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CA51018 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application



1. The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean of 1 and a

standard deviation of 1.
a. True
b. False

2. The lengths in a bar chart represents the amount, frequency or percentage of values
belonging to a category.
a. True
b. False

3. A scatter diagram is a useful way to visually display the results of a cross tabulation
of two categorical variables.
a. True
b. False

4. The employment status of workers in a certain company is an example of qualitative

a. True
b. False

5. The variability of sales of all Lucky Stores during its entire years of operation is
PhP150,000. The value PhP150,000 is considered a parameter.
a. True
b. False

6. By varying the population mean and population standard deviation, we can obtain
different normal distributions.
a. True
b. False

7. The measures of variability also function as a measure of risk or uncertainty in the

field of finance.
a. True
b. False

8. If a person's score on an exam corresponds to the 75th percentile, then that person
obtained 75 correct answers out of 100 questions.
a. True
b. False
9. If the mode exists, a normal distribution is unimodal.
a. True
b. False

10. Categorical data can be presented using the summary table, bar chart, pie chart, and
Pareto diagram.
a. True
b. False

11. A single extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean.
a. True
b. False

12. In a certain distribution, when majority of the data falls to the right of the mean and
the mean is to the left of the median, the distribution is said to be positively or right-
a. True
b. False

13. The ordinal level of measurement classifies data into categories that can be ranked;
however, precise differences between ranks do not exist.
a. True
b. False

14. The area to the right of z = -1.19 is 0.8830.

a. True
b. False

15. The finance officer found that the average annual income of a certain company was
2.3 million US dollars. This illustrates the use of inferential statistics.
a. True
b. False


16. The mean can be computed for the following variables EXCEPT for
a. temperature in degree Celsius
b. house number in a village
c. IQ scores
d. profitability ratios
17. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. geometric mean
b. 3rd quartile
c. mode
d. arithmetic mean

18. This scale classifies data into distinct categories which imply positions.
a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio

19. Which of the following graphical method of data presentation is best to show the
monthly income of several families from a certain barangay?
a. pie graph
b. line graph
c. pictogram
d. bar chart

20. Which measure does not belong to the group?

a. interquartile range
b. quantile
c. standard score
d. quartile deviation

21. Which of the following characterize a normal distribution?

a. variables are discrete
b. the distribution is square in shape
c. the mean and the median differ significantly
d. variables are continuous

22. Which of the following refers to a sample?

a. The score of a gymnast in his first attempt in his routine exercise.
b. A batch of electronic parts ready for inspection.
c. The list of all possible outcomes in rolling a die twice.
d. The second-year accountancy students for the academic year 2020 to 2021.

23. Which variable DOES NOT belong to the group?

a. faculty rank
b. military rank
c. pages of a book
d. type of bank account
24. The median can be obtained for the following variables EXCEPT
a. faculty rank
b. military rank
c. vehicle plate number
d. pages of a book

25. In Excel, in which tab can we find the different options that will enable us to generate
charts and graphs?
a. Data
b. Insert
c. Formulas
d. Page Layout

26. Which of the following measures can be used to summarize nominal level variables?
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. standard score

27. Which of the following describes the location of a normal distribution?

a. Range
b. Standard deviation
c. Mean
d. Shape

28. Which of the following is true regarding a parameter?

a. It is usually unknown because we can rarely observe the entire population.
b. It is a numerical value computed using sample data.
c. Some symbols used to represent parameters are s and x bar.
d. None of these.

29. It is a complete set of individuals, objects, places, or events under study.

a. data
b. sample
c. population
d. statistic

30. Employees' tax rate, lot areas of houses in a village, and hospital capacity measured
by the number of beds are categorized as
a. ratio
b. nominal
c. ordinal
d. interval

31. The observations in a certain distribution are A, A, B, B, C, C, D, and D. What is the

a. The mode is 4.
b. The modes are A, B, C, and D.
c. The mode is zero.
d. There is no mode.

32. The weights (in pounds) of seven army recruits were 181, 201, 220, 191, 219, 209, and
186. What are the mean and the median weights? 181, 186, 191, 201, 209, 219, 220
a. 201 and 201 (181+186+191+201+209+219+220)/7 = 201
b. 201 and 191
c. 210 and 201
d. 201 and 219

33. Following are the house numbers of 11 residents in a certain village: 643, 598, 620, 532,
446, 580, 598, 600, 654, 584, and 495. The following measures can be used to summarize
these values EXCEPT
a. mean
b. median
c. mode

34. The mean number of cars sold over a three-month period is 87 and the standard
deviation is 5. The mean sales agents' commission is ₱5,225 and the standard
deviation is ₱773. What is the coefficient of variation of the number of cars sold?
a. 0.0575
b. 0.0575%
c. 5.75% 5/87 * 100 = 5.747126436781609
d. 17.4%

35. The mean number of sales of cars over a three-month period is 87 and the standard
deviation is 5. The mean sales commission is ₱5,225 and the standard deviation is
₱773. What is the coefficient of variation of sales commissions?
a. 0.1479%
b. 14.79% 773/5225 * 100 = 14.79425837320574
c. 14.79
d. 71.58%

36. The mean number of sales of cars over a three-month period is 87 and the standard
deviation is 5. The mean sales commission is ₱5,225 and the standard deviation is
₱773. What can be concluded about these variables? Compare 34 & 35
a. The number of cars sold is less variable than commissions.
b. The number of cars sold is more variable than commissions.
c. These variables are equally dispersed.
d. None of these.

37. When is a value in a certain distribution considered an outlier?

a. The absolute value of its standard score z is greater than 2.
b. The absolute value of its standard score z is greater than 3.
c. Its standard score is less than zero.
d. Its standard score is greater than zero.

38. Each month, a Filipino household generates an average of 28 pounds of paper for
garbage or recycling with a standard deviation of 2 pounds. Assuming that the
variable is approximately normally distributed, what is the probability that a
household selected at random generates more than 30.2 pounds per month?
a. 30.85%
b. 62.47%
c. 6.68%
d. 13.57% z = (30.2 - 28)/ 2 = 1.1 (locate its area = 0.3643), =0.5 - 0.3643

39. The standard score of an employee's efficiency rating is 1.5. What is the employee's
actual efficiency rating if the mean rating was 110.5 with a standard deviation of 25.5?
a. 148.75 = 1.5*25.5+110.5
b. 72.25
c. 178.25
d. 206.25

40. The test scores on a 100-point test were recorded for 10 students: 62, 65, 67, 68, 72,
75, 84, 87, 89, and 94. What is the 3rd quartile?
a. 66.5
b. 90
c. 87.5
d. 84

41. The test scores on a 100-point test were recorded for 10 students: 62, 65, 67, 68, 72,
75, 84, 87, 89, and 94. What is the highest score of the students in the lower 25%?
a. 67
b. 87
c. 65
d. 84

42. The test scores on a 100-point test were recorded for 10 students: 62, 65, 67, 68, 72,
75, 84, 87, 89, and 94. What is the lowest score of the students in the top 30%?
a. 67
b. 87
c. 65
d. 84

43. The test scores on a 100-point test were recorded for 10 students: 62, 65, 67, 68, 72,
75, 84, 87, 89, and 94. What are the mean and the standard deviation of the scores?
a. 75.2 and 10.62
b. 76.3 and 11.33
c. 76.3 and 10.75
d. 75.2 and 10.75

44. The test scores on a 100-point test were recorded for 10 students: 62, 65, 67, 68, 72,
75, 84, 87, 89, and 94. What is the 4th decile?
a. 69.6
b. 72
c. 74
d. 67.4

45. Suppose X is normal with a population mean of 10 and a population standard

deviation of 4. What is the standard score for X = 18?
a. - 2
b. + 2 =(18-10)/4
c. + 1.4
d. – 1.4

46. Students reviewing for the CPA licensure examination consume an average of 3.54
cups of coffee per day. Assume the variable is approximately normally distributed
with a standard deviation of 0.24 cup. If 450 individuals are selected, approximately
how many will drink less than 3 cups of coffee per day?
a. approximately 2 students
b. approximately 6 students z = (3-3.54)/0.24 = -2.25, =(0.5-0.4874)*450 = 5.67
c. approximately 220 students
d. approximately 45 students

47. What is the total area under the normal curve?

a. undefined
b. 0.75
c. 1.0
d. 0.5

48. The mean grade of a class is 84% with a standard deviation of 5.5%. What is the
corresponding standard score if the grade of a student is 90%?
a. -1.09
b. 1.09 =(90-84)/5.5
c. 0.83
d. -0.83

49. The national average SAT score for Verbal and Math is 1028. If we assume a normal
distribution with a standard deviation of 92, what is the probability that a randomly
selected score exceeds 1200?
a. 0.4693
b. 0.8599
c. 0.1401
d. 0.0307 z=(1200 - 1028)/92 =1.87 locate area, 0.50 - 0.4693 = 0.0307

50. Ten (10) accountancy students of UST were asked about their soft drink preference.
The responses are Pepsi, Coke, Coke, Pepsi, Pop, Pepsi, Coke, Coke, Pop, and Pepsi.
The distribution
a. has no mode
b. is unimodal
c. is bimodal
d. is multimodal
CA51018 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application

Multiple Choice

1. The descriptive measures in a set of data are as follows: a sample mean of 50.24, a
median of 49 and a sample standard deviation of 13.77. Based on Pearson coefficient
of skewness, describe the data.
a. The data is left-skewed.
b. The data is not significantly skewed. =(50.24 - 49)*3/13.77
c. The information given is not enough to describe the data.
d. The data is significantly skewed.

2. For a test of a population mean, which of the following is incorrect?

a. H0 is rejected when the calculated p-value is less than the critical value of the
test statistic. Not critical value but alpha
b. If H0: μ ≤ 100 and H1: μ > 100, then the test is right tailed.
c. In a right-tailed test, we reject H0 when the test statistic exceeds the critical value.
d. The critical value is based on the researcher's chosen level of significance.

3. What statistical test is used for µ when σ is known?

a. t test
b. z test
c. chi- square test
d. F test

4. If the third quartile is positioned in the middle of the box (using the box and whisker
plot), then the data is normal.

5. Which of the following is not true?

a. Type I and Type II errors cannot happen at the same time.
b. The level of significance defines the rejection or critical region of the sampling
c. The critical value separates the rejection region from the non-rejection region.
d. The numerical value computed from a statistical test is called the critical value.

6. Which of the following describes a graphical representation of data based on the five-
number summary?
a. Box and Whisker Plot
b. Stem and Leaf Display
c. Normal Plot
d. Scatter Plot
7. Given that in a one-tailed test you cannot reject H0, can you reject H0 in a two-tailed
test at the same á?
a. No.
b. Cannot be determined based on the given information.
c. Yes.
d. Maybe.

8. In hypothesis testing, we cannot prove a null hypothesis is true.

True “ we have proven nothing as the sample size may have been too small.”

9. A decision making process for evaluating claims about a population is referred to

a. Interpolation
b. assessing normality
c. finding the area in the normal distribution
d. hypothesis testing

10. Given a box plot, a distribution is right-skewed when the distance from the smallest
value (minimum) to the median is less than the distance from the median to the
largest value (maximum).

11. Hypothesis tests for a mean using the critical value method requires
a. knowing the true population mean.
b. sampling a normal population.
c. using a two-tailed test.
d. specifying α in advance.

12. In testing hypothesis for population proportions, the ratio between the number of
successes in the sample and the sample size describes the sample proportion.

13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the t distribution?

a. It is a symmetric distribution.
b. It is a continuous distribution.
c. It has a mean of zero.
d. It is similar to the z distribution when n is small.

14. Which is not a step in hypothesis testing?

a. Formulate the hypotheses.
b. Find the test statistic from a table.
c. Formulate a decision rule.
d. Specify the desired Type I error.

15. Which is not a likely reason to choose the z distribution for a hypothesis test of a
a. The value of ó is very large.
b. The value of ó is known.
c. The sample size n is very large.
d. The population is normal.

16. The median is included in the five-number summary in order to recognize the shape
of a data set.

17. Which describes a correct decision?

a. Do not reject the null hypothesis when null hypothesis is false.
b. A Type II error is committed.
c. Reject the null hypothesis when null hypothesis is false.
d. A Type I error is committed.

18. Which of the following is not an assumption for testing a population proportion (one-
a. np ≥ 5 and n(1-p) ≥ 5.
b. The sample is a random sample.
c. The population standard deviation must be known.
d. The sampled values are independent of each other.

19. For a sample of nine items, the critical value of Student's t for a left-tailed test of a
mean at α = .05 is -1.860.

20. A null hypothesis is rejected when the calculated p-value is less than the critical
value of the test statistic.

21. In a normal distribution, the range is approximately five times the standard deviation.
22. When ó is unknown, it is more conservative to use z instead of t for the critical value.

23. After testing a hypothesis, we decided to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, we are
exposed to
a. Type I error.
b. Type II error.
c. either Type I or Type II error.
d. neither Type I nor Type II error.

24. Which of the following statements is correct?

a.The p-value shows the probability that the null hypothesis is false.
b. A higher standard deviation would increase the power of a test for a mean.
c. Increasing α will make it more likely that we will reject H0.
d. Doubling the sample size roughly doubles the test statistic.

25. A Type II error can only occur when we fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is

26. In a test of a mean, the reported p-value is .025. Using α =.05 the conclusion would be
a. gather more evidence due to inconclusive results.
b. fail to reject the null hypothesis.
c. reject the null hypothesis.
d. accept the null hypothesis.

27. Which statement about α is not correct?

a. It is equal to 1-β
b. It is the probability of rejecting a true H0.
c. It is the test's significance level.
d. It is the probability of committing a Type I error.

28. For a sample size of n = 100, and σ = 10, we want to test the hypothesis H0: μ = 100.
The sample mean is 103. The test statistic is _______.
a. 3.000
b. 1.960
c. 1.645
d. 0.300

29. At α = 0.05, the critical value to test the hypothesis H0: μ ≥ 40, H1: μ < 40 would be ____.
a. -1.645
b. -2.326
c. -1.960
d. impossible to determine without more information

30. In a right-tailed test, a statistician got a z test statistic of 1.47. What is the p-value?
a. .9292
b. .0708
c. .4292
d. .0874

31. The Guidelines for the Velayo Health Insurance Company say that the average
hospitalization for a minor operation should not exceed 30 hours. A diligent auditor
studied records of 16 randomly chosen minor operations at St. Thomas Hospital and
found a mean hospital stay of 40 hours with a standard deviation of 20 hours. "Aha!"
she cried, "the average stay exceeds the guideline." The value of the test statistic for
her hypothesis is ___________.
a. 0.481
b. 2.000
c. 2.080
d. 1.866

32. The Guidelines for the Velayo Health Insurance Company say that the average
hospitalization for a minor operation should not exceed 30 hours. A diligent auditor
studied records of 16 randomly chosen minor operations at St. Thomas Hospital and
found a mean hospital stay of 40 hours with a standard deviation of 20 hours. "Aha!"
she cried, "the average stay exceeds the guideline." At α = .025, the critical value for a
right-tailed test of her hypothesis is ____________.
a. 2.131
b. 1.960
c. 1.645
d. 1.753

33. The Guidelines for the Velayo Health Insurance Company say that the average
hospitalization for a minor operation should not exceed 30 hours. A diligent auditor
studied records of 16 randomly chosen minor operations at St. Thomas Hospital and
found a mean hospital stay of 40 hours with a standard deviation of 20 hours. "Aha!"
she cried, "the average stay exceeds the guideline. By comparing the critical value
and test statistic, what decision can be made?
a. No decision can be made since some information is missing.
b. Reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic is greater than the critical value.
c. Reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic is less than the critical value.
d. Do not reject the null hypothesis since the test statistic is less than the critical
34. Given: A manufacturer of energy drink wants to test the performance of its bottle
machines. Machine Z is designed to clean a mean quantity of 250 bottles per minute.
They let the machine operate for 30 minutes and clean 6,000 bottles of energy drink.
Identify the alternative hypothesis.
a. μ = 6000
b. μ ≠ 250
c. μ = 250
d. μ ≠ 6000

35. In a left-tailed test, a statistician got a z test statistic of -1.720. What is the p-value?
a. .0709
b. .0709
c. .0427
d. .4292

36. Currently, only 20 percent of arrested drug pushers are convicted," cried candidate
Courageous Calvin in a campaign speech. "Elect me and you'll see a big increase in
convictions." A year after his election, a random sample of 144 case files of arrested
drug pushers showed 36 convictions. Determine the sample proportion.
a. 0.56
b. 0.20
c. 0.25
d. 0.13

For Questions 37 - 39
Given: The process that produces MiCho Bars (a type of milk cholate candy) is intended to
produce bars with a mean weight of 56 gm. The process standard deviation is known to be
0.77 gm. A random sample of 49 candy bars yields a mean weight of 55.82 gm.

37. Find the test statistic to see whether the mean weight is lower that it is supposed to
a. -1.677
b. -1.636
c. -1.645
d. -1.682

38. Find the p-value for a test to see whether the mean weight is lower that it is supposed
to be?
a. Between .025 and .05
b. Between .01 and .025
c. Less than .01
d. Between .05 and .10

39. Which are the hypotheses to test whether the mean weight is lower that it is
supposed to be?
a. H0 : μ ≥ 56, H1 : μ < 56
b. H0 : μ = 56, H1 : μ ≠ 56
c. H0 : μ ≤ 56, H1 : μ > 56
d. H0 : μ < 56, H1 : μ ≥ 56

For Questions 40 - 42
Given: Last year, 10 percent of all teenagers purchased a new iPhone. This year, a sample
of 260 randomly chosen teenagers showed that 39 had purchased a new iPhone.

40. The test statistic to find out whether the percentage has risen would be __________.
a. 2.758
b. 2.687
c. 2.258
d. 0.0256

41. To test whether the percentage has risen, the critical value at α = .05 is __________.
a. 1.645
b. 1.658
c. 1.697
d. 1.960

42. To test whether the percentage has risen, the p-value is approximately __________.
a. .0501
b. .0314
c. .0036
d. .0492

43. For a right-tailed test of a hypothesis for a population mean with n = 14, the value of
the test statistic was t = 1.863. The p-value is
a. between .025 and .05.
b. less than .01.
c. between .05 and .10.
d. greater than .10.

For Questions 44 - 45
Consider the given: If n = 25 and α = 0.05 in a right-tailed test of a mean with unknown σ,

44. The degree of freedom is ______.

a. 100
b. cannot be determined
c. 23
d. 24

45. The critical value is ______.

a. 1.960
b. 0.0179
c. 1.711
d. 1.645

For Questions 46 - 47
Given: Vistro Manufacturing claims that its alkaline batteries last at least 40 hours on
average in a certain type of portable CD player. But tests on a random sample of 18
batteries from a day's large production run showed a mean battery life of 37.8 hours with a
standard deviation of 5.4 hours.

46. To test Vistro's hypothesis, the test statistic is _______.

a. -1.980
b. -1.960
c. -2.101
d. -1.728

47. To test Vistro's hypothesis, the p-value is

a. exactly equal to .05.
b. slightly greater than .05.
c. uncertain without knowing α.
d. slightly less than .05.

For Questions 48 - 50
A shoe company claims that a new TV-commercial featuring a well-known athlete will
increase product sales in retail stores an average of 100 pairs of shoes in a week.

The questions are as follows:

48. Determine the null hypothesis.
a. μ ≥ 100
b. μ ≤ 100
c. μ > 100
d. μ ≠ 100

49. What is the alternative hypothesis?

a. μ ≥ 100
b. μ ≤ 100
c. μ > 100
d. μ ≠ 100

50. Identify the type of test.

a. one-tailed (left tailed)
b. two-tailed
c. one-tailed (right tailed)
d. cannot be determined
CA51018 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application


1. The non-parametric tests are based on the assumption that the random samples are
selected from normal
a. True
b. False

2. The non-parametric tests involve an analysis of ranks.

a. True
b. False

3. The non-parametric procedure is an appropriate alternative to the parametric test in

the absence of normality.
a. True
b. False

4. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test applies when we are interested in testing equality of
means of two dependent samples.
a. True
b. False

5. The expected value for the chi-square test of independence can be computed as the
product of the row totals and the column totals all over the grand totals of the
a. True
b. False

6. A chi-square goodness-of-fit test can be used to test for normality of the variable.
a. True
b. False

7. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used to see both the direction (sign) and
magnitude of the differences between the pairs of observations in the paired-sample
a. True
b. False

8. Non-parametric tests are also called distribution -free methods.

a. True
b. False
9. In the chi-square test goodness of fit test, non-rejection of the alternative hypothesis
indicates a good fit.
a. True
b. False

10. Suppose two quality control officers are asked to judge five brands of detergent bar
by assigning a rank of 1 to the brand believed to be the best among the five brands,
a rank of 2 to the second best, and so on and so forth. This type of problem can be
best tested by using a parametric test to determine whether there is any agreement
between the two judges.
a. True
b. False


11. An accounting technology expert claims that the newly developed accounting
software for generating information about the daily financial reports in offices could
increase accuracy including formulation of simple formulas in the spreadsheet. To
support this claim, a sample of 14-day reports on system errors has been recorded.
Data were taken from two different offices with the same daily transactions were
included in the sample, one using the new software and the other using the old
software. The following data represent the number of errors incurred using the two
different software:

Old 2 1 4 5 3 3 0 1 6 4 5 8 3 4

New 1 1 0 4 7 4 0 2 2 1 6 2 1 1

What nonparametric test will apply to this statistical problem?

a. Sign Test
b. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
c. Runs Test
d. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test

For Numbers 12 - 15.

A clothing manufacturer wants to determine whether customers prefer any specific color
over other colors in shirts. He selects a random sample of 78 shirts sold and notes the
color. The table below shows the results.
Color No. of T-shirts Expected Frequencies

White 8 13
Blue 21 13

Black 16 13

Red 10 13

Yellow 11 13

Green 12 13

df 5

level of significance 0.10

Chi-square computed 8.62

p-value 0.1254

critical value 9.236

12. Which set of hypotheses is appropriate for this statistical problem.

a. Ho: Customers show no preference vs H1: Customers show preference.
b. Ho: Customers show preference. vs H1: Customers show no preference.
c. Ho: The preference of the customers is dependent on shirt color. vs H1: The
preference of the customers is independent of shirt color.
d. Ho: The preference of the customers is independent of shirt color. vs H1: The
preference of the customers is dependent on shirt color.

13. Based on the traditional method, what decision can be made regarding the null
a. The null hypothesis is rejected.
b. The null hypothesis is not rejected.
c. There is not enough evidence not to reject the null hypothesis.
d. The null hypothesis is not accepted.

14. Justify the conjecture that the null hypothesis should not be rejected based on the p-
value approach.
a. The null hypothesis should not be rejected because the p-value of 0.1254 is less
than the critical value.
b. The null hypothesis should not be rejected because the significance level greater
than the p-value.
c. The null hypothesis should not be rejected because the p-value of 0.1254 is less
than the significance level.
d. The null hypothesis should not be rejected because the p-value of 0.1254 is
greater than the significance level.

15. What is the appropriate conclusion that can be derived on this test?
a. The customers have preferences on the color of shirts.
b. The customers do not have preferences on the color of shirts.
c. The customers prefer blue shirts over another.
d. The null hypothesis is not rejected.

For Numbers 16 - 18
Suppose that 17 people are polled to determine if they purchase a certain product in a
grocery store. The store manager questions whether the sample was of the same income
level classified as Low denoted by L or High denoted by H. Do customers who purchase
a certain product occur at random? To do the test, the manager records the outcomes
according to their income level in which they occur. A usual run for the experiment might


16. What is the expected number of runs, µR, for this statistical test?
a. -1.96
b. 1.96
c. -1.16
d. 9.24

17. Suppose the standard deviation of the runs is 1.93, what is the calculated value of
the test statistic z?
a. -1.96
b. 1.96
c. -1.16
d. 9.24

18. If the null hypothesis is not rejected, what is the appropriate conclusion?
a. Customers purchase certain products with a particular pattern of occurrences.
b. Customers purchase certain products in a sequence of occurrences that do not
vary randomly.
c. Customers purchase certain products without any randomness.
d. Customers purchase certain products at random.

For Numbers 19 - 20
CECT Cell phone manufacturer would like to determine if the importance customers
attach to the price of cell phones has a relationship with their income. Shown below is
the distribution of the responses based on the two variables: Importance and Income

Importance Income level

Low Medium High Total

Great 83 62 37 182

Moderate 52 71 49 172

Total 135 133 86 354

19. What is the appropriate alternative hypothesis for this test?

a. The importance customers attach to the price of cell phones is independent of
b. The importance customers attach to the price of cell phones is dependent
on income.
c. Customers have a preference for the price of cell phones.
d. Customers have no preference for the price of cell phones.

20. What is the degree of freedom for the chi-square test?

a. 6
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5

For numbers 21 - 22
A business preference poll yielded the following data for a random sample of adults of
108 men and 95 women. Use the 5% significance level and test to determine if this
provides convincing evidence that business preference and gender are independent in
the population of all men and women. The spreadsheet below shows the excel output of
the problem:

Observed A B C Total

Male 45 30 33 108

Female 30 25 40 95

Total 74 55 73 203
Expected A B C Total

Male 39.90 29.26 38.84 108

Female 35.10 25.74 34.16 95

Total 75 55 73 203

df 2

test statistic 3.307

critical calue 5.991

p-value 0.1914

21. Justify why the null hypothesis must not be rejected based on the p-value.
a. We do not reject the null hypothesis of independence at the 5%
significance level because the p-value is greater than 0.05.
b. We do not reject the null hypothesis of independence at the 5% significance level
because the p-value is less than 0.05.
c. We do not reject the null hypothesis of independence at the 5% significance level
because the p-value is less than 3.307.
d. We do not reject the null hypothesis of independence at the 5% significance level
because the p-value is less than 5.991.

22. What conclusion can be derived from this statistical test?

a. We have convincing evidence that business preference and gender are not
independent; that is, there is evidence that the business preference of men is the
same as that of women.
b. We have convincing evidence that business preference and gender are not
independent; that is, there is evidence that the business preference of men is
different from that of women.
c. We have convincing evidence that business preference and gender are
independent; that is, there is evidence that the business preference of men is
different from that of women.
d. We have convincing evidence that business preference and gender are
independent; that is, there is evidence that the business preference of men
is the same as that of women.
23. The following table gives the observed frequencies and expected frequencies in a
chi-square distribution.
Observed 20 25 11 4

Expected 22.7 49.5 9 2.6



d. None of the given choices

24. The following table gives the observed frequencies and expected frequencies in a
chi-square distribution. Justify why the chi-square goodness-of-fit test will not apply
in this data set.
Observed 20 25 11 4

Expected 22.7 49.5 9 2.6

a. because it consists of only 4 categories.

b. because its degree of freedom is equal to 3.
c. because one of the categories has expected frequency less than 5.
d. because one of the categories has observed frequency less than 5.

25. To determine if two categorical variables (with 3 categories each) are independent
using the Chi-square test, what is the critical value at the 0.01 level of significance?
a. 16.812
b. 7.779
c. 13.277
d. 9.488

26. Consider the observations for an experiment where male M and female F are


How many runs are there in this observation?

a. 19
b. 10
c. 9
d. 8

27. Suppose a set of observations is tested for randomness using the Runs Test at the
0.05 level. Results of the test yielded the following:
Test statistic z = 1.83
Critical value = ±1.96
What is the correct conclusion?
a. There is no evidence that the sequence is not random.
b. There is no evidence that the sequence is random.
c. There is enough evidence that the sequence is not random.
d. None of the given choices.

28. A new quality control equipment is proposed for determining the presence of
excessive acid in a certain brand of energy drink. A sample of 12 bottles was tested
on the two equipment, one after another, (old and new equipment) and results were
recorded. For analysis purposes, the following categories were used to measure the
presence of acid in each bottle: 1 = no acid, 2 = less acid, 3 = neutral, 4 = high acid, 5
= concentrated. Will there be an increase of acid detected per bottle of the energy
drink when the new equipment is used? Use an α = 0.05 to determine the direction of
the differences between the two readings.

Bottle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Old 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1

New 2 3 4 4 1 4 4 3 1 3 4 3

What nonparametric test is appropriate for this problem?

a. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
b. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
c. Runs Test
d. Chi-Square Test

29. A nonparametric test used to detect nonrandomness in a sample data set.

a. single-sample sign test
b. one-sample runs test
c. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
d. chi-square test

30. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test ______________ Mann-Whitney U Test.

a. is not the same as the
b. is an alternative statistical test to
c. is the non-parametric counterpart of
d. Is also known as

31. Which of the following is NOT true for the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test?
a. applicable to a continuous distribution
b. it is not affected by outliers
c. it is used to test independent samples
d. it is analogous to test for a single mean parametric t-test

32. The following statements describe non-parametric tests EXCEPT

a. It is distribution-free.
b. No assumption is provided about the population.
c. It requires the estimation of a population parameter.
d. Data are in ordinal scale.

33. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the chi-square goodness-of-fit test?
a. the expected frequency for each category must be at least 5.
b. the observed frequency for each category must be at least 5.
c. data are obtained from a random sample.
d. None of the given choices.

34. Which of the following is NOT true about the chi-square test of independence?
a. Chi-square test of independence can be used to investigate the
relationship between two or more categorical data.
b. Chi-square test of independence can be used to investigate the association
between two categorical data.
c. Chi-square test of independence can be used to investigate whether or not two
randomly selected variables are independent of each other.
d. Chi-square test of independence can be used to investigate whether the value of
one variable relates to the other.

35. Which of the following nonparametric test is analogous to the t-test for Independent
a. Wilcoxon Signed- Rank Test
b. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
c. Chi-square test of Independence
d. Paired Sample Sign Test

36. What should be done when categories have expected frequencies less than 5 so that
the goodness-of-fit test may be applicable?
a. reduce the number of categories.
b. reduce the degrees of freedom.
c. use Yate’s correction for continuity
d. combine adjacent categories.

37. Which of the following statements is/are true about the chi-square distribution?
I. The chi-square distribution is a continuous distribution.

II. As the degrees of freedom increase, the chi-square distribution approaches normality.

III. The chi-square distribution is left-skewed.

IV. A chi-square value can be any number in the real number line.

V. The chi-square distribution is a family of curves whose shapes depend on degrees of


a. I and II
b. I, II, and III
c. II, IV, and V
d. I, II, and V

38. What is NOT true about the one-sample runs test?

a. It is based on the order in which the sample observations are obtained.
b. It is a useful technique for testing the null hypothesis that observations are
randomly selected.
c. It illustrates a subsequence of similar elements having common property or
d. It cannot determine whether observations are randomly selected.

39. Which of the following is a null hypothesis for a one-sample runs test?
a. The sequence is random.
b. The sequence is not random.
c. The sequence is not independent.
d. The sequence is dependent.

40. In a chi-square test of independence, frequencies are arranged in a table called

a. pivot table
b. frequency distribution table
c. contingency table
d. stem and leaf plot

41. When a data set illustrates nonrandomness, it suggests that the

a. observations are independent
b. observations are not dependent
c. observations are randomly selected
d. observations are not independent
42. A researcher wishes to see whether a random sample of 1500 office employees in
Quezon City are classified as to whether they belong to low, medium, or high salary
bracket and whether or not they are in favor of the new VAT reform. This statistical
problem can be appropriately tested using
a. chi-square test
b. chi-square goodness-of-fit test
c. chi-square test of independence
d. Wilcoxon sum-rank test

43. The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test is generally appropriate for

a. non-normal, independent samples.
b. non-normal, dependent samples.
c. normally distributed, independent samples.
d. normally distributed, paired samples.

44. CECT Online Delivery would like to test the use of diesel over gasoline in terms of
fuel economy. Twelve motorcycles are equipped with diesel and driven over a
prescribed test course. Without changing deliveryman, the same motorcycles are
then equipped with gasoline and driven once again over the test course. The fuel
consumption, in kilometers per liter, is recorded. Which of the following statistical
test can be best applied to this statistical problem?
a. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
b. Wilcoxon rank-sum test
c. Chi-square test
d. Paired t-test

45. What is the idea behind the chi–square test of independence?

a. To analyze a distribution based on the differences in signs between the
b. To compare the actual counts in a contingency table with what would be
expected under independence.
c. To see the magnitude of the differences between two observations.
d. To test if there is a good fit in the distribution.

46. Which of the following is appropriate for testing the difference between dependent
a. Mann Whitney test
b. Wilcoxon rank-sum test
c. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
d. One sample Runs test

47. The one sample Runs Test is a nonparametric test also called
a. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
b. Wald-Wolfowitz Test
c. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
d. Chi-Square Test

48. Which of the following is TRUE about parametric and non-parametric tests?
a. The non-parametric tests cannot complement the parametric tests, thus it is not
always possible to solve problems where parametric tests do not apply.
b. Parametric and non-parametric tests are both powerful when data assumes
c. Parametric and non -parametric tests are both applicable to nominal data.
d. If both parametric and non-parametric tests can apply to the same data, it
is still more efficient to use the applicable parametric test over its parallel
or equivalent non-parametric test.

49. Which does not belong?

a. Runs test for randomness.
b. Paired samples t-test
c. Chi-square goodness of fit test.
d. Mann Whitney test.

50. A test of hypothesis used to investigate whether the data set follows a specified or
theoretical pattern.
a. chi-square test
b. chi-square goodness-of-fit-test
c. chi-square of independence
d. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
CA51018 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application

1. If the computed Pearson's correlation coefficient r of a bivariate data is 0 or close to

zero then this indicates:
a. Moderate Correlation
b. No Correlation
c. Perfect positive correlation
d. Perfect negative correlation

2. A study found that the relationship of burnout and level of job satisfaction are
negative and linear. The study concluded that burnout can predict the level of job
satisfaction. Which of the following is TRUE about the result of the study?
a. The lower the burnout scores, the lower will be the level of job satisfaction
b. The higher the burnout scores, the lower will be the level of job satisfaction
c. The lower the burnout scores, the higher will be the level of job satisfaction
d. b & c

3. Researchers from UST AMV would like to compare the disclosure index (expressed
in %) of selected companies in NCR. However, due to the pandemic they were able to
gather only 70% of their target respondents. What is the most appropriate test to use
if they want to investigate if there are significant differences in the mean disclosure
index of the companies grouped into 5 sectors?
a. Mann-Whitney Test
b. Kruskal Wallis Test
c. One-way ANOVA
d. Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test

4. Mr. Reyes would like to compare a specified benchmark median satisfaction based
on records which is 3.5 to the overall satisfaction of customer type B. The following
are the sample ratings of satisfaction: 3.00, 3.65, 3.33, 4.00, 2.98 & 3.87. He believes
that there is no difference in the medians and wants to test it at a level of
significance of 0.05. Based on the sample rating of satisfaction, which rating will
rank 2 if arranged in an ascending manner?
a. 2.98
b. 3.00
c. 3.87
d. 4.00

5. Two cloud-based accounting software are being compared and were rated by
customers. The critical value is +/- 1.960 at an alpha of 0.05 and the calculated value
for z is 5.33. The claim of the researcher is that there is a significant difference in the
median rates of the two cloud-based accounting software. The correct decision will
a. do not reject the null hypothesis
b. do not reject the alternative hypothesis
c. reject the alternative hypothesis
d. reject the null hypothesis

6. One-way ANOVA can be used to compare means of how many groups of samples?
a. one to two
b. three to four
c. five or more
d. b & c

7. If the scatterplot of a bivariate data have an upward trend then its slope will be:
a. negative
b. positive
c. both +/-
d. Can't be determined based on the information

8. Two cloud-based accounting software are being compared and were rated by
customers. The critical value is +/- 1.960 at an alpha of 0.05 and the calculated value
for z is 5.33. The claim of the researcher is that there is a significant difference in the
median ratings of the two cloud-based accounting software. The correct null
hypothesis would be:
a. M1 is less than or equal to M2
b. M1 is greater than or equal to M2
c. M1 - M2 is not equal to 0
d. M1 is equal to M2

9. Mr. Reyes would like to compare a specified benchmark median satisfaction based
on records which is 3.5 to the overall satisfaction of customer type B. The following
are the sample ratings of satisfaction: 3.00, 3.65, 3.33, 4.00, 2.98 & 3.87. He believes
that there is no difference in the medians and wants to test it at a level of
significance of 0.05. What is the appropriate Wilcoxon's Test to use?
a. Dependent or paired Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
b. One sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
c. One sample Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test
d. Two samples Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test

10. Find out if a change in GDP will have an effect or change in the sales performance of
business organizations given the following data: GDP (in %): 0.98, 1.02, 1.1, 2 & 2.3
and Sales (in units): 110, 200, 210, 310 & 350. Based on the Regression equation,
what GDP will result to a sales of 250 units?
a. 1.33%
b. 1.45%
c. 1.58%
d. 1.75%

11. Two cloud-based accounting software are being compared and were rated by
customers. The critical value is +/- 1.960 at an alpha of 0.05 and the calculated value
for z is 5.33. The claim of the researcher is that there is a significant difference in the
median ratings of the two cloud-based accounting software. The correct conclusion
will be:
a. There is a significant difference in the median ratings of the two software
b. There is no significant difference in the median ratings of the two software
c. The medians of the two accounting software are equal
d. The median difference of the two software is equal to zero

12. Which of the following must be established between two variables before saying that
one variable can predict the value of another variable?
a. The relationship must be moderately positive
b. The relationship must be moderately negative
c. The relationship must be curvilinear
d. The relationship must be linear

13. The general weighted average (GWA) of 3 sections of BSA students whose
schedules for their professional courses are morning, afternoon & evening sessions
are being compared. The dean of the college would like to know if there are
significant differences in their grades. Which of the following is the independent
variable involved in the study?
a. GWA
b. Number of sections
c. Schedule
d. Shift

14. Find out if a change in GDP will have an effect or change in the sales performance of
business organizations given the following data: GDP (in %): 0.98, 1.02, 1.1, 2 & 2.3
and Sales (in units): 110, 200, 210, 310 & 350. What will be the Regression equation
based on the output?
a. Sales = 115.4 + 82.3X
b. Sales = 24.43 + 142.95X
c. Sales = 0.009 - 0.71X
d. Sales = 142.95 + 24.43X

15. Given the signed ranks: -4, 5, 8, -6, 1.5, 1.5 & -7 and based on the sum of the positive
ranks (R+), suppose the computed expected value of the W statistic is equal to 10 &
the standard deviation is 2.5 then what is the value of z?
a. -1.35
b. -2.40
c. 1.35
d. 2.40

16. Which of the following is NOT true about one-way ANOVA?

a. The sample sizes must be equal
b. The variances of the groups must be equal
c. The data are sampled from normally distributed populations
d. The number of each data in a group may be unequal

17. GDP is believed to have a have an effect or change in the sales of manufacturing
companies. If the result indicated in Excel for R squared is 0.691 then which of the
following is TRUE?
a. 69.1% of the variation in sales is explained by the variation in GDP
b. 69.1% of the variation in GDP is explained by the variation in sales
c. 0.691% of the variation in sales is explained by the variation in GDP
d. 0.691% of the variation in GDP is explained by the variation in sales

18. AMV Company is trying to investigate the effect of improving the features of a
product in relation to its sales performance. Did it result to sales increase? Based on
historical data, they have the following sales records: Product A1: 115, 110, 100, 112
& 113 while Product A2: 125, 112, 110, 115 & 116 and Product A3: 130, 118, 118, 115
& 130. Assuming that the data were sampled from normally distributed population
and based on excel output, which product has the highest average sales?
a. A1
b. A2
c. A3
d. A2 & A3

19. If GDP is believed to have a have an effect or change in the sales of manufacturing
companies then GDP is considered as what variable in a regression equation?
a. Dependent
b. Independent
c. Intercept
d. Predicted

20. Mr. Reyes would like to compare a specified benchmark median satisfaction based
on records which is 3.5 to the overall satisfaction of customer type B. The following
are the sample ratings of satisfaction: 3.00, 3.65, 3.33, 4.00, 2.98 & 3.87. He believes
that there is no difference in the medians and wants to test it at a level of
significance of 0.05. The correct null hypothesis for the problem would be:
a. The median satisfaction before is equal to the present median satisfaction
b. The benchmark median is greater than the sample median
c. The median satisfaction is equal to 3.5
d. The median satisfaction is not equal to 3.5

21. The general weighted average (GWA) of 3 sections of BSA students whose
schedules for their professional courses are morning, afternoon & evening sessions
are being compared. The dean of the college would like to know if there are
significant differences in their grades. The p-value obtained via JASP at a level of
significance of 0.05 is .0021. The correct conclusion would be:
a. There are no significant differences in the GWA of the three sections of BSA
b. There is at least one section with GWA different from the others
c. There is at least two sections with GWA different from the others
d. either b or c

22. A study was made to find out the effect of Radio Ads to the Revenue (in dollars) of a
company. If the obtained regression equation is given as: Predicted value = 7930 +
78X then which of the following is TRUE?
a. For every one-unit increase in the number of Radio Ads then revenue will
increase by 78 dollars
b. For every one-unit increase in the number of Radio Ads then revenue will
decrease by 78 dollars
c. For every one-unit decrease in the number of Radio Ads then revenue will
increase by 78 dollars
d. For every one-unit decrease in the number of Radio Ads then revenue will
decrease by 78 dollars

23. Given the signed ranks: -4, 5, 8, -6, 1.5, 1.5 & -7, what is the sum of the positive ranks
a. 16
b. 17
c. 30
d. 33

24. DEF company wants to investigate if the funds that they have invested in marketing
a particular brand has given them substantial return on investment. Hence, they
want to know the impact of their marketing campaign to their ROI. The most
appropriate statistical method to be used will be:
a. One-way ANOVA
b. Kruskal Wallis Test
c. Simple Regression Analysis
d. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

25. Which of the following assumptions must be met before using one-way ANOVA
a. Groups must have equal variances
b. Data are sampled from normally distributed populations
c. Groups are independent samples
d. All of the above

26. The median salary for a company has been P23,000 for the past 2 years. If the sum of
positive ranks (+) or W is computed as 14, the computed expected value for W is 7.5
and the standard deviation of the W statistic is 3.71. Find out if the median salary is
no longer P23,000 at an alpha of 0.05. If the null hypothesis is: The median salary in
the company is equal to P23,000 then what will be the correct decision if p is
indicated also as 0.125?
a. do not reject the null hypothesis
b. reject the null hypothesis
c. do not reject the alternative hypothesis
d. reject the alternative hypothesis

27. The median salary for a company has been P23,000 for the past 2 years. If the sum of
positive ranks (+) or W is computed as 14, the computed expected value for W is 7.5
and the standard deviation of the W statistic is 3.71. Find out if the median salary is
no longer P23,000 at an alpha of 0.05. If the null hypothesis is: The median salary in
the company is equal to P23,000 then what will be the correct conclusion?
a. The median salary in the company is equal to P23,000
b. The median salary in the company is no longer equal to P23,000
c. The median salary in the company 2 years ago and the present are not equal
d. The median difference is not equal to 0

28. Find out if a change in GDP will have an effect or change in the sales performance of
business organizations given the following data: GDP (in %): 0.98, 1.02, 1.1, 2 & 2.3
and Sales (in units): 110, 200, 210, 310 & 350. Based on the Regression equation, if
GDP will be changed to 2.5% then what is the predicted sales?
a. 204
b. 350
c. 371
d. 381

29. If an Excel output, the slope was indicated to be 1.75 & the intercept is 45.47 then
what is the correct regression equation?
a. Predicted Value = 1.75 + 45.47X
b. Predicted Value = 45.47 + 1.75X
c. Predicted Value = 1.75 + 45.47Y
d. Predicted Value = 45.47 + 1.75Y

30. GDP is believed to have a have an effect or change in the sales of manufacturing
companies and the regression equation is given as: Predicted Value = 34.58 + 88.16X
then what can be inferred when the change in GDP is zero?
a. The sales would be approximately 88 units
b. The sales would be approximately 35 units
c. There will be zero sales
d. The regression equation is not sufficient to answer the question

31. A study found that the relationship of burnout and level of job satisfaction are
negative and linear. The study concluded that burnout can predict the level of job
satisfaction. Job satisfaction in the study is considered what variable?
a. Dependent
b. Independent
c. Intercept
d. Predictor

32. A certain researcher would like to find out the effect of using a new promotional
strategy on sales. She then took the sales records in some branches of ABC
Company before utilizing the new promotional strategy. After a month of applying
the new promotional strategy, she again recorded the sales in the same branches of
the company. Which of the following cases related to Wilcoxon's Test will be
a. Comparison of sample median & a benchmark median
b. Comparison of the median of paired or dependent samples
c. Comparison of the median of independent samples
d. Comparison of three or more medians

33. A study found that the relationship of burnout and level of job satisfaction are
negative and linear. If the obtained regression equation is given as: Predicted value
= 235.5 – 2.11X then which of the following is TRUE?
a. For every one-unit increase in burnout score then job satisfaction will increase by
2.11 points
b. For every one-unit increase in burnout score then job satisfaction will
decrease by 2.11 points
c. For every one-unit decrease in burnout score then job satisfaction will increase
by 2.11 points
d. For every one-unit decrease in burnout score then job satisfaction will decrease
by 2.11 points

34. The following are the absolute values of the differences of two exam scores: 1, 2, 2,
3, 4, 5, 5, 5. What ranks will be averaged to arrive at the correct rank of 5?
a. 1, 2 & 3
b. 3, 4 & 5
c. 4, 5 & 6
d. 6, 7 & 8
35. Given the following differences: 1.5,3, 2.7, 1.5, 5, 6, 8, 2.7 & 8, what will be the
assigned rank for 2.7 if the differences are ranked in an ascending order?
a. 3
b. 3.5
c. 5
d. 6.5

36. Which of the following is TRUE about one-way ANOVA?

a. It involves one dependent variable
b. It involves two dependent variables
c. It involves one independent variable
d. It involves two independent variables

37. AMV Company is trying to investigate the effect of improving the features of a
product in relation to its sales performance. Did it result to sales increase? Based on
historical data, they have the following sales records: Product A1: 115, 110, 100, 112
& 113 while Product A2: 125, 112, 110, 115 & 116 and Product A3: 130, 118, 118, 115
& 130. Assuming that the data were sampled from normally distributed population at
a level of significance of 0.05, what will be the correct conclusion?
a. There are no significant differences in the average sales
b. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that improving the
features of product A resulted to sales increase.
c. The average sales are equal
d. There is no sufficient evidence to support the claim that improving the features of
product A resulted to sales increase.

38. The non-parametric test which is a counterpart of one-way ANOVA.

a. Mann-Whitney Test
b. Kruskal Wallis Test
c. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
d. Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test

39. A certain researcher would like to find out the effect of using a new promotional
strategy on sales. She then took the sales records in some branches of ABC
Company before utilizing the new promotional strategy. After a month of applying
the new promotional strategy, she again recorded the sales in the same branches of
the company. If the result obtained from JASP revealed a p-value of .0623 at a level
of significance of .05 then what is the correct conclusion for the median sales in
relation to the two promotional strategies?
a. The median sales before and after of ABC Company are equal
b. The median sales before and after of ABC Company are not equal
c. The median difference of the sales is not equal to zero
d. The median sales for the new strategy is lower than the median sales of the old
40. The basis for comparison in Wilcoxon's Signed Rank Test & Wilcoxon Rank sum
Test as stated in the hypothesis.
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Rank

41. The median salary for a company has been P23,000 for the past 2 years. If the sum of
positive ranks (+) or W is computed as 14, the computed expected value for W is 7.5
and the standard deviation of the W statistic is 3.71. Find out if the median salary is
no longer P23,000 at an alpha of 0.05. If the null hypothesis is: The median salary in
the company is equal to P23,000 then what will be the calculated z-value?
a. -1.75
b. -1.24
c. 1.24
d. 1.75

42. The following are the absolute values of the differences of two exam scores: 1, 2, 2,
3, 4, 5, 5 & 5.What will be the correct rank for 2 if ranked in an ascending manner?
a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 3
d. 6.5

43. One-way ANOVA (non-parametric) is otherwise known as

a. F-test
b. H-test
c. T-test
d. W-test

44. AMV Company is trying to investigate the effect of improving the features of a
product in relation to its sales performance. Did it result to sales increase? Based on
historical data, they have the following sales records: Product A1: 115, 110, 100, 112
& 113 while Product A2: 125, 112, 110, 115 & 116 and Product A3: 130, 118, 118, 115
& 130. What is the F statistic or F value at an alpha of 0.05 assuming that the data
were sampled from normally distributed population?
a. 0.032
b. 3.89
c. 4.66
d. 5.22

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