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2 Guidelines On The Registration Without Examination of Professional Food Technologists Resol 2022 02

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WHEREAS, Section 2, Article I of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11052, otherwise known
as the “Philippine Food Technology Act,” provides for the policy of the State to
regulate and professionalize the practice of Food Technology, to wit:

“Section 2. Statement of Policy – The State recognizes the importance

of professional food technologists in nation-building and development.
Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive, and
well-rounded professional food technologists whose standards of practice
and service shall be excellent, world class, and globally competitive
through honest, effective, relevant, and credible licensure examinations
and through regulatory programs, measures, and activities that foster
their professional growth, social responsibility, and development.”

WHEREAS, Section 9 (f) of R.A. No. 8981 or the “PRC Modernization Act of 2000”
provides that the Professional Regulatory Boards shall recommend registration
without examination and issuance of corresponding Certificate of Registration (COR)
and Professional Identification Card (PIC), subject to the final approval by the
Professional Regulation Commission (Commission);

WHEREAS, Section 20, Article III of R.A. No. 11052 provides for the issuance of COR
and professional license to qualified applicants without taking the prescribed licensure
examination, provided, that applicants for registration without examination shall file
their applications in the form prescribed for the purpose not later than two (2) years
from the date of effectivity of R.A. No. 11052 or until 01 August 2020;

WHEREAS, the Professional Regulatory Board of Food Technology (Board) was only
constituted in year 20211 which made the implementation of the provision on
registration without examination not plausible within the prescribed two (2) year

WHEREAS, the Board deemed it reasonable to consider such circumstance in

implementing the provision on registration without examination to give qualified
applicants a fair chance and opportunity to avail of this privilege under the law;

WHEREAS, the Board conducted consultative meetings with its stakeholders in the
formulation of the operational guidelines on the registration without examination of
professional food technologist, pursuant to law;

NOW THEREFORE, the Board RESOLVES, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to endorse

for the approval of the Commission its Operational Guidelines on the Registration
Without Examination of Professional Food Technologists pursuant to R.A. Nos. 11052
and 8981 and their respective Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs):

Section 1. Actions on Applications for Registration Without Examination – All

applications for registration without examination shall be acted and decided upon by
the Board, as a collegial body. In case the Board Chairperson or Member is related
to an applicant within the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, or if
other ground/s exist which may give rise to conflict of interest, the Board Chairperson
or Member concerned shall inform the Board of such fact and shall, as a consequence,
be required to inhibit from participating in the processing and approval of such
application. The fact of inhibition shall be reflected in the Resolution to be issued by
the Board.

Hon. Anthony C. Sales and Hon. Remedios V. Baclig were appointed on July 8, 2021.
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Section 2. Registration Without Examination of the Members of the First

Appointed Board – The Commission shall issue CORs and PICs as Professional Food
Technologists to the Chairperson and Members of the first (1st) appointed Board
without requirement of examination, after taking the required oath and signing in the
Roll of Professional Food Technologists. Provided further, that they pay the prescribed
fees for registration.

Section 3. Qualification Requirements for Registration Without Examination

- Registration and licensing without examination shall apply to holders of a Bachelor’s
Degree in Food Technology or its equivalent, or of any of the following allied fields:
Nutrition, Agriculture, Biochemistry or Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Fishery, or
Chemical Engineering from higher education institutions in the Philippines or abroad,
and who have been actively practicing the profession of food technology, within the
Philippines or abroad, for a period of at least five (5) years immediately preceding
the effectivity of R.A. No. 11052. This provision is open to qualified applicants based
in the Philippines or abroad who have complied with the requirements.

Qualified applicants shall be given only two (2) years after the effectivity of this
Operational Guidelines to file their applications for registration without
examination. No application beyond such period shall be accepted and entertained.

Section 4. Documentary Requirements for Registration Without Examination

– Applicants for registration and licensing without examination shall submit the
following documents and pay the appropriate fees:

1. Notarized Application Form (Annex A);

2. Birth Certificate from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA);
3. PSA Marriage Contract/Certificate (for female married applicants);
4. College Diploma and Transcript of Records;
5. Certificate of Program Compliance to the Bachelor of Science (BS) Food
Technology policies, standards, and guidelines for graduates of BS in Food
Technology, or a certificate indicating equivalency with BS in Food
Technology for graduates of allied or other courses from the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED);
6. Certification or Attestation confirming active practice in food technology
as defined in Section 4 of R.A. No. 11052 for at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the effectivity of RA No. 11052 which may be
executed by the applicant, if self-employed; otherwise, by any competent
party such as the Human Resource Department or Administrative Office
of his/her employer. In case of self-certification/attestation, the same
must be under oath. Attached is the prescribed form for the self-
certification/attestation (Annex B);
7. National Bureau of Investigation clearance;
8. Ombudsman Clearance, if applicable; and
9. Other documents that may be required by the Board.

For foreign applicants, he/she must submit the following documentary

requirements and pay the appropriate fees:

1. Notarized Application Form (Annex A);

2. Copy of the national law or international treaty, agreement, or covenant
to prove reciprocity for the practice of Food Technology between the
Philippines and his/her country;
3. Birth Certificate;
4. Marriage Contract/Certificate (for married female applicants);
5. Copy of passport data page or any equivalent document to establish
6. College Diploma and Transcript of Records;
7. Certificate of Good Moral Character to be issued by any of the following:
employer, school/college/university, or any competent authority
acceptable to the Board; and
8. Other documents that may be required by the Board.
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For degrees taken abroad, the applicant has to submit a Certificate of Equivalency
from the CHED.

All official documents that are issued or executed abroad must be authenticated by
the Philippine Embassy/Consulate/Legation in the state or country where they are
issued or executed. An Apostille Certification issued by the foreign competent
authority responsible for the implementation of the Apostille Convention is sufficient.
The document must also be accompanied by an official English translation, if

The Board may modify or revise herein list of documentary requirements as needed.

Section 5. Procedure for Application for Registration Without Examination –

The following shall be the procedure in the processing of applications for registration
without examination:

1. The applicant shall accomplish the Application Form for Registration Without
Examination (Annex A) and submit the required documents for pre-evaluation
to the Application Section of the Commission Regional Offices (RO) processing
counters. Applications may be filed with any RO, at the option of the applicant.
2. The applicant shall present the documentary requirements in hard and soft
copies. The soft copy shall be scanned in pdf format, which shall be contained
in a flash drive.
3. Upon receipt of the application, the processing officer shall check the
completeness and correctness of the documentary requirements and compare
the same with the soft copies. If the documents are in order, the other required
processes shall be done, such as verification of licenses, checking for
derogatory records, and payment of the prescribed fee.
4. After completion of the required processes, the processing officer shall receive
the application documents, both in hard and soft copies. The soft copies shall
be copied from the flash drive and saved in the processing officer’s computer.
5. The processing officer shall scan the duly accomplished application form and
email the same, with the documentary requirements and the draft Board
Resolution, to the Board, through the Board Secretary, within four (4) working
days from receipt. The hard copies of the application documents shall likewise
be forwarded to the Board, through the Board Secretary, within the same
6. The Board shall act on the application within ten (10) working days from receipt
thereof, noting on the Application Form under box “Action taken by the Board”
whether the application is (a) Approved; (b) Disapproved (stating the reason/s
therefor); or (c) Deferred (stating the deficiencies noted and deadline for
submission of compliance).
7. The Board shall issue either a: (a) Resolution, in the case of approved
applications; (b) Letter of Disapproval, in case of disapproved applications; or
(c) Letter to Comply, in case additional compliance is required of the applicant.
The Letter of Disapproval (Annex C) and Letter to Comply (Annex D) shall be
sent to the applicant, through the RO concerned. The disapproval of the
application shall not preclude the filing of a new application, provided, that the
reason for disapproval shall have been resolved or addressed, and that the
same shall have been filed within the two (2) year period stipulated in this
guidelines. In case of deferment, the applicant shall be given ten (10) working
days from receipt within which to comply with the required additional
documents. Additional documentary submissions shall be sent to the Board,
through the RO, via electronic mailing. Failure to comply with the Board’s
directive within the given timeline shall cause the disapproval of the
8. The Board Resolution referred to in number 7 (a) of this Section shall be
endorsed to the Commission for approval/signature, and thereafter, for

Section 6. Oath – All Professional Food Technologists issued with CORs without
examination shall, prior to the practice of food technology, be required to take their
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respective oaths of profession before the Board or any member thereof, any officer
of the Commission, or any person authorized by law.

Section 7. Membership to the Accredited Integrated Professional

Organization – All Professional Food Technologists issued with CORs without
examination shall automatically become members of the Accredited Integrated
Professional Organization (AIPO), and shall be entitled to the benefits and privileges
appurtenant thereto, upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in
the AIPO shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of food technologists.

Section 8. Inclusion in the Roster of Food Technologists – All Professional Food

Technologists issued with CORs and PICs without examination shall be included in
the Roster of Food Technologists maintained by the Board which shall contain the
name of each registered food technologist, the residence and/or office address, the
dates of registration and issuance of certificates, and other data which the Board may
deem pertinent.

Section 9. Indication of License and Professional Tax Receipt – Professional

Food Technologists issued with CORs without examination are required to indicate
the date of issuance of the COR and the date of expiry of the PIC, the Professional
Tax Receipt number, and his/her professional registration number on any document
they sign or issue in connection with the practice of profession.

Section 10. Appending of Professional Title – Professional Food Technologists

who have been registered without examination must append or affix “PFT” to their
names. It shall be unlawful for any person not otherwise registered as a Professional
Food Technologist to append to his/her the name the professional title “PFT”.

Section 11. Prohibited Acts – All prohibited acts indicated in Section 30 of R.A. No.
11052 and its IRR shall apply to all Professional Food Technologists issued with CORs
without examination.

Section 12. Revocation or Suspension of the Certificate of Registration

Without Examination - The Board may, after giving proper notice of hearing to the
party concerned, revoke or suspend the COR of a Professional Food Technologist for
any unprofessional or unethical conduct, malpractice, or violation of any of the
provisions of R.A. No. 11052, its IRR, the Code of Professional Conduct, and this

Section 13. Reinstatement, Reissuance or Replacement of Certificate of

Registration and Professional Identification Card Issued Without
Examination – Two (2) years from the date of surrender of the COR and PIC, the
Board may, upon application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate
any revoked COR without examination and reissue a PIC.

A new COR or PIC to replace lost, destroyed, or mutilated ones may be issued, subject
to the rules as implemented by the Board.

Section 14. Repealing Clause – Except as may be provided under R.A. No. 11052
and its IRR, all other resolutions, orders, circulars, issuances, or parts thereof
inconsistent with this Resolution are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 15. Effectivity - This Guidelines shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
following the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper
of general circulation in the Philippines.

Let a copy hereof be distributed to the University of the Philippines Law Center, the
AIPO for Professional Food Technologists, and all other relevant offices, agencies, or
associations for information.

Done this 11th day of May, 2022 in the City of Manila.

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Commissioner Commissioner

Note: Attachments may be downloaded at under PRB of Food

Technology Resolution.


BUSINESS MIRROR : May 24, 2022
Date of Effectivity : June 09, 2022

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