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Visual and Non Visual Media

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Visual Programming Non-Visual Programming

Visual Programming requires IDE: Integrated Non Visual Programming does not require IDE : Integrated
Development Environment. Development Environment.
Visual Programming uses IDE so development of In Non Visual Programming, there is no IDE, so developer
programme can be in done fast even though you don’t has to be master in language syntax & fast typing as well for
know exact language syntax. the fast development.
Visual Programming provides visual expression, Non Visual Programming does not provide such features.
highlights errors, suggest available methods and
In Visual Programming, you can create programme, by In Non Visual Programming, you have to create programme
using elements graphically i.e. GUI. textually, no GUI is there, only Text based interface.
With Visual Programming, you can drag drop programme With Non Visual Programming, You have to write down
elements, can draw, can click, use menus, forms, dialogue programme in the form of text only.
boxs etc.
Visual programming helps non-programmers to involved Non Visual programming is difficult but also increase you
in program/logic easily. memory power and logic.
The word mass media indicates media as visual and glamour’s and the mass means people. Both the
term means together, visual people glamour’s people and known transport reflection. Mass media
plays a role of reflection, where it shows, who the glamour’s people.

Human behaviour is what, in which the human beings behave. It is influenced by both heredity and
environment. Heredity will be transferred to a person through genes and environment refers to the
place in which the individual come to and which influence human behaviour.


There is lot of connection between media and human behavior.Media has influenced a lot in the life
of human beings, where there is a change in the life style of the people. Because of media people are
able to gain knowledge in a broader sence, and also get or collect the information of the world in
the fraction of second. The mass media are all those media technologies that are intended to reach a
large audience by mass communication. Media transmit their information electronically through
film, radio, CDs, DVDs and other devices such as cameras and videos. Alternatively, print media use
a physical object as a means of sending their information, such as a newspaper, magazines,
brochures, books and pamphlets. The internet is a more interactive medium of mass media. It is the
worldwide network. It carries various information and services to the people.

The media can give you ideas, it can inspire you to do certain things and drive you to initiate what
you see. Everyone with access to media is affected by media. The media controls the society and the
ones behind the media are the artists and designers. media is capable of changing human
behaviour, living style and moral thoughts and consequences.It is an ever changing development
and with it generations change as well. Media help us to spread information much faster and help to
entertain and inform us.
Media reflects in two ways i.e. positive as well as negative. When we look at the media in positive
way, it gives lot of scientific as well as societal development through various sources like TV, Radio,
newspaper and even in internet. Through these means people achieve the greatest end. Media helps
in developing our lifeskills, intellectual capability, introspection and even personal contemplation.
All these personal developments are very necessary in achieving beauty of our living.

In the village people are dependent on the radio to collect information and some among them tend
to follow it. Which shows the changes in their behaviour. Role play and street play will also
influenced the mind set of the people. In the modern context the advertisement given by the media
has influenced people in a larger number. We can also see variety of entertainment programmes.
Different types of entertainment programmes are produced to meet the taste of various people. The
comedies, western, gangster films, musicals, science fictions, children’s films, news and
documentary, propaganda, educational and animation films are some of the types produced to suit
all sorts of taste. In India we talk mostly of social, volume, family, patriotic, historical and horror

Without media, it is unimaginable to live in this globalized world, because most of the time we
depends upon mass media. The reason could be, health aspects, educational field, balance of
personal life etc…… Thus it is necessary to have and involve mass media in our life. At the other end,
media is also effects the human behaviour in negative aspects i.e. youngsters as well as others are
misusing the media. So media also harming the society in different ways. Firstly, misinterpreting
the facts and bringing Cavos in mass. Secondly media doest not produce the real happening of a
world, rather creates a new world. Thus it is both positive as well as negative impact on people,
which need to be tolerated by the people by understanding the concept of two sides of the same
coin, which gives the same value for it. In overall, mass media impact is necessary for a real growth .

The Influence of Visual Media on

Literacy and the Literary Experience

By Linea Harris, Jonathan Holden, Daniel Dalton, and Desiree Martinez, with interview material by Chris

So much research has been conducted concerning the effect that visual media in its electrical/electronic
form has on literacy, and it is no wonder why. With the prevalence of such visual media today, terms such
as "information highway" and "cloud" are used to describe the inordinate amount of information that is
shared online and through other means. In the face of such a mass of visual imagery as a source of
knowledge, the question arises, "Where does textual media find its place in our society today?" To
understand this and the potential problems that have been discussed among researchers, we will explore
the uses of visual media imagery, how such visual media relates and either supplements or interferes with
textual media, and discuss with a university expert the issues concerning the interaction of visual and
textual media. First, however, let us define what forms visual media can take and what it means for a
viewing society.

Contemporary Visual Media

Visual media comes in various forms. There are films, also called movies or motion pictures, in which
stories are conveyed with moving images. Films are produced by recording frames of photo images with
cameras. Films are made up of a series of individual frames, images that are flashed in rapid sequence
giving the viewer the illusion that motion is occurring on the screen.

Live action is filmed using either scripts or in documentaries using cameras to capture the scene and the
movements and dialogue of the actors, and can even include animation techniques or visual effects to
enhance scenes. Animation is a product of the effect that frame rate has on the human eye, allowing still
images to be stitched together to form a smooth illusion of motion on the screen. Film-making has been
developed into art forms and several industry niches and classes of film. A source of popular
entertainment, film can be a powerful means of providing education, yet has been used effectively as
propaganda, as well.

With the advent of the television (TV), broadcast media has grown in influence in the advertising and
news industries. Films have been rebroadcast on TV to wider audiences than they were received in the
cinema. News broadcasts provide "to-the-minute" coverage of local, national, and international interests
to millions of viewers. Serial programming draws in rapt audiences to follow a weekly storyline of about
an hour in length. Public television programming often provides what the viewing community considers
quality programming that include nature shows, documentaries, children’s education, financial news, and

Many international films and broadcasts have been edited with translations of the characters’/narrator’s
script, allowing for an even broader international audience to understand the presentation filmed in a
language that is not native to the land it is being shown in. In most cases, though, broadcast media has
little to offer in the way of a literary experience. Dr. Neil Postman, in his 1985 book about television,
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, stated that, “on television,
discourse is conducted largely through visual imagery, which is to say that television gives us a
conversation in images, not words” (7).

Video games have increasingly become popular among children and young adults as a way to fill free
time or spend time with friends. Not limited to the coin-operated machine any longer, home computers
and home video game platforms allow game enthusiasts to play longer in the comfort of their own home
and even pit themselves via the internet against other opponents regardless of where they are in the world.
As computer and cell technology advances, the ability to supply visual media across a wider range of
display platforms (such as cell phones, laptop computers, etc.) has made broadcast media one of the most
popular means of entertainment to date.

The power of visual media technology has encouraged public educators to adopt it as a medium in which
to provide improved educational standards. Volume 3 of the Handbook of Reading Research suggests that
engaging students in actual literary activities, such as using computers for reading and writing activities,
has been very effective in teaching literacy (Kamil, Intrator, and Kim 774–776).

Today’s printed material, such as newspapers and research journals, considered by some to hold high
standards in factual reporting, are losing ground to video reporting, web log reporting (or blogging), and
publicly edited information sites (e.g. wikis). In light of this, let us first consider the importance of the
practice of writing as it pertains to the communication of information in our society.


The link provided doesn’t talk about Visual Art, it talks about visible art. Their non-
visible art is an attempt to present conceptual art, art about ideas instead of a
preoccupation with the visual elements.

The Arts (capital for an entire category) traditionally encompass dance, theater,
film/video, music and visual art. Some people include fiction and poetry since they
are creative.

Visual art is creative activity producing things that can be seen, drawings, paintings,
prints, sculpture, moving images and sound, landart, installations and conceptual
art. Conceptual art is difficult to comprehend for some, since the concept (idea)
takes precedence over traditional mediums and techniques.

Art can decorate, create an aesthetically interesting experience, inform,

communicate, persuade, provide an expressive opportunity for the artist, or cause
viewers to think about issues or about art itself.

The article you link to describes an unusual approach to conceptual art, the attempt
to remove the physical image from an idea entirely, providing only descriptions so
that he images occur within the reader’s mind

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