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B2 Self-Study Material With An Answer Key

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Ask for the underlined word(s).

1. My mother helped me with my homework yesterday.

2. We are going to Japan next month.

3. Ann bought a new car last week.

4. I haven’t seen Jack for ages.

5. I would like to live in Canada. (yes-no)

6. My brother can sing very well.

7. She went to England last summer.

8. The police finally came.

9. I am going to talk to her first thing in the morning.

10. Jim bought the old guitar because he liked to play.

11. Her mother brought her some tea because she was ill.

12. Elizabeth saw a fox in the snow.

13. I sometimes feed the hens. (yes-no)

14. The accident happened at 11 o’clock on Friday.

15. There was a shop near her house.

16. The boy came here to buy some fish.

17. Jake and his wife live in New Zealand.

18. He can’t buy his children new clothes.

19. The postcard came from Spain.

20. There are two dogs in the garden.

21. The cats belong to me.

22. There are lots of posters and pictures on the wall.

23. The teacher is not very friendly.

24. He waters his plants once a week.

25. Brian usually comes home at 5.(yes-no)

26. I have not played tennis this year. (yes-no)

27. The pupil speaks Russian,

28. The party is on Tuesday.

29. I am not German. (yes-no)

30. The bridge will be finished next year.

Ask for the underlined word(s).

1. She told us that Aunt Lizzy was coming .

2. Peter ran home after a dog bit him .

3. The Queen was welcomed by a large crowd.

4. Mum bought this dress in Rome.

5. Jenny waits for me at the bus stop every morning.

6. You are looking at my favourite sister .

7. Princess Anne will open a new hospital next week (yes-no).

8. Tracy had talked to her teacher before she left school.

9. The water is boiling (yes-no).

10. Mary could play the piano when she was a girl.

11. Molly doesn’t want to see me because I’m so impolite.

12. She didn’t sleep well in the tent.

13. Jamie spoke in a very low voice.

14. Anne has been teaching us for 5 years.

15. I like cheap clothes.

16. On Saturday the Parkers had an excellent dinner at home.

17. The girl is my cousin from New Zealand.

18. You must call him again (Yes- no).

19. Maggie will call you next week.

20. I have asked Tobias for some help (yes- no)

21. Harry gave me some sweets because he likes me . (2 questions)

22. We wanted to go to Italy last summer.

23. Derek has just spoken with his boss.

24. My dad has built a wonderful garden grill.

25. We have been working since 7 o’clock.

26. Cindy must look after the baby because her mum and dad are going out tonight.

27. Tom did not wait for the late night film because he was too tired.

28. Ferry and Joe aren’t coming to the party. (yes- no)

29. We talked about Rita’s boyfriend for a long time.

30. Marion did not wait for us after school.



Fill in the bubble next to the helping verb that correctly completes
each sentence.
1. Lily, Frank, and I joining a 6. The coach post the results on
neighborhood swimming team. the bulletin board in two weeks.
am will
is have
are had
2. I thought about joining the team 7. Our team’s season not begun.
for a couple of months. is
was have
had has
8. Our team probably compete
3. Frank taken diving lessons at a with other teams from the area.
YMCA indoor pool. have
has had
have will
9. We going with my mother to a
4. We practiced a great deal. sports equipment store tomorrow.
will was
has are
have is
5. The team’s coach analyzing 10. I outgrown the swimsuit I wore
everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. last summer.
is have
Copyright © Scholastic Inc.

are was
have will

40 Scholastic Success With Grammar • Grade 5

A) Order the words to make questions and sentences.
1 seen / film / the / you’ve / isn’t / this / ever / best / ?
2 interview / the / suit / should / I / this / wear / to / ?
3 car / I / where / my / remember / can’t / I / left / keys / !
4 have / how / worked / companies / you / many / for / ?
5 to / aren’t / you / home / glad / didn’t / you / go / that / decide / ?
6 car / more / , / the / older / it’ll / the / need / the / repairs / .
7 know / experience / about / like / work / to / I’d / more / your / .
8 haven’t / , / met / you’ve / Javier / you / before / ?

B) Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb.

1 A I’d love to be an actor.
B ________ you? I think I’d find it much too stressful.
2 You’ve been to Portugal before, ________ you?
3 We both like spicy food, but none of our children ________.
4 A I don’t think Chloe wants to come on holiday with us this year.
B She ________ want to! She told me yesterday.
5 A We’re having an Indian takeaway tonight.
B So ________ we!
6 A Will Marco be at the meeting today?
B No, he ________. He’s in Siena this week.

C) Read the questions and complete the indirect questions.

1 Where is the interview room?
Can you tell me ____________________________________________________?
2 Can we bring guests to the ceremony?
Do you have any idea _______________________________________________?
3 When does the performance finish?
I’m not sure _______________________________________________________.
4 What type of questions will you be asked in the interview?
Do you know ______________________________________________________?
5 Why did Oksana leave before the end of the film?
I wonder __________________________________________________________?
6 Where did I leave my phone?
I can’t remember ___________________________________________________?


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in


1.- At last! I ___________ (solve) the problem.

2.- What ______________ recently? (you / do) Anything interesting?
3.- My brother ____________ (buy) a new motorbike. It looks great.
4.- _____________ (you / swim)? Your hair looks wet.
5.- Oh, There you are! I ____________ (look) for you
6.- Sorry we are late. How long _______________
(you / wait)?
7.- I ____________ (know) Peter for a long time.
8.- My friends _____________ (run) for two hours already.
9..- I ____________ (never / understand) Maths and Physics.
10.- The children are tired because they ___________ (play) all day.
11.- Susan _____________ (never / believe) in ghosts and fairies.
12.- I _______________ (write) emails all day.
13.- John ______________ (never / see) this film before.
14.- What on earth ___________ (you / do)? You’re covered in mud.
15.- _______________ (you / ever / see) Altamira
Cave? I hear it’s incredibly beautiful.
16.- How long ________________ (he / learn) English?
17.- I ____________ (just / speak) to my cousins. They
told me the news.
18.- I’m sorry. Monica is not here.. She _____________
(go) out.
19.- We’re really tired because we ______________ (train) for the
marathon since eight o’clock.
20.- _______________ (you / finish) doing your homework yet?
21.- The students ________ (revise) for their Spanish exam for two
22.- Peter, why are you sweating? Because I _________
(hoover) the carpets.
23.- Is the lawn finished? Yes, Gonzalo ____________
(cut) the grass.
24.- It’s still raining. It _____________ (rain) for hours.
25.- How much money _____________ (you / spend)
this week.
Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous Exercise 2

Make either the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.

1. I ___________________ (not / do) the housework yet.

2. They ___________________ (study) very hard recently.
3. She ___________________ (promise) to help many times.
4. He ___________________ (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.
5. She ___________________ (write) her essay and ___________________ (send) it to
her professor.
6. He ___________________ (see) the film The King's Speech about six times.
7. We ___________________ (paint) our living room. I think it looks a lot better.
8. She ___________________ (take) French lessons lately.
9. It ___________________ (not / rain) for three hours! Only about one hour.
10. Lucy ___________________ (already / leave).
11. How many times ___________________ (you / visit) Scotland?
12. I ___________________ (call) John for hours and hours and he hasn't answered. I'm
really angry with him!
13. I ___________________ (be) in London for three years.
14. We ___________________ (know) James for ages.
15. It's really smelly in here. ___________________ (somebody / smoke)?
16. How much petrol ___________________ (she / buy)?
17. She ___________________ (eat) chocolate all morning, so she feels sick.
18. I ___________________ (paint) my house all day, but it's not finished yet.
19. Julie ___________________ (be) at the office since 6am.
20. The writer ___________________ (deserve) this award for a long time.

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A) Underline the correct word(s).

1 Poor / The poor seem to be suffering the most from government cuts.
2 I met a Chinese / Chinese man who was really interesting.
3 Politicians should listen to the young / young because they are the future of this country.
4 We need to do more as a society to take care of elderly / the elderly people.
5 The Japanese / Japanese have many important cultural traditions.
6 In some towns there isn’t enough accommodation for homeless / the homeless.


B) Order the words to make sentences.

1 brother / smart / had / linen / my / on / a / suit / younger / new
2 little / found / eat / restaurant / lovely / we / Greek / a / in / to
3 have / horrible / bandage / white / wear / a / big / to / I / !
4 little / was / on / wooden / hill / beautiful / there / old / a / the / house
5 the / some / red / I / boots / market / nice / at / bought / leather / very
6 brand-new / has / orange / a / Carl / got / motorcycle / Italian

C) Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 We ________ (know) each other since we met in the first week of university.
2 How long ________ (you / wait) to see the dentist?
3 ________ (you / ever / break) a bone?
4 We’re exhausted because we ________ (dance) all evening!
5 How long ________ (your daughter / have) this stomach ache for?
6 This is the first time I ________ (wear) these shoes. They’re so uncomfortable!
7 Karen ________ (not post) much on social media recently.
8 I ________ (never / see) you wearing a suit before!

D) Complete the words in the sentences.

1 Tamara’s so i__________. She’ll just suddenly decide to do something new or crazy!
2 Arjun’s extremely b___________ – he isn’t at all nervous about his operation next week.
3 My wife’s very s______________. She loves going to parties and celebrations.
4 I don’t usually wear a dress and high heels. I feel very g_____________!
5 Sorry, I don’t want to play tennis – I’m not feeling very e______________ today.
6 Jake’s always been quite i________. He hardly ever asks for anyone’s help.

B1 Narrative Tenses T040

Complete the narrative below using the correct tense.

Mary was one of 185 passengers on a British Airways

flight to Warsaw. She _____________________ (FEEL) very
excited when she _____________________ (GET) on the
plane at Gatwick Airport. She _____________________
(WAIT) a long time for this day. She
_____________________ (FINALLY LEAVE) England to
start her new job in the eastern European capital.

Mary was an experienced traveller. When she was younger, she _____________________ (FLY)
around a lot. In those days her father _____________________ (BE) a diplomat and every few
years the whole family _____________________ (HAVE TO) move to a different country.

Not long after the plane _____________________ (TAKE) off the captain _____________________
(TELL) the passengers that they _____________________ (HAVE) to return to the airport. For
the first time Mary _____________________ (START) to worry. A few minutes later she
_____________________ (SEE) the lights of the airport and _____________________ (WONDER)
why there were fire engines and ambulances standing nearby. At that time, she
_____________________ (NOT KNOW) that the plane's front wheel _____________________
(FALL) off during take-off.

Suddenly, Mary _____________________ (FEEL) a strange bump and when the plane
_____________________ (COME) to a stop some passengers _____________________ (CRY).
Fortunately, the pilot _____________________ (MAKE) a perfect landing and nobody
_____________________ (BE) injured. Mary was a little shaken but she still _____________________
(HOPE) she would be able to catch the next flight to Warsaw.
Past perfect simple and continuous
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. _________

I had to have a break. I ............................................................ so long. (drive)

Before we parked our car we .................................................. the ticket. (collect)

I arrived on Sunday. I ........................................... at home for two days. (not be)

The roads were blocked in the morning. It ................................................. all night. (snow)

They got to the beach after they ..................................................... for hours. (walk)

She called the police when she .......................................... the light in the hall. (see)

His English was perfect. He ............................................... it since he started school. (study)

I was really hungry. I .................................................... anything since the morning. (not eat)

She didn't go to work because she ............................................. her leg. (break)

As soon as Betty .............................................. the door, the burglar alarm went off. (open)
Past perfect simple and continuous
Exercise 5.2 Mark the correct sentences with a tick. If a tense is not correct,
underline it and write the correct form. __________________________

Before that I had never been seeing a ghost. had never seen

We sold our new house after we had bought a new one. .............................................................

The road was blocked because a tree had been falling on it. .............................................................

The street was icy in the morning as it had frozen all night. .............................................................

I was full of energy because I had been having big lunch. .............................................................

Had you ever slept in a tent before your holiday in Italy? .............................................................

He'd been sleeping too long. That's why he was so morose! .............................................................

There was no egg left. How many eggs had you been cooking? .............................................................

I'd been calling Jane five times before she picked up the phone. .............................................................

We had repaired the car for an hour when John appeared. .............................................................

She had taught for 40 years by the time she retired. .............................................................

In 2016 I had gone to France for five years. .............................................................

I didn't give up even if I had been failing so many times. .............................................................

A) Order the words to make sentences.

1 we / other / ever / days / see / hardly / each / these
2 was / match / injured / unfortunately / quite / the French player / during / seriously /
3 bored / were / the children / long / sitting on / for / the / extremely / plane / so
4 busy / sorry / , / now / I’m / to / the / answer / phone / too / right
5.she / go / Kerry doesn’t / has / to / out / headache / because / want / a
6 safe / absolutely / awful / but / we / the weather / made it home / luckily / was

B) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 We _______ (have) dinner when the electricity suddenly went off.
2 I ________ (sit) in the departure lounge for ages when I realized I was at the wrong
3 The man came out of his house and ________ (run) down the road.
4 He ________ (not be) at the meeting because Annie hadn’t told him about it.
5 When we got to the ski resort it ________ (snow) so heavily that we couldn’t ski.
6 We were surprised when the doorbell rang because we ________ (not expect) any
7 I was disappointed the show was cancelled – I ________ (look) forward to it for
8 When I opened my bag, I realized that I ________ (forget) to take the passports!

C) Underline the correct words.

1 We’d been flying / ’d flown for over an hour before we were offered anything to
eat or drink.
2 We had such a good / a so good time in Barcelona. We can’t wait to go again.
3 When we arrived, the apartment was so / such big that we thought there had been
a mistake.
4 Sylvia had swum / had been swimming so her hair was wet.
5 I had so little / such little time before my connecting flight that I had to run
through the airport!
6 We’d seen / ’d been seeing the in-flight film before so we watched the music
channel instead.

Future perfect - Future continuous

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the future perfect (will have done) or the future continuous
(will be doing) and the verbs in the box. ___________________________________

disappear arrive cook watch replace move finish fly teach listen

When we reach Portsmouth we ............................................................. our voyage.

When I drive my car I ......................................................... to the new CD.

In a twenty years' time thousands of species ................................................................ from this


In a few hours' time we ................................................ on the plane.

I'll meet you at four o'clock. - At four? I'm afraid I ..................................................... English.

We ................................................................. the wheels before you come back from the shop.

Shall I buy a pizza? - There's no need. I ................................................ as usual.

I'm sorry, we can't come tonight. We ........................................... the new documentary on TV.

My new PC ................................................................. by the end of this week.

The Johnsons ............................................................... in their new house by Christmas.
Future perfect - Future continuous
Exercise 2. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. __________

In a ten years' time most people ........................................... smart watches. (wear)

Hurry up or the coach ................................................... before we reach the station. (leave)

Shall I say hello to Ann? I ........................................... to her. (talk)

When you get up tomorrow morning, I .............. already .................................. to Cork. (drive)

When you get back the decorators ........................................................... all the work. (finish)

By this time tommorow we .................................................. our new car in the garage. (have)

Can we meet at 5 o'clock? - Sorry, I .............still .................................. . (work)

This time next week we .............................................. at the seaside. (relax)

On 1 July Marion ................................................... engaged for a year. (be)

By the time we get to the cinema the film ...................................................... . (end)
A) Complete the sentences with the correct word(s) from the box.

after before while in case as soon as

when unless until
1. The sky divers jump out of the plane ______ the instructor tells them it’s safe.
2. You shouldn’t eat just ______ you swim.
3. I’m not leaving ______ you give me my money back!
4. I’m really worried. Let me know ______ you’ve heard any news.
5. I can’t run ______ I’ve eaten a big meal.
6. There’s no way I’m helping him again ______ he pays me!
7. Take my number ______ you need to call me.
8. I read a really interesting article ______ I was having my break.

B) Underline the correct word.

1 If there’s thick / strong fog, the traffic will be very slow.
2 There hasn’t been any rain today, but it still feels quite humid / warm.
3 Plants haven’t been able to grow well this year because of the breeze / drought.
4 It’s difficult to predict what the weather will be like in Scotland – it’s so settled /
5 We couldn’t go out yesterday because it was absolutely scorching / mild.
6 You’ll need your sunglasses – it’s incredibly bright / clear outside.
7 There was a really strong / heavy wind blowing along the coast.

C) Complete the sentences with one word.

1 I really fancy taking ________ snowboarding? How about you?
2 Do you think you take ________ your mother or your father in character?
3 Don’t expect so much from Irina – you must take into ________ that she’s still
4 Investing money in the stock market is never safe – you’re taking a ________.
5 Take no ________ of my husband. He thinks his jokes are funny but not everyone
6 Could you take ________ of the children for me on Saturday morning, please?
7 The public meeting will take ________ at the town hall on 12th July.
8 We should take ________ of the low exchange rates and get some dollars now.


Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms !

1. I would have read the letter if I ____________________ (know) it was from you.
2. If Tony doesn’t help in the garden I ____________________ (not finish) my work in time.
3. If you ____________________ (not tell ) me about Maxwell’s birthday I would forget it.
4. We _________________________ (catch) the train earlier if Mary had found her purse.
5. If Susan ____________________ (learn) the poem she would have known the answer.
6. If it ____________________ (be) too hot we will stop and get a cold drink.
7. If it ____________________ (not rain) today I would stay it home.
8. If the Professor spoke clearly we __________________________ (understand) him better.
9. If you go on talking like that we ____________________ (throw) you out.
10. If Sasha ____________________ (go) home now he would meet his own brother.
11. If it rained , the streets ____________________ (be) wet.
12. If I ____________________ (not tell) Jim the address he wouldn’t have found you.
13. The bird ___________________________ (die) if you had caught it.
14. What ____________________ (you, do) if you won the lottery ?
15. If the weather ____________________ (not change) we will reach the top of the mountain.
16. Dinner ____________________ (be) fine if the meat weren’t cold.
17. I’m sure Benny ____________________ (come) if you wait a bit longer.
18. If you ring the bell, somebody ____________________ (answer) it.
19. If Bert ____________________ (see) you, he would have talked to you.
20. You ____________________ (find ) your ticket if you had looked into your pockets.
21. You ____________________ (fall) ill if you eat so much.
22. What ____________________ (happen) if the door had not been opened?
23. If Chris asked you for a cigarette, __________________________ (you, give) him one?
24. If you ____________________ (buy) that big car, you would need a lot of money.
25. ____________________ (You, change) the colour of your hair if I asked you to do so ?
26. If you give me the letter, I ____________________ (post) it for you .
27. ____________________________ (You, post) the letter if I had given it to you?
28. If the weather is fine, I ____________________ (go) swimming.
29. If you____________________ (not work) harder, you won't pass the exam.
30. If they ____________________ (be) rich, they would travel around the world.
31. The children ____________________ (go) skating if the lake were frozen.
32. What would you have done, if you ____________________ (lose) your handbag?
33. What will happen if you ____________________ (not know) the answer?
34. She ____________________ (go) on holiday, if she hadn't been ill.
35. If I ____________________ (notice) you, I would have said hello.
36. If I ____________________ (be) like you, I wouldn't watch such films.
37. If you opened your eyes, you____________________ (see) a wonderful world.
38. People ____________________ (live) in peace if they stop fighting.
39. If Tom drinks so much,he _____________________________ (cannot drive) home.
40. If we ____________________ (not hurry) we would miss the train.
41. He ____________________ (not spend) so much money if he weren't a happy person.
42. ____________________________ (You, come ) , if you had had more time ?
43. If Jim ____________________ (study) the new words he would have got a better mark.
44. If he were rich, he ____________________ (buy) the house.
45. If you don't hurry you ____________________ (be) late.
46. If it wasn't so hot, we ____________________ (play) football.
47. If I ____________________ (be) ill, would you visit me?
48. If Sean ____________________ (not be) driving so fast, the police would not have stopped him.
49. If I had sold my house, I ____________________ (get) 4 million pounds.
50. If I ____________________ (be) you I would I would do it.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1.- If you ________ (be) a professional basketball player, who

_________ (you/play) for?
2.- If he _________ (not study) now, he won’t have time later.
3.- If Susan had taken the map, she ________ (not get) lost.
4.- Where would you go on holiday if you _________
(can) choose?
5.- The teacher _________ (be) angry if you didn’t do
your homework.
6.- What _______ (you/ give) me if it were my birthday
7.- If we recycle more, there _________ (not be) so
much rubbish.
8.- If they had something to eat, they __________ (not be) hungry.
9.- If we _________ (hear) the weather forecast, we wouldn’t have
gone to the beach.
10.- What _________ (you/buy) if you had a credit card?
11.- If they ________ (not hurry) up, they will miss the film.
12.- If the bus ________ (not arrive) soon, we’ll be late.
13.- If they had phoned me yesterday, I _________
(give) them the news.
14.- If I _________ (be) you, I wouldn’t eat so many
15.- We’ll go for a walk unless it ________ (rain).
16.- If the North Pole ________ (melt), the water
would flow many cities.
17.- If we ________ (know) it was Paul’s birthday, we would have
sent him a card.
18.- If you play the music too loud, you _________ (wake up) the
19.- My father doesn’t feel happy unless he ________ (swim) every
20.- If the river had frozen, my friends and I _________
(go) skating.
21.- If people used bikes instead of cars , there _______
(not be) so much pollution.
22.- If our team had scored another goal, we _________
(win) the championship.
23.- If the waiter __________ (not serve) us soon, we’ll
have to leave.
24.- We’ll have dinner outside in the garden, unless it __________
(be) too cold
25.- When you heat wax, it ________ (melt).
1. I wish I ______ (be) the manager of this company.

... wish(es) + subject + past simple 2. Peter wishes he ______ (not buy) that car.It
breaks down so often and causes him trouble.
We form wish clause using past simple to
3. Asley's mother wishes she ______ (do) well in the
express our wishes or regrets for the
final exams next week.
4. Larry wishes he ______ (be) on a spa holiday
Examples: relaxing rather than working in the office now.

 I wish I were rich as a princess. 5. Mary feels homesick.She wishes she ______ (be)
 She wishes she had a bigger house. in her home with her parents now.
 Thomas wishes he weren't a 6. I wish you ______ (bring) me a glass of water.I am
policeman. very thirsty.
 They wish they could go to Paris.
7. Karen wishes her father ______ (not go) to Russia
on business.She misses him.
8. It was a very hot and sunny.I wish I ______ (take)
my sunglasses and sunlotion with me.

... wish(es) + subject + past perfect 9. You look overweight.I wish you ______ (attend) a
gym this summer.
We form wish clause using past perfect 10. My father wishes he ______ (not forget) to take
to express our regrets about the past the camera with him.The view was wonderful.
11. Joseph wishes he ______ (not cheat) in the
Examples: exam.The teacher was very angry with him.
12. I wish I ______ (not speak) so loudly.My baby
 I wish I hadn't treated John like that.
brother woke up.
 Fanny wishes she had studied
Physics at university. 13. Michael wishes his father ______ (give) him £100
 He wishes he had bought a bigger for the school trip next month.
14. Mr.Parker wishes there ______ (not be)
mosquitoes around.They bite him badly.
15. I wish people ______ (not cut) the trees any
16. My mother wishes I ______ (take) her to the
... wish(es) + subject + would hospital for her operation this weekend.
We form wish clauses using would to 17. Timothy wishes she ______ (not eat) too many
express our wishes for the future. strawberries.She has got a terrible stomachache.

Examples: 18. Pam wishes she ______ (have) an mp3 player.

She could listen to music now.
 I wish my son would go to a good 19. I wish I ______ (know) more about cooking.I
highschool. have to prepare something special for my guests.
 My mother wishes I would become an
engineer when I grow up. 20. We wish we ______ (win) the match next
 He wishes his girlfriend would accept Sunday. We will be this year's champion then.
his marriage proposal. 21. The students wish they ______ (study) more.
They all got bad marks from the maths exam.

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

B1 I Wish … IF007

Write sentences from the ones given starting with “I wish … ”.

1. I don’t eat a lot of vegetables.

I wish I ate more vegetables.

2. I can’t travel to New York. I haven’t got enough money.


3. They didn’t score a goal.


4. My car is so small.

5. They lost the photo.


6. I didn’t study hard at school.


7. My sister invited me to her party, but I didn’t go.


8. I only have one child, so I’m lonely.


9. I don’t have a fast car.


10. They were not quiet last evening.


11. The train was late.


12. They had an accident because of the bad weather.


A) Underline the correct adjective.

1 I find driving in heavy traffic very stressing / stressful.
2 The instructions for this machine are a bit confused / confusing. Can you help me?
3 The facts in that documentary are absolutely astonished / astonishing!
4 After going to that exhibition, I felt inspiring / inspired to paint a picture.
5 We were so embarrassed / embarrassing when we realized we hadn’t left a tip for the
6 I was so infuriating / infuriated by the rude staff at the customer service desk!

B) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word.


Puzzles really _________me – I just don’t have the patience for them!
You must have felt very ________ when they didn’t believe you.
Isn’t it ________ when you can’t open the plastic packaging on something?

1 Speaking in public is ________ for some people.
2 Juan looked completely ________ when you asked him to hold your baby!
3 I hope there isn’t a storm tonight – the sound of thunder ________ the children.

4 It was very ________ that he didn’t come.
5 It always ________ me when people behave like that.
6 Alan will be ________ when he hears the football results.

C) Complete the words in the sentences.

1 They must have been d________ when their house was flooded a second time.
2 I felt h________ for a month or so after I left home and started university.
3 I asked Maria to go on a date with me but she said ‘No’ – I’m completely g________!
4 I was so o________ with emotion I burst into tears.
5 Rory’s going to do a bungee jump! I’m absolutely g________ – he never usually takes
6 Mark had been unemployed for three months and was d________ to find a job.
7 I just can’t watch horror movies. I get s________ stiff!
8 I was very o________ when the teacher said she couldn’t understand my accent.

B2 False Friends 1 GV010

False friends are words that are easily mixed up. Choose the correct word or phrase
for each blank.

1. The guards ____________________ the visitors from getting too close. (AVOIDED /
2. ____________________ running a grocery store in town, he also owns a fitness centre.
3. The jewels she was wearing were all imitations. They were ____________________.
4. There is always the ____________________ that the plane will arrive early (OPPORTUNITY /
5. The English ____________________ is beautiful during the spring season. (NATURE /
6. Can you switch to ____________________ 7 for the newscast? (CHANNEL / CANAL)
7. Mum, what are we having for ____________________? (DESERT / DESSERT)
8. Don’t ____________________ my sunglasses or else I won’t let you have them again.
9. My boss gave me very useful _______________ before I left the firm. (ADVICE / ADVISE)
10. Global warming has an _________________ on all parts of the world. (AFFECT / EFFECT)
11. He took a seat ____________________ me (BESIDES / BESIDE).
12. We have quite a good ____________________ of winning the election. (POSSIBILITY /
13. You should start out early in order to ____________________ the morning rush hour.
14. The policeman ____________________ the traffic at the busy road crossing. (DIRECTED /
15. Venice is famous for its beautiful ____________________. (CANALS / CHANNELS)
16. The bank manager was willing to ____________________ us on the best way to save our
earnings. (ADVICE / ADVISE)
17. You can get a good ____________________ of the sea from the room on the top floor.
18. I didn’t have a lot of __________________ at the party. It was so boring (FUN / FUNNY).
19. The bank robber didn’t want to ____________________ the hostages. (HARM / DAMAGE)
20. The young man will ______________ the orchestra at the concert. (CONDUCT / DIRECT)
B2 False Friends 2 GV011

False friends are words that are easily mixed up. Choose the correct word or phrase
for each blank.

1. Staying at home in such bad weather was a __________________ thing to do. (SENSIBLE /
2. The sun __________________ in the east and sets in the west. (RISES / RAISES)
3. Please __________________ me to turn off the lights before I lock the door. (REMEMBER /
4. My friend asked me if I would __________________ him some money until the next day.
5. Be careful with that painting. It’s __________________. (PRICELESS / WORTHLESS)
6. You cannot exchange any products unless you have a __________________. (RECEIPT /
7. Alexander Fleming was a biologist who __________________ penicillin. (DISCOVERED /
8. He told __________________ jokes that made the audience laugh. (FUN / FUNNY)
9. It took them over 3 days to cross the __________________. (DESSERT / DESERT)
10. The cuts in government spending will seriously __________________ the military budget.
11. He was always __________________ to children (SYMPATHETIC / KIND).
12. I love to __________________ on the beach and read a good book. (LAY / LIE)
13. The __________________ of the school wants to see you at once. (PRINCIPLE / PRINCIPAL)
14. After talking to me he was very __________________ to my problems. (SYMPATHETIC /
15. The company announced that they were going to __________________ their prices for a
second time this year. (RISE / RAISE)
16. The __________________ I got from my girlfriend was great. The lasagne was fantastic.
17. Mum told me to help her ______________ the table before the guests came. (LIE / LAY)
18. Can I __________________ your ruler, please? (LEND / BORROW)
19. Did you __________________ to turn off the lights before going out? (REMIND /
20. You can’t talk to her like that. She’s a very __________________ young lady. (SENSITIVE /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV023

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. At the moment I'm reading a _____________________ about a family who escaped from
Germany during World War II. (FICTION / LITERATURE / WRITING / NOVEL)

2. Who _________________ you how to play so well? (LEARNED / EXPLAINED / MADE / TAUGHT)
3. We _____________________ ourselves at the party and had a lot of fun. (ENJOYED / PLEASED /

4. This car is one of the most _____________________ ones that the company has to offer.

5. I felt so _____________________ when my parents didn't come to pick me up. (DISAPPOINTED


6. Carbon emissions have _____________________ the atmosphere very badly. (UPSET /


7. Most residents are not _____________________ that wasting water causes environmental

8. In the end it _____________________ to be a very productive meeting. (SHOWED / SUPPORTED


9. The dress was so cheap I had to buy it. It was a real _____________________. (SALE / OFFER /

10. Being the conductor of a large orchestra can prove to be a very _____________________ job.

11. How did your _____________________ work out? Do you think you will get the part?

12. If you work hard you will definitely _____________________ a lot this term. (REACH / ACHIEVE /

13. The president _____________________ all accusations made against him. He said it simply

14. Before he entered _____________________, he made a fortune in private industries.

15. The match was _____________________ off because of the bad weather. (TAKEN / MADE /
16. Dinosaurs have been _____________________ for millions of years. (DIED OUT / EXTINCT /
B2 Opposites GV009

Complete these sentences with an opposite of the verb in BOLD. Use the words from
the box. Make sure that you use the correct form of each verb. The first one has been
done for you.



1. Although we missed our train to the airport, we still managed to catch our plane.
2. We didn’t spend much money. In fact, we managed to __________________ a lot of it.
3. The train arrives at the station at 4 and it __________________ 10 minutes later.
4. After he had emptied the bottle, he __________________ it with water.
5. “Can you lend me € 10?” - “No way! - The last time you __________________ money
from me, you never gave it back!”
6. The principal doesn’t allow smoking at school. In fact, he __________________
everything that is bad for our health.
7. Did he confess to stealing your money? - No, he __________________ everything.
8. In summer, the sun rises at about 5 o’clock and doesn’t __________________ until after
nine in the evening.
9. There are some things you can do in private that you should never do in ___________.
10. He didn’t pass his exam. In fact, he __________________ with a very low score.
11. Our teacher rewarded all the good students but decided to __________________ all the
bad ones.
12. Although I sent the letter on Monday, she didn't __________________ it until Friday.
13. At the end of the long, dim tunnel we could see a __________________ shining light.
14. If you are attacked on the street, there are several ways you can ________________
15. It was only a temporary job until I could find something more __________________.
16. The thief said he was innocent, but the judge decided he was __________________.
17. Half of the students were present, but the other half were __________________.
18. Attendance at class is compulsory, but the afternoon social programmes are
19. There have been a few major accidents on this road, but fortunately the injuries
have been __________________.
20. I prefer strong to __________________ coffee.

Fill in the gap in the sentence with the correct form of the root word. This examples
shows how to convert ROOTS into nouns:

1. If you should need any ________ (ASSIST), let us know.

2. On ________ (ARRIVE) at the airport, all passengers should have a check-up.
3. The ________ (EXCITE) before the party was like electricity in the air.
4. I have never felt such ________ (BORE) as when i was in the Vietnam war.
5. The ________ (EXCEL) of each and every student is essential.
6. All of the patients have shown a great deal of ________ (STRONG).
7. ________ (ENJOY) is much more important than achievement.
8. The most ________ (SUCCEED) you can have in life is to have kids.
9. ________ (PREPARE) is a key part of passing the exam.
10. The ________ (POPULAR) of many politicians in the country is astounding.
11. You have a ________ (CHOOSE) between two possibilities.
12. My ________ (NEIGHBOUR) is friendly and welcoming.
13. What is the ________ (LIKE) that you will get the job of your dreams.
14. All ________ (BREAK) must be paid for at the checkout.
15. I was in ________ (DENY) about COVID-19 until the 9th of March.
16. The ________ (COVER) in this area is awful, we can never get a signal.
17. The i________ (IGNORE) of many citizens is probably what makes them seem
so happy.
18. All ________ (NEW) of contracts will be carried out before the end of the month.
19. The saying goes that “________ (CURIOUS) killed the cat”.
20. What is the ________ (DISTANT) from Albacete to Madrid?
21. I have a great ________ (AWARE) of how to handle the situation.
22. The plan ________ (WRECK) will take weeks to clear.
23. ________ (PERSIST) and hard wark are a key factor is making it in life.
24. I would say that ________ (FLUENT) is more important than ________
25. We have a great deal of ________ (FREE) to do as we see fit.


Fill in the gap in the sentence with the correct form of the root word:

1. Due to the lack of ________ (DEEP) of the pool, it means that diving is
2. The ________ (OWN) of property is still unrealistic for many people nowadays.
3. Not only are you a ________ (LIE), but you are also a fool.
4. The ________ (EFFICIENT) of many renewable energy resources is still
5. What is the ________ (WIDE) of our living room?
6. I am really fit and ________ (HEALTH).
7. ________ (EQUAL) is something that the bottom 15% of the population can only
dream of.
8. I am a ________ (FIT) fanatic and that is why I go to the gym daily.
9. My kids are really ________ (NOISE) today, they must be feeling hyperactive.
10. I find the whole situation quite ________ (SURPRISE).
11. It is a fairly obvious ________ (DECIDE) when it comes down to it.
12. The ________ (LAUGH) in the theatre was contagious.
13. The ________ (LONG) of the course depends on each student’s own
14. You should never ________ (THREAT) another person with acts of violence.
15. The ________ (MEMBER) fee seems excessive to me.
16. The Paralympics offers the platform for people with a ________ (ABLE) to
17. ________ (FOREST) is without a doubt one of the most pressing environmental
18. How much is the ________ (PLACE) of the motor going to cost us?
19. Your ________ (PERSON) rather than your appearance is what counts in the
20. ________ (EMPLOY) in Spain is rising at a concerning rate.
21. I will reserve ________ (JUDGE) until after I receive my results.
22. The ________ (DEPART) of the flight has been delayed by 3 hours.
23. What time do you have an ________ (POINT) with the lawyer?
24. ________ (POLITIC) all end up being corrupt; it is just a matter of time. Absolute
power corrups absolutely.
25. We have a mutually agreed ________ (ARRANGE) for the business.

B2 Synonyms 1 GV004

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A select correct, right

B raise aware

C accurate occupied, active

D able thoughtful, caring

E considerate real, genuine

F divide lift

G apparent courageous, bold

H exceptional help, assist

I busy normal, ordinary

J brave handy, useful

K clarify lessen, decrease

L aid choose

M diminish explain, simplify

N convenient accept, endorse

O beneficial short

P approve remarkable, outstanding

Q conscious capable, qualified

R brief separate, split

S authentic helpful, useful

T average obvious
B2 Synonyms 2 GV008

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A awful attractive

B dull eager

C frightened crazy

D good-looking peculiar

E happy scared

F keen incorrect

G mad famous

H polite enormous

I quiet boring

J rude marvellous

K strange glad

L very big silent

M well-known broad

N wicked terrible

O wide impolite

P wonderful well-mannered

Q wrong evil
B2 Synonyms 3 GV016

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A bend permit
B angry clear
C sudden shiver
D boast handicapped
E attentive follow
F forbid relaxed
G shake entire
H scared curve
I hate even
J attack eliminate
K escape courageous
L disabled talented
M pursue frightened
N distinct notify
O calm detest
P remove observant
Q main flee
R pale unexpected
S allow circular
T examine primary
U brave assault
V smooth furious
W inform brag
X gifted colourless
Y round prohibit
Z whole investigate

Use the correct form of the ROOT word in the negative with the
correct prefix or suffix (un, im, il, ir, dis, non, in, -less):

1. Did you know that see is an __________ verb so you need

to conjugate it differently? REGULAR
2. When learning a language, is it __________ to just translate
all the time? USE
3. Do you understand that what you are saying is complete and
utter __________? SENSE
4. Is your boss really __________ towards his employees?
5. Why shouldn't we be so __________ about your
appearance? SECURE
6. What would you do if you had quite severe __________?
7. Do you think that all drugs should be __________? LEGAL
8. Is getting a job in a successful company is pretty
__________? PROBABLE
9. Are you ever __________ in the workplace? CARE
10. Are you having trouble __________ my shoe laces? DO
11. Should the goal have been __________? ALLOW
12. Are you ever __________ to your partner? KIND
13. Have you ever done anything that you thought was
__________? POSSIBLE
14. Are there any errors that are __________? REVERSE
15. Are you an achiever or a __________? ACHIEVE


Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct option (A-D). Only one answer may be

You stand no chance

If eternal happiness is what you are _____ (1) for, forget about it. It is a common
mistake to think that one can be happy all the time, happiness is a mood and not
therefore something permanent. It is merely one of a wide _____ (2) of emotions that us
humans are able to feel and it would be crazy to think otherwise.
It has been _____ (3) out that those who deem themselves to be happy all the time are
either _____ (4) morons or liars. There have been several studies into the _____ (5)
and it is crystal clear that everyone needs to _____ (6) a mixture of emotions in order to
reach the point in which they could truly know what happiness is. By saying this, we
_____ (7) that people need to sometimes be unhappy, upset and annoyed to clear the
way for them to become cheerful and upbeat at other times.
Over long periods of time, this variation of emotions _____ (8) you to actually know
what happiness is and also make you a well-balanced individual.

Choose the best word from the following options:

1. A. seeking B. looking C. trying D. standing

2. A. range B. ambit C. span D. scope
3. A. carried B. found C. gone D. looked
4. A. whole B. entire C. complete D. sheer
5. A. incident B. episode C. occasion D. matter
6. A. experience B. involve C. sustain D. undergo
7. A. want B. mean C. indicate D. show
8. A. lets B. sanctions C. allows D. concedes


Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct option (A-D). Only one answer may be


In almost every neighbourhood that one can think of, you can find people _____ (1) to shrubs
and bushes in their own private gardens. Gardening is highly popular all over the world and
people seem to find some kind of inner peace through the _____ (2) of plants and flowers. Many
gardeners have various strategies of _____ (3) that their plants remain healthy that may _____
(4) as a surprise to those of you out there without green fingers. For instance, it is common to
come _____ (5) gardeners talking or even playing music to their plants in the hope that this will
somehow benefit their development. Whereas this might seem like some people have lost their
marbles or simply be _____ (6) need a few more years of schooling, there is a vast amount of
scientific evidence that actually backs up this practice. Many plants are said to make clicking
sounds with their roots that shows that they could be able to communicate with each other to
_____ (7) vital information about growing conditions or even water supplies. While this remains
to be confirmed, it is, without a _____ (8), an interesting piece to knowledge.

1. A. attending B. tending C. caring D. helping

2. A. taking care B. looking C. caring D. minding
3. A. making B. helping C. trying D. ensuring
4. A. arrive B. come C. be D. take
5. A. across B. around C. to D. over
6. A. of B. in C. at D. under
7. A. communicate B. transmit C. give D. share
8. A. thought B. dare C. doubt D. problem



Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct option (A-D). Only one answer may be

Is this the end of our current opinion about leisure time?

The job market has undergone a huge change, with working hours going the way they are, we
may soon not have ____ (1) spare time. In recent years we have seen a rise in the number of
working hours. This may be due to competition in the work market going from the recession of
2008 or just due to people’s personal ambition. It is important to have a good work/life balance,
“work to live, not live to work” as is said. What really interests us ____ (2) is, is it important to
have leisure time? It is ____ (3) that when we relax and do things ____ (4) we enjoy, our brain
releases serotonin and this makes us feel happier and healthier, ____ (5) too much free time
causes us to feel bored and stressed. What really makes us happy is when we carry ____ (6) a
challenging yet achievable task, such as a hobby. This focus is what we must pursue, it is
important to not put things ____ (7) too often or it is natural that we will go off certain activities.
When we get into enjoyable and interesting activities we can really take to them and start to find
the ideal work/life balance. What we ____ (8) do, is make sure that we do not put up with not
having time for ourselves, to be with our friends and family and we must remember that it is
great to hang out with friends but we also need focus to be truly fulfilled.

Choose the best word from the following options:

1.​ ​A. some B. lot C. no D. any

2.​ ​A. though B. although C. but D. whereas
3.​ ​A. talked B. explained C. told D. known
4.​ ​A. that B. who C. whom D. where
5.​ ​A. like B. and C. whereas D. too
6.​ ​A. on B. out C. off D. around
7.​ ​A. on B. off C. out D. into
8.​ ​A. have B. need C. must D. ought

Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct option (A-D). Only one answer may be

Minority Languages

There are 6,500 spoken languages on planet earth and that is just taking _____ (1) account the
spoken languages in this day and age, not the ones that are currently extinct. If we look back
across time, we _____ (2) encounter an endless list of languages and dialects. Having said that,
what is most concerning is that there are many minority languages in places such as Wales and
even Spain that are at risk _____ (3) dying out. This is because over 2000 of these said minority
languages have fewer _____ (4) 1000 speakers living today and are in a sense, dead
languages as they do not evolve in the way that modern languages do.
What many of you might be saying to yourselves is; what is the point _____ (5) keeping these
languages “alive”? A language is one of the most complex art _____ (6) that exist. It
encapsulates the whole culture, history and background of a people and compiles it into a useful
working entity that is _____ (7) evolving with its use. If we lose a minority language, in reality
what we are _____ (8) is history. And that is a sad day for humanity.

Choose the best of the 4 options:

0. A. This B. They C. There D. We

1. A. out B. for C. with D. into
2. A. cannot B. should C. can D. must
3. A. at B. in C. on D. of
4. A. than B. as C. of D. like
5. A. for B. in C. at D. over
6. A. concepts B. forms C. methods D. ways
7. A. ever B. shortly C. rarely D. constantly
8. A. losing B. missing C. taking D. wasting


Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct option (A-D). Only one answer may be

How to not push yourself too hard

Many people seem to get a great, but sometimes undeserved _____ (1) for working like a dog
when in reality, they achieve about the same as a panda bear; in _____ (2) words, just about
nothing. So why is it that these people seem to get away without doing much at all in the
workplace or _____ (3) the house?
The key to being able to do what you feel like in this type of context ______ (4) in a couple of
key factors. The first being the _____ (5) with which you give your explanations. For example,
when you are approached and put on the spot by your boss or line-manager, you had better
give an explanation of everything with the _____ (6) detail and also make it look as if nothing
gives you greater pleasure than to explain your actions. The next thing is to have an endless list
of menial tasks that do not really exist that you can pull out of the hat at a whim and use as a
_____ (7) justification of your actions when needed. The final thing is to make sure that from the
off, meaning that when you start a job, you get labelled as a hard worker or even an essential
part of the company. That way your boss will never get suspicious of your actual productivity
and simply bask in your triumphs when you actually pull your finger out and _____ (8)
something done.

1. A. opinion B. respect C. reputation D. standpoint

2. A. other B. more C. better D. many
3. A. at B. on C. within D. around
4. A. stands B. consists C. lies D. works
5. A. words B. conviction C. way D. method
6. A. utmost B. maximum C. total D. perfect
7. A. valid B. acceptable C. justified D. flexible
8. A. make B. have C. work D. get


B2 Daniel Tammet – An Autistic Savant LIU009

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Daniel Tammet grew up in a large family in East

London. At the age of four he started to have
some very (1) ____________________ seizures that
may have changed his brain. Scientists claim that
there are (2) ___________________ in which young
people, who suffer some kind of brain
(3) __________________, suddenly emerge with
special abilities.
About 10% of all autists are savants, people with
special talents. Normally such people cannot tell Daniel Tammet
Image: De Lorelei – CC BY-SA 4.0
you how they do something, but Daniel is
(4) ____________________________.
In 2002, a British TV team visited Daniel Tammet in order to test his (5) ____________________
to calculate large numbers. The examiners were stunned by the results. Daniel was even
able to outdo the computer. He can cite numbers by (6) ____________________ shapes on the
table with his fingers. In addition, Daniel can speak 11 languages (7) ____________________
and claims that he can learn any foreign language within a week.
In March 2004, another experiment was (8) ____________________ out in front of a live
audience. Daniel Tammet stated that he could recite 22 500 decimal places of the constant
pi, an infinite number with no certain pattern. He completed this (9) ____________________
successfully in over five hours.
In another test Daniel was given a week to learn a totally new language, Icelandic, and then
chat with presenters on live television. (10) ____________________ to locals, Icelandic is
difficult to learn and nearly impossible to speak because of many funny sounds. It normally
takes some time to (11) ____________________ to the sounds of a new language. But as time
went on, even Daniel’s teacher was amazed at the progress her pupil was making. When
appearing on TV, experts were (12) ____________________ to see Daniel speaking the language
so confidently.
Experts on autistic savants agree that there are probably only a few dozen people around
the world who have the same abilities as Daniel. Scientists are excited to study Daniel and
his extraordinary (13) ____________________ because it gives them the chance to get a glimpse
of the human brain in a way they have never seen before. It may even be the start to
(14) ____________________ a new kind of intelligence.
In 2008 Daniel wrote (15) ____________________ called Born on a Blue Day, which deals with
his personality and talents. Since then he has written other books and appeared on
numerous TV and radio shows in the US and the UK.
1 strict difficult severe hard
2 cases affairs experiences forms
3 danger harm damage loss
4 a segregation a rejection a compromise an exception
5 cleverness ability power strength
6 drawing painting colouring printing
7 easily smoothly basically fluently
8 taken carried moved conducted
9 brief mission task work
10 Referring According Allowing Agreeing
11 correct alter change adjust
12 dazed stunned upset shocked
13 talents geniuses awards grants
14 searching travelling exploring inventing
15 an autobiography a biography a novel a fiction

B2 Free Birth Control For All? LIU013

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Health experts in America are (1) __________________ whether birth

control should be free or not. While health centres are giving
away condoms for free, Americans still have to pay for birth
control pills. But that may (2) _______________________ . Doctors and
other health officials are discussing whether this kind of family
(3) _________________ should be made free.

The pill was first (4) _____________________ fifty years ago. With it the birth rate sank in countries
around the world and the number of (5) ____________________ pregnancies went down. It also helped
women escape from poverty and poor living conditions. For a long time, Americans only got it for
free if they had a health (6) ____________________ that paid for it.

Today the pill is the most common form of birth control in the USA. More than 45 million female
Americans between 15 and 45 have taken it at least some time during their life. But despite this fact
there are still many unwanted babies and about 4,000 abortions every day.

Those in favour of the (7) ___________________ say that, if offered, the number of unexpected teenage
pregnancies would go down dramatically. Most of the females on college campuses are in favour of
it. Young people still (8) ____________________ on their parents for money. Sometimes it is difficult to
get (9) _______________________ at the doctor’s and get a prescription. If students could get pills on
campus they could just go to the health (10) ___________________ centre and get them. In other cases,
they just don’t want to tell their parents they are taking the pill.

Those against the suggestion say that it would lead to sexual promiscuity and diseases might be
(11) ________________ more easily. Not all doctors agree with the idea either. The pill must be taken
correctly if it should work. And it also has a number of side effects that doctors warn about. Some
women put on weight or get nervous quickly.

Some health experts talk about other ways of (12) ____________________ pregnancies. In their opinion
it would be better to teach young women about fertility and when they can get pregnant.
1 suggesting discussing fighting talking
2 change differ transform adjust
3 organization planning preparation development
4 announced welcomed begun introduced
5 surprising unexpected sudden shocking
6 cover insurance institution society
7 request offer demand proposal
8 depend hope involve require
9 a date an appointment a meeting an engagement
10 problem care attention aware
11 broadcasted communicated sent out transmitted
12 evading avoiding encouraging escaping

B2 How To Be A Good Student LIU028

Choose the best option for each blank.

Being a successful student can't be taken

for (1) _____________________ . In many cases,
you have to work hard to get there. Here
are a few (2) _____________________ you will
need to have success and perform well at

First of all, you should know what kind of

person you are. Look at your strengths and
(3) _____________________. That way you will
quickly find out what aspects you should
concentrate (4) _______________ to get better.

Time (5) _____________________ is a very important aspect of learning life. As a student, your
everyday life will tend be very (6) _____________________ and organising your daily workload
will surely prove to be (7) _____________________.

Try to avoid the (8) _____________________ of daily life. You should work and study in places
where you aren't interrupted (9) _____________________. Turn off mobile phones and other
electronic (10) _____________________ when working. Study with classmates who are
(11) _____________________ and have the same attitudes towards school as you do.

Sometimes you have to show that you are a good team player. When teachers give you
(12) _____________________ that must be solved together you must prove that you can
cooperate with others. Don't be bossy and arrogant. Being a good listener also helps, as
others might have good ideas about a certain topic too. Contribute (13) ___________________
in order to get important work done.

As a student it is important to (14) _____________________ life and school. You should take
care of your health, get enough sleep and eat the right things. Start the day with a
(15) _____________________ breakfast that gives you the energy you need. Getting exercise is
important as it (16) _____________________ the brain with the oxygen and fresh air it needs to
get things done.
1 decided approved granted decided
2 qualities abilities facts values
3 disadvantages faults mistakes weaknesses
4 on to over at
5 regulation organising administration management
6 anxious stressful nervous worried
7 beneficial useless cooperative caring
8 distractions anxieties confusions intervals
9 easiness ease easily easy
10 instruments tools machines devices
11 stable independent reliable offensive
12 missions assignments jobs duties
13 reactions solutions keys results
14 balance settle calculate steady
15 modest correct proper usual
16 delivers offers gives provides

B2 The Dead Sea LIU053

Choose the best option for each blank.

The Dead Sea is (1) ___________________ where the River Jordan ends, just 24 kilometres east
of Jerusalem. It is actually a lake. It (2) ___________________ for about 74 kilometres and is 16
kilometres wide, so it is quite small but (3) ___________________ deep - about 300 metres.

(4) ___________________, the Dead Sea was about the same size as today. Then the climate of
the area changed and became wetter. This change (5) ___________________ the Dead Sea to
grow longer. However, after some time, the climate changed again, and the lake returned
to its original size and (6) ___________________.

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. One litre of seawater may (7)
___________________ up to 327 grams of salt. With so much salt in the water, no fish or flora
can survive in the Dead Sea. (8) ___________________, for people who love swimming, it's the
ideal place to (9) ___________________. And the salt in the water makes it easy to swim
without any (10) ___________________ at all!

There is not much rainfall in this place of the world. It usually rains only between October
and March. The temperatures vary (11) ___________________ on the area you look at. In the
northern parts of the Dead Sea winter temperatures reach only about 14° C; however, in
August it can get up to 34 °C in the south. The highest (12) ___________________ temperature
for this region is 51 °C.

Nearly twenty years ago there was a (13) ___________________ to build a canal between the
Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. This would make the (14) ___________________ of the water
in the Dead Sea go up. However, the cost of doing this is so (15) ___________________ that the
project cannot go ahead yet.

Coastline of the Dead Sea

Eduard Marmet, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
1 found situated set placed

2 ranges spreads covers extends

3 widely somewhat surely extremely

4 Originally Finally Firstly Eventually

5 led brought affected caused

6 outline shape nature structure

7 consist comprise contain exclude

8 Besides However Additionally Also

9 reduce ease calm relax

10 try sweat force effort

11 varying depending changing differing

12 recorded detailed taped proven

13 strategy design plan sketch

14 ground level point amount

15 enormous giant vast extensive

B2 The Indian Caste System LIU044

Choose the best option for each blank.

The Indian caste system (1) ________________

society into groups of people with different
functions and status.

Originally, the highest caste, the Brahmins,

were the intellectual and spiritual guides,
priests and philosophers. Second were the
Kshatriyas, the caste of warriors and rulers.
Then came the Vaishyas, (2) ____________ with
trading and commerce, and the lowest caste
were the Shudras, who were labourers and
Image: Giveaway285, CC BY-SA 4.0, via
Wikimedia Commons

People of these four castes had to (3) __________

any contact with the "untouchables", people who ranked below all others and did the dirty
work. While the higher castes managed to (4) __________________ their position in Hindu
society the lower ones were not given any power (5) _______________. Those who
(6) ___________________ caste rules were punished severely.

During their (7) ______________, the British tried to give more rights to the lower castes and
abolish traditional practices, but in practice they did not succeed. Since 1949 the
Constitution of India has (8) _________________ all its citizens equal rights, but changes have
been slow.

India's (9) ___________________ development of the past decades has done a great deal to
weaken the caste system. With huge, overpopulated cities, caste laws can (10________________
be observed. Indians can improve their social status through professional and financial
success. In rural areas, however, the caste system remains an influential (11) ______________
in society.

The majority of the former untouchables, who now call themselves Dalits (the oppressed),
are still (12) ____________________, but as their numbers are strong (18-20% of the
population), democracy has provided them with more rights and better jobs.
1 distributes divides contains shares
2 joined united linked associated
3 avoid protect defend promote
4 support power up brace strengthen
5 at all above all at least in fact
6 submitted distracted disobeyed obeyed
7 rule law power reign
8 offered permitted allowed granted
9 economy economics economic economical
10 not longer no longer any longer much longer
11 factor key cause reason
12 dispossessed denied fortunate underprivileged

TEXT 1: What makes an Olympic champion?
TEXT 4: The rewards of failure
TEXT 7: Van Gogh's World



Questions-Negations 1: 1.When did my mother help me with my

homework? 2. Where are we going to next month? 3. Who bought a new car last week?

4. How long haven’t you seen Jack? 5. Would you like to live in Canada? 6. How can my brother sing? 7.
When did she go to England? 8. Who finally came? 9. When are you going to talk to her?

10. What did Jim buy? 11. Why did her mother bring her some tea? 12. Where did Elizabeth see a fox? 13. Do you
sometimes feed the hens? 14. When did the accident happen?

15. What was there near her house? 16. Why did the boy come here? 17. Who lives in New Zealand?

18. Who(m) can’t he buy new clothes? 19 Where did the postcard come from? 20. Where are two dogs?

21. Who(m) do the cats belong to? 22. Where are there lots of posters an pictures?23. Who is not very friendly? 24. How
often does he water the plants? 25. Does Brian usually come home at 5?

26. Have you played tennis this year? 27.What does the pupil speak? 28. When is the party?

29Are you German? 30. When will the bridge be finished?

Questions-Negations 2: 1. What did she tell us? 2. When did Peter run home? 3. Who was welcomed by a large
crowd? 4. What did Mum buy in Rome? 5. Who does Jenny wait for every morning at the bus stop? 6. Who are
you looking at? 7. Will Princess Anne open a new hospital next week? 8. When had Tracy talked to her teacher?
9. Is the water boiling? 10. What could Mary do when she was a girl? 11. Why doesn’t Molly want to see me? 12.
Where didn’t she sleep well? 13. What kind of voice did Jamie speak in? / Which voice did Jamie speak in? 14. How
long has Anne been teaching us? 15. What do I like? 16. Who had an excellent dinner at home on Saturday? 17.
Where is the girl from? 18. Must you call him again? 19. When will Maggie call you? 20. Have I asked Tobias for
some help? 21. Who gave me some sweets? / Why did Harry give me some sweets? 22. Where did we want to go last
summer? 23. Who(m) has Derek just spoken with? 24. What kind of garden has my dad built? / Which garden has
my dad built? 25. Who has been working since 7 o’clock? / How long have we been working? 26. Who(m) must
Cindy look after? 27. Why didn’t Tom wait for the late night film? 28. Are Ferry and Joe coming to the party? 29.
Whose boyfriend did we talk about? 30. When didn’t Marion wait for us?

Main and Helping Verbs: 1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6A 7C 8C 9B 10A

Exercise 4: A= 1 Isn’t this the best film you’ve ever seen? 2 Should I wear this suit to the interview?

3 I can’t remember where I left my car keys! 4 How many companies have you worked for?
5 Aren’t you glad that you didn’t decide to go home? 6 The older the car, the more repairs it’ll need.
7 I’d like to know more about your work experience. 8 You’ve met Javier before, haven’t you?

B=1 Would 2 haven’t 3 do 4 does 5 are 6 won’t

C=1 where the interview room is 2 if/whether we can bring guests to the ceremony
3 when the performance finishes 4 what type of questions you’ll / you will be asked in the interview
5 why Oksana left before the end of the film 6 where I left my phone

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous : 1.have solved 2.have you been doing 3.has bought 4.have you been swimming
5.have been looking 6.have you been waiting 7.have known 8.have been running 9.have never understood 10.have been
playing 11.has never believed 12.have been writing 13.has never seen 14.have you been doing 15.have you ever seen 16.has
he been learning 17.have just spoken 18.has gone out 19.have been training 20.have you finished 21.have been revising
22.have been hoovering 23.has cut 24.has been raining 25.have you spent
Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous Exercise 2: 1.haven't done 2.have been studying 3.has promised.
4.has cleaned. 5.has written 6.has seen 7.have painted. 8.has been taking 9.hasn't been raining 10.has already left.
11.have you visited 12.have been calling / hasn't answered. 13.have been 14.have known 15.Has somebody been
smoking? 16.has she bought? 17.has been eating 18.have been painting /has not finished yet. 19.has been 20.has

Using Adjectives as Nouns: A=1 The poor 2 Chinese man 3 the young 4 elderly 5 The Japanese

6 the homeless

Adjective Order: B= 1 My younger brother had a smart new linen suit on.
2 We found a lovely little Greek restaurant to eat in.
3 I have to wear a horrible big white bandage!
4 There was a beautiful little old wooden house on the hill.
5 I bought some very nice red leather boots at the market.
6 Carl has got a brand-new orange Italian motorcycle.

C= 1 ’ve known
2 have you been waiting
3 Have you ever broken
4 ’ve been dancing
5 has your daughter had
6 ’ve worn
7 hasn’t been posting / hasn’t posted
8 ’ve never seen

D= 1 impulsive 2 brave 3 sociable 4 glamourous 5 energetic 6 independent


Narrative Tenses: 1.was feeling 3.had 4.finally left 5.flew 6.was 7.had to 8.had taken 9.told 10.had
11.started 12.saw 13.wondered 14.didnt know 15.had fallen 16.felt 17.came 18.were crying 19.made 20.was

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous Exercise 1: 1.had been driving 2.had collected 3.hadnt been 4.had been snowing
5.had been walking 6.had seen 7.had been studying 8.hadnt eaten 9.had broken 10.had opened

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous Exercise 2: 1. ✓ 2.had fallen 3.had been freezing 4.had had 5. ✓ 6. ✓ 7.had
you cooked 8.had called 9.had been repairing 10.had been doing 11.had been going 12.had failed

Adverbial Phrases: A= 1 We hardly ever see each other these days.

2 Unfortunately the French player was quite seriously injured during the match.
3 The children were extremely bored sitting on the plane for so long.
4 Sorry, I’m too busy to answer the phone right now.
5 Kerry doesn’t want to go out because she has a headache.
6 The weather was absolutely awful but luckily we made it home safe.

B= 1 were having 2 ’d been sitting 3 ran 4 hadn’t been 5 was snowing 6 weren’t expecting
7 ’d been looking 8 ’d forgotten
C= 1 ’d been flying 2 such a good 3 so 4 had been swimming 5 so little 6 ’d seen


Future Perfect-Future Continuous Exercise 1: 1.will have finished 2.will be listening 3.will have disappeared 4.will be
flying 5.will be teaching 6.will have replaced 7.will be cooking 8.will be watching 9.will have arrived 10.will have

Future Perfect-Future Continuous Exercise 2: 1.will be wearing 2.will have left 3.will be talking 4.will be driving 5.will
have finished 6.will have had 7.will still be working 8.will be relaxing 9.will have been 10.will have ended

Future Time Clauses: A= 1 when 2 before 3 until 4 as soon as 5 after 6 unless 7 in case
8 while

B=1 thick 2 humid 3 drought 4 changeable 5 scorching 6 bright 7 strong

C=1 up 2 after 3 account 4 risk 5 notice 6 care 7 place 8 advantage


If Clauses 1: 1. had known 2. will not finish 3. didn’t tell 4. would have caught 5. had learned

6 isn’t 7. didn’t rain 8. would understand. 9. will throw. 10. home 11. would be 12. had not told

13. would have died 14. would you do 15 doesn’t change 16. would be 17. will come. 18. will answer

19 had seen 20. would have found 21. will fall 22. would have happened 23. would you give 24bought.

25. Would you change 26. will post 27. Would you have posted 28. I will go . 29. don’t work 30. were

31. would go 32. had lost 33. don’t know 34. would have gone 35. had noticed 36. were 37. would see

38. will live 39. won’t be able drive 40. didn’t hurry 41. wouldn’t spend 42. Would you have come

43. had studied. 44. would buy. 45. will be. 46. would play 47. was/were 48. had not driven 49. would have got
50. was/were

Conditional Sentences-Mixed Types: 1.were/would you play 2.doesnt study 3.wouldnt have got 4.could 5.wouldnt
be 6.would you give 7.wont be 8.wouldnt be 9.had heard 10.would you buy 11.dont hurry 12.doesnt arrive
13.would have given 14.were 15.rains 16.melted 17.had known 18.will wake up 19.swims 20.would have gone
21.wouldnt be 22.would have won 23.doesnt serve 25.melts

Wish Clauses: 1.were 2.hadnt bought 3.would do 4.were 5.were 6.would bring 7.hadnt gone 8.had taken
9.would attend 10.hadnt forgotten 1.hadnt cheated 12.hadnt spoken 13.would give 14.werent 15.wouldnt cut
16.would take 17.hadnt eaten 18.had 19.knew 20.would win 21.had studied

I Wish...: 1. I wish I ate more vegetables. 2. I wish I had enough money to travel to New York. 3. I wish they had
scored a goal. 4. I wish I had a bigger car. 5. I wish they hadn’t lost the photo. 6. I wish I had studied harder at
school. 7. I wish I had gone to my sister’s party. 8. I wish I had more children. 9. I wish I had a fast car. 10. I wish
they had been / would have been more quiet last evening. 11. I wish the train hadn’t been late. 12. I wish the weather
hadn’t been so bad.

Exercise 5: A=1 stressful 2 confusing 3 astonishing 4 inspired 5 embarrassed 6 infuriated

B=1 terrifying 2 terrified 3 terrifies 4 disappointing 5 disappointsm 6 disappointed

C= 1 devastated 2 homesick 3 gutted 4 overwhelmed 5 gobsmacked 6 desperate 7 scared 8 offended


FALSE FRIENDS 1: 1.prevented 2.besides 3.worthless 4.possibility 5.countryside 7.dessert 8.damage
9.advice 10.effect 11.beside 12.chance 13.avoid 14.directed 15.canals 16.advise 17.view 19.harm

FALSE FRIENDS 2: 1.sensible 2.rises 3.remind 4.lend 5.priceless 6.receipt 7.discovered 8.funny 9.desert
10.affect 11.kind 12.lie 13.principal 14.sympathetic 15.raise 16.recipe 17.lay 18.borrow 19.remember

MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1.novel 2.taught 3.enjoyed 4.economical 5.disappointed 6.affected 7.aware 8.proved
9.bargain 10.demanding 11. Audition 12.achieve 13.denied 14.politics 15.called 16.extinct

OPPOSITES: 1.catch 3.departs 4.filled 5.borrowed 6.forbids 7.denied 8.set 9.public 10.failed
11.punish 12.receive 13.bright 14.defend 15.permanent 16.guilty 17.absent 18.voluntary 19.minor 20.weak

WORD FORMATION 1: 1.assistance 2.arrival 3.excitement 4.boredom 5.excellence 6.strenght 7.enjoyment

8.success 9.preparation 10.popularity 11.choice 12.neighbourhood 13.likelihood 14.breakages 15.denial
16.coverage 17.ignorance 18.renewals 19.curiosity 20.distance 21.awareness 22.wreckage 23.persistence
24.fluency/accuracy 25.freedom

WORD FORMATION 2: 1.depth 2.ownership 3.liar 4.efficiency 5.width 6.healhty 7.equality 9.noisy
10.surprising 11.decision 12.laughter 13.length 14.threaten 15.membership 16.disability 17.deforestation
18.replacement 19.personality 20.unemployment 21.judgement 22.departure 23.appointment 24.politicians




WORD FORMATION NEGATIVE FORMS: 1.irregular 2.useless 3.nonsense 4.unfriendly 5.insecure 6.disabilities
7.illegal 8.improbable 9.careless 10.undoing 11.disallowed 12.unkind 13.impossible 14.irreversible


CLOZE 1: 1B 2A 3B 4C 5D 6A 7B 8C

CLOZE 2: 1B 2A 3D 4B 5A 6B 7D 8C

CLOZE 3: 1D 2A 3D 4A 5B 6B 7B 8C
CLOZE 4: 1D 2C 3D 4A 5B 6B 7D 8A

CLOZE 5: 1C 2C 3A 4A 5B 6D 7B 8D

CLOZE 6: 1C 2A 3C 4D 5B 6A 7D 8B 9C 10B 11D 12B 13A 14C 15A

CLOZE 7: 1B 2A 3B 4D 5B 6B 7D 8A 9B 10B 11D 12B

CLOZE 8: 1C 2A 3D 4A 5D 6B 7A 8A 9C 10D 11C 12B 13B 14A 15C 16D

CLOZE 9: 1B 2D 3D 4A 5D 6B 7C 8B 9D 10D 11B 12A 13C 14B 15A

CLOZE 10: 1B 2D 3A 4D 5A 6C 7A 8D 9C 10B 11A 12D


TEXT 1: Reading Comprehension: 1A 2B 3A 4D 5B 6D 7B

Vocabulary: A= 1.champion 2.motion 3.enhanced 4.differentiated 5.attributed 6.psychological 7.automatically

Vocabulary: B= 1.automatic 2.motion 3.psychological 4.enhance 5.generate 6.genetic 7.adjust

TEXT 2: Reading Comprehension: 1A 2C 3B 4D 5B 6A 7A

Vocabulary: A= 1.conform 2.fundamental 3.devote 4.alter 5.predominantly 6.notion

Vocabulary: B= 1.uniform 2.genders 3.male 4.subjective

TEXT 3: Reading Comprehension: 1C 2C 3B 4C 5A 6C 7D

Vocabulary: A= 1.ancestors 2.disastros 3.abandon 4.dawn 5.holy

Vocabulary: B= 1.witnessed 2.displaced 3.expands 4.monitored 5.inevitable 6.disaster

TEXT 4: Reading Comprehension: 1C 2D 3D 4D 5B 6A 7C

Vocabulary: A= 1.refine 2.consequently 3.persistent 4.reputation 5.remind time

Vocabulary: B= 1.move on 3.persistent 4.refine 5.reluctant 6.outcome

TEXT 5: Reading Comprehension: 1B 2D 3B 4A 5D 6A 7C

Vocabulary: A= 1.acquired 2.economic 3.original 4.renovation 5.transported

Vocabulary: B= 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A

TEXT 6: Reading Comprehension: 1B 2C 3C 4D 5C 6D 7A

Vocabulary: A= 1.perspective 2.transform 3.vast 4.underlying 5.visualize 6.reinforce

Vocabulary: B= 1.flexible 2.pressure 3.entity 4.welfare

TEXT 7: Reading Comprehension: 1C 2B 3B 4A 5B 6C 7D

Vocabulary: A= 1.innovative 2.resisted 3.classic 4.appreciated 5.wondering

Vocabulary: B= 1A 2A 3B 4A 5A

TEXT 8: Reading Comprehension: 1B 2D 3A 4D 5D 6B 7A

Vocabulary: A= 1.priority 2.allocate 3.inject 4.multiply 6.meanwhile 7.radical 8.thoroughly

Vocabulary: B= 1.priority 2.allocate 3.extensive 4.insert 5.meanwhile

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