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A Company's Image in Different Countries.: A Case Study About IKEA in Sweden and Russia

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School of Management and Economics

Bachelor thesis in Marketing: FEC 399,

Autumn 2005, Polina Khrennikova 841214-3748

A case study about IKEA in Sweden and Russia

A company’s
image in different countries.

Tutor: Stig Johansson Author:

Examiner: Torbjorn Bredenlow Polina Khrennikova

The last ten weeks have involved hard work, but also given me new insight and
knowledge about a company’s image and how it changes between different markets.
During my work time I experienced that everything takes a lot longer than one
imagines and many parts of the thesis were improved and changed several times.
A good spirits during the work process was as well a prerequisite for collaboration.

I am grateful towards my case company IKEA and its representatives, and also
towards the focus group members that were able and willing to participate in the
interviews, which made this study possible to conduct.

I would also like to thank my tutor Stig Johansson and examiner Torbjorn Bredenlow
for their helpful advices and good collaboration.
Last but not least I would like to thank my friends and all other persons that gave me
support and inspiration throughout this study.

Växjö, 15 of January 2006

Polina Khrennikova

Bachelor thesis in Economics at the Växjö University, FEC 399, 2005
Author: Polina Khrennikova
Examiner: Torbjörn Bredenlöw
Tutor : Stig Johansson
Title: A company’s image in different countries- A case study about IKEA in
Sweden and Russia.
Introduction: We are living in an epoch of “ image projects” where each company
aims to create a positive corporate image on the marketplaces. It is not longer
sufficient to market the company’s products; the company itself should be profiled. It
becomes even more difficult when the company enters a new market internationally,
thus it has to create and keep a true and desirable picture of itself on this market.
Therefore the purpose of the study is to gain knowledge on the phenomena, if there
do exist changes in a company’s image between two countries and also, how a
company manages its changed image among consumers.
Methodology: The case company that I have chosen to take as a research example
is the famous Swedish furniture company, IKEA. I have chosen to make a field
study on this company, thus it was the most appropriate research mode to fulfil the
purpose. The empirical data was gathered through personal interview with IKEA
representative in Moscow and four focus group discussions, where two of them
took place in Sweden and two in Russia. The direct observation and secondary
sources were also used in my research.
Theoretical framework: There is a distinction between a company’s image and
identity. While identity is the organisational members ´ view of the organisation,
the image is the way others perceive the organization. It is important for a company
to maintain its corporate identity, image and position itself on the market in a
correct way. The company needs to be aware of its vision and mission and so
should their consumers do. It is of a vast importance for the company’s image, how
the consumers perceive the price, quality of the products, which the company sells.
Finally, an international company that enters new markets needs to create and
maintain the sense of the company across national and cultural boundaries.
Empirical data: The empirical data in the field study came from multiple sources.

The acquired data was helpful for my further analysis of the study. The two
countries, where I compared peoples´ attitude and image of IKEA, were Russia and
Sweden. I have done interview with staff at IKEA Khimki in Moscow and also
observed the store environment to see what picture of the company people have in
Russia and then compare it with Sweden.
Analysis: IKEA is a special company with a very strong corporate identity and
therefore it is very well known, especially in Sweden. The company succeed to
bring over its positive image from the Swedish market to the Russian. Of course,
there occur some changes in its image, which depend on the fact that the company
is not so known in Russia and also on cultural and national differences. The
company is aware of that, so it manages these changes by trying to keep its
uniqueness and at the same time adapt the business locally.
Conclusion: IKEA is in many parts maintaining its “Swedish” image in Russia
and does not just become a big international corporation with focus on profits.
There are some differences in how consumers perceive IKEA between Sweden and
Russia, but these do not affect the sales of the company and the huge amount of
consumers in the Russian IKEA stores. The long- term orientation on the Russian
market helps the company to build up a desirable and positive image among


1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………..…..6
1.2 Problem Discussion……………………………………………………………7
1.3 Key Questions………………………………………………………………...….8
1.4 Purpose………………………………………………………………………...…8
1.5 Delimitations……………………………………………………………………8
1.6 Theoretical and practical relevance………………………………………….9
1.7 Outline…………………………………………………………………………..10

2.1 The case company-IKEA………………………………………………12
2.2Choice of method…………………………………………………….…13
2.3 Case study……………………………………………………………….13
2.3.1 Case study design: qualitative and quantitative…………………………14
2.4 Data collection…………………………………………………………15
2.4.1 Primary vs. secondary sources…………………………………………….15
2.5 The design of interviews…………………………………………….….16
2.5.1 Focus groups interview……………………………………………………..17
2.6 Criteria for judging the quality of Research Designs ………………...18
2.6.1 Construct Validity…………………………………………………………...18
2.6.2 Internal Validity…………………………………………………………..…19
2.6.3 External Validity…………………………………………………………..…19
2.6.4 Reliability and Applicability……………………………………………..…19
2.7 Procedure………………………………………………………………..20
2.7.1 Sample………………………………………………………………………….21
2.8 Time schedule …………………………………………………………...22


3.1 Image and Identity…………………………………………………...……23
3.1.1 A model of image, identity and profile………………………………………24

3.2 Mission and vision…………………………………………………….….25
3.3Core identity and extended identity……………………………… .…..… 28
3.4 Brand identity prism……………………………………………………...29
3.5 Consumer perception of price, quality, value…………………………...30
3.6 A company’s image and identity across borders……………….………...33
3.6.1 Local adaptation………………………………………………………………..33
4.1 Company presentation……………………………………………………34
4.1.1 IKEA background………………………………………………………………36
4.1.2 IKEA expansion to Russia…………………………………………………… 36
4.2 Focus groups comparison of IKEA image………………………………37
4.2.1 Focus groups in Sweden………………………………………………………37
4.2.2 Focus groups in Russia………………………………………………………..40
4.3 Interview with IKEA……………………………………………………...44
4.4 Direct observation………………………………………………………...45

Chapter 5-ANALYSIS
5.1 IKEA image…………………………………………………………….....48
5.2 An analysis with help of brand identity prism……………………………49
5.3 The prises and quality, a comparison…………………………….……....51
5.4 Differences in the picture of IKEA, Russia-Sweden………………….….51
5.5 A company’s image across borders –tools for managing it ……………..52

6.1 Result and recommendation………………………………………….,…..54
6.2 Reflection and criticism…………………………………………………...56
6.3 Suggestion for further research………………………………………...…56

8.1 Attachment 1………………………………………………………………………60
8.2 Attachment 2………………………………………………………………………61


In this opening chapter a general view of the research topic, the background and
the problem discussion are presented. Furthermore, the reader gets a description
of the main purpose of the study and also a point of the delimitation. In addition,
the theoretical and practical relevance of this research is given, as well, as the
holistic structure of the thesis is shown, to guide the reader.

1.1 Background
Nowadays, with the increasing movement towards economic integration and
globalisation across the world, more and more business explore new markets across
the national borders. In the sight of a growing international competition, it appears
of a big importance for a company do adapt to the new international markets, while
at the same time maintain its identity and to build up a true image of it for the
Developing a good and genuine image, to embrace international as well as domestic
markets is one of the challenges faced by a company when management decides to
engage in international business. It is not always easy to position your company in
another countries such way that the consumers on these new markets get a desirable
picture of your company. Another essential approach for the business is, that
company’s image can change over time, which affects the consumers’ perceptions
of it and thus how successful on the market it becomes.
On my mind, it is of a big interest to accomplish a study about consumers in
different countries, to see how their image of one and the same company differs
between these markets.
These differences can be based on many factors, for instance if one of the countries
is a well established and old market for a business and the other country is a very
new market, where the company is not so well know and recognized. The approach
“country of origin” for a company can also serve as an advantage for its promotion
but in some cases to its disadvantage. Thus, it can show to be significant for a

company’s image and reputation if it sells its products in its home country or
expands to a new market. Moreover, it is necessary for a company to take in
accountancy all these factors and to adapt the business in accordance to them.
In some cases, it is necessary to search to improve the image in an attractive way on
the new market or to adjust it to the one the company already has on its old market.
Hence, it is a big challenge for an international company to deal with these factors,
to improve its image and make it more successful and competitive on the new-
fangled markets.

1.2Problem Discussion
In the times of global competition it is very important for a company to maintain its
identity and to manage its image across the boundaries. Firstly, it appears of a big
interest to investigate, how much the perception of a company differs between two
markets. To find answers on how the consumers’ picture of a company differs
between two countries, it is reasonable to find out the consumers opinion on this
In my research I was curious to look at two countries, these are Sweden and Russia;
the company that I have chosen to take as an example, is IKEA.
Since IKEA is a Swedish company, their image and identity can be perceived as
typical for this country, and also its home market is the most established and
explored market for this company.
Because the Russian market is a growing, but at the same time new market for
IKEA, I have the possibility in my research to have a better knowledge on how
much the image of a company changes between two markets; where one of them is
relatively old and the other is new, and how the company manages such
The differences of the company’s image among Russian consumers can possibly
depend on the consumers’ little awareness of their brand name yet, or on a different
view on the usage of the company’s products than for instance in Sweden. It is as
well interesting to explore, if the consumers in Russia are conscious about the
company’s main visions.
I have talked to some Russian people before and I heard a surprising thing that
many people perceive the IKEA products as high priced products, with high quality

and Scandinavian design, while the company’s actual vision is to deliver people
low price furniture with god quality. The prices at IKEA in Moscow are low in
reality according to Russian IKEA catalogues and my own observations. The
explanation of such biases can depend on that the company gets another image in
Russia than it has in Sweden. However, these are only preliminary suggestions.
Questions arise in my head one by one, I ask myself what an image is in general,
how it changes over borders and in particular, how a company deals with these
After all I start with a basic and a sub question that I will attempt to answer in my

1.3Problem questions
The essential question that I will attempt to answer during my study is:
Do there exist changes in a company’s image between two
And a sub question that follows:
How does a company deal with its changed image?

The purpose of this case study is to find answers on the research question and
attempt to explore if there do exist changes in a company’s image between two
countries and also, how a company manages its changed image among consumers.

1.5 Delimitations
I decided to make a case study, and I only focus on the present image of one chosen
company- IKEA, and do not make any highlights in the past.
I selected two countries – Sweden and Russia, where I decided to investigate for
my problem questions.
I narrow the focus group interviews to a restricted amount of people in Russia and
Sweden; I have done samples when interviewing people in different ages and social

levels. More about the selection criteria can be found in the method part. I did not
have a possibility to make several personal interviews with the company
representatives; therefore I have done only one.
For that reason, the results that I obtain and the conclusion I draw can possibly not
be used in general for these countries and for all companies.
I have made these limitations of my study, because of the lack of time and finances.

1.6 Theoretical and practical relevance

This thesis has a theoretical relevance, because it consist of theoretical background
with theories about a company’s image on international markets and the importance
of having a true image in this connection that I applied as a reference in my case
This research combines both the theoretical framework and the practical
investigation of the phenomena, in order finally to increase the understanding on
these subjects. The results of this study can be of theoretical interest both for other
people, researchers, the university and different companies, for instance IKEA.

In regard to the practical relevance, my study is not done by an assignment of

IKEA or any other company. Although the thesis has primarily a theoretical
relevance, I have done a real field study about the consumers in Russia (Moscow)
and in Sweden (Växjö) to find out, what image of IKEA they do have and if there
are any differences. After all, I accomplished the purpose to explore and learn
about these occurrences and answer my problem question in practice. As a result
the study can serve a reference in comparing the image of any company
internationally and make an evaluation over time.

1.7 Outline
In this final part of the introduction I summarize in a model the different steps of
this research and the structure of the thesis.
• Chapter 1: Here the reader can find a general introduction that includes a
brief background, the problem statement and the purpose of the research as
well as its relevance and the made delimitations.
• Chapter 2: Different methods, relevant for this research are presented and
explained and the case company IKEA is presented. Moreover, the
procedure of the research is described and shown in details and the timeline
of it is presented.
• Chapter 3: Includes the most relevant theories on the research problem,
that can help to enhance the understanding of the field data in order to
analyse it and finally to draw conclusions. The theories and concepts have
been found in books and scientific articles.
• Chapter 4: Describes the empirical findings, based on focus group
interviews, direct observation and interview with the staff at IKEA in
Russia. As well the empirical part consists of secondary data that come from
IKEA homepage, articles, and books.
• Chapter 5: The analysis is based on the theory in chapter 3, and aims to
find answers on the research problem, in order to fulfil the purpose of the
study. There are several sections, which were designed according to the
theories and matched with the field data in an analysis.
• Chapter 6: Conclusion part presents the research findings and results of the
study that fulfils its purpose. My own thoughts and reflections concerning
the study and some highlights in the future are also presented here.

Problem statement;
How and/or Why…………

Describe, Explore , Explain...

Concepts Method Analysis

Data, Case


Overhead picture from lecture in methodology (FEC399, Växjö University)


In this second chapter the important methodological aspects of the study are
presented and also the chosen company for this case. Furthermore, the selected
mode of procedure of the research, which is based on its purpose and the problem
question, is described. Finally, the timetable of the thesis is presented.

2.1 The case company- IKEA

I have chosen to use the famous Swedish furniture company IKEA as a study
company for my thesis, in order to investigate their image in Russia - a very new
and different market for IKEA, and to attempt to make a comparison with its home
country market - Sweden.
It has been six decades since IKEA began in a small farming village in Sweden and
went from the woods of southern Sweden to twenty-nine countries around the
When entering the Russian market the logistics chef of IKEA, Gerhard Eggert said:
“ This is not west, this is not east, this is Russia” 2
It is visible that the Russian market is a diverse market and there are cultural and
national differences in comparison with Sweden.
I will make a field study to prove if there really are differences in image of a
company between two countries that are quite diverse culturally and socially. For
that reason I have chosen to accomplish a comparison between Sweden and Russia.
The company IKEA is very interesting in this connection, thus it is a typical
Swedish company that recently expanded their business to Russia and would like to
become successful on this new market. The key purpose with the thesis is to find
out, if there do exist differences of consumers’ image of IKEA between these
countries and how the company manages these differences.

“ Historien om IKEA Ingvar Kamprad berättar”, Bertil Torekull , Avesta 2005

2.2 Choice of method
In science there are two main methodological approaches that depend on what kind
of information is used. Facts and cold figures are forming the ground in the
quantitative mode, whereas the qualitative mode consists of evaluation and soft
information. The case study aims to investigate the real happenings in the present.
Thus the case study can combine several features both from the qualitative and
quantitative method3.

When choosing the appropriate method for accomplishing my research I was

considering between a pure qualitative or quantitative approach and a case study. I
recognized from the beginning that the pure quantitative method would not be an
option for my study. The difficulties were that for a long time I could not make a
choice between wholly qualitative approaches or go the more practical way and
prefer a case study mode. However, the design and procedure of this research
indicate that it is most appropriate to use a case study approach with elements taken
from the qualitative mode and also to some extent from the quantitative.

2.3 Case study

A case study can be defined as “ the systematic process of collecting and analysing
information (data) from an organisation –in order to increase our understanding of
the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested”.4
The case study is one of several ways of doing social science research […] In
general case studies are preferred strategy when “how” or “ why” questions are
being posed, when the investigator has little control over events, and when the
focus is on contemporary phenomena within some real –life context.5

In this thesis, my purpose consists of key questions that I aim to answer through my
study and describe the phenomena. The study and my investigation are done on a
real company in the present. Therefore, I have decided to make a case study
because this type of study is most suitable for my research.

Notes from lectures in methodology course, Lector: Rolf Larsson
Notes from lectures in methodology course, Lector: Rolf Larsson
“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin , p 1

There are distinguished three types within a case study: exploratory, descriptive
and explanatory.6 I mostly followed the exploratory one in the beginning of my
study, since I attempted to learn about IKEA image in Russia and Sweden in a real
field study, where I did not have so much knowledge about the research problem
before. There are also elements of the descriptive type, thus the one part of the
purpose in my research was to describe “how” the company IKEA deals with their
different image in Russia and Sweden.

2.3.1 Case study design: qualitative and quantitative

A central moment of the qualitative method is to understand the connection of the
product complexion with the entirety. The knowledge intention is primarily
“understandable”, not “explanatory”.7
In the quantitative method the primary knowledge is to explain the phenomena,
which is the topic of the research. This is necessary in order to prove if the reached
results are valid for all units that we prove. That makes it possible to forecast about
the phenomena.8
Obviously, there are possibilities to combine these two methods in a research;
according to Andersen 9 .A research with a purpose to gain understanding can use
the quantitative data as compliment to another types of figures. As well as an
explanatory research may consist qualitative data.
In my case study I used this approach and mixed quantitative data for example
statistics; facts and numbers about the research company with the qualitative
information such as more unstructured interviews with the store staff and direct
observation at IKEA.
Since a study is most commonly expressed in terms of the one or another method, it
is after all necessary to explicit that, what can be said to have the characteristic
traits for the qualitative respective the quantitative research… 10
The design of the case study has more understanding character and the empirical
data is mostly a “soft” data, therefore my research can be rather positioned in the
qualitative group.

“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin , p3
, 10 “Den uppenbara verkligheten”, Ib Andersen, p31-32
”Den uppenbara verkligheten”, Ib Andersen, p32
“Grundbok I forskningsmetodik”, R. Patel, U. Tebelius, p43

2.4 Data collection
Data for case studies can come from many sources of evidence. Six important ones
are: documents, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant-
observation, and physical artefacts…A useful overview of the six major sources
considers their comparative strengths and weaknesses. No single source has a
complete advantage over all the others. A good case study will therefore want to
use as many sources as possible.11

2.4.1 Primary vs. secondary sources

Secondary data is information that has been collected and put together of
somebody else in another situation and for a different purpose than in the actual
research. It is more proper to use secondary data in the beginning of the research
process, to build up a general knowledge about the research subject.12
I started the collection of the empirical data with looking into magazines, articles
and using Internet source for instance the IKEA homepage and SCB.

In many cases the research topic demands more information than what is already
available through the secondary sources, thus the information there is often not
appropriate to the specific requirements. In that case you may need to collect new
information, so called primary data. This type of data has to be colleted by yourself
through several types of field studies. These include queries, interviews, or direct
I have accomplished semi-structured interview with the manager at IKEA in
To get information on, if the image of a company changes between two markets, I
have been hesitating to make focus group interviews that have a more loose
structure with the consumers in respective Sweden and Russia, or to accomplish
questionnaires in order to get more structured answers and to be able to get
responds from a larger amount of people. However, I thought that a questionnaire
limits the discussion between the questioner and the respondent, since it is not

“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin , p85
“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g ,p88
“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g p.102-104

open. Therefore, I have chosen to use focus groups to obtain more information on
consumers´ image of IKEA. I also used direct observation as an important part of
the information collection process.

2.5 The design of interviews

One of the most important sources of case study information is the interview […]
The interview will appear to be guided by conversations, rather than through
structured queries. Throughout the interview process you have to (a) follow your
own line of inquiry, as reflected by your case study protocol, and (b) to ask your
actual questions in an unbiased manner that also serves the needs of your line of
The interview technique can be divided in three types: a structured interview, which
has a query form, a semi -structured where the interviewer has done questions, but
their order and shape can vary, and finally an unstructured mode where the whole
interview is informal and is used to investigate some phenomena in the depth. The
interview can also be a personal interview, a telephone interview, or a focus
I have had one personal semi-structured interview with the store staff in Moscow
Khimki. The personal interview was accomplished with the IKEA Khimki
marketing manager, Anton on the 5 Th of December. In order to find out facts about
the changes in people’s image of IKEA between Sweden and Russia, I have chosen
to perform focus groups. I preferred the focus groups, because I was not able to
handle such huge amount of personal interviews and the telephone interview
seemed to be not sufficient for exploring the phenomena in the depth, since it
enables only simple and short questions. Another reason was that not all people that
I have chosen for my focus groups (specially in Moscow) had access to a phone.
Here I present an overview of what a focus group interview is and its performance,
as it is one of the main modes of acquiring empirical data from the primary sources
in my study.

“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin p.89-90
“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g, p165

2.5.1 Focus groups

What is a focus group? The term focus group comes from the idea that groups are
“ focused” on a collective activity. This collective activity occurs within a social
context and gives an opportunity to observe group interactions within this context.16
Various responders that participate simultaneously in the interview characterize a
focus group. Unlike more traditional personal interviews, the focus group approach
encourages discussion among group members, and this interaction tends to stimulate
ideas that would not be available otherwise17. The interview usually is not structured,
and is more alike a discussion around the subject of interest. The point with this type
of interview is to create a dynamic interplay providing rich information where each
member of the focus group can express his or her point of view and thus develop a
deeper debate around the subject. In addition, the participants tend to feel more
relaxed and safe when surrounded by other people, they perceive the interview
environment as being more friendly and informal. This atmosphere allows persons to
share information and insights that might never emerge in other settings. 18

How to form a focus group? The size of the focus group can vary between 12- 15
participants or 6- 10 depending of what kind of subject is discussed. The general
recommendation is to use between 6- 10 discussants to obtain a group that is big
enough for everybody to express their opinions.19
A focus group that consists of to little discussants looses the dynamics and people can
feel shy to talk much. To many group members can in contrary affect negatively the
interaction, because there might be not sufficient time for full participation among all
discussants. The object is to accomplish a focus group with the appropriate number
of members that also are quite alike each other. Other ways conflicts and difficulties
in the discussion can emerge that have no connection to the researched subject20. In
summary, focus groups can bee extremely varied in terms of topic, participants, how
they are organized and purpose with the research.21

Article: “ What about Focus Group Interaction data?” Wendy Duggleby
Article: “ Using focus groups to conduct business communication research “, Jackie Hartman
20 19
, “Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g p 178-179
“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g p 177-178
Article: McLaffery I. ”Focus groups interviews as a data collecting strategy”

How to accomplish the focus group interview? The interview is lead by a person
called moderator. The main task of the moderator is to lead the discussion and to
make everybody talk within the group. Ideally, the members in the focus group
should talk spontaneously about the research subject. But usually some members have
to be encouraged. So the moderator should ask concrete questions and direct them
primarily to the most silent group members. In other case there is a risk that the more
introvert (shy) members simply repeat things that already have been said by the more
active discussants. A calm, relaxed atmosphere and a good contact between members
is as well essential, because other way the discussants will not feel safe to reveal their
real opinions. It is of a big help to record the interview or to film it. It makes it easier
to observe the details of the discussion as well as to view the gestures of the

2.5.2 Direct observation

“ Daily we are observing the world around us. We se that the spring’s first wagtail
appeared, that a biker has dropped his pocket, that the water is cooking in a pan etc.
The observation is the primary instrument for us to obtain information about the
environment and we do it more or less by a chance assuming from our own
experiences, needs and expectations22.”
The observation can as well be used in science techniques for information
collection, for instance by making a case study.
In my research, I found it important to visit IKEA store in Russia, to observe the
store environment, to see which different people (for instance people in different
ages and social levels) are purchasing products there; what they buy or maybe, if
they are simply only walking around and using the store as an entertainment place.

2.6 Criteria for judging the quality of Research Designs

2.6.1 Construct Validity

In order to construct validity, multiple sources of evidence should be used in the
research process. Another tactic to realize the validity is to establish a chain of

“Grundbok I forskningsmetodik”, R. Patel, U. Tebelius, p93

evidence, by performing a linkage between the theoretical frameworks, the
construction of the data collection tools and the actual empirical data.23
I this research, the empirical data were mainly collected from focus group
interviews, staff interview at IKEA, observations and as well from secondary
sources such as company websites, Internet, articles and books. Hence, the
methodology of this thesis includes multiple sources of evidence.

2.6.2 Internal Validity

Internal validity is primarily concerned with causal relationship, whereby certain
conditions are shown to lead to other conditions, as distinguished from spurious
relationship.24 The explanatory concepts of my study are the difference between the
images of IKEA between the two countries, which are related to the different
position that the company occupies on that markets and in people’s minds and how
the company manages these differences.

2.6.3 External Validity

External validity is related to the possibility of generalization from research
results.25 The generalization of my results is not automatic, since it is important to
take in accountancy the delimitations and chosen sampling of the study.

2.6.4 Reliability and Applicability

The test of reliability is to ensure that if a latter investigator follows exactly the
same procedures as described by a previous one, and conducted a similar case study
all over again; he should arrive at the same findings and conclusions.26
The chosen problem question was of a big interest for me, because for a long time I
have been curious about the IKEA image on their new market - Russia and if there
are any differences in comparison to the company’s native market- Sweden.
Moreover, it was of an interest for me to see, how the company manages these
changes in practice. Since I had a possibility to make a journey to Russia and have
the knowledge in Russian language it was easier for me to accomplish this field
study. But it cannot be guarantied that any later investigator arrives at exactly the

“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin, p 36
“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin, p 36
“Case study research”, Robert K. Yin, p37
“Case study research “, Robert K. Yin, p 37

same findings and conclusions as I did. Yet, the findings should be valid in a
certain grade, taking in accountancy the sampling and the possible dropping.

2.7 Procedure
Before starting the primary data collection for the empirical part of the thesis I started
with looking in the secondary sources such as Internet, articles books, in order to get
an overview about the research problem of the thesis and to collect general
information about the company IKEA. At the same time I was searching for
appropriate and relevant theories on that subject, firstly to determine the concept
“image” in general.
I considered to carry out a real field study in two countries, Sweden and Russia. I
started with focus groups in Sweden, in order to get an insight of their members’ view
on the image of IKEA. I formed 2 focus groups for the each country. One consisted
of students and the other of older people in ages between 30-50 years. Each focus
group consisted of 6-8 people. All focus groups for Sweden were formed in the city
Växjö. The “students’ group” was represented by Växjö University students. The
interview took place on 2005-11-24. The older group was formed of people from my
father’s work and took place the 2005-11-23.

After have finished the” Swedish” part of the empirical findings I travelled to
Moscow (Russia), in order to make a similar research. I have done the same number
of focus groups in Moscow. One discussion with the students of MAI University in
Moscow took place on the 2005-12-07 and the second one with older people on the
I visited as well one IKEA store in Moscow, situated in Khimki in order to make
direct observation there and to accomplish an interview.

I have accomplished some key questions for the focus groups beforehand to make
the discussion more dynamic and easy.27 I have been the moderator myself for all
focus groups and used a recorder, in order to catch all important information.
Directly after the interviews I wrote down all answers and my impressions about

Appendix, attachment ,1

the discussions. I wanted to get a real picture of the members’ opinions and to see if
there are differences between their answers. The focus groups showed to be a very
good tool to encourage the discussions and to form a perception about what view
people in each focus group have about image of IKEA Company.
I have done the same procedure with the information I got from the IKEA
representatives in Khimki. I have recorded the personal interview, after all I
immediately wrote down the acquired information.

After accomplishing the empirical part with the focus groups interviews, I was able
to make an analysis of the information and a comparison with the theoretical
framework of the thesis to finally come to a conclusion, where I find answer on my
study’s purpose.

2.7.1 Sample
When doing a field study you have to decide, what your target population is and
which people are going to be responders in the research. When the whole
population is studied, it is called a complete survey, but that is often to expensive
and time demanding. Therefore, it is necessary to make a sample, to study the
research phenomena, in order to be able to draw conclusions about the whole
There are two different types of samples: the probability sampling, where you
choose each responder at random and non-probability sampling where the
responders are not chosen by chance.28

2.7.2 Strategic sampling

It is a form of non -probability sampling, where the researcher himself judges
which persons in the target population should be included in the sample. This type
of sampling is usual when doing qualitative studies, where you are not interested in
describing the quantities, but where the purpose is rather to obtain a deeper
understanding about a phenomenon.29
Since I have done a qualitative case study, I have chosen to use the strategic
sampling form, when choosing the appropriate study company, the representatives

“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g , p109
“Marknadsundersökning”, Lars Christensen i.g, p129

at IKEA whom to interview and forming my focus groups. It was difficult to find
by chance people that were able and willing to participate in focus groups and in
personal interview at IKEA.

Since I have done a strategic sampling I avoided the dropping, because I was
asking people, about which I knew beforehand that they could take part in the focus
groups. When doing the interview at IKEA, I did not have possibility to choose
either, since I looked for people who had knowledge in my research area and were
able to talk to me. However, there was only one representative who was available
and had time to take part in the interview, so the other personnel that have
knowledge in my research area, but were not accessible, can be regarded as

2.8 Time schedule

In this final part of the methodology chapter, a graphical time schedule is presented
in order to give the reader a simple and clear picture of the disposed time.

Work steps

1. Introduction chapter
2. Search for relevant literature
3. Methodology accomplishing
4. Focus groups in Sweden
5. A trip to IKEA in Almhult for
6. Focus groups in Russia
7. Observation at IKEA Khimki in
8. Empirical findings
9. Analysis / Conclusions
10. Final seminar

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 week nr.


In this chapter, I will illuminate the most relevant theories that can help to enhance
the understanding of the empirical data and after to analyse it in depth. The
chapter starts with a general outlook on what a company’s image is and its
distinction from the company’s identity. Further follows the more concrete part
describing such concepts as vision, mission, customers’ perceived quality & prise
as well as identity and a company’s development across borders.

3.1 Image and identity

“At best, it can only reflect the company’s true character”
“Image has somewhat fraudulent sound, as though you are trying to put something
over” 30
Most business people, regardless of the size of their companies understand
“image”, to be those intangibles […] such as impressions that are shaped and
reshaped to produce the most favourable public reputation. 31
You think mostly of the image as bending that is achieved through media
promotion, the word of mouth between the consumers and other effects that give
the company a favourable treatment.
But there is an important distinction between the concepts image and identity .
Identity is what one really is, while image only means how one appears to other
“Identity is like a sun. It radiates energy from a solid mass. Image, one the other
hand, is like a balloon: it is all surface and spends too much time avoiding pin

When developing a company’s image, it builds up of the identity itself and

consistency of its use.

Selame E. “ The company image”, p 5
Selame E. ” The Company image”, p 6
Selame E. ” The Company image”, p 7

The corporate identity is comprised of a company and whether graphic image it has
chosen for its logo. The identity defines as well, what the company is. Is its name
descriptive for the company’s product or service? The logo has to create the image
that the company wants to have by the customers. It is as well essential to promote
its identity and to use is consistently for a company.33

3.1.1 A model of image, identity and profile

To create, develop and to bring to the company’s relevant environment an identity
(I)- the factual company as well as its self-picture, means to seek and establish a
profile (P)- a picture on how the company wishes to be viewed and perceived.
The main purpose of the company’s profiling effort is to create a best desirable
image (Im), - the perception of the company by the extern environment.

Here these three terms are presented in a model, as quantities in a circle form:

In this relations between the three quantities,

three circles, that represent I- P-Im relation,
mostly coincide.
F Fig. 3.1 The integrated I-P-Im relation

In this situation the relation between the terms can be illustrated as I~P; P~Im;
I~Im. (The ~ sign means that this relation is approximate, because a wholly
correspondence between the terms is neither practical nor theoretically possible).
The figure 3.1 means that the aims and visions that a company has formed were
reached on all the essential matters, further that the picture, which the company
wished to build, got a real spreading, as well as the company’s market /
environment also have perceived and accepted this conception.
Such situation says to be reflecting a well-integrated activity. But another meaning
of the coincidence of the identity and image can be that the company has reached a
stagnation condition, where its previous aims where achieved, without new have
been formulated. Therefore, there is no longer any challenging tension between
what is in reality (the identity) and what should be (the image).

33, accessed: 2005-11-1

A new situation occurs when the three elements coincide only partly.

Identity (I)

Image (Im)

Fig 3.2

In this case there are some areas in the I- P-Im circles where there are deviations.
When only the profile (P) and image (Im) coincide, then the environmental picture
matches with the one a company aims to, but not with the real one. As a
consequence, the company obtains a dissatisfied market.
In the next case, the profile (P) just has a covering of the identity (I). Here the
identity corresponds the profile- the company’s aims, ambitions, directions, but
identity is not perceived, accepted or understood by the company’s market. The
insight of that releases a disappointment between the company’s management and
One more exciting situation where the image (Im) corresponds the identity (I)
indicates that the surrounding picture of the company is wholly correct. But it is not
always advantageous for the company, because it aims to embellish its picture.
The areas where the image corresponds neither the identity nor profile indicate that
the environment has perceptions, opinions, and attitudes about the company that
differ strongly from the reality and can arise out of the company’s control. 34

3.2 Mission and vision

Mission and vision are a part of a company’s identity. Creating a genuine and
inspirational vision and mission is the first step in building a value driven

“ Strategisk marknadskommunikation” , Olof Holm, p 73

The mission’s formulation should be concise, complete, and easy to remember.
A mission can be defined as the reason for the company’s existence.
The mission should awake employees´ inner motivation and allow them to achieve
personal fulfilment beyond earning a salary and guide them far into the future. A
good mission should also be acceptable to customers.
A good mission fulfils four purposes:
1. It describes the company’s main area of operations.
2. It creates space for more effective products and services to develop.
3. It inspires customers.
4. It inspires the employees to work more effectively.35
It is important that everybody in the company agrees about what it does. If there are
different opinions about the company’s area of operations, focus is lost and effort is
wasted. It is as well important for individuals and organizations to be aware of the
mission, or a deeper purpose before they come into contract with the vision. Thus, a
vision without a mission often results in loss of focus and wasted energy.36

It is not easy to define what a vision exactly is, some definitions are:
“ A picture or view of the future. Something not real but imagined. What the
company could and should look like. Part analytic, part emotional.” (IBID
Thornberry, 1997) CF Aperia T.
The vision expands an organisation’s intentions regarding to the future it wants to
create. For the employees, it describes the future the company intends to provide
for them. Vision therefore, provides a source for long-term motivation.
The vision as well as mission should be relevant, easy to remember, inspirational
concise and meaningful. The individual words should be complemented by symbols
by graphic images or symbols to capture a more effective vision.

Aperia T.& Back R. “Brand Relations Management”, p 12
Barret R.” Liberating a Corporate Soul: Building a Visionary organization”, Oxford, Butterworth
Heinemann 1998, p 107 &121

The usage of vision in marketing context shares many similarities with its use in a
religious context. By shaping a vision, a company paints a picture, which can be
seen as a revelation.

The vision can be separated in three following components (see fig. 3.3):

1) A clear picture of the environment in the future. This component is the “ vision
of the future”, where the attempt to predict the future encourages leaders to think
about the environment they want to see for example in ten years. Then, a vision
should be translated from words to pictures using graphical descriptions of how
things will look as goals are approached.

2) Purpose/ mission. This component should focus on how the world would be a
better place; as a consequence of the company’s existence .A company endeavour
should be more than just to make a healthy profit. Profit, is something that should
be taken as given, in the same way as you have to breathe to stay alive.

3) Values. The values determine the employees’ behaviour regarding the delivery
of the brand’s promise. Values are deeply rooted rules, which build on the belief
that one-way of existing, or a particular result is preferable to another.
The company’s values should be few in number, as the employees become
confused when presented with too much information. This confusion and
uncertainty of how they should behave can create uncertainty about the company’s
brand. Values can be seen as characterising the company’s position and also create
behavioural norms within the organisation.

Fig. 3.3 The brand’s vision and it three components 37




3.3Core identity and extended identity

Brand identity consists of the brand associations that the brand strategist wishes to
create or preserve. These associations should convey a promise to the customers
from the organisation’s members. Since the identity is the basis for all brand-
building activities, it must convey both depth and fullness.
Brand identity is thus the sum of signals sent by a company, while brand image is
the picture that emerges in the consumers’ minds.
Brand identity consists of a core identity and extended identity.
Core identity- is the timeless core of a brand, and should encompass elements that
make the brand both unique and preferable for the target group. All dimensions of
the core identity should reflect organization’s strategy and values. The associations
should differentiate the brand and meet the customer’s needs.
However, the core identity usually does not contain enough details to fulfil the
entire brand identity, and extended identity is needed to supplement the necessary
details. The extended identity offers foundations that help the brand to move

De Chernatory Lesly etc, “ Creating Powerful brands”, 2001, p 35

beyond attributes. Brand image and symbols, for example can give assistance on
both a strategic and tactic level.38

3.4 Brand identity prism

A Brand image is how the consumers perceive the brand. A brand’s identity must
precede its image. The truly central concept in brand building is brand identity, and
it must be identified and managed by the brand owner. However, in order to fully
understand brand identity, one must also understand and consider its current image.
Therefore, when building a brand or a company name, both its image and identity
are important. Before we can see understand in what direction the brand can
develop, we must understand who the brand is, why the brand exists at all and the
brand’s mission, vision and values.
As a tool to illustrate brand identity a prism with six facets can be used.
A brand identity prism gives a view on how the brand owner wants the target group
to perceive the brand’s identity. The brand identity prism is very helpful tool for
analyses of brands39 Picture of sender

Fig. 3.4 Physicque Personality

The brand identity prism

Relationship Culture

Reflection Self- image

The prism consists of six facets: Picture of recipient

1. Physique: the sum of brand’s basic characteristics.
2. Personality: the brand has personality and can over time develop character. The
easiest way to bestow a personality on the brand is to give it a spokesperson-
human or animal.
3. Culture: each brand has a culture from which all products within the brand
frame originate.

Aaker. D ” Brand Extensions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, Sloan Management Review, 1990
47-56, p87-95
Kapferer J. , “ Strategic Brand management “, 1992, p11

4. Relationship: A brand has relationship to its consumers and frequently offers
possibilities for interpersonal exchanges.
5.Reflection: A brand reflects its customers´ image and becomes identification.
People are often well able to describe what type a certain brand’s consumers they
are. Consumers can consequently use the brand in order to show who or what they
identify themselves with, for example the Coca- Cola target group is associated
with younger generation. Moreover, it is not uncommon for brand owners to create
such target group reflections to build a kind of image mirror with their customers.
6. Self – image: If reflection is considered to be the target group’s external
indication, the self- image is the consumer’s internal mirror. In that way we create a
picture of ourselves through our attitudes to the brands we use

3.5 Consumer perception of price, quality and value

There is a conceptual model, which defines and demonstrates the relation between
perceived price, perceived quality and perceived value.
The main components of the model:
1. Perceived quality
Perceived quality differs from objective quality. It is important to distinguish
between product attributes and consumers’ perception of them, since consumers
have different opinions. Those are the perceptions that control behaviour, not actual
product quality.
For the customer the perceived quality is on higher level of abstraction than the
separate product attributes. Perceived quality is assessed within the customer’s
“evoked set”. A products quality is valued in relation to the products that the
customer sees as substitutes.
Quality signals can be given as both intrinsic and extrinsic cues. The intrinsic cues
are triggered by the product’s physical make-up; taste, colour, consistency, while
extrinsic cues are related to the product being inherent to its price, brand name,
publicity (the level of advertisement investment).
The level of advertising can also work as a quality indicator, as it is assumed that a
brand owner would not invest large sums on advertising for a mediocre product.

2.Perceived price and relationship between price and quality.
Price is defined as what the customer must give up in order to acquire a product.
The term price consists of 3 components:
* The objective prise, monetary prise
* The perceived, non-monetary price
* The perceived total-price (monetary + non-monetary price)
The distinction between objective price and perceived prise depends on that the
consumers do not remember the exact price of a product, but code it in a way that is
meaningful to them.
The monetary price is also not the only expense for a consumer; time cost, search
cost and mental cost are additions to the consumer’s perception of total cost.
Traditionally, the consumer should find a positive relationship between price and
quality, where higher price corresponds better quality. But there are situations,
where consumer can rely heavily on other signals than the price level alone, for
- When other quality indicators are available,
-When the brand name lends credibility to the brand owner
-When the level of advertising investments communicate to the consumer that the
brand owner believes in the product’s quality.

3.Perceived value
The consumer’s perception of value is highly individual. The obtained value can
be defined in several ways.
- value that is a low price, where what the consumer is forced to “ give” for the
product is the most tangible indicator of his or her perception of value.
- value that is what the consumer looks for in a product , with other word – what the
consumer feels he or she gets out of the product
-value that is the quality the consumer gets for the price he or she is paying. Here
the value is seen as a trade-off between a “give “ and a “get” components.
- value that is everything what the consumers gets for money, where all relevant
“get” components are related to “give “components.
Thus, what the consumer gets can vary: some want volume, others high quality
some look for comfort and prestige.
The concept value is a concept on a higher level of abstraction than quality.

Moreover, the consumers’ cognitive ability for assessing value is very limited.
People tend to form their impression of value that depends on cues, often extrinsic
instead of weighting prices against product advantages.

Extrinic Higher Intristic cues

cues level of ab-

Intristic Perceived Percived Buy

cues quality value

Objective Perceived
price monetary Percived
price total price

non moneta – Attributes on a lower level
ry price
Perceptions of attributes on
a lower level
Attributes on higher level

Fig 3.5 A conceptual model- the relation between price

, quality and value.40

Zeithalm V. “ A Consumer Perception of Price, Quality, and Value: A means- end Model and
Synthesis of Evidence”, Journal of Marketing nr 52, July 1998, vol .2-22, p4-6

3.6 A company’s identity and image across borders

In an international organization activities and individuals are spread over vast

geographical areas. Organising an international business involves creating and
maintaining a sense of organisation and defining oneself on the markets, across
national and cultural boundaries.
The symbolic activities both create and reflect a self- concept - the organizational
The shared symbols and meanings that make up the organizational identity are
established communicatively through social interaction. Thus, in large international
organizations, sense – making through social interaction is embedded by space and
There is a want for a company to keep a sense of “ We- ness” when moving its
business to another country. It helps the company to preserve its identity and
uniqueness as well as maintaining its image. Some examples of “ We- ness”
communication to another markets are; the same dressing style of the employees,
the similar store design, same norms and rituals as well as keeping the same
symbols, slogans i.e. 41

3.6.1 Local adaptation

There is as well a need in a complex and geographically dispread company to
balance the international company’s gains from global co -ordination with the
needs for local adoption.
Local marketing involves tailoring brands and promotions to the needs and wants
of local customer groups – countries, cities, neighbourhoods and even specific
stores. Local adaptation helps the company to market more effectively in the face
of pronounced regional and local differences in community demographics and
The drawback of local marketing is that the brand’s overall image may be diluted,
if the product and message vary in different localities.42

“Identity across borders”, Salzer .M, 1994, p185-186, 194
“Marketing Management Eleventh Edition”, Kotler P., 2003, p394


In this chapter, the empirical findings divided in 4 sections will be described.

Firstly, the facts and information about IKEA acquired from secondary sources are
presented. Following, the primary data from focus group interviews and from the
personal interview with IKEA representative are given. In addition, the results from
my direct observation are presented.


What does the company name IKEA mean for us people living in Sweden, what is
the first thing we use to thing about when hearing this name?
IKEA, a Swedish furniture company, selling products with modern Scandinavian
style and design, is driving its business all over the world, and becomes one of the
most competitive and leading furnishing brands. Their business consists of almost
180 blue- yellow stores around the world visited by nearly 300 millions people.
Every year they expand new markets in Europe, USA, China, Turkey and finally a
big adventure to Russia43.
With the vision – to create better everyday life for the many people, IKEA operates
it by offering a wide range of well- deigned, functional home furnishing products at
prices so low that so many people as possible will be able to afford them. 44
The IKEA corporate site states:
“Keeping prices low takes a concentrated effort at every stage of production and
sales. We are persistent in finding ways to use the economies of scale, better
production methods and smart design to keep costs low, without affecting the
quality of IKEA products.”
Since the company’s motto is “a better every day life for everybody”, they also tell
on their homepage:
“It's not difficult to manufacture expensive fine furniture. Just spend the money and
let the customers pay. To manufacture beautiful, durable furniture at low prices is not
so easy. It requires a different approach. Finding simple solutions, scrimping and
saving in every direction. Except on ideas.”

www. ikea. com

Their business idea is based on a partnership with the customer. Using the IKEA
catalogue and visiting the store, the consumers choose the furniture themselves and
pick it up at the self-service warehouse. Because most items are packed flat, you can
get them home easily, and assemble them yourself. This means IKEA don’t charge
their customers for things that they easily can do themselves and save money for a
better everyday life.

IKEA group consists of such divisions as: IKEA stores, Distribution, Purchasing,
Industry group, Developing the product range, Expert and supporting functions,
including IKEA IT, IKEA Communications, IKEA Food Services, and more.45

I can guess that IKEA name stands in the same range with such famous brands as
Mc Donald’s, Nokia mm in people’s minds. The famous IKEA culture is a concept
well – known in the Swedish economy and marketing. IKEA is recognized as a
successful furniture company; it has an unique identity that depicts the company
like a little community or better to say a big family that has its rules, norms, and
their specific culture, one reason for its great triumphs in business.
“ Family like a company- a company like a family”. 46
This little slogan expresses very well the identity or better to say the “Soul” of this
company and its legendary grounder Ingvar Kamprad.
The company has build up its true and outstanding image in consumers’ minds
through many years of hard work first in Sweden, where the first IKEA store was
opened in a small village -Älmhult year 1958, and later over the whole world.
Of course, there were present both success and failures in the history of this
” I still feel an enormous pleasure to be able to make business. A likewise greater
delight for me is to discover new visions and to make the other people believe that
these are practicable in reality. Perhaps, it is this feeling of urge and keenness to
miss a chance that still keeps going both the whole movement and me, that makes
me never stop thinking of something that can emerge in a good business…

Appendix attachment 2
”Historien om IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad berättar”, Bertil Torekull , Avesta 2005, p 6

But the loveliest one wins where there are no losers. Unfortunately, I could not
avoid myself from hard looses. However, the history of IKEA consists of both
fiascos and triumphs “ (Ingvar Kamprad)47

4.1.1 IKEA -Background

Here a time line of IKEA with its most important events is presented, to give the
reader a better understanding of how the company has developed.

1943 Ingvar Kamprad founds IKEA when he is 17 years old. The initials stand for
Ingvar Kamprad Elamtaryd Agunnaryd.
1951 The first one million turnover of IKEA
1958 The first store in Älmhult in Småland is inaugurated.
1965 The IKEA store in Stockholm is opened. Thousands of people queue for the
opening of the flagship store. The store is very huge, which causes capacity
problems in serving the customers. By opening the warehouse and letting people
serve themselves, an important part of the IKEA concept is born.
1973 The first IKEA store outside Scandinavia is opened outside Zurich,
Switzerland. Its success paved the way for a quick expansion in Germany, which is
the largest IKEA market today.
1982 The creation of INGKA concern, IKEA becomes a form of foundation.
1985 The IKEA store opens in the USA. At first, the company is not sure if
America needs IKEA… After all IKEA discovers, that there is a need for useful
attractive home furnishing at cheap prises in USA as well.
1986 Ingvar Kamprad leaves his post as IKEA chef and his follower Anders
Mobergs enters the post. At the same time the company reaches a turnover of 10
milliards SEK.
1998 Ikea’s 137th store is inaugurated in Shanghai, and it is the first in China. 48
2000 The first IKEA store opens in Moscow (Khimki)
2002 IKEA has 175 stores over the world. The turnover exceeds 100miljarder.

”Historien om IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad berättar”, Bertil Torekull , Avesta 2005
48, 2005-11-20

4.1.2 IKEA expansion to Russia
The way to the Russian market was not simple for the company. IKEA had great
looses when it established their first stores in Moscow, because the company seized
on a long -term orientation and invested a huge amount on money in its Russian
business. Some critics predicted that the idea to expand to Russia was a mistake
and that the company would not have success. Ingvar Kamprad and his company
tried to enter the Russian market since 1989 but they failed these times. That is why
many people were sceptical about IKEA’s new effort in year 2000.49
In spite of this the IKEA opening day in Moscow in March 2000 was really
successful. Although the store in Khimki is 31000 qm big, the new shop nearly
busted. About 37000 people besieged the store, which was a new IKEA record. The
store was so full that even Ingvar Kamprad, who joined the opening party, helped
his employees at the pay desks.50

By now the company expands its market to Russia and opened 2 more stores in
Moscow and 1 in St Petersburg. By year 2008 they plan to open 8 more stores in
bigger cities.

4.2 Focus groups comparison of IKEA image

4.2.1 Focus groups in Sweden, Växjö
The focus group discussion with students of Växjö University, 2005-11-23, (4 girls,
2 boys in ages between 20-24). And the conversation with workers on Mathematical
department of Växjö University took place on 2005-11-24 (7 people with middle
and higher income in ages between ca 29-55, of which 1woman and 6 men).

Focus group Nr.1, students: The discussion started with talking about how the
discussants perceive the company in general. Such links where mentioned: cheap,
undemanding furniture with simple design, “ everything available on one place”.
Everybody agreed that the first association of the company is furniture, whereas
two people as well referred to the company’s “Swedish-ness”, Ingwar Kamprad and
flat pockets that you have to construct on your own.

”Historien om IKEA Ingvar Kamprad berättar”, Bertil Torekull , Avesta 2005
50, 2005-11-12

Image of the company in general: this topic caused deep discussion, because
nobody could unambiguously answer on that question. Some discussants agreed
that the image is created mostly by IKEA itself and it is better to talk just about
“ what picture of the company one has”. The others précised their image of IKEA
with such terms as: cheapness, not so good quality, youthful products, simplicity,
modernity, “ cheap & good”, and again the “ self construction” approach.
Concerning the vision and company concept, according to the discussants,
following phrases were brought up; “to design and build so cheap furniture as
possible, thought useful and modern one”, also “cheap furniture that everybody can
afford”. Discussants agreed that the company has wholly a good concept, where
the main point is to be able to sell very cheap furniture, because the consumers do
one part of the work by themselves, when building the furniture. That saves the
costs of the company, and thus reduces the prises.
Do you buy the IKEA furniture and accessories yourself? Five focus group
members have bought something at IKEA, some have bought furniture for a whole
flat, whereas some (mostly girls) were likely to buy accessories and smaller
furniture. One girl did not buy anything yet, but plans to go there when she moves
out from her parents.
Do you feel that the IKEA products fit your lifestyle, personality? Everybody
agreed that IKEA has very big assortment of products, so you can always find
something that you like and fitting for you. The boys agreed, that in spite of this,
the furniture is a kind of too cheep and that does not fit their style. So if they had
more money, they would buy more luxurious stuff.
The prises & quality at IKEA: The members perceived the quality of the products
“ ok” in regarding to the low prises. Some found that the company has improved
their quality during the last years, and it became better, but has not been so good
There were as well differences in opinions about the prices. Half of the discussants
said that the prices at IKEA are not so cheap in reality. No one perceived the prices
as very cheap.
The opinions about the furniture in common: ordinary, simple furniture for
everyday life. Some members did not have any point of view, because they did not
think about it before.

Everybody found that it is normal and acceptable to build the furniture by
themselves, moreover two people found it very interesting and funny.
On the issue of IKEA ´s success all discussants had almost the similar view; that it
is a famous and flourishing company with a large market share. One person added:
“of course it is the worlds’ most successful company and has its stores everywhere,
everybody knows about IKEA and Ingvar Kamprad who is the worlds richest
person... so what can be more successful than that?!”
The lacks of IKEA image: most discussants agreed that the company has good
image and they don’t have any bad associations with it. One person marked that
they possibly do not have so good quality, but it is sooner a part of the company’s
business concept, where to be simple and cheap cannot include everything.
The company’s target groups that were mentioned: all people except the rich, or
with other words “ all people with limited finances”. The furniture could also be
used by older people, because the company has a big range of different designs and
styles, from very modern to antique.
Everybody agreed on the point that the image of IKEA in Sweden will not change
over time. The members agreed: “ IKEA is so established and known and it already
became a kind of national company in Sweden “.

Focus group Nr 2, older people:

This discussion lasted a little shorter because it took place at the lunch brake and
people had to go back to work. The general image of the company among the
discussants was fairly positive and the associations where pretty similar with the
Some phrases that were mentioned about IKEA’s picture: simplicity, success, well
known brand name, youthfulness, “ products for usual people”, bigness, nice
personal, “ a usual standardized store, consisting of furniture for every taste” and
also “ furniture that is cheap to produce, not exclusive “, “ good value for crone”.
The discussants were as well not much aware of IKEA’s vision and concept, for
some members it sounded the same as a company’s image. One person told: “the
company is primarily offering its products to the wide public, products for
everybody”. Many discussants associated IKEA with friendliness.
All focus group members have bought IKEA furniture themselves. But they did
not use the catalogues that much, most people just visited the stores when they felt,

they needed some things for their home. One problem that emerged in this
connection was that the IKEA stores are not situated in every city, and people do
not have possibility to go to other towns so often, an example that was mentioned, a
drive from Växjö to Älmhult. Therefore the most discussants agreed that they make
big purchases if they go to IKEA, and don’t go there just to buy for example a
On the question about “IKEA fits your lifestyle”, the answers were almost the
similar with the first focus group, the discussants agreed on the point that IKEA has
a big assortment of products with different styles. One discussant noted that IKEA
products look “anonymous and do not stick out of the interior “.
The opinions about prises were the same as the students’: quite low, but not very
low. The attitude towards quality of products was better in this group.
The views about the self-construction approach differed. Some found it
entertaining the others ok, one person complained that it is annoying when some
parts of the furniture are broken or screws are missing.
The opinion about the IKEA furniture in common: everyday furniture, simple,
some discussants pointed out that there are different perceptions of IKEA products
for instance between Sweden and USA, where the furniture is seen as more
glamorous and luxurious.
The members found as well that the company is very successful, with “ a good
concept”, “ found its own niche”, “ typical Swedish company”. The restaurants
with Swedish food were also placed as a part of the company’s individuality and
One member found some lacks in her picture of the company; she mentioned the
big distances to the store, little personal, and big crowds during the holidays and
Finally, the focus group members considered as well as the first focus group, that
the IKEA products are directed to the “wide public”, thought not for the richer

4.2.2 Focus groups in Russia, Moscow

One discussion with the students of MAI University in Moscow on the 2005-12-07, (3
girls and 3 boys) .The second focus group was with older people on the 2005-12-09.

It consisted of three couples, whereas one couple can be regarded as middle income,
the second with higher income and the third as very rich.

Students’ focus group:

Not all of the students participating in the focus group have been to IKEA (two of the
boys have never been to the stores), but all have heard about this company. When
talking about the image of the company, discussants primarily meant only the stores.
Their image was: a big store, many little nice products, furniture, very good things to
give as presents, a very modern style for young people.
The same was said about their vision and concept. The students told that they have
not bought any bigger furniture themselves yet, since they live at home and do not
have a need of that. They primarily buy little things like pillows, commodes, and
kitchen items. However, the girls told that they would primarily go to IKEA when
they move out to their own flat to buy furniture there; the boys agreed that it also
could be an option for them, but they do not know yet.
The discussants found that the prises in the store are quite low and on their mind the
quality is also good. They could not tell it for sure, because no one of them has
bought that much furniture yet.
Everybody found that any IKEA store looks like a successful business, because it is
not often you see such a big store with very bride product range, a restaurant and a
free buss that drives to the store.
Those students, who have been to IKEA, noted that their attitude towards it has
changed, since it opened. In the beginning there was large amount of ads and huge
promotion all over the city. Therefore they thought that it is an expensive and
luxurious store. When looking at the decorated little rooms inside the store you could
imagine that the furniture is very exclusive. Now, when the students have visited the
store, they know that the prices for the most products are low.
The IKEA restaurant was also appreciated as “very good with tasty food”. But
nobody knew that the served dishes were typical Swedish, they just found that the
food was usual, good, and tasty.
The “constructing furniture by yourself” sounded difficult for the discussants, they
found that it is much better if somebody does it for you.

Again, the discussants found that it is obvious that IKEA (at least in Moscow) is a
very flourishing business with lots of ads, many cars on IKEA’s parking place, big
crowds i.e.
Some lacks in the students’ IKEA image were: the need of “ self -service” in the
store and not enough personal. Also, that in one store (Belaja Daza, the newest one)
the personal themselves has problems to find the needed products. Also the need
construct the furniture by yourself was not so funny and entertaining for students.
One girl, which has been to IKEA many times, wished that they should change the
assortment more often and organize some big “sales” to attract more customers.
Finally, the students found that the IKEA products are directed primarily for them,
also for younger couples with children as well as people without children. Concerning
the rich people, they possibly bought the furniture only for their summerhouses, so
called “ dachas”.

Older people:
All 3 couples that where in the focus group did know about IKEA and have visited its
stores in Moscow. The associations that this company causes differed between the
couples. The middle-income family answered: “ products for usual people”,
“ Swedish socialism”, and “Swedish quality”. The other couples did not lay that much
weight on the Swedish- ness of the company. They mostly thought of cheap,
functional furniture. In whole all couples had a very positive picture of IKEA. The
vision of the company was not clear in this group either, so the focus group members
started to talk about other things instead: like what things they recently bought there
how they liked the store personal i.e.
Some more descriptions of IKEA were: “ simple, not snobbish furniture”, “very
comfortable and steady”, “ Swedish style”.
All couples have bought things at IKEA, though the richest couple told that they
usually buy Italian design furniture and just buy things for their little child and for
the storage at IKEA. They liked the products for children. They told that there is a
big assortment of toys and furniture for children and all things are useful. The
middle- income couple have decorated their whole apartment with IKEA products,
they liked the IKEA kitchens a lot and also the decorative paintings. They liked as
well that IKEA furniture looks “ natural and ecological”, and that “ the character of
the wood is expressed well”. On the opinion of the richer couple, the IKEA

furniture is most appropriate for a summerhouse, since it has a simple, natural style
and design. But for their apartment they still preferred the “ Italian style furniture”.
All couples agreed that the prices are low. The richer added that even too low; that
is to say, in some way it is not prestigious for them to acquire their furniture at
IKEA. Despite of this they still bought some smaller things: like coloured boxes, a
sofa to their veranda, since there are no similar products in other stores.
Two couples found the quality of the product as being very good. One couple
bought a wardrobe that broke, thus they were a little disappointed. As a whole the
discussants found that the quality is satisfactionary, for most part because a
Swedish company in Russia is associated with a high quality.
The company approach about letting the consumers construct the furniture was not
important for the discussants; they told that they usually do not think about it.
When they buy smaller items it is no problem to construct them, for bigger
furniture it is more difficult and when they find it to difficult they invite special
workers to accomplish that.
The middle- income family liked IKEA furniture most of all, they found the
furniture very nice, “steadfast but not stuck-up and looking democratically”.
All couples liked the IKEA restaurants a lot, as well as the cheapness there; they
added that the restaurant improves a lot their image of the company.
The discussants said, that the company is “really successful” and their business will
expand more and more in Russia. They found that the image of the company
would remain the same at least during the following 50 years. One couple found
that IKEA’s expansion to Russia could be compared with Mc Donald’s; it becomes
more and more usual but people like it and go there anyway.
The negatives about the stores that were mentioned were the same as the students’:
the hugeness of the stores, to little personal and big crowds during the weekends.
The couples found, that all classes in Moscow buy the IKEA products, though the
rich not in the same extend, because in some areas it is not prestigious, for example
in the famous Rublevka area, where the country’s richest people live.

4.3 The interview with the IKEA representative in Moscow
The personal interview with the IKEA Khimki marketing manager, Anton on 2005-
12-05 lasted for ca 30 minutes. The discussion had an unstructured character and
Anton could not give responses to all questions, partly because it was not his
competence as well on some of the questions IKEA does not answer.

What is Ikea’s target group in Moscow?

On his mind, the furniture is directed to all segments, he sees all kinds of people
visiting the store and purchasing products. He meets rich people with very fine
clothes and expensive cars as well as big families from suburbs that saved money
and come to IKEA to acquire something. He added that for richer people IKEA is
an option, when they prefer something stylish with modern design, because
Swedish furniture is regarded as tasteful and modern in Russia. But of course the
choice depends mostly on people’s individual taste.
The poorer people buy their furniture because of the reasonable cheap prises.
Anton added that it is more meaningful to ask consumers themselves to see, what
segments prefer more IKEA products.
Do you think that the company has a different image in Russia than on its native
Since Anton is a Russian manager he did not know that much about the company’s
business in Sweden. However, he detected that by now the IKEA furniture is often
regarded as something extraordinary, people often go to IKEA like to a museum,
just to see how people decorate their houses and flats in the “west”.
Anton noted that the perception of IKEA in Russia has already changed a lot.
Since the first store was opened in Russia in year 2000, now people are not any
longer troubled or feel strange to decorate the whole apartment with IKEA
furniture. That is because there is still a big difference between the furniture and
accessories that people did have before in their flats (in the USSR times), and IKEA
gives a completely new style and design to the same homes.
Do you think the image of the company will change over time?
Anton predicted, that over time the perception of IKEA in Russia will approach the
same image as in other countries, for instance in Sweden. People in Moscow (since
there are only stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Anton did not talk about the

whole country) will become used to IKEA and go there mostly to buy some useful
stuff, to obtain comfortable, everyday furniture; and not see the store as a kind of
Does the company apply some strategies to maintain and improve its image in
Anton told that it is not in his competency to give respond to that question, because
the whole Khimki store is involved in that. There is large amount of managers,
specialized on each his or her task in the store’s image creation, like the
advertisement manager, product manager i.e.
According to Anton the consumers´ picture of the company will suggest itself for
the most part without IKEA’s involvement. Anyway, the advertising strategy of the
company differs between Russia and Sweden, in Russia they seize on funny and
attention drawing ads to promote the company in a pleasant and unusual way in
order to attract new customers. The product range differs as well, but Anton did
not have possibility to tell by what products.
Anton added that all product sold in the store are named with Swedish names to
bring over the “Swedish-ness” of the products and give the consumers the “ feeling
of origin”. That is important for improving the products and IKEA’s image,
because in Russia, Sweden is traditionally associated with high quality and
Anton also mentioned that there are huge programs on educating and on
heightening the managers’ qualification at IKEA in Russia. Next week Anton was
going to Älmhult, Sweden in order to exchange practices and knowledge with the
Swedish colleagues. It is very helpful for bringing over the company’s original
traditions to Russian employees and create a stronger understanding of IKEA
among them.

4.4 Direct observation at IKEA Khimki Moscow

My observational trip in the store took place on the 2005-12-05 lasted for so long
as 3 hours.
The store is situated ca 20 minutes by buss from the nearest metro station in
Moscow. There are free busses driving each quart from 2 metro stations to the mall,

the IKEA store is just a part of it. this service is very important because many
people do not own a car. There is as well a free parking near IKEA for those, who
have cars.
The store itself is very huge and consists of two plans (the other two IKEA stores in
Moscow have exactly the same construction and design). By tradition the store is
decorated in yellow- blue colours, exactly the same as for the stores in Sweden.
On the second floor there are constructed many small rooms, designed with
different furniture and accessories, to give the customers an impression of different
styles, as well as to present the IKEA products in an attractive way. The first floor
consists of storage for furniture and other stuff.
During my visit, the store was quite crowded, thought it was a Monday. J could see
all kinds of people, many mothers with children and also younger couples. Many
people were just gazing around or buying smaller items like vases and pillows.
The restaurant was full too, the prises were very cheap there, and by comparison a
soup cost19 rubbles in Swedish crowns ca 7 kr, a coffee 12 rubbles = 4 crowns.
Those prises are very low for a restaurant in Moscow and on my mind, the prises
were also lower than in a Swedish IKEA restaurant .
The served dishes were by tradition typical Swedish, with the unchanging meatballs
and salmon with “ knäckebröd”.
As I have mentioned, the store is very big and I had some difficulties to find the
exit, thought there were signs that showed the way. There were not so many
personal, but all of them were friendly and helpful, so if one needed something, it
was no bigger problem to get help.
One point, that on my mind differed from the Swedish IKEA, was that customers
could invite special workers to construct the furniture for them, and the prises for
that service were not that high (6% of the products’ cost). I talked with the personal
at this department and she told me that the usage of that service was pretty common
by people in Moscow.
In whole, I had a very nice experience of visiting the store I liked the restaurant ,
the store atmosphere and the personal was friendly.


In this chapter, I will analyse the field data in order to make sense of the empirical
findings and draw a conclusion in this field study. The analysis is guided by the
theoretical frameworks about image in chapter 3. The chapter is designed
according to the sections with the listed theories from chapter 3. It starts with “
IKEA image” and follows by an analysis with help of the identity prism, “ prises
and quality approach” and ends with a comparison of IKEA image between Russia
and Sweden and tools for managing these differences.

Perceived price & quality

Summary –
Changes in
IKEA image
Vision, mission, between Russia
company concept at & Sweden?

Core & extended brand

identity of IKEA Summary- Tools
for managing
IKEA image in
Russia, local –
global approach.

Fig 5. Analysis model own figure

5.1 IKEA image
IKEA is a special company with a very strong corporate identity. The company has
been very successful in making sense of it and creating its own culture. Ingvar
Camprad has from the company’s establishment moment been working to build up
its unique identity and image.
While the identity is the IKEA´s members’ view of their company, the image is how
the others perceive the company.
IKEA has started its business in Sweden and therefore its identity is primarily
reflected by “Swedish-ness” .The company has as well laid a big importance on
having a true sense of it and its business; to maintain and run carefully its identity as
well as its parts such as vision, mission, corporate culture. IKEA has gone even
longer in establishing its identity, in some way to the extreme because the company
talks about its “ soul” an own “ traditions” and explicitly tries to manage its
member’s trough a shared “ corporate culture”.
There is more or less a correspondence between IKEA´s identity (I) and image (Im),
since the company has been on the market for such a long time (at least in Sweden)
and becomes more and more successful. That means that the customers do not feel
dissatisfied in their expectations of the company and the real company mostly is the
same as the customers´ picture of it.
Of course, the company searches to manage its image in a desirable way. In many
aspects IKEA is a company that consciously displays and exploits symbols, both
internally and publicity. It is also remarkable how the company uses the national
identity, its history and national origin, the “Swedish-ness”. It helps the company to
differentiate and create a special image, as well in Sweden as on the international
When evaluating the field data it becomes obvious that the company makes huge
investments in its promotion and publicity. However, it becomes more difficult on the
international arena to keep and control its image.
When only looking on the IKEA image of Swedish people it is clear that the
company has a positive image and moreover can be regarded as a number one

furniture company in peoples´ minds. Also the focus group members from the field
study portray IKEA as different from other companies on certain aspects.

5.2 An analysis with help of brand identity prism

Here I will apply the brand identity prism to analyse the IKEA name as a “ brand”
in order to get a better picture of how consumers perceive the company.

1. Physique: The symbol of IKEA is a yellow -blue label designed in the same
way as the Swedish flag. IKEA is traditionally designed in these colours; the stores,
stuff uniform, ads i.e., to express its origin and “soul”. By comparison, it does not
change its physical attributes, between Sweden and Russia.

2. Personality: IKEA has a very strong personality that in many parts is inherited
from its grounder and spokesman, Ingvar Kamprad. The company searches to
translate and maintain its personality from the Swedish market, were it and it its
history are well known, to others markets.

3. Culture: IKEA has partly a culture of its country of origin so called “ Swedish-
ness” as well as its own strong corporate culture and the “ family approach”, the
“ We-ness “ of the company. The field data shows that the friendliness and
politeness is embedded in the culture of IKEA and in its workers’ behaviour, in
Swedish as well as in Russian IKEA. Comments from the field data show that
“love of nature” and the usage of natural materials, like wood, reflects IKEA´s
roots- its origin from a little village surrounded by the nature of Småland.

4. Relationship: IKEA can be described as long –term oriented and service

oriented company. Some examples of its services are restaurants at all IKEA stores,
its Internet and post services as well as the friendly and helpful personal that is
specially educated. However, some results from the field data show that the
company does not have possibility to have a “perfect service” to its customers,
since it has a concept of “low prices” and “cost pressing”. The lacks that were
mentioned in the interviews are for instance: lack of personal in the stores, the
difficulties with self-construction of the furniture…

By comparison the Swedish consumers are not so worried about the self-
construction of the furniture, while the Russian consumers are often finding it more
difficult and annoying, as I could se from the focus group answers.

5.Reflection: Almost all discussants in the interviews, which are IKEA customers,
reflected IKEA and its products as fitting their lifestyle. It depended on IKEA’s
big assortment of products for each taste, as well as that the products are
“anonymous and not sticking out”. IKEA products were also described as
“youthful” and “modern”. As I noted from the field data the target group of IKEA
can be described as “ wide public, except the rich”.
There are some differences in the Swedish and Russian peoples’ reflection of
IKEA: the Swedish customers have a picture of the company as “ a low price
company, with simple functional products”, while many Russian people described
its products as “ modern, innovative with Swedish design and good quality”. That
means that for the majority for Swedish people (according to the filed data) the
owning of IKEA furniture means to be usual, “not sticking out” not being “
something special” since the usage of IKEA furniture is so common in the wide
public. Whereas for many Russian people IKEA is associated with something new:
modernity, interesting design, in some way even with something glamorous. It is
rather prestigious than common for the majority, to have IKEA furniture in Russia,
however it is not the same for the rich people.

6. Self – image: According to my field study the younger people are more common
associating their own image with their IKEA image both in Sweden and in Russia.
For older people it is more important with the functionality and usefulness of the
products, than how “ cool “ they feel possessing IKEA furniture. But despite of
IKEA having an accent on very low prices, their products are not perceived as
“bad” or not popular, because both Swedish and Russian consumers are buying its
products even when they are able to buy more expensive furniture. Therefore, it can
be assumed that the company creates the consumer a positive and desirable image
of him-, herself when buying IKEA products.

5.3 The prices and quality, a comparison between Sweden& Russia

Looking at the empirical data I could clearly distinguish the attitude toward prises
and quality of IKEA products between Sweden and Russia.
The Swedish consumers have a longer experience in buying the furniture therefore
there was a more negative perception of their quality than among the Russian
consumers. The people from the focus groups in Sweden were describing the
quality as “ ok” or “satisfying in regarding to the low prices”, while the Russian
consumers were perceiving it as good or even “ very good”.
The products’ associations with their country of origin, Sweden, which traditionally
is connected with high standards and quality, can also explain the very positive
attitude among Russian people towards IKEA products and their quality.
There was a bias about the prices at Russian IKEA in the beginning of its
establishment in Russia, since the stores are designed and look in an expensive
way. By now, when people have visited the stores they changed their mind and
noted that the products are cheap in reality.
The Swedish people regard the IKEA products as cheap, but not extremely cheap.
A tendency is that Russian consumers perceive the products as low priced,
despite of having a lower income on average, than in Sweden.

5.4 Differences in the picture of IKEA, Russia-Sweden

As a whole, the company has rather a similar image in Sweden and in Russia.
Of course there are smaller differences such as the price, quality perceptions as well
as some differences in its target groups between these countries.
In company’s image changes can also depend on that the Swedish market is its
original and established market were the picture of the company has been clear and
does not change any longer that much.
On the other hand in Russia the company has been on the market only for five
years and that means, its image has been changing a lot during these years. By now
IKEA name became quite well known and its image has more or less stabilized in
peoples’ minds.

However, people in Russia are not so familiar with the Swedish- ness of IKEA and
for many it is just a successful European furniture company, though the company is
laying big weight on its origin.
There are as well some distinctions in company’s target groups between these
markets; for instance the younger people and students which are big consumers of
IKEA furniture in Sweden are not buying so much furniture by themselves in
Russia. But the “ wide public”: families with children, people with middle-income
a. s. o, for which the products are targeted, are mostly the same on the Swedish and
Russian markets.
There is too a diversity in” what” people mean when talking about IKEA image.
Since in Russia people only buy products in the store they only talk about the
stores, when regarding IKEA image. In Sweden the post and Internet services are
very common, in opposite to Russia. Also the Swedish people are more familiar
with IKEA “ culture” and “ soul”, whereas for Russians IKEA mostly means just
the stores and their interior.
Also, for many Russian consumers IKEA is more an entertainment place , since the
IKEA stores in Moscow are situated in big malls, so people often visit the store as a
“museum”. While in Sweden almost all people have been to IKEA many times and
are more interested in buying some concrete furniture instead of just spending their
spare time there.

5.5 A company’s image across borders –tools for maintaining it

The company tries to maintain its” Swedish-ness “ and corporate identity in Russia,
the stores are designed in Swedish yellow- blue colours, and the restaurants serve
IKEA ‘s national food, also product range is almost the same as for Sweden. It is
remarkable that products in Russian IKEA (according to my observations) are
named with their Swedish names and not translated into Russian.
Even though the personal at Russian IKEA are Russians, they are trained the
IKEA culture and norms, the “equality approach” and “friendliness”. For instance,
the managers at IKEA Khimki in Moscow are educated in Sweden to improve their
skills and make them more familiar with the “IKEA world”.

It is obvious through my direct observation and the IKEA Khimki manager’s
comments that the company makes many local adaptations.
There are different promotion strategies, another ads are used for Russia, than for
Sweden, but still they have the same “ style” and the well- known, blue-yellow
IKEA symbol, so the people everywhere can easily recognize that is IKEA.
There are also special services that IKEA provides in its stores in Russia such as:
the assistance with constructing the furniture, since the people are not so used to do
it by themselves, the free buses to the stores, as many people do not own their own
The stores in Moscow are located very convenient, near shopping moles, that
makes them more visited and the people can go there more often. It is important,
because according to the field data, people usually buy smaller items during their
visits and not just go to IKEA once, to buy furniture for the whole apartment, as
they do in Sweden.
When looking at the restaurants at IKEA store in Moscow, I noted that the prices
are cheaper than in the Swedish IKEA restaurants. That can depend on, that the
company adapts the prices according to the people’s paying ability in different
countries. The same may concern the furniture, but I did not have possibility to
make a comparison.

The company seizes on a long – term orientation on the Russian market, that
becomes apparent when looking at its stores, services, the education of its personal
i.e. The company does not just aim the high profits, they search to maintain its
positive image to compete successful on their new market.
Of course it is not possible for a company to have and maintain exactly the same
image on two relatively different markets, but it is not the intention, since the image
is how the consumers perceive the company. So the aim is not to have the “ same”
image on all markets, but rather that the picture of the company’s remains positive
in whole and makes the people willing to purchase its products at IKEA.


This chapter presents the conclusions based on the analysis, and gives answers to
my problem frame. Recommendations for IKEA as well as my own reflections and
criticisms are included in this chapter. The chapter ends with suggestions for
further research in this field.

6.1Result and recommendations

After studying the changes of IKEA image, as well as tools for managing it
between Sweden and Russia in over two months, I have gotten a picture of my
purpose and came to these general conclusions:

Do there exist changes in a company’s image between two countries?

Since the research company was IKEA and the investigated countries, Sweden and
Russia, I represent results for this company and these countries.
The company mostly maintains the same image on the Russian market as in
Sweden, keeps its “ origin” and “uniqueness”, so it does not become just a big
international corporation with the focus on profits.
However, there exist some smaller diversities in consumers’ image of the
company between these countries, such as the perception of quality and price as
well as the attitude towards IKEA products. For instance, in Sweden the IKEA
furniture is perceived as more usual and simple, while in Russia it has a degree of
innovation and glamour.
Since IKEA is rather a new company on the Russian market, its image has been
changing during the years after its establishment. By now, people became more
familiar with it. The company became more known and recognizable and that
changed peoples´ picture of the company, from regarding its products as

something expensive and unusual to the more functionalistic and simple view on
them. People became aware of the company’s niche and its “ orientation” on low
prices, so the bias about it gradually disappeared. By now the image of IKEA in
Russia has come closer to its “ Swedish “ image.
There is also some diversity in the company’s target groups: more families and
couples and less young people (students) make purchases at IKEA in Russia, than
in Sweden. Concerning the rich people, both in Sweden and Russia they mostly
prefer more expensive furniture.
“ What “ people buy at Russian respective Swedish IKEA differs too. In Russia the
consumers have a tendency to visit the store more frequently and buy smaller
things, they perceive the store more as an entertainment place. In Sweden the
consumers go to the store when they need to make bigger purchases, since the
majority of the people have been to IKEA many times do not perceive it as
something “ innovative”.
On the other hand the differences in the company’s image and its different target
groups do not affect the “ positive- ness” of the image as a whole and thus the
company’s success and the amount of consumers visiting it, since it has success as
well in Sweden as in Russia.

How does a company deal with its changed image?

The long- term orientation on the Russian market helps the company to build up a
desirable and positive image among consumers. The company is keeping its image,
personality and maintaining its Swedish symbolic on the Russian market.
It is obvious that the company invests a lot in its marketing and promotion in
Russia, according to my observations in Moscow.
IKEA searches to keep a balance between local adaptation and keeping its
uniqueness and identity. There are several tools and services that the company
developed especially for Russia, such as free buses to the store, furniture-
constructing service i.e.
As the marketing manager Anton commented; the company does not aim to control
or change its image with intention, thus the consumers will form it on their own. So
the company just needs to guide its image carefully and see that it remains positive
and not changes in an undesirable way.

6.2 Reflection and criticism
Through the made delimitations of my study it is in some extent not possible to
draw general conclusions and perceive the focus group members as the whole
consumer amount of IKEA.
However there answers and comments gave a good picture of their view on IKEA
and there were some common tendencies in their responds, from which I drew
general conclusions about the company’s perception in Sweden and in Russia.
When doing the interview with IKEA representatives, I would also liked to
interview a person on a higher post, in order to get more covering answers on my
questions. But I did not have possibility for that, because it showed to be difficult to
get access to these representatives .The lack of time was also an important factor
for this limitation.
Additionally, there is no unambiguous answer on “ how” exactly the image of
IKEA changes between Russia and Sweden, only some factors are visible but they
cannot represent the” whole” image.
It is also obvious that the IKEA Company differs a lot from any other company,
and therefore the results would not be the same for an investigation on other

6.3 Suggestion for further research

The Russian market is a very diverse and interesting market for further research on
image for IKEA as well as for any other international company. Moreover, IKEA
plans to expand more its business in Russia and it will be interesting to do further
investigations on how its image is changing and how the company adapts to the
It is of a big interest to take in accountancy the cultural and historical aspects in
Sweden and Russia, since they affect too a lot, how the consumers perceive the
For instance in Russia there was a lack of European furniture before, so the people,
especially when the store just opened in Russia, went there like to a “ museum”.
It is as well of an interest to make an evaluation over time on this field, to se how
IKEA expands to another Russian cities and how the company image changes over
time. Maybe, after a period it stops changing and stabilises like it did in Sweden,

since the company has been on the market for such a long time. So the company
just needs to maintain it and keep under control.
However, the living conditions are changing in Russia, people look for simple and
useful furniture fitting to their small flats. On my mind the IKEA business will
remain successful and also develop more on this market.

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Attachment 1,
Topics and questions discussed within the focus groups

1.What do you firstly think of when you hear the company name IKEA ?
a) What association does the company name cause?
2.What is your image of that company in general?
a) Which words could be used for describing the image of this company?
1. Are you aware of the company’s vision, company concept?
a) How does it sound?
4. Do you buy the IKEA furniture and accessories yourself?
5. Do you feel that the IKEA products fit your lifestyle, personality?
6. How do you perceive the prises at IKEA stores?
7.How is the quality of IKEA products according to you?
8. What is your opinion about the IKEA furniture in common?
9. What is your opinion about the IKEA approach to let the consumers
construct the furniture by themselves?
a) What is your personal experience of building IKEA furniture?
10. Do you recognize the company as a flourishing business?
11. Do you find any lacks in IKEA’s image?
12. Which is / are the company’s target group/s, segments on your mind for
instance; students, Dinkies (people with double income and no children),
families with children, rich people, older people, or some others?
13. Do you think the image of the company will change over time in your
14. In what way would it change according to you?

Attachment 2,
The figure of IKEA divisions


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