Science 10a
Science 10a
Science 10a
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions.
A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
Actually, Joule represents a very small quantity of energy and therefore it is inconvenient to use where a
large quantity of energy is involved.
(i) Calculate the energy transformed by a 5 A current flowing through a resistor of 2 Ω for 30 minutes. 1
(a) 40 kJ (b) 60 kJ (c) 10 kJ. (d) 90 kJ
(ii) 1 Kilowatt-hour is equal to 1
(a) 3.6 ×10^4 J (b) 3.6 ×10^6 J (c) 36 ×10^6 J. (d) 36 ×10^4 J
(iii) The energy dissipated by the heater is E. When the time of operating the heater is doubled,
the energy dissipated is 1
(a) doubled (b) half (c) remains same (d) four times
(iv) The power of a lamp is 60 W. The energy consumed in 1 minute is 1
(a) 360 J (b) 36 J (c) 3600 J (d) 3.6 J
8. Explain why ionic compounds can conduct electricity in molten state or aqueous solution. 1
9. Write the chemical equation to prepare Plaster of Paris from Gypsum 1
10. Show the bonding between calcium and oxygen 2
11. Write balanced chemical equation when Barium iodide is added to potassium sulphate to form
Barium sulphate and potassium iodide. 2
12. Explain with chemical equations why Al2O3 is called amphoteric oxide? 2
13. Enlist 2 limitations of use of electrical impulse. 2
14. Draw and label any 4 parts of neuron. 2
What is synapse? What happens at the synapse between two neurons?
15. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm is placed at a distance of 35 cm from a wall. How far from
the wall an object be placed so that its image formed by the mirror falls on the wall? 2
16. Using the phenomenon of scattering of light explain why the colour of sky is blue when we see
from earth and black when we see from space. 2
17. Why does the plant bend towards the light? 3
Write three advantages of vegetative propagation.
18. A hot plate of an electric oven connected to a 220V line has two resistance coils A and B, each of
24 ohm resistance, which may be used separately, in series, or in parallel. What are the currents in
the three cases? 3
19. Two resistors, with resistances 5 ohm and 10 ohm respectively are connected to a battery of emf
6 volt so as to obtain :
(i) minimum Current (ii) maximum current
(a)How will you connect the resistances in each case? 1
(b) Calculate the strength of the total current in the circuit in the two cases. 2
Several electric bulbs designed to be used on a 220V electric supply line, are rated 10W. How
many lamps can be connected in parallel with each other across the two wires of 220 V line if the
maximum allowable current is 5A? 3
20. Assertion Reasoning 1
1) Assertion is correct, reasoning also correct and reasoning is the correct explanation of assertion.
2) Assertion is correct, reasoning is correct but explanation is not correct.
3) Assertion is correct but reasoning is not correct
4) Assertion is not correct but reasoning is correct.
Assertion – Auxin causes the bending of shoot tips towards the light.
Reasoning – Auxin remains at the shoot tip and causes rapid cell division and elongation at the
shady part of the shoot for which the shoot tip bends towards the light.
21. Ramesh has a swollen throat and has severe weakness. Dr. has diagonized it as a deficiency of
a specific hormone.
Name the hormone and the disease. Which element must be in his diet to prevent the deficiency
and why? ½+½+3
Explain the process of fission in Amoeba. How is it different from that of Leishmania. 3+1