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4 - Data Pre-Processing I

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Data Pre-Processing-I

(Introduction, Need, Data Cleaning)

▪ Data is a unprocessed fact, value, text, sound or picture that is not being
interpreted and analyzed.
▪Data is the most important part of all Data Analytics, Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence.
▪ Big Enterprises are spending lots of money just to gather as much certain data as
In 2021, Facebook acquire WhatsApp by paying a huge price of $19 billion
Structured vs. Unstructured Data in ML
Structured Data in ML
▪ Structured data in Machine Learning is stored in the form of rows and columns.

▪ Each instance of structured data represents a feature/attribute.

▪ For instance a well known ML dataset, Iris, has five features about species
namely Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Species.
Types of Features
Quantitative Qualitative Nominal
(Numerical) (Categorical)
• Quantitative data being • Which have two values • Categorical data where
measured. (0/1, yes/no, true/false) order of categories is
• Can be Continuous • Examples- Marital arbitrary
(infinite values- length, Status, Permanent • Example- account type
mass, weight) or Employee, etc. (savings, current, fixed
Discrete (finite integer term, etc).
values- no. of workers
Types of Features Contd….
Qualitative Interval Ratio
Ordinal (Ranked)
• Categorical data where • Has meaningful intervals • Have highest level of
there is some logical between measurement. measurement.
ordering of categories • No true starting point • Ratios between
• Example: Size (S, M, L, (zero) measurements and
XL, XXL, etc.), Likert • Example- Temperature intervals are meaningful
Scale (Strongly because there is true
Disagree, Disagree, starting point (zero)
Neutral, Agree, etc.) • Example: weight, Age
Data Pre-Processing
▪ Data Pre-processing: It is that phase of any Machine Learning process, which transforms, or
Encodes, the data to bring it to such a state where it can be easily interpreted by the learning

“Data pre-processing is not a single standalone entity but a collection of multiple

interrelated tasks”

“Collectively data pre-processing constitutes majority of the effort in machine learning

process (approx. 90 % )”
Data Pre-Processing
▪ Data Pre-processing: It is that phase of any Machine Learning process, which transforms, or
Encodes, the data to bring it to such a state where it can be easily interpreted by the learning

“Data pre-processing is not a single standalone entity but a collection of multiple

interrelated tasks”

“Collectively data pre-processing constitutes majority of the effort in machine learning

process (approx. 90 % )”
Need of Data Pre-Processing
➢ Data in the real world is “quite messy”
• incomplete: missing feature values, absence of certain crucial feature, or containing only
aggregate data.
▪ e.g. Height=“ ”

• noisy: containing errors or outliers

▪ e.g. Weight=“5000” or “-60”

• inconsistent: containing discrepancies in feature values.

▪ e.g. Age=“20” and dob=“12 july 1990”
▪ e.g. contradictions between duplicate records
Need for data Pre-processing
➢ Unstructured Data (Text)
• Lower Case
• Normalization (remove punctuation, special symbols, urls)
• Stopwords Removal (of, and, the,….)
• Stemming/Lemmatization (plays, playing, played → play)
➢ Unstructured Data (Images)
• Read image
• Resize image
• Remove noise(Denoise)
• Segmentation
• Morphology(smoothing edges)
Pre- Processing in Structured Data
➢ Major data pre-processing tasks
• Data cleaning
• Data integration
• Data transformation
• Data reduction
Data Cleaning
▪ Data cleaning: It is a procedure to "clean" the data by filling in missing values,
smoothening noisy data, identifying or removing outliers, and resolving data
▪Data cleaning tasks
• Fill missing values
• Noise smoothening and outlier detection
• Resolving inconsistencies
Data Cleaning- Missing Values
Missing values: data values are not available.
i.e. many data entities have no data values corresponding to a certain feature like
BMI value missing for some persons in a diabetes dataset.
➢ Probable reasons for missing values:
• faulty measuring equipment
• reluctance of person to share certain detail
• negligence on part of data entry operator
• feature unimportance at time of data collection
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
➢ Missing data handling techniques
• Removing the data entity
• Manually filling the values
• Imputation (process used to determine and assign replacement values
for missing, invalid, or inconsistent data)

“Technique selection is specific to user’s preference, dataset or feature

type or problem set”
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
➢Sample dataset related to forest fires
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
Removing the data entity: Most easiest way directly to clean the data, but this is
usually discouraged as it leads to loss of data, as you are removing the data entity
or feature values that can add value to data set as well.

Month FFMC DC temp RH wind

mar 86.2 94.3 8.2 51 6.7
oct 90.6 669.1 18 33 0.9
mar 89.3 102.2 11.4 99 1.8
aug 91.5 608.2 8 86 2.2
sep 92.5 698.6 22.8 40 4
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
◦Manually filing up of values : This approach is time consuming, and not
recommended for huge data sets.
Month FFMC DC temp RH wind
mar 86.2 94.3 8.2 51 6.7
oct 90.6 669.1 18 33 0.9
oct 90.6 686.9 NaN 33 NaN
Month FFMC DC temp RH wind
mar NaN 77.5 8.3 97 4
mar 86.2 94.3 8.2 51 6.7
mar 89.3 102.2 11.4 99 1.8
oct 90.6 669.1 18 33 0.9
aug 92.3 NaN 22.2 NaN NaN
oct 90.6 686.9 17 33 0.8
aug NaN 495.6 24.1 27 NaN
mar 91.6 77.5 8.3 97 4
aug 91.5 608.2 8 86 2.2
mar 89.3 102.2 11.4 99 1.8
sep 91 692.6 NaN 63 5.4
aug 92.3 380 22.2 92 1.8
sep 92.5 698.6 22.8 40 4
aug 90 495.6 24.1 27 2
aug 91.5 608.2 8 86 2.2
sep 91 692.6 22 63 5.4
sep 92.5 698.6 22.8 40 4
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
◦ Imputation : process used to determine and assign replacement values for
missing, invalid, or inconsistent data. Various imputation methods include:
➢ Central Tendency Imputation
➢ Hot Deck Imputation
➢ Cold Deck Imputation
➢ Model Based Imputation
➢ Nearest Neighbor Imputation
➢ Tree-Based Imputation
Data Cleaning (Missing values)- Contd…
Central tendency Imputation : Replacing the missing value by central tendency
(mean, median, mode) for a feature vector or belonging to same class of feature


Mode : Mode is the most frequent value corresponding to a certain feature in

a given data set


Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
◦ Replacing Mean Value:

Month FFMC DC temp RH wind

mar 86.2 94.3 8.2 51 6.7
oct 90.6 669.1 18 33 0.9
oct 90.6 686.9 15.3 33 3.57
mar 90.5 77.5 8.3 97 4
mar 89.3 102.2 11.4 99 1.8
aug 92.3 458.3 22.2 58.7 3.57
aug 90.5 495.6 24.1 27 3.57
aug 91.5 608.2 8 86 2.2
sep 91 692.6 15.3 63 5.4
“ sep 92.5 698.6 22.8 40 4
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
◦ “ Replacing by mean value: Not a suitable method if data set has many outliers”
◦For example: weighs of humans 67, 78, 900,-56,389,-1 etc. Outlier
Mean is 229.5

o Can be replaced with median in such cases.

o “Mode is a good option for missing values in case of categorical variables”
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…
• Computes how many number of features (other than
feature with missing data) have same values in the
Hot Deck entire training examples and choose it for
Imputation replacement.
• Used mostly in categorical data. (Clustering)

• Similar to hot deck imputation.

Cold Deck • In it missing observations are replaced by values
Imputation from a source unrelated to the data set under
consideration. (Previous Study)
Data Cleaning- Missing Values Contd…

Nearest • Rely on distance metrics

Neighbor- • evaluate the distance between recipients and donors.
Based • Used after converting all features to numerical
Imputation (quantitative)
Data Cleaning- Noisy Data
▪ Noise is defined as a random variance in a measured variable.
▪ For numeric values, boxplots and scatter plots can be used to identify outliers.

Boxplot Scatter plot

Data Cleaning- Noisy Data
➢ Major reasons of random variations in data are:
• Malfunctioning of collection instruments.
• Data entry lags.
• Data transmission problems
To deal with these anomalous values, data smoothing techniques are applied,
some of the popular ones are
• Binning method
• Regression
• Outlier analysis
Binning Method for Noisy Data
Binning method : performs the task of data smoothening.
Steps to be followed under binning method are:
Step 1: Sort the data into ascending order.
Step 2: Calculate the bin size (i.e. number of bins)
Step 3: Partition or distribute the data equally among the bins starting with first
element of sorted data.
Step 4: perform data smoothening using bin means, bin boundaries, and bin
Last bin can have one less or more element!!
Binning Method for Noisy Data
Example : 9, 21, 29, 28, 4, 21, 8, 24, 26
Step1: sorted the data 4, 8, 9, 21, 21, 24, 26, 28, 29
Step 2 : Bin size calculation
𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
Bin size =
𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒

= 29-4 = 2.777

But we need to take ceiling value, so bin size is 3 here

Binning Method for Noisy Data
▪ Step 3 : Bin partitioning (equi-size bins)

Bin 1: 4, 8, 9
Bin 2: 21, 21, 24
Bin 3: 26, 28, 29

Step 4 : data smoothening

➢ Using mean value : replace the bin values by bin average
Bin 1: 7, 7, 7
Bin 2: 22, 22, 22
Bin 3: 27, 27, 27
Binning Method for Noisy Data
▪ ➢ Using boundary values : replace the bin value by a closest boundary
value of the corresponding bin.
Bin 1: 4, 9, 9 “Boundary values remain unchanged in
Bin 2: 21, 21, 24 boundary method”
Bin 3: 26, 29, 29

➢ Using median values : replace the bin value by a bin median.

Bin 1: 8, 8, 8
Bin 2: 21, 21, 21
Bin 3: 28, 28, 28
Outlier Analysis
▪ An outlier is an object that deviates significantly from the rest of the objects.
▪They can be caused by measurement or execution error.
▪The analysis of outlier data is referred to as outlier analysis or outlier mining.
Outlier Analysis
▪ Types of Outliers:
➢Univariate: A univariate outlier is a data point that consists of an extreme
value on one variable.
➢Multivariate: A multivariate outlier is a combination of unusual scores on at
least two variables.
▪ Outlier Detection and Handling Methods
➢ Extreme Value Analysis
➢ Linear Models
➢ Proximity-based Methods
➢ Information Theoretic Methods
Extreme Value Analysis- Outlier Analysis
▪Numeric Outlier Assume the data 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 50. If these
values represent the number of chapatis eaten
▪This is the simplest, nonparametric outlier in lunch, then 50 is clearly an outlier.
detection method in a one dimensional feature
space. Sorted Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 50
▪Here outliers are calculated by means of Q1 25 percentile of the given data is, 2
the IQR (InterQuartile Range).
Q2 50 percentile of the given data is, 4.0
▪The first and the third quartile (Q1, Q3) are
calculated. Q3 75 percentile of the given data is, 6
▪An outlier is then a data point xi that lies IQR= 6-2=4, k=1.5
outside the interquartile range. That is: Range: 6-1.5 X 4=0 and 6+1.5X4=12
𝑥𝑖 > 𝑄3 + 𝑘 𝐼𝑄𝑅 𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑥𝑖 < 𝑄1 − 𝑘 𝐼𝑄𝑅 50 is Outlier
where IQR=Q3-Q1 and k >=0
Extreme Value Analysis- Outlier Analysis
▪Z-score is a parametric outlier detection method in a one or low dimensional feature
▪This technique assumes a Gaussian distribution of the data.
▪The outliers are the data points that are in the tails of the distribution and therefore far
from the mean.
▪How far depends on a set threshold zthr for the normalized data points zi calculated with
the formula:
𝑥 −𝜇
𝑧𝑖 = 𝑖
where xi is a data point, μ is the mean of all xi and is the standard deviation of all xi.
An outlier is then a normalized data point which has an absolute value greater than zthr.
𝑧𝑖 > 𝑧𝑡ℎ𝑟

Commonly used zthr values are 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5.

Outlier Analysis
• Linear Models:
➢Projection methods that model the data into lower dimensions using linear
➢For example, principle component analysis and data with large residual errors may be
•Proximity-based Models:
➢Data instances that are isolated from the mass of the data as determined by cluster,
density or nearest neighbor analysis.
•Information Theoretic Models:
➢Outliers are detected as data instances that increase the complexity (minimum code
length) of the dataset.
Regression for Noisy Data
▪ Regression method : Linear regression and multiple linear regression can
be used to smoothen the data, where the values are conformed to a
Data Cleaning – Inconsistent Data
Inconsistent Data: discrepancies between different data items.
e.g. the “Address” field contains the “Phone number”
To resolve inconsistencies
➢ Manual correction using external references
➢ Semi-automatic tools
• To detect violation of known functional dependencies and data
• To correct redundant data
To avoid inconsistencies, perform data assessment like
knowing what the data type of the features should be and whether it is the same
for all the data objects.”
Data Cleaning-Summary

Data Cleaning

Missing Data Noise/Outlier Analysis Data Inconsistencies

Remove Assign value Outlier Data Data

Imputation Binning Regression
Examples manually Analysis Constraints Redundancy

Central Hot Deck Cold Deck Nearest Linear Proximity- Information
Tendency Imputation Imputation Neighbor Models Based Theoritic

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