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Chronic Kidney Disease: 1. Reduction in Function

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1. Reduction in function
a. GFR < 60ml/min (normal is > 90) AND/OR
2. Kidney damage (symptoms)
a. Proteinuria (albuminuria)
3. + Health implications/complications
a. Abnormal structure (small kidneys, single kidney, polycystic kidney)
FOR > 3 MONTHS (specific health implications)
NB  Therefore can’t diagnose CKD on one visit, needs at least 3 months as majority of
acute renal injury is reversible
Cause of CKD is NB for treatment and prognosis

 Reduced GFR
o 24 hour urine  Creatinine clearance (surrogate or substitute for GFR)  NB
o eGFR (estimated)
 Increased s-Creatinine
o In renal failure  s-Creatinine only increases when the GFR reduced by 50% (by the time
creatinine has gone up you have already lost half your function)
 Renal failure
 Rhabdomyolysis
 Large muscle mass
 Vegetarian diet, drugs (cimetidine gives false high)
 Increased s-Urea (NB)
o Renal failure
o ↑ protein load (eg. high protein diet, GI bleed)
o Urea = made in liver (low urea with liver disease)

1. Albuminuria (repeat the measurement)
a. Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (mmol/L)
i. > 30 = CKD
2. Microalbuminuria (detects early CKD) Albuminuria:
a. Dipstick (-) as it does not show up on dipstick
b. Urine albumin/creatinine ratio > 3.5 – 15 - normal = < 30
c. Only in diabetics (don’t need high BP) and hypertensives  - positive = 30 – 299
Put them on ARB or ACE
3. Proteinuria (macroalbuminuria)
a. Dipstick (+) – (3+) - normal = < 150
b. > 300mg/24H - mild = 150 – 490
c. Nephrotic range: > 3.5g/24H - severe = > 300

I. Renal size (U/S)
a. Small in CKD, except with:
i. DM! NB  Can still be normal
ii. PCKD
iii. Amyloidosis
iv. Myeloma
v. Hydronephrosis
b. Loss of cortico-medullary differentiation
i. Not clearly defined
II. Scars
III. Cysts
a. Simple
b. Polycystic (Autosomal Dominant)
IV. Large size  Hydronephrosis
a. Obstruction
NB  You need to do U/S of the kidneys when there is kidney damage!


 Symptoms
o Mostly asymptomatic or non-specific
 Signs
o Anaemia/Pallor
 Decreased erythropoietin (EPO)
o Bleeding tendency
 Excretion of Protein S & C (increased tendency to clot)
o Uraemia
 Pericardial rub
 Pruritis
 Peripheral neuropathy

1. DM
2. HT
- Due to over-activity of RAAS and sympathetic nervous system and volume overload
3. Glomerulonephritis CKD spectrum in HIV:
4. Autosomal dominant PCKD
- HT + hematuria + abd mass 1. Electrolyte + acid-base disturbance
5. Tubulo-Interstitial Nephropathy 2. Acute kidney injury
- Mostly allergic reaction to drug 3. CKD
6. Developing countries (SA) 4. Acute-on-chronic kidney disease
- Pollution + toxins (tobacco) 5. Side effects to treatment (ARV’s or
- Analgesic abuse (NSAIDs) drugs that treat Cx)
- Herbal medicine 6. Long-term metabolic s/e of ART
7. Aging
8. Previous episode of AKI
- Acute tubular necrosis
- 2o to sepsis, hypotension, dehydration or nephrotoxicity
9. Family history of renal disease
10. Obesity

 Anemia
o Due to decreased production of erythropoietin (+ other factors)
 Hyperkalaemia
o Due to decreased potassium excretion
 Hyperphosphatemia /Hypocalcaemia/hyperparathyroidism
o Due to ↓ phosphate excretion and binding of phosphate to calcium
o Low s-Ca2+ and high s-PO4 stimulates PTH >> hyperparathyroidism
 Renal Osteodystrophy
o ↓renal conversion of Vit D to active Vit D >> renal osteodystrophy (painful breakdown of
 Myopathy
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Metabolic acidosis
o Decreased H+ excretion
 Edema (fluid overload due to decreased GFR )
o Due to decreased sodium excretion and Hyperaldosteronism
 Uremia
o Due to decreased excretion of urea and other toxins
o Nausea, LOA, encephalopathy (asterixis), pericarditis, ↑ bleeding (urea prevents platelet
sticking together so less clots), uremic frost (powdery skin)
 Hypertension
o Low GFR so ↑ renin release >> HPT (vicious cycle)
 Drug Toxicity
 Risk of AKI
 CVS disease (HT, stroke, MI, sudden death)
 Progress to end stage renal failure

1. Diagnose underlying renal disease
2. Look for reversible factors
a. HT
b. UTI
c. Obstructions
d. Drugs (nephrotoxic)
3. Prevent further renal damage (retard progression)
o Control
 HT (ACE-i, ARBs – aim for <130/80 gradually)
 ACE-i and ARB can cause slight ↑ creat and hyper K+ with stage 3b/4/5
 DM (target HbA1c = 6.5%)
 Metformin C/I in stage 4 and 5
 2nd-gen sulphonylurea may be used if patients have no hypoglycemic episodes
 Thiazolinediones may be used in patients without heart failure or IHD
 Insulin: careful of hypoglycemic episodes (↓ renal clearance of insulin)
o Treat complications
o Diet (low protein diet, salt and fluid restriction)
o Control CVD risk factors (statin, smoking cessation, exercise, avoid NSAIDS)
4. Evaluate for renal replacement therapy
a. Dialysis
i. C/I:
- Severe CMO or refractory heart failure
- Advanced liver cirrhosis
- Terminal malignancy
- End-stage COPD
- Severe dementia
- Debilitating CVA
b. Renal transplant

 History of kidney disease
 Periorbital or peripheral oedema
 Macroscopic hematuria d/t viral infection (IgA nephropathy)
 Recurrent UTI (VUR or anatomical abn)
 Past history of acute renal failure
 Sx of prostatism
 Co-morbidities: HT, DM, gout, renal stones, Infl disease (RA)
 Chronic painful conditions (excess analgesic intake)
 Drug Hx: NSAIDs, Lithium (bipolar),
 Fam Hx: kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome (>> PCKD, focal glomerulosclerosis, IgA nephropathy)

 General: periorbital/peripheral oedema, pallor, gouty tophi, arthritis, signs of collagen vascular
disease, macroglossia (amyloidosis)
 CVS: hypertension, ESM (anaemia), pericardial friction rub (uraemia)
 Resp: pulm oedema, pleural effusion (nephrotic syndrome)
 Abd: palpable kidney (PCKD), hepatomegaly (amyloidosis), bruit (renal aa stenosis)
 Fundoscopy: HT or DM retinopathy
 Prostate gland: hypertrophy
 CNS: confusion, subtle intellectual dysfunction, muscle weakness, asterixis, peripheral neuropathy

 Urine:
o Dipstick (proteinuria, hematuria, leucocyte, nitrates)
o Microscopy
 Microscopic hematuria + red cell casts suggest glomerulonephritis
o Quantitation of protein excretion
 random sample’s prot:creat ratio
 Bloods:
o ANA profile, s-complement, CRP, Hep studies, uric acid, HIV, FBC (infection + anaemia),
CMP, iron studies, ALP, PTH (renal osteodystrophy)
 Severity of CKD (metabolic/haem abn):
o U+E, s-creat, eGFR (Cockcroft-gault, MDRD formula, 24h urinary creat clearance)
 Imaging:
o Renal U/S
o CT scan
 Kidney biopsy:
o Indications:
 Kidneys are normal in size, where Dx cannot be made otherwise
 Def Dx, where histology is essential for Mx (lupus nephritis, vasculitis)
 Established Dx (DM nephropathy) with unexplained ↓ in kidney fx
o C/I:
 Ilateral small kidneys
 Uncontrolled HT
 UTI or perinephric infection
 Bleeding diathesis
Urine findings:
 Proteinuria (3+ most likely glomerular origin)
o Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, pre-eclampsia, CCF,
malignant HT, HIV nephropathy
 Hematuria (if positive, confirm with microscopy – haematuria/haemoglobinuria/myoglobinuria)
o Hematuria + proteinuria: renal or post-renal
o Urethral (stricture, trauma), bladder (infection, tumour, trauma, stone), ureter (stone),
kidney (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, tumour, trauma)
 Lucocyte + nitrates:
 pH + specific gravity (acidosis, dehydration)
Renal function test:
 most NB = serum creatinine! (NOT serum urea)
 don’t read alone, do a eGFR (24h urine collection)

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