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Ent 121 by Salako

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ENT 121


This was done to help students of 100 level to ease our

assimilation and help breaking down the course chapters as
The past question is also underneath for reading

I’m Comr. Salako Olawale Ayomipo

The 14th TASUEDSU Public Relations Officer

You can get in touch with me probably for school updates,
relating to the questions set or whatsoever

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Chapter one

Concept of management

1) ------------- refer to a set of activities designed to direct and promote purposeful work . ANSWER -

2) ------------ define management as the art of getting things done through other people's efforts. Answer --
Mary parket follett

3) According to adeshina (1986), materials resources could be classified as --------- ANSWER - Monetary
and Non-monetary

4) The following gave definitions of management --- Answer

• Cole

• stoner and wankel

• Adesina

• Robins and contler

• Mary parket follett

5) managerial/ management functions

• Planning

• Organizing

• Staffing

• leading

• controlling

• delegating

• coordinating

• decision making

6) The process of recruiting, selecting, employing, training, developing and orientation people in favourable
and productive working environment is referred to as ----------- ANSWER - staffing

7) Elements of staffing

• Determing the physical, mental and emotional requirements of work position

• identifying Individual with person characteristics required to do the job

• performance evaluation

• Training and development of staff

8) ---------- is referred to as integrating the different sections and department of an organization towards the
effective advancement of organizational goals ANSWER - Coordinating

9) Reasons why coordination are difficult in organization

• lack of communication

• lack of organizational plan

• difference in leadership styles

• interpersonal and inter- departmental rivalties

• difference in time pressure between various departments

10) The process of generating and evaluating alternative ideas and making choices among the alternative is
called ------- Answer- Decision making

11) -------- deals with the dissemination of order and the the acceptance and execution of these orders
ANSWER----- Directing

12) The organization and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for
Achievement of identified objective is known ANSWER - Management

Chapter two

Management Theories

1) --------- is the systematic grouping of Interdependent concepts and principles that gives a framework to a
significant area of knowledge ANSWER -- Theory

2) Theroy refers to a set of assumption and beliefs about a phenomen. This definition was made by --------
ANSWER - feigel 1987

3) Management theories focuses on two major dimensions, they are

• Production Efficiency

• People's motivation

4) ---------- help to provide means of classifying significant and permit management knowledge ANSWER --

5) The following are names of management theorist

• Fredrick W. Taylor

• Henry Fayol

• Henry Gantt

• Lyndall F. Urwick

• Joan Woodward

• Harrington Emerson

• Elton Mayo

• John Adair

• Chris Argyris

6) ----------- introduce scientific management theory. ANSWER - Fredrick Taylor

7) -------- is referred to as the father of modern management. Theory ANSWER - Henri Fayol

8) Henri Fayol started his working life at the age of ------------ ANSWER - Nineteen

9) Henri Fayol gave 14 principles of management

• Division of work

• Authority and responsibility

• Discipline

• unity of command

• unity of direction

• sub ordination of individual interest to general interests

• Remediation of employees

• Centralization and Decentralization

• scalar chain

• order

• equity

• stability of personnel

• initiative

• Esprit de crops (teamwork)

10) Henry is Grant major works are

• Work, wages and profit (1911)

• industrial leadership (1916)

• Organizing for work (1919)

11) One of Henry grantt contribution to management is ----------

• Training is the responsibility of the management

• Authority and responsibility should be properly excuted

• All task should be well measured

• the method of stimulating interest in people is to set a goal, a task and an objective

12) The following are six Key activities of any industrial undertaking ANSWER-

• Technical activities

• commercial activities

• security activities

• Accounting Activities

• managerial Activities

13) ---------- published the book tilled "the elements of administration" in 1947 ANSWER - Lyndall F.

14) In his book, he made emphasis on principles ANSWER

• Principles of the objectives

• Principles of specialization

• principles of coordination

• principles of Authority

• principles of definition

• principles of responsibility

• principles of correspondence

• the span of control

• principles of balance

• principles of continuity
15) Harrington Emerson proposed --------- principles to promote productive efficiency ANSWER - Twelve

16) Abraham Maslow is --------- theorist ANSWER- Human relation theorist.

17) John Adair developed a situational approach to ---------- ANSWER.- Leadership

18) ------- was an apprentice bricklayers before becoming a manager ANSWER- frank gliberth

19) ----------must accept full responsibility for planning, organizing and supervising work ANSWER -

20) Me clelland identified 3 needs that are relevant to the operation of an organization, they are

• Need for Achievement

• Need for power

• Need for affiliation

Chapter three

Principles of management

1) -------- are statement bof general truth about an organization and a management as a guide for management
ANSWER- principles of management

2) fundamental principles are also known as ------------ ANSWER - universal principles

3) principles of management

• Fundamental principles of management

• Prudential principles of management

• Humanitarian of change

• principles of Bureaucracy

• principles of scientific management

4) fundamental principles of management has 3 essential component and element

• Responsibility

• delegation of authority

• communication

5) --------------- principles mandates managers to always be objective ANSWER- The Prudential principle

6) The following are elements of Prudential principle

• Economy
• responsibility and authority

• loyalty

• Employment

7) the principle that trend's to deal with worker being as a human being before regarding to as a worker to as
a worker is called ANSWER- Humanitarian principle

8) the elements of humanitarian principles are

• Democracy

• Justice

• Human relations

9) ----------- refers to any deviation from the normal situation of events ANSWER- Change

10) The three vital stages in change are ----------- ANSWER - Birth, growth,and death

11) The element of principles of change are

• Stability

• flexibility

• Adaptability

12) ------------ principles deals with division of labour ANSWER - Principles of bureaucracy

13) ---------- define bureaucracy concept as a pyramid or hierarchical structure in which power to make
decisions flow from superior to subordinate ANSWER - Max Webber

14) The following are elements of principles of Bureaucracy

• Division of labour as MD specialization

• Stipulated rules and regulations

• hierarchy of authority

• impersonal oreintation

• Employment and promotion of staff based on technical competence

15) ------- is a management that sought to determine and decide scientifically ANSWER- Scientific

16) The reason for the problem of productivity and profitability founded by talyor are -----------

• fear of unemployment

• fluctuations in the earning from peice -rate system

• rule of thumb method permitted by management

17) Taylor propounded --------- basic principles of scientific management ANSWER -4

• Peice rate principle

• time study principle

• the scientific selection of work men and programe

• managerial control and functional principles

Note each principle of management has it's own element

Chapter four


1) the willingness to exert efforts towards accomplishment of his /her goal is called -------- ANSWER -

2) the process of influencing or stimulating an individual to take action that will accomplish desired goals is -
---------- ANSWER - motivation

3) ---------- is a systematic arrangements where people work together to achieve a common goal ANSWER-

4) ------------ is one of the factor that influence organizational management ANSWER- motivation

5) Abraham Maslow constructed a theory titled --------- ANSWER- Interpretation of man's basic needs

6) The following are man's basic needs ------- ANSWER-

• Physiological needs

• safety needs

• social needs

• personal reputation needs

• self actualization needs

7) Douglas McGregor proposed his X -Y Theroy in the book titled ANSWER- the human side of enterprise,
8) ----------- theory place empahis on people for aceivement and satisfaction froma job well done ANSWER-
theory Y

9) The hygiene theory was propounded by ANSWER- Fredrick Herzberg, 1959

10) the hygiene theory is also known vas ANSWER- the tow factor theory

11) According to Herzberg, ---------- are factor that causes job dissatisfaction ANSWER

• Company policy and administration

• technical aspects of supervision

• salary

• supervision

• working conditions

12) is when the ratio of a person total outcome to total inputs equal with the perceived ratio of other people's
total out comes to total inputs ANSWER- Equity

13) Equity occurs is balanced ratio while ------------ occurs where is imbalances ratio ANSWER - inequality

14) theory Y and Y was propounded by ---------- ANSWER- Douglas MCGREGOR

15) the following are motivation theorist --------- ANSWER

• Abraham Maslow

• Fredrick Herzberg

• Mc Gregor Douglas

• Victor H. Vroom

• Rennis likert

Chapter 5

Concept Of Leadership and Leadership Styles

1) ------------- is the process of influencing other towards the accomplishment of goal ANSWER - leadership

2) ---------------- is the art of giving directives to people in order to achieve a goal ANSWER- leadership

3) A memeber of a group who has ability to influence other in marking them do what they would not have
done known as -------- ANSWER - Leader

Note : leadership is the ability to persuade or influence other you work or do something


• Democratic leadership style

• Autocratic leadership style

• Laissez faire leadership style

• charismatic leadership style

• Situational leadership style

4) ----------- leadership include team members in the decision making process ANSWER- Democratic

5) ---------- is also known as authoritarian leadership ANSWER - Autocratic leadership

6) -------------- takes full authority and assume full responsibility ANSWER- An Autocratic leadership

7) Decision making are severely restricted under ----------- leadership style ANSWER - Autocratic leadership

8) Another names for Laissez faire is ---------- ANSWER - Anarchic

9) ------------ types of leadership style is not common in organization ANSWER - Laissez-faire

10) Laissez-faire is a french word which means ---------- ANSWER - let people do what they want

11) ------- gives complete freedom to surbodinate to make decisions ANSWER - A laissez- faire leader

12) ------- is an example of a charismatic Leader in Nigeria ANSWER - Obafemi Awolowo

13) ------------ is the ability of the leader to in spire and motivate follower to achieve results ANSWER -
charismatic leadership style

14) --------- must live an exemply lifestyle that is widely admired by other ANSWER - A charismatic

15) A style of leadership employed in relationship to a situation in which one finds himself is called ANSWER
- situational leadership style

Chapter 6


1) ------------ is the passing of information from one person to another ANSWER - communication

2) the process by which meanings are perceived and understanding reach human being is called -------------
ANSWER - communication

3) communication involve a minute of ------------ parties ANSWER - 2

4) components of communication

• Encoder ( sender of the message)

• Decoder ( receiver of the message

• Code (message)

• feedback

5) ------------- refers to the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, intentions or need which the encode sends to the receivers
ANSWER- message

6) message or words can be used in ways ANSWER - 2

• Connotative or implicit

• Denotative or explicit

7) -------------- prepare message in a language shared by both sender and the receivers ANSWER - Encoder

8) The process of getting messages ready internally by selecting symbols and codes is called ------------
ANSWER Encoding

9) the level at which the receiver is able to understand a coded message in it's right perspective is known as -
-------------- ANSWER - Decoding

10) A person or group of person who received and responded to a message sent by an encoder

11) A message can be arranged in ----------- form ANSWER-

• Logical form

• Analytical form

• Chronological form

12) The line of communication is incomplete without ANSWER - feedback

13) --------------- Is the answer given to a question or the response rendered to a situation ANSWER- feedback

Note : feedback can be either positive or negative

14) uses / functions

• It shows that a message has been received

• it shows that the message has been comprehend

• it shows that the receiver is ready for the next course of action

15) forms of communication

• Oral medium

• written medium

• Non - verbal medium

16) An interview is an example of ------------ medium of communication ANSWER - Oral / verbal

17) ---------- is a formal medium of communication ANSWER- written medium

18) -------------- is a medium of written communication ANSWER

• Letter

• Reports

• memorandum

• circulars

• Advertisment e.t.c

19) involves the uses of body sign and gesture to express a message ANSWER- Non- verbal communication

20) Non verbal communication is classified in ---------- categories ANSWER-4


• Art facture code

• Time and spacio Temporal

• mediatory role

21) Communication flows in ---------- direction ANSWER- downward, upward and crosswise

22) ------------- is a problem or barriers in communication ANSWER-.

Lack of planning

• Lack of clarification

• Removal of semantics distortion

• Human limitations

• poor listening and premature evaluation

• district, fear and threat

Chapter 7

Organization Structure

1) A system of structural interpersonal relations in which individual are differentiated in terms of authority,
status, roles and duties is called ----------- ANSWER - Organization

2) ----------- is a types of organisation ANSWER-

• Formal organization
• informal organization

3) is a formal pattern of working relationship and coordination designed by the management ANSWER-
organizational structure

4) ----------- defined formal organization as a structured system of interrelated activities process and
technology with in which human effort are coordinated to achieve specific objectives ANSWER- Williams

5) ------------ is an advantage of formal organization

• Facilitating faster decision making

• Helping members to satisfy their social needs

• provide emotional support for Organization members

• removing weakness in the formal structure

• Getting work done

6) types of organization develops people interact closely over a period of time ANSWER - informal

7) -------------- aims mainly at satisfying the Individual or group social needs of it's members ANSWER -
Informal organization

8) Informal organization leader can also be referred to a ----------- ANSWER - charismatic Leader

9) ------------ is an example of a formal organization ANSWER - Education sectors

10) ----------------- helps employees to work effectively ANSWER organization structure


1. Types of organization include Formal and Informal

2. communication describes the interlock branches of a total unofficial
communication system which was constructed informally and which changesconstantly. Non-verbal
3. is the famous theory propounded by Douglas Mc-Gregory. Theory X and Y
4. In communication process the message is referred to as the. Code
5. The three essential ingredients for fundamental principles of management are
Delegation, Responsibility and communication
6. An example of dis-satisfier is Salary Increase
7. A set of activities designed to direct and promote purposeful work is called
Business Management
8. is the process by which a manager ensures that the desired results of theorganization are
achieved. Controlling
9. In equity theory, when inputs exceed outputs, it is called Over-reward
10. Management began when human being first employed other people to Carry
out organized activity
11. When we say principles are essentials. We mean they are Fundamental
12. Persuasive features is evident in Charismatic leadership style
13. Another name for Anarchies style of leadership is Autocratic
14. Stability, flexibility and adaptability are three essential features of which principle?
Principle of Change
15. is the process of selecting employees in a favourable and productive working
environment? Staffing
16. Expectancy theory was postulated by Victor H. Vroom
17. defined management as the act of getting things done through other people’sefforts.
Mary Parker Follet
18. One of the benefits of formal organization is to Get work done
19. The leadership style that allows for decision making to be shared by the leader and thegroup is
20. The art of influencing others to direct their will, abilities and efforts to the achievement of
organizational goal is called Leadership
21. was the father of modern operational management. Henri Fayol
22. The process of generating and evaluating alternative ideas or solution stop problemsand making
choice among the alternatives is known as Decision making
23. is the name giving to all firms producing similar or identical products for thesame
market. Industry
24. The main objective of any business organization is to Continue in
25. The types of principles include the following except Administrative

26. According to Herzberg satisfiers can also be called Motivator

27. and are husband and wife whom ade their contributions to the Scientific
Management theory. Frank and Lilian Gilberth
28. Decision making are severely restricted under style of leadership. Autocratic
29. is known as the basic components of communication The encoder, decoder,code,
30. A structured system within which human efforts are coordinated to achieve a specificobjective is
Formal organization
31. The leadership style that demands for different kinds of personal traits, qualities andbehaviour on
the parts of leadership is called Situational
32. is often referred to as the code in communication. The message itself
33. Theleadershipstylewherealeaderhasnoconfidenceinhimselfwhendecisionsaretobe madeis
34. The management principle that emphasizes on loyalty is Prudent Principles
35 _______ is a system in which individuals are differentiated in terms of authority, status,
and duties. Organization

36. Management is a process because the interrelated fundamental managerial functionsare performed
simultaneously. True
37. is the process of coordinating human, materials and financial resourcesneeded to
achieve organization goals. Organizing
38. Theory X and Y was propounded by? Douglas McGregor
39. The father of human relations theory is ? Elton Mayo
40. Who among the management theorists summarized principles of management intofourteen?
Henry Fayol
41. The management approach that sought to determine the best method to increaseproductivity
andefficiencyofworkersiscalled PrincipleofScientificManagement

42. TheproponentofScientificManagementPrincipleis FredrickWinslowTaylor

43. istheprocessofsettingorganizationalgoalsandobjectivestobeachievedPlannin g
44. Workersarerationalcalculatorandeconomicbeing.Whosetheoryandassertionisthis?
45 is referred to as guide to actions or conducts. Principles
46 is known as the telescope view of what is to be done in the future. Planning
47. An established sequence of required actions and time schedules to achieve statedobjectives is
known as Programmes
48. The interaction among the personnel of any organization is known as
49. One’s willingness to exert effort towards the accomplishment of goals is called
50. The Leadership style that allows for decision making to be decentralized is called
51. Set of assumption and belief about a phenomenon is called Theory
52. A system that developed spontaneously when people interact closely over a period oftime is called
Informal Organization
53. The person who gives feedback during communication process is called _
54. The person who sends a message during communication process is called. Encoder
55. _________ provides the monetary involvement of the work plan in an organization
56. Technology simply means Innovation
57. comprises of those who work with people towards realizing the goals of the
organization. Management
58. The principle that guide conduct is referred to as Administrative principle
59. Rennis Likert lived between – 1903 to 1981
60. The proponent of Equity theory is Adam Stance
61. The managerial function that deals with promotion and performance appraisal amongothers is
62. The process by which a particular course of action out of many is chosen to solve aproblem is
known as Decision making
63. The following are motivation theorists except
64. The following are forms of communication (i) Oral (i) written (i) non-verbal (iv)Grapevine
65. A barrier to effective communication includes Human limitations, Lack of
planning, Lack of clarification
66. The following are types of organization Formal and Informal
67. The scholar who divided industrial activities into six groups namely; technical,commercial,
financial security, accounting and managerial is Henry Fayol
68. Unity of command means? One boss and one subordinate
69. Esprit de corps means? Team Spirit
70. Decision-making are severely restricted under leader style. Situational
71. The proponent of the Principle of Scientific Management is Fredrick Taylor
72. Economy and employment are ingredients of which Principle? Prudential Principle
73. Henri Fayol retired as a managing director after his birthday. 77th
74. Fredrick Herzberg died in the year? 2000
75. The type of organization which has been intentionally planned and structured is?
Formal Organization
76. The management approach that sought to determine the best method to increase productivity
and efficiency of workers is Scientific Management Principle
77. A leader who is of persuasive features is Charismatic Leadership Style
78. According to Herzberg, satisfiers can also be called Intrinsic
79. Communication through body movement is known as Performance Code
80. The encoder the information. Sends
81. Expectancy theory emphasizes on Effort, Performance and Reward
82. The term Laissez-Fair as a leadership style means Let people do what they
83. Valence in expectancy theory means Strength of the reward to earn
84. The pioneer founder of Administrative school of thought was Henry Fayol
85. The statement of general truth that guides the managerial action in an organization is
Principle of Management
86. One’s willingness to exert efforts towards the accomplishment of goal is
87. is the means of interaction among the personnel of any organization.
88. All are elements of fundamental principles of management except
Responsibility, Economy and Communication
89 ________ communication describes the unofficial announcement of information by the
authority through the gossipers. Grapevine

90. The famous work of Henry Gant wason Incentive System

91. Prudential Principles of Management has elements 4
92. Organization can be divided into Two
93. The major managerial functions performed by management of any organization are
Planning, Staffing, leading, delegating, coordinating and decision-making
94. All of the following are hygiene factors Compensation, Job security, Company
95. Lyndall F. Urwick wrote a book called The Elements of Administration
96. style of leadership is participatory in nature. Democratic
97. The Encoder, the decoder, the code and the feedback are known as the basic
of communication. Components
98. The proponent of the theory of hierarchy of man’s basic needs is
Abraham Maslow
99. is the process by which a manager ensures that the intended or desiredresults of
the organization are achieved. Controlling
100. Lyndall Urwick was from Britain
101. Henry Gant lived between 1861 – 1919
102. Managerial control is an element of Principle of Scientific

103. Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another toensure that their
thoughts are completelyunderstood. TRUE
104. Lyndall Urwick’s bookwas published in the year 1947
105. Esteem needs include: Self-respect, recognition, and appreciation
106. Communication problems may occur in organization when occurs Noise
and distortion, Failure to select proper medium, Premature evaluation
107. Encoding stage is a stage where The sender put together the contentsof the
message by selecting appropriate symbols and codes
108. One of the disadvantages of written communication is that It can be
used as evidence against the writer
109. Amongst the disadvantages of oral communication is that It allows
for intimidation
110. The major purpose of management is to: Achieve the established goals andobjectives of the
111. is the right given by virtue of one’s position to ask someone to do
something. Authority
112. One of the following theorists believed that employees should be encouraged touse their
initiative. Henri Fayol
113. Establishment of the management principle of division of labour andspecialization
was by Adam Smith
114. Which scholar discovered that the nature of technology vitally affects themanagement
structure of an organization? Joan Wood-ward
115. developed the situational approach to leadership. John Adair
116. Abolition of child labour to improve productivity was one of the initiations of
Robert Owen
117. The needs for achievement, power and affiliation was propounded by
David McClelland
118. ______________ Communication travels from subordinates to superiors. Upward
119. The communication between the executives of the same cadre is called
Horizontal communication
120. Another name for horizontal flow of information is Crosswise

121. When there are too much unnecessary jargons in communication it becomes
Poor expression
122. When motion influences what we hear or read instead of decoding a messageobjectively,
it is called Human limitation
123. The information that are quickly circulated before the official announcement bythe authority is
called Grapevine communication
124. The information gathered through accidental or careless remark from behindclosed door is
known as Grapevine Communication
125. believed in differential rate system. Fredrick Taylor
126. Which principle states that people engage in the same activities must be assignedidentical
objectives? Unity of Direction
127. Who amongst the management theorists said that authority should be vested intoa very few
hands? Henri Fayol
128. According to Maslow, the lowest human need is _
129. One of the following is part of the theory Y assumptions – That the average mandoes not
dislike work as assumed by theory X
130. The separation of work into smaller independent units that can be carried outusing
basic factors of production is known as Division of labour
131. Manager controls inorder to Ensure that the actions of the employeesare
towards the stated goals.
132. broke each job down into its components and designed the quickest andbest
methods of performing each component. Henry Grant.
133. __________ came up with a new idea on the differential rate system in order to
motivate workers. Henry Grant.

134. developed a theory of bureaucratic management. Max Webber

135. believed that manager can be made once he is able to understand the
underlying principles of management. Henry Fayol
Abraham Maslow died in the year 1970



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