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Sikagard - 62

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2-part epoxy protective coating

Sikagard®-62 is a two part, rigid, 100 % solids, col- Conformity with LEED v2009 IEQc 4.2: Low-Emitting
oured high build epoxy resin based protective coating. Materials - Paints and Coatings


Sikagard®-62 may only be used by experienced profes- ▪ Coating for protection according the requirements of
sionals. GB/T 27806-2011
▪ Coating for food contact according the requirements
▪ Chemical resistant protective layer on concrete, of GB/T 9686-2012
stone, cementitious mortars and renderings, epoxy ▪ Comply to Standard for safety evaluation of equip-
cement, epoxy resin based products and steel ment and protective materials in drinking water sys-
▪ Lining in storage tanks and silos tem, Contact with drinking water
▪ Anti-corrosion coating on steel in food processing
plants, sewage works, farms, agricultural enterprises,
chemical and pharmaceutical facilities and beverage

▪ Solvent free
▪ Good mechanical and chemical resistance
▪ High build
▪ Impervious to liquids
▪ Easy to mix and to apply

Composition Epoxy resin
Packaging Part A 3.75 kg drums
Part B 1.25 kg drums

Shelf life Part A: 12 months

Part B: 12 months
From date of production if stored properly.
Storage conditions The packaging must be stored properly in original, unopened and undam-
aged sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C
and +30 °C. Protected from direct sunlight.


March 2022, Version 04.02

Appearance and colour RAL 7032 (pebble grey), other on request
Density Part A ~1.45 kg/l (EN ISO 2811-1)
Part B ~1.02 kg/l
Mixed resin ~1.37 kg/l
Density values determined at +23 °C

Shore D Hardness ~80 (DIN 5305)

Mechanical resistance Taber Abraser CS 10/ 1000/ 24.4mg (ASTM D 4060)

Taber Abraser CS 17/ 70 mg
1000/ 1000
Taber Abraser H 22/ 1000/ 1000 560.6mg

Tensile adhesion strength > 1.5 N/mm² to concrete (ISO 4624)

Temperature resistance Exposure Dry heat

Permanent +50 °C
max. 7 days +80 °C
max. 12 hours +100 °C

Chemical resistance Please contact Sika technical service for specific information.
Systems Levelling layer (if required) Sikagard® 720 EpoCem
Roller coating
Primer* 1 x Sikafloor® -156 or Sikafloor -161®
or Sikagard®-62
Coating 2 - 3 x Sikagard®-62
Lamination (1.5 - 2.0 mm):
Primer* 1 x Sikafloor® -156 or Sikafloor -161®
or Sikagard®-62
Lamination layer 1 - 2 x Sikagard®-62 + 225g/m2 glass
fibre fabric
1 x Sikagard®-62 + 30g/m2 glassfibre
Surface Mat
Sealer 1 x Sikagard®-62
*optional, only recommended for use on strongly absorbent surface

Mixing ratio Part A : Part B = 3 : 1 by weight
Consumption Coating System Product Consumption
Levelling Layer (if re- Sikagard® -720 Epo- ~2.0 kg/m2 per mm
quired) Cem® thickness
Roller Coating System
Coating System Product Consumption
Primer Sikafloor®-156/- ~0.30 kg/m²
Lamination layer Sikagard®-62 + 225g/m2 ~0.8 kg/m²/coat
glass fibrefabric ~0.3 kg/m²
Sikagard®-62 + 30g/m2
glass fibre Surface Mat
Sealer Sikagard®-62 ~0.15 kg/m²/coat
▪ Sikagard® -720 EpoCem® can be applied in a range from 0.5mm to 3mm
thickness per layer.


March 2022, Version 04.02

▪ The consumption should be controlled in 100g/m2 if sprayed on the steel
▪ There figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional mater-
ial required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or
wastage etc.
Layer thickness ~0.1 mm per layer
Ambient air temperature +8 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Relative air humidity < 80 %
Substrate temperature +8 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Minimum 3 °C above dew point, beware of condensation
Pot Life Temperature Time
+10 °C ~30 min
+20 °C ~20 min
+30 °C ~10 min

Waiting time to overcoating Temperature Min. Max. Full cure

+10 °C ~ 30 hours ~ 3 days ~ 14 days
+20 °C ~ 10 hours ~ 2 days ~ 10days
+30 °C ~ 6 hours ~ 1 day ~ 5 days


All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based
on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary SUBSTRATE QUALITY
due to circumstances beyond our control.
The substrate must be sound, clean, dry, free from
contaminants such as dirt, grease, oil, old coatings, re-
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS lease agents, laitance and other adhesion preventing
or influencing substances.
▪ Do not apply Sikagard®-62 on moist substrates On high absorbent, non-sound, contaminated, not ce-
▪ Sag resistance on vertical surface is approx. 200 μm. ment based substrates precautions have to be taken
▪ Freshly applied Sikagard®-62 must be protected from and a suitable primer has to be used.
damp, condensation and water for at least 24 hours
▪ For exact colour matching ensure using material SUBSTRATE PREPARATION
from the same control batch numbers.
Concrete Substrate
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY Concrete substrate must be prepared mechanically to
achieve an open textured surface.
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety Weak areas in the substrate must be removed and
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS surface defects such as blowholes and voids must be
provides information and advice on the safe handling, fully exposed.
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- All dust, loose and friable material must be completely
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other removed from all surfaces before application of the
safety-related data. product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.
Open voids and blowholes need to be closed with a
DIRECTIVE 2004/42/CE LIMITATION OF EMISSIONS OF suitable Sika® pore filling mortar. The roughness of the
VOC substrate needs to be levelled with a suitable Sika®
rendering and levelling mortar.
According to the EU-Directive 2004/42, the maximum
allowed content of VOC (Product category IIA / j type
Steel Surface
sb) is 550 / 500 g/l (Limits 2007 / 2010) for the ready
Steel surface must be prepared mechanically using ab-
to use product. The maximum content of Sikagard®-62
rasive blast cleaning. The level SSPC-SP 10 “near white
is < 500 g/l VOC for the ready to use product.
metal blast cleaned” or level Sa 2 ½ according to ISO
EN 12944-4 has to be achieved. Welds and joints have
to be prepared according to EN 14879, part 1. After
blast cleaning remove all dust dirt and blasting materi-
al. In order to maintain the surface conditions after
blast cleaning air-conditioning is recommended.


March 2022, Version 04.02

Prior to mixing stir part A mechanically. When all of
part B has been added to part A mix continuously for 3 The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved. Use a tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
low speed electrical stirrer (300–400 rpm) to avoid air products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
entrapment. To ensure proper mixing pour material rent knowledge and experience of the products when
into a clean container and stir again. properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
APPLICATION tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
Apply by brush, roller or airless spray. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
Clean all tools with Thinner C immediately after use.
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
Hardened and/or cured material can only be removed
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
LOCAL RESTRICTIONS products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
declared data and recommended uses for this product
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
will be supplied on request.



March 2022, Version 04.02


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