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RF featured technology Dynamic Evaluation of High Speed, High Resolution D/A Converters By James J. Cototi C8D/Telephonics Practically speaking, the all-digital receiver will never exist. Yet, as digitally uncharted waters dwindle, many tradi- tionally analog functions are being re laced by their digital counterparts — ‘augmenting the performance of the remaining analog components and thus ‘overall system. One interface device that merges these two technologies is the high speed, high resolution digita-to- ‘analog converter (DAC or D/A Con- verte. Two potential applications of DACs are shown in Figure 1. While DAC ‘applications are not limited to receiver design, virally ail high speed/high resolution applications require careful ‘evaluation of potential candidates 10 assure that the appropriate device is ‘selected. Although most manufacturers provide a comprehensive sel of charac- terization data, the device will often not be specilied under the specific condi tions called for in an application. 'o alleviate this uncertainty, the O/A ‘dynamic evaluation techniques out- lined in this article were developed. Through a trio-of tests: single tone, two tone, and noise power ratio (NPR), the performance of a potential D/A can be comprehensively analyzed. While this article will focus on RF applications, these tests are applicable to the dy- namic characterization of most any DAC, The Test Set Up ‘As depicted in Figure 2, the DAC under evaluation receives digital inputs that are generated as follows: A TTL clock of the required sampling tre- quency. I,. drives a counter chain which Generates addresses for the high speed memory (EPROM or RAM). Contained in the memory is the look-up table of codes that generate the appropriate test tone or tones. The sampling frequency often dictate the memory type that 's employed. EPROMs can provide a Convenient storage medium, however, they lypically exhibit slower access limes than RAMs. One drawback to AF Design EHH} > Gz) Figure 1a. A built-in test tone Injection application for a high ‘speed, high resolution DAC. using RAMs however, is the continual ‘need for the download hardware. Wave generation software is used to create and download the look up table data to the memery devices. The soft- ‘ware also loads in a reset command that will clear the counter chain, once the final data point is read. This allows the ‘counter {o continuously run trom 0 some maximum value, N-1. Data output from the memory is laiched to minimize erroneous transitional data, and then presented to the D/A converter. Jook-up table generation technique is preferred over other approaches by virtue of its ease of implementation and multtone generation capability. ‘The analog oulput of the DAC is presented to the spectrum analyzer where the frequency spectrum is moni- tored. Due to the high image frequen- cies contained in the D/A output, itis ‘Sometimes necessary to limit the band- width with a tow pass filter depending fon the test equipment timitations. Each test of the trio is useful for ‘examining various D/A performance pa- rameters. For example, harmonic distor- tion (HO) and signal to quantization ise performance are readily accor with the single tone test. Since the resulting spectrum is relatively un- Cluttered, as compared to the other tests, the single tone analysis is also useful for characterizing other DAC. parameters, such as power supply rejec- tion and gain accuracy. Harmonic distortion is characterized by products that occur al intoger ruli- ples of the fundamental frequency. Often, the second and third products of a DAC are most prominent Figure 1b. A superheterodyne re- ceiver with digitally generated to- cal oscillator Gh Figure 2. DAC test set up. ‘The two tone testis usetul for examin- ing intermodulation products, a non- linearity characterized by distortion prod: Ucts that occur at sums and differences Of integer multiples of the two primary frequencies. Typically, the dominant IM Products are among the second order Components located al ff, and f, +f, {and the third order components located at 2f, ~ f, and 2t,-t,. Although this test can also Be used for signal to noise ratio. ‘evaluation, itis limited to tess than full scale testing due to saturation problems that would arise if the instantaneous amplitude of the combined signals ex- ‘ceeded the full scale limit. For example, i two equal amplitude tones are consid- fered, the level of each must be at least 6.02 48 below the D/A full scale level to avoid saturation, ‘The NPR test, consi a converter's ability to replicate wide band signals such as those encountered in spread spectrum communication. This test entails generating a comb of uni- formly spaced frequencies over a range dictated by the application. The comb is then characterized by a narrow notch that is usually located in the center of the trequency range. Inside the notch, below the lower frequency limit, and above the upper frequency limit would appear the culmi- stFigure 3. Harmonic distortion. Figure 4. intermodulation products. BOONTON IS SYNONYMOUS UVB U RR Alaa Boonton (bd6ri ttn) n., New Jersey manufac- turer of quality eleetronic instrumentation for over 40 years. Famous for sensitive and highly accurate RF/AMS Voltmeters. ‘This tation is continued withthe two infoss measurements and GPIB oF latest Boonton models that fnd wide MATE compatbiy. The low-cost analog acceptance in telecommunicaions, cable 92EA, with the same voltage range, ‘TV, and mitary applcalions. The digital covers frequencies from 10 Hz to 1.2 GHz 82008 ofers the widest fequency and witha choice of optional meter scales. tee ranges aaial, 10 Me 925 GH2 Both inrumens feature: and 100 4 10.3 V (200 V with 100:1 © Low nose, passive RMS detection iver) Selects spay indeation may wth acral sensiy Por rer) Uti nuun caidas TOME an egieepbe to a voltage or power reference, Caibra- = tn dna fight tachnpeie © COMBE amy lesa, pron r cortobes ners i rans nda second pt omelets BOONTON Boonton Electronics Corporation 791 Route 10, Randolph, NJ 67858, Telephone: (201) 584-1077, FAX: 201) 84.3057 ‘Sal aerators Modan Anajers m EPoe eters FMS Yet Ses tr ear 1 irpecarce eters nd Unges Aco Test nsrumersm Sweep GinerlosSyrheanrs INFOICARD 38 Please see us at AF Expo East, Booth #425. Figure 5. NPR signal. ‘nation of the nonlinear products gener- atéd by the converter. Often, the dis- crete products of these noniinoarities are 60 numerous that a wide band noise appearance is created — which is particularly noticeable in the notch. This test can be especially useful since ‘manufacturers rarely evaluate the NPR performance of their devices. ‘The wave generation software m also contains a fast four transform (FFT) algorithm that allows look-up table data to be viewed in the frequency domain prior to downloading. This useful reference illustrates. the Performance of an ideal DAC of the desired resolution. Use of the FFT algorithm however, restricts the number i 3 é Input Code (4) Unipolar Figure 6, Ideal 3 Bit DAC transfer function. November 19802) Figure 7. Ideal DAC quantization error representation. ‘of data points to powers of 2, which can yield @ cumbersome resolution fre quency (discussed in a following sec: tion) depending on the sampling rate. ‘A Focus on D/A Dynamic Errors The transfer function of an ideal OAC is characterized by a linear relationship, where the anaiog output is proportional to the digital input code. For example, the transfer function of an ideal 3 bit DACs shown in Figure 6. Collins Bandpass Mechanical Filters 1 Low Cost (100 Piace Unit Price is $30) {Compact Design 1W Center Frequency: 455 Kitz ‘Bandwidths: $00 Hz, 25 kez, 6 kHz ‘and 8 Pole Solectiviy @ Rugged (1 Excollont Quality & Rolibiity LOW COST SERIES Fits in the space! Fits in your budget! SETTING NEW STANDARDS FOR IF FILTERS Rockwell Oh International Filter Products (74) 641-5908 FAK: (714) 641-5320 ‘TELEX: 685532 (COLLINS CSMA) ay a) fa) an (b) an INFOICARD 40 Figure 8. Time and frequency domain of a sampled signal a) original waveform, b) sampled representation, c) staircased representation. relers to the weight or valve that corresponds to 1 least significant bit (se) Mes 7 on “ November 1990DAC Characteristic. ‘Monotonicity Figure 9. A limited number of DAC codes are exercised when the fundamental is a non-prime mutti- ple of the resolution frequency a) ‘sampled data points of the ideal waveform, b) DAC staircased out- put. Where: ull scale peakto-peak voltage Ve = Number of bits, Due to this finite resolution, even the ideal DAC would exhibit a fundamental {quantization error of + Q/2. Higher DAC. resolution (.e. more bits) yields asmaller ‘quantization error, allowing greater ‘f dality in the reconstruction of a desired Differential Non Linearity {otegral Non Linearity Glitch Impuise Digital Feed-through Power Supply Rejection Setting Time Slew Rate Gain Offset Impact on AC Performance ‘Code Dependent Spurs Increased Quantization Noise IM and HD Distortion Spurious Spurious Spurious Spurious, also dictates maximum {, IM and HO Disiortion ‘Amplitude error Usually none, it AC Coupled Table 1. DAC characteristics and their impact on AC performance. signal. Calculating the theoretical DAC noise produced by this quantization error, begins by modeling the DAC output, F(aT) as the sum of the exact Sequence of sampled values G(nT) cor- rupted by an error component, e(nT), which shifts the exact value 10 the ‘nearest quantization level. maximum wave mean square value that can be generated before clipping Tee's | nee Pan [ TF ear (a) Based on the assumption that « is a uniformly distributed and uncorrelated random variable over the range of ~Q/2 < c < +02, its variance “power” is given by: 2-ey ze) Pee Be The sought after OAC dynamic range (maximum sine, level 10” quanti moje over the, Nyaus! band calculated by simply taking the ratio of ihe wo poner 2 ° “ = 602 N, + 1.76 UHF Pulsed Systems » 5-450 kilowatts output 0.1 to 2% duty factor’ 5 1000 psec pulse width > 200 to 850 MHz ccenter frequency » Multiple planar triode omoy » Wideband, tunable operation > Built-in control loops. Flexible computer control » Stondard models and custom units Uae ORE) COE ara Lace) INFOICARD 42 ‘ype OTolmatry Iter © Gaussian, ‘oF wie fo ree ‘calalog today. TE, ine PO. Box 3357, (206) 821.5952 Please see 123 Filters Lowest prices in America on small 0.1 Hz to 500 MHz 1.200500 standart types Meio and subminiture sizes © Passive and acine Buterwonh, Cheby- shev designs © Cal 12016 115th Avo. NE kirkiand, WA 98083-3357 50 quantities TNFOIGARO 43 us at RF Expo East, Booths #222, 224solution Bandwidth Dynamic Range 100 kHz 96.3 8 130 kHz 1015 «8 TOKHe 106.3 a8 Table 2. Theoretical dynamic range of a 12 bit DAC converting at 34 MHz, at three typical spec- ‘trum analyzer resolution band- widths. ‘Since the quantization noise is uniformly buted over the Nyquist bandwicth, determination of the dynamic range in smaller bandwidth, f,. i simply: DR = 602N, + 1.78 4 «oun [st] signal from is samples would be repre- ented in the frequency domain as the 6 tions. The resulting spectrum, as, de- picted in Figure 8b, would consist of the Criginal signal spectrum plus its images ered at integer mutiples of the ‘ampling frequency, f. Since. an’ impulse function would place unrealistic slew rate demands on 2 real worid DAG, ts output is instead characterized by @ “staircase” function a depicted in Figure 8c. Although the resuling trequency spectrum of the staircased wavelorm also con BBs RAS Figure 10a. FFT spectrum of quan- ch ig mon PETES Bie use Figure 10b. FFT spectrum of quan- tized noise-even distribution. RF Design ‘original spectrum and images, the envé- lope is attenuated by a sine x/x roll of: at sin (#) Aiton = 20 Lo_ | —+ © where f= Qutput frequency ,= DAC sampling rate ‘Wpically in DAC applications, only the ‘spectrum from OC to the Nyquist Fre- quency (1/2) would be of interest, thus the highef frequency images are fered vat an LPF, Tho aine x rll! how will aitenuate a signal at the Nyquist mit by 2.92 dB a8 compared to frequencies at the low end of the spectrum. Demanding applications would digitally correct this problem by placing an inverse sine xix filter before the DAC. In addition to the fundamental consid- erations of quantization noise and sine xdx rolhoff, DACs also exhibit other characteristics which must be carefully considered in high speed applications. Some of these characteristics and their associated impact on AC performance are listed in Table 1. ‘Monotonicity indicates whether or not the analog output will consistently in- ‘crease with increasing input code. Only when the signal passes through the non-monotonic portion of the transfer function, will It be tainted. Depending ‘on where this discontinuity exists the resulting spurs may be signal level (code) dependent. As an example, if a non-monotonic point existed at BFO (Hex code of a 12 bit converter), smaller signals that did not exercise this code are unaffected, while larger signals that pass through this point will be corrupted. Fortunately, monotonicity is virtually al- ways guaranteed by DAC manufactur. ers over the applicable temperature range, and is not usually a considera: tion. Differential non-linearity, usually pressed in LSB weights, refers to the Incremental accuracy of the DAC trans- fer function. Since this parameter dic- {ales an increase in spread of quantiza- tion error, the resulting noise floor ig readily predictable. Integral ity pertains to the overall de- viation of the DAC transfer function Often characterized as a “bowing” deviation, this type of error will create distortion products in the DAC output Glitch impulse, sometimes relerred to as glitch energy, is a measure of the SIMULATION ON YOUR PC What Can TESS Do For You? Rea reece eee rae re E errs een ere wee eer Peivera seerote ns Coc erate Sea a Senet FREE APPLICATION NOTE CALL FOR DEMO DISK or Teens Senos TESOFT omer Ee one CURSE INFOICARD 44© glitch area that is created by switching ‘ransionts betwoan updates. Although it is sometimes possible to de-skew the ‘most significant bits (MSBs) to reduce the glitch impulse area, the efficacy of this technique is very limited, usually to about a 40 or 50 percent reduction. If needed, a much more elfective method in reducing glitch to employ a sample and hold amplifier (SHA) at the DAC output. The SHA would maintain the proper analog level while the DAC is transitioning to the next value, butter ing the output from the glitch activity ‘The DAC-02315 and DGL-02316 manu- factured by Data Device Corporation is ‘a. good example of a DACISHA pair which is specifically intended for this purpose. Digital feedthrough pertains to the IF/RF/Mictowave Fiters and Muttiplexers Custom-Built to Your Specifications. U/Rt (Microwave Fle Technologies: Computer-Aided ‘ond Muliploxensfor « Miche Lumped Sarvices: "hata Bement = Synthesis + Space + Miniature Coviies Design’ 2 Communications ° MinlotueHetcas. > Engineering posi 2 Stspended 2 Manufoctutng * Frequency Domain Substrate + Testing Tronsitional ‘+ Waveguide + Time Domain Tuneabie eg + Combine Frequencies: : ees ce | Mgtsate pout MEROWAE + Suched Filer ua? top Coun sagrec ean Son 01690, CA 92121-1008 USA te cin sep Intemotiona! Rep. inquties invited FAL GIO) 7550079 INFOICARD 45, se isolation that exists between the digital signals and tho analog output. This feed-through is most problematic in high speed applications where high slow ra logic often carries higher frequency tipple components. Since this parame ter is very dependent on circuit layout and implementation, its often unspeci- fied by manutacturers. Latcting’ the digital data will limit coupling of extrane- ‘us noise riding on the logic signals, but will do nothing to prevent logic edge 3. Maximizing the distance be- tween the digital and analog circuitry will minimize capacitive coupling, while ‘minimizing loop areas of both the analog and digital circuitry will minimize induc- tive coupling. Unfortunately, even the ‘most carefully executed layout will not ‘educe the stray coupling capacitance that exists between the chip boundar of the DAC, which is typically on the order of 0.2 pF. Manufacturers usually limit this capacitance by placing the digital signs! pins es far away as practi. ¢al from the analog pins. One method of reducing the effect of this coupling capacitance is to incorporate a Faraday shield around the DAC package — thi wll be discussed in more detail in the test results section. Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR), ‘trequently specified only at DC, is ox: ‘pressed in terms of percent of full scale ‘change for a DC percent change [power sapply voltage. Although this is elpful for determining amplitude vari ation over a given supply voltage range, this DC specification will provide ite information about high frequency rejec- tion. In high speed applications, jud- cious use of the proper bypass capaci {ors and filter inductors will complement the PSRA to maintain tho proper noise immunity. Providing @ capacitor pair Consisting of a 0.001 ~ 0.1 uF ceramic ‘and ~5 uF tantalum on each supply pin helps stabilize the voltage over a wide frequency range. The capacitors can be augmented by series inductors to further cleanse the supply lines. Settling time of a DAC is traditionally defined as the time from the digital input transition tothe time the DAC output has settled to within a certain error band, usually = 172 LSB. Aportion ofthis delay may be atributed to a fixed “pipeline delay due to latch and switch propaga- tion times, during which the analog output is unchanged. Therefore, in AC applications OAC setting time may be ined in terms of the output alone: ie., as the time the output leaves a =1/2 LSB error bard to the time the output November 19:0Figure 11. AD9713A test schematic. settles to within a 1/2 LSB band. Ideally, a DAC should be chosen with a settling time that is much shorter than the sampling period. ‘The remaining DAC parameters: slow rate, gain and offset are relatively straight- forward. DAC slew rate limitations are similar to that of other analog compo- ‘nents, where the maximum output fre- quency is limited to: A ‘eo * Bap 2 where V, = Maximum peak voltage level Sh = Stew rate (Vis) Gain error, often expressed as a percent of the full scale (FS) output, relates to the amplitude accuracy of the OAC output. For example a 0.1 percent of FS gain error would dictate an amptitude error of less than 0.01 dB. Small gain ‘errors are common, and are therefore ‘ot of significant concern in AC applica- tions. Offset, which is also expressed as a percent of full scale output pertains to the resulting output level that would ‘appear at the DAC output when it is structed to output O volts. The offset usually not significant, and is easily removed with AC coupling, Test Consideration: Betore discussing actual D/A test results, a few items should be ad- dressed concerning the test parame- Fs. The sampling window that contains the digital waveform must embody an integral number of cycles. Failure to Figure 12b. Single tone test, tre- quency domain. ‘assure this will result in discontinuities when the transition from the end of the dala period to the start of the new one occurs, The frequency resolution is simply: ' ha @ zi ‘where: , = sampling frequency = Length of the sampling window (number of points) Need extra copies of the RF Design 1990/91 Directory? 1990/91 RF Design Market Directory BOTS, RSS Fees $8" | me Re Directory is compilation of over 1200 RF prod uct vendors, with listings organized by individual product (need en categories. RF engineers have grown to depend on I 38 books $-—_ lve $ —.(*postagel §___ TOTAL being accurate, comprehensive, and efficient because it “add $2 00 postage it outside US) specifically and exclusively cavers RF products. Each year's tease charge my = (JaMeX Ova CMC. issue is more popular than the last as the dynamic RF market continues to grow and new products are developed, The Directory is also unique to the RF ficld in that product advertisements and data sheets are adjacent to the ‘appropriate product listings, putting all pertinent data in one place. ‘The RF Directory is the fastest way to locate the latest RF products and services needed for cost-ellective, competitive designs FE Design a‘Avoiding the discontinuity requires that the fundamental frequency be an inte- ® Other considerations should also be heeded. To maximize the number of DAC codes exercised, the sampling window length, N, should be as long as Seen eet engieces TUSONIX practical while the integer multiple, m, hosen in the above equation should bbe odd and prime. The problems associ- ated with choosing a small sampling dow or @ non-prime multiple can be Visualized by examining the following ‘example: consider a sampling frequency Off, = 102-4 MHz that generates a tone at f= 128 Mite. Ropardless of how large the sampiing length is, under these conditions there wil always exist ‘exactly 8 samples per cycle which would utilize a very limited number of DAC codes. When viewed in the frequency do- the quantization errors of the tone ‘are concentrated at the harmonics of the fundamental as depicted in Figure 10a. ‘This anomaly yields misleading results concerning the true HD performance of the DAC — a problem that is easi Figure 13b. -30dB full scale test- with Faraday shield. solved by allowing the largest length (N) that is practical and by selecting the fundamental to be an odd and prime ‘multiple on the resolution frequency. This would slightly offset subsequent cycles, maximizing the number of codes exercised —"spreading” the quantize- tion error. Referring back to the exam- ple, by reselecting the fundamental to be 12.7 MHz (which is an odd and prime multiple of the resolution frequency of 0.1 MHz) the resulting frequency do- main plot, Figure 10b, depicts an evenly distributed quantization noise floor. ‘An interesting consideration that arises during OAC evaluation is the Performance imitations of the test equipment. Recall that the theoretical DAC dynamic range (defined as the full scale sine amplitude fo the quantization ‘ise tor ratio) is: 1) n= 6aeN + 176+ wn ( ‘where: N, = converter resolution (num-ber of Bits) 1, = Sampling frequency {= Measurement bandwidth Considering, for example, a 12 bit DAC. converting at 34 MHz, the resulting ‘theoretical dynamic ranges for some typical spectrum analyzer bandwidths. are listed in Table 2. Measuring instantaneous dynamic ranges of greater than 80 or 90 8 rally place formidable demands on spectrum analyzer. Therefore, some {ests encountered in the evaluation of a ualty high speed, high resolution DAC, will be limited by'the test equipment Fortunately, techniques trequently exist to circumvent this problem — as will be discussed in the following section. Test Results ‘The AD9713A by Analog Devices was characterized at 94 MHz with the test trio {o determine its suitability in various applications. The schematic of the DAC test circuit is shown in Figure 11. The unipolar current source DAC output is ‘specified for a full scale level of 20.65 mA, with a sot resistor of 7.5 kohms. Placing the 50 ohm resistor atthe output ‘creates a 50 ohm Thevenin 1.033 unipo- lar voltage source. This dictates an available power of ~1.8 dBm into an AC ‘coupled §0 ohm load. Applications re- uiring higher level outputs can be accommodated with a high speed ran- sconductance amplifier, such as the 009617. The Faraday shield was constructed with 3 mil copper tape,wrapped around the length of the IC package and connected 10 the board ground plane. Except where noted in the single tone case, the Faraday shield was used in all the following tests. DAC characterization for a 1.01270 MHz local oscillator is accomplished wilh the single tone test. The time domain and frequency domain results j@ shown in Figures 12a and 12 fespectively. Note that in the time do- main, the duration of the switching transients between updates are sub- stantially shorter than the update period. The staircased appearance is easily smoothed with an LPF. In examining the frequency domain, itis important to note that the observed noise floor is that of the spectrum analyzer which masks the Quantization noise and all but the most ‘ornery of OAC spurs. Being consistent with the data sheet specification, these spurs and HD producis are observed to be at least 68 dBm down from the lll AF Design scale cartier. Note also that with the peak amplitude of ~1.8 dBm, the theo- ‘tical quantization noise floor int resolution bandwidth of 30 kHz will be 101.5 dB below the peak at -103.3 dBm, well below the analyzer's noi floor. Reducing the analyzer's internal attenuator from 30 to 20 dB will improve its elfective noise figure, but will create misleading harmonic products as the front end of the spectrum analyzer will add distortion to the signal, Digitaly reducing the signal to ~30 ABFS (below full scale) reduces the instantaneous dynamic range require- ‘ment of the spectrum analyzer, allowing {or @ more comprehensive observation ‘of the DAC performance, as depicted in Figures 13a and 13b. However, depend- ing on the application the digital level ‘eduction may not be a valid test since the DAC spurious content wil likely be signal level dependent. in such a cas jt would bo more meaninglul to attenu: ‘ate the fundamental in the analog domain with a notch fiter, to reduce the analyzer instantaneous dynamic range fequirement. However, carelul implemen- tation of the filter is required to assure that it does not generate distortion Products that would create misleading {est results. The numerous spurs are caused by both capacitive coupling of the digital data to the analog circuitry and DAC nonlinearities. Although careful layout ‘can limit the coupling problem, it can do title for the coupling that exists withia, can attenuate the effect of the coupling Capacitance (as illustrated in a compari- son of the Figures 13a and 13b). though ts efficacy is limited since its proximity tothe die is constrained by the package, Nevertheless, most of the spurs and harmonics are attenuated, some by as much as 8 dB. Ignoring the discrete spurs, Figure 13 reveals a noise floor of 96 dBm which again is limited by spectrum analyzer performance. ‘though many manufacturers do spec ity harmonic distortion, the single tone HO testis useful in situations where data sheet test conditions do not parallel the specific application. Additional uses for his test include: verifying the OAC Circuit configuration and characteriza- tion of other DAC parameters such as ower supply rejection. Frequently unspecified by a manulac: turer, intermodulation distortion (IMD) is another important DAC parameter which is uselul for example, in evaluating a Mil-Spec RF Microcircuits "5 MHz to 1500 MHz RF Amplifiers, Switches, Attenuators & Subassemblies for Military, Communication or Space Application * Low Noise * HIGH EFFIGENCY * HicH Gan M@ Sundard and Custom Design WE Cascade Amemblles with a Varlety of Connectors 708, 70-12 and 4 Pin DIP Ptugein Modules WE Full Miltary Temper. ‘tare Range Varying Gale, NF and Power Outputs WW Screened to MILSTD ‘Specifications 1 Full One Year Warranty Ml Compettive Pring AYDIN VECTOR 0.804328. Nowown,PA 18940-0328 (21s) ssaaart FAX 218-960-2216 INFOICARO 49Figure 14, Two tone DAC per- formance. DAC intended to inject a builtin-test (BIT) signal consisting of two tones. Figure 14 iltustrates the DAC perform- ance in generating a two tone signal at approximately 7.952 and 8.981 MHz. To avoid saturation, the amplitude of ‘each signal is at ~8 dBm, slightly less than half the full scale amplitude of -1.8 dBm. Note that the largest of the IM compo- rents is the second order product. at 16.933 MHz which is at ~64 dBm (56 dB). The final and most stringent test of the trio is the noise power ratio, which used to characterize potential DACs for Figure1Sa. NPR DAC performance DC to 17 MHz. it generation of a ceiving system, the IF consisted of a PN modu- 1d 6 MHz bandwidth carrier centered ‘at8.5 MHz, the NPR test was developed tusing a comb of frequencies ranging {rom approximately 6.5 to 11.5 MHz with a void from approximately 8.25 to 8.75 MHz. The discrete frequencies were spaced at four times the resolution frequency of 16.6 kHz, providing about 82 components. Randomizing the ‘phases of each signal is necessary to ‘minimize the peak-to-RMS voltage ratio, ing the number of DAC ised. Actual NPR’ porformance of the ‘AD9713A is depicted in Figure 15. Note the noise floor of ~85 dBm depicted in ‘Grysiek manufactures Frequency Control Products that span the entre Frequency specirum needed for today's system designer, whether fequement for 8 Crystal at 1000 Megas eran Osclaor a 1000 on Site eee ori ability 10 fespond quickly and accuretely to your requirements and develop unique oscillator designs to fit the ever changing electronic technology. Call CRYSTEK today with your required specifications and if we are not abl to prvi you wth the specie device we wil ecommend anther Ostilatpr Says Crystek Corporation roto 5 Fon ror, FL sm60198 Prone: (03) 8962109 FAK (13) 9204226 sor Gal vn toy for ow 18-9009 te catalog! TOLL FREE: 100-237-200) Figure 15b. NPR DAC perform- ance, focus on notch. Figure 15a, falls far shor of the theoreti cal level of ~103 dBm. In actuality 0 noise floor is a culmination of the ‘numerous HD and IMD products of each Of the frequency components that make up the NPR test, as anticipated previe ously. Tho 2 MHz Irequency span of Figure 15b details the notch spectrum. Note thatthe individual frequency com- nents, spaced at 66.4 kH2, are easily {esolvedin this igure. Athough the DAG Porformance is impressive, under these Conditions it will only yield an instantane- ‘ous dynamic range equivalent to that of an ideal 9 Bit converter. Depending on the application requirements, this may not be a significant timitation since tho NPR signal is digitally atenuated, the noise floor decreases. it is interesting to note the slight decline in signal amplitude at the higher NPR frequencies. Ths is not due to the frequency response ofthe physical part, but is rather a consequence of the sine 2x attenuation discussed earlier. Summary ‘Most manufacturers do an excellent job specifying DAC performance. Unior- ‘tunately, data sheet specifications often those called for in a specific application — oF worse a desired parameter such as IM performance, may not be specified 1. Dynamic evaluation with the single providing an means to characterize and evaluate DACs for a wide variety of applications. RF References 1. High Speed Design Seminar, Ana- log Devices, 1990. 2. Alen Oppenheim, Digital Signal Proc- essing, Prentice-Hall, 1975, ‘About the Author James Catottl is an Analog Design Engineer for CSD/Telephonics. He may be reached at: Command Sys- tems Division, 815 Broad Hollow load, Farmingdala, NY 11735. INFOIGARD 50 November 1990
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Jeannette Walls
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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4.5/5 (821)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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4/5 (1971)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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3.5/5 (2283)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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