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2015 Sustainability Report Executive Summary

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Sustainability Report
Executive Summary
Environmental and social responsibility are part
of everyone’s job at P&G. They are integrated
into our daily work and business operations.

President and Chief Executive Officer


The following pages highlight our sustainability work for FY 14/15 and the progress we’ve made toward our 2020 goals. We are sharing just a few examples
of work being done across the Company and around the world to make the lives of consumers better, while also making their — and our — environmental
footprint smaller. Our full report, with more stories and data, was prepared using the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3 guidelines and can be found online
Leadership Statement

At P&G, sustainability is integrated into

the way we do business, but we know
there is much more we can do.
In this report, we highlight how we are working against our specific • Worth from Waste — We continue our efforts toward eliminating
near-term goals on our way to our ambitious long-term vision manufacturing waste to landfill and exploring partnerships with
to power all our plants with 100% renewable energy, to use 100% multiple stakeholders to help us better understand how we can
renewable or recycled material for all products and packaging, and recover greater value from post-consumer waste and ultimately
to have zero consumer and manufacturing waste go to landfills. help eliminate solid waste to landfill.
Put simply, our objective is to design products that delight consumers
• Social programs — As a good corporate citizen, we have a long history
while maximizing the preservation of resources. We want our brands
of giving back to those in need. We do this through the P&G Children’s
to help consumers make more sustainable choices.
Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) Program, our disaster relief efforts
and our brand programs such as Pampers’ partnership with UNICEF.
We have been dedicated to driving change within our own Company
by partnering with others to drive industry standards and practices
We are focused in these areas, and we know that protecting the earth
that make a difference. We have a long track record of doing the right
and giving back to those in need is a responsibility and a business
thing, from pioneering industry breakthroughs such as compaction,
opportunity. We plan to accelerate our delivery of these objectives by
integrating recycled content into packaging and supply chain innovation.
ensuring the full integration of sustainability initiatives within the
strategies and plans of our 10 core businesses. Progress versus our goals
This report captures our efforts over the past year and highlights
is owned by our business leaders. We will also support each of our key
some of our biggest achievements. Our focus areas remain the same:
brands in making their sustainability vision and actions accessible to
consumers and other stakeholders. We look forward to sharing further
• Preservation of resources — We are focused on our energy usage,
updates on the positive impact of these important efforts.
including our need to help drive consumer behavior change
with initiatives such as our Cold Water washing campaign, reduced
I want to thank our employees and external partners who have been
packaging, reduced water usage and increased recycled content
involved in this work for making the stories in this report possible. Your
in our packaging.
efforts represent important progress that inspires us all to do more.
• Renewable resources — Our focus is to bring more renewable
energy into our plants, to find substitutes for petroleum-derived
raw materials, and to ensure responsible and sustainable sourcing
for renewable materials, including palm oil (PO), wood pulp and
paper packaging. MARTIN RIANT
Group President, Executive Sponsor for Sustainability
Our Goals

We’ve made important progress

in our efforts to address climate change.

The environmental focus of this year’s report is on impacting climate • No-deforestation plan — We have reviewed the initial no-deforestation
change. We’ve made meaningful progress, but there is still much more plans from our palm suppliers and are working together to ensure
to do. P&G recognizes the scientific consensus linking greenhouse robust, time-bound policies and systems are in place to meet our
gas (GHG) emissions and climate change. As a global citizen, we are requirements. We are also partnering with industry experts to develop
concerned about the negative consequences of climate change, and new approaches to help the many thousands of smallholders in our
we believe prudent and cost-effective action by governments, industry supply chain comply with our no-deforestation objectives.
and consumers to reduce emissions to the atmosphere is necessary.
• Certification — Currently 100% of our PO and PO derivatives are either
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) mass-balance certified
We announced in September that we will reduce the absolute GHG
or covered by Green Palm certificates. We have reviewed the initial
emissions of our operations by 30% by 2020. We plan to achieve
no-deforestation plans from our palm suppliers and are working
this by driving energy efficiencies in our own facilities and moving to
together to ensure that robust, time-bound policies and systems are
renewable fuel sources. In addition, we will help consumers reduce
in place to meet our requirements.
their own GHG emissions when they use our products through product
and packaging innovations that enable more efficient product use
Furthermore, we achieved our goal of having 100% of the virgin wood
and energy consumption, as well as continued consumer education.
fiber used in our tissue/towel and absorbent hygiene products third-
party certified. We also maintained our focus on Forest Stewardship
In order to be successful, we will also need to partner with external
Council® (FSC) certification and achieved 51% FSC®-certified material
stakeholders to reduce GHG emissions in our supply chain by ensuring
in our tissue/towel products.
our sourcing of renewable commodities does not contribute to
deforestation and by developing renewable material replacements
I have every confidence we will meet our long- and short-term
for petroleum-derived raw materials.
goals outlined in this report, and as I reminisce on how far we’ve
come, I am inspired by the many people who have been part
Ensuring that palm is grown and harvested without the further clearing
of the program and those continuing the efforts. It has been an
and burning of natural forests, which can impact GHG emissions,
unbelievably fulfilling experience.
climate change and biodiversity, is a priority for the industry. While we
are not a big user of PO, we do use ingredients derived from palm
kernel oil (PKO) in some of our products, and we are committed to
sourcing it sustainably. We have made progress in this area through:

• Traceability — At the end of FY 14/15, 89% of our PO and PKO was
Vice President, Global Sustainability
tracked to the PO mill and PKO mill level. We are on track to reach
our 100% PO and PKO traceability goal by the end of 2015.
We became a member of We joined RE100 to engage,
Climate Savers, a program to support and showcase
help leadership companies influential companies
accelerate their efforts toward who’ve committed to using
addressing climate change. 100% renewable power.

At P&G, we’re committed to reducing

greenhouse gas emissions impacting climate
change. We’ve taken several steps to increase
our commitment to renewable energy.

We joined the Corporate We signed the American

Renewable Energy Buyers’ Business Act on Climate Change
Principles in collaboration to reinforce our commitments
with peers to deliver more and encourage others to take
affordable, clean energy action on climate.
today and in the future.
Environmental Sustainability

We want people who choose P&G brands to know that our

products are created with a commitment to sustainability.
From formulation to manufacturing to package design and
shipment, our products are made responsibly and without
trade-offs in performance or value.


Biomass Plant Zero Waste to Landfill

To advance progress against our 100% renewable energy vision, Currently, 68 sites have achieved zero manufacturing waste to landfill
we announced in February that we are partnering with Constellation (ZMWTL), which is nearly half of our global sites. In addition, we now
to build a 50-megawatt biomass plant at our Albany, Ga., plant, one have four countries where 100% of the manufacturing sites within the
of P&G’s largest U.S. facilities where we make Charmin and Bounty country have achieved ZMWTL — Germany, Japan, Poland and Vietnam.
products. This facility will produce 100% of the steam and up to As a result of these actions, we have generated more than $1.6 billion
70% of the total energy for the site from renewable sources and, in value for the Company through savings and revenue creation.
along with the Tylers Bluff wind farm in Texas (see story below), will
nearly double our global use of renewable energy. Constellation will This important progress is a direct result of the internal and external
build, own and operate the $200 million cogeneration plant that is partnerships being led by our Global Asset Recovery & Purchases
expected to begin commercial operations in June 2017. P&G and (GARP) team, our manufacturing plants, our distribution centers and
Constellation also proactively developed fuel-procurement standards our recycling vendors.
to ensure the incoming scrap wood used at the plant is responsibly

68 sites $ 1.6 billion

and sustainably sourced.

The Albany biomass plant and the have achieved zero generated in value
manufacturing waste to landfill
Tylers Bluff wind farm will nearly double
our global use of renewable energy.

Packaging Improvement
In most parts of Western Europe, Pampers eliminated boxes for some
Wind Farm of our large packs and started using bags only. This change resulted
We announced we are going to partner with EDF RE to build a wind in more than an 80% reduction in packaging material in weight per
farm that will produce enough wind power electricity to manufacture diaper. This saved more than 6,000 tons of packaging (the equivalent
100% our Fabric and Home Care products such as Tide, Downy, of 4,000 mid-sized cars). We also used nearly 10% less plastic, which
Febreze and Cascade in the U.S. and Canada by the end of 2016. saved 900 tons of plastic. Because of this packaging improvement,
To accomplish this, the wind farm in Texas will bring 100 megawatts we were able to ship more diapers on each pallet using about
of renewable power online. This is the equivalent of eliminating 14,000 fewer pallets, resulting in more than 400 fewer trucks on
200,000 metric tons of GHG emissions per year, demonstrating P&G’s the road. This also saved more than 160 tons of CO2 emissions.
commitment to support new sources of renewable energy and Consumers also told us they like the new bags because they are
reduce GHG emissions. easier to transport and store.
P&G is committed to

deforestation in our
palm supply chain.


Palm Oil Optimizing Distribution

At P&G, we are unequivocally committed to achieving zero deforestation In 2013, P&G made a stretching commitment to move 20% of our
in our palm supply chain and using our innovation strength to drive North America truck transportation to cleaner-burning natural gas
positive change in the industry. We have been driving progress via within two years. The intent was to spur innovation and additional
a three-pillar approach. First, we are working with suppliers to ensure infrastructure that would benefit both P&G and other natural-gas
they meet our traceability and no-deforestation requirements. users. We have more than tripled our amount of active compressed
Second, our small-farmers program is working to improve practices natural-gas (CNG) lanes since last year and have realized several million
and livelihoods for smallholders in the PKO supply chain. Finally, dollars in fuel savings. This year, we have logged more than 14 million
we are working with the industry and nongovernmental organizations miles and have contracts in place that will enable us to move 25%
(NGOs) to set standards and methodologies. We continue to connect of our North America truck transportation to natural gas by next year.
and collaborate with multiple stakeholders to drive harmonized
industry standards and approaches to advance P&G and industry-
wide PO efforts. PACKAGING

Driving Progress on Recycling

PRODUCT FORMULATION Last year, we announced that P&G joined forces with several large,

No Prewash Needed multi-national companies to form the Closed Loop Fund (CLF), a social
impact investment fund providing cities with access to the capital
In the U.S., Cascade Platinum Action Pacs clean stuck-on food in just required to build comprehensive recycling programs. This year, CLF
one wash, with no prewash needed. This enables P&G to help announced its first three investments totaling $7.8 million in capital,
consumers reduce their water use with every pot, plate or pan they which in turn unlocked an additional $17 million from other public and
put in the dishwasher. In fact, for each person who skips the prewash, private co-investors. P&G has also joined The Recycling Partnership
up to 2,600 gallons of water can be saved in a household per year (TRP), a national recycling non-profit organization with a focus on
(based on an average of 12.5 gallons of prewashing water used and supporting public-private partnerships that serve to improve residential
an average of four loads per week). This innovative technology is recycling in the U.S. Innovative partnerships such as these will play
getting us closer to our goal of providing 1 billion people around the a key part in increasing the availability of recycled materials and
world with access to water-efficient products by 2020. ultimately help move us closer to our vision of zero waste to landfill.

2,600 gallons
of water can be saved when
prewash is skipped
Social Sustainability

For more than 175 years, doing the right thing has
been at the core of P&G’s purpose, values and principles.
This includes investing in the communities where we
live, work and serve.

P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Disaster Relief

This year, the P&G CSDW Program celebrated its 10th anniversary of The P&G Disaster Relief program is committed to helping rebuild
sharing the power of clean water with families who need it most. With lives after widespread disasters by providing the comforts of home
more than 175 years of experience developing cleaning technologies, that people need. In FY 14/15, P&G responded by providing in-kind
P&G scientists invented P&G Purifier of Water, which was based on product and monetary donations to more than 25 disasters globally.
research behind our laundry detergents. This packet puts the power of These included support for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, families
clean water into a small sachet the size of a tea bag. Working with displaced by conflict in Ukraine, earthquake relief in China, Panama
more than 150 partners, the CSDW Program has shared 8.9 billion liters floods and the tropical cyclone in Vanuatu. The biggest response
of clean water in more than 75 countries, helping to save lives and this year was to help those affected by a devastating 7.8 magnitude
prevent illness to keep people healthy, enable access to education earthquake that struck Nepal in April 2015. In the days and weeks
and create economic opportunities that help families to thrive. that followed, a massive humanitarian aid effort was organized
to help respond to the critical need for food, water, shelter and other
This year P&G distributed more than 130 million P&G packets to necessities. In the immediate aftermath, P&G provided product
emergency relief and development programs around the world, and donations from brands such as Whisper and Vicks and monetary
CSDW expanded operations in 20 countries, including Argentina, donations to some of its long-standing emergency relief partner
Indonesia and Kenya, where the recipient of the 8 billionth liter was organizations, including AmeriCares, CARE, International Medical
Boniface O. and his family, who live near Kisumu in western Kenya. Corps, Save the Children and World Vision. Through the P&G CSDW
Through a community program with P&G partner CARE International, Program, we helped to distribute enough packets to provide 20 million
Boniface learned how to purify water with P&G packets at his school. liters of clean drinking water in collaboration with our partners CARE,
In the past, he used to get sick and miss school from drinking dirty DayOne Response, HOPE, IMC, PSI, Thai Red Cross, Vishal Group,
water, but now he is healthy, strong and able to attend class. He and World Vision and World Wildlife Fund. Employees also generously
his classmates share the packets and healthy hygiene habits with their donated to a global P&G matching disaster relief fund for Nepal.
families, which has helped transform the health of the local community.

P&G is committed to playing its part to help end the global water
crisis. With the support of our leading brands and our partners,
20 million
we have committed to delivering 15 billion liters of clean drinking liters of clean drinking water
water through the CSDW Program by 2020. We will continue to in the aftermath of the Nepal
use our global marketing reach to raise awareness of the global earthquake
water crisis, engaging consumers to get involved and help save lives
through the power of clean water.
Always Pantene
For the last 30 years, Always, the leader in global feminine care, Pantene Beautiful Lengths provides free, real-hair wigs to women
has accompanied and empowered young girls through better who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments. Since 2006, more
understanding of their bodies and the complex, transformative time than 800,000 ponytails have been donated and 42,000 wigs have
of puberty. Always’ puberty education program reaches up to 20 million been created. The wigs are distributed through American Cancer
girls a year in 65 countries. In 2014, new Always research revealed that Society wig banks at no cost to cancer patients. Many of the women
girls experience a drop in confidence at the start of puberty with their helped say that putting on a wig makes them feel like themselves
first period. Stopping the drop in confidence became Always’ mission. again. In 2014, the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Fund was established
In June 2014, Always launched the #LikeAGirl campaign with a film that in partnership with the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, enabling people
shows how harmful words can contribute to lower self-confidence. who are unable to donate their hair to get involved in the program
The film has been viewed more than 90 million times across the and to help create more wigs than ever before.
globe, demonstrating the profound effect the phrase “like a girl” can

800,000 42,000
have on girls’ self-confidence. Millions of girls around the world have
rallied to change #LikeAGirl to mean amazing things. This massive
engagement has started to change public perception: while only
19% of girls had a positive association with the phrase “like a girl” donated ponytails wigs created
before the campaign, 76% agree they no longer view the phrase as
an insult after watching the Always #LikeAGirl film.*

Safeguard Secret’s Mean Stinks program exists to encourage girls to put an
end to girl-to-girl bullying. Bullying in social media is increasing, with
Safeguard knows that clean hands save lives and make families 55% of teens having witnessed bullying online. Secret’s “Gang
healthy and happy. It is clinically proven that washing hands with of Good” has generated over 2 million acts of nice by putting the
soap and water can prevent almost 4 million children per year power directly in girls’ hands. Last year, Mean Stinks held the Biggest
from dying before their 5th birthday. In FY 14/15, Safeguard reached Assembly Ever, viewed by 2,000 schools across the nation, where
over 6.8 million children through school education. Safeguard is the brand discussed the negative effects of bullying and how to end
committed to teaching school children good hygiene habits that will it. Secret also developed an anti-bullying curriculum with Cincinnati
keep them healthy and free from preventable illnesses such as diarrhea, Children’s Hospital ( that has been
coughs and colds through school programs and an online hub with proven to decrease the experiences of being bullied through tips,
resource materials for moms and teachers alike. Safeguard’s superhero, activities and advice that girls can apply to their lives. In the upcoming
Commander Safeguard, teaches healthy hand-washing habits though year, Secret will partner with Teen Vogue to encourage girls to take
school visits, videos, animations, story books and games. a pledge and share how they will end bullying on social media.

*Always Puberty & Confidence Wave II Study, 2015

2020 Goals Progress
We are working toward our long-term vision of:
• Powering all our plants with 100% renewable energy • Having zero consumer and manufacturing waste go to landfills

• Using 100% renewable or recycled materials for all products • Designing products that delight consumers while maximizing
and packaging the conservation of resources

We have established specific goals to demonstrate we are making progress against our long-term vision. The table
below updates progress against our goals.


Conservation of Resources
• Reduce energy use at P&G facilities by 20% per unit of production by 2020.* • Since 2010, we have reduced our energy usage by about 15%.

• Reduce absolute GHG emissions by 30% by 2020*. • Since 2010, we have reduced our absolute GHG emissions by 4%.

• Ensure 70% of all washing machine loads are washed in cold water. • Our data indicates the percentage of global washing machine loads washed
in cold water increased from 38% to 56%.

• Reduce truck transportation kilometers by 20% per unit of production.* • We reduced our truck transportation by approximately 25% per unit of
production, exceeding our goal.

• Reduce water use in manufacturing facilities by 20% per unit of production with • We have reduced water usage by about 21%, exceeding our goal.
conservation focused on water-stressed regions.*

• Provide 1 billion people access to water-efficient products. • In FY 14/15, we estimate that approximately 140 million consumers had access
to water-efficient products.

• Reduce packaging by 20% per consumer use.* • Since 2010, we have reduced packaging by approximately 10% per consumer use.

• Double use of recycled resin in plastic packaging.* • This year, we used approximately 29,200 tons of post-consumer resin (PCR) in our
plastic packaging, which represents an increase of approximately 12% vs. baseline.

• Ensure 90% of product packaging is either recyclable or programs are in place • In FY 14/15, approximately 85% of our packaging was considered recyclable.
to create the ability to recycle it.

Renewable Resources
• Ensure plants are powered by 30% renewable energy. •O
 ur use of renewable energy is approximately 9%. We continue to evaluate and
expand our portfolio of energy sources.

• Create technologies by 2020 to substitute top petroleum-derived raw materials • The capability to substitute plastic resins has been demonstrated while work
with renewable materials, as cost and scale permit. on other key material classes continues.

• Ensure traceability of PO and PKO to our supplier mills by December 31, 2015, • We will achieve our 2015 traceability goal by December 31, 2015, and continue
and to plantations by 2020 to ensure zero deforestation in our PO supply chain, to make progress on our smallholder efforts.
with a commitment to working with small farmers.

• Have 100% of the virgin wood fiber used in our tissue/towel and absorbent • This year we met our goal of having 100% of the virgin wood fiber used in
hygiene products be third-party certified by 2015. our tissue/towel and absorbent hygiene products be third-party certified.

• Have 100% of our paper packaging contain either recycled or third-party-certified • Approximately 97% of materials surveyed this year were either recycled or
virgin content by 2020. third-party-certified virgin content.

Worth from Waste

• Conduct pilot studies in both the developed and developing world to understand • We are involved in a number of waste-reduction pilot projects in both developed
how to eliminate landfilled/dumped solid waste. and developing regions including participation in the Closed Loop Fund (CLF), The
Recycling Partnership (TRP) and our Waste to Worth program in the Philippines.

• Continued progress on ZMWTL. • 68 sites, which accounts for nearly 50% of our manufacturing sites,
have reached zero manufacturing waste to landfill (ZMWTL).

Social Programs
• Improve the lives of 50 million people each year through our social • This year, we estimate P&G has benefited more than 50 million people
sustainability programs. through programs like P&G CSDW, Always #LikeAGirl, Pantene Beautiful Lengths,
Safeguard Hand Washing and Disaster Relief around the world.**

• Provide 15 billion liters of clean drinking water by 2020. • The P&G CSDW Program has delivered more than 9 billion liters of clean drinking
water and is on track to meeting the 2020 goal.

* Using 2010 as a baseline.

** The number of people reached is an estimate based on self-reporting in collaboration with charitable partners.
P&G serves nearly 5 billion people around the world with its brands. The Company has one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality,
leadership brands, including Always®, Ambi Pur ®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy ®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Gain®, Gillette®,
Head & Shoulders®, Lenor ®, Olay ®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks® and Whisper ®. The P&G community includes
operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit for the latest news and in-depth information about
P&G and its brands.

2015 NET SALES: $70.7 BILLION(1) (2)


10% Baby, Feminine 8% Asia Pacific Developed

and Family Care Europe Developing
11% 29%
Beauty Greater China 39%
Fabric Care and 41% India, Middle East
Home Care and Africa (IMEA)
Health Care 61%
32% Latin America
18% Grooming 9%
North America
10% 8%

(1) Results exclude sales for several Beauty categories P&G plans to exit, as the Company announced on July 9, 2015. Please see for the informational 8-K furnished on
September 8, 2015, and the revised Form 10-K for FY 14/15 furnished on October 26, 2015, which provide more details of the impacts to the Company’s financial results due to this change.
(2) These results exclude net sales in Corporate.


The table below reports environmental statistics for Manufacturing Operations in the Global Business Units, Technical Centers and
Distribution Centers.
Totals (absolute units x 1,000) 2015 Global Business Unit Detail (1) (absolute units x 1,000)
Baby, Feminine Fabric and Health
2015 2014 2013 and Family Care Beauty Home Care Grooming Care Other

Production (metric tons)

Product Shipped (2) 27,997 28,331 26,570 5,319 1,930 19,572 814 360 N/A
Raw Materials from Recycled Sources (3) 699 859 592
Waste (metric tons)
Generated Waste 797 1,127 856 321 103 280 35 34 24
Percent Recycled/Reused Waste 89% 90% 81% 92% 80% 89% 97% 90% 71%
Disposed Waste (metric tons)
Waste Disposed 89 109 163 25.78 9.45 43.21 0.93 3.50 5.66
Solid Waste — Non-Hazardous 52 72 123 13.87 5.94 24.38 0.08 3.19 4.23
Solid Waste — Hazardous 5 5 11 0.16 0.21 3.33 0.04 0.05 0.88
Effluents (excluding water) (4) 21 19 17 4.67 2.91 12.40 0.53 0.14 0.38
Air Emissions (5) 11 12 11 7.08 0.39 3.11 0.28 0.12 0.16
Energy and GHG
Energy Consumption (gigajoules ) 64,849 69,076 68,349 38,876 3,825 14,700 2,670 1,605 3,173
Total GHG (metric tons) (6) 5,256 5,368 5,483 2,956 343 1,296 215 158 287
Scope 1 — Direct GHG Emissions (metric tons) 2,304 2,385 2,220 1,620 78 420 68 34 83
Scope 2 — Indirect GHG Emissions (metric tons) (7) 2,952 2,983 3,263 1,336 265 876 147 124 204
Biogenic GHG Emissions (metric tons) 232 236 242 232 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Water (cubic meters)
Water Consumption 68,594 70,085 73,869 43,234 5,475 15,297 1,087 1,340 2,162

1 metric ton = 1,000 kg = 2,205 lbs.

(1) For 2015, Baby, Feminine and Family Care includes Baby Care, Feminine Care and Family Care. Beauty includes Beauty Care, Prestige, Salon Professional and Personal Beauty Care.
Fabric and Home Care includes Fabric Care, Home Care, Batteries and Chemicals. Grooming includes Blades and Razors and Devices. Health Care includes Personal Health Care,
Oral Care and Pet Care. Technical Centers includes major office buildings as well as technical and research centers that support the business units. Distribution Centers includes
facilities that distribute finished product. Numbers do not include production from contract manufacturing operations.
(2) Estimated from shipment figures.
(3) Data is tracked at a corporate level.
(4) Wastewater chemical oxygen demand (COD).
(5) Air emissions include particulates, SO2, NO x , CO and VOC.
(6) Total GHG emissions = Scope 1 + Scope 2. Scope 2 emissions calculated using a market-based method.
(7) Market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions. Note: Location-based Scope 2 emissions for 2015 were 3,076,000 metric tons.
©2015 Procter & Gamble

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