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Mod 7 Basin Irrigation Method and Its Design

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Mod. 7.

POST TEST Module 7

1 Define irrigation.
A. Irrigation is the watering of land to make it ready for harvesting.
B. irrigation is the digging of land to make it ready for agriculture
C. irrigation is the watering of land to make it ready for agriculture.
D. Irrigation is the providing of water for home needs
2 W/c of the ff is the best definition for irrigation?
A. Growing high-yield crops
B. All of the water used by a consumer
C. Diverting water from a natural source to farm in a place that typically doesn't have enough water.
D. Modern farming
3 Method of surface irrigation is
A. Basin irrigation b. Border irrigation c. furrow irrigation d. AOTA

4 Which method of irrigation is cheaper but less efficient?

A. Basin irrigation method Modern method Both A and B d. NOTA
5. ____ is necessary for the maximum and judicious use of water
A. Knowledge of soil texture B. Modern methods of agriculture C. Irrigation system D. AOTA
6. ........ system involves wetting of agricultural lands and infiltration of soil
A. Surface irrigation B. Drip irrigation C. Sprinkler D. AOTA
7. What is surface irrigation?
a. The process of using gravity to apply water to crops
B. Using sprinklers which spray crops with water
C. Flooding the field with water
D. Using a system of pipes and tubes to provide water directly to the plant roots

8. In surface method of irrigation water is applied directly from a

a. Pipe b. Source c. Drip head d. Sprinkler

9. Flooding an entire field with water and letting the water soak in evenly.
a. drip irrigation b. basin irrigation c. furrow irrigation d. spray irrigation

10. Which one of the following does not contribute water logging?
a. Adequate drainage b. Seepage from unlined canals
c. Frequent flooding d. Excessive tapping of ground water

11. What type of irrigation system is based merely on gravitation?

a) Flood Irrigation b) Sprinkler Irrigation c) Lift Irrigation d) Drip Irrigation

12. In which type of irrigation method wasteful use of water happens?

a) Wild Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Furrow Method d) Free Flooding

13. With basins on sloping land, where terraces are used, when the irrigation water is supplied to the highest
terrace, and then allowed to flow to a lower terrace and so on is called
a. Direct method b. cascade method c. siphon method d. gravity method

14. Over-irrigation happens if too much water is supplied to a basin. The effects are:
a. The percolation losses are high, b. the plant nutrients are washed away and,
c. on clay soils, the plants may even drown. d. AOTA

15. Poor wetting patterns in basin irrigation can be caused by:

a. unfavorable natural conditions, e.g. a compacted subsoil layer, or different soil types within one basin;
b. poor layout, e.g. a poorly leveled surface;
c. poor management, e.g. supplying incorrect stream size, applying too little or too much water.


a. slope of the land is gentle or flat & field preparation is mechanized c. soil is clay
b. stream size to the basin & required depth of the irrigation application is large d. AOTA

17 Which is a factor when determining the width of basin size.

A. Depth of fertile soil b. method of basin construction c. agricultural practices d. soil texture e. AOTA

18 The con w/c the water flows into the basin

A. Irrigation time B. Time in c. inflow time d. basin time

19 Dikes also refers to

A. Bonds b. bunds c. bundles d. ponds

20 The vertical distance from the water surface to the lowest elevation at w/c water would flow over the field
A. Freeboard b. free board c. blackboard d. AOTA e. NOTA.

21 Temporary bunds are usually _____ cm wide at the base

A) 10-30 B)50-80 C) 60-120 D)80-140

22 Temporary bunds are usually have a height of ____cm above the

original ground surface,
A) 150-30 B)50-80 C) 60-120 D)80-140
23 Temporary bunds are usually have a FREEBOARD height of ____cm
A) 10 B)20 C) 30 D)40

24 Permanent bunds are usually _____ cm wide at

the base
A) 60-90 B) 90-100 C) 100-120 D)130-160

25 Permanent bunds are usually have a height of

____cm above the original ground when constructed,
a)40-50 b)60-90 c)90-100 d)100-120 e)130-160

26 Permanent bunds are usually have a height of

____cm above the original ground when settled,
a)40-50 b)60-90 c)90-100 d) 100-120 e)130-

Permanent bunds usually have a base width of 130-160 cm and a height of 60-90 cm when constructed. The
settled height will be 40-50 cm.

27 Which of the ff is NOT a cause for destruction of bunds

A. Rainfall b. passing people c. rats d. AOTA e. NOTA
28 The most modern way of leveling the land
A. Laser leveling b. by use of tractors c. by use of graders d. by use of leveler

29 Ideally, the slope of the farm for basin irrigation is about ____%.
a) 0.1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

30 Ideally, the percentage slope recommended for border irrigation of the farm is more than ____
A) 0.1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

31 The type of soil best recommended for basin irrigation is

A. Clayey b. loamy c. sandy d. AOTA

32 An implement pulled by either carabao or tractor used in making bunds

A. A-Frame b. disc harrow c. disc plow d. moldboard plow

33. Read the statements and select the correct option.

Statement 1 : Irrigation without proper drainage of water leads to waterlogging in the soil.
Statement 2 : Waterlogging draws salts to the soil surface, which are deposited as a thing crust on the land
surface or start collecting at the roots of the plants.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are correct. c. Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect. D. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.

34. Prolonged liberal irrigation of agricultural fields is likely to create the problem of
A. Acidity B. Aridity C. Salinity D. Metal toxicity
35. A farmer's crop is repeatedly getting infected from a fungal disease. The soil in which crop is sown is clayey.
Which of these irrigation methods would lessen the chance of infection?
A. Furrow irrigation B. Drip irrigation C. Basin irrigation D. Sprinkler irrigation

36. Fields enclosed by dikes where rice is grown is called

A. Furrows b. paddies c. Basins d. None of these

37 the property of clay that makes it possible for basin irrigation

A. Good fertility b. Prone to drought c. Prone to waterlogging d. Good cation exchange

38 Sandy soils are not suited to basic irrigation because they have
A. many macropores b. many micropres c.good aeration d. good soil structure e. low infiltration rate

39 What factors influence a soils available water holding capacity?

A. Soil texture b. soil structure c. organic matter d. AOTA

40. What happens if too much water is supplied to a basin. .

A. percolation losses are high B. plant nutrients are washed away C. plants may even drown. D. AOTA

41 Efficiency in irrigation is influenced by

A. Conveyance & distribution system B. Irrigation system C. Suitable crops Suitable land slopes D. AOTA

42 Poor wetting patterns in basin irrigaion can be caused by:

a. compacted subsoil layer b. different soil types w/in one basin;
C. poorly levelled surface d. applying too little or too much water.
43 The unconfined groundwater separated from an underlying body of ground water by an unsaturated zone.
A. Perched water table b. aquifer c. water table d. AOTA

44 The term used when insufficient water is aplied to the root-zone

A. Poor irrigation b. under-irrigation c. less irrigation d. insuficient irrigation

45 The term used when too much water is aplied to the basin
A. Excess irrigation b. over-irrigation c. more irrigation d. suficient irrigation

46 Which of the ff is a cause of deteriotating dikes.

A. Rainfall b. people walking on dikes c. rats d. AOTA

47 Width of terraces in border irrigation varies from ___ for 4% land slopes to ____ for 0.1% landslopes
A. 1.5 m, 150 m b. 7 m, 80 m c. 4 m, 90 m d. 5 m, 100 m
terrace width varies from 1.5 m for 4% land slopes to 150 m for 0.1% land slopes

48 The first step in constructing basins is

A. Lay-outing b. forming dikes c. plowing d. levelling

49 If the land is sloping, basins are made into:

A. Stairs b. contours c. terraces d. AOTA

50 When forming dikes manually, soil should be taken from the ______ side of the dike
A. Downhill b. uphill c. at both sides d. at the middle.

51 An implement drawn by working animal or tractor to make a dike is called

A. A-Frame b. disk harrow c, disk plow d. rotavator

52 The method of irrigating basins when wateris supplied to the highest terrace and then allowed to flow to lower
terraces is called
A. Overflow b. cascade c. streamflow d. runoff

53 Which of the ff is a result of uneven field

A. Some parts of the root zone receives too little water D Plants may dry
B. Some parts of the root zone are waterlogged deeply E Plant maybe drown

54 Terrace Farming is practiced in the areas where land is

A. too hot B. too wet C. prone to insects D. sloping

55 measure to improve waterlogging in basin for lowland rice is to

A. Destroy the soil structure b. reduce percolation rate c. maintain the dikes d. AOTA


1. Which type of irrigation method uses supply ditch, borders, ridges?

a) Border Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip Irrigation Method
Borderirrigation is also called
A border strips b. border checks c. strip checks d. AOTA

2 This irrigation system is usually long (can be up to 800 m or more), uniformly graded strips of land,
separated by earth bunds is called ____ irrigation method.
a) Border b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip

3 This irrigation system is best suited to larger mechanized farms

a) Border b) Basin c) Drip d. sprinkler

4 This irrigation system is practiced whereby the field is divided into strips by parallel ridges or dikes
and each strip is irrigated separatey by introducting water upstream.
a) Border b) Basin c) Drip d. sprinkler

5. In border irrigation, water must be applied

A. Slowly b. fastly c. a or b. d. it doesn’t matter

less suited to small-scale farms involving hand labour or animal-powered cultivation methods
a) Border Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip Irrigation Method

2 This irrigation system is usually long (can be up to 800 m or more), uniformly graded strips of land,
separated by earth bunds.
a) Border Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip Irrigation Method

3 This irrigation system is best suited to larger mechanized farms

a) Border Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip Irrigation Method

4 This irrigation system is less suited to small-scale farms involving hand labour or animal-powered
cultivation methods
a) Border Flooding b) Check Flooding c) Basin Flooding d) Drip Irrigation Method

5 The purpose of bunds in border irrigation system is

A. To pond water b. to guide is as it flows down the field c. AOTA d. NOTA

6 the minimum slope for border should be uniform, with a minimum slope of
A) 5% b) 0.5% c) 2% d) 0.05%

7 the maximum slope for border should be uniform, with a minimum slope of
A) 5% b) 0.5% c) 2% d) 0.05%

8 the minimum length for border when soil is sandy

A) 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m d) 90 m

9 the maximum length for border when soil is sandy

A. 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m d) 90 m
10 the maximum lenth for border when soil is clay
A) 60 m b) 90 m c) 180 m d) 300 m

11 The purpose of bunds in border irrigation system is

A. To pond water b. to guide is as it flows down the field c. AOTA d. NOTA

12 the maximum slope for a sandy soil for border irrigation should be
A) 0.2% b) 0.4% c) 1% d) 0.05% e) 0.6% f. NOTA

13 the maximum slope for a clayey soil for border irrigation should be
A. 0.2% b) 0.4% c) 1% d) 0.05% e) 0.6% f. NOTA (2.0%)

14 the maximum flow for a clayey soil for border irrigation should be ____ liters per second
A) 1-2 b) 3-4 c) 4-6 d) 8-10 e) 10-15 f. NOTA

15 the maximum flow for a sandy soil for border irrigation should be ____ liters per second
B) 1-2 b) 3-4 c) 4-6 d) 8-10 e) 10-15 f. NOTA

16 the maximum length for border when soil is sandy

B) 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m d) 90 m e) 300 m f) NOTA

17 the maximum WIDTHfor border when soil is sandy

A) 30 m b) 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m d) 90 m e. NOTA

18 the maximum width for border when soil is clayey

A) 30 m b) 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m d) 90 m e. NOTA

19 Siphon will fail to work if

A. The densities of the liquid in the two vessels are equal

B. The level of the liquid in the two vessels are at the same height
C. Both its limbs are of unequal length
D. The temperature of the liquids in the two vessels are the same

20. The part of the irrigation system where excess water has to move out

A. Intake b. field channel c. drainage d. paddies

Post test:
1. In w/c type of irrigation method the entire land is not wetted?
a) Furrow Method b) Free Flooding c) Contour Farming d) Basin Flooding
2. Slopes preferred for furrow irrigation
a. Uniform or flat b. gentle slopes c. steep slopes d. a and b e. AOTA
3. Generally, slopes of furrows should not c
a) 0.01% b) 0.05% c) 0.5% d)5%
4. Generally, slopes of furrows should not exceed the slope as answered in question no. 3, to
A. Increase infiltration rate b. avoid soil erosion c. assist drainage d. AOTA
5. Although furrows can be made in uniform of flat lands, the minimum slope is
a) 0.01% b) 0.05% c) 0.5% d)5%
6. For clay soils, the recommended furrow should be
A. Wide b. shallow c. deep d. narrow
7. For sand soils, the recommended furrow should be
a. Wide b. shallow c. deep d. narrow
8. The maximum furrow length for furrows made at 0.5% for clay soils is
a) 110 m b) 130 m c) 150 m d) 200 m bonus’; 500 m
9. The maximum furrow length for furrows made at 0.5% for sandy soils is
b) 110 m b) 130 m c) 150 m d) 200 m ans, bonus: 250 m

10. The maximum stream size for furrows made at 0.5% is ____ liters per second
1.2 b) 1.3 c) 1.5 d) 2.0 b

1. What type of irrigation method is also called as trickle irrigation?

a) Sprinkler Irrigation Method b) Furrow Irrigation Method
c) Drip Irrigation Method d) Check Flooding

2. Drip irrigation method is a type of pressurized irrigation system.

a) True b) False

3. Old folks used burried clay pots with water. Water moves to the root zone by
a. Gravitational force b. capilllary force c. external force d. field capacity force

4. Microirrigation is also called

a) Sprinkler Irrigation b) Furrow Irrigation c) Drip Irrigation d) Trickle irrigation

5. In microirrigation, water is applied

a. At low rate b. over a long period of time c. at frequent intervals d. directly into plant’s roots

6. Drip irrigation is also called localized irrigation system because water is

a. locally available b. applied directly to plant’s root zone c. wetting only the root zone d. not

7. The final stage of delivery of water in drip irrigation system applying water directly to the root zone
of the plant is called
a. Emitter b. dripper c. lateral d. main pipe e. ball valve

8. This essential part of the drip irrigation system is used to prevent clogging of drippers
a. Filtration b. pump c. flush -valve d. end stop
9. In all irrigation systems, drip irrigation is the most efficient because of reduced
a. evaporation from soil b. percolation losses c. runoff

10, The wetting pattern for sandy soil in drip irritation is

a. deep b. shallow c. wide d. narrow

1. What type of irrigation method mimics the rainfall?

a) Sprinkler Irrigation Method b) Furrow Irrigation Method
c) Drip Irrigation Method d) Sprinkler method

2. Sprinkler irrigation method is a type of pressurised irrigation system.

a. True b. false
3. A sprinkler normally produces a wide range of drop sizes from ______ in diameter.
a) 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm b) 0.3 mm to 2.0 mm c. 0.4 mm to 3.0 mm d) 0.5 mm up to 4.0 mm

4. The small drops usually fall close to the sprinkler whereas the large ones travel much
a. True b. false

5. Some of the advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation are

a Works well on sand and loam soils
b Can work well on a wide range of slopes /Independent from the topography of the area
c Can be automated. Saving of labor
d Can be used to apply fertilizer & Soil amendments (Fertigations) and pesticides (chemigation)

6. Some of the disadvantages of Sprinkler Irrigation are

a Initial work required to construct systems – can be expensive.
b Requires some skill to operate
c. Sensitivity to wind, causing evaporation losses
d High evaporation – may waste water.

7. This type of sprinkler irrigation moves in circular motion

a. Raingun b. Center pivot c. Travelling system d. portable systems

8. Sprinkler irrigation is best suited to

a. Sandy soils b. clayey soils c. clay loam soils d. compacted soils

9. The process of combining fertilizer with the irrigation water is called

a. Chemigation b. fertigation c. fertilization d. pestigation

10. The process of combining pesticides with the irrigation water is called
a. Chemigation b. fertigation c. fertilization d. pestigation

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