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Bible Prophecy Secrets

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Bible Prophecy

Unlocking the Ancient
Mystery of Daniel’s 70
Weeks That Was Sealed
Until The Time of the End

Abraham Ojeda

Bible Prophecy Secrets

Unlocking the Ancient Mystery of Daniel’s 70 Weeks That Was
Sealed Until the Time of the End

Copyright © 2023 by Abraham Ojeda / Kingdom Secrets LLC. All

rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, includ-
ing photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publish-
er, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New King
James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*.

Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used
by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.

All Scripture quotations from the King James Version of the Bible
are noted as “(KJV)”.

Kingdom Secrets LLC

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ISBN: 979-839-391-2949

Cover Design: Jorfran David S. and Abraham Ojeda

Illustrations: Abraham Ojeda, Jorfran David S., and Glenn Bar-

Printed in the United States of America.

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“…To you has been given to know the secrets of
the kingdom of God…”

- Luke 8:10 (TLV)


Dedication 07
Why This Book Is Different 08
Introduction 11

SECRET I: Unlocking the Truth of Daniel’s 70 17

Weeks Prophecy
1. Sealed Until the Time of the End 19
2. The Hidden Meaning of “Shabua” 43
3. The First 7 Shabua and Moses’ 120 Cycles 75
4. The Next 62 Shabua and Destruction Of The 129
5. Daniel’s 70th Shabua and the Year 2020 163
6. September 22, 2023 - The Nuclear Abominations 187
of Desolation

SECRET II: How to Overcome Common End Times 227

7. Rebuilding the Temple, Ezekiel 22, and Signs of 229
Impending Doom
8. The Mysterious 45-Day Blessing and Flattery 243

SECRET III: Using the 70 Shabua Timeline to 253

Understand All Prophecy
9. The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ 255
10. The Ten Kings, Locusts of Revelation, and 3-1/2 287
SECRET IV: How to Overcome These Evil Days 319
with Faith
11. Yeshua’s 144,000 Firstfruits and Luke 21:36 321
12. The Secrets of Living Righteously 361
Conclusion and Next Steps 393
Appendix A: 120 Shawneh of Mankind Charts 397
Appendix B: The 70th Shabua of Daniel Charts 401

Notes 403
Bibliography 425
Abraham’s Recommended Reading 439
Acknowledgments 441
About The Author 443
Bible Prophecy Secrets 7


To our Master in Heaven, Yeshua (Jesus), who told us this very

important warning in John 9:4 (NKJV):

“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is

day; the night is coming when no one can work.”

As I will show you in this book, after September 22, 2023, the
ability to work the fields for our Father in Heaven and bring the
Good News to people using the internet and all of the modern
conveniences like book printings will most likely be either
severely disrupted or brought to an end altogether. That’s why
this book has been written NOW. To put a paper copy in the
hands of those with eyes to see and ears to hear what the Holy
Spirit has already made known to us about the 70th week of
Daniel and the Time of the End.

This book is dedicated to the 10%—the remnant—of God-fearing

people that will be living through the tribulation and the darkest
days that humanity has faced and ever will face. Yehovah bless
you, and may He make His face to shine upon you as you turn to
Him with your whole heart. Shalom!

Finally, this book is also dedicated to my wife, Kimberly, who

received a specific word from God almost exactly seven years
ago that I needed to write a book. I also received this specific
instruction the same day that she did. But it wasn’t until I was
trained and ready that the book finally came. Without her
companionship and counsel during the darkest hours of my
journey, there’s no way this book could have been written on
8 Abraham Ojeda


Bible Prophecy Secrets will show you how to think for

yourself and apply principles that you can take with you
for the rest of your life. This work is an exercise in Biblical

What you are going to discover within the pages of this

book is a deep love, pursuit, and showcase of the truth.
You are going to hear me repeat many times that the best
commentary on the Bible is the Bible itself. The problem
is that most people lose sight of the importance of the
languages—the Hebrew and Greek—in which the Text was
originally written.

When seeking for the absolute truth, it’s far less important
what has been translated into English (…or German,
Spanish, French, etc.), and it is of utmost importance to
know what the original words of the Text actually mean.
Not only that, but the Hebrew came first! So what language
do you think we are going to focus on like crazy?

In the spirit of honoring the original Hebrew God-breathed

Text, I will be mostly using Yeshua instead of the modern
English equivalent, Jesus, even though I personally use
both names in everyday life. I will also be pronouncing
the tetragrammaton name of God as Yehovah instead
of the inaccurate English replacement word, LORD. I will
also sometimes use Elohim instead of the modern English
equivalent, God.

The 70 weeks of Daniel will also be the central theme of

this book. But in order to understand Daniel, you must put
Bible Prophecy Secrets 9

on the mind of a Hebrew man living in the 6th century BC.

This was a man that practiced the Laws of God and was
considered among the three most righteous men of all time
alongside Noah and Job (Eze.14:14). Using a concordance
to extract the original meaning isn’t a suggestion, it’s a law
of interpretation. We’ll talk more about the Three Laws of
Interpretation later.

Over the years, there have been many cash-grab books and
presentations that have flooded the end times marketplace.
Books with very little Scriptural backing have been hitting
the bestsellers lists on Amazon, and even though they end
up being wrong, nobody ever gets a refund. Since Covid
and the events of 2020, there have been so many teachers
and commentators of Biblical end times prophecy popping
up all over the place. Tik-Tok and YouTube are getting
flooded with content about Revelation, the mark of the
beast, and the antichrist. It seems like everyone has just a
slightly different “spin” on an idea and then make a whole
platform and brand from which to monetize their idea.

It is unsettling to think about how people are going to have

to answer for their misguided, inaccurate, and outright
false teachings of Scripture. From Moses to Revelation, we
are told that there are consequences for adding to or taking
away from the Word of God (Deu. 12:32, Rev. 22:18,19).
James even warns us that teachers will receive a stricter
judgment (Jas. 3:1). I understand these things. I am not
ignorant of what the Bible plainly warns. But when is the
last time you heard all those preachers out there put their
own feet to the fire and admit these truths to you? There
is a cancer of Bible interpretation out there where people
boldly state their own opinions as facts. You won’t see that
here. I honestly tell you when something is my opinion. I
will also show you where the Bible speaks for itself.

This book is about much more than prophecy and the 70

10 Abraham Ojeda

weeks of Daniel. Bible Prophecy Secrets will give you a solid

foundation for Biblical interpretation that will equip you to
draw close to God and experience His power in your life
like you never could have imagined.

Get ready.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 11


Before unpacking any of the treasure found in the

Scriptures, I have a question for you. Do you want to be
obedient to God?

The truth is that you and I today are explicitly commanded

to know and understand the prophecy of the 70 weeks of
Daniel. Here’s what the Text says:

“…consider the matter, and understand the vision…”

- Daniel 9:23 (NKJV)

“Know therefore and understand…”

- Daniel 9:25
12 Abraham Ojeda

When the angelic messenger was saying these words, he wasn’t

actually telling Daniel to understand the vision. Daniel couldn’t.
He tried but simply could not understand. However, Daniel was
obedient to write down what was said because the command
was for those of us living in the time of the end that I will prove
to you is right now.
The truth is that seminaries, church leaders, and religious
institutions of all kinds have utterly failed us. They lied to
us. And it’s now time to open up this prophecy with a fresh
understanding. Now that we are at the time of the end, we must
look at this prophecy like a Berean from the book of Acts and
unseal its truths, before it’s too late to take action. The time for
spiritual preparation is right now.

Please hear me out…

We are running out of time. There are events unfolding right

at this moment that are truly horrifying. World War III, vaccine
injuries from the experimental and lethal inoculations that
supposedly “protect” from Wuhan-released COVID, rampant
domestic crime, famine is on the rise… The list goes on and on.

But what if I told you that in the midst of all the noise and
distractions, there is a truly urgent event that is about to
unfold, yet hardly anyone is talking about it? That event is the
abomination of desolation that has been prophesied by Daniel
the prophet and again repeated by Yeshua in Matthew, Mark,
and Luke. When our Master repeats something three times, I
think we should really be paying attention, don’t you? Before
we explore the heart of the Text, I know what you might be

“But, no man knows the day or the hour…”

“You sound like date-setting false prophet…”

Let me start by saying that I don’t claim to be a prophet. I am

simply a watchman and a practitioner of the Word. Now lets
Bible Prophecy Secrets 13

talk about Yeshua’s words. The reality is that He was talking

about a very specific event when He said “no man knows the
day or the hour”. He was talking about His return to earth. He
was not talking about prophecies like the the abomination of
desolation. Why else would Daniel have been given exact—and I
mean exact—numbers that pertain to this particular event? Just
take a look for yourself at what is written at the very end of the
book of Daniel.

11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away,
and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall
be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 “Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand

three hundred and thirty-five days.
- Dan. 12:11,12

Why would Daniel have recorded such specific days for us if it’s
utterly pointless because “no man knows the day or the hour”?
The answer to this question will both amaze and humble you.


In early 2022, I launched my website and podcast called

Overcome Babylon, out of which this book has been born. This
simple act of being obedient to the calling of God on my life has
changed me forever, and I encourage you to be faithful to His
calling, whatever that may look like. For me, it was sitting inside
of my truck, grabbing a microphone, and recording deep studies
through the Word of God that had been on my heart for years.
Throughout the podcast and this book, I talk about Babylon and
Mystery Babylon quite a bit. This spiritual metaphor is based on
this passage from Revelation 17:3-5:

3 “So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I

saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names
14 Abraham Ojeda

of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 “The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned

with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand
a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her

5 “And on her forehead a name was written:



When you see me referring to Mystery Babylon, I’m not talking

about the literal kingdom that conquered Judah in 586 BC. I’m
talking about the spiritual system of darkness that has existed
for quite a long time now, and we are told that this system that
rules over the earth is a “great city” in Rev. 17:18:

“And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns
over the kings of the earth.”

Many people speculate about where this great city might be.
Some say it’s the Vatican. Some say it’s Washington D.C., or
maybe it’s the City of London. You can make the Bible say
anything you want, but what does it actually tell us? Well, it turns
out that these words of Rev. 11:7-8 give us the exact answer
within the context of the two witnesses being killed (note: this is
a future prophecy that has not happened yet):

7 “When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out
of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome
them, and kill them.

8 “And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord
was crucified.”

The obvious question for us to ask is where was Yeshua

Bible Prophecy Secrets 15

crucified? We are told that He was on the cross on Golgotha

which is immediately outside the city of Jerusalem. Now, don’t
get me wrong. I am not anti-Jewish. I am not anti-Israel. I have
Jewish friends and have great respect and appreciation for the
land of Israel.

The problem is that Israel has it’s deep state just like any
country. What do I mean by “deep state”? I am talking about
the unelected, unaccountable elites hidden behind the veil of
government that rule and enslave the people but without the
people even being aware of their existence. These elites (most
of them wealthy bankers) create their agendas behind closed
doors and use various non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
in order to push their power on the masses.

Revelation tells us that Jerusalem is in fact the headquarters that

is responsible for all of this behavior worldwide. It is a spiritual,
economic, and military power; but for the purposes of this book,
we will focus on the spiritual aspects of Mystery Babylon as they
pertain to end times prophecy and Daniel.

The bottom line is that there is a dangerous and pervasive

group-think mindset (as George Orwell calls it in 1984) or “hive”
mentality about the 70 weeks of Daniel that has been pushed
within all of the major religions and their institutions. They
all teach the same interpretation. They all repeat the same
misguided lie.

We are told in Revelation that it is in fact Mystery Babylon in

Jerusalem that is responsible for all abominations and false
doctrines worldwide. It is this spiritual Mystery Babylon system
that has been pushing the same interpretation of the 70 weeks
of Daniel for hundreds of years now, and everyone has bought
into it without even questioning it.

Take heed to the words of Daniel! It’s time for us to overcome

this spiritual darkness together once and for all and shine like
the stars forever:
16 Abraham Ojeda

“Those who are wise shall shine

Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness
Like the stars forever and ever.”
- Dan. 12:3

Think about the power and outright beauty of that promise.

Make no mistake, that’s a promise in Dan. 12:3. It’s a promise
straight from the throne of our Father. As you go through these
amazing words of prophecy with me line-by-line, please share
this message with other people. Lets do our part to help others
be wise and understand this prophecy so that they, too, might
shine like the brightness of the firmament and like the stars
forever. Lets teach others so that they can take their rightful
place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Secret I:
Unlocking the Truth
of Daniel’s 70 Weeks

“And he said, ‘Go your way, Daniel, for the

words are closed up and sealed till the time
of the end.’”

- Daniel 12:9
Bible Prophecy Secrets 19


Let’s get started by taking a look at the entire 70 weeks prophecy

of Daniel chapter 9. Unless otherwise noted, I will continue to
use the New King James Version since this is the translation I
am the most familiar with and also because the English wording
used in this prophecy is reasonably accurate to the Hebrew.

24 “Seventy weeks are determined

For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.

25 “Know therefore and understand,

That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times.

26 “And after the sixty-two weeks

Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood,
20 Abraham Ojeda

And till the end of the war desolations are determined.

27 “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;

But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”
- Dan. 9:24-27

Let me start by saying that this book isn’t what you think it is.
Yes, I am going to uncover and show you what the 70 weeks
prophecy of Daniel is actually talking about. I am going to show
you the mysteries of God hidden from the foundation of the
world and now revealed to us in these last days. But this book is
much deeper than that.

This book is a formula.

I will show you how to apply very specific principles of Bible

interpretation that if you choose to apply strictly in your own
walk will radically and fundamentally change your life forever.
Why do I say this with such authority? Because that’s what the
Word tells us. It simply cannot and does not return void but “shall
prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). But I will
tell you what does return void and worthless; and those are the
man-made interpretations of Scripture that are disconnected
(even just a little bit) from the foundation of the Truth.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 21


The number one problem we as believers face is when church

leaders present their opinions as facts, and facts as opinions.
Here’s what I mean by that.

Too many Bible teachers out there will authoritatively say

something like “this is what the Bible says” as a statement of
fact when in reality, it is a subjective opinion. But they will also
present the Truth of the Bible as if it were a subjective opinion
that doesn’t really mean what it says or say what it means.

To make matters worse, they have a take-it-or-leave-it approach

to Scripture. They get upset if you disagree with their opinions.
They don’t like to be challenged. They’ll kick you out of their
fellowship if you find truths in the Bible that are different from
the “statement of faith” on their website and literature. It’s no
wonder, then, that the vast majority of Bible believers have
never had the kind of breakthrough understanding of prophecy
that you will be experiencing in the pages of this book.

It is absolutely mind blowing that all of the Mystery Babylon

institutions, churches, and seminaries have been teaching an
identical interpretation of the 70 weeks of Daniel chapter 9
since the beginning of the 3rd century AD, yet we are explicitly
and undeniably told in the Text that this prophecy was sealed
until the time of the end.1 And this statement doesn’t show up just
once, but two times as recorded in Dan. 12:4 and 12:9:

4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until
the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge
shall increase.”

9 “And he said, ‘Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up
and sealed till the time of the end.’”
22 Abraham Ojeda

The angelic messenger that was sent to Daniel made it crystal

clear that this message would be unable to be understood until
the last days. So let me ask the obvious question here…Is God
true and every man a liar, or is it the other way around? I’m not
confused about the authority of the Bible, and you shouldn’t be
Bible Prophecy Secrets 23


Lets now take a quick moment to address the age old point
of view and put it to the test. Here is how everyone (and
their mother) teaches that the 70 weeks prophecy should be

7 x 70 = 490 years

Again, let me emphasize that this interpretation has been

pushed since the 3rd century AD in order to promote the very
specific interpretation that this prophecy was speaking of the
first coming of Christ. There are some major problems that will
become glaringly obvious as we unpack them together.

First, just stop and think about the four Gospels that we have.
Look at all of the things Yeshua said about Himself and the
various fulfillments of prophecy sprinkled throughout the texts
of the Gospels. Now let me ask the obvious question. How
many times do you see either Yeshua Himself or the author of a
particular Gospel mention the book of Daniel?

Well, it is actually only mentioned three times. Once in Matthew

24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, respectively. But each time that
Daniel is mentioned, Yeshua is warning about the abomination
of desolation. He absolutely never under any circumstance
whatsoever says something like “Now is the word spoken of by
Daniel the prophet concerning Me fulfilled, for the Son of Man
must be cut off after the sixty-two weeks and raised up.” He
never said this, yet every religion teaches what I just fabricated
out of thin air as if it’s part of the four Gospels.

Now I want you to examine the rest of the New Testament and
see what these writers said about the book of Daniel. Do you see
a major red flag? Do you understand the elephant in the room?
Absolutely none of the other writers ever speak of the book of
Daniel at all, with maybe the minor exception of Revelation in
which there is some overlap of abstract concepts.
24 Abraham Ojeda

My point is that none of the writers reference, quote, or point

to Daniel chapter 9 at all in order to prove that the first coming
of the Messiah in the first century AD was either a partial or
complete fulfillment of the 70 weeks prophecy. Think about all
of the various letters that Paul wrote. Out of the 27 books of the
New Testament, he wrote 13 of them. He talked about all kinds
of mysteries and quoted multitudes of prophets and passages
from the Old Testament to give his readers understanding. Yet,
Paul himself (as educated and eloquent as he was) never used
Daniel 9 and the 70 weeks as authority or proof to write about
the first coming of the Messiah.

With what I have just pointed out to you, it’s really not necessary
to go down the rabbit hole of understanding exactly why the
490-year interpretation has been pushed. It’s really the same old
thing we have been seeing in recent times. People desperately
want to have an explanation for absolutely everything in the
Bible, and cults are very notorious for this practice. Being
humble enough to say “I don’t know” is a rare practice amongst
the leadership of Judeo-Christian religions. Some want to write
books for fame and fortune. Others love the power trip that
comes with a captive audience and speaking from stages.

The first century apostles and writers were a completely different

breed. Even though many of them saw Yeshua’s face, talked
with Him, and heard the words directly out of His mouth, these
believers did something that is completely radical according to
today’s standards. They chose to remain silent when the Bible
was not clear to them.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Think of the humility of these people. This is the true reason

why the writers of the New Testament did not speak at all about
the 70 weeks of Daniel. It was not the time of the end yet, and
they didn’t understand it. So the Holy Spirit did not breathe
inspiration into them so that they could write things down to
explain the prophecy.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 25

It’s really that simple.

Just to get a clear picture of all the doctrines currently being

taught, let’s take a look at some of the major camps of religion
and their views on the 70 weeks of Daniel chapter 9. I will be
referring back to these diagrams in later chapters.


This chart represents a very large camp of people. Baptists,

Pentecostals, Calvinists, Non-denominational—the belief here
represents arguably the majority of Christians. In fact, this is
the camp that I belonged to for the longest time. There are
disagreements as to when the clock starts. Though it is widely
understood that Cyrus the Great initiated the return of Judah
back to Jerusalem, the exact year that Artaxerxes Longimanus
showed favor towards Nehemiah his cupbearer is debated. As
you will see in the next diagrams, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and
Seventh Day Adventists do not agree with the year 445 BC to
begin the prophetic clock. In fact, they don’t even agree with
each other.
26 Abraham Ojeda

Regardless of the nuances, most Christians believe that Jesus

has something to do with the 70 weeks prophecy, and after His
work on the cross was finished, there is a massive gap in the
timeline called the Church Age until perhaps a rapture event or
the rebuilding of a Temple in Jerusalem initiates the future 70th
week of Daniel.


I have discovered through my research and conversations with

members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that they
believe in a complete historical fulfillment of the 70 weeks of
Daniel; and this illustration is based off of the one found on
their official website.2 The interpretation here emphasizes the
rebuilding of Jerusalem and not so much the Temple itself,
which is why the dates are different from the Christians. As you
can see, the JW camp disagrees with the mainstream Christian
Bible Prophecy Secrets 27

interpretation by declaring 455 BC to begin the prophetic clock

rather than 445 BC.

I went ahead and mixed the Catholic church into this camp as
well because they certainly do not fall into the Seventh Day
Adventist camp, but they aren’t completely in the Christian
camp, either. Though the Catholics have varying positions, the
traditionally held to viewpoint is that of a complete fulfillment
of the 70 weeks in the past with Jesus the Messiah as the key
component of the prophecy.3


Keep in mind that there are offshoots of the SDA such as the
Worldwide Church of God originally started by Herbert W.
Armstrong; and therefore, these beliefs apply to a number
of various subgroups. The belief here is very similar to the
Catholics and JW but with an interesting twist that has to do with
the founding group of the SDA called the Millerites. This group
falsely predicted the second coming of Christ to be October
22, 1844 because their prophetic time clock of 2300 “years”
28 Abraham Ojeda

began in 457 BC.4,5 When this false prophecy did not occur
and Christ did not appear in 1844, the event was labelled the
Great Disappointment, and a major split in the early Adventist
community occurred. Those that still wanted to have community
and fellowship continued to call themselves Adventists and
simply restructured their doctrinal beliefs to support the idea
that something did in fact take place in 1844, but it was the
beginning of judgment that was only visible in the heavenly
realm.6 How convenient, right?

What it all really boils down to is that there are two camps of
thought. People either believe that all of the 70 weeks already
happened at some point in the past, or people believe that 69
weeks have been fulfilled and there is just one week left that
will take place at a completely unknown time in the future.
Regardless of the specifics, everyone thinks that this prophecy
has something to do with a 490-year period of time. Everyone
also assumes this prophecy must be talking about Jesus the
Messiah and cannot possibly be referring to anything else.
Now you have a good idea of what the vast majority of religions
are currently teaching and have been teaching for a long time.
As I have already alluded to, we are now about to dive into the
heart of what makes this book different from any other end
times book you have ever read.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 29


There are fundamental rules that will be applied consistently

and methodically as we go through this prophecy together.
These rules are the same rules that John, Peter, Paul, and all
of the apostles used when they wrote their letters to different
congregations around the world. These are the same principles
of Bible interpretation that, if applied relentlessly, will guarantee
that we will never, ever twist the Word of God to our own
destruction like we are warned about in 2 Peter 3:16.

I can’t tell you how blessed and profound my walk has been with
God since applying these exact same rules in my life that I am
now about to show you. Not only will you discover a deeper,
more meaningful and prosperous relationship with our Father,
but you will begin to have the mind of Christ spoken of in Phil
2:5—a mind of humility that does not seek recognition from and
agreement with men, but a mind of obedience that seeks only
the Truth that proceeds from the mouth of Yehovah. In other
words, this book probably isn’t what you were expecting. I am
not going to simply give you the fish, but I am going to equip
you with the skills so you can go catch fish for yourself. So, here
they are:

1. Law of First Mention

2. Law of Definitions
3. Law of Context

Notice that I am calling these “Laws”, which is a rather bold

claim. We are commanded in Deut. 12:32 that we are not to
add to or take away from the Word. But at the same time, we
have received God’s Holy Spirit, who Yeshua referred to as our
Teacher (Jhn. 14:26); and through the born-again experience of
belief we are able to interpret not just the exact letter of the Law
but the Spirit of the Law that’s behind the letters (Rom. 7:6).
30 Abraham Ojeda

I can tell you based on the past 17 years of being a believer that
failure to apply these methods of Bible interpretation will result
in making the Bible say whatever imagination of the heart comes
to mind. I’ve heard numerous evangelicals refer to it as “feeling
the presence of God” that confirms to them certain teachings
to be true. Many mormons refer to this phenomenon as the
“burning in the bosom”. Don’t get me wrong. Feelings aren’t bad
or evil in and of themselves because God gave them to us. But
we don’t use feelings as a primary tool for Bible interpretation.
That’s just not how it works. Destructive cults, wolves in sheep’s
clothing, and all false teachers have one thing in common. They
will always be found breaking these three rules. Always. That’s
why I refer to them as Laws.


The original Text of the Bible has been preserved as Hebrew in

the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament. Because
the Hebrew Scriptures came first they determine all (and I mean
100%) of Scripture interpretation from cover to cover. If there
is a concept in the Greek that seems to contradict the Hebrew
Scriptures, it is not the Greek words in question that contradict
the Hebrew. It is only your understanding that is faulty, and you
have to go back to the Hebrew to make the proper connections.

That’s the first part of this law.

The second part of this law of interpretation is that when a

Hebrew word appears in the Text for the very first time, then that
usage of the word is extremely important for understanding the
meaning that the Holy Spirit breathed for that word throughout
the rest of the Text.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 31


In order to understand the meaning of a verse or a passage,

the definitions of each and every single word should be looked
up in order to fully and completely understand what is being
said. Again, we don’t care what we in our 21st century mind and
vocabulary believe the words to say. But what do the words
actually mean? What is the originally intended meaning in the

We are commanded that we should not live by bread alone but

by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yehovah (Deu.
8:3). How in the world can you and I actually live this way if we
don’t bother to understand the true meaning found in the Text?
Get access to a concordance if you don’t have one already. One
of the best free resources is Blue Letter Bible (BLB) (https://, but there are others like Logos and
e-Sword that are also free and friendly to use.7 These online
resources also have smartphone apps to make studying the
Word even easier. I like BLB because you can get a CD copy of
the entire website for a donation of any amount and load it on
your computer offline as the internet gets increasingly censored
and even disrupted in the future.

No matter what, just pick one resource, stick with it, and
consistently go back to the original Hebrew and Greek.


The first part of this Law is that you must remove yourself and
your cultural understandings from your ability to interpret
Scripture. What do I mean by “remove yourself”? I am talking
about throwing away your biases. Leaving your religious
baggage at the front door. Walk into this place of interpreting
Scripture with fresh eyes to see what it actually says, rather
than what you want it to say or what you were told it says. We
32 Abraham Ojeda

absolutely cannot think about and interpret Scripture according

to the customs and practices of modern Western belief systems.
For years I sat listening to pastors and preachers in the pulpit of
the Christian college I attended, and they would primarily teach
the Bible with funny jokes, personal stories, and modern day
metaphors in a laughable attempt to present the truth of the
Word of God.

We won’t be playing games like that here.

Our primary methods of interpretation will be far removed from

the people-pleasing, mass market approach you’ve seen in the
mega churches. What you’ll find here is that the more you study
and practice what the Hebrew Scriptures teach, the more you
will understand all of the cultural nuances of the New Testament
because the people, places, and events of Yeshua’s day mostly
took place amongst Torah observant Hebrew people.

Think about that carefully.

Now, the second part of Context is simple. For whatever verse

or passage is in question, you must look at the verses before it
and after it in order to understand the proper context. Again,
you can’t simply look at the English only. You have to also apply
our other laws to those verses as well. Once you have applied
the laws of first mention and definitions, then you can better
understand the context of what has been translated in English.
Tools like BLB also make it easy to see every place that a specific
word in question is used throughout the Bible. There are so many
times that I have gained immense clarity and understanding
by comparing different passages that use the same word I’m
seeking to understand.

It may seem like a lot of work, but the more you practice these
laws, the more you will begin to deeply know the Text, and more
importantly, the Author of the Text. Just look at what Psalm
138:2 says:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 33

“I will worship toward Your holy temple,

And praise Your name
For Your lovingkindness and Your truth;
For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.”

Did you see the significance of what is being said here? God’s
Word is elevated above His own name!

What you will discover after applying these laws is something

special that very few people ever achieve in this life. You will
begin to hide His words in your heart so that you might not sin
against Him, and you will live in the fullness and abundance
that Yeshua promised to those who follow Him (Ps. 119:11, Jhn.

One day you will wake up, read the Word, and make remarkable
connections without even looking at the concordance.

This power that comes with understanding the original

languages cannot be overstated. That’s why I have dedicated
an entire program centered around this subject called Kingdom
Secrets Academy. We live in a time of extreme Biblical illiteracy.
Rightly dividing the Word of Truth has become a lost art, and
that’s why so many people no longer know what it’s like to
experience intimacy with God on a daily basis. People cannot
and will not experience the fullness of God’s plans for them if a
lot of what they believe originates from misunderstandings and
false applications of the Word. For more information on how
you can walk completely into the truth of the Word and become
the living sacrifice that you were truly meant to be, visit https://
34 Abraham Ojeda


Before we can even touch this prophecy, we must

wholeheartedly accept three important principles concerning
authority. The truth is that these principles are necessary to
understand the entire Bible, not just the 70 weeks prophecy.
Again, this book is a case study of legitimate, life-changing Bible
interpretation methods.
When it comes to the topic of prophecy in particular, people get
really crazy. The majority of false religions fundamentally grow
out of a unique spin on prophecy. Because of the nature of this
subject, people feel like they can throw logic out of the window.
They feel like they can make prophecy say whatever they want
it to say. They feel like they have more permission than usual
to destroy and misrepresent truth. With that said, here are
three golden rules we must understand about authority and

1. The Bible is the Word of God (not man’s imagination)

I have already shown you how God’s Word is elevated

above His own name. Paul tells us another radical and often
misunderstood truth in 2 Timothy 3:16:

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable

for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in

Go look up the word inspiration and you will find that it means
divinely breathed by the Holy Spirit. I’m telling you that this verse
is misunderstood by 99% of people because they ignore the
fact that Paul’s letters were not considered “Bible” at the exact
moment when he wrote these words. He was specifically referring
to Moses and the Prophets. He was specifically referring to the
accounts recorded in the Gospels. Those were the things that
Bible Prophecy Secrets 35

had been God-breathed and recorded as Scripture at the time

when he was writing this letter to his disciple, Timothy. Paul
was absolutely not proclaiming that his words were Scripture
because he wasn’t arrogant like that.

Now, don’t get me wrong!

Paul’s letters are inspired by the Holy Spirit because it is obvious

that he was called by Yeshua to do miraculous works and teach
sound doctrine as recorded in the book of Acts. All I am stating
here is that we are to place utmost importance on the Hebrew
Scriptures and all of Yeshua’s Words in order to understand the
70 weeks of Daniel. That’s exactly what Paul was proclaiming to

2. The Bible is Absolute Truth, and there are no errors

Of all the translations I have looked at, the Tree of Life Version
shows us this truth most powerfully in 1 Samuel 15:29:

“Moreover, the Eternal Glory of Israel does not lie or change His
mind. For He is not human that He should change His mind.”

This verse doesn’t need an explanation. It’s really that simple.

Before we move on to dissecting the 70 weeks prophecy, you
and I agree that 100% of the words found inside of the Bible are
God-breathed, and therefore, there are no contradictions, no
lies, no errors, and no problems.

If there is an apparent contradiction in the Scriptures (and

trust me, there are a number of instances), then it is our
understanding that is faulty, not the Word of God. The three
laws of interpretation must be faithfully applied, and when they
are, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
36 Abraham Ojeda

3. We Have Inherited Lies from our fathers and also

from the theological echo-chambers of seminaries and

I didn’t choose to be born during this period of history, and

neither did you. At one point or another, we felt God’s presence.
We felt His Holy Spirit. We felt Him calling to us. We felt convicted
of our sin and desired to live a life of true purpose, so we said yes
to Him. We said yes to Jesus being the God of our lives. And when
we answered His calling, we began looking for answers. Like
growing children, we sought out leadership and environments
to help us grow and mature. We sought for counsel. We sought
for community and churches to attend.

Please understand that there is nothing fundamentally wrong

with this sequence of events I have just described because we
all go through it.

We just have a major inheritance problem, which is exactly what

Jeremiah the prophet foretold:

“O LORD, my strength and my fortress,

My refuge in the day of affliction,
The Gentiles shall come to You
From the ends of the earth and say,
‘Surely our fathers have inherited lies,
Worthlessness and unprofitable things.’”
- Jer. 16:19 (NKJV)

We have inherited nothing but lies from the modern day religious
establishment, and it’s time to unlearn those lies. You might be
thinking well, that’s a little too harsh. Remember, I didn’t write
the Bible. It’s not my book. I am simply called to proclaim it’s
truth. So when it says “lies” and “worthlessness”, then that’s
what it means. This is the spiritual condition that is ruining our
society right now, and you must understand this spiritual reality
in order to address it and actually overcome it.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 37


Now, let’s begin to get into the Context of this prophecy in order
to unlock all of it’s truths. First, who exactly is this man, Daniel?

Daniel was a Hebrew man taken captive to Babylon after the

Southern Kingdom of Israel fell in 586 BC. We are told that Daniel
is specifically from the Tribe of Judah (Dan 1:6). Because of his
wisdom and ability to interpret King Nebudchanezzar’s dream
as a young man, Daniel was elevated to a high political position
in the kingdom of Babylon.

During his time as an exile, Daniel discovered something one

day... He was able to figure out one of the prophecies of Jeremiah
the prophet (see Dan 9:2). Here’s what he figured out:

“And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment,

and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.”
- Jeremiah 25:11

He figured out that Jerusalem (the capital city of the Southern

Kingdom) would be desolate for 70 years, and it cut him to the
heart. He then immediately proceeded to ask for the forgiveness
of the sins of his people with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. Now,
pay very close attention to the wording of his prayer, especially
in Dan 9:4,5,11:

4 ...“O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant
and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep
His commandments,
5 “we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done
wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts
and Your judgments.
11 “Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed
so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath
written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been
poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him.”
38 Abraham Ojeda

Remember, you already agreed with me that the Bible is truth,

God’s words, and that He doesn’t change his mind. Because of
this truth, we can begin to understand one extremely important
point about why Daniel is praying the way that he is praying in
the beginning of chapter 9 before he receives the prophecy.

Don‘t skip ahead! Understanding sin and the consequences of

disobeying God are absolutely critical in decoding the 70 weeks
of Daniel prophecy. Again, let me emphasize the importance of
his prayer. Failure to understand what Daniel is saying at the
beginning of chapter 9 will set us up for even more failure—
kinda like building a house on top of a crumbling foundation. It
won’t work!

So, what was Daniel confessing? What exactly is sin? There are
plenty of places to find a definition, but my favorite is in 1John:

“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is

lawlessness.” - 1John 3:4

So, what is lawlessness? If you look up this word lawlessness in

John’s letter, here’s what you find in the Greek:

Strong’s G458:

Note: This is the same word (anomia = lawlessness) that is used

in the very frightening “depart from Me” verse of Matthew 7:23:

“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from
Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” - Mat. 7:23

So, here’s the equation we’re looking at:

sin = lawlessness = anomia

Once you understand the math here, then you can easily
Bible Prophecy Secrets 39

conclude that sin is breaking of the laws of God, whether one

is ignorant of the law, or if someone knows full well the law of
God and chooses to disobey it anyway. And, because God does
not change His mind, this definition of sin is the same in the Old
Testament, New Testament, and beyond. Sin will always be the
disobedience of a direct or written command of God, including
all of the words written inside of the Law (Torah in Hebrew).

Let’s go back to Daniel 9:11:

“Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as
not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written
in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out
on us, because we have sinned against Him.”

So, again, I know I just mentioned it. But where exactly can this
“law” and the “curse” and “oath” that Daniel is talking about be
found? Well, lets start by taking a look at what the word “law”
means in Dan. 9:11:

Strong’s H8451:

The English translation of “Torah” is “law”, which is actually a

poor translation of this Hebrew concept. Instructions fits the
translation much more accurately for Torah in the majority of
places it is used.

If you are not familiar with the words Decalogue or Pentateuch

they are also just fancy words referring to the first five books of
the Torah that were written by Moses (Genesis to Deuteronomy).
Instructions such as observing the High Holy days of Passover,
Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, etc; or instructions for farming,
justice, cleansing a home from mold poisoning, taking the 7th
day every week off from work/monetary gain, renting your
neighbors tool, differentiating between clean foods and unclean
non-foods—all of these instructions and more are there for us to
40 Abraham Ojeda

follow, to this very day, and they are found in the Torah. Failure
to follow the instructions is considered “sin” and “lawlessness”
by the Creator.

As a side note, Yeshua extends the definition of Torah to also

include all the other books of the Old Testament, specifically
the Prophets and the Psalms (see Mat. 5:17 and Luke 24:44)
For example, look how He quotes Psalm 82:6 and refers to it as

Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You
are gods” ’? - John 10:34

Now that you understand the concept of sin, you can more
clearly understand what Daniel was going through before he
received the 70 weeks vision. He was interceding for the people,
asking for forgiveness, and only then does he receive one of the
most important messages of the entire Bible in the verses that

Question: Are you broken over your personal sin and the sin of
your country?

The USA and Western nations have descended into total

lawlessness (Torah-lessness), and you are about to learn about
the ultimate consequences of this spiritual decline that Daniel
already predicted over 2,000 years ago.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 43


Moving forward, each chapter of this book will be dedicated to

explaining an entire verse of the 70 weeks prophecy. By the time
we reach chapter 6 and the abomination of desolation, we will
have finished unlocking the entire prophecy. This chapter will
focus on Dan. 9:24, which I will now include below:

“Seventy weeks are determined

For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.”

Before we get started, can I let you in on a little secret?

You don’t have to read, write, or speak Hebrew in order to

understand the original meanings found in the Masoretic
Hebrew Text. You don’t need to go to a seminary for years,
spend multiple five figures on a fancy degree, jump through
other educational hoops, or travel to the land of Israel to be
qualified enough to interpret Scripture.

Notice that I said qualified.

Sure, some of those things can absolutely help to understand

Scripture. But those things don’t actually qualify a person.
44 Abraham Ojeda

The reason we are in such a spiritual decline as a society is

because we have been indoctrinated from an early age to
think that gathering knowledge of a subject is the same thing
as actually learning by applying the subject with the goal of
eventually achieving mastery of the subject. We get an A or B
on the test, and we think we’ve got it pretty much all figured
out. What you are going to find inside the pages of this book is
something quite different from knowledge alone.

The unsealing of this prophecy has only been possible through

the actual practice of all the Words that proceed out of the mouth
of Yehovah. So as we go through this prophecy, remember that
learning is good, and practicing the Word is even better; but
achieving mastery is the only way to know and understand all of
the mysteries of the Bible. Mastery is the place where you have
practiced hiding so many words of the Text in your heart that
the Holy Spirit can actually bring all things to your remembrance
and direct you into new places of spiritual awakening.

I’ve done the work. I’ve proven what I am about to show you.
Now it’s your turn.

Like I already mentioned in the last chapter, there are tons of

free resources out there to use to break down the meanings
of Hebrew words. There is Logos Bible software that you can
download for free. There is also Bible Gateway that can help you
look up verses and then see a bunch of encyclopedia entries
and dictionaries that correspond to whatever book or verse you
are reading.

To me, Blue Letter Bible (BLB) has the easiest interface, it’s free,
and I just like the ability to click on any verse that I want and the
Hebrew (or Greek) just pops out of the screen at me on a line-by-
line basis. This is the resource I will be mostly using throughout
this book.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 45


Let’s take a look at what the BLB shows us when looking at each
word in the very first line.

“Shibim” is the first word on our radar. Again, we will be using

the Law of Definitions in which we examine every single Hebrew
word in this prophecy. Here it’s obvious that this word simply
is the numerical value of 70. If you are using BLB, it’s very
clear when you click on Strong’s H7657 and read through the
information for this word and the Bible verses where it is used.
No problem. Easy.

Before looking at the very next word “weeks”, lets just skip over
to the last word. Seventy weeks are “determined”. This word is
derived from the root word ‫ חָ ַתְך‬which is Strongs H2852 (khaw-
thak’) and according to BLB is “a primitive root; properly, to cut
off, i.e. (figuratively) to decree:—determine.”1 So, we can say
that 70 weeks until cut off happens. We will revisit this idea later.

Notice the next word weeks which is Strong’s H7620. Used

exactly as it is found within this sentence in Daniel 9:24, it is
pronounced “sha-boo’eem”, but the root word from which this
word is derived is pronounced “shabua”. The former word is
simply the plural form of shabua that indicates more than one.
Of course, we are told that there are 70 of these measures,
whatever they are.

This is where the fun begins.

The Translation of shabua into the English word weeks is

intellectual murder, yet almost every translation of the Bible
does this. Look, it’s not the translators’ fault. And it’s not your
fault either. If you’re like me, you’ve sat in church services and
maybe even college level Bible courses that taught you about
the concept of “weeks” or “sevens”, or some variation of that
theme, without questioning or even considering an alternative
idea. As I have already alluded to, there’s a very obvious reason
46 Abraham Ojeda

for this group-think, echo-chamber interpretation of the word

shabua that we’ve inherited for hundreds of years now. And I
now direct your attention to Daniel 12:4,8-9:

4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until
the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge
shall increase.

8 “Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, ‘My lord,

what shall be the end of these things?’

9 “And he said, ‘Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up
and sealed till the time of the end.’”

Not even Daniel, a man who was greatly beloved by God; a man
about whom the Bible says nothing evil or wrong; the direct
recipient of multiple visions who was gifted in the interpretation
of prophecies and dreams; a man that was not harmed after he
was wrongfully thrown into a pit with lions...

...Not even Daniel understood the 70 shabua prophecy. And it

all has to do with the fact that we are explicitly told that this
information was sealed until the time of the end and that Daniel
shut up the words. It was written in code on purpose!
Bible Prophecy Secrets 47


Like I already showed you, every major religion has interpreted

shabua to mean the number seven. Going back to our law of
first mention, we should look to see the first places in the Bible
where the word seven or this concept is used. The very first
place is Genesis 2:2 where we see Elohim resting on the seventh
day an example for mankind to follow. The word translated as
seventh is pronounced “sheh-bee-ee” (Strong’s H7637). We also
see another word translated as seven or sevenfold throughout
the Scriptures, and this word is pronounced “sheh-bah” (Strong’s
H7651). Daniel—a natively Hebrew-speaking man—deliberately
chose not to use either of these words in his prophecy.

I now bring your attention back to the Strong’s Concordance

entry for “shabua” (Strong’s H7620). Notice the “Outline of
Biblical Usage” section in Blue Letter Bible.2 Yes, like we have
already mentioned, this word has been translated as a period of
seven days or years, or a week.

But notice something really special here.

This word shabua is used in the Bible to describe the Feast of

Weeks (Feast of Shabua). This feast is also known as the Feast of
Oaths. Chances are you know very little about this special Feast
if you are like how I was when I first started studying the Bible.
You probably are not aware of the significance, and you have
probably never practiced observing this Feast. God commands
his people to observe this Feast every single year at the
specifically appointed time, forever. It is a perpetual, everlasting
commandment. This is one of the first secrets that unlocks the
entire Daniel prophecy. Let me show you how understanding
this concept changes everything.

So, what is the Feast of Shabua?

In order to answer this question, we must first go back to the

Exodus when the command to observe this Feast was first given.
48 Abraham Ojeda

First, we need to establish a little context. The nation of Israel

had just observed the Feast of Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew) in
the land of Egypt after seeing intense plagues come upon the
land of Egypt because the Israelites were being released from
slavery by God Himself. It was exactly 50 days later that they
arrived Mount Sinai at the exact appointed time for the Feast
of Pentecost (“Shavuot” in Hebrew). This feast is the time of the
wheat harvest. It symbolizes the time of the marriage covenant
between the mixed multitude of Israelites that came out from
Egypt and Yehovah (‫ )ְיֹהָוה‬Himself—this marriage covenant took
place at Mount Sinai.

Later in the New Testament we learn that Shavuot (Pentecost)

was the time when the Holy Spirit was poured on the believers
after the resurrection of the Messiah. It is during this special
time of Shavuot that the Torah (literally “Instruction”) is given
to mankind on two tablets in Exodus 24. The first time Moses
went up to Mount Sinai, he stayed there 40 days and nights. But
the Israelites grew faithless and impatient and foolishly made a
golden calf to worship. Upon his return, Moses throws down the
two tablets (breaking them) and deals with the sin of the people.
He is commanded to go up again to Mount Sinai for 40 days and
nights in order to make two new tablets to replace the original
ones that he broke.

It is at this point in time that we learn about the rich meaning

of the word shabua in Exodus 34. Let’s take a closer look at
Exodus 34:18,22-23 which is where we see the Feast of Shabua
mentioned for the first time in the Bible:

18 “The Feast of Unleavened Bread you shall keep. Seven days

you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, in the
appointed time of the month of Abib; for in the month of Abib
you came out from Egypt.

22 “And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the firstfruits

of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 49

23 “Three times in the year all your men shall appear before the
Lord, the LORD God of Israel.”

Before diving into the specifics of the Feast of Shabua,

understand that these three specific Feasts in the verses above
are considered the High Holy Days. This simply means that
the First Day of the Unleavened Bread, the Day of Shavuot
(Pentecost), and the First Day of Sukkot (Tabernacles) are the
three times annually that every man who is either a natural
born citizen or grafted in to God’s chosen people is to appear in
Jerusalem to present himself with his offering (Deu. 16:16). We
will need to understand these things much more deeply later;
but for now just know that these Feasts are rich with meaning,
extremely important, and absolutely commanded for anyone
following the God of the Bible to observe, even if you are unable
to go to Jerusalem every year.

One of the main reasons that modern pastors and churchgoers

are completely unable to understand the Feast of Shabua and its
connection to Daniel 9:24 is because they do not actually observe
it every year. They believe it is not for them but for Jews only.
Most people believe that the “law is done away with” or some
variation of this false teaching. And because they have never
observed it or practiced it, they are left hopelessly guessing in all
matters of end times prophecy because all end times prophecy
is 100% related to understanding all of the Feasts of Yehovah,
especially the Feast of Shabua. Don’t let this be you. Turn around
and start learning about all of the Feasts. The last chapter of this
book describes how to observe all the Feasts in a very tangible
way that examines both the letter of the Law and the Spirit of
the Law.
50 Abraham Ojeda


This timeline provides an overview of the Spring Feasts and is

based on the whole of the Torah and the Holy Days of Leviticus

This is a simple diagram to understand, but the truths within it

are profound. The first thing to know is that IF wild, heirloom
barley in Israel will be ready for the presentation of one omer
for the required Wave Sheaf Day offering to God, THEN this is
the first month called “Aviv”, and the New Year can begin. Each
month, including the first month, begins with the sighting of a
new sliver, or crescent moon, in the evening sky. This sighting
is what is called the “rosh chodesh” or “new moon” in the Bible.
You then count 14 days to Passover, keep seven days of eating
Unleavened Bread, keep Wave Sheaf Day on the Sunday after
the weekly Sabbath during this timeframe, and then you count
seven sabbaths to Shavuot.

Let me slow down and explain that a little better.

Bible Prophecy Secrets 51

First, the Bible itself shows us that the Hebrew year occurs from
Aviv to Aviv. This is what Yehovah tells us when Passover is
instituted in Egypt during the time of the ten plagues.

“This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the

first month of the year to you.”
- Exodus 12:2

It was also on this first month of the year that the children of
Israel entered into the promised land under the leadership of
Joshua (Jos. 5:10). I will explore the deep significance of this exact
event later in this book when we dive deeper into the chronology
of the Bible and we make the connection from creation years
to Gregorian years. The main point I need to stress for now is
that the Hebrew year is does not begin in the fall timeframe
around the Jewish Rosh HaShana. The modern practices of
rabbinical Judaism have dismissed what the Bible says about
Aviv beginning the year around March timeframe (the first new
moon to begin the year can fluctuate from February to March),
and they instead declare the New Year in September. Aviv is a
Hebrew word that literally means green, tender, and young ears
of barely, and this barley is absolutely not found in September
in the land of Israel.

Why do we need barley to begin the year? This is a common

question I get asked. The answer is found inside of chapter 23
of the book of Leviticus where the instructions for all of the
Appointed Times of God are found. I encourage you to stop,
read, and study the entire chapter so you can cross examine
what I am showing you with what the Scriptures proclaim.

10 “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael and tell them: When you have come

into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then
you are to bring the omer of the firstfruits of your harvest to
the kohen.

11 “He is to wave the omer before Adonai, to be accepted for

you. On the morrow after the Shabbat, the kohen is to wave it.”
52 Abraham Ojeda

- Lev. 23:10,11 (TLV)

The reason I quoted the Tree of Life Version is because many

translations do not use the word “omer” and may use another
word like “sheaf” that loses the original meaning. An omer is
simply a unit of measure that is about two liters. This omer is the
firstfruits offering that the priest (kohen) would wave on behalf
of the people. As soon as this omer was finished being waved,
then (and only then) could the rest of the harvest be gathered
and enjoyed freely by all of the people.

When Yeshua rose again from the dead, he did so on the very
same day that the firstfruits omer of barley was waved on
Sunday. He was the firstfruits of those who had fallen asleep
(1Co 15:20). Also remember that the graves of many resurrected
saints were opened (Mat 27:52).

We are told in Leviticus 23 that the firstfruits of the barley crop

are to be collected on the Sunday after the weekly Sabbath
during this specific time frame in the first month of the year.
This Sunday is called Wave Sheaf Day and can land on any one
of the days 1-7 of Unleavened Bread depending on when exactly
the New Moon was seen in order to begin the year. Wave Sheaf
Day can therefore change every year, and it’s timing depends
on when the sighted moon was seen to begin the month. I’ll
be the first to admit that understanding the nuances of these
things is a whole lot easier if you practice doing it every year
as prescribed by the Text. You then begin counting from Wave
Sheaf Day onward to determine the exact day of Shavuot, which
is exactly what we are told in Deuteronomy:

9 “You shall count seven weeks for yourself; begin to count the
seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the

10 “Then you shall keep the Feast of Weeks to the LORD your God
with the tribute of a freewill offering from your hand, which you
shall give as the LORD your God blesses you.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 53

- Deut. 16:9,10 (NKJV)

Wave Sheaf Day is the time that the sickle is used to harvest
the standing grain of barley. Because Wave Sheaf Day always
happens on a Sunday, the 50th Day Shavuot Wheat Harvest
Feast always occurs on a Sunday every year also.

So…hopefully I haven’t lost you yet! With everything I just showed

you in the diagram and also explained, we now have enough
information to ask the critically important question that brings
us back to fully investigating Daniel’s 70 weeks.

Where does the Feast of Shabua fit into this whole picture?

The Feast of Weeks is the period of time where you are counting.
People refer to this as “counting the omer” because you are
counting 49 days in anticipation for the wheat harvest of Shavuot,
which is a High Holy day. The importance of this time period is
huge. Recall that I mentioned it is referred to as the Feast of
Oaths. The process each person goes through every single year
is the process of re-affirming your oath and covenant loyalty
to God. You are “sevening” yourself, which is another way of
saying that you are repeating yourself seven times in a manner
whereby you are swearing allegiance to following the Creator
for seven weeks. It is a form of worship that He ordained for us
to follow.

So, do you see the secret of the word shabua and the Feast of
Shabua yet?
54 Abraham Ojeda

The secret is: 7 days per week x 7 weeks = 49 days

As you can see, this is a fundamentally different conclusion than

all of modern Christianity or the vast majority of Bible teachers
in general ever come to. To my knowledge, Joseph Dumond’s
2300 Days of Hell is the only work that has arrived to this same
conclusion, and I believe Dumond was the first to widely proclaim
this understanding when he released his book in 2014.3

This concept of counting by 49 is the key to unlocking the entire

world of Bible prophecy, which is why you will see the Hebrew
word “shabua” ( ַ‫)שׁבּוע‬
ָ inscribed on the golden key found on the
cover of this book.

Let’s now go back and revisit what Daniel was actually telling
us. Hopefully you can see the different yet obvious conclusion.
Daniel is telling us that “Seventy shabua are determined” which
really means the following:

7 Days per week x 7 weeks x 70 = 3,430

Bible Prophecy Secrets 55

I will now show you with 100% certainty that this is not 3,430
days or months... but years. This should send a chill down your
spine. Because the timeline I am about to reveal to you brings
us right to the present day in which we are living and unpacks all
of the mysteries of prophecy you have probably ever wondered
about, including COVID-19, the United Nations, and the Great
Reset agenda, and more.

Before we get into more of the math, we need to finish dissecting

the rest of Daniel 9:24.


The holy city is pretty easy to figure out. The two Hebrew words
used are or “kodesh” and “ir”. We will run into the word “kodesh”
quite a bit, but for now just understand that it means “set apart”
or “holy”. Jerusalem is specifically mentioned in the very next
verse (Dan. 9:25) regarding the command “to restore and build
Jerusalem” where Strongs H3389 or “Yerushalaim” is used by
Daniel. It is quite clear that the set apart city is Jerusalem.

What is not so clear is the identity of Daniel’s people because

they are a people of 12 tribes just as my map depicts.4
56 Abraham Ojeda

Whenever I bring this topic up to the average Christian, Seventh

Day Adventist, Evangelical—you name it—I usually get the same
few responses. It’s humorous to me that people will say with
conviction that “Daniel’s people are Christians!” when in fact
there were no such thing as Christians when this prophecy was
written. People will also tell me that Daniel’s people are Jews,
but this answer also falls flat on its face when you realize that
the term Jew was also not something that Daniel himself would
have been familiar with.

Before going forward, we must be 110% certain that we know

the identity of Daniel’s people at this point because this is the
subject matter of the entire prophecy. Failure to understand
the subject matter will result in failure to understand the entire
Bible Prophecy Secrets 57

My style of studying the Bible is to allow the Bible to explain

itself. We should always read the Bible in as self-explanatory a
way as possible without adding our own twist. That’s precisely
why I now direct your attention back to Daniel’s prayer. Who is
he praying for right before he receives the 70 weeks prophecy?

“O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of

face, as it is this day—to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants
of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all
the countries to which You have driven them, because of the
unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.”
- Daniel 9:7

He was specifically praying for all 12 Tribes—both Israel and

Judah—including all of the exiles that are commonly referred
to as the “lost tribes”. It is foolish to say that Daniel’s people
are “Jews only”. Someone who was a Jew in the New Testament
Scriptures refers to someone that belonged to the Southern
Kingdom of Israel whose ancestors returned from Babylonian
captivity with Ezra and Nehemiah. In today’s lingo, someone
who is a Jew could also refer to someone practicing Judaism,
which is also a totally different topic than what we are talking
about here.

The key idea here is that there are two houses, or kingdoms,
of Israel, and they were scattered around the world because of
their unfaithfulness. This is exactly what Moses warned about:

“And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one
end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve
other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known,
even wood and stone.” - Deut. 28:64 (KJV)

“And the LORD uprooted them from their land in anger, in wrath,
and in great indignation, and cast them into another as it is this
day.” - Deut. 29:28 (KJV)
58 Abraham Ojeda

The curse and the oath of Moses fell upon them because they
broke their marriage covenant with God by being unfaithful and
sinning against His commandments.

In order to understand Daniel’s people, you must know about the

civil war that almost took place, and you must also understand
that the Nation of Israel was united only under three kings
before it was eventually divided in two by God Himself (1Kings
12:24). The first king of united Israel was Saul. But he sinned
and did wickedly, so David succeeded him as king. Then David’s
son, Solomon, reigned in his place. But Solomon did wickedly in
the eyes of God, so the kingdom was divided because of him,
but this event occurred after his death when his son Rehoboam
began to reign. Jeroboam took over the Northern Kingdom
which consisted of 10 tribes (1Kings 11:31), and it is referred to
Bible Prophecy Secrets 59

as “Israel” throughout the Scriptures. Rehoboam ruled over the

Southern Kingdom of Israel, which consisted of Benjamin and
Judah, and that’s why it’s called “Judah” throughout the Bible. Be
aware that the tribes of Levi and Simeon were both scattered
throughout the land because of Jacob’s prophecy (Gen. 49:5-7).

Due to time constraints, I’m not going to go over every detail of

when, how, and where both of the Kingdoms of Israel migrated
to after they fell because this is a very dense topic of historical
research. I could dedicate many pages on this topic and barely
scratch the surface. There is so much evidence of Hebrew
ancestry in the UK, Europe, the US, and other Western nations.
If you haven’t been exposed to this information before, it will be
quite eye opening.

I’ll provide a brief overview.

The Northern Kingdom of Israel was more wicked than Judah,

and they were the first to be conquered by Assyria under the
rule of Tiglath-Pilesar III beginning in 731 BC. Judah was later
conquered by Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in
586 BC.

The critical piece of information to know is that a remnant of the

Southern Kingdom of Judah returned after 70 years of captivity
in Babylon were completed according to the prophet Jeremiah
(Jer. 25:11, 29:10, Dan. 9:2). But the Northern Israelites never
returned back to the promised land because there was no such
prophecy or word from Yehovah that guaranteed their return.
Instead, we are told that they would become wanderers among
the gentiles (Hos. 9:16), and they would lose their identity
because they would become mixed into the nations (Hos. 7:8).
The Northern Israelites were given the curse of wandering.
60 Abraham Ojeda


In the Bible, these people were known as Ephraim, Joseph,

House of Israel, Israelite Gentiles, Diaspora, House of Isaac, and
Lost Sheep.

They were cut off and “divorced” by God because of their

excessive spiritual adultery (see Jer. 3:8 and Hos. 1:6). That’s
why Yeshua said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of
the House of Israel” (Matt. 15:24, NKJV). Part of the good news
message (gospel) was that Israel could be saved by the Messiah’s
redemptive power in the renewed covenant in His blood. They
were allowed to be in a renewed marriage covenant with the
Most High God, even though they were adulterers that had
broken the original covenant. They were no longer divorced and
cut off. Yeshua was raised from the dead as an eligible bachelor
to enter back into marriage with the House of Israel (Rom. 7:4).
This became the primary mission of the early apostles and
believers of the 1st century. They were sent out to the world to
share this message with the Lost Sheep.

Pay attention to where the apostles were traveling in Acts. It was

all over Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Spain, and many other places.
They were actively trying to reach the diaspora of Israel to tell
them the good news about the Messiah’s renewed covenant.
There are many references to the exiles (the diaspora) of Israel
in the New Testament, but I especially like Matthew 10:5, John
7:35, James 1:1, and 1Peter 1:1. The apostles were going after the
Lost Tribes, or the Israeli Gentiles, which were the Lost Sheep of
the House of Israel that had been (and still are) scattered around
the known world.

As you will discover in this book, the primary areas where both
Judah and the 10 Lost Tribes are currently located today are the
United States and modern day Israel. The nations of the UK,
Australia, Spain, Mexico, and many other European countries
also have significant amounts of descendants of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob from both kingdoms of Israel.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 61

As you can see on my map, Israel was taken captive to Assyria

but then migrated extensively throughout Asia minor, Europe,
the Caucus Mountains, and the UK. Their ancestry and heritage
is everywhere. For example, the Iberian Peninsula is a variation
of the name Hibernia, which means Hebrew’s Land. One easy
way to trace the migration and ancestry of all 12 tribes around
the world is to study Jacob’s blessing upon all his sons in Genesis
49 and identify all of the symbolism that is associated with each
blessing. When you do this, you will find the heraldry, banners,
and insignia of all Israel hiding in plain sight. Arguably the easiest
symbol to recognize is the lion of Judah, which can be found in
the Royal Arms of England, the Scottish red lion, and of course
the modern state of Israel, to name just a few. For a deeper dive
into this topic, I have provided a Recommended Reading list in the
back of this book. Authors like Stephen Spykerman and Steven
M. Collins have gone to great lengths to demonstrate the true
identity of the 12 tribes in these last days. Rather than reinvent
the wheel, I will point you in the right direction.
62 Abraham Ojeda


What I will show you next is going to help us estimate where

the highest concentration of modern day “Jews” (Southern
Kingdom) are located throughout the world. Keep in mind, this
data is just a rough estimate because many people (like myself)
don’t identify as Jewish, though I have both Jewish and Israeli

With that said, let me show you where three of the tribes (Judah,
Benjamin, and some of Levi) are currently located with some
data to back it up. Keep in mind that censuses in many countries
do not record religious or ethnic background, leading to a lack
of certainty on the exact numbers of Jewish population. Again,
this is just an estimate.

When you look at the highest concentrations of Jews around the

world based on the metropolitan area where they are located,
you will find something very interesting. The majority of modern
day Jews are located in the United States, with New York City
and Los Angeles being the number one and two locations in
the world, with NY having 1.1 million Jews and LA having over
600,000.5 Jerusalem is number three on the list with over half a
million Jews.

This list goes on to reveal that France, Argentina, Canada, Russia,

the UK, Brazil, Australia, South Africa and many other countries
have significant numbers of Jews within major cities like Paris,
Buenos Aires, etc.

The Southern Kingdom of Judah is also found in large numbers

in Mexico, Central and South America. The family crest of the
lion of Judah is often found in the history of a wide variety of
last names and heraldry in Latin America. The lion of Judah is
found in my own family crest name through my mother’s side of
the family. As another example, the name Jimenez reveals the
family crest of a wolf, which represents the tribe of Benjamin.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 63

Examples of Hebrew culture and symbolism in Latin American

history is overwhelming just like it is in Anglo-Saxon culture.

Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

The Jews and also the Lost Northern Tribes have been scattered
throughout the entire world, but the highest concentrations
are within the United States (by far), Israel, the UK, Europe,
Australia, and select Latin American Countries. Doesn’t it
make sense now? Do you understand why the USA has been so
prosperous? Do you see why Europe and the UK have been so

“And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of

heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and
in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed”
- Genesis 26:4

This promise to Abraham’s seed was unconditional, meaning

that it was not dependent on the performance, geographical
location, or righteousness of the people. This blessing is God’s
decree and therefore permanent and unable to be altered.
Like I said, this topic is quite huge, and many books have been
solely dedicated to this topic. Again, for a list of recommended
works on the modern day identities of the 12 tribes of Israel,
please refer to the Recommended Reading list in the back of this
book. There are some resources in there that you can study for
yourself to further verify what I have presented.

Now that we have established the identity of Daniel’s people,

let’s go back to the prophecy.
64 Abraham Ojeda


What would you say is the definition of sin in the Bible?

When I ask people this question, the vast majority fail to

realize that there are three words in the Hebrew language
that are used to describe sin. People will usually say “sin is
missing the mark of perfection.” Others will say that being a
sinner means that someone is not living a perfect life.

These modern definitions that have to do with the idea

of being perfect aren’t found in the Hebrew language.
Remember when we looked at the word anomia which is
the word for sin throughout the Greek New Testament? It
doesn’t have anything to do with perfection, either, as we
found out in Chapter 1 of this book.

One of the best places in the entire Bible to study all three
Hebrew definitions of sin is right here in Daniel 9:24. Lets
take a look:

“…To finish the transgression,

To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity…”

The first word we need to look at is “finish”. What does it

mean to finish?

This word is Strong’s H3607 (kaw-law’); and according to

BLB it is “a primitive root; to restrict, by act (hold back or
in) or word (prohibit):—finish, forbid, keep (back), refrain,
restrain, retain, shut up, be stayed, withhold.”6

We can conclude that there will be an end or prohibition

of transgressions once the seventy shabua are completed.
There will be a forbidding, a finishing of transgression.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 65

When you look up the word transgression you will find that
it is the Hebrew word pesha (Strong’s H6588; peh’-shah). It
is a revolt on a national or individual level.7 It is a rebellion
that is religious and moral in nature, and this concept is
similar to the word trespass. In other words, transgression
is a clenched fist of rebellion directly against God Himself.
This is intentional sin against God, and we are being told
that it will be finished at the end of the 70 weeks prophecy.

Now lets look at what it means to make an end of sins. There are
only two words used in the Hebrew text to express this thought.
The first word is Strong’s H2856 which is pronounced khaw-
tham’, and it means “to make an end, mark, seal (up), or stop.”8

When you look up the word sin, it is Strong’s H2403 which is

pronounced khat-taw-aw’t. This word has a wide range of uses
including guilt associated with sin, the punishment for sin, the
offering for sin, and even purification for sin.9 When looking
closely at the various places throughout Scripture where this
word is used, the best definition I can give this word is that it
is an offense against God through disobedience of a direct or
written command, and this offense can be unintentional due to
a lack of awareness or knowledge of God’s instructions.

As you can see, there is a huge difference between transgression

and sin. The former is open rebellion whereas the latter can be

Finally, lets look at what it means to make reconciliation for

iniquity. Again, two Hebrew words are used here. The first is
Strong’s H3722 which is pronounced kaw-far’ and is used to
describe the abstract concept of covering or making atonement
for sins.10 It is the idea of making reconciliation between God
and man through a legal process.

The true understanding of this reconciliation spoken of here by

Daniel is made clear after looking up the word iniquity. This is
Strong’s H5771 or ʻâvôwn. This word means perversity including
66 Abraham Ojeda

moral evil. Other definitions include fault, iniquity, mischeif,

and punishment (of iniquity).11 This word is different from
transgression and sin because it describes the corruption that
exists within mankind in his fallen state and is reminiscent of
the word depravity or immorality.

So we can conclude once all of the 70 shabua are completed,

there will be an end of transgression which is rebellion (willful,
on-purpose disobedience to God Himself); there will be an end
of sin which is an offense against God; and lastly, there will be
reconciliation of immorality and depravity (iniquity). We are
being told that there will be a state of purity and righteousness
in the world after this prophecy is finished. How exciting is that?

Though I cannot be dogmatic, I am convinced that the

reconciliation for iniquity spoken of here is referring to the
prophecy of the New Covenant that Yeshua initiated at the Lord’s
Supper the evening before He was crucified. It was initiated but it
was not 100% fulfilled. The majority of modern day seminaries,
pastors, and Bible teachers like to falsely claim that the New
Covenant was already completely fulfilled, but was it really? Let’s
take a look at it.

31 “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will
make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the
house of Judah—

32 “not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers

in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the
land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a
husband to them, says the LORD.

33 “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their
minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and
they shall be My people.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 67

34 “No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man
his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they all shall know Me,
from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD.
For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no
more.” - Jeremiah 31:31-34

Many people claim that this prophecy was already fulfilled by

Jesus at the cross. But that’s simply not true. For roughly 2000
years now since Yeshua was on earth, we have still needed
teachers to teach the Bible. People are still saying “Know the
Lord” and teaching their neighbor. But this prophecy of the New
Covenant explicitly states that no one will be teaching anyone
anymore because everyone will have such intimate knowledge
of God with His instructions written on their hearts!

I now understand that there will be a future time and date

when the regathered 12 tribes of Israel (from the House of
Israel and the House of Judah) will be brought back to the land
of Israel, and God will actually write his Torah on their hearts.
The “reconciliation for iniquity” spoken of by Daniel the prophet
will finally take place when these elect are gathered from the
four corners of the world and forgiven of all their iniquity. I
will discuss this prophecy of the regathering in more detail in
Chapter 11.


Okay, so what are the words used in Hebrew for “everlasting


The first word we need to look at is pronounced oh-lawm.

This word is derived from Strong’s H5956, and the BLB entry
states: “concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time out of
mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity; frequentatively,
adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always:—
alway(-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for,
68 Abraham Ojeda

(n-)) ever(-lasting, - more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old

(time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without
end).”12 This word simply means a state of perpetuity. Forever.

The next word is pronounced “tseh’-dek” and means “the right

(natural, moral or legal); also (abstractly) equity or (figuratively)
prosperity:—× even, (× that which is altogether) just(-ice)”.13

So, we are being told that there will be perpetual legal justice
and prosperity at the completion of the 70 Shabua. I think it’s
almost time for us to revisit those camps that believe that all 70
weeks have already been completed at some point in the past.


But before we do, let’s take a look at what Daniel wrote about
vision and prophecy. Look at these three words used here to
understand what is meant by to seal up vision and prophecy:

“khaw-tham’; a primitive root; to close up; especially to

seal:—make an end, mark, seal (up), stop.

khaw-zone’; from H2372; a sight (mentally), i.e. a dream,

revelation, or oracle:—vision.

naw-bee’; from H5012; a prophet or (generally) inspired

man:—prophecy, that prophesy, prophet.”14,15,16

Are you seeing what I’m seeing here?

It is very straightforward what we are being told here. There

will be an end of visions, dreams, revelations, and prophetic
messages that would normally be proclaimed by those with
inspiration from Elohim. Most likely, this verse is talking about
people inspired by the Holy Spirit to share a word or vision
concerning a future outcome. This reality is supposed to stop at
the end of the 70 shabua.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 69


Now, lets look at the very last line to finish dissecting Dan. 9:24.
This line is interesting and can ignite a lot of speculation. What
does it mean to “anoint the Most Holy”? Here is what BLB says
about the Hebrew word anoint:

“maw-shakh’; a primitive root; to rub with oil, i.e. to anoint; by

implication, to consecrate; also to paint:—anoint, paint.”17

I encourage you to do a word study and find every single place

the word anoint is used in Scripture. It is fascinating. And it
almost always is accompanied by the use of oil, most likely olive
oil since olives were famously grown in the land of Israel from

Anointing is the simple act of rubbing oil onto something. Kings

were anointed. So were pillars, stones, and temple items. In
Exodus 29:2, we even see unleavened bread wafers anointed
with oil. Bottom line: many things can be anointed with oil.

Where we get clarity on this verse is from the use of “qodesh

qodeshim.” The Hebrew word for holy is used twice, but the
second time it’s plural as noted by the “-im” ending of the word,
which indicates more than one. Here’s what a deeper look

“ko’-desh; from H6942; a sacred place or thing; rarely abstract,

sanctity:—consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed
(thing), holiness, (× most) holy (× day, portion, thing), saint,

When you see the words “qodesh qodeshim” used twice like this,
it can refer to a few things. We see this double holy mentioned
in Exodus 26:33 speaking of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle
(see also 1Kings 8:6). This was the place where the Ark of the
Covenant was placed, and the High Priest was only allowed to
enter in once a year to make atonement. But “kodesh kodeshim”
70 Abraham Ojeda

can also refer to a thing that is considered most holy, which is

the case in Lev. 2:3 where it is referring to part of a grain offering
for Aaron and his son’s. In Ezekiel 48:12, “kodesh kodesh” refers
to a portion of land in the New Jerusalem.

With this understanding, you now know that “kodesh kodeshim”

could refer to a wide variety of things such as the Holy of Holies,
a grain offering, sin offering, portion of land, etc. It is up to
you to use discernment to figure out what is being spoken of
here. I don’t believe the answer is that straightforward, but the
vast majority of people say that this anointing of the “kodesh
kodeshim” simply refers to the sprinkling of Yeshua’s blood
on the heavently altar spoken of in Hebrews 9:12. But is it? I
will make the argument that this popular idea is probably not
what Daniel was referring to because the 70 shabua prophecy
does not have anything at all to do with the first coming of the
Messiah. I’ll prove it to you later when we start calculating all of
the years. Honestly, the anointing of the kodesh kodeshim is a
true mystery.

What I do know is that there are still anointings yet to take place
that we are specifically told about in the book of Revelation and
other prophets. Since we are talking about end times events, I
think these are the appropriate places to be looking for clues.

Remember that kodesh can refer to a saint, which is a person who

is considered set apart in the eyes of God. Therefore, kodesh
kodeshim could refer to holy saints, or holy set apart people.
Therefore, this mystery in Daniel could easily be referring to
the sealing of the 144,000 Israelites in Revelation 7, as Dumond
also points out in 2300 Days of Hell.19 These people are going to
be sealed on their foreheads, which is how anointing with oil
usually took place throughout the Scriptures. I will be spending
time unpacking the secrets of the 144,000 in Chapter 11, and if
you haven’t done a deep dive study on this topic, I know this is
going to be a major eye opener for you.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 71


At this point we are able to easily prove that any interpretation

proclaiming that the 70 weeks were already finished at some
point in the past is completely wrong. Let’s just look at the
Seventh Day Adventist chart again.

The SDA chart shows that the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24 were all
completed by the year 34 AD.

But let me ask some pretty obvious questions now that we

have looked up the Hebrew and applied our three laws of

Has there been an end of sins since the year 34 AD? Have
transgressions and human depravity been finished? If you take
a look at what’s going on in the nightly news, the answer should
clearly be no.
72 Abraham Ojeda

Are there no more visions and prophecies taking place today? In

other words, has there been a complete end of people receiving
visions and prophecies amongst God’s people since 34 AD?

I encourage you to be brutally honest with yourself if you find

yourself having an emotional response while I am challenging the
end times doctrine of Camp #2. Did you know that John received
the book of Revelation on the Island of Patmos sometime between
68 and 96 AD? There is conflicting information out there, but it is
undisputed that the book of Revelation was recorded well after
the year 34 AD. Based on this early church history alone, the
SDA position falls flat on its face. Similarly, the JWs teach that
36 AD was the year that all 70 weeks were completed. These
teachings are completely and utterly false. Unless of course, the
book of Revelation is not a legitimate vision from God that was
written down by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and preserved for
God’s people to study?

Anyone who teaches that the 70 weeks were fulfilled sometime

in the past are (without realizing it) also declaring Revelation
to be an illegitimate prophecy because no more visions or
prophecies should ever take place after the 70 weeks are
finished. The situation becomes even more problematic for
the SDA since both the Millerites and Ellen White’s works were
founded upon visions, dreams, and special revelations that were
recorded in various writings. Without getting lost in the details
here, the bottom line is that both the SDA and JW organizations
consider Revelation to be Scripture and therefore are hypocrites
by teaching that all 70 weeks were completed sometime in the
30s AD because vision and prophecy have absolutely not been
stopped since then.

Notice something else that’s really important here.

Daniel’s prophecy should also be interpreted to say that 100% of

visions and prophecies in the entire Bible will be completed at the
end of the 70 shabua. Anyone who is being intellectually honest
with themselves cannot seriously hold to a doctrinal position
Bible Prophecy Secrets 73

where all 70 weeks have been completed at some point in the

past. Too many prophecies have not happened yet! It’s really
hard to fathom, but a lot of religious camps have been teaching
this boldfaced lie of a completely historical 70 weeks fulfillment
for quite some time now and getting away with it. It’s shocking
to see the Bible completely butchered and misrepresented like
this, but we’re just at the tip of the iceberg.

The best is yet to come.

Bible Prophecy Secrets 75


Now that you have seen how I study the Bible in a word-for-
word method, I am going to move a little faster through the rest
of the prophecy. I trust that you will be looking up the words
yourself on or a similar resource with a
Strong’s concordance. Let’s now take a look at the next verse
throughout this chapter:

“Know therefore and understand,

That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times.”
- Dan. 9:25

First, lets consider Proverbs 25:2 together; here’s what it says:

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings
is to search out a matter.”

The reason I am focusing on this verse like a laser beam before

going forward is because the information you are about to learn
is going to be very specific. It is not guessing games.

And a lot of people are going to accuse me of being a date setter

like I’m part of some kind of a kool-aid drinking cult or something.
76 Abraham Ojeda

All I am doing is presenting what the Hebrew Scriptures already

reveal to us about the 70 Shabua of Daniel on an accurate and
well-researched timeline of events. It is the glory of kings to
understand the secrets that I am about to present to you.

Now, lets go ahead and break this verse down line by line.


The first secret I will point out to you is that we are explicitly
commanded to know and understand. This is the meaning of
the two Hebrew root words, yada and sakal, that are used here.
In other words, this is not a suggestion. It is a command.

Know with your head first, and then understand with your heart
through proper application of the head knowledge.

Too many people make up excuses in order to make themselves

comfortable with a mediocre understanding of prophecy and
often misquote the “no man knows the day or hour” one-liner
from Jesus in the New Testament.

Don’t be like that.

The Scripture here is telling you to understand. Yeshua never

contradicted any of the Scriptures, and He was actually talking
about something else when He said that, which is a different
topic we will address in Chapter 12 speaking of the Feast of


When you take a look at the Hebrew for this line, you will notice
that there are only two words used—mosa dabar. We are being
told to begin counting the entire 70 shabua beginning with a
command that was spoken. It was a command given by speech,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 77

which is what dabar tells us when looking at the Strong’s

concordance entry.

This is a big clue.

We will revisit this line of Dan. 9:25 later after we establish more
clarity on the bigger picture.


Lets keep looking at more Hebrew to unlock the mystery by

understanding the root words used here.

Shoob bana Yerushalayim.

Shoob is the same word used to describe repentance, or

turning back to God. Since there are so many Strong’s usages
for this word, I would look at the “law of first mention” verse
to understand it, which is Genesis 3:19. Man “returns” to dust.
So the idea is to go back to the starting point. Restore. Return

Bana (build or rebuild) and Yerushalayim (Jerusalem, the capital

city of ancient Israel) are both straightforward to understand.


This is where things get interesting and radically different from

the mainstream points of view. Most people take “Messiah”
to mean it is talking about Yeshua. But the Hebrew word
“mashiyach” that is used here is found throughout the Scriptures
to refer to a wide variety of people. This word (Strong’s H4899) is
extremely similar to word we saw in Dan. 9:24 (Strong’s H4886)
speaking of “to anoint” the qodesh qodeshim. It simply means
78 Abraham Ojeda

Just look at the Strong’s entry for H4899 and see how “mashiyach”
is used. Is this word ever used in any of the Hebrew Scriptures
to refer to the Messiah Yeshua? I challenge you to find a place
where the Old Testament speaks of the coming Messiah using
this word mashiyach. You’ll find out that this is a bigger challenge
than you might expect.

Just for fun, let’s take the logic of modern day, Western religions
while looking at a random verse that uses the word mashiyach:

“Look, this day your eyes have seen that the LORD delivered you
today into my hand in the cave, and someone urged me to kill
you. But my eye spared you, and I said, ‘I will not stretch out my
hand against my lord, for he is the LORD’s anointed.’”
- 1Samuel 24:10

This verse is talking about how King Saul was delivered into
David’s hand inside of a cave where Saul was having a bathroom
break. David was tempted but did not rise up and kill Saul, even
though he had the opportunity to do so.

Now, if I wanted to, I could actually translate this verse using

the word “Messiah” with a capital “M”, and it would still be a
technically correct literal translation of the Hebrew language
into English:

“Look, this day your eyes have seen that the LORD delivered you
today into my hand in the cave, and someone urged me to kill
you. But my eye spared you, and I said, ‘I will not stretch out my
hand against my lord, for he is the LORD’s Messiah.’
- 1Samuel 24:10

Is this verse talking about Yeshua the Messiah? Of course not.

The bottom line is that messiah, or mashiyach, is used in a

ton of places throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. And it’s not
blasphemy or somehow irreverent to God to use the word
messiah to describe various people that were simply anointed.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 79

It’s just how the Hebrew language works.

But to automatically assume that Daniel 9:25 is talking about the

one true prophesied Messiah Yeshua shows a huge disconnect
of our modern culture from the understanding of extremely
simple Hebrew words.

Just because the translators (in nearly every Bible) decided to

capitalize the first letter of the word Messiah doesn’t mean that
the anointed being spoken of here is absolutely and indisputably
Jesus of the New Testament. In fact, the numbers simply do not
work. In just a moment, I will show you using mathematical
proof exactly who this is talking about. I will show you the correct
interpretation of the anointed prince.

Now, lets take a look at the word prince or nagid in the Hebrew.

If this is talking about Yeshua, was He ever referred to as “Nagid”

in the Scriptures? We have heard to Him referred to as the
“Prince” of Peace, right?

Well, sort of.

It turns out that the only time that Yeshua is referred to as a

Prince (of Peace) in the Hebrew, the word “sar” (Strong’s H8269)
is used by Isaiah the prophet, but not “nagid” (Strong’s H5057).
Though these words seem similar, they are very different.

“For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
- Isaiah 9:6

Daniel chose to use the word nagid instead of sar because He

wasn’t referring to Jesus or attempting to quote Isaiah 9:6 where
80 Abraham Ojeda

Yeshua is called the sar shalom.

When you look into nagid, you will find that the word refers to
a governmental leader, ruler, or commander. The “law of first
mention” verse is 1Samuel 9:16, which refers to Saul as the
military commander and first king of Israel:

“Tomorrow about this time I will send you a man from the land
of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him commander over My
people Israel, that he may save My people from the hand of the
Philistines; for I have looked upon My people, because their cry
has come to Me.”

By the way, Saul was “messiah-ed” or “anointed” by the prophet

Samuel when he poured his horn full of oil on Saul’s head (1Sa
Bible Prophecy Secrets 81

In other words, King Saul was the very first mashiyach nagid,
or anointed prince, in the entire Bible. However, when you look
at all the places “nagid” is used, there is one unique person that
God Himself refers to over and over as a prince, both in history
as well as prophetical wording.

And that person is…

I’ll show you who this is later. For now, I’ll give you a hint: God
made an eternal covenant with this person and his lineage that
was unlike anyone else in the entire Bible.


This is straightforward. We are simply being told:

“Seven Shabua”


“Sixty Two Shabua”

We can conclude that Dan. 9:25 is talking exclusively about the

first seven shabua, which works out to be:

7 X 49 = 343 years

We will talk more about the other 62 x 49 = 3,038 years very

82 Abraham Ojeda


“…The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in

troublesome times.” - Dan. 9:25

When you look up all the words of the final line of this verse, you
will notice that we are again being told details about Jerusalem
here. In other words, the central subject of the prophecy is
being repeated. The words to pay close attention to here are
“rehob” (street) and “harus” (wall). These things will be built
(bana). But what are they? And if you look up the word “soq” it
means pressure or distress. Troubling times. When did this take
place, exactly?

We will revisit this line later, but let’s recap some ideas first.

In order to figure out the first seven weeks of the prophecy, we

have to understand:

1. There is a spoken command to build Jerusalem, the literal

capital city of Israel, along with the “rehob” and “harus”
during times of distress.

2. The first seven weeks, or 343 years, lasts from the time a
specific spoken command is given until a specific anointed

I’ll now unlock the secret of how this information all fits together.


Here’s the prophecy of Moses that connects all of the dots of

the 70 Shabua prophecy and for some reason is one of the most
overlooked, misunderstood, and outright ignored Scriptures of
the entire Bible:

“And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 83

for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and
twenty years.’” Gen. 6:3

So, I have a huge question for you. How many people do you
personally know that have lived to be 120 years old?

When I first investigated the topic of longevity, I was really big

into fitness, dietary supplements, and nutrition. I even worked
as an analytical chemist professionally testing and studying
specific supplement formulations that focused on living longer
like Niagen and BioPQQ.

In my journey to better understand human nutrition, I came

across the Blue Zone diet and information related to the whole
idea of Blue Zones. Here’s what an article from Interesting
Engineering has to say:

“Blue Zones are areas of the Earth where people live the longest,
often reaching well beyond 100 years of age. Compare that to
73.4 years, which was the worldwide average life expectancy in
2019, according to the WHO.”1

In other words, these blue zone people are the gold standard of
health and wellness worldwide. They are beating the statistics for
longevity. They are outliers of healthy human aging. And if you
go to you will find even more information
about what makes these places unique and why they live so


Even these people don’t live to be 120 years old on average.

They only live to be a little over 100. In my pursuit of getting to
the bottom of this rabbit hole, I really wanted to know whether
or not this Scripture is literally referring to a person’s lifespan,
so I researched the oldest people in the world that have been
recorded in recent history. With medical advancements, life
84 Abraham Ojeda

extension technologies, and advancements in supplementation,

surely people were hitting the 120-year mark, right?

According to the Gerontology Research Group (GRG)—an

organization that verifies and catalogs the oldest people in the
modern world—the oldest living person at the time of the writing
of this book is Maria Branyas Morera from the US at 115 years
old.3 The vast majority of the people documented on this sight
range from 110-115 years old. Only a few outliers have lived
beyond this range; and at the time of writing, only eight people
are confirmed to be alive that classify as supercentenarians—the
oldest people in the world—with an average age of 114.4

Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture. Every single one of
these people on the GRG website are extreme outliers in a
world of eight billion people. If Gen. 6:3 were really speaking of
someone’s lifespan, then people living to 120 would not be the
wildly rare exception but the norm.

I had been aware of this reality for the longest time, yet I never
properly questioned Genesis 6:3. It always remained a complete
mystery to me. What was it possibly talking about? Lets take a
closer look at this verse, but pay close attention to the words in

“And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and
twenty years.’” Gen. 6:3

I’m about to present a real challenge to you. But first, does the
Bible contradict itself? Well, do you remember one of our golden
rules from Chapter 1? The Bible is Absolute Truth, and there are
no errors, just as we are told by the prophet Samuel:

“Moreover, the Eternal Glory of Israel does not lie or change His
mind. For He is not human that He should change His mind.”
- 1Samuel 15:29 TLV
Bible Prophecy Secrets 85

Okay, so then how is this following verse I’ll show you also true?
Is there a contradiction? (Of course not, as I’ll show you)…

“The span of our years is seventy—or with strength, eighty—yet

at best they are trouble and sorrow.” - Psalm 90:10 TLV

For the untrained and unskilled with the Word of God (which
sadly, is the vast majority of people), there’s no logical explanation
when comparing Genesis 6:3 with Psalms 90:10 except that the
Bible contradicts itself. In one passage it is translated to say that
the lifespan of man is 120 years, but in another place it says that
80 years is as good as it gets for those who have a strong will to

Whenever there is an apparent contradiction in the Scriptures,

it is never the Scriptures that are false, but it is our lack of
understanding that leads us to believe false things about the
Scriptures. Like I have said before, every cult and Mystery
Babylon religion is guilty of committing the grave error of
misinterpreting the Bible at least once.

Lets not fool ourselves any longer. Nobody lives to be 120 years
old. It is extremely rare, and only certain people that live in the
unique blue zone areas of the world live to be just a little over
100—but these are not typical cases.

Now lets go back to the Interesting Engineering article that I

cited earlier. The author mentions that even the World Health
Organization 2019 statistics show that 73.4 years used to be the
average lifespan.5,6 I say used to be (in the past tense) because
this was before the COVID pandemic, vaccine agenda, and all
of the artificial problems of today. Pre-2020 was the peak of
modern civilization in terms of convenience, abundance, and
quality of life. I’ll show you exactly why life will never be the same
beginning from March 2020 onward as we continue unpacking
the secrets of Biblical prophecy together.
86 Abraham Ojeda

I must pause for a quick moment and give credit to whom

credit is due. If it weren’t for the groundbreaking work of Joseph
Dumond and his articles at, it probably would
have taken me many years to finally connect the dots here and
understand what Yehovah was proclaiming in Genesis 6:3. Lets
take a look at it one more time:

“And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and
twenty years.’” Gen. 6:3 (NKJV)

It turns out that this Hebrew word “shawneh” (Strong’s H8141)

has been mistranslated into English as years. It should not say
“years”; It should say “divisions of time” or “revolutions of time”
just as the Strong’s concordance has laid out so clearly.7 Here’s
how I would translate this verse:

“And the Yehovah said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man
forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred
and twenty periods of time.’”

The next logical questions you should have are, “What are
the periods of time? How long are they?”. When I first started
digging into this massive gold mine, I had to start by asking the

What if..?

What if these periods of time are also specifically shabua just like
in the 70 shabua of Daniel 9 prophecy? What if we are actually
being told here that the days of man “shall be 120 Shabua?”
What if these are the periods of time being spoken of here?
Well, we can easily put that theory to the test and find out if it’s
true or not.

Lets do the math real quick:

120 x 49 = 5880 years

Bible Prophecy Secrets 87

Yes, what I am saying is that the entire history of man as we

know it will only last for 5880 years. Based on this information
alone, you can now create an Excel, Numbers, or OpenOffice
spreadsheet and begin the process of data entry, as follows:

Shawneh Cycle #1: 1 - 49

Shawneh Cycle #2: 50 - 98
Shawneh Cycle #3: 99 - 147

Shawneh Cycle #120: 5832 - 5880

All of this work has already been done for you in the back of
this book (see Appendix A). What I will now show to you is how
we can properly connect these ambiguous creation years to our
everyday Gregorian years of BC and AD.

To unlock the Daniel prophecy and also to see exactly where

we are in modern day context, the first thing we need to do is
simply look at the genealogical records of the Bible and start
adding up the years to see how everything fits. Again, the only
reason we are adding up all these numbers is because this is
how we establish a connection to Gregorian years so we can
understand exactly where we are in the entire 120 Shawneh of


This next exercise is really easy. Just grab your Bible because all
of the information you need to figure out the math is right there.

Note: I am going to be using the KJV because of its accuracy in

following the Masoretic text as I go through the following Biblical
chronology. If you need help counting it all, I recommend using
the chart in an article from Wikipedia entitled “Genealogies of
Genesis”.8 This encyclopedia entry provides a nice overview
of the chronological records of Genesis, but use the Hebrew
Masoretic and Latin Vulgate texts for determining the years
88 Abraham Ojeda

because the other sources are inaccurate.

All you do is add up the ages of the fathers when they have their
first born sons in order to figure out the total number of years.
Genesis chapter 5 gives us all the years from Adam to Noah’s
son Shem. The book of Jasher notes that Noah was 502 years old
when he begat Shem, but you can also calculate his age based
on the birth year of Shem’s son Arphaxad. Genesis chapter 11
brings us from Shem to the birth of Abraham.

You will get 1948 years.

This is an undisputed fact. The problems and disagreements

start to happen amongst scholars, teachers, and Bible students
after this point in time.

The major problem is that we simply cannot keep going forward

in time by continuing to add up the ages of the fathers when they
have their first born sons. Just try it, and you’ll see the problems.
Yes, we can add up Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the many sons of
the tribes. Eventually, you will arrive at the books of the Judges,
Samuel, and the Kings and will be unable to continue because
we are not given every single first born son of a particular lineage
Bible Prophecy Secrets 89

in order to determine a chronology. Getting to the times of the

New Testament and the modern time period we are now living
in becomes problematic at this point. It even seems impossible;
and even though Matthew 1:17 provides for us the generations
of Yeshua’s lineage, it doesn’t actually give us exact years that
we can decisively use for our chronology.

Thankfully, there’s a secret time clock hiding in plain sight for

all those with spiritual eyes to see it. Right there in the pages of
the Torah—specifically within Leviticus—Elohim has made His
secret counsel known to us.


This information is not supposed to be just for a select group of

privileged people. I don’t consider myself special or better than
anyone else. When I stop and think about all of the people out
there that have been studying the Bible for decades…

When I think about all the people that came before me…

When I think about all the DVDs, presentations, and books that
have been written about Bible prophecy…

When I think about all of these things and realize that the vast
majority of people don’t understand what I am about to show

I experience a feeling that is hard to describe. It is absolutely

mind blowing and utterly humbling. The only verses that come
to mind to explain this phenomenon are these:

99 “I have more understanding than all my teachers,

For Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 “I understand more than the ancients,
Because I keep Your precepts.
101 “I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
90 Abraham Ojeda

That I may keep Your word.

102 “I have not departed from Your judgments,
For You Yourself have taught me.”
Psalm 119:99-102

It is only through meditating on the Word with the sole intention

of practicing it and obeying it that the writer can then say that he
has been taught directly by Yehovah Himself. The number one
problem that Christianity and Western religions have today is
that most of them teach that God’s laws, precepts, statutes, and
judgments are “for Jewish people”, they are “done away with”,
and “nailed to the cross” based on twisted interpretations of
Paul’s letters; or even worse, they say that God’s instructions in
the Torah “are a yoke of bondage.”

Yeshua did not destroy His own Law.

The sin of misunderstanding, misapplying, and misrepresenting

the Word of God is why nobody had been able to truly understand
the secrets of Bible prophecy all this time. Yes, of course it was
made clear to Daniel that the words were to be sealed until the
time of the end. But you are about to discover just how close to
the end we actually are! These secrets should have and could
have been discovered and proclaimed widely much sooner than

Being a practitioner of the Bible is how we are able to learn the

Word on a much deeper level of actual experience rather than
head knowledge alone. Head knowledge alone is insufficient to
arrive at the understanding I am about to reveal to you, which
is why the most famous churches and ministries are unable to
teach these things. If you don’t take anything else away from
this book, please simply remember that keeping the Torah of
Yehovah is the secret of experiencing a fulfilling, profound, and
blessed life. Toward the end of his life, Solomon made it very
clear that keeping God’s instructions is the true purpose of
mankind (Ecc. 12:13).
Bible Prophecy Secrets 91


It’s now time for us to look at Leviticus 25 from the TLV. Pay
attention to the words in bold.

1 Then Adonai said to Moses on Mount Sinai,

2 “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael and tell them: When you come into
the land which I give you, then the land is to keep a Shab-
bat to Adonai.
3 For six years you may sow your field and for six years you may
prune your vineyard and gather in its fruits.
4 But in the seventh year there is to be a Shabbat rest for the
land—a Shabbat to Adonai. You are not to sow your field or
prune your vineyard.
5 You are not to reap what grows by itself during your harvest
nor gather the grapes of your untended vine. It is to be a year
of Shabbat rest for the land.
6 Whatever the Shabbat of the land produces will be food for
yourself, for your servant, for your maidservant, for your hired
worker and for the outsider dwelling among you.
7 Even for your livestock and for the animals that are in your
land—all its increase will be enough food.
8 “You are to count off seven Shabbatot of years—seven
times seven years, so that the time is seven Shabbatot of
years—49 years.
9 Then on the tenth day of the seventh month, on Yom Kippur,
you are to sound a shofar blast—you are to sound the shofar all
throughout your land.
10 You are to make the fiftieth year holy, and proclaim liberty
throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It is to be a Jubilee to
you, when each of you is to return to his own property and each
of you is to return to his family.
11 That fiftieth year will be your Jubilee. You are not to sow, or
reap that which grows by itself, or gather from the untended vines.
12 Since it is a Jubilee, it is to be holy to you. You will eat
from its increase out of the field.
20 Now if you ask: What are we to eat during the seventh year if,
see, we are not to sow, nor gather in our increase?
92 Abraham Ojeda

21 Now I will command My blessing to you in the sixth year, so

that it will yield a harvest sufficient for three years.
22 When you sow during the eighth year, you will still be eating
the old, stored harvest until the harvest of the ninth year comes
- Leviticus 25:1-12; 20-22 (TLV)

Do you see it?

7 x 7 = 49

This passage reveals how we are supposed to count the years

of history from a solely Biblical standpoint, and what is spoken
here is radically different from any modern method of historical
timekeeping, including the Gregorian calendar that we are
accustomed to.

In Lev. 25:8 we see the exact same concept of a shabua that

Daniel simply repeated for us later in the 70 shabua prophecy.
But this passage brings even more clarity. Understanding this
major concept of seven Sabbatical Years in a 49-year cycle is
critical to keeping track of time, God’s way.

The key words here are that “you are to count…so that the time
is seven Shabbatot of years—49 years” in Lev. 25:8. We are
commanded to count by 49-year periods. Notice something
extremely important. We are NOT commanded to count by 50-
year cycles. We are told to acknowledge the 50th year as the
Year of Jubilee, but we are not actually told to count by 50-year
cycles. We are commanded to count only by 49-year cycles.

Let me paint this picture using a simple diagram because I find

that these sorts of illustrations help immensely.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 93

This pattern of counting by sevens is present from the creation

week in Genesis chapter one. We all count seven days in a week
and not eight, and this same concept is true when we are talking
about the 49-year cycles of history. The 50th year of Jubilee is
the same thing as year number one in the very next 49-year
cycle just like the eighth day would actually be the first day of
the next week. Just like there is no such thing as an eight-day
week there is also no such thing as a fifty-year shabua cycle.

Just with the information that I have already shown you inside
of Daniel’s prophecy, you should already know that 49-year
cycles are the correct interpretation, otherwise Daniel would
have used the Hebrew word yobel (Strongs H3104 which means
“Jubilee”) instead of shabua. I don’t mean to belabor the point
here, but the false interpretation of counting by 50-year cycles
has been pushed by a growing number of voices and ministries
out there, and as a result, many people are being led astray
into completely fraudulent interpretations of Scripture and
very misguided understandings of end times events.
94 Abraham Ojeda


I first learned about the next logical progression in the chronology

from a video presentation Joseph Dumond gave for Stan
Johnson’s Prophecy Club. This information was later repackaged
inside of Dumond’s Remembering the Sabbatical Years book,
but I struggled getting through the nonessential details and
dense presentation.9 I will do my best to keep this section
concise and simple to understand using diagrams.

Genesis 12:4 tells us that Abraham was 75 years old when he

left his homeland of Haran in order to follow Yehovah and be
obedient to His voice. Three chapters later in Genesis 15:18 we
see the exact moment in history where Yehovah cuts a covenant
with Abraham. This particular day is profound from both a
chronological and prophetic standpoint. A deep sleep fell upon
Abraham after he had slain the sacrifices of the covenant, and
the flaming torch passed between the sacrificial pieces in order
to confirm the oath between the Most High and Abraham (along
with his descendants).

At this point, we need to pause and look at what Paul said

through inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

“Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made…And

this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years
later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed…”
- Gal. 3:16,17 (NKJV)

What Paul is telling us is that the law as given from Mount Sinai
came 430 years after this particular moment in history when
Abraham fell into a deep sleep and the covenant promise was
given to him. Keep that in mind as we move forward because it
will serve as one witness of the chronology that I am going to
unpack for you.

Lets now take a look back at these words of Genesis 15:13:

Bible Prophecy Secrets 95

“Then He said to Abram: ‘Know certainly that your descendants

will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them,
and they will afflict them four hundred years.’”

We are given yet another number. Yehovah says that Abraham’s

descendants are to be mistreated in a land not their own for 400
years. We are also going to use this number alongside the 430
years that Paul told us about to prove the correct chronology.

Now remember, we left off with 1948 years from Adam to

Abraham. We are told in Gen. 21:5 that Isaac is born when
Abraham is 100 years old. Simply add this number to 1948 to
arrive at 2048 years after creation (remember, these are not
Gregorian years).

So…now what? How do we connect this information to the 400

or 430 years? How do we continue moving forward in time?

We have to answer two questions:

1. What was the moment in time when Abraham received the

covenant promise? What was the creation year? How old
was Abraham?

2. When exactly was the start date when Abraham’s descendants

were mistreated in a land not their own? Did this begin in
Egypt under the harsh treatment of the Pharaohs, or was it

Lets begin with the first question.

We can figure out Abraham’s age by understanding the timeline

from Ishmael being born through Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian
handmaid. Remember, the covenant promise was given in
chapter 15. In the very next chapter, we are told in Gen. 16:3
that after Abraham had been dwelling ten years in the land of
Canaan, he decides to go ahead and listen to Sarah and have
intimate relations with Hagar in order to bear children. Because
96 Abraham Ojeda

we were already told that Abraham was 75 when he left his

homeland of Haran, he was 85 when he took Hagar as a wife.
Hagar conceives and gives birth to Ishmael in Gen. 16:16, and
we are told explicitly in the Text that Abraham is 86 years old.
Therefore, Abraham was between 75 and 85 years old when the
covenant promise was given to him in Genesis 15:18.

If the details seem a little overwhelming at this point, don’t

worry. I’ll show you a chart in a moment.

Lets now address the second question.

The prophecy of Abraham’s descendants being mistreated

actually begins with Isaac, as I will prove to you in a moment.
It is Gen. 21 that gives us the account of Isaac growing up and
becoming weaned, and it is the day that Isaac is weaned that
Abraham throws a great feast. In my original 70 Shabua Decoded
presentation that was available for free on my website for about
a year, I overlooked some of the Hebrew language here and
slightly miscommunicated the events surrounding this topic.
Isaac was in fact weaned, Abraham threw a great feast that day,
and then at some point later in the future, we see this take place:

“And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had
borne to Abraham, scoffing.”
- Gen. 21:9

The word here for scoffing is Strong’s H6711 and can mean
to mock, make sport, or make a toy of. When the Philistines
gouged Samson’s eyes out, threw him in prison, and then later
summoned him for personal entertainment, Judges 16:25 uses
this same Hebrew word where it says, “…Call for Samson, that
he may perform for us…”. Another time this word is used is in the
account of Gen. 39:14-17 where Potiphar’s wife tries to frame
Joseph as if Joseph is trying to have sex with her. She says, “See,
he has brought in to us a Hebrew to mock us. He came in to me
to lie with me, and I cried out with a loud voice” (Gen. 39:14).
Even though this Hebrew word could also mean to simply laugh,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 97

something bigger and more problematic than laughing is going

on here in Gen. 21:9 because Abraham was greatly displeased
with what happened, and God Himself even tells him that it’s
okay to send Hagar and Ishmael away from Isaac.

When I think of this account and what happened, my mind goes

to Proverbs 17:17 which states, “A friend loves at all times, And
a brother is born for adversity.”

Gen. 21:9 could be talking about physical violence, an act of

sexual perversion, or even harsh words. The bottom line is that
this event of Ishmael mocking Isaac actually begins the counting
of the 400 years of mistreatment in a foreign land, and the 430-
year count from the time of the covenant begins when Abraham
is between 75 and 85 years old. Here’s how this information all
fits together on a chart, and I will prove to you that this is the
correct interpretation as we move forward to the time of Joshua.
What I am going to show you is that Abraham was 80 years old
when the covenant was made. If we use the number that Paul
gave us from the covenant to the law at Sinai, then the math works
out to be exactly 2458 for the year of the exodus from Egypt. I am
also going to prove to you that Isaac was actually 10 years old
when he was mistreated by Ishmael, and when we add 400 years
to this starting point of mistreatment, we will also arrive at the
year 2458 for the exodus when this period of time is over.


Our assumption is that the year for the Exodus is 2458. Now we
simply have to figure out the order of events from the books
of Exodus though Deuteronomy and finally, when the nation of
Israel enters the promised land in Joshua 5.

What many academic works and various chronologists fail to

realize is the fact that the nation of Israel began traveling to the
promised land in the second year after the exodus, meaning
that they were at Sinai for about two years. We are explicitly told
this fact in Numbers 10:11:
98 Abraham Ojeda

“Now it came to pass on the twentieth day of the second month,

in the second year, that the cloud was taken up from above the
tabernacle of the Testimony.”

Of course, we know the sad ending to the story. The people

complained for meat. Miriam gets leprosy for questioning Mo-
ses’ leadership. We then arrive at the scene of the 12 spies being
sent out in Num. 13 at the command of Yehovah. Of the twelve
spies that are sent out, only two bring a good report, but the
other ten bring a report that causes extreme anxiety among the
people. We read that the people wept all night and determined
in their hearts to select a leader to return back to Egypt (Num.
14:1-4). It is this staunch rebellion that causes Yehovah to swear
this oath in Num. 14:34:

“According to the number of the days in which you spied out

the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one
year, namely forty years, and you shall know My rejection.”

The decree from the Throne was that Israel would wander for
Bible Prophecy Secrets 99

40 years. Once this time period was over, the following event
happens which is extremely important for decoding Gen. 6:3
and the 120 periods of time:

10 “Now the children of Israel camped in Gilgal, and kept the

Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight on the
plains of Jericho. 11 And they ate of the produce of the land
on the day after the Passover, unleavened bread and parched
grain, on the very same day. 12 Then the manna ceased on
the day after they had eaten the produce of the land; and the
children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of
the land of Canaan that year.”
- Joshua 5:10-12

We are told that the manna ceases, the children of Israel enter
the promised land, and they eat the food of this land starting on
the 15th day of the first month (Aviv) of the Hebrew calendar.
The words of immense importance are that they ate the food of
the land. By implication, they did not plant or sow this food. Of
course, they couldn’t have possibly farmed the land because
they had just entered the land. The crops that they were eating
were planted and tended to by the Canaanites. This fact may
seem trivial, except that we were given this specific prophetic
declaration in Leviticus 25:2 before this event took place:

“Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you

come into the land which I give you, then the land shall keep a
sabbath to the LORD.’”

We already looked at this verse earlier in this chapter, but now

it’s time to dig a little deeper. The question we need to be asking
ourselves is what kind of land sabbath is Lev. 25:2 talking about?
Recall that God keeps time in cycles of 49 years. After every six
years, there is a land sabbath on the seventh year. After the 48th
year in a 49-year cycle, there is a 49th-year sabbath, of course,
but it is immediately followed by the 50th year of Jubilee, which
is also a land sabbath.
100 Abraham Ojeda

So…which is it? Are we talking about one out of the six 7th years
in a cycle, the 49th year, or the 50th year in Joshua 5:10?

What I am about to mathematically prove to you is that the

children of Israel entered the promised land exactly on a Jubilee
year. It wasn’t simply one of the 7th years in a cycle, or even the
49th year, but it was in fact the 50th year of Jubilee in a cycle.
The Jubilee is special. It is a proclamation of liberty in which
everyone is supposed to return to the land of their possession
(Lev. 25:10). Just like other sabbath years, sowing the land and
the act of harvesting food for the purpose of storing up for
long periods of time (as opposed to daily harvesting only) was
prohibited (Lev. 25:11). Land (with the exception of parcels
within walled cities) was to be restored back to its original owner
in a Jubilee year (Lev. 25:28). Hired servants were also released
(Lev. 25:54), and therefore, people were set free. It was a time of
rejoicing and financial reset.

The fact that Yehovah brought the people into the promised
land on a Jubilee year was highly significant. He, in His divine
foreknowledge, already knew that the children of Israel would be
faithless and wander for 40 years. He knew that the appointed
time for the righteous Joshua generation to rise up and enter
the land would be on the Jubilee when the captives return home

and are set free. It is amazing when you step back and look at
the bigger poetic picture and its significance.

Here’s how we know mathematically that this year was a Jubilee

year. We take the year of the Exodus which is 2458 after creation,
we add two years for when Israel leaves Mount Sinai, and we
add the 40 years of punishment.

We get 2500 years exactly.

If the year 2500 after creation is the 50th year of Jubilee, then
that means that the year 2499 is the 49th year of the shawneh
cycle. Let me remind you of the question that I presented near
Bible Prophecy Secrets 101

the beginning of this chapter.

What if the periods of time of Genesis 6:3 are also shabua just like
in the 70 shabua of Daniel 9 prophecy? What if we are actually
being told here that the days of man “shall be 120 shabua?”

All we must do now is simply divide 2499 by 49 and we should

get an exact, whole number with no decimals whatsoever; then
we will know for sure that we have interpreted the events of
Joshua 5:10 perfectly…

And, in fact, when do the math, here’s what you get:

2499 ÷ 49 = 51

Joshua 5:10 reveals to us that there have been exactly 51

shawneh (or shabua) cycles in the entire history of the 120
shawneh of mankind that were completed at this exact point
in history. Now we just need to figure out how to calculate the
other 69 shawneh cycles. We also need to figure out how these
cycles correctly link together with the 70 shabua of Daniel.
The way we solve the mystery and get to the present day is by
figuring out where all the remainder of the Sabbatical (7th or
49th) and Jubilee (50th) years are throughout history.


Here’s the secret: we actually only need one accurate, verifiable

event in history that occurred on a 7th, 49th, or 50th year in
order to properly connect all of the creation years that we have

calculated so far to the contemporary dating of Gregorian years.

In other words, if we know that “X” event was a Biblical year of
land rest that occurred in the year “# BC” or “AD #”, then we can
assign Gregorian years alongside creation years in a chart or
table and organize all of this information perfectly. A chart like
this can be easily created inside of Excel, OpenOffice, or any
102 Abraham Ojeda

spreadsheet software, and if you have the time and ability to do

so, give it a shot.

Let’s pause for just a moment, though. Do you realize the

importance of what I am saying?

Once we know the Gregorian years for the creation year

chronology we have developed so far using only the Bible, we
can understand what the creation year 5880 is in Gregorian
years. We can therefore understand exactly when the 120
shawneh cycles of mankind will end as recorded in Gen. 6:3. We
will know the end of history. We will know the time of the end
that was prophesied by Daniel, including the final, 70th shabua
of history.

As we begin to look at outside sources throughout history to

understand the Gregorian dating of the Biblical years of land
rest, always remember that a Textbook Hebrew year occurs
from Aviv to Aviv, just like we discussed in the last chapter.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 103

With that said, I will now provide you with twelve dates for
Sabbatical years as documented and clearly presented within
the book The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle Volume One by Qadesh La
Yahweh Press.10 Here they are:

This work is available to download for free, and I have included

a link for you in the notes section of this book. These dates
are backed by significant research of historical records such
as Antiquities of the Jews by the early historian Josephus,
Apocryphal works (Maccabees, Esdras, etc.), and many other
ancient sources.11,12 The eye-opening discussions around the
various errors that chronologists make when trying to figure
out the correct numbering of Sabbatical years also makes The
Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle well worth the read. Remember, we
only need one bulletproof Gregorian date in order to connect to
the creation years chronology. I will address which one of these
dates is the most undisputed and accurate in a moment.
104 Abraham Ojeda

In addition to these dates, Joseph Dumond has also done an

extraordinary job in his independent research over the course
of many years now in putting together a list of sources that shed
light on the Gregorian datings of Sabbatical years. His website
details the discovery of the Tombstones of Zoar. What we find
in Zoar is fascinating, to say the least. This is a place outside
of the land of Israel south of the Dead Sea in what would be
considered the ancient territory of Moab, and it is here in Zoar
that we find a community of Hebrews living after the time of
the destruction of the Temple in AD 70.

Their tombstones are unique in that they have intact Hebrew

inscriptions on them with a glance at how these ancient Hebrews
kept track of time. Dumond has even paid for the translation
of some of these artifacts himself, and here is what his article
“45 Sabbatical Year Proofs With Documentation” says about one
specific tombstone:

“Tombstone #7 - 427 CE Naveh’s # 5. Published (by Naveh) in

1987; painted red. It is missing the three first lines. The height
preserved is 35cm and is 10cm thick.

‘[this tombstone of X] [son/daughter of Y who died] [on day Z

Bible Prophecy Secrets 105

(of the Sabbatical)] 26 days in the month of Nissan (1st month)

in the year of the Shemitah, year 3 hundred 57 years to the
destruction of the temple Shalom Shalom’ 357 + 70 = 427 CE”.13

These artifacts reveal many important truths. First, because

these Hebrews are referring back to the destruction of the
Temple (which we know to be the sabbatical year of AD 70), we
can assign a Gregorian date to what the tombstones say. In this
example, we also see that this person died in AD 427. They also
inscribed on the stone that AD 427 was a Shemitah, which is the
same thing as a Sabbatical year. Do the math, and this year fits
perfectly with all of the other dates from the chart I showed you,
which is remarkable.

What we are also seeing in these tombstones is that God’s

people have always been keeping track of time using Sabbatical
cycles, or periods of 49 years; and they have also been diligent
to keep track of when the 7th years of rest occurred throughout
history in order to observe them. Now do you see why Daniel’s
prophecy was sealed until the time of the end? This knowledge
of keeping track of time God’s way has mostly been lost from
the consciousness of His people, and one of the purposes of this
book is to help restore that consciousness.
Because of this discovery, there are more dates that we can add
to our list of known Sabbatical years throughout history. In fact,
this is going to be the entire subject of a new book Dumond has
in the works. I won’t take the time to list them here, but leaning
upon Dumond’s investigative work, we can conclude that there
are at least 23 more dates from the tombstones of Zoar that
match the chronology of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years that I
have already shown you in this book.14


This one easy date that is the most verifiable and undisputed
in history is 701 BC, which we can confirm with Scripture and
historical sources. Here is what 2 Kings 19:29 says about this
106 Abraham Ojeda

“This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this year such as grows
of itself, And in the second year what springs from the same;
Also in the third year sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the
fruit of them.”

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

That’s because it is a repetition of the same concept from

Leviticus 25, specifically verses 21 and 22. Before we can discuss
this Sabbatical year, the context is paramount.

The prophet Isaiah was sent by Elohim to deliver this specific

word to King Hezekiah of the southern kingdom of Judah. During
this time period, King Sennacherib of Assyria was waging war
against many nations and was the elite military power in the
world right before Babylon rose to world domination. In fact,
the Assyrians had just defeated the northern kingdom of Israel
around 731 BC, approximately 30 years prior to the events of 2
Kings 19. Hezekiah found himself stressed out. He was afraid.
But he cried out to Yehovah and asked to be delivered from the
hand of Assyria, and his prayer was answered.

Yehovah told him that he was going to be safe from Assyria, and
that He was going to give Hezekiah this particular sign. Scripture
tells us that eventually 185,000 Assyrian soldiers are killed in
one night by the Angel of Yehovah (2 Ki. 19:35), just as Isaiah had
prophesied (Isa. 37).

Let’s take a look at 2 Kings 19:29 again. We are told it is a sign.

This is the same Hebrew word (Strong’s H226, or “oth”) that is
used in many places such as Exodus 31:13 in which the sabbaths
are to be a sign between God and His people. In other words,
Yehovah tells Hezekiah that He is giving him the sign of the
sabbath to confirm His word that Judah would not be conquered
by Assyria. Now here’s the verse again in light of this truth and
also Leviticus 25:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 107

“This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this year [the 49th year]
such as grows of itself, And in the second year [the 50th year]
what springs from the same; Also in the third year [the 51st
year] sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.”
Based on various historical records, we can prove that 701 BC
is this Sabbatical year (49th), and 700 BC is this Jubilee year
(50th) spoken of in 2 Kings. In fact, it is universally accepted
by scholars that 701 BC was the date of Sennacherib’s
failed invasion attempt of Judah. Edwin R. Thiele in his
book, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, says,

“The date of 701 for the attack of Sennacherib in the fourteenth

year of Hezekiah is a key point in my chronological pattern for
Hebrew rulers. …Full confidence can be placed in 701 as the
fourteenth year of Hezekiah, and complete confidence can be
placed in any other dates for either Israel or Judah reckoned
from that date in accord with the requirements of the numbers
in Kings.”15

The reason that Thiele and many others assert that 701 BC is
a verifiable and bulletproof date in history is because of the
overlap of historical records that can prove this date with a
high degree of accuracy. For example, the combination of
Sennacherib’s Annals, the Assyrian limmu, the Assyrian eponym,
and Ptolemy’s Cannon can all be used to pinpoint 701 BC as the
year in which Sennacherib tries to attack Judah. These are records,
cuneiform artifacts, and lists that provide detailed accounting
of kings and events for that specific time period. For a deeper
dive into 701 BC and its authenticity in the Sabbatical years,
make sure to read The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle in which the
authors address Assyrian propaganda, common misconceptions,
and other details surrounding this event.16


Now what do we do? We have the creation year 2499 which was
the 49th year of the shabua cycle immediately before Joshua
108 Abraham Ojeda

enters the promised land. We also have the Gregorian year

701 BC which was the 49th year of the shabua cycle during
Hezekiah’s 29-year reign. How do we connect them?

What I am going to show you next is not absolutely necessary

because the dates between the shabua of the burning bush
and Exodus to the shabua when the anointed prince (that I will
explain in a moment) arrives can’t fit any other way. But for sake
of clarity, here is how we can pin the year 701 BC to a specific
49th year in our creation timeline. All we have to do is generally
understand the timeline from Joshua, the Judges, Samuel, Saul,
David, Solomon, and the Kings of Israel until we get to Hezekiah.
Again, we must estimate because we don’t know all of the years
after Joshua enters the land.

My chart below was put together based on my own research

along with the chronological research presented in Mysterious
Numbers of the Hebrew Kings and also in A Biblical History of
Israel.17,18 As I will explain in a moment, we can know the year of
Solomon’s death to be 931 BC, and since we know the timing and
significance 701 BC, we can understand that there are actually
230 years between these dates.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 109

Keep in mind that the years of the Judges most likely overlap
in different places and are ambiguous in and of themselves for
establishing a timeline. Likewise, we don’t know the exact years
of the events of the book of Joshua, and therefore, my chart
presents estimates. Remember, we are told in 2Kings 18:13
that it was the 14th year of King Hezekiah when Sennacherib
foolishly attempts to attack the Jerusalem in 701 BC. All we do is
add up the number of years, and you will get 699. We then pick
up where we left off:

2499 + 699 = 3198 creation years

This year, 3198 (which is just a very rough estimate), tells us that
we need to be looking somewhere around the 64th, 65th, and
even 66th Shawneh of mankind in order to connect 701 BC into
our timeline.
So…what did I just prove?

My chart proves that, though we don’t know all the dates from
110 Abraham Ojeda

Joshua to the Judges, we can reasonably estimate. We get

actually really close, and what I will more clearly demonstrate
to you in just a moment is that we can declare 701 BC to be
the year 3136 after creation. This is absolutely the only way the
math works.



We can now go back in time and have a complete list of dates

for the Sabbatical years and the 120 Shawneh of mankind as
prophesied by Moses. At the end of this book in Appendix A, you
will find my spreadsheet that has been constructed based on all
of this information. You should review it and verify for yourself.

With the understanding that 701 BC is 3136 after creation, we

can now see that the year of the Exodus (2458 after creation) is
1379 BC.

The year of Joshua 5:10 (2499 after creation) is in fact 1338 BC;
and of course, we understand that the year of 2 Kings 19:29
(3136 after creation) is 701 BC.

You can now see that the year Aviv 2044 to Aviv 2045 will mark
the end of the history of mankind (as we currently know it), and
this final shabua we are living in began in Aviv 1996. As I will
continue to prove to you, 1996 to 2045 is the final, 70th shabua
of Daniel. This is the time of the end and the “last days” spoken
of by all of the prophets in which all prophecy must be fulfilled,
including the abomination of desolation, great tribulation, and
the return of Yeshua on the clouds.


Let’s go back to where we left off. Here is Daniel 9:25 again just
Bible Prophecy Secrets 111

to refresh our brains:

“Know therefore and understand,

That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times.”

Recall that I already mentioned we need to understand the

following things in order to fully unlock the 70 weeks of Daniel:

1. There is a spoken command to build Jerusalem, the literal

capital city of Israel, along with the “Rehob” and “Harus”
during times of distress.

2. The first seven weeks, or 343 years, lasts from the time a
specific spoken command is given until a specific anointed

3. The other sixty-two weeks, or 3,038 years, is another

distinct period of time that happens after the first seven

The beautiful thing about the foundation we have just laid is that
understanding this prophecy just became a whole lot easier.
We have a framework of dates to work with now when we
understand that 701 BC is 3136 after creation. We understand
the shabua cycles like a true ancient Hebrew would.

We are ready.


When I first began studying these things very deeply and

thinking about them constantly, I believe that Elohim showed
112 Abraham Ojeda

me something very special inside of Psalm 78 that I now want to

pass on to you. This is a very significant Psalm that reads unlike
any other Psalm in the Bible. Here are the first three verses:

1 “A Contemplation of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my law;

Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of
3 Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told
us.” - Psalm 78:1-3

The writer, Asaph, speaks of a “parable” and “dark sayings”, but

when you look at the entire Psalm from beginning to end, you
are left scratching your head. What exactly is so mysterious
about it? It’s rather straightforward.

Asaph speaks of a future generation to come that would know

and understand what is being spoken of. He prophesies of a
future generation that would not forget the Law of Yehovah.
There are even interesting parallels to the book of Hosea and
other historical events. But the main thought of this parable
begins with the Exodus from the land of Egypt in 78:12 and
concludes with the anointing of David as the shepherd over
God’s people in 78:70.

Well, it just so happens that this parable of Psalm 78 matches

exactly what Daniel was shown in the 70 shabua prophecy.
Asaph was actually verifying the correct understanding of the
prophetic mystery of the 70 shabua of Daniel for those of us
living in the last days. This is the reason the Holy Spirit breathed
the words “parable” and “dark sayings” inside of this Psalm.


Of all the spoken commandments in the Bible that could possibly

fit into the timeline of Dan. 9:25, none is more significant that
Moses and the burning bush:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 113

“Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that

you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
- Exodus 3:10

Pay very close attention to the underlying Hebrew words that

have been translated as follows in Dan. 9:25:

“…That from the going forth of the command…”

We have Strong’s H4161, “mosa”, which is translated as “from

the going forth.” And we also have Strong’s H1697, “dabar”,
which is translated as “of the command.” We have two Hebrew
words used here by Daniel, and the translators have used seven
English words to try and express the thought.

When you look up the word “mosa”, it has quite a broad range
of uses. Here’s what the entry says inside of the BLB definitions

“‫ מֹוצָ א‬môwtsâʼ, mo-tsaw’; or ‫ מצָ א‬môtsâʼxlit môtsâ corrected to

môtsâʼ; from H3318; a going forth i.e. (the act) an egress, or (the
place) an exit; hence, a source or product; specifically, dawn,
the rising of the sun (the East), exportation, utterance, a gate,
a fountain, a mine, a meadow (as producing grass):—brought
out, bud, that which came out, east, going forth, goings out,
that which (thing that) is gone out, outgoing, proceeded out,
spring, vein, (water-) course (springs).”19

Do you see what I see? I put certain words in bold to make it

easier to see the common thread in this word’s usages. Now lets
take a look at the BLB entry for “dabar”, and you will find under
the outline of Biblical usage that it is used to say “speech, word,
speaking, thing.”20

Put these two words together, and “mosa dabar” could easily
be interpreted as the “the spoken command to exit towards
the east.” It could also be literally translated as “brought out
114 Abraham Ojeda

eastward by speech.” This is exactly what happened when the

children of Israel left Egypt in the Exodus. God’s people had to
travel East out of Egypt and across the Red Sea in order to reach
Mount Sinai and eventually the promised land under Joshua.

Jerusalem is East of Egypt.

Bible Prophecy Secrets 115

Let’s briefly revisit the mainstream interpretations of this

prophecy from every single religion out there. Everyone without
exception teaches that the 70 weeks prophecy has something to
do with a declaration of Artaxerxes given to Nehemiah in order
to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Everyone teaches this idea
to begin the counting of the 70 weeks prophecy, and in doing
so, they have ignored the fundamental definition of the word
“mosa”. It is literally, physically impossible to travel East from
the land of Babylon where Judah was in exile in order to reach
Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.
The only direction to get to Jerusalem from Babylon is West.
There’s absolutely no way around this fact. The decree of
Artaxerxes was also arguably not even a spoken command or a
command given by speech. Regardless of the nuances, the so-
called “decree” of Artaxerxes cannot mathematically fit within
the Biblical 70 shabua framework. It only “fits” (forcibly, at best)
inside of a false, Greco-Roman 490-year framework.


Like we already discussed in the beginning of this chapter, Dan.

9:25 fascinates me because it is translated as “…Until Messiah
the Prince…” with the letter m in messiah capitalized along with
the first letter in the word prince.
Did you know that the Biblical Hebrew language does not have
lowercase letters? They are all uppercase. When you see this
liberty taken by Bible translators just take special note of it. They
are no longer doing their job of being a translator, but they are
taking on the role of an interpreter instead. All Bible translations
that I know of render the passage this way so as to automatically
make the reader think this passage has maybe something to
do with Jesus the Messiah. Sometimes (as is a classic example
here) it is extremely difficult to read the Bible without hearing
the voices and thoughts of men shouting inside our heads as we
try and read the Text for ourselves. By default, we have all read
this verse in times past and had our judgment severely clouded
by the interpretations of men without realizing it.
116 Abraham Ojeda

There are only two Hebrew words used here. The first is
Strong’s H4899, “mashiyach”, and Strong’s H5057, “nagid”. We
already covered how King Saul, the first king of Israel, was also
the first mashiyach nagid mentioned in all the Scriptures. Well,
you probably easily guessed who this is really talking about by
now. It turns out, when you look at the timeline I have already
revealed to you, that David is the only mashiyach nagid that fits
perfectly into the prophecy, which is exactly what the parable
and dark mystery of Psalm 78 told us.
Go look up where the word nagid is used and you will find
interesting prophetical and historical wording throughout the
Text referring to King David. God made an eternal covenant with
David. There are so many Scriptures to talk about when it comes
to David’s kingship. But Look what Samuel told Saul after Saul
disobeyed the commandment of God and lost his kingship:

“But now your kingdom shall not continue. The LORD has
sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has
commanded him to be commander [nagid] over His people,
because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.”
- 1Sa. 13:14

The title of nagid is used many times in Scripture to refer to

David. Here’s what David said while giving a speech in Jerusalem.
He is saying he was chosen to be prince (nagid) forever:

“However the LORD God of Israel chose me above all the house
of my father to be king over Israel forever, for He has chosen
Judah to be the ruler [nagid]. And of the house of Judah, the
house of my father, and among the sons of my father, He was
pleased with me to make me king over all Israel.”
- 1Ch. 28:4


We have already established the date of the exodus from Egypt

to be 1379 BC. But when was the spoken command at the
Bible Prophecy Secrets 117

burning bush given by the Great I AM? Can we know this date
for sure? The answer may surprise you.

If you have ever worked with livestock, what I am about to ex-

plain is common sense. Sadly, many people are disconnected
from living off the land and working in agriculture, so if you find
yourself in that position, don’t stress. However, the Bible was
written through the lens of a culture that was fundamentally
agrarian and radically different from the modern day industrial-
ized societies the majority of us find ourselves in. The more you
experience living a rural, simple life, the easier it will be to learn
Biblical truth.

In order to understand the timing of the burning bush, we have

to examine the events of the ten plagues of Egypt. We have to
understand exactly how long Moses and Aaron were performing
their work as the two witnesses of Yehovah. The first clue is given
to us in Exodus 9:3-7. After the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, and
flies, there is the fifth plague that specifically brings death on
every single one of the livestock of Egypt—from horses to sheep
and everything in between. The language here in the Scriptures
tells us assertively that none of the livestock of Egypt survived
(Exo. 9:6).

Here is where things get interesting.

The very next plague causes boils and sores to break out on
both “man and beast” (Exo. 9:9). The seventh plague arrives
next and brings hail mixed with fire on the Egyptians who did
not fear the word of Yehovah. We are told explicitly that both
the servants and livestock that were left in the open fields were
killed by this plague.

Finally, we are told that during the tenth and final plague, all of
the firstborn of both man and livestock were killed at midnight
(Exo. 12:29). In other words, if 100% of the livestock were killed
during the fifth plague, how did the Egyptians have livestock
during the sixth, seventh, and even tenth plagues? The answer
118 Abraham Ojeda

to this question is the key to understanding the chronology.

For many years, I thought that the ten plagues of Egypt happened
in a short period of time, maybe a year at most. When you read
the Text, it just seems quick, decisive, and action-packed. In
order for these events to happen realistically, though, it took

After the fifth plague, the Egyptians must have purchased and
acquired livestock from neighboring countries that were not
impacted by the plagues. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he
and his people defiantly acquired more animals while not letting
Israel go free. This explanation satisfies the events of the sixth
and seventh plagues, but there would need to be at the very
least one complete breeding cycle in order for the tenth plague
and the death of the firstborn to take place. More realistically,
though, two or more breeding cycles would make sense because
the livestock would need to multiply to a large enough number
to require servants being out in the fields managing the animals
during the seventh plague of hail.

What I will prove to you mathematically is that Moses and Aaron

worked for 3-1/2 years before the Exodus actually took place.
Yehovah likes to work in very predictable patterns and with very
specific structure. He doesn’t work randomly. This is the same
thing that will happen in the future when the two witnesses will
be sent by God (before the greater exodus of scattered Israelites
worldwide takes place…more on this idea later) as described in
Revelation 11:3:

“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy
one thousand two hundred and sixty days”

Notice the math here: 360 (days in one year) x 3.5 (years) = 1260

This is the 3-1/2 year period of Revelation that I believe was also
the same amount of time that Moses and Aaron performed
Bible Prophecy Secrets 119

their work as the original two witnesses of Scripture. Therefore,

the spoken command of the burning bush occurred on 1382 or
1383 BC.

For the well-studied in the subject of time-keeping, yes, I am

saying that there are 360 days in a Hebrew year generally
speaking. Remember, the sighting of a new crescent moon is
necessary to declare the beginning of each month. Based on

the modern science and technology, we know that it takes the

moon about 29.530 days in its cycle around the earth to arrive
at the same phase of a new moon. What this means practically
is that a Biblical month can only have 29 to 30 days but certainly
no more than 30 days. This also means that the moon makes
about 12.4 circuits around the earth in a year, which is why a
Hebrew 13-month year occurs sometimes with an added month
(called Adar Bet by the Jews) as determined by the readiness of
the Aviv barley. I realize this is more of an advanced topic, but I
wanted to address it before moving on.

Here is what we can now accurately calculate:

Since 1382 or 1383 BC was the date of the burning bush, all we
120 Abraham Ojeda

do is add 343 years and we will arrive at the time of 1039 to

1040 BC. I will show you that 1040 BC is the correct date. Since
we know this prophecy is talking about David, all we have to do
is pinpoint a date that is verifiable and accurate somewhere in
the chronology of David. One such date is the death of Solomon,
which is widely confirmed to be 931 BC.21,22

The Scriptures tell us that King Solomon succeeds David

and reigns 40 years (1Kings 11:42). Since Solomon’s death is
confirmed to be 931 BC, all we have to do is work backwards.
Subtract 40 years and you arrive at 970 BC—the year when
Solomon begins his reign. It is 2Samuel 5:4 that gives us the
details of David’s reign:

“David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he

reigned forty years.”

We therefore start at 971 BC and subtract another 40 years,

which brings us to 1010 as the year that David begins his reign.
If you simply add 30 years to 1010, you will arrive at 1040 BC,
which is the exact birth year of David the Prince of the Daniel
9:25 prophecy. That’s right! We have officially mathematically
proven when the first seven shabua of Daniel’s prophecy have
taken place. As a result, we now know when the clock starts for
the 70 shabua and when it ends.

Here is the proof of our earlier assumption.

Notice that this 343-year period lines up with our assignment

of 701 BC as the creation year 3136. Based on my chart that
estimates the timeline from Joshua to Hezekiah, we could have
associated 701 BC with two other possible 49th years in order
to establish the connection between Gregorian and creation
years. However, the command at the burning bush in 1383 BC
during the 51st Shawneh perfectly lines up with the fact that
Joshua entered the promised land in the very first year of the
next (52nd) Shawneh in 2500. Just do the math:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 121

3.5 yrs (Moses & Aaron Ministry)

+ 2 yrs (until travel to Promised Land begins)
+ 40 yrs (wandering)
= 45.5 yrs

Now take 1383 BC and add those 45.5 yrs to get 1338 (and a
half) BC, which lines up with 2500 and Joshua’s entrance into the
promised land during the Jubilee year. Again, make sure to take
a look at the charts in the back of this book if this information is
going over your head.

Lets summarize everything.

What we have just proved is that the years from Solomon’s

death in 931 BC to David’s birth in 1040 BC can be used as a
foundation from which to calculate the 49x7 years farther back
to the exact year of the burning bush command in 1383 BC.
When we add the 45.5 years to the time of the burning bush, we
see that the Gregorian year 1338 BC lines up perfectly on our
timeline with the year 2500 after creation when Joshua enters
the promised land. As we should expect to see, this 49th year
of 1338 BC occurs 13 complete Shawneh cycles before the 49th
year of 701 BC.


701 BC = 3136 after creation


For the more skeptical mind, the idea of rebuilding Jerusalem

might be the last remaining stumbling block at this point.
However, this is easy to explain now that we have established
exactly who and what the first seven shabua are talking about.

Remember, Yehovah is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

122 Abraham Ojeda

He does not change.

Of all the places on Earth, there is one place that is special to

Yehovah’s heart, and this place is the city of Jerusalem. Recall
that this city is the primary subject of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy
along with all 12 tribes of Israel.

Before the Israelites enter the promised land under Joshua,

Moses is reminding them of various laws and instructions that
were taught to the older generation that had already perished
in the wilderness. Moses tells them that when they enter the
holy land, there is one place that all men are required to appear
three times every single year (Deut. 16:16). We will explore the
prophetic significance of this specific idea when we talk about
the year 2020. But Jerusalem always has and will be the place of
Yehovah’s name just like we are told in 1Kings 11:36:

“And to his son I will give one tribe, that My servant David may
always have a lamp before Me in Jerusalem, the city which I have
chosen for Myself, to put My name there.”

This city was also the place where Melchizedek—King of “Salem”

or Jerusalem—came from when he met Abraham in the account
of Genesis 14:18:

“Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine;

he was the priest of God Most High.”

We aren’t told much about Melchizedek in the Scriptures

except for within this passage in Genesis along with Psalm 110
and Hebrews chapters 5-7; but what we do know is that this
person was operating as a priest within Jerusalem long before
the Israelites ever entered the land under Joshua. Therefore, we
can conclude that Jerusalem has always been set apart as the
central location of proper worship towards Yehovah.

The implications here are important for understanding the

Bible Prophecy Secrets 123

Daniel prophecy. We can conclude that to “restore” and “build”

Jerusalem meant that Yehovah wanted to make this city a place
of worship and exalting His name once again, since that was the
purpose of this city even before Abraham received the covenant
in Genesis 15. There is also a connection to the parable of Psalm
78:68,69 in which Asaph describes God’s sanctuary being built
in Zion (Jerusalem).

Here’s how this information ties directly to King David. One of

the first things he did when he obtained power was conquer
Jerusalem, which had been controlled by the Jebusites.

6 “And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the
Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David,
saying, ‘You shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame
will repel you,’ thinking, ‘David cannot come in here.’

7 “Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion (that is, the

City of David).

8 Now David said on that day, ‘Whoever climbs up by way of the

water shaft and defeats the Jebusites (the lame and the blind,
who are hated by David’s soul), he shall be chief and captain.’
Therefore they say, ‘The blind and the lame shall not come into
the house.’

9 “Then David dwelt in the stronghold, and called it the City of

David. And David built all around from the Millo and inward.

10 “So David went on and became great, and the LORD God of
hosts was with him.”
- 2Samuel 5:6-10

This restoration of Jerusalem as the place of worship happened

during a time of war with multiple countries, including the
Philistines. So the building of Jerusalem during this time fits the
description of “troublesome times” in Daniel’s prophecy.
124 Abraham Ojeda


The last things we need to examine from Dan. 9:25 are the
“street” (Strong’s H7339, or “rehob”) and “wall” (Strong’s H2742,
or “harus”), which are actually described in this verse I just
showed you from 2Sa. 5:9:

“Then David dwelt in the stronghold, and called it the City of

David. And David built all around from the Millo and inward.”
If you look up the word “rehob” it actually means a broad open
place or plaza. The “harus” is a moat, or trench; and this word
has therefore been incorrectly translated as “wall” to better suit
the false, mainstream interpretation that this prophecy involves
Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem after Babylonian captivity.
Look up the word “Millo” (Strong’s H4407) and the next Hebrew
word translated as “and inward” (Strong’s H1004 “bayith”). We
can conclude that David fulfilled Daniel’s prophecy because he
built the fortifications around Jerusalem and the open place
within as stated in 2Sa. 5:9.

David is the only anointed nagid who fits the description of

having built the fortifications and inward place of Jerusalem
along with the lesser known place called the City of David, which
was the ancient core fortification within Jerusalem and location
of Solomon’s temple with the Gihon spring being the source of
cleansing water and the moat described in Daniel’s prophecy.
In other words, yes, I am boldly stating that the modern Temple
Mount with the Dome of the Rock is actually an old Roman
fortress and not the location of the true Hebrew Temple as
described in the Scriptures. This is a separate topic of deep
study in and of itself, so I won’t be going into more details here.

Yeshua the Messiah did not do this restoration spoken of in

Daniel. It is not recorded in any of the Gospels that He was
digging trenches for the purpose of making moats or building
fortifications around Jerusalem during His earthly ministry. This
prophecy is not talking about Yeshua. It is also not recorded
in Scripture that Nehemiah dug trenches or a moat. His work
Bible Prophecy Secrets 125

consisted of repairing walls, gates and these sorts of projects. No

matter which way you look at the Nehemiah and Ezra restoration
of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile, the numbers simply do
not fit into the prophecy with the correct understanding of 49-
year cycles.

We have now completely solved the mystery of Daniel 9:25!


Before moving forward, let’s address what Yeshua said in

Matthew. I know the information I have presented so far is difficult
to digest for the camps that believe in a complete historical 70
weeks fulfillment such as the SDA, JW, and traditional Catholics.
It is verses like this one in Mat. 24:34 that really do make it seem
as if all 70 weeks have already happened some time in the past:

“Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass

away till all these things take place.”

Yeshua just finished talking about a lot of end times prophetic

events during chapter 24 of Matthew because his disciples
explicitly asked him what to expect during the time of the end
in Mat. 24:3. And He specifically talks about the abomination
of desolation in verse 24:15. In fact, it is because of Mat. 24:34
that I have personally heard many evengelicals and Christians
teach that the Grecian ruler Antiochus Epiphanes in the book
of 1Maccabees already fulfilled the abomination of desolation
prophecy almost 200 years before Yeshua was even born. We
will talk more about the abomination of desolation later because
it is a future event that will be happening very soon.

So why did Yeshua say that the specific generation that He was
living in would not pass away until all these things in Matthew
24 already happened?
126 Abraham Ojeda


Look up the Greek word used for “generation”, and you will
discover the deeper meaning. This word “genea” (Strong’s
G1074) could be translated as “time, age, or nation”, so here’s
how I would translate Matthew 24:34:

“Assuredly, I say to you, this period of time will by no means

pass away till all these things take place.”23

Now do you see the connection to Genesis 6:3?

Lets just take a look at Gen. 6:3 one more time:

“And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and
twenty periods of time.’”

Yeshua was saying that the very final period of time—the very
final shawneh of the complete history of the entire 120 shawneh
of man, which is the same exact thing as the 70th shabua of the
Daniel prophecy—would not pass away until all things happen
exactly as they have been prophesied. In other words, Moses,
Daniel, and Yeshua are the three witnesses of Scripture that
proclaim the exact same message of the last days of the history
of mankind.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 127
Bible Prophecy Secrets 129


We are now ready to tackle Daniel 9:26 of the 70 shabua


“And after the sixty-two weeks

Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined.”
- Dan. 9:26

I must now warn you to consume this information responsibly.

What I am about to explain will begin to naturally shift your
entire worldview into a place of properly understanding current
events and the direction our world is heading.

When Daniel first saw the vision of the 70 shabua prophecy, he

was mourning for three weeks.

“In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks.”

- Dan. 10:2

Once you see this prophecy fully unlocked, you will understand
exactly why this happened to Daniel. You will see and understand
what it is that he saw that made him unable to drink or eat his
regular food or anoint himself. A similar thing will happen to
you. This is natural.
130 Abraham Ojeda

Part of the healing process is to share this information with

others while informing and warning them of what’s coming. This
is the number one reason I took the great time and effort to
write this book. I wanted it to be as easy as possible for people
to know and understand the 70 shabua prophecy. Now it’s your
turn to join me in spreading the word. Be a blessing, walk in
obedience to God Most High, and shine like the stars of heaven

I now direct your attention to the 120 cycles chart in the back of
the book in Appendix A.

We are living in the final shabua from 1996 to 2045. But we left
off in the 58th shawneh (from 1043 - 995 BC) of the entire 120
shawneh with the Birth of David in 1040 BC. How do we count
the 70 shabua? Let’s break this down step by step.


The math should be straightforward at this point:

62 x 49 = 3038 years

Your immediate, knee jerk reaction might be to do the following

and take David’s birth year, which marked the end of the first 7
Shabua, and simply add the years:

1040 BC + 3038 years = AD 1999

You should get 1999 because there is no such thing as a year

zero in counting from BC to AD. If you add the final, 70th shabua
of Daniel, you will get:

1999 + 49 years = 2048

Bible Prophecy Secrets 131

PROBLEM: if we add 49 years to 1999, we go beyond the year

2045 by three years and therefore beyond the cut off date for
the 120 Shawneh of mankind. Something is off. It doesn‘t work.

Here’s how you figure out how to count the 70 shabua from
start to finish. We already calculated the command to Moses
at the burning bush to be the year 1383 BC which is four years
after the beginning of the 51st shawneh. The count is exactly
7x49 (or 343) years to 1040 BC when David is born. Here’s the
key. We start counting the 70 shabua cycles starting with the
51st shawneh, and we will arrive at Aviv 1996 to Aviv 2045 for
the 70th shabua.

This information has already been organized for you in Appendix

A with all 70 shabua counted out alongside the entire 120
shawneh of mankind.
132 Abraham Ojeda


Now that we understand how to count the 70 shabua, we need

to be asking ourselves some serious questions because we
are being told in Dan. 9:26 that after the year 1995, something
significant is going to take place. What exactly happened after the
year 1995 was finished? Is anything significant about 1996, the
first year of the 70th shabua? Did anything important happen?
What are we supposed to be looking for during this final shabua
of mankind that we are currently living in?

As we move forward through the prophecy, we are about to see

strange words used by the translators because they had no clue
what the Daniel 70 Shabua prophecy was talking about at all.
Though this problem is understandable, it does mean that we
have to proceed carefully.

Now we have another mystery. Who is the mashiyach of Dan.

9:26? It can’t be David since he already died a while ago! Is it
Jesus? Of course not.

It turns out there are two different mashiyach in this prophecy.

When we first introduced the word “mashiyach” back in Chapter

3, remember that I said that it never refers to the Messiah
Yeshua in the Old Testament. In fact, the two places where the
translators use the English word “Messiah” to describe Yeshua
both happen to be right here in the 70 shabua of Daniel prophecy.
Messiah is incorrectly translated both times, as you will find
out. In other words, mashiyach is never translated as “Messiah”
anywhere else except Daniel. Like we already discussed, this
word (Strong’s H4899) simply means anointed or saint, which is
a set apart person in the eyes of God. Of all the places where
mashiyach is used, there is one place that is extremely relevant
to this mystery of Daniel 9:26.

“The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the LORD,

Was caught in their pits,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 133

Of whom we said,
‘Under his shadow We shall live among the nations.’”
- Lamentations 4:20

As you see here, the word is translated as anointed in the English. If

you are unfamiliar with Lamentations, Jeremiah wrote this book
to describe in detail the destruction of Zion (Jerusalem) and the
Southern Kingdom of Israel while he was in a state of immense
despair and weeping over all of the death and destruction that
he saw. The parallels between Lamentations and the book of
Daniel are beyond mere coincidence. Just take a look at these
words from Lam. 2:3:

“He has cut off in fierce anger

Every horn of Israel;
He has drawn back His right hand
From before the enemy.
He has blazed against Jacob like a flaming fire
Devouring all around.”

Just as it was in the days of Jeremiah, so it will be now at the

end of the age. The same exact language is consistently used by
the Holy Spirit to describe the destruction of rebellious Israel.
The Hebrew word from Dan. 9:26 that is translated as “cut off”
is Strong’s H3772, or karat. Though it is slightly different, the
Hebrew word found in Lam. 2:3 (Strong’s H1438, or gada) is also
translated as “cut off”; but it is a verb that is often translated
alongside the word “down”, such as cut down, chop down, or
break down.

We will talk about this more when we explore the abomination

of desolation, but the language of Lam. 2:1,2, specifically the
words “cast down from heaven to earth” and “down to the
ground”, perfectly match the language in Dan. 8:10-12. As I will
show you later, we now have a clear picture of exactly who the
“little horn” of the Daniel 8 prophecy is. You will be stunned if
this information is new to you.
134 Abraham Ojeda

Notice also this next parallel. Do you believe in coincidence? I

don’t. Especially when it comes to the inspired Word of Elohim.
Patterns are extremely important for letting the Text interpret
itself properly and avoiding false teachings. Continue cross
examining Lam. chapter 2.

“My eyes fail with tears,

My heart is troubled;
My bile is poured on the ground
Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people,
Because the children and the infants
Faint in the streets of the city.”
- Lam. 2:11

Do you remember the verse I quoted at the beginning of this

chapter? Let’s refresh our minds.

2 “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks.

3 I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth,
nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”
- Dan. 10:2,3

Daniel wasn’t able to eat. Jeremiah was sick to his stomach. Both
of their hearts were deeply troubled. The only difference is that
Jeremiah had freshly witnessed a real-life event in front of his
eyes. Daniel saw the real-life events of the 70 shabua prophecy,
but it was only a vision. It didn’t actually happen, yet.

Remember the subject matter of the 70 shabua prophecy.

Because Daniel had copies of the Jeremiah Scroll and
Lamentations, he specifically chose to use the code-word
“messiah” or “mashiyach” to refer to his people during the final
shabua after the year 1995. These are his people that have been
scattered throughout the entire world. These are his people
that highly concentrated in modern day USA, Israel, UK, Canada,
Australia, Europe, Latin America, South Africa, and other areas
around the world. He is talking about us right now. Something is
about to happen that will radically and fundamentally alter the
Bible Prophecy Secrets 135

history of what we call the Western nations.


This is one of those lines in the prophecy that is translated

strangely. Now that we understand that the anointed refers to
the scattered people of the twelve tribes of Israel worldwide
during the last days, why would it say “but not for himself”? This
phrase is nonsensical.

Two Hebrew words are used here in this phrase. The first
is ‫( וְאֵ ין‬Strong’s H369) and the second word is ‫( לֹו‬no Strong’s
entry). The first word is derived from the root word that can be
transliterated as ahyin. As it appears in Dan. 9:26, the word is
pronounced vahyen and occurs this way 239 times in 211 verses
in the Masoretic Hebrew (WLC) text.1 I carefully studied this
word and put together a list of nearly all the different ways that
it has been translated into English.

I took this same approach for the second word that can be
transliterated as lo. Interestingly, no Strong’s entry is linked to
this word, probably because of it’s ubiquitous usage. It occurs
1,056 times in 1,044 verses in the WLC.2

When doing a direct search in the WLC for the exact two Hebrew
words vahyen and lo just as they appear in Dan. 9:26, you will
find an exact match in Jeremiah 50:32, and you will also find a
close match in Ecclesiastes 4:8.3 Based on all of this research, I
would re-translate the first two lines of Dan. 9:26 as follows:

“And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed shall be cut off, and
they will have nothing.”


This next line serves as a reminder of why it is crucial to be

looking at every Hebrew word in order to completely understand
136 Abraham Ojeda

the “sealed” writings of the 70 shabua prophecy. Here’s how the

entire thought reads extremely literally and in the exact order of
the letters of the original Hebrew:

“And the city and the holy will be destroyed by the people of the
prince that shall come.”

We will dissect this entire thought in a word-for-word manner.

But you can already see that the subject matter is being
repeated here once again, namely, Daniel’s people and the holy
city. It is at this point that you should recognize that we need
to be watching out for the destruction of Jerusalem during this
final 49-year period. We will touch on this extremely important
and time sensitive topic when we explore the abomination(s) of
desolation in Chapter 6.

For now, lets discuss who these people of a certain prince

might be. But in order to understand the people, we need to
tackle the prince first. As you can see, it turns out there are two
different nagid in this prophecy! The first one was King David,
of course, but this other one is a character that will surprise
you. He’s a shadow government elitist mostly hiding out of
the view of mainstream public media, and yet, he is arguably
the most powerful man on the entire geopolitical stage at this
exact time in history. He yields more power and influence than
the Pope. Part of what makes him such a cunning and nearly
immeasurable force is the fact that there is a hidden partnership
between hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
non-profit organizations, charities, and funds that are directly
under his control throughout the world.

This man is Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum

(or WEF), formerly known as Davos.

This is the guy. Let me prove it to you, and I urge you to continue
to maintain an open mind while also testing what I am presenting.
The clarity will become extreme as we dissect the events of the
“middle of the week” spoken of in Dan. 9:27 which, by the way,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 137

was the Gregorian year 2020.

Of all the candidates that could possibly be this nagid (military

commander), Klaus Schwab has really been making a name
for himself and also has been instrumental in the fulfillment
of Dan. 9:26 and the “cutting off” of the anointed. He literally
wrote the book on the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and entitled
it COVID-19: The Great Reset. Even though Schwab has been
operating behind the shadows as the executive chairman and
founder of the World Economic Forum since 1971, it wasn’t until
2020 and his planned takeover of the world economy that his
full power and fierceness was revealed. Just like the Roman
centurion in Mat. 8:9, Schwab is a man with authority, having
many powerful people under his direct command.

If you have not investigated the Great Reset agenda, there

are many resources available both online and in print to fully
understand the role of the WEF in the cutting off of the anointed.
One particular video was removed from the official WEF website
and social media platforms after massive backlash. Thankfully,
there is a place called where you can still watch it.
The video is entitled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” which
was based on a 2016 article by the same name; and it says,
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”4,5 Sounds exactly like
the prophecy, doesn’t it? The video goes on to describe the fall of
the United States, the collapse of Western values, an increased
cost of living due to energy becoming increasingly taxed by
global government, and much more. If you read in between
the lines, it’s clear that all of these predictions are not simply
bleak outlooks or pessimistic thoughts of a lone wolf employee
working for the WEF. These are their actual battle plans.

So, what is the Great Reset agenda? It is the controlled destruction

of the existing Western power structure in order to redistribute
its wealth and resources into the hands of a small ruling class
of elites while the entire world suffers from poverty that is
enforced by a global totalitarian (total control) system that is
to be viewed as an authority to be worshipped. The COVID-19
138 Abraham Ojeda

agenda was simply the first step in establishing this economic

and spiritual reset.

Anyone who has investigated COVID-19 beyond the superficial

lens of controlled mainstream media has understood the true
agenda behind the pandemic. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sums it up
really well:

“Government technocrats, billionaire oligarchs, Big Pharma,

Big Data, Big Media, the high-finance robber barons, and the
military industrial intelligence apparatus love pandemics for the
same reasons they love wars and terrorist attacks. Catastrophic
crises create opportunities of convenience to increase both
power and wealth.”6

I will explain who the people are behind these institutions

mentioned by Kennedy and how they are relevant to Daniel’s
prophecy in a moment. Lets first take a closer look at Schwab.
Even though his book is written in a purposely vague and
subliminal style, Klaus Schwab clearly states the exact same
thing as Kennedy in his COVID-19: The Great Reset book. Praising
the return of big government, he says:

“One of the great lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and
America is this: acute crises contribute to boosting the power of
the state. It’s always been the case and there is no reason why it
should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic.”7

The elephant in the room, of course, is that Schwab himself

has been and continues to be the direct and greatest recipient
of power as a result of the pandemic. How? Like I mentioned
earlier, Schwab has enriched himself in power through all of
the partnerships under his authority. Dr. Joseph Mercola in
his groundbreaking book, The Truth About COVID-19, does an
excellent job shining a light on the cockroaches of this world
government system that continue to be instrumental in the
destruction of God’s people in the last days. He states:
Beyond its effects on health and the health care industry,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 139

COVID-19 has empowered the global elite more than ever before
to manufacture lies and half-truths. Uber-powerful Silicon
Valley Big Tech corporations (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and
Amazon), Big Pharma, the World Health Organization (WHO),
and philanthropic giant Bill Gates have indentured politicians
and scientists from across the political spectrum. The result is
fearmongering, political polarization, and social engineering—
all wrapped in a disguise of protection.”8

From Event 201 (a prominent simulation exercise of a global

pandemic that happened in 2019) to the actual rollout and
consequences of the pandemic, Dr. Mercola tells it all. Just as
a reminder, the topic of COVID-19 is not the focus this book.
However, due to its key role in properly understanding the
prophecy of Daniel’s 70 shabua, if you have not yet properly
investigated all of the events and literature surrounding the
Wuhan laboratory created gain-of-function pathogen known as
2019 novel coronavirus, then I highly encourage you to read Dr.
Mercola’s book.

I should pause and warn you, too. The rabbit hole of discovery
never ends, and much of this information can have the tendency
to cause unnecessary fear and worry in your life. Don’t let it.
It’s good to be aware and awake to the world around us. But
don’t be consumed by the negativity, hopelessness, and despair
that often becomes a stronghold for people that spend too
much time studying these details surrounding the global elites,
world government, and evil agendas. Remember: we want all of
our Father’s prophecies to take place. We want the 70 shabua to
be fulfilled. We want Yeshua to return on the clouds with power
and great glory. The sooner the bad stuff gets over and done
with, the sooner we get to see God’s light shining even brighter
through the many truly amazing prophecies of the Bible that are
finally going to take place.

Now, lets get back to Daniel’s prophecy.

Remember that the Hebrew words are telling us that it is the

140 Abraham Ojeda

people of the prince that are going to be the ones destroying

the scattered 12 tribes of Israel worldwide. So who are these
people? All you have to do is look at the partners section of the
official WEF website and you’ll have the complete list from 0-Z
of all these various entities.9 From Amazon to Ripple (the XRP
cryptocurrency company) and even the Bank of China—it’s all
there. If you want to understand more of the intricacies of how
the WEF operates and implements global agendas, all you need
to do is listen to any one of the annual World Economic Forum
conferences, and you will have all the answers you have ever
been looking for. I personally was only able to listen to maybe
two hours of the May 2022 conference in Davos, Switzerland
on YouTube because it upset my stomach when I was listening
to all of the lies and deception that was presented during this

It’s not just businesses, multinational corporations, and these

sorts of entities that are the people of this prophecy. We also
need to carefully examine the Young Global Leaders of the WEF.
I exposed this indoctrination program inside of my podcast
Overcome Babylon when I broke down this prophecy step-by-
step in episode #5. The WEF has been grooming and training
politicians within this coaching system with the explicit goal
of installing these people inside the highest political ranks of
society in order to carry out WEF orders.

Yes, you read that right.


They manufacture political outcomes in order to get their people

right where they want them to be, and this has been taking place
for many years now. During a Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute
of Politics meeting in 2017, Schwab was being interviewed by
a man named David Gergen and plainly revealed many dark
secrets of the WEF on camera. He said that they successfully
“penetrate the cabinets” of presidents; and speaking of Prime
Minister Trudeau of Canada, Schwab says, “…Half of this cabinet
Bible Prophecy Secrets 141

or even more than half of this cabinet are our actually young
global leaders of the World Economic Forum.”10 In fact, Schwab
explicitly says during this same interview that Justin Trudeau,
Angela Merkel (Germany), Vladmir Putin (Russia), Emmanuel
Macron (France), and Alberto Ángel Fernández (Argentina) are
all graduates of the Young Global Leader program.11 Think about
the profound consequences of that statement. Think about all
of the hidden power that Schwab has.

Think about the great mystery of this system and how it relates
to Bible Prophecy in the last days.

If you’re still not convinced that Klaus Schwab is the prince of

Dan. 9:26, don’t overthink it for now. I will come back later to
show you exactly how he is described in other parts of the book
of Daniel.

So far I have given you an overview of all the people that work
for this prince. Now I am going to show you the most important
people to take note of, but before I do, we need to carefully
look at what these people are going to do. They are going to
destroy, according to how the thought has been translated into
the English. Lets take a look at the Hebrew for more clarity.


Remember that this wording is how the words appear in the

original Hebrew in a very literal, word-for-word translation.
First, let’s look at “holy.” Yes, I understand that the KJV, NKJV, ESV
and other Bibles translate “holy” as “sanctuary”; however, the
Hebrew word that Daniel used is “kodesh” (Strong’s H6942), and
he did not use the word that is always used for a literal, physical
“sanctuary” of a tabernacle or temple throughout the Scriptures,
which is “miqdash” (Strong’s H4720). Therefore, we must once
again understand that the “holy” or “set apart” or “saints” is the
same thing as the “anointed” or “mashiyach” which is the same
thing as Daniel’s people of all 12 tribes during the last days.
142 Abraham Ojeda

I urge you to not be like the many Westerners and religious

people that think a 3rd temple in Jerusalem with a sanctuary
must be built in order for this prophecy to ever take place. I
will address the rebuilding of a temple in Chapter 7. For now
just understand that a physical temple is not necessary for this
prophecy to be fulfilled because it indeed already has been
happening whether we like it or not.

I will also make the strong case that the anointed is referring to
people who have confessed Jesus to be Lord of their lives and
have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit through surrender
and confession for salvation (Rom. 10:10). Here’s the harsh
reality you need to know about the mystery of the anointed.
The curse of destruction in this prophecy applies to all of the
bloodline seed of Abraham along with all Christians who, as
Paul said, do not obey the truth and therefore will experience
indignation and wrath (Rom. 2:8). Like I mentioned in Chapter 1,
God never changes His mind. He is not human that He should
change His mind. The definition of sin is the same in the Old
Testament, New Testament, and beyond.

Sin will always be disobeying the spoken or written instructions

(torah) of God. Since the vast majority of Christians have a desire
to follow Jesus but do not obey His commandments while also
boldly teaching that “the law is a yoke of bondage” or “the law is
done away with and no longer important”, they will be suffering
the wrath of this prophecy.

The Word Made Flesh made it clear that if we love Him, we must
keep his commandments; and He explicitly stated that we are to
observe the things Moses commanded (John 14:23; Matt 23:2,3).
If you haven’t already, it’s time to turn around, start observing
God’s instructions (the weekly sabbaths, feasts, dietary laws,
etc.) and not in a spirit of religious pride and self-righteousness,
but in a spirit of love for Yeshua and His renewed marriage
covenant with us.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 143

This killing off of the saints is also described in detail in

Revelation chapters 12 and 13 when the dragon makes war with
the offspring of the woman, which symbolic of the entire nation
of Israel. Again, I am boldly making the case that the woman is
of course the saints living in the modern day land of Israel in
the Middle East, but it is also the scattered seed of Abraham
worldwide along with the Christian communities. Here’s what
Revelation has to say:

17 “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he

went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the
commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to

overcome them. And authority was given him over every
tribe, tongue, and nation.

10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who

kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the
patience and the faith of the saints.”
- Rev. 12:17, 13:7,10

I believe this beast spoken of in this section of Revelation will

rise up immediately after the abomination of desolation of
2023. We again see the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy when
it speaks of the saints being persecuted and destroyed under a
one world government system. This topic will be explored in a
lot more detail later.

Secondly, we must also once again understand that Daniel is

repeating the subject matter of the “city”, Jerusalem, because
the word he chose to use can be transliterated as “va-ha-ir”
which is a feminine singular noun referring to one city.

And finally, the third word we need to look at carefully here is

“destroyed” or “destroy” because this Hebrew word tells us in
what sort of manner the evil people will be cutting off God’s
anointed. I now fully understand that the role of the people of the
144 Abraham Ojeda

prince has been and will continue to be “sahat” or corruption—

morally, physically, and genetically—because of the Hebrew
word that is used here. This word “sahat” (Strongs H7843) has
a profound meaning when interpreted properly. Remember
our three laws of interpretation? This time we will be leaning
heavily on the law of first mention to fully understand what is
being prophesied here. And when we do…well, it is quite telling
of what the COVID-19 agenda was really about. The first time
you see sahat in the Scriptures is in Genesis 6:11,12, and this is
what God says:

11 “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was
filled with violence.
12 So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for
all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.”

Those two places where you see the word “corrupt” translated
into English is based off the same word sahat that Daniel used.
He undoubtedly was quoting Genesis when he was sealing up
the words of the prophecy just as he was commanded. Here’s
why. Genesis 6:1-12 is one of the most important passages of
Scripture to understand a wide variety of topics in the Bible,
including why the Israelites conquered the promised land filled
with “giants”; the fight between David and Goliath; various end
times prophecies; and more. If this information about the giants
is new to you, I’ll try my best to summarize what has already
been proven through the investigative work of Steve Quayle and
others that have made documentary films detailing historical
writings, eyewitness accounts, artifacts, monolithic structures,
and other evidence showing the existence of literal giants.

What those verses in Genesis 6 are describing is the fact that the
seed of man was mixed with the seed of the fallen angels who
rebelled against Elohim and left their heavenly place (Jude 1:6).
Here’s what Genesis 6:1-5 tells us:

1 “Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face

of the earth, and daughters were born to them,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 145

2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that

they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all
whom they chose.
3 And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and
twenty years.’
4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also
afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of
men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty
men who were of old, men of renown.
5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually.”

Don’t be deceived by the English translation. The “sons of God”

is not speaking of mortal men, but it is in fact speaking of angelic
beings that rebelled against God. These angels “came in to”
women, which is an act of literal, physical intercourse to produce
offspring. The key Hebrew word of this passage is found in Gen.
6:4. It is translated as “giants” in English, but the actual word
is “nephilim” (Strong’s H5303). Before we investigate this word
further, you should be aware that this is not the first time that
the Scriptures told us about the seed of satan that would be at
war with the seed of Adam. This is what Gen. 3:15 says:

“And I will put enmity

Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

Elohim tells us that satan (the great serpent of old) was indeed
going to have his own “seed”, or literal physical offspring, but it
was going to be the Holy Seed that would come from the woman
as Yeshua the Messiah that would crush the serpent’s head. This
is the first explicit prophecy of a Messiah that would come and
conquer satan and give men the power through faith to once
again claim the dominion that had been lost because of the sin
146 Abraham Ojeda

of Adam. We now have spiritual dominion over the powers of

darkness in Yeshua’s mighty name. We have the ability to cast
out demons and perform the miraculous works of the Kingdom.
We are able to live in victory over sin through the power of the
Holy Spirit working within us. All things have been made new.

But don’t neglect the plain truth that satan had literal, physical
descendants. These are the nephilim. Now you understand why
cultures from ancient times until now have always passed on
legends of supermans, spidermans, thors, mythical creatures
and monsters just like in the modern day “superhero” movies.
The reason why the old world before the flood was completely
destroyed is because all flesh had become corrupt. What
this really means is that mankind had lost its original state of
being created in the image of Elohim. Mankind had become
genetically tainted through the seed of the serpent and the
reign of the nephilim. The only way to cleanse the earth of the
serpent’s genetic destruction was through the flood waters. The
Word tells us that Noah was “perfect in his generations” during
this period of history (Gen. 6:9). The word “perfect” (“tamim”,
Strong’s H8549) actually means to be without spot, without
blemish, complete, and whole. Noah and his sons were the only
ones in the earth that were not genetically tainted with the seed,
or DNA, of the serpent. They were genetically pure and able to
continue the human race as created in God’s image.

It was actually descendants of the nephilim that instilled so

much fear into the Moses generation of Israelites that they
became faithless and unable to conquer the land of Israel. This
is what Numbers 13:32,33 says:

32 “And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land
which they had spied out, saying, ‘The land through which we
have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all
the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature.
33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from
the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and
so we were in their sight.’”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 147

This is the second and only other time we see the word nephilim
used in the Scriptures. The ten spies gave the bad report, and the
sin of cowardice led to the wandering in the wilderness for 40
years. They described themselves as grasshoppers compared to
the stature of these Anakim giants. As you study the Scriptures
and especially the Torah, you will see the seed of the serpent all
over the place. They go by different names, but they are all seed
of the serpent.

Lets take a moment to address key questions. You might be

wondering, “Wait a minute…I thought the seed of the serpent
was supposed to be destroyed during the flood? How did they
survive after the flood?”
Honestly, nobody knows for sure. We can only speculate.
One idea is that Nimrod was becoming a mighty hunter in Gen.
148 Abraham Ojeda

10:9, which could be interpreted to mean that he was somehow

exercising black magic rituals and using sorcery to open portals
or gates in order to somehow resurrect the nephilim or allow
the nephilim to return to earth. This theory has merit, and
easily explains why the tower of Babel and the confusion of
languages occurred. God wanted to prevent the spread of black
magic practices that satan was teaching Nimrod directly. In fact,
God explicitly tells us that it is the sin of magic and sorcery that
causes nations to become dispossessed, uprooted, destroyed,
and conquered (Deut. 18:12).

A second idea is that some of the nephilim were sea monster

hybrids of some sort, and they were able to survive the flood
waters by living underwater. They then somehow made contact
with humans and were able to reveal magic, science, and rituals
necessary to allow the nephilim to return. This idea also has
merit and explains the lore behind things like the loch ness
monster, the dagon fish god, mermaids, Leviathan (the demon
of pride, Job 41:34), and other demonic sea creatures that are
scattered throughout both Biblical and occultic literature.

Since the nephilim is not the focus of this book, I will now refer
you to other works for a deeper look into this topic. Again, I
must warn you that the rabbit hole of discovery never ends. It’s
important to understand these things but not become consumed
with them. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is not the goal
of this book but rather knowledge leading to righteous living in
the power of the Holy Spirit. With that said, check out The Genesis
6 Conspiracy by Gary Wayne, Archon Invasion - The Rise, Fall and
Return of the Nephilim by Rob Skiba, True Legends - Tales of Giants
and the Plumed Serpents by Steve Quayle, and to
better understand this topic.

Regarding the Book of Enoch, however, my stance is that I

absolutely do not hold this book with the same authority and
authenticity as the Bible itself. I highly and strongly encourage
you not to overemphasize Enoch above the writings of Moses,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 149

Yeshua, or any other book of the inspired Word of God. I’ve

seen too many people become obsessed with Enoch and create
all sorts of doctrines from it to their own destruction, but this
recently re-discovered book of the Dead Sea Scrolls simply does
not have a track record of hundreds or thousands of manuscripts
like the Old and New Testaments do. To make matters more
troublesome for Enoch, there is no intact Hebrew copy of
this text preserved for us, and it has been almost exclusively
recorded in the ancient Ethopian dialect Ge’ez.12 This is a really
big problem since Yeshua told us that neither one yod or dot
would disappear from the inspired Hebrew Words of God until
heaven and earth pass away (Mat. 5:18). With that said, Enoch
does not pass the test of true Hebrew Scripture, is anecdotal (at
best), and far too unreliable to spend any serious time on.


Allow me to refresh our minds of what the Text says in Dan.


“And the city and the holy will be destroyed by the people of the
prince that shall come.”

Now that we have the proper foundation from which to interpret

Daniel, you can fully understand exactly how the numerous
“scientific advancements” of this final, 70th shabua have
been playing a role in destroying the anointed. Of course, the
COVID-19 agenda was the latest and greatest abomination that
God’s people have faced during these last days, but things like
pharmaceuticals of all kinds, vaccine technologies, GMO crops,
various chemical poisons in the food and water supply have all
become increasingly severe and harmful to the point of death
during the end times.

Like I already mentioned, there is in fact a double meaning here

inside of the word shahat. It means both the physical, literal
destruction of the holy people of God (and even the earth itself).
150 Abraham Ojeda

But it also is referring to the genetic corruption of the God’s

people, and this corruption has been happening like never
before with the newly designed mRNA vaccine gene therapy
technologies that were disguised as COVID-19 “vaccinations”.
A new study conducted by Phinance Technologies looked at
all of the 2022 data related to excess deaths, vaccine injuries,
and complications caused by the COVID-19 shots and reported
economic damages of nearly $150 billion with tens of millions
injured, disabled, or killed.13 All of these things are building
up God’s wrath that will finally be unleashed in the book of
Revelation. We get this clarity during the seventh trumpet in
Rev. 11:18, where an angel proclaims:

“The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,

And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

The reason why the book of Revelation must take place, and we
should eagerly desire it to take place, is because God will finally
repay His enemies. He is going to destroy the people of the prince
that destroyed the earth with all of their genetic abominations
of GMOs, vaccine technologies, and other scientific atrocities.
He will also judge them because of the destruction of the earth
that they are about to engineer through the provocation of
worldwide nuclear war. I will explain this idea more in Chapter 6
and the abomination(s) of desolation.

The list of the people of the prince is quite large. Let’s just start
with a lesser known minion of Schwab by the name of Yuval
Noah Harari, a department head at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem.14 During a WEF annual meeting in 2018, he said this
extremely disturbing and downright blasphemous statement
describing the mixing of man’s genetics with technology:
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution
by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God
Bible Prophecy Secrets 151

above the clouds, but our intelligent design and the intelligent
design of our clouds—the IBM clouds, the Microsoft clouds—
these are the new driving forces of evolution.”15

Harari wants to be like God, having the power to evolve men

into his own image. He has gone on to describe humans as
hackable animals that with proper implantable devices could be
controlled, tracked, and easily manipulated by a dictatorship.
These words echo the exact thought of Daniel’s chosen word
sahat. Daniel was telling us that there would be a Genesis six
kind of event in the last days. He was warning us of technological

Next up we have Bill Gates. Many tend to elevate Gates beyond

his true role as a subordinate under Schwab because they
don’t understand this hidden power structure from a Biblical
standpoint. Gates is only a cog in the WEF machine. There
are so many obvious lies and evil agendas tied to Gates that
a whole book could be written about his evil works. Lets just
focus on what he’s been up to since around the time of the
pandemic. There was a very interesting video released from his
official YouTube channel entitled “Does saving more lives lead
to overpopulation?” that puts a strong emphasis on control
and management of the world’s population in a vague and
subliminally evil way. Speaking of the future, he states:

“…The population is going to get so big, that feeding everybody

and maintaining the environment is going to be impossible…
The population goes down as we improve health.”16

In other words, Gates is saying that the environment is more

important than people are, and the earth has too many people
on it. Of course, it’s completely vague and unclear exactly what
standard is being used to quantify that there are too many
people, but that’s what Gates asserts.
Earth worship is the religion being promoted here. The idea is
that the earth must be protected at all costs and the population
152 Abraham Ojeda

should go down as more scientific schemes disguised as

beneficial things like healthcare and technology are used to
successfully reduce the human population. The real goal is to
kill people using social engineering and eugenics. Consider
these ideas to be a warm up exercise before the deeper dive
in the next chapter where I fully explain the covenant made with
many of Dan. 9:27.

Unfortunately, you must understand the pseudo-religion of

the ruling class. I say unfortunately because it’s not the most
thrilling and edifying stuff to read. But we were born for such a
time as this. Paul said it best that the job of believers should be
to completely avoid the works of darkness and work instead to
expose them (Eph. 5:11).

We can be extremely confident in our accusations of Bill Gates as

a genocidal mass murder of God’s people. All you need to do is
simply recognize the strange contradictory statement he made
(population going down as health improves) as a lie. It is the
complete opposite of the truth. It is an idea that is an inversion
of reality. Good health should increase the quality of life and
thereby naturally lead to a bigger, better, happier population.
Gates’s words after the COVID-19 pandemic are even more
telling of his true nature. Almost a month after the pandemic
was declared he stated,

“I am optimistic that one of the vaccine efforts will give us a

vaccine in the next 18 months…That’s how we are going to end
this pandemic.”17
Healthy eating, living an active lifestyle, and spending time in
nature weren’t the answer to the pandemic. No. Vaccines are
the answer. According to Gates, it’s the only acceptable solution.
A little digging into Gates activities with the WEF reveals that he
had already been gathering and enriching his foundations with
vaccine development money in the billions and billons of US
dollars, and it was actually his vaccine initiative called Gavi that
was instrumental in the rollout of COVID vaccines (more on this
Bible Prophecy Secrets 153

idea later). Here’s the funny thing. During the May 2022 WEF
annual meeting, Gates actually openly admitted the following:

“[The vaccines of today] don’t have much in the way of duration

and they are not good at infection blocking.”18

Immediately after Gates said this statement on stage with all

cameras and eyes on him, you could see his eyes look to the
left and right with an obviously guilty and regretful look on his
face, clearly thinking to himself, “Oh shoot…did I really just say
that out loud…? Hope no one noticed…”. I’ll never forget that
embarassed look on Gates’ face after he openly said that the
vaccines of today including all of his personal work in the COVID
vaccines are not good at stopping infection. So, if they are not
good at preventing disease, then what was the whole purpose?
Lets take a look at Dr. Mercola’s perspective once again:

“The idea behind these mRNA vaccines is that by creating the

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will produce
antibodies in response. What has not been factored into this
treatment is how to shut off the production of these proteins
once they aren’t needed. What happens when you turn your body
into a viral protein factory, thus keeping antibody production
activated on a continual basis with no ability to shut down?”19

Of course, not all of the vaccines for COVID were of the mRNA
kind, but Dr. Mercola’s point is that genetically engineering
people’s bodies to produce spike proteins forever is very
unnatural and has led to extreme side effects of all kinds and
ultimately, death. Dr. Mercola goes on to state the following:

“Some of these effects, such as systemic inflammation and blood

clots, resemble severe symptoms of COVID-19 itself…Within
weeks of the vaccines becoming available (primarily to front-
line health care workers and nursing home residents), reports
of serious side effects started emerging in popular media and
on social media networks. Among them:
154 Abraham Ojeda

• Persistent malaise and extreme exhaustion.

• Anaphylactic reactions.
• Multisystem inflammatory syndrome.
• Chronic seizures and convulsions.
• Paralysis, including cases of Bell’s palsy.
• At least 75 cases of sudden death (55 in the US and 20 in
Norway), many occurring within hours or days.”20

The whole point of the vaccine agenda was not to help people
and prevent disease. It was to use pseudo-science as the
manipulation tool in order to inject people with a mysterious
vaccine technology that leads to disease, genetic corruption, and
a slow enough death so as to not be too noticeable in the eyes
of the unsuspecting victims. Daniel already told us this would
happen. This was spiritual warfare from the enemy of our souls
that was physically manifested in the form of lies, syringes, and
needles in order to successfully inject a spirit of fear, disease,
and death into people on a mass scale.

Before moving forward, if you have fallen victim to this vaccine

agenda and have taken any of the vaccines of the enemy, then
it’s time to rise up and claim victory right here and right now.
Meditate upon these words of Yeshua’s from Mark 16:17,18:

17 “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name

they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly,
it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick,
and they will recover.”

Do you believe Jesus’ words? Our Master makes it very clear. He

is telling us that even if you drank something deadly, it will by
no means hurt you. Now it’s time to claim this blessing in your
life. It doesn’t matter where you are reading this. Who cares
who is around you. Who cares what anyone thinks or has to
say about it. You are going to take back what the enemy has
Bible Prophecy Secrets 155

stolen right now in Jesus’ mighty name. You are going to pray a
prayer with me that will restore and heal you from this spiritual
darkness that was forced upon you by many evil and powerful
people. The word says by Jesus’ beatings, bruisings, whippings,
and lashes we are healed; it is by His stripes we are healed (Isa.
53:5). Is there anything too hard for Him to heal? Is His arm
too short that He is unable to reach you and save you? He can
and will even heal you from these injections. I don’t care what
anyone has to say about it. I know what the Word of God says,
and now you do, too. Pray this prayer with me right now with
just a mustard seed of faith, and watch what happens.


Lets go!

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge you right here right now. You are the
Lord of my life. I also acknowledge and receive the presence
of the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. Please rest
upon me Holy Spirit of power and fire. I recognize the power
that is within me. I don’t want to suppress your power through
unbelief anymore. I don’t want to doubt you anymore. Forgive
me of all my sins against you. I want to see your healing power
at work right now. Please forgive me for giving in to the spirit
of fear that was pushed on me through the TV, my doctor, the
media, my job, and/or even those close to me. I forgive all those
people that deceived me. You deal with them Father. I choose
not to be angry any longer! I’m sorry for not trusting you to
protect me from all diseases. I’m sorry for lacking trust in your
finished work on the cross. I accept your forgiveness right now.
I am a child of the King. This vessel is reserved for the King of
Kings only. Any unclean spirit, demon, or evil spirit attached to
me through a spirit of fear, I cast you out of my body right now
in the mighty name of Jesus! Any spirit of death, any spirit of
disease, infirmity, or illness that has attached itself to me as a
result of taking the COVID vaccine, I cast you out right now with
all power and authority of Jesus’ name. You have no choice but
to submit to my Master, Jesus. Get out right now! All the way!
156 Abraham Ojeda

Holy Spirit come and burn these evil spirits out of my body and
fill me with your healing power and comfort, Mighty Comforter.
In the powerful name of Jesus, AMEN!”

The reason I had you pray that prayer is because it’s true. These
injections are just a reflection of the spiritual dimension. It is
the spirits of fear, death, and infirmity that all people who took
the vaccine must rebuke and cast out in the name of the KING,
Yeshua (or Jesus, either way is just fine!). Yes, there are chemicals,
compounds and things of this nature in the injections. But all
disease is spiritual in nature. And His stripes will heal you, if you
let Him!
If you prayed that and have felt the fire and power of God in
your life, hallelujah! Take a moment to breathe. Rest.

Now, lets go back and talk about the people of the evil prince,
Schwab. The list of people feels never ending. The head of
Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is someone that played a huge role in
the destruction of the anointed after the pandemic. During
the 2022 WEF conference, Bourla and Schwab were speaking
to one another on stage, and Schwab then proceeded to state
the obvious fact that the WEF has “many children” under it’s
command, including but not limited to the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, The World Health Organization, and the Gavi
Vaccine Alliance.21

Now that you understand all of the nuances of the Hebrew

word shahat, we can now have a more educated conversation
about all the events of the 70th shabua of Daniel. The current
focus of the people of the prince has been to condition the world
to accept global government and also to genetically corrupt and
alter humans into genetically modified organisms. This seems
to be the primary agenda. The physical destruction of the earth
and the ruin of Jerusalem itself will also come very soon as I will
reveal to you.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 157


The next lines are straightforward to understand. The first

word we will look at is “end” (Strong’s H7093), and it can be
understood to mean “at the end of time” according to the BLB

As I will show you, there is a specifically appointed period of

time in which this destruction is taking place. It has a definite
ending point, and that’s what Daniel is telling us here.
The next word “flood” (“shetef”, Strong’s H7858) is interesting
because it is different from the Hebrew word “mabul” (Strong’s
H3999) used to describe Noah’s flood. This is an uncommon
word. It can be used figuratively, or it can be used to speak of
literal of flood waters. This word “shetef” can also be used to
described the anger of God or His judgment (see Psalm 32:6 and
Nahum 1:8), and I believe that this idea is part of what Daniel
was portraying. It’s not completely clear what is being spoken of
here, but I believe that after the specifically appointed period of
time, the ruling prince and world governmental power is going
to be overthrown by God Himself in His wrath. The anointed
people will be declared justified (as I will show you in the next
chapter) and the wrath will be accomplished. In other words, I
do not believe that this flood of destruction is going to happen to
the saints that are still alive at the end of this judgment period,
but it applies to the oppressors themselves.



Based on what is being described here, the countries containing

Daniel’s people (USA, Israel, UK, etc.) will be entering a WWIII
scenario where there will be intense fighting. They will fight,
but will they win? I think you already know the answer. We will
find out when we look closely at Daniel 9:27. This war already
began with Vladmir Putin’s military operations in Ukraine on
February 24, 2022—a war that was originally stirred up by
hidden factions of the United States government all the way
158 Abraham Ojeda

back in 2014 and only put on a brief hold during the Donald
Trump presidency from 2017-2021. The global elites have
always wanted the war we are seeing now. They have always
wanted to create chaos between a Russian-Chinese alliance
versus the West in order to usher in a one world government
system in the aftermath of a short lived nuclear war.

The next key word to focus on is “desolations” (“shamem-oht”,

Strong’s H8074), which is the same word used in the next
verse speaking of the abomination of desolation. This word
has quite a range of uses and nuances in the Bible. Remember
what Daniel was praying right before he received the 70
shabua prophecy? This is what he said in Dan. 9:11:

“Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed
so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath
written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been
poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him.”

The curse and oath are found in very specific places of the
Torah. Based on everything we have uncovered so far, I can tell
you with firm conviction that Daniel was quoting Leviticus 26
where this word desolation is used six times to describe Elohim’s
curses for disobeying His instructions. Here they are (Lev.

22 “I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you
of your children, destroy your livestock, and make you few in
number; and your highways shall be desolate.”

31 “I will lay your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries to

desolation, and I will not smell the fragrance of your sweet

32 “I will bring the land to desolation, and your enemies who

dwell in it shall be astonished at it.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 159

34 “Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies

desolate and you are in your enemies’ land; then the land shall
rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

35 “As long as it lies desolate it shall rest—for the time it did not
rest on your sabbaths when you dwelt in it.

43 “The land also shall be left empty by them, and will enjoy its
sabbaths while it lies desolate without them; they will accept
their guilt, because they despised My judgments and because
their soul abhorred My statutes.”

I know I have already made this clear, but the blessing and
the curse of the oath written in the Law of Yehovah still apply
to us to this very day. All of the descendants of Abraham are
bound to this covenant because their ancestors swore an oath
of allegiance to the God of the Bible. Those that have said “yes”
to Jesus as Lord of their lives have also entered into the renewed
covenant in His blood. These curses still apply to this very day
thousands of years later because of one simple rule:

“Moreover, the Eternal Glory of Israel does not lie or change His
mind. For He is not human that He should change His mind.”
- 1Samuel 15:29 (TLV)

The covenant cannot be dismissed until heaven and earth pass

away (Matt. 5:18). We can’t even talk about the blessings because
no majority of people on a national scale have bothered to follow
God’s instructions now for many hundreds of years. No nation
has ever committed in any large-scale way to do the instructions
(Torah) that Moses wrote down for us. There are many places
throughout Scripture that speak of the consequences of breaking
the Torah, but Hosea paints an extremely relevant picture for us
when he says:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
160 Abraham Ojeda

Because you have forgotten the law of your God,

I also will forget your children.”
- Hos. 4:6 (NKJV)

That’s why the curses are now coming down on us. The vast
majority of God’s people have forgotten the instructions of their
God. They have rejected the Torah and considered it a strange

The next word we need to look at is “determined” (“kharats”,

Strong’s H2782). This word is straightforward. It means “decisive
decree”, and it can also mean “cut” or “mutilate”.23 The idea is
that there is nothing that can stop all of these things from taking
place. They are absolutely determined within the very heart of
Elohim Himself.

You now understand what happens after the first 69 weeks of

the prophecy. You now understand why there has been out of
control inflation. You know why there have have been supply
chain problems and shortages of food and all kinds of goods
and supplies. You see why the experimental vaccines were rolled
out to purposely harm people and why horrifying treatments
like remdesivir with an extremely high mortality rate were used
in hospitals as the only approved treatment for Covid-19 before
the vaccines showed up. I could go into a lot more detail with
the 5G control grid in place and much more evil being rolled out
on a weekly basis. It’s really not fruitful.

The bottom line is this: the USA and Western nations are being
cut off.

That doesn’t mean that we live in hopelessness and fear. Quite

the opposite. Come back into covenant through the finished
work of the cross. Do not rely on your performance or self-
righteousness. Trust in Yeshua. Then let him break the curse
of the law that still remains over those who do not confess and
repent of their sin. Let him break the curse of the law in your
Bible Prophecy Secrets 161

life just as described in Gal. 3:13. He has already redeemed you.

Just accept it, and walk in newness of life. Then you can rightfully
claim this blessing of Ezekiel 11:16:

“Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Although I have cast
them far off among the Gentiles, and although I have scattered
them among the countries, yet I shall be a little sanctuary for
them in the countries where they have gone.”’”

Let Him be your sanctuary of rest and peace that surpasses all
understanding through all of the hardship and tribulation that
the world will be facing.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 163


We will now take a closer look at the 70th shabua of Daniel, the
covenant made with many, and more. Here is the primary verse
of meditation from Dan. 9:27 as we continue to let the Word of
God accomplish its work in us:

“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;

But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

Because of the details surrounding the covenant made with

many and also the middle of the week, we are only going to
focus on the first part of this verse in this chapter. Now that we
are finally here, take a look at what 70th shabua looks like in a
chart format with all the years of rest listed in this cycle.
164 Abraham Ojeda

Amazing, isn’t it? This is the mystery of the 70 shabua of Daniel

that was sealed until the last days. We are here now. We are
living through it. Mathematically and Biblically, this is the one
and only true meaning of the prophecy. Everything else that we
were ever taught was a half truth and a lie meant to distract us
and prevent us from being diligent students of the Word. Praise
God that He is still speaking to His people and revealing His wise
counsel to all those who simply ask and seek with all their heart.
We are now past the year 2020, which was the exact middle of
the week. Lets take a look backwards and find out exactly what
the Word already warned us about. Like people say, hindsight is
20/20 vision.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 165



So, what is this 49-year covenant that we need to be looking for?

Has it already been fulfilled, or are we currently living through

In order to completely understand what this covenant is all

about, we need to examine the Hebrew words using the Strong’s
Concordance. The word “confirm” (“gabar”, Strong’s H1396)
means to strengthen or make strong; the word “covenant”
(“berit”, Strong’s H1285) means treaty, alliance, league, or
constitution; and finally, the word “many” (rab”, Strong’s H7227)
means numerous, mighty, or multitude. Now we just need to
look for a strengthened constitution of some sort that has been
made with vast multitudes of people for exactly 49 years.

The first covenant I personally researched when I first started

investigating this topic was the League of Nations that was
established in the aftermath of WWI. It was created as Part I of
the Treaty of Versailles (the same treaty that put all of the blame
and monetary damage of WWI on Germany, which led to the
rise of Hitler). This covenant was a peace treaty that was formed
in order to prevent war through diplomacy, disarmament and
arbitration. This fits the definition of “berit”. At its peak, 58
different countries signed on to this covenant, so this fits the
definition of “rab”; however, the League of Nations only lasted
from 1920-1946, and it failed to prevent WWII and fell apart.1

Next on the list of suspects is the Geneva Conventions.

Established in the aftermath of WWII, this document clearly
defines the international legal standards for humanitarian
treatment in war, including the basic human rights for wartime
prisoners, the wounded and the sick, and also civilians during
war. It is actually a series of four treaties and therefore fits the
definition of “berit”. Though it was ratified by all 196 countries
in the world (absolutely fitting the description of “many”), this
covenant has been in effect since the year 1949 to the present
166 Abraham Ojeda

day, which currently makes it 73 years old and does not fit the
definition of one shabua.2

There are numerous treaties, alliances, and leagues to be

looking for, but how does something like the Nuremberg Code
fit into this picture? This document was next on my investigative
hunt. This was considered the most important document in
the history of medical and clinical research ethics because of
its enormous influence on human rights worldwide. It was first
developed by the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet
Union in the aftermath of WWII and the defeat of the Nazi
regime. If you recall, these are the standards that were used
to hold legal trials and hold Nazi war criminals accountable
for human experimentation. Too bad this document wasn’t
enforced in light of the COVID vaccine rollout, right? That’s the
problem with the Nuremberg Code. It was never technically
officially ratified (accepted as law) by any nation.3 Nonetheless,
it has strongly influenced a variety of governing bodies and
different legislation worldwide. The other problem is that this
code has been in existence from 1947 to the present (over 75
years old), which again is not one shabua.

The next logical place we need to focus on like a laser beam

is the United Nations. Headquartered in New York City, this
organization was created as the successor of the failed League
of Nations covenant. It was created in 1945 shortly after WWII
with the goal of preventing more wars and establishing world
peace. It had 51 member countries the year it was founded and
obviously has grown to be the largest and most all-encompassing
world governing body outside of the WEF with numerous sub-
entities (WHO, UNEP, UNESCO, etc.).4 The UN even has its own
standing army of thousands of soldiers, known as peacekeeping
troops. Though this covenant contains 193 countries in the
world (fitting the description of “rab”), this covenant itself does
not fit into the parameters of being 49 years old. However, many
groups exist within the UN, and when you look very closely at all
of them, there is one that fits the exact description of Dan. 9:27.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 167

The UN has 15 agencies that do its work. The UN Security

Council describes itself as upholding the international peace
and security. The World Bank boasts supporting the developing
countries through technical assistance. UNSECO claims to use
education, science and culture to inspire people. By the way, the
word inspiration is a spiritual and religious term. Pay attention
to that wording as we move forward.

Of all of the different entities, institutions, and tentacles within

and around the UN monster, there is one that perfectly fits
the parameters of the covenant made with many described by
Daniel. It is the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP);
and this is the same conclusion that Dumond arrived to in his
research of this covenant.5 A look at the official logo shows
mother earth, or gaia, worship with a woman extending her
arms outward left and right with the laurel wreath of the false
Greek god, apollo, under her feet.6 From a Biblical standpoint,
apollyon which is synonymous with apollo is the great serpent
and satan himself that will be released from the bottomless pit
in the very near future as described in Rev. 9:11. As you will soon
find out, UNEP is the religious arm of the UN organization that
Daniel saw in his vision.


Out of a possible 196 countries, 113 joined the UNEP religious

covenant when it was first introduced in 1972. This covenant
was already being developed before 1972, and the groundwork
was laid in several conferences, writings, and meetings amongst
the global elites. However, this covenant was officially presented
in Stockholm, Sweden from June 5-16, 1972, and it was
entitled Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human
Environment.7 Before we dive into the details of this covenant,
here is an overview of its development and the different people
and works involved:
168 Abraham Ojeda

As you can see, there were other major influences behind the
invention of the UNEP covenant. Similar to the WEF, the Club
of Rome is an organization that is slightly older but shares
the same ideals. Depopulation, earth worship disguised as
environmentalism, and pseudo-science are their doctrines. One
of the works of the club that really influenced UNEP was a book
entitled Limits to Growth. The authors plainly state, “Deliberately
limiting growth [of the human population] would be difficult,
but not impossible.”8 The authors are stating extremely plainly
that they intend to murder people on a large scale. Genocide
is the goal. This book isn’t an accident because it was the very
first report of the club in 1972 and suspiciously coincided with
the UNEP meeting that same year. Of course, members of the
club were present at the UNEP meeting. Without getting too lost
in the details, just understand that UNEP is more of a formal
and vague constitution of dry, legal language; but if you want
to know the true intentions of UNEP, Limits to Growth gives
all the answers. You also have many other influences like the
Pentecostal Christian John McConnell, Jr. who coined the term
earth day in 1968, decided on the spring equinox observance of
this new “holiday” in 1969, and then sparked global governmental
adoption originating in San Fransisco.9
Bible Prophecy Secrets 169

If there is any doubt in your mind as to the true intentions of the

people behind UNEP, we are about to look at their own words
and dissect the true meaning of what they proclaimed. Right
from the very first page and the very first statement, this is what
they write:

“The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,

Having met at Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972,
Having considered the need for a common outlook and for
common principles to inspire and guide the peoples of the
world in the preservation and enhancement of the human

We talk a lot about “inspiration” and “being led” or “guided” by

the Most High Elohim or the Holy Spirit quite a lot in Christianity
and Biblically based religions. The words being used here are
extremely religious in nature, make no mistake about it. They
are stating that their express purpose is to make people think
correctly about the environment. In reality, that is the job of the
Bible. The Bible is the instruction manual for all things. They are
elevating themselves as authorities above the Scriptures. Lets
read on and see what they say under Principle 1 on page 4:

“Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and

adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that
permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he bears a solemn
responsibility to protect and improve the environment for
present and future generations.
In this respect, policies promoting or perpetuating apartheid,
racial segregation, discrimination, colonial and other forms
of oppression and foreign domination stand condemned and
must be eliminated.”11

The first part of this statement sounds nice and flowery. Of

course we should be good stewards of the earth. We should do
unto others as we would want done unto us. But do you see the
glaring problem with the second part of what they are stating?
“Promoting” or “perpetuating” are very subjective terms, along
170 Abraham Ojeda

with “other forms of oppression”. This wording leaves the door

wide open for the interpretation to be extremely subjective
regarding ideas of racism and discrimination. What if one day
the UN decides that Christianity and any Bible-based religion is
to be considered “oppressive”? Then what?

That’s the problem.

Their goal is to try to get as many people completely invested

and sucked into the religion of earth worship to the point that
they will violently oppose even a perceived threat to the cult. The
UN will say, “jump” and people will be asking, “how high?”. Here’s
how I would translate Principle 1 from UNEP: “If we don’t like you,
we’ll eliminate you, for the greater good of the environment.”

Now lets take a look at Recommendation 12 and see the direct

influence that Limits to Growth had in the creation of UNEP:

“1. It is recommended that the World Health Organization

and other United Nation agencies should provide increased
assistance to Governments which so request in the field of
family planning programs without delay.
2. It is further recommended that the World Health Organization
should promote and intensify research endeavour in the field
of human reproduction, so that the serious consequences
of population explosion on human environment can be

I think you are starting to see the thought pattern of UNEP.

Everywhere you look there is a thought about killing people.
Reducing population. Eliminating. Destroying. If you are from
the US then you are very familiar with Planned Parenthood
which is the manifestation of this UNEP religious covenant.
This organization alone has been responsible for the murder
of millions upon millions of babies along with the prevention
of pregnancy through the taxpayer funded distribution of
contraceptives. It is not by accident. Hollywood, the media,
universities, and celebrities of all kinds have been instrumental
Bible Prophecy Secrets 171

in furthering this covenant’s agenda.

Under the second point, UNEP is calling upon the WHO to
prevent people from reproducing naturally because of the lie of
overpopulation. Elohim told us to be fruitful and multiply, and
He never made any statement regarding overpopulation. He did
tell us that man’s days would only be 120 periods of time. Now
that you understand this profound Biblical truth, this idea of
overpopulation should completely vanish from your mind. We
are almost at the end of time, and of course humankind as we
know it will not exponentially increase forever to the point where
there are 500 billion people or more on the planet. Elohim will
not allow this to happen because it is not His will.


Out of the environmental covenant of UNEP sprang up many

other works, initiatives, and entities. Of particular importance
is the Earth Summit Agenda 21 that was released in 1992. This
agenda is the fundamental reason why restrictive building
codes have been enforced in nearly every county of the United
States and other Western countries. It is the driving force behind
restrictive land use regulations that prevent people from living
on their own purchased land and homesteading. This agenda is
the one that has stripped people of their freedoms, made the
cost of living rural more prohibitive, and has encouraged the
herding of people into urban areas like cattle where they can
be more easily manipulated and controlled. In her eye-opening
book, Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Rosa Koire says

“In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control

of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the
hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people
are not good stewards of their land and the government will
do a better job if it is in control. Individual rights in general are
to give way to the needs of communities as determined by a
globalist governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded
172 Abraham Ojeda

up off of the land and packed into human settlements or islands

of human habitation, as they are called in the UN Agenda 21
documents, close to employment centers and transportation.”13

Behind the illusion of local political structures and elected

governments lies world government agendas that are ruthlessly
established through extremely crafty and illegal means.
Ultimately, it is God that raises up leaders and hands people
over to curses. The UN is simply fulfilling its role within the
Biblical parameters of end times prophecy.


In 2000, the Earth Charter covenant furthered the agenda of

UNEP and created a blatant mockery of the Bible. Authored by
Club of Rome members Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev,
this charter further revealed the true religious nature of the
UNEP covenant with many. Before I tell you what the Earth
Charter is all about, I encourage you to watch a documentary
that was put together by Brian Moonan called Agenda 21: The
Earth Charter, the Ark of Hope, and the New World Order. YouTube
has censored this video, so go to his Vimeo to check it if it’s still
there (I provide a link in the notes section for this chapter).14
The main idea is that this document has been placed inside of
a blasphemous replica of the ark of the covenant of the Bible,
and this fake ark was celebrated in a long pagan ritual in which
religious symbols of pagan worship were placed in and around
it. If you can stomach it, go see for yourself on Linder’s ark of
hope website.15

With that said, here are some of the things that the Earth Charter
itself says:

“7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction

that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights,
and community well-being.
d. Internalize the full environmental and social costs of goods
Bible Prophecy Secrets 173

and services in the selling price, and enable consumers to

identify products that meet the highest social and environmental
e. Ensure universal access to health care that fosters reproductive
health and responsible reproduction.
f. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material
sufficiency in a finite world.”16

We once again see this extremely strong emphasis on human

reproduction and making sure that it is “responsible”. Of
course, by now you understand what they really mean by these
statements. We also see a more detailed explanation of what
UNEP told us under Principle III. Social and Economic Justice:

“a. Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based

on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and
national, ethnic or social origin.”17

We again see this language that we are to eliminate unwanted

behaviors. Not only do these things have absolutely nothing
to do with the environment, but they are 100% anti-Bible. The
LGBT stance within the Earth Charter is what makes it inherently
hostile to all followers of the Bible. There will certainly come
a day when this elimination clause will come to fruition. The
persecution is coming (it’s already here), and the foundation
from which genocide will be justified by the average person has
already been laid.

There are more things we could talk about in regards to the

Earth Charter and the blasphemous ark of hope in which it has
been placed. The elites are worshipping this Earth Charter using
magic and rituals. They are mocking The 10 Commandments.
They are mocking the Ark of the Covenant of the Most High
Elohim. All of these things are what Daniel saw in his vision that
amazed him. What I will show you next is that the start of UNEP
in 1972 is in fact the covenant made with many that lasted from
1972 to 2020. This was a 49-year period exactly as described by
Daniel. But first, we need to fully understand the year 2020.
174 Abraham Ojeda



Lets examine the Hebrew words once again with special attention
to the BLB entries. The word “middle” (“chaytsi”, Strong’s H2677)
means half, middle, midnight, or in the midst of. The word
“cease” (“shabbat”, Strong’s H7673) means to cease, rest, still,
take away, suffer to be lacking, put away, exterminate, cause
to destroy, cause to fail, and it also means “sabbath” day.18 The
word “sacrifice” (“zebach”, Strong’s H2077) has a wide range of
uses including sacrifices of righteousness, sacrifices of strife,
sacrifices to dead things, the covenant sacrifice, the passover,
annual sacrifice, or thank offering.19 The word “offering”
(“minchah”, Strong’s H4503) could be used to mean gift, tribute,
present, oblation, sacrifice, grain offering, or meat offering.20

People use these two words—sacrifice and offering—to make

the strong case that a physical temple must be built in Jerusalem
in order for the 70th week of this prophecy to ever take place.
This common misconception happens because people think that
the pre-tribulation rapture of the church must take place before
the 70th week ever happens, or they think that the antichrist
figure is supposed to show up first and sacrifice a pig on the
altar of a rebuilt temple. But you know better than that by now.
We have to consider all possibilities. We have to consider every
aspect of what these words could be talking about because it
has already taken place in the Gregorian year 2020, which is the
exact middle of this final 49-year period of history.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 175

Sadly, people can make the Bible say whatever they want. And
I’m not gonna lie, this secret of Daniel’s prophecy was really hard
for me to understand. But since we already know the timeline
and know that the entire 120 shawneh and 70 shabua of Daniel
fit so perfectly into this picture, we just need to figure out the
meaning of what Daniel wrote here. Just take a look at all of the
different sacrifices and offerings spoken about in the Bible, and
you will realize just how important Daniel’s word choices are in
these lines of the prophecy.

Remember one of our fundamental rules for understanding

this prophecy. Knowing the subject. Who is the subject of this
prophecy? Daniel’s people and his holy city, Jerusalem. Here is a
key verse I want you to focus on:
176 Abraham Ojeda

“And to his son I will give one tribe, that My servant David may
always have a lamp before Me in Jerusalem, the city which I have
chosen for Myself, to put My name there.” - 1 Kings 11:36

We know for a fact that Elohim chose Jerusalem as the place

to put His name. With that piece of information, we can now
fully understand what the Torah already told us in Exodus

18 “The Feast of Unleavened Bread you shall keep. Seven days

you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, in the
appointed time of the month of Abib; for in the month of Abib
you came out from Egypt.

22 “And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the firstfruits

of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.

23 “Three times in the year all your men shall appear before the
Lord, the LORD God of Israel.”

The three times every single year when all men were supposed
to appear in Jerusalem are Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks
(Pentecost), and the Feast of Ingathering during the First Day
of Sukkot. This command is again repeated in Deuteronomy

16 “Three times a year all your males shall appear before the
LORD your God in the place which He chooses: at the Feast of
Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of
Tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-

17 “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing

of the LORD your God which He has given you.”

Do you see the connection yet? Three times a year, all males
are supposed to pilgrimage to Jerusalem to observe these three
holy days. Three times a year, all males are required to present
Bible Prophecy Secrets 177

a gift offering, according to their ability to do so. Think about it

carefully. Think about why Daniel chose the Hebrew words that
he did to describe COVID-19 and a global pandemic.

Although the “Three Pilgrimage Festivals” (as they are commonly

referred to) are no longer regarded as obligated by the majority of
Jews, Messianics, and followers of the God of the Bible worldwide,
this gross negligence does not mean that the commandment no
longer applies. It is still absolutely commanded for God’s people
to appear in Jerusalem three times a year. This is exactly what
we read about in Acts 2:5,9-11 during the Feast of Pentecost and
the tongues of fire:

5 “And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from

every nation under heaven.”

9 “Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in

Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,

10 “Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining

Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,

11 “Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own

tongues the wonderful works of God.”

Think about the profound truth of the Scriptures. Why are

they described as devout men? What exactly makes them so
dedicated and determined to be physically present in Jerusalem?

That’s the secret.

Even after the Yeshua the Messiah was raised again from the
dead, all of these people still understood, obeyed, and kept the
commandment from the Torah that required them to meet in
Jerusalem three times a year. These men didn’t care how much
travel they had to do on camel and donkey to get there. They
weren’t bothered by jobs or responsibilities that would hinder
them from extended travel. They set aside enough money each
178 Abraham Ojeda

year in order to make the trip. They were absolutely determined.

In this case, it was the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), but we can
assume these devout people regularly observed the other two
annual feasts as well.

Many teach that Yeshua abolished, did away with, nullified,

destroyed, or changed His mind about His own Torah. This is a
completely false, fake teaching. It’s simply not true. But this false
teaching and mindset is exactly why so many Bible teachers and
pastors are hopelessly lost and confused when trying to explain
end times events.

Only the devout men that took the Word of God seriously were
the first recipients of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire.
And today, only the devout men and women that still respect
God’s Torah and do their best to honor His commandments
are the recipients of the profound blessings of true freedom and
fullness that are only obtained from a complete understanding
of Scripture.

The secret of this prophecy and the year 2020 has now been
revealed to you! Daniel used the word “zebach” because it can be
used to specifically refer to all the annual sacrifices mentioned in
Exo. 34 and Deut. 16 where every man is required to appear in
Jerusalem every year. Daniel used the word “minchah” because
it describes the gift offering that is required to be presented in
Jerusalem three times a year.

Do you understand what this verse truly means now?

Everyone in the entire world knew that COVID-19 was a

significant event. Everyone knew that something fundamentally
changed in the world.

But did you realize why it was so significant from a Biblical

perspective? The bottom line is this: The ability to freely travel to
Jerusalem for the Three Feasts was “caused to fail” which is what
the word “shabbat” means within the exact context of Daniel’s
Bible Prophecy Secrets 179

Hebrew word choices.

The “nagid” (prince/commander) and his people shut down

economies, businesses, airlines, governmental activities and
life as usual. During 2020-21, I personally knew people living
in Israel that could not travel a certain distance from the front
door of their homes except for buying groceries and for so-
called “essential” travel.

Now, here’s where the truth of the Scriptures comes to life even
more and becomes even more powerful. Do you remember
exactly when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19
to be a global pandemic? Well, what is a pandemic, anyways?
Unlike an outbreak or an epidemic of contagious disease, a
pandemic is the most severe spreading of illness and disease
beyond a local area that spreads across entire countries and

The WHO made their declaration of a global pandemic exactly

on March 11, 2020. The Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus, said this in his official statement:

“There are now more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries, and
4,291 people have lost their lives.

“…WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock

and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of
spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.

“We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be

characterized as a pandemic.

“…WHO’s mandate is public health. But we’re working with many

partners across all sectors to mitigate the social and economic
consequences of this pandemic.”22

The word mandate is just a watered-down synonym for edict,

command, decree, or law. Did you notice the key phrase? They
180 Abraham Ojeda

are working with many partners to make sure that everything

was coordinated exactly as battle planned. As I have already
discussed, Schwab and the WEF were behind the whole

Not only did the WHO make the public declaration of a pandemic
on March 11th, 2020, but this was also the exact day that
Passover was observed that year based on the new moon for
that cycle and also accurate reports from Rivkah Biderman and
Joseph Dumond of the barley being indeed aviv and ready for
the presentation of the one omer for wave sheaf day on Sunday
March 15th.

My chart on the next page shows you the breakdown for all of
the Spring Holy Days for the year 2020. Because no new moon
was sighted in the land of Israel on February 24, the next day
became the first day of the month by default, as Devorah Gordon
explained in her moon observation report.23 Remember, a
Hebrew month can not have more than 30 days. Also keep in
mind that a Hebrew day is always from evening to evening, and
each vertical line on my timeline represents the evening. In the
case of the seven days of unleavened bread, the gaps in between
the lines represent the daytime. For example, where you see the
counting of the Feast of Weeks, the line is pointing to Saturday
evening to begin the next Hebrew day and the counting of the
seven sabbaths to Pentecost.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 181

The Most High has not done away with His Holy Days. They are
not Jewish. They are not race-specific for select people groups
only. Anyone who follows the God of the Bible must uphold
His marriage covenant with His people. The biggest and most
important events in human history always have and always will
continue to occur during His appointed times. These Holy Days
are the Law of Earth.

Because of one declaration by the WHO that Elohim Himself

allowed, the entire world’s borders were shut down. Some
for much longer periods than others. Canada, for example,
has refused to let their people go in and out of the country
freely without the lethal and highly experimental vaccines.
Travel was severely limited from 2020 and onward. And the
most important thing you must be aware of is that traveling
to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread and
the other two Feasts of the holy calendar of God was caused
to fail after this declaration. We will discuss more nuances of
correctly determining the Holy Days in Chapters 11 and 12.
182 Abraham Ojeda


Now that we fully understand the role of COVID-19 in the

prophecy, we can also understand exactly when the covenant
made with many came to an end. The UNEP religious covenant
began in the week of June 5th, 1972. Generally speaking, a
Hebrew year has 360 days in it (not 365). During the days of
the flood and months of rain, Noah could not literally see the
crescent new moon to perfectly keep track of time during his
days on the ark. If you examine Genesis 7, you will find that
he kept track of time by counting the days and assuming 30-
day months. Similarly, we do not have accurate records of all
the Holy Days and all 12-month years alongside the occasional
intercalated 13-month years to perfectly examine the 49-year
period of the UNEP covenant. But lets estimate using 30-day
months and see what we find. We already discussed this math
concept when we talked about the first 343 years of Daniel’s
prophecy from Moses at the burning bush to the birth of David.
With this understanding, we can do the following:

49 years x 360 days/per year = 17,640 days

If we assume that UNEP began exactly on June 5th, 1972, we

simply add these 17,640 days using some sort of online date
calculator tool. You will arrive at September 21, 2020.

We know exactly what we are looking for, and we know who

the key players are, which makes this 49-year period really
straightforward to understand. Here’s what happened. It’s
important to follow the WHO official timeline for the pandemic,
since this arm of the UN was used heavily during this time
period. There is an interactive timeline on the WHO website that
gives us the answer as to what happened on Sept. 21, 2020, and
on this exact date there is a news release entitled “Boost for
global response to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally
sign up to COVAX facility.”24,25
Bible Prophecy Secrets 183

A new covenant with many began that superseded and nullified

the original UNEP covenant with many. Lets call it the COVAX
covenant. Exactly on Sept. 21, there were 156 countries
(economies) representing two thirds of the world’s population
that signed formal agreements with COVAX for vaccine
development.26 This press release by Bill Gates and Gavi-backed
COVAX admits that the entire success of the vaccine rollout
hinged on their ability to get funding from many countries.
Because of this COVAX covenant, they could now reach their
goal of 2 billion doses by the end of 2021. Just about a month
later on October 19, 2020, 184 countries had joined COVAX with
even more eventually participating.27 Remember, the Hebrew
word for covenant could also be translated as an alliance, and
that is exactly how Gavi refers to itself.

Keep in mind that these COVAX vaccines were completely

experimental in nature and did not go through the proper multi-
year clinical trials and scientific scrutiny that vaccines normally
go through before they are released to the public.

Here’s why this is important.

This new vaccine-related covenant in 2020 broke the original

covenant that was made in 1972 and the Earth Charter. Let me

Under the heading “Principle IV. Democracy, Nonviolence, and

Peace” the document states the following:

“13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide

transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive partic-
ipation in decision making, and access to justice.
a. Uphold the right of everyone to receive clear and timely in-
formation on environmental matters and all development plans
and activities which are likely to affect them or in which they
have an interest.
b. Support local, regional and global civil society, and promote
the meaningful participation of all interested individuals and or-
184 Abraham Ojeda

ganizations in decision making.

c. Protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, peaceful
assembly, association, and dissent.”28

Pay close attention to letter “c.” because no one ever voted for
their government to spend billions and billions of dollars on vac-
cine manufacturing. There was no “transparency” or “account-
ability” like the original covenant stated above. The new COVAX
alliance superseded and became more important than the origi-
nal UNEP covenant and all of its bylaws and ordinances as found
in the Earth Charter.

Now lets look at another place in the Earth Charter that gives
us more clarity on exactly why the original UNEP covenant was
diminished on Sept. 21, 2020. Under the heading “Principle I. Re-
spect and Care for the Community of Life” the document says:

“3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sus-

tainable, and peaceful.
a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights
and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportu-
nity to realize his or her full potential.
b. Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve
a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically respon-

Once the vaccines were made available, many lost their jobs be-
cause they did not have the ability to choose to say no. The right
of participatory dissent and the basic human right of making
personal medical decisions was lost because of the so-called
pandemic. This is absolutely unprecedented in history. Even un-
der the old covenant made with many, UNEP, people still had
the ability to make personal health choices.

Those with opinions that challenged, questioned, or even made

simple evidence-based conclusions that differed from the main-
stream media and governmental narratives were silenced, de-
platformed, and oppressed. Many were monetarily punished.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 185

All of these actions nullified and destroyed the 1972 covenant

that was supposed to guarantee (at least, in writing) freedom of
opinion and many other rights and freedoms.


We have now successfully divided the Word of God and under-

stood the secrets of Daniel’s prophecy inside the first half of this
verse. Let’s just take a moment to recap some ideas.

UNEP was the mysterious covenant with many for 49 years.

Of course, the environmental religion of UNEP is still alive and

well. Going “green” and many other narratives are still very much
a part of Western society because they are still being pushed on
the people through big tech, big government, and multinational
corporations under WEF supervision.

However, when Sept. 21, 2020 came around—and indeed the

pandemic declaration of March 11, 2020 before that—there was
a paradigm shift.

The covenant of UNEP was simply shoved aside in the false

name of health, public safety, and disease prevention. COVAX
became the new covenant with many, and through its success-
ful conditioning of the general population, it will ultimately lead
to widespread acceptance of the final covenant with death and
the mark of the beast on the right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:16-

This next piece of the prophecy found in Dan. 9:27b is the most
important and time sensitive out of everything that I have shown
you so far because it will be happening in the year 2023.

Brace yourself.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 187


It’s now time to completely understand the abomination of

desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet and further explained
by Yeshua in the Gospels. Before moving forward, I want to
thank you and congratulate you for making it this far! You have
undoubtedly felt the leading of the Holy Spirit. Elohim has given
you a genuine desire to know and understand the secrets of the
Bible. You were hungry and thirsty for righteousness. And you
have been filled, just as Yeshua promised (Mat. 5:6).

Only one large secret remains to be understood in Daniel. This

is what he wrote for us in Dan. 9:27b:

“…And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes

Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

It is with great responsibility on my shoulders and a great

sense of urgency that I now unpack these words with you. The
understanding you are about to gain may affect your decision
making going into the future, and it should. Let the Holy Spirit
lead you into all truth, and let Him direct your steps. Here is
what Proverbs 27:12 has to say:

“A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself;

The simple pass on and are punished.”
188 Abraham Ojeda

We see this pattern throughout the Scriptures from Genesis to

Revelation. Lot was told to physically leave Sodom and Gomorrah
before it was destroyed. Likewise, an angel has proclaimed to
those of us living in the last days to come out of Babylon, “…
Lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”
(Rev. 18:4). Be wise. Be prudent. Time is truly of the essence,
and the sooner you understand the words of Yeshua concerning
the abomination of desolation, the sooner you can become fully
spiritually prepared for what the world will be facing.



I’m not going to be like the majority of Bible teachers that will
spend lots of time on history lessons about the statue in Daniel
chapter 2 or various nuances inside the book of Daniel. We are
short on time. There are only a few truths that are truly pressing
at this point in history, and we are going to focus on them like a
laser beam.

The first thing we will do is pause and look at an overview of

the Book of Daniel. This is necessary for a few reasons. The first
thing we need to do is understand the context of the entire book
so that we can recognize where future events fit into the puzzle.
Some of the book of Daniel is written in Aramaic, which was the
most widely spoken language of the world during the days of
Daniel. For example, chapter 4 of Daniel is written in Aramaic
and includes the King Nebuchadnezzar’s direct words and his
first-person account of his God-given madness and subsequent
restoration to kingship.

The chapters that we will be dissecting were all originally written

in Hebrew.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 189

What I am going to be revealing to you is where Klaus Schwab

fits into the puzzle. Because we now know what Dan. 9:24-27a
is saying, we can truly understand other sections of Daniel that
were also sealed until the time of the end. Indeed, Schwab plays
a role in the events of chapters 8 and 11 along with chapter 12.

When I first published this information inside my podcast,

I made the mistake of labelling Schwab as the little horn
speaking pompous words in Daniel chapter 7. However, I now
understand this to be a different person than Schwab since this
particular chapter makes no mention of the abomination of
desolation and it was also written in the different language of
Aramaic rather than Hebrew. I believe this distinction was made
on purpose through inspiration of the Holy Spirit to let us know
that Schwab is different from the very last one-world leader that
assumes power immediately after him. This very final leader will
work with all power of satan with false miracles and wonders
to deceive the nations, and I do not believe Schwab will be this
person described by Paul in 2Th. 2:9.
190 Abraham Ojeda



When I was first putting together this information for my pod-

cast, I was blown away at the fact that the abomination of des-
olation is mentioned four times in the Old Testament and three
times in the New Testament. When the Holy Spirit says some-
thing, we better listen. But when He repeats something seven
complete times, then obviously it’s to be taken extremely seri-
ously. This information is, in fact, dead serious. Here’s an over-
view of all the places this prophecy is mentioned:

When it comes to last days prophecies, the abomination of des-

olation is mentioned more than any other single event, and it
is second only to the Greater Exodus of all 12 Tribes of Israel
(more on this topic in Chapter 11). It is discussed in Dan. 8:13,
9:27, 11:31, and 12:11 along with Mat. 24:15, Mark 13:14, and
Luke 21:20.

Let me emphasize something before moving forward. Chapters

8, 9, 11 & 12 all have future prophetic events that have not yet
Bible Prophecy Secrets 191

taken place, and Yeshua was quoting these chapters when He

spoke to us in the Gospels. Please let these Hebrew Scriptures
define your understanding of this topic and not the New Testa-
ment Greek. Stick to the law of first mention, and all things will
become crystal clear, just as Yeshua intended them to be.

Also keep in mind that these prophecies, just like the 70 shabua
prophecy, were sealed until the last days. The translators of En-
glish Bibles have inserted a lot of filler words that have no un-
derlying Hebrew letters connected to them. These filler words
like “some” and “sacrifices” can usually be easily identified in
your Bible because they are italicized to distinguish them as fill-
er words with the intention of making the text easier to read.
However, when we are dissecting lines of prophecy that were
purposely written in code, we have to throw out these words
and ignore the bias of the translators.


Our focus begins in Dan. 8:9 because it is in fact the “little horn”
that is responsible for the abomination of desolation described
in this same chapter. Here is what this verse says:

“And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceed-
ingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the
Glorious Land.”

This little horn is the central focus of Daniel chapter 8, and it is

prophesied that this power will be responsible for the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem. But what is the true identity of this little horn?

Let me bring you up to speed. The first verses of this chapter

speak of a Ram with two horns, a one-horned Male Goat from
the West that destroys this Ram, four horns that that arise af-
ter the one horn is broken, and finally, the “little horn” that has
already appeared on the scene during these very last days we
are living through. The Ram with two horns is the kingdom of
192 Abraham Ojeda

the Medes and the Persians, which is the same silver empire of
Daniel’s statue (Dan. 2). The one-horned Male Goat is Alexander
the Great that comes conquering the Medes and the Persians
from the West. He is the first ruler of Greece after he finishes
conquering the world (1Maccabees 1:1), and he is represented
as the bronze empire of Daniel’s statue (Dan. 2). After becoming
ill, Alexander the Great dies after reigning only 12 years, and his
kingdom is divided amongst his four generals, which are repre-
sented as the four horns of the Male Goat. Feel free to research
these things as needed, and also keep in mind that the correct
interpretation is given to Daniel in this same chapter.

We are now at the exact moment in history when the little horn
of the Male Goat is about to rise up and fulfill the “transgression
of desolation” (Dan. 8:13). Keep in mind that it is specifically be-
cause of transgression—open rebellion against the God of the
Bible and His Torah—that all these things must take place. Look
at what Dan. 8:32 says about this mysterious little horn:

“And in the latter time of their kingdom,

When the transgressors have reached their fullness,
A king shall arise,
Having fierce features,
Who understands sinister schemes.”

The little horn is the World Economic Forum, and more specifi-
cally, Klaus Schwab. The little horn of the male goat begins its
authority as being little and insignificant, but then grows to be-
come exceedingly great throughout the world. Make no mistake
about it. Daniel was describing Schwab, who was insignificant
until 2020; and after the pandemic, he truly became great.

We have already spoken of the sinister schemes of the WEF, but

I now want to point your attention to the symbolism that Klaus
Schwab uses to identify himself and his people. The World Eco-
nomic Forum 2022 annual meeting opened the eyes of many
people to the possibility of Schwab playing a Biblical end times
role and further confirmed what I have already been showing
Bible Prophecy Secrets 193

you from Daniel.

Based on charges of simply appearing suspicious, journalist Jack

Posobiec was detained by police for covering the secret world
government meeting in May 2022 in Davos, Switzerland. Some-
one with a smartphone recorded this encounter with police, and
the video clip and interaction went viral on social media. The
problem is that it wasn’t just ordinary police that harassed Poso-
biec. It was World Economic Forum police wielding sub-machine
guns and wearing identification patches on their arms that ac-
tually depicted a one-horned male goat. Here’s what journalist
Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz had to say about the symbolism seen
during Posobiec’s arrest:

“The World Economic Forum Police patch on the officer’s uni-

form features what appears to be a side view of two goats, ap-
parently in reference to the goat on the flag of the local Grisons,
or Graubünden, Canton (governmental region) of Switzerland
in which Davos is located, and a stylized rough crystal forma-
tion at the bottom. According to Reuters, the WEF security patch
was patterned after the region’s emblem, which is also featured
on the patches of the local police force. However, all the local
police patches have historically featured a ram with two horns.
Throughout the years, the ram on the WEF patch is depicted in
silhouette, showing a ram with only one horn.”1

In other words, contrary to the disinformation of the main-

stream media outlets like Reuters who were “fact-checking” and
controlling the narrative on social media, the WEF patch is not
the same thing as what is seen on local police patches. The one-
horned goat is unique to the WEF and absolutely connects to
the prophecy of Daniel.

Look at what Dan. 8:24 says concerning Schwab:

“His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power;

He shall destroy fearfully,
And shall prosper and thrive;
194 Abraham Ojeda

He shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people.”

As I have already shown you, the WEF does not have its own
standing army, physical borders, or any of the visible pow-
er structure that people normally think of when they imagine
empires, kingdoms, and nations. Schwab’s power comes from
non-governmental partnerships, infiltrations into political sys-
tems, and the military strength of other nations and the UN it-
self to carry out its orders including the Great Reset. Just look
at how the little horn is further described in Dan. 8:25, and the
connection to Schwab becomes obvious:

“Through his cunning

He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule;
And he shall exalt himself in his heart.

He shall destroy many in their prosperity.

He shall even rise against the Prince of princes;
But he shall be broken without human means.”

Deceit, lies, and propaganda have been the number one tools
of Schwab. From carbon-neutrality (which is just another fancy
word for global taxation to make the elite richer) to depopula-
tion disguised as healthcare, everything that the little horn and
his people promote is a never-ending web of evil agendas. The
good news is that the WEF will come to an end, and I will show
you a timeline later in this book that will shed light on when this
will be taking place. It will happen very soon.


In Dan. 8:26, the prophet was explicitly told to “seal up the

vision”, which of course means that all of chapter 8 was written
in code. We will unpack this prophecy in much the same way
that we were able to understand all of Daniel chapter 9. First,
lets dissect Dan. 8:10 which says the following:
“And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of
Bible Prophecy Secrets 195

the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled

As I will prove to you, when Daniel writes “stars”, he is actually

referring to the scattered descendants of Abraham from all
12 Tribes of Israel in the last days. I’ll give you my complete
translation of Dan. 8:10 in a moment. Let’s just break it down
step by step.

As we have already read in Dan. 8:25, the little horn will come
to an end according to the will of Elohim. Knowing this, when
you look at Dan. 8:10 and see the word “host” (Strong’s H6635),
it could also be translated as appointed time, which is a proper
decoding of Daniel’s words.

The next word translated as “and it cast down” (Strong’s H5307)

could also mean to fall down violently to death, to cause to fall,
to overthrow and these sorts of ideas. That’s why I will choose
the word destroyed in my translation because it summarizes this
idea better.

Next we have “of the host” which is translated from two Hebrew
words that can be transliterated as “min ha-saba” (Strong’s
H4480 and H6635). This exact phrase with the same vowel
marks appears one other time in the Bible in 2Ch. 28:12 and is
translated as “from the war” which is why I also chose this phrase
rather than “of the host”.2 These words (from the war) also match
exactly what we see in the very last line of Dan. 9:26. Notice that
both times the word “some” is translated there is no underlying
Hebrew word. These are filler words that the translators threw
into the English text simply because they wanted to.

This next phrase “of the stars” is where we get the true meaning
of what Daniel was prophesying, and this phrase also happens
to perfectly match what I have already shown you from the 70
shabua prophecy. Again we have two Hebrew words appearing
together that can be transliterated as “oo-min ha-kokab-eem”
(Strong’s H4480 and H3556). We must rely heavily on the law of
196 Abraham Ojeda

first mention in order to determine what Daniel was really saying,

and when you apply this principle, you will find the word stars
is used for the very first time in the creation week (Gen. 1:16);
and interestingly enough, the second time it appears in the Bible
it is used figuratively to describe the innumerable descendants
of Abraham throughout the world (Gen. 15:5). This is why I will
translate Daniel’s words to say the descendants of Abraham.

Finally, here is how I would translate Dan. 8:10 in a more literal,

word-for-word and decoded understanding that accurately ties
into the 70 shabua prophecy:

“And it became great until the appointed time of Heaven; and

it destroyed from the war the descendants of Abraham in the
earth, and oppressed them.”

The Holy Spirit breathed these words to us and is testifying that

indeed the destruction of the seed of Abraham in the last days
must take place because of the specific sin of rebellion against
Yehovah and His Torah.


This verse helps us further understand all of the Biblical events

concerning the year 2020 and the middle of the 70th shabua.
Dan. 8:11 says the following:

“He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and
by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His
sanctuary was cast down.”

The first question we will seek to answer is, “Who are the prince
and the host that the little horn has greatly exalted himself
above?” Lets begin by looking at the word “exalted” (Strong’s
H1431). When doing a word search for this Hebrew word with
the exact vowel sounds, you will find that it is used a number
of times in the context of betrayal like that of Judas Iscariot
Bible Prophecy Secrets 197

in Psalm 41:9. Other passages like 1Sa 20:41 speak of being

comparatively greater while passages like Psalm 126:2,3 speak
simply of Yehovah’s greatness. These usages of the word lead
me to believe that this exaltation has to do with a subverting
behavior or a great takeover of existing power.

Though the word Prince is capitalized, you know better by now

that the Hebrew only has uppercase letters. This is not talking
about Yeshua, even though this is what I had mistakenly said
in my podcast. It turns out that there is yet another prince
being spoken of within the context of the 70th shabua. We have
already discussed Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros
Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who caused the pandemic of 2020 to
be declared, but I believe this verse is talking about the highest
ranking official in the entire United Nations organization—the
Secretary-General António Guterres.

The word host (Strong’s H6635) that we already explored in

the very last verse as appointed time or war is being translated
correctly as “host” or “armies”. I believe this word is speaking
of the United Nations and all of the host under its authority. I
believe Daniel saw the UN gathered together in its headquarters
during his vision. I believe he saw the Secretary-General being
subverted and tricked into following the leadership of Schwab
and the WEF. In other words, this prophecy is easily speaking of
Schwab exalting himself even as high as the Secretary-General
of the UN.

The next word we are going to focus on heavily is “daily” which

is the Hebrew word “tamid” (pronounced tah-meed’; Strong’s
H8548). The law of first mention verse is Exo. 25:30 where it
speaks of the showbread being tamid in the tabernacle. Exo.
27:20 tells us that the lamps are to have enough oil to give light
in a tamid manner. Exo. 30:8 tells us of incense being tamid. The
more you look into this word the more you will find that it has
to do with ceremonial tabernacle or temple worship. Of all the
places where we receive clarity on what exactly the mystery
of the tamid could be talking about, Rev. 5:8 gives us the most
198 Abraham Ojeda


“Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and
the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having
a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers
of the saints.”

We are told that it is the “prayers of the saints” that are

considered the “tamid” that is always present before Yehovah
throughout all generations, and this concept is further repeated
in Rev. 8:3,4.

This is our first clue in understanding this verse.

We need to look at two more words and then Dan. 8:11 will
become clear. The first word is “place” (mah-kone; Strong’s
H3559) and the second word is “sanctuary” (miqdash; Strong’s
H4720). A closer look at all possible meanings here reveals to
us details surrounding the year 2020. Place has the meaning of
dwelling, abode, or habitation. Sanctuary can refer to places of
worship of all kinds such as pagan, Jewish, Islamic, or even a
legitimate place to worship Yehovah; but here is one example
from Isa. 16:12 speaking of Moab having a pagan sanctuary to
pray within:

“And it shall come to pass,

When it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place,
That he will come to his sanctuary to pray;
But he will not prevail.”

Once you realize that this place of worship goes beyond the
traditional and accepted view that a physical temple must be
built in Jerusalem in order for these events to take place, your
mind can go to the correct place of understanding. With that
said, here is how I would translate Dan. 8:11:

“He even exalted himself as high as the Secretary-General of the

Bible Prophecy Secrets 199

United Nations; and by him the prayers of the saints were cast
down, and their places of worship were cast down.”

As we have already discussed, the plan-demic of 2020 caused

to fail (shabbat) the prayers, places of worship, and the annual
sacrifices of God’s people worldwide. Beginning on March 11,
2020, church doors were closed worldwide through “health
mandates” that Schwab and his people forcibly established
using the UN, the WHO, and various global agencies, all the way
down to the local government level.

The prayers of the descendants of Abraham were taken away,

and they were not allowed to assemble freely and exercise
freedom of religion. What had been tamid, or perpetual, had
been completely disrupted by the events of 2020 and the
pandemic declaration of the WHO.
200 Abraham Ojeda


As I have already mentioned, these dreadful end times events

must take place because of national, moral rebellion against
God and His instructions, which is different from unintentional
sin. This is what Dan. 8:12 says:

“Because of transgression, an army was given over to the

horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the
ground. He did all this and prospered.”

Lets break this Scripture down. Just like in the previous verse,
there are filler words added in italics such as “sacrifices” and
“to the horn.” The word “army” is actually the word “host” that
we have already looked at in the previous verses. Based on this
understanding, we know that Daniel was describing the host of
the UN power structure that was given to Schwab in order to
carry out the COVID agenda.

When this verse speaks of the truth being cast to the ground,
you should automatically ask the question, “What is truth?”
Of course, we understand the Bible to be absolute truth from
cover to cover. But more specifically, Daniel was speaking of the
foundational truth of the Torah being trampled on. Just look at
what Exodus 15:26 says:

“…If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do
what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and
keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which
I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals

This same thought of Yehovah healing His people is repeated in

the prophecy speaking of Jesus’ work of salvation on the cross
in Isaiah 53:5. In the New Testament, it is further reinforced that
healing miracles will always follow as visible signs amongst all
true disciples of Jesus (Mar. 16:17). Because of the WHO and the
plan-demic, the truth of God’s promises were cast down to the
Bible Prophecy Secrets 201

ground. The principalities and powers of darkness successfully

cast extreme doubt into people’s minds as to whether the healing
power of Almighty God is real or not. People were completely
tricked into thinking that they needed a vaccine in order to
be protected from disease. They were deceived into thinking
that losing their jobs, forfeiting the ability to travel, possibly
hurting loved ones around them was of more importance than
the truth of the Word of God. People believed that the lies of
social distancing, wearing masks, and vaccination were all
righteousness and good works. Regarding disease prevention
and quarantines, the Bible is not silent, but it is in fact lepers
and diseased people that are to be sent away and isolated from
the general population (Num. 5:2). Elohim’s instructions tell us
to quarantine the sick and not the healthy.


What I love about Daniel is that we are given so many numbers

to work with. Unlike Revelation, this book is much simpler to
understand and provides timelines for those of us living in the
last days to truly use as navigation tools in the world’s ocean
of deception. These truths of Dan. 8:13,14 are going to provide
much needed clarity:

“Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one

said to that certain one who was speaking, ‘How long will the
vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of
desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be
trampled underfoot?’
“And he said to me, ‘For two thousand three hundred days; then
the sanctuary shall be cleansed.’”

As you can see, there is a conversation happening between

two different angelic messengers and Daniel. It is within
this conversation that we understand that the abomination
(transgression) of desolation is a key idea, and Daniel indeed
uses the same word shamem (desolation) just like in the 70
202 Abraham Ojeda

shabua prophecy. There are only a few words here that need a
little explaining before we understand the mystery.

We again see the mistake of the English translators in using the

word “sanctuary” when the underlying Hebrew word simply
means holy just like we already saw in Dan. 9:26. The translators
were biased and projecting their imagination of a physical temple
to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. They should have simply used the
word holy in both of these verses. Of course, we now clearly
know this word to be describing both the physical and spiritual
(grafted-in) seed of Abraham throughout the world. What Dan.
8:13 is telling us is that the armies (saba) of the seed of Abraham
(the qodesh) will be trampled. They will become slaves and be
conquered. They will be trampled by the enemy—the male goat
with the little horn that became great.

Now lets take a look at Dan. 8:14. Again, we already know,

based on our understanding of the 70 Shabua, that this verse
is speaking of the set-apart people of the twelve tribes when
it uses the word “sanctuary” (qodesh, Strong’s H6944). Before
doing some math, we must look at the word “cleansed” (Strong’s
H6663) which means to have a just cause, to be in the right, or
to be justified.

What I will now reveal to you is the secret of the 2300 days:

March 11, 2020 + 2300 Days = Sunday, June 28, 2026

Now think about how merciful God is.

Abraham was told in Genesis that his descendants were going

to be mistreated for 400 years in a land not their own. The
captivity of Judah in Babylon was 70 years long, just as God
told Jeremiah. And yet, this period of harsh judgment upon
Abraham’s rebellious descendants and nations will only last
from 2020 through 2026.

Only after extreme hardship, war, desolation, and tribulation

Bible Prophecy Secrets 203

unlike the world has ever seen will the holy people who broke
Elohim’s covenant be considered to have a just cause. Only after
being completely devastated will their hearts be in the correct
posture in order to be delivered from their enemies. What these
secrets of Daniel 8 confirm to us is that the last days are full
of wickedness and rebellion, and that is precisely what Paul
warned us about in 2Ti 3:1.


Now that we understand Daniel 8 we have a solid foundation for

interpreting the remaining Scriptures. This is what Dan. 9:27b

“…And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes

desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

The two most important words here are “wing” (kanaf, Strong’s
H3671) and “abominations” (shih-koots-eem, Strong’s
H8251). Kanaf is first mentioned in Gen. 1:21 speaking of the
creation of every “winged” bird after its kind. This word has been
used throughout the Bible to speak of wings, extremities, edges,
and something winged. The word shihkootseem is the plural
form of a noun that is used to describe spiritually disgusting
things, idols, and especially things that are idolatrous. That’s
why abominations in the title of this chapter is plural. We should
expect to see more than one abomination. The first time we see
this word used is the following verse in Deut. 29:17:

“and you saw their abominations and their idols which were
among them—wood and stone and silver and gold);”
Shortly before his death, Moses is speaking to the Joshua
generation regarding the idols of the inhabitants of the land
that they are never to mix themselves with, lest they develop a
spiritual root of bitterness producing evil fruit. Another excellent
204 Abraham Ojeda

verse is from 2Ki. 23:24:

“Moreover Josiah put away those who consulted mediums and

spiritists, the household gods and idols, all the abominations
that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, that he
might perform the words of the law which were written in the
book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.”

As you study this word abominations, you will tend to find it right
alongside idolatry just like in these verses. In other words, the
word “shihkoots” is usually used in the same way as “idol” is used.
It is used to describe a wide variety of things that God considers
disgusting filth. When attempting to understand exactly what
Dan. 9:27b is describing, I came across these verses here from
Ezekiel 24:4-6:

4 “…Everyone of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his

heart, and puts before him what causes him to stumble into
iniquity, and then comes to the prophet, I the LORD will answer
him who comes, according to the multitude of his idols,

5 “that I may seize the house of Israel by their heart, because

they are all estranged from Me by their idols.

6 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘Repent, turn away from your idols, and turn your faces away
from all your abominations.’”

Idols and abominations cause people’s hearts to become

estranged from a relationship with God. With that said, let me
present an obvious question…

We have been dealing with the topic of national, moral

rebellion against God. I have been showing you that because
of transgression, destruction must take place according to the
words of Daniel.
So when was the last time that the United States, UK, or any
other nation put its faith 100% into the God of the Bible to
Bible Prophecy Secrets 205

defend them militarily? When was the last time that any nation
has placed their faith and trust in God to defend them from
their enemies?

From the ancient days of the Torah until now, war was always
meant to be an act of faith. Victory was always guaranteed by the
supernatural power of God to any nation that did not set up any
idols, abominations, or anything else in their hearts other than
the one true God, Yehovah. Trusting in God for salvation is not
a New Testament concept. It was a way of life for the Israelites.
Look at what Deut. 20:1 says:

“When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses
and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be
afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you, who brought
you up from the land of Egypt.”

Also take a look at what Num. 10:9 says:

“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who

oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets,
and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and
you will be saved from your enemies.”

If you read these verses carefully, it is overwhelmingly clear that

military strength and protection is a spiritual reality rather than
it is a physical one. Regarding the last days and the judgment of
all 12 tribes of Israel, Moses says this:

15 “But Jeshurun grew fat and kicked;

You grew fat, you grew thick,
You are obese!
Then he forsook God who made him,
And scornfully esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

28 “For they are a nation void of counsel,

Nor is there any understanding in them.
206 Abraham Ojeda

29 “Oh, that they were wise, that they understood this.

That they would consider their latter end!

30 “How could one chase a thousand,

And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
And the LORD had surrendered them?”
- Deut. 32:15;28-30

The name Jeshurun simply means upright one and refers to all
Israel. And indeed, the descendants of Abraham have grown fat,
prosperous, and have forsaken God and His holy covenant. If
only the people of Abraham had understood the nature of both
physical and spiritual warfare, then they would have trusted in
God Himself as their protection and not their abominations.

This last days prophecy of Moses is the secret of Dan. 9:27.

If the nations of the United States, Israel, UK, Canada, Europe,

and all the rest of the Western nations did not forsake God…
If they did not put their trust into their own military intelligence,
21st century technologies, weapons of mass destruction,
missile defense systems, rockets, planes, fighter jets, naval
ships, etc…

If they did not put their trust in the idols of the military industrial
complex, then they would have been delivered from what is
about to happen.

Based on this end times connection from Moses and the proper
understanding of abominations, this is how I would translate
Dan. 9:27b:

“And on the wing of military technologies will be one who causes

desolation, Even until the end, which is decreed, is poured out
on the one who makes desolation.”

Because Daniel was sick for three weeks after seeing this
Bible Prophecy Secrets 207

prophecy in a vision, I believe that these words are speaking

of nuclear warfare. If you have never watched documentaries
about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during
WWII, I recommend looking it up on YouTube. When you hear
of the devastation, the immediate effects of radiation, and the
long-term consequences of this unique kind of warfare, your
stomach will feel uneasy. I recently rewatched a documentary
and thought to myself, “How could humans do this to one
another?” It is utterly atrocious to see what nuclear war does to
buildings, homes, and society.

The issue is that the nuclear weapons that are armed and on
standby today are exponentially more catastrophic than the two
atomic bombs of WWII.

I specifically believe that Daniel saw a vision of multiple military

aircraft deploying nuclear weapons. Even though nuclear
weapons can be deployed in different ways, I think Daniel
attempted to describe some sort of fighter jet or aircraft causing
the desolation. I’m not saying that’s the only source of the
desolation. I’m simply stating that Daniel wrote down aircraft as
the likely initiator of a larger-scale nuclear war.

Remember to read the Hebrew from right to left in my

illustration (therefore, it is plural “abominations” that “shall
make desolation”).

The reason I am focusing on jets with nuclear capabilities is

because Daniel said he saw “wings”. My mind easily jumps to
aircraft. But to be fair, he could also be referring to any part
of the “nuclear triad” as it is referred to here in the US, which
includes the following:

1. Land-based ICBMs
2. Air-Launched Missiles
3. Submarine-Launched Missiles.3
208 Abraham Ojeda

All of these things are idols that the nations worship as their
source of strength and security, rather than the one true God.

Lets investigate the military technology presently on the table.

Back in mid-2020, the Defense News released an article stating
that the US fighter jet F-15E had become the first aircraft
compatible to carry and deploy the latest nuclear bomb design.4
This information confirms our suspicion of what Daniel could
have seen.

Then in October 2021, the Air Force Times released an article

speaking of the US fighter jet F-35 undergoing a makeover to be
able to carry and deploy nuclear bombs.5

Less than a year later, the modifications to the F-35 were

completed, and the US was even making them available for
sale, with Germany adding them to their defense arsenal.6
The evidence is overwhelming. This technology exists, it’s
available, and I believe Daniel saw fighter jets deploying these
Bible Prophecy Secrets 209

abominations that cause extreme desolation, or weapons of

mass destruction.

The next logical question is who is going to be responsible for

dropping the bombs?

I now direct your attention to the work of Joel Skousen, the

founder of the news website World Affairs Brief and creator of the
groundbreaking nuclear survival publication, Strategic Relocation:
North American Guide to Safe Places. Based on his career work as
a consultant for people looking to build high security shelters,
bunkers, and off-grid doomsday structures, Skousen has been
predicting a WWIII scenario. In an interview with Alex Jones, he
makes mention of high profile US government officials across
the board that have been coming to him specifically for nuclear
war preparation.7 In other words, the higher level intelligence
community and high ranking officials know that nuclear war has
been programmed into the New World Order’s desire for order
out of chaos.

Out of the chaos of WWIII, they hope to finally achieve that

totalitarian, one-world government spoken of in the Bible.
Skousen has been making the case for many years now that the
geopolitical stage has been set for the US to go to war with a
Russian-Chinese alliance of nations and ultimately lose due to
corruption and betrayal from within. Of course, we don’t need
Skousen to tell us about this reality. We know what the Bible
says now, and I will show you even more Biblical evidence later.

Without getting lost in the details of the Ukrainian conflict

that began WWIII, just be aware that all of this warfare started
because the US was ready once again to provoke Russia into
an all-out nuclear war. The mainstream media narrative that
Russia was the greatest threat and enemy of the US isn’t
something new. It first took hold in the days of the Cold War.
It was then restarted under Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.
In fact, Clinton made it clear that if she were elected president
210 Abraham Ojeda

(instead of Donald Trump), she was going to make sure that

Russia would remain an enemy of the US and would be treated
with hostility. However, Clinton was not aware of the prophetic
time clock of the Most High.

Only now was the judgment ripe for the harvest and the
transgression reaching its climax. Because of the recent
Ukrainian conflict, Russia has made it clear that it is now ready
to retaliate against the US with its Satan II missile—a nuclear
weapon designed with 15 warheads that is capable of destroying
an area the size of the United Kingdom with one strike.8
When Vladmir Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, that
was the day when I knew without a shadow of a doubt what the 70
Shabua of Daniel and the abomination of desolation prophecies
were talking about. I understood the true meaning of the Gog
and Magog prophecy. Everything dawned on me, weighed heavy
upon my shoulders, and that’s the exact moment that the Holy
Spirit gave me the conviction to immediately launch my podcast
Overcome Babylon with the hopes of reaching as many people
as possible with the truth of the Word of God before life as we
know it completely and utterly changes.


As long as you never lose sight of the subject of Daniel’s 70

shabua prophecy, you will never be confused when reading
the other things he wrote about regarding the abomination of
desolation. This is what Dan. 11:31 says:

“And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall

defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the
daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.”

At this point, I know I am getting repetitive when I tell you that

“sacrifices” is a filler word. Sorry. The main thing I want you to
see here is that the “sanctuary fortress” is speaking of the city
Bible Prophecy Secrets 211

of Jerusalem, and there is a connection to the New Testament

that we need to make in order to fully understand this event.
We have already talked about the first word Daniel used for
“sanctuary” which is “miqdash” (Strong’s H4720); and this word
is translated correctly into the English.

The other word “fortress” (“mah-oz”, Strong’s H4581) has

been used in the Bible to mean refuge, stronghold, or military
fortress. We already covered this topic, but Jerusalem is explicitly
regarded as a stronghold in the Old Testament, specifically in
2 Samuel 5:6,7. We already talked about how David fortified
Jerusalem with various military defenses. The book of Nehemiah
had not yet been written when Daniel was alive, so when he was
writing these words in secret code, he was drawing upon the
inspiration of the Torah and Prophets that speak many times of
Jerusalem being a fortified sanctuary for God’s people.

I will attempt to now translate Dan. 11:31 with our firm

understanding of the 70 shabua, but before I do, here’s the
verse from Luke 21:20 where Yeshua confirms the presence of
military forces surrounding Jerusalem during this same event:

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know

that its desolation is near.”

After taking all of these things under consideration and carefully

dissecting each Hebrew word, here is how I would translate Dan.

“Military forces will be employed by him, and they shall defile

the set apart stronghold of Jerusalem; they shall also take away
the prayers of the saints and appoint the nuclear abomination.”

I now understand that Klaus Schwab and the World Economic

Forum (WEF) are possibly the King of the North described in
Daniel 11. Based on the other Scriptures we have read, and
because Vladmir Putin was once a Young Global Leader of the
WEF, that it is the Russian army that Schwab will “hire” or “employ”
212 Abraham Ojeda

to do his work of trampling underfoot all of the Western powers

and strike with nuclear weapons of desolation.
Regarding the King of the South, the ships from Cyprus (literally,
Kittim or Western lands), and various nuances within Daniel 11, I
will boldly admit that I don’t know. A lot of these details are above
my understanding at this point in time, and perhaps someone
from deep within the US intelligence community or perhaps
high-ranking military personnel would be able to determine
these details before they happen. While it is important to know
these things, it is not absolutely necessary for understanding
the abomination of desolation that will be happening soon…

How soon?

You’re about to find out.


This next verse from Dan. 12:11 is the ultimate act of God’s mer-
cy and grace because we are given the exact date of the abomi-
nation of desolation to the very day:

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the
abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand
two hundred and ninety days.”

We already know when the daily (“tamid”) was taken away in

the middle of the 70th shabua. We understand this event to be
the closing of church doors worldwide due to the pandemic.
We also know that this is the same event when “sacrifice and
offering” were caused to fail, which was the ability to travel to
Jerusalem to observe the three annual pilgrimage festivals and
present the gift offerings (“zebach” and “minchah”).

With these things in mind, here is what Dan. 12:11 is showing

Bible Prophecy Secrets 213

March 11, 2020 + 1290 Days = Friday, September 22, 2023

Now that we have laid a solid Hebrew foundation that Yeshua

Himself was quoting in the New Testament, lets go ahead and
see what the Master had to say about this specific day.


The entire context of Matthew 24 begins with Yeshua’s disci-

ples asking Him how they will be able to discern the last days of
mankind. Yeshua begins with a warning not to be deceived and
proceeds to speak of many troubles. Shortly after speaking of
conflict and wars, he then proceeds to reveal to us this mystery
regarding the abomination in Mat. 24:15:

“‘Therefore when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spo-

ken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place’ (whoev-
er reads, let him understand),”

It should be obvious that the “holy place” is simply referring to

the city of Jerusalem based everything I have already shown you
and also the verses that follow this one in Matthew. Let me go
ahead and address this word “standing” (Strong’s G2476) which
I have seen many people use to falsely interpret this verse as
speaking of a sacrificial animal, statue, or some sort of physical
object or idol somewhere in or around Jerusalem and oftentimes
a temple in the city. We never saw any such language literally
referring to something “standing” in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Not once.

It turns out that this Greek word carries the meaning of making
firm, establishing, or sustaining the authority or force of
anything. In other words, Yeshua perfectly agrees with Daniel
by telling us that the abominations will be firmly established in
214 Abraham Ojeda

Now lets look at the next verse (Mat. 24:16):

“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

Yeshua is warning us that we are to get away from the cities,

towns, and areas within Judea. As I have shown you, He is most
likely talking about nuclear fallout and radiation. Because this
event is set to take place specifically in Jerusalem, the bystanders
living in the land of Israel must immediately flee to higher ground
before the winds and weather patterns distribute the radiation
further throughout the country. However, at the same time, I
don’t know if this is going to be a catastrophic event that will
devastate infrastructure and completely demolish Jerusalem off
of the face of the earth because it is going to be used as the
headquarters of the new world order (Rev. 11:2).

I believe it is likely that neutron bombs are going to be used. This

specific kind of technology only releases mostly deadly gamma
rays within a small radius (only a few miles) of the actual blast
site.9 Gamma rays are simply light rays. The sun releases gamma
rays, for example. These light rays become weaponized through
the nuclear device itself and when released in a blast, these light
rays kill biological life without actually destroying buildings and
infrastructure. It is my speculation that these specific kinds of
nuclear weapons will be used in Jerusalem and Judea in order
to kill military personnel and any military resistance but without
making the country a complete wasteland. Based on my research
and conversations with people like Cyrus Harding in Episode 11
of Overcome Babylon, the nuclear fallout from these neutron
bombs will only last about two weeks.
With buildings still intact, this is the only logical explanation that
would still allow Jerusalem to be trampled underfoot by the
Gentiles for times, time, and half a time as described both in
Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 11:2. There will still be smoke and
fire, however; but we will explore both of these verses in a later
Bible Prophecy Secrets 215

Now lets explore the meaning behind this verse (Mat. 24:20):

“And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.”

This next topic is of extreme importance. If the date of Friday,

September 22, 2023 is a sabbath because the abomination
of desolation occurs on the evening, then Matt. 24:20 applies
because, of course, a sabbath day is from sunset Friday to
sunset Saturday. Even if it is not a literal 24-hour sabbath day
with bombs going off in the evening, this event is still classified
as taking place on a sabbath because the Sabbatical year lasts
from Aviv 2023 to Aviv 2024. Make no mistake about it. The
abomination of desolation will be taking place on a sabbath.

What about this idea of winter?

What most people do not realize is that there are only two
seasons in the Bible. There are not four like most people in
colder, temperate climates are accustomed to understanding.
This truth is established in Gen. 8:22 after the flood:

“While the earth remains,

Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”

God makes this statement right after Noah gets off the ark
and sacrifices clean animals on a newly built altar. The entire
prophetic time clock of the Bible is centered around the land of
Israel, and Yeshua’s words must therefore be understood in this

So can we consider Sept. 22, 2023 to be winter?

216 Abraham Ojeda

The online Jewish learning platform Chabad describes the

seasons of Israel as two six-month periods, and they say, “the
six months from Nissan to Tishrei are the Season of the Sun, and
the Tishrei to Nissan months are our Season of Rains.”10 In other
words, winter begins during the seventh month known by the
Jews as Tishrei (August or September) and lasts until February or
March, which is around the time Aviv begins.

Before moving on, we have to ask the obvious question. Why

would Yeshua tell us to “pray” about this event even though
there is no stopping what is coming and it must come to pass
on a Sabbatical year and in the winter? His specific words are
telling us to pray about our escape, or flight. He is telling us to
pray well in advance of this event in order to already be well-
positioned for when it takes place.

You should already be positioned on higher ground, away from

the calamity. You should already be in a place exactly where God
wants you to be. And it is only through prayer that the answers
and clarity will come from the Throne as to where you need to
be physically living and relocated. I have already mentioned
Lot escaping Sodom and Gomorrah. I have already mentioned
the angel in Revelation telling God’s people with ears to hear to
come out of Babylon. Many people are going to be caught at the
very last minute fleeing for their lives because they didn’t pray.
Don’t be one of them. Have a fruitful prayer life. Exercise diligent
prayer regarding this exact topic. Be praying about your escape
right now and not later! And also share this work with others so
they, too, can be positioned to higher ground spiritually.

Here’s what you need to know next (Mat. 24:21,22):

21 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been
since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever
shall be.
22 “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be
saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 217

These next verses tell us that the abominations of desolation

will actually begin the period of history known as the great
tribulation. This will be the topic of Chapter 9, but for now, un-
derstand that the world will enter the darkest period of history
never before seen since the foundation of the world. Physical
preparation alone isn’t the goal. Spiritual preparation is. Now
do you see why this book is so important? We need to be spir-
itually ready for what is coming next because men’s hearts will
be failing from heart attacks because of the extreme calamity of
the great tribulation.


When you compare Mark 13 side-by-side with Mat. 24, they

read very similarly. Regarding the tribulation, Mark does give us
some more insights and clarity, especially in Mar. 13:19 where
he writes this:

“For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been
since the beginning of the creation which God created until this
time, nor ever shall be.”

We are being told that these are the darkest hours of mankind
and the entire earth itself. Extreme pressure, anxiety, and
oppression will take hold of the entire earth, which is what the
word tribulation means. To say that Sept. 22, 2023 is important is
an understatement. It will make Pearl Harbor, the terror attacks
of September 11, 2001, and all of the most tragic events in all of
world history look like a walk in the park by comparison.
The only question that remains is concerning those of us who
do not actually live in Jerusalem and Judea. What about the rest
of the world? Aren’t we safe? Isn’t this tribulation only for the
modern-day land of Israel? You have to pause and think rationally
about what is being said here in Mark. Who are the military allies
of Israel? Russia, China, and all of its allies understand that in
order to successfully capture and trample Jerusalem underfoot
218 Abraham Ojeda

in fulfillment of this prophecy, they must successfully eliminate

any and all allies of Israel. That includes the US, UK, and all NATO
countries that are either directly or indirectly allies of Israel.

There will very likely be a pre-emptive nuclear strike against

the United States and all of its allies. That is why Mark speaks to
us with such a dire warning and intense language. All of these
things will become even more clear as we examine Luke.


Luke’s account of Yeshua’s words provides an excellent parallel

from which to understand all of the nuances, Old Testament
connections, and bigger prophetic picture of what the
abomination of desolation is all about.
Luk. 21:20 tells us this exact sign to be watching for in order to
confirm that all of the calculations and understanding put forth
within the pages of this book is indeed accurate:

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know

that its desolation is near.”

Could this verse be speaking of literal ground troops surrounding

Jerusalem? Possibly. But I think this sign could be interpreted as
any military vessels that are visibly threatening Israel including
naval ships, anti-aircraft systems, and fighter jets. This is the
first sign to be looking for to confirm that our calculations have
been accurate. There will be no doubting and second guessing
very soon as to the correct interpretation of Hebrew words like
shabua, and for that, I am very eager to see what happens.
Luke then repeats the absolute necessity to flee to higher
ground (Luke 21:21):
“Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those
who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in
the country enter her.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 219

What I like about Luke is that unlike Matthew, this gospel writer
explicitly makes a distinction between Jerusalem (the “holy place”
of Mat. 24) and the surrounding region of Judea. We are again
being warned that the literal, physical inhabitants of Judea are
supposed to flee. This includes the cities of Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva,
Hebron and all of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Of course, the
wise virgins that have been either prompted by the Holy Spirit
or that have read this book well in advance have already made
their escape. This is speaking to the unwise virgins who were
not able to discern the signs of the times and rightly divide the
Truth of the Word of God.
They are being told not to go back and enter her (Judea) most
likely because of nuclear fallout and radiation. Again, I have
already made and will continue to make the case for the use
of neutron bombs that release deadly gamma rays in order
to destroy biological life but without devastating physical
infrastructure. These bombs will be used to quickly and swiftly
destroy any Israeli military opposition to a Russian-Chinese-
Islamic alliance and will result in a full ground assault and capture
of Jerusalem once the radiation has ceased approximately
two weeks after Sept. 22, 2023. The armies that will capture
Jerusalem want certain buildings, communications, and even
military technologies of the current Israeli establishment to still
be intact so that they can more profitably occupy the land of
Israel. This brings me to my next point. Lets skip a few verses
and look at what Luk. 21:24 says:

“And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away
captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by
Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”

Like I already mentioned, these are the times of the Gentiles

spoken of in Daniel 7:25, and Revelation 11:2. This language
of “trampled” is the same exact wording that we have seen in
Daniel regarding this prophecy.
220 Abraham Ojeda

But…why? Why are such awful things going to be taking

place? Well, we were already told by Daniel that because of
transgression (rebellion) against God these things must happen.
This idea is once again confirmed with the use of the word
“wrath” in Luk. 21:23. We are also told that the reason these
things are happening is because all prophecy must be fulfilled.
Look at what Luk. 21:22 says:

“For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are
written may be fulfilled.”
This thought matches exactly what we see at the very beginning
of the 70 shabua prophecy (Dan. 9:24). We were told that 70
shabua have been absolutely determined in order to make an
end of all types of sins and to make an end of all prophecy. All
things that are written are going to be fulfilled because of the
events of the abominations of desolation. This is the beginning
of the end of various prophetic writings, and I will show you
exactly what this looks like on a timeline with Gog and Magog
along with other complex prophecies when we discuss the
1,000-year reign of Christ (Chapter 9).


Now that you have an idea of what will happen in Sept. 2023,
you need to arm yourself spiritually. Yes, pay attention to your
physical needs and the need to make your flight to safety well in
advance. But in and of itself, physical prepping is useless.

No amount of preparation, strategic relocation, building an

underground bunker, having food stored for decades, living
completely off grid, learning every survival skill, and all of these
sorts of things is a substitute for intimacy with Almighty God.

No amount of physical preparation will prepare you for what is

Bible Prophecy Secrets 221

In and of itself, even trying your absolute best to keep all of the
things written in the Torah won’t save you.

God want’s your heart.

He is looking for worshippers to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Not just in Spirit, like most Christians. Not just Truth, like most
Messianics. Both.

Only spiritual preparation is going to give you the military bearing

and battle-hardened mentality to be able to truly experience
what the very popular Psalm 91 says:

7 “A thousand may fall at your side,

And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.

8 “Only with your eyes shall you look,

And see the reward of the wicked.

9 “Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,

Even the Most High, your dwelling place,”
- Psalm 91:7-9

With that said, lets take a look at the things that Yeshua
commanded us to do in preparation for these events that are
about to happen on the earth. This isn’t meant to be an all-
inclusive list. But lets go through and look at the major things
that Yeshua commanded those of us living in the last days.

The first one is to not be deceived (Mat. 24:4) because many false
anointed people claiming to know the Messiah and be a true
follower of His will be leading people astray with complacency,
horrible doctrine, and plans to invest, build, and store up earthly
goods but without properly discerning the signs of the times
(Luk. 12:20). Their lives will be required of them, and they won’t
be ready to give a proper account. Don’t mix yourself with
deception, deceiving spirits, and false prophets.
222 Abraham Ojeda

The second commandment is to not have anxiety or be terrified

by the events of the last days (Mat. 24:6) because all of the wars
and various problems must happen because it is God’s will. Rest
in His will. He’s doing these things and is in full control.

Next we are told to be spiritually prepared for persecution (Mar.

13:10), and we need to prepare ourselves well in advance to
be able to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in order that He
can work through us and speak His wisdom to our persecutors
(Luk. 21:15). In other words, the persecution will be necessary
to accomplish the will of the Father. He will choose to magnify
Himself through the mouths of the persecuted to create
unique opportunities for people to hear the gospel and also
to further condemn the wicked so that the wrath of God can
be accomplished. We are commanded to endure until the end,
without our love growing cold (Mat. 24:13).

We already discussed the need to pray about your escape well

in advance, which is the next commandment. This is obviously
true for people living in the land of Israel, specifically Judea.
However, it is also true for people living in countries that are
military allies of the modern state of Israel. All military targets
in ally nations will be devastated in the coming war, and the
Russian-Chinese alliance will certainly devastate many major
metropolitan targets according to the will of God. Cities and
places of deep-rooted spiritual wickedness should be avoided at
all cost because they will be judged like Sodom and Gomorrah.

After the great tribulation, Yeshua once again gives us the

warning to not be deceived, but this time it is concerning some
sort of false visions or demonic hallucinations about the return
of Christ to the earth (Mat. 24:23). We are not to believe the
lies. However, our Master does make it clear that after the
cosmic disturbances (powers of the heavens shaken and stars
of heaven falling) we are to lift up our heads and look upwards
because He will be returning in the clouds to redeem His people
(Luk. 21:27,28).
Bible Prophecy Secrets 223

While we are still able to do so, Yeshua tells us to watch, pray,

and provide the spiritual food to His people as these specific
events of the last days unfold (Mar. 13:33; Mat. 24:45). That’s
precisely why sharing this book is so important! Lets do our best
to spread the word and help God’s people understand the time
of the end. There is also this very profound commandment in
Luk. 21:35 that will be the major focus in Chapter 11:

“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted

worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to
stand before the Son of Man.”

The connection of this verse to the selection of the 144,000 in

Revelation is unmistakable and truly remarkable. These special
people will literally stand before Yeshua in heaven and sing a
new song that no one else knows. We will discuss all the details
of this in Chapter 11, and I can’t wait to show you what the Holy
Spirit has shown me concerning this topic.

For now, pay close attention to these important dates that we

have outlined throughout the first six chapters thus far.
224 Abraham Ojeda

The pandemic in the middle of the 70th shabua was indeed the
event that kickstarted the prophetic clock of various chapters
of Daniel. The only thing we haven’t discussed yet is the 45-day
blessing, which is the subject of Chapter 8. Before talking about
that, though, there are a few details you should be very much
aware of concerning the recent hype around the building of a
physical temple in Jerusalem. The very next chapter will further
your understanding of the abomination of desolation and help
you discern the signs to be looking for as this day approaches.
Secret II:
How to Overcome
Common End Times

“But evil men and impostors will grow

worse and worse, deceiving and being

- 2Timothy 3:13
Bible Prophecy Secrets 229


We are now entering the next section of the book that addresses
how to overcome the many common end times deceptions
that the vast majority of people are going to be destroyed by.
This is where the rubber meets the road. We will now take that
rock solid foundation we have already laid through properly
understanding the 70 shabua of Daniel and build upon it in order
to rise above the noise, distractions, and false prophecies that
many people are pushing on God’s people. You and I are going
to rise above this crooked and perverse generation, and the first
topic we will address is the rebuilding of a physical temple in
modern-day Israel.

Come with an open mind and a level-headed attitude because

you will most likely be challenged on your current worldview
concerning the Spiritual Israel of God and the 1948 land division
of United Nations Resolution 181. We will look past all of the
excitement and fanfare surrounding the recent hype of the red
heifers that arrived in Israel in September 2022 and various
other things that the Rabbinic Jews are promoting.


The year 2022 was full of fanfare, excitement, and a renewed

desire for the building of a literal, physical temple in Israel. Even
though this idea of rebuilding the temple is not new and has
been in the works for many years now, there were profound
230 Abraham Ojeda

and significant events that recently took place that do make it

seem as if some sort of physical temple could be built in Israel
very soon. Is this structure necessary for end times prophecy to
be fulfilled? As I have already shown you, no.

We already saw how the words sacrifice, sacrifices, and sanctuary

were purposely (and erroneously) inserted within the translation
of Daniel’s Hebrew words because the translators had a very
strong bias concerning the prophecies of the middle of the week
and abomination of desolation. They were desperate to push
their agenda of a rebuilt temple in Israel for the fulfillment of
prophecy. We know better now. We have properly divided the
Word of God and have no need to be timid about it. The idea
of a temple has been used throughout the New Testament to
refer to spiritual and figurative things such as the literal bodies
of born again believers. A physical temple was not necessary
whatsoever for the prophecies of the year 2020 to be fulfilled,
and the same is true for prophecies that have not been fulfilled

Now lets find out what the Word of God actually says about the
rebuilding of a temple.

You will be shocked if this information is new to you. Make

no mistake about it. The Bible is absolutely not silent about
this desire of both Christians and Jews to see a temple built.
Scriptures like Ezekiel 22 and Jeremiah 5 tell us exactly what
to expect concerning this reality, and it’s not looking good for
those who have already fallen for this deception.

But first, lets get up to speed on what’s been happening in the

media. The construction of a temple in Jerusalem along with
all of the various articles and vessels used for worship have
been in the works for years. A 2016 article by JTA announced
a school for training Levites, and even back in those days the
Temple Institute had already completed “…nearly all of the
sacred vessels needed to perform the services in a rebuilt
Temple, including the High Priest’s breastplate featuring the
Bible Prophecy Secrets 231

12 precious stones of the tribes of Israel, the half-ton golden

menorah and the musical instruments of the Levitical choir.”1 In
addition to these temple items, it was then announced in 2018
that the stone altar for performing sacrifices was now ready to
be dedicated by 70 nations in a universalist worship ceremony.2
Fast forward to September 23, 2022, and five red heifers were
flown to Israel from Texas through a coordinated effort so that
the Torah requirement for the ashes of water purification could
be met in order to begin priestly service (Num. 19).3 To many
watchmen and prophecy students, this single event basically
sealed the deal for the anticipated arrival of a physical temple.
Nothing else really hinders construction at this moment in
history except for diplomatic and political barriers.

In light of these recent events, various campaigns have been

accelerated around the rebuilding of a temple. One activist
organization, 3rdTemple, now has over 360,000 people pledging
their support for this project; they state on their website, “As our
number grows so will our ability to influence the media and on
world politics, and thus the project will be realized today.”4 This
particular website is backed by many organizations working
with the Temple Institute.

You might now be wondering why the building of a temple is so

important to modern Jews. What is their religious, moral, or legal
inspiration for doing this project? Going back to the 3rdTemple
website, they state right on their homepage, “Build it today for
the benefit of world humanity.”5 Notice the overarching theme
of universalism. In their “Statement of Principles”, The Temple
Institute also makes it abundantly clear that the temple is meant
to be for all people; and they go so far as to state that the temple
is necessary for “…ushering in a new era of universal harmony
and peace unparalleled in the history of man.”6 This emphasis
on universalist worship seems harmless at first glance, and to
the unsuspecting victim, this seems like good theology, right?
I mean doesn’t God want all people to worship Him and come
to the saving knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah? Absolutely!
But universalism and related words like universal or universally
232 Abraham Ojeda

aren’t innocent terms to be thrown around lightly in the context

of theology.

What the Jews are teaching with this temple project is that
universal reconciliation can be made available through the
temple; and all humans will ultimately receive salvation,
regardless of what their religious path is to get to heaven. These
teachings are directly opposed to Yeshua’s words that no man
comes to the Father but through Him alone (Jhn. 14:6). He
makes it clear that those who do not believe in Him are already
condemned to perish (Jhn. 3:18). The Christians, knowing or
unknowingly, are going right along with these universalist

This is heresy.

The Jews are teaching the Christians and the rest of the world
to commit spiritual sexual immorality, which is the mixing of the
truth of the Bible with lies. More specifically, Jewish universalism
teaches that “…all paths to the divine are equally Holy and that
one’s religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth”
because “…all people who follow the dictate to ‘love your
neighbor as yourself’ are ‘chosen.’”7 In other words, they are
saying truth is relative and not absolute. The Bible clearly states
over and over again not to mix the Word of God with doctrines
and teachings of men. We are commanded not to add to or take
away from the truth of the Word. Sin has consequences, and
the Jews and Christians are both committing this sin of casting
God’s Word behind their backs. Sadly, they will be paying a harsh
penalty for this spiritual adultery, as I will show you later in this


Before diving into the hidden temple prophecy of Ezekiel 22, I

want to show you just how misleading the narrative is behind
this new temple project. I will touch on this idea only briefly, but
Bible Prophecy Secrets 233

there have already been three temples throughout the history

of Israel. The first one was Solomon’s temple, the second was
the Nehemiah and Ezra temple after the return of the captives,
and then there was the temple of the Maccabees. What I will do
now is walk you through world history from the lens of Daniel
chapter 2. Let’s take a look at the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s
dream so I can show you where these temples all fit into the
bigger picture of the empires of the world.

As you can see, Babylon is the golden head; Medo-Persia is the

silver arms and chest; Greece is the belly and thighs; Rome is
the legs; and finally, there is a final phase of world government
in which there are ten kings (toes) that reign and then hand their
dominion over to the very final beast power of world history.
Nebuchadnezzar is the one that destroyed Solomon’s temple
when Judah was judged for its disobedience to God. After 70
years in captivity, the southern people of Judah were allowed to
return back to their land, and it is during this time period that the
second temple is built. However, this temple was not the same
234 Abraham Ojeda

temple that Yeshua visited during His time on earth because

the second temple was destroyed by Antiochus Epiphanes as
recorded in the book of 1Maccabees. Here is what 1Macc. 1:37-
39 tells us:

37 “Thus they shed innocent blood on every side of the sanctuary,

and defiled it:
38 “Insomuch that the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled because of
them: whereupon the city was made an habitation of strangers,
and became strange to those that were born in her; and her
own children left her.
39 “Her sanctuary was laid waste like a wilderness, her feasts
were turned into mourning, her sabbaths into reproach her
honour into contempt.”8

The language here is very exact, and the sanctuary was turned
into an ash heap of a wilderness. It doesn’t look like the temple
of Nehemiah was still standing to me. It was Judas Maccabeus,
after whom the book was named after, who then stood up and
made this declaration to rebuild the temple (1Macc. 4:37):

“Then said Judas and his brethren, Behold, our enemies are
discomfited: let us go up to cleanse and dedicate the sanctuary.”9

They then proceeded to rebuild the temple. The stones of the

altar were torn down. There was a massive undertaking to
reconstruct the entire temple. This is what 1Macc. 5:1 then tells

“Now when the nations round about heard that the altar was
built and the sanctuary renewed as before, it displeased them
very much.”10

They made the temple new, and this was the same temple
structure that was standing during Yeshua’s earthly ministry
(Mat. 24:1,2). In other words, it is actually now the fourth temple
that the Rabbinic Jews and Christians are so eager to see built
during these last days and not the third.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 235


Now that we understand the history of this topic, we can see

more clearly how prophecy will unfold. Lets first take a good,
hard look at the role that the physical land of Israel will play
during the last days. If you have not already, go back to the
“Introduction” of this book to understand the truth of Rev.
11:7-8 and the fact that the Bible tells us that the modern day
city of Jerusalem is the “Mystery Babylon” responsible for all
the abominations of the earth. But how did Jerusalem end up
becoming the spiritual whore of the world? What went wrong?
Lets take a look at a timeline of events to understand the bigger

As you can see, the holy land of Israel has always been under
occupation by various governments, from the Romans to the
British Empire. Take a look at this verse from Eze. 36:2, and this
picture will become even more clear:

“Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because the enemy has said of you,
236 Abraham Ojeda

‘Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession.’”

Even now, the prophet Ezekiel gives us a timely warning about
the fact that the modern Israeli government is considered the
“enemy” that has occupied the land. The creation of Israel took
place from 1947 to 1948 and was driven by the UN General
Assembly Resolution 181 (II) on November 29, 1947, which
divided the land into both Jewish and Arab states.11 The British
Empire was the final power to have control of Israel before
they negotiated a deal and handed over the land to the United
Nations on May 15, 1948 once the British Mandate had ended.12

Interestingly, if you take a look at our charts in the Appendix,

Aviv 1947-1948 was the 50th year of Jubilee after the 49th
Sabbath year from Aviv 1946-1947. In the Torah, the 50th year
of Jubilee is a time for the return of the captives, the forgiveness
of debts, and the return of land ownership back into the hands
of the original families and tribes to which the land belonged
as a perpetual inheritance. After the atrocities of WWII and the
holocaust, this creation of modern day Israel made a lot of sense.
Israeli people were allowed to return back to the land on His
prophetic time clock. However, we are still not to be deceived as
to the true identity of Israel in end times prophecy.

Mainstream Christian thinking has always hailed the 1948

creation of Israel as the fulfillment of all Bible prophecies
concerning the return of God’s people back to the land of Israel.
I have sat in many church services where the pastor taught that
the two sticks being joined together in Ezekiel 37:21 was already
fulfilled in 1948. I have also heard Bible teachers connect
prophecies like Jeremiah 16:15 to this event. The list of false
teachings goes on and on.

The problem is that people are eager to follow what their

denominations and organized religions teach about this subject
because they care more about the esteem of men than the truth
of God’s Word. When investigating this future regathering of
God’s people from all over the world back to the holy land, you
will find the Bible to be extremely crystal clear—all Israel will be
Bible Prophecy Secrets 237

completely at rest with no one making him afraid (Zep. 3:13, Jer.
30:10, Eze. 34:28, Jer. 46:27, etc.).

Within a few days of Israel’s declaration of independence on

May 14, 1948, there was an immediate invasion of five Arab
countries in what later became known as the War of 1948.13 We
know how the story ended. Israel emerged victorious against
these powers, but don’t be deceived. This 1948 Nation of Israel
still does not pass the test of the Scriptures. It was not the
true prophetic regathering of all 12 tribes of Israel from the
four corners of the earth. Rather than a nation created by God
Himself, this modern nation was created by the UN, which I have
repeatedly proven is responsible for many evils of the last days
including the covenant made with many.


You understand that Jerusalem is the great city, Mystery Babylon,

where our Lord was crucified and where the bodies of the two
witnesses will lie on the streets in the future. Ezekiel further
describes modern day Israel as being occupied and controlled
by an enemy. Now we can look and understand these words the
prophet wrote in Eze. 22:17-22 (NKJV):

17 “The word of the LORD came to me, saying,

18 ‘Son of man, the house of Israel has become dross to Me;

they are all bronze, tin, iron, and lead, in the midst of a furnace;
they have become dross from silver.’

19 “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Because you have all
become dross, therefore behold, I will gather you into the midst
of Jerusalem.

20 ‘As men gather silver, bronze, iron, lead, and tin into the midst
of a furnace, to blow fire on it, to melt it; so I will gather you in
My anger and in My fury, and I will leave you there and melt you.
238 Abraham Ojeda

21 ‘Yes, I will gather you and blow on you with the fire of My
wrath, and you shall be melted in its midst.

22 ‘As silver is melted in the midst of a furnace, so shall you be

melted in its midst; then you shall know that I, the LORD, have
poured out My fury on you.’”

We must pay close attention to the subject—the House of

Israel. As you know, this is very specific wording. Recall that
Ezekiel himself was a man from the Southern Kingdom of
Judah that was taken captive to Babylon during the destruction
of Jerusalem under the second siege of Nebuchadnezzar.
Also recall that the House of Israel (Northern Kingdom) had
already been conquered by Assyria approximately 150 years
beforehand. So why was Ezekiel speaking of the House of Israel
being gathered into Jerusalem to be judged by fire if they had
already been conquered 150 years ago? Well, it’s because he
was prophesying about a future event. He was prophesying
about the abomination of desolation of Sept. 22, 2023.

The House of Israel will be gathered together with the Jews

(Judah) in Jerusalem to be judged. I have already explained
to you that modern day Christians are in fact the House of
Israel. Christians have that internal desire to worship the Most
High God, but they seek to do things according to a broken
understanding of God’s instructions just as foretold by the
prophet Hosea (Hos. 8:12). Even though the House of Israel
has lost their identity and has become mixed among all the
nations of the earth, they have still retained their desire to
worship Jesus and the God of the Bible.

It is my speculation that all of the so-called “third temple”

excitement, festivities, and fanfare will attract Christians, Jews,
and religious people from all over the world to visit Jerusalem
in September 2023. This verse will then be fulfilled because of
the unmistakable and undeniable overlap of the abomination
of desolation prophecy that Daniel and Yeshua have already
Bible Prophecy Secrets 239

explained to us very clearly. What I am saying is that there is

going to be some sort of bombing and likely a nuclear event
from Russian-Chinese forces that will cause these universalist
heretical worshippers to become melted like silver in a furnace,
just like Yehovah had already declared.

In fact, just look at what happened in Israel in 2022 when all

of the pandemic restrictions were finally loosened enough to
allow tourism once again. The International Christian Embassy
Jerusalem was able to host its annual Feast of Tabernacles from
Oct. 9-16, 2022 after two years of being shut down.14 Many
thousands of Christians gathered from every part of the world
to listen to live musical performances, worship events, and

Just imagine what the scenery will look like amongst an excited
herd-mentality of people wanting to see some sort of grand
opening ceremony or “third temple” ritual in September 2023.
The will of Yehovah will be fulfilled. His words will come to pass
one way or another. Only time will tell exactly how this all plays
out. All I can tell you with conviction is that something really big
is going to be attracting all of these people to Jerusalem so that
Ezekiel 22 can be accomplished with God’s fury spent on the
rebels. With time running out in this final shabua of mankind, I
don’t see how this prophecy can fit any other way.


If you need more proof that the “third temple” is in fact a

deception and a trap, I now bring your attention to some
parallel Scriptures that also shed more light on the nature of the
abomination of desolation prophecy and the Biblical identity of
UN-created Israel. More specifically, we are going to compare
the words of Jer. 5:26-31 with Rev. 18:1-11.

Jeremiah begins by stating that wicked men have mixed

themselves with God’s people and have been trapping them
240 Abraham Ojeda

(Jer. 5:26). These are the exact same words of Rev. 18:9,11
where we receive clarity that the wicked men Jeremiah spoke
of are the kings and merchants of the earth that have gotten
rich from immoral relations with Israel. The parallel gets even
more striking as Jeremiah talks about the rulers of Israel being
like a cage full of birds (Jer. 5:27), which is exactly what Rev. 18:2
says about Babylon (Israel), except John tells us that it is “every
unclean and hated bird” that is in the cage. The cage itself most
likely represents the land itself being like a trap or a snare of
deceitful things. Again, this is just more proof that the temple
project is a spiritual fraud inside and out.

The next contention Jeremiah has with Israel is the acquisition

of unjust gain and false riches (Jer. 5:28). This same idea is
confirmed in Rev. 18:3. Though Jeremiah doesn’t explicitly
mention the abomination of desolation, he does speak the
direct words of Yehovah in stating rhetorically that Israel will
be severely punished for all of their wickedness (Jer. 5:29). To
make matters worse, we are told that this end times Israel
indeed has priests, but they rule according to their own man-
made traditions (Jer. 5:31). It’s with this understanding that we
can then glance back over to Rev. 18:8,10 where we see this
profound idea of judgment coming upon Israel in “one day”
and then “one hour”. Make no mistake about it. This is speaking
of the abomination of desolation. The priests have done all
of these temple ceremonies, preparations, and various works
by the imaginations of their own hearts. They utterly rejected
Yeshua the Messiah as their salvation. Their universal religion
was completely absent of the will of God and the truth; and they
are about to pay the penalty for their transgression.


The words of Yeshua tell us exactly how we are now to be living

in light of His work on the cross. Speaking of the new covenant,
He says this (Mat. 26:28):
Bible Prophecy Secrets 241

“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for

many for the remission of sins.”

You see, it is Messiah’s blood that is like the ashes of the red
heifer and the purification water. We have forgiveness and
liberty from the penalty of sins because of His blood of the new
covenant. When Yeshua said these words, He did not invent
them from thin air. He was quoting the prophet Jeremiah who
said the following (Jer. 31:33):

“But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds,
and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall
be My people.”

We are explicitly told that this new covenant is between the

House of Israel and the House of Judah who are to become the
spiritual United Nation of Israel. The defining characteristic of
the new covenant is that the “law” is going to be written on the
very hearts of His people. The word in Hebrew that Jeremiah
used here is in fact “Torah”. Unlike many false teachers today, the
Scriptures teach us that God’s instructions as revealed through
Moses and the prophets are to be deep within our hearts. One
day, nobody will ever be teaching or writing books like this one
ever again because all of His people will know Him and have His
instructions naturally written within the essence of their being.

The Scriptures also make it very clear that through the finished
work of the cross, you and I become temples of the living God
(1Co. 3:16,17). For the born again believer in the Messiah,
your body becomes the very dwelling place of the Holy Spirit
whose job is to teach us all things that the Word Made Flesh
commanded (Jhn. 14:26). We are set apart for the glory of the
Father, and we have been given great authority and power to
proclaim the good news of the Kingdom and experience all of
the blessings of being a disciple of Yeshua.
242 Abraham Ojeda

We will be talking more about the true regathering (Greater

Exodus) of all twelve tribes of Israel from the ends of the earth
in Chapter 11. Speaking of this regathering, Ezekiel tells us that
God Himself is going to be the one sprinkling His people with
clean water in order to properly cleanse them from all filth and
idolatry (Eze. 36:25). In other words, not only has Yeshua already
fulfilled the cleansing of His people through His blood, but in the
future, He is also going to symbolically sprinkle his people with
cleansing water. He is going to be the one bringing His people
back into a righteous relationship with Him where they are able
to serve and worship without any hindrance.

The reason why the temple works of the modern Jews are
provoking such wrath from the Father above is because they
are doing all of these rituals and things from the Torah in the
complete absence of the truth of what our Messiah did for
us. They are trying to perform all of these works without ever
coming to the realization that the Greater Exodus will be taking
place very soon according to the perfect will of God.

The Jews are attempting to serve the living God with the deadness
of their flesh. They are trying to serve God in the oldness of the
letter rather than the newness of the Spirit. Spiritually, they
are dead. They are in desperate need of being born again.
Meanwhile, the Christians, who claim to be alive and born of the
Spirit, are falling into the same snare of religious perversion and
universalism. They, too, will suffer the consequences because
you cannot serve God in Spirit alone. You also cannot serve God
by Truth alone.

Yehovah is seeking worshippers to worship Him in both Spirit

and Truth, just like Yeshua told the woman at the well (Jhn. 4:23).

Now, be brutally honest with yourself…

Which category do you fall into?

Bible Prophecy Secrets 243


Stick with me. I know there has been a lot of doom and gloom
within the pages of this book. This chapter will shed light on a
hidden blessing within the pages of Scripture that will help you
tremendously in navigating these stormy waters. Even as I write
this book, there are increasing rumors of wars, nuclear attack
strategies, and so much trouble that I can hardly keep up with it
all. In fact, I don’t want to keep up anymore.

For the longest time, I lived as an Alex Jones junkie and constantly
kept up with Steve Quayle’s latest doomsday articles or any one
of a number of end times blogs and websites in a misguided
attempt to discern the signs of the end times. It all started back
in 2013 when I started seeing videos and reports of the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) purchasing and
transporting unusually large amounts of coffins around the US
during the Obama administration. Knowing what I know now,
they were doing this in anticipation for war with Russia, which is
now truly upon us these few years later. Anyways, I remember
going to work and putting in my headphones to listen to the
Alex Jones Show for the full four-hour transmission and then
listening to the whole thing all over again during an entire shift.

My pursuit of knowledge back then and my exposure to

alternative news media was intense.

The truth is, while some of this kind of research can be helpful, it
is only the Word of God that tells us the Truth. And it is only the
absolute Truth from the Most High that can set us free indeed.
244 Abraham Ojeda

Media consumption—whether it was left, right, alternative, or

whatever—always left me feeling empty, fearful, and hopeless.
Only the Bible can put us in the place where we can experience
the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, and my
sincere hope is that this chapter will help your spirit to settle
down in the midst of the noise so that you can discover true rest
in the promises of God.


Daniel gives us yet another number to work with. It is found

within these words of Dan. 12:11,12:

11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away,
and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one
thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 “Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand
three hundred and thirty-five days.

We already covered the first verse and the 1290 days. In case
you need a refresher, here is the math:

March 11, 2020 + 1290 Days = Friday, September 22, 2023

Now we need to know what is meant by the 1335 days.

Because we are given this idea of waiting beyond the day of the
abomination of desolation, I believe the proper interpretation is
to simply do the following math:

1335 Days - 1290 Days = 45 Days

Daniel was being told that there is something special about

arriving to the 45-day mark after the abomination of desolation.
Lets go ahead and do the math:

Friday, September 22, 2023 + 45 Days = Monday, November 6

Bible Prophecy Secrets 245

If you add 1335 days to March, 11, 2020, you will also arrive at
November 6, 2023. In other words, we are being told that if we
wait until 45 days after the abomination of desolation, we will
be blessed.

…But what does this mean, exactly?


The verse in question is Dan. 12:12, and the first word on our
radar is “blessed” (ah’-shree, from the root word “eh-sher”
Strong’s H835).1 It simply means happy. However, it is a masculine
plural noun, which means that we should expect more than one
reason to be happy. The first time we see this word appear in the
Scriptures is 1Ki. 10:8 where the Queen of Sheba describes how
happy the nation of Israel is because of the great wisdom of
Solomon. She was speechless. Amazed by all of the splendor of
Solomon’s kingdom, she utters many positive words speaking of
great happiness. In other words, Daniel was perhaps hinting at a
profound happiness that takes your breath away. As you study
this word throughout the Scriptures, it could also mean blessed
by God Himself along with the state of blessedness.

There are two more words to look at to completely understand

what Daniel is conveying to us. The next word is “waits” (hakah’,
Strong’s H2442), which means to await, wait for, or long for; and
it intrinsically carries the meaning of exercising patience.2

Finally, Daniel used the word “comes” (veh-yah-gee-ah’, from the

root word Strong’s H5060) that carries the meaning of arriving,
reaching, or causing to touch.3

In other words, Daniel was telling us that blissfully happy is the

man that exercises patience and endures hardship in order to
touch the 45-day mark after the abomination of desolation. Think
about this carefully. After a month and a half of the most horrific
things you could possibly think of after some sort of nuclear war
246 Abraham Ojeda

event in Israel itself and likely preemptive strikes against the

West (Israel’s allies), we are being told that the survivors will be
happy as they wait and finally arrive to the 45-day mark.

The problem with nuclear war is that it will create chaos literally
overnight. If we are indeed correct about this interpretation,
law and order will break down the day after nuclear strikes are
carried out by Russian-Chinese forces on a global scale. Of the
four horsemen of the apocalypse, I have been keeping the idea
in the back of my mind that the abomination of desolation could
very well be the fiery red second horseman that removes peace
from the earth and causes men to kill each other (Rev. 6:4). If
this interpretation is correct, then the first white horsemen likely
symbolized the pandemic of 2020 that conquered the world
through fear and pseudo-science. The latin word coronavirus
literally means crown virus, which fits the description of the
crown on the head of the rider. The white symbolizes peace,
and the bow without any arrows to shoot symbolizes covert and
silent warfare. When you look ahead at the next two horseman,
it becomes obvious that nuclear warfare will lead to the black
horse of scarcity on earth and finally the pale horse of death.
However, I am not dogmatic on these ideas at all, and time will
reveal exactly what the horseman represent.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 247

Based on all my research on the topic of WWIII and nuclear

war, it’s almost hard to fathom that many people will even be
surviving 45 days after such an event as this. But the Scripture
clearly states that people will survive. Yeshua made it very clear
that His elect, or chosen people, will still be on the earth after
the abomination of desolation. He never loses control of the
situation and tells us He will simply take matters into His own
hands and shorten the days so that the remnant of His people
can survive (Mat. 24:22).


We already looked at Dan. 11:31 in Chapter 6 and dissected

the words necessary to further understand the abomination of
desolation. I purposely did not break down the verses after this
one because I was holding back on discussing those secrets until
this chapter. There are quite fascinating things written down for
us from Dan. 11:32-35 and there is a parallel to Revelation 13.
We are given a contrast in Dan. 11:32 between the wicked
and the righteous during the days after the abomination. It is
unclear who the “he” of this verse is referring to by looking at
Daniel alone, but it is almost certainly the final beast power that
takes over once the dust settles in Jerusalem. This beast is going
to use flattery and deceptive language to corrupt the people of
the world that do not obey the written covenant (Torah) of God.
He will make them take the mark of the beast just as described
in Rev. 13:17. However, Daniel shows us that God’s people
will be strong, even in the midst of these dark days. This word
strong (yahaziqu, from the root word Strong’s H2388) has been
translated differently throughout the Bible and can also be used
to say to repair (2Ki. 12:5) or to be encouraged (Ps. 64:5).4 Now we
are starting to get the clearer picture of what the 45-day blessing
is all about. There will most likely be an intervention where God’s
people are given supernatural provisions of both health (repair)
and physical items so that they might be encouraged.

There is a direct parallel between Dan. 11:33 and Rev. 13:7,10.

248 Abraham Ojeda

The saints (set-apart people) will be overcome by the final beast

power that rules over the earth. They will be killed by captivity,
plundering, and sword. However, there is good news. Take a
look at these words of Dan. 11:34 with me:

“Now when they fall, they shall be aided with a little help; but
many shall join with them by intrigue.”

We are once again reminded that God’s people will not be left
for dead or abandoned, but they will indeed be “aided with a
little help”. They are indeed going to “fall” (Strong’s H3782) or
be brought to injury, overthrown, or ruined; but they will also
be “aided” (Strong’s H5826) or surrounded and protected
with supernatural help.5,6 Based on these words it is my
understanding that the Most High will be helping his people
sometime around the 45-day mark by surrounding them with
unique miracles from this point onward. They will be given a
little provision, perhaps like Elijah and the widow’s house (1Ki.
17:9). They will be given aid to stand through the various trials.
They will be helped.

But watch out!

This next line is a warning for you and I. We don’t have to fall into
this snare if we are wise and discerning. To be honest, I have
already put myself in somewhat of a compromised position by
simply deciding to publish my podcast in early 2022 and also this
book. So be it! I knew the stakes were high. I knew that putting
myself out there on the internet for all to see would make
me somewhat of a target for the enemy. But I also knew that
someone needed to rise up and instruct God’s people during
these last days regarding all these various prophecies. If my
cover is blown and I’m first to the slaughter, consider yourself
the one that I am now passing the baton to. Run the race in my

There is a word in this next line that is only found four times in the
Bible, and this is the word translated as “intrigue” in the NKJV or
Bible Prophecy Secrets 249

“flatteries” in the KJV. The Hebrew word is Strong’s H2519, which

is pronounced “khal-ak-lak-kaw’”.7 Wicked people are going to
join themselves to the remnant of God’s people through the
use of flatteries. A closer look at this word reveals the meaning
of dark, deceptive tactics of the tongue that employ the use of
false promises and seduction (Psa. 35:6, Jer. 23:12, Dan. 11:21).

People will try anything to join the righteous survivors of nuclear

war that are being helped by the God Most High through various
miracles and provisions. These wicked people will join and
deceive God’s people with forked tongues of flattery. They will
sell you out, they will report you to the authorities on a whim.
They will use and abuse you for their own personal gain. They
hand you over to the concentration camps after the Russo-
Chinese invasion of Western countries is successful. Remember,
I warned you beforehand!


In light of all these truths, you should take heed to the cautionary
tale that King Hezekiah’s life teaches us. He was the 13th king
of the southern Kingdom of Judah, and many significant events
happened in his life such as Sennacherib’s failed invasion in
250 Abraham Ojeda

which 185,000 Assyrians were killed in one night by the Angel

of Yehovah (Isa. 37:36). But there is one particular passage from
2Kings that lines up perfectly with what Daniel 11 has been
warning us.

Though he was sick about to die, Hezekiah’s life was extended by

fifteen more years after he prayed and wept to God. It is shortly
after this prayer request is answered that the royal messenger,
Berodach-Baladan, who is the son of the king of Babylon, comes
to pay Hezekiah a visit. This is what we read next in 2Ki. 20:13:

“And Hezekiah was attentive to them, and showed them all

the house of his treasures—the silver and gold, the spices
and precious ointment, and all his armory—all that was found
among his treasures. There was nothing in his house or in all his
dominion that Hezekiah did not show them.”

Hezekiah was boastful. He was proud of his possessions and

wanted to show off all of his earthly goods and splendor kind
of like King Solomon did with the Queen of Sheba. Why else
did he do this except to brag? He showed Berodach-Baladan
everything he had and did not conceal anything. Isaiah steps in
as a faithful prophet and proclaims these words in light of what
Hezekiah just did (2Ki. 20:17):

“‘Behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house,
and what your fathers have accumulated until this day, shall be
carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left,’ says the LORD.”

Everything in which Hezekiah had just found so much boast,

comfort, and identity was going to be stripped away. Rather
than making his boast in Yehovah, he made his boast in
the provisions of Yehovah. Rather than using the spiritual
discernment that comes through an intimate relationship with
God, Hezekiah allowed his carnal mind to lead his interaction
with Berodach-Baladan, and he had successfully planted the
seeds of covetousness, jealousy, and sensuality in the heart of
Babylon’s messenger. All of these seeds would grow into a great
Bible Prophecy Secrets 251

harvest only a short time later.

Don’t follow in the footsteps of Hezekiah. Make your boast in
Yehovah alone and not in the miracles and provisions themselves
that He is going to give you. And when the good things do come
to pass just as prophesied by Daniel, not everyone needs to
know about it.

Yes, there will be a hurt, starving, and dying world around you.

You will be tempted to take the good things that God has
intended for you and foolishly give them away to those in need
that are around you. But remember that all of these horrifying
events are coming upon the earth because of rebellion. Don’t
take what God has appointed for you and your family and give it
to the rebels. Elijah was indeed only sent to one widow’s house
during a time of extreme famine when many other widows were
also in need (Luk. 4:26).

It’s just the way it is.

Don’t let your heart of compassion be misguided and misplaced

upon those whom it simply does not belong. Failure to use
discernment and listen to every whisper of the Holy Spirit during
these days will cause many to lose the blessings and happiness
that the Most High actually intended them to have. Many will
join the righteous through flattery. Don’t be deceived.
Secret III:
Using the 70
Shabua Timeline
to Understand All

“No longer do I call you servants, for a

servant does not know what his master is
doing; but I have called you friends, for all
things that I heard from My Father I have
made known to you.”

- John 15:15
Bible Prophecy Secrets 255


Once this mystery of the 1,000-year reign of Christ is fully

unpacked, we will be able to connect even more dots concerning
the abomination of desolation, satan being loosed from the
bottomless pit, and the locusts of Revelation 9.

Before getting too involved in this topic, be aware that we will

be visiting various Scriptures from the book of Revelation. This
was the final book of the Bible to be written, and it is therefore
critically important that we remain faithful to our three laws of
Biblical interpretation, especially the law of first mention. Many
people create all kinds of strange doctrines from Revelation
because they are lazy students of the Bible that do not faithfully
seek the true meaning of this book from the other writings that
came before it. Because we are explicitly told that it was Yeshua
Himself that gave John the exact words of Revelation (Rev. 1:1),
we will be doing what many people utterly fail to do. We will
rely heavily on the words of Yeshua as recorded in the Gospels
to completely illuminate all of the mysteries of the book of
Revelation, including the 1,000-year reign.

Lets begin this discussion by revisiting what most Christians

teach about the 70 weeks of Daniel but with the added details
of the 1,000-year reign.
256 Abraham Ojeda

All Mystery Babylon religions without exception interpret the

70 weeks of Daniel in an identical way: 7 x 70 = 490. Like we
already discussed in the first chapter, there are two general
disagreements between all religious camps. The apocalyptic
cults like SDA and JW believe that all 70 weeks already happened
in the past while most Christians and related denominations
teach that there is one mysterious week remaining that will
unfold at some point in the future but with a rapture taking
place before it ever happens.

Lets just address the elephant in the room for a moment.

There is much division concerning the timing of a rapture.

However, the word rapture itself is not found anywhere in
the Bible. If you’ve made it this far in the book, I understand I
might be insulting you by taking a moment to define the word
rapture, but I just want to make sure we are on the same page.
The rapture is a classic case of one-verse theology created
from 1Th. 4:17; and this doctrine asserts that God’s people are
going to be caught up into heaven supernaturally and literally
disappear from the earth like Enoch in Genesis 5:24 or Elijah
in 2Kings 2:11. Because of the many Left Behind novels by Tim
Bible Prophecy Secrets 257

LaHaye and subsequent movies, the most commonly held to

viewpoint today is a pretribulational (pre-trib) rapture. This
event is supposed to occur immediately before the 70th week
begins. However, we have already proven this doctrine to be
100% false because the 70th shabua began in 1996. The other
less commonly held to viewpoints are the mid-trib and post-
trib rapture theories. We have also already proven the mid-trib
rapture to be false because the middle of the 70th shabua was
2020, and no rapture ever took place. As you will find out in this
chapter, the post-trib rapture does have merit because Yeshua
speaks of the last day of mankind in which His people will be
raised up to rule and reign with Him forever (Jhn. 6:40). However,
the common understanding of a post-trib rapture is not entirely
accurate because there are other events before the last day that
qualify as rapture events. Though I don’t have an entire chapter
dedicated to this topic, I will make sure to point out where the
Bible truly speaks of rapture events because there are indeed
two that will happen before the last day.

Regardless of disagreements on the timing of a rapture, the vast

majority of people from all religious circles believe in a millennial
reign that will last exactly 1,000 years as soon as the 70th week
of Daniel is finished. You are about to find out how man-made
and artificial this interpretation of Scripture is because Jesus
Himself never taught such a thing. As we uncover this prophecy,
it is His words that we will never deviate from neither to the
right hand or to the left. His words will keep us on the straight
and narrow path and into a place of extreme clarity concerning
all secrets of Bible prophecy.


This is the portion of Scripture that serves as the foundation for

the vast majority of all end times understanding of the 1,000-
year reign. Please note: the words “Millenial” reign, “Millenial”
kingdom, or “millenium” are never found anywhere in the Bible,
neither in the Old or New Testaments. These words are inventions
258 Abraham Ojeda

of the imaginations of men’s hearts and have suffocated this

discussion for many hundreds of years now. Only the phrase
thousand years is ever used in the actual Text itself.

Nearly every religion teaches that there is a future Kingdom of

God on earth that will take place after the 70th week of Daniel
is completed. There will then be an unparalleled period of
peace on earth and prosperity. The mainstream interpretation
then goes on to say that after this so-called millennial reign is
finished, satan is to be loosed from the bottomless pit in order
to gather up Gog and Magog (Eze. 38; 39) for one last showdown
against Israel and God’s people who are dwelling in Jerusalem.
Satan will be easily defeated by Jesus Himself once and for all,
and then eternity begins without any more sin, death, or war to
exist again in the New Jerusalem.



Daniel 9:24 tells us that 70 weeks are “determined”. Like we

already discussed, this word in Hebrew is Strong’s 2852 and
literally means decreed, settled, or to be marked out. It has been
settled in Heaven that there will be 70 shabua for Daniel’s people
(the 12 Tribes of Israel scattered throughout the whole world)
and the set apart city of Jerusalem. No more. No less. There will
only be 70 shabua. Not only that, but Moses also prophesies to
us in Genesis 6:3 that Yehovah will not strive with rebellious,
sinful, and depraved mankind forever; but man’s days are only
going to be 120 shawneh (cycles of 49-year periods).

It is therefore impossible—utterly and absolutely impossible—

for sin, transgression, and depravity of mankind to be present
1,000 years after the 70th week. Nearly every Bible teacher and
every pulpit out there is completely ignoring Dan. 9:24 and the
end of sins that is going to take place when the 70th shabua is
finished. They are teaching that the final satanic rebellion of
Gog and Magog is supposed to take place a very long time from
Bible Prophecy Secrets 259

now, but a satanic deception and rebellion of many armies from

the far north is simply not possible after the Aviv 2045.

To settle the matter in our minds once and for all, even Yeshua
Himself testifies against the teachings and doctrines of men
by telling us that during and shortly after the days of the
abomination of desolation, “...all things which are written may
be fulfilled” (Luk. 21:22). He tells us that all prophecy ever written
down within the pages of our Bibles absolutely will be fulfilled
shortly after the days of the abomination of desolation. He says
this authoritatively because He was quoting Daniel 9:24.

So there you have it. I have already given you three witnesses—
Moses, Daniel, and Yeshua—that are saying that a satanic
rebellion is not possible 1000 years after the 70th week of
Daniel is completed. The Scriptures are telling us that the 70
weeks are a cut-off date for all prophecy and vision because
it will be stopped (“ha-tam” - NKJV translates as “to seal up”;
Strong’s H2856) according to Daniel 9:24.1 Therefore, Ezekiel 38
and 39 along with the parallel passages of Revelation 19 and 20
that describe the final satanic rebellion and prophecy of Gog
260 Abraham Ojeda

and Magog must be fulfilled before the 70th week of Daniel is



In order to understand this mysterious 1,000-year reign, these

three questions must be answered:

1. When was satan bound?

...Or is he going to be bound in the future?

2. What is the 1000-Year Reign?

…Is this a literal or figurative number?

3. When is satan going to be loosed?

…Has he been loosed already?

These questions are what any open-minded scholar and disciple

of Yeshua should be asking to properly understand this topic.
There should be no reservations, bias, or hanging on for dear
life to the words of men that have been taught repeatedly
for hundreds of years now. Rather, we should strive to let
the Text speak for itself. I will be the first one to admit that it
was very difficult to not hear the voices of men whispering their
interpretations in my head when I seriously studied this material
for the very first time. But I urge you to let the Text speak for
itself. Let the Holy Spirit show you what is actually being spoken
of in the Text.


The answer to this question is so simple yet absolutely vital for

understanding the 1,000-year reign. John 12:31 tells us that
satan was already bound in the 1st century AD. Jesus states this:

“Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world
Bible Prophecy Secrets 261

will be cast out.” - Jhn. 12:31

He specifically said that “now” the ruler of this world would

be cast out as He was making His way into Jerusalem in what
is commonly referred to as the Triumphal Entry. This was the
same scene where He was riding a young donkey and people
were laying down palm branches before Him and crying out
Hosanna. Within the context of this event, Jesus spoke repeatedly
of His death and work of redeeming mankind through His
suffering. He was making it clear that because of the cross and
His victory over the grave, satan would be cast out.

You can connect the Greek word used for “cast out’ in John 12:31
to the word “cast” in Revelation 20:3 (Strong’s G1544 and G906,
respectively). It’s the same thing. In other words, these verses
from Rev. 20:1-3 were actually fulfilled in the first century AD:

1 “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the

key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2 “He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil
and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

3 “and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and
set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more
till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he
must be released for a little while.”

That’s right! Satan was bound and cast into what John described
as a bottomless pit. Going back to the words of Yeshua, the
Triumphal Entry wasn’t the first time He spoke of victory
over satan. There is an important event in the gospels that is
recorded three complete times—the unforgivable sin (Mat.
12, Mar. 3, and Luk. 11). Yeshua tells us that the strong man
(satan) was bound, and this is the reason why He was able to
spoil his house. Because the Kingdom of God had arrived, He
was able to plunder all demons and evil spirits with great power
and authority. Satan had been defeated by someone infinitely
262 Abraham Ojeda

stronger (Luk. 11:22).

Now, you might be wondering what the unforgivable sin is, right?

It’s quite simple.

The Pharisees had accused Yeshua of casting out demons

because of some sort of perverted relationship with Beelzebub,
the ruler of demons. Yeshua rebuked them, and warned them
that all sins would be forgiven men except blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit. I have mentioned this before, but the Holy Spirit’s job
is to teach you and I all of the words that Yeshua commanded
us (Jhn. 14:26). The Holy Spirit’s job is to write Moses (the torah),
the prophets, and the Gospels in our hearts in order to observe
all the things that the Word Made Flesh commanded us as
part of the new covenant in His blood. In other words, Yeshua
was telling the Pharisees that because they were unwilling to
learn about Him and accept His instruction, they were guilty of
committing the unforgivable sin.

Many religious people are under this same condemnation to

this very day. I like to think of the unforgivable sin as the sin of
arriving. People who think they have it all figured out, don’t want
to be lifelong students of the Messiah, and choose to ignore any
parts of Scripture at all are in danger of committing this sin. The
warning is clear. Many will come to Jesus from the ends of the
earth and proclaim their good works and even the casting out of
demons, but He will tell them to depart from Him because their
lawlessness pushed the Holy Spirit away and did not allow them
to become true disciples fit for the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat.
7:23). This is really not a scary verse when you think about it.
Just continue to be humble, moldable, and teachable and you’ll
be just fine. Learn the things of the Torah, and do your best to
observe them. Practice all the things of the great commission
found in Mark 16:15-18; and cast out demons, speak in renewed
tongues, and heal the sick. If you lack faith, then ask Him to
increase your faith. Always remember, too, that it is not our job
to condemn others around us. Ultimately, we don’t know who
Bible Prophecy Secrets 263

will commit the unforgivable sin and who will not. As long as
someone is alive, breathing, and sincerely trying to walk their
faith out little-by-little, then our job is to encourage and equip as
best we can. But we shouldn’t condemn anyone for not meeting
our own man-made standards.

Going back to the topic at hand, the entire New Testament offers
an abundance of witnesses to what Yeshua said. For example,
Col. 2:15 says this:

“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public

spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”

Now do you see why it was called the Triumphal Entry? The ruler
of this world was judged because of the cross in the first century,
and even now Yeshua has also given us the authority to exercise
power and command unclean spirits out of ourselves, our
homes, and those around us who are submitting themselves to
Jesus. The miracles of the book of Acts weren’t just for the first
century believers. They are for you and I today. Jesus broke the
curse of the Law, and therefore the unclean spirits attached to
these various curses can and should be cast out in Jesus’ name
(Gal. 3:13). John goes on to tell us that Jesus was manifested
to expressly destroy the works of the devil (1Jhn. 3:8). Hebrews
2:14 tells us that the devil and the power of death was destroyed
by the power of the cross.

But I know what you’re probably thinking at this point:

”Why is the world so full of evil if satan has been bound and cast

Satan was bound not in the way you would think. He is bound
not to a physical, geographical location. He is not bound in the
sense that he is tied up in a straight jacket like someone in an
insane asylum. We are explicitly told that he is bound to the law
of Revelation 20:3 in which he can no longer deceive the nations.
This connection is easy to make once you understand the word
bound and how it is used here in Romans 7:2:
264 Abraham Ojeda

“For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law

to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she
is released from the law of her husband.”

Just like the law of marriage is binding, the law of Rev. 20:3 is
binding upon satan because he absolutely cannot exercise power
and authority to deceive the nations. His power is limited. He has
been weakened, and his whole kingdom of darkness is able to be
plundered by God’s people. Like I mentioned, we are able to cast
out demons and give liberty in Jesus’ name to people who are
hooked on drugs, have porn addictions, think suicidal thoughts,
hear voices in their heads, and feel spiritually deadened in their
walk with God because of some deceitfulness of sin. We have the
authority to destroy demonic strongholds and works of darkness.

If you look at Job chapter one, then everything makes even

more sense. Satan’s power is on full display in this chapter after
Elohim gives him authority over Job, and one of Job’s servants
speaks to Job, claiming that “fire of God” came down from
heaven that caused both people and sheep to be burned alive
(Job 1:16). However, this servant was 100% deceived! It was not
the fire of God! It was fire that came from satan, and it is these
kinds of signs and wonders that he simply cannot perform right
now. His power is limited!

It is important to understand that there is much evil present in

the world for two major reasons. First, mankind is intrinsically
wicked because we inherited our sinful nature from the fall of
Adam (Rom. 5:12); and second, there is more than one satan. This
word in Hebrew (Strong’s H7854) means supernatural adversary,
and the law of first mention verse is quite fascinating because
it is used to describe the Angel of Yehovah in Numbers 22:22:

“Then God’s anger was aroused because he went, and the Angel
of the LORD took His stand in the way as an adversary against
him. And he was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were
with him.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 265

This holy messenger of Almighty God was a satan to Balaam,

a man who had disobeyed the spoken command to only go
with the men of Balak under the condition that they behaved
in a hostile or contrary manner towards Balaam. This was the
conditional statement that was given by God in Num. 22:20, but
you have to look at the Hebrew words carefully in this verse
because most translations erroneously use the word “call” or
“summon” (Strong’s H7121) and do not properly convey the idea
of accosting, double-crossing, or hostility. This is why the anger
of God was kindled against Balaam. He was never threatened by
Balak’s men, and that’s why God became his satan (adversary).

Here is the short list of supernatural adversaries throughout the

Scriptures, but please know that this is not an all-inclusive list:

1. The serpent of old, great dragon, devil and satan; this is

also Apollyon / Abbadon of the bottomless pit
- Gen. 3:1, Rev. 20:1, Rev. 12:9, Rev. 9:11

2. Azazel
- Lev. 16:7-10

3. The demonic princes of nations

- Dan. 10:13,20; Eze. 28:12,14,15; Eze. 38:2; Rev. 16:13,14

4. Lucifer - the spiritual entity of Babylon

- Isa. 14:4,12

5. Beelzebub
- Mat. 10:25; 12:24

Paul made it clear for us that there are many hosts of wickedness
(Eph. 6:11,12), and when you put all these pieces of truth
together along with the fact that the heart of man is desperately
wicked (Jer. 17:9), then it all starts to make sense.

The world is full of wickedness because of fallen angels, demonic

spirits, and also because of fallen mankind.
266 Abraham Ojeda


Now that we understand that satan has been bound and unable
to deceive the nations, lets consider the true meaning of the
1,000-year reign by starting with Rev. 20:4:

“And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was
committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been
beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God,
who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not
received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And
they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

When you look at Rev. 20:4, you should immediately start

dissecting the Greek word used for “thousand” years (Strong’s
G5507). When you do that, Strong’s plainly tells us that this can
be used figuratively. Well, no kidding! It’s not just used figuratively
in the Greek but also in the Hebrew language as well, which makes
sense considering the fact that the Holy Spirit is the author of the
entire Book. I remember sitting in Bible classes in college where
I would regularly hear my professors say, “The Koine Greek
language of the Bible is much more figurative, descriptive, and
many times more eloquent than the Hebrew language of the
Old Testament.” This is yet another false, totally fake teaching.
The Hebrew language has so much figurative, symbolic and
poetic usages of words throughout. I guess they forgot about
the book of Psalms when they were parroting this nonsense.

For figurative usages of thousand, please see 2Peter 3:8, Psalm

50:10; 105:8.

Lets now turn our attention to these words of Rev. 20:6 for more
clarity on what this reign is all about:

“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.

Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand
Bible Prophecy Secrets 267

When looking at Rev. 20:6 and the thousand years, it is important

to understand that there are two reigns of Yeshua. I will explain
these both as they are necessary in properly understanding this

1. The 1000-Year Reign

This reign began with Yeshua’s ministry on earth and this
reign ends in Revelation 14:14.

2. The Forever and Ever Reign

This reign begins when He leaves Heaven and returns to
earth destroy His enemies once and for all at the battle of
Gog and Magog in Rev. 20:9.

Let’s start by looking at the 1,000-year reign.

Both John the Baptist and Yeshua proclaimed the same message
(Matt. 3:2; 4:17), and the message is that the Kingdom of Heaven
had arrived right then and there in the 1st century AD. Pay
attention to this key verse of Luke 16:16:

“The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the
kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing
into it.”

This verse clearly explains to us that the Kingdom had arrived

with John, and this is the reason why he was considered so great
by Yeshua in Matt. 11:11. John had the unique opportunity to
announce the arrival of Yeshua’s 1000-year reign. Nobody else
experienced this distinct honor and ministry.

After the resurrection, it is recorded for us many times

throughout the New Testament that Yeshua was received into
Heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father (Mar. 16:19,
Mat. 26:64, Heb. 1:3). This wording is not by mistake but in fact
gives us extreme clarity as to the current reign of Jesus. We must
make the connection to Psalm 110:1,2 and what it really means
that He is at the right hand of the Father; so lets take a look at it:
268 Abraham Ojeda

1 “A Psalm of David.
The LORD said to my Lord,
‘Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.’

2 “The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!”

What this means is that Yeshua is going to reign at the right

hand until all enemies are completely and utterly subdued
under His feet. What nearly everyone teaches about this subject
is that Yeshua reigns for 1,000 years in the absence of any and
all enemies, that is, until satan is released at the very end of
the 1,000 years. But this false teaching completely ignores what
Psalm 110 so plainly tells us! Yeshua reigns in the midst of His

But, why does this reign only last for a figurative 1,000 years?

Why did John use figurative language?

In John 15:15, Yeshua considers us friends (and no longer simply

servants) because He revealed to us all things that the Father
wants us to know, except for one specific thing. Ah yes...the
famous “no man knows the day or the hour” prophecy. So many
people use these words of Yeshua as an excuse to be lazy and to
completely ignore multitudes of Scriptures while living in utter
complacency. So many people have twisted these words to their
own destruction.

But when you look at these words very carefully (Matt. 24:36,
42; 25:13, etc.), you will begin to understand why John wrote
“thousand years” throughout Revelation 20. John saw the whole
vision. He saw the whole panorama from start to finish. He knew
that Yeshua coming on the clouds back to earth to destroy His
enemies at Armageddon once and for all would mean that the
1,000-year reign was going to be completed. He knew what he
had witnessed in the vision. But he still did not know the exact
Bible Prophecy Secrets 269

day or the hour when Yeshua would return to earth. No man

knows. He therefore did not know when the 1,000-year reign
would be completed. So instead of saying “two thousand eleven
years” or some specific number, John used figurative language
to describe the duration of Yeshua’s current reign at the right
hand of the Father.

It’s really that simple!

The 1000-year reign of Yeshua was announced by John the

Baptist according to Luke 16:16, this reign arguably began
when Yeshua was seated at the right hand of the Father after
His ascension to heaven, and it will be completed once Yeshua
returns back to earth at a time when no man knows the day or
the hour.

Now that you understand the 1,000-year reign and Psalm 110,
I know what you might be thinking:
“But wait...Rev. 20:4-6 doesn’t make sense now!”
270 Abraham Ojeda

Because of the complexities of Rev. 20:4-6, we now need to

address these three foundational theological concepts:

1. What is the mark of Rev. 20:4? Isn’t this a future event?

2. What is the first resurrection?

3. What is the second death?

Before we talk about the mark commonly understood as the

mark of the beast, lets talk about the afterlife.


The majority of religions use chapter 20 of Revelation as

the foundation for doctrines pertaining to the afterlife. In other
words, people have been using this figuratively written, difficult
to understand book called Revelation that is also written out of
order so that they can explain what happens when someone
dies. As I have already been showing you repeatedly, the
problem that all Mystery Babylon religions have is that they cast
aside the words of Yeshua and do not take seriously what He
plainly told us in the Gospels.

What nearly everyone teaches is that at the very end of the

70th week of Daniel, the first resurrection will take place. These
resurrected people were somehow righteous enough to be
raised up so that they can rule and reign with Christ for 1,000
years. Then, after the 1,000 years are completed, the Gog and
Magog prophecy and final satanic rebellion will finally take place.
Then, once this rebellion is crushed, the second resurrection
will take place for everyone else who was not raised up during
the first resurrection. But I have already shown you that this
sequence of events is impossible according to Moses, Daniel,
and Yeshua. All things are to be completed at the end of the
120th shawneh, which is the same thing as the end of the 70th
week of Daniel.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 271

What John saw is consistent with Yeshua’s very own words. In

Rev. 20:4, John said that he saw the “souls” of those that were
faithful to Yeshua during their time on earth. These souls were
given thrones and they execute judgment. They rule and reign
with Yeshua during the current 1,000-year reign! Strong’s
does an excellent job describing this word “psyche” (G5590);
it is described as the essence of a person that is different
from the physical body and that is not dissolved by death.2

I will now plainly reveal this mystery of the first resurrection ac-
cording to Yeshua’s own words; not the words of men. When we
look at the Gospel of John, we get all the clarity we need pertain-
ing to what John saw. John chapter 5:24-29 is so foundational for
sound doctrine regarding the afterlife that I will include it right

24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and

272 Abraham Ojeda

believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not
come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.

25 Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is,
when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those
who hear will live.

26 For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the

Son to have life in Himself,

27 and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, be-

cause He is the Son of Man.

28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who
are in the graves will hear His voice

29 and come forth—those who have done good, to the

resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the
resurrection of condemnation.

- John 5:24-29

Pay attention to John 5:24 and also 25. Those who believe
Yeshua’s words pass from death to life. They pass from death to
life immediately the moment they believe. That’s precisely why
Yeshua said the hour “now is”. He did not say “the hour will come
at the end of the age when the 1,000-year reign will begin”; but
this is precisely what all religions teach. All religions completely
cast aside, ignore, and (even worse) misrepresent the words of
our Master.

Paul makes it very clear: to be absent from the body is to be

present with the Lord (2Cor. 5:6-8). He also says that those who
teach against an immediate resurrection as described by Yeshua
in John 5:24,25 are considered “false witnesses of God” in 1Cor.
15:15. Make no mistake about it. Paul says that if the dead are
not raised immediately after the death of this physical body, then
our faith is empty. He makes it clear that such teachings falsely
Bible Prophecy Secrets 273

lead someone to believe that those who have fallen asleep in

Christ have perished (1Cor. 15:18). The Seventh Day Adventists,
Jehovah’s Witnesses, and all camps who do not take the words of
Yeshua seriously regarding the first resurrection are condemned
harshly by Paul, and they should be. Yeshua’s words are so
clear regarding resurrection. The reason that people do not
properly understand these things is because the imaginations
of men’s hearts have been pushed so systematically upon God’s
people so as to drown out the simple truth of Yeshua’s words.

Now lets investigate the true meaning of the second resurrection.

John 5:28 makes it very clear that 100% of the dead are going
to hear His voice at the same time in one hour. If you look
closely at John 6:39,40 you then understand this timing to be
referred to as the Last Day by Yeshua. This is going to take
place near the end of the 70th shabua sometime after Gog and
Magog are destroyed, and then all of the dead will be raised.
Those who have been born again and chose to follow Yeshua
and His commandments will not pass into the judgment of
condemnation. However, all those who rejected Him will perish
in the lake of fire. This is what the Scriptures teach. It is at the
Last Day that all prophecy is now fulfilled, and the righteous will
enter into the New Jerusalem where all things are made new.
Once you take the time to understand these specific words
of Yeshua in John chapters 5 and 6, you can then understand
verses like Eph. 2:5,6 no problem. We are seated with Christ in
the heavenly places, Paul tells us, because he is referring to the
fact that as soon as we die, we are present with Him. What Paul
also told is us that once the 1,000-year reign is completed and all
enemies of God including Gog and Magog are finally destroyed,
then the eternal reign of God and His saints can begin. At the
conclusion of the 70th shabua, all of the born again souls will be
raised up on the Last Day to receive a new, incorruptible body
(1Cor. 15:52). Let’s address the next question.
274 Abraham Ojeda

What is the mark of Rev. 20:4? Isn’t this a future event?

By continuing to faithfully apply the three laws of interpretation,

we can easily understand what is meant by the mark of Rev.
20:4. The first time we ever see the concept of a spiritually
significant mark on someone’s body is in the account of Cain
after he murdered Abel (Gen. 4:15). God placed upon him a
mark of protection, but at the same time, it was the mark of an
unrepentant murderer. Interesting. The next noteworthy place
in Scripture where we see such a concept is in these words of
Job 10:14:

“If I sin, then You mark me,

And will not acquit me of my iniquity.”

This statement agrees with what we read about the mark of

Cain. He sinned, and he received a mark. He did not repent, and
therefore he was not forgiven. The flood even made a complete
end of his lineage because none of them followed after God like
Noah and his descendants. As you are starting to see, the mark
of the beast, death, and sin has been around since the very
Bible Prophecy Secrets 275

beginning of man. But because people don’t faithfully search

the Scriptures using the three unwritten laws of correct Biblical
interpretation, they are hopelessly lost in ever finding the truth
of God’s Word.

Now that we understand the mark of sin, lets explore the holy
mark of God. Ezekiel 9 is another place that shows us that the
mark of Yehovah and the mark of the beast have been present
since ancient times, well before the New Testament and book of
Revelation were ever written. Consider these verses from this
chapter (Eze. 9:4-6):

4 “and the LORD said to him, ‘Go through the midst of the city,
through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads
of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are
done within it.’

5 “To the others He said in my hearing, ‘Go after him through the
city and kill; do not let your eye spare, nor have any pity.

6 “‘Utterly slay old and young men, maidens and little children
and women; but do not come near anyone on whom is the
mark; and begin at My sanctuary.’ So they began with the elders
who were before the temple.”

Context is key here. We are told that six angelic soldiers of God
appear with war axes in their hands, and one had an inkhorn
used for writing. It is this angel with the inkhorn that is given the
order of Eze. 9:4 to place the mark of Yehovah on the foreheads
of the righteous who were grieved and crying over the sins of
Israel. We will do a deeper dive into this exact concept when
we investigate the 144,000 firstfruits of Revelation. For now,
understand that these righteous men of Eze. 9:4 received the
mark of protection because they were observing the sabbath
day of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) at the correct time, and
they were therefore not “cut off” as is described in Lev. 23:29 for
those that defile this set apart day.
276 Abraham Ojeda

In fact, it is in Exodus 31:13 that we receive this extreme clarity

about the mark of God:
“Speak also to the children of Israel, saying: ‘Surely My Sabbaths
you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout
your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who
sanctifies you.”

The mark is keeping Yehovah’s Sabbaths. This is the sign of both

the old and also the renewed covenant in Yeshua’s blood, forever.
Therefore, the mark of the beast has always been anything (and
I mean anything) that keeps someone from observing all of
the Sabbaths of Leviticus 23 including the seventh day weekly
sabbath. For most people, this mark of the beast is a false
religion, but it could also be the idolatry of reporting to a career
that will not allow the keeping of the Sabbaths. It could be many
things. Of course, in the future I believe Scripture is clear that
there will be a short time period (Rev. 17:12 refers to this time
as “one hour”) in which a literal right hand and forehead mark of
the beast will be implemented by the satanic new world order.


The Scriptures tell us that Yeshua must reign at the right hand
of the Father until all enemies are under His feet (1Cor. 15:25;
Psalm 110:1,2; Heb. 1:3). Therefore, as soon as He is no longer
seated at the right hand—as soon as He comes on the clouds of
heaven and defeats all his enemies—the 1,000-year reign at the
right hand will be completed.

We begin to see this reign end in Rev. 11:15-19. Just look at these
words of Rev. 11:15:

“Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices
in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the
kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever
and ever!’”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 277

The proclamation here is that the finality of the 1,000-year

reign is about to be realized. All enemies are about to be
subdued. The connection here is extremely important to make
as we examine these words from Dan. 7:14:

“Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,

That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
Which shall not pass away,
And His kingdom the one
Which shall not be destroyed.”

Again, we see reference to a forever kingdom. Just prior to this

verse, Dan. 7:13 speaks of Yeshua returning on the clouds.
This is the key concept that must be understood in light of the
conclusion of the 1,000-year reign. Now lets go back and look at
Rev. 11:19:

“Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of
His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings,
noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.”

As you examine the words of this verse, you must then make
the connection to the words of Hebrews 8:1,2 that explicitly tell
us that Yeshua is the High Priest that ministers for His people
in the true Sanctuary not made with human hands. In other
words, the writer is telling us that Yeshua is in the Temple
of Heaven ministering for His people. So, when we see the
Temple opened in Revelation 11, this means that Yeshua is
leaving behind the role of intercessor, and He is assuming the
role of a conquering King, to finish His enemies once and for
all. This is the exact moment when the 1,000-year reign ends
and is further revealed to us in Rev. 14:14 when Yeshua is
seated on a cloud and no longer at the right hand of the Father.

When examining Revelation 14, there are three harvests that

take place in this chapter. The first one is the firstfruits harvest
278 Abraham Ojeda

of the 144,000; the second harvest is the harvest of the earth

in Rev. 14:14-16; and the third harvest is commonly known as
the grapes of wrath.

The harvest of Rev. 14:14-16 is a good harvest, and I will

show you in Chapter 11 that this is in fact referring to the
regathering of all 12 Tribes of Israel out of captivity and back
into the Land of Israel. Yeshua will deal with them face to
face, bring them under the bond of the covenant, and purge
the rebels from them. We will talk more about this later.

The grape harvest of Rev. 14:17-20 is the same event of Ezekiel

38 and 39 along with Rev. 19 and 20. It is also the same event of
Joel 3:13 in the valley of Jehoshaphat. This is the Gog and Magog
event that will result in a powerful outpouring of Yehovah’s
wrath upon His enemies that satan will gather up against the
regathered people of Israel. Once this event takes place and
all the enemies of Yeshua are destroyed, the forever and ever
reign then begins. Now lets look back at Dan. 7 after the final
beast power has been destroyed. This is what Dan. 7:12 states:

“As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken
away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.”

Once the final satanic beast power from the bottomless pit
is destroyed along with Gog and Magog, the other beasts are
still not destroyed just yet. The truth here is very profound if
you have not carefully considered these events yet. Dan. 7:27
completely fills in the gaps for us:

“Then the kingdom and dominion,

And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven,
Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High.
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.”

Once the final satanic rebellion occurs, Yeshua will defeat all His
Bible Prophecy Secrets 279

enemies, and the forever reign will begin. All of the kingdoms
from one end of the heaven to the other end will be given over to
the set-apart people of the Most High God. This short season of
righteous dominion on earth that occurs starting at an unknown
time until Aviv 2045 is why we see words like these written in the

“If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall
have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the
LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast
of Tabernacles.”
- Zec. 14:18

Take heed to the words of the prophet Zechariah. Not keeping

Yehovah’s feasts in the Old Testament, New Testament, and
even until the end of the age always has been and always will
be sin. Though it is hard to fathom, the opportunity to rebel
and sin against the Most High and His Torah will still be taking
place even after the destruction of Gog and Magog. Nations and
tribes will still have the opportunity to sin against God, but they
will be met with harsh penalties. This period of time will be just a
short season for God’s people to rule here on this present earth,
and all of the kingdoms on earth will become vassal states of
the United Kingdom of Israel that consists of all twelve tribes
regathered from the four corners. Once this season of history is
over at the last day, eternity will then begin.

John describes for us the New Jerusalem in Rev. 21 coming

down out of heaven along with the new heavens and earth.
The forever reign that started with the destruction of Gog and
Magog will then continue onward into eternity.
Amazing, isn’t it?
280 Abraham Ojeda


The final question can now be fully answered. Though we will

look at this topic in greater detail in the next chapter, lets briefly
look at Rev. 20:7:

“Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be

released from his prison.”

Sometime before the end of the 70th shabua, satan will be

loosed from the bottomless pit as described in this verse and
also the whole of Revelation chapter 9, particularly Rev. 9:11:

“And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless
pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the
name Apollyon.”

This main satan from Genesis is the angel of the pit that is loosed,
also known as Abaddon or Apollyon. These names literally
mean destruction or destroyer. Rev. 12:12 shows us that once he
is loosed, the devil has great wrath, knowing his time is short.
We are shown that the accuser of God’s people (Rev. 12:10, Job
1:6) will be violently forbidden from entering heaven to accuse
any more. Though it is not 100% clear to me, I can safely say that
Rev. 17:8 and Rev. 12:10 are most likely describing the same event.

The single most important event that takes place once satan is
loosed is the gathering of Gog, Magog, and the northern armies
to battle. What I will show you from now and into the next
chapter is that Gog and Magog is actually a two-part battle. The
first battle occurs in Rev. 9 with the tormenting of men for five
months by the locusts; and the second battle occurs when Gog
and Magog are destroyed once and for all by Yeshua Himself
(Rev. 19:15). Stick with me. I realize what I just said probably
went over your head, but I will explain all these things to you
Bible Prophecy Secrets 281


First, let’s talk about the final battle and destruction of Gog and
Magog and all of its allies. This event begins with the sixth bowl
of judgment and the drying of the Euphrates as described in
detail here in Rev. 16:13,14 where the three demon frogs are
loosed to go deceive the nations:

13 “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the
mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of
the mouth of the false prophet.

14 “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out

to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them
to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

I believe the three demonic princes are Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal
as described in Eze. 38:2; and the great day is a direct reference to
what many of the prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Joel spoke
of concerning the Day of the Yehovah. It is my understanding
that the first part of this Day occurs when the northern armies
with Gog and Magog successfully destroy Mystery Babylon and
its Western allies; and the second part of this Day occurs when
these same armies attempt to attack regathered Israel but are
destroyed by fire. In other words, the Day of Yehovah is not a
literal 24-hour period of time; but it is instead the description of
the two-part battle of Gog and Magog. The second part of this
Day is also commonly referred to as Armageddon, which is the
physical place where this event will take place according to Rev.
16:16. The prophet Joel told us that this place also goes by the
name Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joe. 3:12). Speaking of the second
half of the Day of Yehovah and this valley, Zechariah tells us
that it is the very feet of Yehovah that will stand on the Mount
of Olives; and this glorious appearance will cause the mountain
to split in two with all of the enemies of Israel running for their
lives through this newly created valley but only to be destroyed.
282 Abraham Ojeda

Though the parallels between Revelation and the rest of the

Scriptures are numerous, lets look at Ezekiel 38:8 to better
understand who Gog and Magog are going to war against during
the final battle of Armageddon. This is what the prophet writes:

“After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you
will come into the land of those brought back from the
sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of
Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of
the nations, and now all of them dwell safely.” - Eze. 38:8

Though I have mentioned this already, we are being shown

that they are going to attack the regathered twelve tribes of
Israel that are now dwelling safely in the Land. This timeline
further proves that the 1948 land division of modern Israel
is not the true regathered Israel of prophecy because (like I
explained in Chapter 7) this UN-created Israel has never dwelt
safely. These words from Ezekiel also show us that the first
harvest of Rev. 14:14-16 is in fact referring to the regathering,
or Greater Exodus, of all twelve tribes from all over the world.

Ezekiel 39:4-6 are the exact same events of Rev. 14:20, Rev.
19:17, and Rev. 20:7-9. The parallels are absolutely unmistakable.
All of the language of these passages shows us that a large
satanic army will gather itself outside of Jerusalem; there will be
a great supper for the beasts of the field and foul of the air to
devour them; and fire from God will fall from heaven to destroy
these enemies once and for all.


Because all of the Mystery Babylon religions have relentlessly

taught that the Day of Yehovah battle will not happen until 1,000
years after the 70th week is completed, so many people are not
paying attention to who Gog of the land of Magog is right now
along with all of its allies including the people of the far north
Bible Prophecy Secrets 283

(the northern army of Joel 2:20). We need to know what their

identity is during these last days in order to discern the signs of
the times and fully understand the events of Rev. 9 that will be
happening very soon.

When I first started looking into this subject, I didn’t consult

modern-day Bible commentaries, DVD presentations, or
anything that has recently been published or produced because
I wanted to completely avoid the traditions, doctrines, and
teachings of men regarding this topic. I went back in history
as far as I could to understand what early believers thought of
these entities. What I found was fascinating and also extremely
eye opening.

One of my main resources for this investigation was a book

entitled Gog and Magog in Early Christian and Islamic Sources
that clearly and empirically describes what people of faith from
antiquity believed about Gog and the people of the far north.
The authors state:

“The biblical peoples Gog and Magog, known to Jews, Christians

and Muslims alike, were believed to live in the world’s extreme
north. Moreover, in late Jewish and Early Christian and Islamic
tradition they were supposed to have been enclosed behind a
barrier (gate, wall) by Alexander the Great—in Islam known as
Iskandar ‘the two- horned’—until, prior to the Last Days, God
would release these apocalyptic hordes to break out from
behind their prison.”3

Before reading this book, I had no idea that Gog and Magog are
spoken about prophetically in the Quran. I also was unaware of
the fact that Alexander the Great of Greece was himself aware
of the identity of Gog and Magog because of the barrier that
he discovered in their territory. This barrier, or rampart, was
and still is believed to be the Great Wall of China amongst many
students of end times prophecy. Regarding Rosh and the people
of the far north, this is what these same authors state based on
accounts of both Alexander and early Eastern Christian sources:
284 Abraham Ojeda

“According to the ancient geographical tradition, the entire

Eastern Caucasus was called the ‘Northern land’. The cold and
mostly unknown region was understood as being inhabited by
uncivilized, warlike and primitive peoples.”4

It is from these perspectives that we can narrow down our

investigation to the region in and around the Caucasus
Mountains. When you look at a map, you will see that these
mountains are divided into Greater and Lesser Caucasus ranges.
To the north we have modern-day Russia; in the center of the
ranges we see Georgia and Azerbaijan; and to the south we see
Armenia, Turkey, and Iran. All of these nations are going to play
central end-times roles. Here is what the ancient Islamic sources
have to say based on tradition and also the Quran:

“al-Tabari and al-Baydawi locate the two mountains (mentioned

in Koran xvm:93/96): in Armenia, in Azerbaijan or in the most
eastern part of the land of the Turks; but the two mountains
perhaps are also to be found between Armenia and Azerbaijan
or in the farthest North.”5

Based on all these witnesses along with the current rise of a

Russian-Chinese-Islamic alliance, we are now beyond the
realm of mere speculation and are indeed witnessing all these
prophetic events described in Ezekiel, Revelation, and other
Scriptures. But don’t take my word for it. Check my sources, and
through careful and diligent research, you, too, will find it is easy
to conclude that these final enemies of Yeshua will consist of the
regions of Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, China,
and the surrounding regions. It’s not crystal clear to me exactly
who Meshech and Tubal are in the mix of these countries,
but I think you are starting to get the big picture. This is what
1Chronicles 1:5 says:
“The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal,
Meshech, and Tiras.”

Whereas the physical descendants of the seed of Abraham

are from Shem, these final enemies of Israel are descendants
Bible Prophecy Secrets 285

from the sons of Japeth. And these armies will be under the
control of satan, which is going to be the major topic of the next
chapter that unlocks the mystery of the locusts of Revelation.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 287


You now understand the abomination of desolation. You know

that we are supposed to be looking for armies to be rising up
against modern day Jerusalem (and its Western allies) right
before it happens according to Yeshua’s words. You also now
know that both Jews and Christians are going to be gathered
together in Jerusalem for the judgment that will happen in one
hour. You also understand that all of the prophecies concerning
Gog, Magog, and the armies of the far north will soon come
to pass. All of these things have been mysteries since ancient
times, but now that we are at the time of the end, all things are
able to be understood.

I am about to give you even more clarity concerning the

abomination of desolation and what we should be expecting as
we enter this period of history. We must consider the geopolitical
climate, likely military strategy, final beast of Daniel 7, and the
often misunderstood prophecy of the locusts of Revelation 9.
By faithfully applying our three laws of interpretation, we will
unlock the secrets of all these end times prophecies once and
for all.


Before uncovering the prophecy of the ten kings, always keep

in mind that the secret to understanding the book of Revelation
is knowing the subject matter. Just like in Daniel’s 70 shabua,
288 Abraham Ojeda

the overarching theme of Revelation is the judgment and

redemption of Daniel’s people and the holy city, Jerusalem. I
have already mentioned this a couple times, but you absolutely
must recognize that Jerusalem is the woman riding the
beast. Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon! We can easily make this
connection because the phrase great city is used ten times in
the book of Revelation and always, without fail, explicitly refers
to Jerusalem. There is absolutely no way around this fact. I
particularly like Rev. 11:8 where we are told that this great city is
where our Lord was crucified, which could never be any other
place besides Jerusalem. It is not the Vatican, City of London,
Washington DC, or any other city that many unwise teachers
have falsely proclaimed over the many years now.

We need to let the Bible interpret the Bible. Lets allow the Text
to speak for itself. Like I stated, God will redeem Jerusalem
after He is done judging it. Then at the conclusion of the 120
shawneh of mankind, John tells us that this great city coming
down out of heaven is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:10). From
the judgment of Mystery Babylon to the glorious appearance of
the New Jerusalem, the great city plays a vital role in our proper
interpretation of all mysteries.


We will begin our investigation in Rev. 17. An angel takes John

into the wilderness to see a figurative representation of the
great city of Jerusalem. This is what he records for us (Rev. 17:3):

“So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I

saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names
of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

We are immediately introduced to this idea that Jerusalem

is somehow connected to ten horns. Just like we saw horns
in Daniel’s visions, we again see the Holy Spirit’s use of horn
imagery to convey the idea of physical power and dominion. In
Bible Prophecy Secrets 289

fact, Dan. 7:7 describes this same beast having ten horns and
being different from all three beasts before it. Going back to
John’s vision, the correct interpretation is found in Dan. 7:24,25
and is actually repeated in these words of Rev. 17:12,13:

12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received
no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as
kings with the beast.

13 “These are of one mind, and they will give their power and
authority to the beast.”

We are being shown that the ten kings rule with the beast for
a short-lived reign of one hour. Whoever these ten kings are,
they are of one mind. They most likely have a treaty, alliance, or
some sort of covenant by which they operate. Before we seek to
identify the ten kings, we must consider what John wrote when
he said that they have no kingdom until the final beast shows up.
Who is this beast, anyway? This is what John was told regarding
this beast that carries the woman, Jerusalem (Rev. 17:8):

“The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of
the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell
on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the
Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see
the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

In other words, the beast that rules with the ten kings is satan
himself that is loosed from the bottomless pit, and he is also
known as Apollyon or Abaddon (Rev. 9:11). Now things are
starting to become clear. We are being shown in Revelation
that satan’s short-lived rule on earth actually begins in chapter
9, and he will be granted authority over every nation on earth
(Rev. 13:7). He implements his mark in order to buy and sell; and
just like we saw in the book of Job chapter 1, satan will be able to
work signs to deceive the nations such as calling down fire down
from heaven (Rev. 13:13). As we enter this discussion regarding
the identity of the ten kings themselves, consider these primary
290 Abraham Ojeda

verses for meditation from Eze. 38:2-6

2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog,
the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against

3 “and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O
Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.’

4 ‘I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you
out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly
clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them
handling swords.

5 ‘Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield
and helmet;

6 “Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the
far north and all its troops—many people are with you.

Even though this passage is speaking of the nations that will

be gathered together for the final battle of Armageddon and
the Day of Yehovah, what you will find is that ten kings are
mentioned. They are Gog, Magog, Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, Persia,
Ethiopia, Lybia, Gomer, and Togarmah. These are exactly ten
different names. Is this mere coincidence? Probably not. I have
already described the identity of some of these nations in the last
chapter based on historical writings and traditions of Christians,
Jews, and Muslims from antiquity. Some of these identities are
easy. Modern Iran is Persia. Rosh is Russia. Magog is China, and
there is evidence to conclude that Meshech is Turkey.1
At this point, I think we have a clear enough picture that these
ten kings are a Russian-Chinese-Islamic alliance of nations like I
have been asserting due to the current political climate and rising
conflict between the Western powers and this alliance. Rather
than spending too much time identifying them all specifically, let
us simply acknowledge that they are prophesied to appear on
the world stage in the following manner:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 291

16 “And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will
hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and
burn her with fire.

17 “For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to
be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the
words of God are fulfilled.”
- Rev. 17:16,17

Did you notice the use of the word “desolate”? This should
cause alarm bells to go off in your spirit. It is in fact speaking
of the abomination of desolation, which I have already shown
you will be carried out exactly as described in Ezekiel 22 and
later by Yeshua when he said Jerusalem will be surrounded by
armies. These are the armies. They are the armies of the ten
kings alliance and the peoples of the far north that will destroy
Jerusalem and burn her with fire. The smoke will be visible to
all the kings and merchants of the earth passing through the
international trade route of the Suez Canal, insomuch as they
cry out the following words:
292 Abraham Ojeda

9 “The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived

luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they
see the smoke of her burning,

10 “standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas,

alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour
your judgment has come.’

11 “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over
her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore:
- Rev. 18:9-11

You might be confused when you read these words because

the great city Jerusalem does not strike many people as being
a place of luxury and great riches like maybe New York City or
Dubai. However, you must be aware that Mystery Babylon is a
much larger beast than the vast majority of people realize. It is a
mystery for a reason. The shadow elements of its infrastructure
are vast and funded by the most powerful bankers and cartels
on the world stage. Though she is the supreme whore of the
earth, she also has many daughters, and the United States is
one of them. In other words, it is the geopolitical structure that
has been enabled by Mystery Babylon that the kings of the earth
and the merchants of Revelation chapter 18 recognize as the
enabling source of luxury.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 293


The number one mass murder weapon in all modern history

has been Communism. Though difficult to find a reliable source
or number, it could be conservatively estimated that well over
100 million people have been murdered since this particular
system of government was first ushered in nearly 100 years ago
in 1917.

The problem that we all have is that whether as a result of

public or private schooling—it doesn’t matter—we have all been
force-fed a false narrative of the major events of history and
the true nature of Zionism, modern-day Israel, and Jerusalem’s
mysterious role on the current world stage. Before attempting
to explain the mystery of modern-day Jerusalem any further,
please carefully consider these words from Psalm 74:4:

“Your enemies roar in the midst of Your meeting place;

They set up their banners for signs.”

Just like we already discussed in Chapter 7, an enemy has

possessed the land of Israel in these last days, and they are
easily recognizable simply by looking at their signs. In other
words, we must pay attention to the symbolism, banners, and
insignia that completely reveal the true identity of the Zionist
movement and Mystery Babylon. For example, have you ever
paid attention to the symbolism used throughout the building
of the highest court in Israel? This Supreme Court building
was not a taxpayer-funded project democratically instituted
by the people of Israel. No. This building was donated by a
member of arguably the most powerful banking cartel in the
world today—the Rothschild family. It was actually the so-called
“Jewish” Dorothy de Rothschild that donated this building to
the Israeli government in the late 1960s.2 The official website
of the Supreme Court allows you to take a virtual tour through
the various rooms and hallways of the court, and there is one
particular webpage called “The Symbols” that explains the
significance of a particular tablet with nine symbols hanging
294 Abraham Ojeda

on a wall as one enters the administration wing.3 Right in the

center of this tablet is a pyramid. Remember what Revelation
said of Mystery Babylon? It is spiritually called Sodom and
Egypt (Rev. 11:8). Of course, this isn’t the only pyramid you find.
There is a giant copper-clad pyramid that projects outward
from a prominent courtyard, and this pyramid is equipped with
a circular window of an all-seeing-eye, just like you would see
on a greenback dollar bill or any variety of Freemason or occult
objects. This pyramid is a focal point of the entire Supreme
Court building and is arguably one of the most distinguishable
features of the entire architecture. In attempting to downplay
the sinister nature of this pyramid, the official Supreme Court
website states the following:

“In Egyptian culture the pyramid symbolizes the concept of

eternity, as it was the Pharaoh’s eternal resting place after his
death. According to the architects, the pyramid and the library
are not only intended to serve our generation but to be a place
where justice is dispensed in perpetuity.”4

In other words, they are saying that the pyramid is a symbol of

eternal justice being administered for the people. If by justice
they mean to say the establishment of a Zionist new world order
under the direction of foreign gods, then certainly this sign of
the pyramid starts making more sense. Revelation already
predicted about 2,000 years ago that Mystery Babylon would be
full of Egyptian symbolism and foreign gods.

Now, lets backtrack just a little.

You might be thinking to yourself that it’s really not all that bad
or strange. This symbolism is well-intentioned coincidence and
harmless, right? Well, if you made it this far in the book, I doubt
that is your mindset at this point. But just to settle the matter
once and for all, we need to take a quick look at how the often-
misunderstood Zionist movement was able to claim the land of
Israel in 1948 and then successfully defeat their enemies in the
ten-month Arab-Israeli war against all odds. To the majority of
Bible Prophecy Secrets 295

religious and non-religious people alike it would appear that this

miraculous victory and the rise of a modern Israeli state was the
work of God. It was incredible!

Well, sure. Of course it was Elohim’s will. There is no denying

this fact; but as you now know, the purpose of Jerusalem and it’s
governmental system in these last days is quite different from
what nearly everyone has been deceived into believing.

Without spending too much time here, lets go back in history

to the eighth century. Lets revisit the narrative regarding the
beginning of modern communism in Russia. Yet again, we have
an inheritance problem. We have inherited lies about the Bible
like I have already explained. But we have also inherited lies
about the events of history in general. Hollywood, governments,
the media, and institutions have given us Westerners (and
indeed, the whole world) a controlled and twisted version of
the events of the World Wars, the rise of Communism, and the
role of Zionism in all of history. Let me stress this point again.
If these things were simple to understand, the Bible would not
have referred to Jerusalem as a Mystery. These things I am about
to share with you have been purposely hidden from plain view
through deception and trickery. If you decide to go down the
rabbit hole even more outside of this book, you will clearly see
the link between Mystery Babylon and Zionism but will also
suffer a great deal from secular points of view that confuse
true Biblical Jews and pseudo-Jewish people groups. My biggest
fault with much of the information out there on this topic is that
people consistently fail to recognize that not everyone who calls
themselves a “Jew” is a true Jew from the lineage of Abraham.
From a spiritual standpoint, this truth is very clear, and Paul tells

28 “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision

that which is outward in the flesh;
29 “but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that
of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not
from men but from God.”
296 Abraham Ojeda

- Rom. 2:28,29

Throughout history and to this very day, many self-proclaimed

Jews actually originated from the Judaized Khazar kingdom and
Japeth’s son Ashkenaz, which Das, et al. demonstrated through
scientific analyses and genomic research to be a people group
of Irano-Turko-Slavic origin rather than true Abrahamic origin.5
This hidden history of the Khazar kingdom and its pseudo-
Jewish identity is a topic that is often misrepresented and also
erroneously dismissed as an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. In
his recently translated work, Two Hundred Years Together, Nobel
prize winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn explains this
historical reality particularly well:

“…The Khazars [are an] ancient people of the Turkish race

established in the region of the Low Volga since long. In the 6th
century they founded a vast empire stretching from the Oural
to Dniepr, which fell in the 10th century after their defait by the
prince of Kiev, Sviatoslav…Only the upper class of the Khazars
were of Hebraic descent, the tribe itself consisted of Turcs who
converted to Judaism.”6

Again, Turkish descent can be traced to Japheth rather than

Shem. In establishing the origins of these mostly non-Hebraic
“Jews”, their eventual settlement into Russia, and subsequent
rise to political prominence, Solzhenitsyn goes on to state:

“The capital city of the Khazarian Khanate rose up starting 724

AD. The tribal princes of the Turkish Khazars (at the time still
idol-worshippers), did not want to accept the Muslim faith, lest
they should be subordinated to the caliph of Baghdad, nor
Christianity, lest they come under vassalage to the Byzantine
emperor; and so the clan went over to the Jewish faith in 732.”7

That is why I referred to the Khazar kingdom as being Judaized.

This people group mass converted to this form of religion for
purely political reasons rather than spiritual; however, most
Bible Prophecy Secrets 297

people simply don’t recognize the presence of this kingdom

as playing a major role in world history and the establishment
of the Zionist state in modern day Israel. Before diving into
Zionism specifically, first understand that the historical
narrative presented by Solzhenitsyn is not isolated folklore, but
this Khazar “hypothesis” has been fully supported through the
empirical findings of genomic research, such as Elhaik’s work.8,9

Recall that Shem is one of the three sons of Noah from which
Abraham and the children of Israel (including the Jews—
Yehudim—from the Southern Kingdom) originate. Elohim
already told us well in advance of Japeth’s infiltration into the
dwelling places—the tents—of Shem in Gen. 9:27:

“May God enlarge Japheth,

And may he dwell in the tents of Shem;
And may Canaan be his servant.”

This was the blessing and prophecy of Noah upon his son,
Japeth. One can be a Jew outwardly in name only but neither
in practice nor in genetic lineage. This is the true mystery of
Zionism and its entire movement. While, yes, there are some
real Jews that have been mixed into the movement, the origins
of Zionism began with the sons of Japeth, especially Ashkenaz
and the Khazars (see Gen. 10:3).

What does this information have to do with the Bolshevik

Revolution (1917) and beginnings of modern Communism
worldwide? Well, this Judaized Khazar people group eventually
became one of the most powerful commercial and political
forces in Russia. Solzhenitsyn states:
“…The Jews of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century
still constituted nearly half of the Jewish population of the
planet. This is to be remembered as an important fact in the
history of Judaism.”10

This population became problematic for the Russian Empire

298 Abraham Ojeda

under the rule of the czars. They perceived these so-called Jews
to be a disruption to the commercial and political infrastructure
of Russia, so they implemented various restrictions on how
these Jews could engage in commerce and land settlement.
Eventually, these policies that inherently caused inequality led
to the rise of Zionism as the Jewish people of Russia sought
for an identity and political voice. Before we can dissect this
development, however, we must understand the political and
ideological forces that created the perfect atmosphere for the
mixing of Zionism and Communism in the late 1800s going into
the twentieth century.

Simply look to the father of Communism, and you will start to

see the connection. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was born into a non-
practicing “Jewish” household in Germany with rabbis on both
his mother’s and father’s side of the family.11 His Communist
Manifesto along with other works like Das Kapital spelled out the
framework and ideological battle plans that were first used in
Russia and later throughout the world. His work was extremely
influential, to say the least. He inspired revolutionaries around
the world that aspired to topple existing power structures for
their own private agendas while publicly advocating for the
freedoms and rights of the working class. One of his primary
sources of influence was none other than Zionist rabbi Moses
Hess who was also of German Jewish descent and a personal
friend and mentor of Marx. Hess laid the communist framework
from which Marx simply expanded upon. In describing their
relationship, Tristram Hunt writes:
“But one German who did associate with [Marx] was the so-
called communist rabbi, or, as Engels would describe him,
the ‘first Communist of the party’: Moses Hess… He shared
with Marx an impressive Semitic heritage, with rabbis on both
parents’ sides.”12

Of course, this author commits the common error of

automatically assuming true Semitic origins simply because of
the evidence of rabbinical Judaism in Moses Hess’ lineage. Hess,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 299

like Marx, was an atheist; and he quickly moved on from his

childhood upbringing in Judaism later in life, regarding it as a
“cadaver” in light of his discovery of ethical philosophies that
would later become his religion of communism.13

Though purposely obscure and mysterious, Zionism can and

should be defined as the well-funded and organized political
force from which modern Communism was able build and
spread worldwide, beginning in Russia. It is not mere coincidence
that Hess, Marx, and numerous prominent figures connected to
the Russian Revolution were all of so-called Jewish identity and
also pro-Zionist. This is how Solzhenitsyn describes the rise of
Zionism less than two decades before the Bolshevik Revolution
of 1917:

“Inevitably, intermediate currents were to emerge. Thus the

Zionist party of the left Poalei-Tsion (‘Workers of Zion’). It was
in Russia that it was founded in 1899; it combined ‘socialist
ideology with political Zionism.’ …In spite of the disagreements
that divided the Zionists among themselves, a general shift of
Zionism towards socialism took place in Russia, which attracted
the attention of the Russian government.”14

The reason that the existing Russian autocracy at that time

was getting nervous about this political force is because rather
than seeking identity in Palestine or perhaps assimilation
with Russia, the Zionists were instead seeking autonomy and
independent rule within Russia itself.15 By its own nature,
Socialism leans towards revolutionary and extreme methodology
to achieve its goals. As I mentioned, there were several reasons
for this development, and it was not overnight. There was unrest
in Russia that had been brewing since the late 1700s because
of inequality in how Jews were treated with respect to “Pale of
Settlement” laws that restricted them from certain commercial
activities.16 The government under the tsars before communism
arrived proved ineffective. Solzhenitsyn recounts this condition
of his country to us, stating:
300 Abraham Ojeda

“The [Pale of Settlement] had only filled the Jews with anti-
government bitterness and resentment; it had thrown oil on the
fire of social discontent and had struck the Russian government
with the seal of infamy in the eyes of the West. But let us be
clear: this Russian Empire, with the slowness and sclerosis of
its bureaucracy, the mentality of its leaders, where and in what
way did it fall behind all through the nineteenth century and
decades before the revolution? It had been unable to settle a
dozen major problems affecting the life of the country.”17

In summary, Zionism took advantage of a bad situation and

poor leadership in Russia. Out of this power vacuum, well-
financed and organized Zionist factions became united under
the doctrines of Karl Marx, a man who himself was directly linked
to and inspired by the Zionist movement. As a result, many
millions of people died in Russia alone through the brutality
of the Red Terror and the genocidal mass starvation brought
about under Communism after the execution of Czar Nicholas II
and the takeover of the Russian Empire in 1917.

This is the kind of information you will never learn in history

class. Generally speaking, the narrative surrounding the events
of the early 1900s has always been unnaturally focused on
feelings of sadness for the Jews who suffered during the
Holocaust of Hitler. Feelings of righteous anger are considered
acceptable concerning the atrocities that Hitler and his mad
scientists did during the Holocaust. These feelings are perfectly
normal. Hitler was guilty of some of the greatest war crimes in
history. However, very few films, books, and media in general
have ever paid that same respect for the victims of Communism
during the Bolshevik Revolution and furthermore under
Joseph Stalin. Tens of millions of civilians were starved, raped,
tortured, and destroyed during Russian communism, and past
the lies and propaganda that have clouded our judgment is
the truth of Zionism’s role in the whole orchestrated takeover.
Communism in Soviet Russia committed far greater and far
more heinous war crimes than Hitler’s Germany. Yet, the media
never manufactured the same outrage like it did against Nazi
Bible Prophecy Secrets 301


The evidence for falsely so-called Jews being behind the rise of
Communism is overwhelming. The two primary men responsible
for organizing and carrying out the Bolshevik Revolution were
Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) and Vladmir Lenin. Both claimed
to be Jews. Though completely contradictory in practice, Trotsky
and Lenin also identified as atheist Communists like Marx
and Hess before them. Think about this for a moment. Calling
yourself a Jew and being atheist is just like someone saying they
are a Christian (literally, a Christ-follower) and an atheist. It’s an
oxymoron. It doesn’t work. In his brief article about Trotsky’s
Jewish upbringing, David Shneer says, “Trotsky’s most important
biographer, Isaac Deutscher, coined the phrase ‘non-Jewish Jew’
to describe Trotsky and his generation of universalist thinkers.”18
The true reason that Trotsky and many other revolutionaries and
communists are proudly hailed as “Jewish” figures by various
rabbis and Jewish organizations is because of their connections
to Zionism and the furthering of its agenda. They aren’t the only
Zionists worth mentioning. Have you ever heard of Genrikh
Yagoda, Aron Solts, Naftaly Frenkel, Yakov Rappoport, Matvei
Berman, or Lazar Kogan? These were the commanders in
charge of the gulags of Communist Russia according the Gulag
Archipelago.19 In this work, Solzhenitsyn confirms to us that this
Yagoda was not just a shadow government figure of Communist
Russia, but he was elevated to the highest position of “worship”,
with songs sung about him and pictures of him “hung in every
barracks.”20 This Yagoda alone was responsible for the murder
of millions of people.

It is beyond the scope of this work to explain all of the connec-

tions of the Zionist movement to the banking behemoth of the
Rothschild family who funded Communism in Russia and also
Fascism in Germany. In fact, the Nazi party under Hitler worked
closely with the Zionists through the Haavara agreement that
allowed for goods and financial assets to more readily be trans-
ferred out of Germany and to Jews living in the land of Pales-
302 Abraham Ojeda

tine.21 Because of this Haavara agreement and other pro-Zionist

developments throughout WWII, the Jewish population of the
land of Palestine increased from 174,610 in 1931 (Hitler rose
to power in 1933) to 449,000 in 1939.22 In other words, one of
the manufactured outcomes of WWII was the planned estab-
lishment of a Zionist Jewish homeland in the land of Palestine
through the mysterious workings of powerful bankers, elites,
and political forces that eventually made use of the UN in 1947-
1948 to accomplish the agenda.

In more recent times, there have also been unmistakable con-

nections between Zionism and various terror events, false flags,
and even the Sept. 11, 2001 events that led to the invasion of
Iraq and Afghanistan. Honestly, a whole book could be dedicat-
ed to this topic of Zionism alone.

One very recent news event that truly got my attention was the
fact that five different cryptocurrency billionaires all died with-
in the final months of the year 2022.23 As you know, there is
a tremendous push for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
system that the current Zionist ruling class want to usher in so
badly in their next step of total control. They won’t achieve this
goal because the ten kings will destroy them. However, I spoke
about this reality in detail in my podcast where I explained the
significance of the two blood moons of 2022 (May 16th and No-
vember 8th, respectively). Both blood moon events resulted
in two cryptocurrency liquidations to the tune of $100 billion
USD being liquidated from the markets. First it was the collapse
of the crypto project Terra Luna in May, and later it was the
collapse of the crypto exchange FTX in November. Elohim was
warning us that a CBDC system is coming, and all so-called pri-
vate crypto would be crushed because no competition will exist
when this system finally arrives. This was the message of the
blood moons of 2022. With that said, it is beyond coincidence
that five billionaire leaders in the digital currency industry would
die so suddenly. One of them in particular is worth mentioning
here. His name was Nikolai Mushegian, the co-founder of Mak-
Bible Prophecy Secrets 303

erDAO and the decentralized stable coin, DAI. Here is what he

said on his Twitter account on the morning of Oct. 28th, 2022:

“CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex
trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and Ca-
ribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop plant-
ed by my ex [girlfriend] who was a spy. They will torture me to

Later that same morning, Mushegian was found dead outside

of his $6 million beachfront property, and it was reported that
he died by drowning. In case you didn’t know, the Mossad
mentioned in Mushegian’s final words is Israel’s top intelligence
agency just like the CIA is in the US; and it is arguably the
most secretive and underreported institution in the world. It’s
activities simply go unnoticed; and as you can see, they will
silence anyone with knowledge about its nature of trafficking
the souls of women and children (just like is spoken of at the
end of Rev. 18:13). Hollywood makes movies all the time about
the British MI6 (ever heard of James Bond?), the CIA, FBI, and
other intelligence agencies. They purposely never make movies
about Mossad. Most people don’t even recognize the name
Mossad, its motto, or the symbol of its menorah. Look, there
are so many more articles, reports, and connections that I could
share concerning Jerusalem and its role as Mystery Babylon, but
I think you are starting to get the clear picture. Lets just take
what the Bible says at face value and continue in our quest to
understand what the ten kings are about to do to burn the flesh
of this woman riding the beast with fire.


It is with great excitement and also with dread that I will now
explain to you the mystery of the locusts of Revelation. Most
churches have been teaching for a long time that these locusts
are literal creatures from the bottomless pit. They might be
304 Abraham Ojeda

some sort of nephilim or supernatural creatures, some say. But

I want you to pay attention to the first big clue that we are given
for understanding this prophecy properly. Do the locusts come
out from the bottomless pit? No. They come from the smoke.
This is what we are told in Rev. 9:1-3:

1 “Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven
to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit.
2 “And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of
the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air
were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.
3 “Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And
to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have

We already know that satan is in the bottomless pit. Yeshua

made it abundantly clear that satan was bound because of the
cross (Jhn. 12:31). When the bottomless pit is finally opened
with a spiritual key, satan will be loosed exactly as described in
this ninth chapter of Revelation. We are told that satan is king
over these locusts in Rev. 9:11. In other words, satan is about to
be loosed, and out of the smoke of this event, he will begin to
commandeer locust armies.

In order to understand what these locusts are it is of utmost

importance that we adhere to our three laws of interpretation.
Where else in the Bible have such things as this been spoken
about? Where else does it speak of locusts like this? Once you
answer this question, you will understand the true meaning of
what John wrote down for us. Speaking of the destruction of
the city of Ninevah of the ancient land of Assyria, this is what
Nahum the prophet tells us in Nah. 3:15-17:

15 “There the fire will devour you,

The sword will cut you off;
It will eat you up like a locust.
Make yourself many—like the locust!
Make yourself many— like the swarming locusts!
Bible Prophecy Secrets 305

16 “You have multiplied your merchants more than the stars of

heaven. The locust plunders and flies away.
17 “Your commanders are like swarming locusts,
And your generals like great grasshoppers,
Which camp in the hedges on a cold day;
When the sun rises they flee away,
And the place where they are is not known.”

We are being told that locusts are unjust merchants that take
advantage of people. We are also being told that locusts are
like commanders and generals of war. Locusts are people, not
nephilim. Interesting. Now lets take a look at what the Proverbs
30 tells us. There is one particular place that speaks of four
very wise creatures—the ant, rock badger, locust, and spider—
that can be compared to the characteristics of people. In other
words, some people are more like ants in their character while
others have character traits that more resemble badgers. This is
what Prov. 30:27 says regarding locusts:

“The locusts have no king,

Yet they all advance in ranks;”

This is a very interesting concept. Even though locusts do not

have an organized central dictator or figurehead, they are able
to work together to achieve a common end goal. Keep this idea
in mind because as we look at what the prophet Joel tells us,
everything will make sense. Speaking of a great army of people
unlike any other, this is what Joel tells us in Joe. 2:3-11:

3 “A fire devours before them,

And behind them a flame burns;
The land is like the Garden of Eden before them,
And behind them a desolate wilderness;
Surely nothing shall escape them.

4 “Their appearance is like the appearance of horses;

And like swift steeds, so they run.
306 Abraham Ojeda

5 “With a noise like chariots

Over mountaintops they leap,
Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble,
Like a strong people set in battle array.

6 “Before them the people writhe in pain;

All faces are drained of color.

7 “They run like mighty men,

They climb the wall like men of war;
Every one marches in formation,
And they do not break ranks.

8 “They do not push one another;

Every one marches in his own column.
Though they lunge between the weapons,
They are not cut down.

9 “They run to and fro in the city,

They run on the wall;
They climb into the houses,
They enter at the windows like a thief.

10 “The earth quakes before them,

The heavens tremble;
The sun and moon grow dark,
And the stars diminish their brightness.

11 “The LORD gives voice before His army,

For His camp is very great;
For strong is the One who executes His word.
For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;
Who can endure it?”

Notice the language speaking of burning with fire. This is

exactly what we are told that the ten kings will do to Jerusalem.
Notice the parallels between these verses and what we are told
in Revelation 9—the noise like chariots, leaping like locusts,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 307

advancing in ranks like locusts. Notice the parallels to Matthew

24. Immediately after the abomination of desolation, the sun
and moon will not give their light, and this is precisely what we
are told here in Joe. 2:10. If you are still doubting the connection
between Joel and Revelation 9, these words from Joel 2:25 should
seal the deal in your mind as Yehovah speaks of restoring His
people after the judgment is over:

“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has
The crawling locust,
The consuming locust,
And the chewing locust,
My great army which I sent among you.”

There should be no doubt in your mind now that Revelation 9

and Joel 2 are speaking of the exact same event. In fact, Joel
chapter one also has more verses speaking of the locusts and
also their appearance having fierce lion’s teeth just like Rev. 9:8
says. The only question that might remain is concerning the
identity of who these locust armies of men are. I have already
stated my case that I believe it is the armies of the ten kings.
Now see for yourself what Joel has already testified concerning
this truth in Joe. 2:20:

“But I will remove far from you the northern army,

And will drive him away into a barren and desolate land,
With his face toward the eastern sea
And his back toward the western sea;
His stench will come up,
And his foul odor will rise,
Because he has done monstrous things.”

I have now stated and will rest my case that the northern army
is in fact speaking of Russia being the head of a Russo-Chinese-
Islamic alliance of nations. Of all of these nations, Russia has
the most advanced nuclear capabilities and the best trained
308 Abraham Ojeda

soldiers. China is the manufacturing arm of this alliance because

they have an extremely large and vast economy with countless
factories that the West’s backstabbing leadership had purposely
outsourced to them. The Islamic nations have the oil and other
resources needed to make the alliance complete. Overall, it is
the northern armies of the Russians that will absolutely crush,
devastate, and conduct monstrous crimes against all of the
sinners of the Western nations. Remember, these are Yehovah’s
armies. They are not acting out of their own free will. They are
doing our Father’s will. That’s why the call to action in the book
of Joel is to repent, fast, call a sacred assembly and weep for
our personal sins and repent of them. The words of Joe. 2:15
are likely a hidden reference to the final Yom Kippur (Day of
Atonement) immediately before the abomination of desolation
occurs. I will explain this concept more in the next chapter and
the 144,000 that will be sealed on their foreheads. These will be
protected from the armies of Joel’s prophecy. The bottom line is
that we need to repent for not keeping Yehovah’s Torah. Time
is absolutely of the essence, and the locusts are now rising up
together to take down the West in such an atrocious manner
that will never again be witnessed in all of human history.


The abomination of desolation is inevitable. The war is coming.

The question is, what happens next? Don’t forget these words
from Rev. 11:2:

“But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not
measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will
tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.”

I am of the understanding that the “temple” being spoken of in

this chapter could be symbolic or figurative language referring
to the physical bodies of people, which is how the word temple is
often used in the New Testament. Regardless of the specifics of
Bible Prophecy Secrets 309

this chapter—which I will admit, I don’t completely understand

at this point in time—we are told that Jerusalem will be handed
over to the ten kings and the Gentiles for 42 months. This is
where things get interesting.

Remember, the 2300 evenings and mornings will not be

completed until June 28, 2026. Recall how we started this
prophetic time clock:

March 11, 2020 + 2300 Days = Sunday, June 28, 2026

Only after June 28th will the remnant of Israel worldwide be

considered to be justified or have a just cause. Only then can
they be rescued out of the hand of their oppressors, which is
most likely why the very next verse in Rev. 11:3 speaks of giving
power to the two witnesses. Just like Moses and Aaron, the two
witnesses will deliver the people from the coming satanic ten
kings dictatorship. Let’s do some more math:

Sept. 22, 2023 + 1010 Days = June 28, 2026

If we assume that there are 360 days in a Hebrew year (and

ignore 13-month years), then this is what we get:

1010 days ÷ 360 days/year = 2.805… years

We do not get a whole number, but in fact we only get 2.81 years
after the abomination of desolation takes place to the time that
the judgment is completed. This is exactly what we were told in
Mat. 24:22:

“And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be

saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”

If it were a true 3-1/2 years, it would be 1260 days and not

1010. We are about to enter a time period where the keeping of
time is going to be altered. The moon and sun will likely make
310 Abraham Ojeda

their courses faster. They will rise and set at an accelerated

rate. This will be one of the most unusual periods of history
anyone will ever see. Another way of looking at this time period
mathematically is to do the following:

1010 days ÷ 42 months = 24.047… days/month

So, rather than 42 months that are 30 days long each (a normal
Hebrew month has about 29.5 days), we should expect to live
through this period of history where there are only approximately
24.0 days in one month. What I have just calculated for you here
is most likely what Mat. 24:22 is speaking of.

Think about it.

Satan is about to be loosed from the bottomless pit. He is going

to commandeer the armies of the ten kings that are described
as swarming, chewing, and devastating locusts. They are going
to burn, kill, destroy, and rape everything in their path. This is
why Yeshua used the phrase great tribulation to describe this
time period. It will be a time of extreme devastation. Once they
are done with their preemptive, tactical nuclear strikes, the
locusts will simply march into all of the major cities and places
that they have been commanded by God to go. This is what they
are commanded to do in Rev. 9:5:

“And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment
them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a
scorpion when it strikes a man.”

It is my understanding that the collective West will be so

weakened, caught off guard, betrayed from within, and
devastated from tactical nuclear warfare that the Russian
alliance will simply walk into these Western nations and take
over. They will set up their central command quickly and
swiftly; and a completely unorganized and disoriented Western
military will be unable to do anything about it. Concentration
camps, gulags, and prison camps will be established. Perhaps
Bible Prophecy Secrets 311

it is during this five-month period of time that the locusts will

inflict their torture upon all civilians and opposition who do not
have the mark of protection from the Most High God on their
foreheads. Another interpretation could be that the radioactive
effects of nuclear war could be the torment of the locusts for
five months, but based on my research and conversations with
Cyrus Harding, I doubt this is going to be the case. The torture
will most likely be prison camps and concentration camps under
the authority of the newly released satan from the pit. He will
perform all manner of signs and lying wonders to deceive the
nations, and it is during this short period of time until June 28,
2026 that the mark of the beast will be implemented in order to
buy and sell. All tribes, nations, and tongues will be subjected
to this final satanic new world order of the ten kings. Whether
through the disguise of a psuedo-alien invasion, or some sort of
magic ritual, satan will be ushered in as a manifested ruler on
the world stage. Always remember that this reign is short. It is
described as “one hour” in Rev. 17:12, and it is most likely only
going to last until June 28th.

Until then, the persecution will be enormously intense, but a

remnant will survive.

The question is, are you going to be that remnant?

The answer can be discovered in the very next chapter.


But before we get there, I have a final question. Do you now

have a better understanding of the Day of the LORD (Yehovah)?
Remember what Paul told us in Gal. 6:7:

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man

sows, that he will also reap.”
312 Abraham Ojeda

This is the foundational concept for understanding the Day

of Yehovah. Gog, Magog, and its allies are rising up and will
absolutely destroy the Western nations and Jerusalem. The
destruction will be unthinkable and unimaginable because we
are literally talking about nuclear superpowers at war. After all of
the chaos is over and the judgment period is finished on June 28,
2026, the two witnesses will rise up. Just like Moses and Aaron,
they will perform signs in order to release the captives. God’s
people will be rescued from the sword and gathered back into
the land of Israel after God is done punishing all of the nations
through the workings of the two witnesses. More of the book of
Revelation will continue to unfold with various judgments upon
the satanic new world order.

Here’s where it gets fascinating.

After the elect are gathered together back into the land of Israel
from the four corners of the earth, satan will once again gather
up Gog, Magog, Rosh, and all of the armies of the ten kings for
battle. But this time, it will not end the same. Part one of the
battle of Gog and Magog against the West will absolutely result
in the destruction of the seed of Abraham. Part two of this battle
will result in the destruction of all of the deceived peoples of the
ten kings. They will reap what they have sown. These armies
will be destroyed exactly as we discussed at the end of the last
chapter. They will be consumed by fire from Yeshua Himself and
the sword of His mouth; and the dragon will then be thrown
into the lake of fire for all eternity. It is with this fresh lens of
understanding that we can now look at some of the words of
Daniel, specifically Dan. 7:11,12,18:

11 “I watched then because of the sound of the pompous words

which the horn was speaking; I watched till the beast was slain,
and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
12 “As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken
away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.
18 “But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom,
and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 313

Satan himself will be thrown into the lake of fire when this is all
said and done. This event will happen well before the year 2045
because the lives of the ten kings themselves will be prolonged
for a short season. All of the kingdoms of the earth will become
the kingdom of Yeshua our Messiah and His righteous, set apart
people. This is the blessed hope of all believers. This is the event
we have all been eagerly waiting for, and we are almost there!


Now, yes, there is some really bad stuff headed our way before
redemption happens. Let me show you the Matthew 24 timeline
on the next page based on everything discussed in this book so
far, and the order of events will become more clear.

I have already made mention of the coming Greater Exodus,

or regathering of the God’s chosen people back into the land
of Israel. That’s what you see where I have Matt 24:31 listed.
Before this event can happen, though, the great tribulation
period must come first. Covid-19 was indeed the start of the
entire clock right in the middle of the 70th shabua. In terms of an
accelerated completion of all end times events, the abomination
of desolation is really the last big domino to fall down. Everything
falls right into place after this one huge event. Now consider this
same chart but with the additional clarity we receive from the
Hebrew Scriptures on the next page.

Concerning the abomination of desolation and subsequent

time of Jacob’s trouble, this is what Dan. 12:1b says:

“…And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since

there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your
people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the

These are the exact words that Yeshua quoted in Mat. 24:21.
We will discuss what it means to be counted worthy to escape
314 Abraham Ojeda

and be found written in the Book of Life in the next chapter. The
parallels between the abomination of desolation and Ezekiel 7
and Jeremiah 30:7 are also unmistakable. We already spoke of
the good harvest of Rev. 14:14 in the last chapter; this is the
re-gathering of the 12 tribes of Israel back into the land. What
we have not yet discussed is the duration of the two witnesses
doing their work.

This is what Rev. 11:3 says:

“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy
one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

If you do the math, these 1260 days are 42 months. If we add

this number to the completion of the 2300-day judgment period,
this is what we get:

June 28, 2026 + 1260 Days = Sunday, December 9, 2029

Because Aaron and Moses carried out the ten plagues of Egypt
during a period of 42 months (as I proved to you in Chapter 3),
it is therefore my belief that only after Dec. 9, 2029 will all 12
tribes of remnant Israel be once again brought back into the
land. Just like the plagues of Egypt, the plagues upon the satanic
new world order and all recipients of the mark of the beast will
be extremely severe. In fact, I encourage you to look through
the book of Revelation with this understanding and see the
parallels to the first Exodus and the ten plagues. Waters turned
into blood, massive hailstones, boils on the flesh, darkness—it’s
all there. Elohim is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Now yes, the two witnesses will be killed and then raised up after
three and a half days as described in Rev. 11:11. Pay attention
to what is then proclaimed in heaven immediately after the two
witnesses complete their testimony and the seventh trumpet is
Bible Prophecy Secrets 315
316 Abraham Ojeda

“Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices
in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the
kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever
and ever!’”
- Rev. 11:15

This is the exact same language found throughout Daniel 7,

indicating that we are exactly on target with the interpretation
that the regathering of Israel will in fact occur immediately after
the two witnesses are finished with their work.

Finally, just like in the days of the original Exodus from Egypt, the
same events will occur once the people are freed from captivity
and returned to the land of Israel. Satan will foolishly attempt
to gather up Gog and Magog to battle for part two of the Day of
Yehovah. Pharaoh did the same thing when he chased Israel up
to the waters of the Red Sea. Similarly, satan and his armies will
approach Jerusalem and surround the city but only to be totally
annihilated. Last time satan tried this his Egyptian armies were
destroyed by water. This time it will be by fire.
We can expect these events to unfold any time after Dec. 9,
2029 when the two witnesses finish doing their work and all the
kingdoms of the world are given to Yeshua and His saints. If satan
is finally destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire sometime in
2030, then that means that there will be approximately 15 years
of the entire 120 Shawneh of mankind remaining. This is the
period of time spoken of by Zechariah the prophet, where he
says this in Zec. 14:18,19:
18 “If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall
have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the
LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast
of Tabernacles.
19 “This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment
of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of

All nations on earth will be required to observe the Torah of

Yehovah or face consequences. In other words, sin and rebellion
Bible Prophecy Secrets 317

will still exist during this short period of time. We are explicitly
told in Dan. 9:24 that 70 shabua are determined to make a
complete end of all manner of sins. What we can conclude is
that once the 70th shabua is finished, something will change.
The New Jerusalem will come down from heaven. Mankind will
be changed. The Last Day spoken of by Yeshua will come to pass,
and the new covenant will finally be fulfilled where the Torah is
written on the hearts of God’s people (Jer. 31:33). No one will
teach anyone anymore about knowing Yehovah.
Secret IV:
How to Overcome
These Evil Days with

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped

for, the evidence of things not seen.”

- Hebrews 11:1
Bible Prophecy Secrets 321


The Bible is a book of harvests. Much of the symbolism,

idioms, and cultural nuances of the Hebrew men and women
of the Scriptures revolve around the practices of agriculture,
agricultural products, and the intimate experiences of how
the farmland of Israel has been managed since antiquity.
Understanding the agricultural cycles of this land is foundational
to understanding all secrets of Bible prophecy. This reality
is precisely why so many people simply don’t understand the
deeper meanings of the Word of God. The past hundred years
or so since the Industrial Revolution have created a completely
unique time in history where people are more disconnected
than ever before from farming practices in general. To make
matters worse, very few have ever travelled to or taken the time
to research how agriculture works in the land of Israel.

If that’s you, don’t worry. I haven’t been to Israel myself (sadly),

but it’s actually quite simple to understand these things.

This chapter is dedicated to helping you understand why Yeshua

referred to His 144,000 chosen people as firstfruits of a harvest;
and we will also explore exactly what harvest He was speaking
of. Once you understand these agricultural nuances, you will be
able to see the bigger picture of what prophecy speaks of and
precisely what you can do to be ready for all these events that
will very shortly come to pass. Get ready to overcome the grave
evil of these last days with faith, hope, and unfailing love.
322 Abraham Ojeda


I have already demonstrated to you that we are without a

doubt living in the last days prophesied about repeatedly in
the Scriptures. We are in the 70th shabua of Daniel, and we are
running out of time to take action on the information I am about
to share with you. Remember, Daniel specifically told us that all
vision and prophecy would be “sealed up” or “finished” by Aviv
2045. We need to have our eyes and ears open concerning the
144,000 of Revelation chapters 7 and 14. Who are they? Where
are they? And what is the criteria by which they will be selected?
First, you must consider carefully the words of Yeshua during
His discourse about the abomination of desolation:

“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted

worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to
stand before the Son of Man.”
- Luke 21:36

The information in this chapter will allow you to finally obey this
commandment from Yeshua with your eyes and ears opened
to know what He truly meant. Once you understand the things
that I am going to share with you today, you will understand why
Yeshua told us to pray that we are “counted” in order to “escape”
and “stand” before Him. You will have a very clear idea of what
He was actually talking about here because it applies to you and
I right now. However, the opportunity is only available for a very
limited time only. The opportunity will be expiring extremely
soon. Don’t forget to share this book with as many people as
you can while it is still daylight. Yeshua said that night is coming
when no man can work (Jhn. 9:4); and I am convinced that He
was referring to the tribulation period right after Sept. 22, 2023.

So far, we have completely dissected the prophecy of Daniel’s 70

weeks found in chapter 9 of his book. Only a couple mysteries
remain. This is what we are told at the very end of Dan. 9:24:

“…And to anoint the Most Holy.”

Bible Prophecy Secrets 323

Seventy shabua have been determined in order for various

things to take place and specifically the anointing of the qodesh
qodeshim as it says it in the Hebrew. Remember, we already
discussed this concept in Chapter 2. These are in fact the 144,000
Israelites of Revelation.


Now lets visit Revelation to get deeply acquainted with what

John recorded for us.

1 “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the

four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the
earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the
sea, nor on any tree.
2 “And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the
seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the
four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 “Saying, ‘Hurt not the earth, neither the
sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of
our God in their foreheads.’
4 “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there
were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the
tribes of the children of Israel.”
- Rev. 7:1-4

This passage goes on to number twelve thousand people from

the tribes of Israel from Judah to Benjamin. There are a few
nuances in Rev. 7:5-8 worth mentioning but not spending too
much time on. First, Manasseh is counted and later Joseph
is also counted. We can therefore conclude that Joseph is
synonymous with Ephraim. Also worth noting is that the tribe of
Dan is not mentioned at all. We essentially only have twelve of
the thirteen tribes in total (if you count Joseph twice as Ephraim
and Manasseh you will get thirteen). Some people cherry pick
this verse to come up with strange teachings about Dan, but
if you look over at Ezekiel 48:32, Dan is going to have his own
324 Abraham Ojeda

gate in the New Jerusalem, thereby indicating that this tribe was
never lost or done away with, as some falsely teach.

Before looking at Revelation 14, we need to understand a few

key concepts from this passage in Revelation 7. First, what is
the sealing on the foreheads? We already spoke of the mark of
Yehovah versus the mark of the beast towards the end of Chapter
9 and the discussion surrounding the 1000-Year Reign. I have
also alluded to this concept throughout this book. For clarity, all
we need to do is search earlier in the book of Revelation for the
answer. Recall that the book Revelation was originally sent out
as seven letters to seven specific churches from John’s prison
cell on the Island of Patmos. One of those recipients of this letter
was the literal, physical congregation of Philadelphia. Just like all
the churches of Revelation, this one represents specific qualities
that are the defining characteristics of a group of believers. In
other words, the seven churches can be understood as seven
personalities. Throughout my life, I have found myself drifting
into each personality type of the seven churches. In my younger
days of mainstream Christianity, I was much like Laodicea,
thinking I was spiritually rich but not realizing how poverty-
stricken I really was. Later in life after I discovered the necessity
of obedience to Torah, I found myself identifying as the church
of Ephesus. Because of my overemphasis on performance and
good works, I had forgotten my first love, Yeshua, and suffered
a wide variety of consequences. I can honestly say that I am
finding myself identifying more and more with the church of
Philadelphia nowadays; and this is the church that every single
one of us should be absolutely striving to emulate. Of all the
churches, Philadelphia had nothing wrong with it. They were
only told to persevere. They were only commanded to keep
doing what they were already doing. Lets talk about exactly
what made these believers so great. The answer is found in
these words of Rev. 3:8:

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door,
and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept
My word, and have not denied My name.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 325

They had a little strength; they maintained obedience to the

Torah and the Gospels; and they were openly proclaiming
Yeshua’s name before men. This is exactly what I have been
presenting throughout this book. Keeping His word is far more
than head knowledge; it is practicing all of the words that have
been commanded in the Torah, the Prophets, and the Gospels.
Now, the one completely mistranslated and overlooked quality
of Philadelphia is the fact that they had a little strength. This
word strength is not translated correctly in most Bibles like the
NKJV I have been quoting throughout this book. However, the
Tree of Life Version translates it correctly as power. A closer look
at this word doo-nam-is (Strong’s G1411) reveals that it has to
do with the power for performing miracles, among other things.
In other words, these believers were abiding in the Holy Spirit
and exercising the miraculous power of God in their lives. They
were performing healings, casting out demons, speaking in
tongues, and displaying signs and wonders in their lives in order
to confirm the message of the Bible to the lost and dying world
around them. Notice that this is the very first thing that Yeshua
said He liked about this church! It was the first thing on His list
of positive compliments. And this is the only church that He ever
mentions exercising His miraculous power. This is the secret of
the Great Commission. This is what Yeshua always wanted His
people to do, just like it says in Mark 16:15-18. These are the
signs that Paul and all the apostles were performing throughout
the book of Acts as they travelled around the world.

The power of the Holy Spirit is the sure sign that someone
identifies as a member of the church of Philadelphia. Is that
you? If it isn’t, then pray and ask for your eyes to be opened to
the power of the Holy Spirit. So many false teachers have been
saying that these kinds of signs were done away with, or these
things were only for the first century church so that the Gospel
could spread more quickly. These false teachings have castrated
the faith and power of so many believers for hundreds of years
now. Rise up and claim the miraculous power of God in your life,
right now! Don’t wait any longer. If you are not familiar with the
power to cast out demons and perform healings, you must ask
326 Abraham Ojeda

sincerely in prayer. The secret is that you must absolutely abide

in Yeshua and completely and utterly become humble in His
sight while renouncing with your lips any and all evil in your life,
past and present. Once you renounce, thereby cancelling any
legal access or open doors in your life to the devil, you should
proceed to cast out any and all unclean spirits by name. It is
within this position of total submission to God where you will
discover the power of the Holy Spirit (James 4:7). Look at the
promise that Yeshua gives to believers like Philadelphia in Rev.

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will

keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole
world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

Doesn’t this sound familiar? The hour of trial. This is the exact
same wording we have been reading over and over again
speaking of the destruction of Mystery Babylon when the ten
kings finally rise up and burn her with fire. Her destruction
will arrive in one hour. What Yeshua is telling us is that those
who are members of Philadelphia will be kept from the hour
of trial that everyone else will have to go through because they
denied God’s power. There are only a handful of ministries out
there that do practice the Torah and also teach the Gospels, but
nearly all of them deny the miraculous power of God. By default,
they are going to have to go through the Great Tribulation just
like everyone else will. Become a member of the church of
Philadelphia! Look what else Yeshua promises to this church
(and only to this church) in Rev. 3:12:

“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My

God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of
My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem,
which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write
on him My new name.”

This is the only church that receives the promise of the name
Yehovah being written on their foreheads. Therefore, we can
Bible Prophecy Secrets 327

conclude that being kept from the hour of trial and having
Yehovah written on the forehead are the distinct blessings of
the church of Philadelphia. It also just so happens that both of
these things are also true of the 144,000. They will be protected
from the five-month torment of the locusts as stated in Rev. 9:4;
and they will not be thrown into the great tribulation of Russian
concentration camps and gulags like the rest of the believers
who did not get themselves ready in advance. Sadly, most people
will suffer tribulation because the whole point of tribulation is to
refine God’s people like gold and test them through the fire of
persecution. The wicked will also be judged severely, of course.
My prayer is that I am counted worthy to be counted among the
144,000 Philadelphians, and you should pray this, too!

The next question we should be considering is the timing of

when the sealing will take place. It’s going to happen very soon
and not on any ordinary day. The way the Greek is translated
at the very beginning in Rev. 7:1, it appears to say that after the
four horseman of the apocalypse and the first six seals—only
then does John see the vision of the 144k. But this is not the
case. The words And after these things (“kai meta tauta”; Strong’s
G2532, G3326, and G5023, respectively) can also be translated
to say “And with these things”. In fact, the word “meta” is used
much more often to say “with” (345 times in NT) than it is “after”
or “afterwards” (88 times and 4 times, respectively, in NT); so
we can easily say that the sealing of the 144,000 can take place
at any time within the first six seals of the book of Revelation.1
Again, the translators simply did not understand the prophetic
time clock of Daniel. They were translating these words sort
of randomly, without understanding the various secrets of
Bible prophecy like you do. Immediately before the sealing
takes place, the angels are literally holding back the wind from
blowing. Nothing is allowed to be harmed until the 144,000 are
sealed. Now that you understand the abomination of desolation
prophecy better than 99% of people out there, you know what
is taking place here. Why would these believers be sealed after
the abomination of desolation takes place? Why would they be
sealed after the great tribulation begins?
328 Abraham Ojeda

Because they won’t.

They will be sealed before nuclear warfare breaks out and

satan is loosed from the bottomless pit. The sealing will
happen sometime before Sept. 22, 2023.


Lets now take a look at Rev. 14:1-5 for additional clarity:

1 “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion,

and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His
Father’s name written on their foreheads.
2 “And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters,
and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of
harpists playing their harps.
3 “They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the
four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that
song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were
redeemed from the earth.
4 “These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they
are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever
He goes.
These were redeemed from among men, being firstfruits to God
and to the Lamb.
5 “And in their mouth was found no deceit, for they are without
fault before the throne of God.”

The first thing that you should notice is that the seal on the
forehead of these saints is indeed the very name of Yehovah.
This unique promise to Philadelphia is once again confirmed
here. If you are still skeptical as to whether or not you and I
can be qualified or should be praying to be counted as the
144,000 saints, the words of this passage should erase all doubt.
Remember what Yeshua told us in Luke 21:36, and notice that
these 144,000 are standing before the throne singing a new
song. Yeshua told us to pray that we would escape and stand
Bible Prophecy Secrets 329

before Him. The 144,000 are standing in His presence.

Now, I’m not sure if this could be considered some sort of a

rapture event. Do these 144,000 people die and go to heaven?
Are they translated into heaven like Enoch was and never
again come back to earth? I think I have the answers to these
questions and will explore them with you later in this chapter.
For now, understand that it is a blessing to be counted among
these saints. We should make it our sincere prayer to be counted
among them!

The next concept we will focus on is redeemed (Rev. 14:3; Strong’s

G59), which simply means that these 144,000 already belonged
to Yeshua. They have already been purchased. All He is doing is
simply redeeming what is already His. Therefore, these 144,000
are not simply genetic, bloodline descendants of Abraham like I
was falsely taught in Protestant church circles. These are born-
again believers that have made Yeshua the Lord of their lives.

I was also falsely taught in mainstream churches that these

people are most likely little children because the word virgins
(Rev. 14:4) indicates that they have never had literal, physical
intercourse with women. The reason people gravitate towards
this understanding is because they are trying to examine these
words very literally. I am also going to do the exact same thing
so that you can see just how foolish this approach is. To unpack
the true meaning of Rev. 14:4, you simply have to take a really
close look at the word virgin in both the Hebrew and Greek using
our three laws of interpretation. When you do this, you will find
that the word virgin is always used by the Holy Spirit from cover
to cover to refer to a woman that has never been married before
to any man. It does not refer to children whatsoever or even
men. It is always referring to a young virgin woman, or maiden,
that is of marriageable age and that has not had sex. Therefore,
if we make the mistake of interpreting these verses literally, we
must conclude that the 144,000 are only and exclusively women
in a state of literal virginity. Just for fun, if you then take this
literal understanding and translate the Rev. 14:4, this is what
330 Abraham Ojeda

it would say: “…not defiled with women, for they are unmarried
women.” This is ridiculous, isn’t it?

The true meaning of the word virgin (Strong’s G3933) is explained

quite well in the BLB entry under outline of Biblical usage. They state
that a virgin is anyone “who has abstained from all uncleanness and
whoredom attendant on idolatry, and so has kept his chastity.”2

This is a simple matter of common sense. This verse is actually

talking about a spiritual condition and not a physical one. This
verse is speaking of spiritual adultery. Spiritual whoring. Spiritual
fornication. It is those people that have kept themselves from
any sort of idolatry that are therefore eligible to be considered
one of the 144,000. But you might be wondering, “Then why
does it say defiled with women?” All you need to do is look up
all of the places where women are mentioned in the book of
Revelation itself, and you will have the answer.

You will find that there are four women total. Two are evil, and
two are good. The first one is Jezebel and is foundational for
understanding the mystery of spiritual virginity. Yeshua says

20 “Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you

allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to
teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and
eat things sacrificed to idols.
21 “And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and
she did not repent.
22 “Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit
adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of
their deeds.”
Rev. 2:20-22

Now, let me ask the obvious question. Why would Yeshua take
the time to write a letter to this church called Thyatira if they
were openly having sex orgies with a false prophetess woman
as if it were Sodom and Gomorrah at high noon? Again, Yeshua
Bible Prophecy Secrets 331

is not speaking of literal, physical acts of sexual intercourse.

He is speaking of spiritually corrupt doctrine that has been
mixed with idolatry and paganism. One clear example of this
in our modern day context is the doctrine of Ellen G. White and
the Seventh Day Adventists. Sure, they keep the seventh-day
Sabbath. They also do a few other things that someone could
consider Biblical and Torah observant. But they don’t keep the
Feasts of the Most High. White also added numerous restrictions
to the Word of God such as having no meat whatsoever, coffee,
spices, mustard, wine, and these sorts of things. She falsely
predicted that Christ was going to return in the year 1850 and
that her followers would only have a few months to prepare for
His second coming to earth.3 They teach that Yeshua is not God
in the flesh, but He is Michael the Archangel. They teach that
because Yeshua has a body, He cannot be omnipresent (present
everywhere) like Elohim. In fact, they are extremely anti-Elohim,
teaching that the one true plural God of the Bible is actually
separate persons and not truly one. The list of doctrinal errors
and false prophecies of both the Millerites and Ellen G. White
goes on and on. Therefore, just like Yeshua said, eating dinner
with folks from the SDA and allowing them to pray over the meal
is to eat things sacrificed to another god. If it’s not the Jesus
of the Bible, then it’s an idol. I could go on and on. The point
is that there are humble folks in the SDA church. I have met
them. Many are well-meaning people. But they are still guilty of
committing the sexual immorality of mixing good doctrine with
the doctrine of devils and the Jezebel spirit. That’s precisely what
Yeshua was speaking about to Thyatira; and that’s why He took
the time to instruct John to write them a letter. They weren’t too
far gone, and He even mentioned that He liked their last works.
They simply needed to get rid of the false doctrine. A state of
spiritual virginity and purity means that there is no intercourse,
or seed, from any outside source that is polluting the Truth of
the Word of God. Keep that in mind as we move forward.

The next woman of Revelation is Israel, who is mentioned in Rev.

12:1 as the woman giving birth to the Messianic Savior. Before
we talk about the third woman, the fourth woman mentioned is
332 Abraham Ojeda

the Bride of the Lamb, who is referred to as Yeshua’s “wife” in

Rev. 21:9. Revelation 21 is the amazing conclusion of prophecy
where we see the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven
and eternal peace being established.

Now, lets take a closer look at the third woman. This is the harlot
riding the beast. This is Mystery Babylon. We have already
discussed this woman in great detail, but just remember these
words from Rev. 17:5:

“And on her forehead a name was written:


In other words, every single thing pertaining to idolatry and

all spiritually disgusting, despicable things are connected to
Jerusalem and it’s daughters like the United States and the
petrodollar. The pride of life, money, sex, big homes, cars, fame,
and Hollywood—all of these things originate from the system
created by Mystery Babylon. The 144,000 have not mixed
themselves in any of the idolatry whatsoever that has been
pushed by the system. These 144,000 have rejected the system
and all of its mottos, slogans, values, and ideologies. Ideas like
the pursuit of happiness, get rich or die trying, and time is money
are dead to these saints. They have rejected the mainstream
mentality imposed by the system. They opted for a completely
different way of life.

Now you know what it means to be a spiritual virgin. There

should be no infiltration in your life at all by the enemy. Whether
it’s false doctrine about the Bible or strongholds of the enemy,
there should be nothing hindering your ability to follow Yeshua
wherever He goes. I will add one more thing. Consider this verse
from Mark 16:9:

“Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He

appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast
seven demons.”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 333

Whenever I used to read this verse I would think to myself,

“Wow, poor Mary. She must’ve had a tough life. Seven demons.
Man, that’s rough.” As of the time I am writing this book, I can
tell you with Yehovah as my witness that I have casted out over
twenty demons from myself and over fifteen from my wife (but
she lost count). Regarding my wife, she casted many of them out
herself. I also “self-casted” demons from my temple but recruited
her help for several of them. I have also had the privilege of
casting out demons from many other people and have learned
tremendous truths of the Bible that many who simply have a
form of godliness will never understand (2Timothy 3:5).

Have you ever wondered why it is recorded by Mark that Mary

had seven demons? How did they know the exact number? It is
because you must call them out by name. For example: “Spirit of
pornography, I cast you out in the name of Yeshua!” We already
discussed casting out the Covid-19 demons of fear, infirmity,
and death. There are many more. Prayerfully consider which
enemy strongholds exist in your life and cast them out by name
with authority. There is no such thing as a stubborn demon. The
only problem that hinders people from experiencing complete
deliverance from addictions, anger, sinful behaviors, vices,
generational curses, and all compulsive thoughts or behaviors
is that they have not fully and completely submitted themselves
to God in specific areas. It’s really that simple. The apostle James
gave us this formula for spiritual victory and entering into a
state of complete virginity:

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from
you.” - James 4:7

The formula begins with submitting to God. Confess whatever

it is that needs to be confessed. Admit with your mouth to God
that you hate the specific sin you are dealing with and that
you desire to have a changed heart and renewed mind. Then,
as you are prompted by the Holy Spirit, proceed to cancel the
enemy’s assignment over your life by casting out whatever spirit
334 Abraham Ojeda

is attached to the sin in your life, and call it out by name. The
enemy has no choice but to flee. Demons have no legal right to
be in your body, and they only receive this legal access because
of sin. Yeshua has broken the curse of the law, which includes
disease, weakness of the flesh, and demonic torment. If you
haven’t had complete freedom in your walk with Yeshua, it’s
because you have not properly asked for it. Rise up and claim
victory over all these areas of your life. Experience the little
power of Philadelphia.

Now, before talking about what it means to be firstfruits, we need

to discuss the fact that the 144,000 are without deceit and fault
according to Rev. 14:5. This seems like an impossible attribute.
Who can be without deceit? Have these people never told a lie
before, ever? Humanly speaking, this seems unachievable.
However, by faithfully interpreting the Text, we can understand
what is actually being spoken of here. Take a look at these words
from John 1:47:

“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of

him, ‘Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!’”

Yeshua sees things much differently than you and I see. He

sees the heart. He proclaimed publicly that Nathanael was
such a man that perfectly fits the description of the 144,000;
and such men exist to this very day. The Greek word used for
deceit (Strong’s G1388) in John 1:47 is the exact same word
found in Rev. 14:5. This is the secret to being counted worthy to
escape judgment. Simply pay attention to what Philip was telling
Nathanael immediately before Yeshua met him:

“Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found Him of
whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of
Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’”
- John 1:45

Nathanael was someone kind of like you and me. He was

searching the Scriptures to understand prophecy. Sabbath
Bible Prophecy Secrets 335

day after Sabbath day, he and Philip were searching the Torah
and the Prophets together to understand when the promised
Messiah would arrive. When He did arrive in the first century,
Nathanael was able to immediately recognize Him and proclaim
Him as the Son of God and King of Israel. Nathanael and Philip
were diligently seeking the things above and not of this world.
They were hungry and thirsty for righteousness. Simply by
obtaining a copy of this book you also have demonstrated the
same zeal that Nathanael had. You have been searching for a
long time to understand the secrets of Bible prophecy. So had I.
And the Holy Spirit made known to us the true meaning of the
70 shabua, the importance of keeping Torah, and a profound
understanding of all the things that will be shortly coming to
pass. We were hungry and thirsty for righteousness, and we
have been filled. Take the next steps, and continue to walk out
this walk like a true Hebrew, in which there is no deceit from the
traditions of men and false doctrines of this world.


To be first means that something comes later. The very first

part will be harvested first, and the greater harvest happens
later. This final idea of the 144,000 being firstfruits of a greater
agricultural harvest is so massive and deeply profound because
it reveals to us the possible timing of when these firstfruits may
be selected. I am not stating that I know for sure when the
firstfruits will be gathered, but I am simply stating my case here
and letting you do your own homework. You might agree. You
might not. Either way, it’s important to consider the mysteries of
what is being spoken here. It’s written down for a reason, after
all. But in order to begin to understand the firstfruits harvest,
you must understand the seven species of the Torah calendar.
They are all found in these words of Deut. 8:8 where Yehovah
describes the land of Israel that His people were about to inherit
under Joshua:
336 Abraham Ojeda

“a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and

pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey”.

As you can see, there are seven total species listed here. This was
recorded on purpose, for it is these seven that reveal to us many
otherwise hidden truths about the agricultural cycles of Israel
and the prophetic time clock of the Most High. We have already
discussed how the barley is extremely important for beginning
the Hebrew New Year at the correct time so that there can be
one omer of barley present for Wave Sheaf Day. We also already
spoke about Pentecost being the festival where the firstfruits of
the wheat harvest are gathered in the third month of any given
Hebrew year. Now I want to show you what everything looks like
on a timeline.

Based on conversations with Becca Biderman, the founder of

In Search of His Ancient Path, we can assertively conclude that
the first ripe grapes are ready in the fifth month, the figs in the
next month, the pomegranates are ready by the seventh new
moon, the firstfruit dates are ready at Yom Kippur, and the
olives are ready by Sukkot.4,5 I will describe all of the Feasts in
the next chapter and the significance of the seventh month new
moon. For now, understand that the firstfruits of the ground
(barley, wheat) and the firstfruits of the vine and trees were
a fundamental part of the Levitical priesthood that Elohim
Bible Prophecy Secrets 337

implemented under Moses. This is what Num. 18:8,12 states:

8 “And the LORD spoke to Aaron: ‘Here, I Myself have also given
you charge of My heave offerings, all the holy gifts of the children
of Israel; I have given them as a portion to you and your sons, as
an ordinance forever.
12 “All the best of the oil, all the best of the new wine and the
grain, their firstfruits which they offer to the LORD, I have given
them to you.’”

The firstfruits offerings were to be set apart to the Levites

forever. That’s why when the Kingdom of Judah was brought
back from Babylonian exile under Nehemiah and the temple
was rebuilt in Jerusalem, we read the following words:

“And we made ordinances to bring the firstfruits of our ground

and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees, year by year, to the
house of the LORD”.
- Neh. 10:35

Nehemiah made sure that the firstfruits were once again

brought into the temple in Jerusalem, year by year, just as
required by the commandments of God in the Torah. The reality
about the firstfruits is that they are not ready all at once. They
are ready in their own season, as I have shown you on my
timeline. It was during the three annual pilgrimage feasts—First
Day Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and First Day of Sukkot—
that the firstfruits offerings would be presented to the Levites in
Jerusalem. All men are required by the Torah to go and present
themselves with their firstfruits offerings and gifts in Jerusalem
three times a year. With this understanding, we must now ask
this obvious question:

Which agricultural product do the 144,000 represent?

Should we be looking for the season of figs or grapes? This

metaphor of Hosea 9:10 seems to indicate that this is true:
338 Abraham Ojeda

“I found Israel
Like grapes in the wilderness;
I saw your fathers
As the firstfruits on the fig tree in its first season.
But they went to Baal Peor,
And separated themselves to that shame;
They became an abomination like the thing they loved.”

There are many metaphors like this sprinkled throughout the

Scriptures. So which crop is it we should be examining?

The answer is found in the words of Yeshua. Again, we must

recognize that Yeshua is the one who really wrote the book of
Revelation. People often forget this important fact, which is the
reason why they have twisted understandings of major concepts
like the 1000-Year Reign. It is in fact Yeshua who already told us
exactly what kind of harvest will be taking place at the end of the
age. The entire metaphor can be found in Matthew 13. Here are
the verses I would like to focus on:

24 “Another parable He put forth to them, saying: ‘The kingdom

of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field;
25 ‘but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among
the wheat and went his way.’”
- Mat. 13:24,25

Yes, indeed! Yeshua told us of His Kingdom and 1000-Year Reign

being like a wheat harvest that He Himself planted. As you
know, this period of time is shortly coming to an end. The tares
planted by the devil are hard to distinguish from real wheat in
the early stages of development, and so they have been left to
grow together until the end time harvest, otherwise they might
both be plucked up together if the fields were weeded too soon.
Here’s what happens next:

38 “The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the
kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.
39 “The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the
Bible Prophecy Secrets 339

end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.

40 “Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire,
so it will be at the end of this age.
41 “The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather
out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice
42 “and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be
wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
- Mat. 13:38-42

All who practice a lifestyle of breaking Torah (Torah-lessness)

are going to be burned with fire. Yeshua has spoken it, and
His words are crystal clear. We should now be fully convinced
in our minds that there is indeed going to be a wheat harvest
at the very end of the age. I will make the case that the wheat
harvest will be completely finished at the Last Day in which all
believers will be resurrected to receive incorruptible bodies, but
the wicked will also be raised up but only to be cast out into the
fire to be burned up like tares.

Let me recap what we have been shown. Yeshua is saying that

there is going to be a wheat harvest at the end of the age, which
is probably going to happen sometime during the first three
months of the Gregorian year 2045. Then He also shows John in
Revelation that there will be a firstfruits wheat harvest sometime
before the end of the age. You must understand the nature of
wild, heirloom wheat that grows in the land of Israel. This kind
of wheat is planted by Elohim and not by man. The whole field
doesn’t become ready all at once like the genetically modified
stuff that is uniformly sown and fertilized using modern tractors
and implements. No. Some patches of a naturally sown wheat
field will be ready first. These are the firstfruits. The other parts
will be ready, indeed, but only in stages. A complete harvest of
wheat took many weeks in ancient Israel and did not all occur
in one day. The rest of the wheat will have to endure the heat of
the sun longer. They will have to endure until the end.
340 Abraham Ojeda

Because the abomination of desolation is going to be so horrific

and catastrophic, I will now make the case that this firstfruits
selection will probably take place before Sept. 22, 2023. Let me
show you my theory of the two possible outcomes in a graphical

Shavuot of 2023 will take place from the evening of April 29th to
the evening of April 30th. Yom Kippur cannot be declared until
we see the seventh month new moon. However, the current
estimated date for this Feast is the evening of August 26th to the
evening of August 27th. While, yes, it seems obvious that Shavuot
would be the time that the wheat firstfruits are selected, there is
more evidence to support the idea that they will be selected on
Yom Kippur. I have already presented the evidence for Shavuot
being the day that the 144,000 are selected, so lets now discuss
why Yom Kippur could also be the day of this event because
I think it is far more likely based on what various passages of
Scripture reveal.


I already alluded to this possibility when we discussed the

undeniable connection of the Joel 2 locusts to the Revelation
Bible Prophecy Secrets 341

9 locusts. After describing all of the devastation that His locust

armies will do to the rebellious nations of Israel, Yehovah says
this (Joel 2:12-17):

12 “‘Now, therefore,’ says the LORD,

‘Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.’
13 “So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and merciful,
Slow to anger, and of great kindness;
And He relents from doing harm.
14 “Who knows if He will turn and relent,
And leave a blessing behind Him—
A grain offering and a drink offering
For the LORD your God?
15 “Blow the trumpet in Zion,
Consecrate a fast,
Call a sacred assembly;
16 “Gather the people,
Sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders,
Gather the children and nursing babes;
Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber,
And the bride from her dressing room.
17 “Let the priests, who minister to the LORD,
Weep between the porch and the altar;
Let them say, ‘Spare Your people, O LORD,
And do not give Your heritage to reproach,
That the nations should rule over them.
Why should they say among the peoples,
‘Where is their God?’”

The call to action is to call a sacred assembly and legitimately fast,

weep, and mourn with the whole heart in order that His people
might receive a blessing. Make no mistake about it. Judgment is
determined. It is absolutely going to happen. It is my theory that
Yehovah is proclaiming that He will in fact bless with a special
342 Abraham Ojeda

blessing those people who will be keeping Yom Kippur in 2023

immediately before the abomination of desolation just a few
weeks later. The parallels are unmistakeable.

27 “Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day
of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall
afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.
28 “And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day
of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the LORD your
29 “For any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day
shall be cut off from his people.”
- Lev. 23:27-29

This commandment to observe the Day of Atonement is the

same exact language used to describe the sacred assembly of
Joel 2. Afflicting the soul means that God’s people are commanded
to fast. Some will argue with me on this point. However, you
only need to look into the Text more deeply, and you will see
that there is no other interpretation. The only question should
really be regarding what the fasting is supposed to look like.
For me and my household personally, we don’t eat food and we
don’t drink water. Moses fasted for 40 days and nights, and then
he did it again after the sin of the golden calf. Yeshua did it for
40 days and nights. It’s not impossible. Remove the limitations
of your mind and the fallen constructs of believing that you
require food. You don’t require food. You require every single
word that comes out of the mouth of Yehovah. That is what you
really need.

Fasting is indeed an integral part of the Day of Atonement. The

next place I will show you where this Holy Day occurs in the
Bible is in the book of Jonah.

4 “And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk.
Then he cried out and said, ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be
5 “So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast,
Bible Prophecy Secrets 343

and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.

6 “Then word came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his
throne and laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth
and sat in ashes.
7 “And he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout
Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let
neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; do not let
them eat, or drink water.”
- Jonah 3:4-7

This is again another repetition of the kind of blessing that we

see in Joel 2. The people of Ninevah, the ancient capital city of
Assyria, fasted and put on sackcloth so that God might turn away
from His fierce anger. Just like what will soon be taking place
as Joel prophesied, Yehovah did turn away from His anger, and
he left behind a blessing for Ninevah. They weren’t destroyed.
They were spared! Now, you might be challenging me that this
was not a Day of Atonement reference, but all you have to do is
look and see what Jonah does a few days later after he is done
preaching. This is what we are told in Jonah 4:5 (KJV):

“So Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the
city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the
shadow, till he might see what would become of the city.”

Notice that Jonah made himself a booth. This is a very specific

and deliberate word choice. The Hebrew word used here is
in fact sukka (Strong’s H5521) which is a completely different
word from the word tent (ohel; Strong’s H168). Unlike a tent, a
sukka is a structure that is far more flimsy, weak, and thrown
together using wood, vegetation, and scrap materials found in
the wilderness. The word ohel in the Bible used to describe a
tent is similar to what you most likely imagined in your mind
when you have read Jonah in the past. It is something made
out of a canvas or strong fabric with wooden poles and a nice,
well-planned design so that it can be taken down and erected
efficiently. This distinction between Hebrew words is the secret
of understanding the prophecy of Joel. The reason that Jonah
344 Abraham Ojeda

made a sukka to dwell in is because he was observing the seven-

day Feast of Sukkot that happens every year beginning on the
15th day of the seventh month. Yom Kippur is from the evening
of the 9th day of the month to the evening of the 10th. Jonah
was preaching to Ninevah during the day of the 10th, and this
is precisely when the sacred assembly of Yom Kippur is to take
place. Not coincidentally, this is also when the people of Ninevah
began to repent, weep, fast, and mourn. This is the same day
that the news made it all the way to the king’s throne. They didn’t
play games with God. They didn’t make excuses for not fasting.
They were moved by the Holy Spirit with righteous fear of the
Most High and did everything exactly as commanded by the
Torah in observance of the Day of Atonement. Remember, this
is the Torah of the whole earth. Everyone is held to the standard
of the Torah, and Ninevah chose to stop sinning and keep the
appointed time of Yehovah so that they would automatically
have the blessing come upon them, rather than the curse of
destruction. Such is the fate of anyone who will observe Yom
Kippur; and those who do not will be cut off.


But, can you keep Yom Kippur 2023 at any time that you desire?
Is it okay to follow the Hillel II Calendar of the Rabbinical Jews,
the Karaite doctrine of harvestable fields, the equinox, or
perhaps Enoch/Zadok? God knows your heart, after all, right? As
I will show you in this chapter and the next, yes, yes it really does
matter that Yom Kippur 2023 is observed at exactly the correct
time and not even a single day later.

While I have strived to write and publish this book well in advance
of the Spring 2023 feast days, it has been a very difficult task to
accomplish with all of my work responsibilities and managing
my homestead. Chances are you have not yet been properly
exposed to everything that I have been teaching about keeping
the Feasts at the correct time versus what most people do in
keeping the Feasts a month or two late from the correct timing.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 345

Here are true Spring Feasts for the year 2023.

It’s not too late to begin observing the Feasts, no matter where
you find yourself. No matter what your circumstances are, it’s
not too late. As long as you are alive, there is still an opportunity
to live your life in a manner that is pleasing to the Most High.
Ninevah didn’t keep the Spring Feasts the year that Jonah visited
them, either. They only kept Yom Kippur, and they were spared. I
will speak more of the specifics of the Feasts in the next chapter,
but pay attention to when the New Year was declared this year.
This occurred on the evening of Feb. 21, 2023. Why? This month
is the beginning of months and is called Aviv in the Hebrew
(Strong’s H24; literally “green ears of barely”).6 There were already
firstfruits of barley present at least a week before the new moon
of Feb. 21. Again, this barley is required to be present in order
to present the one omer offering on Wave Sheaf Day Sunday
during the third week of the first month. For help visualizing
what aviv barley looks like and the various stages of barley plant
development, I recommend a video by Norman Willis called
346 Abraham Ojeda

“Aviv Barley Simplified” on Youtube; and you can also find this
same information in his book, The Torah Calendar (available for
free on his website; see the chapter “Aviv Barley and the Head of
the Year”).7,8 The bottom line is that the Biblical calendar is very
simple. We look for a moon in the night sky and the very first
green barley in the ground to declare the New Year. We don’t
use advanced calculus, satellites, or the computational power
of supercomputers to understand a simple agrarian calendar.
I mentioned her already, but Becca Biderman was providing
ample evidence of various heirloom barley fields that she was
inspecting in the land of Israel in February.

This photo was taken on February 21st, 2023 by Becca Biderman

near Tel Te’omim in northern Israel, and she confirmed that
there was enough aviv barley at this time in order to have one
omer ready by Wave Sheaf Day on March 12th.9 In fact, this
happened to be near the same area where the firstfruits aviv
barley were found in 2022 to begin the year 5858 as confirmed
by multiple witnesses.10 Regarding this photo on Feb. 21, here
Bible Prophecy Secrets 347

is what Becca stated in her Facebook group and also Telegram

where she posts regular announcements:
“This is why I hunt for weeks on end. The earth is ever changing
here. No one knows when this barley will finish, will it be in
time? Only Yah knows but there’s a chance. This area needs to
be followed this year. Within the field there are a few shattering
grains, a few indivisible with the thumbnail, a few soft enough
to roll into a ball of dough ( bingo!). There’s an area that reminds
me of last year’s firstfruits portion of the field… It’s a field of
barley. Bigger than last year… The section I took a photo of is
enough to make an omer.”11,12
Notice she said that she was unsure whether or not the barely
would finish in time for Wave Sheaf Day. One thing I really like
about Becca’s work is that she does not make forecasts or
predictions. She only reports her actual findings. But notice
also that she said that some of the barley was already getting
too mature and shattering! This is why I confidently declared
the New Year of 5859 to have started during the new moon of
Feb. 21. Also, on March 8th, Becca and Randy Cates provided
drone-enabled video footage of this same field that she had
inspected on Feb. 21.13 The video revealed that some of this
barley was again shattering in the 1st month. Why is this concept
of shattering important? Well, in other words, some barley had
already become so ripe and golden that it started re-seeding
itself back into the ground. Therefore, the true firstfruits Aviv
barley was present as early as the third week of February. That
is what Becca meant by soft dough. She was speaking of the
stage of aviv barley development that is perfect for harvesting
so that it can be made into dough. Becca demonstrated this
process a couple years ago where she roasted freshly harvested
aviv barley over fire and turned it into flour for bread.14

Again, you must carefully consider exactly how the fields of

barley in the land of Israel were harvested manually before the
arrival of modern diesel harvesters and equipment. If you try
to take your sickle (or scythe) to cut down the standing grain
of golden and overly mature barely, it would shatter back into
the ground, and part of the harvest would be lost as a result
348 Abraham Ojeda

of waiting too long. This is financially a big problem and could

have even resulted in starvation back in those days. That is
precisely why in ancient times the fields were always harvested
in phases (as opposed to how it is harvested these days all at
once with diesel machinery). Some of the fields would ripen
early, and other parts would ripen later. They would cut down
the barley, tie them uprightly in sheafs (bundles) throughout
the fields, and they would then load these sheafs of barley on
the backs of wagons to be taken back to the homes where they
would be processed so that the grain could be separated from
the unwanted chaff. Now, imagine this same process when the
barely is too ripe. The grain falls right out of the head even with
the slightest contact when the barley is golden and beyond
the state of aviv. How would it ever be gathered into bundles
and transported along bumpy dirt roads via wooden donkey
carts without losing all of the grain from the heads? This is the
fundamental knowledge that has been mostly lost to our current
generation of “feast keepers”.

Many people have lost touch with this basic understanding

of pre-industrial agriculture. Groups such as the Karaite Jews,
Hebrew Roots, Messianics, and related groups also understand
the need to look for a sheaf of barley like we do, but they only
look for large “harvestable fields” because of what the leading
group of Karaites teach; and they then falsely claim this barley
to be “first” fruits. For this very reason, most groups keep the
feasts a month or even two months late from the exact timing
that we are commanded to honor in the Torah. However, this
mistake has been made for a very long time now. This is an
ancient sin.


As you recall, the united Kingdom of Israel only existed under

three kings—Saul, David, and Solomon. Because of Solomon’s
sin the kingdom was divided, with Jeroboam, Solomon’s
personal enemy, receiving the North and Rehoboam Solomon’s
Bible Prophecy Secrets 349

son receiving the South. Ten tribes migrated to the North while
only two remained in the South, exactly as prophesied by Ahijah
(1Kings 11:30). If you do the math, that means 83% of Israelites
became Northerners after this split. What happens next is
profoundly important, not only for properly understanding
historical events but also for understanding why so many people
are perpetually caught up in observing the Feast days at the
incorrect time. Look at what Jeroboam does immediately after
the split of the kingdom. In a spirit of fear, pride, and lust for
power, this is what he does:

26 “And Jeroboam said in his heart, ‘Now the kingdom may

return to the house of David:
27 ‘If these people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the
LORD at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn back
to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me and
go back to Rehoboam king of Judah.’
28 Therefore the king asked advice, made two calves of gold, and
said to the people, ‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem.
Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the
land of Egypt!’
29 “And he set up one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.
30 “Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to
worship before the one as far as Dan.
31 “He made shrines on the high places, and made priests from
every class of people, who were not of the sons of Levi.
32 “Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth
month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on
the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had
made. And at Bethel he installed the priests of the high places
which he had made.
- 1Kings 12:26-32
Remember, all men of Israel are required to appear in Jerusalem
three times a year as commanded in the Torah. This singular
concept is so pivotal in understanding Covid-19 and all manner of
prophecy. Jeroboam himself understood the requirement very
well. That’s why he immediately changes the Torah according to
the imagination of his heart (1Ki.12:33) so that the people would
350 Abraham Ojeda

not go to Jerusalem. He was worried that they would make

Rehoboam their king rather than him. So rather than observing
the Feasts at the correct time, he institutes the keeping of the
seventh month feasts exactly one month later than the correct
time. He made everyone observe the Feast of Trumpets (1st
day), the Day of Atonements (10th day), and the Feast of Sukkot
(starting the 15th day) a complete month later on the eighth
month. He caused 83% of the people to sin by keeping the Feasts
a month late. We can safely assume that he also changed the
keeping of the rest of the feasts such as Passover and Pentecost
to be a month later as well. This is precisely what is still going on
today but without most people being aware of it.


Do you understand the dilemma that God’s people have always

faced? It has always only been a minority of people that have
been diligent enough to search the Scriptures and observe the
commandments of Elohim exactly as He intended them to be.
I’m boldly telling you that I have done the homework. I have
understood the commandments well. I have not added to or
subtracted from the keeping of the Torah and the correct time
clock of the Most High. You must also do the homework and
prove these things for yourself. Back in the ancient times, it was
83% of people that were keeping the Feasts a month late. Now it
is far greater. My estimate is that 95% do not keep the Feasts at
the correct time due to willful ignorance, traditions of men, and
very lazy interpretations of Scripture. Don’t be like the majority.
Be like Joshua and Caleb who had a radically different spirit in
them than their crooked and perverse generation. These were
the two spies out of the twelve that were faithful in reporting that
the children of Israel were in fact able to enter into the Promised
Land and inherit it, despite the giants that were present (Num.
13). It was only these two that received the blessing of inheriting
the promised land—a blessing that not even Moses himself was
able to experience. Once again, it was only two out of twelve,
that were faithful while the rest of the spies were rebellious.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 351

This particular sin of the ten spies caused the children of Israel
to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until all the men of war
died off. Likewise, the sin of not keeping the Feasts and Yom
Kippur 2023 at the correct time by the majority of people will
also lead to their destruction. The prophet Isaiah made this truth
very clear for all with spiritual eyes and ears that work properly.

“But yet a tenth will be in it,

And will return and be for consuming,
As a terebinth tree or as an oak,
Whose stump remains when it is cut down.
So the holy seed shall be its stump.”
- Isa. 6:13

Only ten percent will remain of whatever seed of Abraham

is present in the world today. The reason that Yehovah is so
angry is because His Torah has not been respected. His Torah
has been cast behind the backs of the vast majority of so-called
Feast keepers. They have regarded the opinions of the Messiah-
rejecting Jews over the authority of the Word of God. That is why
only 144,000 will be selected as firstfruits. They are the only ones
that were able to see past all of the lies, deception, and trickery
of men and demons in order to understand the commandments
of Elohim without any sexual immorality of false doctrine.


This is a question that I often ponder. I really don’t know if I will

be selected myself. I’m not arrogant enough to deceive myself
into thinking that because I had a podcast, wrote a book, and
taught the Torah that I have somehow earned God’s favor in this
matter. He does whatever He pleases because He is a sovereign

We shouldn’t be discouraged no matter what the outcome is

because there are still many promises on the table that we
should be eagerly looking towards. The first big one is the 45-day
352 Abraham Ojeda

blessing after the abomination of desolation. Even if you die but

have made Yeshua the Lord of your life and have turned around
from lawlessness and into obedience, there are other promises
that should be remembered often. Look at Rev. 14:3, and you
will see that it will be a blessing for people to die and be received
up into heaven during the tribulation period. In fact, this is what
John describes to us in Rev. 7:14. Many will be coming out of the
great tribulation and making themselves holy and acceptable
to Elohim through the process of judgment. Remember, that’s
precisely why judgment must take place. God’s people have
been extremely lazy and complacent for a long time now. If the
current Zionist Mystery Babylon system continued to exist into
perpetuity nothing would ever change. Tribulation is absolutely
necessary, and we should desire all of these things to finally
come to pass.

The blessing of being selected as one of the 144,000 is something

to be desired and genuinely praying for, however. Like I briefly
alluded to earlier, these people will not be translated into heaven
to never return again. They will have a specific assignment and a
job to do. Based on all my understanding of Scripture, I believe
that they will receive a special anointing of the Holy Spirit. Yes, we
are told they will sing a new song in heaven. Yes, we are told they
will stand before Yeshua, just as He told us in Luke 21:36. What
is overlooked and not considered by most people is that these
people could very likely be the two witnesses described in the
book of Revelation. They will prophesy and perform incredible
miracles. They will be killed by satan while standing in Jerusalem,
and they will be resurrected three and a half days later.
I know what you’re thinking.
The number 144,000 is far greater than the number two, so how
could these be the two witnesses?
The answer is found in the parable of the olive tree that is repeated
four times throughout the Scriptures. Rather than spend lots of
time showing you all of various verses and dissecting them, I
will simply give you an overview and some illustrations. The first
olive tree parable is found in Ezekiel 37 where the prophet takes
two olive trees, one in each hand, and joins them together. I
Bible Prophecy Secrets 353

know most Bible translations use the word stick and sticks, but
this is a very poor translation of the Hebrew word tree. These
sticks represent the House of Israel and the House of Judah
that are going to be joined together into one nation again in the
Second Exodus after the two witnesses finish their work.

Next, we see this metaphor used in Zechariah 4 where there are

two olive trees with a menorah in the middle of them receiving
oil from a branch of each of the trees. The correct interpretation
of the two olive trees is given in Zec. 4:14 where the messenger
tells the prophet that these are the two anointed that stand
before Yehovah. The third place we see the metaphor used is
found in Romans 11. Paul through the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit recorded that belief in Yeshua the Messiah now allowed
for the creation of the United Nation of Israel to begin to be
formed in a spiritual sense. Even though the future regathering
into the land of Israel would take place later, Paul explains that
through faith, Israelite Gentiles (Northern House) can now be
grafted back in, even though they were a wild olive tree. Likewise,
those of Judah can also abide in the branches of this united
nation through faith; and the whole world can also become part
of this new spiritual nation through the blood of Yeshua. The
fourth and final place we see the parable of the two olive trees
is Revelation 11. This is what the Rev. 11:4 says, and it is a direct
quotation of Zec. 4:14:

“These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing
before the God of the earth.”
In my podcast I made the case that these anointed are two literal
people. Most people arrive to this same conclusion and state
that they are Moses and Elijah or perhaps Enoch. I have now
understood a radically different conclusion than most people
arrive to. I believe these are the two houses of Israel, and the
144,000 are the two witnesses because they consist of both
Judah and Israel. Look at what Rev. 11:3 says:

“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy
one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”
354 Abraham Ojeda

Again we see this idea that these people will have the ability to
perform great miracles. Why would Yeshua choose any other
people for this task than His faithful members of the church of
Philadelphia who have already been exercising just a little bit
of this power in their daily lives? The reason that I also believe
that these two witnesses are not a literal number two but a
conceptual representation of the two houses of the 144,000 is
because of what Jer. 31:36 says:

“If those ordinances depart

From before Me, says the LORD,
Then the seed of Israel shall also cease
From being a nation before Me forever.”
The verse before this stated that the sun, moon, and waves of
the sea are governed by ordinances that cannot be nullified.
In the same manner as these mathematical ordinances, Israel
will never cease from being a nation. That is why the House of
Israel and House of Judah are the two olive trees that are always
present before Yehovah. They cannot be destroyed. They are
established forever and always standing before Him. That is
why the 144,000 can also be viewed as two witnesses.

Regardless of how you may view this topic of the 144,000, it will
all shortly come to pass, and we won’t need to speculate for
much longer. For now, take a look at my overview of the various
olive tree metaphors on the next page, and arrive at your own
conclusion on the matter.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 355
356 Abraham Ojeda


I was originally going to dedicate an entire chapter to this topic,

but due to time constraints, I cannot. In continuation of the
thought what if I am not selected as 144,000, I want to better
explain the mystery of the regathering of all 12 tribes of Israel
back into the Land as prophesied throughout the Hebrew
Scriptures. This topic is everywhere. It is the most repeated and
talked about prophecy in the entire Bible. If you are not part of
the 144,000 and must endure through the tribulation period,
you must be praying to be considered part of the regathering of
God’s people back to the land. Pray that you are counted worthy
to be the elect that the angels will be sent to collect with the
sound of a trumpet as Yeshua told us (Mat. 24:31).

This short section will address the final part of Daniel’s 70

shabua prophecy that we had not yet completely uncovered. It
is this line here from Dan. 9:24:

“…To make reconciliation for iniquity…”

This was a difficult thing for me to comprehend until one day,

the Holy Spirit showed me the deeper meaning. Since the time
of Yeshua’s sacrificial Passover death and the renewed covenant
in His blood, we have always had reconciliation for iniquity. This
already took place, didn’t it? What else could it be talking about?
The answer is clearly found inside of the exact prophecy that
Yeshua had quoted during the Lord’s Supper (Last Supper) the
night before He was crucified. When He told his disciples to
take of the cup of wine that represented the new covenant in His
blood, He was actually quoting these words of Jeremiah 31:31:

“Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make
a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of
Bible Prophecy Secrets 357

What most people fail to realize is that the new covenant was
initiated by Yeshua, but it has not yet been 100% fulfilled.
Everyone is still teaching their neighbor to know who Yehovah
is. That’s exactly why this book you hold in your hands was
written! Look what else this prophecy states concerning the
entire nation of United Israel:

“‘No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man
his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they all shall know Me,
from the least of them to the greatest of them,’ says the LORD.
‘For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no
- Jer. 31:34

Notice the language here. Their iniquity will finally be forgiven,

and their sin will be completely forgotten. This is currently
not the case. The whole reason that the locusts are coming
and satan is about to be released from the bottomless pit is
precisely because Yehovah is angry with His people over their
stubbornness, refusal to observe Torah, and their rebellion.
Their sins have reached to heaven, and He is about to repay
all of the sinners of His people very soon along with all those
who take the mark of the beast and worship satan. This final
secret of the Dan. 9:24 prophecy has now been revealed to
you. This is the reconciliation of iniquity: when Yeshua finally
regathers His people after the work of the two witnesses, He
will deal with them face to face and bring them back under the
eternal covenant of the Torah. That’s exactly what we read in
these words of Ezekiel 20:34-38:

34 “I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of
the countries where you are scattered, with a mighty hand, with
an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out.
35 “And I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and
there I will plead My case with you face to face.
358 Abraham Ojeda

36 “Just as I pleaded My case with your fathers in the

wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will plead My case with you,”
says the Lord GOD.
37 “I will make you pass under the rod, and I will bring you into
the bond of the covenant;
38 “I will purge the rebels from among you, and those who
transgress against Me; I will bring them out of the country where
they dwell, but they shall not enter the land of Israel. Then you
will know that I am the LORD.”

This is exactly why this prophecy is referred to as the Greater

Exodus. He will deal with His regathered people from all nations
face to face just like He did with the generation of Moses that
left Egypt. Notice that there will still be law breakers in the camp.
There will still be rebellious sinners in the camp, which just goes
to show you how merciful Elohim is. He is truly willing that none
perish, and His love is unconditional, otherwise no one would be
saved at all. However, also consider the deeper nuances here.
He will purposely regather some sinners referred to as rebels in
this passage in order to test the remainder of the people. Will
these people regathered out of harsh captivity follow His Torah
and His ways, or not? The rebels will complain, murmur, and
groan against Yehovah just like their rebellious fathers did in the
original Exodus from Egypt.

They will attempt to drag you down and bring you into their
immature spiritual state of mind. Don’t let them. Endure to the
very end, and you will be saved and inherit the Promised Land
just like Joshua and Caleb did in their day.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 361


If you have reached the finish line with me, I salute you. I
congratulate you. The time is short, and so I will keep this brief.

As you know we were commanded to know and understand all

prophecy, from Genesis to Revelation. Knowing begins with the
head. This is what people commonly refer to as head knowledge.
Understanding then comes from taking that knowledge to heart.
As that understanding is properly applied in your life, it can then
become fruitful through the manifestation of intelligence that
only comes through experience. As experience is then practiced
repeatedly in your life, you can then bear ripe fruit through the
acquisition of skill and wisdom. All of these concepts are found
in various places throughout the Scriptures. One of my favorites
is Proverbs 2:6,7:

6 “For the LORD gives wisdom;

From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7 “He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly.”

It is Yehovah that gives wisdom. Only He has the words of eternal

life, and there is no other source besides Him. He is also the
shield of protection for those who take every single word from
His mouth seriously. It is only through the process of knowing,
understanding, applying, experiencing, skillfully practicing, and
finally acquiring wisdom that the we can then properly read
these words from Psalm 1:1-3:
362 Abraham Ojeda

1 “Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 “But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 “He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.”

Is your delight in the Torah of Yehovah, as this Psalm states?

Have you made all of the words of Moses your meditation
day and night? As you know, this failure on the part of the
vast majority of believers is the primary reason why they are
hopelessly lost in understanding end times prophecy. They were
taught that the Torah is a yoke of bondage, done away with, and
nailed to the cross; and they have believed these lies to their
own destruction. Make no mistake about it. Judgment is coming
upon all those who are breakers of the holy covenant of God
that was never done away with but that was, in fact, renewed
through the blood of the Lamb and also the pouring out of
the Holy Spirit for newness of life. Let’s rise up. Overcome this
crooked and perverse generation with me, and lets hide every
word from Yehovah’s mouth inside our hearts so that we might
not sin against Him (Psa. 119:11).


If all this information is new to you, the very first and easiest
thing to do is honor the weekly Sabbath day from Friday at
sunset to Saturday at sunset (erev to erev in Hebrew). This
commandment was established at the creation week, and
Elohim did not take the seventh day of rest because He was
fatigued. He did it as an example for mankind to follow. I urge
you to be just like your Master. Observe His Day because it is a
Bible Prophecy Secrets 363

sign of the covenant between you and Him forever (Exo. 31:17).
Please don’t deceive yourself into thinking that the Sabbath
is any time and any day you want it to be. Jesus observed the
Sabbath day from Friday night to Saturday night, and so should
we. Like John told us, we should practice all of the things that
Jesus did if we truly want to abide in Him (1Jo. 2:6). What do you
think of when you think of the word appointment? That’s what
these weekly Sabbaths are. Like the most important date with
a beautiful significant other; or just like the date of a wedding—
this is what the weekly Sabbath is. It’s time to meet with God.
This is the set-apart time where He wants to hear from you, dine
with you, and enjoy fellowship with you. It’s His Day. It belongs
to Him and His people forever, and He wants to shower you with
His love, presence, and wisdom during these times of rest. If you
treat this Day as a common, ordinary, and regular working day
just like any other day, how do you think that makes Him feel?
We must guard his commands.

In the book of Acts, it is very clear that one of the very first things
that all believers need to focus on is eating like Hebrews. We
need to eat like God wants us to eat. Particularly in Acts 15,
there were large numbers of Gentiles turning to the Most High
because they understood the good news message that Yeshua
had atoned for their sins and allowed them to enter into a
renewed covenant in His blood and in the power of the Holy
Spirit. The number of Gentiles was so large and diverse that there
there was a debate over how they should be properly discipled.
Where do you begin to train all of these people into the correct
keeping of God’s holy covenant? This was the question, and the
answer was not clear.

There were men influenced by the teachings of the Judaizers

that were stating that these new believers needed to pull their
pants down right away and become circumcised according to
the exact letter of the Law in order to be considered saved.
However, Paul and Barnabas challenged this position because
they understood the spirit of the Law and the need for these
new converts to learn Moses little by little with circumcision
364 Abraham Ojeda

taking place when they properly understood the command. In

fact, Paul’s letter to the Galatians was written because he was
upset with the teachings of the Judaizers that were perverting
the simplicity of salvation by faith alone in the finished work of
the cross. In Acts 15, Paul and Barnabas were making it clear
that salvation comes through faith and that it was a perversion
of the truth to force people to immediately become circumcised.
This same debate still exists today between those that think
immediate water baptism is absolutely necessary in order for
a person to be truly saved. The thief on the cross shows us that
paradise is inherited through faith. Water baptism is an outward
reflection of that faith, and the same is true of circumcision.
Both things should be done, just as with the rest of the Torah.
Now, pay very careful attention to the wording of the Jerusalem
council in Acts 15:19-21:

19 “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from

among the Gentiles who are turning to God,
20 “but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted
by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled,
and from blood.
21 “For Moses has had throughout many generations those who
preach him in every city, being read in the synagogues every

James declared the final verdict on the matter. The Gentiles were
absolutely required to learn, understand, and keep the Torah of
Moses, but the most important commandments were these
four found in Acts 15:20. We are not to eat food that has been
offered to idols like the children of Israel did when they bowed
down with the women of Moab to the false god of Baal Peor
and were consequently destroyed. We are not to commit sexual
immorality, which could be interpreted to mean literal sexual
perversion or also spiritual promiscuity. In the Torah, it is clear
that any clean animal that dies of itself should not be eaten
(Deut. 14:21). Something that dies of itself has perhaps some
sort of disease or defect; or maybe old age causes it to die. No
matter what the reason, a clean animal must be slaughtered in
Bible Prophecy Secrets 365

order to be eligible to be eaten. Notice my use of the word clean.

Yes, only clean animals are to be eaten (Lev. 11). Finally, we are
told many times in the Torah that both blood and animal fat are
never to eaten by God’s people (Lev. 3:17).

Of these four commandments from Moses, three of them are

explicitly dietary laws. The early church was moved by the
Holy Spirit to make sure that new believers were guarding
the dietary laws because those were the most basic things
they needed to do. It says that they can start there because
Moses is taught everywhere under heaven in every city on
every Sabbath day. In other words, these new believers were
going to learn all of the rest of the commandments, so it wasn’t
necessary to immediately burden them with the commandment
to be circumcised, just like we shouldn’t immediately burden
someone with the commandment to be water baptized
(although arguably, baptism is a whole lot easier of a command
to keep than circumcising grown men). Again, that’s not to say
that water baptism is to be taken lightly. It absolutely should be
observed, just like all the other commandments from Moses,
the Prophets, and the Gospels.

There are both Biblical commandments and extra-Biblical

traditions that I have adopted in my life over the past seven
years since I started observing all of God’s commandments.
We are told that the words of the Torah are not to depart from
our hearts and that we are to teach them regularly (Deut. 6:6).
Because of this concept, I read and study the Torah on a yearly
cycle beginning with Genesis right at the start of the month of
Aviv on the Hebrew calendar. Rather than tackling Genesis to
Deuteronomy in a random fashion, I go line by line and read
each chapter with my wife out loud every Sabbath day. The Tree
of Life version of the Bible is nice because it already contains
all of weekly divisions of the Torah, called Parashat, of both
Messianic and Jewish tradition. You can also go to the Chabad.
org website and see the weekly portions of Moses divided up for
you so that you can study on a yearly cycle.1 As I have practiced
this cyclical reading of God’s Word in my life, I have noticed a
366 Abraham Ojeda

profound impact in how the Holy Spirit is able to bring things

to my memory right when I need them. Whether I’m making
hard decisions or knowing how to rightly do business with those
around me, the reading of the Torah like a Sabbath Hebrew
has drastically benefitted my walk of faith in a way that I never
experienced as a Sunday Christian.


As we go through all of the Holy Days, I will show you the Letter
of the Law and the Spirit of the Law as these things apply to
these commanded days of rest. I can now tell you after seven
years into this journey that there is a big difference between
keeping the Feasts and observing them; and I don’t want you to
be deceived about this reality. First, let me ask a couple of hard

1. Will you will be traveling to Jerusalem for the Feasts of

Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, or Tabernacles in order to
keep the pilgrimage requirement as stated in the Torah?

2. Have you raised a first born year-old lamb, goat, or calf

without blemish to be prepared for the Passover meal with
its blood applied to the doorposts of your house?

I could ask more questions, but I think you are starting to

understand my point here.

We cannot actually 100% keep the Feasts exactly as described

in the pages of the Torah. It’s not possible. Some events like Wave
Sheaf Day are ceremonial and require you to present an omer of
harvested barley from your field to a priest in the literal land of
Israel. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you are keeping these
Feast days; rather, you are simply observing them.

With that said, I do not attempt to keep these Feasts (like many
people sadly do) with a religious spirit of pride, performance, and
Bible Prophecy Secrets 367

arrogance because I know that I can only observe them. I cannot

actually keep them to the exact letter of the Torah. Having been
around the “Messianic” or “Hebrew Roots” movement now for
many years, I truly worry for those that put so much emphasis,
trust, and hope in their abilities and rituals pertaining to the
observance of these days. The keeping of Torah does not bring
salvation. It condemns us.

Every. Single. Time.

Anyone who does not realize how flawed their ability to keep
Torah is has fallen from grace and forgotten their first love. And
that is why I believe that the modern Messianic, return-to-Torah
movement is the Church of Ephesus in the Book of Revelation—
they have forgotten the Master Who bought them (Rev. 2:4).

Does that mean that we shrug our shoulders and dismiss these
days like so many people do? Absolutely not! We are commanded
to observe these days forever, and failure to do so is sinning
against the Most High. However, we need to constantly put our
trust in Yeshua the Messiah because humbly approaching Him
and leaning on Him for grace is the only true way to experience
these Holy Days in the exact way that they were meant to be
enjoyed. And yes, they are to be enjoyed!

Now, back to how to observe these Sabbaths.

Because the Holy Calendar of Yehovah is based on lunar

sightings in the land of Israel, a Hebrew year can have more
than 52 weekly Sabbaths. In addition to these Sabbaths, we are
told to guard, proclaim, and observe the other Sabbaths that are
commonly understood as Feasts, Appointed Times, or Holidays
during their seasons.

Colloquially, we know these Feasts as taking place in the Spring

and then in the Fall. However, there are only two seasons in
Israel according to Gen. 8:22, so technically these are Summer
and Winter Feasts. Here is an overview of all of these spiritually
368 Abraham Ojeda

profound and important days in one chart:

If you would like to download and use the same tool that I use
every year to determine when to begin Spring Feast Days, I
have included a link in the notes of this chapter; and I have also
included a presentation you can download to better understand
the entire Passion Week during Yeshua’s earthly ministry.2

As I have already mentioned, only one omer (two liters, like a

bottle of soda pop) of Aviv barley grains is required to be ready
in the land of Israel in order to declare the first month of the

It is the sighting of a new crescent moon with the naked eye and
without aid of binoculars or technology that is required to begin
the month and the New Year. Like I have mentioned before,
the word Aviv literally means green ears of barley; and therefore
this is the firstfruits offering that is required to be waived as an
offering on the exact day of Wave Sheaf day (Lev. 23:11).

To make things easier to visualize, let me show you what the

Spring 2023 Feast Days look like in graphical format.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 369

This is the same chart that I showed you in Chapter 2 but with
real dates for 2023, which is the year that this book has been
published. Also keep in mind that the Lord’s Supper is the first
event in the Spring Feasts timeline, but I couldn’t squeeze it into
the chart.


The first appointment we need to observe on the prophetic time

clock happens just before Passover. What many people fail to
realize is that the Lord’s Supper as instituted in the Gospels is
different from Passover itself (Mat. 26, Mar. 14, Luk. 22:17).

The Lord’s Supper occurred in the late afternoon immediately

before the day (sunset to sunset) of Passover was about to
begin. In other words, the Lord’s Supper is to be observed every
single year on the 13th day of the month of Aviv in the early
evening. Just like Yeshua washed the feet of all His disciples, we
370 Abraham Ojeda

observe this day by having a towel, bar of soap, and a basin of

water and take turns washing the feet of our friends, family, and
loved ones that are believers wanting to observe the day with
us. Its best to have women washing the women’s feet and men
with men. My wife and I do this ourselves and take turns since
we live very rural and have not had the opportunity to observe
the day with others as of yet. Prayers acknowledging this day
along with Yeshua’s distress, shame, and betrayal should be
exercised. Because of the seriousness of the events and the
betrayal by Judas Iscariot, it is a calm and somber evening of
prayer and reflection.

Like Yeshua said to do in remembrance of Him, we also take

communion, but with a very careful attitude. Like Paul said that
we are to examine ourselves so that we don’t partake of this
communion in an unworthy manner (1Co. 11:27). If someone
is not a believer in the Messiah, they should not be partaking
of this communion event. One secret of the New Testament
is that whenever you see Paul speaking of communion, he
is always referring to the Lord’s Supper on the 13th day of
the first month. Though many Christian churches like to take
communion whenever they want, this 13th day is the one that
Yeshua specifically said to keep in remembrance of Him.

Letter of the Law:

• Have communion on the late afternoon of the 13th day

• Take unleavened bread; eat in remembrance of the body of
• Take a cup of wine; drink in remembrance of the blood of
the renewed covenant
• After supper, take turns girding yourself with a towel and
wash the feet of those in communion with you (Jhn. 13:5)
Bible Prophecy Secrets 371

Spirit of the Law:

• Offer prayers acknowledging Yeshua’s betrayal, shame, and

• Read Psalm 41
• Uphold the new commandment to love (Jhn. 13:34) and make
a list of ways that you can plan to show love for your friends,
family, spouse, and those within your realm of influence so
that they can know you are a disciple of Yeshua
• (optional) Watch and pray for one hour (Mat. 26:40)


The very first Passover reference that we see in the Scriptures

is Genesis 4:2-5. Abel brought a firstborn of the flock (either a
ram or a male goat) as an offering to Yehovah. Cain brought
an offering of the fruit of the ground, but his offering was not
respected because it was not Aviv barley, as is required for the
keeping of Passover. He brought something other than the
very firstfruits of the ground, and Yehovah did not respect the
offering. This is why it is important to correctly understand the
concept of firstfruits that is later repeated in Lev. 23.

The second time we see Passover observed is in Genesis 18

where Elohim appears to Abraham as three men (Yehovah,
Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit). We are told that Abraham prepares
a young and tender calf as a sacrificial meal (Gen. 18:7). Many
people fail to realize that this was indeed a Passover event
because they do not make the connection to Deut. 16:2 which
clearly states that the Passover animal can be taken either from
the flock (goats or sheep) or from the herd (cattle). Another
noteworthy aspect of the Gen. 18 Passover is the fact that
Elohim appeared to Abraham in the heat of the day (Gen. 18:1),
which, if we assume this to be high noon, also happens to be the
exact middle between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm when
Yeshua was crucified by Pilate (see Mar. 15:25 and Mat. 27:46).
Lot was also celebrating this Holy Day because he invited two
372 Abraham Ojeda

(Yeshua and the Holy Spirit) of the three men into his house
while Abraham stayed with Yehovah and spoke with him. It is
in the evening when Lot provides the two men with unleavened
bread, which is to be eaten in observance of the High Holy Day
of the First Day of this seven-day Feast (Gen. 19:3). Then, just as
we see in the Passover of Exo. 12:11, Lot eats the meal in haste
with the two men and then leaves Sodom and Gomorrah in a
hurry, just like the children of Israel left Egypt in a hurry.

The year-old male of the flock is to be selected on the 10th

day of the month (Exo. 12:3). Many people no longer keep the
commandment to slaughter a literal firstborn yearling (of the
flock or herd) because of the Deut. 16:5 prohibition that the
passover animal cannot be slaughtered within the gates of
your dwelling but rather in a specific place that God chooses
to make His name abide. I can see the argument going both
ways, because the New Testament makes it clear that the Holy
Spirit abides in us because of the renewed covenant (1Jo. 4:13).
However, it is also wasteful to take a ram and butcher it for meat
for a small family outside of a larger group setting because it
must be burned completely with fire before the morning (Exo.
12:10). As a shepherd of both sheep and goats, I myself have
observed this commandment in the past by taking my firstborn
year-old males, selling them for money, and giving that money
away to other ministries. Make sure to add one-fifth more to the
valuation of the animal that is being exchanged for money (Lev.

The 14th day of the month is also known as the Preparation Day.
During the daytime, the lambs are being butchered and readied
for the Passover meal in the evening of the 14th bleeding into
the 15th day. It is during the 14th day beginning in the evening
in the garden that Yeshua was taken into custody and abused by
the religious authorities; He was then examined by Pilate early
in the morning, subsequently tortured, and crucified beginning
at 9:00am. He gave up the ghost in the ninth hour, or 3:00pm, of
this 14th day (Mar. 15:34); and this is the precise time that the
Passover meal was ready to be observed.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 373

The Passover meal can take on different styles and flavors, but
there are requirements. Something bitter must be present.
Although many English translations say bitter herbs, there is
actually no underlying Hebrew word for the use of the word
herbs. It has been inserted because of tradition. With that
said, most people eat parsley as the bitter herb requirement.
However, I believe bitter wine is just fine, especially during
a Sabbatical year when the enjoyment of produce is limited
to daily consumption only. Unleavened bread should also be
eaten in the evening because the first day of unleavened bread
will then begin; and baker’s yeast should be removed from the
dwelling during this 15th day.

You will commonly hear the word seder in reference to the

Passover meal. This is a word that simply means ceremonial guide.
In other words, the seder plate is a meal that is accompanied by
offering prayers and worship with various elements of the plate
representing different concepts of the Passover. These things
are more traditions that have been added to the observance
of this holiday. As long as the meal itself is eaten in haste as
commanded, then these things are perfectly fine to do before
the meal.

Letter of the Law:

• On the 14th day just before sunset: consume the meat of

a firstborn male lamb or goat without blemish; must be
roasted over fire and eaten with bitter and unleavened bread
• Meal must be eaten in haste with shoes, belt on your waist,
and staff in hand (Exo. 12:11)
• Take blood of the animal, apply it using hyssop to the two
doorposts and lintel (top central frame) of your main entry
• Teach your children the Passover story (Exo. 12:27)
374 Abraham Ojeda

Spirit of the Law:

• Read the story of the Exodus account of Passover

• Prepare a special meal in honor of the Passover; make sure
that something bitter is present along with unleavened
bread; it is common to have wine during this meal
• The unleavened bread for this meal and all the days of Un-
leavened Bread can be crackers commonly known as matzah;
I personally like to prepare homemade tortillas that are
simple, flat, and do not require the use of any yeast
• Eat in haste! Belt, shoes, even your keys, ready to go!
• Hang a red banner or red cloth above your door frame and/
or on the two sides of the door frame to symbolize the blood
• Either before or after the meal, read the story of Crucifixion
(John 18, 19)
• Read Isaiah 53 followed by Psalms of praise
• Worship / Music, song and dance just like Exodus 15:1-21
after the Red Sea crossing
• Watch Passion of the Christ or other films that help put
you in the spirit of the observance of the day and help you
remember the things that Yeshua accomplished on the cross


Like I already mentioned, the first time we see mention of the

Feast of Unleavened bread is Gen. 19:3 when Lot prepares a
feast for the two men. In following with the pattern of Scripture,
we are told that Lot offered to wash their feet (this is similar to
Yeshua during the Lord’s Supper, though the timing is off by
one day in this Genesis account). Lot then left Sodom in haste
shortly after these events, which is exactly how we are told to
observe the evening of Passover that bleeds into the evening to
begin the first day (sunset to sunset) of Unleavened Bread.

This 15th day of the month is a required Sabbath day. No work

is permitted. While many people traditionally start removing
leaven (yeast) from their homes much earlier, you must
Bible Prophecy Secrets 375

remove all leaven from your home during 15th day (first day)
of Unleavened Bread (Exo. 12:15). The yeast is a picture of sin,
particularly hypocrisy and self-righteous pride as made clear by
the words of Yeshua (Luk. 12:1).
Just like baker’s yeast puffs up dough, the hypocrisy of wrongfully
following religious dogmas also puffs up someones ego and
pride. The deeper application is to prayerfully uproot unclean
spirits, demonic oppression, and strongholds of the enemy in
your life that are also like leaven. These things should be casted
out and prayed against with authority using command prayers
in Yeshua’s mighty name.

The 21st day of the month is also a required Sabbath day with
cooking allowed. Take the day off from work.

Letter of the Law:

• The 15th day is a required day of rest like the weekly Sabbath
but cooking is allowed (Exo. 12:16)
• Eat unleavened bread for seven days
• All males must make their pilgrimage to Jerusalem to present
themselves before Yehovah (Exo. 32:14; Deut. 16:16) with
their gift offering
• Remove all yeast during this day (Exo. 12:15)
• Nothing leavened is to be eaten during the seven days of
Unleavened Bread
• An offering made by fire is to be offered to Yehovah for
seven days

Spirit of the Law:

• Take the day off from work

• Remove all baker’s yeast from your home. This includes vac-
uuming out crumbs under the stove, under the couch, in the
toaster—wherever leaven or leavened bread may be hiding
• This is an excellent time for deliverance from strongholds
376 Abraham Ojeda

of the enemy in your life. Pray and ask the Father to reveal
to you anything wicked like an unclean spirit, demon, or de-
monic stronghold of the enemy, and cast it out with author-
ity in Yeshua’s name as you seek to uncover whatever sin it
is attached to
• Acknowledge that this is one of the three pilgrimage Feasts
to be present in Jerusalem. Be like Daniel and pray three
times each day (morning, noon, and evening) for all seven
days of Unleavened Bread while facing towards Jerusalem in
honor of the pilgrimage requirement. This will be your offer-
ing made by fire through prayer and worship


This day occurs on any one of the seven days of Unleavened

Bread depending entirely upon which day of the week the new
moon was sighted in order to begin the New Year. However,
it always occurs on the day after the weekly Sabbath. In other
words, it always takes place on Sunday. In terms of observance,
Wave Sheaf Day does not have very specific commands attached
to it. The lessons that are hidden inside of this day are quite
important, however.

Letter of the Law:

• Bring one omer (two liters) of the very firstfruits aviv barely
from your field to the priest belonging to your jurisdiction in
the land of Israel
• The priest is to wave the omer, and it will be accepted; the
remainder of the harvest can now begin
• A year-old male lamb is to be offered as a burnt offering
along with its grain offering and drink offering
• No barely grain of the new crop must be eaten until you have
brought your offering to Yehovah (Lev. 23:14)
• Begin counting the omer for the Feast of Weeks (Lev. 23:15)
Bible Prophecy Secrets 377

Spirit of the Law:

• (optional) Prepare unleavened barley bread and wave some

of it while praying in remembrance of Wave Sheaf Day
• Because Yeshua was raised exactly on the first day of the
week, Sunday, and revealed to us the mystery of the aviv
barley and Wave Sheaf Day, take time to read and meditate
on Mat. 27:52 (the graves of the saints opened); Mat. 28; and
the Great Commission
• Counting the omer is to be done for 49 days along with the
50th day of Pentecost Sunday (Shavuot)
• Open with prayer to acknowledge the counting of the omer
• Rather than simply counting in your head, physically keep
track of the counting of the omer by using a some sort
of paper calendar or chart, day-by-day, and begin Scrip-
ture reading with Psalm 119 and the letter Aleph. This
is a good psalm to recite in a letter-by-letter fashion of
the Hebrew alphabet so that you can learn the language
while also confirming your covenant loyalty to God. You
will read all of Psalm 119 twice because there are twen-
ty-two letters in the Hebrew language; then read select
Psalms for the remaining six days of the Feast of Weeks.
- (optional) Download and print Dumond’s counting the
omer guide to help you (see note).3


This holiday concludes all of the Spring Feast days. This is the
marriage covenant appointment between God and His people;
and we see a clear picture of this event with the 50 days after
the Exodus from Egypt when the Torah was given on Mount
Sinai (Exo. 19).

The mountain was completely set ablaze by the presence of

Almighty God. Of course, this is the famous event of the tongues
of fire in the book of Acts chapter two. The Comforter arrived and
enabled all believers in the Messiah to exercise great power and
378 Abraham Ojeda

authority over sin, the enemy, and the weakness of our flesh.

Letter of the Law:

• Proclaim the holy convocation; this is a required day of rest

with no regular work allowed (Lev. 23:21)
• Prepare two loaves of wheat bread and wave them in
remembrance of Pentecost; they are to be baked with the
use of leaven or baker’s yeast (Lev. 23:17)
• Several animals along with their grain and drink offerings
are to be offered (Lev. 23:18,19)
• You are to be present in Jerusalem with your gift offering
(Deut. 16:16)

Spirit of the Law:

• Take the day off from work and prepare the two loaves in
remembrance of this special day
• Pray three times during this day like Daniel did while facing
Jerusalem in honor of this pilgrimage feast
• Read Exodus 19 and Acts 1-2
• Pray for the filling of the fruits of the Spirit (Col. 1:9; Rom.
15:13; Gal. 5:22)
• If you have never asked, pray for the ability to speak in new
tongues so that you can edify yourself (Mar. 16:17; 1Co. 14:4)


Have you noticed that we spent the majority of this book talking
about the Spring Feasts up to this point? Mind blowing, isn’t it?
This book should serve as a testimony of just how critical it is to
know and understand the Spring Feasts, cycles of 49, and cycles
of agriculture in Israel.

Between Pentecost on the third month of the year and the

Bible Prophecy Secrets 379

beginning of the Fall Feasts in the seventh month with Yom

Teruah, there is a period of time where the land is growing,
maturing, and producing the other five firstfruits crops of the
land that will be presented during the remaining Holy Days.
Now that the barley and wheat have been offered, we are to
look to the grapes, figs, pomegranates, dates, and olives for
confirmation of the land’s timing. Another reason we know that
we are keeping the correct calendar each year is because these
species will always be ready without fail in the land of Israel
according to Yehovah’s predetermined agricultural time cycle.
Together, they all serve as seven witnesses. Now that we have
covered the first feasts, lets take a look at the next major Holy
Days, beginning with Trumpets.


Just a few secrets of Bible prophecy remain to be discussed,

and the first is the day Yeshua spoke of when He said “no man
knows the day or the hour” of His return (Mat. 25:13).

Commonly known as the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah

(Strong’s H8643) literally means the day of shouting, like that
of “an alarm of war, war-cry, battle-cry, or shout of joy”.4 This
meaning will become more obvious as we take heed to what
Yeshua revealed to us about this special day. Lets first look at
our two Torah passages for a foundational understanding of
this day. The first is Lev. 23:24,25:

24 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month,

on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a
memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.
25 “‘You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an
offering made by fire to the LORD.’”

Now take a look at these words of Num. 29:1 and compare them
to Leviticus:
“And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you
380 Abraham Ojeda

shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work.

For you it is a day of blowing the trumpets.”

This day is on the very first day of the seventh month. It cannot
be known in advance exactly which day it will land on. Sure, could
you estimate the date each year based on when Aviv started
and arrive within a day or two of the correct date? Yes!

This reality is precisely why Judaism celebrates Yom Teruah for

two days according to the Hillel II calendar. They erroneously
practice a two-day feast because you cannot 100% know for
sure until the new crescent moon is sighted in the evening sky.
Cloud coverage, a dust storm, or perhaps other factors could
hinder the sighting of the new moon. This is precisely why this
Day is the one that no one knows. On the holy prophetic time
clock, this is the only Feast that cannot be known in advance. For
instance, Passover can be known in advance because it is not
kept until 14 days after the new moon has already been sighted.
The same goes for all the other Holy Days. Yom Teruah is simply

Unlike all of the other Holy Days of Yehovah, this is also the only
day that does not have a clearly defined and explicit purpose. If
you examine the Scriptures pertaining to the other Holy Days,
you will see that there is language describing why a Day is being
observed. For example, the First Day of Unleavened Bread is to
be observed because it was the precise day that Israel’s armies
left Egypt in the Exodus (Exo. 12:17).

Besides the simple fact that He commanded us to do it, there is

not an obvious reason why Yom Teruah is observed. However,
to the keen student of the Gospels and prophecy, there is much
deeper meaning to this day than you would expect.

The first person to clearly help me understand the deeper

significance of this Feast was Joseph Dumond and his excellent
book It Was a Riddle Not a Command. In it, he states:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 381

“Yom Teruah…is about the day the Messiah was born and it is the
announcement He has arrived. Stop and ask yourself if Yehovah
would really send the Messiah on just any old day? The answer
is a resounding ‘No.’ …Have you ever blown those little party
horns on someone’s birthday? You are doing the very thing that
Yehovah commanded to be done when Yeshua was born. This
day—known as the blowing of Trumpets or Day of Shouting for
joy—is recorded in the Gospel of Luke as the Angels praised God
at His birth.”5

Upon reading through Dumond’s claims, I went ahead and

decided to conduct serious due diligence on this topic. I mean,
could we really know that Yom Teruah was the exact day that
Yeshua was born? After over twenty hours of study, note-
taking, and cross-examination of evidence, I have proved that
the answer was indeed, yes. It turns out (not surprisingly) that
the Catholic Church pushed the date of December 25th as the
birthday of Christ but with absolutely zero Biblical backing, even
stating that “the true birthdate of Christ is unknown.”6 Of course,
the real reason that Dec. 25th was chosen was in order to
accommodate the pagan festivals of winter solstice, saturnalia,
and various other rituals that were popular in those days.

I published all of my findings in an hour-long podcast episode

that I dedicated to this topic entitled “Jesus Was NOT Born on
December 25th (HIDDEN End Times Prophecy) [ep.21]”.7 It turns
out that there are three bulletproof ways that you can know the
exact day in which Yeshua was born, and I will provide a brief
overview here:

1. Examining the priestly course of Abijah to calculate a

timeline of events during Zechariah the Priest’s temple service
(Luke 1:5); the nine-month pregnancy of his wife Elizabeth; and
the subsequent birth of John the Baptist.
- We are told that Mary conceives when Elizabeth is already six
months pregnant (Luke 1:36)
- Based on Luke 1:36 in conjunction with the priestly courses
of temple service (1Chr. 24:1-19; 27:1-15), a timeline can be
382 Abraham Ojeda

determined from which to understand that Yeshua was born on

the 7th Biblical month of the year.8

2. The reign of Tiberius Caesar of Rome

- We already know Jesus was born on the 7th month of the
Biblical calendar. John is 6 months older than Jesus. Luke 3:1
tells us that in the 15th year of Tiberius Cesar is when John
begins his ministry, and Jesus is baptized at “about thirty years
of age” in Luke 3:23.
- Lewin’s chronology of the NT reveals that Aug. 19th, AD 14 was
the first year of Tiberius’ reign.9
- Therefore, because John begins his ministry during the 15th
year of Tiberius’ reign, we can know this was sometime from
19th Aug, AD 28 - 19th Aug, AD 29.
- Finally, since Jesus is “about 30 years old” in AD 29, then He
must have been born in 3 BC.

3. Understanding the astronomical sign of Virgo and its

connection to Revelation 12:1-5—the arrival of a Messianic King
born of miraculous conception.
- Now that we know that Jesus was born in the 7th month of 3
BC, we can look to astronomy to confirm if the sign of Revelation
12 was indeed present during that year.
- Not only do numerous witnesses and astronomy experts
confirm that September 11, 3 BC was the exact day that the
Revelation 12 sign was perfectly visible in Israel, we can also
use modern technology like the smartphone app Stellarium in
order to go back to this exact point in time to see the sign for

I just reviewed numerous hours of research with you in less than

two pages. Make sure to investigate this topic properly, and
you, too, will understand that the day that Yeshua arrived was
indeed the seventh new moon day visible on Sept. 11, 3 BC. This
is of utmost importance because although we don’t know the
exact day nor the hour, this Feast will certainly be the day when
Yeshua will return back on the clouds as stated throughout the
Gospels. That is why He commanded us to watch and be ready
Bible Prophecy Secrets 383

for His return. We should know the season because He was

speaking to us in a Hebrew idiom and not in a literal sense. He
was proclaiming that a particular Yom Teruah yet to take place
in the future will be the Day when He returns.

Now, lets talk about how to observe this day.

Letter of the Law:

• As you should be doing with every new moon, practice

literally waiting outside and seeing the new moon in the
evening sky
• Proclaim the holy convocation; this is a required day of rest
with no regular work allowed
• There are to be numerous offerings made by fire (one
young bull, one ram, seven yearling lambs without
blemish, and one kid of the goats as a sin offering to make
atonement (Num. 29:2,5)
• Several grain offerings with oil and drink offerings are to
be offered with the animals in addition to the regular new
moon offerings

Spirit of the Law:

• Take the day off from work and rest in remembrance of this
special day
• Have a trumpet, shofar, or some sort of wind instrument
that you can blow as soon as you see the new moon in the
night sky (yes, even though we use a new moon sighting in
the land of Israel to determine new moon day, this is still
good practice)
• Read the accounts of Yeshua’s birth as recorded in the
Gospels in honor of Him; and also read what He said about
his prophetic return on the clouds
• You could even make a birthday cake in honor of Yeshua
384 Abraham Ojeda


This special day occurs from the evening of the 9th to the evening
of the 10th day of the seventh month. In fact, if it weren’t clear
already from the creation week of Genesis 1, it is within the
context of Yom Kippur that we understand that a Biblical day is
from evening to evening (sunset to sunset). Look at these words
from Lev. 23:32:

“It shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict
your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from
evening to evening, you shall celebrate your sabbath.”

By default, Greco-Roman culture has taught us that a day begins

at midnight (12am). However, the Hebrew says otherwise. It is
from sunset to sunset.

Regarding the Hebrew name of this Holy Day, you will find that
it is actually Yom HaKippurim, or The Day of Atonements, which
is plural. Let’s examine the Hebrew for deeper meaning:

“kipur—Strong’s H3725: expiation (only in plural):—atonement;

from H3722: to cover (specifically with bitumen); figuratively,
to expiate or condone, to placate or cancel:—appease, make
(an atonement, cleanse, disannul, forgive, be merciful, pacify,
pardon, purge (away)”.13,14

This is the day when sins are cancelled, forgiven, and pardoned.
What an incredibly beautiful day it is! Pay attention to the parallel
passage in Isaiah 58 because it is all about the heart. Setting
this day apart is useless unless repentance is truly made humbly
from the heart. Remain humble and you will be blessed!
This is a day of “afflicting the soul” (Lev. 23:29) and involves,
fasting for 24 hours, repentance, and prayer. Of all the days
on Yehovah’s calendar, the Day of the Atonements is arguably
the most set-apart day of our year, and we are commanded
to proclaim and observe it diligently. This is the one time per
year that the high priest would enter into the holy of holies
Bible Prophecy Secrets 385

behind the veil of the tabernacle (later, the temple) in order to

make atonement for all the children of Israel. We see this take
place in Leviticus 16 where we better understand this set-apart
day and the casting of lots for the two goats—Yehovah and
azazael (“scapegoat”; Strong’s H5799). The sins of the people
were placed on the azazael goat, and it was sent away into the
wilderness (Lev. 16:10). However, the Yehovah goat was killed as
a sin offering (Lev. 16:9). This is symbolic of Yeshua’s sacrificial
death on the cross. The sins of the people were placed upon
Him, and He was offered up as a sin offering to make all of His
bride clean from their sin (Heb. 7:27, 1Peter 1:19).

Yehovah tells us not to do any work at all on this day, and He

promises to cut off anyone who does not make this a day of
complete rest. As we discussed in Chapter 11, the book of
Jonah and the repentance of Ninevah took place on the Day of
Atonement; Joel 2 calls for a fast in order to receive a blessing
before the locust armies come to destroy; and also the people
who were saved from destruction in Ezekiel 9 were “sighing and
crying” on this day, but the rest of the people refusing to honor
it were cut off and destroyed. I strongly believe that Yom Kippur
2023 will be the day when the selection of the 144,000 will occur.
The Old Testament connections are simply overwhelming and
numerous. Time will tell, but I would be watching, counting the
days, and getting as ready as possible!

Letter of the Law:

• Proclaim the holy convocation; this is a required day of rest

with no regular work allowed
• Afflict your soul! Dry fasting is the standard as seen in the
book of Jonah
• Required offerings: one young bull, one ram, and seven
yearling lambs; one kid of the goats as a sin offering
• Various grain offerings with oil and drink offerings are to be
presented with the animals (Num. 29:11)
386 Abraham Ojeda

Spirit of the Law:

• Take the day off from work and rest in remembrance of this
special day
• Remember that in the book of Jonah, the king of Nineveh’s
decree was that man and beast were not to taste food (Jo-
nah 3:7); however, if you don’t have that conviction and feel
that you must feed animals (livestock) and perform other
essential responsibilities in order to preserve life, then feel
free to do so. Work or responsibilities that are not essential
should absolutely be rescheduled for another day
• Fasting for 24 hours (evening to evening) is to be done. Pray
for help in this area if it intimidates you, and practice fast-
ing in advance of Yom Kippur so that you are much better
equipped to observe this day
• The night before the fast, it is helpful to work your way down
into the fasting state. Slowly wean yourself off of food as op-
posed to eating a huge buffet meal the night before so that
you are less hungry the next day. Do not engage in gluttony
the night before. Do engage in plenty of hydration the days
leading up to Yom Kippur. Having raw honey before a day of
fasting is also a good idea to help you sustain your energy
levels; and adding a little cinnamon could help balance your
blood sugar if you feel that this is an area of concern. Simply
and eagerly pray about how Yehovah wants you to observe
His day. He understands your situation and wants to instruct
you individually as you seek Him in your prayer closet
• Read Jonah, Isaiah 58, Ezekiel 9, Joel, or Lev. 16 in honor of
this day
• Offer prayers of sincere repentance. Close any doors that
you may have opened to the enemy. Renounce (cancel) any
sin in your life by confessing it. Ask Yeshua to reveal to you
unintentional sins so that you can properly deal with them.
Pray the Luke 17:5 prayer so that you can walk in the power
of the Holy Spirit and perform all of the signs of the Great
Commission and as witnessed in the book of Acts
Bible Prophecy Secrets 387


The next appointed time that comes after Atonements is the

Feast of Sukkot, known commonly as the Feast of Tabernacles.
The purpose of this day is very clear.
42 “You shall dwell in booths for seven days. All who are native
Israelites shall dwell in booths,
43 “that your generations may know that I made the children of
Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of
Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”
- Lev. 23:42,43

This Feast is a statement to the world that Elohim’s people dwelt

in sukkot when they left the land of Egypt. The principle is rather
profound. A nation of approximately two million people left
Egypt in the wilderness and did not have the shelter of a home
or even a sturdy tent. They made sukkot to dwell in, which are
flimsy structures put together from the scraps, brushes, and
branches of the wilderness. Like I mentioned in the last chapter
speaking of Jonah’s booth, a sukkah is very different from an
ohel, which is a well-engineered Hebrew tent. The point is that
Elohim’s people did not receive protection because of buildings,
fortresses, castles, or lavish shelters. They were in sukkot! The
whole point was to make it known that it is not the shelter made
with human hands that protects an individual from Pharaoh’s
armies or wild beasts. No. It is the God of the sukkah that
protects. This was and still is an exercise to physically make an
outward demonstration that God is our source of protection
and strength. We should never put our trust into the things we
are able to construct with our own hands. This demonstration is
to be done for seven days:

“Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have
gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep the feast of the
LORD for seven days; on the first day there shall be a sabbath-
rest, and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest.” - Lev. 23:39
388 Abraham Ojeda

This Feast begins from sunset of the 14th day to the sunset of
the 15th day. It lasts for seven days. This first day is a sabbath,
and then there is the eighth day assembly, which is another set
apart sabbath day. These days should be scheduled off from
work and non-essential work obligations.

Here is what your sukkah is supposed to look like according to

Lev. 23:40:

“And you shall take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of
beautiful trees, branches of palm trees, the boughs of leafy
trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the
LORD your God for seven days.”

Notice the command to gather both fruit and branches.

Traditions from Judaism often confuse the simple truth of the
commandment here. Yes, there are very specific species of
trees mentioned, but not everyone has the opportunity to live
in a place like Hawaii, Southern California, or Israel where palm
trees grow. Not everyone has access to the fruit of olives like
Nehemiah records for us that the people took in observance
of this day (Neh. 8:15). Notice also that the preferred fruit of
Judaism—the etrog, or citron—is not explicitly mentioned in the
Scriptures. For the majority of us living outside the land of Israel,
it is perfectly acceptable to take native tree branches from your
local area and use them for your sukkah. The sukkah can take
on any shape, height, or size that you want because there are
not specific dimensions or number of walls given in the Torah.

Unlike the Lord’s Supper or the Day of Atonement, Sukkot is

a time of joy, feasting, and family. We see in Nehemiah 8:16-
18 that there was great joy during the feast of Sukkot after
the exiles had returned from Babylon. Think of it as an annual
campout with your loved ones. It’s a time to get out in nature
more and experience stillness and intimacy with God away from
the distractions and noise of everyday life.

Prophetically, Sukkot has some interesting concepts associated

Bible Prophecy Secrets 389

with it. In the near future, the nations of the world are required
to go to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, or they will not
have rain according to Zechariah 14:16-19. It is also important to
discern the letter of the law because we see the saints in heaven
before the throne of God having palm branches in their hands
(Rev. 7:9) which might be a subtle piece of evidence regarding the
timing of the marriage supper of the lamb described in Rev. 19:9.
Yeshua uses the language of marriage and a wedding feast with
His people throughout the Gospels; and it is my understanding
that Sukkot will be the future complete fulfillment of Yeshua’s
renewed marriage covenant with His people.

Regarding the 8th day after Sukkot, there are some important
considerations. First, this is not part of Sukkot, so if you want
to pack up your sukkah on the 8th day and put it away you
technically could (Lev. 23:42). The 8th day is called “Shemini
Atzeret” (Strong’s H8066 and H6116, respectively) in the Hebrew,
and this is what Yeshua proclaimed on this very day during His
earthly ministry:

37 “On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and
cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
38 “‘He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his
heart will flow rivers of living water.’
39 “But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those
believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not
yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”
- John 7:37-39

John interprets the mystery of Yeshua’s words. The Holy Spirit

is the promise of the living waters, and it is the promise of the
8th Day (Shemini Atzeret). There are many Scriptures that are in
alignment with what Yeshua said, but He was most likely quoting
these words of Isaiah 44:3:

“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,

And floods on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants,
390 Abraham Ojeda

And My blessing on your offspring.”

Therefore, it is with this understanding that we should be
requesting the anointing of the Holy Spirit during Shemini
Atzeret (2Ki. 2:9). This is the day of anointing, which is why the
firstfruits of the olive trees in Israel ripen in alignment with
Sukkot. The olive oil typically used for anointing symbolizes the
Holy Spirit.

Letter of the Law:

• Build a sukkah using the exact species that are listed in Lev.
23:40 and also Neh. 8:15.
Proclaim the holy convocations: the first and eighth days are
required days of rest with no regular work allowed.
• Live in the sukkah for the duration of the entire Feast of
Sukkot (seven days).
• Every seventh year in a 49-year cycle, read the entire Torah
during the Feast of Sukkot (Deut. 31:10; Neh. 8:18).
• Present yourself in Jerusalem for Sukkot (Exo. 23:17, Deut.
• Numerous agricultural offerings are to be offered as
described in Num. 29.

Spirit of the Law:

• Depending on your location, you could build a very primitive

sukkah from tree branches just like it is commanded in the
Torah; or if it gets too cold during the time of year when you
are celebrating Sukkot, you may opt for a more sturdy tent
that you can have a propane heater or even a wood stove
inside of (like some hunting tents do). When the commands
were given, the people were living in the mild climate of the
Middle East. Sure, it gets cold seasonally, but it gets very cold
in the mountains of Colorado, for instance. Make prepara-
tions in advance.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 391

• Remember, this is a major feast. These are eight days of feast-

ing. I am of the opinion based on Deut. 12:17, Deut. 14:23,
and Deut. 15:20 that part of your set-apart tithe should go
to the keeping of the three pilgrimage feasts, especially the
Feast of Sukkot. Set aside money and enjoy your time with
your family and Elohim like a true Hebrew. Enjoy whatever
good thing your heart desires, like it states in Deut. 14:26
• Pray facing Jerusalem (like Daniel did) three times a day for
the eight days of this set-apart time in honor of the pilgrim-
age requirement to appear in Jerusalem
• Read Nehemiah 8 and John 7


These are the secrets of living righteously. Yes, of course righ-

teousness is given freely by faith. But faith requires action.
Faith without works is dead. Practice all of these things, and lit-
tle-by-little you will become the Hebrew that Elohim has always
desired you to be. As you practice the instructions of God, you
will start to become conformed to the image of the Son (Ro-
mans 8:29) in a way that the vast majority of religious people will
sadly never experience. Consider yourself blessed to be in this
journey with me; but also consider the great responsibility we
have to educate, inspire, and warn others out of a heart of love.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 393


My number one encouragement if all this information is

new to you is not to succumb to a spirit of fear or have
unnecessary anxiety regarding end times events. If you are
new to Torah, there are many nuances to walking our faith
out just as commanded by the letter and the spirit of the
Law. Just take it one step at a time. Focus on experiencing
intimacy with Yeshua, and try not to take your eyes off of
Him. Food price increases, supply chain problems, and
war—everything looming on the horizon is looking dreadful;
but don’t meditate on these things. Instead, learn to hear
His voice, walk in obedience, and experience the blessings of
Psalm 91.

Like I carefully explained to you in the pages of this book,

America and the West have sinned against the world by
funding, enabling, and unconditionally supporting the Zionist
movement that caused the genocide of communism to spread
worldwide. Indeed, they have sinned against Yehovah and His
Torah. Though I cannot prove this, it is my theory that Chinese
President Xi Jingping and Russian President Vladmir Putin
have successfully overthrown the Zionist traitors within their
governments. Both of these nations are revolting against the
Zionist Communism that had brutally killed and enslaved tens
of millions of their people. They are rising up against Mystery
Babylon and its system of atrocious communist enslavement,
lies, and deception. Yehovah is allowing His locust armies to rise
up because they have a just cause. He has remembered the sins
of Mystery Babylon, and she will be repaid double for all her
abominations. Millions will die, just like during communism.
394 Abraham Ojeda

With that said, I want to invite you to take the next step in this
journey. We have only a brief time before the Great Tribulation
begins. Lets make good use of it. To get in an accelerated
discipleship environment where you can experience live
discussions, a Spirit-filled curriculum, and have your questions
answered in a private and highly focused community
atmosphere, prayerfully consider joining Kingdom Secrets
Academy. For more information, go to:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 395
Bible Prophecy Secrets 397


398 Abraham Ojeda
Bible Prophecy Secrets 399
Bible Prophecy Secrets 401


Bible Prophecy Secrets 403


Chapter 1

1. Joseph Dumond, 2300 Days of Hell (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

2014), 301-302.

2. Jehovah’s Witnesses, “How Daniel’s Prophecy Foretells the

Messiah’s Arrival”,

3. Catholic Answers, “Encyclopedia - Book of Daniel”, https://

4. Sabbath School Lesson, “The 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days”,

Sabbath School Net, October 14, 2019.

5. Julie Tivy Boney, “Prophet or Not”, Life Assurance Ministries.

November 19, 2019. https://blog.lifeassuranceministries.

6. Dudley Marvin Canright, Seventh Day Adventism Renounced.

Chapter 4: “Origin, History, and Failures of Adventism”,
14th ed. B.C. Goodpasture, 1961., (Accessed online via Life
Assurance Ministries) https://blog.lifeassuranceministries.

7. Blue Letter Bible (BLB).

8. “G458 - anomia - Strong’s Greek Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter

404 Abraham Ojeda

9. „H8451 - tôrâ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


Chapter 2

1. “H2852 - ḥāṯaḵ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


2. “H7620 - šāḇûaʿ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

3. Joseph Dumond, 2300 Days of Hell (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

2014), 246.

4. Embassy of Israel, “The Twelve Tribes of Israel (ca 1200 BCE)”

5. Wikipedia contributors, “Jewish population by

city,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.
city&oldid=1148351629 (accessed 2022).

6. “H3607 - kālā’ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


7. “H6588 - pešaʿ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter

Bible Prophecy Secrets 405

8. “H2856 - ḥāṯam - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


9. “H2403 - ḥaṭṭā’āṯ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


10. “H3722 - kāp̄ar - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


11. “H5771 - ʿāôn - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


12. “H5769 - ʿôlām - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


13. “H6664 - ṣeḏeq - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


14. “H2856 - ḥāṯam - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

15. “H2377 - ḥāzôn - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


16. “H5030 - nāḇî’ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter

406 Abraham Ojeda

17. “H4886 - māšaḥ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

18. “H6944 - qōḏeš - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


19. Joseph Dumond, 2300 Days of Hell (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

2014), 375.

Chapter 3

1. Marcia Wendorf, “People routinely live over 100 years in

global “blue zones”. Should you move?” Interesting Engineering.
November 4, 2021.

2. Dan Buettner and Blue Zones, LLC.

3. Gerontology Research Group.


4. Ibid.

5. Marcia Wendorf, “People routinely live over 100 years in

global “blue zones”. Should you move?” Interesting Engineering.
November 4, 2021.

6. World Health Organization (WHO), “GHE: Life expectancy

and healthy life expectancy”
Bible Prophecy Secrets 407

7. “H8141 - šānâ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


8. Wikipedia contributors, “Genealogies of

Genesis,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Genesis&oldid=1148149977 (accessed 2022).

9. Joseph Dumond, Remembering The Sabbatical Years of 2016:

Breaking The Curses By Obedience (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

10. R. Clover, et al., The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle Volume One, 2nd
ed. (Garden Grove: US Qadesh La Yahweh Press, 1995) http://

11. Flavius Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. Read for free at

Project Gutenberg:

12. Apocrypha (KJV). Read for free on eBible: web/

13. Joseph Dumond, “45 Sabbatical Year Proofs With

Documentation” February 1, 2018. https://sightedmoon.

14. Joseph Dumond, “30 Tomb Stones of Zoar” November 1,


15. Edwin R. Thiele, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings.

(Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1994), 174.

16. R. Clover, et al., The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle Volume One, 2nd
ed. (Garden Grove: US Qadesh La Yahweh Press, 1995) http://, 64.

17. Edwin R. Thiele, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings.

408 Abraham Ojeda

(Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1994), 10-14.

18. Provan, Iain W., V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman. A

Biblical History of Israel. (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox
Press, 2003), 165.

19. “H4161 - môṣā’ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


20. “H1697 - dāḇār - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


21. John S. Knox, “Solomon”, World History Encyclopedia, January

25, 2017.

22. Joseph Dumond, 2300 Days of Hell (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

2014), 285.

23. “G1074 - genea - Strong’s Greek Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


Chapter 4

1. “WLC Search Results for “‫”וְאֵ ין‬.” Blue Letter Bible.

2. “WLC Search Results for “‫”לֹו‬.” Blue Letter Bible.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 409

3. “WLC Search Results for “‫ ”וְאֵ ין‬AND “‫”לֹו‬.” Blue Letter Bible.
cfm?Criteria=%D7 %95%D6%B0%D7%90%D6%B5%D7%99%D
7%9F+%D7%9C %D7%95%D6%B9&t=WLC#s=s_primary_0_1

4. World Economic Forum, “8 Predictions For The World In

2030” February 7, 2017, Internet Archive.

5. Ceri Parker, “8 predictions for the world in 2030” Nov 12,

2016, World Economic Forum.

6. Joseph Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19, (London, UK

Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021) iBooks. Foreword, 11.

7. Klaus Schwab, et al. Covid-19: The Great Reset. (Cologny/

Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2020), 65.

8. Joseph Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19, (London, UK

Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021) iBooks, 25.

9. World Economic Forum, “Partners”. https://www.weforum.


10. Infowars, “Flashback: Great Reset Architect Klaus Schwab

Brags WEF “Penetrates” Cabinets of World Leaders”, January
26, 2022.

11. Jamie White, “Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For

Pointing Out WEF’s Corrupt Influence Over Trudeau’s
Gov’t”, Infowars, February 19, 2022. https://www.infowars.
410 Abraham Ojeda


12. Wikipedia contributors, “Book of Enoch,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=Book_of_Enoch&oldid=1149254159 (accessed

13. Tyler Durden, “Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion

In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled”,
March 28, 2023, Zero Hedge,

14. World Economic Forum, “Yuval Noah Harari” https://www.

15. World Economic Forum, “Will the Future Be Human? -

Yuval Noah Harari” Annual Meeting, January 25, 2018, Official
YouTube Channel.

16. Bill Gates, “Does saving more lives lead to

overpopulation?” February 13, 2018. Official YouTube

17. Bill Gates, “The race for a COVID-19 vaccine, explained”

April 30, 2020. Official YouTube Channel.

18. World Economic Forum, “Preparing for the Next

Pandemic with Bill Gates | Davos | #WEF22” May 24, 2022.
Official YouTube Channel.

19. Joseph Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19, (London, UK

Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021) iBooks, 307.

20. Ibid, 309-310

21. World Economic Forum. “Conversation with Albert Bourla,

Bible Prophecy Secrets 411

CEO of Pfizer | Davos | #WEF22” May 25, 2022. Official

YouTube Channel.

22. “H7093 - qēṣ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

23. “H2782 - ḥāraṣ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

Chapter 5

1. Wikipedia contributors, “League of Nations,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=League_of_Nations&oldid=1148428729 (accessed

2. Wikipedia contributors, “Geneva Conventions,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=Geneva_Conventions&oldid=1148116019 (accessed

3. Wikipedia contributors, “Nuremberg Code,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=Nuremberg_Code&oldid=1146994155 (accessed

4. Wikipedia contributors, “United Nations,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=United_Nations&oldid=1148713682 (accessed

5. Joseph Dumond, 2300 Days of Hell (Bloomington US: Xlibris,

2014), 572.
412 Abraham Ojeda

6., “Laurel Wreath/Crown Symbol, Its

Meaning and History”

7. United Nations. Report of the United Nations Conference on

the Human Environment. A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1 Stockholm, June
5-16, 1972.

8. Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers,

and William W. Behrens. The Limits to Growth: A Report for
the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind.
(New York: Universe Books, 1972), 183.

9. Nicole Sparks and Darrin J. Rodgers, “John McConnell,

Jr. and the Pentecostal Origins of Earth Day”, Assemblies
of God Heritage. Volume 30, 2010. page 22. Accessed
online via Internet Archive.

10. United Nations. Report of the United Nations Conference on

the Human Environment. A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1 Stockholm, June
5-16, 1972.

11. Ibid, 4.

12. Ibid, 8.

13. Rosa Koire. Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21. (Santa
Rosa, CA: Post Sustainability Institute Press, 2011), 16.

14. Brian Moonan. Agenda 21: The Earth Charter, The Ark
of Hope, and the New World Order. 2016. https://vimeo.
(Note: Brian Moonan’s website is the following: https:// You used to be able to click on the
Agenda 21 video from his website and it would take you over
to YouTube, but his YouTube video has been banned and
deleted. Watch it on Brian’s Vimeo and even download for
Bible Prophecy Secrets 413

free it while you still can.)

15. Sally Linder, “Ark of Hope”.

16. Earth Charter Commission. “The Earth Charter” page


17. Ibid, 3.

18. ”H7673 - šāḇaṯ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

19. “H2077 - zeḇaḥ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

20. “H4503 - minḥâ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

21. WebMD, “Pandemics” April 18, 2022. https://www.webmd.


22. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “WHO Director-

General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on
COVID-19 - 11 March 2020”, WHO, March 11, 2020. https://

23. Devorah Gordon, “New Moon Observation 24 February

2020” Devorah’s Date Tree (email newsletter). https://mailchi.

24. WHO, “Timeline: WHO’s COVID-19 response” https://
414 Abraham Ojeda


25. The Gavi Vaccine Alliance,


26. WHO, “Boost for global response to COVID-19 as

economies worldwide formally sign up to COVAX facility”
September 21, 2020.

27. VOA News, “WHO Says 184 Countries Have Now Joined
COVAX Vaccine Program” October 19, 2020. https://www.

28. Earth Charter Commission. “The Earth Charter” pages


29. Ibid, 2.

Chapter 6

1. Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, “The W.E.F has its own police

force whose badge resembles Daniel’s End-Days prophesy
[Watch]” May 25, 2022, Israel 365 News.

2. “WLC Search Results for “‫ן־הּצָ בָ א‬

ַ ‫”מ‬.”
ִ Blue Letter Bible.
%94%D6%B7%D7%A6 %D6%BC%D6%B8%D7%91%
Bible Prophecy Secrets 415

3. Rachel S. Cohen, “The F-35 is One Step Closer to Carrying

Nuclear Bombs. What’s Next?” Air Force Times, October
27, 2021.

4. Aaron Mehta, “F-15E Becomes First Aircraft Compatible

with New Nuclear Bomb Design” Defense News, June 8, 2020.

5. Rachel S. Cohen, “The F-35 is One Step Closer to Carrying

Nuclear Bombs. What’s Next?” Air Force Times, October
27, 2021.

6. Aljazeera, “Germany to Buy US-Made F-35s Capable of

Carrying Nuclear Weapons.” March 15, 2022. https://www.

7. Alex Jones and Joel Skousen, “Strategic Relocation DVD”

Prison Planet TV, December 17, 2012. https://tv.infowars.

8. Brian Wilson, “Russia Ready To Retaliate Against U.S. With

Satan II” Red Pilled TV, June 2, 2022.

9. Wikipedia contributors, “Neutron bomb,” Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia,
php?title=Neutron_bomb&oldid=1149220149 (accessed

10. Yanki Tauber, “Winter”, Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center,
416 Abraham Ojeda

Chapter 7

1. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “Temple Institute announces

school to train Levitical priests” August 2, 2016. https://www.

2. Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz “Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to

Dedicate Altar for Third Temple” Israel 365 News, November
29, 2018.

3. Chris Mitchell, “Texas Red Heifers’ Arrival Stirs Prophetic

Excitement in Israel” CBN News, September 23, 2022. https://

4. 3rd Temple, “Why Support the Construction” thirdtemple.


5. 3rd Temple, “Home”, https://thirdtemple.


6. Temple Institute “Statement of Principles” templeinstitute.


7. Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute, “Jewish Universalism”


8. King James Bible Online™ (2007-2023). https://www.

9. Ibid,

10. Ibid,

Bible Prophecy Secrets 417

11. Wikipedia contributors, “United Nations Partition Plan

for Palestine,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Partition_Plan_for_Palestine&oldid=1148074278 (accessed

12. Avital Ginat, “British Mandate for Palestine” December

7, 2018, 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the
First World War.

13. “Establishment of Israel” Encyclopedia Britannica. https://

14. Israel365, “First physical Feast since 2019 marks return of

Christian tourism to Israel” September 29, 2022. https://www.

Chapter 8

1. “H835 - ‘ešer - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


2. “H2442 - ḥāḵâ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

3. “H5060 - nāḡaʿ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

4. “H2388 - ḥāzaq - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.
418 Abraham Ojeda

5. “H3782 - kāšal - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.
6. “H5828 - ʿēzer - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue
Letter Bible.

7. “H2519 - ḥălaqlaqqôṯ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).”

Blue Letter Bible. Accessed 9 Apr, 2023. https://www.

Chapter 9

1. “H2856 - ḥāṯam - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

2. “G5590 - psychē - Strong’s Greek Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

3. Van Donzel E J. and Andrea Schmidt, Gog and Magog in

Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources Sallam’s Quest
for Alexander’s Wall (Leiden: BRILL, 2014), xvii, Preface.

4. Ibid, 51.

5. Ibid, 81.

Chapter 10

1. Bible Atlas, “Meshech-Tubal (Meshech)” https://bibleatlas.


2. New York Times, “Dorothy de Rothschild, 93, Supporter of

Bible Prophecy Secrets 419

Israel” Obituary, December 13, 1988. https://www.nytimes.


3. The State of Israel, The Judicial Authority Supreme

Court, “The Symbols”

4. The State of Israel, The Judicial Authority Supreme Court,

“The Gatehouse: The Pyramid and the Library” https://

5. Das R, Wexler P, Pirooznia M and Elhaik E (2017) “The

Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish”. Front.
Genet. 8:87. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2017.00087. Accessed online
via Frontiers:

6. Excerpt From: Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. “Two

Hundred Years Together : On Russian-Jewish Relations, 1795-
1995.” iBooks, 24.

7. Ibid, 25.

8. Eran Elhaik, “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry:

Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses”
Genome Biol Evol. 2013; 5(1): 61–74. Published online 2012
Dec 14. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evs119

9. Eran Elhaik, “Ashkenazic Jews’ mysterious origins

unravelled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA” September 5,

10. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years

Together : On Russian-Jewish Relations, 1795-1995. iBooks,
420 Abraham Ojeda

11. Wikipedia contributors, “Karl Marx,” Wikipedia, The Free

Marx&oldid=1148703430 (accessed 2023).

12. Tristram Hunt, Marx’s General: The Revolutionary Life of

Friedrich Engels (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2009), 70.

13. Ibid, 71.

14. Excerpt From: Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. “Two

Hundred Years Together : On Russian-Jewish Relations, 1795-
1995.” iBooks, 560, 563.

15. Ibid, 561.

16. Ibid, 85.

17. Ibid, 643-644.

18. David Shneer, “Leon Trotsky”, Modern Jewish History, My

Jewish Learning.

19. Solzhenitsyn, A. (1974). The Gulag archipelago, 1918-

1956: an experiment in literary investigation, Volume 2. Tran.
Thomas P. Whitney. (London: Collins: Harvill
Press), 79.

20. Ibid, 84.

21. Jewish Virtual Library (A Project of AICE), “Haavara”

22. Ibid.

23. Peter Page. “5 Crypto Billionaires and Millionaires Died In
the Final Weeks of 2022” January 9, 2023, Grit Daily. https://
Bible Prophecy Secrets 421


Chapter 11

1. “G3326 - meta - Strong’s Greek Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


2. “G3933 - parthenos - Strong’s Greek Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

3. Julie Tivey Boney, “Prophet or Not”, Proclamation

Online Magazine, November 19, 2019. https://blog.

4. Rebecca Biderman, In Search of His Ancient Path

- Restoring the True Biblical Calendar. https://www.

5. Abraham - Overcome Babylon, “How to Keep God’s Feasts

at the Correct Time with the 7 Species Witnesses - Becca
Biderman [ep.14]” Aug 29, 2022, Bitchute: https://www. See also on YouTube:

6. “H24 - ‘āḇîḇ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue Letter


7. Nazarene Israel, “Aviv Barley Simplified”, Apr 24, 2021,


8. Norman B. Willis, The Torah Calendar, CreateSpace

422 Abraham Ojeda

Independent Publishing Platform (April 2, 2012). https://

9. Rebecca Biderman, Ancient Path New Moon - Restoring

the True Biblical Time, Facebook Group, Post dated February
21, 2023. Image source:

10. Joseph F. Dumond, “The Barley Search March 16, 2022,

From Israel” Sighted Moon Newsletter, March 16, 2022.

11. Rebecca Biderman, Ancient Path New Moon - Restoring

the True Biblical Time, Facebook Group, Post dated February
21, 2023.

12. Seven Species Calendar. Telegram post on February 21,


13. Rebecca Biderman, “Another look at the field with a drone

Mar 8 2023”, Mar. 8, 2023, ancient path new moon YouTube

14. Rebecca Biderman, “Roasting and grinding the

harvested barley into flour” Jan. 29, 2021, ancient path
new moon YouTube Channel.

Chapter 12

1., “Weekly Torah Portion - Parshah Archive”.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 423

2. Abraham Ojeda, Overcome Babylon. https://

3. Joseph Dumond, “Perpetual Calendar” Sighted Moon.

4. “H8643 - tᵊrûʿâ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

5. Joseph Dumond. It Was a Riddle Not a Command. Edited by

Joli Darling. (Independently published, 2019), 114-115.

6. “Christmas and its cycle”. New Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3

2nd ed. (Catholic University of America Press: 2002), 551.

7. Abraham - Overcome Babylon, “Jesus Was NOT Born

on December 25th (HIDDEN End Times Prophecy) [ep.21]”
December 22, 2022, YouTube.

8. William Struse, “The Course of Abija” The 13th

Enumeration, 2013.

9. Thomas Herbert Lewin, Fasti Sacri, Or A Key To The

Chronology Of The N. T., (1875), 53.

10. Jack M. Ballinger, “The Birth of Christ Recalculated”,

Maranatha Church.

11. Ernest L. Martin, The Star That Astonished the World,

(Portland, OR: Ask publications, 1996). Accessed online:
424 Abraham Ojeda

12. Stellarium app.

13. “H3725 - kipur - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.

14. “H3722 - kāp̄ar - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (NKJV).” Blue

Letter Bible.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 425


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Aljazeera, “Germany to Buy US-Made F-35s Capable of

Carrying Nuclear Weapons.” March 15, 2022. https://

Apocrypha (KJV). Read for free on eBible:


Ballinger, Jack M. “The Birth of Christ Recalculated”, Maranatha


Berkowitz, Adam Eliyahu. “Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to

Dedicate Altar for Third Temple” Israel 365 News,
November 29, 2018.

—. “The W.E.F has its own police force whose badge resembles
Daniel’s End-Days prophesy [Watch]” May 25, 2022. Israel 365

Bible Atlas, “Meshech-Tubal (Meshech)”

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Biderman, Rebecca. Ancient Path New Moon - Restoring the

True Biblical Time, Facebook Group, Post dated February 21,

—. “Another look at the field with a drone Mar 8 2023”, Mar. 8,

2023, ancient path new moon YouTube Channel. https://youtu.

—. In Search of His Ancient Path - Restoring the True Biblical


—. “Roasting and grinding the harvested barley into flour” Jan.

29, 2021, ancient path new moon YouTube Channel. https://

—. Seven Species Calendar. Telegram post on February 21,


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14th d. B.C. Goodpasture, 1961. Accessed online via Life
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Bible Prophecy Secrets 427

Clover, R. et al. The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle Volume One.
2nd ed. Garden Grove: US Qadesh La Yahweh Press, 1995.

Cohen, Rachel S. “The F-35 is One Step Closer to Carrying

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27, 2021.

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—. “30 Tomb Stones of Zoar” November 1, 2018. https://

—. “45 Sabbatical Year Proofs With Documentation” February

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—. It Was a Riddle Not a Command. Edited by Joli Darling.

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—. “Perpetual Calendar” Sighted Moon. https://sightedmoon.


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Curses By Obedience. Bloomington US: Xlibris, 2013.

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March 2020”. WHO. March 11, 2020.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 429


Ginat, Avital. “British Mandate for Palestine” December 7, 2018.

1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World

Gordon, Devorah. “New Moon Observation 24 February 2020”

Devorah’s Date Tree Email Newsletter. https://mailchi.

Hunt, Tristram. Marx’s General: The Revolutionary Life of

Friedrich Engels. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2009.

Infowars. “Flashback: Great Reset Architect Klaus Schwab

Brags WEF ‘Penetrates’ Cabinets of World Leaders”.
January 26, 2022.

Israel365, “First physical Feast since 2019 marks return of

Christian tourism to Israel” September 29, 2022. https://

Jehovah’s Witnesses, “How Daniel’s Prophecy Foretells the

Messiah’s Arrival”

Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute, “Jewish Universalism” JSLI.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA). “Temple Institute announces

school to train Levitical priests” August 2, 2016. https://www.
430 Abraham Ojeda

Jewish Virtual Library (A Project of AICE), “Haavara” https://

Jones, Alex and Skousen, Joel. “Strategic Relocation DVD”

Prison Planet TV. December 17, 2012.

Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. Read for free at

Project Gutenberg:

Kennedy, Dana. “Drowning death of crypto ‘visionary’ Nikolai

Mushegian fuels conspiracy theories” November 9, 2022, New
York Post.

King James Bible Online™ (2007-2023). https://www.

Knox, John S. “Solomon”. World History Encyclopedia. January

25, 2017.

Koire, Rosa. Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21. Santa Rosa,
CA: Post Sustainability Institute Press, 2011.

Lewin, Thomas Herbert. Fasti Sacri, or a Key to the Chronology of

the N.T. London, 1875.

Martin, Ernest L. The Star That Astonished the World. Portland,

OR: Ask publications, 1996.

Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers,

and William W. Behrens. The Limits to Growth: A Report for the
Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind. New York:
Universe Books, 1972.

Mehta, Aaron. “F-15E Becomes First Aircraft Compatible with

Bible Prophecy Secrets 431

New Nuclear Bomb Design” Defense News. June 8, 2020.

Mercola, Joseph. The Truth About COVID-19. London, UK
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021. iBooks.

Mitchell, Chris. “Texas Red Heifers’ Arrival Stirs Prophetic

Excitement in Israel” CBN News. September 23, 2022.

Moonan, Brian. Agenda 21: The Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope,
and the New World Order.* 2016.

Note: Brian Moonan’s website is the following: https:// You used to be able to click on
the Agenda 21 video from his website and it would take
you over to YouTube, but his YouTube video has been
banned and deleted. Watch it on Brian’s Vimeo and even
download for free it while you still can., “Laurel Wreath/Crown Symbol, Its Meaning

and History”

New Catholic Encyclopedia. ”Christmas and its cycle”. Vol. 3

2nd ed. Catholic University of America Press: 2002.

New York Times, “Dorothy de Rothschild, 93, Supporter of

Israel” Obituary. December 13, 1988. https://www.nytimes.

Ojeda, Abraham. “Jesus Was NOT Born on December 25th

(HIDDEN End Times Prophecy) [ep.21]” December 22, 2022,
Overcome Babylon YouTube:

—. “How to Keep God’s Feasts at the Correct Time with the

7 Species Witnesses - Becca Biderman [ep.14]” Aug 29, 2022.
Overcome Babylon YouTube:
432 Abraham Ojeda

Page, Peter. “5 Crypto Billionaires and Millionaires Died In the

Final Weeks of 2022” January 9, 2023. Grit Daily. https://

Parker, Ceri. “8 predictions for the world in 2030”. Nov 12,

2016. World Economic Forum.

Provan, Iain W., V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman. A

Biblical History of Israel. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox
Press, 2003.

Sabbath School Lesson. “The 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days”.

Sabbath School Net. October 14, 2019.

Schwab, Klaus, et al. Covid-19: The Great Reset. Cologny/Geneva,

Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2020.

Shneer, David. “Leon Trotsky”, Modern Jewish History, My

Jewish Learning.

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich. The Gulag archipelago,

1918-1956: an experiment in literary investigation, Volume 2. Tran.
Thomas P. Whitney. London: Collins: Harvill Press: 1974.

—. Two Hundred Years Together: On Russian-Jewish Relations,

1795-1995. The Incorrect Library: 2017. iBooks.

Sparks, Nicole and Rodgers, Darrin J. “John McConnell, Jr. and

the Pentecostal Origins of Earth Day”. Assemblies of
God Heritage. Volume 30, 2010. page 22. Accessed
online via Internet Archive:
Bible Prophecy Secrets 433

State of Israel. The Judicial Authority Supreme Court. “The

Gatehouse: The Pyramid and the Library” https://supreme.

Sabbath School Lesson. “The 70 We The Judicial Authority

Supreme Court. “The Symbols”

Stellarium app.

Struse, William. “The Course of Abija” The 13th Enumeration.


Tauber, Yanki. “Winter”. Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center.

Temple Institute “Statement of Principles”

Thiele, Edwin R. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings.

Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1994.

United Nations. Report of the United Nations Conference on the

Human Environment. A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1 Stockholm,
June 5-16, 1972.*

Note: This document was referenced using the official
UN database. However, for some reason the following link
does not work if entered into your browser directly: https:// NL7/300/05/IMG/
If you would like to read the original report from the UN
Official Document System, simply go to this website:
Then type in the box labeled “Word(s) in the title” and
enter in these following keywords:
434 Abraham Ojeda

“report of the united nations conference on the human

You should then see the correct document appear as
the first search result, and you are able to access the
document by clicking on the blue hyperlink with the
document icon in the upper left corner of the search

J., Van Donzel E, and Andrea Schmidt. Gog and Magog in

Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources Sallam’s Quest for
Alexander’s Wall. Leiden: BRILL, 2014.

VOA News, “WHO Says 184 Countries Have Now Joined

COVAX Vaccine Program” October 19, 2020. https://www.

WebMD, “Pandemics” April 18, 2022.


Wendorf, Marcia. “People routinely live over 100 years in global

‘blue zones’. Should you move?” Interesting Engineering.
November 4, 2021.

White, Jamie. “Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For Pointing

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Infowars. February 19, 2022.

Wikipedia contributors, “Book of Enoch,” Wikipedia, The Free

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—. “Geneva Conventions,” Wikipedia, The Free

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—. “United Nations Partition Plan for

Palestine,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Plan_for_Palestine&oldid=1148074278 (accessed 2022).
436 Abraham Ojeda

Willis, Norman B. “Aviv Barley Simplified” Apr 24, 2021.

Nazarene Israel YouTube:

—. The Torah Calendar, CreateSpace

Independent Publishing Platform: April 2, 2012. https://

Wilson, Brian. “Russia Ready To Retaliate Against U.S. With

Satan II” Red Pilled TV. June 2, 2022.

World Economic Forum, “8 Predictions For The World In 2030”

February 7, 2017, Internet Archive.

—. “Conversation with Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer | Davos

| #WEF22” May 25, 2022. Official YouTube Channel. https://

—. “Partners”.

—. “Preparing for the Next Pandemic with Bill Gates | Davos

| #WEF22” May 24, 2022. Official YouTube Channel. https://

—. “Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari” Annual

Meeting, January 25, 2018, Official YouTube Channel. https://

—. “Yuval Noah Harari”


World Health Organization (WHO). “Boost for global response

to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally sign up to
COVAX facility” September 21, 2020.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 437

—. “GHE: Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy”.

—. “Timeline: WHO’s COVID-19 response” https://www.who.

Bible Prophecy Secrets 439


The Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel

by Steven M. Collins

Who Are You America?: Time To Lift Your

Prophetic Veil
by Stephen J. Spykerman

Two Hundred Years Together: On Russian-Jewish

Relations, 1795-1995
by Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

2300 Days of Hell

by Joseph F. Dumond

A Game Changing Revelation Volume 2: The Hidden

Ancestry of America and Great Britain
by Stephen J. Spykerman

It Was a Riddle Not a Command

by Joseph F. Dumond

The Prophecies of Abraham

by Joseph F. Dumond

The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle Volume One

by R. Clover and Qadesh La Yahweh Press
Bible Prophecy Secrets 441


There are numerous authors, experts, and teachers that have

made this book possible. Like the saying goes, no man is an
island. Jim Staley and his “Identity Crisis” presentation revealed so
much to me about the Bible at a time when I desperately needed
it. Mark Call was the first person I ever met to boldly proclaim
the truth of God’s laws in a way that opened my eyes back in
2016. I will never forget the life changing epiphany I experienced
through my first interaction with Mark. Douglas Hamp and Rob
Skiba along with Restoration Messianic Fellowship in Boulder,
Colorado were all instrumental during the early stages of my
exodus from the false teachings of mainstream Christianity.
I also want to thank Jill and Ray Harrison whose marriage
counseling sessions helped my wife and I overcome a near
divorce—I thank you both. I am also grateful for Cyrus Harding,
who equipped me with understanding and wisdom concerning
the spiritual nature of astronomical cycles. His insights came
right at a time when I needed them the most…at a time when
I was dangerously taking my focus off of the Most High Elohim
and obsessing over day trading and money. Cyrus helped me
stay on track and stay the course. I am also thankful for Myron
Golden who I had the privilege of meeting in 2019 during Steve
Larsen’s Offermind event. His teachings about Biblical success
and mindset have also made this work possible.

I want to also thank Joseph Dumond. Without discovering his

2300 Days of Hell book back in early 2020, it would have taken me
much longer to understand the 70 weeks prophecy. Joe taught
me that there’s more to knowing the Word of God than studying,
reading, and talking about it. Knowing comes from doing. And it
is only through actually observing 100% of the commandments
442 Abraham Ojeda

like the Feast of Weeks that we are then able to understand

the Text in a way that only practitioners of the Word can. There
was also a time in my life in 2020 when my wife and I lost our
12-week old child in a brutal miscarriage that almost led to my
wife’s death. Joe was there for me and helped us make sense of
it all over the phone. For that, I am forever grateful.
Since this is the first book I have officially published, I would
be remiss not to acknowledge my parents’ role in this work.
At age 15 when I desperately needed help and guidance, my
mother sacrificed her comforts to help me get sober from
drugs and remove me from the toxic environment of the public
indoctrination center (otherwise known as high school) I had been
attending. She worked night shifts to make sure I could graduate
and get the help I needed. My dad also showed me what it means
to be dedicated to something. He was one of only four men in
an evangelical congregation of over 1000 attendees that would
consistently go street witnessing and preaching in downtown
Reno, Nevada every weekend. He did this for years. Rain, snow,
sun—it didn’t matter. He showed me what it means to believe in
the God of the Bible and be a fisher of men, even when it’s not
popular. Without this level of commitment from both my parents,
I wouldn’t have graduated with honors from multiple universities
and received the training necessary to put this work together.

Thank you.
Bible Prophecy Secrets 443


Abraham Ojeda became a born-again Christian at the age of

16 but always struggled with various demonic strongholds,
addictions, and a generational curse of anger. After spending
a decade in various Christian churches, attending a Christian
college, and seeking to walk out his faith within the mainstream
paradigm of Western faith, he quit going to church in 2016. He
took time to make sense of why Christianity failed to understand
the need to practice obedience to God’s eternal Laws as recorded
in the writings of Moses and also live out the Great Commission
of the Gospel.

After a near divorce with his wife in late 2019, he diligently sought
Jesus one day early in the morning full of tears. That was the
single moment that changed everything. Jesus made it known
that there is true power and authority in His name to uproot
and cast out every demonic spirit and spiritual stronghold of
wickedness in order to walk exactly as He intended. Jesus clearly
revealed the power of the Great Commission that was missing
up to this point in Abraham’s life.

That singular day was the climax of a great awakening that had
already started from a series of unconventional decisions. From
being a chemist to ditching the status quo American lifestyle
and becoming an off-grid agrarian, Abraham challenged every
narrative and religious dogma in order to pursue God’s calling
in his life. Fast forward to today, and Abraham’s marriage has
grown stronger than ever before, and his walk with Jesus has
become radically more intimate compared to his early days in
watered down Christianity.
444 Abraham Ojeda

Kingdom Secrets, an online Biblical education platform, was born

out of the necessity to show God’s people how to experience the
fullness of the Gospel and the Instructions (Torah), walk in the
miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and fulfill God’s calling in
their lives. Kingdom Secrets Academy is dedicated to restoring
the faith of 1st century saints and proclaiming the unfiltered
truth of end times prophecy during these very last days of

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