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Republic Act No. 9165

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Twelfth Congress

First Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand one.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 June 7, 2002



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress

Section 60. Confidentiality of Records Under the Voluntary Submission Program. – Judicial and
medical records of drug dependents under the voluntary submission program shall be
confidential and shall not be used against him for any purpose, except to determine how many
times, by himself/herself or through his/her parent, spouse, guardian or relative within the fourth
degree of consanguinity or affinity, he/she voluntarily submitted himself/herself for confinement,
treatment and rehabilitation or has been committed to a Center under this program.

Section 61. Compulsory Confinement of a Drug Dependent Who Refuses to Apply Under the
Voluntary Submission Program. – Notwithstanding any law, rule and regulation to the contrary,
any person determined and found to be dependent on dangerous drugs shall, upon petition by
the Board or any of its authorized representative, be confined for treatment and rehabilitation in
any Center duly designated or accredited for the purpose.

A petition for the confinement of a person alleged to be dependent on dangerous drugs to a

Center may be filed by any person authorized by the Board with the Regional Trial Court of the
province or city where such person is found.

After the petition is filed, the court, by an order, shall immediately fix a date for the hearing, and a
copy of such order shall be served on the person alleged to be dependent on dangerous drugs,
and to the one having charge of him.

If after such hearing and the facts so warrant, the court shall order the drug dependent to be
examined by two (2) physicians accredited by the Board. If both physicians conclude that the
respondent is not a drug dependent, the court shall order his/her discharge. If either physician
finds him to be a dependent, the court shall conduct a hearing and consider all relevant evidence
which may be offered. If the court finds him a drug dependent, it shall issue an order for his/her
commitment to a treatment and rehabilitation center under the supervision of the DOH. In any
event, the order of discharge or order of confinement or commitment shall be issued not later
than fifteen (15) days from the filing of the appropriate petition.

Section 62. Compulsory Submission of a Drug Dependent Charged with an Offense to

Treatment and Rehabilitation. – If a person charged with an offense where the imposable penalty
is imprisonment of less than six (6) years and one (1) day, and is found by the prosecutor or by
the court, at any stage of the proceedings, to be a drug dependent, the prosecutor or the court as
the case may be, shall suspend all further proceedings and transmit copies of the record of the
case to the Board.
In the event he Board determines, after medical examination, that public interest requires that
such drug dependent be committed to a center for treatment and rehabilitation, it shall file a
petition for his/her commitment with the regional trial court of the province or city where he/she is
being investigated or tried: Provided, That where a criminal case is pending in court, such
petition shall be filed in the said court. The court shall take judicial notice of the prior proceedings
in the case and shall proceed to hear the petition. If the court finds him to be a drug dependent, it
shall order his/her commitment to a Center for treatment and rehabilitation. The head of said
Center shall submit to the court every four (4) months, or as often as the court may require, a
written report on the progress of the treatment. If the dependent is rehabilitated, as certified by
the center and the Board, he/she shall be returned to the court, which committed him, for his/her
discharge therefrom.

Thereafter, his/her prosecution for any offense punishable by law shall be instituted or shall
continue, as the case may be. In case of conviction, the judgment shall, if the accused is certified
by the treatment and rehabilitation center to have maintained good behavior, indicate that he/she
shall be given full credit for the period he/she was confined in the Center: Provided, however,
That when the offense is for violation of Section 15 of this Act and the accused is not a recidivist,
the penalty thereof shall be deemed to have been served in the Center upon his/her release
therefrom after certification by the Center and the Board that he/she is rehabilitated.

Section 63. Prescription of the Offense Charged Against a Drug Dependent Under the
Compulsory Submission Program. – The period of prescription of the offense charged against a
drug dependent under the compulsory submission program shall not run during the time that the
drug dependent is under confinement in a Center or otherwise under the treatment and
rehabilitation program approved by the Board.

Upon certification of the Center that he/she may temporarily be discharged from the said Center,
the court shall order his/her release on condition that he/she shall report to the Board through the
DOH for after-care and follow-up treatment for a period not exceeding eighteen (18) months
under such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Board.

If at anytime during the after-care and follow-up period, the Board certifies to his/her complete
rehabilitation, the court shall order his/her final discharge from confinement and order for the
immediate resumption of the trial of the case for which he/she is originally charged. Should the
Board through the DOH find at anytime during the after-care and follow-up period that he/she
requires further treatment and rehabilitation, it shall report to the court, which shall order his/her
recommitment to the Center.

Should the drug dependent, having been committed to a Center upon petition by the Board
escape therefrom, he/she may resubmit himself/herself for confinement within one (1) week from
the date of his/her escape; or his/her parent, spouse, guardian or relative within the fourth
degree of consanguinity or affinity may, within the same period, surrender him for recommitment.
If, however, the drug dependent does not resubmit himself/herself for confinement or he/she is
not surrendered for recommitment, the Board may apply with the court for the issuance of the
recommitment order. Upon proof of previous commitment, the court shall issue an order for
recommitment. If, subsequent to such recommitment, he/she should escape again, he/she shall
no longer be exempt from criminal liability for use of any dangerous drug.

A drug dependent committed under this particular Section who is finally discharged from
confinement shall be exempt from criminal liability under Section 15 of this Act, without prejudice
to the outcome of any pending case filed in court. On the other hand, a drug dependent who is
not rehabilitated after a second commitment to the Center shall, upon conviction by the
appropriate court, suffer the same penalties provided for under Section 15 of this Act again
without prejudice to the outcome of any pending case filed in court.
Section 64. Confidentiality of Records Under the Compulsory Submission Program. – The
records of a drug dependent who was rehabilitated and discharged from the Center under the
compulsory submission program, or who was charged for violation of Section 15 of this Act, shall
be covered by Section 60 of this Act. However, the records of a drug dependent who was not
rehabilitated, or who escaped but did not surrender himself/herself within the prescribed period,
shall be forwarded to the court and their use shall be determined by the court, taking into
consideration public interest and the welfare of the drug dependent.

Section 65. Duty of the Prosecutor in the Proceedings. – It shall be the duty of the provincial or
the city prosecutor or their assistants or state prosecutors to prepare the appropriate petition in
all proceedings arising from this Act.

Section 66. Suspension of Sentence of a First-Time Minor Offender. – An accused who is over
fifteen (15) years of age at the time of the commission of the offense mentioned in Section 11 of
this Act, but not more than eighteen (18) years of age at the time when judgment should have
been promulgated after having been found guilty of said offense, may be given the benefits of a
suspended sentence, subject to the following conditions:

(a) He/she has not been previously convicted of violating any provision of this Act, or of
the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended; or of the Revised Penal Code; or of any
special penal laws;

(b) He/she has not been previously committed to a Center or to the care of a DOH-
accredited physician; and

(c) The Board favorably recommends that his/her sentence be suspended.

While under suspended sentence, he/she shall be under the supervision and rehabilitative
surveillance of the Board, under such conditions that the court may impose for a period ranging
from six (6) months to eighteen (18) months.

Upon recommendation of the Board, the court may commit the accused under suspended
sentence to a Center, or to the care of a DOH-accredited physician for at least six (6) months,
with after-care and follow-up program for not more than eighteen (18) months.

In the case of minors under fifteen (15) years of age at the time of the commission of any offense
penalized under this Act, Article 192 of Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known as the
Child and Youth Welfare Code, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1179 shall apply, without
prejudice to the application of the provisions of this Section.

Section 67. Discharge After Compliance with Conditions of Suspended Sentence of a First-Time
Minor Offender. – If the accused first time minor offender under suspended sentence complies
with the applicable rules and regulations of the Board, including confinement in a Center, the
court, upon a favorable recommendation of the Board for the final discharge of the accused, shall
discharge the accused and dismiss all proceedings.

Upon the dismissal of the proceedings against the accused, the court shall enter an order to
expunge all official records, other than the confidential record to be retained by the DOJ relating
to the case. Such an order, which shall be kept confidential, shall restore the accused to his/her
status prior to the case. He/she shall not be held thereafter to be guilty of perjury or of
concealment or misrepresentation by reason of his/her failure to acknowledge the case or recite
any fact related thereto in response to any inquiry made of him for any purpose.

Section 68. Privilege of Suspended Sentence to be Availed of Only Once by a First-Time Minor
Offender. – The privilege of suspended sentence shall be availed of only once by an accused
drug dependent who is a first-time offender over fifteen (15) years of age at the time of the
commission of the violation of Section 15 of this Act but not more than eighteen (18) years of age
at the time when judgment should have been promulgated.

Section 69. Promulgation of Sentence for First-Time Minor Offender. – If the accused first-time
minor offender violates any of the conditions of his/her suspended sentence, the applicable rules
and regulations of the Board exercising supervision and rehabilitative surveillance over him,
including the rules and regulations of the Center should confinement be required, the court shall
pronounce judgment of conviction and he/she shall serve sentence as any other convicted

Section 70. Probation or Community Service for a First-Time Minor Offender in Lieu of
Imprisonment. – Upon promulgation of the sentence, the court may, in its discretion, place the
accused under probation, even if the sentence provided under this Act is higher than that
provided under existing law on probation, or impose community service in lieu of imprisonment.
In case of probation, the supervision and rehabilitative surveillance shall be undertaken by the
Board through the DOH in coordination with the Board of Pardons and Parole and the Probation
Administration. Upon compliance with the conditions of the probation, the Board shall submit a
written report to the court recommending termination of probation and a final discharge of the
probationer, whereupon the court shall issue such an order.

The community service shall be complied with under conditions, time and place as may be
determined by the court in its discretion and upon the recommendation of the Board and shall
apply only to violators of Section 15 of this Act. The completion of the community service shall be
under the supervision and rehabilitative surveillance of the Board during the period required by
the court. Thereafter, the Board shall render a report on the manner of compliance of said
community service. The court in its discretion may require extension of the community service or
order a final discharge.

In both cases, the judicial records shall be covered by the provisions of Sections 60 and 64 of
this Act.

If the sentence promulgated by the court requires imprisonment, the period spent in the Center
by the accused during the suspended sentence period shall be deducted from the sentence to be

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