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Healthy Properties of Green and White Teas An Update Author S Pastoriza, M Mesias, C Cabrera

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Healthy properties of green and white teas: an update

S. Pastoriza,a M. Mesías,b C. Cabrera†a and J. A. Rufián-Henares *a,c

Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Farmacia, Campus de Cartuja S/N, 18071,
Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN-CSIC), José Antonio Novais 10,
28040 Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria ibs.GRANADA, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain. E-mail:; Fax: +34 958 24 95 77; Tel: +34 958 24 07 49

Green tea has been consumed for centuries in Japan, China and Morocco. White tea, which is
considered a variety of green tea, is mostly consumed in China and is very appreciated for its flavor.
Currently the consumption of both types of tea has been extended to the western countries even as a
functional ingredient. A group of polyphenols called catechins stands out among their bioactive
components, the most abundant being the (−) epigallocatechin gallate, with high antioxidant power. Teas
also contain other phenolic compounds such as gallic, caffeic, chlorogenic or cinnamic acids, quercetin
and proanthocyanidols, caffeine, theophylline, L-theanine and minerals such as fluorine, manganese or
chromium. Investigations have mainly been focused on their antioxidant potential and their implication in
the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases. Several studies have evaluated their role in
cardiovascular diseases, body weight control, bone mass increase, protection against neurodegenerative
diseases and improvement of type 2 diabetes, among other pathologies. The main points of controversy
are the design and interpretation of epidemiological and human intervention studies and the lack of
information on catechins availability, metabolism and biotransformation. This review compiles and
analyzes the latest peer-reviewed papers published from 2002 up to February 2017, including systematic
reviews and meta-analyses.

Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world after water and is highly valued for its taste and aroma,
its health benefits and for diverse socio-cultural reasons.1 It is obtained by infusion of leaves and shoots
of the species Camellia sinensis var. sinensis. The tea bush is cultivated in more than 45 countries. About
3 billion kilograms of tea are produced and consumed annually1 worldwide and the largest tea producing
countries are China, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Turkey, Kenya and Russia.
Depending on the processing of the leaf, various types of tea are obtained, such as black tea, Oolong
tea, green tea and white tea.1–3 In black tea, leaves are fermented through oxidation by
polyphenoloxidase enzymes. In Oolong tea, leaves are subjected to a partial fermentation process. In
green tea, the process of fermentation is avoided by the inactivation of the enzymes through a slight
thermal treatment.4 Although there is no consensus on the definition, white tea is considered a green
tea variety produced in very specific places, mainly in Fujian Province (China).5 White tea is made
entirely from leaf buds that are covered with downy and white hairs, from which its name is derived.
The first leaves and buds are selected and subjected to a minimum processing by simple drying. White
tea is highly valued for its organoleptic characteristics, as it provides an infusion with a soft and aromatic
flavor and with floral and fruit notes.2,3 Some authors point out that white tea has less caffeine and
more antioxidant compounds than green tea.2,5 However, other authors have argued that the
composition of both caffeine and antioxidants, defined as the index between total catechins/polyphenols,
is not a criterion of differentiation between green tea and white tea.2,3,6 The variability in the content
of polyphenols and, therefore, in catechins, may be associated with factors such as growing conditions,
climatology, processing, etc7,8 and even the conditions which the infusion is prepared under.9

1.1. Composition of tea leaves

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 1

Tea leaves are mainly composed of: (1) proteins (15–20% of the total referred to dry matter), where the
major fraction is enzymes (polyphenoloxidases and lipoxygenase).1 (2) Free amino acids (1–4% of the
dry matter), where around 50% is L-theanine (N-ethyl-L-glutamine), which is a relevant compound in the
flavor and health properties of green and white teas.6 It is a non-proteinogenic amino acid, derived from
glutamate, which appears only in a very small number of plants, including tea. It also contains glutamic
acid, tryptophan, glycine, serine, tyrosine, arginine or lysine, among others. Among these amino acids,
valine, phenylalanine, proline, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, lysine, histidine, arginine and
tyrosine are found in a higher content in white tea when compared with green tea. By contrast, levels of
theanine, glutamic acid, glutamine and aspartic acid are higher in green tea and lower in white tea.10 (3)
Carbohydrates (5–7% of the dry matter) with polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins,
glucose, sucrose, arabinose or ribose.1 (4) Lipids, present in a very low amount as glycerophospholipids,
triterpene alcohols, fatty acids and sterols. (5) Vitamins, predominantly vitamin C and some of group B.
(6) Xanthic bases, including caffeine and theophylline and theobromine at a very low concentration.5
Tea leaves contain about 2–5% caffeine.11 The content of caffeine in the infusion of green tea is
approximately 15–25 mg per 150 mL.12 This content is approximately 15% lower in white tea,13
although it could be influenced by the brewing time, leaf size and water temperature. In general, tea
infusions from tea in bags, where leaves are quite crushed, contain a higher amount of caffeine than
those from tea leaves.12 (7) Phenolic compounds (26% of the dry extract of green tea). (8) Minerals,
including fluorine, manganese, copper and chromium.5,13–18 Tables 1 and 2 include data about the
content of some minerals in leaves and infusions of green tea and white tea, respectively. (9) Other
compounds, such as heterosides of terpene alcohols, pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids), and aroma
compounds (i.e. 2-hexenal, 3-hexenol, linalool, geraniol, etc.).

In black tea, the oxidation process by the polyphenoloxidase enzyme causes remarkable changes in the
chemical composition of the leaf.1 These changes include oxidation of phenolic compounds, which
results in oxidized compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins, enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins,
oxidative deamination of amino acids, oxidation of lipids and carotenoids, degradation of chlorophyll,
release of caffeine, loss of vitamin C or changes in sensory attributes such as brown-dark color, more
marked empyreumatic aroma and more bitter taste.2 These negative changes are not produced in green
tea and white tea and, therefore, the content of bioactive compounds in both types of tea is higher than
in black tea and, consequently, their beneficial effects on health are more remarkable.

1.2. Content of phenolic compounds

Polyphenols are the most relevant family of phytochemicals in terms of beneficial effects on human
health.19 Among them, flavonoids constitute a very extensive group and are distributed in a great
variety of vegetables. They have a common basic structure of (C6–C3–C6) diphenylpropane, which
usually forms an oxygenated heterocycle. Flavonoids are usually bound to sugars (glycosides) and for
that reason they tend to be watersoluble. Green and white tea are especially rich in flavonoids,
specifically catechins.12 In this line, the consumption of green tea is considered the main source of
catechins in the diet.20–22 The content of phenolic acids (gallic acid, benzoic acid, cinnamic acid,
chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid), gallic esters of glucose (gallic tannins), quercetin and proanthocyanidols is
also highlighted.11,21,22 Total polyphenols range between 10.60–25.95 g per 100 g in white tea and
between 13.7–24.7 g per 100 g in green tea.2,23,24

The most abundant catechins in green and white teas are (−) epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),
representing approximately 59% of the total catechins; (−) epigallocatechin (EGC), which accounts for
19%, (−) epicatechin gallate (ECG) in a proportion close to 13% and (−) epicatechin (EC), around 6% of
the total.12,25,26 According to Hilal and Engelhardt2 and Carloni et al.13 the catechin content in tea
ranges from 9.89 to 17.00 g per 100 g in green tea, from 7.94 to 16.56 g per 100 g in white tea and from
0.74 to 10.00 g per 100 g in black tea. The catechin content is consistent with the fermentation degree,

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 2

since black, white and green teas are fully, slightly and non-fermented, respectively.10 Levels from 2.76
to 9.34 g per 100 g for catechins in white tea have also been reported.24 Regarding EGCG, the amounts
change between 4.40–9.60 g per 100 g in green tea and between 5.23–9.49 g per 100 g in white tea.
Cabrera et al.14 observed that the content of EGCG in green tea leaves was higher than 80 mg g−1,
whereas in black tea it did not exceed 30 mg g−1. Wu and Wei27 reported that one cup of green tea
(2.5 g tea leaves per 200 mL water) may contain 90 mg of EGCG and Johnson et al.28 estimated that the
daily intake of 3–5 cups of green tea (720–1200 mL) could provide up to 250 mg of catechins.

Due to the beneficial properties of the phenolic compounds and their high content in tea, tea extracts
obtained from the soluble fraction of the unfermented leaves are widely used as an ingredient in food
and cosmetics. Commercial extracts contain different amounts of polyphenols, where about 80% may be
represented by catechins and more than 45% by EGCG. EGCG has an activity against reactive oxygen
species quite superior to vitamins C and E,29 which justifies the high antioxidant capacity associated
with tea.

The more intact the leaves appear, the greater is the flavonoid content. This content decreases with the
manipulation of the leaves, as in powdered tea or during the decaffeination process.12 In addition, the
influence of infusion conditions on the catechin content is significant. Thereby, using almost boiling water
(98 °C) and an infusion time of 7 minutes leads to a high extraction of catechins and polyphenols and,
consequently, to a high total antioxidant capacity.30 Moreover, optimal sensorial characteristics are
achieved under these conditions, while longer infusion times provide bitter taste and excessive


Recent studies have revealed that green and white teas have positive biological activities against chronic
diseases such as cancer, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative
pathologies, among others. These protective properties are related to the potent antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory activities of xanthic bases (caffeine and theophylline), essential oils (green tea and white tea
are the two types of tea with the highest content), minerals (F, Mn, Cr), L-theanine and, mostly,
catechins and other phenolic compounds.12,32

Caffeine acts on the central nervous system by stimulating attention, facilitating the association of ideas
and reducing the sensation of fatigue. Some of the effects caused by caffeine are influenced by the
content of theophylline, which also has inotrope, vasodilator, diuretic and bronchodilator action.12,25
Essential oils, which are abundant in green tea and white tea, facilitate digestion.12 Catechins and in
particular EGCG have low bioavailability when orally ingested.33 Only a small percentage is absorbed at
the level of the small intestine and passes into the bloodstream, reaching maximum plasma
concentrations between 1–3 hours after consumption. Some authors indicate that the secondary
metabolites derived from the intake of flavonoids could be detected in blood and urine. For that reason,
it is thought that the observed biological effects are possibly due to these secondary metabolites rather
than the flavonoids themselves, which are detected in their original form in very low quantities.34 The
bioavailability of phenolic tea compounds has been extensively reviewed by Lambert et al.,35 who
pointed out the need to expand in vivo studies to better confirm the physiological effects of green and
white tea consumption. However, whatever their bioavailability, there are many scientific reports
relating the antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects of EGCG to its ability to modulate mitochondrial
functions, impacting mitochondrial biogenesis, bioenergetic control, etc.36

2.1. Antioxidant activity

Oxidative stress is considered a biochemical imbalance caused by excessive production of reactive
oxygen species, or by a decrease in oxidizing systems. It is related to aging and promotes the presence

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or complications of diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer’s disease or various
types of cancer, as well as inflammatory processes and ischemia/perfusion. Among the properties of
catechins, their antioxidant capacity and high potential against oxidative stress are highlighted.36 This
fact explains their antidiabetic, anticancer and antiatherogenic actions. The molecular mechanisms, by
which this protective action is achieved, are not precisely known. However, it has been suggested that
catechins may be involved in the insulin signaling pathway, regulation of various transcription factors,
inhibition of prooxidant enzymes such as nitric oxide synthetase, lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase and
xanthine oxidase, metal chelation such as Fe and Cu involved in oxidative processes and induction of
antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione S-transferase and superoxide dismutase.12,37–42 In this way,
consuming white tea increases the expression of genes related to antioxidant capacity such as Nrf2, Gst,
Nqo1 and Ho1.41,43 Catechins protect against cell damage caused by free radicals at the level of
proteins, lipids and DNA.2,14 Diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disorders are thought to be
produced or aggravated by free radicals in a similar way to premature cell aging. Following the most
recent research, Table 3 describes the main biological effects attributed to catechins, and especially to
EGCG, which are present in green and white teas.

Several studies have shown that the antioxidant capacity of green tea is higher than that of other types
of tea and other plant products. Using the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma) method, the total
antioxidant capacity (TAC) of green tea is greater than that of black tea (38 and 17 μM trolox per g tea
per L infusion, respectively).44 Gorjanovic et al.22 determined the TAC in green, white, black and
Oolong tea infusions applying the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method, showing values of 4.80
± 0.40, 3.66 ± 0.26, 4.45 ± 0.57 and 3.88 ± 0.06 mM trolox per L, respectively. In addition, according to
the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) method, the TAC of green tea45 is higher than that
of other vegetables such as garlic, spinach and Brussel sprouts (Table 4). In this line, Carlsen et al.46
collected data on TAC measured by the FRAP method in more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices,
herbs and food supplements consumed worldwide. This study proved that the infusion of unfermented
tea leaves had higher TAC values than other products such as orange, grape or tomato juice. Gorjanovic
et al.22 indicated that the antioxidant capacity of the characteristic compounds of green tea and white
tea, determined by the polarographic method, ranges in the following order: EGCG > ECG > EGC >
gallic acid > EC > caffeine.

According to some human intervention studies, a moderate consumption of green tea (1–6 cups per
day) increases the total antioxidant capacity of the plasma and, therefore, promotes a greater protection
of the organism against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.10,47 For this reason, including the
consumption of green or white tea in the usual diet has been recommended.10,12,48 Biomarkers of the
oxidative status have also shown to decrease with a regular consumption of green tea and
microencapsulated extracts over a period of 1–4 weeks.12 However, it is important to emphasize that
for the effects to be expressed, tea should be consumed as an additional component of a balanced diet
in addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Almajano et al.8 observed a neuroprotective effect of white tea in a study with cell cultures. Results
showed a reduction of the oxidative stress associated with brain damage. This effect was attributed to
the content of catechins and other flavonols. Oxidative stress as a result of the production of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) is known to be an important factor in aging and neurodegenerative disorders such
as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease.49

2.2. Effects on stress

Although green tea contains caffeine, its consumption produces a noticeable relaxation effect, which is
attributed to the presence of catechins, or L-theanine or both compounds.1,50 Furase et al.25 indicated
that EGCG has sedative and hypnotic effects at the brain level, by acting partially at the level of GABA

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receptors moderating the response to acute stress. In addition, a positive effect against anxiety in mice
has been observed.1,51,52 The sedative effect is enhanced by the presence of L-theanine. This amino
acid is considered as a neuroprotective agent that reduces psychological and physiological stress.53–55
However, the consumption of green tea does not induce sleep due to the caffeine content, which
produces the opposite effect, stimulating the central nervous system and promoting wakefulness.56
Effects attributed to L-theanine also include promoting the secretion and functions of certain
neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.1 For all these reasons, the consumption of green tea
may be advisable in certain diseases associated with stress and anxiety.25

2.3. Anti-mutagenic and anticancer activity

Anticancer effects of green tea have been demonstrated in numerous studies with various cell lines,
showing an inhibition of cell growth and an induction of apoptosis by catechins. 23,37,47 Catechins
possess antimutagenic activity, avoiding the formation of mutagens (i.e., nitrosamines) or preventing the
expression of mutagenicity (i.e., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).57 García-Rodríguez et al.58
observed that mice consuming green tea presented reduced genotoxic damage induced by metallic
compounds, such as Cr(VI) compounds. This fact suggests a chemo-preventive effect of its antioxidant
components. On the other hand, EGCG has been found to block urokinase, an enzyme that seems to be
involved in the proliferation and diffusion of tumors.39,40,59,60

In cell cultures and in experimental animals, EGCG has been shown to protect against carcinogenic
processes induced in different organs, such as skin, lung, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, colon, prostate
and also in breast cancer.39,61–63 This protection has been associated with increased apoptosis or
programmed cell death, which is a key strategy for the removal of neoplastic cells. The protective effect
also includes a decrease in cellular proliferation, its antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities, the
specific induction of detoxifying enzymes and a selective effect on the intestinal microbiota that
facilitates its development.38,39,62,64 In addition, ECGC seems to have an anti-angiogenic effect since it
prevents the growth of blood vessels in tumors.65

Several epidemiological studies carried out in countries with a high tea consumption, such as Japan or
China, suggest that green tea may have a protective effect against certain types of cancer. However, the
results obtained require further investigation since they are not conclusive.63,66,67 In this sense, breast
cancer has been shown significantly less frequent in Asian women with high soybean and green tea
consumption. It suggests that soybean phytochemical compounds may potentiate the inhibitory effect of
green tea on the progression of breast cancer.68

Currently, the chemoprevention of cancer through the use of natural components of diet has acquired
great interest. In this respect, polyphenols ingested through foods and beverages seem to have very
promising effects, although the mechanisms of action are still not well established. Singh et al.69
indicated that EGCG has high potential in cancer prevention with the advantages of being a safe, low-
cost and bioavailable non-toxic natural agent. These authors consider that it could be used alone or in
combination with other treatments, in the prevention and treatment of tumor processes. Traditional
pharmacological treatments can often destroy cancer cells and some healthy cells. However, EGCG
seems to act selectively on the damaged cells.

2.4. Effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk

The consumption of green tea has been associated with the protection against stroke, hypertension and
atherosclerosis, due to its antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects, among other reasons.70,71 It
decreases blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL-c and its oxidation. The explanation is very complex and
most studies are focused on the role of EGCG on the lipid profile.72,73 Epidemiological and
observational studies in humans suggest that a regular consumption of green tea may be associated with

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 5

a lower cardiovascular risk.21,71,73 Green tea has been demonstrated to decrease the micellar
solubility of cholesterol at the intestinal level, reducing then its absorption. At the same time, it
improves endothelial function, protects LDL from oxidation, increases high density lipoprotein levels
(HDL) and increases the total antioxidant capacity of plasma.48,74,76 On the other hand, gallic acid,
present in remarkable amounts in tea leaves, can interact with the function of P-selectin, an adhesion
molecule involved in atherothrombosis which mediates the interactions between leukocyte–
endothelium, leukocyte–platelet and platelet–platelets. 70 Studies in humans have shown that the oral
intake of green tea extracts with a high catechin content increases the resistance of plasma LDL to
oxidation.39 As the main strategies for modifying the blood lipid profile include medication, lifestyle
modification and consumption of certain plant products, green tea and white tea consumptions are
options which should be considered and may provide interesting avenues for future research.

Studies with experimental animals have evaluated the effects of the administration of catechin
concentrates equivalent to the content of 8–10 cups of green tea. Catechins seem to inhibit the action
of the enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, and therefore its
action is suppressed. However, it is also indicated that the caffeine content of green tea, although low,
may counter the effect of catechins since it could raise the blood pressure.12 Most studies with
experimental animals have observed that green tea catechins decrease the blood pressure.70 Yang et
al.60 concluded that a regular consumption of 120 mL per day of green tea for 1 year significantly
reduces the risk of developing hypertension. In another study conducted in China with 1507 subjects, it
was found that the daily consumption of around 600 mL of green tea for one year reduced the risk of
hypertension compared with the control group of subjects with similar body mass index, diet, and
lifestyle.75 This effect may be due to its vasodilator action, protection against endothelial diffusion and
antioxidant and lipid-lowering properties.

2.5. Antibacterial and antiviral activity

In 1923, the British Army’s health authority recommended hat all soldiers should carry tea in their
canteens to prevent typhoid fever.12 The effectiveness of green tea in any type of diarrhea has been
known in Asia since ancient times. Nowadays it is known that it inhibits the multiplication and growth of
numerous bacteria including some species of Salmonella and Bacillus,8,39 Helicobacter pylori,77
Staphylococcus aureus,78 Clostridium perfringens,79 Candida albicans80 and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa.81 In contrast, green tea is safe for the intestinal microbiota, which is a great advantage over
other bactericidal agents. Recent publications indicate that green tea could promote the development of
some species of Bifidobacterium.82 These aspects have been recently reviewed by Siddiqui et al.83
These authors affirm that extracts of tea could be used as antimicrobial agents with new mechanisms of

Regarding its action against viruses, the use of green tea on influenza virus is well known, especially at
the earliest stage,84 as well as on the Herpes simplex virus.85 EGCG has also been shown to inhibit
HIV-1 replication by the inhibition of reverse Review Food & Function transcriptase.39 In addition,
EGCG from green tea has received important attention for its effects on Zika virus infection in Brazil.86
According to Mahmood et al.87 the antiviral activity of green tea shows a promising future as a popular
drink and also as a potential therapeutic agent.

2.6. Effect on oral health

Green tea has a protective effect against dental caries, which is attributable to its fluoride content and
the bactericidal effect of polyphenols.88,89 Catechins not only avoid the formation of tartar by the
prevention of gingivitis and halitosis, but also act by eliminating bacteria involved in the cariogenic
process (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus salivarius, Porphyromonas gingivalis or Streptococcus mutans).
Moreover, catechins inhibit the activity of salivary α-amylase, decreasing the cariogenic potential of

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 6

hydrocarbon foods and caries formation.12,89–91 Linke and LeGeros90 indicated that the frequent
intake of green tea significantly reduces the risk of dental caries, even with the concomitant presence of
sugars in the diet. Some authors even suggest that green tea extracts may exert a preventive effect on
oral cancer.12,92 Currently, green tea is widely used in products intended for oral hygiene such as
tooth paste or mouthwashes with chlorhexidine.89

2.7. Protection against solar radiation

Several epidemiological, clinical and biological studies have demonstrated the carcinogenicity of intense
and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. EGCG and other tea catechins are considered potent
topical protective agents against this type of radiation, also preventing premature photoaging, certain
skin pathologies and even carcinogenic processes.12,85,93,94 Currently, green tea is widely used in
cosmetics and in some dermatological treatments, for example against acne.

2.8. Effects on the processes of lipolysis and thermogenesis

In vitro assays performed with green tea extracts with a high catechin content (approximately 25% w/w)
have shown their ability to drastically inhibit gastric lipase and, to a lesser extent, pancreatic lipase under
physiological conditions. Consequently, lipolysis of long chain triglycerides is reduced by 37%.95
Similarly, in vitro tests have also demonstrated that green tea extracts interfere in the process of
emulsifying fats, a preceding and essential step for the intestinal absorption of fats.25,95

Green tea may influence thermogenesis, not only by the action of caffeine, but also because EGCG can
increase energy expenditure by acting on cAMP levels, which suggests a potential effect on body weight
control.96,97 Catechins are known to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme
involved in the control of energetic metabolism both at cellular and organic levels.96,98 Activation of
AMPK inhibits the process of differentiation of adipocytes and the expression of lipogenic enzymes such
as fatty acid synthetase or acetyl-CoA carboxylesterase. Catechins also have the ability to promote
leptin release and attenuate the symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome. However, the
molecular mechanisms responsible for these changes are unknown.21 In vitro studies have shown that
EGCG interacts with noradrenaline to stimulate the thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue and to
regulate various enzymes related to lipid anabolism and catabolism.99 In this way, extracts of white tea
stimulate lipolysis and, at the same time, inhibit adipogenesis in human adipocytes.100 An inhibition of
the expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis and in the synthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides and
cholesterol has been observed in rodents.39 A regular consumption of green tea over a period of more
than 10 years has been correlated with a lower percentage of body fat.101,102

2.9. Effect on glycemic control

EGCG not only helps to regulate blood glucose levels but also renovates impaired pancreatic α-cells
which are responsible for the production of insulin.12,103,104 Swen75 observed that the consumption
of 1.5 g of green tea extract 20 minutes before an oral dose of glucose significantly reduced blood
glucose levels. This effect could be due to the inhibitory effect of catechins present in green and white
teas on the activity of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes, which could control postprandial
hyperglycemia.105 The consumption of white tea also improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
and improves the levels of protein oxidation due to the production of ROS in diabetes. 104 More details
about the mechanisms underlying the effect of green tea consumption on diabetes are included in the
recent revision reported by Ferreira et al.106

2.10. Other effects

Green and white teas intensify the immune function as they protect against oxidants and free radicals.
Their usefulness against insect bites, mainly due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic action, is
well known. Several studies pointed out a positive effect on osteoporosis, since green tea polyphenols

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 7

modulate osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis, by increasing the bone mineral density due to their
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.107,108 Other positive effects are associated with the
prevention of renal and hepatic calculi, and the prevention of senile cataract and positive effects in
patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, depression or stroke.12,32,109–113 Regarding the effects on
Parkinson’s disease, green and white teas seem to act through a modulation of oxidative stress in the
brain, neuroinflammation, protein aggregation and neuronal death.112,114,115 The therapeutic potential
of green tea in the pathology of fatty liver of non-alcoholic etiology has also been described.19,116
However, the authors agree that additional research is needed to confirm these data.


Although the caffeine content is not very high, the consumption of green and white teas is not
recommended in people especially sensitive to xanthic bases. Additionally, consumption is not
recommended in patients with serious cardio- vascular problems or in those with gastroduodenal ulcer,
since tea facilitates gastric secretion.117 It is advisable to reduce their consumption to 1–2 cups per day
in pregnant women since tea can reduce the bioavailability of folic acid. In general, their consumption
should be reduced in people with anemia due to the possible interaction of tea tannins with Fe and
especially in the case of megaloblastic anemia.28 The presence of aluminum may be rather elevated in
some types of tea because of a notable influence of cultivated and processed soil levels.16 On the other
hand, drinking too hot tea may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.118 Finally, a very high
consumption of green or white tea would lead to excessive intake of flavonoids, which would give rise
to the formation of ROS that would cause damage in DNA, lipid membranes and proteins.117

The health effects associated with the consumption of green and white teas include protection against
hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, promotion of oral health, control of body weight, antibacterial
and antiviral activity, protection against UV radiation, increase of bone mineral density, and antifibrotic
and neuroprotective properties, among others. These effects are related to their high content of
polyphenols and in particular catechins, where EGCG stands out due to its high antioxidant potential,
which even surpasses that found in vitamins C and E. The effects are also related to the presence of
caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid with interesting biological effects. Green and white teas may also
be a source of some minerals, including Mn and F. Recent studies indicate that the consumption of green
and white teas may contribute to reduce the risk of some types of cancer. The use of natural
antioxidants such as polyphenols are presented as an interesting proposal for the prevention and
therapy of carcinogenic processes and therefore their mechanisms of action have aroused great
scientific interest. Several authors advise the use of catechins present in tea as a preventive or adjuvant
treatment to other chemical treatments. Although results about EGCG activity are highly promising, a
more precise knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of action in vivo is needed. Following the effects
described on health, green tea has been included in the list of foods with functional properties. Scientific
evidence is very promising but future studies are necessary to test these findings taking into account
environmental, dietary and lifestyle factors. The available data are derived mainly from epidemiological
studies or the extrapolation of results obtained from tests with experimental animals where extracts of
tea rich in catechins, especially with a high content of EGCG, were administered. Several authors agree
on the need to expand in vivo evaluations on the absorption, distribution and metabolism of their main
compounds with antioxidant activity. Moreover, it would be interesting to carry out additional studies
with a habitual consumption extended in time more than studies designed with a very high consumption
during a short period of time. For instance, cancer studies generally compare a low or no consumption
versus a high consumption (even 10 cups per day). Regarding the research carried out with extracts, a
better control of factors such as dose or formulation is necessary. This fact is essential in order to
better identify the product tested and the population which it can exercise the benefit in. In conclusion,
further research and well-designed additional studies (observational, epidemiological and nutritional

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 8

intervention) are needed to define the current magnitude of health effects of tea, to establish the range
of safety of the consumption associated with beneficial effects and to elucidate the possible mechanisms
of action as a basis for future nutritional claims related to both green and white teas.

Green and white teas have a number of advantages that make them a very good alternative to other
beverages which are widely consumed and less healthy. They are beverages with a pleasant flavor
(flowers and fruit aroma with low levels of bitterness and astringency) that are even commercialized
flavored with other fruits and flowers. They are popular beverages, socially well accepted, economical,
safe and consumed daily by hundreds of millions of people in the five continents. Currently, these teas
are widely used in the preparation of various foods and cosmetics based primarily on the antioxidant
activity, acting as a natural, effective, and safe preservative. However, their consumption in western diets
is still limited and sporadic. Due to the high content of antioxidants, it is recommended that tea
consumption be included in a nutritional, varied and balanced diet. Some authors even define the
consumption of green and white teas as a ‘gift of nature’ for human health.

This work was supported by the project AGL2014-53895-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness and the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER). This paper is dedicated to
Prof. Carmen Cabrera, who passed away in 2016. We thank Glenn K. Harding for proofreading the
English-language manuscript.

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Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 16

Table 1. Mineral content in green and white tea leaves.

Element Tea Country Concentration Reference

Chromium Green tea China, Japan 0.45-0.49 118
Green tea China, Japan 0.24-0.29 85
Copper Green tea China, Japan 31.5-32.3 118
Green tea India, Japan 23.1-36.5 119
White tea India, China, Indonesia 17.6-31.6 119
Green tea China, Japan 11-26 120
White tea China, Japan 10-26 120
Fluorine Green tea China 217-344 121
Green tea China 49-104 122
Green tea China 8-626 123
White tea 3-228 18
Manganese Green tea China 160-1500 123
Green tea Turkey 535-2086 15
White tea 903-1026 15
Green tea India, Japan 211-1045 119
White tea India, China, Indonesia 293-479 119
White tea China, Japan 337-1463 120
Green tea China, Japan 385-2081 120
Green tea China, India, Japan, Indonesia 390-1260 17

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 17

Table 2. Mineral content in green and white tea infusions.

Element Tea Country Concentration (µg/L) Reference

Chromium Green tea1 China, India, Indonesia, Japan nd2– 6.91 124
Copper Green tea3 China 29-61 124
Green tea4 China 40-70 125
Green tea1 China, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Japan, Tailandia 40-240 126
Green tea5 3-285
White tea5 119-290
Green tea6 China, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Turkey 33-191 15
Fluorine Green tea7 China 1650-1830 121
Green tea3 China, Japan, Java, Sri Lanka, Vietnam 590-2520 127

Green tea6 India, Japan 205-1009 119

Manganese Green tea5 Turkey 780-3890 15
White tea5 227-499 15
2 g of tea / 50 mL of boiling double-distilled water. Infusion time: 15 minutes.
nd: not detectable.
2 g of tea / 200 mL of boiling distilled water. Infusion time: 5 minutes.
2.5 g of tea / 236 mL of boiling water. Infusion time: 3-6 minutes.
1 g of tea / 50 mL of boiling distilled water. Infusion time: 5 minutes.
1 g of tea / 50 mL of boiling distilled water. Infusion time: 5 minutes.
3 g of tea / 150 mL of boiling deionized distilled water. Infusion time: 4 minutes.

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 18

Table 3. Main effect of EGCG and the other catechins presents in green tea y white tea described in the most
recent literature.

Effect Reference
Antioxidant activity 75
Potent antioxidant 69
High anti-free radical activity 128
Prevention of oxidative damage in healthy cells 104
Protection of neurons against oxidative damage 3
Reduction of toxicity generated by H2O2
Activation of Nrf2 factor
Metal chelating activity
Antiangiogenic activity 69
Chemopreventive and anticancer effects 129
Inhibition of cell proliferation (damaged cells) 110
Promotion of healthy cell growth 69
Induction of cell apoptosis 19
Suppression of oncogenic transcription factors 65
Inhibitory effects at metastatic level 130
Inhibition of TNFα expression
Induction and inhibition of enzymes 39
Inhibition of the activity of the chromosomal enzyme telomerase 69
Inhibition of some protein kinases 65
Induction/inhibition of enzymes involved in 60
drugs metabolism
Inhibition of DNA methylation
Effect on RNA expression
Anti-inflammatory activity 19, 69
Detoxifying effect 12, 39
Activity related to lipemia 131
Reduction of intestinal absorption of lipids 19
Promotion of fecal cholesterol excretion 72
Inhibition of hepatic enzymes involved in 73
cholesterol synthesis
Effects against obesity and metabolic syndrome 132
Decrease of proliferation and differentiation of
adipocytes 133
Promotion of lipogenesis 19
Loss of weight 134
Promotion of leptin release 102
Increment of β-oxidation and thermogenesis 97, 98, 109
Antidiabetic activity
Improvement of insulin response 8
Activation of the insulin signaling pathway 81
Antimicrobial activity 83, 104, 106, 135
Antiviral activity 84, 86, 87
Anti-osteoporosis activity 107
Anti-allergenic activity 10, 39
Antiestrogenic activity 10, 110
Photoprotective activity 93, 94
Anticariogenic activity 89
Prebiotic effect against Bifidobacterium 82, 136, 137
Neuroprotective effect 55, 12, 115, 128
Anxiolytic effect 50, 115

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 19

Table 4. Total antioxidant capacity of green tea compared to other foods (USDA, 2010).45

Fresh product ORAC

μmol TE1/100 g
Gren tea (infusion)2 1253
Apple (different varieties) 2573-4275
Apricot 1115
Red grape 1746
Kiwi 862
Raspberries 5347
Oranges (navels variety) 1819
Ananas 385
TE: Trolox equivalent
Infusion time: 3 minutes

Pastoriza et al. / Food & Function 8 (2017) 2650-2662 pag. 20

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