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Let's Go 3 Unit 2 LP

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Let’s Go 3 Unit 2 – Clothing (Unit Plan)

At the end of the unit, the students must be able to:
a) Express preference through statement and question,
b) State different forms of clothing,
c) Use “What’s he/she wearing? and He/she is wearing…” in context,
d) Use possessive pronouns her, his, and they.
e) Exhibit the use of Yes/No Question and;
f) Recite consonant blend sounds (gr, br, pr).


Lesson: Clothing pg.,  The teacher will introduce the lesson to the students. He will read
Strategies: Reading Aloud, the conversation and then ask the students to repeat what he
Reading by Pair & Technology reads by reading aloud. He will ask pairs of students to reenact
inside the Classroom the conversation in front of the class.
Language Focus: Learn how to  The teacher will ask the students what is he wearing today. Then
use “Which … do you like?” he will also ask what they are wearing. In this way, the teacher
and “I like the …. one” will stimulate a connection to the topic.
Grammar Focus: Understand  The teacher will flash four pictures of hats in different designs.
He will introduce sentence structure to practice: "Which … do
the use of which and like
you like?" and "I like the …. one".
Skill Focus: Speaking, Writing,
 After which, the teacher will randomly call students to answer
Reading, Listening the question, "Which hat do you like?"
Materials: Workbooks,  In order to practice the sentence, the teacher will play a song, and
Textbooks & Video Clips the students will sing along.
 The lesson will end with a recapitulation of the lesson, unguided
reading practice, and working on workbooks.


Lesson: Clothing pg.,  The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the students a
Strategies: Reading Aloud, Use set of pictures. Then, they must first determine its name for
of Technology, Pair Reading, them to identify which part of the body it is worn. For
HOTS Questioning example, a picture of hat is for head. In this way, the teacher
Language Focus: Learn how to will know their schema about the lesson.
say and/or answer “What’s  The teacher will present vocabularies related to clothing
he/she/ are they wearing?” (types of clothing). He will read each word and ask the
Grammar Focus: Use of He/ students to repeat after him (read loud).
She is, and They are…  After the class has distinguished the important vocabulary in
Skill Focus: Speaking, Writing, the lesson, he will teach the sentence structure of "What’s
Reading, Listening he/she/ are they have?" and how to answer it.
Materials: Workbooks,  When the students are familiar with the rule and structure,
Textbooks, Video Clips, the teacher will flash a picture. Then, he will ask the two
Pictionary students, one will ask a question, and the other must answer
 In order to practice the sentence, the teacher will play a song, and
the students will sing along.

 The lesson will end with a recapitulation of the lesson,

unguided reading, and working workbooks.


Lesson: Clothing pg.,  The lesson will begin through a game to review the
Strategies: Reading Aloud, Use vocabulary discussed from the previous lesson. The student
of Technology, Pair Reading, will be grouped in to three group. Each team will pick one
Pair, Think and Share member for each word. The representative will go in front
Language Focus: Learn how to and they have to spell the word. Whoever gets most score
say and/or answer “Whose … is will win the game.
this/ are these? ”  After the review of the past lesson, the teacher will
Grammar Focus: Use of introduce a new set of additional vocabulary related to the
Whose (Possesive Pronoun), It previous lesson.
is…, They are…  He will do guided reading; whenever he says the word, the
Skill Focus: Speaking, Writing, students will say it again aloud, spell the word, and read it
Reading, Listening again. Then, the teacher will request the students to close
Materials: Workbooks, their eyes and ask them to spell the words.
Textbooks, Video Clips,
Pictionary  After the class has distinguished the important vocabulary in
the lesson, he will teach the sentence structure of "Whose …
is this/ are these?" and how to answer it.
 When the students are familiar with the rule and structure,
the teacher will flash a picture. Then, the teacher will ask a
question and the class must answer it. He will pair all the
students and give them ten minutes to practice the
conversation together. Then he will call each of the pair to
come in front and reenact the conversation.
 The teacher will give them a worksheet with pictures of
clothing they can cut and color. They will customize a doll
and dress it the way they want. After that, the teacher will
call someone to present his or her doll and tell what’s the
doll wearing.
 The lesson will end with a recapitulation of the lesson
(review the lesson through Pictionary), unguided reading,
and working workbooks.


Lesson: Clothing pg.,  The teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing the previous
Strategies: Reading Aloud, Use lessons (vocabularies, sentence structure and conversation
of Technology, Comprehension dialogues) to ensure learning among the students.
Questioning, Brainstorming  The teacher will introduce the three sets of consonant (br,
Language Focus: Learn how to pr, and gr) blends to the students. In each consonant blend,
pronounce Consonant blends he will ask first what the name of each letter is, make each
(br, pr, gr) letter sound, and ask them to combine the sound. In this
Grammar Focus: - way, the students can recall each sound of the letter and
Skill Focus: Speaking, Writing, discover the sound of each blend by themselves.
Reading, Listening  The teacher will give an example for each blend. He will
Materials: Workbooks, ask someone to use the words in the sentence.
Textbooks & Video Clips  The teacher will ask the students to brainstorm words that
start with br, pr, and gr. Then, he will list down the words,
and when students run out of words, the teacher will ask
them to read all the words listed.
 In order to practice pronouncing the blends, the teacher will
play a song where students can practice pronouncing the
 The teacher will use a story where there are consonant
blends. He will ask the students to read the story aloud. He
prepared comprehension questions to check for
comprehension check.
 The lesson will end with a recapitulation of the lesson,
unguided reading, and working workbooks.

Prepared by:
Teacher, Anuban Yasothon School

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