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The History of Education in Afghanistan: A Case Study of Afghanistan Hazara's Minority

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The History of Education in Afghanistan:

A Case Study of Afghanistan Hazara's Minority
Mir Hussain Amiri Abdul Qadir Khairzad
Universitas Islam International Indonesia (UIII) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

Abstract:- The history of education in Afghanistan is resources. Afghan education's journey reflects a complex
influenced by complex social, political, and cultural interplay of social, political, and cultural elements. The
factors, with a specific focus on the education of the Hazara community, historically marginalized, strives for
marginalized Hazara minority. Despite their rich history, equitable education through their initiatives. This analysis
Hazaras have faced discrimination due to cultural and delves into Afghanistan's education history, spotlighting
religious differences, hindering their access to quality Hazara experiences to underscore the need for inclusive
education. This study delves into their educational policies that bridge educational disparities. During two
journey, analyzing primary and secondary sources, decades, Hazaras community try two improve the education
government records, interviews, and scholarly articles. It of their children’s. ands, they had many achievements in
traces Hazaras' education evolution from the late 19th deferent sectors, Universities and educational facilities in
century to the present, highlighting the challenges posed Kabul and the Hazara districts were packed with Hazara
by political and social dynamics. male and female students eager to make a difference and
contribute to their homeland's progress. Although the Hazara
The research sheds light on the struggles of the people have had a painful past and have suffered from
Hazara community to overcome discrimination, murders and persecution for more than two centuries, the
advocating for equity in education through Hazara-led Hazara country has always been proud in all social and
initiatives and policy advocacy. Despite historic cultural domains and has sworn against its adversaries with
hardships, Hazaras have strived for education, scientific and artistic weapons. They are still standing.
contributing to various fields. Nonetheless, they still face
educational challenges due to factors like scarce This case study looks at the history of education in
resources, unbalanced policies, and racial Afghanistan and how the Hazara minority's educational
discrimination. The study underscores the importance of possibilities have changed over time as a result of political
targeted policies and research for achieving educational and social pressures. This study examines the evolution of
equity, emphasizing the ongoing struggle for inclusion Hazaras education from the late nineteenth century to the
and quality education. present using a variety of primary and secondary sources,
including government documents, scholarly papers, and
Keywords:- Hazara Minority, Discrimnitaion, victims, interviews with educators, policymakers, and members of
education rifht. the Hazaras community.
I. INTRODUCTION The goal of this analysis is to offer light on the
complex processes that have created the history of education
Education in Afghanistan has a complicated and in Afghanistan, as well as the problems that the Hazara
multidimensional history that has been affected by a variety minority has in accessing quality education. It also
of social, political, and cultural forces. The education of the underlines the significance of targeted policies and actions to
Hazaras minority, a historically disenfranchised population enhance educational equity and inclusion for
that has encountered great obstacles in getting excellent underrepresented groups, as well as the continual need for
education, is an important component of this history. The research and activism to support these efforts. Finally, this
Afghan Hazara community has a long and rich history case study sheds light on Afghanistan's educational past as
dating back generations. Their cultural and religious well as the ongoing struggle for educational justice and
distinctions, however, have frequently resulted in prejudice inclusion for everyone.
and marginalization by those in authority. This has had a
substantial impact on their capacity to obtain education, as The Hazara people are one of Afghanistan's major
Hazara children have historically had lower levels of ethnic groups, and they were given this name by Hazara
education than other Afghan tribes. historians and academics in several publications. Because
they have a thousand rivers flowing through them. A
The history of the Hazara people presents various thousand high mountains and valleys. A thousand fountains
viewpoints. French researcher P. Freire suggested are claimed to have emerged from the Hazara region, and
indigenous roots based on archaeological findings predating following Islam, a thousand mosques and a thousand
Alexander the Great. Alternatively, the Hazaras are seen as minarets were built in their place. This is despite the fact
descendants of Mongols, residing in their current region that, under the reign of the old sultans of Zabulistan, the
long ago. Another perspective posits Hazaras as a blend of Hazara people paid a thousand horsemen in taxes to the
Turkic, Mongolian, and other lineages. Education's history royal army of the time, which was Hazara, which may be
in Hazara areas is similarly marked by fluctuations, related in this way. (Mousavi 2018).
paralleling their Islamic conversion. Challenges persist due
to circumstances like discrimination and insufficient

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
There are three opinions about the history of the accessing education. Second, the Hazara community has
Hazara people: historically faced significant discrimination and
 The ideas of indigenousness of the Hazara people: In the marginalization in Afghanistan, including limited access to
19th century, the French researcher "P Freire" proposed education. Thus, understanding the history of education for
this theory after discovering that thousands of years before the Hazaras minority can provide insights into the broader
Alexander the Great, people lived in the southern regions social and political dynamics that have shaped their
of the Hindu Kush. experiences of marginalization and exclusion. Third,
 According to (Vámbéry 1864). the Hazaras are the Afghanistan is a conflict-affected country that has
survivors of the Mongols. According to this idea, the experienced significant political and social changes in the
Hazaras did not migrate from another land; they used to past few decades. The impact of the conflict on education
live in their current location a long time ago.1 has been particularly devastating, with schools and
 Mixed Hazaras: According to this idea, Hazaras are not universities destroyed and disrupted, and students and
only Turkic and Mongolian survivors but also a mixture of teachers forced to flee. Therefore, understanding the history
races such as Tajiks, Afghans, etc. (Mousavi 2018). of education in Afghanistan and how it has been affected by
 Opinions about the beginning of the educational process conflict is critical to developing effective policies and
in Hazaras areas are not very different. What is certain is practices to promote access and quality education for all.
that the basic education in the lives of the Hazaras started Therefore, the history of education in Afghanistan,
at the same time as they converted to Islam. And it has especially considering the experiences of the Hazara
been fed at different times. But this process has always minority, is an important issue to understand the complex
been accompanied by ups and downs under the influence social, political, and economic dynamics that have shaped
of circumstances. The conditions that caused ups and education in Afghanistan. Continued research on this issue is
downs in the development of education can be important to identify strategies to overcome challenges and
summarized as a few examples of the challenges facing barriers to education in Afghanistan and promote access and
education in the field of Hazaras (Baiza 2014: 151-171). equity for all Afghan citizens.
The history of education in Afghanistan is a complex and
multifaceted issue that has been shaped by a wide range of III. THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN
social, political, and cultural factors. Although the current AFGHANISTAN
governments of the country have tried to make the During the reign of Amir Habibullah, the
country's education go through its evolutionary process, establishment of new schools was restricted to the capital,
the authorities' approach to cultural development issues and this continued even after the constitution was
has not been consistent and equal everywhere. In the implemented. During the Amani period, new style schools
meantime, Hazaras have been victims of unbalanced were created in the provinces, including Jalalabad,
cultural policies more than others and have seen severe Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif, and Qatghan, at the same
losses in the way of promoting social knowledge. And this time as new schools were established in the capital. More
is actually the cultural isolation that these people have than 322 chapters of new government schools were
suffered in the two-dimensional process. Formal and constructed throughout Afghanistan till the end of
informal education is the second basic discussion of this Amanullah's administration (1928). According to certain
article about education in the Hazara region, which data, there were 51 thousand elementary students in the
describes the history of its ups and downs and considers country in 1926, and more than three thousand (3000)
the cultural isolation organized in formal education along students in developmental and vocational institutions. They
with the challenge in the tradition of learning religious claimed that if Afghanistan moved at this rate, it would not
education. be discussed. these people and these two fences fall behind the caravan of culture and literature, especially
have been drawn and denied access to science and new when compared to neighboring countries. However,
teaching methods, and Hazaras have to make do with what following the fall of the Amani government, all schools were
they have. The path of education in the Hazaras is the closed. The number of official schools expanded from 223 to
subject of discussion in the framework of the 334 chapters at the start of Nader Khan's reign, which began
epistemology of the Hazara people, which illuminates its twenty years later, in 1946. Assuming that no schools were
hidden angles. The purpose of this study is: created in (1926-1928), just 24 new schools were established
throughout 18 years during Nader Khan's rule and even the
first time of Zahir Shah's administration.
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the lack of
According to the figures of (1979), which are
education in Afghanistan and the state of education in
published in the book of Afghanistan, there were 4,198
Hazaras areas (Baiza 2013), (Handayani 2016), (Sarmachar
schools in Afghanistan in the past five centuries of (1976),
2016), (Samady 2013), (Hussaini 2021: 109-162) &
that is, before the Russian coup d'état in (1957), 888,800
(Chiovenda 2014: 449-462). but this study is important in
educated persons, and 12,400 instructors and professors.
several ways. First, education is a basic human right, and
There were nearly a thousand students enrolled in the
access to education has important consequences for
country's public schools. Only two or three schools were
individuals, societies, and nations in general. Therefore,
established in all Hazara areas, demonstrating the
understanding the history of education in Afghanistan is
government's commitment to educational expansion
important to identify the challenges and barriers that have
(Khwajamir 2016).In both the first and second periods, the
prevented certain groups, such as the Hazara minority, from

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Taliban did irreversible harm to Afghan education. In the quality, Afghanistan maintains old systems. The essential
middle of 1999, the Taliban leadership took over the school aspect here is that, despite the problems and security risks
system and adopted a strict interpretation of Islamic law. posed by opposing parties, the residents of the country
During these times, the girls' schools were fully shuttered, supported education this time.
while some boys' schools were operating but without
teachers. This is because, since the Taliban's entrance, all Now, beside thousands of public schools, many private
secondary schools have been closed to girls, and women in schools are active in our country, It should be mentioned as
general are barred from working, going to the market, a Talabani-related phenomena. Because there had previously
visiting to parks, or traveling without a sharia mahram, been no such thing as a private school in the country's
causing despondency among the youth. This group existed educational system. It was a good opportunity in recent
during the "dark age of education" because they were years to build modern education infrastructure in the
extraterrestrial opponents with knowledge. New knowledge country—infrastructure that promotes transformational
and occurrences, in particular, had no place in the education. However, the existing challenges made it difficult
government (Poladi 1989). to modernize the country's education. Over the last thirteen
years, the country's education has remained focused on
According to World Bank estimates for 2012, the luring boys and girls to schools and maintaining a safe
population of school-age children has reached approximately learning environment, with the main difficulties of the
7.8 million, with approximately 2.9 million of these being country's education receiving less attention. And after fall of
girls. However, there are still insufficient school buildings the Taliban thousands of girls receive the right if education
and amenities, and in many communities, courses are held in (Nijat 2015).
tents or in residential residences, often beneath the shade of
trees. According to the World Bank, approximately 180,000 The Afghan government has made numerous efforts,
teachers, or around half of all instructors in this country, with the assistance of the international community, to
have the requisite training and competences, with the expand and strengthen the country's educational system.
remainder learning on the job. Nonetheless, the number of With the support of UNESCO, the government formed an
girls dropping out of school is relatively high, and the Independent High Commission of Education in 2002 to
country's illiteracy rate is very high. just 39% of persons recommend policies, objectives, and strategies for the repair
over the age of 15 can read and write, making it one of the and development of Afghanistan's education system. The
world's lowest rates. The educational institutions of ministries of education and higher education collaborated
Afghanistan were in a pitiful situation when the Taliban fled with UNESCO and other international organizations to
from the gates of Kabul and the northern provinces of produce strategic development plans for basic, middle, and
Afghanistan to the mountains and valleys of the southern secondary education, technical and vocational education,
regions (1996), along with hundreds of fallen and fragile and higher education. (Samady 2013). What is remarkable is
foundations. In 2001, Afghanistan had 3,400 operating that the schooling situation in Afghanistan has remained
schools with 20,000 teachers teaching one million students, mostly unchanged. It appears that despite all of the
and the presence of girls among these one million people international community's assistance, Afghanistan's
was close to nil. However, in 2011, approximately 14 education has not progressed due to a lack of security,
thousand schools were activated throughout Afghanistan, administrative corruption in Afghanistan, a lack of
with 8 million and one hundred thousand students, 38% of importance given to education by certain circles, the
them are girls, being taught by 175 thousand teachers. In the remaining traditional structures in Afghanistan's education,
previous ten years, many schools have received new or and political confrontations.
renovated structures. Among the other achievements of
Afghanistan's education system are the construction of IV. EDUCATION AND HAZARAS MINORITY
universities and private schools. According to Ministry of Education is one of a society's most basic and evident
Higher Education and Education officials, over 127 private necessities, and all human progress today is linked to
institutions and over 800 registered private schools are education in some way. This means that via education, a
operating in Afghanistan under the official authorization of person learns intellectually, which contributes to the creation
these two ministries. where tens of thousands of individuals of a focused society and the development of individuality,
are involved in education and training, while thousands of which develops people based on their interests, capacities,
others have been given with work fields (Sarmachar 2016: and expertise. Social and individual goals are two parts of
29-31). education, and education helps a person adopt appropriate
During past 15 years the government with assistance of behavior and comprehend his place in society. (Portelli,
international community, has made significant efforts to Menashy and Barrow 2010: 415-433). Without a doubt,
strengthen the country's educational system. Part of these evaluating a society's situation entails investigating the
efforts were aimed at reopening schools and rebuilding the structures that govern that society. Without rigorous
country's bankrupt education system. During these years, investigations and sufficient information about the
almost six million pupils attended school, and work was structures, recognizing the truth of the existence of a clear
done to improve the curriculum and build new schools. picture of what exists in society is difficult. These structures
However, the country's educational status did not improve as form the foundation of social existence. Only after the
much as planned. Despite the fact that the country's difficulties have been subjected to analysis can the facts be
education situation has improved in terms of quantity but not recovered; only then can the life-related chain structures be

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
broken down and analyzed. Understanding the difficulties including through the rural development program, to address
concerning the Hazara people is essentially dependent on the issue of improving rural people's social, economic, and
studies of these structures, especially the Hazaras' civic lives, as well as the growth and development of
geographical formations (Mousavi 2018). handicrafts, the prevention and preservation of people's
health, and the development of education. The creation of 16
In every government, Hazaras have faced social, basic and secondary schools in the Punjab region, the
cultural, and economic inequities. For a multitude of inauguration of girls' and boys' schools, hospitals, and
reasons, including political inequities and tribal and religious literacy courses for the elderly are all considered in the third
disputes, no administration has undertaken fundamental five-year plan in Uruzgan province from 1968 to 1972
educational work in Hazara areas. Discrimination (ethnic, (Baiza 2013).
sexual, political, religious, regional, etc.) between students
and teachers, a lack of teachers, a lack of buildings and The international community has highlighted gender
adequate facilities, and a lack of books, classes, and learning equality and women's empowerment as one of the
materials are the main issues in Hazara communities (Ismail Millennium Development Goals, and education is expected
2022, 16-32). For many years, the Hazara people have faced to play a critical role in achieving these goals. (Goal No. 3;
prejudice and genocide, and they have faced racial and see UN, 2000). The achievement of gender parity and
religious discrimination at all times. Since Abdul Rahman's equality in education is regarded as critical in the goals of
reign, the Hazara people have been subjected to genocide, Education for All (EFA) by 2015 (see, for example,
with more than 60% of them dying in Afghanistan. Targeted UNESCO, 2003-2004). These elements look relevant in
suicide and explosive assaults on Hazara people have light of the Hazaras circumstances because the
occurred at schools, mosques, educational institutes, and empowerment discussed in the following paragraph reaches
hospitals (Mousavi 2018). Hazaras more than 130 years has beyond the person. The concept of "power" and its absence
been targets of genocide according to BBC Radio. During are equally important in comprehending what empowerment
Amir Abdul Rahman's leadership (1901–1980), the entails. As mentioned in the preceding section, the
Mujahideen era (1992–1996), the first Taliban rules (1996– disempowerment of Hazaras in both Afghanistan and
2001), and the current Taliban administration (August 15, Pakistan can be classified. (Changezi and Biseth 2011: 79-
2021–present). Hazaras have experienced violence and 89). Until the 1950s and 1960s, most Hazaras in Afghanistan
targeted ethnic massacres. Undoubtedly, one of the most did not have access to educational institutions. There were
despised social and political phenomena is targeted also just a few primary schools, and Hazaras could not enroll
executions. A history will endure in Afghan history's in either official or non-Hazara schools unless they legally
memory (Rajan 2015(. changed their ethnicity to Tajik. The Afghan government
pushed Hazaras to change their ethnic identify on occasion.
Afghanistan had ten faculties, 31 professional schools, Hazara who were able to attend school and eventually work
22 high schools, 52 secondary schools, 533 primary schools, for the government chose Tajik as their ethnic identity.
and 788 rural schools in 1961, for a total of 1436 schools. Hazaras were barred from attending higher education
According to the above-mentioned figures, ten faculties in institutions, particularly military academies (Baiza 2013). In
Kabul were only in the service of persons or individuals, at terms of education, Hazaras in Afghanistan are
least in one of the government agencies or government marginalized. Hazaras are an ethnic group in Afghanistan
officials. They did not use all of their fingers. Students from with a long history of marginalization and even outright
the Hazara religious national unit were in class. Professional persecution, owing to their Shia Muslim faith. Only after
schools, on the other hand, were not found in the Hazara foreign intervention in 2001 did socioeconomic prospects
region, but rather among the Hazara people. Because the for Hazara people become available. However, Hazaras
reasons were clear: first, being a Hazara, a poor, destitute, continue to perceive themselves as second-class citizens,
and oppressed nationality, and second, the suffocation claiming that they are ignored by the Afghan government
governing the school system in the entire country inflicted and receive less assistance from the international
crushing blows to the foundation of the education system. development community.
According to the data, there were only five high schools and
two hundred rural primary and secondary schools in the In addition, Hazara migrants from Afghanistan who go
Hazaras Area during and after Zahir Khan's reign, when to neighboring countries, notably Pakistan, do not acquire
public schools were operational. He argues that in 1974, the primary schooling. And it is the Hazaras' responsibility to
Hazaras area had less than 30,000 students out of a total of educate their children. Educational facilities for girls built by
734,261 students across the country, or around 4%. In the Hazaras demonstrate that education is genuinely valued. All
previous half-century, there have only been a few examples of these are grounds for the Hazara people's dedication to
of public schools in the Hazara. And it was remarkable how education (Changezi and Biseth 2011: 79-89). Education
the regimes of the time attempted to create multiple schools was heavily politicized during Muhammad Daoud's tenure.
in various locations of the Hazaras Area while hanging to The entire structure of education is characterized by tribal
these people's life like leeches and draining their blood. politics, as defined by Pashtun nationalism, and a selective
Despite the vast population, there are not enough basic approach to education. For much of this time, the
schools in Hazara communities, and the percentage of government prohibited Shiites and Hazaras, as well as other
individuals who are literate and have formal education is ethnic minorities, from gaining access to higher education
low. However, a substantial number of people have gotten institutions, military and military schools, diplomatic and
private education. Recently, the government has taken steps, political roles. This restriction was lifted following

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Afghanistan's accession to the United Nations (UN) in 1946, and future of Hazara people in education in this case study,
as the government was required to follow international which also serves as the units of analysis and research
norms. Afghanistan's admittance to the United Nations questions. In this article, the researcher discusses the
compelled the government to reintroduce girls' education, situation of education in Hazara areas and looks at the access
which began slowly and selectively, particularly in Kabul. of Hazara people to secondary education in the last 20 years
and under different governments. A researcher can go
V. METHODOLOGY beyond the quantitative statistical findings and comprehend
the behavioral conditions from the actor's point of view by
This research examines the historical course of using case study approaches. A case study aids in the
education in the Afghanistan-Hazara minority through a explanation of the process by incorporating both quantitative
qualitative research method. A qualitative study, known as a and qualitative data. Thorough observation, reconstruction,
"case study," focuses on a specific study unit (Gay et al and analysis of the cases under examination will reveal the
2012). In general, qualitative research usually involves cause, course, and outcome of a phenomenon. The research
informal measurement with only interviews and questions were formed based on the main descriptive picture
observations. A case study that is a comprehensive analysis of this case study, which is the access of the Hazara people
of an individual is a type of qualitative research (Starman to education in the country. As a result, the research
2013). Often qualitative research is used as a source of questions are the basis of the unit of analysis of this analysis,
hypotheses for future testing of quantitative research, and which is the educational conditions in the Hazara areas of
case studies are commonly used. Researching the education Afghanistan.
of an ethnic and religious minority, such as the Hazaras in
Afghanistan, required the use of qualitative research VIII. DATA COLLECTION
methods. First, because they are an ethnic minority;
secondly, because of their religious minority, the Hazaras The systematic assessment and evaluation of
are the majority of the Shia religion; and third, because the documents, including printed and electronic (computer-
Hazara people have always been deprived of social services based and Internet-transmitted) content, is known as
in every government and have even been the target of document analysis. Document analysis calls for data to be
targeted attacks by the Taliban and ISIS terrorist groups only studied and interpreted in order to extract meaning, gain
because of their status as a religious and ethnic minority insight, and create empirical knowledge, similar to other
(Hussaini 2021: 109-162). analytical techniques in qualitative research (Bowen 2009:
27-40 see also Rapley, 2007). The researcher used the
As a result, the researcher decided to do a case study document analysis method for data collection. The
on Hazara people, and the purpose of this case study was to documentary method was used, as well as old and new
do a descriptive study about the access of the Hazara people reliable written sources. The method of systematic document
to education and how the government pays attention to this evaluation was used. At first, all the books, e-books,
minority group in the country. The researcher wants to make newspapers, and magazines related to the subject were
it clear at the outset that the purpose of this study is not to collected, and then the data related to the research was
provide a formal case study on Hazaras. Document analysis collected. because research on education in Hazara areas
was used in this study. The systematic assessment and requires such a data collection method. And with this
evaluation of documents, including printed and electronic method, you can easily reach the desired goal.
(computer-based and Internet-transmitted) content, is known
as document analysis. Document analysis calls for data to be IX. DATA ANALYSES
studied and interpreted in order to extract meaning, gain
insight, and create empirical knowledge, similar to other This researcher first gathered all of the necessary
analytical techniques in qualitative research (Bowen 2009: resources, such as books, journals, and newspapers, before
27-40 see also Rapley, 2007). conducting the necessary data analysis using the document
analysis method. According to (Rodrigues 2019: e01993).
VI. RESEARCH QUESTION skimming (a shallow examination), reading (a detailed
examination), and interpretation are all parts of document
The purpose of this study was to provide answers to analysis. Thematic analysis and content analysis are
the following questions: and some secondary questions. combined in this iterative procedure. Instead, it entails a
 How has access to education transformed in the past 20 first-pass document evaluation in which significant and
years in the Hazara provinces? pertinent text or other data portions are found. The
 What ups and downs have the Hazaras of Afghanistan researcher should show the ability to recognize relevant data
faced in the historical course of education in their and distinguish it from irrelevant material. In addition, the
provinces? author's own analyses with an eye on the sources and facts
surrounding life are included in this research.
The educational prospects of Hazara people in
Afghanistan are examined in this qualitative case study. The According to this research, education has been
unit of analysis serves as the defining element, as is common among the Hazara people since ancient times, but
customary for case studies (Larrinaga 2017: 147-171). The the beginning of this historical movement can be considered
researcher has focused on the advancements, difficulties, the new education since Islam's acceptance. First of all, in

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
this format, many people became capable of Islamic develop human resources, has given hope to the next
knowledge, and this growth and development of religious generation of Hazaras. Although racial discrimination and
knowledge opened the way for opening new schools and the lack of access to the right to education are not confined
rereading contemporary sciences. But in the later periods, to Afghanistan, religious and ethnic minorities in other
especially during the period of Abd al-Rahman, the countries also suffer from this problem.
generation of right-seekers and knowledge-seekers of the
Hazara was brought to an abyss of destruction. And this was XI. DISCUSSION
the first, biggest, and most fatal death of freedom and
knowledge, which could not rise for tens of years due to the Education is one of the fundamental rights of every
severity of those Hazara. But this action could not destroy citizen, and this right is among the fundamental rights of
the logic of seeking justice. After a long time, the caravan humanity, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
started again on the path of time. Years later, another mishap emphasizes this right. The second article of the law of the
occurred. There were still effects from the first encounter, Ministry of Education of Afghanistan emphasizes providing
and this time Nader blocked the freedom fighters and equal rights to education for the Islamic citizens of
supporters of Marafet. This time, he avoided Hazaras Afghanistan through the growth and development of the
awareness and knowledge. public education system in a balanced and fair manner. In
addition, regardless of social sex (gender), ethnicity, social
Although education in Afghanistan has faced and political status, or religious affiliation, all children and
challenges and problems throughout history, what is adolescents who are of school age will have equal access to
noticeable is that the people of Afghanistan have sent their quality education in order to develop knowledge, skills, and
children to school without ignoring all these challenges and values and reveal the necessary methods that are considered
problems in order to continue their education and have a necessary for themselves and for the country.
better future. Many factors influence education quality in
Afghanistan, including a lack of experienced teachers and But what is clear and obvious and what has been
effective teaching methods, the absence of a safe and obtained from this research is that, while education is
conducive learning environment, and the scarcity of high- considered a vital phenomenon, it has existed as a semi-
quality teaching materials (including textbooks). The closed world in the lives of Hazaras. Therefore, it is rare to
classroom atmosphere, the lack of quality education, find someone who has done something to revive the history
particularly the quality of teaching, and the students' of the education of these people. Although the current
political and religious conflicts have all had an impact. In governments of the country have tried, with the help of the
addition, teachers rarely address the specific learning needs international community and institutions that support
of each student in the classroom. The education system in education, to make the country's education go through its
Afghanistan has suffered a lot in the past several years due evolutionary process, in some cases the authorities' approach
to wars, a lack of sufficient resources and capacities, and the to cultural development issues has not been consistent and
absence of a strategic plan. The only way out of these equal everywhere. In the meantime, Hazaras have been
challenges is with the cooperation of all citizens, by victims of unbalanced cultural policies more than others and
educating the youth, and by creating a capable education have seen severe losses in the way of improving knowledge
system. and social services.

Hazaras have been discriminated against for decades. As an example, we can mention the racial
they have been subjected to political, economic, social, and discrimination faced by Pakistani minority communities in
cultural harassment and even targeted attacks; they are Hong Kong, China. When the Education Bureau performs its
deprived of social services in some areas, and Hazaras have primary and secondary school placement exercise, minority
been racially discriminated against many times. They are ethnic children miss out on crucial months of schooling. As I
easily recognizable due to their distinctive facial features commented on, one minority ethnic parent questioned me
and are targeted by Sunni extremist groups such as the about what the families do when their Chinese children are
Taliban and the Islamic State, which consider them infidels. unable to enroll in school. Why have we been hunting for a
Although the Hazaras have always been subjected to racial school spot for half a year and are still unsuccessful? Are
and religious discrimination, systematic massacres, and Chinese kids all the same? I said that it is not like that for the
terrorist attacks, they are on their way to schools and Chinese. Those who live in Hong Kong are required to
universities with a strong will and determination. And they attend school for nine years. It's amazing that [some
have achieved progress in the field of education. Today, minority ethnic] parents learned that they are Hong Kong
Hazara students are getting high grades in schools, nationals; some of them were born in Hong Kong, and they
universities, and entrance exams, and some of them have are permanent residents. If the parents don't enroll their
been awarded scholarships to different countries (Baiza children in school, they may be sent to jail. Why is it this
2013). way? It compels us to reflect (Crabtree 2013: 945-963). All
of this demonstrates the Chinese government's inequity and
Despite the fact that the research concluded that racial discrimination against ethnic minorities seeking to
Hazaras have been denied basic citizenship rights in all continue their children's education.
governments, the serious attention of Hazaras to science and
education, as well as their understanding that the only way
out of this impasse is to acquire science and knowledge and

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
XII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION who sought justice and knowledge to an abyss of
destruction. For tens of years, the Hazara people were
Although education has been a common practice unable to advance in terms of freedom and knowledge.
among humans since antiquity, this historical trend may be
linked to its inception with the new education that has As a new generation of Hazara students attends school
evolved since the embrace of Islam. In fact, it was under the in relative safety but is unmotivated to study given the
influence of Islamic education that this significant perceived disparities, their success could change
development could have happened, and many people were Afghanistan's ethnic balance of power. Regarding the
able to learn about Islam in this way. Opening new schools restoration of the infrastructure and the assistance of the
and researching modern sciences were made possible by the international community to the provinces of the Millennium,
expansion and advancement of religious knowledge. People although they are considered relatively safe, they remain
become more interested in learning about new sciences as a poor compared to other provinces. But instead, the revival of
result. The intellectual caravan and the railroad both got the Hazara people depends more on education, and this is
going and were heading onward. However, the adversaries the capital that they can carry with them during the years of
were waiting in ambush. Abdul Rahman led the knowledge- exile. While it is mentioned in the second article of the Law
and right-seekers in the first ambush to a pit of devastation. of the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan, "Citizens of the
The severity of those millennia prevented freedom and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have equal rights to
knowledge from rising up for tens of years; this was their education without any discrimination." But in different
first, largest, and deadliest death. But the rationale behind periods, the Hazara people have been deprived of all their
seeking justice was unaffected by this action. The caravan basic rights, including the right to education, which is one of
finally re-entered the course of time after a protracted the basic rights of every citizen.
absence. Later, there was more dissent. Freedom fighters
and proponents of knowledge were still being hindered by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the aftereffects of the confrontation with Nader. The popular
movement continued despite bitter defeats. while many I am eternally grateful to my lovely parents, the role
people were left behind. After stopping for several years, models of humanity, love, and kindness who taught me
this movement carried the fallen flag of freedom and humanity. Thank you to my brothers and sisters, as well as
awareness and continued to move. The signs of the success all of my university instructors, for their encouragement and
of lofty ideals were gradually appearing. During these years, support.
many people were able to open a path for themselves in REFERENCES
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