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Guideline SA+Recycled Water Guidelines Oct2012

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South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines

Policy developed by: Water Quality Unit, Scientific Services,

Public Health Services, PHCS
Approved at Health Executive on: 20 August 2012
Next review due: 30 July 2017

Summary The South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines are a process

document and provide proponents of recycled water schemes
with advice on how to obtain licenses and approvals for schemes
in South Australia. The Guidelines adopt the Australian
Guidelines for Water Recycling (AGWR) 2009 for scientific
guidance. They do not contain mandatory provisions and are not
a prescribed code. The Guidelines replace the rescinded South
Australian Reclaimed Water Guidelines 1999.

Keywords South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines, wastewater,

reclaimed water, greywater, stormwater, guideline

Policy history Is this a new policy? Y

Does this policy amend or update an existing policy? Y
Does this policy replace an existing policy? Y
If so, which policies?
SA Reclaimed Water Guidelines 1999

Applies to Other

Staff impact N/A

PDS reference G0122

Version control and change history

Version Date from Date to Amendment
1.0 16/10/2012 current Original version

© Department for Health and Ageing, Government of South Australia. All rights reserved.
South Australian
Recycled Water
October 2012

© Department for Health and Ageing, Government of South Australia 2012.

Author: South Australia. Department for Health and Ageing
SA Health – South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines
These guidelines can be accessed at:

ISBN: 978-1-74243-348-6

The Department for Health & Ageing, Water Quality Unit can be contacted on:

Department for Health and Ageing
11 Hindmarsh Square
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

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This document replaces the South Australian Reclaimed Water Guidelines which were
released in 1999 by the Department of Human Services and the Environment Protection
These guidelines have been prepared by the Department for Health and Ageing and have
been developed in consultation with the following agencies to ensure that the information
presented is representative of the current formal and legislative requirements for recycled
water approval and use in South Australia:
> Environment Protection Authority
> South Australian Water Corporation
> Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
> Department of Primary Industries & Regions of South Australia
> Local Government Association
> Land Management Corporation

It is intended that these guidelines are used in conjunction with the Australian Guidelines
for Water Recycling to provide guidance on best practice for water recycling. Specific
information and advice is provided for proponents seeking approval to use recycled water
within South Australia.
This publication does not contain mandatory provisions and is not a prescribed code.
Provisions of these guidelines could be incorporated in a licence issued pursuant to the
Environment Protection Act or an approval or notice issued pursuant to the Public Health
Act 2011 and Regulations.
These guidelines will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure accuracy of information.
Updates will be available on the Public Health SA website at

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Approval The provision of official permission. A recycled water
approval is issued by the Department for Health and
Ageing following an application and accompanying
information from a proponent for recycled water use.
Blackwater* Water containing human excrement.
Consumer* An individual or organisation that uses drinking water.
Disinfection* The process designed to kill most microorganisms in
water, including all pathogenic bacteria. There are
several ways to disinfect, with chlorine being most
frequently used in water treatment.
Greywater* Wastewater from the hand basin, shower, bath, spa
bath, washing machine, laundry tub, kitchen sink and
dishwasher. Water from the kitchen is generally too
high in grease and oil to be reused successfully
without significant treatment.
Hazard* A biological, chemical, physical or radiological agent
that has the potential to cause harm.
Industrial wastewater* Wastewater derived from industrial sources or
Non-potable (non-drinking) water Water not suitable for human consumption, e.g. by
drinking or cooking
Pathogen* A disease-causing organism (e.g. bacteria, viruses
and protozoa).
Potable (drinking) water* Water suitable on the basis of both health and
aesthetic considerations for drinking and culinary
Proponent Business or individual applying for approval for
recycled water use.
Rainwater Water harvested directly from roof runoff from
domestic buildings and captured in rainwater tanks.
Recycled water^ Water generated from sewage, greywater,
stormwater, rainwater, industrial or animal processes
and treated to a standard that is appropriate for its
intended use.
Roofwater Water falling as precipitation collected from the
rooftops of buildings
Risk* The likelihood of a hazard causing harm in exposed
populations in a specified timeframe including the
magnitude of that harm.
Risk assessment* The overall process of using available information to
predict how often hazards or specified events may
occur (likelihood) and the magnitude of their

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Risk management* The systematic evaluation of the water supply system,
the identification of hazards and hazardous events,
the assessment of risks and the development and
implementation of preventative strategies to manage
the risks.
Sewage* Material collected from internal household and other
building drains. This includes faecal waste and urine
from toilets, shower and bath water, laundry water
and kitchen waste.
Source Water* Water in its natural state, before any treatment to
make it suitable for drinking.
Stormwater* Water resulting from rain draining into urban
stormwater systems from roofs (rainwater), roads,
footpaths and other ground surfaces.
Supplier A person or organisation that has an approval under
the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987 to
provide recycled water.
User A person or organisation with approval to use
recycled water, e.g. local council, sports ground, golf
Water Service+ A service constituted by the collection, storage,
production, treatment, conveyance, reticulation or
supply of water.

* Definition provided in the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling

^ Partial definition provided in the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling
+ Definition provided in the Water Industry Act

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ADWG Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
AGWR Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling
AHMC Australian Health Ministers’ Conference
CWMS Community Wastewater Management Systems (formally known as
DAC Development Assessment Commission
DAFF Dissolved Air Flotation and Filtration
DHA Department for Health and Ageing
DEWNR Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
DMITRE Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy
DPTI Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
EP Equivalent Persons
EP Act Environment Protection Act 1993
EPA Environment Protection Authority
EPHC Environment Protection and Heritage Council
EPP Environment Protection Policy
ESCOSA Essential Services Commission of South Australia
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
LGA Local Government Association of South Australia
LMC Land Management Corporation
MAR Managed Aquifer Recharge
MRL Maximum Residue Limit
NRM Natural Resource Management
NRMMC Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council
OCA Outback Communities Authority
OHS&W Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare
PIRSA Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia
RMP Risk Management Plan
SARWG South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines
SA Water South Australian Water Corporation
WIMP Water Irrigation Management Plan
WQEPP Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy

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FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................1
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ..........................................................................................................................4
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................6
1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................10
2. RECYCLED WATER SOURCES ................................................................................................13
2.1. Sewage........................................................................................................................................13
2.2. Greywater ....................................................................................................................................13
2.3. Stormwater ..................................................................................................................................13
2.4. Roofwater ....................................................................................................................................13
2.5. Animal wastewater ......................................................................................................................14
2.6. Industrial wastewater...................................................................................................................14
2.7. Mixed source water .....................................................................................................................14
3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................................15
3.1. Agencies Involved .......................................................................................................................15
3.1.1. Environment Protection Authority ............................................................................................15
3.1.2. Department for Health and Ageing (Public Health Services) ..................................................15
3.1.3. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources ...................................................15
3.1.4. South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water) .....................................................................16
3.1.5. Department of Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia .........................................16
3.1.6. Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure...........................................................17
3.1.7. Local Government: Individual Councils ...................................................................................17
3.1.8. Local Government Association ................................................................................................17
3.1.9. Essential Services Commission of South Australia .................................................................17
3.2. Who to contact to obtain an approval..........................................................................................18
3.3. Level and degree of information required for approval ...............................................................20
3.4. Approvals for suppliers and users ...............................................................................................21
3.4.1. Recycled water carting ............................................................................................................22
3.5. Assessment process ...................................................................................................................23
3.6. Considerations.............................................................................................................................24
3.6.1. Development Assessment .......................................................................................................24
3.6.2. Setbacks ..................................................................................................................................24
3.6.3. Cross connections and backflow protection ............................................................................24
3.6.4. Misuse of recycled water .........................................................................................................25
3.7. Application fees / costs................................................................................................................25
3.8. Timeframes..................................................................................................................................25
4. Approval application process ......................................................................................................27
4.1. Treated sewage or mixed source application process ................................................................27
4.2. Greywater application process ....................................................................................................28
4.3. Stormwater application process ..................................................................................................29
5. FORMAL / LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................30

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6. RISK MANAGEMENT PLANS ....................................................................................................31
6.1. Developing a Risk Management Plan .........................................................................................31
6.2. Software tools..............................................................................................................................31
7. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND RESOURCES ....................................................................32
7.1. Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental
Risks - Phase 1 ...........................................................................................................................32
7.2. Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling – Phase 2 ................................................................32
7.3. Code of Practice for Wastewater Overflow Management ...........................................................32
7.4. Code of Practice for Aquifer Storage and Recovery ...................................................................32
7.5. Code of Practice for Milking Shed Effluent..................................................................................32
7.6. Livestock and aquaculture...........................................................................................................32
7.6.1. Recycled water - use in livestock and cattle production..........................................................33
8. CONTACTS.................................................................................................................................34
Appendix A. Formal and legislative requirements.............................................................................36
A.1. Legislation administered by the Environment Protection Authority.............................................36
A.1.1. Environment Protection Act .....................................................................................................36
A.1.2. Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy (WQEPP) ......................................................36
A.1.3. Wastewater Overflow Management Code of Practice (under the WQEPP) ...........................36
A.1.4. Wastewater Irrigation Management Plans (WIMPS) ...............................................................36
A.1.5. Code of Practice for Aquifer Storage and Recovery ...............................................................36
A.1.6. Wastewater lagoons guideline (draft) ......................................................................................36
A.1.7. Code of Practice for Milking Shed Effluent ..............................................................................37
A.1.8. Guidelines for Wineries and Distilleries ...................................................................................37
A.1.9. Liquid biosolids from domestic septic tanks: Disposal onto agricultural land..........................37
A.1.10. South Australian biosolids guidelines (draft)........................................................................37
A.2. Legislation administered by the Department for Health and Ageing...........................................37
A.2.1. Public Health Act .....................................................................................................................37
A.2.2. Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations ..............................................38
A.2.3. Food Act...................................................................................................................................38
A.3. Legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources ...................................................................................................................................38
A.3.1. Natural Resources Management Act.......................................................................................38
A.4. Legislation administered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA .................40
A.4.1. Livestock Act and Regulations.................................................................................................40
A.5. Legislation administered by Local Government ..........................................................................40
A.5.1. Local Government Act .............................................................................................................40
A.5.2. Technical Regulator.................................................................................................................41
A.5.3. Australian/New Zealand Standard for Plumbing and Drainage – Water Supply
AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 ................................................................................................................41
A.5.4. WSAA Code - Dual Water Supply Systems (supplement to the WSAA Water
Supply Code of Australia) .........................................................................................................41
A.5.5. SA Water’s Authorised Products Dual Water Supply (Recycled Water) .................................42
A.5.6. Rainwater Plumbing Guide ......................................................................................................42

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A.5.7. Recycled Water Plumbing Guide.............................................................................................42
A.6. Legislation administered by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural
Resources ...................................................................................................................................42
A.6.1. Water Industry Act 2012 ..........................................................................................................42
Appendix B. Indicative Pathogen Log Removal Values ....................................................................43

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In 2006, Phase 1 of the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and
Environmental Risks (AGWR) was released by the Natural Resource Management
Ministerial Council, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council and the Australian
Health Minister’s Conference. The AGWR were developed as part of the National Water
Quality Management Strategy to provide guidance on best practices for water recycling.
Phase 2 of the AGWR includes additional guidelines on Augmentation of Drinking Water
Supplies (released May 2008), Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse and Managed Aquifer
Recharge (released August 2009). The South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines
(SARWG) are intended to be complementary to the AGWR. The AGWR provide the
scientific guidance for recycled water use while the purpose of the SARWG is to provide
information specific to the approval process in South Australia, including appropriate
agencies, legislative requirements and the steps involved in obtaining an approval for
recycled water use.
Recycled water is an integral component of sustainable water use and is strongly
supported by the South Australian Government. In the past, the focus has been on
providing fresh surface water and groundwater for domestic, municipal, industrial and
agricultural purposes. However, recent drought conditions and growing populations are
increasing the demand for alternative water supplies. Changes and improvements in
technology, increases in the price of water and a drive to reduce environmental impacts
of discharges are also factors likely to result in an increase in recycled water use. A range
of water sources including sewage, greywater and stormwater are now increasingly seen
as valuable water resources.
The identified benefits of recycled water use include:
> Use in applications that do not require water of drinking (potable) quality
> Reduced impact on existing freshwater resources
> Augmentation of existing water sources and the provision of an additional source of
water to assist in meeting both present and future water needs
> Reduction of discharges of wastewater and stormwater into receiving waters, reducing
levels of nutrients and contaminants entering waterways
> Compliance with environmental regulations and targets through more effective
management of water consumption and wastewater discharges.
South Australia currently has a high per capita level of recycled water use with typically
30 percent of wastewater from SA Water wastewater plants being recycled. Due to a
number of new recycled water initiatives currently being implemented including the
Glenelg to Adelaide Park Lands Recycled Water Scheme (open space irrigation and dual
reticulation), the Southern Urban Reuse Scheme and Lochiel Park Stormwater Project
and the Statewide Water Recycling Project (community wastewater management
systems), the capacity for recycled wastewater usage in metropolitan Adelaide is
expected to reach 50 percent by 2025 .
Although schemes producing highly treated recycled water such as the Glenelg and
Southern Urban Schemes often attract the greatest attention, there are many more
schemes successfully using lower quality or lesser treated recycled water. As described
in the AGWR, secondary treated sewage with or without disinfection can be used safely
for a range of uses providing appropriate on-site controls are applied. Recycled water

1 Department of the Premier and Cabinet, 2011, South Australia’s Strategic Plan

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schemes have been used in regional South Australia for over two decades and lower
quality recycled water has a variety of applications including irrigation of golf courses,
municipal spaces, pastures and woodlots.
The AGWR also provide specific guidance for stormwater recycling and reuse and a wide
variety of schemes of varying complexity have been implemented in South Australia.
Untreated stormwater can be used for spray-irrigation of parks, sports grounds and golf
courses providing irrigation is undertaken at night with limited buffer zones. On the
opposite end of the scale is high quality treated stormwater which may be suitable for
uses including toilet flushing and unrestricted irrigation.
Water for Good outlines the actions required to ensure South Australian water supplies
are secure, safe and reliable until at least 2050. The Plan recognises that water supplies
must be able to sustain continued population growth as well as reducing reliance on the
River Murray and other rain-dependant sources. Actions 12 and 18 of Water for Good
recognise wastewater and stormwater recycling as key initiatives in managing South
Australia’s water future.
While the use of recycled water is strongly supported, it is crucial that it is undertaken in a
manner that maintains protection of public and environmental health. Application of
preventative measures and requirements for water quality should be commensurate with
the source of recycled water and intended uses. Figure 1 provides an indication of the
relative risk associated with recycled water use. The AGWR adopts a risk management
approach with the aim of providing measurable and on-going assurance that performance
requirements are met, and that faults are detected prior to recycled water being supplied,
discharged or applied. This approach enables risks to be appropriately addressed.

Sewage Drinking*
Salad food crops

Stormwater Spray irrigation of


Rainwater Watering wine grapes


Figure 1: Relative risk associated with recycled water use

*Note: Water for Good indicates that there is currently no evidence that augmenting
drinking water supplies with treated sewage is necessary in South Australia. In addition
further research is required to demonstrate whether treated stormwater can be added to
drinking water supplies in a safe and economically sustainable fashion. As a result the
current focus is directed towards the large range of suitable non-drinking applications
such as irrigation, toilet flushing, industrial uses and groundwater replenishment.
These guidelines do not apply to:
> Use of rainwater supplies for drinking (domestic). Information on managing health risks

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associated with rainwater collection at residential dwellings is provided in the Guidance
on use of rainwater tanks (enHealth 2010)
> Desalinated water intended for drinking purposes. Additional information can be found
in Desalination for Safe Water Supply (World Health Organisation, 2007).
> Onsite systems including septic tanks and aerobic wastewater systems. These systems
are covered by a Code (Standard for the Construction, Installation and Operation of
Septic Tank Systems in SA) prescribed under the Public and Environmental Health
(Waste Control) Regulations 2010 and is supplemented by Supplement A - Aerobic
Sand Filters and Supplement B - Aerobic Wastewater Systems. A draft Onsite
Wastewater Systems Code and amended Regulations were developed and released for
comment in 2006. Further development is envisaged in late 2012.
Currently, there are no recycled water aquaculture projects operational in South Australia.
Schemes proposing use of recycled water in food grade aquaculture (for human
consumption), pet food or the aquarium trade will be assessed on a case-by-case basis
by the Department for Health and Ageing (DHA) and Primary Industries and Regions of
South Australia (PIRSA).
PIRSA support and promote the use of recycled water in certain hydroponics
applications, e.g. use of drippers for tomatoes. Hydroponics schemes proposing recycled
water use will also be assessed on a case-by-case basis by DHA with assistance and
advice from PIRSA.

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2.1. Sewage
Sewage is the material collected from all internal building drains and includes toilet waste
and greywater. Sewage contains high concentrations of faecal material and urine from
toilets in addition to all the contaminants of greywater (as identified below). Sewage can
therefore contain a range of human infectious organisms in addition to wastes from
industrial and commercial facilities. Additional contamination, particularly chemical, is
likely if trade wastes are discharged to sewer.
Sewage also contains high levels of nutrients particularly phosphorus and nitrogen which
have been identified as key environmental hazards. Groundwater infiltrating into sewers
can cause substantial increase in chloride, salinity and sodicity which have also been
identified as key environmental hazards.

2.2. Greywater
Greywater is wastewater generated from bathrooms (showers, baths, spas and hand
basins), laundries (washing machines and troughs) and kitchens (sinks and
dishwashers). Kitchen water can contain food particles, grease, oils and fats and is not
recommended for use in greywater recycling systems due to the potential for solids to
cause odour issues. Greywater does not include wastewater from toilets (blackwater).
Greywater may contain urine and faeces from washing soiled clothing including nappies
in addition to soil, hair, detergents, cleaning products, personal care products,
sunscreens, pet products, fats and oils. Greywater can contain E. coli at concentrations
up to 1-10 percent of those found in sewage. Cleaning products discharged in greywater
can contain boron and phosphates and the water is often alkaline and saline which can
present potential risks to the receiving environment. Greywater quality can also be
affected by inappropriate disposal of domestic wastes.

2.3. Stormwater
Stormwater refers to the water resulting from rain draining into urban stormwater systems
from roofs*, roads, footpaths and other ground surfaces. It is usually channelled into local
drains and waterways. A range of contaminants can be present in stormwater including
animal faeces, nutrients (e.g. nitrogen), suspended solids (or sediments), coloured
dissolved organic matter (CDOM), oils, petrol, pesticides, herbicides, soil, rubbish, tree
and plant material and debris. Human faecal material may be present in some
circumstances. Initial runoff associated with storms with can contain very high
concentrations of enteric pathogens (disease-causing organisms) from faeces and
physical and chemical contaminants.
*Water from roof run-off (water captured on roofs) is not considered stormwater until it is
contained in stormwater infrastructure.

2.4. Roofwater
Rainwater can be collected from roof run-off in above or below ground tanks and used for
a variety of purposes including drinking, garden watering, toilet flushing, laundry and
bathing. South Australia has the highest proportion of households in Australia (45.4
percent) using a rainwater tank as a source of water . Rural and remote areas of the
State are often reliant on rainwater as their primary source of drinking water. Rainwater is

2 Office For Water Security, 2009, Water For Good

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also collected in areas that receive a mains water supply to augment supplies or provide
an alternative and renewable source of water.
These guidelines follow the approach adopted in the AGWR and only apply to non-
drinking uses of rainwater collected from buildings larger than domestic dwellings. The
guidelines specifically do not apply to any domestic dwelling or rainwater supplies
intended for use as drinking water.

2.5. Animal wastewater

Animal wastewater is wastewater derived from animal industries including abattoirs, sale
yards, dairies and feedlots. Animal wastewater typically contains:
> Strong organic content, e.g. blood, urine, faeces, other bodily fluids
> High solids concentration
> Elevated concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus
> Antibiotics
> Synthetic hormones
> Pathogenic organisms, e.g. Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella

The reuse of abattoir or sale yard waste presents a potential health risk for ruminants
(specifically cattle and sheep) and in particular the transmission of Johne’s disease. The
quantity and quality of animal wastewater can be highly variable and treatment
requirements and applicability need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. These
guidelines do not apply specifically to animal wastewater however the generic approach
used in the AGWR may be applied.

2.6. Industrial wastewater

Industrial wastewater is wastewater produced from industrial sources or processes
excluding sewage. Sources of industrial wastewater include the iron and steel industry,
organic chemical industries (e.g. industries manufacturing paint and dyes, detergents,
plastics and pharmaceuticals), food industries and mines and quarries. As with animal
wastewater, treatment requirements and applicability need to be considered on a case-
by-case basis due to variability in water quality. Where industrial wastewater, also known
as Trade Waste, is discharged to a sewer the effect of the waste on wastewater
treatment scheme needs to be considered.

2.7. Mixed source water

Includes water derived from mixed sources such as combined stormwater and sewage
recycling systems, e.g. Mawson Lakes. Recycled stormwater systems that have been
designed to incorporate a sewage component at a later stage should be considered as a
mixed source supply. Mixed source schemes which include a sewage component need
approval from DHA prior to supplying recycled water.

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3.1. Agencies Involved
3.1.1. Environment Protection Authority
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is South Australia's primary environmental
regulator, responsible for the protection of air and water quality, and the control of
pollution, waste, noise and radiation.
Operators of recycled water systems and users of recycled water have both general and
specific obligations under the Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act) and the
Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 (WQEPP). The EPA authorises
(licences) wastewater treatment plants and industries that produce wastewaters above
the threshold levels described in Schedule 1 of the EP Act. The operators of these
schemes may have either Environmental Improvement Plans to improve the performance
of waste water treatment plants or Wastewater Irrigation Management Plans (also known
as Environment Management Plans) to guide the reuse of treated wastewater.
If Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is included the EPA licenses the discharge of
stormwater to aquifers from a catchment greater than 1Ha within the Greater Adelaide
metropolitan area and defined areas within the City of Mt Gambier. Any discharge of
treated wastewaters in aquifers, where conditions are suitable, will also require an EPA
licence and an exemption under the WQEPP.

3.1.2. Department for Health and Ageing (Public Health Services)

Public Health Services is dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting good health
and preventing illness and injury. The protection of public and environmental health is
paramount to recycled water use.
DHA is responsible for providing advice to water providers, local councils, government
agencies, proponents and the public on the health implications of recycled water use. The
formal role of DHA is to undertake public health risk assessments and establish that the
extent of treatment, the method of application and the overall use of recycled water does
not create public health risks.
In South Australia, all recycling schemes using treated sewage or greywater require
approval from DHA prior to operation. Proponents are required to provide information
including design, installation and operation details to DHA prior to an approval being

3.1.3. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) is leading the
implementation of South Australia’s water security plan, Water for Good, a plan to ensure
our water future to 2050, which promotes recycled water as part of a diversified approach
to ensuring the State’s water security. As part of this plan DEWNR is coordinating
projects designed to increase the use of stormwater. DEWNR is also responsible for
developing new water and wastewater legislation in the form of the new Water Industry
DEWNR is responsible for the permitting, and if applicable, licensing of water that is

3 In prescribed wells areas, an applicant would require a permit to drain and discharge surface
water into an aquifer but a licence to extract the water, while in areas where wells are not
prescribed, a permit for draining and discharging is required but no approval of any form is required
for extraction.

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drained and discharged into an aquifer. The assessment process, timeframe and the
level of information an applicant is required to provide depends on whether the area is
prescribed or not.
DEWNR also manages a state-wide policy that exempts property owners from requiring a
water licence in surface water prescribed areas if less than 500-kilolitres of roof runoff
(surface water) is collected. Subject to the conditions in Schedule A of the Government
Gazette, dated 28 February 2011, the water may be used for commercial (but not
irrigation) use and industrial, environmental or recreational use.
It is important to note that the state-wide policy on roof runoff applies only to surface
water prescribed areas (i.e. at the time of publication, Baroota, Barossa, Clare, Eastern
and Western Mount Lofty Ranges) and is separate to the state-wide “rainwater tank
policy”. ( and which requires a rainwater
tank plumbed into houses for suitable uses (unless an alternative supply such as recycled
water is used for similar purposes).

3.1.4. South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water)

SA Water is a government-owned public corporation and its primary functions are to
provide services for the:
> Supply of water by means of reticulated systems
> Storage, treatment and supply of bulk water
> Removal and treatment of wastewater by means of sewerage systems

SA Water presently manages, operates and maintains a number of significant recycled

water schemes across South Australia.

3.1.5. Department of Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia (PIRSA) is a key
economic development agency within the South Australian Government and plays a
major role in contributing to the sustainable development of the State’s natural, industrial
and community assets. PIRSA’s business activities include:
> Agricultural and horticultural industry and policy development
> Fisheries and aquaculture management and industry development
> Sustainable resources management including soil, land care and productive use of
The Livestock Act 1997 and Livestock Regulations 1998 specifically prohibit the use of
faecally contaminated water in livestock production unless it has been treated in an
acceptable manner.
These controls are primarily dictated by the quality of the water (including helminth
treatment), with key controls being restrictions on the type of livestock, the potential need
to observe brief withholding periods for irrigated pasture and fodder production, and
limiting the use of recycled water to wash down stock yards and non-food contact areas
of dairies.
Recycled sewage must not be used as drinking water for pigs or applied to pasture or

4 The term ‘draining and discharge’ is the legislative terminology used for an activity that may be
permitted or licensed, but recently, draining and discharge has been referred to in some
government documents as ‘managed aquifer recharge’ (MAR) schemes. However, for the
purposes of legislative requirements and to reduce confusion, draining and discharge will be used
in this instance.

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fodder crops that will be consumed by pigs. This approach is consistent with the AGWR
and no treatment standard for recycled sewage has been set. Further advice on recycled
sewage and pigs is available from PIRSA.
Aquaculture production can be for the purpose of food for human consumption, bait, pet
food or the aquarium trade. Aquaculture production must comply with the requirements of
the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004 and other relevant Regulations
and Standards. Aquaculture schemes proposing recycled water use will be assessed on
a case-by-case basis by DHA and PIRSA.
PIRSA support and promote the use of recycled water in certain hydroponics
applications, e.g. use of drippers for tomatoes. Hydroponics schemes proposing recycled
water use will also be assessed on a case-by-case basis by DHA with assistance and
advice from PIRSA.

3.1.6. Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

The Planning Division of the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
(DPTI) is the State Government's advisory agency on land use planning, development
policy and strategy, the building code, and urban design and open space policy. The
Planning Division also incorporates the Outback Communities Authority and processes
development applications and approvals.
Development approvals are submitted to either local council or sometimes the
Development Assessment Commission (DAC). Development applications typically
include details about the location and type of waste disposal system where it will not be
connected to a service. DAC may assess development applications including where local
councils are not the relevant authority and where local council is the developer. If the
development is located in the Mount Lofty Ranges region, developments may be
assessed to determine whether the waste control system will impact on surface or
groundwater resources. Development Applications with Community Wastewater
Management Systems (CWMS) are typically forwarded to DHA for comment prior to
development approval.

3.1.7. Local Government: Individual Councils

Individual Councils are the relevant authority for the collection, treatment and recycling of
onsite wastewater installations, pursuant to various Acts including the Local Government
Act (1934 and 1999) and the Public Health Act 2011.
Local authorities and private entities may also build, own and operate community
wastewater management systems (CWMS), as approved by DHA, and (in many cases)
licensed by the EPA.
Local authorities are both current and potential future developers and managers of major
community wastewater schemes, incorporating stormwater, effluent from septic and on-
site wastewater treatment tanks, sewage and other wastewaters. CWMS generally
include irrigation of public open space with recycled water.
3.1.8. Local Government Association
The Local Government Association (LGA) is the peak body for all Councils in South
Australia, particularly in respect of policy, funding and inter-government relations,
including all aspects of recycled water.

3.1.9. Essential Services Commission of South Australia

The Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) is the primary
independent economic regulator of essential services in South Australia. Under the Water

Page 17 of 43
Industry Act 2012, ESCOSA is appointed as the independent economic regulator for the
water and wastewater services sector in South Australia (as per similar existing
arrangements for the gas and electricity industries).
As a result, under the Essential Services Commission Act 2002, ESCOSA will:
> Regulate prices and perform licensing in relation to the water and sewerage industry;
> Monitor and enforce compliance with and promote improvements in standards and
conditions of service and supply in the water and sewerage industry;
> Make industry codes, standards and rules relating to the conduct and operations of the
water and sewerage industry;
> Provide and require consumer consultation processes in the water and sewerage
> Advise the Treasurer generally on matters relating to the economic regulation of the
water and sewerage industry; and
> Perform any additional function which may be assigned to ESCOSA under the ESC Act.

ESCOSA will not set prices for recycled water but licensed water industry entities (e.g.
SA Water) will be required to set these prices consistent with pricing principles
determined by ESCOSA.

3.2. Who to contact to obtain an approval

Proponents are encouraged to contact the relevant agencies for further information and
advice early in the planning/concept stage for recycled water schemes. An initial contact
agency has been identified for each source of recycled water (see Section 4Error!
Reference source not found.). For treated sewage and greywater proponents are
encouraged to contact DHA while for stormwater, proponents are encouraged to contact
DEWNR. Where proponents of stormwater schemes are not from local government
contact should also be made with the relevant local council(s).
Section 4 Error! Reference source not found.has been developed to assist proponents
in understanding the various application processes for recycled water use in South
Australia. The information presented in these flowcharts represents a summary of the
application processes and may be subject to variation depending on the specific
characteristics of the scheme and uses of recycled water.
The design, installation and use of recycled wastewater (sewage) and greywater
recycling schemes is regulated by the Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control)
Regulations and requires approval from DHA prior to installation. While other recycled
water schemes such as stormwater and roof run-off are not specifically covered by
legislation administered by DHA, general provisions under the Public Health Act 2011
allow for action including potential cessation of supply if they are deemed to present a
risk to public health. Proponents are encouraged to consult with DHA in the early
planning stages to ensure recycled water schemes are well designed and operated.
Section 5 provides further information on the legislative functions of DHA.
Proponents are required to contact the EPA where irrigation is proposed using recycled
water from an EPA licensed wastewater treatment plant and will need to develop a
Wastewater Irrigation Management Plan (WIMP).
If the proponent plans to develop a stormwater MAR scheme, collected from a catchment
greater than 1Ha within the Greater Adelaide metropolitan area or specific areas within
the City of Mt Gambier, they will need to contact the EPA and submit a detailed
application for an environmental authorisation. Proponents will be required to undertake a

Page 18 of 43
detailed risk assessment as part of a Development Application (DA) or a Works Approval
if a DA is not required. The scheme will be assessed and approved to operate if the risks
to the environment have been identified and are able to be managed at a low level.
Approval is required prior to water being discharged to the aquifer.
The EPA must also be contacted if the scheme includes discharge of treated
wastewaters to an aquifer and if an application is approved it will require an exemption
from the WQEPP.
If the area is prescribed or the proposal involves draining or discharging water into a well,
which is not licensed by the EPA, the proponent should also contact DEWNR. In some
natural resources management (NRM) regions, NRM plans and/or water allocation plans
may also require proponents to obtain a water affecting activity permit for the importation
of water and/or treated sewage into or within the region. It is recommended that
proponents access the NRM website at for current information and to
determine whether this applies in their area and if permit approvals are required for the
proposed activity.
Proponents are required to contact SA Water for an initial feasibility assessment if
considering using a supply of treated or untreated wastewater from SA Water’s sewerage
system. Should a scheme proceed to the approval stage, a customer agreement will also
need to be negotiated.
Note: After 1 July 2012 the regulation of plumbing will be transferred from SA Water to
the Office of the Technical Regulator, Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade,
Resources (DMITRE), as part of the water industry reforms under the Water Industry Act
Other agencies including local government (Box 1), LMC (Box 2), DEWNR (Box 2) and
PIRSA (Box 3) may be involved in the approval process depending on the source of
water and the type of recycled water system involved.

Box 1: Port Lincoln Recycled Water Scheme

The Port Lincoln Wastewater Treatment Plant is owned by the City of Port Lincoln and
operated under a contract arrangement by SA Water. As the owners of the scheme,
the City of Port Lincoln applied to DHA for an approval to use recycled water for
irrigation of sports fields and ovals, reserves and for dust suppression. An approval
was issued subject to a range of conditions on treatment, use, responsibilities,
compliance and reporting.
The City of Port Lincoln is responsible for advising SA Water of the approval
conditions to ensure operational procedures meet these requirements.

Page 19 of 43
Box 2: Lochiel Park
Lochiel Park is a model green village incorporating a variety of best practice
sustainable technologies including a development aim to achieve 78 percent savings
(compared to the average Adelaide household) of mains drinking water for each of the
100 homes. These savings will be achieved through water-sensitive urban design
including the collection of stormwater and rain water. Approximately 87 percent of
household and public space irrigation is supplied from recycled water.
Stormwater will be collected in a wetland and treated through natural processes.
When sufficient water is available it will be pumped to an underground aquifer
approximately 188m below the surface or into a buffer tank depending on the demand
for water. The discharge of this water to the aquifer is licensed by the EPA. This water
will then be disinfected and reticulated around the subdivision for toilet flushing,
washing machines and garden and park land irrigation.
All homes in the development are required to have a minimum 1.5 kL rainwater tank
connected to the hot water service. Rainwater will be heated to a minimum of 60°C in
household hot water services which will act as a form of disinfection.
DHA was approached by the Land Management Corporation in the concept stages of
planning to discuss health-based requirements for the proposed recycled water
scheme. Although DHA does not formally approve stormwater or rainwater schemes,
consultation is strongly encouraged to ensure that such schemes address potential
health risks.

3.3. Level and degree of information required for approval

Proponents are required to provide information as requested by the regulating body. The
regulating body will provide guidance and advice on the information required. The level
and degree of this information will be commensurate with the source of water, intended
uses and size and complexity of the scheme. Further information may be requested from
the proponent during the application or approval process. Approval may be subject to
certain conditions on treatment, operation and maintenance procedures.
DHA approval is subject to compliance with the AGWR. Information is requested from
proponents based on the framework for management of recycled water quality and use
described by the AGWR (see section 6). Consent from other agencies may also be a
condition of approval (see examples provided in Box 3 and Box 4).
DHA and SA Water have a range of information for proponents on approval requirements
together with education/guideline material on recycled water systems. Resources can be
accessed via the relevant website or by contacting the agency for further assistance (see
section 8).

Page 20 of 43
Box 3: Approval for a large metropolitan recycled water scheme based on
consent from multiple agencies
The Virginia Pipeline Scheme (VPS) utilises recycled water from the Bolivar
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for unrestricted irrigation of commercial crops
including salad vegetables. At the time of commissioning in 1999, the VPS was the
largest recycled water scheme of its kind to be developed in Australia. The scheme
was developed in collaboration with DHA, EPA, PIRSA and food crop growers.
Although the assessment and approval of the VPS preceded the release of the
AGWR, a retrospective risk assessment indicated conformance to the guidelines.
The human-health risk assessment was undertaken by DHA and considered microbial
and chemical quality, treatment processes, validation and food crop testing. The
environmental risk assessment was undertaken by the EPA who reviewed microbial
and chemical quality and environmental preventative measures. The use or disposal
of treated sewage from the Bolivar WWTP was subject to a license issued by the
EPA. The EPA also required the development of an Irrigation Management Plan
including monitoring of soils, groundwater and surface waters that may be impacted
by the VPS. PIRSA provided a letter of approval from the Chief Veterinarian Officer
permitting irrigation of lucerne for stock feed (based on provision of adequate helminth
The assessments and approvals issued by the EPA and PIRSA were a necessary
component to DHA granting an approval for the recycled water to be supplied or used
for irrigation.

3.4. Approvals for suppliers and users

Box 4: Approval for a small country recycled water scheme based on consent
from multiple agencies
The Willunga Golf Course and the Willunga Basin Water Company utilise recycled
water from the Willunga WWTP plant operated by Trility on behalf of the City of
Onkaparinga. The plant is capable of treating an average of 1060kL of wastewater
per day and discharges to a 135 ML winter storage dam prior to use.
Microbial quality was identified as the primary hazard for human health while sodium,
salinity, phosphorus and nitrogen were identified as the four key environmental
Operational procedures and process controls were implemented to manage both the
health and environmental risks. Results are provided by Trility on an annual basis to
DHA and the EPA as part of the approval conditions.

DHA may provide separate approvals to suppliers and users of recycled water where
these activities are undertaken by separate entities. The reason for this is that approval
conditions applied to supply and use are usually different in scope. For example it is
unreasonable to expect an entity using recycled water to irrigate a food crop to ensure
that complex treatment systems operated by the supplier of the water are complying with
all conditions specified by DHA. Conversely, a recycled water supplier cannot ensure that
the user is using recycled water in a responsible manner therefore it is unreasonable that
they should have approval conditions relating to recycled water use outside their own
Examples of this arrangement are provided in Box 5 and Box 6.

Page 21 of 43
Box 5: Supply / use model of approval – Christies Beach WWTP
The Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is owned and operated
by SA Water and utilises an activated sludge process followed by chlorination of the
treated sewage. SA Water has an approval from DHA to supply recycled water from
the Christies Beach WWTP. This approval specifies certain operational, treatment
and water quality criteria that must be meet for the supply to continue.
SA Water has a licence and exemption from the EPA to discharge treated
wastewater to a designated portion of the aquifer for storage prior to reuse. This is
currently a pilot scheme with stringent requirements and monitoring in place.
The Willunga Pipeline supplies recycled water from the Christies Beach WWTP to
properties in Willunga for drip irrigation of grapevines, fruit trees, nut crops and
flowers. The Willunga Basin Water Company (WBWC) has responsibility for the
operation of the recycled water scheme including the proper use of recycled water
on all sites. WBWC has an approval from DHA to use the water for irrigation. This
approval specifies conditions including permitted uses, water quality, signage, non-
compliance and OHS & W considerations that must be addressed for the recycled
water to be used.

Box 6: Supply / use model of approval (multiple users approved under one
operator) – Virginia Pipeline Scheme
The Bolivar WWTP is owned and operated by SA Water and includes a
filtration/disinfection plant (Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration - DAFF) to treat lagoon
effluent produced by the WWTP. The DAFF produces high quality recycled water
suitable for unrestricted irrigation of commercial crops (including salad vegetables).
SA Water has an approval from DHA to supply recycled water from the Bolivar
Water Reticulation Systems Virginia (WRSV) constructed an extensive distribution
system to transport recycled water from the Bolivar WWTP to the produce market
area of Virginia. WRSV operate the Virginia Pipeline Scheme and supply recycled
water to a large number of users. As WRSV maintain operational control of the VPS,
an approval has been issued by DHA to use the water. Approvals are not issued to
individual users however the provision of a listing of users to DHA is a specified
approval condition.

3.4.1. Recycled water carting

There are a range of businesses that have been provided with approvals by DHA to cart
recycled water. The most common form of carting is from SA Water operated systems
using recycled water that is suitable for unrestricted irrigation. Vehicles or containers
used for the transport or storage of recycled water should be used solely for this purpose,
and should not be used for the storage of drinking water, recycled water of lesser quality
or chemicals. The range of permitted uses is dependent on the quality of the recycled
water and can range from irrigation of lawns and gardens, commercial washing of
buildings and dust suppression.
In addition to an approval from DHA, businesses need to contact SA Water to gain
access to recycled water. SA Water has a number of facilities that are purpose designed

Page 22 of 43
for this type of access. DHA has developed guidelines and an application form for
businesses in relation to recycled water carting:
> Guidelines for the Carting of Recycled Water
> Application for Approval of Commercial Cartage and Use of Recycled Wastewater
There is also guidance available on the DHA website for individuals who wish to use
recycled water provided by a water carter. This guidance describes the types of uses that
are permitted and how to obtain information on approved water carters. In most cases no
specific approvals are required for this type of use.
> Private Users of Recycled Wastewater
Examples of a commercial application for use of carted recycled water are provided in
Box 7.

Box 7: Commercial water carting using recycled water

As described in Appendix A, a proponent should contact DHA to obtain further
information on the requirements for recycled water carting. DHA will generally direct
the applicant to the Guidelines for the Carting of Recycled Water and will provide the
relevant application form.
The proponent will also need to contact SA Water to enquire about availability and
access to sources of recycled water. Once this information is obtained, the
proponent will need to provide the DHA with a completed application form.
DHA will assess the information provided in the form. If further information is
required this will be sought from the applicant. Subject to sufficient information being
provided, DHA will issue an approval which will specify permitted uses of the
recycled water and general conditions such as vehicle/vessel requirements, signage,
occupational health, safety and welfare considerations and the keeping of log books.

3.5. Assessment process

It is essential to protect the health of both the public and the environment when recycling
water. Adherence to the framework for management of recycled water quality and use
adopted by the AGWR is the best way to achieve these outcomes. The framework
involves identifying and managing risks in a proactive way as opposed to remedial or
corrective actions after potentially harmful events occur.
Applications for recycled water use are assessed for management of risk including
prevention, treatment, use restrictions and on-site controls. Such measures should be
detailed in a Risk Management Plan (refer to Section 6).
All types of recycled water can be used safely providing appropriate control measures are
applied for the chosen end use and schemes are operated and managed responsibly.
The aim of the assessment process is to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place
to protect human and environmental health from risks associated with recycled water use.
Approvals are issued based on information provided at the time of application. In the

Page 23 of 43
event that changes are made to the operation of the recycled water scheme, the
proponent should inform the approving agency and in most cases a variation to the
original approval will need to be considered. This may require a further risk assessment
of the scheme to be undertaken. Changes to recycled water schemes may include (but
are not limited to):
> Process changes or variations
> Addition / removal of a recycled water source
> Changes to the use(s) of recycled water (including alterations to irrigation systems)
> Upgrade / downgrade of scheme

3.6. Considerations
3.6.1. Development Assessment
Where recycled water schemes involve land development, an appropriate Development
Approval will need to be obtained from the relevant authority. Further information can be
found on the Department of Planning and Local Government website

3.6.2. Setbacks
Setback distances need to be considered for all recycled water schemes. Setback
distances should not be confused with buffer zones applied to spray irrigation of lower
quality recycled water (as discussed in the AGWR). Setback distances provide protection
of sensitive environments and have been incorporated into prescribed codes under the
Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations. They are applied to
control potential impacts from nutrients entering fresh and marine waters and microbial
contamination of drinking water supplies and recreational waters.
Setback distances are specified from areas including groundwater supplies, water
protection areas, the River Murray and Lakes and coastal areas.
Variations to setback distances may be permitted by the relevant authority providing a
risk assessment demonstrates that they can be justified and will represent minimal risks
to adjacent communities, water bodies and structures.
3.6.3. Cross connections and backflow protection
A cross connection is any connection which allows non-drinking water to enter a water
distribution system, e.g. connection between a SA Water mains supply and a
rainwater/stormwater/recycled water supply. Backflow is flow in a direction contrary to the
normal or intended direction, e.g. the unintended flow of recycled water into a drinking
water supply. There are several devices available to prevent backflow including dual
check valves, air gaps and reduced pressure zone devices.
Under no circumstance is there to be an interconnection between a recycled water
service and a drinking water service without the installation of an approved backflow
prevention device. The nature of the device will depend on the quality of the recycled
water with guidance provided in AS/NZS 3500.1:2003. Where potential exists for cross-
connection to public drinking water supplies proponents should contact the drinking water
provider (usually SA Water).
Audits of recycled water schemes should be undertaken prior to commissioning to ensure
there is no unprotected interconnection between the recycled and drinking water service.
The Office of the Technical Regulator is responsible for setting and regulating Plumbing
Standards relating to on site plumbing systems and may also conduct audits of pipework
during construction.

Page 24 of 43
Consideration should also be given for the potential for cross connections to occur with
other water supplies. For example, an irrigator who draws water from the River Murray in
addition to the use of recycled water for irrigation would require cross connection control
in the form of backflow prevention between the recycled water and River Murray irrigation
systems to prevent potential discharges of recycled water into the River Murray.

3.6.4. Misuse of recycled water

Recycled water approvals will specify the purposes for which the water can be used.
Treatment processes and on-site controls are included in approvals to ensure that the
use of recycled water will be safe. Recycled water must not be used for purposes other
than those specified in the approval conditions. For example recycled water approved for
dual reticulation is not to be used for the following purposes:
> Drinking
> Cooking or food preparation
> Personal bathing
> In swimming pools or spas

3.7. Application fees / costs

Application fees / costs for recycled water use include:
Environmental Protection Authority
Information on licence application (including works approval), renewal and fees including
background and current fee schedules can be found on the EPA website:
The Department for Health and Ageing
Approval fees for recycled water use are prescribed under the Public and Environmental
Health (Waste Control) Regulations. Current costs can be obtained by contacting DHA
(see Section 8 for relevant contact details).
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resouces
The cost of permit, licence and licence variation applications are gazetted in the South
Australian Government Gazette and are subject to change each financial year. Current
application forms and information on associated charges can be found on the DEWNR
SA Water
There are a number of fees and charges payable to SA Water associated with the
provision of recycled water that may apply, including:
> capital contribution by negotiation
> installation of connection including meter
> cost per kilolitre set under the SA Water pricing policy
> fixed annual charge
> service rent for a second recycled water meter, and
> pipework audit fee for on-property plumbing compliance.

Contact SA Water (see Section 8 for relevant contact details) for further details.

3.8. Timeframes
Timeframes for assessment and approval of recycled water schemes can be subject to

Page 25 of 43
variation depending on the complexity of the scheme, proposed treatment and the level of
information provided in the application. The location of the scheme can also be a
consideration particularly if a site visit is required prior to approval. Applications may
require assessment and comment from multiple agencies which may also impact on the
time involved in approving the scheme.
Every effort will be made to provide approvals in a timely fashion. However, previous
experience has shown that long delays can be caused by provision of inadequate or
incomplete information. Proponents are encouraged to discuss timeframes and the level
of information required with the appropriate agency during initial contact to obtain an
indication of current processing times for recycled water approvals.

Page 26 of 43
4. Approval application process
4.1. Treated sewage or mixed source application process
Mixed source recycled water includes combinations of recycled water produced from different water sources e.g. sewage and stormwater.
Contact the Department for Health and Ageing for initial guidance and direction.
ction. All recycled water systems using treated water sewage require DHA approval prior
to installation. Note that planning approval through the relevant authority may be required prior to installation. Refer to section 3.2 to 3.6 for further details.

Contact DHA for initial guidance and direction

Additional consultation is required for the schemes below

>100EP (in Aquifer Importation of water End use involves Scheme uses
drinking water recharge or treated sewage? stock treated or
catchment)? watering/pasture untreated
Or >1000EP irrigation? sewage from
elsewhere? recycled water
Apply to DEWNR provider
Apply to EPA Apply to
Apply to EPA for for license to PIRSA for
license/approval/ inject Prescribed well Area where Area where regional further Consult with
Environmental area –permit to wells not NRM plan and/or advice or water provider for
Performance drain & license prescribed water allocation plan approval assessment of
Agreement to extract –permit to required permit for scheme feasibility
required drain only importation of water
required and/or treated
sewage PIRSA Apply to provider
EPA notifies EPA notifies notifies for a recycled
applicant of applicant of applicant of water supply
outcome outcome DEWNR notifies applicant of outcome outcome agreement

Page 27 of 43
4.2. Greywater application process
The installation of all greywater systems currently requires approval from DHA.

Other relevant agencies requiring consultation may include local councils, water supplier and the
community wastewater system operator and may impose their own requirements/conditions.
Refer sections 3.2 to 3.6 for further information.

Contact DHA for initial guidance and direction

DHA receives
application to install
greywater system

DHA and/or applicant Relevant agency† may

notifies water supplier contact applicant to
and/or local council request further details

DHA assesses
application for approval

Water provider and

Applicant notified by DHA must be informed
DHA of outcome by applicant prior to

Page 28 of 43
4.3. Stormwater application process
Stormwater may be managed by a number of government agencies (e.g. EPA, DEWNR, NRM & local councils). Proponents are encouraged to contact DHA for
guidance on appropriate treatment and/or onsite controls for stormwater reuse
se schemes.

Source approval Drainage to groundwater approvals Extraction approvals

Is the stormwater from an area Is the discharge of stormwater to aquifers Is the discharged water taken from
where surface water is prescribed? from a catchment greater than 1 ha, within a groundwater prescribed area?
the Adelaide metropolitan area and the
City of Mount Gambier?


Water licence and Water licence and
allocation or allocation or
Authorisation under the Authorisation under the
NRM Act NOT required NRM Act NOT required
EPA Licence for Drain and
the discharge of Discharge
The water is considered surface stormwater to an Permit under the
aquifer (MAR) NRM Act is Water licence and
water and therefore Water License groundwater allocation
and surface water allocation or under the EP Act required from
required DEWNR or Authorisation is
Authorisation is required under the required from DEWNR
NRM Act from DEWNR

This process does not negate the need to

This process does not negate the need obtain approval from DEWNR for the
to obtain approval from the relevant construction/alteration of any wells
NRM Board for the construction or
alteration of a structure to collect or
divert water

Page 29 of 43
Recycled water use in South Australia is governed directly or indirectly by a range of legislation, codes
and guidelines. Such formal requirements ensure that recycled water use is undertaken in a
consistent, safe and reliable manner to safeguard human health and the protection of the
Appendix A provides a detailed listing of the formal and legislative requirements in relation to recycled
water use in South Australia.

Page 30 of 43
6.1. Developing a Risk Management Plan
The focus of the AGWR is a risk management approach for the design, operation and management of
recycled water systems to ensure safety and the protection of public and environmental health. This
approach is being adopted across Australia. Development of a recycled water Risk Management Plan
(RMP) is required by DHA for all new schemes and is particularly important for high exposure
applications such as dual reticulation and unrestricted irrigation. The level of information required in
RMPs will be commensurate with the size, complexity and nature of the recycled water scheme. For
example a RMP for supply of treated sewage for dual reticulation will be far more detailed than a RMP
for use of recycled water for irrigation of a park or sports ground.
Section 2 of the AGWR describes the 12 elements of the recycled water quality management
framework which forms the basis for a RMP. DHA has developed two information guides to assist in
the development of RMPs:
> Recycled water systems: information guide for applicants provides information on the
application process and requirements for recycled water schemes, with a particular focus on
schemes proposing use of recycled water for high exposure applications such as dual reticulation.
> Irrigation with recycled water: information guide for applicants details the information to be
provided when making an application to DHA for approval to use high quality recycled water suitable
for unrestricted irrigation. It is intended for use by third parties accessing SA Water or local
government sources of recycled water.

Proponents are encouraged to utilise the application guides in determining the appropriate level of
information and detail to provide to DHA in RMPs. Any areas of uncertainty should be discussed with
DHA prior to the RMP and application for approval being submitted.
The EPA should be contacted to determine if there are any specific environmental considerations
associated with the scheme and recycled water use to ensure the appropriate inclusion of
environmental controls in RMPs.
If the scheme incorporates MAR further information can be found on the EPA website. The EPA and
DEWNR are developing a MAR Guide: Planning, Building & Operating a MAR Scheme that will soon
be accessible via the website below. In the meantime requirements can be obtained from the EPA.

6.2. Software tools

A Decision Support Tool for managing health and environmental risks has been developed to assist
users of the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling (Phase 1) to develop Recycled Water
Management Plans for recycled water supply and use. The Decision Support Tool is available at:

Page 31 of 43
7.1. Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and
Environmental Risks - Phase 1
Phase 1 of the Guidelines provides a generic ‘framework for management of recycled water quality
and use’ that applies to all combinations of recycled water and end uses. It also provides specific
guidance on the use of treated sewage and greywater for purposes other than drinking and
environmental flows. Phase 1 and 2 of the guidelines can be accessed by the link below.

7.2. Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling – Phase 2

Phase 2 of the Guidelines extends the guidance given in Phase 1 and includes the following modules:
> Augmentation of Drinking Water Supplies
> Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse
> Managed Aquifer Recharge

7.3. Code of Practice for Wastewater Overflow Management

This code of practice applies to all wastewater systems that collect, treat and dispose of wastewater
from multiple domestic, commercial and industrial sources and to all schemes where reuse of such
wastewater occurs in South Australia. The code provides guidance and in some cases instruction to
assist wastewater system operators to prevent the occurrence of overflows whenever possible, and to
minimise the frequency and volume of such overflows. Wastewater system operators are obliged to
comply with this code. If there is the potential for environmental harm from a wastewater overflow, the
wastewater system operator is also obliged under section 83 of the Environment Protection Act 1993
to notify the EPA. The Code can be accessed by the link below:

7.4. Code of Practice for Aquifer Storage and Recovery

This code of practice provides a general guide to conducting Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), a
form of MAR, in a manner that protects the environment. While still current (2004) it has be reviewed
and will be replaced by the MAR Guide: Planning, Building & Operating a MAR Scheme with a MAR
web portal, accessed via Water for Good, and the MAR Guide.

7.5. Code of Practice for Milking Shed Effluent

This code of practice applies to the management of liquid, semi-solid and solid wastes derived from
milking activity in structures where cows, sheep or goats are milked in any number and at any
frequency. It provides guidance to the management of these wastes, including the application to land
and meeting obligations in accordance with environmental legislation.

7.6. Livestock and aquaculture

Recycled water is a potentially valuable resource for the agricultural sector and when used properly
can provide a reliable and cost effective alternative to traditional water sources. There are, however,
certain requirements which should be taken into consideration when using recycled water for
agricultural applications. For additional guidance on appropriate treatment processes and additional
control for use of recycled water in agricultural applications see Table 3.9 in Phase 1 of the

Page 32 of 43

7.6.1. Recycled water - use in livestock and cattle production

Recommendations for the use of recycled water have been developed for livestock species (other
than pigs) depending on the quality of the water involved. Specific treatment guidelines for helminths
have been developed for cattle. The Victorian Department of Primary Industries has developed
Agriculture Notes on recycled water use in livestock and cattle production which are applicable to
recycled water use in South Australia. Note that these guidelines make reference to the different
“classes” of recycled water (i.e. Class A, B etc.). See Appendix E for a conversion from “class”
categories to the approximate log removals.
> Reclaimed water – use in livestock production (AG1090)
> Reclaimed water – use in cattle production (AG1089)

Page 33 of 43
Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
For further information on licensing, application requirements and associated cost please contact:

Environment Protection Authority

Postal Address: GPO Box 2607, Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: (08) 8204 9095

Department for Health and Ageing (Public Health Services)

For further information on applying for approvals for recycled water supply or use and associated
costs please contact:

Department for Health and Ageing

Public Health Services
PO Box 6, Rundle Mall
Phone: (08) 8226 7100
Further information and application forms are available from the Public Health SA website at

Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR)

For further information on the policies mentioned in the guidelines and current costs or to apply for a
permit or licence for draining and discharge into an aquifer or a licence for roof runoff, please contact:

Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Water Resources Allocation Division
Licensing Administration
GPO Box 2834
Phone: (08) 8463 6863

Forms are available from the DEWNR website at:

SA Water
For further information on applying for a recycled water supply and associated costs please contact:

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Business Development, SA Water
Postal Address: GPO Box 1751, Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: 1300 650 950
Fax: (08) 7003 3329

Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA)

For further information on the use of recycled water use for
> crops, pasture and fodder production,
> livestock drinking water,
> wash down of stock yards and non-food contact areas of dairies, and
> aquaculture production.

General enquiries
Outline the nature of your enquiry and ask to be transferred to the relevant government department.

Phone: (08) 8226 0222

Control of stock movement and fodder for animals (including cattle)

Specific written approval from the Chief Inspector of Stock is required for fodder production and use by
livestock. Project proposals should be discussed prior to forwarding a written proposal to the:

Chief Inspector of Stock

PIRSA Biosecurity SA - Animal Health
GPO Box 1671

Wash down of stock yards and non-food contact areas of dairies

Contact your local dairy advisor or animal health officer.

Aquaculture production
Including food for human consumption, pet food or the aquarium trade:
Phone: (08) 8226 0222

Local Government Association of South Australia

General enquiries
Postal Address: GPO Box 2693, Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: (08) 8224 2000

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Appendix A. Formal and legislative requirements
A.1. Legislation administered by the Environment Protection Authority
A.1.1. Environment Protection Act
Operators of recycled water systems and users of recycled water have both general and specific
obligations under the Environment Protection Act 1993, namely;
Section 25: General Environmental Duty - provides the requirement not to pollute the environment and
where pollution is likely to occur, that all reasonable and practicable measures are taken to minimize
any resulting environmental harm.
Section 36: Licensing: Environmental Authorisation – Recycled water schemes are not in their own
right, activities of Environmental Significance and do not therefore, require an EPA licence. On some
sites however, such as licensed waste water treatment plant sites, the use of treated wastewater may
occur in which case management of the reuse may be referred to and controlled by the treatment
plant licence.
Section 83: Notification – This section of the Act refers to the need to notify the EPA immediately that
an event (e.g. spill) threatens environmental harm. Recycled water can, in some receiving
environments, cause harm and operators/users must be aware of their obligations to report spills to
the EPA.
Section 59: Environmental Performance Agreements - Most recycled water in SA is used on
unlicensed premises and as such the general provisions of the Act apply. Where the reuse is on a
large scale and or of a type that has high community interest, the EPA can enter into an
Environmental Performance Agreement with the operator/user. In such a case, the parties to the
document agree where the water is to be used, how it will be used and what monitoring and reporting
will be undertaken.

A.1.2. Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy (WQEPP)

Policy provides for the strict offence for the discharge or the placement of waste on land or in a place
where it can be washed into waters. The discharge of recycled water to ‘waters’ or its use on land in a
place where it can be washed into waters, may breach the policy and result in enforcement action,
even if no environmental harm results.
* Note: Readers of this guideline should be aware that the EPA is currently reviewing the WQEPP and
the requirement (or non requirement) for Wastewater Irrigation Management Plans may change as a
result of that review.

A.1.3. Wastewater Overflow Management Code of Practice (under the WQEPP)

Provides both guidance and direction on the management of waste water systems, including recycled
water systems. The operators of a recycled water system can be compelled to comply with the code.

A.1.4. Wastewater Irrigation Management Plans (WIMPS)

Wastewater Irrigation Management Plans are required by the EPA where the irrigation water is
sourced from an EPA licensed site. WIMPS also assist unlicensed sites develop a plan for the
sustainable application of wastewater to land in accordance with environmental legislation. On other
sites however, they are not required.

A.1.5. Code of Practice for Aquifer Storage and Recovery

Provides a general guide to conducting Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), a form of MAR, in a
manner that protects the environment. While still current it has be reviewed and will be replaced by the
MAR Guide: Planning, Building & Operating a MAR Scheme.
A.1.6. Wastewater lagoons guideline (draft)

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Provides guidance in planning, site location, construction and lining of wastewater lagoons to assist
with meeting obligations in accordance with environmental legislation.

A.1.7. Code of Practice for Milking Shed Effluent

Applies to the management of liquid, semi-solid and solid wastes derived from milking activity in
structures where cows, sheep or goats are milked in any number and at any frequency. It provides
guidance to the management of these wastes, including the application to land and meeting
obligations in accordance with environmental legislation.

A.1.8. Guidelines for Wineries and Distilleries

Provides information to assist wineries and distilleries to develop an environmental monitoring
program to meet obligations in accordance with environmental legislation. The monitoring program
focuses on the load of winery wastes discharged to the environment and includes the use of
wastewater for irrigation. While targeted at licensed sites it will is applicable to unlicensed facilities.

A.1.9. Liquid biosolids from domestic septic tanks: Disposal onto agricultural land
Provide guidance to ensure that beneficial agricultural reuse of liquid biosolids from domestic septic
tanks can be safely practised in a sustainable manner in South Australia while meeting obligations in
accordance with environmental legislation.
A.1.10. South Australian biosolids guidelines (draft)
Provide guidance to ensure that beneficial reuse of biosolids from municipal wastewater can be safely
and sustainably practised in South Australia while meeting obligations in accordance with
environmental legislation.

A.2. Legislation administered by the Department for Health and Ageing

A.2.1. Public Health Act
The Public Health Act 2011 does not specifically regulate recycled water however regulations will be
developed to replace the current Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations 2010
(see section A.2.2 for further information). The Public Health Act contains general requirements (under
which recycled water use can be controlled) including:
Section 4: Objects of the Act
The Act has been developed to protect individuals or communities from risks to public health. Health
officials have the ability to take immediate action on a health hazard that presents a serious and
immediate public health risk.
Section 6: Precautionary principle
DHA may take immediate action to remove a hazard or risk where there is a perceived public health
Recycled water (including stormwater) schemes can be closed down in the event that the DHA has
concerns or knowledge of inappropriate use which may lead to a risk to public health through
consumption of polluted water, e.g. inappropriately designed/operated dual pipe schemes.
Part 6 –General Duty
Reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that a public health risk is prevented or minimised
Part 7 –General Public Health offences
Sections 57 and 58 address penalties and expiations for people who cause material or serious risks to
public health through negligence or intentionally.
Section 59: Defence of due diligence

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Due diligence may be demonstrated if the person has taken reasonable steps to prevent or avoid the
public health risk. Reasonable steps could include undertaking a risk assessment for the scheme and
using a risk management approach such as that outlines in the Australian Guidelines for Water

A.2.2. Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations

The safe collection, treatment and disposal of non-industrial wastewater (sewage and wastewater of
domestic origin) is managed in South Australia under the Public and Environmental Health (Waste
Control) Regulations 2010.
About one third of South Australians (400,000 people) are serviced by wastewater systems
administered under the Waste Control Regulations. Several categories of wastewater systems and a
requirement for product approvals are covered by the Regulations.
Approvals for recycled water use are generally issued pursuant to the following Regulations:
Regulation 7: Installation or alteration – waste control systems must be installed and altered as
approved by the relevant authority.
Regulation 8: Disposal or use of waste – waste must be disposed of and reused as approved by the
relevant authority.
Regulation 11: Use – a person must not use a waste control system except as approved by the
relevant authority.
Regulation 14: Conditions – approval is subject to compliance with prescribed codes and other
approvals imposed by the relevant authority.
New waste control regulations are currently being developed under the Public Health Act 2011.

A.2.3. Food Act

Section 14 of the Food Act 2001 prohibits the sale of unsafe food. Unsafe food is defined as being
likely to cause physical harm to a person through consumption. The Food Act also specifies that a
person must not sell food that does not comply with the requirements of the Food Standards Code
(Section 21). Standard 1.4.2 of Part 1.4 (Contaminants and Residues) of the Food Standards Code
specifies maximum residue limits (MRL) for a wide range of contaminants that may enter the food
chain during the production of food. If a chemical is detected in food that is above the MRL for that
chemical or is detected at any level for a chemical for which there is no MRL then that food would not
be in compliance with the requirements of the Food Act.
This has implications on the quality of recycled water suitable for the irrigation of food crops.
Consideration must be given to the degree of risk associated with the particular food crop, e.g. food
crops likely to be consumed raw or unprocessed represent a higher risk than those that will be cooked
or processed before consumption.

A.3. Legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Natural

A.3.1. Natural Resources Management Act
The Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act) applies to the management of water, soils
and pest animal and plant control across South Australia. The Department of Water, Land and
Biodiversity (DWLBC) and regional natural resource management (NRM) boards administer the NRM
The objects of the Act include to assist in the achievement of ecologically sustainable development in
the State by establishing an integrated scheme to promote the use and management of natural
resources, which include as water resources a watercourse or lake, surface water, underground water,
stormwater, domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater.

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The NRM Act promotes ’the sustainable and integrated management‘ of South Australia’s natural
resources with specific provision for the ’management of and protection of water resources’, through
using measures such as:
> prescription of a water resource;
> restrictions on water use;
> authorising certain water uses;
> permitting of water affecting activities;
> development and implementation of regional NRM plans;
> development and implementation of water allocation plans for all prescribed water resources in the
> extensive community consultation during the preparation of all NRM plans (including water allocation
> review of the condition of the State's natural resources (including water resources); and
> Compilation, maintenance and updating of information.

The principles of the NRM Act support ecologically sustainable development including prevention of
environmental degradation.
The NRM Act regulates the taking of water from various surface water areas, watercourses and
groundwater aquifers and a number have been or are in the process of being prescribed.
Water allocation plans guide the management of water quantity within a prescribed surface water
area, watercourses or aquifer and may include clauses specific to the draining and discharge of water
into aquifers.
In unprescribed areas, permitting for draining and discharge of water into aquifers is managed through
regional NRM plans.
Water allocation plans and regional NRM plans are developed by regional NRM boards, in
collaboration with DWLBC and with broad community consultation.
Relevant NRM Act sections include:
Section 124 – Right to take water (including stormwater) subject to certain requirements.
Section 126 – Designates the relevant authority for water affecting activities.
Section 127 – Water affecting activities.
Authorised by water licence or permit granted by the relevant authority:
> drilling, plugging or sealing or a well;
> repairing, replacing or altering the casing, lining or screen of a well;
> draining or discharging water directly or indirectly into a well (if not subject to requirements under the
Environment Protection Act 1993).
Section 128 – certain uses of water authorised.
Section 135 – Permits, which include the regulation of the draining and discharging of water to

5 The term ‘draining and discharge’ is the legislative terminology used for an activity that may be permitted or
licensed, but recently, draining and discharge has been referred to in some government documents as ‘managed
aquifer recharge’ (MAR) schemes. However, for the purposes of legislative requirements and to reduce
confusion, draining and discharge will be used in this instance.
6 In the case of rainwater collected from roof runoff, a Notice of Authorisation to Take Water pursuant to section
128 of the NRM Act was gazetted in the Government Gazette on 16 March 2006, exempting roof runoff volumes
of less than 500-kilolitres from requiring a water licence in surface water prescribed areas for commercial (but not
irrigation) use and industrial, environmental or recreational use (subject to the conditions in Schedule A)

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Section 146 – Licences to take water from a prescribed well, watercourse or surface water area.

A.4. Legislation administered by the Department of Primary Industries and

Regions SA
A.4.1. Livestock Act and Regulations
The Livestock Act 1997 and the Livestock Regulations 1998 prohibit the use of faecally contaminated
water in livestock production unless it has been treated to an acceptable standard. Specifically the Act
and Regulations state:
> Section 6: Interpretation: controlling or eradicating disease or contamination – specifies actions for
the purposes of controlling or eradicating disease or contamination affecting livestock including
investigating the existence or source of disease affecting and preventing or minimising the risk of
spread of a disease affecting livestock.
> Section 32: Feeding of products that may cause livestock to become affected with notifiable
condition – a person must not feed livestock products that may cause them to become affected with
a notifiable condition or dispose of a product in a manner that livestock may gain access to it if the
product may cause livestock that consume it to become affected with a modifiable condition.
> Regulation 38: Feeding of stock foods containing faeces – prevents livestock being fed stock foods
that consist wholly or partly of faeces.

A.5. Legislation administered by Local Government

A.5.1. Local Government Act
The Local Government Act 1999 provides a legislative framework for an effective, efficient and
accountable system of Local Government in South Australia, and encourages Local Government to
provide appropriate services and facilities to meet the present and future needs of local communities.
Schedule 1A of the Act deals with the implementation of the Stormwater Management Agreement
entered into between the State Government and the Local Government Association on 14 March
2006, which applies throughout the State.
Section 4 establishes the Stormwater Management Authority which has a Board and has the following
key functions:
> to liaise with relevant public authorities with a view of ensuring the proper functioning of the State’s
stormwater management system;
> to facilitate and co-ordinate stormwater management planning by Councils;
> to formulate policies and facilitate programs for Councils in relation to stormwater management
planning and promote the use of stormwater to further environmental objectives and address issues
of sustainability.
Section 7 of the Act sets out the functions of Councils which includes the following:
> to plan at the local and regional level for the development and future requirements of its area;
> to provide services and facilities that benefit its area, its ratepayers and residents and visitors to its
area which includes the provision of electricity, gas and water services, waste collection control and
disposal services, and health, welfare and community services facilities;
> to manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment in an ecologically
sustainable manner, and to improve amenity;
> to provide infrastructure for its community and for development within its area; and

7 As specified under Section 4 of the Livestock Act 1997

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> to manage, improve and develop resources available to the Council.

Section 13 contains guidelines for the preparation of stormwater management plans by Councils and
section 14 provides the process for the Stormwater Management Authority to issue Orders for any
failure of Councils to comply with the requirement to prepare a stormwater management plan or failure
to comply with an approved plan.
A Stormwater Management Fund is established under section 17 and payments may be made out of
the Fund for a variety of purposes including the preparation of stormwater management plans;
carrying out works or the acquisition of land for the purpose of stormwater management; community
education and awareness programs; and projects relating to water quality or pollution abatement or
stormwater management in general.
The Schedule also contains powers of the Stormwater Management Authority in relation to land
dealing with entry, occupation, construction and maintenance of infrastructure, excavation, carrying
out inspections and any other work for the purposes of stormwater management or flood mitigation.
Section 23 deals with the vesting of infrastructure by the Stormwater Management Authority in a public

A.5.2. Technical Regulator

The Technical Regulator appointed under the Water Industry Act 2012 adopts the National
Construction Code including the Plumbing Code of Australia 2004 and the Australian/New Zealand
Standard for Plumbing and Drainage – Water Supply AS/NZS 3500.1:2003.
The scope of the Plumbing Code covers technical performance requirements for on property plumbing
covering the design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of:
> Water services
> Sanitary plumbing and drainage systems
> Stormwater drainage systems
> Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
> On-site wastewater management systems

The purpose of the code is to ensure that any plumbing and drainage installation is fit for its intended
purpose, protects public health, does not have any adverse impact on the environment and can
continue to function as intended without the need for excessive maintenance.
A.5.3. Australian/New Zealand Standard for Plumbing and Drainage – Water Supply AS/NZS
The Australian/New Zealand Standard for Plumbing and Drainage (AS/NZS 3500.1:2003) specifies
design, installation and commissioning requirements for cold water services (drinking and non-
drinking) on property. This standard is referenced by the Plumbing Code of Australia 2004 and is
given legal effect by both the Waterworks Act 1932 and Sewerage Act 1929 in South Australia. It is
also adopted as a prescribed code in the Public and Environmental Health (Waste Control)
Regulations 1987.
A.5.4. WSAA Code - Dual Water Supply Systems (supplement to the WSAA Water Supply
Code of Australia)
The WSAA Water Supply Code of Australia (WSA 03-2002) is the industry standard covering design
and construction requirements for water supply reticulation systems (i.e. off-property). A supplement to
this code specifically covers dual water supply systems for recycled water, WSAA Code Supplement
Dual Water Supply Systems (Recycled Water)
The requirements of this code are generally enforced via contractual obligations between the
developer and ultimate asset owner.

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A.5.5. SA Water’s Authorised Products Dual Water Supply (Recycled Water)
SA Water provides an authorised products list for dual water supply (recycled water) systems that are
designed and constructed on behalf of SA Water. This list specifies types of pipes, fittings, valves, etc
that must be used.

A.5.6. Rainwater Plumbing Guide

SA Water has developed a Rainwater Plumbing Guide covering plumbing requirements for connection
of rainwater tanks to plumbing outlets within properties. The guide provides educational material and
supplements the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.1:2003
A.5.7. Recycled Water Plumbing Guide
SA Water has also developed a Recycled Water Plumbing Guide covering plumbing requirements for
the connection of recycled water plumbing within properties (i.e. dual reticulation schemes). The guide
provides educational material and supplements the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 and any
DHA approval conditions applying to a specific recycled water schemes.

A.6. Legislation administered by the Department of Environment, Water and

Natural Resources
A.6.1. Water Industry Act 2012
The Water Industry Act was released by the Office for Water Security (now the Department of
Environment, Water and Natural Resources) for public comment in November 2010 and the second
reading occurred on 27 July 2011. It was assented by parliament on 5 April 2012.
Under the Water Industry Act, the water and sewerage wastewater industry will be regulated for the
purposes of the Essential Services Commission of South Australia Act 2001. This will allow the
ESCOSA’s to undertake specified water regulatory functions including licensing, pricing, service levels
and performance monitoring.

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Appendix B. Indicative Pathogen Log Removal Values
The rescinded South Australian Reclaimed Water Guidelines (1999) classified recycled water
according to the indicative water quality. Water quality requirements included microbiological, chemical
and/or physical criteria achieved by typical treatment process trains and based on these the recycled
water was classified as Class A, B etc. Table E1 gives the indicative log removals for the various
classes of recycled water as identified in the AGWR.
For lower class schemes (e.g. Class B and lower) the indicative log removals may be achieved
primarily through the application of on-site controls. Further information on treatment requirements and
log removals for various uses of recycled water may be found in Table 3.8 of the Australian Guidelines
for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks (Phase 1).
Table E1: Indicative minimum treatment required for various uses of recycled water

Indicative log Microbiological

removal criteria : Typical Treatment Scheme
(V, P, B)
‡ E. Coli (median Process Train Class/type

Full secondary treatment

Dual reticulation <1 plus tertiary filtration plus Class A

Full secondary treatment

Unrestricted municipal
< 10 plus tertiary filtration plus Class A

Municipal use with

Full secondary plus
restricted access and < 100 Class B

Primary sedimentation plus

Municipal use, with lagooning, or
enhanced restrictions
< 1000 Full secondary (disinfection if Class C
on access and
application required to meet
microbiological criteria)

Secondary treatment or
Landscape irrigation < 1000 primary treatment with Class C
lagoon detention

Primary sedimentation plus

Non-food crops e.g. lagooning, or
< 10000 Class D
trees, turf, woodlots
Full secondary

Specific removal of viruses, protozoa and/or helminths will be required in addition to bacteria

V: Virus, P: Protozoa, B: Bacteria

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