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A Neural Network Assisted Machine Vision System For Sorting Pomegranate Fruits

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A Neural Network Assisted Machine Vision System

for Sorting Pomegranate Fruits

Arun Kumar R Vijay S Rajpurohit Nargund V B
Research Scholar, Department of Department of Computer Science & Department of Plant Pathology
Computer Science & Engineering Engineering University of Agricultural Sciences
KLS Gogte Institute of Technology KLS Gogte Institute of Technology Dharwad, India
Belagavi, India Belagavi, India

Abstract— Sorting is an important step in processing and pomegranate. Farmers normally dispose their produce to
packing lines of pomegranate fruits. Currently pomegranates are contractors who take the responsibility of transportation to far
sorted into quality categories manually. But manual sorting poses off markets [1,2]. Fig. 1 depicts the export quantity (in Million
problems such as tediousness, low accuracy, subjectivity etc. Tonnes) of pomegranates from India in the last 5 years
Moreover, manual sorting is not recommended for export quality (Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and
fruits. Hence a machine vision system is required in order to sort Statistics (DGCIS)).
the pomegranate fruits. The present paper is aimed at developing
a robust non-destructive method to sort pomegranates using
wavelet features and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) training.
Pomegranates are sorted into ‘diseased’ or ‘healthy’ class.
Initially, images of the diseased and healthy pomegranates are
acquired from a local fruit market. As part of preprocessing,
histogram equalization is applied followed by wavelet denoising.
The preprocessed images are then fed to a feature extraction
module where 15 spatial domain features and 252 wavelet
features are extracted. Experiments were conducted to train
ANN and calculate the performance based on spatial and wavelet
features separately. Network performance is analyzed based on
the parameters: Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, mean square
error and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. The Fig. 1. Pomegranate export statistics in the last five years (Source: DGCIS)
results of experimentation showed that performance of ANN was
high when wavelet features were used for training as compared The field of Machine Vision has proved to be proficient
to the spatial domain features. technology in minor and major industries in the modern
decades. It finds applications in allied areas such as quality
Keywords— Spatial domain features, wavelet features, ANN control, Industrial process control, medical diagnostics, aerial
training, confusion matrix, ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, surveillance, robotics, remote sensing, optical character
accuracy recognition, face recognition, voice recognition, etc.
A computer vision system consists of three major units,
viz. 1. Image acquisition unit 2. Image processing unit and 3.
Pomegranate, botanical name Punica Granatum, is Analysis unit. It encompasses the study and application of
considered to be the “fruit of paradise” and is one of the key techniques and methods that allows computers to examine and
fruit crops of arid region. It is Widespread in Eastern and extract useful image contents and assists in solving a specific
Western parts of the world. The fruit is grown for its ‘Arils’ vision problem.
which are juicy, sweet-acidic and fully succulent grains.
Magical therapeutic values and increasing demand for table With the advances in the arena of Digital Image Processing
and processed products as well as high export potential has and Intelligent Control technologies, Machine Vision is
made pomegranate a popular fruit of tropical and subtropical widely used in agriculture. Various domains of agriculture
regions in recent times. The consumer value of pomegranate is such as Crop detection, germs detection in crops,
truly realized due to its latent health benefits based on a Classification of agricultural products, agricultural Robots,
significant body of medical research carried with authentic robotic applications such as visual navigation for fruit picking
pomegranate juice. Pomegranate enjoys the consumer’s robot, non-destructive information monitoring for crops etc.
patronage for its medicinal and nutritional properties. extensively make use of Machine Vision.

India is one of the largest global markets for Contrasting to industrial products, quality inspection of
pomegranates. In major, Indian pomegranates are exported to agricultural products presents definite challenges as the aspect
Bangladesh, Bahrain, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, such as appearance is very inconsistent and imprecise [3].
Japan, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Omen, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Food industry is amid top ten industries that expansively make
Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, U.A.E. and U.S.A. use of machine vision. Its role is irreplaceable in the field of
Regrettably, there are no systematized marketing systems for


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automated sorting and grading of agricultural, horticultural 1) Honey BlazePVC 2) ASF 08.21 3) ASF 08.05 4) Queen
and food products. Gem 5) NectareinePVC 6) Nectarreve PVCR where PVC
stands for Plant Variety Certificate and PVCR, for Plant
There are many problems that the agricultural industry is Variety Certificate Requested. The proposed method solved
experiencing. These include subjectivity, high losses in post- the problems associated with (a) mixing of varieties in fruit-
harvest, tediousness, inconsistency, labor requirements, packing lines (b) human operator, who may be subjected to
availability etc. Experiments have revealed that such problems tiredness, stress and fatigue. The method started with an image
can be overcome by incorporating digital image processing acquisition system. The algorithm developed had 4 steps: 1.
techniques in the process. Segmentation based on Otsu method. 2. Gray conversion. 3.
Computational facilities and exponential reduction in the Defining an inner circular ROI. 4. Computing and analysis of
price of camera added a breakthrough to apply machine vision feature histogram vector. The proposed system is compared
based system to evaluate this problem [4]. Accordingly, the with static experimentations conducted with a human operator
present study aims at developing an efficient machine vision which showed an accuracy of 87%. Hence the proposed
system that can sort pomegranate fruits into two categories: system can perform better than the human operator.
healthy and diseased. An effective noise reduction technique is Javier Clement et al [7] proposed a machine vision assisted
applied so as to increase the accuracy of the results. method for classification of cucumbers as per the European
Rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II Grading Standards. The method makes use of active contour
discusses literature review. Materials and methods used for assessment which is based on length and curvature by means
implementation are discussed in section III. Results are of artificial vision. A total dataset of 360 cucumbers were used
discussed in section IV and the paper is concluded in section for conducting the experiments and are classified into 3
V along with future research directions. quality categories viz. Extra or I, II and III. Two methods are
employed for analysis of length and curvature of the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW cucumbers. They are: (1) Ellipsoid approximation (2) method
of successive approximations (active contours or ‘Snakes’).
There are many researchers across the globe working in The active contours (snakes) method is based on assessment of
the field of fruit sorting/grading based on digital image weight and energy. The results validation is based on
processing and pattern recognition. From the literature it is experienced human operators an accuracy of 84% is observed
clear that there is a scope for sorting pomegranates based on w.r.t ellipsoid approximation with a 2% serious error rate. And
machine vision. In this section we discuss some of the 99% accuracy is observed based on ‘snakes’.
important works with respect to machine vision technology
applied for agriculture. The goal of the study in [8] is to classify normal eye
images against diseased glaucoma images. This was done by
Objective of the research work carried out by Nima employing the spread of average texture features obtained
Teimouri et al [5] is to design and develop an efficient from three wavelet families. Further, prominent features are
algorithm for segmenting almond images into three classes, evaluated and selected for the improved specificity and
viz. 1. Shadows of background 2. Background and 3. Object. sensitivity in eye image classification. Authors have collected
The algorithm was based on Digital Image Processing retinal images from KMC (Kasturba Medical College),
combined with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The Manipal, India. All images are of 560-by-720 pixels resolution
pictures of almond are acquired using a scanner with green stored in lossless JPEG format. All images in the dataset are
cardboard as the background. From the acquired images 20 initially applied with standard histogram equalization. Images
features were extracted for each pixel. Sensitivity Analysis are then applied with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
(SA) has been incorporated to rank and select the best features using 3 wavelet filters namely, 1) Biorthogonal (bio3.3,
that resulted into 8 superior features using NeuroSolutions5 bio3.5, bio3.7), 2) daubechies (db3) and 3) Symlets (sym3).
software. Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) kind of ANNs Then 3 features were considered viz. 1. Average of the
having 8-5-3 structured is used in which the 8 superior detailed horizontal coefficients 2. Average of the detailed
features are fed as input and 3 classes of almond are the output vertical coefficients 3. Wavelet energy signature from detailed
classes. Projected results are compared with the results of 1) vertical coefficient. Altogether 14 features are extracted using
Images manually segmented using Adobe Photoshop 2) Otsu the above mentioned wavelet filters. These features are then
method 3) Dynamic thresholding and 4) watershed algorithm. subjected to a process of z-score normalization. Feature
Three criteria are used to evaluate the performance of ranking is then performed using 4 well known ranking
classification algorithm viz. 1. Sensitivity (Se) 2. Specificity schemes viz. 1. Chi-Squared 2. Gain Ration 3. Information
(Sp) and 3. Accuracy (Ac). The proposed method Gain 4. Relief Feature Ranking. A subset of relevant features
outperformed all other methods with mean values of Se, Sp are selected by applying Consistency Subset Evaluation
and Ac being 96.88, 99.21 and 98.82. Moreover, the algorithm (CSE). Four feature subset selection schemes are used viz. 1.
took an average of 1.35 second average time to process the Greedy Stepwise 2. Best First 3. Random Search 4. Genetic
images. Search. Ranked features and feature subsets are then validated
The aim in the research paper [6] is to develop an image by applying 4 methods viz. 1. Naïve Bayes 2. SVM (Support
processing based system for individual automatic nectarine Vector Machine) 2. SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization)
variety verification. The application was developed to verify 3. Random Forest. Testing was done using 2 methods viz. 1.
Necterreve nectarine among all other various varieties namely, Ten fold cross validation 2. 60:40 slip test. Results proved to

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be highly accurate with 93.33% using only two discriminative Anderson Rochaa et al [13] introduced a new system for
features out of 14. multi-class fruits/vegetables classification in super market
scale. A total of 2633 images of 15 categories of produce were
Goal of the research work in [9] is to classify narrow and collected in the 5 months period. Image processing techniques
broad weed by employing 2-D DTW features. Initially, the were applied in order to extract bag-of-features which
images of narrow and broad weed are acquired from an oil consisted statistical color, texture and structural descriptors.
palm field using a CCD camera with a standard resolution of The system was developed in order to categorize fruits and
240*320 in JPEG format. The dataset of more than 1000 vegetables based on the extracted features. The proposed
images was collected. Acquired images are converted to gray method combined many features and classifiers. The results
scale. Images are then processed with 2-D Discrete Wavelet showed a reduction of the classification error up to 15% w.r.t
Transform (DTW) using Haar wavelet family. Coefficient baseline.
features at vertical sub-band and horizontal sub-band are then
extracted with Line Measure Technique (LMT) in which the Arman Arefi et al [14] have developed a new segmentation
pixels values continuity is measured in the wavelet coefficient algorithm as assistance for a robotic arm to pick a ripen
matrix at angles of 00, 450, 900 and 1350. The features are fed tomato. Totally 110 color images of greenhouse-grown tomato
to a linear classifier system, in which there were two separates variety were captured in RGB color space. In order to extract
feature clusters formed for each of the narrow and broad type the Ripen tomato from captured images, a combination of HSI
of weed. Experiments were conducted for LMT with value 7 and YIQ models is used. Once the extraction of ripen tomato
and 10. High performance was achieved with an angle of 450 is done, the localization has been done by employing
and accuracy of classification was found to be 87.25%. morphological operations. A total of 40 images were used
randomly for testing. The overall accuracy of the algorithm
Yousef Al Ohali [10] developed a computer vision system was found to be 96.36% and a processing time of 2.2 sec per
for grading and sorting of date fruits. Dates were classified tomato image was achieved. This proved the suitability of the
into three quality grades based on the five external quality algorithm as machine vision assistance in the robots for
features namely, 1) Defects 2) Size 3) Flabbiness 4) Intensity harvesting tomatoes.
and 5) Shape. Two models of PBNN were adopted for
classification purpose. Number of neurons in of Model1 is 5-
10-2. Number of neurons in the Model2 is 2-10-2. A total of III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
1200 (400 Samples of each Grade) training set and 660 (220 The overall procedure of the study is depicted in Fig. 2.
Samples of each Grade) testing set was used. The results were
satisfactory and are depicted in table I. Image Acquisition


(COURTESY: REFERENCE [7]) Image Preprocessing

BPNN Fruit Grade

Model 1 2 3
Model 1 55% 76% 71% Extraction of Spatial Extraction of Wavelet
71% 80% 66% Domain Features Features
Model 2

NursuriatiJamil et al [11] developed an automated grading ANN Training ANN Training

system to grade palm oil Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB). The FFB
were classified into three grades: over ripe, ripe and unripe
categories. A total of 90 images were used for
experimentation. Two grading methods were employed: (1)
Results analysis and comparison
color grading using RGB digital numbers (DN) and (2) color with manual sorting
grading trained using a supervised learning Hebbtechnique
(Neuro Fuzzy System). Results illustrated that Neuro Fuzzy
System outperformed the DN method with and accuracy of
Fig. 2. Steps in pomegranate fruit sorting
M Omid et al [12] designed and developed an efficient The image dataset of pomegranate fruits are obtained from a
machine vision system for grading bulk raisins. Two classes of local fruit market. Images are then preprocessed and then fed
grades were considered: (1) desirable and (2) undesirable. The to a feature extraction module. The extracted features are of
image processing algorithm was developed to extract RGB twofold: spatial domain features and wavelet features. The
color features, size feature and center of gravity. Confusion process of sorting is then carried out by Artificial Neural
matrix was obtained for desirable and undesirable classes of Network (ANN) training and results are analyzed. The
raisins. The proposed algorithm was compared with human implementation is carried out using Matlab R2010a software
expert which showed a Correct Classification Rate (CCR) of run on a laptop with Core2Duo CPU of 2.2GHz and 3GB

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RAM. Following sections discuss the materials and methods 1 Percentage Area The outer surface area of the fruit not
in detail. having spots/bruises/scratches and
A. Image Acquisition Color Features
2 Red mean Average of the red channel of the
Image acquisition is the principal step before we begin to fruit image
process the image. In the present work images of pomegranate 3 Green mean Average of the green channel of the
fruit samples are captured using a closed metal compartment fruit image
with provision for light source and cameras placed inside, 4 Blue mean Average of the blue channel of the
mimicking the packing lines in industries. Fig. 3 shows the fruit image
5 Hue mean Average of the hue channel of the
Image Acquisition Compartment. fruit image. Original image is
converted to HSV color model.
6 Saturation mean Average of the saturation channel of
the fruit image. Original image is
converted to HSV color model.
7 Value mean Average of the value channel of the
fruit image. Original image is
converted to HSV color model.
8 Y mean Average of the Y channel of the fruit
image. Original image is converted to
YCbCr color model.
9 Cb mean Average of the Cb channel of the
fruit image. Original image is
converted to YCbCr color model.
10 Cr mean Average of the Cr channel of the fruit
image. Original image is converted to
Fig. 3. Image Acquisition Compartment YCbCr color model.
Gray level co-occurrence and texture features
11 Contrast a measure of the intensity contrast
The camera used for image acquisition is Logitech between a pixel and its neighbor over
Webcam C905 with 2MP sensor and 8MP photos. All the the entire image
acquired images are stored in jpg format. Separate image 12 Correlation a measure of how correlated a pixel
dataset is created for healthy and diseased fruit samples. is to its neighbor over the entire
B. Image Pre-processing 13 Energy sum of squared elements in the
The images are captured with a light source. Therefore the 14 Homogeneity measures the closeness of the
light has effect on results after image processing. In order to distribution of elements in the GLCM
neutralize the effect of light, we need to equalize the spread of to the GLCM diagonal
intensity values. The equivalent digital image processing 15 Entropy a statistical measure of randomness,
method is Histogram Equalization. But histogram equalization used to characterize the texture of an
would reduce the information of the image. In order to
improve the information of the image, we can apply wavelet
denoising. Wavelet denoising attempts to remove the noise b) Frequency domain features: DWT is extensively
present in the signal while preserving the signal used in signal and image processing as it captures both spatial
characteristics, regardless of its frequency content [16]. This and frequency information. DWT decomposes an image into
will drastically increase the informational entropy of the approximation sub-band and detailed sub-bands. Further levels
image. of decompositions are applied for the approximation sub-band.
Fig. 4 shows the image decomposition at three levels.
C. Feature Extraction
Images, after preprocessing, are separately fed to two
modules: Spatial features extraction module and wavelet
features extraction module.
a) Spatial domain features: The section of the real plane
spanned by the coordinates of an image is called the spatial
domain [15]. Features of the image are extracted by analyzing Fig. 4. Image decomposition at 3 levels
the representation of the image in spatial domain. Spatial
features extracted in the current work are shown in table II. In the present study we employ 2-D DWT using three
of the familiar wavelet families: haar, daubuchies db2 and
TABLE II. SPATIAL DOMAIN FEATURES symlet (sym2). Wavelet transform for each wavelet family is
Sl. Feature Name Remark done at 3 levels. At each level seven features are considered.
No. Table III shows the features measured for the present work.
Image region features Totally 252 wavelet features are extracted for each image.

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TABLE III. WAVELET FEATURES A. Design of image preprocessing module

Sl. Feature Name Remark
No. As mentioned in the above section, effect of incident light
Statistical features on the image can be handled effectively by wavelet denoising.
1 Mean Average of the coefficients Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 shows the comparison of informational
2 Standard Deviation Standard deviation of the entropy of the image with and without wavelet denoising.
Wavelet texture features
3 Contrast a measure of the intensity contrast
between a pixel and its neighbor
over the entire image
4 Correlation a measure of how correlated a
pixel is to its neighbor over the
entire image
5 Energy sum of squared elements in the
6 Homogeneity measures the closeness of the
distribution of elements in the
GLCM to the GLCM diagonal
7 Entropy a statistical measure of
randomness, used to characterize
the texture of an image
Fig. 5. Comparison of Entropy for Diseased samples

D. ANN Training
A feed forward back propagation network was trained. The
dataset was randomly divided into three parts: 60% for
training, 20% for validation and 20% for testing. The network
has 5 neurons in the hidden layer. The network is trained for
20 epochs. The transfer functions used are listed in table IV.



Transfer Function
Hidden layer Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function
Output layer Linear transfer function
Back propagation Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation Fig. 6. Comparison of Entropy for Healthy samples
network training
Back propagation Gradient descent with momentum weight and bias
As illustrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, the informational entropy of
weight learning learning function the original images reduces after histogram equalization which
function can be effectively compensated by wavelet denoising.
After ANN training confusion matrix is obtained. The
B. Design of ANN classifier
confusion matrix gives us the following statistics:
TP (True Positive) – Number of samples predicted as As mentioned in the previous section, 15 spatial domain
‘diseased’ class when these are actually ‘diseased’ features and 252 wavelet features are extracted and are fed to
FN (False Negative) – Number of samples predicted the ANN classifier. All the feature values are processed by
as ‘diseased’ class when these are actually ‘healthy’ normalizing to the interval [-1, +1] so that the ANN training
FP (False Positive) - Number of samples predicted as can be more efficient. There are 10 iterations run for training
‘healthy’ class when these are actually ‘diseased’ the ANN. On each iteration confusion matrix was obtained
and performance parameters are calculated. Sensitivity,
TN (True Negative) - Number of samples predicted
specificity and accuracy are the performance parameters
as ‘healthy’ class when these are actually ‘healthy’
calculated. At the end average values of the three parameters
are considered. Tables V and VI depicts the results. ROC
From the above statistics, sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp)
curves are also drawn for each iteration and are illustrated in
and accuracy (Ac) parameters are calculated with the
Appendix A.
following formulations:
Se=TP/(TP+FN) (1) a) ANN Classifier for Spatial domain features
Sp=TN/(TN+FP) (2)

Iteration TP FN FP TN Se Sp Ac MSE

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1 55 14 7 41 0.78 0.85 82.1 0.1529 Closer the curve towards the left hand and the top border,
2 55 28 7 25 0.66 0.78 70.1 0.1871 more accurate the test [17]. Visual comparison of the ROC
curves for spatial domain features and wavelet features reveals
3 54 11 8 44 0.83 0.84 83.8 0.1146
that, the wavelet features have more accuracy in results.
4 49 11 13 44 0.81 0.77 79.5 0.1541
5 57 13 5 42 0.81 0.89 84.6 0.1158
In this study segregation of pomegranates into
6 53 12 9 43 0.81 0.82 82.1 0.1529
healthy and diseased was carried out. Images captured are pre-
7 47 11 15 44 0.81 0.74 77.8 0.1543 processed by applying wavelet denoising. Later, spatial
domain features and wavelet features are extracted. Feed
8 39 23 23 32 0.62 0.58 60.7 0.2298
forward back propagation neural networks are used to train the
9 49 17 13 38 0.74 0.74 74.4 0.1576 spatial domain features and wavelet features separately.
10 58 20 4 35 0.74 0.89 79.5 0.1438 Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, mean square error and ROC
curves were used as performance parameters. Results of
Average values: 0.76 0.79 77.46 0.1563
% training spatial features and wavelet features are then
compared. As per the comparison, wavelet features revealed a
good accuracy of results when compared to spatial features.
b) ANN Classifier for wavelet features Hence it can be concluded that, wavelet features need to be
considered in the process of fruit sorting or grading using
Iteration TP FN FP TN Se Sp Ac MSE There are few limitations of the work. Since we are
considering a large number of features (267), all those features
1 54 9 8 46 0.86 0.85 85.5 0.1159 may not contribute to the sorting process. Therefore, some
2 59 6 3 49 0.9 0.94 92.3 0.0686 feature reduction and ranking methods can be applied to
3 58 3 4 52 0.95 0.92 94.0 0.0708
reduce the number of features to be selected. There is less
number of samples (117). In fact the accuracy of the work is
4 58 14 4 41 0.8 0.91 84.6 0.1074 directly proportional to the number of samples that we
5 59 5 3 50 0.92 0.94 93.2 0.0562 consider for training. Along with more number, we need to
consider the samples of same cultivar only. The work can be
6 62 4 0 51 0.94 1.0 96.6 0.0288
extended by incorporating other machine learning tools and
7 59 5 3 50 0.92 0.94 93.2 0.0591 classifiers. Finally, to boost up the processing time, high speed
8 59 4 3 51 0.93 0.94 94.0 0.0554 computers can be used to conduct the experiments.
9 53 1 9 54 0.98 0.85 91.5 0.0866
10 55 7 7 48 0.88 0.87 88.0 0.0874
The authors would like to thank National Research Center
Average values 0.91 0.91 91.3 0.0736 for Pomegranate, Solapur, India for their valuable guidance on
% pomegranate, its market value and sorting process.

c) Analysis of ANN classifier results References

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demonstrates the tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Amrita School of Engineering. Downloaded on September 16,2023 at 04:35:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Fig. 7. ROC curves for spatial domain features of 10 iterations (from left-to-right)

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Fig. 8. ROC curves for wavelet features of 10 iterations (from left-to-right)

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