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CDBM Mod02 Answers

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Module 2

The Relational Model:

Introduction, QBE, and Relational Algebra


1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a healthy relation?

a. Each column has a distinct name (technically called the attribute name).

b. Each intersection of a row and column in a table may contain more than one value.

c. All values in a column are values of the same attribute (that is, all entries must match the column

d. The order of the rows and columns is not important.

2. Which of the following sentences explains how entities, attributes, and records work together?
a. A record contains a single attribute with many entities.

b. An entity can have only one attribute in a record.

c. A record contains all related entities and all of their attributes.

d. A record is all of the attribute values for one item in an entity.

3. The _____ contains values that uniquely identify each record in a table and serves as the linking
field in the table on the “one” (parent) side of a one-to-many relationship.
a. primary key field

b. foreign key field

c. calculated field

d. natural field

4. What is the purpose of the foreign key field?

a. It is the linking field in the table on the “one” (parent) side of a one-to-many relationship.

b. It establishes the order of the records in a table.

c. It is the field in the table on the “many” (child) side of a one-to-many relationship.

d. It links two tables that do not have a common field.

5. In the query design grid in Access Query Design View, you place AND criteria on _____, and you
place OR criteria on _____.
a. the same row, different rows

b. different rows, the same row

c. the Total row, the next blank Field row

d. the AND row, the OR row

6. With _____, only one criterion must evaluate true in order for a record to be selected and with
_____, all criteria must be evaluate true in order for a record to be selected.
a. parameter criteria, double criteria

b. function criteria, IF criteria

c. simple criteria, complex criteria

d. OR criteria, AND criteria

7. Which of the following is an example of a computed field?

a. MonthlyRate = [AnnualRate] / 12

b. MonthlyRate: Annual Rate / 12

c. MonthlyRate: [AnnualRate] / 12

d. MonthlyRate: “AnnualRate” / 12

8. Which of the following describes an Access aggregate function?

a. An aggregate function performs a calculation that provides new information for each record.

b. An aggregate function determines all rows that are in table A but not in table B.

c. An aggregate function sums, averages, or counts, for example, the records in a group.

d. An aggregate function makes a specified change to all records satisfying the criteria in a query.

9. How do you sort data in Access Query Design View?

a. Use the Sort row and specify the sort fields in a left-to-right order.

b. Enter the sort order on the Criteria row of the query design grid.

c. Select a grouping field, and then use the Sort row to select a sort order.

d. In the Sort row, select “major sort key” or “minor sort key” for each field you want to sort.

10. What does it mean to enforce referential integrity on a one-to-many relationship?

a. You may not set a primary key in the “many” table.

b. You may not create orphan records by entering a phony foreign key field value in the “many” table.
c. You may not delete records in the “one” table that have no related records in the “many” table.

d. You may not create new records in the “one” table.

11. Which of the following types of queries does not change data in Access?
a. update

b. delete

c. select

d. make-table

12. _____ forms the foundational knowledge for SQL, Structured Query Language, which is the most
popular way developers select, edit, and add data to a relational database.
a. Query algebra

b. Referential integrity

c. Entity diagramming

d. Relational algebra

Critical Thinking

1. Using the data for the JC Consulting database shown in Figure 2-1, identify the one-to-many

relationships as well as the primary key fields and foreign key fields for each of the five tables.
Clients (ClientID, ClientName, Street, Zip, Government)

Employees (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, HireDate, Title, Salary)

Projects (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientID, EmployeeID, ProjectNotes)

ClientID and EmployeeID are foreign key fields

ProjectLinkItems (ProjectLineItemID, ProjectID, TaskID, TaskDate, Quantiy, Factor, ProjectLinkItemNotes)

ProjectID and TaskID are foreign key fields

TaskMasterList (TaskID, Description, CategoryID, Per, Estimate)

2. Using the data for the JC Consulting database shown in Figure 2-1 and your answers from the

previous question, which tables would need to be involved if you wanted to create a query that

showed the EmployeeID and LastName fields from the Employees table as well as all TaskID and

Description fields from the TaskMasterList table that were related to that employee?

You would need the Employees, TaskMasterList, Projects, and ProjectListItem tables.

Note: The following answers indicate how to perform the specified task in Microsoft Access. The process for other database
management systems would be different, although it should be similar. Data and solution files are available at the Cengage
website. Data files consist of copies of the JC Consulting, Pitt Fitness, and Sports Physical Therapy databases that are usable
in Access 2010, Access 2013, Access 2016, and Access 2019, and script files to create the tables and data in these databases
in other systems, such as MySQL.

Answers to JC Consulting Case Exercises: QBE

1. Select the LastName, ProjectID, and ClientName fields for all records for the employee with the last
name of Novak. Which of the following ProjectID values is not associated with Novak?
a. 1

b. 17

c. 26

d. 4

LastName ProjectID ClientName
Novak 1 Tri-Lakes Realtors
Novak 3 Midstates Auto Auction
Novak 4 Bretz & Hanna Law Firm
Novak 8 Midstates Auto Auction
Novak 16 Harper State Bank
Novak 17 MarketPoint Sales
Novak 19 SecureCom Wireless
LastName ProjectID ClientName
Novak 25 Wu Electric

2. Select the ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientName, and Government fields for all records where the
Government field value is True. Which of the following clients are included in the results?
a. Project Lead The Way and The HELPCard

b. Tri-Lakes Realtors and Midstates Auto Auction

c. Bretz & Hanna Law Firm and Bounteous

d. Harper State Bank and MarketPoint Sales

ProjectID ProjectStartDate ClientName Government
7 9/2/2019 Project Lead The Way Yes
15 12/21/2020 The HELPCard Yes

3. Select the ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientName, TaskID, and Description fields for TaskID
TEST01 and a ProjectStartDate after 1/1/2020. Sort the records in ascending order by
ProjectStartDate. What are the ProjectStartDate and ClientName values in the first record of the
a. 1/6/2020, Midstates Auto Auction

b. 2/7/2019 Jobot Developers

c. 4/10/2020, Bretz & Hanna Law Firm

d. 1/14/2022, SkyFactor

ProjectID ProjectStartDate ClientName TaskID Description
4 4/10/2020 Bretz & Hanna Law Firm TEST01 Test technology
13 11/30/2020 Jobot Developers TEST01 Test technology
14 12/9/2020 Jillian Henry & Associates TEST01 Test technology
15 12/21/2020 The HELPCard TEST01 Test technology
17 2/15/2021 MarketPoint Sales TEST01 Test technology
22 9/30/2021 Juxly Engineering TEST01 Test technology
24 1/14/2022 SkyFactor TEST01 Test technology

4. Select the ProjectID, ClientName, TaskID, and Description fields for TaskIDs TEST01 or TEST02.
Sort the records in ascending order by ProjectID and then by TaskID. What are the ProjectID and
TaskID values of the first two records in the results?
a. 2, TEST01 and 4, TEST01

b. 2, TEST01 and 2, TEST02

c. 4, TEST01 and 22, TEST01

d. 17, TEST01 and 17, TEST02

ProjectID ClientName TaskID Description
2 Jobot Developers TEST01 Test technology
2 Jobot Developers TEST02 Test performance
4 Bretz & Hanna Law Firm TEST02 Test performance
4 Bretz & Hanna Law Firm TEST01 Test technology
7 Project Lead The Way TEST01 Test technology
7 Project Lead The Way TEST02 Test performance
13 Jobot Developers TEST01 Test technology
14 Jillian Henry & Associates TEST01 Test technology
14 Jillian Henry & Associates TEST02 Test performance
15 The HELPCard TEST02 Test performance
15 The HELPCard TEST01 Test technology
17 MarketPoint Sales TEST01 Test technology
17 MarketPoint Sales TEST02 Test performance
22 Juxly Engineering TEST02 Test performance
22 Juxly Engineering TEST01 Test technology
24 SkyFactor TEST02 Test performance
24 SkyFactor TEST01 Test technology

5. Select the EmployeeID, LastName, HireDate, and Salary fields for employees hired on or before
1/1/2020. Create a calculated field named Bonus that is calculated as 50 percent of their monthly
salary, which is stored in the Salary field. What is the bonus amount for Lopez?
a. 2500

b. 12,400

c. 6200

d. 3100

EmployeeID LastName HireDate Salary Bonus
19 Kohn 1/1/2020 $5,000.00 2500
52 Novak 1/1/2019 $8,000.00 4000
53 Anad 1/1/2019 $5,300.00 2650
EmployeeID LastName HireDate Salary Bonus
54 Allen 1/1/2019 $7,000.00 3500
56 Reddy 9/1/2019 $6,200.00 3100
58 Young 1/1/2019 $5,500.00 2750
59 Santana 1/1/2019 $4,800.00 2400
60 Lu 3/1/2019 $7,900.00 3950
61 Smirnov 10/1/2019 $6,000.00 3000
63 Geller 1/1/2019 $8,100.00 4050
64 Lopez 1/1/2019 $6,200.00 3100
68 Patel 4/1/2019 $6,500.00 3250
73 Safar 2/1/2019 $4,100.00 2050

6. Find the total, average, and count of the Salary field for all employees grouped by title. Sort the
records in ascending order by title. What is the average of the salaries for the first title in the results?
a. $6,650.00

b. $6,000.00

c. $6,375.00

d. $4,366.67

Title SumOfSalary AvgOfSalary CountOfSalary
Customer Support Specialist $13,100.00 $4,366.67 3
Database Developer $15,700.00 $7,850.00 2
Front End Developer $24,600.00 $4,920.00 5
Network Specialist $14,000.00 $7,000.00 2
Programmer $48,400.00 $6,050.00 8
Project Manager $21,100.00 $7,033.33 3
Quality Assurance Engineer $12,750.00 $6,375.00 2
UI Designer $13,300.00 $6,650.00 2

7. Select the records in the TaskMasterList table with a CategoryID field value of Database, and then
create an update query to update their Estimate field values by 10 percent. How many records are
updated, and what is the highest updated Estimate field value?
a. 5 and $1,100

b. 5 and $1,000

c. 40 and $1,100
d. 40 and $1,000
After running the update query, 5 records are updated as shown below:

CategoryID Estimate
Database $1,100.00
Database $137.50
Database $550.00
Database $550.00
Database $440.00

8. Delete all of the records in the ProjectLineItems table with a ProjectID field value of 11. How many
records were deleted?
a. 1

b. 0

c. 7

d. 145
These 7 records should be deleted from the ProjectLineItems table:

ProjectLineItemID ProjectID TaskID TaskDate Quantity Factor ProjectLineItemNotes
17 11 MEET00 30-Apr-20 1 1.00
18 11 PLAN01 30-Apr-20 1 1.00
201 11 DB04 13-May-20 1 1.00
202 11 CODE04 20-May-20 40 1.00
203 11 SUPP03 27-May-20 8 1.00
204 11 SUPP02 01-Jun-20 4 1.00
205 11 SUPP04 08-Jun-20 12 1.00 12-month minimum

9. Make a table with the ClientName, ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, and TaskID fields for all projects
with a TaskID field value of MEET00. Sort the records in ascending order by the ProjectStartDate
field. Twenty-four records should be selected. Name the table InitialMeetings. What is the
ClientName value of the first record in the InitialMeetings table?
a. Bounteous

b. Tri-Lakes Realtors

c. Morales Group

d. Jobot Developers
These 24 records should be present in a new InitialMeetings table:
ClientName ProjectID ProjectStartDate TaskID
Tri-Lakes Realtors 1 2/6/2019 MEET00
Jobot Developers 2 2/7/2019 MEET00
Midstates Auto Auction 3 3/11/2019 MEET00
Project Lead The Way 7 9/2/2019 MEET00
Midstates Auto Auction 8 1/6/2020 MEET00
Bounteous 9 2/10/2020 MEET00
Tri-Lakes Realtors 31 3/1/2020 MEET00
Bretz & Hanna Law Firm 4 4/10/2020 MEET00
Jobot Developers 13 11/30/2020 MEET00
Jillian Henry & Associates 14 12/9/2020 MEET00
The HELPCard 15 12/21/2020 MEET00
Harper State Bank 16 1/4/2021 MEET00
MarketPoint Sales 17 2/15/2021 MEET00
Bounteous 18 4/14/2021 MEET00
SecureCom Wireless 19 6/4/2021 MEET00
Pediatric Group 21 8/31/2021 MEET00
Juxly Engineering 22 9/30/2021 MEET00
NuCamp 23 11/12/2021 MEET00
SkyFactor 24 1/14/2022 MEET00
Wu Electric 25 2/17/2022 MEET00
Revature Motors 27 5/3/2022 MEET00
Talent Sensations 28 5/10/2022 MEET00
Carta Training 29 6/2/2022 MEET00
Morales Group 30 6/3/2022 MEET00

Critical Thinking

1. Select the ClientName, ProjectStartDate, and TaskID fields for all records that have a project

start date in the year 2020 and have a task ID of MEET00 or MEET01. Sort the records by client

name then task ID.

This question requires students to use both AND and OR criteria in one query. The ProjectStartDate
must be >1/1/2020 and < 1/1/2021 for TaskID MEET00 or MEET01.
ClientName ProjectStartDate TaskID
Bounteous 2/10/2020 MEET00
ClientName ProjectStartDate TaskID
Bretz & Hanna Law Firm 4/10/2020 MEET00
Jillian Henry & Associates 12/9/2020 MEET00
Jillian Henry & Associates 12/9/2020 MEET01
Jobot Developers 11/30/2020 MEET00
Midstates Auto Auction 1/6/2020 MEET00
The HELPCard 12/21/2020 MEET00
The HELPCard 12/21/2020 MEET01
Tri-Lakes Realtors 3/1/2020 MEET00
Tri-Lakes Realtors 3/1/2020 MEET01
Tri-Lakes Realtors 3/1/2020 MEET01

2. An employee of JC Consulting created the query shown in Figure 2-48. He wants to list the

client name, project ID, and task description for each task assigned to the projects for that client.

Will this query be successful? If not, what needs to change in order for this query to work


This query will not result in the correct answer because the relationship between the TaskMasterList
table and the other two tables in the query is not established. When relationships are not clear, they
result in a Cartesian join in which every related record from Clients and Projects will join with every
record in the TaskMasterList table. To fix this problem, the ProjectLineItems table needs to be added to
Query Design View to clarify how the records in the TaskMasterList table relate to the rest of the
relational database.
Answers to JC Consulting Case Exercises: Relational Algebra
In the following exercises, you will use the data in the JC Consulting database shown in Figure 2-1. In

each step, indicate how to use relational algebra to obtain the desired results.

1. Complete the following statement to list the employee ID, first name, and last name of all


_____EMPLOYEES OVER (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName) GIVING Answer





2. Complete the following statement to list all information from the TaskMasterList table for task ID


SELECT TaskMasterList WHERE _____ GIVING Answer

a. TaskID = CODE05

b. TaskID = 'CODE05'
c. CODE05 = 'TaskID'

d. (TaskID, CODE05)

3. Complete the following statements to list the project ID, project start date, client ID, and client name

for each project.

JOIN Projects Clients WHERE _____ GIVING Temp1

PROJECT Temp1 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientID, ClientName) GIVING


a. ClientID.Projects = ClientID.Clients

b. Projects.ProjectID = Clients.ProjectID

c. Projects.ClientID = Clients.ClientID

d. Projects.ProjectID = Clients.ClientID

4. Complete the following statements to list the project ID, project start date, client ID, and client name

for each project created for the employee with the last name of Winter.

_____ Projects Clients WHERE Projects.ClientID = Clients.ClientID GIVING Temp1

JOIN Temp1 Clients WHERE Temp1.EmployeeID = Employees.EmployeeID GIVING Temp2

SELECT Temp2 WHERE Employees.LastName = 'Winter' GIVING Temp3

PROJECT Temp3 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientID, ClientName) GIVING






5. Complete the following statements to list the project ID and project start date of all projects that

were placed by client ID 5.

JOIN Projects Clients WHERE Projects.ClientID = Clients.ClientID GIVING Temp1

PROJECT Temp1 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientID) GIVING Temp2

SELECT Temp2 _____ GIVING Temp3

PROJECT Temp3 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate) GIVING Temp4

a. WHERE ClientID = 5

b. OVER ClientID = 5

c. WHERE Projects.ClientID = Clients.ClientID

d. AND ClientID = 5

6. Complete the following statements to list the project ID and project start date of all projects that

were created for client ID 5 or 6.

JOIN Projects Clients WHERE Projects.ClientID = Clients.ClientID GIVING Temp1

PROJECT Temp1 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate, ClientID) GIVING Temp2

SELECT Temp2 WHERE ClientID = 5 GIVING Temp3

PROJECT Temp3 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate) GIVING Temp4

SELECT Temp2 WHERE ClientID = 6 GIVING Temp5

PROJECT Temp5 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate) GIVING Temp6

_____ Temp5 WITH Temp6 GIVING Answer



c. OR


7. Complete the following statements to list the project ID and project start date of all projects with a

project start date of 3/1/2020 but not for client ID 7.

SELECT Projects WHERE ProjectStartDate ='3/1/2020' GIVING Temp1

PROJECT Temp1 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate) GIVING Temp2

SELECT Temp2 WHERE ClientID = 7 GIVING Temp3

PROJECT Temp3 OVER (ProjectID, ProjectStartDate) GIVING Temp4

_____ Temp4 FROM Temp2 GIVING Answer





The owner of Pitt Fitness knows that the power of the company’s database is in running queries to find

out important information for making good business decisions. In the following exercises, you use the

data in the Pitt Fitness database shown in Figures 1-15 through 1-19 in Module 1. When you use

Microsoft Access to respond to these exercises, make a copy of the original database to create the

queries. In each step, use QBE to obtain the desired results.

1. Which customer lives on Negley Avenue?

a. Gregor

b. Aboud

c. Agnew

d. Sanchez

2. How many customers were born from 2001 onward?

a. 5

b. 3

c. 10

d. 2

3. Which instructors live in zip code 15217?

a. Juan Varlano, Michael Nguyen

b. Robert Sisto, Neda Tahan

c. Vicki Pegues, Raymond Stein

d. No instructors live in this zip code.

4. Which classes (by name) have the highest number of reservations?

a. Intense Cycle, Barre

b. Combination, Bootcamp

c. Yoga

d. Aqua Calm, Yoga Balance

5. How many customers have registered for a class on Wednesdays?

a. 10

b. 7

c. 6

d. 5

6. What are the three most popular class names on Saturday?

a. Cycle, Combination, Agility for Seniors

b. Zumba, Cycle, Combination

c. Bootcamp, Zumba, Cycle

d. Maturity Endurance and Strength, Intense Cycle, Bootcamp

7. How many classes did Pablo Brough sign up for?

a. 5

b. 2

c. 1

d. 0

8. How many customers have signed up for a class on January 8, 2021?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 3

d. 10

9. Which customers prefer the 45-minute class length?

a. Glenn Spencer, Sharon Smith

b. Debby Thorn, Juan Barry

c. Tamara Lara, Albert Cornett

d. Min Jee Choi, Ramiro Sanchez

10. Which instructor teaches the most classes?

a. Raymond Stein

b. Memo Said

c. Michael Nguyen

d. Maria D’Angelo

11. Which instructor teaches Zumba?

a. Neda Tahan

b. Juan Varlano

c. Megan Kobinski

d. Robert Sisto

12. Of all reservations for classes containing the word Cycle, which customer does not owe another fee

besides the class price? (Note: this field is called “OtherFees.”) Create a calculated field to total both


a. Gene Shaffer

b. Philip Benavides

c. Tony Waldron

d. Juan Barry

13. According to the reservations so far, how much money will the Combination classes generate?

a. $9

b. $18

c. $36

d. $0

14. Instructor Michael Nguyen is injured and has to cancel his class on Wednesday. Delete that record

and count how many classes he has left to teach.

a. 6

b. 2

c. 5

d. 10

15. Which instructor will customer Margo Patterson get for her HIIT class?

a. Raymond Stein

b. Vicki Pegues

c. Megan Kobinski

d. Neda Tahan

16. How many classes are offered on Tuesday at 6 am and last 45 minutes?

a. 3

b. 2

c. 1

d. 0

17. Which day of the week has the most classes?

a. Monday

b. Tuesday

c. Wednesday

d. Thursday

Critical Thinking

1. Suppose you want to list information on all the classes that Pitt Fitness offers, including the day of

the week, time, location, and length of class. To do this, you could create a query. What table(s)

should you add to the query? If you use only the Classes table instead of all the tables together, does

it make a difference to the output? What if someone had never reserved a specific class?
Answer: To answer the question correctly, you would need only the Classes table. If you used all the

tables in the query and some classes had not been reserved, you might be missing some of that


2. The owner of Pitt Fitness is considering whether to consolidate his clubs and offer classes in only

one location to ensure profitability. To explore his question, what query or queries would you create

to answer this business strategy question?

Answer: First, create a query that counts the number of classes offered at each location. Next, create

a query that counts the number of reservations at each location. Finally, to refine the answer, you

could create a query that counts the number of reservations for each specific class at the low-

enrollment location and compare that to the other locations.


In the following exercises, you use data in the Sports Physical Therapy database shown in Figures 1-21

through 1-24 in Module 1. When you use Microsoft Access to answer these questions, make a copy of

the original database to create the queries to answer these questions. In each step, use QBE to obtain the

desired results.

1. Which patient has the highest balance?

a. Latisha Culling

b. Andre Marino

c. Tammy Wilson

d. Isaiah Venable

2. How many patients and therapists live in Georgetown, TX?

a. One patient and one therapist

b. Three therapists

c. Two patients
d. No one lives in Georgetown, TX.

3. Which patient has a therapy session on October 12, 2021?

a. Robbie Koehler

b. Tobey Short

c. Ben Odepaul

d. Tierra Falls

4. Which therapist has a session on October 12, 2021?

a. Saritha Nair

b. Anthony Shields

c. Bridgette McClain

d. Jonathan Risk

5. Which patient has booked the most therapies?

a. Brianna Waggoner

b. Tammy Wilson

c. Andre Marino

d. Joseph Baptist

6. Who are the busiest therapists?

a. Wilder, Shields

b. Risk, Nair

c. McClain, Shields

d. Wilder, Nair

7. Which patients live in the same town as their therapist?

a. Culling, Marino

b. Venable, Koehler

c. King, Falls

d. Baptist, Short
8. How many patients are receiving ultrasound therapy?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 0

9. Which therapist has the longest single session?

a. Bridgette McClain

b. Saritha Nair

c. Steven Wilder

d. Anthony Shields

10. Create a calculated field that figures the amount each therapist earns assuming they charge $100 per

hour and the length of the session is the correct amount of time each therapy takes. How much

money does Saritha Nair earn?

a. $100

b. $150

c. $300

d. $225

11. Which therapist works with a patient’s speech?

a. Jonathan Risk

b. Anthony Shields

c. Saritha Nair

d. Steven Wilder

12. How many therapies refer to pain in their description?

a. 3

b. 1
c. 4

d. 0

13. How many therapies have a designated 15-minute unit of time?

a. 5

b. 10

c. 15

d. 30

14. Which patient has the longest single session?

a. Latisha Culling

b. Brianna Waggoner

c. Joseph Baptist

d. Robbie Koehler

15. Which therapists are scheduled for October 11, 2021?

a. McClain, Shields

b. Risk, Shields

c. Nair, Shields

d. Wilder, Shields

16. Which therapist works the least, in terms of hours in sessions?

a. Jonathan Risk

b. Steven Wilder

c. Bridgette McClain

d. Anthony Shields

17. A surcharge is being placed on any patient whose balance is greater than $1,000. That surcharge is 5

percent addition to a patient’s current balance. Create an update query to perform the calculation.

What is the highest balance now?

a. $1,939.09

b. $2,053.17

c. $2,116.07

d. $2,087.93

Critical Thinking

1. If you want to find out which therapist is meeting a particular patient on a specific day, what tables

do you need for your query? If you also want to know the description of the therapy, does that

change your query design? If so, how?

Answer: The first question needs the Patient, Session, and Therapist tables. The second question

would also need the Therapies table.

2. If you made a mistake on the update query in question 17 to add a 5 percent surcharge to accounts

with balances greater than $1,000, how would you undo the change?

Answer: Modify the update query to divide by 1.05 and run the query.

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