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Synthesis and Characterization of High-Efficiency Halide Perovskite

Nanomaterials for Light-Absorbing Applications
Ahmed Waseem Faridi, Muhammad Imran, Ghulam Hasnain Tariq, Sana Ullah, Syed Farhan Noor,
Sabah Ansar, and Farooq Sher*

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ABSTRACT: Inorganic perovskite materials are possible candidates for conversion of solar
energy to electrical energy due to their high absorption coefficient. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs)
Downloaded via on November 25, 2022 at 10:30:24 (UTC).

introduced a new type of device structure that has attention due to better efficiencies and interest
in PSCs that has been increasing in recent years. Halide perovskite materials such as CsPbIBr2
show remarkable optical and structural performance with their better physical properties.
Perovskite solar cells are a possible candidate to replace conventional silicon solar panels. In the
present study, CsPbIBr2 perovskite materials’ thin films were prepared for light-absorbing
application. Five thin films were deposited on the glass substrates by subsequent spin-coating of
CsI and PbBr2 solutions, subsequently annealed at different temperature values (as-deposited,
100, 150, 200 and 250 °C) to get CsPbIBr2 thin films with a better crystal structure. Structural
characterizations were made by using X-ray diffraction. CsPbIBr2 thin films were found to be
polycrystalline in nature. With increasing annealing temperature, the crystallinity was improved,
and the crystalline size was increased. Optical properties were studied by using transmission data,
and by increasing annealing temperature, a small variation in optical band gap energy was observed in the range of 1.70−1.83 eV.
The conductivity of CsPbIBr2 thin films was determined by a hot probe technique and was found to have little fluctuating response
toward p-type conductivity, which may be due to intrinsic defects or presence of CsI phase, but a stable intrinsic nature was
observed. The obtained physical properties of CsPbIBr2 thin films suggest them as a suitable candidate as a light-harvesting layer.
These thin films could be an especially good partner with Si or other lower band gap energy materials in tandem solar cells (TSC).
CsPbIBr2 material will harvest light having energy of ∼1.7 eV or higher, while a lower energy part of the solar spectrum will be
absorbed in the partner part of the TSC.

1. INTRODUCTION Perovskite is a word that refers to any substances that have a

crystal structure similar to that of calcium titanate (CaTiO3) or
Energy demand has increased due to population and industrial
comparable to that of calcium titanate (CaTiO3). The
growth, while conventional fossil fuel energy sources are
fundamental formula for the perovskite materials is (ABX3),
limited and also create environmental problems. Reliable where B would be a cation of a metal and X would be a halide
alternate energy sources are required to overcome the issues anion (I−, Cl−, and Br−).9 Perovskite materials have a long
associated with these fossil fuels. Solar energy has become a history dating back to 1839, when a German scientist called
promising alternate renewable energy candidate as its source is Gustav Rose found a unique calcium titanate based mineral in
unlimited and does not produce pollutants damaging to the the Ural Mountains and termed it “perovskite” after Lev von
climate. Solar energy can be captured and utilized for different Perovski, a Russian mineralogist. In 1978, Weber’s group at the
applications with the help of solar cell devices. Different kinds University of Stuttgart in Germany created the first inorganic−
of solar cells are available including copper zinc tin sulfide organic halide perovskite, substituting the cesium cations. In
(CZTS),1,2 cadmium telluride (CdTe),3,4 dye-sensitized solar 2009, Miyasaka and his colleagues became the first to employ
cells (DSSCs),5,6 and perovskite solar cells,7 among other. perovskite-structured materials in solar cells, they utilized
Inorganic perovskite solar cells got interested due to their
relative better stability efficiency.8 The type of material known Special Issue: Nanobiomaterials for Biosensing and
as “perovskite” is attributed to the structure of calcium titanate Biodegradation
(CaTiO3) has a molecular composition of type ABX3. Received: February 3, 2022
Perovskite materials have generated a lot of attention due to Revised: April 4, 2022
their cubic layer octahedral perovskite structure and unusual Accepted: April 11, 2022
thermal, optical, and electromagnetic characteristics.
© XXXX The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
A Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbBr3 as inorganic−organic hybrid can be utilized in optoelectronic detectors like usable layers.25
halide-based perovskites, to replace the dye component in dye- There are optimum band gaps and limited exciton binding
sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). They achieved relatively low energies of optoelectronic perovskite materials like CsPbIBr2.26
power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 3.13 and 3.81%, Perovskite materials containing halide group elements were
respectively. identified in the last two decades as among the most potential
Following this accomplishment, PSC research grew increas- material in photovoltaic and other optoelectronic devices. This
ingly popular in the field of photovoltaic (PV) research over has contributed to significant developments in materials
the next few years. PSC efficiency was eventually increased to science, but the word “perovskite” has also caused general
22.1% in early 2016.10 PSCs have attracted attention as a confusion and misuse. A perovskite that comprises heavier
promising photovoltaic technology showing high efficiency and halides, both entirely inorganic and hybrid inorganic−organic
low manufacturing cost.11,12 However, management for waste halides, became much more interesting (Cl, Br, and I).27
with toxic lead (Pb) has not developed yet.13 The PSCs Despite the increase in the PCEs of PSCs from 3.8 to 25.5%
efficiency has improved from 14.1 to 25.2% in the last 6 years, over 10 years of research, however, the outdoor applications of
making it the third greatest single-junction efficiency ever PSCs are still significantly limited by poor stability PSCs
reported.6 In PSCs using CuInS2/carbon hole collector and devices28−30 and lead (Pb) toxicity.31 Perovskite thin films can
mesoporous TiO2 layers as an electron transport layer (ETL), be deposited by different methods32 including ambient spray
an efficiency of 16.1−16.3% was obtained.14 Initially, the coating,33 chemical vapor deposition,34 ambient deposition,35
perovskite-based “dye” was not a stable “dye”. The perovskite solution processing,36 RF magnetron sputtering,37 one-step
was proven to absorb light better than dye molecules (N719), solution deposition,38 blade coating,39,40 thermal evapora-
but the device was damaged after 10 min when oxidation tion,41−43 dip coating,44 chemical bath deposition,45 and
appeared in the liquid electrolyte. A solid-state hole-transport electrodeposition.46
material was added to prevent this degradation, and the To the best of our knowledge, detailed studies are not
system’s efficiency was greatly boosted.15 available on the improvement of physical properties of
These upgrades incorporated performance improvements CsPbIBr2 thin films by annealing also determination of
from thin-film PVs and DSSCs, as well as other research. In the conductivity type is not available. In the present study,
absence of (TiO2) support, solar cells were constructed inorganic halide perovskite thin films were prepared by one-
similarly to thin film PVs, with perovskite acting alone as a step solution deposition technique using a spin-coating
light absorber. Planner PSCs were successfully created with a method. The deposited thin films were annealed at different
1.8% efficiency.16 Although in another work, researchers temperatures to optimize their structure because the structure
retained TiO2 the charge blocking layer after changing the itself will determine all the other physical properties related to
conditions of perovskite synthesis and increasing output to their applications. Furthermore, these are characterized to
11.4%. Mesoscopic and planar framework solar cells have achieve optimum physical properties for applications as the
efficiencies of 20.8 and 21.6%, respectively.17 Charge creation light-absorbing layer in solar cells. The obtained physical
(formation of exciton by light absorption), charge transit, properties of CsPbIBr2 thin films suggest them a suitable
recombination, and extraction are all working mechanisms18 in candidate as a light-harvesting layer for future solar cell
these devices. Perovskite materials have a long charge diffusion applications.
length, a high absorption coefficient and high charge mobility
and low exciton (e−−h+ pair) binding energy, making 2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
perovskite materials an excellent candidate for use as an active 2.1. Materials. Cesium iodide (CsI) and lead bromide
layer in solar cells. (PbBr2) as primary precursors, as well as dimethyl sulfoxide
Furthermore, the high solubility of the precursor materials (DMSO), isopropanol (IPA), acetone, and distilled water as
and the low cost of solution processing for the synthesis of solvent and cleaning solutions, were used to synthesize
perovskite materials, the perovskite solar cells are more cost- CsPbIBr2 thin films. All chemicals were purchased from
effective than silicon solar cells. Another preference is the Sigma Company. Microscopic glass slides were used as
tunable band gap of perovskite materials, which is relatively substrates.
adjustable (e.g., MAPbxSn1−xBr3 single crystals were obtained 2.2. Substrate Cleaning. Substrate cleaning is an
with a tunable band gap (2.18−1.77 eV).19 Also, perovskite important part of an experiment before thin film deposition.
materials have a broad absorption coefficient of >104 cm−1, A well-cleaned contaminations free substrate is necessary not
comparable to other solar cell thin film materials like (CZTS) only for good adhesion but also for contaminations’ free
and (CdTe). Perovskite materials have a unique benefit in that deposited thin films. The glass substrates were cleaned with a
they have a high tolerance for flaws and the flexibility to change detergent for 5 min, and after this substrate is washed with
the material’s composition and physical properties suit for their distilled water. Next, the glass substrate was put in IPA and
applications.20,21 Flexible perovskite solar cells (FPSCs) are the acetone for 5−10 min, respectively, and then dried at 60 °C.
most favorable for the commercialization option of this All cleaned substrates were kept in IPA before using for
technology because the FPSCs can be prepared by applying deposition.
a roll-to-roll printing procedure for mass production.22,23 This 2.3. Deposition of CsPbIBr2 Thin Films. Traditional one-
technology has become promising for next-generation, high- step processing via a spin-coating method38 was adopted for
efficiency, low-cost photovoltaics for multijunction tandem cell CsPbIBr2 thin films on cleaned glass substrates. Precursor
structures.24 solution was prepared by taking CsI (600 mg), PbBr2 (800
Perovskite materials that are known as halide perovskite mg), and 2 mL of DMSO solvent. First, PbBr2 was dissolved in
materials have halogens (i.e., iodide (I−), chloride (Cl−), or DMSO (2 mL) until PbBr2 was completely dissolved in the
bromide (Br−)) as a constituent part of them. CsPbI3 and solvent, then this solution was placed on a hot plate and stirred
CsPbI2Br are two extraordinary semiconductor materials that at 70 °C for 30 min to prepare a uniform solution. Then, 600
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

mg of CsI was added to prepare the solution of CsPbIBr2, and 2.5. Characterization. The thickness of prepared
stirring was continued at 70 °C for 30 min. When the CsPbIBr2 thin films was estimated with the help of the
precursor solution was obtained, the CsPbIBr2 thin film was gravimetric weight different method45,46 by adopting the
deposited on a clean glass substrate by placing the substrate on following steps: (1) measured the mass (m1) blank substrate
a spin-coater and setting the program at 6000 rpm for 15 s. i.e., before deposition, (2) measured the mass (m2) after
Then the prepared solution of CsPbIBr2 was placed on the deposition of the CsPbIBr2 thin film on the substrate, and (3)
glass substrate by dropper, and the spin-coater was run at 6000 calculated the mass difference (m = m2 − m1), which denotes
rpm for 15 s. the mass of deposited thin film on the substrate. Then the
2.4. Annealing of CsPbIBr2 Thin Films. The deposited estimated thickness of thin films was calculated according to
thin films were allowed to dry for 5 min at 60 °C in the oven. the equation t = m/(ρ × A),46 where m is the mass of thin film
Furthermore, these deposited thin films were annealed at deposited on the substrate, A is the area of the deposited thin
different temperatures (100, 150, 200, and 250 °C) to improve film in cm2, ρ is the average density of the CsPbIBr2 = 4.44 g/
the structure of CsPbIBr2 thin films, one sample was left as cm3, and t is the thin film thickness. The calculated thickness
deposited (i.e., at room temperature (RT)). Finally, these was about 450 nm of all deposited thin films.
annealed CsPbIBr2 thin films were kept in an airtight box for
characterization. The experimental procedure is shown in 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Figure 1, and pictures of the prepared CsIPbBr2 thin films Characterizations to find the structural parameters (i.e.,
annealed at different annealed temperatures are shown in crystalline nature, crystallite size, and microstrains) of
Figure 2. CsPbIBr2 thin films were done by using X-ray diffraction
(XRD) with Cu Kα X-ray radiations (λ = 1.5406 Å) in the
diffraction angle (2θ) scan range 20−60°. Optical properties
(i.e., absorption coefficient and band gap energy) were
calculated from transmission data acquired by UV−vis
spectroscopy in the wavelength range of 250−1000 nm. The
conductivity type of prepared CsPbIBr2 thin films was
identified by applying a hot-probe (two-probe) technique.
These characterizations were made within 3 weeks after the
preparation of CsPbIBr2 thin films.
3.1. Structural Analysis. XRD is a frequently used
technique for structural characterization and to identify the
crystalline nature of prepared samples. XRD spectra obtained
for all samples are shown in Figure 3. These spectra showed
that the CsPbIBr2 thin films deposited on glass substrates are
polycrystalline in nature. The diffraction peaks of CsPbIBr2
thin films are observed at the diffraction angles (2θ) 23.10,
24.36, 26.10, 30.91, 33.14, and 39.50° belonging to crystallo-
graphic planes’ orientations (121), (112), (110), (200), (210),
and (110), respectively; while peaks at 28.16 and 29.17° could
be assigned to planes (110) CsI, and (220) PbI 2 ,
respectively.29,30 Furthermore, these XRD spectra revealed
that by increasing the annealing temperature the crystallinity of
CsPbIBr2 thin film is improved. From the spectra data,
crystallite size D (nm) was calculated by using a well-known
Scherrer formula47 as given in eq 1.
D = kλ /β cos θ (1)
Figure 1. Experimental work flowchart for the preparation of
precursor solution and deposition of CsPbIBr2 thin films. where D, λ, θ, β, and k are the crystalline size, wavelength,
angle of diffraction, full width half-maximum (fwhm), and
Scherrer constant (k = 0.9), respectively. Microstrain was

Figure 2. CsPbIBr2 thin films prepared at different annealing temperatures.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

3.2. Optical Properties. Optical properties were studied

by obtaining the transmission spectra between 250 and 1000
nm by using UV−vis double beam spectrophotometer. The
obtained transmission spectra for all CsPbIBr2 prepared thin
films are shown in Figure 6, all samples showed a transmission
of lower than 40% in the visible region. The absorption
coefficient of prepared CsPbIBr2 thin films was found from
obtained transmission data by using the relation,51 given in eq
4. The extinction coefficient k of CsPbIBr2 thin films was

1 ÅÅ 1 ÑÑ
calculated from eq 5.52

t ÅÇ T ÑÖ (4)

k = αλ /4π (5)
where t is thickness of thin films and T is percent transmission.
Obtained values of absorption coefficient were used to find the
band gap energy. The study revealed that the absorption edge
is shifted at higher values of incident light energies (i.e., a
Figure 3. XRD spectra of CsPbIBr2 thin films prepared at different blueshift is observed). Generally, the blueshift in thin film
annealing temperatures. materials may be associated with the Burstein−Moss effect.53
The dependence of absorption coefficient and extinction
coefficient on annealing temperature is plotted in Figures 7a,b,
respectively, which show the dependence of absorption and
calculated by using the following eq 2.48 Dislocation density σ extinction coefficients on wavelength λ of incident light. The
(lines per meter square) was calculated by using eq 3.48 observed variations in the extinction coefficient for the higher
energies may be due to the band-to-band transition of charge
ε = (β cos θ )/4 (2) carriers.54 However, for lower energies of the incident light, k
values are observed comparatively smaller that allowing the
σ = 1/D2 (3)
incident light to pass through the thin films several times.
where D is the crystallite size. The obtained crystalline size, Therefore, in the transmission region, interference fringes
microstrain, dislocation density, and d-spacing are presented in are produced, as shown in Figure 6. Moreover, Figure 7a shows
Table 1. Initially, the crystalline size of the first sample is about that all prepared samples are capable of efficiently absorbing
27.35 nm which is for the sample left as prepared and without the incident light in UV−visible region which is well in
annealing. After that crystalline size is increased with an agreement with findings in literature for CsPbIBr2 thin films,55
increase in the annealing temperature, but at 200 °C annealing and Figure 7a also shows that the samples annealed at higher
temperature, the crystalline size was decreased by increasing annealing temperatures have higher absorption. Figure 7b
the annealing temperature which might be due to recrystalliza- demonstrates the variation in extinction coefficient k due to the
tion. The variation of crystallite at 200 and 250 °C may be postdeposition annealing temperatures of CsPbIBr2 thin films
connected to the growth of CsPbIBr2 at different orientations. and depicted that the value of extinction coefficient k for these
However, microstrain and dislocation density were also found thin films became higher with increasing the annealing
to be annealing-temperature-dependent; the obtained values temperature. For an incident light wavelength of λ = 350
are presented in Table 1 and shown in Figure 4, which nm, the absorption and extinction coefficients are higher, while
predicted that with the growth of crystallite size both these coefficients decrease as λ increases and gradually
microstrain and dislocation density were smaller Interplanar diminishes. The optical density (OD) of CsPbIBr2 thin films
spacing (d) was found by using the well-known Bragg’s law, was also calculated, which is the measure of transmittance of an
and obtained values are given in Table 1. The trend depending optical medium at a specific wavelength that was calculated
on annealing temperature is shown in Figure 5. The interplanar from the obtained transmission data with the help of relation
spacing is initially decreased, but on higher annealing given in eq 6.56
temperature, it is increased which showed the structural 1
dependence of thin films on the annealing temperature. This OD = log10
T (6)
variation in interplanar spacing value is due to crystallite size,
as when crystallite size is larger the interplanar spacing is where T is the transmission. The dependence of OD on energy
smaller which may be due to stronger interatomic bonding.49,50 of incident light is shown in Figure 8, which illustrates the

Table 1. XRD Structural Parameters of CsPbIBr2 Thin Films Annealed at Different Temperatures

sample fwhm (2θ) radian crystallite size (nm) dislocation density (δ) × 1015 (linens/m2) microstrains (ε) × 103 interplanar spacing (d) (nm)
CsPbIBr2-1 0.005234 27 1.337 1.267 0.308
CsPbIBr2-2 0.004500 32 0.967 1.078 0.310
CsPbIBr2-3 0.002326 62 0.263 0.562 0.296
CsPbIBr2-4 0.002616 55 0.334 0.633 0.309
CsPbIBr2-5 0.003101 46 0.471 0.752 0.317

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Dependence on structural parameters (a) β, (b) D, (c) δ, and (d) ε of CsPbIBr2 thin films prepared at different annealing temperatures.

Figure 5. Dependence of interplanar spacing of CsPbIBr2 thin films Figure 6. Transmission spectra of CsPbIBr2 thin films annealed at
prepared at different annealing temperatures. different temperatures.

variation in optical density with wavelength λ of incident light. spectrum. Mixing/interchanging B cations (Sn, Pb, and Ge)
The OD shows the same dependence as that of the absorption or halogens (X = Br, I, and Cl) may adjust the band gap of
coefficient, which indicates the increase in absorption ability of halide perovskite from 1.1 to 3.7 eV.57 Halide perovskites are
CsPbIBr2 thin films for incident light. semiconductors with a direct band gap and strong absorption
3.3. Determination of Band Gap Energy (Eg). Halide edges. Figure 7a reveals that by changing the annealing
perovskite semiconductors have an optimum band gap to temperature, there is a slight change in the absorption
harvest the maximum part of the incident solar energy coefficient. It measures how much light is absorbed by the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

CsPbIBr2 thin films was calculated with the help of Tauc

relation58 (eq 7).
αhν = B(hν − Eg )n (7)
where α, h, ν, and n are the absorption coefficient, Plank’s
constant, the frequency of the incident light, and a constant
number, respectively. For a direct transition of electron, (n =
1/2) or (αhν)2 = B(hν − Eg), which results in a linear relation
between (αhν)2 and light energy (hν). In the present work,
plots of (αhν)2 versus the incident light energy (hν) were
plotted as seen in Figure 9. All these plots have a linear

Figure 9. Plots of (αhν)2 against hν of CsPbIBr2 thin films annealed

at different temperatures.

behavior for high energy incident light. This indicated that the
Figure 7. Dependence effect. (a) Absorption coefficient. (b) Tauc relation holds good for CsPbIBr2 thin films if n = 1/2.
Extinction coefficient of CsPbIBr2 thin films prepared at different This observation confirmed the direct transition of electrons
annealing temperatures. for these CsPbIBr2 thin films prepared at different annealing
temperatures. The value of the band gap energy (Eg) was
found by extrapolating the linear part of the absorption plot
(αhν)2 and its intercept to the x-axis (i.e., hν-axis), where the
absorption coefficient (α = 0) is shown in Figure 10. A
blueshift is observed in the absorption edge that is due to an
increase in band gap energy with increasing annealing
The obtained values of the band gap range from 1.70 to 1.83
eV for CsPbIBr2 thin films annealed at (as-deposited, 100, 150,
200 and 250 °C) respectively that could be ascribed annealing
induced structural transformations in the deposited CsPbIBr2
thin films. These obtained values of band gap energy are given
in Table 2. The variation in band gap energy values for
different annealing temperatures is plotted in Figure 11; it
shows that with increasing annealing temperature the band gap
energy is increased, which could be attributed to the variation
in structural properties of prepared thin films. The obtained
values of band gap energy are comparable with the literature.59
These findings are also inconsistent with the previously
reported value (2.05 eV) for CsPbIBr2 thin films.60
Figure 8. Annealing temperature dependence of optical density for
CsPbIBr2 thin films.
3.4. Conductivity Type Determination. The conductiv-
ity type of semiconductor can be checked with different
methods such as rectification, Hall effect, and thermal
material at a specific wavelength of the incident light, which electromotive force (emf). The conductivity type of CsPbIBr2
depends on the energy gap present between the valence and thin films we checked by using a thermal emf method (i.e., the
conduction bands of CsPbIBr2. The band gap energy (Eg) of hot-probe method).61,62 Two probes were placed on the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

intrinsic nature of prepared samples is inconsistent with the

basic nature of perovskite materials.

The present study is focused on the preparation of CsPbIBr2
thin films for light-absorbing layer applications in perovskite
solar cells. Precursor solutions of CsI and PbBr2 were used, and
CsPbIBr2 thin films were successfully deposited on glass
substrates by one-step spin coating method. We carried out the
studies of annealing effects on physical properties and the
prepared CsPbIBr2 thin films were annealed at different
temperatures 100, 150, 200, and 250 °C keeping one sample
unannealed for reference. Obtained XRD peaks revealed that
the prepared thin films composed of CsPbIBr2 perovskite
material accompanying some peaks related to CsI and PbI2
phases. The Scherrer formula determines the crystalline size
(D), which showed an increase (27 and 62 nm) with annealing
Figure 10. Linear part of plots near absorption edge extrapolated to
energy axis for CsPbIBr2 thin films. temperatures of 100 and 150 °C, but then some decrease of 55
and 46 nm, respectively, is observed on further increase in
Table 2. Band Gap Energy of CsPbIBr2 Thin Films annealing temperature up to 200 and 250 °C, respectively.
Prepared at Different Annealing Temperatures Overall, crystallinity is improved. The optical transmission
graphs showed that most of the light absorption in CsPbIBr2
sample annealing temperature (°C) band gap energy Eg (eV) thin films occurs in the visible region of the solar spectrum,
1 RT 1.70 which is optimum for a solar cell to absorb the most intense
2 100 1.72 part of the solar spectrum. On increasing the annealing
3 150 1.77 temperature, a small blueshift is observed in the absorption
4 200 1.82 edge, and the band gap energy Eg of CsPbIBr2 thin films is
5 250 1.83 shifted from 1.70 to 1.83 eV, which enables them to absorb
more parts of the solar spectrum. The conductivity type of
these thin films was determined by using a hot-probe method,
which showed a weaker fluctuating response toward a p-type
nature which may be due to intrinsic defects or the presence of
CsI phase; overall, the intrinsic nature of the prepared samples
was determined. The obtained physical properties of CsPbIBr2
thin films are favorable for their application as light-absorbing
layers in photovoltaic applications. However, some more
advanced studies are required such as stability of CsPbIBr2 thin
films in an open environment and long exposure to sunlight. In
the future, preparation parameters will be modified for phase
stability of CsPbIBr2 thin films, and efforts should be focused
to improve thin film’s quality to avoid the growth of any
additional phase and energy loss of incident light.

Corresponding Author
Farooq Sher − Department of Engineering, School of Science
and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham
Figure 11. Variation in band gap energy values of CsPbIBr2 thin films NG11 8NS, United Kingdom;
with annealing temperature. 2890-5912; Phone: +44 (0) 115 84 86679;

surface of the prepared CsPbIBr2 thin films. One probe was Authors
heated, while the second probe was kept cold. Before these Ahmed Waseem Faridi − Department of Physics, Khwaja
hot-probe measurements were calibrated with n-type standard Fareed University of Engineering and Information
Si wafer, the CsPbIBr2 thin films did not show any prominent Technology, Rahim Yar Khan 64200, Pakistan
response during applying heat to the probe assigned for Muhammad Imran − Department of Physics, Khwaja Fareed
heating. There was a little fluctuation opposite to the reference University of Engineering and Information Technology,
n-type wafer but not a stable reading that we could note and Rahim Yar Khan 64200, Pakistan
assign the p-type conductivity. This poor fluctuating response Ghulam Hasnain Tariq − Department of Physics, Khwaja
toward p-type nature may be due to intrinsic defects or Fareed University of Engineering and Information
presence of CsI phase. Overall, it was confirmed that the Technology, Rahim Yar Khan 64200, Pakistan
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

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