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< ia =] tH i m GRERRHT - © = BRE SF iRtF 81% 0000201 We tend to perceive the classification of 200 ani... 0.23 c Sain $2%4 0000202 All biographies of ancient figures are necessarily ... 0.80 E Sanit $8320 0000203 Xie proposes that sleep achieves its restorative fu.. 0.40 BF SAR 38488 0000204 The benefits offered by information technology d... 0.32 CF sae 35g% 0000205 Lohr's (i) the trappings of literary celebrit... < ia I @ GRERRAT -- © = BRE SF ietF 3852 0000205 Lohr's (i) the trappings of literary celebrit... 0.31 AF Sai 386% 0000206 When potentially disruptive change appears on th 0.63 C.E,G Bari $878 P0000207 Much of ecological theory consists of models tha... 0.37 E BAA 0.72 AC Seieit #6988 P0000209 The gender and class associations of handicrafts... 0.83 E Sanit 0.38 A Beat nen o assearin < GREAT -- © eS wee Se HE 38928 P0000209 The gender and class associations of handicrafts... 1 0.83 E sae 2 0.38 A Sarin 3 0.50 c Senet 4 0.79 c Sait $8138 0000213 Despite the general of Roman archaeolo... 1 0.45 EF Senet r=) 14x 0000214 While merchants and bankers in thirteenth-centur... 1 0.33 CF Sanit r=) 58158 0000215 Some consider the theorem Emmy Noether first p... 1 0.58 BD Seer < GREAT - © eS BRE 82 iRtF 381588 0000215 Some consider the theorem Emmy Noether first p... w 1 0.58 BD Saen 381688 0000216 ~ The concept of increasing complexity of organis... 1 0.55 DF Saenr $8172 P0000217 A decrease in face-to-face social contact can pre... 1 0.36 c Baer $8182 PO000218 The theory of motivated reasoning suggests that, ... 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