Api 674
Api 674
Api 674
Even when pulsation levels are within Pulsation and mechanical response studies
Discharge damper
allowable levels, high vibration and cyclic have demonstrated to be effective tools to Endless line
stress levels can occur. Especially for very meet such objectives.
flexible pipe systems and variable speed
pump systems, it can be difficult to achieve Importance of analysis Pump
an optimum design from the dynamic point The PULSIM program has been developed by
of view. Cavitation and vibration problems TNO Science and Industry. PULSIM solves the
can be avoided, and consequently life cycle one dimensional flow equations with the
costs can be reduced when they are solved method of characteristics in the time Suction damper
during the design stage of the project. domain. The general purpose finite element
program ANSYS is used to calculate the
mechanical behaviour of the system.
API 674 05 2005 23-05-2005 14:58 Pagina 2
Process Industry
During this study the minimum volume and Step 3: Mechanical response study The team of the ‘Flow and Structural
most-effective damper layout (in-line, off- One of the objectives of the pulsation study Dynamics’ department: your partner in
line, with or without gas volume) is is to reduce the pulsation-induced shaking solving questions about the dynamics of
your installation. Modelling, measuring and
designed. To avoid cavitation caused by pres- forces to a minimum. However, unallowable
optimising of dynamic flow and vibration
sure pulsations the dampercheck is therefore vibration and cyclic stress levels can occur in phenomena is our specialty.
carried out with the interaction of the pipe case a mechanical natural frequency is close We use modelling techniques like PULSIM
system, which includes acceleration, hydro- to, or coincides with a frequency component to enhance the reliability and safety of your
static and friction effects. of the pulsation-induced shaking forces, even process installation.
in case the pulsation levels itself are within
Step 2: Pulsation study the allowable levels. To prevent fatigue fail- TNO Science and Industry
This step in the analysis is the pulsation ure of the pipe system, cyclic stresses in the P.O. Box 155
2600 AD Delft
study of the complete pipe system. The simu- system must not exceed the endurance limits
The Netherlands
lation model, as used by TNO Science and of the material.
Industry, comprises the connected and inter- Therefore, TNO Science and Industry calcu-
acting subsystems such as driving piston, lates the cyclic stresses in the pipe system www.tno.nl
cylinder volume, pump valves, internal pas- with a full mechanical response analysis.
sages, orifices, pulsation dampers, straight This is in addition to the analysis as required André Eijk
and curved pipe elements, etc. following the API 674, because for pumps Tel. +31 15 269 21 33
Fax +31 15 269 21 11
The pulsations and pulsation-induced with variable speed, mismatch of acoustical
E-mail: andre.eijk@tno.nl
shaking forces are calculated and compared and mechanical natural frequencies is diffi-
with allowable levels. In case of exceedings cult to achieve, especially for a wide speed www.pulsim.com
of these levels, modifications are investi- range.
gated. Frequently advised modifications are:
the installation of orifice plates, increasing
the diameter of pipe parts, relocating closed
valves, installation of additional volume etc.
The final aim of the pulsation study is the
prevention of:
• cavitation
• high pressure losses
• unacceptable pulsations, vibrations
an cyclic pipe stresses causing fatigue
• opening of relief valves due to pulsations © URACA
• inaccuracies of flow measuring devices
The mechanical model is built up with beam
type elements and includes all important
Pressure pulsations
components, which influence the mechanical
14 natural frequencies and cyclic stresses such
P suction as nozzle and flange flexibilities, pipe racks,
Pressure [bar]
stress intensification factors of T-joints and
P vapor
In case the vibration and/or cyclic stress lev-
0 els exceed the allowable levels, modifications
0 90 180 270 360
Crank angle [degrees] are investigated to achieve acceptable levels.
This can be accomplished by the installation
of additional pipe supports and/or by
increasing the stiffness of the structures on
which the system is mounted.