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Mission: The College of Pharmacy is committed to prepare students to become ethical, professionally
competent, research and community service-oriented and environmentally conscious pharmacists by
providing responsive curriculum, quality and innovative instruction, relevant practice experience and
appropriate research and support activities.
Pharmacy is the art and science of preparation, standardization, dispensing and proper utilization of
medications and the provision of drug-related information to the public.

Career Opportunities in Pharmacy – Registered Pharmacy

1. Community Pharmacist - that provides the 5. Regulatory Pharmacist - aid in ensuring that
general population with access to their medications and medical supplies comply with
prescriptions and health advice is known as a regulations before they are released on the
retail pharmacy. market.

2. Hospitality Pharmacist - where patient drugs 6. Public Health Pharmacist – involved in

are prepared, compounded, stored, and advanced pharmacy practice, health policy
distributed. Hospital pharmacies typically keep a development, emergency, humanitarian
wider selection of medications on hand, including responses, global health, and many other area
more specialist and experimental drugs than is in community
practical in a community environment.
7. Research and Lab Analyst - Maintain
3. Manufacturing Pharmacist - to guarantee laboratory instruments to ensure proper working
that all goods, raw materials, production sites, order and troubleshoot malfunctions when needed.
and procedures adhere to regulations. Write technical papers or reports or prepare
government's cGMP criteria as well as the standards and specifications for processes,
company's quality management standards. facilities, products, or tests. Prepare test solutions,
proper monitoring practices, a productive training compounds, or reagents for laboratory personnel
program, and current paperwork. to conduct tests.

4. Institutional Pharmacist - involved in 8. Academic Pharmacist - teach, train, evaluate,

ensuring the safety and quality of novel drugs and develop pharmacy students, pre-registration
and therapies through research, design, trainees, pharmacists, and other healthcare
development, testing, and clinical trials. specialists.

College Linkages – Hospital Pharmacy

1. Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center 10. Fatima University Medical Center
2. Bagong Cainta Municipal Hospital 11. Grace General Hospital
3. Bernardino General Hospital 12. Heart Center of the Philippines
4. Binangonan Lakeview Hospital 13. Makati Medical Center
5. Brigino General Hospital 14. Manila East Medical Center
6. Casimiro Ynares Sr. Memorial Hospital 15. Marikina Valley Medical Center
7. Clinical Antipolo Health and Wellness Center 16. MCU-FDTMF Hospital
8. Dr. Jesus C. Delgado Memorial Hospital 17. Metro Rizal Doctors Hospital
9. East Avenue Medical Center 18. Meycauayan Doctors Hospital

Professional Linkages and Recognition of Colleges Linkages – Community

Pharmacy – QC Pharmacy
1. Philippine Pharmacists Association 1. Watsons
2. Federation of Junior Chapters of the Philippine Pharmacists 2. South Star Drug Inc.
Association 3. Mercury Drug Inc.
3. Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 4. The Generics Pharmacy
4. Philippine Association of Pharmacists in the Pharmaceutical
5. Young Pharmacists Group (Philippines)
Why take BS Pharmacy at OLFU
Co-Curricular Activities – OLFU Pharmacy O – Outstanding
1. White Coat Ceremony – a recognized symbol of clinical L – Learning
serve and patient care. F – Fun
2. Student Services U – Unparalleled Pharmacy
3. Pharmacy Week Celebration Education
4. Virtual Activities – Online Seminar, Virtual Socialization,
Christmas Party
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – focuses on the study of both hardware and software
technologies involving planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing, administering and
maintaining information technologies infrastructure.

Bachelor in Science in Computer Science – study of computing concept and theories, algorithmic
foundation and new development in computing.

Career Opportunities
1. Game developer - Creates games for different platforms (consoles, mobile, PC, etc.).
2. Programmer - Write and test code, making them essential to the production of efficient
and effective computer technology.
3. Multimedia - Multimedia/new media designers build on their skills and abilities as a
graphic designer by combining graphic design with animation to create computer based
movies and presentations.
4. System Analysts - Analyze needs and design computer programs to accomplish
Specific goals. They may create applications or plan parts or a whole program.
5. Database Administrator - The organization and implementation of databases is crucial
to many organization including businesses, non-profits, and government institutions.
6. Web Developer - A professional that creates and maintains a website. The role is
responsible for designing coding and modifying website, from layout to function and according
to a client's specifications.
7. Network Administrator - A professional that construct plans in network and internet
installation and its maintenance. Fully supporting, configuring, maintaining and upgrading
corporate customer's networks and in house servers
8. Computer Technician - Fixes computer problems, assemble computer parts, and
supports network in maintenance.
9. Animator - Creates animations (e.g. special effects, cartoons, etc.) using various type of
application software.
10. Robotics - create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways.

According to Department of Labor posted in ESQUIRE Top 10 Highest paying Job in

the Philippines
1. Computer Programmer
2. System Analyst
3. Designer

Top 10 Highest paying Job Facilities

in the World (2023)  MAC Laboratory
Top 5 – Data Scientist  ACER Computer Laboratory
Top 6 – Software Engineer  Computer Network Laboratory
Top 7 – Web Developer  Computer Laboratory
Top 8 – Internet of Things  Digital Technology
Solutions Architect Laboratory
Top 10 – IT System Manager
Medical Laboratory Scientist / Technologist - Perform laboratory test in order to help the
doctor to have valid diagnosis, involve in diagnostic medicine

* Medical Technologist * Medical Laboratory Scientist * Scientist
* Researcher * Clinical Laboratory Scientist

As Research Laboratories As Scientist and Public Health
 Vaccine development
 Perform research to contribute to
 Analyze DNA
Global Health
 Analyze biological samples: blood, body
fluids, tissue  Aid in drafting policies to improve public
 Test and develop new biotechnologies health
 Gather data on diseases globally

 Provide laboratory results to help doctors in their diagnosis

 Provide blood for transfusion
 Analyze your blood: complete count, sugar, cholesterol, kidney test, liver test etc
 Analyze your body fluids: urine, blood etc
 Analyze microbes: Virus, Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi
 Analyze your tissue for Cancer

Affiliation / Job Training Hospital of CMLS-QC

1. Fatima University Medical Center(FUMC) 5. Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research
2. Baguio General Hospital and Medical & Medical Center
Center 6. Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital
3. Philippine Heart Center and Sanitarium
4. Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center 7. Providence Hospital
8. Tondo Medical Center

Urinalysis – Laboratory Procedure

10. Start reading from those with shortest time
1. Double check all the label of the specimen and interval to longest time interval. Always note
the requisition form the time required for reading
2. Mix the urine specimen 11. Do not let the urine strip touch the bottle as it
3. Ready your reagent strips for chemical testing may cause contamination to any surfaces it is
4. Close the reagent strips bottle immediately exposed
after getting the needed strip 12. After reading all the results, you can note them
5. Dip the reagent strip into the urine making sure to the results form
all the parameters are soaked evenly into the 13. For microscopic testing, the urine should be
transered to another test tube for centrifugation
14. This is to collect the supernatant that contain all
6. Place the strip on a horizontal position and read the sediments in urine
the results after its required time of reading 15. Place a drop to two of the urine sediment on
7. While waiting for the chemical test, you can glass slide
observe the urine for its physical characteristics 16. Some laboratory uses staining techniques for
8. You can note the color and clarity of the urine microscopic method while some laboratory uses an
specimen unstained specimen
9. Compare the color results from the reagent 17. Cover the specimen with cover slip
strip to the color chart of the reagent strip bottle. 18. Start reading then in microscope
You can start identifying the sediments seen starting
from low power up to high power objectives.
Nursing jobs require not only treating patients who are sick and injured, but also offering advice
and emotional support to patients and their families, taking care of paperwork (lots and lots of
paperwork), helping doctors diagnose patients and providing advice and follow-up care.

Hand Washing or Hand Hygiene

- includes cleaning hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub in order to remove
germs, also known as microorganisms.

Importance of Hand Hygiene Materials needed

• Hand hygiene is the most important way to * Water * Soap
prevent the spread of germs.
* Paper Towel * Sink
• Hand hygiene helps keep you healthy by
* Trash Bun
reducing the number of germs on your hands
and helps reduce the spread of germs to your
family, friends, coworkers, patients, residents or
Things to Remember
• Using appropriate hand hygiene prevents * Remove Jewelries (ring, bracelet)
contamination of the patient’s, client’s, or * Check your have break in the skin
resident’s environment. . * Finger nails should be kept short and

When: Perform hand hygiene on entering the

BEFORE patient's zone before touching the patient.
TOUCHING Why? To protect the patient against acquiring
A PATIENT harmful germs from the hands of the HCW.
When: Immediately before a procedure. Once hand
hygiene has been performed, nothing else in the
BEFORE patient's environment should be touched prior to the
CLEAN / procedure starting.
ASEPTIC Why? To protect the patient from potential
PROCEDURE pathogens (including their own) from entering their
body during a procedure.
When: Hand hygiene immediately after a
procedure or body fluid exposure risk as hands
could be contaminated with body fluid. Even if you
AFTER BODY have had gloves on you should still perform hand
FLUID hygiene after removing them as gloves are not
EXPOSURE always a complete impermeable barrier. Hands
may also have been contaminated in the process of
removing the gloves.
Why? To protect yourself and the healthcare
surroundings from becoming contaminated with
potential pathogens.
When: Hand hygiene after touching a patient.
Perform hand hygiene before you leave the patient
AFTER zone.
TOUCHING Why? To protect yourself and the healthcare
surroundings from becoming contaminated with
potential pathogens.

When: Hand hygiene after touching a patient's

AFTER surroundings even when the patient has not been
touched. Always hand hygiene before leaving the
A PATIENT’ Why? To protect yourself and the healthcare
SURROUNDINGS surroundings from becoming contaminated with

Perform Hand Hygiene :

1. Before and after patient care
2. After contact with body fluids, open wounds, or contaminated areas.
3. After doffing gloves
4. Before and after eating
5. After restroom use
How to perform hand hygiene
Proper technique is important when it comes to effective hand hygiene. Without proper hand hygiene
technique, we can still spread many microorganisms with our hands. This section will cover the proper
techniques for the following methods :

based hand Soap and Water

According to the’s guidelines, you’d use soap and water when :
1. When your hands are visibly dirty Perform Soap and Water
2. After known or suspected exposure to clostridium difficile if your facility is Supplies
experiencing an outbreak or higher endemic rates 1. Soap
3. After known or suspected exposure to patients with infectious diarrhea during 2. Paper Towels
norovirus outbreaks. 3. Running Water
4. If exposure to Bacillus anthracis is suspected or proven
5. Before and after eating
6. After using a restroom

How to perform Soap and Water for Hand Hygiene How to perform Alcohol-based hand rub for
Hand Hygiene
• Wet hands under warm running water Alcohol-based hand rub is the recommended
• Apply soap and distribute over hands method of hand hygiene in any healthcare setting
• Rub hands together vigorously for 15 seconds to when hands are not visibly soiled.
create a good lather: Palm to palm • Apply a dime-sized amount (2-3 ml) of
• Rub fingertips of each hand in opposite palm product into palms of dry hands
• Between and around fingers • Rub product into hands
• Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand • Palm to palm
• Rub back of each hand with opposite palm • Rub fingertips of each hand in opposite palm
• Rinse hands thoroughly under warm running • Between and around fingers
water • Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand
• Pat hands dry with a paper towel • Rub back of each hand with opposite palm
• Turn off faucet using a paper towel • Rub hands until dry before performing another

• Alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) is at least 60% ethyl alcohol, or ethanol (equal to 120-proof). To
compare, a bottle of vodka is 80-proof
• Ingesting small amounts of ABHR can produce the same side effects as consuming large amounts of
– Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, incoordination, nausea, slowed reaction time, slurred speech,
giddiness, and unconsciousness
• Consumption of ABHR can also result in:
– Brain, liver, and kidney damage (from long-term use)
– Toxic ethanol levels

Oxygen Therapy

The respiratory system is the

organs and other parts of your
body involved in breathing,
when you exchange oxygen
and carbon dioxide.
There are 3 major parts of the respiratory system:
the airway – which includes the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles, carries air
between the lungs and the body’s exterior.
the lungs – part of the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that work together to help you
breathe. The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases
(carbon dioxide)
the muscles of respiration – include diaphragm and external intercostals muscles. The muscles of
respiration are also called the 'breathing pump muscles', they form a complex arrangement in the form of
semi-rigid bellows around the lungs.

Oxygen Therapy – Medical administration of prescribed supplemental oxygen. Oxygen therapy is a treatment
that provides you with extra oxygen to breathe in. It is also called supplemental oxygen. It is only available
through a prescription from your health care provider. You may get it in the hospital, another medical setting, or
at home.

This Oxygen Therapy is Indications to the patient To determine if the oxygen therapy is actual
who: effective this involve several measure
@ Hypoxemia
@ Hyperventilation @ Check the vital sign of the patient
@ Substantial loss lungs tissue (tumors or surgery) @ Check the peripheral of blood oxygen
@ Severe anemia or blood loss saturation thru Oximeter.

Low Flow Oxygen delivery device – provide oxygen at flow rates that are lower than patients'
inspiratory demands

Devices of Low Flow Oxygen

1. Nasal Cannula - Nasal cannula consists of a small bore tube connected to

two short prongs that are inserted into the nares to supply oxygen directly from a
flow meter or through humidified air to the patient. Can provide 24% to 40%
O2 (oxygen) concentration. Most common type of oxygen equipment. Can deliver
O2 at 1 to 6 liters per minute (L/min). It is convenient as patient can talk and eat
while receiving oxygen. May be drying to nares if level is above 4 L/min. Easy to
use, low cost, and disposable.

2. Simple face mask – mask fits over the mouth and nose of the patient and
consists of exhalation ports (holes on the side of the mask) through which the
patient exhales CO2 (carbon dioxide). These holes should always remain open.
The mask is held in place by an elastic around the back of the head, and it has a
metal piece to shape over the nose to allow for a better mask fit for the patient.
Humidified air may be attached if concentrations are drying for the patient.

Can provide 40% to 60% O2 concentration. Flow meter should be set to

deliver O2 at 5 to 8 L/min. Used to provide moderate oxygen concentrations.
Efficiency depends on how well mask fits and the patient’s respiratory demands.
Readily available on most hospital units. Provides higher oxygen for patients.

3. Partial re-breather mask – The bag should always remain partially

inflated. The flow rate should be high enough to keep the bag partially inflated.
Can deliver 6 to 10 L/min for an O2 concentration of 40% to 60%.

Non re-breather mask – Consists of a simple mask and a small reservoir bag
attached to the oxygen tubing connecting to the flow meter. With a re-breather
mask, there is no re-breathing of exhaled air. It has a series of one-way valves
between the mask and the bag and the covers on the exhalation ports. On
inspiration, the patient only breathes in from the reservoir bag; on exhalation,
gases are prevented from flowing into the reservoir bag and are directed out
through the exhalation ports.
With a good fit, the mask can deliver between 60% and 80% FiO2 (fraction of
inspired oxygen). The flow meter should be set to deliver O2 at 10 to 15 L/min.
Flow rate must be high enough to ensure that the reservoir bag remains partially
inflated during inspiration.
High Flow Oxygen delivery device – supply all oxygen require during ventilation .
Venturi mask –
High-flow system consisting of a bottle of sterile water,
corrugated tubing, a drainage bag, air/oxygen ratio nebulizer
system, and a mask that works with the corrugated tubing.
The system can provide 24% to 50% O2 at 4 to 10
L/min. Delivers a more precise level of oxygen by controlling
the specific amounts of oxygen delivered. The port on the
corrugated tubing (base of the mask) sets the oxygen
concentration. Delivers humidified oxygen for patient comfort.
It does not dry mucous membranes.

High Flow Nasal Cannula –

A high-flow nasal cannula accomplishes a reduction of
nasopharyngeal airway resistance, leading to improved
ventilation and oxygenation through the application of a
positive pressure environment. is used to deliver oxygen, the
flow rates are much higher than can be achieved with
traditional nasal cannula. This results in a greater delivery of
prescribed oxygen into the lungs, and less entrainment of
room air. Flow rate is up to 60L/min and the oxygen
concertation is 21% to 100%.


Flow meter Gauge – used to control
oxygen flow delivery in patients
Flow meter undergoing oxygen therapy
Gauge Flow Adjustment valve – control lock
of oxygen flow
Flow Adjustment Oxygen Content gauge – round meter
valve indicate the pressure or the amount
remaining in the tank.
Humidifier – It provides long-lasting
Humidifier moisture for utmost patient comfort
during therapy and medical procedures
and prevents nose, mouth, lungs and
respiratory membranes from drying


1. Fill the 2. Attach oxygen 3. Administration

humidifier delivery device to of oxygen via
with sterile oxygen tubing and Nasal Cannula.
water attached to oxygen Adjust to
source. prescribed flow

4. Administration of Oxygen
via Nasal Cannula. Position 5. Administration of
tips of Nasal Cannula oxygen via Nasal
properly in patient’s nares Cannula. Place
and adjust elastic headband gauze pad at ears to
or plastic slide on cannula. prevent irritation.
After Administration of Oxygen via Nasal Cannula:
 Observe for proper functioning of Oxygen delivery device.
 Verify setting on flow meter and oxygen source for proper set-up and prescribed flow rate.
 Check Cannula every 8 hours. Keep humidification container filled at all times.
 Wash hands
 Evaluate the client (response to oxygen therapy, respiratory status and O2(oxygen)

Aspirating secretions through a catheter connected a suction machine or wall suction outlet.
Is a lifesaving procedure requiring timely an precise
methodology. If done appropriately with caution, it decreases
the risk of infection, pooling of secretions, and prolonged

1. To remove secretions that obstruct the airway
2. To facilitate ventilation
3. To obtain secretions for diagnostic purposes
4. To prevent infection that may result from accumulated secretions

* Visible or audible secretions – rattling or bubbling sounds, audible with or without a stethoscope
* Restlessness, anxiety
* Change of color (cyanosis, pallor)
* Change in respiratory rate and pattern with increase respiratory distress
* Decreased oxygen saturation
* Tachycardia(fast heart rate more than 100), Bradycardia(is slower than normal heart rate, below 60)
normal heart rate 60-100 for adult.

COMMON TYPE OF SUCTIONING : Nasopharyngeal / Oropharyngeal / Tracheal

Suctioning – used when patient is able to cough effectively but unable to clear secretions
by expectorating.

Nasopharyngeal (Nose to Oropharyngeal (Mouth to Tracheal (Trachea)

Pharynx) Pharynx)



•Oxygen source
•Stethoscope / Pulse oximeter
•Portable or wall suction machine
•Appropriately sized suction catheters
•Disposable / Sterile gloves
•Disposable plastic apron
•Towel or moisture resistant pad
•Sterile Water for Irrigation
•Sterile disposable container for fluids
A. Open tipped

B. Whistle Tipped – less irritating to

respiratory tissues, more effective for
removing thick mucous plugs

SIZES OF SUCTION CATHETER Parts of Suction Catheter

A. Infants 5Fr – 8Fr

B. Children 8Fr – 10Fr
C. Adults 12Fr – 18Fr

A. Wall Unit (suction pressure) B. Portable Unit (suction pressure)
Adult – 100 to 120mmHg Adult – 10 to 15mmHg
Child – 95 to 110mmHG Child – 5 to 10mmHg
Infant – 50 to 95mmHg Infant – 2 to 5mmHG


A. Conscious Patient B. Unconscious Patient
 Oral suctioning – Semi-fowler’s position with head  Lateral position and the patient
turned to one side(L or R) facing you
 Nasal suctioning – Semi-fowler’s position with the
neck hyperextended.

A. Nasopharyngeal suctioning: Do not force through nares during insertion.
B. NEVER apply suction during insertion
C. Hyper-oxygenate 1st before suctioning
D. Length of Insertion - Oropharyngeal (measure from tip of the nose to angle of mandible)
E. Suction Time: the entire procedure from catheter passage to its removal is done quickly, lasting
no longer than 10 seconds.
Interval (in-between suction): 1 minute
Whole procedure: maximum of 5 minutes
Biology – a premed course, medicine course. Biology program will offer you opportunity and
training for different field or subject that open door in your different career path.
Department of Biology academic unit under College of Arts and Science is committed in giving
the students the basic foundation in Biological and other related sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biology is provide in-depth understanding of the principles and theories in
various area of Biological Sciences as well as the techniques in Biological Research Works in
Laboratory and field sitting.

First Year will introduce the basic concept Second Year

 Systematics is the study of the
 General Zoology and Botany – basic diversification of living forms, both past
concept of morphology, anatomy, and present and relationship among living
physiology of plants and animals. things through time.
 Organic Chemistry – is the study of the  Microbiology is introduce the different
structure, properties, properties, microorganism either in unicellular,
composition, reactions and preparation of multicellular or acellular and how will
carbo-containing compound. affect health.
 Environmental Science place
awareness in environmental problem in
human impact on the environmental. Mold
Third Year biology as guardian of our nature.
 Cell and Molecular Biology which  Bioinformatics teach us to utilize the
focus on the field of the biological different tools and develop methods in
structure and chemistry to understand biological treatment such as DNA and
life and cellular process in molecular amino acid sequences.
level.  Comparative Vertebrate anatomy give
 Histology also known as microscopic as the knowledge evolution and function
anatomy or microanatomy, is the branch in study of the different vertebrate
of biology which studies the structure.
microscopic anatomy of  General Ecology we learn the different
biological tissues. concept of live form and inter action to
 Analytical Chemistry is the science of biotic and abiotic environment.
obtaining, processing, and  Biochemistry that focus on four
communicating information about the importance of biological molecules and
composition and structure of matter. different chemical processes with
 Vertebrate Embryology the essential in daily life function.
developmental changes in morphology of
vertebrates and invertebrates. Fourth Year
 Genetics study of genes, genetic  Parasitology introduce the relationship of
variation and heredity in organisms. the parasites and their hosts
 Plant Physiology is the study of plant  Medical Entomology make understand
functions, processes, and behavior. insert that cause disease to human.
 Marine biology is the study of marine  Immunology study how your body fight in
organisms, their behaviors and different disease cause organism.
interactions with the environment.  General Physiology focus on the
mechanisms of living things in the basis


1. Secondary School Teacher

2. Higher Education Lecturer

3. Biotechnologist - study the chemical, genetic and physical attributes of cells, tissues and
organisms in order to develop new technologies, processes and products that will address some
of the biggest problems facing society .
4. Marine Biologist - Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviors and
interactions with the environment. Marine biologist study biological oceanography and the
associated fields of chemical, physical, and geological oceanography to understand marine
5. Microbiologist – is a scientist who studies very small organisms, misro organisms such as
bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and some types of parasites. They try to understand how these
organisms live, grow, and interact with their environment.
6. Research Scientist (Life Science) – are responsible for designing, undertaking, and analyzing
information from controlled laboratory-based investigations, experiments and trials. You could
work for government laboratories, environmental organizations, specialist research
organizations or universities.
7. Zoologist – or wildlife biologists often work outdoors in the field gathering data and study
animals and other wildlife and how they interact with their ecosystems. They study the physical
characteristics of animals, animal behaviors, and the impacts humans have on wildlife and
natural habitats.

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid help to identify specific individual or identification of someone and we
could also use to identify the relationship between people or between individual.

Paternity Test is the use of DNA profiles to determine whether an individual is the biological parent
of another individual
Ancestry Test Result results include information about your genetic ethnicity estimates and if
you’ve chosen to see your matches and be listed as a match, identifies potential DNA matches,
linking you to others who have taken the Ancestry.
DNA Barcodes – a method of species identification using a short section of DNA from specific
gene and genes.

Collecting DNA can be taken from drinking glasses, cigarette butts, food with bite marks, bite
marks on the skin and more. You can also swab commonly touched surfaces, such as a computer
keyboards, door knobs, steering wheels, eyeglasses, and countertop. Analysis is an emerging
molecular approach for species identification from samples containing cellular DNA and
extracellular DNA sloughed off all living organisms.

DNA Extraction There are five basic steps of DNA extraction that are consistent across all the
possible DNA purification chemistries:

1) disruption of the cellular structure to create a lysate,

2) separation of the soluble DNA from cell debris and other insoluble material,
3) binding the DNA of interest to a purification matrix,
4) washing proteins and other contaminants away from the matrix and
5) elution of the DNA.

DNA Amplification - the production of multiple copies of a sequence of DNA.

Repeated copying of a piece of DNA.DNA amplification plays a role in cancer cells.
A tumor cell amplifies, or copies, DNA segments as a result of cell signals and
sometimes environmental events.
DNA Sequencing - Sequencing DNA means determining
the order of the four chemical building blocks - called
"bases" - that make up the DNA molecule. The order of
the four bases : Adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
The sequence tells scientists the kind of genetic
information that is carried in a particular DNA segment.
For example, scientists can use sequence information to
determine which stretches of DNA contain genes and
which stretches carry regulatory instructions, turning
genes on or off. In addition, and importantly, sequence
data can highlight changes in a gene that may cause
Database for DNA Sequences store the sequence in the
database and get the database to start in research.

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