displacement pump and
isolate the pipeline;

After few minutes of stabilization with leak checks always active, if no significant pressure
decreasing recorded, the pressurization can be continued under Client and Contractor assessment,
as follows:
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19. Operators at pressurization site to re-open pipeline isolation valve and restart high pressure
positive displacement pump, acting in order to obtain a pipeline internal pressure increasing
gradient of maximum 0,15 bar/min ;

All measurements and recording of pressures and temperatures value will be restarted/continued,
on pressurizing location, monitoring of potential leaks of entire pipeline will always continue.

20. Operators at pressurization site to continue to inject water, with high pressure positive
displacement pump, maintaining a pipeline internal pressure increasing gradient of 0,15
bar/min as constant as possible up to reach 100% test pressure;

21. Operators at pressurization site to stop high pressure positive displacement pump and
isolate the pipeline;

With the above pipeline status, the pressurization phase can be considered completed and
stabilization phase can be started.

7.3.3 Stabilization

As soon as the temperature stabilization have been assessed as reached, by Contractor and Client
representatives, a final pressurization to reach 100% hydrostatic test pressure, will be carried out
as with described in above, maintaining an internal pressure increasing gradient of approximately
0,15 bar/min ;

When test pressure is reached, with Client authorisation, the stabilization period is completed and
hold period can start. The water temperature in the pipeline must be stable (+-1 deg) before
starting the holding period.

7.3.4 Hold Period

Once the temperature and pressure have stabilized, by Client approval the hold period may

The pressure will be held for a period of time of 8 hours. During the test period the following
parameters will be recorded:

Temperature and pressure shall be recorded simultaneously every hour.

If it is necessary to discharge water to decrease the pressure, the trapped water will be accurately
measured and recorded.

7.3.5 Test Evaluation

Hydro Test will be considered successfully completed if the pressure recorded on the pressure
recording instrument, linked to the pressure sensor, after 8 hours, will have the same value of the
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starting holding time, or if the difference between both pressures can be correlated to potential
temperature difference between the final and starting time holding temperatures.

Hydro Test will be considered completed under Client and Contractor jointly assessment, with
Client written approval.

In the event of an unexplained pressure loss the cause shall be investigated, a visual examination
to HP test heads, valves and connections will be carried on. In case a leak is identified it shall be
rectified and the hold period repeated. If it has been necessary to depressurize the pipeline in
order to rectify the leak, then the pipeline shall be re-pressurized and the stabilization and hold
period repeated.

In the event no leak is found, the pipeline will be depressurized and water added with fluorescein
will be detected to all pipeline length.

At no time during the hold period shall the pressure drop below hydrostatic test pressure level,
unless the pressure drop is accounted for any temperature fluctuations.

7.3.6 Depressurization

Once the Client or its Representative provides written approval, upon test completion, as above
described, the pipeline will be slowly depressurized at a rate 0.5 bar/minute from test pressure to
90% of the test pressure and depressurising will continue to ambient pressure at a rate of 1

14" Pressurization Chart





40 1h
15min 15min


15min 67min
0 10 25 52 67 86 101 113 173 222 342 1302 1317 1384
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7.4 Hydro Testing Activities Reporting

Contractor will record the Hydro Testing activities covering all phases of operations, by duly filling of all

Within two days of successful completion of the Hydro Testing, Contractor will submit two copies of its test
report to Contractor and Client. The bound report in detail will contain the following.

 Pressure recorder charts,

 Temperature recorder charts,

 Pressurizing records

 Air inclusion assessment,

 Pressure, temperature records during hold period,

 All calculations,

 Pressure recording charts with appropriate information clearly noted;

 Theoretical and hand plot pressure-volume curve;

 Instrument certificates of calibration;

 Schematic isometric drawing;

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14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 42 of 49


Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 43 of 49


Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 44 of 49


Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 45 of 49


Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 46 of 49


Table 1 : Water Compressibility Factor

Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 47 of 49

Table 2 : Volume / Temperature Factor

Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 48 of 49


Doc. No.
14” Pipeline from HSP to HPF (Paraiso) – Gauging, Hydro-
Testing & Pre-Commissioning Procedure

Rev: C Status: Issued For Approval (IFA) Date: 10 APR 2020 Page 49 of 49


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