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Test Reading Reading Passage 1 Mount Everest and Hillary

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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1- 12, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
Mount Everest, also known as Sagarmartha (Goddess of the Sky), is 8,348 metres tall, the highest mountain on earth above
sea level. Formed about 60 million years ago and lying between Tibet and Nepal, Mount Everest appeals to climbers of
every level, from novice to experienced climber. Each mountaineer pays a considerable amount of money to an
experienced guide to help them achieve a successful climb. Everest was given its official English name in 1865 by the Royal
Geographic Society upon recommendation of Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India at the time.
When Everest was officially announced as the world’s highest mountain in 1852, it won interest from people all over the
world, and the idea of climbing all (lie way to the summit was viewed as the ultimate feat. Nobody was able to climb Everest
until 1920 when Tibet first opened its borders to outsiders, and between 1920 and 1952, seven major expeditions failed to
reach the tip of Mount Everest, In fact, the mountain has a history of adversity and failure. With advances in climbing
equipment in the last ten years or so, and more experienced guides, the fatality rates have dropped from 37% in 1990 to
4% in 2004. Nonetheless, the deadliest year in Mount Everest’s history was 1996, when 19 people died near the summit.
In 1924, Mount Everest claimed the lives of its first two climbers. George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were two British
climbers, attempting to reach the summit. The men were last seen heading for the top of the mountain until clouds
surrounded Everest and they disappeared. Mallory’s body was not seen again until 75 years on, in May of 1999, and Irvine’s
body is yet to be found. There is still no evidence as to whether these two men made it to the top or not, although disputes
rages on, Those that believe the pair were the first; to climb Everest point to two specific points, firstly, Mallory’s daughter
has always said that Mallory carried a photograph of his wife on his person with the intention of leaving it on the summit
when he reached it. This photo was not found on the body when it was discovered. Secondly, Mallory’s snow’ goggles were
in his pocket when the body was found, indicating that he died at night. This implies that he and Irvine had made a push for
the summit and were descending very late in the day. Given their known departure time and movements, had they not made
the summit, it is unlikely that they would have still been out by nightfall.
The first time the actual peak of this monstrous mountain was reached was in 1953, in a combined effort by Sir Edmund
Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. On the 29th of May that year, the duo conquered this epic mountain, standing at the highest
point in the world for a brief 15 minutes. After a brief but fruitless search for evidence of the 1924 Mallory expedition, they
buried a cross and some candy in the snow, taking a few photographs of the historic event. As Norgay had never operated
a camera, there are no photographs of Hillary on top of the mountain, just shots of Norgay, and some additional photos
looking down the mountain, ensuring evidence of their conquest and that the ascent was not faked.
When the news reached London on June 2nd, Sir Edmund Hillary was knighted in the Order of the British Empire and
Norgay (a subject of the King of Nepal) was granted the George Medai by the UK, Sir Hillary turned to Antarctic exploration
and led the New Zealand section of the Trans-Antarctic expedition from 1955 to 1958. In 1958, he took part in a
mechanised expedition to the South Pole. Hillary continued to organise further mountain- climbing expeditions but, as the
years passed, he became more and more concerned with the welfare of the Nepalese people. In the 1960s, he returned to
Nepal, to aid in the development of the society, building clinics, hospitals and schools. After conquering Everest, Sir
Edmund Hillary devoted most of his life to helping the Sherpa people of Nepal through the Himalayan Trust.
In January 2007, Sir Edmund Hillary went to Antarctica to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Scott Base.
He flew to the station on 18 January 2007 with a delegation including the Prime Minister. On the 22nd of April 2007, while
on a trip to Kathmandu, he was reported to have suffered a fall. There was no comment on the nature of his illness and lie
did not immediately seek treatment. He was hospitalized after returning to New Zealand. Sadly, Sir Edmund Hillary died of a
heart attack on the morning of January the 11th 2008. Hillary’s life was marked by wonderful achievements, his giving
nature, grand discovery, and excitement. But he was a humble man who did not admit to being the first man to reach the
summit of Everest until long after 1386, well after the death of his climbing companion Tenzing Norgay.
The latest record for climbing Mount Everest was set on the 30th of May in 2005 by Nepalese Mona Mulepati and PemDorje
Sherpa, who were the first couple to get married on top of Mount Everest.
Questions 1–6 Questions 7–12
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN Do the following statements agree with the information
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage given in the reading passage?
for each answer. In boxes 7- 12 on your answer sheet write
Write your answers in boxes 1 – 6 on your answer sheet. TRUE if the statement is true
Who suggested that the name Everest be used to refer to FALSE if the statement is false
the mountain? 1 NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
Which country prevented explorers climbing Everest until
7 Mortality rates on Everest have
1920? 2 consistently declined since 1990.
What has not yet been recovered? 3 8 Hillary found evidence of the Mallory
What was not found on Mallory’s body that indicates he expedition.
may have reached the summit? 4 9 Photographs were taken from the
Who was photographed at the top of the mountain? 5 summit as proof of the Hillary/ Norgay climb.
10 Both Hillary and Norgay received
What was the name of Hillary’s charitable organisation? 6 recognition of their achievement from Britain.
11 Hillary was the first person to reach
the South Pole by mechanised transport.
12 Hillary’s death was attributed to an
accident that occurred in Kathmandu.

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 13-27, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below
A. Like many things about your body, scientists and medical professionals still have a lot to learn about the process of
sleep. One earlier misconception that has now been revised is that the body completely slows down during sleep; it is now
dear that the body’s major organs and regulatory systems continue to work actively – the lungs, heart and stomach for
example. Another important part of the body also operates at night – the glands and lymph nodes, which strengthen the
immune system. This is commonly why the body’s natural immunity is weakened with insufficient sleep.
B. In some cases, certain systems actually become more active while we sleep. Hormones required for muscle
development and growth, for instance, as well as the growth of new nerve cells. In the brain, activity of the pathways
needed for learning and memory is increased.
C. Another common myth about sleep is that the body requires less sleep the older we get. Whilst It is true that babies need
16 hours compared to 9 hours and 8 hours respectively for teenagers and adults, this does not mean that older people need
less sleep. However, what is true if that for a number of different factors, they often get less sleep or find their sleep less
refreshing. This is because as people age, they spend less time in the deep, restful stages of sleep and are more easily
awakened. Older people are also more likely to have medical conditions that affect their sleep, such as insomnia, sleep
apnoea and heart problems.
D. Getting a good sleep is not just a matter of your head hitting the pillow at night and waking up in the morning. Your sleep
goes in cycles throughout the night, moving back and forth between deep restorative sleep and more alert stages with
dreaming. As the night progresses, you spend more time in a lighter dream sleep.
E. Sleep patterns can be broken down into two separate and distinct stages – REM and NREM sleep, REM (Rapid Eye
Movement) sleep is when you dream. You usually have 3 to 5 periods of REM sleep each night, lasting from 5 minutes to
over an hour, during which time your body’s activities increase. Breathing becomes fast, shallow and uneven, with an
increase in brain activity, heartbeat and blood pressure. Although your major muscles generally don’t move, fingers and
toes may twitch and body temperature changes and you may sweat or shiver.
F. Research has concluded that this sleep is most important for your brain. It is when it is most active, processing emotions
and memories and relieving stress. The areas used for learning and developing more skills are activated. In fact, the brain
waves measured during REM sleep are similar to those measured when awake.
G. NREM (Noil-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is dreamless sleep. NREM sleep consists of four stages of deeper and deeper
sleep. As you move through the stages, you become more relaxed, less aware of what is happening around you and more
difficult to wake. Your body’s activity will also decrease as you move through the NREM stages, acting in the opposite
manner to REM sleep. Stage 1 of NREM sleep is when you are falling to sleep. This period generally lasts between 5 and
10 minutes, during which time you can be woken easily. During stage 2, you are in a light sleep- the in-between stage
before your fall into a deep sleep. It lasts about 20 minutes. In stage 3, deep sleep begins, paving the way for stage 4, in
which you are difficult to awake and unaware of anything around you. This is when sleep walking and talking can occur.
This is the most important stage for your body. Your brain has slowed right down and is recovering. Blood flow is redirected
from your brain to your large muscles allowing them to mend any damage from your day at work. People woken quickly
from stage 4 sleep often feel a sense of disorientation, which is why it is helpful to use an alarm clock with an ascending
H. About an hour and a half into your sleep cycle you will go from deep Stage 4 sleep back into light Stage 2 sleep, then into
REM sleep, before the cycle begins again. About 75% of your sleep is NREM sleep. If you sleep for eight hours, about six of
them will be NREM sleep. As the night progresses, you spend more time in dream sleep and lighter sleep.
I. When you constantly get less sleep (even 1 hour less) than you need each night, it is called sleep debt. You may pay for it
in daytime drowsiness, trouble concentrating, moodiness, lower productivity and increased risk of falls and accidents.
Although a daytime nap cannot replace a good night’s sleep, it can help make up for some of the harm done as a result of
sleep debt. But avoid taking a nap after 3 pm as late naps may stop you getting to sleep at night. And avoid napping for
longer than 30 minutes as longer naps will make it harder to wake up and get back into the swing of things.


Questions 13-16
During REM sleep, 18 are similar to those
Do the following statements agree with the information,
recorded whilst awake.
given in the reading passage?
During Stage 1 NREM sleep, you can be
In boxes 13-16 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement is true 19 with little effort.
FALSE if the statement is false Suddenly being woken from deep sleep can cause 20
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
13 It was previously believed that Questions 21-22
biological processes slowed during sleep. Choose TWO letters, A-E.
14 Teenagers lose less sleep than Write your answers in boxes 21-22.
adults when they have a medical condition. NB Your answers may be given in either order.
REM sleep
15 During the night, our sleep becomes
increasingly deep. A is more common for younger people.
16 Lack of sleep can cause heart B is when we dream.
problems and other medical conditions. C may cause your extremities to move of their own
Questions 17-20
Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN D lasts about an hour a night.
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage E is when the brain is most relaxed.
for each answer,
Write your answers in boxes 17–20 on your answer
REM sleep can help reduce 17
Questions 23-27
24 Brain activity is limited as resources are
The reading passage has nine paragraphs, A-I.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-I in boxes 23-27. 25 Repetition of the cycle
23 Differences in sleep patterns between 26 Dangers of accumulated lack of sleep
27 Increased activity during sleep

You should spend shout 20 minutes on Questions 28 – 40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.
A. A constellation is a group of stars which when viewed collectively appear to have a physical proximity’ in the sky.
Constellation boundaries and definitions as used today in Western culture, and as defined by the International Astronomical
Union (IAU), were formalised in 1930 by Eugene Delporte. There are 88 official constellations as recognised by the IAU,
those visible in the northern hemisphere being based upon those established by the ancient Greeks, The constellations of
the southern hemisphere – since invisible to the Greeks due to geographical location – were not defined until later in the
early modem era.
B. Arguably, the twelve constellations through which the sun passes – as used to represent the signs of the zodiac to define
birth characteristics – are the most culturally significant and well known of those established by the ancient Greeks. Cultural
differences in Interpretation and definition of star constellations mainly relate to these zodiac interpretations, Chinese
constellations, for example, which are different to those defined in the western world due to the independent development of
ancient Chinese astronomy, includes 28 ‘Xiu’ or ‘mansions’ instead of the 12 western zodiac counterparts. In Hindu/Vedic
astronomy, in which constellations are known as ‘rashis’, 12 rashi corresponding directly to the twelve western star signs
are acknowledged; these are however, divided again into 27 ‘Nakshatras’ or ’lunar houses’. Many cultures have an intricate
mythology behind the stars and their constellations. In Greek mythology, for example Pegasus, the winged horse, is said to
have sprung from the decapitated head of Medusa, and later was used by the God King Zeus to carry thunder and lightning
to Earth, before being put into a constellation.
C. In Western astronomy, all modern constellation names derive from Latin, some stars within the constellations are named
using the genitive form of the Latin word by using the usual rules of Latin grammar. For example the zodiac sign for the Fish
constellation Pisces relates to Piscium. In addition, all constellation names have a standard three-letter abbreviation as
assigned by the IAU, under which, for example, Pisces becomes PSC.
D. Some star patterns often wrongly considered constellations by laymen are actually ‘asterisms’ – a group of stars that
appear to form patterns in the sky -and are not in fact one of the 88 officially divided areas truly defined as a constellation. A
famous example of an asterism oft mistaken for a constellation is the Big Dipper’ (as it is termed in North America) or the
‘Plough’ as it is known in the UK. In astronomical terms, this famous star formation is in fact considered only part of the
larger constellation known as Ursa Major.
E. In order to identify the position of stars relative to the Earth, there are a number of different celestial coordinate systems
that cart provide a detailed reference point in space. There are many different systems, all of which are largely similar with
the exception of a difference in the position of the fundamental plane – the division between northern and southern
hemispheres. The five most common celestial systems are the Horizontal system, the Equatorial system, the Ecliptical
system, the Galactic system and the Supergalactic system.
F. The launch of the Hubble space telescope in April 1990 changed the way that astronomers saw the universe, providing
detailed digital images of constellations, planets and gas- clouds that had never been seen before. Compared to ground-
based telescopes, Hubble is not particularly large. With a primary mirror diameter of 2.4 meters (94.5 inches). Hubble would
be considered a medium-size telescope on the ground. However, the combination of its precision optics, state-of-the-art
instrumentation, and unprecedented pointing stability and control, allows Hubble to more than make up for its lack of size,
giving it a range of well over 12 billion light years.
G. The telescope’s location above the Earth’s atmosphere also has a number of significant advantages over land based
telescopes. The atmosphere bends light due to a phenomenon known as diffraction (this is what causes starlight to appear
to twinkle and leads to the often blurred images seen through ground-based telescopes). The Hubble Space Telescope can
also observe infrared light that would otherwise be blocked by the atmosphere as the wavelength (distance between
successive wave crests) of ultraviolet light is shorter than that of visible light.
H. Despite early setbacks – one of the reflective mirrors had to be replaced after finding that it had been ground incorrectly
and did not produce the images expected – the telescope has reignited interest in space amongst the general public – a
requirement, given that taxpayer funding paid for the research, deployment and maintenance of the telescope.


Questions 28-35
31 Paragraph D
Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs A-H.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-H from the 32 Paragraph E
list of headings below.
33 Paragraph F
Write the correct number i-xii in boxes 28-35.
List of Headings 34 Paragraph G
i Different methods of locating and identifying 35 Paragraph H
ii A better view of the constellations
iii Technological advances in research and development Questions 36-40
iv Atmospheric weaknesses of telescopes in orbit Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN
v Different interpretations of star groupings
Write the correct answers in boxes 36-40.
vi Common misconceptions
vii Bypassing terrestrial limitations Despite an initial flaw in a 36 , the Hubble
space telescope is superior to telescopes on land as it
viii Renewed interest in the stars
ix Ethnic differences in celestial mapping can identify 37 which would not normally
x Formal marking of constellations reach the Earth’s surface.
This is all the more impressive given that Hubble is only
xi Universal myths of constellations
xii Historical and modern reference classified as a 38 telescope.
Being above the atmosphere, it also has the advantages
28 Paragraph A
of not being affected by 39 , which would
29 Paragraph B
otherwise lead to 40 images.
30 Paragraph C
1 Andrew Waugh
2 Tibet
3 Andrew Irvine’s body
4 A photograph
5 Tenzing Norgay
6 Himalayan Trust
17 Stress
18 Brain waves
19 (easily) woken
20 Disorientation
21 22 B,C
23 C
24 G
25 H
26 I
27 E
28 x
29 v
30 xii
31 vi
32 i
33 ii
34 vii
35 viii
36 (reflective) mirror
37 Infrared light
38 Medium sized
39 Diffraction
40 Blurred
Reading- Mount Everest and Hillary
1. Expeditions- a journey undertaken by a group
2. Attributed- regarding something as being caused by
3. Myth- folk tale, story
4. Apnoea- breathing problems specially during sleep
5. Restorative- heaving the ability to restore
6. Disorientation- losing sense of direction
7. Drowsiness- sleepiness
8. Accord- grant, give
9. Extremities- limit
10. Diverted- redirect, transfer
11. Accumulated- gather
12. Interpretation- explanation
13. Terrestrial- earthly
14. Reignited- cause to start again

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