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English7Q2Mod2 3

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Contextualized Skills
Enhancement Activities
Analyn B. Maraya
Maria Mercedes M. Palad
Jason V. Ege

Layout Artist:
Elonah Jean B. Palomar

Learning Resource Management Section:

Wenerita A. Miraflor - EPS-LRMS
Maricel J. Rama - Librarian II
Jefferson D. Uy - PDO II

Dr. Ma. Sarah L. Catabay-EPS-English
Mechell B. Ramirez

Dr. Juditha O. Mapue - Chief CID
Lesson Gathering of Information from Newspaper
and Other Print and Non-print Media
1. EN7SS-II-g-2.1: Gather current information from newspapers and other print and non-
print media.


A newspaper is a regularly published

print product containing information vital to
the function of the market it serves.

Features in newspaper include the following:

• Editorial
• Obituaries
• Comic strips, crosswords, sudoku,
horoscopes, etc.
• Weather forecast
• Critical reviews
• Classified ads
• News
• Business and Finance

News Opinions/Editorial
• based on facts and information • found in editorial pages
✓ coverage of an event • beliefs, ideas, and commentaries of
✓ an interview with a prominent writers about a certain topic
✓ documents Feature Articles
✓ speeches • primary purpose is to entertain but it
✓ policy statements may inform, instruct, and advise
✓ research reports • explores a range of issues, opinions,
experiences, and ideas
• can be categorized as • a relief from serious news writing – in
✓ Novelty, Personal Impact, an effort to give entertaining
Local News, Money, Crime relaxation
and Punishment, Sex, Sports articles
Conflicts, Religion, Disasters • covers various aspects of athletic
and Tragedies, and Humor. competition
• leeway in choices and interplay of words
to make them exciting (use of jargon)

Name: ________________________________ Date : ________________
Section: __________________________ Score: ________________

Directions: With a partner, discuss the assigned newspaper section using the following as a

1. Contents of the article

2. Choice of words
3. Purpose of the article
4. Issues explored


Directions: Identify what is being asked in each item below. Write your answer on the blank.

1. The choices and interplay of words are evident in this section of the newspaper.

2. It offers relief from serious news and can give entertaining relaxation.

3. The main purpose is to let the readers easily grasp ideas and information based on facts.

4. Commentaries of writers are expressed in this part of the newspaper.


5. It contains writers’ opinions and ideas about a certain topic.


Name: ________________________________ Date : ________________
Section: __________________________ Score: ________________

Directions: Read and analyze the part assigned to you and take note of the characteristics
(choice of words, persuasive, informative, etc.) of the article.

(Studets will bring a newspaper)

Group 1 – News articles

Group 2 – Opinion or Editorial articles
Group 3 – Feature articles
Group 4 – Sports articles

You may write your notes here.

PBL Writer:
Darlene Joie T. Dales-Ando

Dr. Ma. Sarah L. Catabay-EPS-English
Mechell B. Ramirez

Management Team:
Dr. Gregorio Cyrus R. Elejorde, CESO V - SDS
Atty. Ester A. Futalan - ASDS
Dr. Juditha O. Mapue - Chief CID
Dr. Nelson A. Caday - Chief SGOD
Wenerita A. Miraflor - EPS-LRMS
Maricel J. Rama - Librarian II
LEARNING Second Grading Period
Grade 7 School – Year 2022-2023

Learning Area/ Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 7
Quarter: 2nd Week 2-3
Learning Content: Usage of a Search Engine
Learning Competency: Use a search engine to conduct a guided search on a given topic.
Navigate a website using essential features (e.g., using headings, links, etc.)
Across other curriculum/subject areas integration: Social Studies/History/AralPan, Values

Learning Objectives: At the end of the task, students will be able to:

1. Use search engines to obtain information and to conduct a guided search on a

given topic/locate specific information
2. Make use of search engines to appreciate the past and connect to the present


Lito is a grade 7 student who lives in Dumagute City. He used to vlog and post pictures
on social media of the beautiful sceneries, historical places, best delicacies, and
many other things that he wanted other people to know about his locality. One of
his foreign friends on Facebook, who is an avid viewer of his vlogs, is planning to visit
the Philippines and is interested in knowing about the culture, life, beliefs, and origin
of the famous/historical spots around Negros Oriental. Lito wants to share with his
friend the historical background of the famous spots in his locality. Given that the
Philippines has an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands and it is incredibly difficult
to select where to go, he wants to make the most of the time he has to explore the
best areas of the country.


1. How can Lito present the culture, life, beliefs, and origin of the famous/historical
spots in his locality?
2. How would Lito make his friend marvel at and appreciate the country as they
immersed themselves in its history, culture, and natural beauty?

Grade 7 Problem-Based Learning Second Grading Period - S.Y. 2021-2022 1

LEARNING Second Grading Period
Grade 7 School – Year 2022-2023

(What evidence of learning are you looking for?) (How will the students share their work)

After watching a documentary about Possible Outputs

the pre-colonial Philippines, students  Visual/PowerPoint Presentation
will gather information using the search - Visual
engine about the products, culture, presentation/graphic
life, beliefs, and literary works of the organizer containing
ancestors during the pre-colonial necessary information
period of a certain tourist spot in their about the tourist spots in
locality/in the Philippines. Students will Philippines/in their
act as tour guides and will create a locality that they want
graphic organizer/visual presentation to promote and the Pre-
to promote and educate the colonial Philippines.
tourist/audience about a famous - Documentary videos
place in their area, as well as to assist
them in getting around.  Oral Presentation of Outputs

 Journal Writing
- Reflection & Feed backing


What will the students do? What will you do during each step?
Where will they find the information What feedback will you give o guide the students?
What will you include in the grading rubric?
DAY 1: Gathering of Data Facilitation Process
Task 1:  Introduce and discuss the topic
- The class will be divided into groups (if about most commonly used search
possible). engines and the steps on how to use
- Each group will agree on one famous them.
spot in their locality/in the Philippines  Let the students use the ICT
that they want to gather information Laboratory or Laptops/tablets to
about with the use of search engines. search for information about their
- Each group will gather information topic.
about the products, culture, life,
beliefs, and literary works of the
ancestors during the pre-colonial
Philippines of the famous spot in their

 Search engines, and documentary
videos about pre-colonial period
 Laptop/tablets/computer, PowerPoint

Grade 7 Problem-Based Learning Second Grading Period - S.Y. 2021-2022 2

LEARNING Second Grading Period
Grade 7 School – Year 2022-2023

DAY 2: Written Output: (Plotting, Interpretation

and Evaluation of Data)/Preparation
 Review students on the ways of
Task 1: evaluating the information gathered
- Each group organizes the from the search engines
facts/information gathered from the  Let the students work in groups to
search engines about their topic using plot, interpret, and evaluate the data
the PowerPoint presentation they've collected.

 Guide students organize the

information they've gathered and
Task 2: Each group decides what each member searched for.
will present for their topic.

 Visual Presentations/PowerPoint
Presentations/ Pictures/Realia

Day 3: Performance-Based Assessment/Output:

(Oral Presentation/Reporting)

Task 1:
- Students will take the role as tour - The teacher includes
guides and give information and accuracy/completeness of facts
insights to tourists from other countries gathered, creativity, organization,
that are interested in learning about presentation, language mechanics
the products, culture, life, beliefs, and and convention in the grading rubric.
literary works of the ancestors during
the pre-colonial period and facts
about a certain famous spot in the - The class/audience/other groups as
Philippines. tourists may ask the group presenter/
tour guides some questions/ facts
- Each group presents and talks about that they want to know about the
their visual presentation/PowerPoint tourist spot and/or information about
presentation and realia about their the pre-colonial period.
tourist spot/topic.
Class feedbacking

Task 2: Individual Activity

Let the students reflect by answering the
- Journal Writing following questions:
- As students, give at least 5
importance/advantages of using
search engines.
- What benefit can a tour guide and a
tourist get from using search engines
in gathering and finding

Prepared by:
DARLENE JOIE T. DALES-ANDO District: Secondary
Teacher I School: Junob National High School

Grade 7 Problem-Based Learning Second Grading Period - S.Y. 2021-2022 3

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