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Bow in English 9

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Unified Budget of Work (BOW)

Subject English Grade Level 9

Quarter First Total # of Teaching Days for the whole quarter 37

Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of
enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing information , word derivation and
formation strategies , appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.
Performance The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based
Standards on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience

Most Mode of
Week Unpacked Learning Suggested Activities/Tasks (List
Essential *Day/ Lesson Objectives (behavioral in Assessment
Numbe Competency (List down down the target activities for F2F/, Home-
Learning Session nature & SMART) (Formative &
r the unpacked LCs) based/ODL, and/or Blended)
Competency Summative)

EN9RC-Ig-17: Makes 1. Familiarize with school General Orientation

EN9V-Ia-1: a connection between 1 policies, house rules and
Provide the present subject requirements a. School Policies
words or information with the b. House Rules
expressions previously presented 2. Demonstrate self-discipline c. Subject Requirements
1 insights and learning by strictly following the rules
for a given and regulations of the school
3. Assess prior knowledge to
topical material coverage First Pretest in English 9
throughout the grading period
1 EN9LC-Ia-3.6:
Perform a task by 1. State expectations using Task 1: Three-minute Letter
following instructions 2 graphic organizers Search Riddle Game Formative
Task 2: All for the Best
EN9RC-Ia-16: Share 2. Perform and accomplish the
prior knowledge given tasks by following Task 3: Inspirations
about a text topic specified instructions
Task 4: Effective?

Task 5: What Do I
Expect/Need/Hope to Learn?
1. Express permission, Try This! 15-item Seatwork
obligation, and prohibition
through the use of modals
2. Identify the modals Read this article and find out
3-4 expressing permission, what it is all about. Source: Formative
EN9G-IVd- obligation and prohibition Source:
Express 3. Communicate more clearly y-values-39982.html
permission, and effectively through proper
obligation, use of modals in the activities Checkpoint 10-item Quiz
2 prohibition EN9LT-Id-2.2.14: 1-2 1. Analyze the poem Task 1: Slam Book Page Writing
Analyze literature as
a means of 2. Explain the literary devices Task 2: Performing a Tableau
discovering the self used in the poem upon
examining its structure Formative
3-4 3. Reflect on the message of the Task 3: DI for Seven Ages
poem and find values one can Differentiated Group
apply in real life
Task 4: Letter to a Role Model
Letter Writing
2 1. Answer the test with speed
4 and accuracy 25 Item Test
2. Follow the given instructions Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
3 EN9LT-Id-2.2.14: 1-2 1. Analyze the poem Task 1: Slam Book Page Writing
Analyze literature as
a means of 2. Explain the literary devices Task 2: Performing a Tableau
discovering the self used in the poem upon
examining its structure Formative

3-4 3. Reflect on the message of the Task 3: DI for Seven Ages

poem and find values one can Differentiated Group
apply in real life
Task 4: Letter to a Role Model
Letter Writing
EN9WC-If-9.1: 1 1. Differentiate end rhyme and Watch a video clip
Identify types and internal rhyme from: Formative
4 features of poetry
2. Analyze what type of rhyme is ch?v=WmcjQYqaeig
used in the given lines TAKING NOTE Answer the
questions based from the video
3. Perform a rap song clip watched.
containing end and internal TASK 5: WRITING LINES
EN9LT-Id-2.2.1: 2 1. Define imagery and its TASK 1: RECALLING ANATOMY
Express appreciation different types Identify your five senses and Formative
for sensory images which sense organs are
used 2. Classify words according to responsible for them.
which sense they appeal to
3. Express appreciation for TYPES OF MAGERY
sensory images by writing a
poem that contains imageries TASK 3: INKBLOT Students will
be asked to count off 1 to 5.
Each number corresponds to
the type of imagery that the
students will write about in a
stanza of four lines containing
3 1. Define onomatopoeia, Formative
EN9LT-Ie-2.2.2: alliteration, assonance, and TASK 1: MAZE RUNNERS Let
Explain the literary consonance us play a game!
devices used
2. Determine the literary device
used in given passages or lines TASK 3: EARS HERE Now,
listen to the song entitled
3. Show appreciation of the Fireworks by Katy Perry.
literary piece discussed by
recognizing the presence of
literary devices and its effect to
the totality of the poem
4 1. Answer the test with speed
and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given instructions 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
EN9LC-Ia-8: Process 1. Listen to an audio recording Say Yes or No 10-item Seatwork Formative
5 NA information in the 1-2 and extract the information
Employ the text listened to conveyed in the literary text
appropriate Meant for a Hero Composing a
communicat EN9LC-Ie-8.6: Make 2. Process information based Rap
ive styles for decisions based on from the material listened to
various what is listened to Let’s Do the Rap Performing a
situations 3. Compose a rap song Rap
(intimate, EN9WC-Ie-9: highlighting the theme of the
casual, Compose forms of lesson
conversatio literary writing 4. Recognize the importance of
nal, making the best use of one ‘s
consultative strengths through recalling
, frozen) one’s experience
1. Distinguish 3-4 1. Distinguish between and
between and among among informative,
informative, journalistic, and literary Collaborative Writing Group
journalistic, and writing through exploring the Writing Activity
literary writing features of each type Formative
through exploring the Matrix Completion 20-item
features of each type 2. Identify to which text type Activity
sample passages fall under
2. Identify to which Try This 4-item Seatwork
text type sample 3. Demonstrate participation in
passages fall under performing collaborative task
that involve creating and
3. Demonstrate recognizing different text types
participation in
collaborative task
that involve creating
and recognizing
different text types
6 EN9LC-Id-8.4: Agree 1-2 1. Analyze how literature helps What’s in a Word 6-item Quiz Formative
or disagree with the in discovering oneself
ideas of the speaker Comprehensio n Check 15-item
2. Share ideas and insights Quiz
EN9VC-Ic-3.8: Infer regarding the video clip viewed
thoughts, feelings 3. Express agreement or My Legacy Writing Activity
and intentions in the disagreement to ideas listened
material viewed to

4. Reflect on the theme of the

literary piece by pondering on
one’s possible contribution to
the environment and humanity
EN9LT-Ig-14: Analyze 1. Listen to the audio recording
literature as a means of and analyze the poem
of discovering the self Differentiated Word Group
EN9LC-Ig-8.7: Draw 3-4 2. Infer the persona’s thoughts, Activity
generalizations and feelings and intentions in the Formative
conclusions from the poem
materials listened to Advice Collage Making a Collage
3. Express effective ways of by Group
EN9LC-Ib-6.2: Infer coping with challenges to
thoughts, feelings enhance oneself
and intentions of the
speaker 4. Show appreciation for the
significant human experiences
highlighted and shared during
the discussion
6 1. Answer the test with speed
4 and accuracy
2. Follow the given instructions 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
EN9LT-Ih-14: 1. Identify the literary devices Small Group Differentiated
EN9G-IIe- Analyze literature as used in the poem Work Group Activity
7 20: a means of 1-3 2. Read the poem and analyze
discovering the self the author ‘s intentions and Formative
Use viewpoints reflected in the On Your Own Individual Poem
conditionals piece Reading
in EN9SS-Ie-1.5.1: 3. Point out the values learned
expressing Skim to determine from the poem
arguments key ideas and 4. Perform a poem reading
author‘s purpose 5. Show cooperation and unity
in performing group tasks
EN9LT-IId-15: 3 1. Read and analyze the All about Ida Research on Formative
Analyze literature as literary text as a means of Author
a means valuing appreciating other people and
other people and their situations Advocacies Creating
2. Share opinion about the Advertisement for Chosen
their various
ideas presented in the material Advocacy
circumstances in life
7 viewed
EN9VC-IId-22: Agree
What Are You Thinking Right
or disagree with the
3. Appreciate the significance Now? Posting of Facebook
ideas presented in
of supporting other people’s Status
the material viewed
advocacies for the good of
1. Differentiate real from unreal
Differentiated Activities Varied
Group Activities
2. Use the correct form of real
EN9G-IIe- 20: Use
and unreal conditionals
conditionals in Test Yourself Drills on Forming
4 Formative
expressing Conditionals
3. Use conditionals in
expressing arguments about
Much Ado About What to Do
social and environmental
Creating Comics Strip

EN9LT-If-14: Analyze 1. Determine tone, mood, Vocabulary Game 10-item

8 literature as a means technique, and purpose of the Seatwork
of discovering the self 1-2 author in writing the poem
EN9LT-If-2.2.3: Formative
Determine tone, 2. Analyze literature as a The New ‘Me’ Resolution Poetry
8 mood, technique, means of discovering the self Writing
and purpose of the
author EN9WC-Ih- 3. Make inferences on the
3.6: Use literary content of the poem based on
devices and the title
techniques to craft 4. Reflect on the values
poetic forms highlighted in the poem
through writing a poem using
literary devices and techniques
EN9OL-Ia-1.14: Use
the correct pitch, 3. Perform a speech choir Speech Choir Presentation Final
juncture, stress, 3-4 observing appropriate and Performanc
intonation, rate of effective speech conventions e Task
speech, volume and
projection when
delivering lines of
poetry and prose in
dramatic and
conventional speech

EN9F-Ih-3.14: Use
the appropriate and
effective speech
conventions expected
of speech choir
1. Answer the test with speed
4 and accuracy
2. Follow the given instructions 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test

Subject English Grade Level 9

Quarter Second Total # of Teaching Days for the
whole quarter 35
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
means of valuing other people; also, how to use processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs
and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.
Performance Standards The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through employing effective
verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions,
Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

Suggested Mode of
Most Essential Unpacked Learning Activities/Tasks
Week *Day/ Lesson Objectives (behavioral in (List
Learning Competency (List down the down the target activities for
Number Session nature & SMART) (Formative &
Competency unpacked LCs) F2F/, Home-based/ODL,
and/or Blended)
1 Analyze literature TASK 1:
as a means of GREATNESS
understanding STANDS FOR…
EN9LT-IIb-15: Analyze
unchanging 1. Analyze literature as a Form an acronym of
literature as a means of
values in the means of valuing other GREATNESS by
valuing other people and
VUCA (volatile, people and their various giving an equivalent
their various
uncertain, circumstances in life to each letter in the
circumstances in life
complex, word. The word
ambiguous) world 2. Compare and contrast equivalent in each
1-2 similar information letter should be a Formative
presented in different texts trait that you believe
makes a person
Compare and contrast
3. Explore thoughts great e.g., G for
similar information
expressed in the poem to generous.
presented in different
gain insights
Understanding of the
Jam Time
Performing a Rap
EN9LC-IIa-11: Shift from 3-4 1. Listen attentively to the My Own Definition Formative
one listening strategy to clips presented to get Defining Greatness
another based on topic, information and insights on in Own Words
the concept of greatness

2. Share personal opinion

purpose, and level of
on the idea of greatness
difficulty of the
based on the material
argumentative or
presented Search for Greatness
persuasive text
Creating Infographic

3. Create infographics
featuring Filipinos who
exemplify greatness
Read and compare
the two selections
below. Which is more
interesting to read?
1. Perform a role play Why? What word/s
depicting appropriate made the other more
communicative styles for detailed?
various situations
EN9G-IIa-19: Use 2. Identify the type of note of the additional
2 1-4 Formative
adverbs in narration adverbs used in the given words or phrases
sentences that have been
added in Selection B.
3. Use the different types of Categorize them
adverbs in writing a
narrative Write Shop Writing
Narrative Paragraph

Exercise on Adverb
15-item Seatwork
2 1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
two-minute role play,
present the dialogue
you have written to
the class. Decide
which among the
three situations you
1. Characterize the different will portray:
language registers 1) student and
parent, 2) student
Give the
2. Determine the and teacher, and
appropriate expressions 3) student and
communicative EN9V-IIf-28: Determine
expected of a friend.
styles for various the vocabulary or
3 1-2 communicative style Formative
situations jargons expected of a
(intimate, casual, communicative style
3. Give the appropriate WRITING The class
communicative styles for will be divided into
various situations through five groups. Each
role playing group will be
assigned with a
language register.
They are to create a
script about a
conversation that
depicts the language
register assigned to
4 Analyze literature EN9LT-IIb-15: Analyze 3-4 1. Read the literary text and THOUGHT BUBBLE Formative
as a means of literature as a means of analyze the feeling it Below is one of the
understanding valuing other people and conveys most quotable
unchanging their various quotes from Edwin
values in the circumstances in life Markham, the
author of the poem
that you are about to
read. React to his
idea by writing on
the thought bubble
which will be handed
out by your teacher.
2. Explore the text and use
it as a means of valuing
VUCA (volatile, CONTEXT Pick out
other people and their
uncertain, the context clues
situations in life
complex, that point to the
ambiguous) world meaning of each of
3. Recognize the importance
the italicized words
of understanding other
then choose the
people’s circumstances
meaning of each

Six Words, One Story

Summarizing the
Main Idea of the
4 1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
5 Make connections EN9G-IIb-19: Use 1-2 1. Identify the adverb and TASK 1: REVIEW Formative
between texts to adverbs in narration the word it modifies YOUR ADVERBS
particular social 2. Use adverbs of manner in From the box, take
issues, concerns, constructing sentences to out the words and
or dispositions in narrate post them on the
real life 3. Appreciate the board. Use each
adverb in a sentence
and identify its type.

Act out the following
importance of adverb of
group of words. 1.
manner in narration
Greedily ate 2. Spell
correctly 3. Tiptoe
silently 4. Ask
repeatedly 5. Stand
EN9LC-IIe-12: Make a 3-4 TASK 1: PIECE BY Formative
stand based on the text PIECE Fill in the
listened to boxes with the
missing letters in
1. Listen to the audio Column A to come
recording of the literary text up with the word
and express a viewpoint being defined in
based on it Column B. Do this in
EN9LT-IIe-2.2.1: Express your notebook.
appreciation for sensory
used DAY! You just hit the
2. Evaluate and anticipate lottery jackpot and
the points that will be made won Php
based on the speaker’s 10,000,000.00 What
purpose are you going to do
EN9LC-IId-11.2: with the cash prize?
Anticipate the points List down 3 dreams
that will be made based 3. Express appreciation for that you wish to
on the speaker‘s purpose sensory images used fulfill in the given
situation. Do this in
your activity
notebook and be
ready to share your
answer with the rest
of the class.

the picture featuring
the movie, The
Hunger Games:
Catching Fire. Based
on the picture, tell
briefly what you
think the story is all
6 1. Distinguish the features
present in prose
Brain Exercise
Crossword Puzzle
EN9WC-IIc-10: 2. Identify the elements of a
Distinguish the features short story
1-2 Formative
present in poetry and in
Organizing Ideas
prose 3. Collaborate with the
Creating a Graphic
group to report on the
elements of a certain short
EN9F-IIc-3.11.1: Use the 3-4 1. Identify the same vowel JAZZ CHANT The Formative
correct production of sounds, consonant sounds, class will be divided
English sounds: vowels and diphthongs in a into two. The right
sounds, consonant poem/song half would first ask
sounds, diphthongs, etc. 2. Determine the rhyme the questions, and
EN9WC-IIc-10: scheme of given lines in the left half would
Distinguish the features poetry answer them in
present in poetry and in melody through a
prose 3. Compose a limerick with jazz chant.
specific rhyme scheme
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
6 4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
1. Analyze the speech as a
means of looking closely at
EN9LT-IIg-15: Analyze Delve Deeper
situations the country is
literature as a means of Accomplishing a
facing at present
7 EN9LC-Iii-8.2: valuing other people and Graphic Organizer
Judge the their circumstances in
2. Determine the tone,
relevance and life In His Shoes
1 mood, technique, and Formative
worth of ideas Determining Tone,
purpose of the
presented EN9LT-IIg-2.2.3: Mood, Technique,
author/speaker his piece
Determine tone, mood, Purpose of the
technique, and purpose Author
3. Create a poster depicting
of the author
one’s dreams for the
: Word Climb 8-item
1. Identify the meaning of
Vocabulary Seatwork
words taken from a literary
EN9OL-IIa-3.7: Employ text
Kind Deeds Log One-
varied verbal and non- 2 Week Challenge
verbal strategies to 2. Judge the relevance and
create impact on the worth of ideas presented in
7 A Piece to Read
audience while delivering the video and the story
Creating a Short
lines in a Readers Prose Piece
Theater or Chamber
Perform a Chamber
Theater Grand Performance Final
Theatre or Readers Theatre
3 Performing a Performance
based on the crafted prose
Readers’ Theatre Task
1. Answer the test with
7 speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test

Subject English Grade Level 9

Quarter Third Total # of Teaching Days for the
whole quarter 40
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analyzing one-act play and different forms of
verbals for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act play.
Performance Standards The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies
and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

Most Essential Unpacked Learning *Day/ Suggested Mode of

Week Lesson Objectives (behavioral in Activities/Tasks (List down Assessment
Learning Competency (List down Sessio
Number nature & SMART) the target activities for F2F/, Home- (Formative &
Competency the unpacked LCs) n based/ODL, and/or Blended) Summative)

1 EN9LC-IIIi-8.2: 1. Analyze the meaning and

Judge the message of the poem
relevance and
worth of 2. View an informative video
Bonding Together Group
information/ideas clip and extract information
EN9WC-IIIa-9: Work on Poem
NA from it
Compose forms of Interpretation
literary writing
3. Compose an acrostic
1-2 Formative
poem about the given topic
Fun in Acrostic Writing
an Acrostic Poem
4. Relate poem content to
particular social issues,
concerns, or dispositions in
real life regarding the use of
telephone and other
EN9LT-IIIa-16: 3-4 1. Analyze the radio play LOOKING UP How do you Formative
Analyze literature as a and relate it to actual respond to an emergency?
means of connecting experiences in the modern Whom do you call for
to the world world help? Group Work

EN9LC-IIId-6.5: 2. Listen to the radio play TOUCHING YOU,

Provide appropriate and share thoughts TOUCHING ME
and critical regarding the values gained View the PowerPoint
feedback/reaction to from the text slides to be presented by
a specific context or the teacher and respond
3. Create infographics and
disseminate information to
the community to it by interpreting the
meaning expressed in the
4. Share insights, feedback, song ―Reach Out‖ by
and reaction to given Take That.
situations that require
critical processing
ING WORD Volunteers
1. Give the meaning of
will be picking a slip of
paper containing an – ing
word. S/he will act it out
2. Identify the gerund and
to let their classmates
its uses in given sentences
guess the action word.
3. Use verbals in the form of
EN9G-IIIa-21: Use gerunds in making
1-2 ANALYSIS Students will Formative
verbals observations about pictures
be given some pictures
shown to them
and they will write on the
board what they have
4. Demonstrate ease in
using gerunds to sentences
depicting pictures with local
the underlined words in
Set A and Set B.
EN9LC-IIIi-8.2: EN9LT-IIIa-20.1: 3-4 1. Identify the characters, TASK 1: GETTING INTO Formative
Judge the Explain how elements setting, problem, solution, THE WORLD OF
relevance and specific to a one-act beginning, middle, and end LAUGHTER AND TEARS
worth of play contribute to the of a one-act Anglo-American A. AGREEING-
information/ideas development of its play DISAGREEING Put a
theme EN9LT-IIIa- check mark if you
16.1: Identify the 2. Create a character map, agree with the statement;
if you disagree. Explain
your answer to your
setting illustration,
problem/solution graphic
organizer, events, and
Students choose a
theme graphic organizer to
seatmate and describe
distinguish features of one-
him or her by completing
act plays
the character map.
features of Anglo- 3. Demonstrate
American one-act understanding of the theme
PLAY Refer to the one-act
plays presented in a one-act play
radio play script to
by explaining the elements
answer these questions:
that contributed to its
1. Is Sorry, Wrong
Number a one-act play?
4. Foster enthusiasm in the
2. The elements of a one-
classroom activities related
act play are found in the
to the featured play
script. Fill in the grid
below with the needed
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
3 Determine the EN9VC-IIIa1.2/2.2: 1 1. determine key ideas in a In My Eyes
relevance and the Interpret the message material viewed; Answer the questions
truthfulness of conveyed in a material below to assess your
the ideas viewed 2. judge the relevance and viewing habits and Formative
presented in the worth of ideas presented in preferences. Write your
material viewed the material viewed; and answers in your
3. evaluate the truthfulness
of assertions in a text Activity 1 In the Right
Category Copy the table
in your notebook.
Complete the table by
classifying the viewing
materials in the first
column. The first one was
done for you. Check the
appropriate columns for
your answers.

1. Identify the features and

format of a play synopsis
Synopsis Critiquing
2. Follow the guidelines on Evaluating a Synopsis
Identify types and
writing a synopsis through the Given
features of a play
3. Craft a play synopsis
2 Formative
applying the techniques
EN9WC-IIIe-9.5: Use
learned Writeshop Writing a
literary devices and
Synopsis of “Sorry, Wrong
techniques to craft a
4. Exhibit giving importance Number”
play synopsis
to following proper format
when writing a play
EN9LT-IIIc-16: 3-4 1. Analyze a selection and Word Bank Finding Formative
Analyze literature as a understand its relevance to Synonyms of Words
means of connecting the modern world
to the world Differentiated Activities
2. Determine the tone, Group Performance Tasks
EN9LT-IIIg-2.11: mood, technique, and
Determine tone, purpose of the author in the
prose piece 3. Perform
different tasks highlighting
the value of human
Writeshop Quotation
4. Make a poster depicting
the importance of human
interaction rather than the
mood, technique, and
use of communications
purpose of the author Poster
Making a Poster Related
5. Show cooperation in
to the Message of the
performing the different
tasks related to the piece
6. Summarize and reflect on
the topic by writing their
own quotation
Name Me
Observe and analyze the
following images to
determine what type of
1. determine the common prejudice is shown. Write
types of biases and your answer in your
EN9LC-IIIa-6.1: prejudices; study notebook.
Extract important
information from 1-2 2. differentiate biases from Name It Right Formative
argumentative/persua prejudices; and Read and analyze the
4 biases from
sive texts 3. recognize biases and following sentences to
prejudices in real life determine what type of
situations. prejudice is shown.
Choose your answer from
the word pool. Write your
answers in your activity
EN9V-IIId-29: Get 1. Familiarize oneself with Familiarizing with Types
3 Formative
familiar with the technical vocabulary for of Stage Pair Work on
drama and theatre
specifically stage directions
2. Illustrate correctly the
different types of stage
regarding the audience and
stage location Types of Stage
technical vocabulary
3. Apply knowledge on stage
for drama and theatre
directions in accomplishing Work with Celebrities 8-
(like stage directions)
a task in labeling a blank item Activity on Stage
stage layout Directions

4. Apply knowledge in
recognizing the type of stage
when given the chance to
watch an actual play
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
5 EN9LT-IIIe-16: 1-2 1. Analyze the initial scenes Unscramble the Letters 4- Formative
Analyze literature as a of a world-renowned item Quiz on Theater
means of connecting Shakespearean play Vocabulary
to the world
2. Familiarize oneself with Search and Match
EN9V-IIIe-29: Get theatre related Finding Words in a Puzzle
familiar with the terminologies
technical vocabulary Pick a Card Role Playing
for drama and theatre 3. Identify sensory images
(like stage directions) used in the text Lights Camera Action!
Role Playing of
4. Write their own act and Modernized Romeo and
version of Romeo and Juliet
5. Exhibit active
participation in discussing
Romeo and Juliet through
collaborative activities

1. Define the different Word Hunt Finding

literary devices Words in a Puzzle

2. Explain the literary Write On Revising

devices used in given Sentences
Explain the literary 3-4 Formative
passages or lines 3
devices used
. Express appreciation in Collaborative Writing
the use of different literary Giving Sample
devices in creating own Statements by Group
sample statements
6 1. Recognize the use of
infinitives in sentences

2. Match sentence halves

with verbs and expressions
Try This! Analyzing a
that are followed by
Paragraph with Infinitives
EN9G-IIIe-21: Use
1-2 Fit and Right 5-item Formative
verbals 3. Use the correct form of
infinitives in completing
Big League 5-item Quiz
4. Share personal insights
through constructing
sentences with verbals such
as infinitives
EN9LT-IIIf-20.2: 3-4 1. Acquire a clear Practice on Literary Formative
Explain the literary understanding on the Devices 20-item Activity
concept of literary devices
namely apostrophe and
devices used EN9WC-
2. Employ the use of these
IIIf-9.5: Use literary
two literary devices in
devices and
writing a play synopsis You’re the Boss Synopsis
techniques to craft a
play synopsis
3. Demonstrate appreciation
of tasks involving
explanation of literary
devices employed in writing
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
7 EN9V-IIIf-29: Get 1-3 1. Familiarize oneself to Word Bank 5-item
familiar with the vocabulary terminologies Seatwork on Theatre
technical vocabulary essential in performing a Vocabulary
for drama and theatre one act play
(like stage directions) A Twist Creative
2. Analyze the famous scene Reenactment of Romeo
EN9OL-IIIa-3.7: from the play Romeo and and Juliet’s Balcony
Employ varied verbal Juliet through a comics Scene Ending
and non-verbal
strategies while 3. Employ appropriate Under the Spotlight
performing in a one- verbal and non-verbal Performing the Balcony
act play strategies upon performing Scene
an act from the discussed
literary piece

4. Express appreciation of
the literary piece by
demonstrating its
understanding during the
major performance
Theatrical Text Twist
6-item Quiz on Theater
1. Define the different forms
of literary writing to be able Find Your Match Finding
to distinguish a play from Meaning of Words in
EN9V-IIIg-29: Get other forms Matching Type Seatwork
familiar with the
technical vocabulary 2. Familiar oneself with the Think Through Group
for drama and theatre technical vocabulary for Work on Text Analysis
7 4-6 Formative
(like stage directions) drama and theater
EN9WC-IIIg-9: Small Undertakings
Compose forms of 3. Demonstrate involvement Differentiated
literary writing in composing a script about Performance
an alternative ending to the
literary piece discussed Group Tasks:
An Alternative Ending
Writing a Script for an
Alternative Ending to
Romeo and Juliet
8 EN9RC-IIIf-20: 1 1. Familiarize oneself with Meaning Menace 9-item Formative
Analyze a one-act play the elements and definition Activity on Vocabulary
of a one-act play Theater
EN9V-IIIg-29: Get
familiar with technical 2. Write a character sketch Play in Process Group
vocabulary for drama by following the given Analysis of the Play
and theatre (like stage content guide
directions) Writing a Character
3. Analyze the one-act play Sketch Writing a
as a means of valuing the Character Sketch of a
importance of being true to
oneself and to others
1. Sequence the events of
the story and explain how
the selection is influenced
by various factors
EN9LT-IIIi-3: Explain
how a selection may 2. Perform small group Comprehension Check
be influenced by dynamics leading to in- Quiz for 20 Points to
culture, history, depth analysis of the play Check Understanding
environment, or other
2 Formative
factors 3. Appreciate the Composing a Plot
significance of equality Synopsis Writing the Plot
8 EN9WC-IIIi-9: among men as pointed out Synopsis of “Driving Miss
Compose forms of in the theme of the literary Daisy
literary writing piece

4. Compose a play synopsis

by following the steps in
constructing one
EN9OL-IIIi-3.10: Use
Performs in one-act play
appropriate multi- Final
through utilizing effective
media resources to 3-4 Grand Performance Performance
verbal and non-verbal
accompany the oral Task
strategies and ICT resources
delivery of lines
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
3 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
3. Exhibit honesty and self-
reliance in taking the test
Subject English Grade Level 9
Quarter Fourth Total # of Teaching Days for the whole quarter
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of
preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also, how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
Performance Standards The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies
and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions
Most Unpacked
Mode of
Week Essential Learning *Day/ Lesson Objectives Suggested Activities/Tasks (List down the target Assessment
Number Learning Competency Session (behavioral in nature & SMART) activities for F2F/, Home-based/ODL, and/or Blended) (Formative &
(List down the
Competency unpacked LCs)

1 Judge the 1. Recognize faulty logic,

validity of unsupported facts, and
6.5: Recognize
the evidence emotional appeal in
faulty logic, SHARING THOUGHTS How are you going to
listened to statements and
unsupported sell someone a product you know nothing
NA advertisements
facts, and about? What are you going to do to convince
emotional someone of what you are talking about?
2. Explain faulty logic,
unsupported facts, and
PHILIPPINE TV ADS The students will be
1 emotional appeal found Formative
EN9VC-IIId- shown three (3) TV commercials in the
in the material viewed or
4.3/5.3: Philippines.
listened to
Analyze the
information Be Wise 5-item Seatwork
3. Promote openness
contained in
and transparency in
the material
evaluating statements
and advertisements
commonly encountered
EN9V-IVa-29: 1. Be familiar with the
Get familiar technical terms related
with the to drama and theater
technical 2. Define drama and Flashbulb Memory Group Vocabulary Activity
vocabulary for 2 theater Formative
drama and 3. Accomplish a puzzle Try This! 10-item Seatwork
theater (like through recalling
stage learned terminologies
directions) related to theatre
EN9G-Iva-22: 1. Define voice of the ALL EYES Watch this clip about active and
Use active and 3-4 verb passive voice. Formative
passive Source:
2. Differentiate active
voice from passive voice
3. Identify what type of
Let us suppose that you are the president of
voice is used in the
the country. How would you have addressed or
given sentences
constructions resolved the following social issues and
concerns affecting the values of your
4. Change active voice
Write a speech about your platforms. Use the
to passive voice 5. Use
active voice whenever possible. Frequent use of
active and passive voice
the active voice makes your writing stronger,
in writing their speeches
livelier, and less wordy.
2 Judge the EN9VC-IVa-10: 1 1. identify the Formative
relevance Determine the information / evidence
and worth of relevance and from the material
ideas, the presented;
soundness truthfulness of
of author’s the ideas 2. identify the criteria or
reasoning, presented in bases in judging the
and the the material soundness of the
effectiveness viewed author’s reasoning;
of the 3. write feedback from
presentation presented material;

4. note the claim and

supporting details in a
reading text;

5. judge the relevance

and worth of ideas
presented from the
1. Identify the sensory
images in the lines and
interpret them.

EN9LT-IVc- 2. Determine the figure

2.2.1: Express of speech utilized in the
appreciation lines. Updating Status
for sensory
images used 3. Find out the
2 Formative
meanings of words used Writing One’s Reflection
EN9LT-IVd- in the poem.
2.2.2: Explain Group Matrix Group Activity
the literary 4. Reflect on one‘s
devices used dreams, aspirations,
and commitment to
fulfillment of such.
5. Express one’s
opinions and insights.
2 1. Analyze an excerpt
literature as a
from a full-length play
means of
2. Produce the sounds Predict a Dream Writing Predictions based
of English effectively from Pictures
values in a
when delivering lines
changing world
3-4 from the play In the Characters’ Shoes Role Playing Formative
Dream Map Making a Dream Map
2.2.3: Produce
3. Create a dream map
the sounds of
as a demonstration of Checkpoint 20-item Quiz
one’s understanding on
the value of dreams and
when delivering
goals in life
lines in a full-
length play
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
2 instructions
3. Exhibit honesty and
self- reliance in taking
the test
3 React to lay EN9LC-IVa-13: 1. react on critical Actions and Reactions!
value Listen to lay issues brought up in the Directions: Using emoticons give your reaction
judgment on value judgment material viewed to the actions conveyed in the pictures below.
critical on critical 1-2 Formative
issues that issues that 2. agree or disagree with Task 1: Heal the World
demand demand sound statement and Directions: Listen to the song entitled “Heal the
sound analysis and observations made; World” by Michael Jackson and accomplish
analysis and call for prompt the following tasks. Write your answers in your
call for actions 3. relate text content to activity notebook.
prompt particular social issues,
actions concerns, or Directions: Watch the virtual panel
dispositions in life discussion of your classmates and write at
least five (5) arguments presented by the
EN9WC-IVa- 3-4 1. Identify technical Word Hunt Writing Sentences Formative
11: Compose a vocabulary for drama
play review and theater
Who Am I?
3 EN9V-IVb-29: 2. Define words found in
Get familiar the literary text
with the What’s Your Take? Writing a Play Review
technical 3. Employ effective and
vocabulary for appropriate non-verbal 6-item Seatwork
drama and communication
theatre (like strategies Factual Recount 3-item Essay Questions
directions) 4. Compose an Putting Them Together 9-item Comprehension
introduction for a play Seatwork
Speak and Act Dialogue Delivery
Get familiar
with the
1. Identify technical
vocabulary for drama
vocabulary for
and theater
drama and Mind Your Words 6-item Seatwork
theatre (like
2. Be familiar with the
stage Make a Statement 5-item Seatwork
elements of a play
4 directions) 1-4 Formative
Plot It 5-item Seatwork
3. Recognize the
EN9LT-IVb- Elements Galore Group Activity on Plot
significance of the
17.1: Explain Analysis
elements in crafting a
how the
specific to full-
length plays
build its theme
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
4 instructions
3. Exhibit honesty and
self- reliance in taking
the test
5 EN9G-IVf-1: 1-3 1. Restate dialogue Drill 5-item Seatwork Formative
Change direct from their conversation
to indirect using indirect speech TASK 1: MINGLE A series of cards/slips of
speech and paper contain the following sentences. Role-
vice versa 2. Recognize the play the scenario of a formal cocktail party.
differences between Everybody must circulate and talk to each
direct and indirect other. You must say what is on the card/slip

3. Change direct
speech to indirect
of paper. After five minutes, everyone sits and
speech and vice versa
must report what other people told them.
4. Demonstrate
honesty, responsibility,
On Your Own 45-item Activity
and confidence in doing
the activities related to
direct and indirect
2.2.3: 1. Identify the technical
Determine the theater vocabulary used
tone, mood, in a play
technique, and Being Acquainted with the World of Play 9-
purpose of the 2. Describe the tone and item Seatwork
author mood of the play Death
6 1-4 of a Salesman Firming One’s Act 9-item Seatwork Formative
Get familiar 3. Comprehend the Determining Tone, Mood, Technique, and
with the message of the play Purpose of the Author 10-point Seatwork
vocabulary for 4. Show creativity in
drama and making a playbill
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
6 instructions
3. Exhibit honesty and
self- reliance in taking
the test
Theatre’s Territory 8-item Seatwork
1. Identify technical
vocabulary for drama
Analyze Comprehension Check Group Analysis of the
and theater
literature as a Text
means of
2. Define expressions
understanding Immersing into the Author’s Craft
found in the literary text
values in a Differentiated Group Tasks
changing world
3. Analyze the literary
Seeing the Other Side of the Character Re-
text presented as a
7 EN9V-IVf-29: 1-4 enactment of Scenes Formative
means of understanding
Get familiar
with the Freestyle Feedback Peer Evaluation on the
technical Performance
4. Use words to express
vocabulary for
drama and
theatre (like Renewed Character Role Playing
5. Create a poster blurb
for the literary text or
directions) Poster Blurb Group Work on Creating a Poster
play read
3.7: Use varied
Performs in one-act play
verbal and
through utilizing Final
8 1-4 effective verbal and non- Grand Performance Performance
verbal strategies and Task
strategies when
ICT resources
performing in a
full-length play
1. Answer the test with
speed and accuracy
4 2. Follow the given 25 Item Test Summative
8 instructions
3. Exhibit honesty and
self- reliance in taking
the test
*if 4 days/sessions per week

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

_______________________ ________________________________ _________________________

Teacher(s) Education Program Supervisor(s) CID Chief(s)

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