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Science 10 Review

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1. Which pair of EM waves is commonly used for communication?

A. X-rays and infrared B. radio waves and microwaves C. radio waves and gamma rays D. infrared and microwaves
2. The radio wave is useful in which of the following applications?
A. watching television B. treating cancers C. sterilizing medical equipment D. sunbathing
3. All of the following made use of gamma rays accept one. Which is it?
A. treating tumors
B. treating cancer through the process called radiotherapy
C. sterilization of water in drinking fountains
D. sterilization of medical equipment
4. Infrared waves are useful in which of the following applications?
A. remote control B. television signal C. screen of electronic devices D. night vision goggles
5. Microwave is useful in which of the following applications?
A. remote control B. cellphone communication C. artificial lighting D. sterilization
6. In visible light, which color has the longest wavelength?
A. red B. violet C. yellow D. green
7. What form of the wave makes your skin tan when exposed for a long period of time?
A. infrared rays B. microwaves C. radio waves D. ultraviolet rays
8. Which of the following is not an application of visible light?
A. bulb B. security markings C. cell phone screen D. flashlight
9. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the acronym GPS?
A. Guided Position Symbol B. Global Positioning System C. Guided Positioning System D. Global Perimeter Scale
10. Colors in the infrared image depend on ________________.
A. wavelength B. frequency C. amplitude D. temperature
11. Looking directly at something very bright such as sun has a negative effect on your _____.
A. skin B. eyes C. heart D. lungs
12. Which rays enable us to see?
A. Microwave B. Infrared C. Ultraviolet D. visible light
13. Which material can be used to protect people from gamma rays?
A. Sunblock lotion B. Soap C. Alcohol D. perfume
14. Which type of ray can be felt as warmth?
A. Microwave B. Infrared C. Ultraviolet D. visible light
15. How can UV ray cause skin cancer?
A. Too much exposure UV radiation from the sun can damage the genetic material in your skin cell.
B. Too low exposure UV radiation from the sun can damage the genetic material in your skin cell.
C. Exposure from UV rays will hinder the absorption of vitamin D, which can damage your skin cell.
D. UV rays can cause mutation of skin cells that results in abnormal growth of skin allergies.
16. The following are the properties of Electromagnetic (EM) waves, EXCEPT .
a. EM waves can travel through a vacuum and a medium.
b. EM waves travel at the speed of 3x108m/s.
c. EM waves have an electric field and magnetic field which vibrate parallel to each other.
d. As wavelength of EM waves decreases, its frequency increases.
17. Which of the following is NOT an EM wave?
a. sound b. radio c. light d. infrared
18. The direction of the electric and magnetic fields of an EM wave is .
a. Always to the right b. Parallel c. Always to the left d. Perpendicular
19. In the visible spectrum, which color has the longest wavelength?
a. blue b. green c. red d. violet
20. A rainbow has seven colors. Arrange the colors according to decreasing wavelength.
a. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet b. violet, indigo, blue, yellow, green, red, orange
c. violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red d. indigo, violet, red, yellow, orange, green, blue
21. EM waves travel at a speed of 3x10^8m/s, but when EM waves travel through matter, they slow down. Which of the following material
that EM waves travel the slowest?
a. air b. water c. vacuum d. diamond
22. Which of the following material EM wave travel the fastest?
a. glass b. water c. vacuum d. air
23. Which of the following statements about EM waves is TRUE?
a. As wavelength increases, the frequency of wave also increases.
b. EM waves transfer energy through vacuum and medium.
c. All EM waves are invisible and undetectable.
d. The electric field and the magnetic field oscillate parallel to each other.
24. Which two waves lie at the ends of the visible spectrum?
a. Infrared and Ultra-violet rays b. Radio waves and Microwaves
c. Radio waves and X-rays d. X-rays and Gamma rays
25. Which property spells the difference between infra-red and ultra-violet radiation?
a. Color b. Speed in vacuum c. Wavelength d. None of the above
26. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in radar?
a. Infrared rays b. Microwaves c. Radio waves d. Ultra-violet rays
27. Which electromagnetic wave carries more energy than the others?
a. microwaves b. radio waves c. UV radiation d. visible light
28. What electromagnetic wave is sometimes called heat rays?
a. gamma rays b. infrared c. radio waves d. visible light
29. You see the reflection of the clock without numbers in your plane mirror. The image formed by the hands of the clock shows the time of
3:30. What is the real time?
a. 3:30 b. 8:30 c. 9:30 d. 10:30
30. What is the distance of your image from you if you stand 1.5m in front of a plane mirror?
a. 1.5 m b. 2.0 m c. 3.0 m d. 4.5 m
31. How much larger will your classroom seem to appear if the entire two adjacent walls of your classroom consist of plane mirrors?
a. 2x larger b. 3x larger c. 4x larger d. can’t be determined
32. A light ray, traveling parallel to a concave mirror’s axis, strikes the mirror’s surface. The reflected ray.
a. passes through the mirror’s focal point b. again travels parallel to the mirror’s axis
c. travels at right angles to the mirror’s axis d. passes through the mirror’s center of curvature
33. Zed stands 1.5-m tall in front of a plane mirror. What is the height of his image?
a. 4.5 m b. 3.0 m c. 2.0 m d. 1.5 m
34. An object is placed between a concave mirror and its focal point. What is the type and orientation of the image formed?
a. virtual and inverted b. real and inverted c. virtual and erect d. real and erect
35. A photocopy “Xerox” machine produces an image that is of equal size as the object. Considering the location of an object in a convex lens,
where is the object located or placed to produce an image that is of equal size to the object?
a. At F’ b. At 2F’ c. Between F’ and V d. Between 2F’ and F’
36. Which of the following optical instruments will be used to produce a reduced and inverted image of a distant object?
a. Camera b. Projector c. Microscope d. Refracting Telescope
37. What kind of image is formed by concave lenses?
a. always real
b. always virtual
c. could be real or virtual; depends on the distance of the object from the focal point
d. could be real or virtual, but always real when the object is placed at the focal point
38. Sun’s rays are observed to focus at a point behind a lens. What kind of lens was used?
a. Converging Lens b. Diverging Lens c. Focusing Lens d. None of the above
39. A white sheet of paper cannot act as mirror because it ____________ the rays of light.
a. diffracts b. diffuses c. interferes d. refract
40. It is a disturbance in a field that carries energy and does not require a medium to travel.
A.Electromagnetic waves B. Frequency C. radar D. wavelength
41. What electromagnetic wave is used in transmitting data and message in cellphone?
A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Radio waves D. Ultra- violet
42. The following explain the formation of images in plane mirrors EXCEPT,
A. Left-right reversal
B. Virtual images formed
C. The distance of the image is equal to the distance of the object from the mirror.
D. Images in plane mirrors are larger than the object
43. Joan finds it hard to see far objects due to her eye defect. What type of lens will be used to correct her vision?
A. Concave lens B. convex lens C. magnifying lens D. contact lens
44. What types of lenses are used in a compound microscope?
A. one convex lens B. two concave lenses C. two convex lenses D. one concave lens
45. What type of mirror do dentists usually use to see clearly the images of our teeth?
A. Plane mirror B. Convex mirror C. Concave mirror D. None of the above
46. It is a type of lens which forms real and virtual image.
A.Curve B. plane C. convex D. concave
47. It is a reflection of light on rough surfaces such as clothing, paper, wavy water and asphalt road.
A. Specular/regular reflection C. bending/refraction
B. Diffused/irregular reflection D. Both A & B
48. If the object is placed between C and F in a concave mirror, what is the orientation, type and magnification of the image?
A. inverted, virtual and reduced C. upright, real and reduced
B. inverted, real and enlarged D. upright, virtual and enlarged
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. A
25. C
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. A
33. D
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. B
38. A
39. B
40. A
41. B
42. D
43. A
44. C
45. C
46. C
47. B
48. B

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