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KRONOS Naval Radar (Mm07664) 2022 2

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Multifunctional AESA NAVAL RADAR

KRONOS NAVAL is a multifunctional radar based on KEY POINTS

advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
KRONOS NAVAL is based on consolidated company
technology, used on naval vessels of 400 gross tons
experience in the development of multifunctional radar
and above. KRONOS NAVAL applications include point
defence, air and sea surveillance, littoral warfare, and
missile and gunfire support.
This began more than 20 years ago with the shipborne
EMPAR radar installed on the French/Italian Destroyers
KRONOS NAVAL is designed to enable warships, such
(Horizon) and Italian Aircraft Carrier (Cavour), with
as offshore patrol vessels and corvettes, to perform
the main mission of self/area defence through active
naval missions such as self and point defence, blue and
missiles guidance (ASTER15/30). EMPAR, in service
coastal patrolling, and land forces assistance.
since 1985, has successfully performed more than ten
formal ASTER missile firing and more than 100 formal
In blue water and littoral environments, and in harsh
trials with co-operative targets (missiles, helicopters,
meteorological and electromagnetic conditions,
aircraft and ships).
KRONOS NAVAL uses its multifunctional capability to
simultaneously and independently perform surveillance
While maintaining the same capabilities, the company
and targets tracking by electronically scanning the
inserted new solid state technology based on
beam both in azimuth and elevation, in addition to
Transmitter Receiver Modules in the EMPAR’s antenna
mechanical rotation.
architecture designing the KRONOS MFRA, the
KRONOS NAVAL and a modular and scalable design
In operation with a number of navies around the
which is now branded as KRONOS multifunctional
world, the system belongs to the company’s renowned
radar family.
KRONOS multifunctional radar family.
Successfully supplied to the UAE and Peruvian navies, It also features stealth configuration with a reduced radar
KRONOS NAVAL offers multifunctional capabilities with: cross-section. KRONOS NAVAL can be easily integrated
• AESA technology developed at the in-house foundry in a multi-layered defence system, such as a ship combat
• Configurable antenna illumination distribution system, providing the following operational advantages:
• Dynamic and adaptive beam forming • Shortest reaction time for track initialization. After the
• Extremely fast reaction times to manage response to initial detection of a new threat, KRONOS NAVAL confirms
a wide spectrum of present and future threats, and the threat in the same scan, scanning the beam in azimuth
minimizing delays in the tracks initializations and then initializes the track in the next mechanical scan.
• Dedicated tracking for active missiles guidance This capability is fundamental against pop-up targets,
• Gunfire support, such as splash spotting such as Sea Skimmers
• High reliability and graceful degradation • Shortest reaction time for track cueing and engagement.
• Ease of maintainability through TRMs plug-in features KRONOS NAVAL performs a dedicated tracking with an
update period of 1 second for threats classified as HPT
(High Priority Tracking), reaching the fire control system
THE SYSTEM required tracking accuracy in a short time
Suitable for a wide range of vessels, KRONOS NAVAL • Reference to LPT
performs the following main tasks: This capability provides increased reaction time gain in the
• Air and surface surveillance, with elevation coverage up combat system engagement chain.
to 70° to help counter high diving missile threats
• Priority evaluation of threats TECHNICAL FEATURES
• Air and surface dedicated tracking with different refresh • Operating band C-Band
• Antenna technology Active Full Phased Array TX/RX
rates depending on the danger of the threat
solid-state modules
• Dedicated tracking for active missile guidance (e.g., • Antenna rotation speed 60rpm
VLMICA, ASTER) • Electronic scanning capability ±45° azimuth
• Dedicated tracking against small and low visible target or ±60° elevation
pop-up targets, such as Sea Skimmers • Surveillance range 250Km
• Tracking update rate Up to 1 second
• Target designation to weapon systems
• Elevation coverage Up to 85° in tracking
• Gunfire support/splash spotting Up to 70° in surveillance
• Side Lobe Blanking (SLB) and side lobes lower than 40dB • Number of tracks Up to 300
• EMission CONtrol (EMCON) • Weight above deck 970kg (IFF Included)
• Jam strobe detection and tracking • Integrated IFF and SLB antennas Primary radar 4 channels
Secondary radar 2 channels
• MTBCF >2000h
Unlike traditional 3D radars, KRONOS NAVAL automatically • MTTR <45 min (TRM plug-in)
schedules and performs any activity classified as a priority • EMI/EMC Qualified MIL-STD-461E
within the current tactical scenario by scanning the beam in • Climatic environment Qualified MIL-STD-810F
both azimuth and elevation, while mechanically rotating at • Mechanical Qualified MIL-STD-167-1A


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Electronics Division
Via Tiburtina, Km 12.400, 00131 Rome - Italy
T +39 06 41501, F +39 06 4131133 2021 © L eonardo S.p. A. MM07664 11-22

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